Historic New England Annual Report FY2017

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The Camera’s Eye: House and Garden Pictures and Paintings, a homeschool program, in session at Hamilton House in South Berwick, Maine.

Annual Report Fiscal Year 2017

HistoricNewEngland.org 29

Welcome Dear Friend,

Sharing and saving go hand in hand at Historic New England. To broaden public engagement in our mission of preservation and education, we must share what we save. By visiting a house museum, attending a lecture, partaking of a glamorous evening event, or supporting a particular program or project, you are contributing to this mission in a vital way. This past year we focused our efforts on expanding and improving our engagement with members and others who share our interests. We revamped our member magazine and website, providing audiences with a fresh, new way of seeing and reading about all that Historic New England has to offer. In the spring we completed restoration work for the May opening of the 1878 Eustis Estate Museum and Study Center in Milton, Massachusetts, creating a more accessible house museum model. Numerous guests joined us for regional events to highlight some of our properties and communicate our mission: A Century on the Hill at Otis House in Boston; An Evening at Governor John Langdon House in New Hampshire; and Feast for the Farms at Casey Farm in Rhode Island. We established a community partnership with the Housatonic Valley Association (HVA), a conservation consortium that operates in the western sections of Connecticut and Massachusetts and in eastern New York. The HVA relocated its Massachusetts regional office to Merwin House, Historic New England’s 1825 property in Stockbridge. We continued our successful Community Preservation Grants program, a concept that originated with founder William Sumner Appleton, which we reinstituted during our centennial anniversary to make connections with smaller preservation and heritage organizations. Due to the increasing popularity of our homeschool program, we expanded it to accommodate more families. As we continue identifying new audiences and opportunities to interact with them, we strive to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of New England life for current and future generations. We offer you our gratitude for helping Historic New England save and share our regional heritage. Thank you for your generous support.

David A. Martland Chair, Board of Trustees


Historic New England Fall 2017

Carl R. Nold President and CEO

Leadership Fiscal Year 2017 Board of Trustees David A. Martland Chair

Randy J. Parker Treasurer Carl R. Nold President and CEO

Jacob D. Albert Theodore Alfond Maureen Fennessy Bousa Jon-Paul Couture George F. Fiske Jr. Christopher Karpinsky Sidney Kenyon Gregory D. Lombardi

Sandra Ourusoff Massey F. Warren McFarlan Elizabeth H. Owens Julie A. Porter Roger T. Servison Sylvia Q. Simmons Nancy B. Tooke Stephen H. White

David L. Feigenbaum Vice Chair

Christine Chamberlain Edward C. Fleck William F. Gemmill Leslie W. Hammond Eric P. Hayes William C. S. Hicks James Horan

Katherine Williams Kane Elizabeth Leatherman Bruce D. Moir Stephen Mormoris Carolyn M. Osteen John Peixinho Susan Rogers

Susan P. Sloan Anne S. Upton William Vareika William P. Veillette Kelly Wright

Joan M. Berndt Clerk

Board of Overseers Sandra Ourusoff Massey Chair Deborah L. Allinson Nancy J. Barnard Ronald P. Bourgeault

Council Joan M. Berndt Co-chair Robert P. Emlen Co-chair George Ballantyne Frederick D. Ballou Lynne Z. Bassett Russell Bastedo Charles E. Beveridge Ralph C. Bloom Randolph D. Brock W. Robert Carr Jr. † Harold J. Carroll Michael R. Carter Edward Lee Cave David Chase Richard W. Cheek Rebecca Clapp Martha Fuller Clark Karen Clarke Barbara Cleary Frances H. Colburn Gregory L. Colling Julia D. Cox Trudy Coxe Dr. Abbott Lowell Cummings † Elizabeth Hope Cushing Elizabeth K. Deane William H. Dunlap Jared I. Edwards Harron Ellenson Eugene Gaddis Diane R. Garfield Marcy Gefter Haden Gerrish Lucretia Hoover Giese Debra W. Glabeau

Kerri Greenidge Martha D. Hamilton Judy L. Hayward Eric Hertfelder Bruce A. Irving Edward C. Johnson 3d Elizabeth B. Johnson Joseph S. Junkin Mark R. Kiefer Anne F. Kilguss Matthew Kirchman Nancy Lamb Paula Laverty Arleyn A. Levee Anita C. Lincoln John B. Little Charles R. Longsworth Janina A. Longtine Peter S. Lynch Peter E. Madsen Elizabeth Hart Malloy Philip Cryan Marshall Johanna McBrien Paul F. McDonough James D. McNeely Julianne Mehegan Maureen I. Meister Pauline C. Metcalf Thomas S. Michie Keith N. Morgan William Morgan Henry Moss Cammie Henderson Murphy Stephen E. Murphy Richard H. Oedel James F. O’Gorman Mary C. O'Neil Robert I. Owens Elizabeth Seward Padjen

Anthony D. Pell Samuel D. Perry Patrick Pinnell Elizabeth Pochoda Marion E. Pressley Sally W. Rand Gail Ravgiala Courtney Richardson Kennedy P. Richardson Marita Rivero Timothy Rohan Carolyn Parsons Roy Virginia Rundell Gretchen G. Schuler Kristin L. Servison Earle G. Shettleworth Jr. Joseph Peter Spang III Andrew Spindler-Roesle Dennis E. Stark Charles M. Sullivan Jonathan Trace Paige Insley Trace John W. Tyler

William B. Tyler Theodore W. Vasiliou Gerald W. R. Ward David Watters Alexander Webb III Roger S. Webb Elisabeth Garrett Widmer Kemble D. Widmer II Richard F. Wien Susie Wilkening Robert W. Wilkins Richard H. Willis Robert O. Wilson Linda W. Wiseman Gary Wolf Walter W. Woodward William McKenzie Woodward Ellen M. Wyman Charles A. Ziering Jr. Margaret W. Ziering † = Deceased



Donors April 1, 2016 – March 31, 2017 The names listed on the following pages recognize those who, through their generous and thoughtful gifts, have strengthened Historic New England this past fiscal year. To each of them we extend our most sincere appreciation. In addition, we would like to thank those who supported us at every level, including 8,671 members. Over $1,000,000

The Estate of William G. Waters


Anonymous Ms. Jerrilee Cain Nancy Foss Heath and Richard B. Heath Educational, Cultural, and Environmental Foundation Institute of Museum and Library Services The Estate of Linda Sherman Johnston Cyrus C. Pinkham Unitrust City of Waltham Community Preservation Committee


Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Bousa* Mr. Nicholas C. Edsall The Thomas Jefferson Memorial Center Catherine Coolidge Lastavica Teresa and David Martland* Massachusetts Cultural Council Massachusetts Historical Commission National Endowment for the Humanities Mr. and Mrs. Roger T. Servison*


Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Alfond* The Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine Mr. Jon-Paul Couture* The Estate of William H. Eaton III Felicia Fund Ms. Lucretia Hoover Giese Barbara and Amos Hostetter* Rita J. and Stanley H. Kaplan Family Foundation Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey R. T. Kenyon* 32

Historic New England Fall 2017

Dr. Janina A. Longtine* Mr. and Mrs. M. Holt Massey* Mr. and Mrs. John B. McDowell* Karen and Warren McFarlan* New Hampshire Land and Community Heritage Investment Program The Ogden Codman Trust Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Owens* Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Owens* Mr. Stephen P. Parson City of Quincy Community Preservation Committee Stephen H. and Virginia S. White*


Anonymous (2) The 1772 Foundation Mr. Jacob D. Albert* Ms. Deborah L. Allinson and Mr. Peter C. Olson* Dr. and Mrs. Ernst R. Berndt* The Davis Family Foundation Mr. David L. Feigenbaum and Ms. Maureen I. Meister* Mr. George F. Fiske Jr.* Anne and Jack Haley* Lucile and Bill Hicks* Institute for Savings Charitable Foundation Gordon and Mary Ford Kingsley* The Estate of Howard N. Levin John and Sonia Lingos Family Foundation Gregory D. Lombardi* The Lowell Institute The Lynch Foundation Massachusetts Cultural Facilities Fund The Mildred H. McEvoy Foundation Mr. Carl R. Nold and Ms. Vicky L. Kruckeberg* Mrs. Susan C. Page

Caren and Randy Parker* Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Perry* Ms. Julie A. Porter* Rhode Island Council for the Humanities Dr. Margaret Ruttenberg and Mr. John Ruttenberg* and the Derald H. Ruttenberg Foundation Saquish Foundation Mr. Donald L. Saunders and Ms. Liv Ullmann Mr. Mark L. Schmid, Dewing Schmid Kearns, Architects and Planners Estate of Elinor Silverman Skinner Inc. Susan Sloan and Arthur Clarke* Mr. Joseph Peter Spang III* Lena A. Thompson Trust Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Tooke* Mr. Richard H. Willis* Winfield Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Ziering Jr.*


The Barnes Foundation Inc. Ann Beha and Robert Radloff Sam L. Cohen Foundation The Croll Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Oscar Fitzgerald City of Gloucester Community Preservation Committee Mr. and Mrs. Martin D. Hale* Mrs. Leslie W. Hammond and Mr. James R. Hammond III* Eric and Dorothy Hayes* Timothy T. Hilton and Sara J. Miller Mr. Henry B. Hoover, Jr. James and Susan Hunnewell Bruce and Holly Johnstone* Mr. Christopher Karpinsky* Mr. Paul H. Krueger, AIA Paul and Jean Moran*

Dr. and Mrs. Shapur Naimi Robert Pemberton and Barbara Jordan* Prince Charitable Trusts Ms. Wendy Shattuck and Mr. Samuel Plimpton Dr. Sylvia Q. Simmons* Mrs. Nina Heald Webber


Mr. Mark Canfield Allen* Mr. and Mrs. Alan Bembenek* Mr. Ronald P. Bourgeault and Mr. James Horan* Mr. William Bower Ms. Désirée Caldwell and Mr. William F. Armitage Jr.* Cambridge Trust Company Ms. E. Greer Candler* Mr. Harold J. Carroll* Mr. Michael R. Carter* Mr. Thomas C. Casey Mr. and Mrs. David Chamberlain* Mr. and Mrs. Theodore E. Charles* Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Cheek Mr. William Claflin and Ms. Cathy Claflin* Martha Fuller Clark and Dr. Geoffrey E. Clark Ms. Karen Clarke* Elizabeth and Nicholas Deane* Mr. and Mrs. George P. Denny III Mr. and Mrs. Frederic A. Eustis II* Ferguson Perforating & Wire Co. Mr. Edward C. Fleck and Ms. Eileen M. McCormack* Mr. Stephen L. Fletcher* Thomas Frank and Alexandra Hastings Freeman’s Auctioneers Mr. and Mrs. C. Mackay Ganson Jr.* Ms. Diane Gipson* Mr. and Mrs. Graham Gund* Ms. Martha D. Hamilton*

Mr. Stephen Harby* Mr. and Mrs. Tim Holiner* The Roy A. Hunt Foundation Mrs. K. H. Jones Mr. Stephen Kaloyanides Jr.* Mr. Kevin Kearney and Dr. Sarah K. Scott Kennebunk Savings Bank Ms. Anne F. Kilguss* Mr. and Mrs. William Leatherman* Dr. Frederic F. Little and Dr. Claudia L. Ordonez* Mrs. Carolyn M. Osteen and Dr. Robert Osteen* Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati Julianne and David Mehegan* Mr. Thomas S. Michie* Northeast Auctions Mr. and Mrs. George Putnam* Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy P. Richardson* Mr. and Mrs. Mark V. Rickabaugh* Mrs. Louise C. Riemer Mrs. Susan Rogers and Mr. Malcolm P. Rogers* Ms. Lois C. Russell* Tianderrah Foundation Mr. Andrew F. Saxe and Mr. Dean Vollick* Mr. James Schibanoff and Mrs. Nancy Schibanoff* Mr. Robert L. Simonds and Ms. Angie Simonds* Charles Sullivan and Susan Maycock* The Tianaderrah Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Stanley S. Trotman Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Uhrig* Mr. and Mrs. John Upton* Mr. Theodore W. Vasiliou* Mr. and Mrs. William P. Veillette* Vermont Community Foundation Mr. Tarleton H. Watkins II and Ms. Janet P. Atkins* Mr. Robert W. Wilkins Jr.* Clara B. Winthrop Charitable Trust Stephen G. Woodsum and Anne R. Lovett* Mr. Kelly Wright*

$1,000 - $2,499

Anonymous (3) Ms. Candace Jans Aiello Mr. and Mrs. John D. Barnard* Mr. Russell Bastedo Beacon Hill Garden Club Mr. and Mrs. Richard I. Burnham Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chamberlain* Mr. John D. Childs Mrs. I. W. Colburn CSL Consulting LLC Ms. Jaimie Cuddire and Mr. Daniel Cuddire Cummings Properties Decorative Arts Trust Robert and Barbara DeGregorio

Mr. Stephen A. Dentino and Ms. Anne Parson Dentino Ms. Janet Dinan and Mr. Peter Dinan East Cambridge Savings Bank Alan S. Emmet* The Reverend John Miles Evans Exeter Trust Company Farm Credit Northeast AgEnhancement Mrs. Pamela W. Fox Mr. Jameson French and Ms. Priscilla French Ms. Diane R. Garfield and Dr. Peter L. Gross, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Al Gerrish Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Gould Mr. and Mrs. A. Curtis Greer II Mr. and Mrs. Garth H. Greimann Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hamilton^ Mr. George Handran Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Hare Tina and Bill Harsch Mrs. Charles H. Hood Ipswich Ale Brewery Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Jeffries Mr. Craig Jewett and Ms. Alison Huber-Jewett Mrs. Nancy D. Judge Ms. Katherine Williams Kane* Mr. John F. Keane* Ms. Jennifer Kent Ms. Susan S. Kinsey Mr. David S. Kirk Nancy and Rick Lamb Mr. and Mrs. William R. Leitch Mr. and Mrs. Newton H. Levee Mr. Jonathan B. Loring Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Lubin Maine Development Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John McCartney Merrimack Design Associates Mr. and Mrs. Steven Minsky The MLM Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William S. Mosakowski Dr. Merrill F. Mulch Ms. Holly Nixholm and Ms. Helen Donovan Northeast Collaborative Architects Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Oedel Mr. and Mrs. David Offensend Mr. Thaddeus Gillespie and Ms. Elizabeth Seward Padjen, FAIA Mr. Francis C. Parson and Mrs. Brinton T. Parson Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Parson Jr. Mr. John D. Parson Mr. John Peixinho* Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Pell* Philadelphia Insurance Companies Mr. John S. Reidy Mr. and Mrs. John Remondi Ms. Diana I. Rigg Roger Williams University Mr. Lucas Rogers Mr. and Mrs. William H. Rousseau Mr. and Mrs. James A. Saltonstall Ms. Elisa S. Sawall

The Sharpe Family Foundation/ Julie and Henry D. Sharpe III Mr. and Mrs. Normand F. Smith III Ms. Julie A. Solz Ms. Jenny Spaur Ms. Lynne M. Spencer and Mr. Jeff Musman Seth Sprague Educational and Charitable Foundation Mrs. Frederick A. Stahl Mr. William S. Stout Nancy Taylor and Courtney Taylor The Tiedemann Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Torrey Thomas and Mary Frances Townsend Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Viera Mr. and Mrs. D. Bradford Wetherell Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Whiton

$500 - $999

Anonymous Ms. Mindy Arbo Ms. Mary M. Barcus Mr. Francois L. Bardonnet and Dr. Steven L. St. Peter Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Barrow Dr. and Mrs. Reinier Beeuwkes III Oliver and Martha Bennett Mr. Gary Brierty and Ms. Patrice M. Brierty Ms. Anne C. Bromer and Mr. David Bromer Mr. John Bucci and Ms. Michelle Bucci Mrs. Diana Bui Dr. J. Donald Carmichael Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Catalano Christensen-Dunn Early Foundations Fund Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Coghlin Mr. Gregory L. Colling Mr. and Mrs. James Nicoll Cooper Mr. Edward J. Costigan Mr. Warren C. Curtis and Mr. Mark Steinbach Michael Daly and Alex Arauz Ms. MaryLou Davis Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah E. de Rham Dr. Christopher DiGiovanni and Ms. Susan L. N. DiGiovanni Mr. Robert Diserens and Ms. Karla Diserens Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Emlen Ms. Nicole Faulkner Mrs. Thomas T. Fleming Mathieu Gague Mr. and Mrs. James L. Garvin Mr. Peter A. Gittleman Grange Foundation Grogan & Company Wendy E. Gus Mr. Benjamin K. Haavik Mrs. Cyrus I. Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hausman Mrs. Nathan V. Hendricks III Highmount Fiduciary LLC Mr. Mark R. Kiefer

Mr. and Mrs. Keith L. Knowlton Mr. and Mrs. George Lewis Drs. John and Francoise Little Mr. and Mrs. Franklin W. McCann* Mr. Paul F. McDonough and Ms. Carla A. Blakley Mr. William L. McQueen and Ms. Carla Bosch-McQueen Mr. and Mrs. Henry Moss Dr. Timothy S. Naimi Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Nylander Order of the First Families of New Hampshire Mr. Samuel Allyne Otis Arthur and Connie Page Mr. Charles H. Page and Mrs. Anne W. Page Miss Julia L. Page Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Parson Mr. Mark Perrin Mr. and Mrs. Norton H. Reamer Ms. Kelly Reynolds Ms. Katharine Richardson Mr. George Russell and Ms. Judith Russell Ms. Christine Salas and Mr. Pito Salas Mr. and Mrs. David W. Scudder Mr. Andre R. Sigourney Mr. and Mrs. Theodore E. Stebbins Jr. Mr. Campbell Steward Mr. Lawrence Stifler and Ms. Mary McFadden Mr. Thomas A. Stone and Ms. Valerie M. Warrior Mrs. Virginia E. Sweatt Ms. Anne G. Symchych Mrs. Mary S. Treyz Mr. and Mrs. John A. Vassallo Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Vincent Mrs. Jeptha H. Wade Waltham West Suburban Chamber of Commerce Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Webb III * Appleton Circle Member ^ Young Friend Patron †Deceased

Matching Gift Companies Anonymous Amazon Smile Foundation Anchor Capital Advisors Inc. Bank of America BLR CA Inc. Copyright Clearance Center Eaton Vance FM Global Foundation GE Foundation Google Inc. IBM Corporation Liberty Mutual Foundation Millennium Pfizer Foundation Qualcomm Foundation Quantlab Financial LLC



Russell Investments The Stanley Works State Street Foundation Texas Instruments Foundation United Technologies UnumProvident Corporation Archie D. and Bertha H. Walker Foundation YourCause

Gifts in Kind

Nancy J. Barnard California Paints Christie’s Michael J. Cooney, Nixon Peabody LLP Design New England Dr. Donald Ehresmann Robert M. Hale, Goodwin Proctor LLP Mr. Augustus Harrington Tina and Bill Harsch High Output Inc. Independent Archaeological Consulting LLC Ipswich Ale Brewery Jeffrey P. Johnson, WilmerHale Gregory Lombardi Design Long Hill Orchard Mr. Adam Lowe Ms. Barbara-Jean Mancini Marshall Rental Center Inc. David A Martland, Nixon Peabody LLP Mr. and Mrs. David A. Martland John J. McArdle, Esq. Paul F. McDonough, Esq. McLaughlin & Moran Inc. North Shore Garlic Company Ocean State Oyster Festival Mr. and Mrs. Greg Shaw Skinner Inc. Urban Tree Service Valley View Farmstead Cheeses Walrus and Carpenter Oysters Ms. Sylvia Weisz White Farms Homemade Ice Cream Ms. Sarah J. Zimmerman

Gifts in Memory of

In memory of William Sumner Appleton Mr. and Mrs. D. Bradford Wetherell Jr. In memory of Ms. Marjorie Kazin-Boyce Ms. Elizabeth Bestwick Mrs. Nedra Boyce and Mr. Harold Boyce Ms. Judy Cooper and Mr. James Studders Ms. Jane Cotnoir Ms. Sheryl Crowley Mr. Al Ferreira and Ms. Carol Ferreira Ms. Pearl Motta Carol and Paul Skrodzki Gail Taylor Ms. Iris Tubin Barbara and Lee Tuthill In memory of Ms. Susan Kirk Ms. Bonnie Jo Simon 34 Historic New England Fall 2017

In memory of Hertha and Ken Kruckeberg Mr. Carl R. Nold and Ms. Vicky L. Kruckeberg In memory of Nancy Krueger Ms. Holly Nixholm and Ms. Helen Donovan In memory of Susan Lyman Mrs. J. Welles Henderson Mrs. Arthur Hilsinger Mr. Carl R. Nold Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Nylander Mr. Alexander Whiteside In memory of Michael Roy Mr. Edward J. Costigan Ms. Sara Willman and Mr. Derek LaPlante In memory of Shirley and Irving Saunders Mr. Donald L. Saunders and Ms. Liv Ullmann In memory of September and Daisy Ms. Anna-Therese Kelly In memory of Brenda Stratemeyer Mrs. Kathleen M. Gray In memory of Bette Tuttle Mr. and Mrs. Stephen DeSalvo In memory of Charles M. Werly Saquish Foundation

Gifts in Honor of

In honor of Maureen Bousa and Kate and Raleigh Shoemaker Ms. Georgene L. Harris In honor of Cathy and Eric Breitkreutz Ms. Emily Bluvas In honor of Gib and Sarah Carey Ms. Kelly Reynolds In honor of Dr. Abbott Lowell Cummings† Mr. Joseph Peter Spang III In honor of Dale Flecker Mr. Matthew Olivo In honor of Chip & Margaret Ziering, Ted Vasiliou, George Handran, and Donald Saunders Ms. Kelly Reynolds In honor of Martha Heath Mr. Richard Heath and Ms. Martha Heath

In honor of Jennifer Kent Mrs. Hope L. Baker In honor of the John Lougee Family of New Hampshire Mrs. Matthew R. Simmons In honor of Franklin W. McCann Mr. Carl R. Nold and Ms. Vicky L. Kruckeberg In honor of William Moonan Ms. Janet Moonan In honor of Carl R. Nold, Edward Bousa, Bill Hicks, Roger Servison, Joan Berndt, and Maureen Bousa Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Johnstone In honor of Joe and Cathy Provo Mr. Philip Mazza In honor of Kelly Reynolds Ms. Beth Looser In honor of Peter K. and Beth Simonds Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Parson In honor of Ken Turino Ms. Anne C. Bromer and Mr. David Bromer In honor of Sally Zimmerman Ms. Katherine Bliss and Ms. Patricia Keighley

Donors to the Collections

Anonymous (2) Ms. Susan D. Abele The Association for Rollinsford Culture and History Ms. Martha A.R. Bewick Ms. Ellen Chalfant Ms. Elena L. Clarke Ms. Marisa Colabuono Mr. Stephen K. Desroches Mrs. Betsey Carroll Loud Detwiler Mr. and Mrs. George and Erica Dodge Ms. Susan Dreier Mrs. Barbara W. Engelbach Mr. Donald M. Faber Ms. Caroline S. Fazekas Mr. and Mrs. Stuart P. Feld Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Marilyn Fenollosa Ms. Katharine Friedel Ms. Leslie Frost Ms. Lucretia Hoover Giese Mr. Peter A. Gittleman The Griswold Family Ms. Pauline Harian Mr. and Mrs. Johanne and Allen Hill Historic Boston Inc. Mr. Henry B. Hoover Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher and Diane Jackson

Mr. Joseph S. Junkin Mr. Paul H. Krueger, AIA Mrs. Diane E. Madore Massachusetts Historical Society Ms. Maureen Meister Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Ms. Kim E. Minear Mr. Robert D. Mussey Jr. Mr. Carl R. Nold Mrs. Jane C. Nylander Mr. Richard C. Nylander Mr. Philip O’Brien Mr. Adam E. Osgood Mr. Charles D. Sherzi Jr. Ms. Pamela Toulopolous Ms. Patricia K. Underhill Mrs. Diane L. Viera Ms. Susan S. Ward Joan Pearson Watkins Revocable Trust Mrs. Natalie L. Webster Miss Eleanor J. Wendell Woburn (Massachusetts) Public Library Estate of Barbara Wriston

Donors to the Library and Archives

Anonymous Mrs. Susan D. Abele Ms. Lynn A. Ackerman Mr. Richard C. Airs Mr. and Mrs. John D. Barnard Mr. and Mrs. Michael Barry Dr. and Mrs. Ernst R. Berndt Mr. Frank Billingsley Mr. John D. Booras Mr. Reynard Bullock Cambridge Historical Commission Dr. Richard M. Candee Ms. Nancy C. Carlisle Mr. John M. Carpenter Mr. Richard W. Cheek Ms. Nancy Coggeshall Ms. Pat Colcord Ms. Lorna Condon Mr. Joseph P. Wilson Cornish Mr. Jon-Paul Couture Ms. Susanna M. Crampton Ms. Nancy Curtis Mr. David DeJean Mr. Stephen K. Desroches Mrs. Betsey Carroll Loud Detwiler Mr. David Martin Dwiggins Mrs. Barbara W. Engelbach Mrs. Nancy Erne Ms. Arlene Fehling Ms. Elaine Fitch and Mr. Richard Fitch Mrs. Pamela W. Fox Mr. Robert J. Frishman Mr. William Fuchs Ms. Lucretia Hoover Giese Mrs. Anne A. Grady Ms. Pauline Harian Ms. Mary Ann Howkins Mr. Robert Hendrickson Ms. Joyce Higgins Mr. Allen Charles Hill

Mr. Wayne Hill Mrs. Sarah R. Hinkle Historic Boston Inc. Mr. Henry B. Hoover Jr. Ms. Melinda L. Huff Mrs. Susan Jarvis Mr. Peter Jeffries Mrs. Susan H. Johnson Mr. Philip H. Kendrick Ms. Nancy Kuntz Mr. William P. Lamb Catherine Coolidge Lastavica Mrs. Phillip B. Lehner Mrs. Arleyn A. Levee Mr. James Lewis Ms. Jane Lewis Miss Selina F. Little Mr. Jonathan B. Loring Mr. James A. Luedke Jr. Ms. Diane E. Madore Mr. Richard M. Marion Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation Mr. Donald W. Matheson Ms. Carla Bosch-McQueen Mr. William l. McQueen Ms. Maureen I. Meister and Mr. David L. Feigenbaum Mr. Christopher Monkhouse Ms. Eva S. Moseley Mr. Robert D. Mussey Jr. Mr. Carl R. Nold Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Nylander Prof. James F. O’Gorman Ms. Martha Oaks Mr. Timothy T. Orwig Mrs. William B. Osgood Mrs. and Mr. Robert I. Owens Ms. Diana Barker Price Mr. Daniel D. Reiff Mr. Philip Rines

Mr. Steve Rosenthal Mr. Daniel S. Santos Ms. Elaine Scandale Ms. Marlene C. Schwarz Mr. Robert Bayard Severy Mr. Christopher Shattuck Mr. Earle G. Shettleworth Jr. Mr. Wiliam H. Skerritt Ms. Serena Soares Ms. Julie A. Solz Mrs. Federick A. Stahl Ms. Dawn Sullo Mr. Robert P. Surabian Mr. and Mrs. John R. Tankard Mrs. Judith Telled Ms. Elizabeth Lawrence Thoms Mr. Carmen D. Valentino Wardens and Vestry of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Newcastle, Maine Joan Pearson Watkins Revocable Trust Mr. Roger S. Webb Ms. Cheryl Weber Weston Historical Society Ms. Mary Wilkinson Mr. Richard H. Willis

Otis Society

The Otis Society honors donors who include Historic New England in their wills and estate plans. Named for Harrison Gray Otis, the prominent lawyer and politician whose 1796 home has been a Historic New England museum since 1916, this important group reflects the extraordinary impact of planned giving on the future of Historic New England. Anonymous (6) Diana Abrashkin

Mr. Peter W. Ambler and Ms. Lindsay M. Miller Mrs. Oliver F. Ames Dr. Barbara A. Beall Ralph C. Bloom Mr. Leslie P. Brodacki† Ms. Natalea G. Brown Ms. Jerrilee Cain Thomas C. Casey J. Scott and Valerie McKay Chaloud Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Cheek Ms. Margaret L. Clarke Susan W. Crum Dr. Abbott Lowell Cummings† Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Currie Stuart A. Drake Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dutzy Mr. William H. Eaton† Mr. Nicholas C. Edsall Dr. Donald Ehresmann Alan S. Emmet Mrs. Marjorie A. Falvey Mr. William B. Finch and Ms. Carol Rose Dr. and Mrs. Oscar Fitzgerald Mr. Paul E. Giese† and Ms. Lucretia Hoover Giese Annabella Gualdoni and Vito Cavallo Mr. Jeffery M. Hall Mr. Philip A. Hayden Mr. Henry B. Hoover Jr. Ms. Linda Sherman Johnston† Mr. Christopher Keppelman Mrs. Mary S. Kingsbery Catherine Coolidge Lastavica Ms. Ginny Leslie Mr. Howard N. Levin† Mr. John Matzke Mr. Paul F. McDonough Jr. and Ms. Carla A. Blakley Warren and Karen McFarlan

William L. McQueen and Carla O. A. Bosch Mr. Alan Murray Mr. John A. Neale and Dr. Stephen L. Boswell Mr. Carl R. Nold Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Nylander Nancy Osgood Mr. Stephen P. Parson Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Pell Ms. Pauline Perry† Mr. Brian R. Pfeiffer Cyrus C. Pinkham† Deborah S. Reed Robert B. Rettig Mr. David N. Rooney Mr. and Mrs. Roger T. Servison Mr. Earle G. Shettleworth Jr. Ms. Elinor Silverman† Mr. Alan P. Slack Susan P. Sloan Mr. Richard Sommers Mrs. Frederick A. Stahl Dennis E. Stark and Robert F. Amarantes Mr. J. Reed Stewart Thomas A. Stone and Valerie M. Warrior Ms. Denise C. Sullivan Ms. Bette Task E. Clothier Tepper Ms. Lena A. Thompson† Bryant F. Tolles Jr. Mr. George E. Triantaris and Mr. Steve Nigzus Mr. William G. Waters† Mr. Kemble Widmer and Ms. Elisabeth Garrett Widmer Mr. Roger D. Willmott † Deceased

HistoricNewEngland.org 35

Financials Operating Financial Statement a April 1, 2016 - March 31, 2017 % increase REVENUE FY 17 FY 16 (decrease)

% of total

Investment Return Designated for Operations b

$ 6,049,000

$ 6,122,000



Revenue from Operations

$ 2,359,000

$ 2,199,000



Contributed Income

$ 3,000,000

$ 6,779,000



Contributed Income for Property & Long-term Investments

$ 4,662,000

$ 11,601,000




$ 16,070,000

$ 26,701,000



% increase EXPENSES FY 17 FY 16 (decrease)

% of total

Museum Operations

$ 4,016,000

$ 3,037,000



Preservation Maintenance

$ 4,531,000

$ 2,375,000



Collections & Exhibitions

$ 1,982,000

$ 1,834,000



Education & Public Programming

$ 1,366,000

$ 1,571,000




$ 1,168,000

$ 1,198,000




$ 594,000

$ 498,000



Revenue Generating Projects

$ 543,000

$ 491,000



Preservation Easement Program

$ 289,000

$ 419,000




$ 247,000

$ 274,000



TOTAL EXPENSES $ 14,736,000

$ 11,697,000


Net Income from Operations c

$ 1,334,000

$ 15,004,000

Endowment Assets

$ 115,536,000

$ 106,003,000

Gain/(Loss) on Investments

$ 11,837,000

$ (6,547,000)



a This financial statement represents the general operating activities for Historic New England only. Other non-operating activity, including realized and unrealized gains on restricted assets, can be found within the audited financial statements. b Investment Return Designated for Operations represents endowment funds approved by the Board of Trustees to support annual operations and income from trusts. The annual draw is based on appropriating 5% (the board may approve more or less from time to time) of the preceding twenty-quarter fair market value of the investments as of December 31. c Net Income from Operations above includes contributions for property acquisitions and long-term investment of $5 million in FY 2017 and $10 million in FY 2016. d Endowment Assets excludes beneficial interest in perpetual trusts which equaled $9.7 million for FY 2017 and $9.5 million for FY 2016.


Historic New England Fall 2017




Investment Return Designated for Operations Revenue from Operations Contributed Income Contributed Income for Property & Long-term Investments




Museum Operations


Preservation Maintenance Collections & Exhibitions

2% 2%



Education & Public Programming Administration Fundraising


Revenue Generating Projects


13% 9%

Preservation Easement Program Marketing



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