elRowville liRowville vwoR
200 032 322 223
Research Location of shopping marts
Rowville is located 27kms south east of Melbourne cbd. Primarily a resendatial areasurrounded by office building One of the fastest growing suburbs in melbourne over the last 20 years Mostly car dependent area, with the average household owning 2 - 6 cars
Within 0 - 4km area, there are total of 4 main shopping precints, one of which is less the a year old. A total of 6 supermrkets are located within the 2km radius, not including service stations convenience store. There are no tram and train services in or out of Rowville, only a limited bus service.
Age type of Rowville Population
Household type of Rowville Population
FoodPr oduct i on Gr aph
Our proposalf or thevei l2032 proj ecti s to provi dethetown ofRowvi l l ea
f resh f ood del i veryservi ce
thatof f ers both conveni enceas wel las havi ng an envi ronment aland soci al l ysust ai nabl e sol uti on to a f uturewi th l ess car dependency.
twop artsystem
sa thati nvol ves theconsumer Theproposali bei ng an acti vep arti n thel ocaleconomytheref oresupporti ng l ocal busi nesses.
Partonei s a del i veryservi cethatprovi des theci ti zens ofRowvi l l edoor to door conveni encewi th del i veryofthei r weekl ygroceryshoppi ng. • Mi ddl eman wi l ldel i ver custom groceryorders to thecustomers house, theref oreel i mi nati ng theneed f or theeverydayhousehol d travelto the supermarketvi a thei r car.
l lal so reducetheneed f or pl asti c or even canvas bag,as the • Thesystem wi del i veryservi cewi l luse( and reuse)cardboard del i veryboxes to each househol d whi ch can bereturned to mi ddl eman f or repeated useor can be 100% recy cl ed
Thesecond p artto theMi ddl eman servi ces wi l lbea growi ty oursel f programme,whi ch wi l lencouragepeopl eto grow thei r own producei n thei r home. •Excess producesuch as f rui t,veget abl eand herbs can then becol l ected bytheMi ddl eman and then redi stri buted amongstRowvi l l e communi ty. l lbea qual i tycontrolto checkthest andard oftheproducethat •Therewi peopl ehavegrown or make. •Thef resh producethattheyhavemade,wi l lberewarded bya credi tthatthey can useto p ayf or thei r del i veryf ood.Thecredi twi l lbei nst antl ydeposi ti nto thei r phonecredi t,whi ch wi l lusef or thef ood del i veryp aymentmethod.
Service Map
Daily Service Hours
Map (Distribution& Delivery Zones)
Service Mobile Commerce Payment System
• The energy required for compressing air is produced at large centralized plants, making it less costly and more effective to manage carbon emissions than from individual vehicles.
• Compressed air engines reduce the cost of vehicle production by about 20%, because there is no need to build a cooling system, spark plugs, starter motor, or mufflers.
• The rate of self-discharge is very low opposed to batteries that deplete their charge slowly over time. • Compressed-air vehicles emit few pollutants.
• Reduction or elimination of hazardous chemicals.
Persona 1
Sal l yCol dwel l Age:72 Occup ati on:reti ree Li vi ng St atus:wi dow,l i vi ng al one,smal l house Bef ore: twal ka l otand rel i es to her • Shecan’ car,al though i t’ s dangerous f or her. • Thesupermarkets arecl osed buti t t akes ti mef or her to f i nd p arkthere. • Shegoes to supermarketeveryday,to getthef resh f ood. • Shedoesn’ tl i kethecrowd’ s condi ti ons i n thesupermarket. Af ter • Shecan st ayathomewai ti ng f or the groceri es to arri ve. • Havemoreti meto prep aref oods. • Grows a veget abl egarden,whi ch i s under our program of“grow i ty our sel f . ” • Moresati sf acti on usi ng her own grown f ood.
Sal l y Col dwel l
Bef ore
Af t er
Persona 2
Ben Worsnop Age:19 Occup ati on:student,p artti mewai ter Li vi ng st atus:f l at ti ng wi th two other peopl e Bef ore: ten go outa l otto p arty. • Of • Easti nst antf ood,whi ch i s unheal thy. • Too busyto go proper grocery shoppi ng. Af ter • Encouragehi m to cookwi th hi sf l at mates athome. thaveto go thesupermarket. • Doesn’ • Bet ter appreci ati on to f ood. • Grows l emon trees i n thei r back y ard.
Ben W orsnop
Bef ore
Af t er
Persona 3
DaneFord Age:32 Occup ati on:f ul l ti meof f i cecl erk Li vi ng st atus:si ngl e,Li vi ng Al one Bef ore • Busyatwork. thaveti meand energyto go to the • Don’ supermarket. • Heenj oyed cooki ng;however,he doesn’ thaveti mef or that. Af ter • Doesn’ thaveto buyanymoref ood af ter work. though hesti l lti red af ter work,he • Al has thegroceri es readyathometo cook. • Hei nvests i n a smal lherb garden i n hi s ki t chen bench.
Dane Ford Bef ore
Af t er
Persona 4
Rebecca Boardman Age:35 Occup ati on:unempl oyed,housewi f e Li vi ng st atus:f ami l yoff our,l i vi ng i na regul ar to l argesi zed house Bef ore otofti merunni ng errands i n • Spend a l and around thehouse,mostl ythe grocery shoppi ng • Buyf ood morethan her need. • Dri ves bi gf ourwheeldri ve,whi ch costa l otf or thepetrol . ter ti ri ng groceri es shoppi ng,shesti l l • Af haveto cookf or a f ami l ydi nner Af ter • Mi ddl eman doi ng groceri es shoppi ng f or her • Moreti meto do another househol d works,especi al l ycooki ng f or her f ami l y. • Recei ves f ood f or whatsheonl yneeds. • Encourages her f ami l yto eatheal thi er. • Grow veget abl es i n her back y ard,whi ch i n theother hand i tgets thechi l dren l earn aboutmoreenvi ronment al l y sust ai nabl e.
Rebecca Boardman Bef ore
Af t er
Concl usi on
Concl usi on • Economi cal l y,theservi cewi l lbesubsi di sed bythosewho p arti ci p atei n thegrow i ty oursel fprogramme • Thesystem ensures thatRowvi l l eremai ns a l ocal l ysel f suf f i ci enttown, and wi l ll i mi ttheamountofi mported produce,theref orereduci ng the carbon f ootpri ntcauses bydel i verytrucks and vehi cl es. i evethesystem i s sust ai nabl ei ni ts abi l i tyto grow bey ond Rowvi l l e. • Webel I t’ s potenti alto bei mpl emented and devel oped el sewherei s endl ess. •I tprovi des notonl yconveni ence,butal so a greener sol uti on to a worl d wi thoutcars. •I teducates peopl ei n theneed to consumel ess,and to bri ng senseof communi tyvi a thef ood i ndustry.
Bi bl i ography
ht tp: / / cbsnews. com/ stori es/ 2004/ 07/ 22/ tech/ mai n631231. shtml ht tp: / / metl i nkmel bourne. com. au ht tp: / / www. bankrate. com/ brm/ news/ cc/ 20050329. asp ht tp: / / www. doi . vi c. gov. au/ doi / doi el ect. nsf / 2a6bd98dee287482ca256915001cf f 0 c/ 9c4d701f c71062944a2569cf 0082c3af / $FI LE/ ROWVI LLE. pdf tp: / / www. doi . vi c. gov. au/ doi / doi el ect. nsf / 2a6bd98dee287482ca256915001cf f 0 ht c/ 8393d1e12a9968814a2569d800294f 34/ $FI LE/ Rowvi l l e. pdf ht tp: / / www. Futuremel bourne. com/ wi ki / vi ew/ FMPl an/ S2G6P1Ef f ecti veAndI ntegrate dPubl i cTransport ht tp: / / www. geeksaresexy. net/ 2008/ 04/ 17/ vi rtual cashconnecti ons/ ht tp: / / www. gopeti ti on. com/ rowvi l l erai l wayl i nebui l di tnow. html ht tp: / / www. mi l burnmedi a. com/ arti cl esAug05_ i mporte