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賽馬會「無限亮」教育及社區外展節目 Jockey Club "No Limits" Education and Community Programme
由香港藝術節及香港賽馬會慈善信託基金聯合主辦的賽馬會「無限亮」教育及社區 外展節目,銳意把共融藝術理念拓展到社區,豐富青少年、不同能力人士、藝術家等的 藝術體驗,讓他們均可以一同欣賞、參與及擁抱藝術。內容包括: 1. 攝影工作坊及展覽,讓觀眾體會視障人士的視覺世界; 2. 外展工作坊系列,展示共融藝術教學法予專業舞者; 3. 藝術家進駐計劃,鼓勵不同能力人士與藝術家一起經歷藝術創作; 4. 學校巡演,與青少年討論「標籤」與共融; 5. 與藝術行政業界及有興趣人士開展圓桌討論,推動共融藝術的最佳實踐。 Co-presented by the Hong Kong Arts Festival and The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the Jockey Club “No Limits” Education and Community Programme is designed to provide opportunities for people with different abilities to appreciate, embrace and participate in the arts. It brings together local youth, people with different abilities, and artists, in order to promote inclusiveness through the arts. The aims of the programme include:
1. To enable audiences to experience the world of the visually impaired through the Photography Workshop and Exhibition; 2. To demonstrate inclusive arts teaching methods to professional dancers in the Train-the-Trainer Workshops; 3. To encourage people with different abilities to experience art with the artists in the Artists-in-Residence Programme; 4. To discuss labeling and inclusion with young people on Touring Performances; 5. To promote the best practices of inclusive arts to arts administrators and interested public at the Roundtable Discussion.
外展工作坊系列 Workshop Series
攝影工作坊為《這一站太短》音樂會的一部分,由心光學校校友以音樂會歌曲為靈感, 在導師劉天麟的指導下拍攝一系列相片。校友藉著對不同事物的感覺和記憶,在導師的 口述及技術輔助下,透過鏡頭與音樂和世界連繫。完成的作品將會在《這一站太短》 音樂會上放映及在展覽內展出。
工作坊 (已完成) 展覽
2019 年 12 月 – 2020 年 2 月 心光學校及不同的室內外地點 待定 詳情請到「無限亮」網站了解更多 Photography Workshop and Exhibition of A Journey Too Short
This workshop is part of the programme A Journey Too Short. Inspired by the classic hymns featured in the concert, the alumni of Ebenezer School took photos prompted by their different senses and impressions under the guidance of Dick Lau, the photography tutor. The workshop aims to enable visually impaired artists to connect with the sighted world. The photos will be projected during the A Journey Too Short concert and displayed in the exhibition.
Workshop (Completed)
December 2019 Ebenezer School, and various indoor and outdoor venues
To be confirmed Please refer to No Limits website for more details
劉天麟 Dick Lau 攝影指導及展覽策展 Photography Coach and Exhibition Curator
香港國際攝影節委員,社會福利署感化組攝影導師、心光學校 視障攝影計劃導師及亞洲協會香港中心視障攝影計劃導師。 曾參與展覽包括「觀塘社區重建攝影探索計劃」、「影像的 展現與思考」,及個展「家」等,作品被香港文化博物館收藏。 Dick Lau is a committee member of the Hong Kong International Photography Festival, photography tutor for the Social Welfare Department youth probationers, and project tutor for Ebenezer School and Asia Society Hong Kong Centre. He has participated in group exhibitions including the Kwun Tong Redevelopment Documentation Project Exhibitions (Lumenvisum, 2010-2015) and "Photo Reading Room" (JCCAC, 2014). His solo exhibition "Home" was held at Lumenvisum. His works are collected by the Hong Kong Heritage Museum.
Works by Workshop Participants
伍詠賢 Wing Ng
回到心光,看見鋼琴凳和今年的聖誕樹,令我想起了已在天國的 音樂老師。他細心自製的聖誕卡,是我每年最期待的聖誕禮物 之一。但時間卻不可逆轉,留下只有僅餘的記憶,這一站太短。 As I return to the Ebenezer School, the piano stool and the Christmas tree remind me of my music teacher who passed away. His handmade Christmas card was one of the most exciting presents for me every year. Time is irreversible, and only memories live on. This is a journey too short.
畢業後要投身社會,寄出超過 100 封求職信,但都石沉大海 杳無音訊,即使有面試的機會也困難重重。路途崎嶇,全賴給我 依靠的耶穌。感恩,今天我是酒店從業員。 It was not easy to find a job after graduation. I sent out over a hundred job applications yet hearing no response, and interviews were challenging. It was Jesus Christ who supported me through the journey. I am grateful to be a member of the hospitality industry today.
嚴俊安 Peter Yim
謝迦維 Tse Ka Wai
萬物都會因時間而留下痕跡,或許是傷痕,身患殘疾的人,只要 積極面對人生,細細地咀嚼身邊的事和物,往往都能看見它們 美好的一面,甚至看得更細,看得更遠。 Everything leaves a mark in the world across time, even if it is a scar. With a positive attitude, persons with disabilities can also savour life and discover the beauty in it. They are even able to see what many others overlook, as they look ahead.
「你們要進窄門,因為引到滅亡,那門是寬的,路是大的,進去 的人也多;引到永生,那門是窄的,路是小的,找著的人也少。」 馬太福音 7:13 – 14
"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." Matthew 7:13 - 14
謝潤亨 David Tse
Works by Workshop Participants
鄧麗銘 Tang Lai Ming Eli
觀星對我來說是一件不容易的事,何謂星塵繁星也只能 靠想像,遠望星空,對抗引力,探索無邊的宇宙,我有一個 夢想。 Stargazing is a difficult thing for me. We rely on our imagination, looking up at the sky, and fighting against gravity to explore the boundless universe. I have a dream.
成長,我開始接觸社會,有種不真實的感覺。有人戴著 面具把真實的一面隱藏;有人為了討好別人戀棧名利 而隨波逐流。但願有愛,求天愛人。 As I grew up, I began to come into contact with society. It feels surreal; some hide their true colours by wearing a mask, and some go with the flow for fame and to please others. May there be love in this world from up above.
蔡晞忻 Tsoi Hei Yan Megan
今天站在黑暗的路上,不知道光明離我有多遠,或者有一日可以 步出黑暗,在遠處看似有扇門慢慢打開,苦難裡的自由之光。 On a path shadowed by darkness, light seems unreachable. Maybe one day when I step out and look back from afar, there will be a door revealing the hope of freedom even in the darkest time.
曾冠全 Bosco Tsang
無論在什麼時候,祢仍然跟我在一起,是寧靜還是繁囂,是光明 又或是黑暗,但我知道,我很享受有祢同行的時光。 You are always by my side whether in silence or commotion, brightness or darkness. One thing I am sure of – I enjoy your company, my Almighty Father.
郭健 Kwok Kin
外展工作坊系列 Workshop Series
超能量街舞團應邀向本地藝術家、教育工作者及有興趣人士,分享其共融的教學法及 霹靂舞經驗,以豐富他們對共融藝術的認識,並在本地藝術教育中,推廣更包容的環境。 舞團的信念是「無藉口,無限制」,相信任何人都應有舞蹈及表達自我的機會。舞團成員有 多年教學經驗,著重發揮每個人的不同強項。 第一期工作坊已於 2020 年初完成,參加者有機會在第二期工作坊中進一步實踐經驗, 於 2020 年 11 月協助舞團與本地不同能力人士創作一場全新展演。
2020 年 1 月 9 – 10 日 ( 已完成 ) 伊利沙伯體育館活動室及 CCDC 舞蹈中心
2020 年 11 月 28 日 ( 已完成 ) 網上 Zoom 形式舉行
Breakdance Train-the-Trainer Workshops
ILL-Abilities share their inclusive teaching methods and experiences in breakdance. Members of the crew have years of experiences in teaching breakdance fundamentals and inspiring individual participants to exert their strengths through various different movement methods. ILL-Abilities believe that everyone should have the opportunity to dance and express themselves.
This workshop is specifically designed for local artists, educators and practitioners who want to enrich their perception of inclusive arts, and foster a more inclusive environment in local arts education. Participants came together again for Phase 2 of the workshop in November 2020.
Phase 1
9 – 10 January 2020 (Completed) Function Room, Queen Elizabeth Stadium and CCDC Dance Centre
Phase 2
28 November 2020 (Completed) Zoom Platform
藝術家進駐計劃 Artists-in-Residence Programme
第一階段 Phase 1
2020 年 1 月 ( 已完成 )
第二階段 Phase 2
2020 年 10 月至 11 月 ( 已完成 ) Jan 2020 (Completed) Oct - Nov 2020 (Completed) 藝術家進駐計劃分成兩階段進行,旨在邀請海外藝術家來港,並提供藝術交流平台予 不同學校及機構,豐富不同能力人士的藝術經驗。 超能量街舞團為國際知名霹靂舞團,舞者來自世界各地。團員應「無限亮」之邀來港, 與本地不同能力的參加者及舞者分享,探索街舞及想象力的無限可能。 The Artists-in-Residence Programme is held in two phases. It provides an arts platform for overseas artists to engage with different schools and communities to enrich the arts experiences of people with different abilities.
ILL-Abilities, known for their differently-abled breakdancers from around the world, have been invited by "No Limits" to share and explore the infinite possibilities of street dance and the imagination with local dancers of varying abilities.
第一階段 — 霹靂舞工作坊
超能量街舞團的導師運用多年的霹靂舞教學經驗,透過不同的動態練習,讓即使沒有舞蹈 經驗的參加者都有機會發揮個人所長。
Phase I – Breakdance Workshop
During the first phase, experienced breakdance instructors from ILL-Abilities inspire participants, with different levels of dance experience, to discover their individual strengths through movement exercises.
第二階段 — 終極展演
在第二階段中,因受 2019 冠狀病毒的影響,街舞團將在線教授霹靂舞及表演技巧,聯同 本地藝術家,帶領參加者一同創作並攝製成終極舞蹈錄像展演,並在 2020 年 12 月透過 網上平台分享創作成果。 全新的街舞演出由超能量街舞團的藝術家露卡.帕杜里、利多阮.艾捷及雅各.賴安斯帶領, 並與本地藝術家黃羡晴、梁子傑,及參與「藝術家進駐計劃第二階段」的不同能力舞者一同 編作而成。過程中,舞者通過街舞技巧及表演共同建立自信和發揮所長,並拍攝成舞蹈錄 像與觀眾分享。觀眾還可於舞蹈錄出中欣賞到超能量街舞團成員的精彩演出及他們的訪 問分享。
Phase II – Final Showcase
Due to the restrictions caused by COVID-19, ILL-Abilities members hold online workshops to coach participants on breakdance and performing techniques during the phase II. Together with local artists, participants and trainers co-choreographed and filmed a new dance piece together, before sharing their creative process with the audience at the final online showcase in December 2020.
The new street dance showcase is led by ILL-Abilities artists Luca Patuelli “lazylegz” , Redouan Ait Chitt "Redo" and Jacob Lyons "Kujo", in collaboration with local artists Janette Wong and Ken Leung. It is also co-choreographed with differently-abled dancers who participated in the Artists-in-Residence Programme Phase II. During the process, dancers are guided to build their confidence and foreground their talent through street dance, and different performing techniques in an inclusive environment. They have the chance to showcase their dance video and share their experience through the internetan. In the dance video, the audience can also admire the performances of ILL-Abilities members and hear their thoughts and experiences.
海外導師及編舞超能量街舞團成員露卡·帕杜里、利多阮·艾捷、雅各·賴安斯 導師黃羡晴助理導師梁子傑舞台經理陳靄宜助理舞台經理鄧麗甜 第一階段參加機構聖雅各福群會心飛 2、勵智協進會、香港展能藝術會(展藝樂群計劃)、 社區文化發展中心、社會褔利署天水圍綜合家庭服務中心、香港傷健協會九龍西傷健中心、 靈實恩光學校、香港展能藝術會(藝燃薪 2.0) Overseas Tutors and Choreographers Members of ILL-Abilities: Luca Patuelli "Lazylegz", Redouan Ait Chitt "Redo", Jacob Lyons "Kujo" Tutor Janette Wong Assistant Tutor Ken Leung Stage Manager Chan Oi Yi Assistant Stage Manager Tang Lai Tim Sweetwilliam Phase One Participating Organizations St. James’ Settlement Dancing Heart 2, The Intellectually Disabled Education and Advocacy League Ltd., Art with the Disabled Association Hong Kong (Community in Arts), Centre for Community Cultural Development, Tin Shui Wai Integrated Family Service Centre, Kowloon West PHAB Centre, Hong Kong PHAB Association, Haven of Hope Sunnyside School, Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong (Ignition 2.0)
第二階段 Phase II
創作團隊(編舞) 超能量街舞團成員露卡 . 帕杜里、利多 阮 . 艾捷、雅各 . 賴安斯及來自香港的 藝術家黃羨晴、梁子傑與參與「2020 年 藝術家進駐計劃第二階段」的舞者共同 創作。 演出(來自香港的舞者) 何頌勇、周學輝、周玉珍、卞偉東、王 玉琼、黃少川、卓行之、張偉釗、朱進軒、 鄺俊杰、吳羽軒、郭政謙、馮凱威、余 碧虹、盧民偉、王梓驊、黎旭霖、楊亦飴、 鄭芷然、侯綺雯、楊思樂、梁嘉儀 製作團隊 舞台監督:陳靄宜 助理舞台監督:鄧麗甜 Creative team (Choreography) Luca Patuelli "Lazylegz", Redouan Ain Chit "Redo", Jacob Lyons "Kujo" from ILL-Abilities, Janette Wong and Ken Leung from Hong Kong, in collaboration with the dancers from the Phase II of the Artists-in-Residence Programme.
Performed by and with (Dancers from Hong Kong) Ho-Stuart ,Linus Jung Yong, Chou Hok Fai , Jenny, Danny Pin, Wong Yuk King, Terry, Cheuk Hang Chi, Cheung Wai Chiu, Chu Chun Hin, Kwong Chun Kit, Ng Yu Hin, Kwok Ching Him, Fung Hoi Wai, Yu Pik Hong Virginia, Loo Man Wai, Wong Chi Wah Agnes, Lai Yuk Lam, Yeung Yick Yee, Cheng Chi Yin, Hau Yee Man, Yeung Sze Lok and Leung Ka Yee
Production team Stage Manager: Chan Oi Yi Assistant Stage Manager: Tang Lai Tim Sweetwilliam
工作重點: · 普及藝術 · 推廣共融 香港展能藝術會的宗旨是「藝術同參與. · 藝術教育 · 社會企業 傷健共展能」。我們深信每個人都有創作 · 專業發展 · 國際網絡 藝術的潛能,欣賞藝術是每一個人的權利。 · 藝術通達 我們致力推廣殘疾人士有平等機會參與和 創作藝術,期望透過藝術,締造一個共融的 Our Focus: 社會。 · Broad-based arts service · Arts education Arts with the Disabled Association Hong · Professional development Kong believes that everyone has the · Arts accessibility potential for artistic creation and that every · Social inclusion individual has the right to appreciate art. · Social enterprise · International networkThrough our mission ‘Arts are for Everyone’, we are committed to promoting equal opportunities among people with 聯絡 Contact disabilities, allowing them to have equal 2855 9548 access to and excel in the arts, and to ada@adahk.org.hk advocating an inclusive society through adahk.org.hk the arts. 香港展能藝術會
巡迴演出 Touring Performances 「綠野仙蹤 排練日誌」 "A Rehearsal Log of Wizard of Oz"
日期: 2019 年 10 月 - 2020 年 1 月 ( 已完成 ) Date: Oct 2019 - Jan 2020 (Completed)
「綠野仙蹤 排練日誌」以音樂劇的形式與觀眾進行一場關於「標籤」的討論。創作靈感分 別來自童話故事《綠野仙蹤》的劇本、演員自身的故事、心理學及社會學的理論和實驗。 演出探討「標籤」的各個面向,及「標籤」對我們的影響。
“A Rehearsal Log of Wizard of Oz” is a musical performance which opens up a discussion with the audience on the issue of “labelling”. The idea derives from the script of The Wizard of Oz, the real-life experiences of the actors, as well as theories and experiments related to psychology and sociology. The performance explores different aspects of labelling, as well as its impact on individuals.
故事及導演 Playwright and Director 李婉晶 Michelle Li 文本創作 Script Writer 王君傑 Mic Wong 音樂總監 Music Director 何文曦 Joseph Ho 佈景及服裝設計 Set and Costume Designer 孫詠君 Vanessa Suen 中文歌詞 Chinese Lyrics Interpretation 溫卓妍 Jarita Wan
創作演員 Collaborating Actors 鋼琴家 Pianist 李軒 Lee Hin 大學學生 Undergraduate Student 鄧麗銘 Eli Tang 演員 Actress 謝裕鈴 Ling Tse 演員 Actress 隆藹宜 Jess Lung 電視劇集演員 TV Series Actor 周漢寧 Henick Chou 南亞裔演員 South Asian Actor Tusar Basnet
本屆網上圓桌討論將匯聚本地及海外社區,不同界別的專業音樂教育工作者及音樂家, 探討如何以音樂互動,讓更多不同能力的年輕人與社會共融。 日期: 2020 年 12 月 9 日(星期三) | 時間:下午 4 時至 6 時半 | 直播平台: Zoom 語言:英文及廣東話(即將提供即時傳譯服務) 通達服務:香港手語傳譯、英語即時字幕 報名方法:此乃免費活動。社會服務團體及學校將獲邀參與,公眾人士須網上登記 請按此連結登記:https://go.nolimits.hk/prformtc
Featuring a group of local and overseas music educators, musicians with different talents and professional musicians, this online Roundtable Discussion explores how to increase social inclusion of young people with difference abilities through musical engagement. Date: 9 December 2020 (Wed) | Time: 16:00 -18:30 | Platform: Zoom Language: English and Chinese (with Simultaneous Interpretation) Accessible Service: Hong Kong Sign Language Interpretation, Live-Captioning in English Registration: This is a free event. Registration will be by invitation (NGOs and schools) and open to public by online registration. Please go to this link for registration: https://go.nolimits.hk/prformtc
專題一 音樂教育無分對與錯 Panel 1 Beyond “Right & Wrong” in Music Education
主持人 Moderator
蔡敏德教授 Prof Sharon Choa
口琴 – 殘疾人士通往音樂之路:威爾斯 親王醫院《手足童心》計劃經驗分享
Sayuri Shirai and Her Way of Music Making
Dr Chan Cheong Jan
Harmonica, a Gateway to Music for the Disabled: Experience Sharing from the "Budding Well" Project in Prince of Wales Hospital Hong Kong
趙晨先生 Dr Ho Pak Cheong, Mr Chan Ngai Kin
We are All Special in Music
Ms Kinny Chan
Learning Music for Skills or Learning Skills for Music?
Mr Zhao Chen
專題二 音樂共融學習 Panel 2 Inclusive Learning with Music
主持人 Moderator
蔡敏德教授 Prof Sharon Choa
透過馬林巴琴表演獲得的經驗, 讓我們陪伴小百合成長
Yannis 音樂之路
通過《帕帕堅奴基金會》開展與兒童和 自閉症青少年的音樂之旅 (待定)
Growing-up of Sayuri Based on Our Experiences through Marimba Performance
Prof Yoshihito Shirai
Yannis’ Music Path
Ms Sophia Woo, Mr Homer Lee
A Musical Journey with Children and Young People with Autism through the Works of Papageno Foundation (TBC)
Maestro Jaap van Zweden, Mrs Aaltje van Zweden
講者 Speakers
陳重仁博士 Dr Chan Cheong Jan
何百昌醫生 Dr Ho Pak Cheong
陳毅堅先生 Mr Chan Ngai Kin
陳健女士 Ms Kinny Chan
趙晨先生 Mr Zhao Chen
陳重仁博士是民族音樂學家和爵士音樂家,他在馬來西亞有十年爵士本 科課程的教學經驗。陳博士發掘了小百合彈奏爵士樂的天份,組成了小 百合三重奏。 Dr. Chan Cheong Jan is an ethnomusicologist and a jazzman who, has trained jazz undergraduates in Malaysia for decades. He founded the Sayuri Trio after discovering Sayuri’s talent on jazz music.
何百昌醫生除了醫務要職,亦是香港口琴協會的創會主席。他創立了英 皇口琴五重奏,並率先將口琴音樂納入有上肢缺陷的兒童和青少年康復 計劃。 Dr Ho Pak Cheong is the founding president of the Hong Kong Harmonica Association other than his important medical positions. He established the King’s Harmonica Quintet, and pioneered the incorporation of harmonica music into the rehabilitation programmes for children and adolescents with upper limb defects.
陳毅堅自中學時期學習口琴吹奏。自 2004,陳氏開始教授口琴吹奏,並 參與醫院的兒童及青少年患者康復計劃。陳氏亦從事創作、編曲和製作。 Chan Ngai Kin started studying harmonica at secondary school. Since 2004, Chan has been teaching harmonica and has participated in rehabilitation programmes for children and adolescents in the hospital. Chan is also engaged in music composition, arrangement and production.
陳健女士於 1998 在香港大學音樂系畢業,現為東華三院徐展堂學校音 樂教師,並為智障學童提供音樂教育,獲藝術發展局頒發「傑出藝術老師 獎」。 Kinny Chan graduated from the Music Department of the University of Hong Kong in 1998. She is a music teacher of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Tsui Tsin Tong School. Dedicated to music education for children with learning difficulties, she was awarded the “Outstanding Art Teacher Award” by the Arts Development Council.
由於先天性近視和周圍情況影響,趙晨在十歲時幾乎失明。在就讀中國 常熟世界聯合學院前,他在音樂學院的附屬中學學習了三年歌唱。 Zhao Chen suffers from visual impairment caused by congenital high myopia and peripheral complications, and has been almost blind since the age of ten. After graduating from the High School attached to the China Conservatory of Music, Zhao is currently studying at UWC Changshu China.
梵志登先生,SBS Maestro Jaap van Zweden
阿特耶梵志登女士 Mrs Aaltje van Zweden
胡淑徽女士 Ms Sophia Woo
李少霖先生 Mr Homer Lee
白井義人教授 Prof Yoshihito Shirai
梵志登 19 歲便獲荷蘭皇家音樂廳樂團委任為樂團首席,現任香港管弦 樂團音樂總監。1997 年,他與妻子成立帕帕堅奴基金會,以專業音樂治 療師幫助自閉症兒童。 Jaap van Zweden was appointed the youngest-ever concertmaster of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra at age 19. He is currently the Music Director of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra (HKPO). In 1997, he and his wife established the Papageno Foundation to help autistic children communicate with each other through music.
阿特耶是指揮家梵志登之妻,因兒子患自閉症導致她成立柏柏堅奴基金 會,並於 2017 年撰寫了描述母親為兒子的幸福而奮鬥的《喬裝下的祝福》。 Aaltje van Zweden is married to conductor Jaap van Zweden. Their son ’s diagnosis of autism led to the establishment of the Papageno Foundation and authored ‘A Blessing in Disguise’ in 2017, a story about a mother’s struggle for her son’s happiness.
胡淑徽自 1992 年擔任香港管弦樂團敲擊樂手。除了演出音樂會外,胡氏 經常與香港管弦樂團「青少年聽眾」計劃的音樂小組探訪小學、中學、特 殊學校及香港各大專院校。 Sophia Woo is a percussionist with the HKPO since 1992. Apart from performing in the concert hall, Sophia participates in ensemble visits to primary, secondary, and special needs schools and universities in Hong Kong under the Young Audience Scheme by the HKPO.
李少霖自 1987 年加入香港管弦樂團,及後在香港演藝學院任教。他經常 參與演出及音樂錄音,並為電台和電視台錄製音樂欣賞節目。 Homer Lee joined the HKPO in 1987 and has been on the faculty of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts since 1988. He often participates in performances and music recordings, and took part in music appreciation programmes for radio and TV stations.
白井教授目前是九州工業大學的教授。2012 年,白井教授帶同女兒小百 合訪問馬來西亞布特拉大學,認識了陳重仁博士,並因此發掘了女兒的 爵士樂天份。 Professor Shirai is currently a professor in the Kyushu Institute of Technology. He discovered his daughter Sayuri’s jazz musical talent when she met Dr Chan Cheong Jan for the first time at the University Putra Malaysia in 2012.