Painting Success | Edition 28 of Hispanos Emprendedores

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Welcome to a new edition of Hispanos Emprendedores, where every story is a canvas of inspiration and every entrepreneur is an artist of their own success.

This time, we are pleased to introduce Anabel Ramos de Jiménez and her husband Salvador, founders of SJ Painting, who will encourage us to persevere in painting a bright future in our entrepreneurial careers.

Complementary partnerships are essential for advancing in the labor field, so we show you five steps to hit the mark in choosing future partnerships. Additionally, we provide you with key information for managing your business and painting contractor licenses in Tennessee.

Last but not least, we are including a foldout in the center of our 28th edition to help you organize your accounting efficiently because you are the protagonist for us.

David Bracamonte

Vanessa Almonte

María Jiménez

Desiree Ramos

Maritza Paz

Génesis Pérez

Astrid Donis

The Rouge Caravane

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USA Coordinator

Financial Director

Chile Coordinator

Edition and translation


Community Manager


Painting SUCCESS: Anabel and Salvador Jiménez

In many cases, the most valuable inheritances are not monetary but rather knowledge and skills. Such is the case with Anabel Ramos de Jiménez and her husband, Salvador Jiménez, founders of SJ Painting. Don Matías Ramos, Anabel’s father, introduced his son-in-law, Salvador, to the art of painting, marking the beginning of their entrepreneurial journey. This journey, full of resilience and commitment, has also been deeply rooted in a beautiful love story. Through Anabel’s narratives, we have discovered the challenges and triumphs the couple has faced, painting their path to

success with a vibrant legacy of color, quality, and passion.

The Drive of the Union

“Everything started with a vision and a lot of faith,” recalls Anabel when remembering the beginnings of SJ Painting. Salvador, with the support, and advice from his father-in-law Matías and equipped with years of painting experience as well as a California state license, complemented his training with five years of training and education in the Union, a Californian workers’ union. This period was crucial as it strengthened his connections with the construction and painting industry, ultimately pushing him

to embark on an entrepreneurial journey with Anabel. They founded SJ Painting between 1998 and 2001, a challenging time marked by the recession of the last year due to the terrorist attacks on the twin towers. Despite the difficulties, they managed to sustain themselves as Salvador continued collaborating with the Union, and Anabel maintained her job in her professional field.

The essence of SJ Painting is founded on the exceptional quality of their work, a legacy of Salvador’s rigorous training in the Union and the labor field, plus Anabel’s strategic administration and her

knowledge as a professional with a master’s degree in Human Resources. “We distinguish ourselves by the dedication and love we put into each project,” says Anabel, highlighting the commitment that has defined their success.

From California to Clarksville :

The journey has been full of obstacles, from adapting to economic realities and the pandemic to facing personal challenges such as a divorce and a new beginning in Clarksville. “Faith and family were our beacon in those difficult moments,” reveals Anabel.

Salvador arrived in Clarksville in December 2015 and Anabel in July 2016 during the summer. The idea was to support their eldest son after he left the Army and simultaneously grow the family business. Anabel notes that based on her experience in California, her strict administrative structure initially affected her. “I came here with that mindset of many rules and very focused on business in administrative matters, and here I found a much more relaxed situation. If I had to say it in

“As I say, the union is like a university for painters.”

percentages, I would say I had to lower the intensity by about 70%,” as everything seemed too easy. “I thought, this is too easy, like when you say, everything is going too well, something bad must be coming because it can’t be so good and so easy,” and as this professional feared she was doing something wrong, she sought advice from an accountant, Maria Jimenez, who remains one of her allies to this day.

Another of their allies is still Don Matias Ramos, Anabel’s father, a faithful advisor to this company. At 86 years old, whenever they have a doubt, he guides them on the path of painting.

Adaptability and perseverance have been key in the growth of SJ

Painting. Moving from California to Clarksville, they faced a different market with fewer regulations but several personal struggles. “It was a challenge, but we learned to adapt and thrive in this new environment,” says Anabel. This flexible approach, combined with an unwavering commitment to quality, has allowed their business to flourish.

Distinguishing Knowledge

This hardworking wife does not hide her admiration for her partner. She describes Salvador’s passion for his craft: “Believe in what you sell, believe in the business, have it in your heart, sleep, live, breathe, feel it beat in your heart, that is Salvador, my husband. I tell many of our clients that if Salvador could do the job without charging, he would.”

She also adds her opinion on what sets them apart: “I think the main thing is the quality that Salvador offers because it is based on the experience and training he had with the union. Like I say, the union is a university for painters.”

Since 1990, Mr. Jimenez has been studying the art of painting

“Faith and family were our beacon in those difficult moments.”
Anabel Jiménez
“We paint with love, and that is reflected in every job we do.”
Anabel Jiménez

all types of surfaces, yet he is always updating and studying new materials that emerge in the market. This is key to ensuring better results for his clients, to whom he offers painting from home interiors, kitchens, bathrooms, and any commercial area.

As the saying goes, “Only time will tell,” this will demonstrate the work quality of SJ Painting, considering that when a property is painted,

everything looks wonderful at the moment, but over time, in the years to come, it will be apparent if the work was good or bad when the rain and snow arrives. So far, they have had good results, and that is why they are recognized.

Looking to the future, Anabel and Salvador continue to inspire other entrepreneurs with their story. “Believing in your vision and working hard for it is essential,” advises Anabel to those looking

to follow in their footsteps. Their story is a reminder that with the right combination of passion, perseverance, and support, dreams can become reality. One of their challenges at one point, was painting a skating rink, and despite his wife’s fears, Salvador, with his knowledge of which chemicals to use, did a very good job. This hardworking Mexican couple complement each other as partners.

When you are the boss of your own company, hiring staff can also be complicated, even for a professional in the field like Anabel, because the immigration status of many Hispanics in the US can make it difficult to do the right thing with employees and provide them with all the benefits. Anabel points this out as a problem we face as a Hispanic community in North America and also as a call to attention to the authorities that can help in this area.

Spouses and Partners

Dealing with the role of spouses and partners within the same company is not easy. In this regard, Anabel points out, “We have learned to take a break, to breathe, to go have a coffee or a meal, to forget about work for a few minutes, and then come back and continue. We have learned to take our work with a lot of respect, sincerity, and honesty,

“Believing in your vision and working hard for it is essential.”
Anabel Jiménez

but as we say in Mexico: when the water reaches our necks, we take that little break for a few minutes away from work, and at those moments I am his wife and he is my husband,” she concludes, recommending having a dedicated space for the office and another for the home.

Anabel and Salvador Jiménez are more than entrepreneurs; they are creators of their own success story. At SJ Painting, every brushstroke is an expression of their journey, a reflection of their passion, and a symbol of their legacy. “We paint with love, and that is reflected in every job we do,” concludes Anabel with a smile. May their story be a source of inspiration for our community of Hispanos Emprendedores, reminding us that no matter the challenges, with faith, love, and dedication, we can achieve our goals.

The story of Anabel and Salvador is not only a testament to business success but also a reminder of the power of perseverance, faith, and love. Through Anabel’s narrative, they encourage and inspire us to keep painting our own dreams with colors of hope and advise us:

- Believe in what you sell: “Passion for your business is what drives you forward.”

- Never stop learning: “The world changes, and we must be ready to learn and adapt.”

- Maintain quality and integrity: “These are the pillars of any successful business.”

- Mutual support: “Having someone you can trust makes all the difference,” she reveals about her relationship with Salvador.

- Adaptability: “Being open to changes and challenges is crucial,” concludes Anabel.

Visit for more inspiring stories like this.

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¡Hablamos español! En nuestro esfuerzo por brindar la mejor experiencia, estamos encantados de comunicarnos en tu idioma. Usa el código promocional 'Bienvenidos' al hacer tu reserva y disfruta de un descuento del 10%.


In today’s dynamic business world, especially within the vibrant Hispanic community in the United States, finding the right partner can mean the difference between success and failure for an enterprise. Choosing a partner not only involves sharing a common vision but also complementing skills, sharing risks, and maximizing opportunities. Below, we explore how to choose partners efficiently, providing key data and suggestions that will resonate with the Hispanic audience in the U.S.


Sharing Values and Long-Term Vision

The cornerstone of any successful partnership is a shared set of values and a long-term vision. Hispanic entrepreneurs, known for their strong sense of community and family, should look for partners who not only understand but also value these traditions. According to a study by Stanford University, Hispanic businesses are 30% more likely to succeed when their founders share cultural values and business objectives.


Complementary Skills

One of the greatest benefits of having a partner is the possibility of complementing skills. While one might be strong in digital marketing and copywriting, essential in our digital age, the other could have experience in financial management or web development. This complementarity allows partners to cover more ground and tackle business challenges from multiple angles.


Clarity in Roles and Responsibilities

Once a partnership is established, it is crucial to clearly define roles and responsibilities. Establishing who is responsible for what from the outset can prevent misunderstandings and future conflicts.


Effective Communication Strategies

Communication is the pillar of any relationship, especially in a business partnership.Implementing effective communication strategies ensures that all partners are aware of

business developments and can make informed decisions. Tools like Slack, Zoom, or even WhatsApp can be vital for maintaining communication flow, particularly in a community as connected as the Hispanic community.


Clear and Detailed Partnership Agreement

Equally important is having a well-drafted written partnership agreement. This document should detail everything from the ownership structure to how decisions will be made and how disputes will be resolved. It is a summary of each partner’s competencies that serves as a reference for future decisionmaking, providing a legal framework for the partnership.

Choosing a partner is a crucial step that can determine the future of any venture, and by following these tips, you can lay the foundation for a prosperous and long-lasting company.

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There is a story of a man who arrived in heaven and saw a beautiful black-and-white painting. Seeing it so large and beautiful, he asked the Lord what it represented. The Lord told him, “This painting represents your life, what you did, your decisions, and who you were.” They continued and found another painting. It was a larger painting with many colors, a masterpiece. The man said, “Lord, and what does this painting represent?” The Lord looked into his eyes and said, “This is the life I wanted you to live. The one I designed for you.”

Very often, we minimize the plan our creator, the great artist, has for us. We try to impose our plan over the range of purposes that God has for us.

“For we are God’s masterpiece (workmanship, product, we are the canvas). He has created us anew in

Canvases in Your Hands.

Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”

Ephesians 2:10.

A masterpiece is simply the cathedral piece of an author, the one that most defines his artistic personality, the most perfect compendium of the work of a great writer or artist in a specific discipline. A question we can ask ourselves is, what do others see when they look at us, when they look at our business or life, is the artist being well represented?

God wants to take control of the brush, but we have to relinquish control. We are beings who desire to control every detail, at least I am. It is we who take the brush to help God.

The function of the brush is to be the instrument that places the color, traces, and blurs; it is an extension of the painter’s hand. To whom are we giving the brush to add color to our story, our decisions, and our future?

It’s not what is seen, it’s the quality of what is portrayed. The paint used is not more important than the artist who painted it. Galleries are

full of paintings... but it’s the artist who took the brush and designed it that gives value to the canvas.

There is another story about a man on the side of a road with his broken-down car, with the hood raised, trying to solve the problem. A limousine stopped behind him, and a man got out. Dressed like a million dollars from head-totoe, he approached the driver of the broken-down car and asked, “Do you need help?” The man, of course, said yes. The man from the limousine tinkered a bit with the engine, and to the other’s surprise, the car started. The car owner was more than grateful and asked how much he owed. While there are many variations of this story, I heard one that included this response: “Nothing. I am Henry Ford. I am the creator of this car. It bothers me to see one broken down on the side of the road, not doing what I created it to do.”

God wants to stop everything he is doing and come to our rescue. The Artist wants to continue designing the life he planned for us with his brush. Today, let the artist take the brush of your life. He has a better plan.

Pastora Hilda Hernández



In the diverse spectrum of careers and professions populating Tennessee’s labor market, the painting industry stands out as a vibrant field full of opportunities. For companies seeking to establish and thrive in this sector, understanding the licensing process in the State of Tennessee is crucial. Contrary to what some might assume, in Tennessee, the painting license is granted at the business level, not individually to painters. This article offers a detailed overview of the regulations governing this process and provides essential suggestions to help companies navigate and succeed in obtaining their painting license.


Tennessee, like many states, requires contractors to obtain a license to operate legally. This measure ensures that all painting work meets established quality and safety standards, protecting both professionals and their clients. The institution responsible for certifying and licensing painting

contractors in Tennessee is the “Tennessee Board for Licensing Contractors.” This body regulates and licenses various types of contractors in the state, including painting contractors. Their website is regboards/contractors.html.


The Board for Licensing Contractors requires a contractor’s license before offering a price or negotiating a contract for projects that exceed $25,000 in total cost.

The definition of “contractor” according to the law covers a wide area that includes construction, installation, movement, repair, among other activities. All contractor licenses have an assigned monetary limit and a classification, such as Construction (Residential, Commercial, and Industrial), Electrical, Mechanical (Plumbing and HVAC), Heavy Construction, Highway, Railroad and Airport, Masonry, Municipal Utility, Environmental, and Specialties (landscaping, excavation, roofing, cell towers,

solar panels, audiovisual, etc.). Contractors must bid/contract exactly as they are licensed.

To obtain a license, applicants must follow a detailed process that includes passing the “Business and Law” exam, providing a financial statement, obtaining reference letters and insurance, registering any corporation, LLC, or partnership with the Secretary of State, and submitting the application with the corresponding signatures and notarization.


This license is appropriate for those looking to lead large-scale painting projects. It requires significant prior experience and, in some cases, the presentation of professional references.

• Application Cost: The application fee for a General Contractor license can vary but generally ranges from $250 to $300. This cost covers the processing of the application and the review of documents.

• License Exam: If an exam is required, there may be an additional fee, typically ranging


from $100 to $200, depending on the exam. Once obtained, the license can be renewed.


Specific for painters focusing on a particular area of painting, such as special finishes or decorative techniques. This license requires specialized knowledge and experience in the specific field. Its application cost ranges from $200 to $250, with an additional exam fee between $100 and $200. Notably, this license is renewed biannually.


To obtain a small project contractor license in Tennessee, the requirements include:

• Required Exams: All applicants must pass the Business and Law exam. Depending on the license

classification, a specific trade exam may also be necessary. For example, for small residential or commercial projects, you might need to take the BC-A,b(sm) exam for projects under $750,000.

• Designation of a Qualifying Agent: This person must pass the exam(s) and can be the owner or a full-time employee.

• Specification of License Classification: This determines the type of construction work you are authorized to perform.

• Financial Statement Submission: This must reflect the applicant’s financial capacity to perform construction work.

• Insurance Certificate: You must provide proof of insurance with minimums specific to each contractor’s monetary limit

category, including general liability and worker’s compensation insurance.

• Payment of All Applicable Fees: This includes license and application fees.

• Application Fee: For small-scale projects, the application fee can range from $150 to $200.

• License Exam: The exam fee ranges from $100 to $200.

Visit their website at https://www. contractors.html.


Once you are prepared with the necessary education and experience and understand the specific requirements, the next step is to complete and submit your application to the Board

for Licensing Contractors at the following address: Tennessee Board for Licensing Contractors, 500 James Robertson Parkway, Nashville, TN 37243. Accuracy and attention to detail in this step are crucial to avoid delays or rejections in your application.

To work on your venture in the City of Clarksville, Montgomery County, you must apply for a city license and another for the county to operate according to state and local guidelines. The commercial tax law in the state of Tennessee indicates that taxes must be paid when we make sales or engage in any other type of business listed in Tennessee

code sections 67-4-7080 and 67-4710.

On the City of Clarksville’s website ( Business-Tax-Information), you will find the necessary information to process your local permits.

The City Code requires qualifying businesses to have a valid business license from the City of Clarksville and renew it annually. Businesses must apply for their license either in person or by mail. To do so by mail, you must include a copy of the primary owner’s valid driver’s license along with the $15 fee. In the upper left corner of the webpage,

you can change the language if you prefer to read the instructions in your native language.


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