Pioneer Architecture--Frozen culture

Page 1

—Analysis of Cultural Architecture



丹 王

伊君 燕青 尹 张 编 采

ஊᇜᆪછ୐ᓔ ĊĊ

黄 辑


司 公 限 有 播 传 化 文 翊 百 市 州 广

划 策





FROZEN CULTURE —Analysis of Cultural Architecture ืৼࡼᆪછ ĊĊஊᇜᆪછ୐ᓔ


辑 编 特

ᆪ ᒦ છ ቦ

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I S B N 978-75537-3097-4

9 787553 730974 > 定价:898.00 元 ( 精 )




THE WHIRLPOOL, DANMARK “蓝色行星”水族馆(丹麦) Architect: 3XN A/S 设计公司:3XN A/S

客户:Bygningsfonden Den Blå Planet 项目地点:丹麦哥本哈根 项目面积:10 000 m²

SHAPE FEATURES Blue Planet is shaped as a great whirlpool, From the air, almost entirely white, its contours are reminiscent of a starfish. From the front, the building’s organic lines are evocative of silverygrey waves or a vast sea creature, and on closer inspection, the facade patterning is reminiscent of fish scales.

造型特点 “蓝色行星”水族馆的外形就像一个巨大的漩涡 , 从天空 往下看,整体一片白的外形使人联想到海星;从正面看, 建筑的有机线条如同激起的银灰色海浪或一头巨大的海洋 动物;靠近细看,表面图案又像鱼鳞。


Roof Plan

DESCRIPTION Overview Inspired by the shape of water in endless motion, Denmark’s new National Aquarium, Blue Planet, is shaped as a great whirlpool, and the building itself tells the story of what awaits inside. The whirlpool concept originates in a narrative about water, and as an image, is at once both abstract and figurative. It stirs attention with its distinctive vortex blades, but at the same time, as a building, it changes dramatically depending on viewing angle, distance and daylight conditions. From the air, almost entirely white, its contours are reminiscent of a starfish. From the front, the building’s organic lines are evocative of silvery-grey waves or a vast sea creature, and on closer inspection, the facade patterning is reminiscent of fish scales. This is a building that invites interpretation. Flexibility Blue Planet is located on an elevated headland towards the sea, north of Kastrup Harbor. The building’s distinctive shape is clearly visible for travelers arriving by plane to the nearby Copenhagen Airport. The facade is covered with more than 33,000 small diamond-shaped aluminum shingles, which adapts to the building’s organic form. The whirlpool concept was chosen as ideal not only for its visual associations, but also because it resolved a practical challenge in the design brief: it ensures that one or more of the whirlpool arms, with relative ease and without disrupting the building’s integrity nor the operation of the aquarium, can be extended with more than 30% in order to create more exhibition space. 项目概况 受到水不停打旋时形成漩涡这一形态的启发,丹麦新国家水族馆“蓝 色行星”的外形就像一个巨大的漩涡, 建筑本身在讲述着里面的故事。 漩涡的理念起源于一段关于水的故事。作为一种想象,它立即被用 作设计理念的象征。漩涡独特的涡叶片引起了关注,而作为建筑, 在视角、距离和光照等方面都因其特征受到启发从而引发了不可思 议的改变。从天空往下看,整体一片白的外形使人联想到海星;从 正面看,建筑的有机线条如同激起的银灰色海浪或一头巨大的海洋 动物;靠近细看, 表面图案又像鱼鳞;这是一幢需要细细介绍的建筑。 柔韧性 “蓝色行星”坐落在凯斯楚普港(Kastrup Harbor)北面临海的陆 岬上,建筑的独特形状对于乘坐飞机从附近的哥本哈根机场来的游 客而言尤其醒目。建筑表面镶嵌着超过 33 000 块小铅板,使其形 体更加突出。


凝 固 的 文 化

当初选择漩涡作为设计理念不仅仅是因为它的视觉联想,还在于它 解决了设计纲要中的一个实际挑战,即在确保不打乱建筑规模和水 族馆运转的情况下,一个或多个漩涡臂被扩大 30% 以上,以创建更 多的展览空间。






表皮特点 建筑表面镶嵌着超过 33 000 块小铅板,在涡叶状池水的 映照下,其形体更加蜿蜒、生动。

The Arrival and Interior Visitors reach the entrance by following the first and longest of the whirlpool’s arms, already starting in the landscape. With a smooth transition, the landscape surpasses for the building, while the outdoor ponds mark the unique experience that awaits the aquarium visitors as they enter: the whirlpool has pulled them into another world — a world beneath the surface of the sea. The interiors range from grand to intimate settings, allowing the architecture and the exhibits to jointly convey an array of diverse environments and moods. The curved ceilings of the aquarium are reminiscent of the baleens of a large whale. The exhibition is a total concept offering all visitors a sensuous and captivating experience of life in and under the water. A mixture of light, sound, advanced AV-technology, projections, film, interactivity, graphics, illustrations and signs aimed at all age levels ensures that every visitor, regardless of background or interests, has the best experience possible. As the only aquarium in Denmark, Blue Planet focuses on all aquatic life — from cold and warm waters, fresh and salt. In total, Blue Planet contains app. 7 million liters of water and 53 aquariums and displays.

到达内部 沿着第一条也是最长的一条漩涡臂抵达入口, 此时参观者已置身在景观之中。从景观自然过 渡到建筑,而露天池塘则为进入水族馆的参观 者营造了一种独特的体验:漩涡把他们推进另 一个世界,一个海面下的世界。 从大到小的内部空间,使建筑与展览共同营造 出洋洋大观般的环境氛围,水族馆的弯曲天花 板令人联想起巨鲸的鲸须。 展览的总体追求是为所有参观者带来水上和水 下迷人的感官体验。混合灯光、音响、先进的 AV 技术、投影、电影相互作用,各类高水平的 照片、插图和符号确保每位参观者——无论有 无基础或兴趣——都能够获得最好的参观体验。 作为丹麦唯一的水族馆,“蓝色行星”着眼于 全部水生生物——无论热带或寒带,咸水还是 淡水。总之,“蓝色行星”拥有 53 类鱼缸或展 示柜以及将近 700 万升的水。

凝 固 的 文 化



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East Elevation


South Elevation

Construction and Location The building extends beyond the original coastline, placing special requirements on the facility’s structures in a terrain with tendency to subsidence. The structure is founded on piles and all of the sewage structures are suspended in the concrete structure. The building’s architectural facade design forms the basis for the design of the steel structures. The load-bearing system consists of 54 unique steel frames, which via their radial positioning and geometry forms the base of the curved facades. 建筑和位置

A service line was built 1.7 km out into the Øresund to obtain suitable water for the aquariums. Moreover, the cooling system for aquariums and climate system for public areas also use seawater. The Blue Planet has an outstanding location on the shores of Øresund, only 8 km from the Copenhagen City Hall Square. Motorways, Copenhagen Airport, the Øresund Bridge, Metro and international trains are within few hundred metres.

一条长 1.7 千米的管道通向厄勒海峡用于取水,水族馆的冷却 系统和公共场所的空调系统都使用海水。

“蓝色行星”的建筑沿原始海岸线排布,建筑构造依地形沉降 进行特殊布置,建筑的基础是桩基,污水管挂在混凝土结构上, “蓝色行星”处于厄勒海滨的最佳位置,距哥本哈根市政厅广 建筑立面按钢结构要求进行设计,54 个单体钢框架组成承载 场仅 8 千米,距高速公路、机场、厄勒海峡大桥、地铁和国际 列车车站都仅数百米之遥。 系统,它们经纵向固定构成承载曲形外立面的基础。


West Elevation

北立面图 凝 固 的 文 化

North Elevation



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剖面图 BB

Section BB

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Section FF

剖面图 II

Section II



Section JJ







Amazonas //The Amazonas

Grotten //The Cave

Oceanet //The Ocean

Skoletjenste //School Service

Restaurant //Restaurant Afrikas Søer //The Lakes of Africa

Auditorium //Auditorium

Blæksprutter //Octopusses

Koralrevet //The Coral Reefs

Færøerne //The Faroe Islands

Søløver //Sea Lions

Plantegning //Plan

凝 固 的 文 化



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