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我很高興代表整個藝術節團隊,歡迎閣下蒞臨欣賞因疫情而改期上演的 2020「無限亮」 演出。近期的疫情大幅度改變了人們的互動及社交方式。在此前提下,感謝您與我們重新 接觸,一同歌頌共融精神。「無限亮」致力創造共融空間,讓不同能力人士均可享受到表演 藝術帶來的樂趣。今年「無限亮」的四套精彩節目繼續秉承這個理念,邀請到世界各地與本 港的不同能力藝術家演出,更將舞台由線下延伸到線上,並為大家帶來多元化的社區及教育 活動。 我們感謝香港賽馬會慈善信託基金推動並與我們聯合呈獻這項富有意義的計劃,亦感謝 香港展能藝術會成為計劃的策略支持伙伴,協助我們提供通達服務。感謝您的支持。謹祝您 享受「無限亮」的演出,渡過難忘且富啟發性的時光。

何嘉坤 香港藝術節行政總監


On behalf of the Hong Kong Arts Festival team, I am delighted to welcome you to the rescheduled 2020 edition of “No Limits”. The recent pandemic has changed the ways people interact and socialise with each other. Against this backdrop, we thank you for joining in our celebration of reconnection and inclusion. Through “No Limits” we aim to create an inclusive space for people with different abilities to share the joy of the arts together. This is reflected in the four exciting programmes featuring artists with different abilities, to be performed online and offline, and in the diverse range of community and education activities presented this year.

We are most grateful to The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust for initiating and co-presenting this meaningful project with us. I am also appreciative of the support of the Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong as Strategic Supporting Partner, assisting us in the provision of accessibility services for our patrons. Above all, I offer my warm thanks to you for joining us today. I sincerely hope that you will find your time spent at “No Limits” performances to be inspiring and enjoyable.

Tisa Ho Executive Director Hong Kong Arts Festival


每個人都應該享有創作及欣賞藝術的平等機會,所以香港賽馬會慈善信託基金很高興再次與 香港藝術節合作,聯合主辦「無限亮」計劃,為不同能力的演藝精英提供一個展現才華的 舞台,以及一個讓大眾享受及擁抱藝術的共融空間。 第二屆「無限亮」節目豐富,表演涵蓋舞蹈、音樂及紀錄片等。今年的精彩活動把共融藝術 帶到社區不同角落。公眾更可以參與多項教育及社區外展活動,在藝術工作者帶領下擴闊對 共融藝術的視野,啟發更多人欣賞及為香港的共融藝術發展作出貢獻。 「藝術、文化及保育」是馬會慈善信託基金重點推動的慈善策略工作之一。我們致力為香港 注入藝術文化活力,豐富市民生活,推動創意共融。 在此再一次感謝香港藝術節同仁對計劃的熱誠和努力,還有香港展能藝術會的全力支持。 祝願「無限亮」圓滿成功。

張 亮 香港賽馬會 慈善及社區事務執行總監


We believe everyone should have an equal opportunity to create and appreciate the arts, and The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust is honoured to partner with the Hong Kong Arts Festival to co-present the “No Limits” project – a platform for art maestros of different abilities to jointly showcase their talents, and an inclusive space for audiences from all walks of life to enjoy and embrace the arts together.

For the second edition of “No Limits” we have prepared a series of high quality and diverse programmes, covering dance, music and documentary film. We are going to bring inclusive arts to different corners of our community. The public will be able to take part in education and community programmes, through which industry practitioners will help broaden the visions of participants, ultimately inspiring more people to appreciate and contribute to the future development of inclusive arts in Hong Kong.

Having designated “Arts, Culture and Heritage” as one of its strategic focus areas, the Trust will continue its commitment to support building a culturally vibrant city, to enrich lives and to promote social inclusion.

I would like to thank the Hong Kong Arts Festival and the Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong for their dedicated efforts. I wish this year’s “No Limits” every success.

Leong Cheung Executive Director, Charities and Community The Hong Kong Jockey Club

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