2020第二屆「無限亮」 No Limits | 節目場刊 House Programme

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第二屆 2nd Edition

場 刊 House Programme



Hong Kong Arts Festival 感謝 would like to thank

聯合呈獻 for co-presenting 「無限亮」

及賽馬會「無限亮」教育及社區外展節目 “No Limits”

and Jockey Club “No Limits” Education and Community Programme




2 4 6 10 13

關於「無限亮」 About “No Limits”

關於香港藝術節 About Hong Kong Arts Festival 獻辭 Messages

藝術通達服務 Arts Accessibility Services

超能量街舞團:《無限亮街舞對決》、《 失聯》

ILL-Abilities - No Limits Concept Battle; ILL-Abilities - Dis-Connect 23 28 35 54

《與瑪利亞共舞》Dancing with Maria

小百合三重奏示範講座 Lecture Demonstration by Sayuri Trio

《這一站太短》A Journey Too Short


Jockey Club “No Limits” Education and Community Programme 74 78 79 80 81

香港藝術節團隊 Hong Kong Arts Festival Team 支持及協助 Support and Co-operation 備註 Special Notes

2021 年「無限亮」節目預告 2021 No Limits Highlights 節目時間表 Programme Calendar



「無限亮」計劃由香港藝術節與香港賽馬會慈善信託基金聯合呈獻,於 2019 年首辦,致力 創造無障礙、無限制的環境,並透過藝術來探索及推動社會共融。

因受 2019 冠狀病毒及其他不明朗因素影響,第二屆「無限亮」需要延期,部分於 2020 年

下 半 年 以 網 上 平 台 形 式 呈 現。一 眾 來 自 世 界 各 地 與 本 地 的 不 同 能 力 藝 術 家,由 心 而 發, 從心而動,衝破身體限制,創造出無限精采的藝術世界,為觀眾帶來獨一無二的表演,讓演 出及共融的信息滲透至社區。

同時, 「無限亮」計劃透過多元的教育及社區外展節目,豐富社會各界的藝術體驗,並讓年 青人與不同能力人士一同分享藝術帶來的喜悅。

策略支持伙伴 Strategic Supporting Partner


支持機構 Supporting Organisations

About “No Limits”

“No Limits”, first launched in 2019 and co-presented by the Hong Kong Arts Festival and The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, aims to create a barrier-free environment to explore and promote inclusiveness and understanding through the arts. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and other uncertainties, the 2020 “No Limits” has been postponed. Many of the programmes are presented in the second half of 2020 via online platform. In this special edition, we invite members of the community to experience performances performed by international and Hong Kong artists of different abilities that defy constraints and boundaries, bringing the message of inclusiveness into communities. The project also includes extensive arts education activities for young people with diverse arts experiences which are designed to nurture students’ interest in the arts, and to enable them to share the joy of the arts together with people of different abilities.



香港藝術節是一所非牟利機構,於 1973 年正式揭幕,是地區內舉足輕重的表演藝術節, 亦是國際藝壇中重要的文化盛事。

香 港 藝 術 節 於 每 年 2 月 至 3 月 期 間 呈 獻 眾 多 優 秀 本 地 及 國 際 藝 術 家 的 演 出, 節目式式俱備,既顧及古典傳統口味,亦兼備大膽創新的表演形式。

香港藝術節多年來積極委約及製作本地全新的戲劇、音樂、室内歌劇及當代舞蹈創作, 不少作品更已在香港及海外多度重演。

香港藝術節每年舉辦逾 300 項針對公眾及學生的「加料節目」和多元化藝術教育活動, 致力豐富香港的文化生活。其中「青少年之友」已在過去 29 年為逾 782,000 位學生提 供藝術體驗活動。



藝術節「加料節目」:www.hk.artsfestivalplus.org 藝術節青少年之友:www.yfs.artsfestival.org


Hong Kong Arts Festival

HKAF, a non-profit organisation launched in 1973, is a major international arts festival committed to enriching the cultural life of the city. HKAF presents in February and March every year leading local and international artists in all genres of the performing arts, placing equal importance on great traditions and contemporary creations. HKAF also commissions and produces work in theatre, music, chamber opera and contemporary dance by Hong Kong’s own creative talent and emerging artists, many of which have had successful subsequent runs in Hong Kong and overseas. HKAF presents each year over 300 “PLUS” and educational activities that offer diverse arts experiences to the general public and students. Its “Young Friends” scheme has reached over 782,000 students in the past 29 years. For more information, please visit: Hong Kong Arts Festival: www.hk.artsfestival.org Hong Kong Arts Festival PLUS: www.hk.artsfestivalplus.org Young Friends: www.yfs.artsfestival.org 5


我很高興代表整個藝術節團隊,歡迎閣下蒞臨欣賞因疫情而改期上演的 2020「無限亮」 演出。近期的疫情大幅度改變了人們的互動及社交方式。在此前提下,感謝您與我們重新 接觸,一同歌頌共融精神。「無限亮」致力創造共融空間,讓不同能力人士均可享受到表演 藝術帶來的樂趣。今年「無限亮」的四套精彩節目繼續秉承這個理念,邀請到世界各地與本

港的不同能力藝術家演出,更將舞台由線下延伸到線上,並為大家帶來多元化的社區及教育 活動。

我們感謝香港賽馬會慈善信託基金推動並與我們聯合呈獻這項富有意義的計劃,亦感謝 香港展能藝術會成為計劃的策略支持伙伴,協助我們提供通達服務。感謝您的支持。謹祝您 享受「無限亮」的演出,渡過難忘且富啟發性的時光。




Message On behalf of the Hong Kong Arts Festival team, I am delighted to welcome you to the rescheduled 2020 edition of “No Limits”. The recent pandemic has changed the ways people interact and socialise with each other. Against this backdrop, we thank you for joining in our celebration of reconnection and inclusion. Through “No Limits” we aim to create an inclusive space for people with different abilities to share the joy of the arts together. This is reflected in the four exciting programmes featuring artists with different abilities, to be performed online and offline, and in the diverse range of community and education activities presented this year. We are most grateful to The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust for initiating and co-presenting this meaningful project with us. I am also appreciative of the support of the Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong as Strategic Supporting Partner, assisting us in the provision of accessibility services for our patrons. Above all, I offer my warm thanks to you for joining us today. I sincerely hope that you will find your time spent at “No Limits” performances to be inspiring and enjoyable.

Tisa Ho Executive Director Hong Kong Arts Festival




香港藝術節合作,聯合主辦「無限亮」計劃,為不同能力的演藝精英提供一個展現才華的 舞台,以及一個讓大眾享受及擁抱藝術的共融空間。

第二屆「無限亮」節目豐富,表演涵蓋舞蹈、音樂及紀錄片等。今年的精彩活動把共融藝術 帶到社區不同角落。公眾更可以參與多項教育及社區外展活動,在藝術工作者帶領下擴闊對 共融藝術的視野,啟發更多人欣賞及為香港的共融藝術發展作出貢獻。

「藝術、文化及保育」是馬會慈善信託基金重點推動的慈善策略工作之一。我們致力為香港 注入藝術文化活力,豐富市民生活,推動創意共融。

在此再一次感謝香港藝術節同仁對計劃的熱誠和努力,還有香港展能藝術會的全力支持。 祝願「無限亮」圓滿成功。

張 亮




Message We believe everyone should have an equal opportunity to create and appreciate the arts, and The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust is honoured to partner with the Hong Kong Arts Festival to co-present the “No Limits” project – a platform for art maestros of different abilities to jointly showcase their talents, and an inclusive space for audiences from all walks of life to enjoy and embrace the arts together. For the second edition of “No Limits” we have prepared a series of high quality and diverse programmes, covering dance, music and documentary film. We are going to bring inclusive arts to different corners of our community. The public will be able to take part in education and community programmes, through which industry practitioners will help broaden the visions of participants, ultimately inspiring more people to appreciate and contribute to the future development of inclusive arts in Hong Kong. Having designated “Arts, Culture and Heritage” as one of its strategic focus areas, the Trust will continue its commitment to support building a culturally vibrant city, to enrich lives and to promote social inclusion. I would like to thank the Hong Kong Arts Festival and the Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong for their dedicated efforts. I wish this year’s “No Limits” every success.

Leong Cheung Executive Director, Charities and Community The Hong Kong Jockey Club 9


九項藝術通達服務為不同能力人士提供相應的輔助,讓他們可無障礙地欣賞演出,推動社會 共融。「無限亮」提供的藝術通達服務包括*: 口述影像




以言語描述影像,讓視障人士 使整個觀賞體驗更立體。 歡迎導盲犬

歡迎導盲犬陪同視障人士進入 觀賞範圍。 點字場刊



利用文字描寫聲效和說話內容, 讓聽障人士能夠掌握舞台上的

聽覺資訊,有助投入現場氣氛。 手語傳譯


讓手語使用者能夠理解舞台上 的說話內容。


面部表情,確保手語使用者不會 錯過演員的重要動作及表情。 簡易圖文版刊物


透過淺白直接的文字和圖片介紹 節目資訊。 自在劇場

特意設計友善的觀賞環境,讓自閉 特色、智力障礙及其他學習障礙人 士能夠自在地享受演出。劇場內

如燈光及音響等會作適當的調整, 以緩和舞台效果帶來的感官刺激, 亦容許觀眾在演出期間隨意進出

劇場。劇場外更設有冷靜區,歡迎 感到不安或不適的人士使用。 額外輪椅位

與場地特意安排,額外提供比 一般演出更多輪椅座位。

*2020年「無限亮」每個節目皆會提供不同的網上藝術通達服務,詳情請參與「無限亮」網站內相關的節目介紹。 10

Arts Accessibility Services Arts can be enjoyed with different senses and by different means. We provide Arts Accessibility services and facilities for persons with different abilities to enjoy our arts programmes. They include*: Audio Description Describe visual information to enable people with visual impairment to conjure up images in their mind.

Theatrical Interpretation Theatrical Interpretation not only translates the lines for Hong Kong Sign Language users, but also incorporates the body gestures and facial expressions of each character into the interpretation.

Guide Dog Friendly Guide dogs accompanied by people with visual impairment are welcome to enter the audience space. Braille Booklet Programme information provided using braille. Accessible Captions in English Describe sounds and speech through text to help people with hearing impairment better understand the programmes and immerse themselves into the performance.

Hong Kong Sign Language Interpretation Enable Hong Kong Sign Language users to better understand the programmes through on-site interpretation.

Easy-to-Read Booklet (Traditional Chinese and English) Information provided using simple language and pictures that are easily understood. Relaxed Performance A relaxed performance creates a supportive atmosphere through arrangements that include the adjustment of lights and sound, designated chill-out zones for anyone feeling overwhelmed during the show, and a welcoming attitude towards noise and movement from the audience. Extra Wheelchair Seats In collaboration with the venue provider, additional wheelchair seats will be made available.

*Online Arts Accessibility services differ between 2020 “No Limits� programmes. Please refer to the respective programme pages for details.



"No Limits" Performances

© 12Jacob Jonas Photography

超能量街舞團 ILL-Abilities

舞蹈 | 加拿大、美國、荷蘭、智利、巴西、南韓 Dance | Canada, the United States, the Netherlands, Chile, Brazil, South Korea 《無限亮街舞對決》No Limits Concept Battle 十二月 Dec 10 8pm - Dec 20 11pm 「無限亮」網頁內播放 Loop screening on No Limits website

《失·聯》Dis-Connect 十二月 Dec 7 10am - Dec 20 11pm

「無限亮」網頁內播放 Loop screening on No Limits website

• 《無限亮街舞對決》粵語及英語主講; 《失 • 聯》英語主講 • 《無限亮街舞對決》片長約 1 小時; 《失 • 聯》片長約 1 小時 • 《失聯》口述影像:粵語及英語 • 請勿擅自錄音或錄影 • No Limits Concept Battle: In Cantonese and English; Dis-Connect: In English • No Limits Concept Battle approx. 1 hour; Dis-Connect approx. 1 hour • Dis-Connect Audio Description: In Cantonese and English • Unauthorized photography or recording of any kind is strictly prohibited

超能量街舞團不同能力的霹靂舞者將各自的故事化為獨特舞作。在《失.聯》中,舞團透過 舞蹈,叩問人們如何消除隔閡,找到真正的連結。

《無限亮街舞對決》是超能量街舞團激勵本地舞者跳出思維定式的創作。在每場街舞對決中, 舞者需抽選例如輪椅、拐杖、眼罩等道具。應戰者需將道具融入舞蹈,超越表面限制,發揮 其所長。

Dis-Connect is a performance by ILL-Abilities members who turn their different abilities and stories into a unique dance piece. It explores the premise of connection and how individuals bridge the gap with each other to find true connections amidst the confusion of life. No Limits Concept Battle is a breakdance battle created by ILL-Abilities to challenge local b-boys and b-girls to think out of the box. Competing dancers are to pick a prop, such as wheelchair, crutches, or blindfold. Each dancer will have to see beyond the prop's constraints and utilize its strengths in his or her improvisation.



超 能 量 街 舞 團 於 2007 年 成 立, 是 一 隊 國 際 霹 靂 舞 團, 由 七 名 活 躍 於 加 拿 大、 美 國、



成立舞團的念頭來自蒙特利爾舞蹈家和勵志演講者露卡.帕杜里,他希望創辦一隊全明星舞蹈 團隊,由世上最出色而且擁有不同能力的舞蹈家組成。

舞團的英文名稱突顯嘻哈文化的特色,用了否定的字眼表達正面的意思。「ILL-Abilities 」 中的「ILL」不是指患病或不適,而是指令人難以置信、驚嘆和多元化的才能。代表著這個 團隊看不到肢體障礙帶來的局限,而是著重團員積極和令人驚嘆的能力。



ILL-Abilities Formed in 2007, ILL-Abilities is an international breakdance crew composed of seven active members from Canada, the United States, the Netherlands, Chile, Brazil and South Korea. It aims to compete and perform internationally, in order to show the world that anything is possible. This crew originated from an idea by Montréal-based dancer and motivational speaker Luca Patuelli “Lazylegz”, who envisaged the creation of an all-star team of some of the world’s best differently-abled dancers. The crew drew its name from the standard practice in hip-hop culture of using a negative term to refer to something positive. The “ill” in ILL-Abilities does not refer to “sick” or “unwell” but rather to incredible, amazing and complex talent. Rather than seeing the limitations of “disability”, the crew focuses on the positive, or “ill” abilities of its members. Today, ILL-Abilities spreads positive thinking by sharing its stories with audiences through motivational entertainment programmes and theatrical dance performances worldwide.



藝術總監 Artistic Director

露卡.帕杜里 Luca Patuelli "Lazylegz" 編舞 Choreographers

雅各.賴安斯 Jacob Lyons "Kujo"

利多阮.艾捷 Redouan Ait Chitt "Redo" 唱片騎師 Disc Jockey

舞者 Dancers

露卡.帕杜里 Luca Patuelli "Lazylegz" 雅各.賴安斯 Jacob Lyons "Kujo"

利多阮.艾捷 Redouan Ait Chitt "Redo"

沙治奧.卡華哈爾 Sergio Carvajal "Checho" 塞繆爾.利馬 Samuel Lima "Samuka"

盧卡斯.馬查多 Lucas Machado "Perninha"

李正秀 Jung Soo Lee "Krops" 《無限亮街舞對決》No Limits Concept Battle 評判 Judges(超能量街舞團 ILL-Abilities)

香港參賽者 Hong Kong Battlers

雅各.賴安斯 Jacob Lyons "Kujo"

Bboy Cplus

露卡.帕杜里 Luca Patuelli "Lazylegz"

利多阮.艾捷 Redouan Ait Chitt "Redo"

沙治奧.卡華哈爾 Sergio Carvajal "Checho" 塞繆爾.利馬 Samuel Lima "Samuka"

盧卡斯.馬查多 Lucas Machado "Perninha" 唱片騎師 Disc Jockey

李正秀 Jung Soo Lee "Krops" DJ iLTIK

主持 Emcee

Bboy Brave Bboy ET Bgirl Fifty

Bboy Foureyes Bboy Off Bboy Manchoi Bboy Think 表演嘉賓 Guest Performer Bboy Shadow Kid

簡仲宜 Joey Kan

© Tom Kramer Photography 15

© 16Jacob Jonas Photography

© Tom Kramer Photography


「對我來說,舞蹈是自我表達的終極方式。」患有先天多發性關節攣縮症的露卡.帕杜里, 十五歲開始跳舞,在 2007 年創立超能量街舞團。他認為:「舞蹈是少數可以把所有年紀、 種族、性別、不同能力人士聚集在一起享受當刻的活動。」

超能量街舞團由多國不同能力的舞者組成,舞團的格言為「無藉口,無限制」。帕杜里解釋 此格言的意思:「這意味著世上沒有東西,可以阻礙我們將潛力發揮到最大。我們在人生中 都會遇到各種困難,關鍵是如何面對和適應,到最後戰勝它們。」


輪椅、拐杖等道具以舞蹈決一高下。而《失.聯》則由七段獨舞組成,分別呈現每位團員跨 越困難時的心路歷程。演出更通過舞蹈設計,將這些獨舞聯繫起來,代表我們上下一心,

合而為一。」雖然兩套節目都已在外國演出過,但帕杜里說,因為舞團一直在演變進化, 所以每一次表演都會增添新元素。 文:周慧禎 中譯:吳樂怡

© Kien Quan Photography 17

No Excuses, No Limits— Learn to Do Things “Your Way” “To me, dance is the ultimate form of self-expression,” says Luca Patuelli, who was born with arthrogryposis (a muscle disorder that affects his legs). Patuelli started dancing at the age of 15, and founded ILL-Abilities in 2007. As he puts it, “Dance is one of the few activities that brings people of all ages, all races, all genders, and all abilities together, and allows them to be completely in the present moment.” ILL-Abilities is an international dance crew of differently-abled dancers with the motto “No Excuses, No Limits”. “This means that there is nothing that can stop us from reaching our full potential,” Patuelli explains. “We all face different challenges in our lives, but it’s about how we approach and adapt [to them] which will eventually help us to overcome them.” “The No Limits Concept Battle is a particular dance battle where we challenge dancers without disabilities to compete with a form of limitation by using a wheelchair, crutches, or other props,” he says. “For Dis-Connect, it has seven unique solos sharing each dancer’s journey through their adversities combined with intricate choreographies that connect the crew as a whole.” Although the two works have been performed in other cities before, Patuelli says new and different elements are being added to the pieces each time, as the crew is constantly evolving.

Text: Christy Chow


露卡.帕杜里 Luca Patuelli “Lazylegz” 藝術總監、舞者 Artistic Director, Dancer

© Jacob Jonas Photography

露卡.帕杜里來自加拿大。他自十五歲開始跳舞,早已發展出獨特的舞蹈風格,融合拐杖和 雙臂的力量,贏盡國際的認可。帕杜里是超能量街舞團的創辦人和現任經理,也是加拿大首

個著重包容性的街舞計劃 RAD 的共同創辦人。RAD 的目標是讓所有年齡和不同能力人士可以 參與通達舞蹈工作室。

Luca Patuelli “Lazylegz” hails from Canada. He started dancing at the age of 15, and has developed a unique dance style incorporating his crutches and the strength of his arms, which has won him worldwide recognition. Patuelli is the creator and current manager of the ILLAbilities crew. He co-founded Project RAD, Canada’s first inclusive urban dance programme offering people of all ages and all abilities the possibility to participate in accessible dance studios.



感覺神經性聽力損失,所以完全失去聽力,左耳也出現過 數次傳導性聽力損失的情況。他從十五歲開始跳舞,由於 聽音樂極度困難,所以專注於力量練習。賴安斯以狂野的 風格以及危險和難度大的動作而聞名。

Jacob Lyons “Kujo” was born and raised in Los Angeles, USA. Born with 100% sensor neural deafness in his right ear, © Kien Quan Photography

雅各.賴安斯 Jacob Lyons “Kujo”

編舞、舞者 Choreographer, Dancer

he also suffered several instances of conductive hearing loss in his left ear. He started dancing at the age of 15. Since he had tremendous difficulties hearing music, he was inspired to focus on his power moves. Lyons is known for his wild personality and for his dangerous and difficult moves on stage.

利多阮.艾捷來自荷蘭,他先天右臂較短,而且沒有手肘。 他共有五隻手指,右手兩隻、左手三隻。他沒有右臀部, 右腿較短,需要義肢才能走路。即使如此,艾捷的舞蹈

風格依然流暢、有動感、充滿活力,擅長在經典動作中 加入個人風格。

Redouan Ait Chitt “Redo” hails from the Netherlands. He was born with several physical malformations, including a © Kien Quan Photography

shorter right arm with an elbow joint missing, and a total of five fingers—two on the right hand and three on the left. He

is also missing his right hip, has a shorter right leg, and walks 利多阮.艾捷 Redouan Ait Chitt “Redo” with the aid of a prosthetic. His dance style is described as 編舞、舞者 Choreographer, Dancer


smooth, dynamic, and energetic, and he performs his moves with an original twist.


他雖然天生雙腳畸形,卻在六歲時開始習舞。他不受自己 的社區接納,遭受了很多歧視。但他學會了將負能量轉化

為舞蹈靈感。他的舞蹈風格主要集中在高難度的手臂動作, 令他好像漂浮在舞台上一樣。

Sergio Carvajal “Checho” was bor n with a major malformation in his legs. Raised in Valdivia, a city at the

沙治奧.卡華哈爾 Sergio Carvajal “Checho” 舞者 Dancer

southern tip of Chile, he started dancing when he was 6 years old. He had difficulty getting accepted within the community and experienced a great deal of discrimination. However, he learnt to transform negative energy into inspirations for dance. His dance style is centred on the strengths of his arms, and he moves as if he is floating across the dance floor.



過,他便接觸到霹靂舞和嘻哈舞,此後,他一直堅持跳舞, 沒有停止過。他的舞蹈風格充滿活力、變化和拼勁。

Samuel Lima “Samuka” from Brazil is a young up-andcoming dancer. Diagnosed with cancer in his right leg at the age of 14, Lima had a full leg amputation just below his hip. © Jacob Jonas Photography

塞繆爾.利馬 Samuel Lima “Samuka”

Just after surgery, Lima was introduced to breaking and hip hop, and he has not stopped dancing since. His dance style is energetic, dynamic, and powerful.

舞者 Dancer



腿長度差別非常大,但身體的狀況沒有阻止他學習舞蹈。 他是巴西享有盛名的舞者,在霹靂舞界贏得國際認可。

Lucas Machado “Perninha” from Brazil was born with a congenital malformation in his left leg that caused a major length difference in his limbs, but that did not stop him from learning to dance. A highly acclaimed dancer in Brazil, he © Kien Quan Photography

盧卡斯.馬查多 Lucas Machado “Perninha”

has been gaining international recognition in the worldwide breakdancing scene.

舞者 Dancer

來自韓國的李正秀在 2013 年的一次練習中意外地頸部 著地,馬上被送往醫院診治。由於頸部以下身體癱瘓,


技能,逐漸能夠移動身體某些部分。他後來成為唱片騎師, 現在仍在復康過程中。

Jung Soo Lee “Krops” from South Korea was rushed to the hospital when he landed on his neck during a practice © Kien Quan Photography

李正秀 Jung Soo Lee “Krops” 唱片騎師 Disc Jockey


session in 2013. The doctors said he would never be able to walk again as he was paralysed from the neck down. Little by little though, Lee was able to move parts of his body as he relearnt motor skills. He started to work as a Disc Jockey, and he is still working on a full recovery.

© Transmedia Production


Dancing with Maria 紀錄片 Documentary

阿根廷、意大利、斯洛維尼亞 | Argentina, Italy, Slovenia 十二月 Dec 7 10am - Dec 20 11pm

「無限亮」網頁內播放 Loop screening on No Limits website

• • • • • • • •

片長約 1 小時 15 分鐘 電影設有兩場網上分享會 西班牙語及意大利語對白,附中、英文通達字幕 請勿擅自錄音或錄影 Approx 1 hour 15 minutes There will be two online sharing sessions Dialogue in Spanish and Italian, with Traditional Chinese and English accessible captions Unauthorized photography or recording of any kind is strictly prohibited


編劇及導演 Written and Directed by 伊凡.格戈萊特 Ivan Gergolet 攝影 Camera

伊凡.格戈萊特、大衛.盧比奧 Ivan Gergolet, David Rubio 剪接 Editing

娜塔莉.克利斯蒂阿妮 Natalie Cristiani 作曲 Composer

盧卡.丘特 Luca Ciut 聲音剪接 Sound Editing

哈維爾.格戈萊特、法蘭契斯高.莫羅西尼 Havir Gergolet, Francesco Morosini 製作 Produced by

跨媒體 ( 意大利 ) Transmedia (Italy) 監製 Producer

伊戈.普林捷 Igor Princic 聯合製作 Co-produced by

想像影片 ( 阿根廷 )、拱門製作 ( 意大利 )、老車庫 ( 斯洛維尼亞 )

Imaginada Films (Argentina), Arch Production (Italy), Staragara (Slovenia) 國際銷售 International Sales 彈叉影業 Slingshot Films

支持機構 With the support of

MEDIA 發展基金、弗優尼.威尼斯亞.朱利亞影音基金、

國家電影和視聽藝術學院 ( 阿根廷 )、斯洛維尼亞電影中心、韋伯國際電影製片廠 MEDIA Development, Friuli Venezia Giulia Audiovisual Fund, INCAA, Slovenski Filmski Center, VIBA Film Studio International


《 與 瑪 利 亞 共 舞 》講 述 瑪 利 亞.福 斯 的 故 事, 她 的 工 作, 以 及 與 學 生 之 間 的 關 係。

影片圍繞一個問題展開:「限制是否有可能轉化成機遇?」我們追蹤她在排練室工作的情景, 見證舞蹈如何改變學生們的生活。


馬高斯與瑪卡蓮娜兩位患有唐氏綜合症的年青人,在福斯的排練室相遇並產生感情。多得 福斯的教導,他倆得以透過肢體語言,將這段情感關係用舞蹈表現出來。

我們一同踏上尋找瑪利亞.加里多的旅程。1971 年,這一位當年只有四歲的聾啞小孩,被駐 守於安地斯山脈的士兵發現,其後在一位修女的監護下成長,並成為福斯的首位聾人學生。

當我們跟進福斯的工作坊時,了解到她的身體哲學。她重新審視「限制」的定義,解讀 身為殘障人士的意思⸺所有人都有自己的限制,而我們都會嘗試去理解與克服。在窮盡一

生去教授這個概念後,福斯接收了最後一位學生,可能是最難處理的一個:年屆 90 歲的自己。 她在這最後一場戰役中奮戰,對抗自己身體的限制。

Dancing with Maria tells the story of Maria Fux, her work, and her relationships with her students. The film revolves around one question: Is it possible to turn limitations into possibilities? We follow her work in the studio and witness how dance changes the lives of her students. We meet Diana, who shows us how dance changes the life of a woman affected by poliomyelitis. We meet Marcos and Macarena, two teenagers with Down syndrome who met each other in Maria's studio and developed an emotional relationship that manifests itself in dance, which was expressed through a language of their bodies cultivated thanks to Fux's teachings. We join the search for Maria Garrido, a deaf-mute child who, at the age of four in 1971, was found by the soldiers in the Andes Mountains. The child’s custody was granted to a nun and she became one of the first deaf students of Fux. As we follow the workshops of Fux, we see her philosophy of the body. She does not focus on the concept of being someone with disabilities; rather, she works with the idea of limits—all of us have our limits, which we seek to comprehend and overcome. After having taught this concept for her whole life, Fux receives one last student, maybe the most difficult one of all—herself, at the age of 90. She fights one last battle -- the struggle against the limits of her own body.


瑪利亞.福斯 Maria Fux


Argentinian Dancer, Choreographer, Dance Therapist 瑪 利 亞. 福 斯 1922 年 生 於 布 宜 諾 斯 艾 利 斯, 其 舞 者 生 涯 早 於 年 輕 時 已 經 展 開。

1954 至 1960 年間,她是布宜諾斯艾利斯的哥倫布劇院首席女芭蕾舞蹈員之一。1968 年,

她在世界音樂療法大會上發表了題為「舞蹈療法」的論文,提出有關舞蹈作為聽障人士的教 育工具與表達方式之重要性。自此之後,福斯就成為歐美地區舞蹈療法教育的重要人物。


生理狀況的病人之復康及治療上。2002 年 5 月 14 日,福斯獲授予布宜諾斯艾利斯傑出市民 的榮譽。

Maria Fux was born in 1922 in Buenos Aires, and she started her career as a dancer at a young age. She was one of the prima ballerinas of the Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires between 1954 and 1960. In 1968, she presented her paper, "The Dance Therapy", at the World Congress of Music Therapy, introducing the theme of the importance of dance as an educational tool and a means of expression for hearing-impaired people. Since then, Fux has become a leading figure in dance therapy education and training in Europe and America. Today, Fux's method is used for rehabilitation and treatment of patients of different ages with sensory impairments and Down syndrome, as well as various psychological or physical conditions. On 14 May 2002, Fux was honoured as an Illustrious Citizen of Buenos Aires.


伊凡.格戈萊特 1977 年於意大利出生,博洛尼亞大學 電影系畢業。自 2001 年起,編寫及執導過不少得獎短 片、紀錄片及企業錄像。

Ivan Gergolet was born in Italy in 1977 and graduated in Cinema from the University of Bologna. Since 2001, he has written and directed a number of award-winning short films, documentaries and industrial videos.


伊凡.格戈萊特 Ivan Gergolet 導演 Director

Director’s Notes

我 在 2010 年 2 月 遇 見 瑪 利 亞.福 斯。 我 太 I met Maria Fux in February 2010. My wife 太曾當過她的學生五年,她在失去母親後向 had been her student for about five years. 瑪 利 亞 求 助, 而 在 參 與 過 工 作 坊 後, 終 She approached Maria after losing her mother 於 走 出 哀 傷。 瑪 利 亞 後 來 成 為 我 人 生 中 and managed to overcome that grief after

一 個 重 要 人 物, 我 親 身 見 證 了 舞 蹈 如 何 attending her workshops. Maria became an 改 變 身 體, 此 外 亦 能 夠 影 響 人 與 人 之 間 的 important person in my life, and I have seen 親密關係。

firsthand how dance can change not only


Maria and the changes her dance brings

the body but also the intimate relationship 正因如此,我希望我的影片可以講述瑪利亞, between individuals. 以及她的舞蹈如何為人們的生活帶來改變: 並非是改變社會的偉大革新,但足以改變每 For this reason, I want my film to portray to people's lives: no great revolutions that 作為首位獲准拍攝她工作坊的電影人,我聚焦 change society, but intimate awareness that 於她日常工作中有趣的部分,而且是我自己 changes individuals. 能夠在排練室內體驗到的。我選擇去跟進一

些人物,展示與瑪利亞共舞後怎樣改變了他 As the first filmmaker allowed to film 們的生活。他們的故事就如一幅由馬賽克碎 her workshops, I concentrated more on 片砌成的人像畫作,每一塊碎片代表著生命 the interesting aspects of her everyday work, 中各種困難,但最終也能找到克服的方法, which I myself have been able to experience in 繼續成長並成為一個完整的生命個體。

the studio. I chose to follow some secondary

characters to show how dancing with Maria changes lives. Their stories are the pieces of a single mosaic from which emerges the image of people who, despite the difficulties imposed by life, have managed to find a way to overcome their limitations and grow as human beings. 27

外展活動 Outreach Programme

© Chow CK


Lecture Demonstration by Sayuri Trio 音樂 Music | 馬來西亞、日本、菲律賓 Malaysia, Japan, the Philippines 十二月 Dec 7 10am - Dec 20 11pm

「無限亮」網頁內播放 Loop screening on No Limits website

• • • • • •

粵語及日語主講 示範講座長約 45 分鐘 請勿擅自錄音或錄影 In Cantonese and Japanese Approx 45 minutes Unauthorized photography or recording of any kind is strictly prohibited




會因疫情關係而取消,但小百合三重奏會特別錄製數首耳熟能詳的曲目,讓觀眾在網上欣賞。 Dr Chan Cheong Jan is Sayuri Shirai's mentor and a member of the Sayuri Trio. In the lecture demonstration, he will share the story of Sayuri Shirai on her musical journey. This will be accompanied by rehearsal footage and performance clips exclusively recorded by the Sayuri Trio members. Although the live concert has unfortunately been cancelled, audiences will still be able to get a glimpse of their music online.

曲目 Programme

《G 弦上的詠嘆調》Air on the G String

選自 D·大調第三管弦樂組曲第二樂章《詠嘆調》,BWV1068 From Orchestral Suite No 3 in D, BWV 1068: II. Air

巴赫 Johann Sebastian Bach

《演藝人》The Entertainer

斯科特·喬普林 Scott Joplin

《休息五分鐘》Take Five

保羅.戴斯蒙 Paul Desmond &

《烈火戰車》Chariots of Fire

《超級瑪利奧》Super Mario 《散步》Hey Let’s Go

《龍貓》片頭曲 Opening theme song of Totoro

范吉利斯 Vangelis

戴夫.布魯貝克 Dave Brubeck 近藤 浩治 Koji Kondo 久石讓 Joe Hisaishi

演出曲目及次序或有更改 Pieces and their order of performance are subject to change



白 井 小 百 合 與 陳 重 仁 博 士 於 2012 年 由 父 親 白 井 義 人 教 授 介 紹 相 識。 白 井 教 授 任 教

九州工業大學馬來西亞分校,和在博特拉大學音樂系任教的陳博士在同一校園工作,二人 首次會面時,白井教授便提及女兒小百合。白井小百合很快就拜訪了陳博士,因為整所

大學只有他的辦公室有馬林巴琴。此後七年,曾在日本深造八年的陳博士與白井一家迅速地 親近了起來。

陳博士憶述:「起初,我更像小百合的伴奏,她當時彈奏古典樂和流行樂。直至 2016 年, 我在九州熊本工作交流一年半,才開始教她接觸新的音樂類型⸺爵士樂和即興演奏。」

白井不會讀樂譜,也不能理解複雜的口頭指示。很多觀眾都對她為何能夠即興演奏和彈奏 爵士樂感到好奇。陳博士解釋:「我會在演出時與她交流,其實就是用音樂傳遞訊息,希望 她能夠聽出來。這也是爵士樂手慣常的交流方式。」陳博士的兒子陳樂軒後來作為鼓手加入 三重奏:「我一般叫樂軒保持基本拍子,我負責旋律及和弦,好讓小百合可以自由發揮。」


「作為爵士音樂家,我很期待小百合融入音樂,忘我表演的時刻。但這並不容易,因為她自小 學習古典樂,很習慣要堅持彈奏她認為『對』的表演。不過我認為她的即興演奏才是她真


文:周慧禎 中譯:吳樂怡


Sayuri goes Jazz, a music exploration with Dr Chan The story between Sayuri Shirai and Dr Chan Cheong Jan began one afternoon in 2012, when Sayuri’s father Prof Yoshihito Shirai, who was soon to be the Director of the satellite campus of Kyushu Institute of Technology (part of the Universiti Putra Malaysia), visited Dr Chan who was working on the same campus as Head of Jazz Studies in the Music Department. Prof Shirai mentioned his daughter during the meeting. Soon after, Sayuri was brought to Dr Chan, because the only available marimba in the campus was in his office. It was also because of Dr Chan’s ties to Japan, where he studied for eight years, that his relationship with the Shirai family developed at an unexpected pace over the course of the next seven years. Dr Chan recalls, “In the beginning, I was more like an accompanist to Sayuri who played classical and popular music. It was not until 2016, when I spent one and a half years as an exchange staff member in Kumamoto, Kyushu, that I started to coach her into a new area of playing—jazz and improvisation.” Sayuri could not read musical notation, nor could she understand complex verbal instructions. How she could possibly play jazz and improvise is most frequently asked by audiences.“I interact with her while playing, which means sending musical signals and hoping that she will catch them. This is also a typical way of how jazz musicians communicate,”Dr Chan explains. The coaching also involves Chan Le Xuan, Dr Chan’s son and now the drummer of the Sayuri Trio. “I ask my son to keep playing the groove. At the same time, I play rhythms and chords, and let Sayuri respond freely and improvise.” Prof Shirai found that Sayuri became much more creative after studying jazz with Dr Chan. Yet, there is still room for growth. “As a jazz musician, I look forward to those moments when Sayuri gets into the groove and forgets about herself. But this is not easy, as Sayuri is very determined to produce the same performance that she perceives as ‘right’ in her mind, due to the classical music training that she received,” Dr Chan says. “But I see her spontaneity as her real strength.” Text: Christy Chow


白井小百合 Sayuri Shirai

馬林巴木琴 Marimba

白井小百合是日本福岡的馬林巴木琴家,自小患有唐氏綜合症。她十一歲首次接觸這項樂 器,當時她已費多年時間尋找適合自己的藝術表達方式。白井師承日本著名馬林巴木琴導師

暨北九州馬林巴木琴樂團 RIM 琴手高松聰美。白井獲邀到吉隆坡不同的社區和文化團體演出, 隨意而自然的即興演奏深受當地歡迎,觀眾更將她譽為帶來希望和鼓勵的音樂大使。

2012 年起,民族音樂學者及爵士樂手陳重仁博士與白井遊遍九州,為福岡多家老人院和

社福機構帶來正能量,其中包括 2016 年熊本地震受災者群體。白井與陳博士的組合亦啟發 馬來西亞博特拉大學設立研究所,旨在研究通過藝術發展共融。

Sayuri Shirai hails from Fukuoka, Japan. She is a marimba player with Down syndrome. Her encounter with marimba at the age of 11 was the result of years of effort to find an artistic form that could match the abilities she had been given. She studied marimba under the tutelage of Satomi Takamatsu, a renowned marimba instructor and player with the acclaimed Kitakyushu Marimba Orchestra RIM in Japan. The wonder of Shirai as a musical messenger of hope and encouragement became apparent when she was heard by the multicultural communities of Kuala Lumpur, which embraced her spontaneity and intuition in improvisation. Her musical journey with the jazz musician and ethnomusicologist Dr Chan Cheong Jan since 2012 has brought a positive impact to communities who suffered during the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake, as well as numerous homes for the disabled and the elderly in Fukuoka. It also inspired the establishment of Fusion Lab, a research centre for disability-inclusive development through the arts in Universiti Putra Malaysia. 32

陳重仁博士 Dr Chan Cheong Jan 音樂總監、鋼琴 Music Director, Piano

陳重仁博士是一位民族音樂學者和爵士樂手。他在馬來西亞的大專院校教授爵士樂數十載, 並多次指導學術研究,包括與後殖民地時期的馬來群島的聲音、音樂和行為有關的研究

項目。他喜歡將不同範疇事物的共通點連結起來,足跡遍及各類跨學科和跨文化的研究領域, 如馬來西亞民歌、節慶音景和中國傳統的神祇巡遊。陳重仁博士畢業於大阪大學並取得文學 博士學位,曾在日本國立音樂大學任教,及於熊本大學擔任跨學科研究教授,現為馬來西亞 博特拉大學音樂系爵士樂研究主管。

Dr Chan Cheong Jan is an ethnomusicologist and a jazz musician. He has trained jazz undergraduates in Malaysia for decades and has supervised research related to the many facets of sound, music and behaviour in the postcolonial Malay Archipelago. His interests in linking up pieces of convergence that exist in different fields has left footprints on topics that are interdisciplinary and intercultural, spanning Malay folksongs, festival soundscape, and the parade of deities of the Chinese diaspora. With a Doctor of Literature from Osaka University, Chan has taught at the Kunitachi College of Music, Tokyo. He was a research professor in Kumamoto University for interdisciplinary studies, and he is currently the Head of Jazz Studies in the Department of Music in Universiti Putra Malaysia. 33


首 席, 亦 是 吉 隆 坡 的 資 深 爵 士 低 音 大 提 琴 手。 他 是 馬來西亞思特雅大學、馬來西亞博特拉大學、國立蘇丹 依德理斯教育大學和海洋音頻技術學院的音樂講師。

Joseph Arnesto is the principal cellist of the Kuala Lumpur City Hall Orchestra and a veteran jazz bassist in Kuala Lumpur. He was the bassist for many music festivals and

約瑟夫.亞納斯圖 Joseph Arnesto 低音大提琴 Double Bass

events, and has worked with numerous acclaimed artists. Arnesto has been a music instructor at UCSI University, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Universiti Pendidkan Sultan Idris and the Ocean Institute of Audio Technology.

陳樂軒自十四歲起在教會自學爵士鼓,雖然未曾接受正規 的音樂訓練,卻一直受父親陳重仁博士的影響和指導。

2016 年,他在日本熊本旅居時被邀請加入小百合的樂隊。 此後,他幾乎只為小百合三重奏擔任鼓手,並隨樂隊於 福岡、熊本、吉隆坡等地演出。

Chan Le Xuan's self-taught drumming began in church at the age of 14. He was also shaped under the influence and

陳樂軒 Chan Le Xuan

鼓、敲擊 Drums and Percussion


supervision of his father Dr Chan Cheong Jan. During his stay in Kumamoto in 2016, he was brought in as a bandmate for Sayuri Shirai, and remains a drummer almost exclusively for the Sayuri Trio.


A Journey Too Short 香港藝術節製作 Produced by Hong Kong Arts Festival

音樂 Music | 香港 Hong Kong

2021 年三月 20 日 Mar 20 8pm

香港大會堂演奏廳 Concert Hall, Hong Kong City Hall • 演出長約 1 小時 20 分鐘,不設中場休息。 • 請勿擅自攝影、錄音或錄音。 • 因受到 2019 冠狀病毒及其他不明朗因素影響, 《這一站太短》節目將延於 2021 年 3 月 20 日舉行。 • Approx. 1 hour and 20 minutes without interval. • Unauthorized photography or recording of any kind is strictly prohibited. • Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and other uncertainties, the performance of A Journey Too Short is rescheduled to 20 March 2021.


人們往往會因為很多原因自我限制。《這一站太短》卻告訴我們:即使身心受限,人依然可 以憑毅力及努力克服困難。

榮譽音樂總監陳偉光教授特別甄選三十首富生命哲學的經典聖詩,部分聖詩的原作者因能力 與他人不同而在逆境中度過一生。但他們沒有自暴自棄,反而努力證明自己的能力。本場

演出由多位本地音樂家及合唱團聯共同演出,其中包括視障演奏家和歌唱家,希望能為觀 眾帶來希望和勇氣。

音樂以外,更有特意策劃的攝影工作坊,讓心光學校學生以音樂會歌曲為靈感,在導師指導 下拍攝一系列相片,將在音樂會同場加映。詳情請參閱第 56 頁。

We all tend to restrict ourselves for many reasons. A Journey Too Short is a concert to show that even when facing physical and mental challenges, we can still overcome difficulties with perseverance and hard work.

Honorary Music Director Professor Victor Chan has selected and rearranged 30 philosophical hymns for this concert. The original composers of the hymns faced various difficulties throughout their lives due to physical challenges. Instead of giving up, they worked hard to prove their talent. A Journey Too Short is performed by professional musicians leading the Ebenezer Choir, whose members can all empathize with the difficulties faced by the composers. We hope that their performance will bring hope and courage to the audience. Beyond the music, there is a special photography workshop for the students of Ebenezer School. With the help of their coach, they took the performed hymns as inspiration and shot a series of photos which will be screened during the concert. For more details, please refer to page 56.

曲目 Programme 序曲 | 親愛主

Prelude | Precious Lord

第一部分:如雲彩般的見證人(希伯來書 12:1) Part 1: A Cloud of Witnesses (Hebrew 12:1)


走過人生曠野路 這世界非我家 安穩在耶穌手中 管風琴間奏曲 | 榮歸主頌 (II) 開我的眼 開我的眼使我看見 管風琴間奏曲 | 福音前歡呼 36

Pilgrim Thro' This Barren Land This World Is Not My Home Safe in the Arms of Jesus Organ Interlude | Gloria in Excelsis Open My Eyes Open My Eyes That I May See Organ Interlude | Gospel Acclamation

(III) 這是我的故事,我的詩歌 有福的確據 憐憫之父 (IV) 新天已來臨 斜陽日影去 無盡白日那地方 (V) 生命更自由豐富 耶穌一來 當轉眼仰望耶穌 (VI) 唯獨主知道一切 主若許可… 我知誰掌管明天 應許之詩

This is My Story, This is My Song Blessed Assurance Panis Angelicus O Glorious Dawning Beyond the Sunset No Night There Life More Abundant and Free Then Jesus Came Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus Something God Alone Can See

If God Wills … I Know Who Holds Tomorrow A Hymn of Promise

第二部份:到那日… 就全知道(哥林多前書 13:12)

Part 2: Some Time... We'll Understand (1 Corinthians 13:12) 靜靜從主 更親近恩主 我靈鎮靜 耶穌恩友 奇異恩典 基督在前方 祂的怒氣 我知誰掌管前途 後必知清 主不忍棄我 靜靜從主 管風琴間奏曲 | 三聖哉頌

Still, Still with Thee I Am Thine, O Lord Be Still My Soul What a Friend We Have in Jesus Amazing Grace Going Home For His Anger I Know Who Holds the Future Not Now, But in the Coming Years O Love that Wilt Not Let Me Go Still, Still with Thee Organ Interlude | Sanctus

第三部分:你的日子如何,力量也必如何(申命記 33:25)

Part 3: As Thy Days, Thy Strength shall be in Measure (Deuteronomy 33:25) 靠近主 每一天 主活著

Close to Thee Day by Day He Lives

演出曲目及次序或有更改 Pieces and their order of performance are subject to change 演出曲目由英文演唱,中文譯文僅作參考

All pieces are performed in English; Chinese translation is for reference only

演出曲目詳情 Details of each piece


榮譽音樂總監 Honorary Music Director / 編曲 Arrangement 指揮 Conductor

鋼琴 Piano


Professor Victor Chan Wai-kwong 楊欣諾 Felix Yeung 羅乃新 Nancy Loo 李 昇 Lee Shing

林澤耀 Lam Chak-yiu

劉亦強 Lau Yik-keung 風琴 Organ

中提琴 Viola

男高音 Tenor

女高音 Soprano

女高音 Soprano / 女聲二重唱 Female Duet 女高音 Soprano / 女聲二重唱 Female Duet

黃健羭 Wong Kin-yu 陳敏聰 Ringo Chan

劉卓熙 Sanders Lau 李顯葵 Li Hin-kwai

蔡晞忻 Megan Tsoi Hei-yan 蔡樂詩 Choi Lok-sze

合唱團 Choirs

Die Konzertisten (DK)

合唱指導 Chorus Masters

鄭臻賢 ( 心光合唱團 )

心光合唱團 Ebenezer Choir 楊欣諾 Felix Yeung (DK)

Jasmin Cheng (Ebenezer Choir) 形體指導 Movement Coach 攝影指導及展覽策展

Photography Coach and Exhibition Curator 舞台監督 Stage Manager

舞台執行監督 Deputy Stage Manager

助理舞台監督 Assistant Stage Manager


林俊浩 Ivanhoe Lam Chun-ho 劉天麟 Dick Lau Tin-lun 倪嘉偉 Carvid Ngai

黃潔釵 Janet Wong 吳穎璋 Winnie Ng

心光合唱團 Ebenezer Choir 陳 靖

Chan Ching


Chen Bailin

陳浤益 陳佳壕 鄭婉婷 朱納浵 許名揚 李沛凝 施巴信 邵知言 佘雅琳 鄧健軍 王心怡 黃凱霖 王蔚睿 許佳埼 楊文樂 邱卓琛 鄭栩譽

Chan Wang Yik

Chen Kai Ho Cheng Yuen Ting Chu Nap Tung Hui Ming Yeung Li Pui Ying Magno Sebastian II Ucol Shao Zhiyan Henry Shue Nga Lam Tang Kin Kwan Wang Xin Yi Wong Hoi Lam Wong Wei Yui Joshua Xu Kai Ki Yang Wenle Yau Cheuk Sum Alvin Zheng Xu Yu

Die Konzertisten 演出成員名單將稍後在「無限亮」網頁內更新。 The list of performing members of Die Konzertisten will be updated on the "No Limits" website soon.


榮譽音樂總監的話 Honorary Music Director's Note 天路客,傾情生命詩篇,心中想往錫安大道; 曠野行,何竟有主同在,教我天天學唱新歌。

在聖詩文學裏,我們看見歷世追隨主的門徒,每天都在學唱這歌。可知道,這歌所唱誦的, 原是一份走窄路的堅持;這歌所見證的,是一種世人看為「愚拙」的頑固。

這歌一點不好唱,但前來的人卻代代不絕。他們「傾情盡意,齊擲華冠,忘形高歌」,他們 執意相信,日子不論多壞,主總不誤事,因為「祂的美意本是如此」。

天路客,曠野行。回頭看,盡是荊棘旅途,荒誕人生。然而,路雖不好走,力雖不能勝, 卻無阻他們執意迎難,心中熾熱。是「盼望」,叫他們誇過眼前的荒誕;是「相信」,讓他 們認定所有的空白,一天都要被細意填上。生命最終的構圖,定必井然有序,令人讚嘆!

「這一站太短」,為你選來的,正是訴說這種故事的三十首經典聖詩,它們的作者芬妮 •


制約下。這些「如雲彩般的見證人」,今天仍然在微聲中,向你我訴說著他們「心中盼望的 因由」。





Pilgrims, devoted to the song of life, in whose hearts are the highways to Zion; Through this barren land, with the Lord by my side, teaching me new hymns each day.

In the field of hymnology, we see generations of the Lord’s disciples learning to sing this hymn every day. It praises persistence on a narrow path; it witnesses a form of stubbornness seen by many as foolish. Despite its difficulty, this hymn has never waned in popularity. As in the words of Charles Wesley, “till [they] cast [their] crowns before Thee, lost in wonder, love, and praise”, those who sing it carry the staunch conviction that God has never failed them, even on the worst of days, “for so it seemed good in His sight”. Pilgrims through this barren land—looking back, they see only their turbulent journeys and absurd lives. And yet, no matter how difficult the road, no matter how powerless the defeat, the determination and light within their hearts have never diminished. “Hope" called them to overcome absurdity; “faith” helped them to accept life’s blank spaces and fill them with meaning. The final puzzle of life must neatly fall into place—praise be! A Journey Too Short brings you 30 hymns that tell a similar story. Composers like Fanny Crosby, Helen Lemmel and George Matheson all lived challenging lives hampered by disabilities of various forms. Yet this “enormous cloud of witnesses” is still quietly telling their stories and the “reason of the hope” within them. This precious tradition of hymns offers us a glimpse into how believers across the ages have held onto truth, kindness, beauty, faith, hope and love in their lifetimes. Their creators have not only served the people of their own generations, but also remain exemplary models for us to follow today.

Professor Victor Chan



Professor Victor Chan

榮譽音樂總監 Honorary Music Director

陳偉光至今已完成超過二百多部作品,類型多樣,包括歌劇、管弦樂、室內樂、器樂獨奏曲、 合唱及獨唱歌曲等,其中不少已灌錄及出版。陳偉光的主要作品以管弦樂居多,包括了應

「九七回歸慶典」、「世界銀行及國際貨幣基金組織年會」、「中國建國五十週年慶典」、及「法 國電台管弦樂團」而委約的原創音樂。自一九八九年至今,陳偉光一直任教香港中文大學,

歷任作曲教授、通識教育主任、及「崇基學院」院長。二零一九年獲大學授予「音樂系榮休 教授」。




《香港聲樂作品集》、《華人聖頌集:陳偉光作品專輯》等詩本,並收錄在不同的唱片專輯中。 陳偉光最愛禱告默想的寧靜時刻。在平日的生活中,他也十分享受下廚及做各樣的家務。

As a composer, Victor has produced over 200 works to date, ranging from opera, orchestral music, to numerous chamber works, choral pieces and songs, many of which are recorded and published. Major works of his include commissions for the 1997 Hong Kong Reunification, the Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group / International Monetary Fund, the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and the Philharmonic Orchestra of Radio France, etc. Victor joined the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1989, having served as Professor in Composition, Dean of General Education and Head of the Chung Chi College. He is currently Professor Emeritus of the Department of Music. Victor has been writing regularly for his own church since the 1990's, and has produced hundreds of anthems and choral arrangements. He believes that these are the weekly exercises that, over the years, taught him everything he has to know about composing. His hymns and arrangements could be found in Hymns of Universal Praise, Century Praise, Sounds of Grace, Chinese Praise, and several anthem collections. Victor enjoys quiet moments of prayer and meditation. He also loves cooking and doing all kinds of housework. 42

楊欣諾 Felix Yeung

指揮、合唱指導 Conductor, Chorus Master

© Mr So. Photography

指揮楊欣諾屢獲殊榮。他現為香港聖公會教省及聖約翰座堂的音樂總監;也是香港的頂尖室 內合唱團 Die Konzertisten(DK)之音樂總監。楊氏為 2015 香港藝術發展局「藝術新秀獎(音 樂)」得主。他將於 2022 年蘭柏會議出任音樂總監。

楊氏曾指揮 DK 演出巴赫《聖馬太受難曲》、浦賽爾《狄多與依尼亞斯》、佛瑞《安魂曲》、 伯恩斯坦《奇切斯特詩篇》及布魯克納《E 小調彌撒曲》等。楊氏過去亦多次為香港藝術節 合唱團及 DK 擔任合唱指導,演出藝術節節目。


隨 Patrick Russill 及 Paul Brough 學藝,以優異成績考獲音樂碩士學位,並以其畢業獨奏演出 中的出色表現,獲頒學院最高榮譽的 DipRAM 名銜,又成功考獲 LRAM 合唱指揮教學文憑。

Award-winning conductor Felix Yeung currently combines his office as Director of Music at St John's Cathedral and Provincial Music Director of Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui. He is also Music Director Die Konzertisten, one of Hong Kong's foremost chamber choirs. Felix was given the Award for Young Artist (Music) in 2015 by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council. He is appointed as the Director of Music of Lambeth Conference 2022. Felix has conducted Die Konzertisten in performances of Bach St Matthew Passion, Purcell Dido and Aeneas, Fauré Requiem, Bernstein Chichester Psalms, and Bruckner Mass in E minor among others. As chorusmaster of the Hong Kong Arts Festival Chorus and Die Konzertisten, Felix has prepared these choirs for numerous performances in the Hong Kong Arts Festival. Felix is an Associate of the Royal Academy of Music, where he obtained an MMus with distinction under the tutelage of conductors Patrick Russill and Paul Brough. He was awarded the Academy's coveted premier prix, the DipRAM, for outstanding performance in his final recital, and has obtained the LRAM diploma in choral conducting pedagogy.


羅乃新 Nancy Loo 鋼琴


©Julie Kuok 郭品文

羅乃新是本港其中一位最多面的藝術家:她既是鋼琴家,亦是電台節目主持、戲劇演員和 作家。她於 1978 年獲選為香港十大傑出青年。作為鋼琴演奏家,她曾在英國、歐洲、北美

洲及東南亞各地舉行演奏會及與不同樂團合作。她現任教於香港演藝學院及香港中文大學, 並經常應邀主持音樂講座、大師班和出任鋼琴比賽評判,亦為香港電台第四台主持音樂節目


Nancy Loo is one of Hong Kong’s most versatile artists, as a pianist, radio programme host, actress and writer. She was a recipient of the Ten Outstanding Young Persons Award in 1978. As a pianist, Loo has given solo recitals and performed with orchestras in the UK, Europe, North America and Asia. She currently teaches piano at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and she is often invited to host music talks and master-classes, and to serve as a juror for piano competitions. She is the presenter of the music programme Cantilena, and the classical music radio show for children, Children’s Corner, both on Radio 4 of Radio Television Hong Kong.


李 昇 專 注 於 古 典 音 樂 演 奏, 希 望 透 過 自 己 的 經 歷 勉 勵

年青人,宣揚「珍惜所擁有」的人生觀,以音樂影響生命。 李昇曾獲得展能藝術發展基金資助,先後到奧地利薩爾茨 堡及維也納學習及交流。近年分別得到著名鋼琴家羅乃新 及金美雪的指導,更獲邀前往美國紐約卡內基大廳演出。

Lee Shing focuses on classical music, hoping that his experience can inspire young people, helping them to

李昇 Lee Shing 鋼琴 Piano

cultivate their will and values towards life. In 2013, Lee was sponsored by the Artists with Disability Development Fund to further study music in Salzburg and Vienna. Lee has also studied piano under the mentorship of the renowned pianists, Nancy Loo and Michelle Kim. In 2015, he represented Hong Kong to perform at the Carnegie Hall. 林澤耀是心光學校中四展能組(輕度智力障礙)學生。

他三個月大時確診患有視網膜細胞瘤致全失明。林澤耀自 幼喜愛彈奏鋼琴,由現任心光恩望學校校長王天玲發掘其 音樂天份,其後師承張俊軒、吳子慧、仇燕明。

Lam Chak-yiu is a Form Four student at Ebenezer School with mild intellectual disabilities. He was diagnosed with retinoblastoma when he was three months old and lost all

林澤耀 Lam Chak-yiu 鋼琴 Piano

vision. Lam demonstrated a passion for the piano at an early age. His talent was discovered by Wong Tin-ling, the current principal of Ebenezer New Hope School. Lam has then studied the piano with Cheung Chu-hin, Ng Tsz-wai and Cho Yin-ming.



人士,2001 至 2013 年就讀心光學校。他自小熱愛音樂,

先後跟隨鄧祺、仇燕明、劉彥昭等學習鋼琴。他「過耳不 忘」的天份幫助他獲得英國皇家音樂學院八級鋼琴考試及 八級聲樂考試的優異成績。

Lau Yik-keung studied at Ebenezer School from 2001 to 2013. He was born with mild intellectual disabilities and

劉亦強 Lau Yik-keung 鋼琴 Piano

microphthalmos, which led to a complete loss of vision. Passionate about music from an early age, he has studied the piano with Tang Ki, Cho Yin-ming and Lau Yin-chiu. His auditory memory allows him to recall almost every song he has ever heard. Lau has obtained a distinction in the ABRSM Grade 8 Piano and vocal examinations. 陳敏聰現為香港小交響樂團及羅曼四重奏的中提琴手,

曾於多個國家演出,當中包括美國卡內基音樂廳、日本凸 版印刷音樂堂及上海音樂廳。 陳氏畢業於辛辛那提大學音


Violist of both the Hong Kong Sinfonietta and the Romer String Quartet, Ringo Chan has performed all around the world and has made appearances in famous concert

陳敏聰 Ringo Chan 中提琴 Viola


halls including the Carnegie Hall, the Toppan Hall and the Shanghai Concert Hall. Chan graduated from the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music under the tutelage of Masao Kawasaki and Dr. Catharine Carroll.

黃健羭 Wong Kin-yu 風琴 Organ

黃健羭多年來為香港中文大學、香港演藝學院及香港浸會大學之風琴教師,亦任香港聖樂團 伴奏及循道會九龍堂風琴師逾三十載。黃氏於中文大學畢業後赴笈倫敦皇家音樂學院,隨韓 偉志及栢德理學習風琴演奏及鋼琴伴奏,獲學院頒發基拿及理察士兩項風琴演奏獎。

Wong Kin-yu is a long-time organ teacher at the CUHK, the HKAPA and the HKBU. For more than 30 years, she has served as the accompanist of the Hong Kong Oratorio Society and the organist of the Kowloon Methodist Church. While studying at the Royal Academy of Music, London, she was awarded the Frederick Keene and Henry Richards organ prizes for her outstanding achievements.


劉卓熙是集指揮、歌者、講者、導師於一身的合唱音樂家。 劉氏現為本港室樂合唱團 Die Konzertisten (DK) 之駐團指

揮。在他指導下,DK 多次與國際知名指揮家合作,包括萊 頓、高恩、畢特等。他亦研習「鑑古演奏」,經常指揮 DK 及其樂團演出早期音樂。古典音樂以外,劉氏自 2016 年擔 任「陳輝陽 x 女聲合唱」指揮。

Sanders Lau is a multifaceted choral musician and a much

劉卓熙 Sanders Lau 男高音 Tenor

sought-after conductor, singer, speaker, and clinician. He is Resident Conductor of Die Konzertisten (DK). With a specialised interest in "historically informed performances", Sanders regularly performs early music with DK and its orchestra. He has prepared the choir for such renowned conductors as Stephen Layton, Jonathan Cohen, and John Butt among others. Sanders is also known for his work with Chan Fai Young x Women’s Choir. 李顯癸 1996 至 2007 年就讀心光學校,培養了對音樂的濃



人院暨學校「視障音樂專才計劃」資助學習聲樂,師承林 俊和黃卓兒。

Li Hin-kwai developed her interest in music during her years at Ebenezer School from 1996 to 2007, and she is currently

李顯癸 Li Hin-kwai 女高音 Soprano

studying for Higher Diploma in Music Studies programme at the Caritas Bianchi College of Careers. She has studied vocal training with Albert Lim-chun and Wong Cheukyee, with scholarship sponsored by “Lee Bing Vocal Music Development Fund Award” and “Ebenezer Music Academy”.


蔡晞忻是聖士提反女子中學中四學生,現時接受心光學校 的視障學童支援服務。她五歲確診虹膜炎,現時雖僅餘

50% 視力,卻不減熱愛唱歌的興趣。她自 2014 年起學習 聲樂,師承陳愛堅。

Tsoi Hei-yan Megan is a Form Four student at the St. Stephen’s Girls’ College who is currently enrolled in Ebenezer School’s “Resource Support Programme”. At the age of five

蔡晞忻 Tsoi Hei-yan Megan

女高音、女聲二重唱 Soprano, Female Duet

she was diagnosed with uveitis, an autoimmune disease which has reduced her visual acuity to about 50%. This visual impairment has not hindered her passion for singing however, and she began vocal training in 2014 under the tutelage of soprano Penelope Chan.



先天患有視網膜退化,八歲開始視力減弱,現在只剩光感, 十七歲開始學習聲樂,師承陳愛堅。她曾參演大型音樂劇

《震動心弦》(2013) 和《奮青樂與路》(2017)。

Choi Lok-sze entered Ebenezer School at the age of six, and later completed the HKDSE as a student of the Ying Wa Girls’

蔡樂詩 Choi Lok-sze

女高音、女聲二重唱 Soprano, Female Duet

School. She is currently enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics and Translation programme at the City University of Hong Kong. She was born with a retinal degenerative disease, which caused her vision to deteriorate at the age of eight. At present, she can only perceive light and shadows. She started vocal training at the age of 17 under the tutelage of soprano Penelope Chan, and she participated in the musicals The Awakening (2013) and Sing Out (2017).


Die Konzertisten

© Yatho Tsang

Die Konzertisten 成 立 於 2008 年, 為 香 港 頂 尖 的 室 樂 合 唱 團 之 一, 演 唱 曲 目 廣 泛: 由文藝復興複調音樂到巴洛克鉅作、浪漫派精萃,以至全新委約的當代作品 。

Die Konzertisten 經常邀請國際知名音樂家來港合作,包括指揮家萊頓、高恩、畢特、利靈、

高貝利、陳雲紅、巴洛克大提琴家狄皓、巴洛克長笛家盧茨、假聲男高音戴維士及米德等; 亦經常獲邀演出香港藝術節節目,包括:《法國世紀樂團:白遼士 150》(2019)、《白蛇傳》

(2019)、愛沙尼亞國家交響樂團及男聲合唱團 (2018)、德布西《佩利亞斯與梅麗桑德》(2018)、

盛宗亮歌劇《紅樓夢》(2017)、翩娜.包殊烏珀塔爾舞蹈劇場《死而復生的伊菲格尼》(2014)、 布列頓百歲誕辰紀念音樂會 (2013)。其他曾合作的藝團包括:香港小交響樂團、香港兒童 合唱團、香港電台第四台、香港作曲家聯會、PRISM 室樂音樂節、香港城市室樂團等。

Now in its 11th season, Die Konzertisten (DK) is recognised as one of Hong Kong’s foremost chamber choirs. The choir’s repertoire ranges from Renaissance polyphony and Baroque masterpieces to Romantic delicacies and newly commissioned works. Die Kozertisten regularly collaborates with internationally distinguished artists, including conductors such as Stephen Layton, Jonathan Cohen, John Butt, Helmuth Rilling, Nicholas Cleobury, Chen Yun-hung, as well as baroque cellist Viola de Hoog, baroque flautist Marten Root, and countertenors Iestyn Davies and Tim Mead. Die Kozertisten also regularly appears in the Hong Kong Arts Festival’s programmes, including Les Siècles: BERLIOZ 150 (2019), Madame White Snake (2019), the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra & Male Choir (2018), Debussy’s Pelleas et Melisande (2018), Dream of the Red Chamber (2017), Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch - Iphigenia in Tauris (2014), and The Britten 100 Project (2013). The choir has also been invited to work with other prominent local musical organisations, such as the Hong Kong Sinfonietta, the Hong Kong Children’s Choir, RTHK4, the Hong Kong Composers’ Guild, the PRISM Chamber Music Festival, and the Hong Kong City Chamber Orchestra.


心光合唱團 Ebenezer Choir

心光合唱團由心光學校不同年級的學生組成。合唱團旨在培養學生唱歌興趣,進而發展歌唱 技巧及合作性。過去曾參與多個公開演出,並參與不同的籌款及推廣公眾教育活動。

「心光」於 1897 年由德國喜廸堪援助盲人協會創立,為一所非牟利機構,以基督教信仰為服 務基石,一直為視障 (及 / 或兼有多重障礙) 兒童、青年人及年老視障人士提供完善的教育、 復康、就業訓練及寄宿服務,並十分著重視障青年人畢業後的發展。「心光」一直與政府、


視障兒童及青少年的目標,讓他們有機會發揮潛能回饋社會,傲澤社群,成為「心光」的驕傲。 The Ebenezer Choir is comprised of students from both primary and secondary sections of the Ebenezer School. The choir aims to develop students’ interest in singing, and cultivate their singing skills and teamwork. The choir has showcased their musical talent on numerous occasions and in various locations, and has also participated in different fundraising and public educational activities. The Ebenezer School and Home for the Visually Impaired was founded in 1897 by Hildesheimer Blindenmission, Germany, a charitable agency which bases all its activities in the Christian faith. The school provides comprehensive educational, rehabilitation, career and boarding services for children with visual impairments, with or without intellectual and/or other disabilities, as well as residential care and nursing facilities for the visually impaired elderly. The school also provides employment training to visually impaired students and youth, and works to develop job opportunities for its graduates. It engages with other voluntary and government agencies at local, regional and international levels to maintain, improve and provide services to the visually impaired and deliver public education. Ebenezer is committed to “Nurturing PRIDE for a Better World”, not only for the visually impaired but also for the community as a whole.


大合唱歌詞 Sing-along Lyrics 粗體部分,請會眾同唱。 Where bold, the audience is invited to sing-along.

Close to Thee Lyrics: Fanny J. Crosby Music: Silas J. Vai

靠近主 詞:芬妮 • 克羅斯比 曲:魏爾

Savior, let me walk with Thee.


Thou my everlasting portion, More than friend or life to me. All along my pilgrim journey, Savior, let me walk with Thee.

主是我永遠的福分, 勝過朋友與生命。 在人生孤單旅程中, 懇求主與我同行。

Close to Thee, close to Thee, Close to Thee, close to Thee; All along my pilgrim journey, Savior, let me walk with Thee.

靠近主,靠近主, 靠近主,靠近主; 在人生孤單旅程中, 懇求主與我同行。

Not for ease or worldly pleasure, Nor for fame my prayer shall be: Gladly will I toil and suffer, Only let me walk with thee. Close to Thee, close to Thee, Close to Thee, close to Thee; Gladly will I toil and suffer, Only let me walk with Thee.

我不求世界的歡樂, 也不求世界美名: 我願受任何的勞苦, 只求主與我同行。 靠近主,靠近主, 靠近主,靠近主; 我願受任何的勞苦, 只求主與我同行。

演出曲目由英文演唱,中文譯文僅作參考。 All pieces are performed in English; Chinese translation is for reference only.


Day by Day Lyrics: Carolina Sandell-Berg Music: Oscar Ahnfelt Day by day and with each passing moment, Strength I find to meet my trials here; Trusting in my Father's wise bestowment, I've no cause for worry or for fear. He whose heart is kind beyond all measure Gives unto each day what He deems best Lovingly, its part of pain and pleasure, Mingling toil with peace and rest. Every day the Lord Himself is near me With a special mercy for each hour; All my cares He fain would bear, and cheer me, He whose name is Counselor and Power. The protection of His child and treasure Is a charge that on Himself He laid; "As your days, your strength shall be in measure," This the pledge to me He made.

He Lives Lyrics / Music: Alfred H. Ackley I serve a risen Saviour, He's in the world today; I know that He is living, whatever men may say; I see His hand of mercy, I hear His voice of cheer, And just the time I need Him, He's always near. He lives, He lives! Christ Jesus lives today! He walks with me and talks with me along life's narrow way. He lives, He lives, salvation to impart! You ask me how I know He lives? He lives within my heart! He lives within my heart!

每一天 詞:鮑麗娜 曲:安福達 每一天所渡過的每一刻, 我得著能力勝過試探; 我依靠天父週詳的供應, 我不用再恐慌與掛念。 祂的心極仁慈無可測度, 祂每天都有最好安排, 不論憂或喜祂慈愛顯明, 勞苦中祂賜平安。 每一天主自己與我相親, 每時刻賜下格外憐憫; 我掛慮主願安慰與擔當, 祂的名是策士與權能。 祂保護祂的兒女與珍寶, 祂熱心必要成全這事; 「你日子如何力量也如何」, 這是祂向我應許。

主活著 詞 / 曲:阿佛 • 艾克利 我所事奉復活主,祂今在世活著, 我知道祂確活著,不管人怎麼說, 我見祂手施憐憫,聽聞祂安慰聲, 每次當我需求祂,總必答應。 基督,耶穌,今天仍然活著, 祂與我談,祂伴我走,生命窄路同過。 基督,耶穌,救恩臨到萬邦, 若問我怎知祂活著, 祂活在我心中!祂活在我心中!


賽馬會「無限亮」教育及社區外展節目 Jockey Club "No Limits" Education and Community Programme


由 香 港 藝 術 節 及 香 港 賽 馬 會 慈 善 信 託 基 金 聯 合 主 辦 的 賽 馬 會「 無 限 亮 」 教 育 及 社 區 外展節目,銳意把共融藝術理念拓展到社區,豐富青少年、不同能力人士、藝術家等的 藝術體驗,讓他們均可以一同欣賞、參與及擁抱藝術。內容包括: 1. 攝影工作坊及展覽,讓觀眾體會視障人士的視覺世界; 2. 外展工作坊系列,展示共融藝術教學法予專業舞者;

3. 藝術家進駐計劃,鼓勵不同能力人士與藝術家一起經歷藝術創作; 4. 學校巡演,與青少年討論「標籤」與共融;

5. 與藝術行政業界及有興趣人士開展圓桌討論,推動共融藝術的最佳實踐。 Co-presented by the Hong Kong Arts Festival and The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the Jockey Club “No Limits” Education and Community Programme is designed to provide opportunities for people with different abilities to appreciate, embrace and participate in the arts. It brings together local youth, people with different abilities, and artists, in order to promote inclusiveness through the arts. The aims of the programme include: 1. To enable audiences to experience the world of the visually impaired through the Photography Workshop and Exhibition; 2. To demonstrate inclusive arts teaching methods to professional dancers in the Train-the-Trainer Workshops; 3. To encourage people with different abilities to experience art with the artists in the Artists-in-Residence Programme; 4. To discuss labeling and inclusion with young people on Touring Performances; 5. To promote the best practices of inclusive arts to arts administrators and interested public at the Roundtable Discussion.


外展工作坊系列 Workshop Series



在導師劉天麟的指導下拍攝一系列相片。校友藉著對不同事物的感覺和記憶,在導師的 口述及技術輔助下,透過鏡頭與音樂和世界連繫。完成的作品將會在《這一站太短》 音樂會上放映及在展覽內展出。

工作坊 ( 已完成 )

2019 年 12 月 心光學校及不同的室內外地點


待定 詳情將在 2021 年於「無限亮」網站公布

Photography Workshop and Exhibition of A Journey Too Short This workshop is part of the programme A Journey Too Short. Inspired by the classic hymns featured in the concert, the alumni of Ebenezer School took photos prompted by their different senses and impressions under the guidance of Dick Lau, the photography tutor. The workshop aims to enable visually impaired artists to connect with the sighted world. The photos will be projected during the A Journey Too Short concert and displayed in the exhibition. Workshop (Completed)


December 2019 Ebenezer School, and various indoor and outdoor venues

To be confirmed More details will be announced on the "No Limits" website in 2021

香港國際攝影節委員,社會福利署感化組攝影導師、心光學校 視障攝影計劃導師及亞洲協會香港中心視障攝影計劃導師。 曾 參 與 展 覽 包 括「 觀 塘 社 區 重 建 攝 影 探 索 計 劃 」、「 影 像 的

展現與思考」,及個展「家」等,作品被香港文化博物館收藏。 Dick Lau is a committee member of the Hong Kong International Photography Festival, photography tutor for the Social Welfare

劉天麟 Dick Lau


Department youth probationers, and project tutor for Ebenezer School and Asia Society Hong Kong Centre. He has participated in group exhibitions including the Kwun Tong Redevelopment Documentation Project Exhibitions (Lumenvisum, 2010-2015)

Photography Coach

and "Photo Reading Room" (JCCAC, 2014). His solo exhibition

and Exhibition Curator

"Home" was held at Lumenvisum. His works are collected by the Hong Kong Heritage Museum.



工作坊參加者作品 Works by Workshop Participants

回到心光,看見鋼琴凳和今年的聖誕樹,令我想起了已在天國的 音樂老師。他細心自製的聖誕卡,是我每年最期待的聖誕禮物 之一。但時間卻不可逆轉,留下只有僅餘的記憶,這一站太短。

As I return to the Ebenezer School, the piano stool and the Christmas tree remind me of my music teacher who passed away. His handmade Christmas card was one of the most

伍詠賢 Wing Ng

exciting presents for me every year. Time is irreversible, and only memories live on. This is a journey too short.

畢 業 後 要 投 身 社 會,寄 出 超 過 100 封 求 職 信,但 都 石 沉 大 海 杳無音訊,即使有面試的機會也困難重重。路途崎嶇,全賴給我 依靠的耶穌。感恩,今天我是酒店從業員。

It was not easy to find a job after graduation. I sent out over a hundred job applications yet hearing no response, and interviews were challenging. It was Jesus Christ who supported me through the journey. I am grateful to be a member of the hospitality industry today. 58

嚴俊安 Peter Yim

萬物都會因時間而留下痕跡,或許是傷痕,身患殘疾的人,只要 積極面對人生,細細地咀嚼身邊的事和物,往往都能看見它們 美好的一面,甚至看得更細,看得更遠。

Everything leaves a mark in the world across time, even if it is a scar. With a positive attitude, persons with disabilities can also savour life and discover the beauty in it. They are

謝迦維 Tse Ka Wai

even able to see what many others overlook, as they look ahead.

「你 們 要 進 窄 門,因 為 引 到 滅 亡,那 門 是 寬 的,路 是 大 的,進 去

的人也多;引到永生,那門是窄的,路是小的,找著的人也少。」 馬太福音 7:13 – 14

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." Matthew 7:13 - 14

謝潤亨 David Tse 59

工作坊參加者作品 Works by Workshop Participants

觀星對我來說是一件不容易的事,何謂星塵繁星也只能 靠想像,遠望星空,對抗引力,探索無邊的宇宙,我有一個 夢想。

Stargazing is a difficult thing for me. We rely on our imagination, looking up at the sky, and fighting against gravity to explore the boundless universe. I

鄧麗銘 Tang Lai Ming Eli

have a dream.

成 長,我 開 始 接 觸 社 會,有 種 不 真 實 的 感 覺。有 人 戴 著 面 具 把 真 實 的 一 面 隱 藏;有 人 為 了 討 好 別 人 戀 棧 名 利 而隨波逐流。但願有愛,求天愛人。

As I grew up, I began to come into contact with society. It feels surreal; some hide their true colours by wearing a mask, and some go with the flow for fame and to please others. May there be love in this world from up above. 60

蔡晞忻 Tsoi Hei Yan Megan

今天站在黑暗的路上,不知道光明離我有多遠,或者有一日可以 步出黑暗,在遠處看似有扇門慢慢打開,苦難裡的自由之光。

On a path shadowed by darkness, light seems unreachable. Maybe one day when I step out and look back from afar, there will be a door revealing the hope of freedom even in the darkest time.

曾冠全 Bosco Tsang

無論在什麼時候,祢仍然跟我在一起,是寧靜還是繁囂,是光明 又或是黑暗,但我知道,我很享受有祢同行的時光。

You are always by my side whether in silence or commotion, brightness or darkness. One thing I am sure of – I enjoy your company, my Almighty Father.

郭健 Kwok Kin 61


Workshop Series


超 能 量 街 舞 團 應 邀 向 本 地 藝 術 家、教 育 工 作 者 及 有 興 趣 人 士,分 享 其 共 融 的 教 學 法 及

霹靂舞經驗,以豐富他們對共融藝術的認識,並在本地藝術教育中,推廣更包容的環境。 舞團的信念是「無藉口,無限制」 ,相信任何人都應有舞蹈及表達自我的機會。舞團成員有 多年教學經驗,著重發揮每個人的不同強項。

第一期工作坊已於 2020 年初完成,參加者有機會在第二期工作坊中進一步實踐經驗, 於 2020 年 11 月協助舞團與本地不同能力人士創作一場全新展演。 第一期

2020 年 1 月 9 – 10 日 ( 已完成 )

伊利沙伯體育館活動室及 CCDC 舞蹈中心


2020 年 11 月 28 日 ( 已完成 ) 網上 Zoom 形式舉行

Breakdance Train-the-Trainer Workshops ILL-Abilities shared their inclusive teaching methods and experiences in breakdance. Members of the crew have years of experience in teaching breakdance fundamentals and inspiring individual participants to exert their strengths through various movement methods. ILL-Abilities believe that everyone should have the opportunity to dance and express themselves. This workshop is specifically designed for local artists, educators and practitioners who want to enrich their understanding of inclusive arts, and foster a more inclusive environment in local arts education. Participants came together again online for Phase 2 of the workshop in November 2020. Phase 1

Phase 2

9 – 10 January 2020 (Completed)

28 November 2020 (Completed)

Function Room, Queen Elizabeth Stadium

Zoom Platform

and CCDC Dance Centre 62



Artists-in-Residence Programme

第一階段 Phase 1

第二階段 Phase 2

Jan 2020 (Completed)

Oct - Nov 2020 (Completed)

2020 年 1 月 ( 已完成 )

2020 年 10 月至 11 月 ( 已完成 )

藝術家進駐計劃分成兩階段進行,旨在邀請海外藝術家來港,並提供藝術交流平台予 不同學校及機構,豐富不同能力人士的藝術經驗。

超能量街舞團為國際知名霹靂舞團,舞者來自世界各地。團員應「無限亮」之邀來港, 與本地不同能力的參加者及舞者分享,探索街舞及想象力的無限可能。

The Artists-in-Residence Programme is held in two phases. It provides an arts platform for overseas artists to engage with different schools and communities to enrich the arts experiences of people with different abilities. ILL-Abilities, known for their differently-abled breakdancers from around the world, have been invited by "No Limits" to share and explore the infinite possibilities of street dance and the imagination with local dancers of varying abilities.


第一階段 — 霹靂舞工作坊

超能量街舞團的導師運用多年的霹靂舞教學經驗,透過不同的動態練習,讓即使沒有舞蹈 經驗的參加者都有機會發揮個人所長。

Phase I – Breakdance Workshop During the first phase, experienced breakdance instructors from ILL-Abilities inspire participants, with different levels of dance experience, to discover their individual strengths through movement exercises.

第二階段 — 終極展演

在第二階段中,因受 2019 冠狀病毒的影響,街舞團將在線教授霹靂舞及表演技巧,聯同

本地藝術家,帶領參加者一同創作並攝製成終極舞蹈錄像展演,並在 2020 年 12 月透過


全新的街舞演出由超能量街舞團的藝術家露卡.帕杜里、利多阮.艾捷及雅各.賴安斯帶領, 並與本地藝術家黃羡晴、梁子傑,及參與「藝術家進駐計劃第二階段」的不同能力舞者一同

編作而成。過程中,舞者通過街舞技巧及表演共同建立自信和發揮所長,並拍攝成舞蹈錄 像與觀眾分享。觀眾還可於舞蹈錄像中欣賞到超能量街舞團成員的精彩演出及他們的訪 問分享。

Phase II – Final Showcase Due to the restrictions caused by COVID-19, ILL-Abilities members held online workshops to coach participants on breakdance and performing techniques during Phase II. Together with local artists participants and trainers co-choreographed and filmed a new dance piece together, before sharing their creative process with the audience at the final online showcase in December 2020. The new street dance showcase was led by ILL-Abilities artists Luca Patuelli“lazylegz” , Redouan Ait Chitt "Redo" and Jacob Lyons "Kujo", in collaboration with local artists Janette Wong and Ken Leung. It was also co-choreographed with differently-abled dancers who participated in the Artists-in-Residence Programme Phase II. During the process, dancers were guided to build their confidence and foreground their talent through street dance, and to learn different performing techniques in an inclusive environment. In the dance video, the audience can also admire the performances of ILL-Abilities members and hear their thoughts and experiences.


第一階段 Phase I

海外導師及編舞 超能量街舞團成員露卡·帕杜里、利多阮·艾捷、雅各·賴安斯 導師 黃羡晴 助理導師 梁子傑 舞台經理 陳靄宜 助理舞台經理 鄧麗甜

第一階段參加機構 聖雅各福群會 心飛 2、勵智協進會、香港展能藝術會(展藝樂群計劃)、

社區文化發展中心、社會褔利署天水圍綜合家庭服務中心、香港傷健協會九龍西傷健中心、 靈實恩光學校、香港展能藝術會(藝燃薪 2.0)

Overseas Tutors and Choreographers Members of ILL-Abilities: Luca Patuelli "Lazylegz", Redouan Ait Chitt "Redo", Jacob Lyons "Kujo" Tutor Janette Wong Assistant Tutor Ken Leung Stage Manager Chan Oi Yi Assistant Stage Manager Tang Lai Tim Sweetwilliam Phase One Participating Organizations St. James’Settlement Dancing Heart 2, The Intellectually Disabled Education and Advocacy League Ltd., Art with the Disabled Association Hong Kong (Community in Arts), Centre for Community Cultural Development, Tin Shui Wai Integrated Family Service Centre, Kowloon West PHAB Centre, Hong Kong PHAB Association, Haven of Hope Sunnyside School, Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong (Ignition 2.0)

第二階段 Phase II 創作團隊(編舞)

超能量街舞團成員露卡 . 帕杜里、利多

Creative team (Choreography)

藝術家黃羨晴、梁子傑與參與「2020 年

"Redo", Jacob Lyons "Kujo" from ILL-Abilities,

阮 . 艾捷、雅各 . 賴安斯及來自香港的

Luca Patuelli "Lazylegz", Redouan Ain Chit


Janette Wong and Ken Leung from Hong Kong,


in collaboration with the dancers from Phase II of the Artists-in-Residence Programme.


Performed by and with (Dancers from Hong Kong)


Jenny Chau, Danny Pin, Wong Yuk King,


Hin, Kwong Chun Kit, Ng Yu Hin, Kwok Ching Him,

何頌勇、周學輝、周玉珍、卞偉東、王玉 Ho-Stuart, Linus Jung Yong, Chou Hok Fai, 吳羽軒、郭政謙、馮凱威、余碧虹、盧民 侯綺雯、楊思樂、梁嘉儀

Cheuk Hang Chi, Cheung Wai Chiu, Chu Chun Fung Hoi Wai, Yu Pik Hung Virginia,


Loo Man Wai, Wong Chi Wah Agnes, Lai Yuk Lam,


Sze Lok and Leung Ka Yee


Mabel Yeung, Cheng Chi Yin, Hau Yee Man, Yeung

Production team Stage Manager: Chan Oi Yi Assistant Stage Manager: Tang Lai Tim Sweetwilliam


工作重點: 香港展能藝術會的宗旨是「藝術同參與. 傷健共展能」。我們深信每個人都有創作 藝術的潛能,欣賞藝術是每一個人的權利。 我們致力推廣殘疾人士有平等機會參與和 創作藝術,期望透過藝術,締造一個共融的 社會。 Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong believes that everyone has the potential for artistic creation and that every individual has the right to appreciate art. Through our mission ‘Arts are for Everyone’, we are committed to promoting equal opportunities among people with disabilities, allowing them to have equal access to and excel in the arts, and to advocating an inclusive society through the arts.

· · · ·

普及藝術 藝術教育 專業發展 藝術通達

· 推廣共融 · 社會企業 · 國際網絡

Our Focus: · Broad-based arts service · Arts education · Professional development · Arts accessibility · Social inclusion · Social enterprise · International network 聯絡 Contact 2855 9548 ada@adahk.org.hk adahk.org.hk 香港展能藝術會



巡迴演出 Touring Performances

「綠野仙蹤 排練日誌」 "A Rehearsal Log of Wizard of Oz"

日期: 2019 年 10 月 - 2020 年 1 月 ( 已完成 ) Date: Oct 2019 - Jan 2020 (Completed)

「綠野仙蹤 排練日誌」以音樂劇的形式與觀眾進行一場關於「標籤」的討論。創作靈感分

別 來 自 童 話 故 事《綠 野 仙 蹤》的 劇 本、演 員 自 身 的 故 事、心 理 學 及 社 會 學 的 理 論 和 實 驗。 演出探討「標籤」的各個面向,及「標籤」對我們的影響。

“A Rehearsal Log of Wizard of Oz” is a musical performance which opens up a discussion with the audience on the issue of “labelling”. The idea derives from the script of The Wizard of Oz, the real-life experiences of the actors, as well as theories and experiments related to psychology and sociology. The performance explores different aspects of labelling, as well as its impact on individuals.

故事及導演 Playwright and Director 李婉晶 Michelle Li 文本創作 Script Writer 王君傑 Mic Wong

音樂總監 Music Director 何文曦 Joseph Ho

佈景及服裝設計 Set and Costume Designer 孫詠君 Vanessa Suen 中文歌詞 Chinese Lyrics Interpretation 溫卓妍 Jarita Wan 創作演員 Collaborating Actors 鋼琴家 Pianist 李軒 Lee Hin

大學學生 Undergraduate Student 鄧麗銘 Eli Tang 演員 Actress 謝裕鈴 Ling Tse

演員 Actress 隆藹宜 Jess Lung

電視劇集演員 TV Series Actor 周漢寧 Henick Chou 南亞裔演員 South Asian Actor Tusar Basnet


圓桌討論 Roundtable Discussion

本屆網上圓桌討論將匯聚本地及海外社區不同界別的專業音樂教育工作者及音樂家, 探討如何以音樂互動,讓更多不同能力的年輕人與社會共融。

日期: 2020 年 12 月 9 日(星期三) | 時間:下午 4 時至 6 時半 | 直播平台: Zoom 語言: 英文及廣東話(提供即時傳譯服務) 通達服務: 香港手語傳譯、英語即時字幕

報名方法: 此乃免費活動。社會服務團體及學校將獲邀參與,公眾人士須網上登記 請按此連結登記:https://go.nolimits.hk/prformtc

Featuring a group of local and overseas music educators, musicians with different talents and professional musicians, this online Roundtable Discussion explores how to increase social inclusion of young people with different abilities through musical engagement. Date: 9 December 2020 (Wed) | Time: 16:00 -18:30 | Platform: Zoom Language:

English and Chinese (with Simultaneous Interpretation)

Accessible Service: Hong Kong Sign Language Interpretation, Live-Captioning in English Registration:

This is a free event. Registration will be by invitation (NGOs and schools) and open to public by online registration. Please go to this link for registration: https://go.nolimits.hk/prformtc

登記連結 Registration link 70

專題一 音樂教育無分對與錯

Panel 1 Beyond “Right & Wrong” in Music Education 主持人 Moderator

蔡敏德教授 Prof Sharon Choa 小百合和她的音樂創作方式


口琴 – 殘疾人士通往音樂之路:威爾

斯 親王醫院《手足童樂》計劃經驗分享




音樂為技術還是技術為音樂? 趙晨先生

專題二 音樂共融學習

Sayuri Shirai and Her Way of Music Making Dr Chan Cheong Jan Harmonica, a Gateway to Music for the Disabled: Experience Sharing from the "Budding Well" Project in Prince of Wales Hospital Hong Kong Dr Ho Pak Cheong, Mr Chan Ngai Kin We are All Unique in Music Ms Kinny Chan Learning Music for Skills or Learning Skills for Music? Mr Zhao Chen

Panel 2 Inclusive Learning with Music 主持人 Moderator

蔡敏德教授 Prof Sharon Choa

小百合通過表演馬林巴琴的成長和經驗 白井義人教授

Sayuri’s growth and experience through her marimba performances Prof Yoshihito Shirai

Yannis 音樂之路

Yannis’ Music Path


A Musical Journey with Children and


Works of Papageno Foundation



Ms Sophia Woo, Mr Homer Lee Young People with Autism through the Maestro Jaap van Zweden, Mrs Aaltje van Zweden


講者 Speakers

陳重仁博士 Dr Chan Cheong Jan

陳重仁博士是民族音樂學家和爵士音樂家,他在馬來西亞有十年爵士本 科課程的教學經驗。陳博士發掘了小百合彈奏爵士樂的天份,組成了小 百合三重奏。 D r. C h a n C h e o n g J a n i s a n e t h n o m u s i c o l o g i s t a n d a j a z z m a n who has trained jazz undergraduates in Malaysia for decades. He founded the Sayuri Trio after discovering Sayuri's talent for jazz music. 何百昌醫生除了醫務要職,亦是香港口琴協會的創會主席。他創立了英 皇口琴五重奏,並率先將口琴音樂納入有上肢缺陷的兒童和青少年康復 計劃。

何百昌醫生 Dr Ho Pak Cheong

Dr Ho Pak Cheong is the founding president of the Hong Kong Harmonica Association in addition to holding important medical positions. He established the King's Harmonica Quintet, and pioneered the incorporation of harmonica music into the rehabilitation programmes for children and adolescents with upper limb defects. 陳毅堅自中學時期學習口琴吹奏。自 2004,陳氏開始教授口琴吹奏,並 參與醫院的兒童及青少年患者康復計劃。陳氏亦從事創作、編曲和製作。

陳毅堅先生 Mr Chan Ngai Kin

Chan Ngai Kin started studying harmonica at secondary school. Since 2004, Chan has been teaching harmonica and has participated in rehabilitation programmes for children and adolescents in the hospital. Chan is also engaged in music composition, arrangement and production. 陳健女士於 1998 在香港大學音樂系畢業,現為東華三院徐展堂學校音 樂教師,並為智障學童提供音樂教育,獲藝術發展局頒發「傑出藝術老師 獎」 。

陳健女士 Ms Kinny Chan

Kinny Chan graduated from the Music Department of the University of Hong Kong in 1998. She is a music teacher of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Tsui Tsin Tong School. Dedicated to music education for children with learning difficulties, she was awarded the“Outstanding Art Teacher Award”by the Arts Development Council. 由於先天性近視和周圍情況影響,趙晨在十歲時幾乎失明。在就讀中國 常熟世界聯合學院前,他在音樂學院的附屬中學學習了三年歌唱。

趙晨先生 Mr Zhao Chen 72

Zhao Chen suffers from visual impairment caused by congenital high myopia and peripheral complications, and has been almost blind since the age of ten. After graduating from the High School attached to the China Conservatory of Music, Zhao is currently studying at UWC Changshu China.

梵志登 19 歲便獲荷蘭皇家音樂廳樂團委任為樂團首席,現任香港管弦 樂團音樂總監。1997 年,他與妻子成立帕帕堅奴基金會,以專業音樂治 療師幫助自閉症兒童。

© Wong Kin-chung

梵志登先生,SBS Maestro Jaap van Zweden

Jaap van Zweden was appointed the youngest-ever concertmaster of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra at age 19. He is currently the Music Director of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra (HKPO). In 1997, he and his wife established the Papageno Foundation to help autistic children communicate with each other through music. 阿特耶是指揮家梵志登之妻,因兒子患自閉症導致她成立柏柏堅奴基金 會,並於 2017 年撰寫了描述母親為兒子的幸福而奮鬥的 《喬裝下的祝福》 。

阿特耶梵志登女士 Mrs Aaltje van Zweden

Aaltje van Zweden is married to conductor Jaap van Zweden. Their son’s diagnosis of autism led to the establishment of the Papageno Foundation. She authored‘A Blessing in Disguise’in 2017, a story about a mother’s struggle for her son’s happiness.

胡淑徽自 1992 年擔任香港管弦樂團敲擊樂手。除了演出音樂會外,胡氏 經常與香港管弦樂團「青少年聽眾」計劃的音樂小組探訪小學、中學、特 殊學校及香港各大專院校。

胡淑徽女士 Ms Sophia Woo

Sophia Woo has been a percussionist with the HKPO since 1992. Apart from performing in the concert hall, Sophia participates in ensemble visits to primary, secondary, and special needs schools and universities in Hong Kong under the Young Audience Scheme by the HKPO. 李少霖自 1987 年加入香港管弦樂團,及後在香港演藝學院任教。他經常 參與演出及音樂錄音,並為電台和電視台錄製音樂欣賞節目。

李少霖先生 Mr Homer Lee

Homer Lee joined the HKPO in 1987 and has been on the faculty of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts since 1988. He often participates in performances and music recordings, and took part in music appreciation programmes for radio and TV stations. 白井教授目前是九州工業大學的教授。2012 年,白井教授帶同女兒小百 合訪問馬來西亞布特拉大學,認識了陳重仁博士,並因此發掘了女兒的 爵士樂天份。

白井義人教授 Prof Yoshihito Shirai

Professor Shirai is currently a professor in the Kyushu Institute of Technology. He discovered his daughter Sayuri’s jazz musical talent when she met Dr Chan Cheong Jan for the first time at the University Putra Malaysia in 2012. 以上相片由講者提供 The above photos are provided by the speakers












執行委員會 副主席 委員








節目委員會 主席 委員





譚榮邦先生 姚


陳達文博士 霍



羅志力先生 約瑟 · 施力先生 +

夏佳理先生 陳祖澤博士

紀大衛教授 義法官

龐建貽先生 姚祖輝先生






梁國輝先生 梁靳羽珊女士

文肇偉先生 姚潔莉女士



梁卓偉教授 孫大倫博士


梁紹榮夫人 名譽法律顧問 核數師





地址 : 香港灣仔港灣道 2 號 12 樓 電話 : 2824 3555 傳真 : 2824 3798/3722 電子郵箱 : afgen@hkaf.org 節目查詢熱線:2824 2430 Address: Room 1205, 12th Floor, 2 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel: 2824 3555 Fax: 2824 3798/3722 Email: afgen@hkaf.org Programme Enquiry Hotline: 2824 2430 74

Patron Honorary Life President Executive Committee Chairman Vice Chairman Honorary Treasurer Members

Programme Committee Chairman Members

Finance Committee Chairman Members Development Committee Chairman Vice Chairman Members


Honorary Solicitor Auditor

The Hon Mrs Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, GBM GBS Sir Run Run Shaw, CBE (1907-2014) Mr Victor Cha Prof Lo King-man, MBE JP SBS Mr William Li Mr Edward Cheng, GBS JP Ms Margaret Cheng Mrs Yu-san Leong Prof. Gabriel Leung, GBS JP Mr Sebastian Shiu-Wai Man Dr Dennis T L Sun, BBS JP Ms Miriam Yao Mr Sunny Yeung Prof Lo King-man, MBE JP SBS Prof Giorgio Biancorosso Prof David Gwilt, MBE Mr Peter C L Lo Mr Fredric Mao, BBS The Hon Mr Justice Ribeiro Mr Joseph Seelig+ Mr Wing-pong Tam, SBS JP Ms Jue Yao, JP Mr William Li Ms Margaret Cheng Mr Nelson Leong Mrs Yu-san Leong Ms Jane Yong Mrs Betty Yuen Cheng Mr Paulo Kin-yee Pong Mrs Helen Lin Sun Mr Andrew Yao The Hon Ronald Arculli, GBM CVO GBS OBE JP Mr Martin Barrow, GBS CBE JP Dr John C C Chan, GBS CBE LVO JP Dr Darwin Chen, SBS ISO Mr Angus H Forsyth The Hon Charles Y K Lee, GBM GBS OBE JP Mrs Mona Leong, SBS BBS MBE JP Dr The Hon Sir David K P Li, GBM GBS OBE JP Ms Gabriela Kennedy, Mayer Brown PricewaterhouseCoopers

+ 榮譽節目顧問 Honorary Programme Advisor 75



行政總監助理 節目

何嘉坤 何丹蓉




游慧姿 * 葉健鈴

副節目總監 助理節目經理 節目統籌

節目經理 ( 行政 )

節目主任 ( 行政 ) 物流及接待經理

• 技術



• 出版



• 外展



余瑞婷 *

譚小敏 * 黃傲軒 * 袁潔敏 * 蘇雪凌

程鶩誼 * 金學忠 * 梁雅芝 * 莫賦斌 *

廖健邦 *

黎家欣 * 林惠賢 * 李冠輝


鄧冠恒 *


張翠鶱 * 李萬祺 *



林嘉敏 * 李玨熙 *




陳志雄 * 周 怡

副市場總監 副市場經理

助理市場經理 數碼營銷專員 市場主任


市場經理 ( 票務 ) 票務主任

香港藝術節 @ 大館


發展總監 發展經理 助理發展經理 發展主任

藝術行政見習員 會計


張慧芝 * 麥紫琴 * 譚樂瑤

蘇寶蓮 *

雲希朗 * 袁愷晴 * 吳樂怡 *




蘇永恆 *

會計經理 人力資源及行政 行政經理

接待員/初級秘書 助理


杜詩麗 * 譚智盈 * 李美娟 黃國愛


鍾雅妍 *

助理節目及外展經理 助理技術及製作經理

陳慧晶 *

節目及外展經理 助理市場經理 節目統籌 項目統籌 外展統籌


林淦鈞 * 陳梓衡 *

朱穎欣 * 汪盈 * 楊皓敏 * 陸凱盈 * 馮顯峰 * 彭健欣 *

楊 璞*

郭駿成 * 陳閏霖 * 鄭佩欣 * 張予心 * 梁彩雲

陳偲穎 * 鍾卓佑 *

鄺為立 *、甄明慧 *、楊佩雯 * 76


按英文姓氏首字母排列 2020 年 12 月更新

Staff Executive Director Assistant to Executive Director Programme Programme Director Associate Programme Director Programme Manager

Assistant Programme Manager Programme Coordinator Programme Manager (Administration) Programme Officer (Administration) Logistics Manager • Technical Production Manager Assistant Production Manager • Publications Editor Assistant Editor • Outreach Senior Outreach Manager Deputy Outreach Manager Assistant Outreach Manager Outreach Officer

Marketing Marketing Director Associate Marketing Director Marketing Manager Deputy Marketing Manager Assistant Marketing Manager Digital Marketing Specialist Marketing Officer Arts Administrator Trainee Marketing Manager (Ticketing) Ticketing Officer

Tisa Ho Connie Ho Grace Lang So Kwok-wan Janet Yau* Linda Yip Susanna Yu* Tracy Tam* Joseph Wong* Loui Yuen* Shirley So Spaky Ching* Elvis King* Shirley Leung* Benny Mok* James Liu* Melody Lai* Grace Lam* Kenneth Lee Joe Tang* Carman Lam* Tracy Cheung* Kelvin Li* Michael Lee* Katy Cheng Dennis Wu Dennis Chan* Alexia Chow Michelle Yeung* Joel Kwok* Ben Chan* Bonnie Cheng* Stephanie Cheung* Eppie Leung Stephanie Chan* Chung Cheuk-yau*

HKartsFestival@Taikwun Kwong Wai Lap*, Yun Ming-wai*, Yeung Pui-man*

Development Development Director Development Manager

Assistant Development Manager Development Officer Arts Administrator Trainee Accounts Head of Finance Accounting Manager Accounting Officer HR & Administration Office Manager Receptionist/Junior Secretary General Assistant

Flora Yu Anna Cheung* Mak Tsz Kam* Lorna Tam Conny Souw* Alana Wan* Antonia Yuen* Lois Ng* Teresa Kwong Connie To* Peter So* Judy Tam* Virginia Li Bonia Wong

Fiona Chung* Lam Kam Kwan* Ainslee Chan* Jacob Chan* Wendy Chu* Tiffany Wong* Yeung Ho-Man* Helen Luk* Wilson Fung* Janice Pang*

* 合約職員 Contract Staff

In alphabetical order Updated December 2020



Support and Co-operation • 香港展能藝術會 Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong • 宏亞印務有限公司 Asia One Printing Limited • Bubbles Creations Limited • 手足童樂 Budding Well • CCDC 舞蹈中心 Dance Centre • 社區文化發展中心 Centre for Community Cultural Development • 阿根廷駐香港總領事館 Consulate General of Argentina in Hong Kong • 巴西駐香港總領事館 Consulate General of Brazil in Hong Kong • 加拿大駐港澳總領事館

Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong and Macao • 意大利駐香港總領事館 Consulate General of Italy in Hong Kong • 日本國駐香港總領事館 Consulate General of Japan in Hong Kong • 馬來西亞駐香港總領事館 Consulate General of Malaysia in Hong Kong SAR • 智利駐香港總領事館 Consulate General of Republic of Chile in Hong Kong • 荷蘭王國駐香港總領事館 Consulate General of the Kingdom of Netherlands in Hong Kong • 大韓民國駐香港總領事館 Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Hong Kong • 美國駐港澳總領事館 Consulate General of the United States in Hong Kong and Macau • 香港浸會大學 ( 拉闊文化 ) Cultural Literacy Programme, Hong Kong Baptist University • Daily Good Studio • 舞蹈天使 Dancing Angels • Disability Dance Works LLC d/b/a Kinetic Light • 大昌行汽車租賃 DCH Motor Leasing • 心光盲人院暨學校 • • • •

Ebenezer School & Home for the Visually Impaired Eventsticketing Graeae Theatre Company Ltd Hang Out! 香港管弦樂團 Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra


• 香港藝術行政人員協會 Hong Kong Arts Administrators Association • 香港四邑商工總會陳南昌紀念中學 HKSYC & IA Chan Nam Chong Memorial College • 斯洛文尼亞駐香港名譽領事館 Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia Hong Kong • KBQuest • 天主教郭得勝中學 Kwok Tak Seng Catholic Secondary School • 觀潮浸信會 Kwun Tong Swatow Baptist Church • M104 Productions • 帕帕堅奴基金會 • • • • •

• • • • • • •

• • • •

Papageno Foundation 菲律賓駐香港總領事館 Philippine Consulate General in Hong Kong 天主教普照中學 Po Chiu Catholic Secondary School Productions Cas Public 富豪東方酒店 Regal Oriental Hotel 禮賢會彭學高紀念中學 Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College 聖公會李福慶中學 SKH Li Fook Hing Secondary School 聖文德書院 St Bonaventure College & High School 聖約翰座堂 St John's Cathedral Takumi Works The Paraorchestra and Friends 東華三院徐展堂學校 TWGHs Tsui Tsin Tong School 香港演藝學院 The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts 不加鎖舞踊館 Unlock Dancing Plaza 中國常熟世界聯合學院 UWC Changshu China 華英中學 Wa Ying College 仁濟醫院董之英紀念中學 Yan Chai Hospital Tung Chi Ying

Memorial Secondary School • 協青社 Youth Outreach

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• 圓桌討論現場參與者,請預先於手機或電腦安裝 Zoom 程式,以便進行發問。 • 所有節目安排以「無限亮」網頁及 Facebook 最新公布為準。

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「 無限亮 」查詢熱線

“No Limits” Enquiry Hotline 2828 4949

星期一至五 Mon-Fri

09:30-13:00, 14:00-18:00

電郵 Email: enquiry@nolimits.hk


登入無限亮網站,輸入電郵以取得 2021 年「無限亮」最新消息。 To receive news about the 2021 "No Limits", please provide your email address on our website. 79

2021 年「無限亮」節目預告 2021 "No Limits" Programme Highlights 音樂 Music 《這一站太短》 (2020 節目重啟) A Journey Too Short (restage of 2020) 伍卓賢《無限遊樂場》 Playground by Ng Cheuk Yin 荷蘭室內合唱團《忘》 Netherlands Chamber Choir - Forgotten 尼高拉斯・麥卡菲鋼琴示範演奏會 《單手、一戰、孤城 》及《尼高拉斯・麥卡菲 : 我的故事》 Nicholas McCarthy Piano Lecture Recitals One Hand, One War, One City and Nicholas McCarthy: My Story 菲力斯・克立澤圓號二重奏及三重奏 Felix Klieser Horn Duo and Trio 舞蹈 Dance 不休止舞團《看透黑暗》

Restless Dance Theatre - Seeing Through Darkness

陪伴工廠劇團《醜小鴨日記》 FACTORY Compagnia Transadriatica - The Diary of an Ugly Duckling 紀錄片 Documentary 《點字音樂》 Braille Music 《結》 CRUX

主辦單位有權更改節目資料或表演者,請參閱「無限亮」網站及瀏覽購票條款。 Programme details and artists are subject to change. Please refer to "No Limits" website for details and conditions of sales. 80

2020 年「無限亮」節目時間表

2020 "No Limits" Programme Calendar 十一月 November 19-20

28 / 11 六 Sat


超能量街舞團 導師培訓工作坊 Train-the-Trainer Workshops by ILL-Abilities

十二月 December

10am 首播 Premiere

7 / 一 Mon

10am 首播 Premiere

10am 首播 Premiere

8 / 二 Tue

9 / 三 Wed


10 / 四 Thu

8pm 首播 Premiere

圓桌討論 音樂無界限:透過音樂讓不同能力 的年青人與社會共融 Roundtable Discussion Music as a Means for Inclusion of Young People with Different Abilities

11 / 五 Fri 12 / 六 Sat 13 / 日 Sun 14 / 一 Mon 15 / 二 Tue

播放 Screening

超能量街舞團 《無限亮街舞對決》 ILL-Abilities No Limits Concept Battle

16 / 三 Wed

10am 首播 Premiere

播放 Screening

17 / 四 Thu

藝術家 進駐計劃 終極展演 Artists-inResidence Programme Final Showcase

小百合 超能量 三重奏 街舞團 示範講座 播放 播放 Lecture 《失 ‧ 聯》 Screening Screening ILL-AbilitiesDemonstration Dis-Connect by Sayuri Trio

《與瑪利亞 共舞》放映及 映後分享會 Dancing 播放 Screening with Maria with Online Sharing Sessions

18 / 五 Fri 19 / 六 Sat 20 / 日 Sun

舞蹈 Dance

電影 Film

外展活動 Outreach Activity


nolimits hk

香港灣仔港灣道二號12字樓 電話 (852) 2828 4949 傳真 (852) 2824 2100

電郵 enquiry@nolimits.hk 82

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