From Restaurant to Cleaning Business: The Leap of Miguel Illescas Marín | Edition 29

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There are decisions that define our lives, depending on how risky or radical they may be. This is what makes them important, as it often feels like our entire life revolves around that decision. This is the case with our 29th cover story: Miguel Illescas, who transitioned from nearly two decades in the restaurant industry to starting his own cleaning business: Sky Professional Cleaning.


David Bracamonte

Desiree Ramos

María Jiménez

Supporting the adaptability of your business, we are starting a new marketing section in our column with our magazine’s CEO, David Bracamonte, who offers direct advice to help you grow in this area.

On the other hand, we urge you not to underestimate the power of professional connections. These can transform a challenge into an opportunity and enable you to succeed in new ventures. Therefore, you should read our article on networking.

Continuing our tradition of gifting you our center pages, we present an infographic to help your business obtain an EIN online.

Once again, let’s get to work!

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Restaurant to Cleaning Company: Miguel Illescas Marín’s Leap

Miguel IIlescas Marín, who comes from a family of restaurateurs with 24 years of experience in the industry, decided it was time to change direction. After two decades of satisfaction but also unvarying routines, Miguel sought a new challenge to shake up his everyday life.

This search led him to an unconventional idea for an entrepreneur used to the flavors and aromas of the kitchen: a professional cleaning company. Thus, Sky Professional Cleaning was born, a project he started with his wife, Maria Constanza, in December 2020, a year marked by uncertainty and global changes due to the pandemic.

Roots of an Entrepreneur

Since he was very young, Illescas has worked. He lost his father at 13 years old, and his mother taught him the importance of work. From selling hamburgers, hot dogs, and even chickens during his university years, commerce came naturally to Miguel, which is why he believes that “people don’t take risks out of shame.”

“Since I arrived in the United States, I’ve worked in the restaurant business. I managed a restaurant for 18 years. However, there came a time when I felt the need to do something more,” Miguel confesses about the beginnings of his entrepreneurial journey, despite having opened his own restaurant.

That “something more” turned out to be an unexpected shift towards commercial cleaning, a sector completely different from what he was used to, but one that sparked his interest due to its potential for growth and personal development.

Challenges of a New Beginning

“I was no longer satisfied or comfortable, and they offered me this job, this venture, and my wife

From Restaurant to Cleaning Company: Miguel IIlescas Marín’s Leap

and I said: ‘Let’s give it a try!’ And we went for it,” Miguel continues, describing the transition, which was not easy.

Deciding to leave Alabama, where he had built his life and career, to move to Tennessee (TN) with a budding business idea, was a huge risk. “We stayed in a hotel and every weekend we would return to our home in Alabama. By the end of December, we had to make a definitive

“This is serious work, it’s hard work, and it requires attention to detail, in addition to the responsibility because you must deliver a quality result.”
Miguel IIlescas Marín

decision about the business,” he recounts.

This decision involved facing multiple challenges, such as learning about a new industry from scratch, understanding regulations, and finding clients in a completely new market. That’s why this Mexican entrepreneur sought advice: “I went to see an accountant, Maria Jimenez, asked for advice, she helped me, and we started as a company on January 21, 2021.”

To move forward, you have to leave behind your comfort zone for bigger projects that bring economic independence. In this aspect, Miguel left behind his home, his friends, and began renting a house in TN while maintaining his house in Alabama. His daughters also had to adapt to their new home. Miguel reflects: “A big change. It was a big move because many people don’t dare to leave their comfort zone.

I had a good salary… When I was a manager, I told the restaurant owner: ‘Hey, I want to be a partner because I’ve been a manager for many years! I had many new ideas and restaurant experience, but I saw that I had reached my limit there.”

Family Strength

On this journey, Miguel’s family played a decisive role. His wife, Maria Constanza, always by his side, was a pillar of support and trust, while his daughters contributed in various aspects of the business. “My wife has been fundamental, she agreed to try this with me from the beginning. When we decided to move the business to Tennessee for good, she and my daughters said: ‘Yes! Let’s go on a new adventure,’” Miguel highlights.

Family support was vital in overcoming the moments of uncertainty and the inevitable obstacles of the early days. In fact,

his wife and daughters, along with him, were the first collaborators in cleaning at Sky Professional Cleaning. Today, it remains a family business.

These types of family businesses tend to be very prosperous according to Ernst & Young (EY), which published the 2023 Family Business Index, developed in collaboration with the University of St. Gallen. It explains that the United States is the country where family businesses generate the most revenue, exceeding $2 trillion.

Initial Missions

After speaking with a friend and making it clear that he wanted to venture into the cleaning business, Illescas received a call for his first mission: “I remember my first job was cleaning a dialysis clinic. I learned a lot about the detail and quality that this type of

“You have to take care of the owner’s house as if it were my house, as if I lived there, as I would like to be there, for it to feel fresh because a clean house gives you good energy, recharges you, makes you feel good, and makes you want to be there.”
Miguel IIlescas Marín

work requires.” He approached the mission with enthusiasm, and it was well-paid, but even so, he had a concern: he didn’t want to work for someone else, and his goal was to have his own company.

Miguel smiles and says: “I’ve always been spiritual, and I said: God, show me the way, open the door, make it clear to me.” They called him three times to work in Tennessee (TN), and as the saying goes, third time’s the charm, he accepted and traveled there with his wife. Once in TN, they began with deep cleaning of empty houses until they eventually worked for military bases due to their excellent performance and responsibility.

As their experience grew, the magnitude of the work for this entrepreneurial couple became clearer. “This is serious work, it’s hard work, and it requires attention

to detail, in addition to the responsibility because you must deliver a quality result,” Miguel comments. These initial learnings laid the foundation for what is now a stable and growing company.

Lessons and Advice from Experience

This Ixhuatec acknowledges that entering the world of professional cleaning was a challenge that involved considerable learning. He found himself researching products, techniques, and business strategies he had never considered before.

Kindness and Availability as a Trademark

The creator of Sky Professional Cleaning explains that he is recommended for his “professionalism, good prices, speed, and focusing on customer satisfaction above all, making sure that the customer is always happy with the work we do and our availability.” Regarding the latter, he is always willing to listen to his clients and their requests, including his ability to respond to their demands.

“Professionalism, good prices, speed, and focusing on customer satisfaction above all, making sure that the customer is always happy with the work we do and our availability.”
Miguel IIlescas Marín

Based on the services his clients demanded, Miguel searched for information on the “blessed internet,” as he calls it. Self-taught, with YouTube videos, he tested cleaning techniques and products. After several trials and errors and much research, within a year he found quality products that were less toxic to health, thus improving his services. “Some things are as simple as soap, water, and disinfectant, but I also wanted products that weren’t toxic because they are handled daily, for everyone’s health,” he explains.

He advises having all paperwork in order, obtaining all the necessary licenses depending on the case or business, registering the company, and having the appropriate insurance. All these characteristics are evidence of the seriousness and professionalism of the business, and that’s what clients look for when trusting a service or product you offer.

In addition to his ability to be available, he also highlights his kindness, a quality he strengthened through his experience dealing with the public during his many years as a restaurant manager. He applied this quality to his cleaning business and affirms it this way: “Having worked many years in restaurants, I’ve always said, the first face one sees in a restaurant is a reflection of the business. Smile, give a warm welcome, I know that kindness is good service.”

In this business, when hiring their services, Miguel makes sure to interview his clients to understand their preferences and tastes. This way, the treatment is more personalized, and once the job is completed, he seeks feedback to evaluate the results. The goal of this entrepreneur is that the client is satisfied: “You have to take care of the owner’s house as if it were my house, as if I lived there, as I would like to be there, for it to feel fresh because a clean house gives you

good energy, recharges you, makes you feel good, and makes you want to be there.”

The Cleaning Menu

“It’s been four years of this blessing” for the Illescas family, who currently work for military bases, which speaks well of the quality and commitment of their service. Among their services, they clean offices and perform deep cleaning of empty houses or deep cleaning.

At the beginning, they cleaned garages, clinics, and even kitchens. In this last area, this entrepreneur laughs and recalls the time he cleaned his first oven: “Never in my life had I ever knelt for so long, but of course, it’s the learning process.”

In the future, this family business wants to take the next step and “level up” by specializing in cleaning air conditioning ducts and carpets. That’s why their goal is to prepare adequately to maintain the quality of their services.

For now, they have a team of four additional collaborators besides themselves. They are Mexicans, Colombians, Venezuelans, and Cubans who are part of the Sky Professional Cleaning family, and for whom Don Miguel is very grateful. At his request, we placed the flags of their countries in recognition of this great effort, full of care: cleaning to make you feel at home.

Entrepreneur’s Log

Finally, Miguel offers advice to other entrepreneurs: “The most important thing is to have faith in what you do and not be afraid of change… but if you have an idea and a lot of motivation, you should pursue it.”

He also emphasizes the importance of adapting, being willing to learn constantly, and researching the area in which you want to specialize: “Yes, it’s a leap of faith, but before that, you have to research.”

You can start a business while working on something else in parallel, according to this Mexican entrepreneur, who after a year of testing and consolidating this business, sold his house in Alabama and focused all his efforts in Tennessee: “You can start another business in parallel and, of course, it will be more demanding, but not for your entire life, it will be for a little while, a transition.”

Regarding the fear of what others will say, he adds: “When you have the drive and say this is mine, the shame goes away because none of them are going to pay your way of life. That shame isn’t going to pay the bills. As long as it’s not stealing or hurting someone, it’s honest work, and that’s it.”

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E n l a A c a d e m i a d e H i s p a n o s E m p r e n d e d o r e s , n o s d e d i c a m o s a

e d u c a r y e m p o d e r a r a l a c o m u n i d a d h i s p a n a . O f r e c e m o s c u r s o s

d i s e ñ a d o s p a r a a y u d a r t e a i n i c i a r y h a c e r c r e c e r t u p r o p i o

n e g o c i o . N u e s t r o s p r o g r a m a s e s t á n i m p a r t i d o s p o r e x p e r t o s e n l a

i n d u s t r i a y c u b r e n d e s d e l a c r e a c i ó n d e u n m o d e l o d e n e g o c i o

h a s t a e s t r a t e g i a s a v a n z a d a s d e m a r k e t i n g d i g i t a l .


S o l i c i t a t u b e c a e n n u e s t r a

p á g i n a w e b p a r a l a s c l a s e s

p r e s e n c i a l e s e n C l a r k s v i l l e , T N .

In the digital age, having an online presence is no longer a luxury reserved for large corporations or tech companies. For Hispanic entrepreneurs, having a website is not just an additional tool, but a crucial necessity to compete in today’s market. Below, I explain why a website is essential for any business, especially those led by the Hispanic community.

First Impressions Matter

When a potential client hears about your business, the first thing they will do is look it up online. If you don’t have a professional website,


you can be sure that you’ll lose credibility instantly. Americanrun businesses have understood this, and in many cases, their first significant investment is in a well-designed website. Hispanic entrepreneurs cannot afford to fall behind in this practice.

24/7 Accessibility

A website operates like a store that’s open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This means that, regardless of time or place, customers can find information about your business, products, and services at any time. This level of accessibility cannot be matched by a physical store or just a presence on social media.

Professionalism and Credibility

Having a well-structured and professional website conveys seriousness and commitment. Customers tend to trust businesses that have a solid online presence more. A website allows you to showcase customer testimonials, case studies, and any type of recognition or certification you have received, thereby increasing your credibility.

Stay tuned for our second part in the next edition.

What is Networking and What Are Its Benefits for Your Business?

Networking is much more than just exchanging business cards at social events. It’s a strategic and ongoing process of building and maintaining professional relationships that can be mutually beneficial. For Hispanic entrepreneurs, especially those looking to grow in the U.S. market, networking can be an invaluable tool for achieving business success.

Networking involves interacting with other professionals, sharing knowledge, experiences, and resources, and building a network of contacts that can support and enhance the growth of your business. It’s not just about what you can gain from these relationships, but also about what you can contribute to others.

Importance of Networking

One of the biggest benefits of networking is access to new business opportunities. By connecting with other entrepreneurs and professionals

in your industry, you can discover collaboration opportunities, contracts, and projects that might not otherwise be available. These connections can lead to strategic partnerships that benefit both parties, allowing your business to grow sustainably.

Additionally, networking increases the visibility and reputation of your business. Actively participating in events and professional networks puts you on the radar of other entrepreneurs and potential clients. A good reputation within your network can attract new opportunities and solidify your position in the market. When others know and trust you, they are more likely to recommend you to their contacts, generating a valuable chain of referrals.

Building Valuable Relationships

The exchange of knowledge and experiences is another fundamental pillar of networking. By participating in conversations

with other entrepreneurs, you can obtain valuable advice and feedback on your own projects and strategies. This exchange allows you to learn from the successes and mistakes of others, helping you avoid common pitfalls and adopt proven practices that improve your business.

A solid network also provides access to resources and support that you might need. Whether it’s financing, technology, skilled personnel, or simply emotional and motivational support, your network can be an inexhaustible source of help. Well-established contacts can offer solutions to specific problems or connect you with others who can.

Personal and Professional Development

In addition to business growth, networking contributes to personal and professional development. By interacting with a variety of professionals, you can improve your communication, leadership, and negotiation skills. Participating in workshops and seminars offered by your network allows you to acquire new

knowledge and skills, keeping you up to date with trends and advancements in your industry. Another significant benefit of networking is the generation of referrals and potential clients. Word-of-mouth recommendations within your network can be a constant source of new clients. When someone within your network refers you, they usually do so with a degree of trust and credibility that is difficult to achieve through other marketing methods.

Networking also fosters innovation and creativity. Meeting people from different sectors and with diverse experiences can inspire you and help you find innovative solutions to common problems. Collaboration and the exchange of ideas can lead to the creation of new products or services, setting you apart from the competition.

How to Build an Effective Network

To take full advantage of these benefits, it’s essential to build and maintain an effective network.

Participate in events and conferences relevant to your industry, join professional associations and groups, and use social media to connect with other professionals. Consider organizing your own events to attract other professionals to your circle and keep in regular contact to cultivate lasting relationships.

An example of this professional circle is Academia Hispanos Emprendedores , where you can enroll for free in training sessions and apply for consulting, scholarships, and more, allowing you to integrate into a growing and constantly learning community.

In summary, networking is a powerful tool for any entrepreneur. Building and maintaining a solid network can provide countless benefits that drive the growth and success of your business. Don’t underestimate the power of professional connections: invest time and effort in your network, and you’ll see how your business flourishes.


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