How to Guide (Flexible Digital Urban Modelling)

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by Hizkia Irwanto Gouw 378785

Flexible Digital Urban Modelling ABPL90304 Lecturer: Dr. Marcus White Class: Tuesday 9am -12pm Due Date: 16th November 2011


Table of Content

Building Maker + SketchUp


High Rise Type Modelling with 3d Studio Max


Simple Topography in Max


Topography (CAD + 3ds Max)


Boolean Operation 38 Glue Pluggin 44 Greeble Pluggin 49 Conform Pluggin + Material Id


Alpha Channel Trees and Scatter


Wire Parameters 76 Point Cloud and Paint Object


GameMaker 86 UCL Depthmap 94 Photogrammetry (Photofly)


Photogrammetry (Hypr3D)


Photogrammetry (Video Trace) 114


Building Maker + SketchUp Using Building Maker as the modelling tool, and import to sketch up to combine all models together


Setting Up 1. Go to website: 2. After click “Try Building Maker�, the world map will appear and you could pick (by zoom in) the location of building(s) that you would like to model.

Zooming tools

Locate the red balloon in your building location as it would be useful later during modelling phase. These blue ballons indicate that these buildings have been made by other people. 4

3. Start modelling the building by cliking the ‘Start Building’ icon in the top left page.

If these aerial views appear, it means you can model that area. If not, it means that the area is not included in Building Maker.

After clicking ‘Start Building’ icon, the screen will change

It is better to sign in (up) first before you start modelling, as it would useful later during the saving proccess.


Modelling 4. You can start modelling by clicking one of the aerial views in the top left page. Use the modelling toolbox in the top right page to create the house. 5. Adjust the model (box, roof, etc) that you have made in all 6 views in order get a better result

Modelling Tools Point Snap Model Arrangements


Add Street View(s) 6. You need to add a street view, so that you can map the image of the building from the street level. Multiple steet views are also possible. Add the street view, by click on drop toolbar here, and click add street view.

You could zoom in (out) or use pan tool to find appropriate street view.

7. Adjust the model that you have created to match the image from the street view.

The street view that you have choosen, will appear in the view’s selection


View and Saving the Model

Save button

8. After you finish modelling the building, check the model in ‘Viewer’. You will see the model with textures. 9. If the model looks good, then you can save it into your warehouse. Give a specific name (such as the street name), especially when dealing with high numbers of model.


Make a Collection of Model 10. If you made big numbers of model (ex. suburbs), it would be better to compile those models into one collection. It could be done by login into your account and click on ‘create’ under ‘3D Collections’ heading.

11. If the collection had been made, you just have to find the model in your warehouse, and put it into the collection. This screen will appear, after you clicked the ‘create’.

This model is also can be downloaded directly into sketchup file. Pick the right collection for your model. 9

Building Maker to SketchUp 1. Open Google SkechUp program, and make sure you sign in first (with the same account that you use in Building Maker), by clicking the ‘G’ icon in the bottom left page.

This sign in box will pop out after you click the ‘G’ icon.


Add Building Map 2. Add the location map of your model, so when you locate your model, it will fit perfectly into the map. 3. The world map will come out in the ‘Add Location’ box, and you just have to find the location of your building.

Click ‘Grab’ button, to take place the image into the sketchUp viewport.

The location map will be shown in the xy plane

You can use region to only select the area that your building will fit in


Place the Building

Choose ‘My Collection’, as it will efficiently sort the list to only show your collections of models.

4. In order to place the model into the SketchUp, you need to open ‘component’ dialogue box. From there, you could select the model that you have made before. 5. After you click on the model you want to download, it will be located in viewport according to its real location in the map.

Just simply click on the image of the model to download it


Add Photo Texture Click ‘Grab’ button if you already satisfied with the viewport. You could zoom in (out) or use pan tool to find appropriate street view.

You could change the view by moving this people’s icon Photo that grab will be mapped into the surface.

6. If you are not entirely happy with the photo mapping of your model, you still can edit it in SketchUp. You can do it by explode your model and add photo texture on one of the surface of your model 7. Find the right position of your building’s view and crop it by using region. Then it will directly translated into the model.


Models of a Suburb 6. Just download all the buildings from your collection and it will gradually become a model of suburb.


High Rise Type Modelling with 3d Studio Max By only using simple transform tools and modifiers to create flexible and editable high rise type building.


Reference’s Outline Shape Toolbars

Rectangle Command

1. Create a rectangle using the ‘Rectangle’ in ‘Shapes Tool’. You could define the length and width precisely in the modifier box. This rectangle will be the shape’s reference of the building.

You could change and edit the length and the width parameter of the rectangle here. The unit of the numbers depends on the unit settings. So it is important to check the unit first

2. You could edit the line using ‘Edit Spline’ inside the ‘Modifier List’

Click the vertex option in the selection

You could start to move the vertex using the ‘Select and Move Tools’


Create the Slab 3. Copy the Building Outline using the ‘Clone Option’ under edit toolbar or press Ctrl+Y as a shorcut. Use reference as the copy option. It will make the shape of the copy object will always refer to the first object.

Give a specific name the clone object, as it would be easier later when you want to select it.

4. Use ‘Bevel’ under ‘Modifier List’ to create the floor slab.

Make sure the Bevel is on the top of the light grey line.

Adjust these values to get the correct dimension of your slab. 17

Create the Glass Facade 5. For creating the glass facade, use the same technique with step no. 3. However, instead of using ‘Bevel’, this time you will use ‘Extrude’.

Indicates the amount of extrusion Do not tick the cap, as you don’t need closed box fr glass facade

6. To differentiate the objects, you could change the colour of them according to their material. Such as blue for glass. This colour box will come out when you click the object colour in the modifier 18

Build the Frames 7. Copy the Glass Facade using the Reference Clone Option, same with step no. 3. 8. Use ‘Subdivide’ to create more division in the surface. Be careful when adjust the size of the subdivision, because too much division could crash your computer 9. To create the frames, just simply use ‘Lattice’ command in the ‘Modifier List.’

Size of the rames

The smaller the number, more division will be made.


Add Multiple Levels 10. Select the frames, slab and glass facade by using ‘Select by Name.’ Just simply click the name of the object there. Type the name of objecs that you want to select here.

The height of each multiple level in z coordinates

Number of Levels

11. To multiple the those objects, click ‘Array’ under Tool’s toolbar. After that, Array dialogue box will appear, and you could start to adjust the numbers of level.


Edit the Shape of the Building 11. If you select the building outline, then edit the shape of it in ‘Edit Spline’, it will change the whole shape of the building directly. This is one of the advantage of using max against any other modelling software. You could go back to the reference point to edit the building completely, without having to do the steps all over again


Apply Materials 11. To get the ‘Material Editor’ dialogue box, just simply press M in your keyboard. From there you could put or change the colour or used material texture. 12. To apply the material into your object, first make sure you select the object first using ‘Select by Name’. It is very useful especially when you are working on the multiple clone object. 13. Before you apply the material, go to ‘Option’ toolbar in the Material Editor box, and uncheck the ‘Propagate Materials to Instances.’ The reason for doing that is because by checking that command, it will directly apply the material into all the clone objects (Building Frames, Glass Facade, etc). Edit material colour, type and texture here.

14. Just drag the material that you have set up before into the model, and it will ask whether you want to apply the material into selection or not, and click yes.

Click this button to show material in viewport.


Setting up the Camera 15. In order to get the constant and editable view for rendered process, you need to set up the camera. Click camera icon in the right side toolbar and use target type. 16. First, place the camera in plan view, after that you could edit the height or elevation of the camera in front, back, left or right view. You could change the size of the lenses here. Target’s point of the camera

The location of the camera


Setting up the Viewport 17. Change one of the viewport into camera view by right click on the name of one viewport, and select the camera (If you have multiple camera, select according to its number).

18. You need to Show Safe Frames in order to know exactly which part of the camera that will be shown for rendering process.


Add Lighting 19. Lighting is one of the important aspect of a building. It gives more depth into the rendered image that will be produced. To add the simple lighting for a building, just use ‘Target Direct’ under standard lighting. 20. You need to adjust the intensity of the light, the size of hotspot and fallof. 21. Just like the camera placement, you need to edit the light in plan and side view, so you could get the correct light direction and height as well

Multiplier relates to the intensity of the light. Higher value will produce brighter light. You could also change the colour of the light there.

These values relate to the size of the light parameters, adjust it to suit your model. 25

Edit the Environment

This dialogue box will appear after you click the ‘Environment.’

22. When rendering, one of the important aspect is the environment. Just go to ‘Environment’ under the ‘Rendering’ toolbar or press 8 as a shorcut. In there you could change the colour of the environment. You could even use the image as the environment, so when you render the image, it will appear as the background. The environment will appear when you render the image.

You can change the colour of the environment from black (default) into different colour. You can even use your own image and upload it as the environment


Setting up the Renderer

These are the options of the renderer that you could choose

You could change the size of the outcome image there.

Click this button to start render.

If you want to use other pluggins, you need to define it in ‘Assign renderer.’ Then, ‘Choose renderer dialogue box will appear.

23. For rendering, you need to set up the render first. The ‘Render Setup’ command is located under the Rendering toolbar, or you could just press ‘F10’ in your keyboards. The dialogue box will appear and you could adjust the size and type of renderer there.


Rendered Image


Simple Topography in Max Create a simple topography directly in Max using Soft Selection and Noise Modifier.


Noise Modifier 1. First, just make a Plane as the base of the topography.

Adjust the parameter of the noise in here

2. Then, you use Noise modifier to create 3d texture from that plane. After that you will have an instant and quick topography. 30

Soft Selection 1. Just like in the previous section, you need to set up the plane first. Then, you use the Edit Poly modifier and select the Vertex.

Edit the parameter of the soft selection here.

2. Secondly, you check Use Soft Selection under Edit Poly. After that you could select some of the vertex from the plan and move it upward, to create a movement in the plane. You could do it in multiple locations. It will create a smooth surface. 31

Topography (CAD + 3ds Max) Create a topography in 3d Studio Max based on contour lines in CAD files.


Setting Up Contour in CAD 1. First, open the GIS data of specific area. Sometimes, it includes the layers of block boundaries, street network, and etc. As we only need the contour lines of it, so we need to get rid of the other layers. To do it, just select the contour and the image layers, and type Layiso.

2. Then, in order to decrease the file size, it would be better to create a files that only consist of that layers. Type Wblock in the CAD command, and save it in somewhere.


Import CAD into MAX 3. Before you import the CAD file into Max, you need to check the unit first. Make sure the unit is on metric (same with the CAD file), so when you import, the dimension will be in the correct size.

Click here, and then a new dialoque box will appear, where you could set up the unit there.

4. After that, you could import your CAD file into MAX.

Pick the unit that you used in the CAD file.



You could adjust the type of topograhy in here.

5. To create a topography from that 3d contour lines, you need to select Terrain, under Compound Objects.


Mapping the Contour 6. In order to map the topography with the aerial view, you need to create a material (that use the aerial view as a diffuse colour) first. Then, apply that material into the topography.

In here you choose the aerial view of the area.

7. You go to UV Map modifier, and turn off Real World Map Size. After that to match the mapping into the the base image of the aerial view, you need to Acquire it.

After you click the acquire, then you click the target image (the base). Don’t forget to choose absolute reference, so the gizmo of the target image will not change. 36

Mapping Gradient into the Contour 8. You could also map a gradient into the topography by creating a new material and use gradient map as a diffuse colour.

Pick new material, and choose Diffuse Color.

New Dialogue box will appear and choose Gradient Map.

Here you could change the colours of the gradient.


Boolean Operation Use the Boolean and ProBoolean to substract or unite two and more objects in MAX.



Union Operation

Substraction Operation

Intersection Operation

1. To substract, unite, or intersect two objects, you need to use Boolean, under the Compound Object. There will be options for the operations in there. The limitation of the boolean is that it could only do the operation one time.


ProBoolean 1. The first step is to, create the base object, in here, i made a box. Then, you made a smaller object, that will be used as a substractor.

2. Copy the substractor object and place it around the target object. You could randomly scale and rotate the objects to make it looks more interesting.


3. If you want to substraction outcome to have a different colour, you need to put a material into the substractor objects. In ProBoolean, the colour of substractor will determine the finish subtraction.

4. To substract the target box, simply go to ProBoolean under the Compound Objects. Pick substraction operations and then start picking the substractor objects.


5. The good thing about boolean in Max is that you could go back into the substractor objects, and you could edit (scale, move) or remove it. In order to do it, just go into the Sub-object Operations, pick the substractor object and Extract it.

All the objects that had been used in the operation will appear in this box. You could edit one or all the objects by select them in here.


Rendered Image


Glue Pluggin Create a typical suburb setting by using Glue pluggin to attach the housing into the topography.


Import the GIS CAD File 1. First, open the topography’s Max file that you have made.

2. Second, you import the GIS Cad file, that only include the housing blocks.


Extrude the House Blocks 3. Then, move the housing blocks above the topography and extrude them according to their typical height (3-4m for the residential). You can do it by using Extrude modifier. Sometimes, the Cad file is not neat enough (the blocks is not fully closed). To fix that problem, you could use Weld under editable spline.

Increase the height of the extrusion here. Check the Cap option, so the box will be fully closed


Glue the House Blocks into Topography 4. To glue those housing blocks, you need to use the glue pluggins, that you have install before. To use the Glue, just go to Utilities, and click more, after that you pick the Glue.

5. In Glue modifier, just select the Base Object (the topography) and the target object (the housing blocks). It will directly attach the housing blocks into the topography.


Rendered Image of a Suburb


Greeble Pluggin Create a fast and instant city using Greeble in Max.


Greeble 1. First of all, you need to set up a Plane as the base or outline for the Greeble. Make sure it has enough length and width segments, as it will determine the size and the quantity of the building. You could change the position of the pattern of the Greeble, by changing their Seed.

Set the minimum and the maximum of the extrusion here. If you want to have widgets in the top of the Greeble, you could adjust it in here.

2. Just go to Greeble, and adjust the parameters of the extrusion there. Greeble will do a random extrusion, you just need to set the minimum and the maximum extrusion. 50

Rendered Image of Greeble

You could even make a box and Greeble it, so Greeble is not limited to only plane. As long the object has segments, you could greeble it.


City Type (Greeble on Greeble) 1. Same with the previous section, just do a plane as the base.

2. In order to create a street or gap between the building, you need to use Edit Poly. Then you use Polygon selection to highlight parts of the plane that you want to greeble.


Glue the House Blocks into Topography 3. Greeble those polygon, but remember to Select Tops, as it you will Greeble it for the second time.

Greeble it twice.

4. After that, you Greeble it again, to make it looks more likes skyscrapper in the city. Don’t forget to turn on the widgets.


Noise on the Top of the Greeble 5. To make the the extrusion of the Greeble more natural, you can use Noise to give the sense of movement on the top of the building.

Adjust the parameters of the Noise here. Don’t forget to turn of the Fractal.


Rendered Image of the City


Rendered Image of the City in Different Base You could use Sphere as the base. By using the same technique, you could create interesting outcome in Greeble.


Conform Pluggin + Material Id Create a dynamic suburb model using conform pluggin. Then, using material id to map different materials in one object.


Create the Suburb Pattern using Edit Poly 1. For the base, you need to create a plane. make sure you give enough length and width segments.

2. Then, you go to ‘Edit Poly’ Modifier, and click ‘Polygon’. After that, you use ‘Bevel’ to create a street path. Don’t forget to pick ‘Animate’ at first, so it will remeber previous action. Give specific name to the modifier, so you would not get confuse later. 58

3. Then, you use ‘Edit poly’ again, similar with the previous step, but right now, you use ‘Extrude’ to give a different height between the street and house bundary.

4. The next step is to create a footpath. Use exactly the same step with no. 2.


6. To make complete typical houses, we need to extrude those polygons. Do the extrusion in ‘Edit Poly’ modifier.


Make a Target Node 7. You need to create a target node for a ‘Conform’ stage later. For that target node, you need to create a plane. Make sure you put big numbers of segment, as it is useful to create a smooth surface in next step.

8. In order to create more organic surface, you could use ‘Noise’ modifier. 61

Conform 9. Then you need to move the organic surface into the model that you have made earlier.

Pick the organic surface that you have made in here

10. Use ‘Conform’ pluggin (external pluggin, that you can download), which will make the form of the model to follow the shape of the surface. 62

11. This is the form that you will get, when you hide the surface. They are all in different heights and angles.

12. In order to make the top of the block become flat again, you could go to edit poly, pick the top polygon, and scale it by changing the z value to 0.


Mateterial Id 13. In order to map different material in one object you could use ‘Material Id’ in ‘Edit Poly.’ Pick the last ‘Edit Poly’ that you edited, and pick all top polygons. Go to ‘Material ID’ and change it to number 2.

Change the Id number here.

14. Same step with the previous one, but pick the steet’s polygon and give the ‘Material Id’ number 3 64

15. For the material, you need to set up it differently with the standard one. Click ‘M’ to get the ‘Material Editor’. Then, change the material option into ‘MultiSub Object’.

16. In ‘MultiSub Object’, it will give you a list of id numbers, which you could assign different materials to each of it.

You could set up materials according to their ide in this area.


17. When you apply that MultiSub Object into the object, it will map by following the order of Material Id that you have set up in the object.


Rendered Images of Dynamic Housing Type


Alpha Channel Trees and Scatter Create a forrest of trees using simple Alpha Channel method and Scatter modifier to place it randomly on site.


Photoshop the Alpha Channel 1. Open the image of trees in Adobe Photoshop and delete the background colour.

2. Put the background that has preety much the similar colour of the tree. You can use ‘Eyedropper Tool’ to take the sampling colour of the trees. After that you save this image.


3. Then, you just pick the trees, and copy to a new file. From there, go to ‘Channel’ tabs and just turn on the ‘Alpha’.

4. Save that Alpha Channel into a new Jpeg and give an uique name (such as tree alpha).


Mapping the Alpha Channel Tree in Max 5. First, just make a vertical plan in Front or Side viewport. Then, set up the material of trees with the image that you made before in Photoshop

Pick the ‘Out’ in Falloff option under Extended Parameters, and increase the amount of it.

Pick the image of tree with green background colour as a ‘Diffuse Color’ Pick the image of the tree with Alpha Channel in Opacity

6. Apply the material into the plane. There will be no more background colour in the plane. 71

Create the Modular Tree 7. Rotate and copy the plane into 4 planes. It is neccessary to create the tree looks more 3-dimensional.

8. After that you need to merge all the 4 planes together using ‘Attach’ in ‘ProBoolean.’ It will make these planes become only 1 object. The reason to do that is because scatter can only work with 1 object.


Create the Landscape 9. For the landscape of the forrest, at first just create a simple plane in Top viewport.

Adjust the parameter of the noise in here

10. To create more organic landscape, you could do it with the Noise. 73

Scatter 11. The last step is to place the tree randomly on the landscape. You could do it by using Scatter under Compound Object. Just pick the tree as the object and the landscape as a Distribution Object. Adjust the duplicates and the size of the trees here

Adjust how the trees would be distributed here.

12. You could adjust how many trees do you want, the scale, rotation, and etc. 74

Rendered Image of the Forrest


Wire Parameters Introduce the simple use of Wire Parameters in Max.


Simple Wire Parameters 1. At first, just make two similar boxes or could be any objects

2. Then, to create a relationship between those two objects, just right click on 1 object and pick Wire Parameters. In here we will use height as the wiring parameter.

1st Step

2nd Step

3rd Step

4th Step


3. Then, this box will appear after you do the previous step. You just need to setup the rules for the second box, such us 2* Height (Means the second box will always two times higher that the first box). 4. So everytime you change the height of one box, the other box will follow it accord- Click the Connect button after you set up the rule. ing to the rule that you have made. Set up the rule here.


Wire Parameters Using Schematic View 1. Create sequence of boxes (in this example are 4), and a sphere. This sphere will be use as the attractor point for those boxes.

2. This time, we will use more advanced technique, which is using ‘Schematic View’. All the geometry that we have made will appear in that schematic view. 79

3. Then, you need to create a Parameter Wires in that schematic view. This time, we will make the height of boxes according the x position of the sphere.

4. By moving the sphere, the height of the box will respond with that movement.


Point Cloud and Paint Object It will explain the usefulness of point cloud object to simplify complex object. Then, this section will also introduce the new feature of ‘Paint Object’ to spread objects.


Point Cloud Object 1. There are predefined trees in 3ds Max that you could use. They are located under ‘Folliage’ in ‘AEC Extended’.

Pick the Folliage object here. You need to save the file of your point cloud object.

2. As the model from ‘Folliage’ is a high-poly object, it will take long time to render. So, in order to reduce the rendering time, you need to create a point cloud object of that trees. It is located in ‘Mr Proxy’ under ‘Mental Ray’ (Standard Primitive).


Paint Object 3. Then, before we do the ‘Paint Object’, you need to repeat the last step, but change the colour of the leaf. So each of the point cloud object has a different colour. You could do that uing MultiSub Object, that has been explained previously.

You add the Folliage here.

4. Then, go to ‘Paint Object’, that is located in the toolbar above the viewport. Then you select those three point cloud objects as the paint objects. 83

Edit the Scale in Brush Setting 5. Then, you pick one object as the canvas where the object will be placed. In here, i used the object that i had made earlier.

You could edit the scale, rotation of them in XYZ coordinates in this Brush Settings.

6. Then, click on the paint icon, to draw it in your canvas (the base object). You can use random pattern of those three-different colour trees to make it looks more natural. After that you could edit the scale of the trees in ‘Brush Settings.� 84

Rendered Image of Point Cloud Object



Analyze and illustrate pedestrian movement in interactive way.


Styled Map Wizard 1. First, for the GameMaker, we need the figure ground plan. The best map for that, would be from Styled Map Wizard in http:// trunk/styledmaps/wizard/index.html. In this example, i use Chadstone as the example.

Here are the settings that you need to set up to get the map for Game Maker. Just follow them.

2. Then, you could set up few settings to get the black and white map of the road. You could save that map in tif. file.


GameMaker (Create Sprites) 3. Open GameMaker. You could download the lite version of it on

Give a specific name here. Load the image that you have made in Photoshop here. Make sure you make 5x5 pixel in Photoshop

4. After that, click on new ‘Sprite’ icon on the toolbar. Sprite is like an item that you will be used in the map (such as pedestrian, station, etc.). For this lesson, at first create a pedestrian sprite. It will be 5x5 pixel, so you could set up the image first in photoshop, then you can open it in game maker. 88

3. The next sprite that yo need to make is Train Station, which will be the place where people come in. Do the similar thing with previous step to upload it.

The map that you have edited in Photoshop, with the transparent road. Save it as Tif.

4. Then, defiitely, you need a figure ground plan to indicate Chadstone location. Use the image that you got from the Styled Map Wizards. However you need to get rid the white road’s colour first in Photoshop. It is useful as the black colour will be used as a solid wall, and the road is the path where the pedestrian move, so it needs to be transparent. 89

GameMaker (Create Objects)

Pick the sprite that you will use here.

5. After you made all the sprites, the next step is to create objects. Just click ‘Object’ icon in the top toolbar. In Object, you need to set up the rules of each sprite, such where to move, when to stop and etc. First yo need to set up the object for the pedestrian. Create


Step The Action Option here. Just drag the icon into the Action’s Workspace.

6. For the pedestrian there are 3 events that you need to set up, which are ‘Create’, ‘Alarm’ and, ‘Step’. The number and the variables will depend on the size of your model and the speed of your pedestrian movement. 90

7. The next object that you need to set is the Train Station. The important setting of Station is to generate pedestrian from random position (360 degrees). You can do it using ‘Step’ events and using ‘Create instance of object...(the pedestrian object)’. Step

8. The last object is the Ground Plane. There is no event or action that needs to set up. Just remember to tick ‘Solid’ in dialogue box, as it will be a solid wall. 91

GameMaker (Create Room) 9. After you created all the objects, you need to combine it together in one ‘Room.’ Just click the new ‘Room’ icon in the top toolbar. First, you need to place the Ground object in the room.

Create a New Room Pick the Object that you want to put here Guide on how you place those obbjects.

10. The next step is to placed the Train Station in the ‘Room.’ It will be the placed where all the pedestrians come from.


GameMaker (Animation) 11. This are the animation that you will get when you click the ‘Play’ button. It will illustrate the pedestrian movement on the site. By using thise animation, you cold analyse the connectivity of the roads there.

Play Button


UCL Depthmap

Analyze the circulation and pedestrian movement of a suburb using an educational software called UCL Depth Map.


Analyze the Visibility and Circulation of Street 1. In this example, we will use Chadstone as the example suburb that we will analyze. First, open the GIS file of Chadstone. Just keep the building block and street, so remove or hide the other layers. Then save the file to DXF, as ‘UCL Depthmap’ can’t read CAD drawing.

2. Open ‘UCL Depthmap’. It’s an educational software that you can download at http:// However, you need to register first, which may required 2 weeks before they accept your request. 95

3. Import the DXF file into the ‘UCL Depthmap.’ It is located under ‘Map’ in the top toolbar.

4. Set up the grid for the drawing. It will set up on a default spacing line, depends on your file’s size.

This dialogue box will appear after you click ‘Set Grid.’


Visibility Graph 5. Then, you need to paint the streets using the ‘Paint Bucket.’ It will automatically paint all the steets that are connected.

This dialogue box will appear after you click ‘Run Visibility Graph Analysis.’

6. After that you could run ‘Visibility Graph’. It will analyze which streets that are more visible than others. Brighter colour means the streets is more visible.


Circulation Graph 7. The next one, we want to analyze the pedestrian circulation in Chadstone. You could do it using ‘Agent Analysis.’ It can calculate from random position, or from certain location. So for example, if you want to analyze people movement from train station, you just need to highlight the location of the station.

In here, you could set up the settings for the analysis, such as the time and how many agents that you want to release You could select release from any location or selected locations

8. This are the pedestrian circulation that you will get. Same rules with the visibility graph, which the brighter colour means more people go through that part of the streets. 98

Export the Graph 9. You can save the graph in ‘UCl Depthmap’ by using ‘Export Screen.’ Save it as eps., which you could open on ‘Adobe Illustrator,’ then save it as pdf. from there.

10. These are the final graph that you can use for your presentation.


Real-time 3D View of Agent Analysis 11. Another advantage of using ‘Agent Analysis’ is that you can see the movemet of the pedestrians interactively in 3D view.

12. In 3D view you can manually add people to walk. They will walk randomly on the streets. It will give you an indication, which part of the streets that are more livable. 100

Analyze the Connectivity of the Streets using Axial Map 1. The next advantage of ‘UCl Depthmap’ is that you can analyze the connectivity of each street. For this axial map, you need to set up your GIS Cad file to only have the street’s lines. After importing the DXF drawing, you need to set up the map aas an ‘Axial map.’

2. Then after that you need to ‘Convert New Map’ to Axial Map, which will give each line a colour.


3. Now, you can run ‘Axial Analysis’, which is located under ‘Tool’ in the top toolbar.

You could set up the the settings of the axial map here.

Each streets will have a different value.

4. After you run the ‘Axial Analysis’, you will get all the street’s lines in different colour, which indicate the value of each street, If you point your mouse into 1 street, it will show you the value of that street. 102

Photogrammetry (Photofly) Creating an object by using only images in Photofly by Autodesk.


Capture Series of Photo and Upload to Photofly 1. First, take series of photo of one object. Capture the photos in 360 degrees rotation, so you will get full 3D-view of the photos. Make sure your photo is overlap each other, so the software could read the similarities between them.

2. Open ‘Photofly’. It is a photogrammetry software developed by Autodesk. It is a free software that you can download at http://labs. After tht, upload your photos into the program by clicking ‘Crete a new Photo Scene.’ 104

3. After you upload your photos, ‘Photofly will process your data. It will take several minutes. The processing time depends on number if images that you upload and the size of them.

4. When the uploading process is done, it will give you 3D view of your model. The accuracy of the model relates to the quality of your images.

Images that they don’t use. It cause by low quality photos or the software can’t find the overlapping between these images.


Change the Display Setting 5. You could change the appearance of the 3D model, from wireframe into images, by clicking the ‘Display Setting’ icon in the top right corner

Change the display here. You could pick between wireframe and images.

6. If you want to see full photos of a certain view, you could use ‘Photo Lock’. It will give you the background context of the 3D model.


Full Rotation of 3D Model 7. As the model is in 3D, you could rotate it on 360 degrees. The camera images in the viewport show the position of the camera when the images were taken.

Zoom in/out Rotate

8. The default mesh quality of the 3D model is draft. You can change the quality to maximum, so you will get better model and texture. If you change the quality, the software will process again your images, just like when you upload it at the first time.

Change the mesh quality here 107

Export into Another File 9. You could also export the model into another file, so you can open it on another program. CAD and FBX are two examples of file’s type that you can choose from.

10. In here, i open the file in 3ds Max. Although it is not a perfect model, it will give a rough idea about the form of the model. 108

Photogrammetry (Hypr3D) Generate an object automatically by using only images or video in a web-based program called Hypr 3D. Then export the file into Max


Upload a Video into Hyper 3D 1. Go to Hyper 3D website on https://www. It is a free web-based photogrammetry program. It will create a 3D model from series of photos or videos. After you sign up in the website, you could upload your photos or video.

2. For this tutorial, i’m using a video of my small furniture model. I took the videos in 360 degrees rotation, so i could capture the model in complete view. To start, just click ‘Upload’ button in the top right corner. Then just follow several easy steps to upload the video. Remember to have at least 5mb video file, in order to get better model.


3. After you upload the video, the program will process it. The processing time depends on the size of your video.

4. Then, when the processing stage is finished, the model will be shown in the web. You can rotate or zoom in or out the model. Full screen button. In addition, you could also see the model in full screen view.


Change the Display Setting 5. You could also change the display view of the model into wireframe or point cloud object.


Wireframe Model

Wireframe Point Cloud

Point Cloud Object


Download the Model 6. The model in Hypr 3D is downloadable. You could save it into 3D file. For a file’s type that can be read in 3ds Max, just save it as .DAE (Collada).

7. The last step is just to import the file into 3ds Max.


Photogrammetry (Video Trace)

Create a 3D model from video by using a software called Video Trace. Then, export the model into 3ds Max.


Trace a Video 1. Open a ‘Video Trace’ program. It is a free software where you can download at http:// Just register and they will send you the link to download the software.

2. Click ‘New’ to create a new project. Then, you can pick the video or sequences of images that will be the basis for the tracing part.

This option box will appear after you click new file. In here you need to select the video or images.


3. After you select a video, the program will track the points in your video. The program finds the overlap or similarities on your images or video.

They will ask about the tracking option. Just click yes to use the default setting. However, you could also edit the setting, such as to increase ‘Feature Fidelity.’

4. Then, the software will perfom a tracking process. It will take several minutes.


5. This is the appearance that you will get after the tracking process. There is a time slider at the bottom window. You can slide it, to see the time-lapse of the video.

6. Then you can start to trace the image using the drawing tools at the left window. Drawing Tools. They are quite simple and easy to use, so just play with those tools.


7. After you finish trace the object, try to move the time-lapse. If you trace the object neatly, you will realize that the tracings follow the movement of the object. However if the tracings do not follow the movement correctly, it means that you need to fix your tracings.

When you slide the time-lapse, the tracing follow the movement


Export the Model into 3ds File 8. If you already happy with the tracing part, then you can export the file into a other file, that is readable in other 3D software. The best file type would be .3ds, as you could open it in almost every software.

9. Final step is just to import the file into 3ds Max. In there you apply further modify and map a material on the model.


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