Reception Newsletter September 2013
PYP News!
UNIT 1: Who We Are Central Idea: Friendships enrich our lives and require nurturing in order to develop. Lines of inquiry: ● How friends are made and kept. ● Why friends are needed. ● Characteristics that develop meaningful friendships.
LANGUAGES: Welcome to a new school year at HIS. We hope you like the new school logo. Above is the latest PYP model. As you can see the innermost circle brings together the beliefs and values of the programme. The PYP culminates in the Exhibition, where Grade 5 students this year will inquire into How we organise ourselves. (Lisa Hughes)
THE ARTS In this unit, Reception will inquire into a world of sounds. They will experience the dynamics of sound and how we can use our voice in different ways. We will sing songs about friendship in English and French and we will discuss strategies of using our voice and body language to solve conflicts among friends. Ms Sabina Unit 1
Reading: We support and encourage students to develop a positive attitude towards reading. Students will explore what helps them to become good readers and how to read for fun and understanding. We will continue to use Starfall and iPad language apps three periods a week. Writing: Through the writing process students will create in pictures and words a description of a real or imaginary friend. Language Support: It is very exciting to see young children communicating first through speaking and later by reading and writing. The Reception students are exploring language by talking to their teacher and to each other, when listening and creating stories and by enjoying books. (Ms Sue)
MATHS: Measurement: Students are measuring each other’s height, objects and the environment by using nonstandard forms of measurement. They will connect these investigations to real life situations and come to realize their understandings will help to solve real life problems such as when an estimate is needed. Number: Students are playing games such as racing dice and counters in a cup to learn strategies to improve their speed and accuracy when solving addition and subtraction problems. Having fun with numbers is key to computational fluency.
PSPE Students are swimming in PE and learning to develop confidence in the water. Floating on their front and backs, breathing techniques and basic strokes are developed. Adventure Challenge is the other unit and the emphasis is on teamwork and working in groups, this links with the Making Friends Unit. Students are encouraged to work in different groups. Mr Adam
VIETNAMESE Students learn how to make friends and understand the importance of friendship, learn Vietnamese song “Bóng tròn”.
Data Analysis: Students will create class surveys and use Venn diagrams to compare and contrast how they are alike and different.
Key Dates Tuesday, 17th September Swimming Gala for Reception, G1 and G2. If it is raining, this will be postponed to Wednesday, 18th September. Tuesday, 24th September Swimming Gala for G3, G4 and G5. If it is raining, this will be postponed to Wednesday, 19th September. Friday, October 4th End of Quarter One October 5th 13th Mid semester break. School is closed Monday and Tuesday, October 14th and 15th No classes for students. Staff professional development. Wednesday 16th October First day of Quarter 2.
Assemblies: Assemblies take place on most Friday mornings at 8am. You are welcome to any of the assemblies. 6th September hosted by Ms Carla’s class 13th September hosted by the Vietnamese department as part of the Moon Festival and will feature Reception! 20th September hosted by Ms Pushpa’s class 27th September no assembly 4th October hosted by Ms Georgie’s class
Mr Warren’s comment: What a great start to the year. Classes are in fullswing, teachers and students are happy and we are looking forward to another great academic year in the elementary section of HIS. For those of you who do not know, I am one of the VicePrincipals of the school and I am the Head of the elementary school. I also have a small teaching role, and work in the grade five class for the equivalent of one day per week. This gives Lisa Hughes time to carry out her responsibilities as the PYP curriculum coordinator. But my major role is to ensure that the elementary school is a successful, respectful and motivating environment for our students to learn in and for them to reach their full potential.
Student Reflections Friends play, share toys, dance to music on the iPad, help to tidy up, help to fix the clock and to fix everything, even fix feelings with sorry cards. (Minh Khoi)
Hanoi International School enables all students to realise their full potential in a caring and positive learning environment. Through our broad and balanced international curriculum, we endeavour to develop responsible, globally conscious citizens. We strive to develop the whole child as a lifelong learner with a strong sense of self worth.
Unit 1