Wearables for healthcare by hive

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Think Viral

Wearable Technology Solutions Wearable technology is an advanced electronic device that is small enough to be worn naturally in the form of clothing, accessories or portable lightweight containers. While this is not a new product genre (we can look back at things like the calculator watch and Sony Walkman), the items and their functionality are progressing rapidly. What is changing involves the rise of Internet-anywhere mobile device use, user interfaces with interactivity between reality and digital information, and a recent push to make devices available for the ordinary consumer.

A Brief History of Wearable Technology From The Six Million Dollar Man to Ironman, culture has shaped and influenced wearable technology. Take a look at some of the influences and innovations that have taken us to the state of wearable technology today. What will influence the next generation of wearable technology? http://blog.beyondcurious.com/bid/318179/A-BriefHistory-of-Wearable-Technology

Fitness and Medical wearables accounted for


of the wearables market in 2013

wearable tech boom in healthcare

WearableTech Usage Allocation Wearable computing has big potential, and not just on the face

Image Credit: Forrester http://venturebeat.com/

patients and health professionals involvement 88%


88% 60%


Healthcare BOOM The next big revolution in healthcare will not go in your pocket or sit on your desk. You will be wearing it. sources: IMS research, MeMD, ABI Research, Deloitte, Rackspace

potential cost savings of Fitness and Medical using biometric devices to physicians want monitor patients with serious patients to monitor wearables accounted for market in conditions health parameters of the wearables 2013 at home

of Brit and American wearable tech users felt more informed of wearable tech users in America felt more believe it has enhanced their lives

Challenges are still to overcome.

challenges to overcome Wearables tech will transform the healthcare experience from the time you walk into a hospital until you return home continually transmitting health data to your doctor virtually. But for the system to be efficient, challenges are still to overcome.

enhance interoperability Interoperability will be another conſideration aſ the number of diſparate ſyſtemſ that will contain theſe data ſourceſ – whether part of other health care providerſ or commercially available ſyſtemſ or even from deviceſ that individual patientſ may purchaſe on their own.

make data available The marketplace iſ awaſh in wearable medical technology, but theſe deviceſ won’t really help doctorſ treat their patientſ until we figure out how to make all that data eaſy to acceſſ for them through their own medical appſ.

enhance ſecurity Aſ technology advanceſ come the need to deal with privacy and data ſecurity riſkſ eſpecially when data ſtartſ being ſent to a medical provider.

Make data meaningful Aſ theſe wearableſ proliferate, a great deal of data will be generated. Thiſ opportunity muſt be managed with careful data analyſiſ and algorithmſ in order to provide phyſicianſ with the right and meaningful information they need.

Wearables Tech Eco-system

Becoming Superhuman Through Wearable Tech (VIDEO)

It is part of the human condition to always want to improve ourselves. With wearable technology we are able to combine biology with technology to augment ourselves in an almost superhuman fashion. This is the theme of the fourth instalment of the Creator’s Project Make it Wearable video.

Wearable Tech. Stack-holders





D2P Wearable Tech. Stack-holders









Wearable Technology App Ideas

A Google Glass App For Doctors To Stream Videos Of Patients To Consult Other Doctors

App that uses Smart Glass as a Barcode, QR code, images and AR marker Reader


App that benefits the value of Smart Glass as a tool for POV Medical teaching & Simulation

App that uses Smart Glass as an instant Injury assistant / ER

App that benefits the value of Smart Glass as a Telemedicine tool

App that uses Smart Glass as an instant Sharing tool (POV Surgeries, life stats, Live event, Etc‌)

App that uses Smart Glass as a instant Translation tool (Events)

A Google Glass AR App For Doctors To turn anything to interactive interface (Measure, tag, link, Etc‌)

A Google Glass App For Doctors To upload Video Of Patients To their files / portal Patient History

A Google Glass App For patients for monitoring lifestyle and diet goals, Calories Calculation



(by reading codes, image recognition, database or sound)

A Google Glass App For Patients To be used as an instant Medical Alert or / and Reminder

A Google Glass App For both Doctors & Patients Medical Talk (by scanning a product and let it talk)

App that benefits the value of Smart Glass as a Case documentation

A Google Glass App For Doctors To upload POV live-Videos Doctor Cam (Renting live advices, events, tutorials, Etc‌)

A Google Glass Apps for assisting people with disabilities

A Google Glass App For patients to send instant greetings, support, gifts, kisses, Etc‌ to other patients

A Google Glass LBA App For Doctors to access hospital’s Database Patient History

A Google Glass App For patients for


A Google Glass LBA App For Doctors / Patients to Check-in, Navigation, send push notifications, live stream, Etc‌

Calories Calculation

A Google Glass AR App For both Doctors & Patients

(by reading codes, image recognition, database or sound)

(by scanning signs and let it talk)

Hospital Talk

P2A Laughing Squid guest blogger Ed Hunsinger put a Fitbit One fitness tracker on his cat Bunki’s collar out of curiosity and to find out what she gets up to when he’s not at home. More information on the project can be found at Hunsinger’s blog.






Mobile Web CRM SM VR

Head Mounted Display (HMD)

i.e In short-terms, the Google Glass is a project that features a computer mounted on some glasses. In other words, it is a small wearable computer. The user of the Google glass gets information displayed in a free-hand format. The features of this new piece of technology are triggered by voice command. All is done without using the hands. The main features of the Google Glass are taking. Sharing photos or videos in 720 HD can also be done. The user uses applications already developed by Google such as Google Now and Google Maps. Other features such as voice translation, displaying the weather, giving details about plane flights are also incorporated in the unit. Sending messages and sharing photos or videos to others are all triggered by the voice command prefix “OK, Glass�. They say what is Google Glass and what it does is an augmented reality thing.

Why Head Mounted Display (HMD) is important? SM





WiFi Bluetooth Satellite

POV Personal Monitoring



Google Glass / what-it-does

Post - Navigation

Post - Reading

Post Communication Live Chat

Always on Post - Reminder

Post - Location Services

POV Sharing

Instant Recognition

Post - Listening

Always on Monitoring

Post - Augmented reality

Google Glass / in Medical Actions

“Google Glass Is Helping Doctors Save Lives. Maybe It’s Time to Reconsider the Poorly Received Technology.” Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) have a successful useful Google Glass uses. On his blog, BIDMC chief information officer John Halamka revealed that his hospital ran a pilot program that used Glass for an in-house patient information system that was developed in the emergency department.

Wearable Tech process (App / device design) Product Complete

Creative Visualisation

System Modeling

Design Partitioning HW /SW hand-off

Software Development (embedded SW tools)

High-Level specifications

Interface frozen

Hardware development (HDL tools)

Software complete

Design refinement (SW and HW tools)

Prototype complete

Think Viral

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