HKAGE 15th Anniversary Book 香港資優教育學苑15 周年特刊

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15 th Anniversary: Roads to Reaching for the Stars 摘星之路十五載 2008年啟用 Inaugurated in 2008 Subvented by the Education Bureau, the Government of the HKSAR 香港特別行政區政府教育局資助 Finance STEAM Finance Economics Humanities STEAM Languages BUSINESS FINANCE LEADERSHIP LEADERSHIP Whole Person Development Languages Whole Person Development Humanities Business Economics STEAM Finance Humanities STEAM Languages BUSINESS FINANCE LEADERSHIP LEADERSHIP Whole Person Development Languages Humanities Business Economics STEAM Finance Economics Humanities STEAM Languages BUSINESS FINANCE LEADERSHIP Whole Person Development Languages Humanities Business Economics STEAM Finance Economics Humanities STEAM Languages BUSINESS FINANCE LEADERSHIP LEADERSHIP Whole Person Development Languages Whole Person Development Humanities Business Economics STEAM Finance Humanities STEAM Languages BUSINESS FINANCE LEADERSHIP LEADERSHIP Whole Person Development Languages Humanities Business Economics ANNIVERSARY BOOK 周年特刊


立法會通過一項配對撥 款,供教育局成立香港 資優教育學苑。

委任顧爾言先生為學苑 董事局第一任主席。

The Legislative Council approved a matching fund for the Education Bureau to set up the HKAGE.

Mr KOO Yee Yin Irving was appointed as the first Chairperson of the Board of Directors.

委任湯敏思博士為學 苑第一任院長。

學苑完成前期工作, 並開始向中學學員提 供服務。 推行小學課程 先導計劃。

Dr Stephen TOMMIS was appointed as the first Executive Director.

The HKAGE completed the preparatory work and started providing services to secondary school students.

由九龍塘臨時辦公室搬 遷至沙角邨現時校址。

成立研究部以提供優質 的資優教育資訊。

The HKAGE commenced the piloting programmes for primary school students.

委任林潤富 先生為學苑 董事局第二 任主席。

The HKAGE was relocated to the current campus at Sha Kok Estate from the temporary office at Kowloon Tong.

The Research Division was established to provide high quality information on gifted education.

Mr LAM Yun Fu Frederick was appointed as the second Chairperson of the Board of Directors.

委任吳大琪 教授為學苑 第二任院長。

Prof NG Tai Kai was appointed as the second Executive Director.

成立情意教育部,提供 配合學員情意需要及支 援他們社交和情緒發展 的課程。

The Affective Education Division was established to provide programmes to address the affective needs of HKAGE student members and support their social and emotional development.

成立進階學習體驗部, 為準備就緒的資優學生 設計和提供個人化及個 性化,並具挑戰性的學 習體驗。

The Advanced Learning Experiences Division was established to devise and facilitate individualised, personalised, and challenging learning experiences for wellprepared gifted students.

2007 2008 2010 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

成為教育局的 資助機構,獲

資優教育基金 * 撥款營運。

The HKAGE became a subvented organisation of the Education Bureau and started receiving funding from the Gifted Education Fund*.

慶祝學苑成立十 周年。

推出「人才培 育」先導計劃。

The HKAGE celebrated its 10th Anniversary.

The Talent Development Pilot Scheme was launched.

委任林曉鋒博 士.工程師為 學苑董事局第 三任主席。

Ir Dr LAM Hiu Fung Alan was appointed as the third Chairperson of the Board of Directors.


發展課程,並重組學苑 架構以作配合。

The Talent Development approach was adopted for programme development, followed by the support of an organisational restructuring exercise.






推行資優教育衛星中心計劃,加強與學校的溝 通與合作。

透過更多不同類型的著名比賽 / 獎學金得獎者中 取錄學員,以拓寬收生渠道。

Dr WONG Kam Yiu Jimmy was appointed as the third Executive Director.

The Gifted Education Satellite Centre Scheme was kicked off to strengthen communication and collaboration with schools.

The admission channel was broadened by admitting winners from newly selected prestigious competitions/scholarships.

以「全人發展」理念配合 「人才培育」方式來制定 學苑課程的發展方向。

籌劃「校長提名計劃」以 進一步拓寬收生渠道。

The philosophy of Whole Person Development was upheld with the Talent Development approach to shape the Academy’s programme development direction.

The Principal’s Nomination was pioneered to further broaden the admission channel.

資優教育基金(基金)於2016 年成立,並先後於2017年及 2019年獲得政府注資合共16億 港元。政府將於2023-24財政年 度再向基金注入6億港元。

2017年,資優教育諮詢委員會 成立。

The Gifted Education Fund (Fund) was established in 2016 and the Government injected a total of HK$1.6 billion into the Fund in 2017 and 2019. Another HK$0.6 billion will be injected into the Fund in the financial year 2023-24.

In 2017, the Advisory Committee on Gifted Education was set up.

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

關於 香港資優 教育學苑

About The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education



香港資優教育學苑(學苑)為非牟利 機構,由香港特別行政區政府教育局 資助,與香港的學校和大學以及來自

世界各地的專家合作,為本地10至 18歲的資優學生提供校外資優教育 課程,以發揮他們的潛能。

學苑的宗旨是成為具備有效策 略規劃的資優教育地區樞紐, 致力提供合適課程,以鼓勵並


學生,並向其教師、家長、相 關的研究人員和機構提供支援。

我們致力確保10至18歲的本地資優學生獲得合適的學習和發展機會,讓他 們在學術及其他學習範疇中發揮潛能,包括領導才能、創造力及人際交往能 力,並照顧他們的社交情緒需要,以及培養他們對社會的承擔感。


推動並引導家長、教師、學者、商界及社會領袖的興趣和努力,期望為所 有資優學生創造有利及強化學習的環境;

促進教師在識別及支援校內資優學生方面的專業發展; 與本地及境外教育理念相近的機構建立夥伴關係,藉以發展成為知識樞 紐,延展資優教育研究,以及促進相關構想和最佳作業流程的交流。

The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education (HKAGE) is a non-profit organisation subvented by the Education Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government. We work with schools and universities in Hong Kong, as well as experts from around the world, to provide off-school gifted education programmes for local gifted students aged 10 to 18 with the aim of stretching their potential.

The HKAGE aims to become a regional hub of its kind with an effective framework for strategic planning and delivery of appropriate programmes to encourage and nurture gifted students, and to provide support to their teachers and parents as well as related researchers and organisations within the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

Specifically, our mission is to provide appropriate learning and development opportunities for local gifted students, aged 10 to 18 years, to enable them to realise their potential in a wide range of learning domains including academic and non-academic areas covering leadership, creativity and interpersonal skills, and to cater for their social and emotional needs as well as their sense of commitment to the community.

In addition, we also have to mobilise and steer the interest and effort of parents, teachers, academics and business & community leaders with a view to creating and enriching a conducive learning environment for all gifted students; facilitate the professional development of teachers in the identification and support of gifted students within the school context; develop, through partnerships with like-minded organisations both locally and outside the territory, a knowledge hub for furthering research on gifted education and the exchange of ideas and best practices.

• • • • • •
3 關於學苑
願景 關於學苑 使命


Table of Contents

About The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education


學苑里程碑 關於香港資優教育學苑 目錄 學苑董事局 主席的話 院長的話 嘉賓賀辭 學苑的造星之路 資優生的摘星之旅 活動花絮 Milestones
Contents Board of Directors Chairperson’s Message Executive Director’s Foreword Congratulatory Messages Paving the Road to the Stars Reaching for the Stars Event Highlights 1 2 4 5 6 8 10 26 46 90 4 目錄


Board of Directors

Members of the HKAGE Board of Directors (2022-2023) 學苑2022-2023年度董事局成員

主席 Chairperson 董事 Directors (按中文筆劃數排列 in ascending number of strokes of their Chinese names)

Ir Dr LAM Hiu Fung Alan, JP 朱啟榮博士 李美嫦女士 , JP

Dr CHU Kai Wing Alex

Ms LI Mei Sheung Michelle, JP

Ms CHAN Mo Ngan Teresa

Mr LEUNG Shiu Keung

林曉鋒博士.工程師 , JP 葉志兆博士 楊宗謙醫生 劉偉誼女士

Dr YIP Chi Sio Raymond

Dr YEUNG Chung Him Jason

周雪鳳女士 , JP 袁達文先生

Ms CHAU Suet Fung Dilys, JP

Dr CHEUNG Wah Keung Jacky

Ms LAU Wai Yee Alice

Mr YUEN Tat Man Sidney

Prof FUNG Ka Yiu Michael

張華強博士 馮嘉耀教授 1 2 6 10 4 8 12 3 7 11 5 9 5 董事局 1 9 4 12 5 10 7 8 6 3 2 11
陳慕顏女士 梁兆強先生

Chairperson’s Message 主席的話

學員的 摘星之旅 學苑的造星之路

Nurturing Our Gifted Students to Reach for the Stars

十年樹木,百年樹人。香港資 優教育學苑(學苑)不經不覺 已在香港的資優教育領域服務 了十五個年頭,在這段不長不 短的日子,學苑踏上了培育資 優學生的造星之路,陪伴他們 走上摘星之旅。

As an old Chinese saying goes, “It takes ten years to grow a tree, a hundred years to nurture talents”. The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education (HKAGE/ Academy) has been serving the local gifted education sector for 15 years. Despite the short establishment time, the Academy has embarked on the journey of nurturing gifted students to reach for the stars.

學苑成立以來,一直致力為10至18歲的本地資優 學生提供不同的課程,讓他們在不同領域探索各 種可能性。學苑成立不久便積極推動情意教育, 加強資優學生的領導才能、創造力及人際交往能 力,促進學員發展正向態度,培養他們對社會的承 擔感。自2020年起,學苑採用「人才培育」方式 發展課程,並重組學苑架構以茲配合。2021年更 推行「資優教育衛星中心計劃」,加強與學校的 溝通與合作。除此之外,學苑亦於同年開始取錄 「『閃耀之星』才華拓展獎學金計劃」得獎者成 為學員,以拓寛收生渠道。

如今,學苑的發展可謂一日千里。由2022年開 始,學苑積極推動以「全人發展」理念配合「人 才培育」方式來制定學苑課程的發展方向。在這 些基礎上,學苑積極整合課程,有規劃地為學員 提供至少100小時專注領域的課程培訓,目標是 讓資優學員在自己擅長的領域更上一層樓,為香 港培育更多21世紀全人發展的人才。

目前學苑的學員數目約八千。透過不同領域的資 優課程,學苑一方面讓學員探索不同的可能性, 另一方面讓學員在他們有潛質的領域上進深學 習,進一步發展該領域上的知識和能力。期待學 苑在下一個十五年,透過同工及課程導師繼續循 循善誘,因材施教,陪伴資優學員在這段摘星之 旅繼續前行,盡情展現他們獨有的光芒,發光發 亮,取得璀璨耀目的佳績。

“ “
6 主席的話

Since its inception, the HKAGE has been committed to providing different programmes for local gifted students aged 10 to 18, facilitating their exploration of various possibilities in different domains. Also, the Academy has actively promoted affective education to enhance the leadership, creativity, and interpersonal skills of gifted students, and to cultivate their sense of social responsibility. Starting from 2020, the Academy has adopted the Talent Development approach for programme development, along with an organisational restructuring exercise to support the new direction. In 2021, the Gifted Education Satellite Centre Scheme was pioneered to strengthen communication and collaboration with schools. The Academy’s admission channel was further broadened by admitting winners of the Star Bright Scholarship.

Nowadays, phenomenal developments are seen in the Academy. Starting from 2022, the concept of Whole Person Development, together with the Talent Development Approach, has been employed for the Academy’s curriculum development. Riding on these foundations, the Academy has actively restructured its curriculum to provide at least 100 hours of training for students in their areas of focus. We aim to support gifted students in advancing in areas they excel in and to nurture more holistic talents in Hong Kong in the 21 st century.

Currently, there are around 8,000 student members in the HKAGE. Through the gifted education programmes provided in different domains, student members can explore their interests on the one hand and develop their competence in their areas of focus on the other. We look forward to continuing our systematic training and individualised support to our student members in the next 15 years, so that they can shine bright with their unique brilliance and attain splendid achievements in the journey of reaching for their stars.

Chairperson, Board of Directors, the HKAGE 自2019年
香港資優教育學苑董事局主席 Ir Dr LAM Hiu Fung Alan, JP 林曉鋒博士 • 工程師 , JP Since 2019


Executive Director’s Foreword

「星」 的故事

Story of “Stars”

學苑的15周年記念特刊以「星」作為主題, 是管理層的一致決定。

我作為一個大學時期曾修讀天體物理學,同時 亦是天文愛好者,選擇以「星」作為主題並非 出於私心,原因是對學苑來說,「星」實在是 別具意義。


星星,這個設計正是學苑成立之初,透過公開 競賽選出的得獎作品,其設計理念的注解是 「作品由英文字母『A』(Academy的縮寫

形成)及一個圍繞著一個小孩子的環所組成, 寓意學院及它對資優兒童的支持。」然而,字 母『A』頂部星星的注釋卻一直留白,帶來無

盡的聯想空間。學苑經過多年的探索和發展, 逐漸為這兩顆星星賦予意義。

早期的學苑可謂「資源匱乏」。當時香港具有 資優教育經驗的人才不多,我們就連基本的校 舍設施也欠缺。在此,特別要感謝兩位前院長 湯敏思博士和吳大琪教授以及學苑團隊群策群

力,加上歷屆董事局的領導,以及教育局和教 育界同工的支持,把香港首間專門為青少年提 供資優教育的機構打造成型。今日的學苑,不 但有了自己的校舍,更跟多間學校協作成立 資優教育衛星中心,把我們的資優教育服務網 絡推展至不同地區。至於人力資源方面,經過 多年實踐,以及與本地和海外同儕交流經驗, 學苑的團隊已邁向成熟,設計出更多新穎的學 習體驗課程,讓資優學生的潛能得以展露和 發揮。

The theme of “Stars” has been chosen for this 15 th Anniversary Book, a unanimous decision by the whole senior management team.

This concept was not picked out of my own preferences, despite the fact that I am an amateur astronomer who studied astrophysics at university. The theme “Stars”, indeed, has a special meaning to the HKAGE.

Just take a glance at our logo, and you will easily spot the two little stars. This logo design was the winning entry in the Open Section of the HKAGE’s Logo and Letterhead Design Competition organised at the time of our inception. The design concept was that “the letter ‘A’ and a ring with a child surrounded by it symbolise the Academy and its support for gifted children.” The meaning of the stars was left blank, though. Through our exploration and development in the past years, we have given the stars multiple meanings.

In its early days, the HKAGE was “undernourished”. We did not even have our own campus, not to mention the shortage of experienced gifted education practitioners in Hong Kong back then. Thanks to the devotion of our former Executive Directors, Dr Stephen TOMMIS and Prof NG Tai Kai, as well as the team; the guidance of the previous and current Board members; and the support of the Education Bureau and fellow educators; Hong Kong’s first institution specialising in gifted education was formed. Today, we not only have our own campus but also have numerous



事實上,透過過去十多年的努力,在 學苑的協助下培育出不少成績優異、 對個人發展充滿理想、對社會未來懷 有抱負的年青人,當你繼續閱讀這本特 刋時,便會看到部分校友和學員的成長故事。

回到「星」這個主題,我們希望可以為院徽 上的星星賦予多重意義。對於資優生而言, 這兩顆星代表着他們的夢想、機會,以及讓 他們綻放光芒的舞台,雖然看似很高很遠, 但只要一步一步往前走,終能摘星。

Gifted Education Satellite Centres by collaborating with some like-minded schools, through which we have extended our services to different districts. In terms of human resources, our team has become more mature after years of practice and knowledge exchange with local and overseas peers. More inspiring programmes have been designed and offered to gifted students to unleash their potential.

I’m proud to say that the Academy has assisted in nurturing many outstanding students over the past years. Along with their academic achievements, many of these young people have the aspiration to excel in their personal development and to serve society. When you read this Anniversary Book, you will get to know the heart-warming stories of their learning journeys.

To us, these young people are our stars, and we would strive to help them unlock their potential and dream their dreams by providing opportunities and setting up the stage for them to materialise their dreams with flying colours.

Back to the theme of “Stars”, we hope to bestow the stars in our logo with multiple meanings. To gifted youngsters, the stars are the dreams and opportunities they are chasing and the stage on which they can show their talents. The stars may look far and high in the skies, but they are never unreachable when these gifted youths are heading there step by step.

Dr WONG Kam Yiu Jimmy 黃金耀博士


Since 2021

對於學苑而言,資優生就是我們的 明星,我們要協助他們發掘潛能; 創造機會讓他們實踐夢想;建立一 個舞台,讓他們在其上大放異彩, 綻放獨特光芒! “
Executive Director, the HKAGE 香港資優教育學苑院長


10 嘉賓賀辭
嘉 賓 賀 辭
教育局常任秘書長 Ms Michelle LI Mei Sheung , JP 李美嫦女士 ,JP 11 嘉賓賀辭
for Education

The Advisory Committee on Gifted Education

資優教育諮詢委員會主席 Dr Eugene CHAN , SBS, BBS, JP 陳建強醫生 , SBS, BBS, JP 春 風 化 雨 潤 澤 青 苗 資 優 教 育 諮 詢 委 員 會 主 席 香 港 資 優 教 育 學 苑 十 五 周 年 誌 慶 陳 建 強 敬 賀 12 嘉賓賀辭
,JP 13 嘉賓賀辭
The University of Hong Kong 香港大學校長 Prof Xiang ZHANG , JP 張翔教授



Vice-Chancellor and President

段崇智教授 嘉賓賀辭
Prof Rocky S. TUAN

Congratulatory Message

15 th Anniversary of the Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education


City University of Hong Kong

Prof Freddy BOEY Freddy Boey President and University Distinguished Professor City University of Hong Kong




President The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong 香港恒生大學校長
何順文教授 16 嘉賓賀辭
Prof Simon HO Shun Man



The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

President 香港科技大學校長
Prof Nancy Y. IP , SBS, BBS, MH, JP 17 嘉賓賀辭
葉玉如教授 ,SBS,BBS, MH,JP




President Hong Kong Metropolitan University

香港都會大學校長 Prof Paul LAM Kwan Sing, SBS, JP
18 嘉賓賀辭
林群聲教授 ,SBS,JP
President Hong Kong Chu Hai College 香港珠海學院校長
19 嘉賓賀辭
Prof CHEN Zhi



Prof Alexander Ping-kong WAI, JP


President and Vice-Chancellor

Hong Kong Baptist University

20 嘉賓賀辭
衞炳江教授 ,JP
滕錦光教授 ,JP 21 嘉賓賀辭
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Prof Stephen CHEUNG


President, Chair Professor of Public Policy

The Education University of Hong Kong

香港教育大學校長、 公共政策講座教授
Leung , SBS, JP
22 嘉賓賀辭
張仁良教授 ,SBS,JP

Congratulatory Message

15 th Anniversary of the Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education

Thanks for the opportunity to acknowledge the Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education. At a time when technology, politics, and climate can all be disruptive — we need to celebrate the positive connotations of giftedness. That entails two requirements:

We should embrace a pluralistic and flexible sense of human gifts. We should work to make sure that human gifts are deployed in a constructive way.

I hope that our work on “multiple intelligences” and on “good work” can be drawn upon for these ends. Here’s to a healthy future for the Academy.

With all good wishes,


1. 2.
* Photo by Harvard Graduate School of Education
霍布斯認知與教育學講座 教授
23 嘉賓賀辭
Howard GARDNER 教授


Board of Trustees

Distinguished Professor

University of Connecticut, USA

Congratulatory Message

15 th Anniversary of the Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education

I would like to congratulate the leaders and faculty of the Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education (HKAGE) upon the occasion of their fifteenth anniversary. The HKAGE is one of the leading places in the world to identify high potential young people and provide them with advanced level experiences for developing their gifts and talents. It has been a great pleasure and an honor for me and my team at the University of Connecticut to work with the Academy and to learn about the many exciting opportunities, resources, and encouragement that have been provided to so many gifted young people over the years.

Joseph S. Renzulli

University of Connecticut Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor Winner of the 2009 Harold W. McGraw, Jr. Prize in Education

Voted #3 among World’s Top 30 Education Professional for 2023

美國康乃狄克大學 信託委員會傑出教授
博士 24 嘉賓賀辭
25 嘉賓賀辭

Paving the Road to the Stars

26 造星之路
學苑的 造星之路


1990年發表的《教育統籌委員會第 四號報告書》啟動了香港的資優教 育發展。

In 1990, the Education Commission Report No. 4 initiated the development of gifted education in Hong Kong.

2007年,立法會通過一項配對撥款,配合何鴻 卿爵士同等金額捐獻,作為創院資金支援成立學 苑。香港年報2007記載學苑的成立。2008年, 學苑正式投入服務。

Until 2007, the Legislative Council approved a matching fund to complement a donation of an equal amount by Sir Joseph Hotung for the Education Bureau as start-up funding to set up the Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education. The establishment of the HKAGE was recorded in the Hong Kong Yearbook 2007. The Academy commenced services in 2008.

2006年,行政長官於 10 月發表的 施政報告中公布支持籌辦一所資優 教育學院,加強拔尖教育。

In 2006, the then Chief Executive announced in his Policy Address in October his support for the establishment of an academy for gifted education with a view to enhancing the performance of high achievers.

2007年「香港資優教育學院院徽及信紙設計比 賽」公開組的優勝作品,成為學苑院徽的基礎 設計。

The winning entry of the Open Section of the “HKAGE’s Logo and Letterhead Design Competition” in 2007 was taken as the basic design of the HKAGE logo.

27 造星之路




學苑早期並沒有自己的校舍,日常運作均是 在教育局九龍塘教育服務中心的臨時辦公室

進行,須借用全港各專上院校及學校的設施 舉行學生課程及活動。

2012年,學苑從九龍塘的臨時辦公 室,遷往位於沙田沙角邨的現有校舍。

學苑校址的前身為2006年停辦的沙角 小學,校舍經翻新後,除了設有職員辦


的接見室,為資優學員提供更穩定的環 境,進行學習和各類活動。

In 2012, the HKAGE was relocated from the temporary office in Kowloon Tong to the present campus at Sha Kok Estate, Sha Tin.

The HKAGE campus was previously used by Sha Kok Primary School which had been closed since 2006. Furnished with classrooms, a function hall, and psychologists’ meeting rooms, the refurbished campus provides not only an office for staff’s daily operations but also a more stable environment for our gifted learners to study and arrange activities.

The HKAGE did not have its own campus in the early stage. Daily operations were conducted at a temporary office in the Education Bureau (EDB) Kowloon Tong Education Services Centre. Hence, student programmes and activities had to leverage facilities from the educational institutions and schools in Hong Kong.


沙田區議會教育及福利委員會 2010年度第五次會議記錄

Minutes of the 5 th Meeting of the Education and Welfare Committee, Sha Tin District Council in 2010


Removal Notice in 2012




2017年,學苑成為教育局的資助機構, 接受教育局以資優教育基金的投資回報 作支持優化服務之用。

In 2017, the HKAGE became a subvented organisation of the EDB and started to receive the EDB’s support for service enhancement from the investment income of the Gifted Education Fund.

The first Annual Report of the HKAGE was issued in 2018 following its status as a subvented organisation of the EDB.

成為教育局的資助機構後,運作變得更透 明公開,學苑於2018年發表首份年報。
START-UP 啟動 29 造星之路




Programmes for Secondary School Students

學苑於2008/09學年開始投入服務,逐步接辦教育局旗下的「特 別資優學生培育支援計劃」以及接收該計劃內的2,370名中學學 員,而學苑亦於該學年取錄了1,357名新學員。

The Academy commenced services in the 2008/09 academic year, by taking over from the EDB in phases the “Support Measures for the Exceptionally Gifted Students Scheme”, to provide training to the 2,370 secondary school students under this Scheme as well as the 1,357 new student members admitted in this academic year.


The photo shows the programme rundown and reply slip of the HKAGE’s first Orientation Day on 13 December 2008.

為配合小學資優學生的學習需要,學苑於2009年3月25日舉行小學 數學先導課程簽署儀式,自2010年開始推行小學課程先導計劃。

To cater for the learning needs of gifted students in primary schools, the Signing Ceremony of the Primary School Mathematics Pilot Programme for Gifted Students was held on 25 March 2009. The Academy launched pilot programmes for primary school students in 2010.

Piloting Programmes for Gifted Students in Primary Schools 30 造星之路





Affective Education

學苑一向關注資優生的情意發展,因此,在2015 年成立情意教育部,為資優學生提供配合其情意需

要、社交和情緒發展的課程,提升他們情緒管理的 能力,亦為家長和資優教育工作者提供課程及工作 坊,藉以提升他們對資優學生的了解。

Gifted students’ affective development has been one of the HKAGE’s major focuses. Hence, the Affective Education Division (AED) was established in 2015 to provide programmes to address the affective needs of our student members and support their social and emotional development so that they would have more solid socio-emotional competence. The division also offered programmes and workshops to the parents of gifted students and gifted education practitioners to enhance their understanding of gifted students.


Advanced Learning Experiences

針對一些表現突出並作好充分準備、滿懷熱誠且 對學習展現濃厚興趣的資優學生,學苑於2016年 成立進階學習體驗部,透過與本地和境外院校及 機構協作,設計和提供個人化及個性化並具挑戰 性的學習機會,以促進他們的發展與成長。

For gifted students who demonstrate outstanding readiness, commitment and interest, the Advanced Learning Experiences Division (ALED) was established in 2016 to devise in collaboration with local and overseas institutions and organisations individualised, personalised and challenging learning opportunities for their further advancement and development.

31 造星之路


情意教育部的其中一個重 點課程,旨在促進孩子的 個人、人際和情緒發展; 增進家長培育資優子女的 知識和教養技巧。

The “1+1” Parent-Child Group was one of the iconic programmes of the AED. It was designed to facilitate the personal, interpersonal, as well as emotional development of gifted students; and enhance parents’ knowledge and skills in nurturing their gifted children.

情意教育部經常舉辦生涯規劃講座,講者包括社會賢達、專業人 士,以及在學或在職的校友,讓資優學員認識不同行業或大學主修 課程的特色和工作點滴,為自己的未來進行規劃。

The AED would invite community leaders, professionals, or alumni to the Career and Life Planning talks to share their working and learning experiences of their specialties. Students could obtain the relevant information for their life plans.

「 香港資優師徒計劃 」 (計劃)由進階學習體驗部設計及推行, 在2017/18年度試行,並於2018年正式啟動,是學苑的一項旗艦課程。

The Hong Kong Gifted Apprentice Programme (HKGAP), one of the Academy’s flagship programmes, was piloted and launched by the ALED in 2017 and 2018, respectively.

32 造星之路

計劃得到來自不同領域的精英支持,擔任學員的「師傅」,實行以生命 影響生命,激勵學員勇於接受挑戰,發展潛能。

The HKGAP has been supported by leaders and experts from various sectors. As an undertaking of “life influencing life”, the apprenticeship inspires students to embrace challenges and unleash their potential.

同盟學習形式深受資優學員歡迎。「科技工數同盟」、「創意同盟」以 及「閒談會」均鼓勵學員建立自發及自我主導的學習模式。

Gifted students enjoy the learning journey of the club-based approach. “Clubs” established for student members to develop self-initiated and selfdirected learning included the STEM & Creative Clubs and the Chat Club.




Student members joining the JA Company Programme not only gain the hands-on experience of running a company but also acquire social and communication skills, as well as knowing their strengths and weaknesses.

The photo shows student members presenting and promoting their products to the Executive Director of the HKAGE.

33 造星之路

資優課程深度化 SCALE-UP


Adoption of the Talent Development Approach

繼2018年推出「人才培育」先導計劃後,學苑由2020年起採 用「人才培育」方式發展課程,並於同年重組學苑架構,以作 配合。透過這次重組,情意教育部和進階學習體驗部的工作轉 由新設部門接管,並按照「人才培育」的理念為學員設計情意 教育課程及融入情意教育元素的學術課程,以及個人化及個性


Following the Talent Development (TD) Pilot Scheme launched in 2018, the TD Approach was adopted for programme development in the HKAGE in 2020, with an organisational restructuring exercise rolled out in the same year to meet the operational requirements. After the restructuring, the work related to the AED and the ALED was taken up by the newly established Programme Branch. Based on the TD model, affective education programmes and academic programmes infused with affective elements together with the individualised, personalised and challenging learning opportunities have been designed for student members.

The TD Approach consists of four phases, namely “Exploring Interests”, “Developing Competence”, “Towards Expertise”, and “Becoming Eminent” to cater for the different needs of our students from enrichment to advanced studies.

2021年7月16日,學苑在記者會中公布推出 人才培育計劃以規範其後的課程計劃。

On 16 July 2021, a press conference was held to announce the implementation of the TD Approach.

配合學員不同需要,從增潤到進階學習,讓學員更 寛廣、更深入地發掘 本身感興趣的學科領 域,在當中鑽研至專 家水平。
引入人才培育模式 人才培育規劃的模式由「探索興趣」、「發展能力」、 「成為專家」、「達至卓越」四個階段組成,
探索興趣 增潤 發展能力 進階學習 成為專家 專門化 達至卓越 個人化學習
拓展 34 造星之路

2022/23學年起,學苑開始以「全人發展」理念 配合「人才培育」方式來制定學苑課程的發展方 向,讓學員可以不斷獲得新技能和發展能力,應 對瞬息萬變的世界帶來的挑戰,發揮無限潛能。

Since the 2022-23 school year, a new direction upholding the philosophy of Whole Person Development (WPD) with the TD Approach was adopted for programme development to facilitate students’ ongoing acquisition of new skills and development of competencies to unleash their unlimited potential and take on the challenges in the ever-changing world.



WPD is defined in the HKAGE as the provision of educational experiences that enables students to develop positive values, attitudes, and a commitment to lifelong learning.

全人化資優教育 生活及 職業技能 適調態心 適調態心 35 造星之路

Gifted Education for Whole Person Development 核心價值 及態度 學習技巧 素養技能 心態調適

「與自然同行:生態保育領航員」加深學員對本地生態系統和保育工作的了解,讓他們更認 識設計思維在解決環保問題方面的重要性。

The “Walk with Nature: Ecological Conservation Leadership Programme” fosters students’ understanding of the local ecosystems and conservation situation, as well as their awareness of the importance of design thinking in solving problems related to green issues.

Students of the programme “Art, Culture and YOU” organised a mini showcase as their final project in the tertiary stage.

參加「藝.文與你」課程的學員完成第三 階段學習時,組織了一次小型展覽,作為 結業專題項目。
36 造星之路

「體育精神與芬蘭木棋」及「體育精神與躲避 盤」課程全方位訓練學員的腦力、體力和團隊 合作能力。

Student programmes “Sportsmanship & Mölkky” and “Sportsmanship & Dodgebee” provide allround training for students’ mental and physical fitness and enhance their team spirit.

37 造星之路



學苑在成立之初便致力與家長和教師同 行,提供支援及學習如何陪伴資優學生踏


The HKAGE has been committed to supporting parents and teachers, encouraging mutual support as well as peer learning on how to walk and grow with the gifted children and assisting them flying high.

學苑早年的宣傳品中,經常會見到 「 資優大 三角 」 ,形象化地展示出「學生」、「家長」、 「教師」(即校方)三方互動的重要性。橙色代 表學生、綠色代表家長、以及藍色代表教師。

The Gifted Triangles could be found in most of the Academy’s promotional materials in the early years, which visualised the interaction between “students”, “parents” and “teachers” (i.e. schools) in nurturing gifted children. The colours are orange for students, green for parents, and blue for teachers.

學生 家長 教師
38 造星之路







研究支援 PROJECT DYNAMICS 三方互動項目 學生 家長 教師
眾志成城 育資優 39 造星之路


諮詢及評估中心 研究支援


學苑關注到資優生的心理及精神健康,因此,諮詢及評估中心 成為其中一個最早成立的服務單位,提供免費熱線查詢、心理 學家的諮詢及評估服務。

Concerning the psychological and mental health of gifted students, the Consultation and Assessment Centre was one of the earliest service units established to provide free hotline inquiries, counselling, and assessment services by psychologists.


研究部於2012年成立,透過知識分享和學術交流, 發表基於實證的研究結果,以提升公眾對香港資優教 育的認識和了解。

The Research Division was established in 2012. It aims to promote public awareness and a better understanding of gifted education in Hong Kong by disseminating evidence-based findings through knowledge sharing and academic exchanges.


Counselling services are provided to student members and their parents by psychologists of the Academy.

研究部提供優質的資優教育資訊和研究支援,以促進 學苑的服務質素及提升學員的學習果效。

The Research Division provides high-quality information on gifted education and research support to enhance the service quality of the HKAGE and the learning impacts on student members.









在這些中心舉辦部分學生、家長和教師課 程,方便參加者就近上課,進一步推廣資優


Since 2021, the collaboration between the Academy and schools has marked a new milestone. Through the unprecedented “Gifted Education Satellite Centre Scheme” (Scheme), the HKAGE joins hands with like-minded schools to establish Gifted Education Satellite Centres (GESCs) to expand the coverage of gifted education services to different districts of Hong Kong. Programmes for students, their parents, and teachers will be conducted in these GESCs, enhancing the accessibility for the local participants and further promoting gifted education territory-wide.

2021年,首批加入計劃的學校為香港浸會大學附屬 學校王錦輝中小學(沙田)、聖公會白約翰會督中


The first batch of schools joining the Scheme in 2021 are HKBU Affiliated School Wong Kam Fai Secondary and Primary School (Shatin), SKH Bishop Baker Secondary School (Yuen Long), and Evangel College (Tseung Kwan O).

第二批於2023年加入計劃的學校為中華基金中學 (柴灣)、佛教覺光法師中學(沙田)及拔萃女書 院(佐敦)。

Schools of the second batch joining the Scheme in 2023 are The Chinese Foundation Secondary School (Chai Wan), Buddhist Kok Kwong Secondary School (Shatin), and Diocesan Girls’ School (Jordan).

41 造星之路







除了透過「學校提名」及「自身提名」計劃 取錄學員,學苑每年亦會透過「尖子培育計 劃」邀請於具有代表性的比賽中表現出色的 適齡學生,參加學苑的學員甄選。

To further enlarge and diversify the talent pool, the HKAGE continues to enhance the admission channel by admitting students with different types of intelligence to join the Academy for an educational experience appropriate to their needs. Their gifts are valuable resources both for themselves and for Hong Kong.

Apart from admitting student members through the School Nomination and Self-Nomination schemes, the HKAGE also invites students with outstanding performance in various prestigious competitions to join the nomination screening for HKAGE membership through the Nurturing the Gifted Scheme (Scheme).


可比賽名單已由早期不足5項增至2023年的9 項,新增名單中包括「國際生物奧林匹克」, 以及本地學界知名比賽「『閃耀之星』才華拓 展獎學金」和「香港青少年科技創新大賽」。

Through active promotion, the list of recognised competitions for the Scheme has grown from less than 5 in the early years to 9 in 2023. The Scheme’s enlisted newcomers include the International Biology Olympiad, as well as the locally renowned competitions, namely the Star Bright Scholarship Scheme and the Hong Kong Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition.




由2022/23學年開始,學苑於「學校提名」計劃 中增設「校長提名」名額來吸納具有卓越領導力 的資優學生。每間中學可提名一位中二至中四的 同學,直接參與學苑的第二階段甄選。

Starting from the 2022-23 school year, the Principal’s Nomination was added to enhance the current School Nomination to attract students who excel in leadership. Each secondary school can nominate one potential student from Secondary 2 to Secondary 4 to participate in the Stage 2 Assessment for HKAGE membership.

43 造星之路

眾志成城 育資優




學苑在「資優大三角」之上,進一步把資優教 育理念從「學生」、「家長」和「教師」推展

至社會上的不同範疇,與不同團體 / 機構合辦

課程,讓資優生得到更多元化的學習體驗,同 時亦提升各界人士對資優教育的認識,凝聚各


In order to foster gifted students more effectively, the rationale of gifted education must first be widely understood and recognised. In recent years, the Academy has gone beyond the Gifted Triangles of “students”, “parents”, and “teachers” and further promoted our beliefs to different areas of society by co-organising programmes with various groups / organisations. This not only allows gifted students to have more diverse learning experiences but also enhances the awareness of gifted education among different sectors of society and brings people together for the benefit of our future generation with great potential.

自2019年起,學苑開始與香港青年科學院合作推出科學講 座系列,首場講座主題為「大自然的紅鉛筆:重塑生命密 碼」,以前沿的基因編輯為主題,作為學苑十周年的壓軸 活動。整個講座系列吸引了眾多對新興科學擁有濃厚興趣 的資優學員參加。

Since 2019, the HKAGE started to co-organise the Science Education Talks Series with The Hong Kong Young Academy of Sciences. The first talk, “Nature’s Red Pencil: Writing and Rewriting Genomes” about the cutting-edge technology of genome editing, became the grand finale of the HKAGE’s 10 th Anniversary event series. The whole talk series has attracted many student members with great passion for emerging technologies.


學苑與香港應用科技研究院(應科院)合辦創科講座系列,通過探討應科院 應用技術研發的五項重點範圍,即智慧城市、金融科技、新型工業化及智能 製造、數碼健康科技和專用集成電路,提升學員於相關領域的知識和拓寛他 們的視野。

The HKAGE collaborated with Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) to launch a series of Technovation Talks. The talk series aimed at enhancing students’ knowledge and exposure through talks on the five core application areas of ASTRI’s applied research, i.e. Smart City, Financial Technologies, New Industrialisation and Intelligent Manufacturing, Digital Health, and Application Specific Integrated Circuits.

香港生產力促進局與學苑建立了策略夥伴關係,積極推動交流、探討及促 進創科教育全方位發展及開發相關課程,為中小學資優生提供更多增強創 科教育知識的機會,鼓勵年青人投身創科行業,壯大創科人才庫。

The Hong Kong Productivity Council and the HKAGE have established a strategic partnership, committing to actively exchange, explore and promote the all-round development of TechEd and develop relevant courses, providing more opportunities for gifted students to enhance their TechEd knowledge, encouraging the youth to enter the I&T industry, and building a sustainable I&T talent pool.

45 造星之路

資優生的 摘星之旅

Reaching for the Stars

46 摘星之旅

1% Inspiration, 99% Perspiration

天賦與汗水 47 摘星之旅

1% Inspiration, 99% Perspiration

因為熱愛 從未覺倦

A Boy Who Never Feels Tired of Following His Passion

2020年國際數學奧林匹克(奧數賽)香港選拔賽頒獎 禮上,最令人印象深刻的一幕是在六名港隊代表之中,

站著一位個子特別小的男生,他就是當年年僅12歲的小六 學生徐子豐,也是該屆港隊最年輕的成員。

At the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) Preliminary Selection Contest — Hong Kong 2020 Prize-giving Ceremony, a little boy standing among the six-representative Hong Kong

team left a deep impression on the attendees. The boy, Alex CHUI, aged 12 at the time, was also the youngest member of the Hong Kong team that year.

但不要小看他年輕,事實上,子豐 早於幼兒階段已顯露出數學天分。


之齡,仍是小學三年級時,便獲 國際奧數賽香港委員會推薦,獲學 苑破格取錄,接受國際奧數賽訓 練及港隊的選拔,其後更當選為 港隊中唯一的小學生。11歲時, 子豐在芸芸高中尖子當中獲挑選成 為國際奧數賽港隊後備隊員;及 至12歲成為港隊正選代表之一, 出戰國際奧數賽並勇奪銀牌;13

Alex has shown a talent in mathematics beyond his years since early childhood. “At the age of less than 10, Alex, then a Primary 3 student, was admitted to the HKAGE by exception for the IMO training and selection tests on the IMO (Hong Kong) Committee’s recommendation and eventually became the only primary student in the Hong Kong team. At the age of 11, Alex was selected as an alternate member of the Hong Kong team among all other gifted fellow teammates from secondary schools. At 12, he became one of the team members representing Hong Kong in the IMO and won a silver medal. When he was 13, he attained gold and became the second youngest IMO gold medallist ever,” recalled Alex’s father.

歲時更奪得金牌,成為該項比賽歷 來第二年輕的金牌得主。」
48 摘星之旅

在小學階段已開始接受密集式的訓練,跨越一關又一關, 年紀輕輕的子豐,可有感到壓力?子豐表示,當初加入國 際奧數賽訓練,看見身邊同學全都較自己年長,真的有少 許壓力,但思想成熟的他懂得把注意力轉移至訓練內容 之上,壓力便隨之消失。他還記得小四時,當他第一次接

觸訓練課程中的幾何部分,那時望著一堆圓形、三角形、 直線、交點,教他頭暈眼花;然而在2021年的國際奧數 賽中,他卻是唯一能夠完成壓軸幾何題的隊員,成功破解 難題,讓他獲得了第一枚國際奧數賽金牌,回想起三年間 點滴的進步,讓他體會到水滴石穿的道理!

這些年間,子豐衷心感謝學苑給他參加國際奧數賽培訓的 機會,讓他結識到不少能力相若又志同道合的朋友。這些 校外數學增潤課程讓他眼界大開,同時加強了他日後修讀 高等數學的興趣和決心。談到致勝秘訣,子豐說,「『平 時』當『戰時』,『戰時』當『平時』。平日我會搜羅世 界各國的數學難題作為練習,當平時多做些不同類型的難 題,到真正比賽時就不會覺得題目那麼艱深了。我想,還 有另一個更重要的秘訣就是我對數學的熱愛,當你真心喜 歡一件事情時,自然會盡心盡力把它做好,希望不會輸給


One might wonder whether a young boy like Alex, who has already started intensive mathematics training and overcome various challenges one after another, has ever felt any pressure. Alex admitted he did feel a little pressure when he first joined the IMO training and saw that the other classmates were all older than him. Nevertheless, when he shifted his attention to the training content, the pressure was gone. Alex also told us the circles, triangles, straight lines, and intersection points on the training materials made him dizzy when he first came across geometry during the IMO training as a primary 4 student. However, he turned out to be the only member of the Hong Kong team who could successfully solve the final geometry problem in the 2021 IMO, in which he won his first IMO gold medal. Looking back on his own progress during the past three years, Alex understands more deeply that perseverance yields success.

Alex is grateful to the HKAGE for giving him the opportunity to participate in the IMO training over the years, which has brought him many friends with the same interests and comparable capabilities. The off-school enrichment programmes have not only broadened his horizons but also enhanced his interest in advanced mathematics and his determination to study the subject. When it comes to the keys to winning, Alex said, “I take ‘peacetime’ as ‘wartime’ and ‘wartime’ as ‘peacetime’. I search for mathematics problems from all over the world for practice at leisure. With more practice in ‘peacetime’, the problems I come across in real competitions in ‘wartime’ would not seem so hard. Another even more important key, I believe, is my passion for mathematics. For things you really love, you will strive to do them well so that you won’t lose to others.” Following his passion, Alex is always fully motivated and never feels tired on his journey of learning mathematics!

國際數學奧林匹克 2022 銀獎

International Mathematical Olympiad 2022 (Silver Award)

國際數學奧林匹克 2021 金獎

International Mathematical Olympiad 2021 (Gold Award)

國際數學奧林匹克 2020 銀獎

International Mathematical Olympiad 2020 (Silver Award)

• • •
▲ 徐子豐 49 摘星之旅
徐子豐 Alex CHUI

1% Inspiration, 99% Perspiration 天賦與汗水

Unlock Full Potential Like Flowing Water 潛能似水



In the vast ocean of knowledge, human beings appear to be exceptionally insignificant. Being immersed in the vast ocean of knowledge, the 17-year-old Morgan YUEN is particularly fond of accounting and philosophy, subjects with practical and metaphysical natures.


了英國倫敦商會(LCCI)第1級 簿記資格,首次應考就獲得「良 (Merit)」級成績,從此,爸媽 認定了他在商業方面的潛能。當他 愈鑽研會計學,就愈發欣賞箇中精 義,享受追求知識的樂趣。「許多 人或許覺得會計學是一門枯燥的 學科,但我更傾向把它解讀為會計 科學(accounting science)。

這門科學根據特定法則運作,是國 際財務溝通的語言,避免不同地區 在會計準則上的差異,促進國際貿 易和金融發展。」

在2021年中,匡廷以15歲之齡, 越級挑戰英國特許管理會計師公會 的會計師專業資格。在16門專業

Morgan was exposed to accounting and obtained his LCCI Level 1 Book-keeping qualification in Primary 6, earning a “Merit” grade on his first attempt. Since then, his potential in business has been recognised by his parents. The deeper he delved into accounting, the more he came to appreciate its essence and enjoyed the pursuit of knowledge. Morgan further explained, “Many people may see accounting as a boring subject, but I tend to see it as a science, namely ‘accounting science’. This branch of science not only operates according to certain laws but also functions as the language for international financial communication that helps avoid regional differences in accounting standards and facilitates international trade and financial development.”

In mid-2021, the 15-year-old Morgan leapfrogged the ordinary path for the examinations for professional

在知識的汪洋中,人類顯得異常渺小。對於17歲的袁匡廷來說,在知識的汪洋中, 特別鍾情 「 貼地 」
50 摘星之旅

試中,完成了13門,其中管理會計科更考獲全港最高分, 勇奪2021年香港考區管理會計試(P1)的最佳成績獎。


理會計師公會課程涉及財務、數碼科技和企業業務等不同 領域,有利他將來適應不同的法律制度,在不同類型的機 構發展。

過去兩三年,匡廷參加過學苑多項課程,令他獲益良多, 其中包括「香港資優師徒計劃」,他獲配對成為前機管局

財務執行總監羅志聰先生的徒弟 Œ ,從師傅身上得到不少 啟發。匡廷說:「資優生就好像一匹千里馬,只要幫助他 們發掘到最適合的路徑,便可以充分發揮千里馬的優勢。

羅先生是我的伯樂,了解我的需要和長處,為我提供適切 的指導。他曾邀請我出席一些活動,引薦我認識金融、會 計界前輩,加深我對業界的認識。這些寶貴經驗是無法從

qualifications organised by the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA). He attempted 13 out of the 16 professional examinations and, having scored the highest among the Hong Kong candidates, was awarded the Top Winner of P1 Management Accounting (H.K.) Examination of CIMA 2021. Currently, Morgan is planning to complete the remaining professional examinations. His admiration for the CIMA courses is due to their extensive coverage in different areas, including finance, digital technology, corporate business, etc., which will enable him to adapt to different legal systems and work in different types of organisations in the future.

Over the past two to three years, Morgan has benefited a lot from attending various courses at the HKAGE, including the Hong Kong Gifted Apprentice Programme (HKGAP). He has been paired as the apprentice of Mr William LO, the former Executive Director of Finance at the Airport Authority Hong Kong and learnt a lot from his master Œ . Morgan mentioned, “Gifted students are like steeds that need an experienced scout who can see their real potential. Mr LO is a good judge of talent for me. Not only does he understand my needs and strengths, but he also provides me with the right guidance. He invited me to some social events and introduced me to some finance and accounting elites, thus deepening my understanding of the industry. These are valuable experiences that one cannot get from books.”

學苑步入15周年,熱愛哲學的匡廷引用《道德經》中萬物 皆有序的理念,鼓勵師弟師妹作多方面嘗試,深入了解自 己的天賦,打破既定的思維模式,在探求知識的路上突破 瓶頸。他以水作為比喻:「水靜止時波平如鏡,但當它的 表層被刺破時,又可以川流不息。」資優學員的潛能也是 如此,只要稍加引導,便可以源源不絕地釋放出來。

The Academy is approaching its 15 th anniversary. Morgan, who loves philosophy, quoted the idea in The Book of the Tao and Its Virtue ( 《道德經》 ), an ancient Chinese book, that “everything moves in its own flow” to encourage younger student members to be open to new experiences and willing to try new things. By understanding better their own talents, they could think outside their established mindsets and break through the bottleneck along their learning journey. He used water as an analogy for one’s talent: “Still water seems like a motionless body. However, if the water surface is being pierced, the water inside will keep flowing out.” It is the same for gifted students, whose potential can be unleashed with the right stimulation.


Top Winner of P1 Management Accounting (H.K.) Examination CIMA 2021


Obtained LCCI Level 1 Book-keeping qualification in Primary 6, earning a “Merit” grade

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51 摘星之旅
袁匡廷 Morgan YUEN

追逐 我的創科夢

Pursuing My Aspiration of Innovation

學苑一直鼓勵及協助學員在不同的舞台上發 光發熱,除了純數理比賽外,學員亦早已開 始踏上創科比賽的國際舞台。本文分享兩位 獲獎者的成長經歷,他們年齡相若,同樣懷 抱創科夢,希望為人類作出貢獻!

The HKAGE has strived to encourage and assist student members to show their talents on different platforms. Besides the academic competitions relating to maths and sciences, student members have started glowing up in various international STEAM contests. In this article, the learning journey of two technology and innovation award winners will be shared. They are about the same age, and they both aspire to contribute to humankind through ingenuity and technology.

▲ 李永康 ▲ 孫浩翔 1% Inspiration, 99% Perspiration 天賦與汗水 52 摘星之旅

李永康 20歲的校友李永康(Stephen),在學苑 期間是一位非常活躍的學員。Stephen自

10歲獲學校提名加入學苑,從高小至中學 畢業,八年以來,積極投入學苑的學習生 活,共完成52項課程。2021年3月,他和 同學的發明品 – 兼具止血和殺菌功能的 抗菌蟹膠布 – 在「第47屆日內瓦國際發 明展」勇奪銅牌。同年九月獲香港科技大學 取錄修讀綜合系統與設計理學士課程,朝他 的創意發明夢進發。

Stephen自小就對科學感興趣,喜歡閱讀科 學家故事,在父母和老師的鼓勵下,參加所 就讀中學的科學研究隊,與隊友探索研究, 樂此不疲。及至加入學苑,他的求知慾得到 進一步滿足。他在學苑除涉獵數理,還有更 廣闊的知識領域,獲得全新的學習體驗。在 小學階段,他說最難忘的是學習數學排列和 組合,思考若從地球出發往不同的恆星進行 探索,究竟需要多少光年。

Stephen認為在學苑可以接觸的課程內容非 常廣泛,包括2019年參加台灣亞太科學資 優學生論壇(APFST),該活動專為科學


一項活動邀請了第一位自製飛機環遊世界的 港人分享其經歷,這兩項活動都令Stephen 留下深刻印象。還有更多的學苑課程例如太 空探索、月球探索、火星之旅、實地到郊外 觀星等,這一切都引領著Stephen神遊象 外,激發更多想像。

Stephen LEE

Alumnus Stephen LEE, aged 20, was a very active student member of the HKAGE. He was nominated by his school to join the Academy at 10 and began his gifted learning journey from senior primary to secondary school. He actively participated in the HKAGE programmes and activities during the eight years at the Academy, completing 52 programmes in total. With the invention of the antibacterial and hemostatic crab adhesive tape developed with his schoolmates, Stephen and his team took home the bronze medal at the 47 th International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva in March 2021. He moved one step closer to his dream of the innovative invention when the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology accepted him in September of the same year to pursue the Bachelor of Science Programme in Integrative Systems and Design.

Stephen has developed an interest in scientific research since childhood. He liked reading stories about scientists and became a member of his school’s scientific research team with the support of his parents and teachers. He enjoyed exploring and conducting research with his peers. His desire for knowledge was further quenched when he enrolled in the HKAGE. He dabbled in maths and science at the Academy and attained knowledge in a broader range of subjects, gaining learning experiences outside the classroom. Stephen said that learning mathematical combination and arrangement as a primary school student had left him with the fondest memories, as he could still remember how he was pondering the number of light-years it would take to travel to various constellations from Earth during the class.

With the very comprehensive coverage of the Academy’s programmes, Stephen got the chance to participate in the 2019 Asia-Pacific Forum for Science Talented (APFST) held in Taiwan. During the Forum, there were activities specifically designed for scientifically gifted students who wished to exchange ideas with their peers. Stephen also had the opportunity to listen to the sharing of the first Hong Kong citizen who had travelled around the world on a homemade plane. These programmes have left a deep impression on Stephen. Other topics covered under the HKAGE programmes that Stephen has joined included space exploration, the Moon journey, trips to Mars, and star viewing in the countryside. All these have inspired and encouraged Stephen’s imagination.



干達Watoto兒童村。當年的他懷着興奮又好奇的 心情,親身到第三世界體驗,在那裏進行義務工 作,為社區建造一口水井,眼界得到進一步拓闊。


香港模擬聯合國活動和「香港資優師徒計劃」 等。如今這一切,依然歷歷在目。孕育在學苑濃 厚的學習氣氛中,繼而在大學接受工程學方面的 培育,儼如站在巨人的肩上,Stephen希望能夠 運用創意和現有科技,解決日常遇到的問題,提 升生活質素。他構思的創意發明包括一款智能家 居雙向系統,可以透過圖像顯示用電量的分布,讓 用家了解並調整自己的用電模式,從而達到節能的 效果。


19歲的孫浩翔(Michael)為美國史丹福大學電腦 科學系學生,一向對科學著迷。他憶述小學時迷上 講述發明背後故事的教育短片。高中時,受到科 幻小說的啟發,夢想有一天他的創意發明能被廣泛 使用,造福社會。

17歲的時候,Michael創製出生物降解磁力微型 機械人,可以將之注射入體內游走於血管之中,

用於顯微外科手術和其他治療之上。他的創意發 明讓他在多項比賽中獲得殊榮,包括2020年香港



學與工程大獎賽,Intel ISEF)的二等獎及INCOSE



Arranged by the HKAGE, Stephen had the opportunity to visit the Watoto Children’s Village in Uganda, Africa as a secondary school student. With excitement and curiosity, he volunteered in a community building project for constructing a freshwater well in this third-world country. His horizons were further broadened by this experience. He has also taken part in activities such as the JA Company Programme, the Hong Kong Model United Nations, and the Hong Kong Gifted Apprentice Programme (HKGAP) . Even today, he can recall all of these fond memories. Nurtured in the resourceful learning atmosphere of the HKAGE and currently furthering his engineering study at the university, Stephen aspires to develop innovative applications of existing technologies to solve everyday problems and improve the quality of human life by standing on the shoulders of giants. One example is the two-way smart home system that enables users to be informed visually of their own pattern of energy usage and helps them save energy.

Michael SUN

Michael SUN, a 19-year-old computer science student at Stanford University in the United States, has always been fascinated by science. He recalled being immersed in educational videos on the stories behind various inventions when he was a primary school kid. In high school, he was inspired by science fiction and dreamed of presenting his invention for the benefit of society someday.

At 17, Michael created a biodegradable, magnetically powered microswimmer that could be injected into the blood vessels and potentially used for microsurgery and other medical treatments. His work was recognised in numerous competitions, including the Young Scientist Year Award at the 2020 Hong Kong Youth Science & Technology Innovation Competition and the Second Place Award and INCOSE Special Award at the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair 2021 (previously known as the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, Intel ISEF). He stated that this invention was created as a preliminary prototype that required additional testing and refinement before it could be put into practical use.

Michael participated in the HKGAP organised by the HKAGE and was mentored by Dr Jimmy WONG, Executive Director of the Academy, and Dr Crystal FOK, Head of STP Platform, Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation. Michael was grateful for their support and inspiration on his road to pursuing new inventions. “Dr FOK has significantly aided my personal development. I was able to work on a project in the Science Park thanks to her assistance. She has offered me different ideas, advice, and guidance and has inspired me to pursue science studies. Dr WONG has provided me with valuable


Michael參加了學苑舉辦的「香港資優師徒計劃」, 獲配對成為香港資優教育學苑院長黃金耀博士及香 港科技園公司 STP Platform 總監霍露明博士的徒弟。

Michael感激兩位恩師在其創意發明路上給予的啟 發與支持。「霍博士對我的個人發展有很大幫助。 在她的安排下,讓我得以在科學園進行研究項目。

她為我提供了不同的建議和指導,激勵我研究科 學。黃博士在我感興趣的領域為我提供了寶貴的知 識,並就如何產生不同構想及如何推展我的創新發 明提供意見。黃博士平易近人,當我有需要時,他 總是樂於助我一臂之力。香港資優師徒計劃助我提 升領導能力、組織能力和溝通技巧。」他說。

他表示學苑的數學和科學課程較學校提供的常規 課程更具挑戰性,內容非常有用,不但激發了他 的興趣,點燃了他對數學和科學的熱愛,更從課 程中找到了學習的靈感。Michael的夢想是把創 業和科技方面的興趣結合起來,將他的發明轉化 為成品,並創辦一家創科公司。他鼓勵師弟師妹 善用學苑提供的資源和課程,發掘興趣,鑽研熱 愛的領域。

knowledge about my fields of interest and advice on generating ideas and developing my innovative inventions. He is approachable and always ready to lend me a hand. The HKGAP has helped enhance my leadership, organisation, and communication skills,” he said.

Michael finds the mathematics and science programmes at the HKAGE more challenging than the ones offered under the regular curriculum and are very useful. These programmes have sparked his interest in maths and science and kindled his passion and love for the subjects. This has given him inspiration for his studies. Michael’s dream is to launch a tech start-up and turn his inventions into marketable products by merging his entrepreneurial and technological interests. He encourages talented young students to make use of the resources and programmes provided by the HKAGE to pursue their passions and venture out to explore their fields of interest.


Currently a student of BSc in Integrative Systems and Design at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology



Bronze medalist at the 47 th International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva in 2021 (with teammates)


Currently a computer science student at Stanford University


The Second Place Award and INCOSE Special Award at the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair 2021


The Young Scientist Year Award at the 2020 Hong Kong Youth Science & Technology Innovation Competition

李永康 Stephen LEE
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Michael SUN
55 摘星之旅
▲ 孫浩翔


1% Inspiration, 99% Perspiration

千里之行 始於……

Where the Journey to Knowledge Starts

看着2020年文憑試七優狀元黃摰毅在學苑教育資源中心翻閱腦神經科學書籍,書上艱澀 的英文生字映入眼簾,筆者臉上的汗珠隨之滴下,打從心裏問,摰毅學長為甚麼不念「神 科」?「以你的成績,又喜歡生物科,為甚麼不讀醫科呢?」學長眨一眨眼,笑笑說, 「因為對我來說,生物科更具挑戰性!」

When I saw Genper WONG, the 5** achiever in seven subjects in the DSE 2020, reading books on brain neuroscience with lots of incomprehensible technical terms in the HKAGE Resources Centre, beads of sweat dripped down my face. I had an urge to ask Genper why he had not enrolled in those high achievers’ favoured programmes, “With your DSE results and enthusiasm for biology, why don’t you study medicine?” Genper blinked and gave me a smile, saying, “Biology is more challenging for me!”

千里之行 始於研究

「或者有人以為,只要把書本的內 容背完,不就可以拿滿分嗎?但進


觸的內容都是新的,根本不可以光 靠背誦就取得好成績!」摰毅霸氣 回應。「研究是解決問題,不可以 安於現狀,一定要創新。以研究腦

退化症為例,一般來說是與腦細胞 死亡速度有關,但這個病其實可以 跟病人的血管、飲食,甚至周遭的 聲音有關。」為了拓闊視野,他於 去年(2022年)暑假遠赴波蘭科學

From Research the Journey Starts

“Some might expect to get a perfect exam score by merely memorising the content of the textbooks. Since new discoveries are made every day, there are no textbooks to memorise for conducting research.” Genper continued to explain daringly, “Research is about problem solving. We should not be complacent with the status quo and should always embrace innovation. Take the research on dementia as an example. Traditionally, it was believed that this was due to the dying of brain cells. However, it can be related to the patient’s blood vessel situation, diet, and even environmental sounds.” With a view to broadening his

56 摘星之旅

院Nencki實驗生物學研究所交流,上山學藝,為的是接觸前沿 醫學技術。

horizons, Genper went on an exchange trip to the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology of the Polish Academy of Sciences last summer (2022) to gain exposure to frontier medical technologies.

摰毅勇於接受挑戰,從不滿足於停留在過去或現在,而是持續 研究新的事物和學習新的知識,對他來說,病人案例常常會 重複,故他認為習醫不太適合自己,因而選擇朝腦神經科學發 展,而正正是這種孜孜不倦、勇於探求新知、不怕困難、樂於 解決問題的精神,成就了今天的他。

千里之行 始於學苑

摰毅在一次國際生物奧林匹克比賽(國際生物奧賽)中奪得銀 牌,並成為學苑的學員。他慶幸在最適當的時機遇上學苑:

「若我在小時候便被人稱為『資優』,相信我會變得自大到無 法想像,正因為參加了由學苑與科大合辦的國際生物奧賽訓 練,令我發現比我優秀的人多的是。」他在學苑的時日雖不算

長,但成為校友後不時應學苑邀請向學員分享參加國際生物奧 賽的經驗及升讀大學的注意事項。他跟學苑的偶遇可謂「緣淺 情深」。

作為學長,摰毅寄語後學把握在學苑開竅的機遇,「千里之行, 始於學苑,好好利用在學苑的日子,提升知識和心理素質,為未 來方向奠定基礎。只要懂得珍惜,日子長短並不重要。」

Genper is always up for new challenges and keeps exploring new ideas and acquiring new knowledge. He chose neuroscience over medicine, as a medical doctor might need to handle many recurring patient cases. It is his unceasing diligence, courage in exploration, and willingness to take up challenges that have made him who he is today.

From HKAGE the Journey Starts

Genper became a student member of the HKAGE after winning a silver medal at the International Biology Olympiad (IBO). He thought he was fortunate to have the opportunity to join the Academy at the most appropriate time. “If I had been told that I was gifted at a younger age, I would have been more than arrogant. The late encounter turned out to be a blessing for me. During the IBO training, I realised that there were lots of people smarter than me,” Genper said. Although he had not spent much time learning with the Academy, Genper has already started sharing with student members his experiences and tips relating to IBO and university life as an alumnus. A close connection has been developed with the Academy after the brief encounter.

As an alumnus, Genper encouraged student members to seize every opportunity available in the Academy to get equipped for their learning journey. “The HKAGE is where the journey to knowledge starts. Please make effective use of the time you spent with the Academy to enhance your intellectual and psychological fitness, which will lay the foundation for your future development. As long as you value every learning opportunity, it doesn’t matter how long you’re staying as a student member of the HKAGE,” he said.


The 5** achiever in seven subjects in the DSE 2020

「南華早報 2020 年度傑出學生選舉」科學家和數學家組亞軍

The first runner-up for Scientist and Mathematician group (SCMP Student of the Year 2020)


Silver medalist, International Biology Olympiad 2019

• • • 黃摰毅 Genper WONG 57 摘星之旅

1% Inspiration, 99% Perspiration


Becomes a Legend by Diving into Science

現年21歲的校友鄒駿宏,從2014年至2019年,五年內十次代表香港出戰多個國際科 學奧林匹克競賽,創出三金、四銀及三銅的輝煌成績,為港爭光,寫下個人傳奇!回顧 過往,駿宏全情投入學苑各種課程及活動,用堅韌擦亮他的人生。

Tommy CHAU, currently 21 years old, represented Hong Kong 10 times in different international science olympiads between 2014 and 2019, winning honours for Hong Kong and himself by accomplishing a legendary record of 3 Gold, 4 Silver and 3 Bronze medals.

Reflecting on the past, Tommy acclaimed the HKAGE for the various programmes and activities that had brightened up his life.



中科學奧林匹克 – 香港選拔


苑,並成為該屆年齡最小的港 隊代表。此後,透過參加本港 和國際數學及物理學賽事,駿 宏的數理能力得以提升。他尤 其記得亞洲及國際物理奧林匹 克賽前的密集式訓練,那段日 子,跟隊友相處的時間較家人 還要多,故此賽事完畢後,有 種依依不捨的感覺。

Intensive Pre-Competition Training

At the age of 13, Tommy, a Secondary 3 student then, took home a silver medal at the Hong Kong Screening for the International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO). He was subsequently admitted as a student member of the HKAGE and became the youngest member of the IJSO Hong Kong team. His skill and ability were honed through participation in mathematics and physics competitions both locally and internationally. He clearly remembered the rigorous preparatory training he underwent prior to the Asian and International Physics Olympiads. During the final training, he used to spend more time with his teammates than with his family. Thus, it was uneasy for him to leave the team when the game was over.






(滿分為4)。如此佳績,讓駿宏得以繞過中學文憑試,以科 大成績獲牛津大學取錄,並成為陳廷驊基金會獎學金得主,獲 資助赴英修讀四年制碩士課程。


另一個讓駿宏難忘的經歷就是參加「香港資優師徒計劃」,他 獲配對與中大物理系朱明中教授成為師徒 Œ 。兩年間,朱教授 每月也會與駿宏進行交流,師徒倆天南地北無所不談,當中包

括分享對本港教育的看法。能與物理學者近距離接觸,激發思 想火花,讓駿宏得到造就,探索物理世界,一步一步朝他的夢 想進發。

在殿堂級的牛津大學,醉心物理學的他,努力不懈,繼續優 秀。駿宏分別於2021年10月獲得Scholar的榮譽(即獲得

First Class的最高分數);另於2022年9月,獲得Nicholas Prize in Physics殊榮(學院內最佳表現獎)。今年6月,駿宏完成物 理學碩士課程,他希望可以再申請獎學金修讀博士學位,繼續 研究,他日學成回港,推動科研和資優教育,讓不同階層的資 優生亦有機會追求夢想。

Dual Track for Secondary School and University Study

Tommy started the dual track after learning about the “Secondary Schools —The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) Dual Program” through the Academy. While continuing his secondary school study, he enrolled in 14 HKUST courses, including applied mathematics, mechanics, electricity, optics, quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics. He obtained an average credit rating of 3.7 out of 4. With the academic results obtained at the HKUST, he bypassed the DSE and was accepted by Oxford University for a master’s degree programme. He was also awarded the D. H. Chen Foundation Scholarship to support his pursuit of a 4-year master’s degree in the UK.

Getting Acquainted with His Physics Master

Having been paired with his mentor, Professor CHU Ming Chung from the Department of Physics, CUHK, under the Hong Kong Gifted Apprentice Programme Scheme was another life-changing experience for Tommy Œ . For two years, Professor CHU and Tommy met every month and exchanged views on many things, including Hong Kong’s educational system. These interactions with Professor CHU sparked Tommy’s intellectual curiosity, which has helped him develop and advance in the direction of his desire.

Following his passion for physics, Tommy continues to strive for academic excellence at the prestigious Oxford University. In October 2021, he was recognised as a scholar (i.e. equivalent to first class). In September 2022, he was awarded the Nicholas Prize in Physics (the best performance within the college). After completing his master’s degree in physics in June this year, Tommy intends to seek another scholarship to pursue a doctoral degree. He plans to return to Hong Kong in the future to conduct scientific research and promote gifted education so that talented students with different social backgrounds can have the opportunity to pursue their dreams.

2022年Nicholas Prize in Physics(牛津大學屬下大學學院內最佳表現獎)得主

Winner of the Nicholas Prize in Physics (the best performance within the University College, Oxford University) in 2022


Awardee of the D. H. Chen Foundation Scholarship in 2019


Winner of 3 Gold, 4 Silver and 3 Bronze medals in different International Science Olympiads from 2014 to 2019

• • •
59 摘星之旅
鄒駿宏 Tommy CHAU

1% Inspiration, 99% Perspiration


Mathematics is Beautiful


當年他以數學方面的資優特質加入學苑,接觸更多數學課程後,深受數學魅力所吸引。 此後,他求學的各個階段,包括中學、大學、碩士、博士,都與數學有關。若問他為何 喜歡數學,他的答案是:「數學很美」。

Terence TSUI has loved mathematics since his childhood.

Admitted to the HKAGE because of his giftedness in mathematics, Terence was fascinated by mathematics. Since then, each stage of his studies, including his secondary, undergraduate, master’s and doctoral studies, has been related to mathematics. Why so? He would say, “It’s because maths is beautiful.”

對一般人而言,數學只是中小學的必 修科之一,因為「必修」而修,別無 他選,很難感受到數學的美。浩龍很清 楚自己這份對數學的熱愛是難以覓得知 音,找到共鳴,但他仍然很喜歡數學, 以心做伴,孤獨地追求數學的美。

For most people, mathematics is just a compulsory subject in primary and secondary schools. People treating this subject as an inevitable duty rather than an interest can hardly see the beauty of it like Terence does. Terence has chosen to pursue this lonely journey of chasing the beauty of mathematics.

浩龍是一個很愛思考的人,雖然數學了 得,但在中小學階段較少有參加數學方 面的國際比賽,反而學苑提供的一些啟 發思考的數學訓練 – 中學/大學雙修 課程及師友訓練 – 深深觸動了當時仍

在中學階段的他,促成了探索數學的 心願。

Terence enjoys pondering over mathematical theories. Instead of frequently joining competitions in his school years, the then secondary school student was deeply inspired by the Dual Programmes and mentoring programmes run by the HKAGE with universities, which triggered his love for digging into the core of mathematics.

60 摘星之旅

疫情期間,他正在英國牛津大學攻讀博士學位,研究隨機分 析。他和所有同學都一樣被困在家中學習,獨處的時間較以往 來得多,在研究學問之餘,多了些時間去思考人生、探索追求 數學的意義。「以前學習數學就是很單純地喜歡它,感受到它 的美,但對這門學問認識深了,卻多了一個層次的思考:『這 門學問的意義何在?對人類社會有甚麼影響?』」為此,他陷 入沉思,極需要一個樹洞去傾吐心中鬱結。

Terence was a PhD candidate at the University of Oxford during the pandemic, researching stochastic analysis. The unexpected pandemic brought him a new life pattern with which he had to study from home just like his schoolmates. With a lot more me time, he was engrossed in the meditations on the meanings of life and mathematics. “I used to study mathematics simply because I liked it and felt its beauty. But when I got a deeper understanding of it, I thought about it on a different level: What is the meaning of this subject? How does it relate to human society?” He got lost in thought and desperately needed a tree hole to pour out his frustration.

成長的路,即使不是荊棘滿途,也絕非平坦康莊,我們都須經 歷大大小小的探索、挫折和反思,才能成就出一個強大的自 己。浩龍從內心的胡同找到出口,決定把他的數學知識跟同學

在腫瘤科方面的學問互相結合,一同研究游離細胞脱氧核醣核 酸的分裂狀態,藉以了解癌細胞的生長過程。這項跨學科的研 究成為了他的博士論文主題。雖然研究成果未必會即時為醫學 界帶來突破,但已經為他所醉心的數學添上另一重意義。

即將完成博士課程*的他,將會參與一份博士後研究工作,繼續 把數學知識應用於不同的科學範疇之上,而下一階段的旅程, 將會朝核子的隨機分裂狀態進發。

Growth is never smooth and linear. Feeling lost, Terence eventually escaped from his labyrinth by consolidating his knowledge in mathematics with his classmates’ knowledge in oncology to study the fragmentomics of cell-free DNA, so as to understand the growth process of cancer cells. This interdisciplinary research has become his doctoral dissertation topic. Although it may not bring an immediate breakthrough in the medical field, this study has given a new meaning to the mathematics Terence has all along been obsessed with.

Soon after the completion of his doctoral programme*, Terence will start his postdoctoral work and keep applying his mathematical knowledge in various scientific areas. His next station will be the random split state of nucleons.

受訪時 (2023年1月) 徐浩龍仍在進行博士課程的研究。

Terence TSUI was engaged in his doctoral research at the time of this interview (January 2023).


The Rhodes Scholar for Hong Kong in 2019


Outstanding Alumnus 2021 of the HKAGE

昇普計劃Access Abroad Hong Kong創辦人之一(昇普計劃前稱Project Access,專為有志赴英升學的香港學生免費提供升學顧問服務)

The co-founder of Access Abroad Hong Kong (AAHK, formerly known as Project Access Hong Kong, offers free consultation services to Hong Kong students planning to study at UK universities)

• • • 徐浩龍
Terence TSUI
* ▲ 徐浩龍 61 摘星之旅

1% Inspiration, 99% Perspiration

小時候的余浩榮,成績說不上優異,但他的「活潑」程度卻被老師「盯上」,有老師甚 至建議余媽媽帶孩子去接受心理評估,以便及早治療他的「過度活躍症」。但諷刺的 是,評估結果發現浩榮並非過度活躍症患者,反而是個資優兒童。其後,他更以人文學 科的資優特質,入選為教育局「特別資優學生培育支援計劃」學員。

As a child, Lawrence YU was noticed by teachers, not because of his academic achievement but his “hyperactive” behaviour. To get his “behavioural problem” fixed as early as possible, his mother was urged to take him to a psychological assessment. Ironically, instead of being diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Lawrence was identified as a gifted child. With his advanced potential in humanities, Lawrence was then admitted to the EDB’s Support Measures for the Exceptionally Gifted Students Scheme.

常言道:「三歲定八十」,浩榮當年 疑似「過度活躍」的行為,剛好反映 在他的成長路徑,其中兩個特點尤其 明顯:一是行動力強,二是涉獵範疇 廣泛。單單是高等教育的求學階段, 他曾經由原本主修的工商管理來個華 麗轉身,改為修讀心理學,而在香港 八大院校之中,他先後於其中三間畢 業;其後的博士研究則同時落戶在英 國牛津大學及北京清華大學,專門鑽 研創傷後壓力症及跨文化心理學。

As the Chinese saying goes, “The character of a person is shaped at a tender age”. Lawrence’s “hyperactive” characteristics have been predominately demonstrated in his growth, particularly in his power of execution and versatility. Taking his tertiary education as an example, he studied at three local universities out of eight, while switching his major from business to psychology. His doctoral research took place concurrently at the University of Oxford in the UK and Tsinghua University in Beijing, specialising in post-traumatic stress disorder and cross-cultural psychology.

A “Hyperactive” Gifted Student 疑似「過度活躍」的資優生
62 摘星之旅

2016年,尚在求學階段的浩榮,夥拍一位朋友共同創立 了非政府組織 – 好城市基金會,致力促進亞太地區青 年創業家於區內發展公私營合作的項目。2019年正在攻 讀博士學位的他,又為香港特區政府官方獎學金成立了學 者協會,為回流香港的得獎者發掘更多合適的就業機會。

In 2016, as a university student, Lawrence co-founded Good City Foundation with a friend. It is an NGO that facilitates the development of young entrepreneurs’ public-private partnership projects in the Asia-Pacific region. In 2019, Lawrence, as a PhD candidate, founded the Scholars Association for the official HKSAR scholarship scheme to help explore more suitable job opportunities for the scholarship awardees who are required to return and work in Hong Kong after their studies.

年紀輕輕便成立了兩個非政府組織,足證浩榮的強勁行 動力。然而,由零開始運作至今,卻實非坦途。尤其是 他剛剛創業的時候,好城市基金會急需資金運作,但

籌募資金時經常被拒,甚至被質疑,約見資助機構時, 十間之中也未必獲得一間予以援手。但他並沒因此氣 餒:「最重要是保持樂觀心態,與各方維持良好關係。

即使會面未必能帶來即時回報,但不意味著日後沒有任 何合作空間。之前有一位政經界名人,他雖然未能在項 目上為我們提供資金,但後來卻身體力行,為我們打通

Lawrence’s power of execution is evidenced by the establishment of the two NGOs from scratch at such a young age. But nothing is easy. Funding is always a headache and a limitation for a newly established organisation, and this was especially true for Lawrence’s first NGO. Lawrence and his partner were often turned down or even questioned when they tried to pitch for financial support for Good City Foundation. However, he has never been discouraged by these rejections. “We should remain optimistic and believe that it is not the end game because we have earned something more valuable than money — our personal network,” he added, “A good example to share is a celebrity we met earlier from whom we tried to seek financial support, though in vain. Nevertheless, he lined us up with some financially capable people and organisations to make our projects happen eventually.”

這種正面態度或許與他的資優訓練有關:「資優教育給 予我最大的幫助是提升了我的一般智能因素,而跨學科 的訓練則強化了自己的通用技能,讓我足以應付不斷變 化的環境壓力。」

Lawrence’s positive attitude was probably developed from his gifted training in the early years. “Gifted education has improved my general intelligence factor (also known as the G-factor) whereas the interdisciplinary training has advanced my transferable skills, which allow me to effectively cope with the pressures of an ever-changing environment.”


Teaching Fellow, Schwarzman College, Tsinghua University


Ph.D. Candidate, Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford


Founding President and Chairman, Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence Scheme Scholars Association


Co-founder and Director, Good City Foundation

• • • • 余浩榮
▲ 余浩榮 63 摘星之旅
Lawrence YU

Together, We Build a Better Future

同行.致遠 64 摘星之旅


Knowledge and Experience Passed On 學長過招

Notwithstanding the talents innated, gifted students will still get stuck at the bottleneck during the process of bringing their talents into full play. What can they do, and who can they talk to?

A team of five secondary school student members encountered the above situation Œ . They spotted an environmental risk due to the excessive consumption of plastic tableware as takeaway had surged during the epidemic. They conceived and designed the “EcoVender”, an environmentally friendly tableware rental machine, to reduce the use of disposable plastic tableware. Their initiative won the 2 nd runnerup in the junior high school group of the first “City I&T Grand Challenge” in 2021.

儘管資優學生在某些特定領域具有 特長,但在發揮才能的過程中,若遇上 不同的問題,他們又應如何解決及向誰 討教?
五位學苑的中學學員便遇到上 述狀況 Œ 。疫情期間,他們留 意到疫情下的外賣增多,附送 的塑膠餐具為環境帶來威脅, 從而構思了「EcoVender環保 餐具租用機」(EcoVender) ,希望藉着租借餐具而減少使 用即棄塑膠餐具。此設計榮獲 2021年首屆「城市創科大挑 戰」初中組的季軍。
同行.致遠 ▲ 吳卓光 65 摘星之旅
Together, We Build a Better Future




個平台,為學員物色具專業知識的學長,指點迷津。早前學苑便撮合 了EcoVender這支獲獎隊伍與一位具備實戰經驗的學長進行交流,

希望促成他們的創科夢  。


他曾於多個創科比賽及程式設計馬拉松贏得冠軍及特別優秀獎,如 HackTrain、Jumpstarter等,亦創立了Printact — 亞洲首個推廣生

現為數碼港創業學會副會長的他,致力匯聚數碼科技專才,為他們建 立溝通平台。

回顧過去,Data的資優成長路始於中四,「大概是因為我喜歡『攪 攪震』,老師便推薦我參加前教育統籌局(現為教育局)的『特別資 優學生培育支援計劃』(計劃), 結果成功獲選加入該計劃。透過該 計劃,我於中六時成為理工大學應 用物理學系的學生研究員,進行物 理學的科研,為我日後的研究及博 士課程奠定基礎。」


Data相信科技有助改善生活,特 別是生物科技,因此他希望香港 能培育出更多本土生物學家:「研 究內容可以包括合成生物學,例如 基因檢測和基因改造,都與日常生 活中藥物、食品和衣着等範疇息息 相關。」

After the prize, the team continued their work in an attempt to materialise this innovative concept into a real product that can be widely adopted in the territory, hoping to mitigate the global warming effect! However, things didn’t turn out all right as they expected…

Meeting the Innotech Elite in Person

As one of the key teaching hubs for gifted education in Hong Kong, the HKAGE serves as a bridge and a platform for student members to connect with alumni who can provide professional guidance to these young souls. To facilitate the winning team EcoVender to eventuate their dream, the Academy has lined up the team with an alumnus with solid experience in starting up an innotech firm  .

The innovative alumnus Dr Data NG, who earned his PhD in physics from the University of Hong Kong, has won numerous championships and distinguished awards in various innotech competitions and hackathons, such as HackTrain, Jumpstarter, etc. He founded Printact, the first innotech education start-up in Asia, promoting education for biotechnologists and Deep Tech Talents. As the vice president of the Cyberport Startup Alumni Association, he is committed to uniting the digital technology professionals and building a communication platform for them.

Looking back, Data’s learning journey as a gifted student began in Secondary 4. “Probably because I liked ‘to fool around’, I was nominated by my teacher for training under the ‘Support Measures for the Exceptionally Gifted Students Scheme’ (Scheme) run by the former Education and Manpower Bureau (currently the Education Bureau) and was eventually admitted. As a Secondary 6 student, I got the chance to become a student researcher in the Department of Applied Physics of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University under the Scheme. That had laid a solid foundation for my subsequent research and doctoral studies.”

Becoming a T-shaped Person

Data believes that technology, particularly biotechnology, enhances the quality of our everyday lives. Hence, he hopes that more local biologists can be nurtured. “They can focus their study on topics under synthetic biology, such as genetic testing and


物科技及深科技教育(Deep Tech Talents)的創科教育初創企業。

規化,常規的事也應採用不常規的方 法去思考。例如學員的得獎構思EcoVender,毋須被固有思維限制,其外 形不一定要像汽水機,亦可似多士爐 般大小,基本上,它可以不同形式和 尺寸呈現出來。」


昔日的自己,同樣希望透過創意科技 解決生活問題,曾開發過的作品包括 3D打印技術、手提式生物實驗室等。

由於產品開發過程牽涉多個範疇,例 如市場對產品的認受度、科研經費 等,每個環節配合得宜才能讓業務

持續發展,他認為整個過程甚具挑戰 性。Data鼓勵師弟妹要成為T型人,橫 向方面代表知識要夠廣博,須掌握不 同種類的知識,縱向方面則要掌握一 至兩個範疇的專業知識或者對該範疇 有深入的認識,成為專業的通才。他 勉勵隊員在構思環保餐具租用機的原 型時,不要害怕嘗試,不要怕失敗, 相信在過程中可以學到新事物。

genetic modification. These are closely related to our daily necessities like drugs, food, and clothing.”

Data held that the most important thing to his junior fellow student members is “to think outside the box”. He further elaborated, “Our thinking does not need to be too conventional, and conventional issues could be handled in unconventional ways. For instance, the EcoVender can take many possible shapes and sizes without being constrained by ingrained thinking. For example, instead of producing a soft-drink-vending-machine-like device, why not consider shaping it in the size of a toaster?”

In front of these young folks, Data saw his younger self, who wished to solve daily life problems through innovation and technology. Products developed by him include 3D printing technology, portable biological laboratories, and so on. Data said the whole product development process was very challenging as various issues, such as marketability, start-up funding, etc., would be involved. Data encouraged the gifted rookies to become T-shaped persons who could master broad knowledge horizontally and acquire proficiency and profound knowledge in one or two specific fields vertically. Finally, Data advised the team, “Keep on trying. Don’t be afraid of failure and believe that you can learn new things along the way.”

中四的袁天富表示,「吳博士為行內 精英,他的分享對我們甚有幫助,例 如如何尋找合作夥伴(物色地產商、 商場擺放環保餐具租用機),利用產 品設計3D建模軟體製作原型,引導 我們一步一步的前進,把想法轉化成 為現實。」

Benjamin YUEN, Secondary 4, said, “Dr NG is an elite in the industry, and his sharing is invaluable to us. He advised us on how to identify appropriate collaborative partners (such as real estate developers and shopping malls for displaying the environmentally friendly tableware rental machines) and how to deploy free 3D modelling software to create our prototype. He guided us to move forward step by step and turn our dream into reality.”

就讀中三的Albin NILSSON補充: 「吳博士的分享很實用,他在創科 及創業方面的經驗,能刺激我們思考 如何解決問題,例如如何建立一家公 司,如何物色資助撥款。」


Ph.D. in Physics and BSc. from the University of Hong Kong


Founded Printact, an innovative EdTech start-up


Albin NILSSON, Secondary 3, remarked, “The information provided by Dr NG is very

useful. His exceptional skills and experiences in innovation and technology have stimulated us to think about the ways for solving problems, such as, how to set up a company and how to solicit funding.”

他認為師弟妹最重要是「think outside the box」,他續解釋:「思考不用太常
• • • 吳卓光博士 Dr Data NG 67 摘星之旅
Vice president of the Cyberport Startup Alumni Association


Total Devotion to Mathematics

提到數學,有人愁眉不展,有人卻是興致盎然,夢裏夢外皆是數!香港資優教育學苑校 友、國際數學奧林匹克(奧數賽)香港委員會委員、香港大學數學系講師程德永博士 (Derek),從小熱愛數學,從學生時代至今天於大學任教,均將熱情和時間傾注於數 學,化興趣為事業,體現「數學人生」!

What does the subject of mathematics bring to you? Headache? Fun? Dr Derek CHING, as an HKAGE alumnus, a member of the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) Hong Kong Committee, and a lecturer of the Department of Mathematics at the University of Hong Kong, has loved mathematics since his childhood. From the old days as a student to the present as a university lecturer, from interest to career, he has devoted his enthusiasm and time to mathematics, truly experiencing a life in mathematics!

Derek謙虛有禮,和藹可 親,儼如鄰家的大哥哥,他 笑言自己沒有其他興趣,惟 獨愛數學。從小五開始接觸 奧數,獲推薦參加選拔賽,

奪獎出線燃起他對奧數的熱 情,開始接受培訓。在培訓


書,掌握不同的運算技巧, 運用到不同的題型上。但他 從不鑽牛角尖,遇上耗費大 量時間仍解不通的難題,便 灑脫放下,繼續做其他題 目。他笑稱,「有時候計

Derek is humble and amiable, like a big brother next door. Laughing, he said he had no other interests but mathematics. Having been exposed to Mathematical Olympiad questions in Primary 5, he was recommended to participate in the screening for IMO. His victory in the selection ignited his passion and started the training. Apart from the training, he also dabbled in different mathematics books to master different calculation skills by solving various types of problems. However, he never dwelled on a single problem. When he encountered a difficult problem that he couldn’t solve even after spending a lot of time on it, he would put it down and continue to work on other problems. He laughed and said, “After doing mathematics for a long time, I’d rather go to sleep, and sometimes the solutions for the

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數久了,睡醒後竟能把早前不懂的難題破 解,不曉得自己在夢裏是否仍在解題?」

自2009至2011年,Derek連續三屆在國 際奧數賽奪金,並於中國奧數賽奪得一金 (2010年)二銀(2009及2011年), 刷出亮麗紀錄。他的成功背後是一顆平常 心,淡定應戰,將賽場當作在家計數一 樣,從不給自己設定目標分數,而是把

比賽當作興趣,自得其樂。中學畢業後, Derek過了參賽的年齡,但對奧數熱情未 減,矢志回到學苑成為導師,訓練師弟師

妹,延續這份熱愛,將之傳承下去,至今 已有十餘載了。

Derek不單出任國際奧數賽訓練導師, 同時多次帶領港隊赴海外參賽。他表示: 「帶隊跟自己參賽有很大區別,作為

領隊,雖然賽前和學員一起玩桌遊放鬆 心情,但當學員進入賽場後,便不能掌握 他們的狀態,猶記得自己常在場外徘徊, 緊張不已。回想當初自己是參賽選手時, 只需專心做題,較帶隊輕鬆自在得多。」


過去曾遇上才能出眾的學生隊員,但到比 賽時卻變得十分緊張,影響了水準,令人 惋惜!

從學員到導師到領隊,Derek見證學苑國 際奧數賽訓練不斷優化,以往連固定的訓 練場地都沒有,學員需要到不同學校進行 培訓,現在則可以穩定地在學苑的校園內 接受有系統的訓練,學習奧數課題,甚至 大學程度的數學,朝奪魁之路進發!

difficult problems I could not solve earlier would come to my mind when I wake up. Perhaps I have been solving the problems in my dreams.”

In addition to earning three consecutive gold medals at the annual IMO competitions from 2009 to 2011, Derek also yielded brilliant results at the Chinese Mathematical Olympiad by attaining a gold medal in 2010 and two silver medals in 2009 and 2011 respectively. His success was due to his peaceful mind, which allowed him to respond calmly in the competitions and solve problems just as doing mathematics practices at home. Instead of targeting scores for himself, he chose to treat competitions as a hobby. After his graduation from high school and exceeding the age limit for joining the games, his passion for the Mathematical Olympiad did not diminish. He returned to the HKAGE and became an IMO course instructor since then. For more than a decade, he has been providing IMO training for the younger talents and passing on his passion from one generation to another.

Derek is not only an IMO trainer but also the leader of the IMO Hong Kong team. On the several trips for the competitions as the team leader, he expressed, “Being the team leader is very different from being a contestant in the game. To lead the team, all I need to do is to help the members to relax before the competition begins, for example, by playing board games with them. But once they have entered the competition hall, there is nothing I can do but wander around anxiously. When I was a participant, all I needed to do was to focus on the questions. It was much easier than leading a team.” From his experience as the leader of the IMO Hong Kong team, Derek has seen some highly talented members become very nervous during the competition, subsequently affecting their performance. It was really a huge pity!

From a trainee to a trainer and then to a team leader, Derek has witnessed the continuous development of the IMO training at the HKAGE. In the past, the HKAGE did not even have its own campus, and the student members needed to go to different venues for training. Today, on-site systematic training is provided on the Academy’s campus. The contents of the training programmes have also been enhanced by including topics covered in university syllabuses on top of the Mathematics Olympiad questions, putting the trainees on the racetrack to becoming champions!

程德永博士 Dr Derek CHING


Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, The University of Hong Kong


Leader of the International Mathematical Olympiad Hong Kong team


Gold medalist, International Mathematical Olympiad 2009, 2010, 2011


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Passing on Kungfu Spirit to Gifted Juniors

草根出身的葉智程(Anson)為工商管理碩士,是學苑2022年的傑出校友,同時亦是 2019年大灣區十大傑出青年領袖之一。Anson熱愛武術,自6歲起跟從當武術教練的 父親學習南方流派的功夫,並參加各項武術比賽及加入武術青訓。大學畢業後,他到 推廣少林功夫及雙節棍的機構工作,亦經常到各學校表演及教授武術。其後更自行創 立「武林盟會」及「青年創夢持續培訓中心」,協助不同服務機構籌辦青年活動。

Rising from modest family roots, Anson YIP is a Master of Business Administration degree holder who won the HKAGE Outstanding Alumnus Award in 2022 and the Greater Bay Area Young Leader Award in 2019. Anson has learnt the southern style of martial arts from his father, a Kungfu master at the time, since the age of 6. He has participated in various martial arts competitions as well as youth training. Since graduating from university, he has worked for various martial arts organisations. He also performed and taught martial arts at different schools regularly. Later, he founded the Alliance of Martial Arts and Youth Miracles Hong Kong to co-organise youth activities with different service organisations.

這位大師兄,自中三開始加入香 港資優教育學苑的前身,即「特


年,令他印象最深刻的是領導才 能課程,該課程有一項三十題的 小測,當他還未完成一半時,旁

邊的同學已經舉手示意完卷,機 敏的Anson認為事有蹊蹺,即

時翻看整份試卷,才發現卷末註 腳:「只需做第 XX 、 XX 、…和 XX

When Anson was in Secondary 3, he was admitted for training under the “Support Measures for the Exceptionally Gifted Students Scheme”, a platform where local gifted students received training and support before the HKAGE was established. Anson recalled his experience at a small quiz he took on a leadership programme that he still remembered very well. When he was less than half way through the 30-question quiz, a student sitting next to him raised his hand to indicate that he had finished the

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題即當完卷」。這件事令他明白細節的重要性,往後 日子他更細心觀察事物,看得通透才行動,凡事謀定 後動,更懂得靈活變通,培養出求變和創新技能。

在學苑成立之初,Anson已積極協助學苑監考、展覽等義 務工作,及至去年年底,更於學苑教授「從雙節棍看中國 武術文化與新興運動的演變」課程 Œ 。他感謝學苑提供平 台讓他可以向年青人詳細分享中國武術文化,承傳並推廣

「棍道雙節棍」這項糅合傳統武術改良而成的運動。 「要推廣中國武術其實不太容易;許多人雖然對中國武術 略知一二,但鮮有人重視其背後的歷史文化傳統,探究其 典故,用心鑽研中國武術。」Anson娓娓道來。

作為學苑傑出校友,Anson認為資優學員除了要多 接觸和學習更多課堂以外的知識,亦要懂得跟他人分 享所學。與人分享知識既可以學以致用,又可驗證所 學,並推動自己持續思考相關課題,同時亦是展示自 己的大好機會。最後,豪氣的Anson勉勵師弟妹「傳 承武德,在需要的時候站出來;另外必須善用現代科 技,以便更有效率地掌握學習和發展機遇。」

quiz. Suspecting that he himself might have missed something important, Anson immediately went through the whole question paper and found a footnote at the end: “Only questions XX , XX , ... and XX need to be completed”. This incident taught him a lesson on the importance of details. Ever since he has become a more cautious observer who always takes a deeper look at the situation before taking any action. Being detail-oriented has led to a higher degree of flexibility in problem-solving and adaptability to changes and innovation skills.

When the Academy was newly established, Anson actively volunteered to assist in many areas, such as supervising tests and examinations and helping with exhibitions. At the end of 2022, he delivered a course at the Academy called Understanding Chinese Martial Arts through Nunchaku Œ . He thanked the HKAGE for giving him an opportunity to share with young people Chinese martial arts culture in detail and to popularise and promote this long-established form of traditional martial arts through the newly evolved sport of “modern nunchaku”. “Promoting Chinese martial arts is not easy. Although many people have a brief understanding of Chinese martial arts, few will pay attention to the historical and cultural traditions behind it, let alone explore in-depth and study Chinese martial meticulously.” Anson remarked.

As a winner of the HKAGE Outstanding Alumnus Award, Anson believes that in addition to learning more outside the classroom, gifted students should also share with others what they have learnt. Sharing knowledge with others gives us the chance to validate and apply what we have learnt, and to push ourselves to continuously reflect on related topics. It is also a great opportunity to express ourselves. At the end of the interview, the Kungfu big brother encouraged younger gifted learners in the HKAGE to “uphold the martial arts virtues and be willing to accept responsibilities when needed. Besides, one must make good use of modern technology to grasp learning and development opportunities more efficiently.”

Anson YIP


Outstanding Alumnus 2022 of the HKAGE


Winner of the 2019 Greater Bay Area Young Leader Award


Founder of the Alliance of Martial Arts and Youth Miracles Hong Kong

• • • 葉智程
71 摘星之旅


Re-tasting the Simple Joy of Learning through Knowledge Inheritance

三位學員,各自對物理學、生物學、環保議題等充滿熱誠, 她們透過「香港資優師徒計劃」(師徒計劃)獲得啟發,不 約而同成為「小老師」,向學苑的學弟妹傳承知識和相關範 疇的熱愛。從她們的身上,我們看到了像孩子般純粹喜愛學 習、樂於分享的那份初心。

Enthusiasts in different domains, namely Physics, Biology and Environmental Protection, the three “student teachers” have all been inspired under the Hong Kong Gifted Apprentice Programme (HKGAP) to pass on their knowledge and passion to younger fellow members of the HKAGE. In them, we see the simple and pure joy of learning and sharing, as always found in little kids.

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▼ 蔣咏真



學苑改變了她整個學習歷程。 她慶幸在學苑修讀國際關係、 哲學、區塊鏈等這些在傳統中學 未有機會深入接觸的課程後,重 新體會到學習的意義:「對我來 說,學習不只是為了達到某些目 標。學習本身就是一件很值得享 受的事情。」

Jenny深受學苑天文學課程導師 的熱情感染,對天體物理學產生 興趣,逐漸找到了未來的研習方

向。2020年,她透過師徒計劃 成為學苑院長黃金耀博士的徒弟 後,更加萌生要與學弟妹交流知

識的念頭,「從黃院長和學苑的導師身上,我學到要把自己熱愛的事物與人分 享,這樣可能會為別人帶來重大的影響,故此我也希望能將自己對學習和科學



和準備,只求學弟妹在課堂能夠發掘到數學的妙趣,從而引發他們在課堂後繼 續進深探索。她寄語一眾學員,一定要保持思想開放,即使不是自己熟悉的範


“I Wish to Inspire Others Like How My Mentors Inspired Me” — Jenny JIANG

Jenny JIANG, an alumna currently studying natural sciences at the University of Cambridge in the UK, said that the HKAGE had entirely altered her learning journey. She is grateful to have reflected on the meaning of learning after taking the Academy’s programmes on international relations, philosophy, blockchain, etc., topics that were not explored in traditional secondary school curricula. She said, “To me, learning is not a means to an end. Learning itself is very enjoyable.”

Inspired by the enthusiasm of an astronomy instructor at the HKAGE, Jenny developed her interest in astrophysics and gradually figured out her future study direction. After becoming an apprentice of Dr Jimmy WONG, Executive

Director of the Academy, under the HKGAP in 2020, Jenny was inspired to share her knowledge with younger student members of the HKAGE. “I learnt from Dr WONG and my instructors that when you’re passionate about something, you should share it, because potentially it will leave an impact on others. So I wish to pass on my love for learning and my love for science.’

With this in mind, Jenny designed and delivered a mathematics course in the HKAGE. She spent a full month in planning and preparation, hoping that the participants could discover the charm of mathematics and become interested in exploring further after completing the course. Jenny shared her advice with other student members of the HKAGE, “Be sure to have an open mind and be bold to try new things you’re not familiar with. There may be some surprises in store for you!”

「科學裏面也有傳承」 — 蔣咏真
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「他們的熱情令我找回初心」 — 邱若嵐

「我才16歲,誰想到我也可以教書?」學員邱若 嵐(Ariel)是個活潑開朗的女孩,自小熱愛畫畫 和生物學,腦海中盡是各種天馬行空的點子。行 動力十足的她,曾越洋寫信給一位令她深受啟發 的生物書籍作者,甚至於疫情暫停面授課堂期間 每天窩在家中做實驗,很多在別人眼中難以想像 的事,她都一一付諸實行,但連她也意想不到的 是,原來年紀輕輕,也可以開班教授微生物學。

去年Ariel受師傅香港科技大學生物工程學吳若昊 博士的啟發,在學苑安排下,舉辦了一個以小學學 員為對象的生物學工作坊。為了預備微生物樣本作 為教材,她諮詢了幾位大學教授,天天到公園撿樹 葉,在家裏的「臨時實驗室」反覆研究了逾一個 月,最後換來一份滿滿的感動。

「那些小學學員透過顯微鏡看到活生生的微生物 後,驚嘆得由心發出『哇』一聲,他們甚至興奮 得不想我放小息。他們對事物的好奇心、對生物 學的熱情感染了我,令我記起當初的自己。」這

次教學經歷讓Ariel確認自己對STEAM教育的熱 誠,她立志成為一位教授,既可參與研究,亦可 向更多學生分享知識。

“Their Zeal Reminded Me of My Original Aspiration” — Ariel YAU

“Who would have thought that a 16-year-old like me could be a teacher?” HKAGE student member Ariel YAU is a cheerful girl with plenty of wild ideas. She has been loving painting and biology since childhood. As a go-getter, Ariel once wrote to the author of a biology fiction that had deeply inspired her and carried out experiments at home every day when face-to-face class was suspended during the epidemic. Though she has put into action many ideas that few would ever imagine, Ariel admitted that she could not have thought of teaching microbiology at such a young age.

Inspired by Dr Angela WU, Assistant Professor, Division of Life Science, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and with the HKAGE’s support, Ariel organised a biology workshop for primary school gifted students. After consulting several university professors in the preparation for the workshop, Ariel went to the park every day to pick up fallen leaves as the teaching samples and carried out experiments repeatedly in the temporary laboratory set up at home for more than a month. Her hard work paid off, and she was deeply touched by the responses of the workshop participants.

“Those young learners were fascinated by the living microorganisms under the microscope and could not help but exclaim with wonder. They were so excited that they didn’t even want to take a break. Their curiosity and enthusiasm for biology reminded me of my past self.” This teaching experience has reaffirmed her passion for STEAM education and her aspiration to become a professor to share knowledge with more students.

蔣咏真 Jenny JIANG


Student in the Natural Sciences programme at University of Cambridge, UK

2021 年「破解保險箱」國際物理錦標賽多個獎項得主(與隊友)

Winner of multiple awards in the “Safe Cracking” International Physics Tournament 2021 (with teammates)

邱若嵐 Ariel YAU

香港科技大學的中學 / 大學雙修課程學生

Student in the “Secondary Schools – The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Dual Program” at the HKUST

「資優教育基金」及香港理工大學「致病細菌與感染疾病的研 究」學生研究生

Student researcher of Gifted Education Fund and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University: Microbiology Laboratory and Research Project



2 nd Runner-up, the HKFYG English Public Speaking Contest 2021

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環保藝術展喚醒下一代關注 — 潘潁霖

「我們必須讓下一代了解環保的議題,因為如果 問題不能在我們有生之年解決,就要交由他們處 理了。」這番語重心長的「勸世」之言出自16歲 的學員潘潁霖(Jane)口中。Jane對推動環保 不遺餘力,一方面是受媽媽影響,另一方面是因 為初中時在學校看到一部有關環保的紀錄片,令 她開始反思現代人過度消費的習慣,不但造成資 源短缺,亦引發各種污染問題。

同時熱愛藝術的Jane,在師傅中央美術學院設 計導師韋政教授的啟發下,策劃了一個與環保 有關的網上藝術展覽,透過展示由香港小朋友 創作有關環保的畫作,增加大眾對環保議題的 關注。事前她在學苑舉辦了一個小型工作坊, 先教授環保知識,再以環保為題創作藝術品。 過程中,她發現一眾師弟妹對環保的認識頗為 深入,製作藝術品時也發揮了驚人的創意,令 她十分感動,也更加確立必須向下一代宣揚環 保意識的重要性。

這三位資優少年的熱誠,不但讓她們自身散發 出耀眼光芒,同時亦照亮了學苑其他學弟妹的 學習旅程。

The Art Exhibition Raises Environmental Protection Awareness in the Younger Generation — Jane POON

“We need to alert the younger generation on environmental protection issues as they will be responsible for dealing with those issues that have not been resolved by us.” This earnest advice was given by Jane POON, a 16-yearold HKAGE student member. Jane spares no effort to promote environmental protection, due to the influence of her mother on the one hand and the inspiration of a documentary on this topic she watched in junior high school. After watching the documentary, Jane started to reflect on the excessive consumption habits of modern people, which had led to shortages in resources and various pollution problems.

Jane, also an art lover, was inspired by her master, Professor WEI Zheng, a design tutor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, to organise an online art exhibition of local children’s artworks to awaken the public’s awareness of environmental protection. Before the exhibition, Jane held a small workshop at the HKAGE to share with younger student members her knowledge on environmental issues and inspire them to create artwork on the theme of protecting the environment. At the workshop, she found that the participants were quite familiar with the topic and showed amazing creativity in producing the artworks. Jane was deeply touched by them and saw even more clearly the importance of promoting environmental awareness among the next generation.

The enthusiasm of these three gifted young ladies not only glistens and glitters but also brightens up the learning journey of other Academy students.

自2021年起擔任UNITAR 聯合國青年大使

UNITAR Youth Ambassador Asia Pacific (since 2021)


Founder and Director of ProjectProvision

2020/21香港資優教育 學苑「傑出學員獎」得主

Winner of the HKAGE Outstanding Student Award for 2020/21 - Gifted Star Award

• • • 潘潁霖 Jane
▲ 潘潁霖 75 摘星之旅

Through Obstacles, Towards the Future 跨越障礙 奔向未來

假如命運給你一個酸檸檬,你會終日悲嘆,還是用它來弄檸檬汁?學苑校友黃纓淇是個雙重特殊 資優生,她天生斜視,從小看事物都有重影,並患有專注力不足及過度活躍症;但她沒有活在自 憐中,反而充分地發揮她在運動和語言邏輯的潛能,努力為夢想奮鬥,開創不一樣的人生!

What would you do if fate gave you a sour lemon? Would you accept defeat? Or would you choose to make lemonade? A twice-exceptional learner, HKAGE alumna WONG Ying Kei has been diagnosed with severe exotropia, which drastically affects her eyesight and causes her to see overlapping images, as well as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) since childhood. She could have grasped every reason in her right to dub herself an unfortunate soul, spending the rest of her days drowning in self-pity; yet she didn’t. Instead, she rose to her full potential in her motor, language, and logic abilities, diligently fighting for her dream and eventually, changing her destiny the way she wanted it.



治經濟學院就讀法律學士課程,並 於畢業後在香港中文大學取得心

理學文學碩士學位,現為一名大律 師,同時正修讀輔導學碩士課程。

曾經是精英運動員的她,以「跨 欄」運動比喻人生經歷,「我的人

生經歷了許多高低起伏,但都通通 被我跨過。縱有跨不過的,我也爬 起來再試,直到跨過它,勇往直前 跑下去。」

Ying Kei, a former representative of Hong Kong in athletics and taekwondo, obtained a bachelor’s degree in law from the prestigious London School of Economics and Political Science, as well as a master’s degree in psychology from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She is now a barrister by profession and is pursuing a master’s degree in counselling. As a former elite athlete, she compared her life experiences with a hurdle race, “Till this day, I’ve had my fair share of ups and downs, but I’ve gotten over all the hurdles on my way so far. In the future, if I fail to hurdle any obstacles that come up and challenge me, I’ll persevere and keep trying until I overcome them and continue to go ahead.”

Together, We Build a Better Future 同行.致遠
76 摘星之旅

纓淇為人樂觀,即使天生患有多種疾病,後來也有抑鬱的 經歷,她仍能坦然面對,讓這些外人眼中的缺陷和弱點轉 化成職埸上的優勢,成就與眾不同的她。現時,她主要幫 助面對不同挑戰的弱勢社群(特別是有智力障礙及精神健 康挑戰人士)處理訴訟事宜,為他們伸張公義。她稱,唯 有親身經歷過,才會真正知道如何去幫助他們。譬如她在 得知自己患上眼疾後,曾經歷視力惡化,在學習使用凸字 和白手杖的過程中,讓她發現香港無障礙設施不足的問 題。面對這一切並不容易,但她亦十分感激有這些經歷, 讓她成為一個更好的自己,幫助更多的人。

Ying Kei is what we describe as an optimist. Despite the fact that she was born with various defects and once suffered from depression, she would still face everything with an open heart, firmly believing that her life experiences were not obstacles, but instead a gift for gearing up her career and developing her unique self. Nowadays, Ying Kei makes use of her personal experiences to help those who are facing different challenging lawsuits, speaking out for justice on behalf of her disadvantaged clients (in particular, individuals with intellectual disabilities and mental health challenges). Ying Kei said only those who have been in need know how to help the needy. As she recalled during the interview, her eyesight had once worsened so rapidly that she had to learn Braille and practice using a white cane. She apprehended from these unique experiences the issue of inadequate facilities for people with disabilities in Hong Kong. “Those experiences were tough, yet I am grateful for them because they have pushed me to be the best version of myself and given me the opportunity to help more people in need.”

回顧過往,在學苑最大的得著,是參加了不少辯論及心理 學的課程,讓她發現到自己的興趣,奠定了朝法律及心理 學的方向發展。「來自不同學校、不同背景的學員,讓我 體會何謂『多樣性』。作為雙重特殊資優生的我,在學校 或日常生活中難免會遇到一些制肘,但在學苑可以接觸到 其他雙重特殊資優生,認識到一班志同道合的朋友,可以


纓淇以「做好自己」作為座右銘,「改變整體或許十分困 難,但先由自身出發,堅守自己的信念,其實也能感染別 人。」早前,她於學苑舉辦講座,向師弟妹分享法律知 識,推廣社會公義,以生命影響生命。

Reflecting back, Ying Kei expressed that her biggest gain as a student member of the HKAGE was getting to realise her own passion and interest, which guided her to explore deeper in law and psychology, after taking various programmes on psychology and debating in the Academy. “I truly experienced ‘diversity’ in the HKAGE as the student members came from different schools with different backgrounds. As a twice-exceptional student, it was inevitable for me to encounter various restrictions at school or in daily life. However, at the Academy, I met other twice-exceptional students with whom I could freely discuss the subject of SEN.”

Ying Kei upholds the motto “To be the best version of myself”. “It may be very difficult for us to change the world. But we can always start the change from ourselves by upholding our beliefs and influencing others.” Recently, she delivered a series of talks at the HKAGE, sharing her legal knowledge with younger student members, promoting social justice, and at the same time, affecting numerous lives through sharing her own.


Former athlete of the Hong Kong Athletics Team and the Hong Kong Taekwondo Team


• • 黃纓淇
77 摘星之旅
WONG Ying Kei



The Academy’s Guardian Angel

溫柔沉穩的駱美君(Tracy),見證學苑15周年的成長歷程。從學員到校友,近年更 轉換角色,義務出任學苑董事局之職能委員會成員,參與學苑的決策,為培育資優學生 而努力。到底是甚麼驅使她持續與學苑保持連繫?是出自資優生的身份認同,還是出自 飲水思源的情懷?

Tracy LOK, a gentle and steady young lady, has been a witness to the development of the HKAGE over the past 15 years. Throughout the years, Tracy’s role has evolved from student member to alumna, and to member of a functional committee under the Board of Directors of the HKAGE. Her latest role in the HKAGE allows her to contribute to nurturing gifted students through her participation in the Academy’s decision-making process. What is the driving force behind Tracy’s care for the Academy? Perhaps it’s her self-identity as a gifted student; perhaps it’s a desire to reciprocate the Academy.


2004年,Tracy加入教育局的 「特別資優學生培育支援計劃 (數學範疇)」,當時不但接觸

到數學範疇裏不同的課題,亦增 進了科學、人文學科等方面的知 識,眼界大開。不過最讓她感恩 的,是資優路上認識到多位同行 者,「我們一起學習的知識和追 求的目標,不受特定考試限制, 大家的友誼很純真,很多校友至 今仍然保持聯繫,互相勉勵。」

Together We Walk

Tracy joined the “Support Measures for the Exceptionally Gifted Students Scheme (mathematics domain)”, an embryonic form of the HKAGE, in 2004. The training she received under the Scheme has broadened her horizons, as the programmes offered were not limited to mathematics, but also covered different subjects like science and the humanities. She was most grateful for the opportunity to meet other gifted peers while learning. “The knowledge we gained and the goals we set for ourselves were not exam-oriented. We have developed a pure friendship, and many of us still keep in touch and support each other.”

Together, We Build a Better Future

己,「資優不是一個永恆的身份,我們(資優生)必 須持續進步,在待人處事上較他人盡善盡美。」

除了追求自身進步之外,Tracy亦希望感染資優同儕 和師弟師妹,為社會出一分力,「假如你是資優,你 會希望更多貢獻社會。但很多事情往往需要與其他人 協作,方能完成,因此,希望大家多花心思,有效溝 通,協作自能水到渠成,事半功倍。」


Tracy留意到,不少資優校友都有非凡成就,假如能夠 集合眾人之力,或許有助推動資優教育的發展,為社 會帶來改變。為此,Tracy曾與近二十位校友合力舉辦

迎新活動,向逾百位新生分享資優生的點滴,他們都 獲益良多 Œ 。


成員,並於2019年學苑重組後,轉任為新成立的「人 才培育委員會」成員,繼續以倡議者身份見證學苑的 轉變。她樂見現時學苑在課程規劃上更加以人為本, 以「香港資優師徒計劃」為例,學苑會因應學員的資 優特質協助他們尋找及鋪墊發展的階梯,讓學員的才 華得以發揮。她相信學苑在邁向20周年的路上,一定 會有更好的發展。

Together We Feel

To some, being gifted might be a status symbol. To Tracy, however, it symbolises responsibility. Tracy often reminds herself, “‘Being gifted’ is not a permanent status. Gifted students need continuous growth and development so that their talents can be better applied when dealing with different people or tackling different situations.”

Great power comes with great responsibility. In addition to pursuing self-growth, Tracy also aspires to inspire her gifted peers and younger student members to contribute to society. “I hope the gifted will contribute more to society. Together, we can make a difference. Thus, it is hoped that everyone provides extra thought and reaches out more to connect with each other so that collaborations could be established for the betterment of our community.”

Together We Grow

Tracy has noticed that many gifted alumni have attained extraordinary achievements. Putting together their efforts and influences, much could be done to promote the development of gifted education in Hong Kong and bring positive changes to society. To this end, Tracy once joined hands with nearly 20 HKAGE alumni to organise an orientation gathering, which attracted over 100 new student members to join and learn from alumni who shared their personal experiences as gifted learners Π.

Tracy has been serving the HKAGE as a member of the Academic Programmes Development Committee since 2017 and then as a member of the newly formed Talent Development Committee after the HKAGE’s restructuring in 2019. Having witnessed the transformation of the Academy as an advocate, she is happy to see that curriculum planning in the Academy is now more peopleoriented. Taking the Hong Kong Gifted Apprentice Programme as an example, different learning pathways are now available for nurturing different student members and broadening their horizons according to their gifts. Looking forward to the road ahead, Tracy believes that greater achievements will be attained by the HKAGE when it approaches its 20 th anniversay.

Member of the HKAGE Talent Development Committee


Currently working as a corporate and trust manager at an international consulting firm

資優身份 在某些人看來,「資優」是一種身份象徵,但對Tracy 來說,「資優」卻是一份責任,故此她常常提醒自
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79 摘星之旅
駱美君 Tracy LOK 駱美君

Gifted Gene Mapping that Works

學苑投入服務15年,其中有四名資優學員竟來 自同一家族,表姐王悅齡是家族的第一位資優 學員,而「老表」鄧氏三姐弟其後也陸續加入 學苑。一門四傑的最大公因數似乎是家族的強 大資優基因,但究其底蘊,父母能夠放手,讓 子女發掘不同興趣,開明和「貼地」的教養模 式應記一功,亦因此,他們選擇讓孩子加入學 苑,接受多元化的學習體驗及與不同背景的資 優生進行學習交流。

In the past 15 years since the HKAGE’s inception, four gifted students are from the same family. Melody WONG, the big cousin, who was the first gifted member in the family, was followed by her three younger cousins from TANG's family. It is quite logical to associate the common factor among the four gifted kids with their family’s gifted genes. Something more, in fact, works with an open-minded and down-toearth parenting style that encourages children to explore different interests and learning experiences. Hence, the HKAGE was chosen for these kids to receive advanced and diversified learning experiences with other gifted learners of various backgrounds.

We Build a Better Future
資優基因圖譜 Together,
▲ 鄧善之 ▲ 鄧敬業 ▲ 鄧敬誠 ▲ 王悅齡 80 摘星之旅

甫抵鄧宅,全廳最亮眼是一張長長的餐桌, 桌上布滿精緻餐具,餐桌旁佇立著偌大的飾 櫃,載滿孩子和鄧媽媽的獎盃獎座,以及次 子的心血 – 模型作品。

The most eye-catching thing in TANG’s home is the big dining table filled with exquisite tableware. Next to it is a huge cabinet, showcasing the trophies and medals earned by the children and their mother, as well as the ‘masterpieces’ — the models made by the middle child.

鄧爸爸表示:「全屋最重要就是這張餐桌, 我們很重視聚餐的時間,一家人可以在這裏 交流。」孩子們就在這樣的氛圍中成長,沒 有桌遊手遊,多了溝通和分享興趣的時間。

鄧氏三姐弟和表姐皆文武全才,不但全都具 有數學和科學天分,表姐更是個「舞林」高 手,兩位弟弟的口琴技藝出眾,屢獲殊榮, 而家姐亦展開了她在創意媒體方面的尋夢 之旅。


先由年紀最小的一位說起。唸中二的鄧敬業 在短短半小時訪談中,已吐出好幾句跟他小 小年紀不太相稱的金句,例如「成功需苦 幹」、「失敗乃成功之母」等,這大抵跟他 已「身經百戰」有關。

鄧敬業就讀幼稚園時開始學習珠心算,不久 便代表香港參加「三算(珠算、心算、數 學)國際賽」,成為香港歷來年紀最小的 選手,之後亦繼續揚威多個國際數學比賽。 口琴演奏方面,他先後在多個國際大賽中奪 標,成就斐然。他喜歡競賽,因為比賽令他 感到「緊張、興奮,甚至乎熱血沸騰」。

“This dining table is the most important thing in the house,” said the father. “We treasure every family dining moment, which provides a precious chance for the whole family to share our thoughts and feelings.” In this vibe, the kids are brought up, with PC/mobile games replaced by dialogues and sharing.

The three siblings and their big cousin are multitalented. On top of their giftedness in mathematics and science, the big cousin Melody is good at dancing, the two TANG brothers are winners of many harmonica music competitions, and their big sister has started her journey to chase her dream in creative media.

Mr Motto

Starting from the youngest, Timothy TANG, a Secondary 2 student, shared a number of mottos in the half-hour interview, such as “success hinges on your hard work”, “failure is the mother of success”, etc. It is because he is already a “battle-hardened” young man.

Shortly after Timothy started learning abacus in kindergarten, he was selected as the youngest-ever contestant representing Hong Kong in the International Abacus Mental Arithmetic and Mathematics Competition and has won many international mathematics competitions thereafter. His harmonica performance has also brought him to the stage of many international competitions with flying colours. He enjoys competitions because they make him “nervous, excited, and even blood-boiling”.

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感。大賽經驗豐富的敬業當然亦試過失手,幸得開明的母親給他提供 大量金句作為鼓勵,而敬業亦能把這些金句好好「袋穩」,成為自己 的座右銘。

除了數學和口琴,近來敬業愛上了設計機械人,透過學苑參加了機械 人大賽,將與其他來自不同學校、不同背景的學員首次合作。他將要 面對的挑戰,包括陌生的機械知識,以及與各隊員的協作磨合,但從 他的表情語調感受到,他對這些挑戰感到非常雀躍。

Young people take success and failure seriously, creating frustration. Timothy, as an experienced contestant, has undoubtedly tasted failure. Fortunately, his enlightened mother has provided him with a lot of mottos as encouragement, and he is able to keep them in mind and put them into action.

Apart from mathematics and harmonica, Timothy has a crush on robot design lately, and he has already planned to step onto a new stage by joining a robot design competition through the HKAGE. His new challenges are foreseeable, including his competence to acquaint himself with the new knowledge of robot design and the potential run-ins when teaming up with student members of different backgrounds. However, his facial expression showed that he was very excited about these challenges.

鄧敬誠在三姐弟中排行中間,在父母眼中,敬誠是大姐與幼弟之間的 橋樑,是個溝通能手。

此外,他也是個非常整潔的男生,衣服、雜物、以至他親手砌好的模 型都放置得整整齊齊,一絲不苟, 這種處事態度亦展現在他的領袖風 格上。雖然他在數學及口琴方面了 得,但他是以人文學科中領袖能力 的資優表現加入學苑的。他在就讀 的中學亦擔任口琴校隊隊長及模型 學會主席,他很重視學會成員之間 的溝通,講求規矩,並會身體力行 帶領會員一起完成任務,展現團隊 精神。

他較弟弟更早接觸口琴,弟弟對口 琴的興趣是由他帶動的,但弟弟在 這方面的成績後來居上,敬誠卻沒 有因為弟弟的成就產生嫉妒,反而

Make Progress, No Comparison

Teddy TANG, the middle child, is described by his parents as a bridge between his sister and brother, with excellent communication skills.

Apart from that, he is also a very tidy teenager. All his clothes, sundries, and the models he made are organised meticulously. Such personality is reflected in his leadership style, which got him admitted to the HKAGE despite his talents in mathematics and music. As the band leader of his school’s Harmonica Band and the Chairman of the Model-making Club, he places great importance on communication and discipline among team members. To strengthen the team spirit, he prefers rolling up his sleeves to complete every task together with team members.

It was Teddy’s harmonica practice that triggered Timothy’s interest and made him a prize-winning performer. Instead of having hard feelings for being

不會比較 更愛一起進步

對弟弟和自己有着同一喜好而感恩,「可以一 起練習,一起進步。」兩兄弟不但因為口琴產 生更多共同話題,閒時更一起表演口琴二重 奏,為家庭添上愉悅氣氛。

訪問時正備戰中學文憑考試的敬誠,除要面對 考試壓力外,亦將要面對大學選科的人生交叉 點,但他沒有急於抉擇,反而覺得要多接觸不

同事物,多發掘及確立自己的興趣,才作出這 個重大決定。為了探索前路,他在學苑報讀了 不同種類的課程,從考古到歷史,乃至心理學

等,目的是要開拓自己的視野,發掘更多的可 能性。

outstripped by his younger brother, Teddy is happy to share the same interest with his sibling because they can “practice and make progress together”. Their mutual interest not only offers them common topics but also creates a harmonic atmosphere for the family when they play duets together.

As a DSE student at the moment of the interview, Teddy felt the pressure from the examinations. More than that, he was also facing the intersection where he needed to pick the university major that would probably dominate his future. But he did not rush to make the decision, as he would rather explore his real interest by exposing himself to more possibilities. Because of this belief, he joined various types of HKAGE programmes, including archaeology, history, psychology, etc., to broaden his vision and horizons.

大家姐鄧善之正在城市大學修讀創意媒體,期 望透過光影聲音來與受眾溝通。

小學時以數學資優而加入學苑的善之,到大學 時代捨棄數學而選擇創意媒體,她的這個決定

或多或少與當年參加學苑的編劇課程及創意學 會(Creative Club)有關,當時一起合作的學 員成長背景各有不同,對她的編劇訓練及團體 協作和溝通都有很大啟發。

創意媒體是一門藝術創作。藝術作品,沒有完 美的,只有更好的。創作人為了盡善盡美,往 往廢寢忘餐。善之也曾為了製作一個3D虛擬網 上主播的功課而經歷了連日「通頂」的「死亡 時間表」。她未敢形容內心有「一團火」,但 就確定自己對這門藝術有很濃厚的興趣。

“Find My True Self, Don’t be Afraid of the Latecomers”

Sin Chee, the elder sister, is studying creative media at the City University of Hong Kong, hoping to communicate with her audience through light and sound.

She was found gifted in mathematics and admitted to the HKAGE in Primary 6. Her decision to choose creative media as her major instead of mathematics may be the result of her participation in the screenwriting course and the Creative Club of the HKAGE, from which she has learnt much through collaboration with her team members from all walks of life that has enhanced her screenwriting and communication skills.

Creative media is a form of art, which can be hardly defined as “perfect” but the author of each art piece will still strive for perfection. Sin Chee is no exception. To make her student project about creating a 3D virtual presenter perfect, she exhausted herself with a “deadly schedule” from 11 a.m. to 7 a.m. the next day for a few consecutive days. Though she would not claim as having a great fire in her soul, she affirmed her passion for this form of art.

83 摘星之旅

作為大家姐,善之自覺有責任要在弟弟面前樹立一個良好 榜樣,但面對兩位才華橫溢的弟弟和他們的驕人成績,她 坦然承認「後浪很高﹗」

不過她很快便找到方法調適這份壓力,就是要靜思,探索 自己的定位,找尋自己的興趣。就這樣,她更確定自己喜 歡創意媒體。她選擇和兩位弟弟一起學習,一起進步。早 前,幼弟敬業多次跟國際級口琴老師進入錄音室錄音及錄 影,善之亦有幸陪伴弟弟跟老師學習,見識到老師的高水 準技藝及錄音室先進的設備,令她嘆為觀止,更覺一起進 步的可貴。

更大的舞台 表姐王悅齡算是學苑最早的一批學員,大約在2010年時透 過「國際初中科學奧林匹克」的訓練而加入學苑,及後繼續 到海外參加科學國際賽事。初踏世界競賽舞台,讓她眼界大 開,亦因此而加深了對科學的理解和興趣,繼而確定了日後 的路向 – 工程,一門實用的科學。

香港的工程系畢業生可算是天之驕子吧,市場上的工作機 會多的是,選擇公用事業如電力、電話公司等機構工作, 便可平步青雲。但有舞蹈底子的悅齡卻不甘於從事刻板的

As the elder sister in the family, she is aware of her duty to set a role model for her brothers. Responding to the outstanding attainments her brothers achieved, she admitted that "the latecomers rock".

Soon after, she started to adjust to this pressure by looking inside herself and finding her own value. As a result, her love for creative media was further confirmed. She has decided to study and make progress together with her two brothers since then. Recently, she accompanied Timothy to the studio of his renowned world-class harmonica teacher. The teacher’s high-level skills and the advanced equipment in the studio amazed her, and her belief in making progress together with her brothers was strengthened.

For a Larger Stage

Melody WONG, the big cousin, was one of the earliest HKAGE members. In about 2010, she joined the HKAGE via the training programme for the International Junior Science Olympiad. She was astonished when stepping on the world stage for the first time, deepening her knowledge of and interest in science, which has directed her to her career, engineering, a kind of applied sciences.

In Hong Kong, engineering students have usually been deemed “God’s favoured ones” due to the overwhelming demand in the job market. They can simply pick a job offer from any public utility company, followed by a meteoric rise. But that is not the story of Melody, a girl fond of dancing and fascinated by the shimmering stage. She chose the stage, which was not a common choice among her peers. Her first job was a stage engineer for a renowned circus, and her current

鄧敬業 Timothy TANG

• • •


Hong Kong Top 10 Outstanding Teens 2021


Awardee, “Star Bright” Scholarship Scheme 2020-2021


Champion, Chromatic Solo (Youth Category), 13 th Asia Pacific Harmonica Festival


1 st Runner-up, Youth Chromatic Solo, 2017 World International Harmonica Festival (Trossingen)

鄧敬誠 Teddy TANG

• • •


Captain, King’s College Harmonica Band


Chairman, King’s College Model Making Club


1 st Runner-up, Chromatic Solo (Junior Category), 12 th Asia Pacific Harmonica Festival



TANG Sin Chee


Bachelor of Arts in Creative Media Student Representative, Staff-Undergraduate Student Consultative Committee, City University


Album Producer of Final Year Project “Life is But a Dream”

香港大專體育協會2022-2023 女子乒乓球賽冠軍

Champion, Women’s Table Tennis Competition, The University Sports Federation of Hong Kong, China, 2022-2023


戲團的舞台工程工作,而現在服務的 機構則是一家享負盛名的國際級舞台 工程公司,悅齡有份參與的工程包括 主題公園的煙花匯演,以及大型表演



畢業前已把目標鎖定於舞台工程這門 香港極為冷門的行業。她看中了某個 世界頂級馬戲團,並且每星期瀏覽該 馬戲團的網頁及其職位空缺,一發現 有練習生的工作機會,便給該公司寫 了一篇個人簡歷毛遂自薦,顯然她的 「讀者」被打動了,並把她聘任為首 位來自香港的工程人員。而加入現 在服務的機構,也是用了同一方式, 先鎖定目標,然後再進行游說。悅齡 兩次求職都是「一擊即中」,成功之 道除了具備相關知識和求職技巧外, 更重要是她那顆為自己創造舞台的 決心。

employer is a world-leading engineering firm for live performance. Her job portfolio includes firework shows for theme parks, the setup of some large-scale performance venues, and so on.

Melody is target oriented. In her university years, her target was stage engineering, an extremely uncommon industry in Hong Kong. She had her eye on the acclaimed Canadian circus and kept browsing its website every week until she found a job opportunity for a trainee. She wrote a personal statement to “persuade” the employer. Apparently, her “reader” was touched and hired her as the first engineer from Hong Kong. The same approach was adopted with her current employee by targeting and persuading. Her secrets to success in her two job applications lay not just in her competencies and job-hunting skills but also in her determination to search for a larger stage.

王悅齡 Melody WONG


Engineer of a multi-national engineering firm for live entertainment environments


Performer of the grand dance poem “DunHuang Reflections” in 2017 and 2021


1 st Runner-up, the ABU Asia-Pacific Robot Contest 2015


Member of Hong Kong Team, 63 rd Intel International Science and Engineering Awards

• • • 鄧善之
• • • •
85 摘星之旅

路遙有你 並肩追夢

Together, We Walk Farther


– 一個共同參與過的數學

比賽,往後朝著不同路向發展,然後又再因為數學而在學苑重遇,最終踏上同一張紅 毯成為靈魂伴侶。夠戲劇性嗎?故事的主角正正是學苑校友盧安迪(Andy)和陳希淳 (Helsa)。

This is the love story of two HKAGE alumni who are both mathematics enthusiasts. It all started with mathematics — a mathematical competition the two protagonists joined at an early age, but they went in different directions thereafter and met again at the HKAGE because of mathematics. Finally, they tied the knot, vowing to be soul mates for life. Dramatic, isn’t it? The protagonists are Andy LOO and Helsa CHAN.

He, Developing Dual Career Path

博士及法律博士學位。作為 「文理皆精」的尖子,這位

數學及武俠小說愛好者在事 業上亦有雙向發展,任職於 法律界的同時,亦繼續寫作

的興趣,成為《信報月刊》 的專欄作家。從數學轉線至

Andy was a gold medallist in the International Physics Olympiad and had his essay published in a mathematics journal at the age of 17. He studied mathematics at Princeton University in the United States and obtained his PhD in Economics and Juris Doctor from Stanford University. Talented in both arts and sciences, this mathematics lover cum fan of martial arts fictions has developed a dual career path, i.e., as a legal professional and a columnist for the Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly. Having switched his track from mathematics to economics and law, Andy always emphasises the importance of mathematics training to him, “Mathematics is a subject that provides fundamental logical relationships, which are applicable in different areas. A sound mathematical foundation laid down in the early

Together, We Build a Better Future 同行.致遠
他.事業雙向發展 盧安迪曾於國際物理奧林匹 克比賽中獲金獎,17歲獲數 學期刊刊登論文。其後在美 國普林斯頓大學修讀數學, 並在史丹福大學取得經濟學
86 摘星之旅
經濟和法律,Andy毋忘初 心,道出數學訓練對他的重

要性,「數學是一個研究基礎邏輯關係的學 科,可以應用在很多其他範疇。所以,如能 在較早的階段打好數學基礎,對日後不同方 面的發展,也是很好的準備。學苑的數學和 物理訓練不僅讓我培養了嚴謹的邏輯思維能 力,更讓我體驗到『天外有天,人外有人』 的道理。」

原來這位天之驕子也曾在學習上遇上挑 戰,Andy憶述當初參加學苑的物理學訓練 時,除了有關上課下課的宣布外,導師說的 話,他連一句也聽不懂。於是唯有將勤補 拙,在課餘時間努力查考課外書。「當人在 一個群體中永遠是最優秀的一個,便很容易 會驕傲自滿。在學苑卻有很多志同道合和能 力很高的同儕,互相切磋砥礪,令我們不會 那麽容易驕傲之餘,亦更加努力上進。」的 確,當人走出舒適圈,便會感受到知識的無 限與震撼。


同樣孕育於數學土壤的陳希淳,在中文大 學主修數學,並於加拿大滑鐵盧大學完成

應用數學碩士 Œ ,成為數據科學家。Helsa曾於中國女子數學奧林匹克比賽中獲 獎,對學苑最深刻的回憶是與隊友的情誼,

days helps prepare one’s future development in various aspects. The mathematics and physics training at the HKAGE has not only cultivated my rigorous and logical thinking, but also allowed me to realise that ‘there is always a bigger fish.’”

Smart like Andy has encountered challenges in his studies. He recalled that when he first joined the physics training at the HKAGE, the instructor’s words were barely comprehensible to him except the announcements for class to start and to end. He had to make the extra effort and study reference materials in his spare time to catch up with the class. “The best performers in a group may tend to become proud and complacent. Staying together with other highly capable peers who share the same interests in the HKAGE allowed me to be humbler and drove me to strive for advancement.” Those who are willing to step out of their comfort zone will be astonished at the vastness of the ocean of knowledge.

She, Building Career as a Data Scientist

Helsa’s academic journey also started in the mathematical domain. She majored in mathematics at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and obtained a master’s degree in applied mathematics at the University of Waterloo in Canada Œ . She is now a data scientist by profession. Being one of the awardees in the Chinese Women’s Mathematical Olympiad, her most cherished memory of the HKAGE was her friendship with her teammates. “The most unforgettable thing was the intensive team training in July and August. We attended the training class in the Academy from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., just like the office ladies every day, while other students were enjoying their summer vacation. We even ordered takeout for lunch and spent the whole day with our teammates in the Academy.” Helsa said that two teammates in the same training class had become her best friends and

▲ 盧安迪

▲ 陳希淳 87 摘星之旅

「最難忘的,就是大家一起參與密集式訓 練。到七、八月當其他同學正開心地放暑假 時,我們從星期一至五早上九時至晚上六 時,像上班一樣,在學苑接受訓練,連午飯 也是叫外賣回來吃,與隊友形影不離。」

▲ 陳希淳

Helsa更提到,在訓練期間認識的兩位好友成為她與Andy婚禮上的姊 妹,可見她們友誼是何等的長久深厚。被問到在學苑上課時,有否像 Andy那樣遇到聽不明白的困難,Helsa表示困難較多源於比賽當刻的 狀態,「狀態影響成績的好壞,從前有時候很計較這些贏輸,但現在 回想起來覺得都是一種經驗。」由此可見,若我們抽離「當局者」的 身份,便會理解到生命中的挑戰對成長的重要性。





直關注國際數學奧林匹克(奧數賽)的香港選拔賽,參與義務工作, 更因籌辦2016國際奧數賽期間緊密合作而增進了解,成就如此微妙 的緣分。

適逢學苑15周年,有甚麽話想對學苑説呢?他們都非常感激學苑提 供的機會,在這裏的種種經歷對他們的人生有重大而深遠的影響,不

served as bridesmaids at her wedding. When asked if she had ever come across difficulties like Andy did when she first joined the HKAGE, Helsa said her “difficulties” related more to her on-site performance during competitions. “The results of the competitions depend much on the participants’ on-site performance. As a child, I used to focus too much on the competition results. Looking back, I now realise that the competition itself is already a valuable experience.” Those who try to step back and view things from a third-party perspective will appreciate the significance of each challenge to one’s growth.

When the Two Met

Not only have Andy and Helsa attained admirable academic achievements, respectively, but they have also composed an enviable love story together! It was Helsa’s decision to skip a grade and Andy’s to stay in his that brought the two to study in the same grade, reducing the gap between their growth curves and achieving such a romantic relationship. They both actively participated in the local preliminary selection of the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) as volunteers. And it was the preparation for the IMO 2016 that brought them together and offered an opportunity for them to fall for each other.



年或十年間展現出來,但以Helsa 和Andy為例,兩位自中學時期在學 苑成長的數理資優生,經已投身職 場,並且組織家庭;他們的故事展 示了資優教育在資優生的人生不同 階段,留下的深遠影響。

As the HKAGE is celebrating its 15 th Anniversary, Andy and Helsa wanted to express their gratitude to the Academy for the opportunities provided to them. The episodes staged in the Academy have brought along significant and profound influences in their lives: from various skills and competencies developed to close friends and life companions encountered here, all of which have shaped who they are now. They hope that younger student members can be inspired by their growth story. As the Chinese saying goes, “It takes ten years to grow trees and a hundred to grow people.” Andy and Helsa, who spent their secondary school years with the HKAGE, have now joined the workforce and started their own family. Their story tells us that gifted education does exert profound impacts at different stages of gifted students’ development, even if its outcomes might not be visible in 5 or 10 years time.

最後,兩位以學長身份勉勵學苑一 眾師弟師妹:「『成功』在人生不 同階段有不同定義,不用太執著社 會給你的定義,只要盡力做好自己 便好。處身社會中,我們既需要建 立共性、亦需要培養個性;就像伴 侶既需要有共通之處,亦需要彼此 互補一樣。」

Finally, Andy and Helsa offered their encouraging remarks to younger gifted students, “The definition of ‘success’ varies in different stages of one’s life. You don’t need to follow the definitions prevailing in society. Just try to do your best. As members of society, we need to develop commonality with others as well as uniqueness in ourselves; just like couples need to have things in common and also things that complement each other.”

陳希淳 Helsa CHAN


Gold medalist, 2011 International Physics Olympiad


PhD in Economics and Juris Doctor from Stanford University


Columnist for the Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly


Silver medalist, China Girls’ Mathematical Olympiad 2012


Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Mathematics, Chinese University of Hong Kong


Master of Computational Mathematics, University of Waterloo, Canada

們希望能以自身的成長歷程啟發師 弟師妹。正所謂十年樹木,百年樹 人,資優教育的果效未必能夠在五
但培養了他們在各方面的能力,也 讓他們結識了生命裏很重要的朋友
• • • • • • 盧安迪
Andy LOO
89 摘星之旅

齊心同慶15周年 !

Celebrating Our 15th Anniversary Together!

香港資優教育學苑(學苑)自2022年底陸續 推出一連串誌念成立15周年的慶祝活動,由學 苑、學員以及各方合作夥伴同心協力,並以「資 優 × 關愛 × 創新」為主題,在慶祝學苑15周 年的同時,亦向公眾介紹學苑的工作和發展,展 示學員的才華,以及推廣香港的資優教育。

The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education (HKAGE or Academy) has launched a series of celebratory events since the end of 2022 to mark its 15 th anniversary. With the theme of “Gifted × Caring × Innovative”, the Academy has joined hands with its student members and various partners to introduce the Academy’s work and development and showcase the talents of its students to the public in order to promote gifted education in Hong Kong.

90 活動花絮



學苑於2022年10月至12月期間舉辦了「15周年標誌與吉祥物設計比賽」,吸引逾50名學員參加,經由評審團嚴格評選後,兩位學員 的作品脫穎而 出。兩項比賽的作品經微調後,正式於學苑15周年的慶祝活動隆重登場。

The HKAGE 15 th Anniversary Logo and Mascot Design Competitions were held between October and December 2022, with over 50 entries received from student members. After a rigorous selection process by the judging panel, the designs of two students were chosen as the winning entry for the logo and the mascot, respectively. With some minor adjustments, the winning entries became the official logo and mascots of the HKAGE’s 15 th Anniversary celebration.

學苑15周年標誌的設計主題為「青春活 力」丶「與時並進」及「朝氣蓬勃」。

得獎作品的設計者為學員邱雅妤,她設 計的標誌體現出年輕和現代兩大特點, 數字「15」的造型,紀念學苑15周年,

而資優學員從圓圈中向前邁進,象徵更 進一步。標誌的設計旨在營造充滿活力 的氛圍,並賦予資優學員能力,讓他們


The design theme of the HKAGE 15 th Anniversary logo includes “young”, “modern”, and “new ambience”. According to YAU Nga Yue, the designer of the winning work, her design embodies two major characteristics of youth and modernity. The figure “15” commemorates the HKAGE’s 15 th Anniversary, whereas the gifted student stepping out of a circle symbolises continuous advancement. The design of the logo aims to create an empowering and vibrant atmosphere for our gifted students to venture into new environments and open up new horizons for the future.

學苑一對吉祥物分別命名 為資資(GIGI)和優優 (YOYO),設計主題象 徵學苑與學員的「青春活 力」丶「幸福洋溢」丶及 「積極陽光」。設計者為 學員袁仲恒,他設計的兩 個吉祥物代表了學員全面 的才華,不僅在學術上成 就卓越,同時在其他方面 也有出色的表現。

Gigi and Yoyo were designed by student member YUEN Chung Hang to symbolise youthfulness, happiness, and energy with a positive attitude. They represent the wellrounded talents of the Academy’s student members, who excel not only academically but also non-academically.

91 活動花絮


學苑特別製作了香港郵政郵票,印有由學員設計的周 年紀念標誌和吉祥物。這套紀念郵票體現出學苑的價 值觀和使命,同時展示了學員的創意和藝術才華。

A set of customised stamps has been produced as souvenirs by the HKAGE, featuring the anniversary logo and mascots designed by the Academy’s student members. Demonstrating the Academy’s values and mission, the stamp set serves not only as a memento for the celebration but also showcases the creativity and artistic talents of the students.




學苑15周年特別版電車「資優一叮」由15位學員借助3D及AI技術親自設計打造。 「資優一叮」於2023年6月17日至7月16日期間遊走港島大街小巷,將學員對未來城 市的期盼及對學苑15周年的祝福帶給市民大眾!

“Gifted Ding Ding”, the special edition tram for the HKAGE 15 th Anniversary, was designed by 15 student members, making use of 3D and AI technology to create the design. The “Gifted Ding Ding” ran through the main streets and side roads on Hong Kong Island from 17 June to 16 July 2023, conveying to the public the students’ vision of a future city and their anniversary blessings for the HKAGE.


“Gifted Ding Ding” started to commence service after a kick-off ceremony on 17 June until 16 July 2023.

92 活動花絮

於2023年7月1日,亦是電車免費乘車日,香港特別行政區政府教育局局長蔡若蓮博士,JP以及教育 局副局長施俊輝先生,JP,乘坐「資優一叮


On 1 July 2023, which was also a free tram ride day, Dr CHOI Yuk Lin, JP, Secretary for Education, and Mr SZE Chun Fai Jeff, JP, Under Secretary for Education, visited and rode the “Gifted Ding Ding” tram to celebrate the 26 th Anniversary of the Establishment of the HKSAR with the public.


Gifted students spent 8 hours painting the “Gifted Ding Ding” on a hot summer day, demonstrating their passion for the project.

上8個小時親手為「資優一 叮」髹上顏色,為他們的設 計添上特殊意義!
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啟動禮設有亮燈儀式,由台上的主禮嘉賓摘星 及燃點星光開始,再配合台下觀眾手持的小星 光,構成一片星海,寓意星光指引,燃亮資優 生的摘星之路。

The event started with a lighting ceremony. The officiating guests illuminated stars on the stage, followed by the joining-in of small stars held by the hundreds of audience. A sea of stars was formed to symbolise the guidance that brightens up the gifted students' roads to reaching for their stars.


對象,於7月7日至8日假香港科學園舉行。其中7月8日進行了簡 單而隆重的啟動儀式,學苑很榮幸邀得香港特別行政區政府教育 局(教育局)局長蔡若蓮博士,JP、香港應用科技研究院(應科

院)行政總裁葉成輝博士及香港資優教育學苑董事局主席林曉 鋒博士 . 工程師,JP擔任主禮嘉賓。啟動禮上,除有學員表演 雙節棍、虛擬吉祥物與學員比舞/武等助慶之外,更有亮燈儀 式,為之後的何東資優教育演講揭開序幕。

為期兩天的博覽透過多個講座、攤 位及工作坊,讓公眾認識及體驗學 苑的多元化資優課程,同時亦展出 了部分學員於本港及海外比賽的得 獎作品。

教育局局長蔡若蓮博士,JP表示,特區政府非常重視資優教育。未來,教育局 會與學苑攜手合作,推動本港資優教育的持續發展,讓資優同學在不同的領域 發揮所長,成為明日領袖。

Dr CHOI Yuk Lin, JP, Secretary for Education, stated that the HKSAR government has placed great importance on gifted education. In the future, the Education Bureau will work hand in hand with the HKAGE to promote the continued development of gifted education in Hong Kong, empowering gifted students to excel in different fields and become future leaders.

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One of the flagship events of the HKAGE’s 15 th Anniversary was the Anniversary Gifted Education Expo (GE Expo), a public event held at the Hong Kong Science Park from 7 July to 8 July. A launch ceremony was held on 8 July, officiated by Dr CHOI Yuk Lin, JP, Secretary for Education of the HKSAR; Dr YIP Shing Fai Denis, Chief Executive Officer of the Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI); and Ir Dr LAM Hiu Fung Alan, JP, Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the HKAGE. At the launch ceremony, there was an impressive lighting ceremony in addition to gifted students’ performances on Nunchaku and a joint dance/karate performance by virtual mascots and students.

The two-day GE Expo featured various lectures, booths, and workshops, enabling the public to learn about and experience the HKAGE’s diverse gifted education programmes. Some students’ award-winning projects were showcased at the HKAGE’s booth.

學苑董事局主席林曉鋒博士 . 工程師,JP謂,「我們深信每一個孩子都是獨特 而且具有潛能的。就像今天的15周年慶祝活動,我們可以看到學員在不同領域 的傑出表現。最近政府的財政預算亦增加資源支持資優教育,期待學苑能好好 善用,繼續履行培育資優生的偉大使命,為香港栽培更多優秀的新一代。」

Ir Dr LAM Hiu Fung Alan, JP, Chairperson of the Board of Directors, HKAGE, said, “Every child is unique and has potential. We are delighted to witness our students’ outstanding performances showcased during today's celebration. I hope that the Academy can continue to make good use of the additional financial resources provided by the Government for gifted education to fullfil its mission of nurturing gifted students and cultivating more outstanding future leaders for Hong Kong.”


Dr YIP Shing Fai Denis, Chief Executive Officer of ASTRI, expressed his hope that “cooperation between ASTRI and the Academy would continue so that advanced technology could be applied to identify more future stars for society by enhancing students’ learning outcomes and inspiring their interests in different fields”.


Gifted students’ Nunchaku performance

應科院行政總裁葉成輝博士表示學苑在教育上一直與時並進,「熱切期待應科 院與學苑在未來的日子裏,能夠繼續攜手運用先進科技提高學生學習效果,啟
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學苑院長黃金耀博士感謝來賓支持當日活動,「我一直見 證學苑同工多年努力,透過不同途徑廣納賢才,取錄及培 育多才多藝的資優學生,而他們的才華亦在今日的表演項 目及攤位展覽中表露無遺。在此祝願學苑能在資優教育更 上一層樓,讓學員承先啟後延展摘星之旅!」

Dr WONG Kam Yiu Jimmy, Executive Director of the HKAGE, expressed his gratitude to the guests for supporting the event. “I have witnessed our staff members’ endeavours all these years. With the intake channel broadened, more multi-talented gifted students have been admitted for gifted training, and their talents are showcased through their performances, whereas their outstanding works are exhibited. By providing training according to their aptitude, we hope that their full potential can be identified and developed, equipping them to become future leaders of Hong Kong. We look forward to enhancing our work of nurturing gifted students and inspiring them to reach for the stars,” said Dr WONG.

Dr CHOI Yuk Lin, JP, Secretary for Education, visited the booths and learned about the innovative inventions of the students.

學苑的攤位展示了學員的學習成果,包 括學員於「破解保險箱」國際物理錦標 賽2023的得獎作品,以及曾勇奪2021年 首屆「城市創科大挑戰」初中組季軍的 「EcoVendor」環保餐具租借機。

The Academy’s booth showcased some students’ learning achievements, including the award-winning works of the students in the “Safe Cracking” International Physics Tournament 2023 and the “EcoVendor” tableware rental machine which won the third prize in the junior high school group of the 2021 “City Innovation Challenge”.

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無人機足球體驗 Drone Soccer Experience

為期兩日的資優教育博覽吸引了過千教育工作者和學生,以及公 眾人士到場參觀,不少學生更在佈置前與資資優優合照留念。

The 2-day GE Expo attracted more than a thousand educators, students, and members of the public. Many students enjoyed taking photos with Gigi and Yoyo before the decorations.


Participants were learning to operate the Mars Exploration Rovers.

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BATTLEACE 競技機械人格鬥大賽

BATTLEACE Competitive Robot Fighting Competition

護身道體驗 Sports Chanbara Experience

水警設備 Marine Police Equipment

模擬飛行體驗 Flight Simulation


Forensic Science – From Crime Scene to Courtroom


An Investigative Study of Cosmos


STEAM工作坊: 從實驗探索宇宙

STEAM Workshop: Exploring Universe through Experiment


– 微觀工作坊

Environmental Science Workshop: The Big World of Small Insects - Microscopic Observation Workshop



另一項旗艦活動為2023何東資優教育演講(演 講),以學校領導、教育工作者及資優生的家長 為對象,於7月8日在香港科學園舉行。演講包

括一場專題講座,以及兩場分別以家長及教師為 對象的同場講座。

Another flagship event was the Annual Hotung Lecture (AHL) 2023, which was held on 8 July 2023 at the Hong Kong Science Park, with school leaders, education practitioners, and parents of gifted students as the targeted audience. The AHL included a keynote speech and two parallel sessions for parents and teachers, respectively.

學苑很高興邀得身兼香港科學院院長、香港中文大學醫學院副 院長(研究)、香港中文大學化學病理學系系主任,以及香港 中文大學醫學院李嘉誠醫學講座教授的盧煜明教授,SBS,JP擔 任專題講者,他以「敢夢敢想.開創無限」為題,跟大家分享 培育資優學生的心得。

The Academy was pleased to have Professor LO Yuk Ming Dennis, SBS, JP, President of the Hong Kong Academy of Sciences, Associate Dean (Research) of the Faculty of Medicine at CUHK, Chairman of the Department of Chemical Pathology at CUHK, and Li Ka Shing Professor of Medicine, as the keynote speaker. Titled “Big Dream, Big Impact,” the speech covered his insights on nurturing gifted learners.

家長講座主題為「傳統中華文化對培育資優兒童的啟示」, 播道書院總校長盧偉成先生,MH分享如何運用傳統中華文 化的核心和正面價值,培育資優兒童,實現全人發展。

The Parent Talk this year focused on “Implications of Traditional Chinese Culture on Nurturing Gifted Children”. Mr LO Wai Shing Vincent, MH, Chief Principal of Evangel College, shared how to apply the core and positive values of traditional Chinese culture in nurturing gifted children to achieve whole-person development.

教師講座由應科院助理高級總監羅家泳博士主講,以 「應用在教育的情感運算」為主題,與教師分享結合 技術創新及情意教育的實用教學策略。

The Teacher Talk, titled “Affective Computing for Education”, was delivered by Dr LOR Kar Wing Edward, Associate Senior Director of ASTRI. He introduced practical teaching strategies through the integration of affective education and technological innovations.



為慶祝15周年,學苑籌辦了一系列與音樂劇表演相關的課程,包括劇本創 作、作曲、填詞、音樂劇排練及公演等,讓學員充分發揮故事編寫技巧和 創作力,展示才華,也鼓勵他們互相合作,建立信心。

學員的創意將轉化為一齣15至20分鐘的音樂劇,並於8月25日在學苑周年 晚宴上演出。音樂劇中亦會包括全新創作的學苑院歌。

To celebrate the 15 th Anniversary of the HKAGE, a series of programmes related to musical production and performance have been organised. These programmes included scriptwriting, song composition, lyric writing, musical rehearsal, and on-stage performance. Besides gaining knowledge and experience in different aspects of the musical, participants could also develop their creativity and storytelling skills, showcase their talents, and foster collaboration skills and confidence through working with teammates.

The participants’ creativity will be transformed into a 15- to 20-minute musical to be performed at the HKAGE Anniversary Dinner on 25 August 2023. The newly composed HKAGE anthem will be embedded and performed in the musical.

香港作曲家聯會主席、香港作曲家及作詞家協會理事 梅廣釗博士向資優學員分享音樂創作的心得。

Dr MUI Kwong Chiu, the Chairman of the Hong Kong Composers’ Guild and the Director of the Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong, shared his insights on music composition with student members.

學員積極練習在音樂 劇演技課程中所學的 戲劇技巧。

Student members were practicing the acting skills they learned in the musical drama programme.

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15th Anniversary Book Production Highlights

15周年特刊的製作,有賴所有受訪者、學苑同工、學生籌委會1及 公共關係及傳訊組等多方支持協助,學苑衷心致謝。

The production of the 15 th Anniversary Book owes its success to the support and assistance of numerous individuals and groups, including all the interviewees, HKAGE colleagues, the Student Organising Team (SOT) 1 , and the Public Relations and Communications Team. The Academy would like to express its heartfelt gratitude to all of them for their contribution to the production of this publication.

學生籌委會接受採訪及寫作 訓練,參與部分的採訪、撰


SOT received interview and feature writing training, and participated in part of the interviewing, writing and translation work.

註1 學生籌委會成員:尹敏諾、林亮、袁天富、陳以誠、梁珈芪、溫嘉琪、甄尹琳、廖詠彤、劉倩妤、蕭宇澄

Note1 Members of the Student Organising Team: Charlotte WAN, Sunny LAM, Benjamin YUEN, Vincent CHAN, Nicole LEUNG, Kelly WAN, Sharon YAN, CoCo LIU, Carissa LAU, Yolanda XIAO
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ISBN : 978-988-12825-2-1

Published by The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education Ltd. Sha Kok Estate, Sha Tin, New Territories, Hong Kong Published in Hong Kong. Copyright ©2023 The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education Ltd. All rights reserved.
由香港資優教育學苑有限公司出版 香港新界沙田沙角邨

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