The Reséndiz Brothers: The Three Musketeers of Framing in Clarksville

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The Reséndiz Brothers: The Three Musketeers of Framing

Licenses, Permits, and Regulations for a Construction Company Clarksville and its Urban Growth


OCTOBER - DECEMBER i No. 26 visit our website



The foundation of everything we build must be robust, supporting future growth. The year 2023 marked a period of expansion for us, a time when we could stretch our limits and test the core principles that have been the bedrock of Hispanos Emprendedores: faith, love, and the perseverance to keep fighting without surrender.

Armed with these values, we have successfully expanded our magazine, joyfully celebrated our 25th edition, and launched the Hispanos Emprendedores Academy to continue educating and equipping our community with excellence. These achievements, among others, are reasons to conclude this year with joy and celebration. Join us in this moment of gratitude, and let’s raise a glass – cheers!



David Bracamonte

Creative Director

Vanessa Almonte

USA Coordinator

María Jiménez

Financial Director

Desiree Ramos

Chile Coordinator

Maritza Paz

Edition and translation

Génesis Pérez


Astrid Donis

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The Rouge Caravane



Reséndiz Brothers: The Three Musketeers of 04 The Framing

11 Clarksville and its Urban Growth 14 Building Por Hilda Hernández 16 Hispanic Entrepreneurs 2023 Permits, and Regulations for a 19 Licenses, Construction Company Updates for 2023: A Simple Guide for 21 Tax Business Risk-Takers @HEmprendedores Hispanos Emprendedores @Hispanosemprendedores +19312174817 / +19318023286



The Reséndiz


The Three Musketeers of Framing By Hispanos Emprendedores

Three brothers have built houses and a legacy in the heart of Clarksville, Tennessee. Ignacio, Marcelo, and Agustín Reséndiz, with weathered hands and hearts full of passion, have turned their surname into a synonym for quality in the construction world, embracing the principle of “one for all, and all for one.” The Reséndiz Odyssey The year 2002 was a pivotal year for the Reséndiz brothers. With the breeze of Little Rock, Arkansas, in their faces and a horizon full of uncertainties, Ignacio, Marcelo, and Agustín embarked on an adventure that would change their lives: the world of framing. This construction technique, involving creating a building’s essential structure, became their specialty and passion. Despite their palpable enthusiasm, the challenges faced in the early years were monumental. Initially working separately in fields and sawmills in Augusta, Georgia, they moved to Clarksville in 2006 on the recommendation of a nephew and brother to continue working in framing, founding their company, Resendiz Construction, in 2010. Like many novice entrepreneurs, they navigated uncharted waters. The complexity of obtaining licenses, lacking industry connections, and building a reputation from scratch were just the beginning. The 2008 economic crisis rocked the construction world, leaving many bankrupt, including their




then-boss, only added to their allowed them to overcome every challenges. obstacle. “Every mistake was a lesson, and every lesson brought However, instead of becoming us closer to where we wanted disheartened, these obstacles to be,” Ignacio concludes with a became valuable lessons. Every satisfied smile. mistake, rejection, and sleepless night became an opportunity Despite not being well-known in to learn and improve. “We faced the city initially, they gradually countless challenges, but instead earned opportunities; as the of seeing them as barriers, we saw brothers say almost in unison, them as steps towards our goal,” “People got to know us and reflects Ignacio, the eldest and recommended us to others,” often the group’s spokesperson. Now they work with several construction companies. The journey was challenging, and there were times when the dream Challenges of owning their company seemed Agustin mentions that initially, unattainable. But the Reséndiz’s being just the three of them and determination, ability to adapt a nephew, they worked with and learn from mistakes, and contractors instead of builders and unwavering faith in their vision sometimes needed to be paid. “We 5

Marcelo wanted to give up, saying, ‘No, this isn’t going to work,’” but despite this and the debts they incurred, with patience, perseverance, and thanks to God, they were given more significant jobs and grew. Their workers and wives were a great support, encouraging them

“As we share the money, we also share the problems” Ignacio Reséndiz

to continue, Agustin notes. Marcelo adds that as they took on new, more complex designs, they often worked longer and sometimes without profit, but they learned from each experience. “We gained more experience for the next ones... the challenge was to learn and trust what we were doing so that the fruits would come later,” he emphasizes. The Strength of Family One of the most notable aspects of their story is their family unity. The Reséndiz brothers have shown that combining family and work is possible in a world where business can create tensions and rivalries. “We try to do things right, not in a rush,” says Ignacio. “We’re wood specialists, even though we have a team to delegate other construction stages.”

the philosophy that strength lies in unity. Marcelo mentions that if someone is committed and must leave work, it’s good to be flexible and “If you work in a put yourself in the other’s shoes family, support because they always need each each other. Trust other without arguments. Ignacio concludes, “Among the three of us, and support are we always pay ourselves the same, essential” regardless of absences. Just as we Marcelo Reséndiz share the money, we also share the The brothers know groups that problems.” only build houses quickly to make The Difference Between money but also others that work North American and Hispanic with patience and quality, so Entrepreneurs Although they buyers should pay attention to are in the U.S., the difference these details. between North American and Hispanic entrepreneurs is evident. Building a Legacy For Marcelo, the distinction is In the business world, many seek ambition. “Since we come from immediate success and instant below, you always want to surpass gratification. However, the Reséndiz yourself,” Agustin interjects, “With brothers’ focus transcends the hunger,” Marcelo adds. ,“Yes, all of present and looks to the future. It’s that makes you put more effort not just about building structures into your work,” aiming to have but about constructing a legacy your things and improve your that lasts over time and in people’s memories. quality of life.

“We know each other very well,” says Agustin. “If one of us has a problem, the other two offer support. There’s no envy, no competition. There’s only one common goal: to grow our Before Buying a House… business and support each other.” Agustin advises that one should ensure that the construction of They even shared a story where houses is handled by a company one brother injured his leg, and that respects construction times they divided the profits equally with patience and not one that among the three for those five builds “in a rush,” as Ignacio says. months because they knew it Once a home is built, everything could have happened to any of might look fine, so it’s important to them. “One for all, and all for one,” follow up on projects before buying they say, like the three musketeers. and look into the constructor’s track After all, these brothers practice record.

The vision of the Reséndiz is expansive and ambitious. They have concrete plans to invest in rental properties, a strategy that will not only provide passive income but also contribute to the development and growth of Clarksville. Additionally, they are considering acquiring land to build houses for sale, thus expanding their footprint as builders in the real estate sector.


But behind these strategic decisions lies a deeper motivation. It’s not just about expansion or profitability; it’s about creating a lasting legacy. They want the Reséndiz name to be synonymous with integrity, quality, and commitment. Agustín, with a determined look, explains it best: “When someone walks down a street and sees a house or building with the Reséndiz seal, we want them to feel confident. To know that there’s a story, a family, and an unwavering commitment to excellence behind that construction.” This desire for transcendence is reflected in every project they undertake. It’s not just about bricks and mortar; it’s about building communities, homes, and trust. In a world where quality is often sacrificed for speed or cost, the Reséndiz brothers remain steadfast in their commitment to offering the best. “For us, each construction is a work of art, a piece of our heart and soul. And we hope that, over time, our legacy will speak for itself,” concludes Agustín, making it clear that the Reséndiz brothers’ future is bright and full of promise.

Entrepreneur’s Logbook

For those looking to embark on entrepreneurship, the brothers have some valuable advice: Without Envy: “The desire to progress, not to despair, and without envy,” says Ignacio. Mutual Support: “If you work in a family, support each other. Trust and support are essential,” comments Marcelo, adding that patience with workers is also important for the company’s output and job satisfaction. You should always set an example. Quality over Quantity: “It’s not about how many constructions you’ve made, but how good those constructions are,” asserts Agustín. Patience: “Patience is key,” “Not everything will go well at first, but with perseverance, everything is possible. First plant, and then try to harvest the fruit.” The story of the Reséndiz brothers is an inspiration for all entrepreneurs. It’s a testament that with passion, determination, and mutual support, it’s possible to overcome any obstacle and achieve success. So, the next time you pass through Clarksville and see a construction with the Reséndiz name, know that behind that building lies a story of perseverance, passion, and family love.

Contact them Visit for more inspiring stories like this. 7

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Clarksville and its

URBAN GROWTH By Hispanos Emprendedores

Clarksville, Tennessee, is emerging as a bastion of development and an oasis of opportunity, particularly for the Hispanic community. Imbued with a rich history and vibrant economic growth, this city has become a favored destination for those seeking a safe and prosperous horizon.

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Growth and Recognition Clarksville has earned accolades, shining on the national stage as an exceptional city to live, buy a home, and enjoy a fulfilling retirement. In 2019, it was lauded as the top choice for millennial homebuyers and celebrated by Money magazine as one of the best places to live in the country.

A Demographic Mosaic Clarksville stands out with a diversity reflected in its burgeoning population of 176,974 residents, as indicated by the latest official census, marking a 6.1% growth from April 2020 to July 2022. This human mosaic is enriched by the vibrant Hispanic presence, constituting 11.7% of

-Clarksville Riverwalk: A 1.5-mile walkway along the Cumberland River. - Clarksville Arts Center: A performing arts center with a theater and dance studio. Future Projects - Clarksville Community College Campus: A new 300-acre campus. - Clarksville Sportsplex: A sports complex with stadiums and fields. - Clarksville Performing Arts Center: An arts center with a 1,500-seat theater. Open Information Montgomery County has created a Comprehensive Plan, a roadmap for the city and county to direct future growth and development over the next 20 years. Public participation the total population. Additionally, -Clarksville Regional Airport: A new is crucial in creating the Plan at: 10.6% of residents over five 120,000-square-foot passenger years old maintain their native terminal. languages alongside English in their homes. -Clarksville Museum of Art: With proper planning and a clear A 50,000-square-foot space vision, Clarksville is poised to Strategies and Planning dedicated to art. manage its growth, ensuring a Clarksville’s leaders have crafted promising future for all its residents. visionary strategies to foster growth -Clarksville Greenway: A 10-mile that resonates with the needs trail connecting downtown to the and aspirations of all its residents, Cumberland River. redefining their growth plan with a view toward a horizon filled with -Clarksville Soccer Complex: A possibilities and opportunities over modern complex with 12 soccer the next two decades. fields. Notable Public Works -Clarksville Community Center: -Clarksville Public Square: A 17- A community center with a pool, acre public space including a park, gym, and entertainment center. plaza, event center, and art center. 12

Ps. Hilda Hernández

Building As a child, I remember going to the beach and loving to build sandcastles. It was thrilling to create them, and seeing my finished work was fulfilling. However, one thing was inevitable: they wouldn’t last. Sooner or later, they would be knocked down or dry out and crumble. It’s known that sand loses its firmness when dry. It’s crucial not to let our lives be built on dryness, on aridity. When I think of sandcastles, a wise lesson comes to mind. The parable in Matthew 7:24-27 tells of a man who built his house on sand. When the rain came, rivers flowed, and winds blew and beat against that house. It fell, and its fall was great. This man is compared to a foolish one who makes absurd decisions. The scripture then mentions that a wise man builds his house on a

rock, which does not fall. A wise man is intelligent and makes prudent decisions. Many start their plans on the sand, unstable and uncertain, which could be better. To build correctly, one must first prepare and clear the ground. Then, digging is necessary to give depth to the terrain, thereby establishing a foundation that will support the structure. God desires to cleanse our lives, wanting us to have a profound encounter with Him so that He becomes the foundation upon which our life is structured and established. I assure you everything built on God as the foundation (the rock) will not fall. Be it your business, family, finances, talents, or any other area of your life. But here’s the key: listen to and act on God’s Word. Listening without affecting others brings no results and is

foolish. Listening and working brings stability and results and is prudent. I read this somewhere: “There were once four individuals named Everybody, Somebody, Nobody, and Anybody. Whenever there was a job to do, everybody was sure somebody else would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got nervous because Everybody was supposed to do it. In the end, Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.” Listen to God, obey Him, and be prudent about what you build. Thus, when the storms come, the rugged and challenging moments, your ruin won’t be great, but rather, you and everything you create will not fall.













Festival of Hispanic Heritage Hispanos Emprendedores had the honor of participating in the 2023 Festival of Hispanic Heritage in Clarksville, Tennessee. The event, held at Valor Hall, Oak Grove, KY, was a vibrant celebration of Latin America’s cultural diversity and richness. This year, the festival, organized by the Clarksville Hispanic American Family Foundation (C.H.A.F.F.), featured a wide range of cultural activities, including live Latin music, traditional dances, and a display of crafts and cuisine from various Latin American countries. Hispanos Emprendedores used this platform to interact and share experiences with the Hispanic community, reaffirming its commitment to promoting entrepreneurship and innovation. The presence of Hispanos Emprendedores at the festival underscores the importance of cultural integration and mutual support among Hispanic entrepreneurs.

Best of Clarksville In a memorable night for the Clarksville business community, Hispanos Emprendedores, the first Spanishlanguage magazine in Clarksville, TN, was honored with a nomination in the prestigious ‘Best Local Publication/ Magazine’ category at the 2023 Best of Clarksville event. This recognition highlights the significant contribution of Hispanos Emprendedores to the social and business fabric of the city. The Best of Clarksville, an annual non-profit fundraising event at the Governor’s Square Mall, showcases area businesses through online nominations and onsite voting. Hispanos Emprendedores, known for its comprehensive networking platform within the Hispanic community and its efforts to highlight the valuable work of entrepreneurs for the betterment of the city, was featured among the top five nominations in its category. Despite stiff competition, Hispanos Emprendedores demonstrated its impact and relevance in Clarksville. The nomination is a testament to its growing influence and the community’s appreciation for its work.

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Licenses, Permits, and Regulations for a Construction Company By Hispanos Emprendedores If you are considering starting a construction business in Clarksville, Tennessee, there are several steps you need to follow to ensure your business complies with all local regulations and requirements. Here’s a guide based on information from the official website, www.

Most of these are valid for one year but more information can be found by visiting the Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance.

- Address: 500 James Robertson Before starting any business in Pkwy, Nashville, TN 37243-0565 Clarksville, you must obtain a business license. This license - Phone: (615) 741-2241 is required for all Tennessee businesses, along with construction Construction Permits: permits and zoning regulations. • Types of permits: In Clarksville, You can get a business license at construction permits are divided into three categories: the County Clerk’s office. Other licenses you will need include: - General Contractor License - Construction Permits - Electrician License - Plumbing License -HVAC License (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) - Environmental Permits 11 19

1. New construction permits: for new projects, like building a house or commercial building. 2. Improvement construction permits: for construction projects involving improvements to an existing structure, like a remodel or addition.

3. Repair construction permits: for construction projects requiring the repair of an existing structure. • Requirements: The requirements for obtaining a construction permit in Clarksville vary depending on the type of project. Generally, you need to submit a permit application, construction plans, and drawings and pay permit fees. •Procedure: The process for obtaining a construction permit in Clarksville is as follows: 1. Submit a permit application at the Building and Codes office. 2. Pay the permit fees. 3. Have construction plans and drawings reviewed by a building inspector. You can find more

information on the city’s website •Consult with a construction make sure you comply with all state at https://www.cityofclarksville. professional for help with permits regulations related to construction. com/837/Construction and regulations. More information can be found at 4. Obtain a final construction •Follow the city of Clarksville’s inspection. You can request an instructions for obtaining permits Training and Certifications: obtaining relevant inspection at 931.645.7426 OPT. and complying with zoning Consider certifications in the construction 3 or send emails to BCRESREQ@ regulations. field. This will improve your CITYOFCLARKSVILLE.COM Obtaining construction permits credibility and keep you updated and complying with zoning on the latest trends. 5. Receive a construction permit. regulations is important to ensure your construction project is safe Networking and Associations: Zoning Regulations: Consider joining local construction The City of Clarksville Zoning and legal in Clarksville. associations. This will connect you Code governs zoning regulations In addition to the specific with other industry professionals in Clarksville. These regulations references mentioned above, here restrict the type of construction are some additional resources that and keep you informed about that can be done in each city area. may be helpful for construction regulations in the construction field. business owners in Clarksville: •How do you check zoning regulations in Clarksville? You can check zoning regulations on the • Building and Codes Office: for issuing city of Clarksville’s website or at the Responsible construction permits and Zoning and Planning office. enforcing zoning regulations in •What happens if you don’t Clarksville. comply with zoning regulations in Clarksville? If you build in an area not zoned for your type of construction, you could be subject to fines or penalties.

• Zoning and Planning Office: Responsible for developing and managing the City of Clarksville Zoning Code.

Insurance: Here are some recommendations Ensure you have adequate for obtaining construction permits insurance for your construction and complying with zoning business. This will protect your regulations in Clarksville: company in case of accidents or damages. • Inform yourself about permit requirements and regulations Compliance with State before starting any construction Regulations: project. In addition to local regulations, 20

Tax Updates for 2023:


If you own a business, staying up-todate with taxes is like keeping your work tool in good condition, which is essential for smooth operation. In 2023, there are some changes you should be aware of so that when it’s time to talk taxes, you’re prepared.

for every mile you travel for business purposes. This helps reduce your taxable income, indicating that part of your earnings was already invested in working.

Things Not to Overlook If in 2020, with everything that Your Earnings and Social Security happened, you decided to wait to Firstly, the income you earn from pay part of your taxes, now is the working hard in your business has time to figure out how. a cap for calculating your Social Security contributions. This year, If your business had a bad year only up to $160,200 of your earnings and you lost money, there’s a limit will be considered for this tax. The to what you can report, impacting extra amount will only count for this your taxes less. tax if you earn this. Where to Get Help Nobody is born knowing, especially Your Car and Your Taxes If you use your vehicle to move about taxes. That’s why the IRS has around and grow your business, the centers where you can get help. IRS allows you to count 65.5 cents There, they explain how to fill out


your forms, offer advice, and even provide the necessary forms. And if your business is one of those modern ones that operate online or through apps, they have particular information for you.

In Conclusion

Taxes don’t have to be a headache. With this information and the IRS’s help, you can keep your business moving forward and stay at peace with your taxes. Check out the IRS website and make sure this fiscal year is as productive as your daily work.

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