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回歸我城 以視藝創作回應時代 .梁志和專訪 .鄭波專訪
from 賽馬會藝壇新勢力 2020 / 2021 - 節目指南 第二冊 JOCKEY CLUB New Arts Power 2020 / 2021 - Programme Highlights Vol.2
今屆「賽馬會藝壇新勢力」的兩個視覺 藝術節目都曾在2018年泰國喀比雙年展 展出。兩個項目將於11月至明年3月回 歸香港。梁志和《家.不家》的主題是 「家」:當一個不再用於與家聯繫的電話 亭,錯愕地出現在酒店這個「不家」之場 地,你怎定義「家」?往日熟悉的家還是 舊模樣嗎?鄭波關心物種滅絕、植物政治 等議題,《生命如此艱難,何必搞得這麼 簡單?》提出跟物種平等相處的想法。你 的生活方便了,可有想過其他物種的生 態?若未能跟其他物種平等同處,我們又 能否解決眼前危機?藝術家以創作回應時 代,作品與我城當下生活處境息息相關。
Arts and the City
相片由藝術家提供 Photo by courtesy of artists
《Life is hard. Why do we make it so easy?》(2018)
《孤寂遺跡》 Monuments for Solitude (2018) Originally exhibited in Thailand Biennale Krabi 2018, two visual art projects will be showcased in Hong Kong from November to March 2021. In Home and Nonhome, multimedia artist Leung Chi Wo examines the vacillating notion of "home" in a non-home setting by installing an empty telephone booth in a hotel lobby, whereby a schema of misplacement – home in a non-home sphere – is explored. How do we define "home"? What if "home" becomes "non-home"?
On the other hand, Zheng Bo’s Life is hard. Why do we make it so easy? examines the idea of co-existing with other species and respecting them as equals. We have made life easy for ourselves, but how about the lives of other living beings on Earth? Failure to maintain ecological balance and live with other species in a peaceful way could pose a serious problem, especially during these times of crisis.