超能量街舞團 ILL-Abilities
舞蹈 | 加拿大、美國、荷蘭、智利、巴西、南韓 Dance | Canada, the United States, the Netherlands, Chile, Brazil, South Korea 《無限亮街舞對決》No Limits Concept Battle 十二月 Dec 10 8pm - Dec 20 11pm 「無限亮」網頁內播放 Loop screening on No Limits website
《失·聯》Dis-Connect 十二月 Dec 7 10am - Dec 20 11pm
「無限亮」網頁內播放 Loop screening on No Limits website
• 《無限亮街舞對決》粵語及英語主講; 《失 • 聯》英語主講 • 《無限亮街舞對決》片長約 1 小時; 《失 • 聯》片長約 1 小時 • 《失聯》口述影像:粵語及英語 • 請勿擅自錄音或錄影 • No Limits Concept Battle: In Cantonese and English; Dis-Connect: In English • No Limits Concept Battle approx. 1 hour; Dis-Connect approx. 1 hour • Dis-Connect Audio Description: In Cantonese and English • Unauthorized photography or recording of any kind is strictly prohibited
超能量街舞團不同能力的霹靂舞者將各自的故事化為獨特舞作。在《失.聯》中,舞團透過 舞蹈,叩問人們如何消除隔閡,找到真正的連結。
《無限亮街舞對決》是超能量街舞團激勵本地舞者跳出思維定式的創作。在每場街舞對決中, 舞者需抽選例如輪椅、拐杖、眼罩等道具。應戰者需將道具融入舞蹈,超越表面限制,發揮 其所長。
Dis-Connect is a performance by ILL-Abilities members who turn their different abilities and stories into a unique dance piece. It explores the premise of connection and how individuals bridge the gap with each other to find true connections amidst the confusion of life. No Limits Concept Battle is a breakdance battle created by ILL-Abilities to challenge local b-boys and b-girls to think out of the box. Competing dancers are to pick a prop, such as wheelchair, crutches, or blindfold. Each dancer will have to see beyond the prop's constraints and utilize its strengths in his or her improvisation.