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konect December 2013 / January 2014

& Offersers h c vou local from ses s busine


FOUR PAGES of special offer vouchers from local businesses! FEATURE Local Lollipop Legends


beauty treatment at Facelook Beauty for all Konect readers!

plus local businesses, community information and more!

The community magazine for Livingston


433 333


or less anywhere in livingston £1 Surcharge for Industrial Estates

24 Hour Service

Saloons | Doblos | 5, 6, 7 & 8 Seaters Wheelchair Access Taxicards Welcome £5 or less - Dedridge, Howden Livingston Village, Craigshill, Ladywell, Eliburn, Knightsridge, Deans £6 or less - Pumpherston, Uphall Station £7 or less - Murieston Edinburgh Airport Edinburgh Central Glasgow Airport Glasgow Central Terms and conditions apply

Editor’s Message We're excited to include four pages of vouchers with special offers from local businesses in the month's magazine. They are mainly for use in January when you're all spent-out from Christmas shopping, although some of them are valid in December too so take a careful look through. We're impressed that so many local businesses responded to our call for special offers to help our readers through the lean month of January. Hang onto this issue of Konect and use your vouchers in January. You also need it to get your free beauty treatment at Facelook Beauty on the 16th December, see page 63. We like to celebrate local people, and our writer Yvonne has been out talking to some local school crossing patrol people to find out more about their job and how they survive it in the winter, see her article on page 8. The crossword isn't a competition this month, but do turn to the voucher pages towards the back of the magazine for a fantastic range of special offers. Thanks for reading Konect, have a great festive season and we'll be back in 2014 with the February issue.

Helen-Jane, Editor hj@konectdirectory.co.uk 07854 492638


Features Local Lollipop Legends 8 Scottish Medical Supplies 14 Property Matters 28 Step by Step 46 Vouchers 55, 57, 59, 61 Regulars Thought for the Month 16 Chrisselle's Column 20



Style Recipe and Food Notes Technology Competitions and Puzzles Crossword and sudoku Community What's on Useful Information Clubs & Classes Index of Advertisers

36 44 48 50 52 54 56 62

The Konect Directory is delivered to 20,000 homes throughout Livingston, alternating between two areas of 10,000 homes each. Copies are also left at libraries, community centres, convenience stores, post offices and other locations throughout Livingston.

Advertising enquiries: Jenny Thomson 07824 469266 jenny@konectdirectory.co.uk Charlene Gaffney 07772 941899 charlene@konectdirectory.co.uk Advert booking deadline: 10th of the month prior to print Artwork/copy deadline: 13th of the month prior to print

Front cover photograph by Yvonne Macmillan: Margaret, Lollipop lady in Dechmont

To advertise call Jenny on 07824 469266 or Charlene on 07772 941899



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FREEPHONE 0800 247 1187 6-10 Glasgow Road Bathgate EH48 2AA

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The Beauty Spot is delighted to introduce the new CACI ultimate machine. Treatments include: microdermabrasion, non surgical face lifts, active acne, wrinkle revolution and much more...

20% off all CACI treatments on presentation of this advert We also specialise in Calgel, Shellac, Laurens Way, HD Eyebrows, semi permanent lash extensions, hair ups, blowdrys, makeup and much more...



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The Beauty Spot 1 Cousland Terrace/1a Redhouse Road Seafield 01506 638080 / 01506 636262 www.the-beauty-spot-seafield.co.uk To advertise call Jenny on 07824 469266 or Charlene on 07772 941899


Joinery | Painting | Tiling | Sash Window Repairs etc

‘No job too small’...we will even change a light bulb. Kris Keegan Proprietor

Kris Keegan

Proprietor 9 Rosehill Place t. 07988 682 609

t. 07988 682 609e. info@westlothianhandyman.co.uk Eliburn, Livingston

e. info@westlothianhandyman.co.uk EH54 7DW w. www.westlothianhandyman.co.uk w.www.westlothianhandyman.co.uk


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Under new management

Computerised Injection (virtually pain free) Intraoral camera /caries detector Laser dental treatment Up to 40% OFF private dental treatment

We are now registering new NHS, Denplan and Private patients

To advertise call Jenny on 07824 469266 or Charlene on 07772 941899



Local Lollipop Legends


Dechmont infants have been lucky enough to get a road safety demonstration and talk from their Lollipop man, thanks to a bit of arm twisting by teaching staff. The long summer break is perfect for caravan holidays with the grandchildren, a spot of DIY, and his passion for glass engraving - Celtic Knot designs mainly - and Sam’s looking forward (he thinks) to his first winter as a Lollipop man.

Winter has a nasty habit of throwing everything at us – bucketing rain, gale-force winds, ice, snow, hail and sub-zero temperatures. But not even winter’s worst will stop that hardy band of individuals, School Crossing Patrol Guides, who, like good old Santa and his reindeer, take it all in their stride. The UK–wide School Crossing Service reached its 60th anniversary in 2013 - the first patrollers pounded the pavements of London the year of the Queen’s Coronation in 1953, and ever since, School Crossing Guides or Lollipop ladies and men, help make crossing to and from school safer. Taking a teeth-chattering plunge into West Lothian council’s pool of 82 permanent guides and 11 reserve guides, I met Sam, Margaret, Cameron and Edith - each wearing more layers than a well-wrapped Christmas present.

Sam, Dechmont's lollipop man Sam Fotheringham is the Lollipop man outside Dechmont Infant School and Nursery. A resident of Carmondean, and originally from Glasgow, Sam retired after 30 years as an Operations Controller with Lothian and Borders Police, and before that, served 12 years in the Air Force. Never saw himself as a Lollipop man, he tells me, but took to it like a duck to water and enjoys it immensely - “But another uniform!” The school, nursery and parents welcomed Sam with open arms when his Lollipop duties began in June this year, starting with an invitation to their Garden Party in celebration of the Infant School’s 100th anniversary. And the


By Yvonne MacMillan

Margaret, Dechmont's lollipop lady Still in Dechmont, mid-way along Main Street, Lollipop lady Margaret Keenan meets the school-bus children coming and going to Kirkhill Primary and Broxburn Academy. From Knightsridge, cat-mad Margaret’s been pulling on the high-viz yellow coat now for 16 years, and “loves every minute”. Born in South-East London and accent intact, first Selkirk became home for many years before settling in Livingston almost three decades ago. She worked in the Civil Service until taking compulsory retirement at 60, but not ready to stop working, looked around, and found the School Crossing Service. What’s most enjoyable about being a Lollipop lady? “You get the joy of the children,” she tells me, “and a chat with mums and dads.” A medal-winning ballroom dancer in her younger days, Margaret’s glued to the TV for Strictly Come Dancing on Saturday nights, “Wish I was up there with them”. Are the school holidays a chance to take it easy? There’s always plenty to do, she explains, like days out at the shops, and sometimes, with a friend, off they waltz to France and Belgium on coach trips. p10

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To advertise call Jenny on 07824 469266 or Charlene on 07772 941899


Feature (continued) p8

Cameron, Pumpherston & Uphall Station's lollipop man Pumpherston and Uphall Station Primary School’s Lollipop man is Cameron McConnachie. A military policeman in the TA, on and off, for 18 years, and plumber/ foreman with the council for many years, on retiring Cameron swapped his spanner for a Lollipop and the great outdoors. So, in this job for 2 years, what does he get from it? Tremendous satisfaction is top of the list, he says, because you’re helping the children, “And you get to know people in the community”. Invitations to school on special occasions are a bonus and great fun and, no, bad weather doesn’t bother him, he enjoys being outside - just digs out the balaclava. When not on duty he volunteers with the British Red Cross, visiting people in their homes when they get discharged from hospital. Thinking back to his own schooldays, Cameron, a born-and-bred Kirknewton man, remembers cracking games of Hide-and-Seek.

Charleston. Known to the youngsters as Mrs Charleston or the Lollipop lady, for 40 years Edith has been guiding generations of rosy-cheeked Kirknewton children safely across the road. “I love it,” she says. The children make her laugh, “It’s not what they say, it’s the way they say it.” What made her apply for the job? The then Head teacher, Mr Donaldson, she explains, advertised for a School Crossing Patrol Guide because of his concerns for the children’s safety when a national experiment not to change the clocks began. It meant darker mornings when children were going to school. And how different the village looked back then – fields where houses now stand, and less traffic, but street lights were few and far between, making the place as black as a first-footer’s lump of coal. Edith, whose two sons attended the school, felt the job would fit round family life and was amazed to find, “I was the only applicant!” And worst winter as a Lollipop lady? A couple of recent ones spring to mind she says, freezing conditions and snow piled high for weeks on end, everyone had to walk on the road. Does the winter weather put her off? “No,” says Edith, “I just think of summer.” Happy anniversary, School Crossing Patrol Guides, wherever you are!

Lollipop Facts The “lollipop” sign began as a rectangle and changed to the round shape in the 1960s. The black strip on the round lollipop sign is used to record, with chalk, the registration numbers of motorists who don’t stop. It’s an offence, under UK law, if a motorist fails to stop when signalled to do so by a patroller.

Edith, Kirknewton's lollipop lady. At Kirknewton Primary - where Cameron once ran round in short trousers and skint knees – the Lollipop lady is Edith


In the past, patrollers only had the authority to stop the traffic for children. But the Transport Act 2000 changed the law, so that a patroller now has the authority to stop the traffic for any pedestrian.

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To advertise call Jenny on 07824 469266 or Charlene on 07772 941899



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To advertise call Jenny on 07824 469266 or Charlene on 07772 941899


Spotlight on:

Scottish Medical Supplies


Scottish Medical Supplies Ltd opened its doors on 2nd April this year (much hindered by the weather) to provide a vital, reliable and ethical one-stop-shop for mobility and care needs. We have run the Mobility Tyres outlet and website at Whitburn for five years, providing sales, service & repairs, batteries, tyres, tubes and various bits and pieces, including wet weather gear, bags and walking aids. I wanted to progress the company and had been trying to source the perfect premises for a while - I found it! We now have fantastic new purpose-built premises to showcase our range of scooters, riser/recliner chairs, shoes and slippers for swollen feet, home nursing and daily living aids and much more. The new shop at the west end of Bathgate, on the A89, has car parking, disabled access ramp and toilet and is serviced by both local and county buses, with bus stops on either side of the Glasgow Road within 50 yards of the premises. We are the last shop on the way out of Bathgate – or the first on the way in! An extension to the premises is due for completion mid December, and will allow us to stock home nursing and adjustable beds, and a much larger range of riser recliner and high back chairs. Scooter repairs and servicing, including supplier approved warranty work, will always be available to buyers of powered and mechanical/electrical products. The business already has a large client base, with annual servicing and an onsite engineering presence much valued, something sadly lacking with many mobility companies these days. 14

By Lorraine Hadden

Most minor repairs can be carried out at the home address, however we have a workshop for more complex repairs. Local collection and delivery are all part of the service. A range of Riser Recliner Chairs, as well as Fireside chairs, most of which are made in Britain, can be supplied within 3-5 working days, as well as a bespoke service for those not in such a hurry! Recliner/Comfi chairs for pressure relief, and comfi porter chairs for use in nursing and care facilities are available - these can be ordered with specialist pressure care and breathable continence fabric. The range can accommodate up to 70 stone user weight. A dedicated shoe fitting area is being developed within the mobility shop, supplying modern male and female styles of shoes and slippers for swollen feet. Lastly, pressure care products such as nursing beds, mattresses and toppers will also be a priority once the premises extension is complete. Wheelchair cushions and smaller items will be available in the meantime, along with continence and toileting aids. Such is the vast array of products in the mobility sector, SMS Ltd will endeavour to meet most people’s needs, and they can be conďŹ dent of excellent after sales service. Come in and see us! Andrew and Lorraine Opening times: Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm Saturday 10am - 4pm Tel 01506 638160 / 01501 744999

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Scottish Medical Supplies Ltd 133 Glasgow Road, Bathgate, EH48 2QW


● Shoes & slippers for swollen feet ● Riser Recliners ● High Back Chairs ● Home Nursing Beds ● Pressure Care mattresses/cushions ● Kylie continence products ● Daily Living Aids ● New & used scooters ● Service & Repair ● Stockists of batteries, tyres & spares (Parking and disabled facilities on site)

01506 638160 ● 01501 744999 info@scottishmedicalsupplies.co.uk SUPPLIERS TO NURSING HOMES AND SHELTERED ACCOMODATION To advertise call Jenny on 07824 469266 or Charlene on 07772 941899


Thought for the Month


It was a beautiful autumn day, hard frost, clear blue sky and good forecast for the evening, albeit cold. I spent the day doing usual Sunday things, not nervous but looking forward to the event. There were about 20 of us raising money for charity but also there to try something new. Firewalking is a healing experience. This surprised me. It has been practised for centuries by millions, without injury. For me it was about human potential and mind over matter. It began with a ceremony of meditation, identifying what you wanted to let go of and what you wanted to grow in yourself. We all shared in the lighting of the fire and continued in the pre-ceremony building energy before the walk. The embers were red hot and spread out by the rake ready

Firewalk for Bosom Buds of Scotland charity By Tina Gilbert

for us. We were advised how to walk over; don’t dip your toe in!! One by one they walked over calmly. I went to walk and couldn’t, others walked and then I looked at my limiting beliefs and decided to break free of them and off I went. The energy was magical, what seemed impossible was possible. I am not sure how it works, there are many theories; simply breaking free of your mind, facing fears is a liberating experience. This Christmas, a time of giving, joy, abundance perhaps give something to charity; your time or a donation. Maybe even plan something you have always wanted to do and break free of limiting beliefs of the mind. Have a good festive season. Yogamed.co.uk Bosombudsofscotland.org


STUDIO 01506 883425 Fully qualified hair stylists All hair and beauty services Open late Thusdays Client loyalty cards

20% OFF

any hair service over £15 with this advert

Unit 1, Redcraig Road, East Calder, EH53 0QJ 16

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Treat youself to a clean and shining new smile. Good dental hygiene can effect your whole body and make you fee great.

Regular Hygiene £31 Air Gloss Polish £47 9 East Main Street Broxburn EH52 5AB

Smokers Turn back the Clock £65 If you would like an appointment please give us a call, we would love to see you

Telephone: 01506 857717

Shortlisted for


Ready for winter? Give your feet some TLC with a treatment at Livingston Chiropody & Podiatry – your local foot care specialist. Call now for an appointment

01506 466 006 Livingston Chiropody & Podiatry 4 Bankton Square Murieston Livingston EH54 9EY

To advertise call Jenny on 07824 469266 or Charlene on 07772 941899



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FOR ALL YOUR MOBILITY NEEDS Whether you need help to get around the house or out and about, our experienced team can help with all your mobility needs. Family owned and operated since 1994

0800 169 5182

0131 440 4225 Showroom Opening Times Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm Saturday 10am - 4pm Unit 13-16, 32 Dryden Road, Bilston Glen Industrial Estate, Loanhead, Edinburgh, EH20 9LZ www.med-ecosse.co.uk medeco67@aol.com

Accredited Motability Dealer

To advertise call Jenny on 07824 469266 or Charlene on 07772 941899


Chrisselle's Column


I’m a firm believer in letting people follow their dreams, however out-there they may be, and with the New Year just around the corner I thought that December would be the perfect month to discuss this and just how important it is for us to encourage people, especially youngsters to follow their hearts when it comes to how they want to live their future. In an economy that’s not the best in the world, it can be hard to let young people be young – we all want the best for our loved ones, but sometimes the best isn’t always a 9-5 job or a college application. Sometimes, the best is to let them be the best version of themselves that they can be, and if that happens to include the following of dreams that you may think are unrealistic, then so be it.

'Tis The Season By Chrisselle Mowatt

The world didn’t get to where it is now by people being told that the couldn’t do things that weren’t the ‘norm’, it got here by people being brave and brilliant enough to think outside of the box. In today’s society I think it’s getting harder and harder for these people to exist because there is always someone standing over them to hit them back down to reality. That has to change. So, as the New Year approaches keep your mind and heart open to new ideas and don’t ever stop believing in yourself or your loved ones. I hope you all have a blessed Christmas and a happy and safe Hogmanay, whatever you do. Lots of love, Chrisselle xo

The Wellbeing Centre in Carmondean has

rooms available to rent Would be suitable for self employed Yoga, Pilates, Physio, Hair Extention Technician, Sports.

For further information, please contact Janet on 07908 413126

Crafty Pedlars workshops

Craft classes in a beautiful Gallery near West Calder.

Fancy learning how to knit, improve your sewing skills or learn bookbinding? A wide variety of classes available, all with friendly experienced tutors. Tel. 01506 870145 www.craftypedlarsworkshops.co.uk


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Christmas Celebrations in Bathgate Saturday 7th December 12noon – 5.30pm in the Steelyard and Pedestrian Precinct Entertainment for all the family organised by West Lothian Council. 12:30 : Santa Parade Leaves Balbardie Primary School at 12.30pm. Parade along Torphichen Street, Hopetoun Street, North Bridge Street, South Bridge Street to Steelyard. 1pm - 4pm : Street Entertainment for all the

family in the Steelyard Face painting, street entertainers, birds of prey, visit Santa in his grotto.

4pm for 4.15pm : Torchlight Procession 4.45pm - 5.15pm (Approx) : Carol Service and

Christmas Tree Lights switch-on.

To advertise call Jenny on 07824 469266 or Charlene on 07772 941899


Bathroom Studio Bathgate Quality, Choice and Service at an Affordable Price

COMPRISING: Quality Bathroom Suite

A Complete Bathroom Refurbishment

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All supplied and fitted by our expert installation team

West Lothian’s Most Experienced Bathroom Specialists To arrange a free quotation call in to our newly extended showroom at

10 Hopetoun Street, BATHGATE, EH48 4EU or T:

01506 632913

E: quotes@bathgatebathrooms.com


OPENING HOURS: Monday to Friday 10am – 4pm | Saturday 10am – 3pm | Wednesday 10am - 1pm ( Or by appointment )


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To advertise call Jenny on 07824 469266 or Charlene on 07772 941899


Mackenzie Contracts Complete bathroom fitting

Wet rooms a speciality

Special care bathrooms No call-out charge Supply & fit or fit only

Contact Alistair on 01506 872647 or 07967 584412

Braekirk Decorator’s

First class decorator

64 Braekirk Avenue, Kirknewton, EH27 8BL

Interior and Exterior work Wallpaper hanging

Call Willie Jamieson 07779 186298 maryjamieson64@googlemail.com

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Home Extensions & Brick Stone work Extensions Sunrooms Garages (conversions) Porches Renovations/alterations Chimney repairs Patio/driveways Garden walls Stonework/lime pointing Architect services

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Tel: 01506 491399 Mobile: 07879 462298 Free quotes available on request

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All trades supplied ALL WORK IS GUARANTEED

0131 453 6259 07931 101 523

www.deanjonesbuildingservices.co.uk 24

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Need a new boiler?

Call: MECH-A-TECH Est.1986

TEL: 01501 763428 For a FREE quotation

Red Hot

WINDOWS Unit 1, Mosshall Ind Estate Blackburn, EH47 7LY

01506 630036

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No obligation FREE QUOTES Local Business

Fencing • Decking • Removals Regular Garden Maintenance • Garden Design • Clearance and more.... Call Dan now on: 07970 700192 dgreaves@hotmail.com To advertise call Jenny on 07824 469266 or Charlene on 07772 941899


YourÊLocalÊWestÊLothianÊLocksmithÊ Ê  UPVC Patio Door Repairs  Lock Changes/Upgrades

I provide expert advice on all building projects with a free consultation to determine viability.

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01506 238048 Or Call Tom On

07542781131 For All Your Security Needs www.caledonianlocksmiths.co.ukÊ

Contact: Geoff Vinter 07817 073 577 Joinery 01506 414 573 All types of joinery work including: Doors, Floors, Skirtings & Facings Kitchens, Custom Built Fitted Wardrobes, Decking & Fencing


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To advertise call Jenny on 07824 469266 or Charlene on 07772 941899


Property Matters “Don’t wait till Spring!” By Craig Turpie


As we find ourselves in the middle of the dark winter months, there is usually the feeling that it would probably be best to wait until the spring before putting your property on the market. After all, spring is traditionally associated with a time of change and this has always had a bearing on the property market. However, we would urge some caution on this. Firstly, serious buyers do not give up over the Winter, and can even become frustrated by lack of choice as many properties are withdrawn from the market over Christmas in the mistaken belief that nobody will be looking at this time of year. You can take advantage of this temporary imbalance of supply and demand by being one of the properties that is actually new on the market! Whilst viewing activity may be slightly less frenetic, you can be assured that every viewing will count, as you will only be dealing with serious buyers. Many sellers will inevitably wait until the spring before putting their property on the market – which could flood the market and potentially thwart prices. However, the current backlog of frustrated buyers are already looking today.


Pool & Spa Services By DFM Design


Pool & Spa Services By DFM Design

Williamsons Garden Centre Uphall, Broxburn EH52 6PA 01506 811170 www.dfmdesign.co.uk

rm with retail ng 10 years of ot tubs, swim he building of nd enclosures.







Williamsons Garden Centre Uphall, Broxburn EH52 6PA 01506 811170 www.dfmdesign.co.uk

Established family firm with retail showroom. Celebrating 10 years of excellence in the supply of hot tubs, swim spas and chemicals plus the building of swimming pools and enclosures.







& Spa Services So if you arePool contemplating selling in By DFM Design the next 6 months, we suggest you take advantage of the situation, be strategic, and position your property for an early sale at a time when demand is likely to outstrip supply – which is about now! Williamsons Garden Centre Uphall, Broxburn EH52 6PA 01506 811170 www.dfmdesign.co.uk

Established family firm with retail showroom. Celebrating 10 years of excellence in the supply of hot tubs, swim spas and chemicals plus the building of swimming pools and enclosures.






Established family firm with retail showroom. Celebrating 10 years of excellence in the supply of hot tubs, swim spas and chemicals plus the building of swimming pools and enclosures.

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These clients switched to Turpie & Co*

On market

Previous agent

1 year

Turpie & Co

71 days 18

On market


Previous agent

3 months


Turpie & Co

35 days 5

On market


Previous agent

6 months


Turpie & Co

39 days 4



*existing home report valid.

Telephone: 01506 668448 www.turpies.com

To advertise call Jenny on 07824 469266 or Charlene on 07772 941899


Local family-ru n busines s

Anderson Home Improvements For all your home improvement needs All trades supplied

Specialists in : Kitchens Bathrooms Windows Doors Roofline Roofs EPDM Rubber Roofs Please call Michael on

07711 240999

mj-anderson@hotmail.co.uk Improving homes all over


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To advertise call Jenny on 07824 469266 or Charlene on 07772 941899



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From the smallest jobs to the biggest projects. We can handle it.

Expertise. Reliability. Value. That’s what APHS is all about. Call 07841 922 533 or 07921 150 560 www.almondvale-plumbing.co.uk

Nu - Walls Qualified in all aspects of painting, decorating & plastering ■ internal plastering ■ external/internal painting & decorating ■ ceiling / wall replacement ■ coving All estimates free, insurance quotes welcome Established 1985 3 Turner Street, Bathgate, EH48 4AR Tel 01506 634056 or 07765 402012 nu-wallsdec@hotmail.co.uk

To advertise call Jenny on 07824 469266 or Charlene on 07772 941899


Style Column

By India Neckel

Christmas Party Dresses For Under £35!











With the Christmas season in full swing, it's the time of the Christmas parties and that means party dresses. There's something for everyone, to suit all ages and sizes. Here's what The Livingston Centre has to offer, all for under £35! Something for all ages and sizes. 1) Dorothy Perkins £25 2) Dorothy Perkins, White Lace Dress £35

6) New Look, Red Sequin Dress £24.99 7) River Island, Black Diamante Dress £35

3) H&M, Navy Lace Dress £24.99 8) River Island, Pink Ruffle Dress £35 4) Matalan, Textured Dress £16 9) Internationale, Tartan Dress £16.99 5) New Look, Blue Patterned Dress

If you would like style advice or a personal styling session. Email india.neckel@btinternet.com Facebook Page India Neckel Personal Stylist

PoP in to our store at: Party House, almondvale Centre, Livingston oPening Hours: Mon, tue, Wed, Fri, sat: 9am - 6pm thur: 9am - 7pm | sun: 10am - 5.30pm


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Turpie & Co

Wins Marketing Award


Local estate agent Turpie & Co has been recognised by its industry peers at a national awards ceremony in London this month. The firm lifted the coveted national title of Marketing Team of the Year (1-10 branches) at The Negotiator Awards for ‘innovative and stylish’ marketing and ‘strong brand awareness’. Turpie & Co was the only Scottish-based firm to win one of the 23 national award categories Speaking of the win, business owner Craig Turpie said: “I was really pleased and quite overwhelmed to win such a prestigious award. It’s a real reflection on the team here and really goes to show that their hard work on behalf of clients has paid off. From day one, we wanted the business to ‘focus on the local and on the individual’, so all our marketing and customer service has been geared towards this – understanding people, working for and communicating with them in the ways they want.” Being from West Lothian, Craig was determined from the outset to create a premium estate agency that understood the local area and one that would mean that local people would no longer have to look to Edinburgh-based firms for such a service. As Craig says, he and his staff were driven by the belief that people deserved the highest standards and that each property sold by the firm would benefit from having a specific marketing campaign that made effective use of the latest marketing ‘channels’. As part of this, Turpie & Co set out to gain an understanding of sellers by interviewing them so as to get to the heart of why they had bought their property and what they had enjoyed about living in it and in the surrounding area. It was an approach that went far beyond the ‘traditional’ featurebased marketing of properties, trying instead to unlock people’s true motivations as owners/sellers and matching them to those of prospective buyers. As Craig explains: “People who buy a property usually buy it for the same reasons that attracted the current owner or seller. Of course, once you have uncovered those motivations, you have to be able to communicate them – and that’s where the marketing skill and expertise of the team comes in. It’s also why we use the skills of other marketing specialists to enable us to

reach the widest possible audience. Things have certainly come a long way from the days when an agent could simply put up a board, take a photograph and hope that the house would somehow ‘sell’ itself.” Turpie and Co was founded in 2008, at the start of the financial crisis. In Craig’s view, this has stood the firm in good stead, making it efficient and creative: the firm has grown yearon-year and has doubled its property sales in the past 12 months. It began as a home-based business and today, the firm employs some 7 people and operates out of its high street offices on Edinburgh Road, Bathgate. Like Turpie & Co, West Lothian has changed dramatically over recent years. The new railway stations at Bathgate and Armadale have seen significant investment with large, and small, companies setting up in these areas. This has also seen mass building of new houses, which in turn brings new people to the West Lothian area and an increase in population. Changes in market conditions have created new and higher expectations of service. Turpie & Co is firmly focused on just what is happening in the locality. It’s why the firm has introduced a monthly e-newsletter, ‘Coffee Talk’, which shares not only property news but also forthcoming activities and events in the area and carries regular guest expert advice columns. The firm uses social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter and Youtube to communicate with people not only in West Lothian but around the World – reflecting many people’s preference to use these channels. It also works with local community groups and organizations such as Livingston Cricket Club and various children’s gala day committees. It is part of an approach to business that’s highly ‘local’ in the best sense of the word – recognising that business should want to be part of the local community and invest in the community. As Craig says: “It’s funny how you get to win a national award by being local – but that’s really what every business should be”. Turpie & Co is an exciting and forward thinking Estate Agency and Letting Agency based in Bathgate, West Lothian. www.turpies.com Tel:01506-668448

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Come in & join the local businesses in Konect Call Jenny on 07824 469266 jenny@konectdirectory.co.uk or Charlene on 07772 941899 charlene@konectdirectory.co.uk www.konectdirectory.co.uk 40

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Wishing all our readers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Thank you for reading Konect in 2013 and supporting local businesses We look forward to another year of interesting articles, competitions, great offers and local charity write-ups www.konectdirectory.co.uk 42

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The Coffee Cup Cafe

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To advertise call Jenny on 07824 469266 or Charlene on 07772 941899


Recipe & Food Notes


Dried fruit is good for you; it is a pleasure to eat and the fibre it adds to the diet is important. The slow release of the minerals and vitamins all dried fruits contain help foster good heart, gut, brain and muscle health. December is a good time of year to celebrate and use these foods. The new harvest is in its best condition and Christmas is a time for treats and celebration. Dried fruit is at the heart of many special dishes just now, not the least of which are Christmas Cake, mincemeat and Christmas Pudding. The story of mince-meat is connected to the Crusaders and shows how food can be changed and adapted over 700 years from a mixture of meat and spices to the sweet filling for today’s Christmas pie. Ideas for using dried fruit : • Muscatels, figs and dates are good to nibble at the end of a meal. Re -hydrated dried fruit salad folded into whipped double cream mixed 50/50 with Greek style yoghurt served with meringues make a special winter pudding. Soaking the fruit in tea, before you poach it, gives a particularly nice flavour, but do remember to take the teabag out. • Mix dates with sliced oranges and then pour caramel over them. Leave the fruit to soak in the fridge for 3 or 4 hours, if liked add a splash of orange liqueur and serve with cold clotted cream. • Almost all dried fruits can be eaten as a snack and are marketed for this,

Dried fruit

By Anne Pinkerton

attractively packaged in small quantities at a high price per kilo. It is far more economical to buy larger packs and create your own favourite mixture. Store this in a large screw-top jar and use for packed lunches, or buy the plainest muesli grain mix and make it “yours” with the addition of the dried fruit of your choice. Dried fruit also enhances and enriches savoury cooking : • Sultanas in kedgeree, spinach or fried white pudding with bacon. • Prunes are important in Cock-a-Leekie soup and are classic in rabbit, pigeon or chicken stews. Apricots add colour and texture to Lamb Tangine or Pilaf. Dried apples will make a stuffing for Roast Pork or Roast Goose and if added to pork chops baked in the oven dissolve into a sauce. Kedgeree Kedgeree any time of the year is a treat, but it is ideal for Christmas brunch. You can use smoked haddock, kippers, fresh salmon or as in this receipe hot smoked salmon. Get even more involved and follow Jamie Oliver’s tips on -line and hot smoke your own fish. (Serves 4 for a meal or 8 for breakfast.) Cooked Basmati rice:- A mug full of dry rice cooked in 1 and 1/4 its volume of water. 250gm hot smoked salmon, flaked 1 large onion finely chopped and fried in 50gm (walnut sized lump) butter till transparent. 4 eggs hard-boiled, quartered

Handful sultanas or raisins Chopped parsley Curry paste, salt, black pepper a little Tabasco, if liked. Cook the rice by your method. It must be fluffy and not wet. In a large sautĂŠ pan or frying pan, fry the onion and add the curry paste cook for a moment. Do not burn. Combine all the other ingredients and warm through. Apricot Tangine This is a vegetarian tangine and quick to cook 225gm mushrooms sliced 1 large aubergine cut in circles 1 large onion chopped 400gm tin chickpeas in water. 100gm dried apricots 2 cloves garlic 400gm tin chopped tomatoes 1 teaspoon each; Cinnamon, Cumin, Turmeric 2 teaspoons each; ground Coriander, Smoked Paprika Salt and ground black pepper Good oil for frying; olive or sunflower Chopped parsley

Devils on Horseback For a Christmas treat either with drinks before the meal or in the old traditional way as a savoury at the end of a formal meal try Devils on Horseback. They are not difficult to make and freeze well, so can be made well before you need them. You will have sticky fingers but it is worth it. 24 large stone-free prunes Branston Pickle, or your own chutney if it has bits. 12 rashers streaky bacon smoked or not as you prefer. Cocktail sticks Stuff the cavity left by the plumb stone with the lumpy bits of Branston Pickle. That is the sticky part! Stretch the bacon by smoothing it out with the back of a knife. Cut each rasher in half and the roll each prune in a half slice. Secure with a wooden cocktail stick. Freeze to store. To cook from frozen, space the devils out on a baking sheet covered in non-stick paper and bake in a hot, C180/200 oven for about 10/15 minutes. Serve cooling from the oven. Take care; the sugar in the Branston will keep very hot.

Fry onions, garlic and the spices for a minute or two. DO NOT burn. Add chickpeas, their water tomatoes, and ½ pt vegetable stock made from a cube. In another pan fry aubergines and mushrooms when brown add apricots heat them through and then combine everything and cook together gently for 10 minutes. Serve with couscous or rice, scattered with flaked almonds and chopped parsley. To advertise call Jenny on 07824 469266 or Charlene on 07772 941899


Spotlight on:

Step by Step Nursery By Step by Step


Step by Step Nursery opened in 2004. The Nursery is situated on Kirkton Campus close to Livingston Shopping Centre and many businesses in Livingston. The location is convenient for access to theM8 motorway for those who commute to work outwith Livingston. Step by Step Nursery is registered with the Care Inspectorate to provide childcare. We are a family-run business managed by the owner. Staff retention is good with staff working at Step By Step for up to 10 years. This enhances the happy atmosphere in the Nursery where children feel comfortable and relaxed. Children are allocated a key worker on the day of their first settle at Nursery. This enables key workers to form good relationships with parents and children and establish parents' views about the care of their child. Staff work with parents to focus on the child’s interests and development needs. All staff undertake training to continue their professional development and are registered with SSSC and Disclosure Scotland who monitor the suitability of staff to work with children. Our Nursery contains a baby room and 2-5 room. There is a separate sleep room. We have a Sensory Room and

Children’s Nursery

“Where your child comes first”

01506 466668

www.stepbystep-childcare.co.uk We offer flexible childcare and creche facilities. For more information contact Lynne Robertson Step by Step Nursery, Centrex House, 1 Simpson Parkway, Kirkton Campus Livingston, EH54 7BH (Opp. Lloyds Bank)

a Physical activity room for soft play, dancing and other physical activities. Our outdoor learning area is safe and secure and is used on a daily basis to allow children to enjoy being outdoors whatever the weather. There are great places for walks in the surrounding area where the children can explore in a wooded area, see the ducks on the River Almond and walk to Mill Farm to visit the animals. To enable staff to provide a range of learning based on the needs of the child we use the Pre-birth to Three Curriculum for our children aged up to 3 years and for children aged 3-5 years we move to the Curriculum for Excellence. Step by Step offers flexible childcare to suit the needs of today’s working parents. We also offer crèche facilities for emergency care from 1 hour to a half day.

Professional guitar tuition For all ages and levels

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To advertise call Jenny on 07824 469266 or Charlene on 07772 941899



How to choose a cool new camera


Stand-alone cameras have taken something of a battering in recent years, with smartphone manufacturers cramming ever more megapixels into their models. But even cutting-edge phones such as the iPhone 5s are limited in what they can do: there's only so much room for a lens and sensor in a case that's already packed with electronics - and of course they're expensive too. Many stand-alone cameras can take better pictures and shoot better video, often for considerably less cash than even the cheapest camera-toting smartphones. 1)

There are five types of cameras to consider: compacts, which are pocket- and budgetfriendly models that cost from 4) less than £100 to around £200; superzooms, which have a clever lens capable of really impressive zoom levels and cost £250 to £350; compact system cameras, which have swappable lenses but which aren't as big as digital SLR cameras and start at around £400; and digital SLRs, which tend to be the biggest and most powerful models around and can cost anything from £300 to several thousand pounds. The fifth category is stand-alone video cameras, which range from £100ish to over £1,000: many digital cameras do video too, but it isn't their primary focus. No pun intended. No matter what kind of camera you're looking at, you'll see the same numbers 2) again and again: the camera's megapixels, the lens size, and the lens aperture range. You might think that the camera with the most megapixels is going to be the best, but that isn't always the case: once you go beyond around 6 megapixels you won't notice the difference on a TV screen or in a photo print, although the more megapixels you have the bigger the resulting images will be and the more hard disk space you'll need to store them. The figure isn't meaningless, but it isn't the most important consideration.


More megapixels don't always mean it's worth more money Aperture, which is expressed like this "f/1.8" - matters more. It tells you how much light the lens lets in, and the lower it is the better the camera will be in lower light. Some cameras can compensate for low light problems with clever computer processing, such as Sony's BIONZ system.


As you might expect, the Zoom numbers tell you how well the zoom lens works. On compact cameras that's usually expressed as a multiple, such as 2x or 10x; a 10x zoom will be five times more powerful than a 2x one. Pay no attention to "digital zoom" figures - a digital zoom tries to copy an optical zoom lens by guessing what the image would look like, and the results can be pretty poor. On compact system cameras and digital SLRs the zoom is more likely to be expressed in millimetres, so for example an 18-55mm lens will do nice wide angle shots but can't zoom in too far, whereas an 18-105mm lens will zoom much further (and cost a lot more). Video cameras add another set of numbers to think about: the resolution and the frame rate. If you want to record true, futureproof high definition video for playback on UK TVs you'll need a camera that records at 1080p in the European PAL format, which has a frame rate of 24 frames per second. And remember to check that the camera's chosen video recording format - such as MP4, AVCHD - is supported by your computer's video editing software. IMAGES 1) Samsung Galaxy Zoom phone 2) Nikon D7100 Digital SLR 3) Samsung NX300 compact system 4) Canon Ixus 255 compact camera 5) Sony DSC-HX300 superzoom camera

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To advertise call Jenny on 07824 469266 or Charlene on 07772 941899


Puzzles Across

1. 3. 9. 10. 11. 14. 16. 17. 18. 21. 22. 23. 24.

Harbour (4) Precious stones (8) Implement (7) Concur (5) Produced (12) Short sleep (3) Coarse (5) Pronoun (3) Despite (12) Modify (5) Design (7) Daily (8) Musical instrument (4)


1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 12. 13.

Imagining (8) Wash (5) Frozen water (3) Sizes (12) CrĂŠche (7) Vomit (4) Adequately (12) Enumerate (5) Pest (8)

Quick Crossword

The crossword is not a competition this month








8 10




13 15











15. Make ready (7) 19. All (5)

20. Imitation (4) 22. Vegetable (3)


no, i haven't seen the cat, i've been doing the cleaning like you asked

Sudoku solution on page 53


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t. 07927 962 120 e. colin@scotstory.co.uk To advertise call Jenny on 07824 469266 or Charlene on 07772 941899


What’s On & Useful Info

December 2013 / January 2014

Every Saturday in December at Kidzeco: Come and see the fairies and elves running the Kidzeco shops. Special treats for kids these days too!! Call Kidzeco on 01506 815534 for information. from 1st December Christmas Post Box at Kidzeco Post a letter to Santa and every letter posted will receive a magical reply from Santa. Last date to post your letter is Saturday 14th December. Call Kidzeco on 01506 815534 for information. Saturday 7th December Crafty Christmas Polkemmet Country Park Rangers. Come and make some homemade craft items for Christmas. Our cosy craft room awaits your crafty skills! Materials provided. Suitable for: All. Meet: Visitor Centre, Polkemmet Country Park. 2pm – 3.30pm. Cost: £4.15 per person Saturday 14th December Mrs Claus at Potter Around, Kirknewton On Saturday 14th December we will be very busy helping children with their Christmas presents. Mrs Claus is coming to visit us with some of the elves. Drop your children to have homemade cookies

and hot chocolate with Mrs Claus and make some gorgeous Christmas tree decorations and little gifts. The elves will help. You can be free to do your own shopping while your kids enjoy the magic of Christmas. 10.30-12.30. £10 a child. Call Potter Around on 01506 238961 for more information. Sunday 26th January Jack & Jill Market Quality nearly-new baby and children's market. Forty stalls bursting with quality nearly new baby and kids bargains! West Lothian College, Almondvale Crescent, Livingston 10:30am – 1:00pm Howden Park Centre Howden Park Centre has a busy programme of events including live music, dance, theatre, workshops and exhibitions. See their website at www.howdenparkcentre.co.uk for complete up to date listing.

To include your event here, please email editor@konectdirectory.co.uk or call 07854 492638 p54

ates D l a t s o P s a m t Chris Last Post

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Santa's Sleigh

Times for Livingston Round Table's annual tour around Livingston

Times and places are approximate and subject to change.

Sunday 15th Dec:15:30-19:30. Eliburn Road, starting at Farm Place and finishing approx. Lady Place.

Sunday 8th Dec: 15:30-19:30. Adambrae Road estate then down Alderstone Road and along Bellsquarry South Road.

Monday 16th Dec:18:00- 20:30. Eliburn North, starting at Martin Brae and finishing at Gavin Place on Eliburn Road.

Monday 9th Dec: 18:00- 20:30. Murieston West area then going back up to Easter Bankton.

Tuesday 17th Dec:18:00- 20:30. Murieston Road, starting at Skivo Wynd and ending up at Bankton Park East.

Tuesday 10th Dec:18:00 – 20:30. Murieston Valley roads and then Albyn Drive. Wednesday 11th Dec:18:00- 20:30. Deer Park area starting at Gallacher Green and finishing at Jones Green.

Wednesday 18th Dec: 18:00 - 20:30. Eliburn North start at Buchanan Crescent, passing through Waverley Crescent and finishing in Knightsridge Robertson Way.

Thursday 12th Dec: 18:00- 20:30. Deans North, starting at Chuckethall Road and finishing at Netherwood Park.

Thursday 19th Dec:18:00 - 20:30. Route is Livingston Village area, starting at Thirlfield Wynd and finishing along Main Street. Solution November 13 crossword

Solution October 13 crossword

Solution to Sudoku

Whilst every care is taken to ensure accuracy, the publisher cannot accept responsibility for loss, damage or omission caused by error in the printing of an advertisement. The Konect Directory does not endorse any advertising material that appears in this publication. Adverts are accepted on the understanding that descriptions of goods and services are fair and accurate. All material is accepted for publication on the understanding that it is copyright free. The Konect Directory accepts no liability for any subsequent copyright issues. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the prior consent of the publisher. Publisher: Lothian Publications Ltd, Overton Farmhouse, Kirknewton, EH27 8DD. Editor: Helen-Jane Shearer - 07854 492638 - hj@konectdirectory.co.uk

To advertise call Jenny on 07824 469266 or Charlene on 07772 941899



What’s On & Useful Info

December 2013 / January 2014

Almondbank Library

Lanthorn Library

Shiel House, Shiel Walk, Craigshill, EH54 5EH. Tel: 01506 283133 email: almondbank.lib@westlothian.gov.uk Opening times Mon, Wed & Fri 09.00 – 18.00 Tues & Thu 09.00 – 20.00 Sat 09.00 – 13.00 FESTIVE OPENING TIMES Christmas Eve Tuesday 24th December 9.00 – 5.00 Christmas Day Wednesday 25th December CLOSED Boxing Day Thursday 26th December CLOSED Friday 27th December usual opening times resume New Years Eve 31st December 9.00 – 5.00 New Years Day 1st January 2014 CLOSED 2nd January 2014 CLOSED Friday 3rd January 2014 usual opening times resume Christmas activities will be available – please contact Library for more information CUSTOMER ENQUIRY SERVICE now available providing a proactive approach to resolving all enquiries from the public at first point of contact, dealing with all types of enquiries from booking a bulky uplift to revenues and benefits

Kenilworth Rise, Dedridge, EH54 6NY Tel: 01506 777700 email: lanthorn.lib@westlothian.gov.uk Opening times Mon, Wed & Fri 09.00 – 18.00 Tues & Thu 09.00 – 20.00 Sat 09.00 – 13.00 Follow us on Facebook or Twitter. Library opens at 11.00am on Wednesday 11th Dec 2013 FESTIVE OPENING TIMES Christmas Eve Tuesday 24th December 9.00 – 5.00 Christmas Day Wednesday 25th December CLOSED Boxing Day Thursday 26th December CLOSED Friday 27th December usual opening times resume New Years Eve 31st December 9.00 – 5.00 New Years Day 1st January 2014 CLOSED 2nd January 2014 CLOSED Friday 3rd January 2014 usual opening times resume Saturday 7th December: Christmas Jingle : Activities and crafts in the Library 11am till 1pm Tuesday 10th December: Christmas Bookbug 10.30am Friday 13th December: Christmas Storytime 3pm – All pre-schoolers and their adults welcome.

Carmondean Library

(Carmondean Connected), Carmondean Centre, EH54 8PT. Tel: 01506 777602 email: carmondean.lib@westlothian.gov.uk Opening times Mon, Wed & Fri 09.00 – 18.00 Tues & Thu 09.00 – 20.00 Sat 09.00 – 13.00 Library opens at 11.00am on Wednesday 11th Dec 2013 FESTIVE OPENING TIMES Christmas Eve Tuesday 24th December 9.00 – 5.00 Christmas Day Wednesday 25th December CLOSED Boxing Day Thursday 26th December CLOSED Friday 27th December usual opening times resume New Years Eve 31st December 9.00 – 5.00 New Years Day 1st January 2014 CLOSED 2nd January 2014 CLOSED Friday 3rd January 2014 usual opening times resume

E-BOOKS ARE HERE! You can now register online and download up to 6 e-books from the library website www.westlothian.librarybooks.co.uk - full instructions on login. EMAGAZINES Free digital magazines available to all Library customers Popular publications available 24/7 Easily read on any internet-enabled device Go to – https:/www.rbdigital.com/westlothian/zinio EAUDIOBOOKS have arrived! – more information from your local library The library service is available 24/7, 365 days a year on www.westlothian.gov.uk

Monday 16th December Wear a CHRISTMAS JUMPER and help charity Christmas activities will be available – please contact Library for more information NEW HIGH/LOW BOOK COLLECTION AVAILABLE AT CARMONDEAN High in interest but low in boredom - Dyslexia friendly reading collection now available to borrow from Library.


To include your event here, please email editor@konectdirectory.co.uk or call 07854 492638

Save £££'s with Konect! Here is a selection of fantastic special offers for our readers from local businesses to help you through the winter. Hold on to your copy of Konect and use these vouchers which are valid between December and February (check individual expiry dates).

Merry Chistmas and Happy New Year to all our readers GROOM AT THE TOP 01506 870003

Daks Building, Polbeth EH55 8TJ

Groom at the Top wishes all our customers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 20% OFF ALL GROOMING in January with this voucher

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Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year - 10% OFF POWDER COATING in January with this voucher

Valid 1/1/14 to 31/1/2014. Offer applies to all retail customers limited to one voucher per customer, cash value 0.001p. Subject to availability, not valid with any other offer, photocopies not accepted

WELLBEING CENTRE Carmondean Road South, Deans, Livingston, EH54 8PT

10% OFF BOOKINGS made in Dec/Jan

with this voucher at The Beauty Room, DCL Fitness, HM Therapy, Knot to be undone, Kate Schieffer Therapy, Laserbrite, Balance counselling services and Massagic.

Valid 1/12/13 to 31/1/2014. Offer applies to all retail customers limited to one voucher per customer, cash value 0.001p. Subject to availability, not valid with any other offer, photocopies not accepted

Children’s Nursery

01506 466668

1 Simpson Parkway Livingston, EH54 7BH

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 10% OFF one month fees for bookings made by 31st January with this voucher. T&Cs apply, ask for details.

Valid 1/12/13 to 31/1/14. Offer applies to all retail customers limited to one voucher per customer, cash value 0.001p. Subject to availability, not valid with any other offer, photocopies not accepted

Riccarton Garden Centre

C o f fe e Sh o p

0131 449 4004

Riccarton Mains Road Currie, EH14 5AA

Combo lunch (soup and filled pannini) £6.50. 2 FOR 1 in January with this voucher

Valid 1/1/14 to 31/1/2014. Offer applies to all retail customers limited to one voucher per customer, cash value 0.001p. Subject to availability, not valid with any other offer, photocopies not accepted

The Toning & Beauty Clinic 01506 855105

20a Houstoun Mains Holdings, Uphall, EH52 6PA

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 20% OFF OUR SLIM/ TONE COURSE in January with this voucher. Normal price £120, only £96.

Valid 1/1/14 to 31/1/2014. Offer applies to all retail customers limited to one voucher per customer, cash value 0.001p. Subject to availability, not valid with any other offer, photocopies not accepted

01506 495812

Book four or more lessons and GET ONE LESSON FREE with this voucher

Valid 1/1/14 to 31/1/2014. Offer applies to all retail customers limited to one voucher per customer, cash value 0.001p. Subject to availability, not valid with any other offer, photocopies not accepted


Clubs & Classes

Sports, Hobbies, Learning, Support Groups & more...

West Lothian 50 Plus Network New members always welcome for educational, social, recreational and cultural activities. Monthly meet-ups, visits and day trips. Over 25 different activity groups, including arts, crafts, walking, theatre etc. See www.westlothian50plusnetwork.co.uk or call 01506 635510. Office hours Mon - Fri 10am - 2pm.

Craigshill Thistle u15’s Training Tues 7.30 pm - 9.00 pm at Craigsfarm in Craigshill 3g pitch. Friday at Craigswood sports centre playing fields 6.30pm - 8.00 pm weather permitting. (if weather is bad Friday’s training is held at Craigsfarm 7.30 - 8.30 pm). For further details contact Mark on 07951 528398.

Firefly Arts Firefly Arts provide fun and friendly theatre, film and drama workshops for children and young people (5 to 25 years) in venues across West Lothian. Call 08447 744496 or email admin@firefly-arts.co.uk for more information on our current programme. Firefly Arts Ltd, Howden Park Centre, Livingston, EH54 6AE. www.firefly-arts.co.uk email admin@firefly-arts.co.uk

Parents Together West Lothian Support group for families with child on the Autism Spectrum. Meet up once a month for a chat and a coffee, regular guest speakers. First Thursday of each month (during school term). For more information contact parentstogetherwestlothian@live.com

The Livingston Players Amateur theatre company always pleased to welcome new members with or without experience. For more information please contact Carol, Memb. Secretary, on 01506 881398 or see www.livingstonplayers.co.uk

Livingston Station playgroup Livingston station Community Centre Spaces available for 2 – 5 yr olds, Mon-Thurs 9.30-11.50am, Fri 9.15-11.30am £4 per day plus £1 per wk for healthy snack. Contact us on 07954 044260 to place your child’s name on our waiting list or see us on facebook for more info.

Livingston FC Almondvale Stadium League players and juniors, social and corporate events. Tel 01506 417000 or see www.livingstonfc.co.uk Livingston Speakers Toastmasters Club A fun & friendly way to improve your Communication & Leadership skills. Our meetings are always entertaining and educational. We meet at West Lothian College, Livingston. Alternate Thursdays 7:15pm-9:30pm. Everyone is welcome to come along and find out more. For more info see www.livingstonspeakers.org.uk http://www.facebook.com/LivingstonSpeakers West Lothian Breast Cancer Support Group Meets on the first Tuesday of each month, in the Ability Centre, Carmondean, Livingston, from 7pm9pm. Further details and information, contact Nan McDonald tel: 01506 655739

CRAIGSHILL Lodge Almondale Social Club – new! Masonic Hall, Craigshill Rd East, Livingston EH54 5DT Tel: 01506 439418 Our Social Club convenor cordially invites all members, associate members and their guests to visit our social club. The Social Club is open every evening and Saturday afternoon (except Sunday and meeting nights) with Live Music, Dancing and Bingo every Saturday evening and Bingo every Wednesday evening. Non members welcome. Craigshill Good Neighbour Network Almondbank Centre Practical help, social and volunteering opportunities to socially isolated people of all ages in Craigshill and South Howden. Lunch club, Tuesday social club, optional transport to and from clubs, outings and befriending. Tel 01506 435851


Deans Community High School Playgroup Dean Community High School, Eastwood Park, Livingston Care and education for children from 2 years 6 months. Mon-Fri 9.10am – 11.10 am term time. £20/week, or flexible days at £4/session (min of 2 per week). For more information please phone Cheryl or Lesley on 01506 282155 and ask for playgroup between 8.45am and 12.15pm, or pop in any time for a visit. Livingston Fiddlers A group of amateur musicians who meet for regular practise sessions in Deans and play for local events. New members always welcome. Must be able to read music and not suitable for complete beginners. Fiddle/ accordion or any other instrument considered. Venue - St Andrews Church Hall, Deans, Livingston. Time: most Wednesdays 7.30-9.30pm. Contact secretary: eric@livingstonfiddlers.co.uk Tel 01506 654 189 www.livingstonfiddlers.co.uk Deans Art Club New Deans Community Building Tuesdays 7 – 9pm. Beginners welcome. We are a friendly class, £2 per adult per week, paints provided. For more information please call Jim Tripney on 01506 418838. Lothians MS Support Group Open to anyone living with Multiple Sclerosis, family & friends. Informal fortnightly meetings for support, information and activities. Membership and meetings free. For more info and for dates of this month's fortnightly meetings, contact Val on valsteward1msgroup@yahoo.co.uk or call 01506 201107. Fortnightly meetings are at the Ability Centre, Livingston, EH54 8PT on a Tueday 7pm–8.30pm. Kiddies Corner Carmondean Community Centre, For Preschool Children. Tues 9.00am – 12 noon For more info tel 01506 439568. Child minders available Mon & Wed 9.00am – 12 noon

Save £££'s with Konect! Here is a selection of fantastic special offers for our readers from local businesses to help you through the winter. Hold on to your copy of Konect and use these vouchers which are valid between December and February (check individual expiry dates).

Merry Chistmas and Happy New Year to all our readers p55

01506 872215

79 Main Street, West Calder EH55 8EB

2 FOR 1 MAIN COURSE in January with this voucher. Cheapest free and max two free meals per table

Valid 1/1/14 to 31/1/2014. Offer applies to all retail customers limited to one voucher per customer, cash value 0.001p. Subject to availability, not valid with any other offer, photocopies not accepted

01506 238992

Almondvale Stadium, Livingston, EH54 7DN

Special offer for Dec and Jan only £25 PER PERSONAL TRAINING SESSION (normally £30) or BLOCK OF 10 FOR £200

Valid 1/12/13 to 31/1/2014. Offer applies to all retail customers limited to one voucher per customer, cash value 0.001p. Subject to availability, not valid with any other offer, photocopies not accepted

01506 466006

4 Bankton Square, Murieston, EH54 9EY

A CHIROPODY TREATMENT FOR £15 (rather than the usual £25) during January 2014.

Valid 1/1/14 to 31/1/2014. Offer applies to all retail customers limited to one voucher per customer, cash value 0.001p. Subject to availability, not valid with any other offer, photocopies not accepted

01506 464454

Crofthead Centre, Templar Rise, Livingston, EH54 6DG

20% DISCOUNT on our £12/mth maintenance protection plans “Sprint Cover.” If purchased by 31st Jan 2014 this offer is for the lifetime of the contract so represents dignificant savings.

Valid 1/1/14 to 31/1/2014. Offer applies to all retail customers limited to one voucher per customer, cash value 0.001p. Subject to availability, not valid with any other offer, photocopies not accepted

01506 237086

Dedridge East Industrial Estate, Livingston

10% OFF ALL TILE ORDERS placed during December 2013 & January 2014 with this voucher. Find us online: www.livingstontiles.co.uk

Valid 1/12/13 to 31/1/2014. Offer applies to all retail customers limited to one voucher per customer, cash value 0.001p. Subject to availability, not valid with any other offer, photocopies not accepted


DEDRIDGE Livingston and District Amateur Radio Society (LaDARS) Crofthead Farm Community Education Centre, Crofthead Centre, Templar Rise, Dedridge, Tuesdays 7-9 pm. Full amateur radio station at the club operating on the High Frequency and VHF bands. Training can be provided to achieve all levels of the amateur license by fully accredited assessors and trainers. Happy to assist with your radio and electronics projects or just to get you started with amateur radio as a hobby. Come along and speak to the world. See our website uk.groups.yahoo.com/group/ms0liv/ or just come along on any Tuesday. Bump and Baby Group Dedridge Baptist Church. For all bumps and precrawlers 9:30-11 every Tuesday. Come and have a cuppa and a natter with other new and expecting parents while your little one enjoys themselves. Livingston Camera Club Crofthead Farm Community Education Centre, Templar Rise, Dedridge, EH54 6DG Every Mon 7.15pm-9.30pm from early Sept to late May. (Summer syllabus between these dates). Evening activities incl. speakers, competitions, photo editing, studio and lighting classes. www.livingstoncameraclub. org.uk contact@livingstoncameraclub.org.uk Brighter Days Support group for families living with ADHD and assosciated disorders. The group meets once a fortnight on a Thursday at Crofthead Centre, Templar Rise, Dedridge 7 – 9pm. For more info see www.brighter-days.com or email brighter_days@rocketmail.com. Kids club coming soon - every Saturday weekly for children. Activities available will include arts, crafts and music. Penumbra Unit 20 Grampian Court, Beverige Square, Dedridge Every fortnight from 14 March 2012 For anyone experiencing mental health problems : the group can help people who need information on illnesses, understanding from others in similar situations or even just a chat to get out of the house. For more information contact: cinderbelle@hotmail.co.uk or 07854 316139 Crofthead Hickory House Playgroup Crofthead Community Education Centre, Templar Rise, Dedridge, EH54 6DG For children 2-3 years. Mon-Thurs 9.15-11.15 am term time. £4.25/day includes healthy snack. Preschool nursery also available for children 3-5 years funded by WLC. For more info call 01506 467650, email crofheadhickoryhouse@googlemail.com www.croftheadhickoryhouse.co.uk 1st Livingston Girls Brigade Company The Lanthorn Community Complex, Kenilworth Rise, Dedridge. Meet on Wednesday evenings Explorers (P1-3) 6.15pm till 7.15pm Juniors (P4-7) 7.15pm till 8.30pm Brigaders (S1+) 7.15pm till 8.45pm For further information email 1stlivingstongb@gmail.com or phone Holly Morrison on 01506 420225 Parent and Toddler Group Dedridge Baptist Church, Quentin Rise Tues: 12.30 – 2.30pm & Wed: 9.15 – 11.15am. £1.00 0 – 5 years old. Tel 01506 203683 Craft, snack (lunch on Tuesdays), sports, outings & visitors

5th Livingston Boys’ Brigade Thursdays in the Lanthorn Community Complex, Kenilworth Rise, Dedridge Anchor Section P1-P3 Meet from 6:30 to 7:45pm Junior Section P4-P6 from 6:30 to 8:00pm Company Section P7 – to 18 years from 7:30 to 9:45pm For further information contact Stuart Dalgleish 01506 440303 or email admin@5livingston.co.uk Livingston Highland Society Monthly ceilidhs are run on a Saturday between October and April each year in the Lanthorn Complex, Dedridge. Each month we have a different band and guest artist. The Society now has vacancies for new members. You don’t have to be highland to join our Society. For further details please contact the Secretary on 01506 491545 or 07900 475511. Livingston South Community Church We are situated in the south of the town. Alternating venues for Sunday worship: Sunday 30th June 2013 Lanthorn, Kenilworth Rise, Dedridge. Sunday 7th July 2013 - Murieston Community Hall, Murieston. and alternately thereafter. All services commence at 10am. Everyone welcome, check us out on Facebook or e-mail livingstonsouthcommunitychurch@gmail.com. Charity number is SC044088. Lanthorn Readers Lanthorn Library, Dedridge Informal and relaxed reading group. Free. Group meets monthly and is an ideal way to have some fun and lively discussion over tea/coffee & biscuits. New members always welcome. Please contact 01506 777700 or lanthorn.lib@westlothian.gov.uk

ELIBURN Sunshine Break, SPPA (Scottish Pre-School Play Association) Group Eliburn Community Centre, Peel Primary School Toddlers - Tuesdays & Thursdays: 9.00 – 11.00am After school club for Primary 1-7, Mon – Thur 3.15 – 6.00pm, Fri 12.30 – 6.00pm, during school holidays 8.30am – 5.30pm. Tel 01506 415492 14th West Lothian Scout Troop Peel Primary School. Girls and boys. Beavers (6-8yrs) Mon 6.15-7.15pm, Scouts (10-14yrs) Mon 7.30-9pm, Cubs (8-10yrs) Thurs 6.30-8pm £20/£25 per session, 3 sessions per year. Contact Mary Tel 01506 416620

HOWDEN Braid House Day Centre Labrador Avenue, Howden Social activities for older members of the community. Bowling, art, music. Drop-in service for people who can make their own way to Braid House and can have lunch and join in a range of activities. Cost £5. For more info contact 01506 430615 or see www.braidhouse.co.uk 29th West Lothian Scout Group Community Wing, Toronto Primary School Cubs Mon 6.30-8.00pm, Beavers Wed 6.30-7.30pm, Scouts Wed 7.30-9.00pm Tel 01506 441852 14th Livingston Guides Community Wing, Toronto Primary School Tues 7.30 – 9.00pm, All girls aged 10 years upwards, £17 per term Tel 01506 418285

Save £££'s with Konect! Here is a selection of fantastic special offers for our readers from local businesses to help you through the winter. Hold on to your copy of Konect and use these vouchers which are valid between December and February (check individual expiry dates).

Merry Chistmas and Happy New Year to all our readers p57

01506 632913

10 Hopetoun Street, Bathgate, EH48 4EU

Use this voucher to claim £200 OFF the cost of our package deal advertised in this month’s Konect. Applies to orders placed by 31st January 2014. Email: bathroomstudio@hotmail.co.uk

Valid until 31/1/2014. Offer applies to all retail customers limited to one voucher per customer, cash value 0.001p. Subject to availability, not valid with any other offer, photocopies not accepted

Lothian Optical Ltd 01506 881859

22 Market Street, Mid Calder, EH53 0AA

10% OFF ALL TOTAL ORDERS including Designer Frames during December and January with this voucher

Valid 1/12/13 to 31/1/2014. Offer applies to all retail customers limited to one voucher per customer, cash value 0.001p. Subject to availability, not valid with any other offer, photocopies not accepted

01506 461721

Unit 10, Abbotsford Rise, Livingston, EH54 6QD

50% OFF all Perfect Fit frames with every Venetian blind. 30% OFF all roller blind pelmets. Conservatory intu blind offer: ONE FREE TOP HOPPER BLIND with every bottom Venetian blind ordered.

Valid 1/1/14 to 31/1/2014. Offer applies to all retail customers limited to one voucher per customer, cash value 0.001p. Subject to availability, not valid with any other offer, photocopies not accepted

01506 238001

118 Carmondean Centre, Deans, Livingsgton, EH54 8TD

Val wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. FREE TEA/COFFEE with any breakfast roll (single item filling) in January with this voucher

Valid 1/1/14 to 31/1/2014. Offer applies to all retail customers limited to one voucher per customer, cash value 0.001p. Subject to availability, not valid with any other offer, photocopies not accepted

01506 638080

1 Cousland Terrace Seafield, EH47 7BH

Buy two treatments in January and your CHEAPEST one will be HALF PRICE. Valid on all treatments carried out and paid for at the same time. Valid until 31st January.

Valid 1/1/14 to 31/1/2014. Offer applies to all retail customers limited to one voucher per customer, cash value 0.001p. Subject to availability, not valid with any other offer, photocopies not accepted

0800 669 6109

15% OFF on all paint and body repairs & £45 + VAT PER WHEEL on alloy wheel repairs

Valid 1/1/14 to 31/1/2014. Offer applies to all retail customers limited to one voucher per customer, cash value 0.001p. Subject to availability, not valid with any other offer, photocopies not accepted


14th Livingston Rainbows Community Wing of Toronto Primary School. Tuesdays 6.30 - 7.45 pm. Girls 5 years old and attending school. Telephone: Rainbow Guide Leader on 07532 182197. Livingston Art Association Howden Park Centre. Day and evening classes in painting and pottery for all levels. For more details call 01506 440449 email liviartassoc@msn.com or see www.livingston-art-assoc.org.uk.

KNIGHTSRIDGE Baby/Toddler Stories and Singing Sessions Knightsridge Early Years Centre, Cameron Way Mon, Tues, Thur: 09.15 – 11.15am or 12.45 – 2.45pm – “In Betweenies” Wed:1.00 – 2.00pm – “Baby Peet” - stories and singing, baby/toddler drop in 1.00 – 3.30pm For more info tel 01506 444970

LADYWELL Almond Valley Baptist Church A Church for you and your Family! Sunday School and Worship services starting at 11am Meeting at the Newyearfield Farm Community Centre on Hawkbrae in Livingston Contact phone number 07946 835037 or email at almondvalleybc@yahoo.co.uk Fitsteps - Get fit 'Strictly style!' - NEW Ballroom and Latin dance fitness class- no partner required Wednesday 6.15-7.00pm, Inveralmond Community High School- £4.00 Wednesday 8.00-8.45pm, St Mary's Hall, Bathgate- £4.00 Thursday 7.30-8.15pm- Currie Community High School- £4.50 Classes start week beg 6th Jan 2014. For more info contact Lianne on 07737 927463. Email: moveitdanceandfitness@gmail.com, Like us on facebook http://www.facebook.com/ moveitdanceandfitness Rosebery Centre for Dementia Care Day care for people with all types of dementia. Stimulating activities, counselling and training and support groups for carers. Volunteers always required. Tel: Nancy on 497046. emailinfo@roseberycentre.org. uk. Website: www.roseberycentre.org.uk Ladywell Neighbourhood Network 28 Heatherbank, Ladywell Community services in Ladywell, a range of social groups including craft, lunch club, fitness. Befriending service and much more. For more information call 01506 437746 or see www.ladywellnn.org.uk Ladywell Star Community Football Club Inveralmond Community High School. A range of teams and fixtures. See www.ladywellstarcfc.co.uk SPPA (Scottish Pre-School Play Association) Group Newyearfield Farm. Toddlers Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri: 09.30 – 11.30am. tel 01506 462458 Kids Club Forrestbank Community Centre A varied programme of educational games, art & drawing, children 5-9yrs. Mon 6.00 - 7.45pm £1 per week – term time only. Tel 01506 430035

LIVINGSTON VILLAGE Physiotherapist Led Pilates Classes - New! Danz 4 u studio, Centrex House, Kirkton Campus Fridays, 10-11am. All bookings online: www.physioledpilates.com. Email: lucy@physioledpilates.com Tel: 07415426228 Livingston Village Playgroup Livingston Village Primary School, Kirkton Road North, Livingston Village. For children 2yrs 3 months to 5 years. 9.30 - 11.30am Mon - Fri, £4/session including snack. child can attend between 2 & 5 sessions a week. For more information please contact the placement secretary 01506 417343 Livingston Village Parent and Toddler Group Livingston Village Primary School, Community Room 2. Mondays & Wednesdays 9-11am. For babies and children aged 0-5 years accompanied by an adult. £1 per family. Term-time only. For more information email livitoddlers@yahoo.co.uk or visit www.facebook.com/livitoddlers

MURIESTON Livingston South Community Church We are situated in the south of the town. Alternating venues for Sunday worship: Sunday 30th June 2013 Lanthorn, Kenilworth Rise, Dedridge. Sunday 7th July 2013 - Murieston Community Hall, Murieston. and alternately thereafter. All services commence at 10am. Everyone welcome, check us out on Facebook or e-mail livingstonsouthcommunitychurch@gmail.com. Charity number is SC044088. Bankton Mains Bowling Club Free Coaching Lessons for both Adult and Junior bowlers. Junior Coaching is on every Tuesday 5pm till 6pm and Sunday 11am till 12am for children aged 8 till 16 years old. Memberships available now for Full, Family, Social, and Junior members. Special deal for Family Membership. Hire of the function hall available. For more info go our website at www.banktonmains.co.uk or phone 01506 460233 Livingston Cricket Club Cricket fixtures as well as a busy social calendar. See http://livingstoncricketclub.co.uk or tel 07799 025795 Adambrae, Bellsquarry & Murieston (ABM) Walking Group Looking for Fun, Fitness and Friendship - then join our Ladies Walking Group. We meet on Mondays at 10.00. Contact Penny Clark penmex2@hotmail.co.uk

OTHER AREAS The Crafty Pedlars Workshops – NEW! The Gallery, West Calder Learn to Sew class - Mondays 7.00pm - 9.00pm Learn to Knit (1) class - Wednesdays 7.00pm - 9.00pm Rag Rug Making - Thursdays 7.00pm - 9.00pm Sewing - altering, repairing, upcycling - Mondays 7.00pm - 9.00pm from 18/11/13 All £8 per session, join any time. www.craftypedlarsworkshops.co.uk or phone 01506 870145 To include your club or class, email details to editor@konectdirectory.co.uk. Charity and not-for-profit groups are free, there is a small charge for other listings. See our website for details www.konectdirectory.co.uk

Save £££'s with Konect! Here is a selection of fantastic special offers for our readers from local businesses to help you through the winter. Hold on to your copy of Konect and use these vouchers which are valid between December and February (check individual expiry dates).

Merry Chistmas and Happy New Year to all our readers p59

01506 880537

As a special “thank you” to all in West Lothian I would like to offer a massive 25% OFF all carpet cleaning in January as I start my 10th year in business.

Valid 1/1/14 to 31/1/2014. Offer applies to all retail customers limited to one voucher per customer, cash value 0.001p. Subject to availability, not valid with any other offer, photocopies not accepted

GMAC Martial Arts

07958 765590

Craigwillow Centre, Craigshill Livingston, EH554 5DT www.gmacmartialarts.co.uk

FREE SUIT and LICENCE when you join GMAC during January.

* Have Fun learning Life Skills * Build Confidence through Role Play * Age Appropriate Martial Arts * Increase Awareness of Dangers * Learn about Stranger Awareness.

Valid 1/1/14 to 31/1/2014. Offer applies to all retail customers limited to one voucher per customer, cash value 0.001p. Subject to availability, not valid with any other offer, photocopies not accepted

S S &


01506 650397

Improvements / Maintenance

GET A FREE KITCHEN SINK AND TAPS with a kitchen reface including doors and worktops (minimum order £3000).

Valid until 31/1/2014. Offer applies to all retail customers limited to one voucher per customer, cash value 0.001p. Subject to availability, not valid with any other offer, photocopies not accepted


01506 633286

74 North Bridge Street Bathgate, EH54 4PP

5% OFF all items with this voucher

Valid 1/1/14 to 31/1/2014. Offer applies to all retail customers limited to one voucher per customer, cash value 0.001p. Subject to availability, not valid with any other offer, photocopies not accepted

01506 634176

64 Mid Street, Bathgate, EH48 1QD

Wishing everyone a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year. £10 OFF ANY TREATMENT for new clients during January with this voucher.

Valid 1/1/14 to 31/1/2014. Offer applies to all retail customers limited to one voucher per customer, cash value 0.001p. Subject to availability, not valid with any other offer, photocopies not accepted

Index of Advertisers Accessories Party House Stick and Cane Shop Accountant/Bookkeeping AKT Bookkeeping Aerials Aerial Man Beauty Facelook Beauty One Life Leisure The Beauty Spot The Toning & Beauty Clinic Bridal Shop Susan Gregory Building Services Almond Building Company Dean Jones Building JW Plans MacKenzie Contracts Building Surveyor David Hastings Business Premises JC Enterprises Cafe The Coffee Cup Cafe Car Service/Repair Car Medic Central Garage Chips Away Finishing Touch Lothian Powder Coating Smart Tech Carpet Cleaning Cleaning Doctor Hydro-Kleen Catering Food Creations Charity The Larder Childcare/Children's Nursery Blossom Tree Nursery Step by Step Children's Nursery Children's Activities GMAC Martial Arts Chiropodist Livingston Chiropody & Podiatry Cleaning Services Housemaids The Clean Team Community Enterprising Bathgate Complementary Therapies MK-Hypnotherapy Computer Repairs Sprint Computers Craft Classes Crafty Pedlars


36 6 51 30 63 4 5 55 6 51 24 25 24 26 20 43 34 34 41 49 11 11 40 11 43 47 4 46 47 17 40 43 21 16 42 20

Dentist Bankton Dental Practice East Calder Smile Centre No 9 Dental Dog Grooming Animal Magic Groom at the top Double Glazing Red Hot Windows Electrical A.F.A Electrical Engraving Services GHB Industrial Engravings Estate Agent Aberdein Considine Turpie & Co Fitness One Life Leisure Funeral Directors Brownings Funeral Directors Furniture Grant's of Bathgate Garden & Landscaping D Greaves Riccarton Garden Centre Golf Club Baberton Golf Club Ratho Park Golf Club Hairdressers Facelook Beauty LJP Studio Handyman West Lothian Handyman Health & Beauty The Therapy Works Heating Services Mech A Tech Home Improvements Anderson Home Improvements Ian Merriman S & S Home Improvements Joiner Central Scotland Joinery Geoff Vinter Joinery Scott Stockdale Joinery Kitchens & Bathrooms 1st Choice Living Bathgate Bathroom Studio MacKenzie Contracts Laundry Tip Top Laundry Services Locksmith Caledonian Locksmith Masonic Lodge Lodge Almondale 1658 Mobility Med-Ecosse

7 18 17 38 39 25 32 20 64 29 4 39 31 25 12 41 34 63 16 6 5 25 30 35 9 23 26 24 5 22 24 40 26 51

SMS Optician Lothian Optical Painter/Decorator Braekirk Decorators JD Decorators Nu Walls TML Decor Painting Gray & Son Pet Services icare Pet Crem Karen's DOGS Plasterer Nu Walls Plumbing Services Almondvale Plumbing & Heating Services BJ Fleming EPH Forth Plumbing Pool & Spa Pool and Spa Services Restaurant Bombay Spice Roofing Gray & Son Security Services A.F.A Fire and Security Soft Furnishing Knight Shades Blinds Style Rite Storyteller & Public Speaker Colin Williamson Public Speaking Scotstory Takeaway Bombay Spice Taxi Lothian Radio Cars Telephone Engineer John McGraw Tiler Service With A Tile Tuition GTRS Veterinary Riverside Veterinary Practice Waste Disposal Clear Site Solutions Wheel Repair Finishing Touch Windows 1st Choice Living Heritage Windows Red Hot Windows

15 59 24 28 35 28 49 39 39 35 35 25 51 26 28 43 49 33 27 30 51 46 43 2 35 51 46 38 40 49 5 6 25


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69 South Bridge Street, Bathgate EH48 1TJ bgt@acandco.com

Ochil House, Beveridge Square, Livingston EH54 6QF liv@acandco.com

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