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超能量街舞團 《無限亮街舞對決》 、 《失聯》ILL-Abilities - No Limits Concept Battle, ILL-Abilities - Dis-Connect
舞蹈 | 加拿大、美國、荷蘭、智利、巴西、南韓 Dance | Canada, the United States, the Netherlands, Chile, Brazil, South Korea
《無限亮街舞對決》No Limits Concept Battle 十二月 Dec 10 8pm - Dec 20 11pm
Loop screening on No Limits website 《失·聯》Dis-Connect 十二月 Dec 7 10am - Dec 20 11pm
Loop screening on No Limits website
• • • 《無限亮街舞對決》粵語及英語主講;《失•聯》英語主講 《無限亮街舞對決》片長約 1 小時;《失•聯》片長約 1 小時 請勿擅自錄音或錄影 • No Limits Concept Battle: In Cantonese and English; Dis-Connect: In English • No Limits Concept Battle approx. 1 hour; Dis-Connect approx. 1 hour • Unauthorized photography or recording of any kind is strictly prohibited
超能量街舞團不同能力的霹靂舞者將各自的故事化為獨特舞作。在《失.聯》中, 舞團透過舞蹈,叩問人們如何消除隔閡,找到真正的連結。 《無限亮街舞對決》是超能量街舞團激勵本地舞者跳出思維定式的創作。在每場街舞對決中, 舞者需抽選例如輪椅、拐杖、眼罩等道具。應戰者需將道具融入舞蹈,超越表面限制,發揮 其所長。
Dis-Connect is a performance by ILL-Abilities members who turn their different abilities and stories into a unique dance piece. It explores the premise of connection and how individuals bridge the gap with each other to find true connections amidst the confusion of life.
No Limits Concept Battle is a breakdance battle created by ILL-Abilities to challenge local b-boys and b-girls to think out of the box. Competing dancers are to pick a prop, such as wheelchair, crutches, or blindfold. Each dancer will have to see beyond the prop's constraints and utilize its strengths in his or her improvisation.
超能量街舞團於 2007 年成立,是一隊國際霹靂舞團,由七名活躍於加拿大、美國、 荷蘭、智利、巴西、南韓的成員組成。舞團旨在透過參加國際性賽事和演出,向世界展示 「一切皆有可能」的理念。 成立舞團的念頭來自蒙特利爾舞蹈家和勵志演講者露卡.帕杜里,他希望創辦一隊全明星舞蹈 團隊,由世上最出色而且擁有不同能力的舞蹈家組成。 舞團的英文名稱突顯嘻哈文化的特色,用了否定的字眼表達正面的意思。「ILL-Abilities 」 中的「ILL」不是指患病或不適,而是指令人難以置信、驚嘆和多元化的才能。代表著這個 團隊看不到殘障帶來的局限,而是著重團員積極和令人驚嘆的能力。 如今,超能量街舞團在全球各地透過勵志的演出和劇場舞蹈表演,與觀眾分享其故事,傳播 正面思想。
Formed in 2007, ILL-Abilities is an international breakdance crew composed of seven active members from Canada, the United States, the Netherlands, Chile, Brazil and South Korea. It aims to compete and perform internationally, in order to show the world that anything is possible.
This crew originated from an idea by Montréal-based dancer and motivational speaker Luca Patuelli “Lazylegz”, who envisaged the creation of an all-star team of some of the world’s best differently-abled dancers.
The crew drew its name from the standard practice in hip-hop culture of using a negative term to refer to something positive. The “ill” in ILL-Abilities does not refer to “sick” or “unwell” but rather to incredible, amazing and complex talent. Rather than seeing the limitations of “disability”, the crew focuses on the positive, or “ill” abilities of its members.
Today, ILL-Abilities spreads positive thinking by sharing its stories with audiences through motivational entertainment programmes and theatrical dance performances worldwide.
藝術總監 Artistic Director 露卡.帕杜里 Luca Patuelli "Lazylegz"
編舞 Choreographers 雅各.賴安斯 Jacob Lyons "Kujo" 利多阮.艾捷 Redouan Ait Chitt "Redo"
唱片騎師 Disc Jockey 李正秀 Jung Soo Lee "Krops"
《無限亮街舞對決》No Limits Concept Battle 評判 Judges(超能量街舞團 ILL-Abilities) 露卡.帕杜里 Luca Patuelli "Lazylegz" 雅各.賴安斯 Jacob Lyons "Kujo" 利多阮.艾捷 Redouan Ait Chitt "Redo" 沙治奧.卡華哈爾 Sergio Carvajal "Checho" 塞繆爾.利馬 Samuel Lima "Samuka" 盧卡斯.馬查多 Lucas Machado "Perninha"
唱片騎師 Disc Jockey 李正秀 Jung Soo Lee "Krops" DJ iLTIK
主持 Emcee 簡仲宜 Joey Kan 舞者 Dancers 露卡.帕杜里 Luca Patuelli "Lazylegz" 雅各.賴安斯 Jacob Lyons "Kujo" 利多阮.艾捷 Redouan Ait Chitt "Redo" 沙治奧.卡華哈爾 Sergio Carvajal "Checho" 塞繆爾.利馬 Samuel Lima "Samuka" 盧卡斯.馬查多 Lucas Machado "Perninha"
香港參賽者 Hong Kong Battlers Bboy Brave Bboy Cplus Bboy ET Bgirl Fifty Bboy Foureyes Bboy Off Bboy Manchoi Bboy Think
表演嘉賓 Guest Performer Bboy Shadow Kid
「對我來說,舞蹈是自我表達的終極方式。」患有先天多發性關節攣縮症的露卡.帕杜里, 十五歲開始跳舞,在 2007 年創立超能量街舞團。他認為:「舞蹈是少數可以把所有年紀、 種族、性別、不同能力人士聚集在一起享受當刻的活動。」 超能量街舞團由多國不同能力的舞者組成,舞團的格言為「無藉口,無限制」。帕杜里解釋 此格言的意思:「這意味著世上沒有東西,可以阻礙我們將潛力發揮到最大。我們在人生中 都會遇到各種困難,關鍵是如何面對和適應,到最後戰勝它們。」 帕杜里介紹兩場節目:「《無限亮街舞對決》是一場鬥舞比賽。我們挑戰健全的舞者,利用 輪椅、拐杖等道具以舞蹈決一高下。而《失.聯》則由七段獨舞組成,分別呈現每位團員跨 越困難時的心路歷程。演出更通過舞蹈設計,將這些獨舞聯繫起來,代表我們上下一心, 合而為一。」雖然兩套節目都已在外國演出過,但帕杜里說,因為舞團一直在演變進化, 所以每一次表演都會增添新元素。
文:周慧禎 中譯:吳樂怡
No Excuses, No Limits— Learn to Do Things “Your Way”
“To me, dance is the ultimate form of self-expression,” says Luca Patuelli, who was born with arthrogryposis (a muscle disorder that affects his legs). Patuelli started dancing at the age of 15, and founded ILL-Abilities in 2007. As he puts it, “Dance is one of the few activities that brings people of all ages, all races, all genders, and all abilities together, and allows them to be completely in the present moment.”
ILL-Abilities is an international dance crew of differently-abled dancers with the motto “No Excuses, No Limits”. “This means that there is nothing that can stop us from reaching our full potential,” Patuelli explains. “We all face different challenges in our lives, but it’s about how we approach and adapt [to them] which will eventually help us to overcome them.”
“The No Limits Concept Battle is a particular dance battle where we challenge dancers without disabilities to compete with a form of limitation by using a wheelchair, crutches, or other props,” he says. “For Dis-Connect, it has seven unique solos sharing each dancer’s journey through their adversities combined with intricate choreographies that connect the crew as a whole.” Although the two works have been performed in other cities before, Patuelli says new and different elements are being added to the pieces each time, as the crew is constantly evolving.
Text: Christy Chow
露卡.帕杜里 Luca Patuelli “Lazylegz” 藝術總監、舞者 Artistic Director, Dancer
© Jacob Jonas Photography
露卡.帕杜里來自加拿大。他自十五歲開始跳舞,早已發展出獨特的舞蹈風格,融合拐杖和 雙臂的力量,贏盡國際的認可。帕杜里是超能量街舞團的創辦人和現任經理,也是加拿大首 個著重包容性的街舞計劃 RAD 的共同創辦人。RAD 的目標是讓所有年齡和不同能力人士可以 參與通達舞蹈工作室。 Luca Patuelli “Lazylegz” hails from Canada. He started dancing at the age of 15, and has developed a unique dance style incorporating his crutches and the strength of his arms, which has won him worldwide recognition. Patuelli is the creator and current manager of the ILLAbilities crew. He co-founded Project RAD, Canada’s first inclusive urban dance programme offering people of all ages and all abilities the possibility to participate in accessible dance studios.
© Kien Quan Photography
雅各.賴安斯 Jacob Lyons “Kujo” 編舞、舞者 Choreographer, Dancer 利多阮.艾捷 編舞、舞者 Choreographer, Dancer
雅各.賴安斯在美國加州洛杉磯出生和長大。他出生時右耳 感覺神經性聽力損失,所以完全失去聽力,左耳也出現過 數次傳導性聽力損失的情況。他從十五歲開始跳舞,由於 聽音樂極度困難,所以專注於力量練習。賴安斯以狂野的 風格以及危險和難度大的動作而聞名。 Jacob Lyons “Kujo” was born and raised in Los Angeles, USA. Born with 100% sensor neural deafness in his right ear, he also suffered several instances of conductive hearing loss in his left ear. He started dancing at the age of 15. Since he had tremendous difficulties hearing music, he was inspired to focus on his power moves. Lyons is known for his wild personality and for his dangerous and difficult moves on
© Kien Quan Photography
利多阮.艾捷來自荷蘭,他先天右臂較短,而且沒有手肘。 他共有五隻手指,右手兩隻、左手三隻。他沒有右臀部, 右腿較短,需要義肢才能走路。即使如此,艾捷的舞蹈 風格依然流暢、有動感、充滿活力,擅長在經典動作中 加入個人風格。 Redouan Ait Chitt “Redo” hails from the Netherlands. He was born with several physical malformations, including a shorter right arm with an elbow joint missing, and a total of five fingers—two on the right hand and three on the left. He is also missing his right hip, has a shorter right leg, and walks with the aid of a prosthetic. His dance style is described as smooth, dynamic, and energetic, and he performs his moves with an original twist.
沙治奧.卡華哈爾 Sergio Carvajal “Checho” 舞者 Dancer
沙治奧.卡華哈爾在智利南部瓦爾迪維亞出生及長大。 他雖然天生雙腳畸形,卻在六歲時開始習舞。他不受自己 的社區接納,遭受了很多歧視。但他學會了將負能量轉化 為舞蹈靈感。他的舞蹈風格主要集中在高難度的手臂動作, 令他好像漂浮在舞台上一樣。 Sergio Carvajal “Checho” was born with a major malformation in his legs. Raised in Valdivia, a city at the southern tip of Chile, he started dancing when he was 6 years old. He had difficulty getting accepted within the community and experienced a great deal of discrimination. However, he learnt to transform negative energy into inspirations for dance. His dance style is centred on the strengths of his arms, and he moves as if he is floating across the dance floor.
© Jacob Jonas Photography
塞繆爾.利馬 Samuel Lima “Samuka” 舞者 Dancer
來自巴西的塞繆爾.利馬是年輕的新晉舞者。利馬在十四 歲時被診斷右腿患癌,臀部以下進行了截肢手術。手術剛 過,他便接觸到霹靂舞和嘻哈舞,此後,他一直堅持跳舞, 沒有停止過。他的舞蹈風格充滿活力、變化和拼勁。 Samuel Lima “Samuka” from Brazil is a young up-andcoming dancer. Diagnosed with cancer in his right leg at the age of 14, Lima had a full leg amputation just below his hip. Just after surgery, Lima was introduced to breaking and hip hop, and he has not stopped dancing since. His dance style is energetic, dynamic, and powerful.
來自巴西的盧卡斯.馬查多出生時左腿先天畸形,導致雙 腿長度差別非常大,但身體的狀況沒有阻止他學習舞蹈。 他是巴西享有盛名的舞者,在霹靂舞界贏得國際認可。
© Kien Quan Photography
盧卡斯.馬查多 Lucas Machado “Perninha” 舞者 Dancer
Lucas Machado “Perninha” from Brazil was born with a congenital malformation in his left leg that caused a major length difference in his limbs, but that did not stop him from learning to dance. A highly acclaimed dancer in Brazil, he has been gaining international recognition in the worldwide breakdancing scene.
© Kien Quan Photography
李正秀 Jung Soo Lee “Krops” 唱片騎師 Disc Jockey
來自韓國的李正秀在 2013 年的一次練習中意外地頸部 著地,馬上被送往醫院診治。由於頸部以下身體癱瘓, 醫生斷定他再也無法走路。不過,隨著他重新學習動作 技能,逐漸能夠移動身體某些部分。他後來成為唱片騎師, 現在仍在復康過程中。 Jung Soo Lee “Krops” from South Korea was rushed to the hospital when he landed on his neck during a practice session in 2013. The doctors said he would never be able to walk again as he was paralysed from the neck down. Little by little though, Lee was able to move parts of his body as he relearnt motor skills. He started to work as a Disc Jockey, and he is still working on a full recovery.