born feet first, Kaiden Reigler’s mind is in reverse. Entering the world at age one hundred, Kaiden is different from everyone around him.
His family doesn't understand him.
he is lost in his own home.
you act so ancient.
you should try harder.
leaving in secret , Kaiden's life is changed by one creature...
you are one of the others ; your path is long but it has only two turns
The squirrel gives Kaiden the power to see only those who live in reverse like himself, and to live in fast forward until he has met one person like himself.
the others? a path?
you will slow down only twice to prove yourself.
in an instant, kaiden's world is changed forever.
the others. a path.
the first time he slows he is okay; his ability to interact with the real world still intact. name is Kaiden.
it is nice to meet you.
When he slows for a second time, he encounters a familiar personality hidden in disguise.
I am ka-aiden , I am tee-en years old...
i feel as though i knew you once.
good luck, my son..
after struggling to interact with his father, Kaiden crosses over into a new world.
the world of the 'others' as the squirrel had called it.
me, too!
there he is not the only boy with a young body and an old mind.
I'm ninety years old.
kaiden knows this new world is where he belongs.
but he also knows his journey is not yet finished.
kaiden finds himself in the same place as before, with himself, a squirrel and an unknown path ahead. returning to the real world, kaiden realizes his true challenge.
there are still hundreds lost like he was...
kaiden's journey had helped him to realize his goal.
and had led him bACK home in order to achieve it.
kaiden had developed a new vision of himself and his goal.
he was no longer lost. he had found his place in the world, and in the lives of others. he understood his challenge.
i will unite them all.
i will teach them to fly.
i must help them. i must unite all those still caught in the world of those unlike us. i must bring them home.