2010 - 2011 港專年報

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香港專業進修學校 Hong Kong College of Technology

2010-2011 年報 Annual Report



港專介紹 HKCT Introduction

昂首闊步 成就卓越

Strutting and Achieving Excellence



拓展 聯繫 共創未來


Coact for Brighter future

「飛躍校園」籌款活動計劃 “A Campus for Tomorrow”

Fund Raising Campaign





港專 介紹 HKCT Introduction


願景及使命 Vision & Mission


Hong Kong College of Technology

香港專業進修學校(港專),為港專機構轄下一所慈善性質獨 立專上教育機構。港專前身為旺角工人夜校,於 1957 年創辦。 在過去五十多年來,港專積極投入香港的教育事業,服務範疇 不斷擴展,目前在高等教育及延續教育等領域,提供多元化的 專業課程,切合不同年齡、不同階層人士的需求。此外,港專 亦致力發展社會服務,回饋社會。

Hong Kong College of Technology (HKCT) is a charitable postsecondary education institution under the HKCT Group Limited. Formerly known as the Mong Kok Workers' Night School, which was established in 1957, the HKCT has striven continuously to contribute to the local education development for over 50 years. Currently the College provides a diversity of professional courses in higher and further education to cater for the needs of learners at different ages and levels. The HKCT is also devoted to social services, contributing to the well-being of society.

港專「致力成為建基香港、具國際識見、充滿希望的優選高等 及持續教育機構,對國家對社會有所貢獻。」港專採用靈活多 元的教學模式,培養學生的專業知識和獨立思考;更透過校內 專業部門提供不同的課內外活動,例如通識課程、外地交流及 義務工作等,藉以開拓他們的視野,建立積極上進的人生觀。 該校設立語言中心,著重訓練學生的兩文三語,讓他們掌握良 好的溝通能力。與此同時,港專關顧學生的生涯規劃,為他們 安排實習機會、升學及就業支援服務等,協助他們認清方向, 一步一步實現理想。

The HKCT “aspires to be a preferred, promising institution for tertiary and continuing education, contributing to the country and the community with global vision”. The College’s diversified mode of teaching and learning imparts not only professional knowledge but also critical thinking skills to our students. Throughout a wide range of learning activities such as general education programmes, mainland and overseas exchange programmes and voluntary services offered by various professional units, our students can broaden their horizons and cultivate themselves with positive values. Our Language Centre provides trilingual training and empowers our students to improve their communication skills. Apart from professional training, the College is also concerned with the career development of students. We provide internship programmes and supporting services which inspire them to make their own lifelong plans.

港專介紹 HKCT Introduction

願景 本校致力成為建基香港、具國際識見、充滿希望的優秀高等及 持續教育機構,對國家對社會有所貢獻。

使命 • 提供教育及訓練機會,讓有志進修人士釋放潛能,達成希望; • 開辦適切社會需求、具國際水準的專業導向課程,與業界緊密 合作,取得社會認同; • 拓展教育與服務領域,促進機構的持續發展; • 參與香港多元教育與社會事務,並推動其發展,從中發揮必要 作用; • 為國家和香港培養人才。

Vision We aspire to be a preferred, promising institution for tertiary and continuing education, contributing to the country and the community with its base in Hong Kong while embracing the world.

Missions • To provide education and training opportunities for students with the hope to develop their potential;

• To offer distinguished professional courses according to social needs and international standards with a strong link to industry;

• To explore the advancement of education and services for sustainable corporate development;

• To foster and participate in diversified education and social affairs in Hong Kong on a proactive basis;

• To nurture competent persons for Hong Kong and the country.


校董會主席的話 Message of the Chairman, Management Board

過去一年,是港專在校園和教學設備等硬體設施上取得重大進 展的一年。承蒙香港賽馬會和慧妍雅集等機構的支持和厚愛, 「港專賽馬會馬鞍山校園」和何文田校舍「港專慧妍雅集大專 教學樓」得以在本年度投入使用。長期以來,港專因硬件不足, 在激烈的市場競爭中處於一個不利的地位,但憑藉教職員對學 生的熱誠和對教育事業的投入,港專成功立足本港大專界,成 為一所初具規模的高等院校,其教育學生成果逐漸為社會各界 所認識和肯定。隨著港專賽馬會馬鞍山校園的加入和何文田校 舍的翻新,加上銅鑼灣校舍的現代化語言教學設施,使港專的 高等教育有了首屈一指的校舍和各項配合課程的教學設施,更 具備條件興辦更多高質素的大專課程,為社會培育人才。 港專十分重視辦學質素,儘管資源並不豐裕,但仍不斷致力擴 充校舍規模和充實各類教學設施,資源投放的比例可謂自資院 校之冠。因應高等教育校舍的調整,港專同時大規模重整和提 升延續教育的校舍和設施,使港專職業訓練學院成為設施最完 備的再培訓機構。 港專為學生提供優質教育和培訓的努力,在短短一年間已換來 了豐富積極的成果,不少學生取得了優異的學習成績。有了社 會各界的支持和捐助,學校將更有信心,進一步發展自行頒授 學位的學士課程,邁向更高目標。在此本人衷心感謝港專各教 職員的辛勤努力,感謝過去多年鼎力支持港專發展的各界人士 和各大機構!全賴大家,港專才有今天的發展。

譚耀宗議員 GBS,JP The Honourable Tam Yiu-chung, GBS, JP

今天,全球經濟體系已呈現新局面,為配合國家的「十二五規 劃」,香港特區政府正積極發展教育產業,並進一步擴充專上 教育的規模,為此推出了多項支援措施,當中包括「自資專上 教育基金」、提供各類獎學金,以及擴展交換生計劃至副學位 課程等。而港專身為本地歷史最悠久及具規模的民辦高等院校, 將會積極行動,繼續投放資源,進一步改善校舍設施;配合本 地教育發展,不斷開發新課程,為學生提供更多多元化的選擇, 為香港培育更多人才,為國家發展繼續作出貢獻。

港專介紹 HKCT Introduction

Over the past year, HKCT has made a great progress in its campuses and teaching facilities enhancement. Thanks to the generous support of the Hong Kong Jockey Club and Wai Yin Association, HKCT Jockey Club Ma On Shan Campus and Hong Kong College of Technology Wai Yin Association Postsecondary Education Building have been in service in this year. HKCT has been in a relatively disadvantaged position for years due to its inadequate infrastructure. Nonetheless, we have successfully built up a strong foothold in the tertiary education sector attributed to our teachers who are committed to education and caring to our students. With the establishment of Ma On Shan Campus and renovation of Ho Man Tin Campus, together with the cutting edge language teaching facilities at our Causeway Bay Campus, which means HKCT is now having the first-class campuses and a wider range of teaching facilities to offer high quality higher education programmes to nurture talent for the society. At HKCT, we place substantial importance upon quality. Though the size of our resources may not be as abundant as with other tertiary institutions, but we endeavour to seek continuous expansion and improve our teaching facilities. Of all self-financed tertiary institutions, HKCT has invested the largest portion of resources in its teaching resources. We are also seeking to consolidate and optimise our campuses and teaching facilities for further education, with a view to making the College’s School of Vocational Training become the best retraining institution in the territory.

HKCT strives to offer high-quality education and training to its students. Our efforts over the past year have been paid off, with many students making remarkable academic achievements. The immense support of various sectors in Hong Kong and their generous donations make us become more confident to develop our own degree programmes. Here I would like to acknowledge the tremendous efforts of our staff, and to express my gratitude to all the people and organisations that supported us over the past years. HKCT would not have made all these brilliant achievements without your patronage. Today, the global economy is undergoing sweeping changes. In response to the mainland's newly launched "12th FiveYear Plan", the Hong Kong SAR government is making an effort to further develop education services and expand its higher education sector. To this end, it has launched a series of supportive measures, including the Self-financing Post-secondary Education Fund, various scholarships and expanding exchange programmes to sub-degree students. As a charitable post-secondary education institution with the longest history in Hong Kong, HKCT will remain proactive and continue to devote substantial resources to the advancement of our teaching facilities and campuses. We will develop more new programmes to cater to the needs of different students, helping Hong Kong nurture a stronger talent pool, and making further contributions to the development of the motherland.


校長的話 Message of the President & Principal 同樣地,港專延續教育的校舍在過去一年也進行了大規模的重 整和提升,以配合再培訓課程發展。我們在紅磡置富都會商場 設立了職業訓練學院的總部和旗艦培訓中心,內設多項實習設 施,包括美容實習室、電腦室、保安實習室等。此外,本校在 何文田、旺角和將軍澳的培訓中心增添了多項嶄新教學設施, 可以說,本校是全港設施最完備的再培訓機構 。 校舍設施的提升,激勵了學生學習。本年度港專學生表現繼續 不負眾望,在學業和課外活動均取得優異的成績。不少同學在 專業考試中力壓其他院校的學生,考獲全港優異的成績;亦有 同學在多個公開比賽中獲取殊榮,當中包括「蘋果日報蘋果創 意廣告獎」、「維港標記設計徵集比賽」及「香港電腦通訊節 2011 潮人創業學習賽」等。此外,港專職業訓練學院的學員今 年在公開考試中再有新突破,逾三百位同學在五個公開考試中 取得優異(Distinction)成績,其中在 LCCI 初級簿記考試有九 位學員考獲滿分,獲頒「Certificate of Excellence」、在 LCCI 中級簿記及會計考試有兩位學員分別考獲全球及香港區金獎和 銀獎。

校長陳卓禧博士 Dr Chan Cheuk-hay 2010 至 11 年度是港專另一個取得豐碩成果的年份,無論在擴

展校舍和提升教學設施、培育學生成長方面,均取得了突出的 成就。 在擴展校舍和提升教學設施方面,港專為高等教育而設的獨立 校舍「港專賽馬會馬鞍山校園」,以及為全日制毅進學生而設 的「港專慧妍雅集大專教學樓」,於 2010 年 9 月如期投入使用, 為老師教學和學生學習提供了良好的環境。馬鞍山校園四周綠 樹環繞,環境清靜優美,內部設立多個美輪美奐的先進實習設 施,可謂一個精品校園。何文田校舍別具風格的圖書館及寬敞 明亮的學生活動室,瀰漫舒適而現代的大專學園氣氛。這兩座 校舍連同銅鑼灣校舍,教學設施首屈一指,訪客無一不感印象 深刻。港專持續不懈地大規模改善校舍設施,彰顯了我校對質 素的堅持和對教育的承擔。更值得一提的是,這三間校舍的裝 修和設施提升,都有賴外界捐助,顯示社會對港專辦學的支持 和肯定。除香港賽馬會和慧妍雅集的大額捐款外,過去一年我 們亦收到多筆捐款。為此,我謹代表港專全體師生,向支持港 專發展的各界人士及各大機構表示衷心謝意!

過去一年,本校同時面對不少挑戰。首屆中學文憑考試將於 2012 年舉行,新高中學制全面推行,本地教育的生態環境大幅 改變。在空隙年,中學畢業生人數銳減,這對自資專上院校是 一艱巨挑戰。不過,港專上下一心,早有準備,利用這個機會 整固和發展。為照顧已完成毅進課程或通用文憑的學生的升學 需要,本校推出了多項一年制文憑課程,開拓了更多學科領域。 此外,我們籌辦多項全新高級文憑課程,新學科涵蓋應用心理 學、公共與社會服務、運動體適能及健康管理、企業傳訊及語 言等。專門提供與海外著名大學合辦的大學學位課程的國際教 育中心,新增多個全日制英國銜接大學學位課程,為修畢副學 位課程的學生提供完善的升學階梯,積極回應首屆中學文憑考 試畢業生的需要,為他們提供更具彈性的升學出路。由港專成 人教育中心所主辦的夜中學,亦在港九新界各區校舍順利推行 新高中課程,並為需要參加最後一次中學會考的學員提供課程。 為適應在職人士進修需要,成教中心同時開辦了港專毅進課程 兼讀班,過去一年廣受歡迎。 特區政府銳意發展香港為區域教育樞紐,本港高等教育將面臨 另一次重大發展和轉變。港專過去十年已成功轉型,成為一所 初具規模的高等教育機構,質素不斷提升。作為建基香港具國 際視野的的民辦專上院校,港專已決定籌辦自行頒授學位的學 士課程,以配合特區政府的政策。為此,我們首先成立了「港 專社會科學研究中心」,為本地的專家學者提供研究交流平台, 深入探討社會議題及相關政策。港專社會科學研究中心的主要 活動,包括進行學術研究、民意調查、舉辦大型研討會及出版 刊物等。港專今年更首次聯合英國大學在香港推出博士學位課 程,為本校高等教育課程發展樹立了新的里程碑,並為未來發 展自資大學學位課程奠定良好的基礎。 明年,港專將會慶祝成立五十五周年,我們將會繼續努力,創 造佳績,將學校推上更高台階,使港專成為本地卓越的民辦高 等院校,為社會、為國家做出更大貢獻。在此我衷心希望社會 各界會繼續支持港專,令我們得以創造更理想的成績!

港專介紹 HKCT Introduction

HKCT made its remarkable achievements in its campus expansion to facility improvement and student development in 2010-11. All these have put the College on a pedestal of excellence. In campus enhancement, HKCT Jockey Club Ma On Shan Campus, which is dedicated to higher education of the College, and Hong Kong College of Technology Wai Yin Association Post-secondary Education Building, which is designed for full-time Project Yi Jin students, which have been in service in September 2010 on schedule. The two campuses offer an ideal environment for both teachers and students. Ma On Shan Campus is surrounded an abundance of plantation in a peaceful environment, complete with a wide array of first-class and the cutting edge teaching facilities, which distinguish itself as a boutique campus. Ho Man Tin Campus houses a uniquely designed library and spacious, brightly-lit multi-function rooms, pertaining to the cosy and modern setting of tertiary institutions. All our visitors are impressed with the cutting-edge facilities of the two new campuses and Causeway Bay Campus. Our relentless efforts in upgrading our campus facilities are driven by our commitment to quality and education. However, we believe all the renovation and enhancement in these campuses would not have been made possible without the generosity of our donors, including Hong Kong Jockey Club and Wai Yin Association, as well as many other individuals and organisations. Their patronage manifests that the contributions of HKCT in education have been widely recognised. On behalf of all teachers and students at HKCT, I would like to express my gratitude to all our donors and supporters. Meanwhile, we have also upgraded and consolidated our campuses of further education to meet the needs of our retraining programmes. We established our School of Vocational Training headquarter at the Fortune Metropolis in Hung Hom, which also serves as a flagship training centre. The premise is equipped with a multitude of new training facilities, which include Beauty Care Practical room, Computer Room, Health Care Practical Room and Security Services Practical Room. We have also installed a range of new teaching facilities at our training centres in Ho Man Tin, Mongkok and Tsueng Kwan O. All these make HKCT become the best retraining institute in Hong Kong. The campus advancements have motivated our students to strive for further excellence. They have accomplished brilliant academic results and excelled in a variety of extra-curricular activities. Some of them outperformed students at other institutions in professional examinations and some students won awards in various competitions, including Apple Daily Advertising Award 2010, Call for Victoria Harbour Icon Design and HKCCF 2011 in Generation Project –Young Enterprise Competition (Beginner) in the Hong Kong Cyberport. In addition, we had more than 300 students from the School of Vocational Training who received a Distinction in five public examinations. Among them, nine achieved full mark and were awarded the “Certificate of Excellence Level 1 – Book-Keeping”, one received the Silver and another received the Gold Awards in the “Country Medallions Level 2 – Book-Keeping and Accounts”. Nonetheless, we also faced challenges in the year. The Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE) will be held in 2012, the higher education sector in Hong Kong is set to undergo drastic changes after the New Senior Secondary


curriculum taking effect. During the gap year, the number of Form Five graduates has been dwindling sharply, posing a challenge to self-financed higher education institutions including HKCT. Nevertheless, we remain undaunted and have prepared for challenges. We take this opportunity to consolidate and redevelop ourselves to strive for further progress. We have already launched a range of one-year diploma programmes in various new disciplines, catering to the needs of students who have completed Project Yi Jin or associate diploma programmes. We have also designed a series of new higher diploma programmes covering disciplines including applied psychology, public and social service, sports, fitness and health and corporate communication and language studies. The Centre of International Education of HKCT, which specialises in offering university courses in collaboration with renowned overseas universities, has launched several full-time top-up programmes from universities in the United Kingdom. These programmes are designed to accommodate the needs of those who have completed an associate degree programme and offer flexible articulation paths to the first batch of HKDSE students. The evening secondary schools across the territory run by HKCT Adult Education Centre have provided New Senior Secondary courses and offered courses for students who sat for the last Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination. To accommodate working adults’ needs for further education, the Adult Education Centre has launched Part-time Project Yi Jin programmes, which have been received overwhelming responses from students over the past year. The Hong Kong SAR government is currently striving to develop Hong Kong as an education hub in the region, which will bring a new set of major changes to the local tertiary education sector. HKCT is ready to embrace changes. Over the past decade, we have transformed ourselves successfully into a wellestablished higher education institution which improved its quality consistently. As a charitable post secondary education institution with its base in Hong Kong, while embracing the world, HKCT is unwavering in its efforts to launch its own degree programmes, in line with the Hong Kong government's education policy. To this end, we have established the HKCT Institute of Social Science, which is involved in conducting academic research and public opinion poll, organising symposiums and publishing. The Institute also provides academics and experts an interactive platform for discussions and conducting research on social issues. In addition, HKCT has joined forces with an UK university to launch its first doctorate degree programme in Hong Kong, which has marked yet another milestone for HKCT's higher education development and laid a good foundation for us to develop selffinanced undergraduate degree programmes in future. HKCT will celebrate its 55th anniversary in 2012. Looking ahead, we will continue to devote great endeavours to establish HKCT as a leading charitable post-secondary institution, and to make greater contributions to society and the motherland. I sincerely hope different sectors from the society would continuously support HKCT to motivate us in accomplishing more remarkable achievements.

港專介紹 HKCT Introduction


港專 2010 –11 年度大事紀要 HKCT 2010 -11 Major Events 20/11 2010 港專賽馬會馬鞍山校園開幕禮 Opening Ceremony of HKCT Jockey Club Ma On Shan Campus

28/11 2010 第八屆副學位頒授典禮 The 8th Congregation of HKCT Sub-Degree Programmes

13/12 2010 專業進修資料服務中心周年聚餐 ISCOPS 20th Anniversary Luncheon

01/03 2011 2011 僱主聚餐

Employers Luncheon 2011

27/03 2011

全港中學校際歌唱大賽 2011

Inter-Secondary Schools Singing Contest 2011

20/06 2011 港專慧妍雅集大專教學樓開幕禮 Opening Ceremony of Hong Kong College of Technology Wai Yin Post-secondary Education Building

08/07 2011 創意設計高級文憑課程畢業展 2011「筆可思議」 Higher Diploma in Creative Design (Integrated Graphic Communication) Graduation Show 2011

22/07 2011 傑出學員頒獎典禮 2011

Outstanding Students Presentation Ceremony 2011

昂首闊步 成就卓越 Strutting and Achieving Excellence

高等教育 Higher Education 港專高等教育包括應用科技學部、國際教育中心、商學部、人 文與社會科學學部、通用教育學部及語言傳意學部,提供多項 全日制專上課程,包括副學士學位、高級文憑、文憑、毅進課 程及通用文憑,範疇涵蓋社會工作、創意設計、語文傳意、資 訊科技、旅遊酒店、工商管理及專業會計等。

應用科技學部 推出多項職業導向文憑課程 學部 2010/11 學年為中學畢業生推出職業導向的專業文憑課程。 課程類別涵蓋平面設計、室內設計、網絡安全和多媒體。此外, 學部亦與整體美容概念學院合作,為將來有意投身職業健康和 美容行業的青少年開辦一年制美容師文憑課程。

舉辦連串活動培養學生全人發展 學部特別著重培養學生全人發展,今年在課堂以外安排了一連 串學生活動及交流實習計劃,當中包括: • • • • • • • • •

有機農場植物拓染 (2010 年 10 月 27 日 ) 歌賦圍牆懷舊旅程嘉年華 (2010 年 12 月 11 日 ) 參觀廣告公司 (2011 年 3 月 21 日 ) 鯉魚報平安關愛行動 - 鯉魚圖創作及網站製作 (2011 年 4 月 ) 實習計劃 - 北京實習 2011 香港電腦及通訊節 2011 - 學生銷售攤位 參觀香港科學園第二期 BCS(HK) Mentorship Programme 2010 Digital Game Industrial Seminar

此外,學部亦特別為學生安排海外交流及考察活動,並於 2010 年 5 月 22 至 26 日舉辦為期五天的台北藝術之旅。旅程包括參 觀當地藝術團體及廣告公司,與多名藝術家、設計人員會面, 進行交流及集體創作。

筆可思議畢業作品展 今年,學部再度為高級文憑藝術與設計系畢業生舉行畢業展。 展覽於 2011 年 7 月 8 至 11 日假九龍塘創新中心地下舉行。今 年,展覽以「筆可思議」為主題,因為「筆」對此班創意設計 (綜合平面設計傳達)高級文憑課程畢業生而言,具有多重意 義。「筆」除了是他們在設計過程中所需要的工具外,亦代表 著他們這班本地未來設計的生力軍,以「筆」創造出無窮無盡、 難以想像及不可思議的設計。 學部於 7 月 8 日晚上舉行開幕禮,並由校長陳卓禧博士及副校長 (高等教育)陳根錦博士主持。在典禮中,兩位主持了一項別 開生面的儀式:各人手持學生製造的「巨筆」,在展覽佈景板 上簽名,以示對學生支持及預祝活動成功。

昂首闊步 成就卓越 Strutting and Achieving Excellence


HKCT Higher Education including the Division of Applied Technology, Centre of International Education, Division of Business, Division of Humanities and Social Sciences, Centre of Foundation Studies and Centre of Languages and Communication, which provide a spectrum of full-time postsecondary education programmes covering areas of social work, design, language, information technology, tourism, business administration and accounting, etc.

Division of Applied Technology Launch of Various Career-Oriented Diploma Programmes The Division offered a number of career-oriented diploma programmes for the academic year 2010/2011, covering areas including graphic design, interior design, network security and multimedia. The Division also collaborated with the Universal Beauty Concept Institute to offer a one-year Diploma in Beauty Therapy for young people intending to pursue a career in the health and beauty industry.

Organize Various Activities to Promote Students All-Round Development The Division places substantial importance upon students’ allround development. To this end, it offered a variety of extracurricular activities this year, including:

• Natural Plant Dyeing Bag at Organic Farms (27 October, 2010) • Gough Festival 2010 – A Nostalgic Carnival (11 December, 2010) • Visit Advertising Company (21 March, 2011) • Carp of Blessing – Carp design and website design (April, 2011) • Beijing Internship 2011 • Hong Kong Computer & Communications Festival 2011 – Exhibition Booth • Visit to Hong Kong Science Park Phase 2 • BCS(HK) Mentorship Programme 2010 • Digital Game Industrial Seminar

B e s i d e s , t h e D i v i s i o n a l s o h e l d a f i v e - d a y Ta i p e i a r t exchange programme between 22 and 26 May 2010. During the trip, students visited local art groups and advertising companies and met with local artists and designers to exchange ideas and form groups to create new works.

Graduation Show The annual Graduation Show for Art & Design students this year was held at Inno Centre, Kowloon Tong, between 8 and 11 July. The theme of the exhibition was "penning for incredible ideas", which carried various layers of meaning for students of the Art & Design Higher Diploma Programme (Integrated Graphic Communication). Pen is an essential tool in design, and with it students can unlock their imagination and create great designs. The exhibition was inaugurated in the evening of 8 July. HKCT President & Principal Dr Chan Cheuk-hay and the College’s Vice President (Higher Education) Dr Chan Kan-kam officiated the event, which featured a unique ceremony where guests used huge pens created by students to sign their names on a board to show support for the students and wish them a successful exhibition.

藝術與設計系學生取得多項公開比賽獎項 2010-2011 Awards Won by Art & Design Students in 2010-2011 學生公開比賽成績優異 今個學年同學踴躍參加多個公開比賽,成績斐然。當中莫子奇同學更勇奪 九項獎項,獲獎學生名錄如下:

Students Achievements in Open Competitions This year, many HKCT students took part in and won in a variety of open competitions. They included Mok Tsz-ki, who bagged a total of nine awards. The winning students list stated below:

學生 Student

獎項 Award

莫子奇 Mok Tsz Ki 「香港安全標誌巴士車身設計比賽」


Hong Kong Safety Mark Bus Advertising Panel Design Competition

Tertiary Group Second Runner-up



Annual Promotion Campaign on Information Security Logo Design Contest

Student Group Second Runner-up





職安 Power 全起動 10/11「職安 SafeTee 設計比賽」


Starbucks Charm Tumbler “Hong Kong Culture” Design Competition

Final 10

1st Visual Design Competition of 2010 International Printed Circuit & Electronics Assembly Fair


Esprit 兔年 T 恤設計大賽 Esprit Design World


好香港海報設計大賽 Good Hong Kong Poster

Final 12 (The only winning entry from Hong Kong)


梁思銘 Leung Sze Ming 蘋果日報蘋果創意廣告獎 2010 Apple Daily Advertising Award 2010

「學界創意平面廣告獎」銅獎 Copper Award

潘麗珍 Poon Lai Chun 「維港標記設計徵集比賽」學生組 Call for Victoria Harbour Icon Design

優勝作品 Winning Entry

文啓光 Man Kai Kwong 無毒有愛 - 網上遊戲設計比賽


昂首闊步 成就卓越 Strutting and Achieving Excellence

課程獲頒獎項 除學生表現優異外,學部兩個高級文憑課程獲「電腦學高級文 憑」及「創意設計高級文憑」獲香港資訊及通訊科技獎頒發最 佳專業發展(資訊及通訊科技行業)獎優異證書及最佳專業發 展 ( 非資訊及通訊科技行業 ) 獎優異證書。

工作坊訓練。參加者完成工作坊並順利通過內部考試後,會獲 發思科證書。參加者反應熱烈,反映學部與思科網絡建立的伙 伴合作關係,有助加強課程發展。


電腦學高級文憑課程獲其他專業機構 的認可

港專繼續成為香港的「思科網絡技術學院」,並致力協助任教 「電腦學高級文憑」的導師獲取思科認證的培訓師資格,以提 升課程教學質素。此外,學部亦為港專的學生及校友提供思科

除獲香港工程師學會認可外,本校電腦學高級文憑課程亦由 2011 年開始獲資訊科技統籌員協會 (ITCA) 認可電腦學高級文 憑課程。畢業生可成為 ITCA 會員,並可享有各種會員福利。

Programme Awards During the year, two higher diploma programmes Higher Diploma in Computer Studies and Higher Diploma in Creative Design of the Division have won the Best Professional Development (ICT Professional Award) Certificate of Merit and the Best Professional Development (Other Professional Award) Certificate of Merit at the Hong Kong ICT Awards.

workshop and a related examination, participants will receive a Cisco certificate. The workshops have been proved widely popular, which reflects the value of the partnership between the Division and Cisco in enhancing the quality of its programmes.

Strengthen Partnerships with Cisco

Recognition from Other Professional Bodies on Higher Diploma in Computer Studies

HKCT continuously becomes Cisco Networking Academy in Hong Kong. The College is committed to helping our teaching staff to obtain the recognition as Cisco Certified Trainers so as to improve the overall quality of its Higher Diploma in Computer Studies programmes. The Division also offers a variety of workshops to students and alumni. Upon completion of a

HKCT is an institute recognised by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. In 2011, the HKCT programme of Higher Diploma in Computer Studies also earned the recognition from the Information Technology Coordinator Association (ITCA). Graduates of the programme can become ITCA members and enjoy various member benefits.


國際教育中心 推出多項新課程, 為學生安排大規模考察活動

舉辦研討會及活動, 協助業界提升專業發展

國際教育中心於 2010 年 9 月正式成立,並開辦了三個文憑 ( 專 科文憑課程 ( 建築 )、專科文憑課程 ( 電機 )、專科文憑(創意 設計));兩個高級文憑 ( 屋宇建造高級文憑課程、電機電子工 程高級文憑課程 );六個學士學位 ( 設施管理榮譽學士、建造工 程項目管理榮譽學士、工料測量榮譽學士、土木工程榮譽學士、 電機電子工程榮譽學士、中國語言文學學士 ) 和一個碩士課程 ( 中國經濟法專業法學碩士 )。

在城市與環境建造中心 (CUBE) 主席 Andrew Platten 博士的領 導下,中心為業界成功舉辦了一系列持續專業發展研討會。在 2010/11 期間,CUBE 合共舉行二十二次的研討會。研討會的 主題主要包括三個不同的範疇:健康和安全、實用、建築信息 建模和可再生能源。每次研討會出席人數百分比率高達百分之 九十。

中心在 2011 年初獲土木工程拓展署 (CEDD) 安 排,讓修讀土 木工程學生可以實地考察屬香港政府的十大基建項目之一的啟 德發展計劃的施工現場,使本校成為首家考察如此大規模政府 發展計劃的本地專上學院。

此外,中心在 2011 年 10 月 8 日與香港測量師學會舉辦一項持 續專業發展活動。當日,中心安排學員參觀前大澳警署。在此 次合作的基礎下,中心計劃為業界安排參觀大澳和大嶼山,作 為從業員三小時持續進修課程。



中心一直與不同專業學會建立合作伙伴關係,當中包括英國特 許建造學會、香港實務工程師學會、營運工程師學會、香港副 工程師學會、工程監督及建設監理學會 ( 香港 ) 和英國特許市 務學會 ( 香港 ) 等。此外,英國中央蘭開夏大學在 2011 年 3 月到訪本校,其後更獲該校成功批核兩個本科課程:理學士(榮 譽)項目管理和理學士(榮譽)設施管理課程。

三名報讀設施管理學士學位課程的畢業生(林嘉如同學、容麗 莎同學和盧芷翎同學)於 2011 年 6 月 22 日參與在香港數碼港 舉行的國際設施管理學會香港分會 (IFMA) 世界職業國際會議, 表現出眾,獲頒發優秀演繹獎,各人獲取一千美元獎學金。

昂首闊步 成就卓越 Strutting and Achieving Excellence


Centre of International Education Launch of New Programmes and Site Visit The Centre of International Education (CIE) has been established in September 2010. It offered a total of three diplomas (Diploma in Professional Studies (Building Technology), Diploma in Professional Studies (Electrical), Diploma in Creative Industries ), two higher diplomas (Higher Diploma in Building Technology, Higher Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering), six Bachelor degrees (BSc(Hons) Facilities Management, BSc(Hons) Construction Project Management, BSc(Hons) Quantity Surveying, BSc(Hons) Civil Engineering, BEng(Hons) Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Bachelor's of Chinese Language & Literature), and one master vprogramme (Master of Chinese Economic Law) were run. In early 2011, CIE joined the Civil Engineering and Development Depa r t me nt (C ED D) t o or ga nise a s it e visit t o K a i Ta k Development Site, It was the first local institution to pay on-site visit to such a large-scale government development project.

Establish an Extensive Network with Professional Groups and Overseas Universities CIE maintains close ties with various professional organisations, encompassing various professional bodies, including the Chartered Institute of Building, the Hong Kong Institution of Incorporated Engineers, the Society of Operations Engineers, the Institute of Clerks of Works and Construction Inspectorate, and the Chartered Institute of Marketing Hong Kong. In March, University of Central Lancashire from the U.K. paid a visit to the College and granted accredited status to two bachelor’s degree programmes of CIE, namely BSc (Hons) Construction Project Management and BSc (Hons) Facilities Management.

Organize CPD Seminars to Uplift Industry Development The Centre of Urban and Built Environment (CUBE) has organised a series of activities under the directorship of Dr Andrew Platten. In 2010 and 2011, CUBE held a total of 22 Continued Professional Development (CPD) seminars, which covered three major areas: health and safety, utility, building information modelling (BIM) and renewable energy and the attendance rate for all seminars was high, at about 90%. On 8 October 2011, CIE and the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors organised a CPD event, whereby CIE student visited the former Tai O Police Station, Leveraging this collaboration, CIE plans to organise further visits to Tai O and other parts of the island as a three-hour CPD certificate course for students.

Students Achievements in International Conference Many CIE students made remarkable achievements this year. Three graduates of our BSc (Hon) Facilities Management, namely Carrie Lam, Cathleen Lo and Lisa Yung achieved excellent results at the Hong Kong Chapter of International Facility Management Association (IFMA) World Workplace Asia Conference & Expo held at Cyberport, Hong Kong Island, on 22 June 2011. The three delivered top performance in front of the panel of judges from overseas countries. Each was awarded with a certificate of merits and a US$1,000 scholarship.

商學部 為學生安排多項講座及國內交流活動


今年本學部繼續為修讀工商管理高級文憑 ( 市場 ) 課程的全日 制學生,安排參與不同行業講座及公開比賽。當中包括由香港 市務學會舉辦的「從《個人資料(私隱)條例》下市務營銷何 去何從!」研討會,智經研究中心主辦的「第二屆智經領袖論 壇 -「十二.五」規劃下香港的角色」和英國特許市務學會 ( 香 港 ) 的「2010 數碼媒體營銷會議」 等講座及工作坊。為增加 學員對國內營銷市場最新發展情況的認識,今年本學部繼續安 排學員到清華大學深圳研究生院進行交流,及到訪當地多間國 家企業。

學部今年為學生安排多項不同類型課外活動,提供他們更多互 動學習的機會,亦提高他們對業界的認識。其中在 2011 年 8 月, 學員及導師參與了「基督教關懷無家者協會」的義工活動,其 學生表現獲得協會正面的評價。此外,本學部亦安排學生參加 了「第三十九屆香港旅行社協會年度大會──三亞之旅」及「全 港大專生美國暑期工作交流計劃」等活動,讓他們汲取海外交 流及工作經驗。

此外,本學部繼續協助修讀會計學高級文憑的學員參加深圳學 習體驗計劃,安排他們到不同的商業機構作短期實習,親身接 觸當地業內實務工作,提升他們未來升學及就業的競爭力。

今年暑假,學部為二年級同學舉行「2011 學部澳門行」,增進 他們對澳門旅遊及款待業的認識。在旅程中,特別邀請英皇娛 樂酒店酒店經理郭文忠先生為學員安排分享會,介紹澳門酒店 業發展及參觀其酒店。此外,學生亦參觀了澳門旅遊塔會展娛 樂中心、聖地牙哥古堡酒店、新葡京酒店、媽祖文化村和澳門 大熊貓館等。是次旅程均能進一步加深了學生對當地酒店業的 認識。

2011 學部澳門行

Division of Business Arrange Several Mainland Seminars and Exchange Programmes for Students

Give back to Society and Broaden Industry Knowledge

As in previous years, many students of Higher Diploma in Business Administration (Marketing) participated in different professional seminars and open competitions this year, including talks and workshops entitled “Marketer! How to survive under data privacy ordinance” seminar which was organised by the Hong Kong Institute of Marketing, “Bauhinia Thought Leaders Forum 2010 Hong Kong’s roles under the National 12th FiveYear Plan” organised by the Bauhinia Foundation Research Centre and “Digital Media Marketing Conference 2010” by The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM). The Division also organised a new student tour to the Tsinghua University Graduate School at Shenzhen to enable students to learn about the latest development of the mainland's marketing sector and visit a number of state-run enterprises.

The Division held a variety of extra-curricular activities for students with a view to broadening their industry knowledge. In August 2011, students and lecturers joined the Christian Concern for Homeless Association as volunteers and the students' efforts were praised by the association. During the year, the students also participated in the 39th Annual Overseas Convention in Sanya, held by the 39th Hong Kong Association of Travel Agents, and the Work and Travel USA Program. These events enhanced students' overseas experience and widened their horizon in the hospitality and tourism industry.

It also organised the annual Shenzhen study tour for students of the Higher Diploma in Accounting programme. They also joined the short-term internship programme to gain practical work experience at private companies in the mainland which effectively enhanced their competitiveness in terms of pursuing further education and in the job market.

Macau Study Tour 2011 The Division also launched the Macau Study Tour this summer for Year 2 students, with the aim of deepening students' knowledge in the tourism and hospitality industry of Macau. During the trip, students joined a seminar hosted by Grand Emperor Hotel, Macau manager Hermann Kwok, who gave an overview of the hotel development in Macau as well as a tour visit in the Grand Emperor Hotel, Macau. The tour also featured visits to the Macau Tower, Pousada De Sao Tiago Hotel, Grand Lisboa Hotel, A-Ma Cultural Village and the Macao Giant Panda Pavilion. On the whole, the programme deepened students' knowledge of the hostel sector.

昂首闊步 成就卓越 Strutting and Achieving Excellence

與美國註冊財務策劃師香港管理中心 合辦「 2011 財務策劃個案分析比賽」 為提高本港青少年的個人理財知識及培養他們建立正確的理財 價值觀,學部首次與美國註冊財務策劃師協會香港管理中心合 辦「2011 財務策劃個案分析比賽」。比賽主題為「80 後個人理 財」。參賽同學以個案分析為本,蒐集相關財務資料,進行互 動討論及撰寫報告,從而提升他們對專業理財的認識。在活動 過程中,美國註冊財務策劃師協會為參賽同學提供免費理財工 作坊,由專業理財顧問教授他們正確的理財知識,並分析成功 個案。是次比賽反應十分熱烈,七十五位高級文憑及毅進課程 的同學,組成十八隊參賽隊伍參加比賽。經評判團評審後,大 會選出表現最優異的三支參賽隊伍,在港專賽馬會馬鞍山校園 舉行的總決賽,競逐各大獎項。結果由本校修讀商貿學高級文 憑 ( 金融 ) 學生所組成的隊伍取得冠軍。

Collaborate with Hong Kong Management Office of the Registered Financial Planners Institute to Organize 2011 Financial Planning Case Competition With a view to enhancing youngsters' knowledge in financial planning and promoting a positive value in financial management, the Division and the Hong Kong Management Office of the Registered Financial Planners Institute co-organised the 2011 Financial Planning Case Competition. The competition, held under the theme of "financial planning of the post-1980s", required participants to analyse a particular case, conduct discussions and write a report. During the competition, the Registered Financial Planners Institute invited participants to financial planning workshops where professional financial planners shared with them tips on financial management and analysed positive cases. The competition was well received, with 75 higher diploma and Project Yi Jin students taking part and forming 18 groups. Three best-performing teams were chosen to enter the final held at HKCT Ma On Shan Campus. Eventually, students from the Higher Diploma in Business (Finance) won the first prize.

學生公開比賽表現優異 會計系學生繼續在公開比賽取得優異成績。在 2011 年 4 月 16 日舉行的香港財務會計協會會計及商業管理個案比賽(大專組) 中,四支由十四名修讀會計學高級文憑課程及會計學(副修銀 行學)課程會計系學生組成的隊伍取得卓越表現。此外,學生 在 2010 年 11 月 20 日的特許公認會計師公會(香港分會)大專 生商業策劃大比拚中,奪得評判嘉許獎。

就業及升學前景理想 在 2010/11 學年期間,多名修讀會計學高級文憑畢業生成功投 身於會計師行業、商業機構及政府部門。當中多名會計學(副 修銀行學)畢業生被本地銀行聘用。至於繼續升學的畢業同學, 大部分都選擇在本地或海外大學修讀學位課程。

Students Dazzling Performance in Open Competitions During the year, our students achieved excellent results in open competitions. Four teams formed by 14 students won the Outstanding Performance Award in the HKIAAT Accounting and Business Management Cases Competition 2010-2011 hosted by the Hong Kong Institute of Accredited Accounting Technicians (HKIAAT). The competition was held on 16 April 2011. Some of HKCT students also won the Judges’ Commendation in the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, Hong Kong Branch (ACCA) Hong Kong Business Competition 2010 on 20 November 2010.

A Good Future upon Graduation In 2010 and 2011, many graduates of the Higher Diploma in Accounting joined the accounting sector, private companies or government institutions. Some Accounting (with Banking) graduates have been hired by local banks. Most graduates who chose to pursue further education went on to do a degree programme at a local or overseas university.


人文與社會科學學部 推廣人本服務的理念及價值

參與「 2011 社工日」

為了向社區各界人士推廣人本服務的精神及價值,本學部於 2010 年 11 月 20 日港專賽馬會馬鞍山校園開放日舉行當日,與 社會工作系會共同安排了特別的遊戲體驗活動及攝影展覽。兩 項活動以「關懷弱勢社群、維護社會公義」為主題,以引起社 區人士對本港貧富懸殊問題的關注。當日參加者反應熱烈,活 動既有助加強他們對社會弱勢社群的關注,亦使他們進一步認 識港專賽馬會馬鞍山校園的多項嶄新設施。

「2011 社工日」是由香港多個社會工作組織為響應世界社工日 而舉辦。學部成員今年繼續參與「2011 社工日」,並擔任籌備 委員會的成員,為師生安排參與一連串的社工日活動,包括研 討會、長跑比賽,以行動展示社會工作者積極樂觀的專業形象。

舉辦「社會工作學生會議」 2011 年 3 月 19 日,學部及社會工作系會合辦「第六屆社會工作

學生會議暨第六屆社會工作系會就職典禮」。會議主題為「香港 社會福利規劃的願景」,大會邀請了立法會議員、學者、香港 社會服務聯會代表、前線社工和社工學生一同回顧及探討香港 社會福利的未來發展,當天有近百人出席會議,包括張國柱議 員、黃洪教授及香港社會服務聯會業務總監 ( 服務發展 ) 陳榮 亮博士等。

學生外訪與交流活動 2010 年 10 月 16 至 20 日,學部教師帶領三名來自基層家庭的

社會工作副學士學位學生及港專學生,參加由慧妍雅集主辦的 「上海世博展覽會慈善團」。他們包括路德會啟聾學校的聽障 學生,以達成他們體驗世界的夢想。是次活動甚具意義,亦有 助各同學增廣見聞,令各人非常欣喜。 此外,學部亦鼓勵學生參與不同的交流活動,並資助四名學生 於 2011 年 8 月 1 至 5 日前往澳門,參加「四地傑出社會工作學 生學術交流研討會」,與內地、台灣和澳門不同院校的社工學 生交流。在交流會期間,同學參觀了澳門長者服務機構及澳門 社會工作局,並就長者議題進行學術探討。

成立實務中心,推動社會發展 學部今年特別成立實務中心,以舉辦培訓活動為發展重點,推 動社會發展。過去一年,進行了多項性別意識培訓活動,包括 在 4 月 18 日為教育局培訓新高中通識教育科老師的課程及於 7 月 16 日為香港女障協進會的工作坊提供訓練。此外,教職員於 七月及八月為勞工及褔利局的「性別相關訓練」擔任講者。各 項訓練課程對象包括中學教師、殘疾婦女和新入職的行政主任。 另外,教職員應廣州啟創社會服務中心邀請,前往廣州與該中 心的同工交流,並就個別工作項目充當顧問,提供意見。

畢業生就業及升學前景理想 於 2009/10 年度,本部的全日制及兼讀制社會工作副學士學位 課程畢業生合共有一百人,部分人更在完成學業後迅速找到相 關工作職位,就業率高達 90%。

昂首闊步 成就卓越 Strutting and Achieving Excellence


Division of Humanities and Social Sciences Promote the Rationales and Values of Human Services To promote the people-centred value in social service, the Division joined hands with the Society of Social Work to organise a special simulation game and photo exhibition during the Open Day of the HKCT Jockey Club Ma On Shan Campus on 20 November 2010. Held under the theme of “Caring for the Deprived Groups, Ensuring Social Justice”, the game and the photo exhibition were designed to raise community concerns over the widening poverty gap in Hong Kong. The events attracted many participants and visitors, who were encouraged to show more care for deprived groups in society. They were also shown a variety of new facilities of the HKCT Jockey Club Ma On Shan Campus.

Student Visit and Exchange Activities Teaching staff of the Division led three students of the Association Degree in Social Work Programme and another HKCT student to join the Wai Yin Association Shanghai Expo Charity Tour between 16 and 20 October 2010. Through the event organised by the Wai Yin Association, the students travelled with hearing impaired students from Lutheran School for the Deaf and had the chance to see the world. All were delighted to have taken part in the meaningful event to widen their horizon. The Division always encourages students to join various exchange activities. It subsidised four students to join the Conference among social work students from Mainland, Taiwan, Macau & Hong Kong,” which was held from 1 to 5 August 2011 in Macau. At the conference, the participating students exchanged their views on different issues. During their stay in Macau, HKCT students visited some elderly services agencies in Macau and the Macau Social Welfare Bureau. They also took part in academic discussions on elderly issues.

Participate in Social Work Day 2011 2011 Social Work Day was co-organised by various social work organisations in support of the World Social Work Day. The Division once again participated in the event, and served as the member of the organising committee, the Division encouraged its teaching staff and students to join a series of Social Work Day events, including a conference and a long run competition, all of which effectively accentuated the positive and optimistic image of social workers.

Social Work Student Conference On 19 March 2011, the Division collaborated with the Society of Social Work to organise the Sixth Student Conference-cumInaugural Ceremony of the Sixth Executive Committee of the Society of Social Work. The Conference was held under the theme “The Vision of Social Welfare Planning in Hong Kong”. It provided a platform for social work students to review and discuss the development of social welfare planning in Hong Kong with guests. Guests included legislators, academics, representatives of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service and frontline social workers. Around 100 participants took part in the event, including Hon Cheung Kwok-che, Professor Wong Hung and Dr Timothy Chan Wing-leong.

Establish Practice Centre to Foster Society Development The Practice Centre established by the Division has held many activities to promote social progress since its inception. For the past year, the Division conducted numerous training programmes on gender sensitivity. They included a training course serving the Education Bureau and designed to train teachers specialising in the Liberal Studies Curriculum of the New Senior Secondary (NSS) on 18 April 2011. It also provided training support for a workshop held by the Association of Women with Disabilities Hong Kong on 16 July. In July and August, members of the Division's teaching staff appeared as speakers in a series of gender-related training workshops organised by the Labour and Welfare Bureau. Participants of these training programmes included secondary school teachers, women with disabilities and newly recruited Executive Officers. Members of the Division have recently been invited by the Qi Chuang Social Work Service Centre in Guangzhou to exchange views on various issues with staff of the centre. They also provided consultancy to particular service projects.

Promising Prospects for Graduates In the year 2009/10, a total of 100 full-time and part-time students graduated from the Associate Degree of Social Work Programmes (Full-time and Part-time), and 90% of graduates landed a job in the social service sector shortly after their graduation.

通用教育學部 學員數目大幅增加 在 2010/11 學年,通用教育學部的全日制通用文憑及毅進計劃 的學員人數大幅增加至一千七百名,成為全港毅進課程學生人 數最多的院校之一,成績令人鼓舞。為滿足學生報讀課程需要, 學部推出多項課程,涵蓋不同的行業範疇,當中較受學員歡迎 的課程包括紀律部隊、旅遊及康樂、藝術及設計、資訊科技、 社會科學、會計及商業學科等。

應用學習課程深受中學歡迎 為配合新高中學制,學部繼續提供四個香港中學文憑的應用學 習課程,包括項目策劃及運作、資訊娛樂節目製作、認識香港 法律及中小企實用電腦會計。報讀課程的學生數目超過四百多 人,成績理想。

和同學生分成小組,探訪居住在油尖旺區的獨居長者,為他們 打掃及維修家居。學生全情投入參與活動,體現互助互愛精神, 令受訪老人倍覺溫暖。 學部安排八十位學生在 2011 年 3 月 13 日由慧妍雅集舉辦的 「慧妍 X Canon 繽 FUN 植樹慈善行」擔任義工,協助活動成功 進行。學生藉著參與活動,一方面培養團隊合作及組織能力外, 另一方面亦可身體力行地參與公益活動,回饋社會。 除義工活動外,學部亦安排八名就讀通用文憑的同學,參加在 將軍澳新都城中心舉行的新春年宵攤位活動。當日各參與同學 積極為攤位做準備,例如設計產品、人手分配、財務安排等。 而導師亦在準備過程中為同學解釋營商的重點及各項細節,同 學都能利用平日在課程學到的知識把問題逐一解決。他們表示, 此次難得的營銷經驗,大大提升了他們的溝通技巧及處事能力。



於本學年修讀本學部課程的畢業生,大都選擇升讀副學士或高 級文憑課程。選擇全職工作的畢業學員發展亦甚為理想,不少 人成功投身與課程相關的行業,例如香港警隊及電視廣播有限 公司等,反映課程能為學生提供全面訓練,滿足他們升學及就 業的需要。

兩位修讀毅進計劃商科證書的胡梓軒同學和駱駿浩同學代表港 專參加由香港物流及運輸學會舉辦的「2011 年大專生學藝比 賽」。經過數月的密集式集訓、資料搜集及題目操練,結果在 比賽中獲得優異獎。



為使學生將課堂內所學到的知識在日常生活中融會貫通,學部 今年特別為學生安排不同類型的學生活動,提升他們的全人發 展,當中包括邀請業內專家到校進行客席講座,並為學生安排 參觀及實地考察行內不同機構。此外,又積極鼓勵學生參與社 區服務及公開比賽,讓他們汲取更多學習經驗,增強各自信心。 當中包括在 2011 年 1 月 23 日舉行的「新春送暖關愛長者」活 動。當日,共有三百名學生及十多位老師響應出席活動。老師

通用教育學部繼續為高中離校生研發新課程。當中,包括推出 資訊娛樂節目製作與廣播文憑,把學生的興趣轉化成實用課程, 讓他們學習專業的知識,包括節目製作及語言傳意等,有助他 們的職業生涯發展。 而本年度推出的專科文憑(紀律部隊副修體適能),主要以加 強語言能力、體適能及紀律部隊知識為藍本,為他們投考相關 的職位作好準備。

昂首闊步 成就卓越 Strutting and Achieving Excellence


Centre of Foundation Studies Sharp Rise in Students Intake In the academic year 2010/11, the number of full-time students of Associate Diploma programmes and Project Yi Jin at CFS rose sharply to 1,700, making itself as the one of the tertiary institutions having larger number of student enrolments in PYJ programmes. The Centre launched a variety of programmes covering different specializations related to Disciplinary Forces, Tourism and Recreation Studies, Arts and Design, IT Applications, Social Studies, Accounting, and Business were the most popular.

Applied Learning Programmes Well Received by Secondary Schools The Centre offers four Applied Learning programmes as electives of the Hong Kong Diploma in Secondary Education (HKDSE) to align with the launch of the New Senior Secondary curriculum. They include Events Planning & Operation, Infotainment Production, Understanding HK Law and Practical Accounting for SMEs (small and medium enterprises). The programmes have proved popular, with more than 400 students enrolled.

Further Education and Career Development of Graduates The Centre also recorded a high rate of further education among its graduates, with the majority of them going on to join associate degree or higher diploma programmes. Those who opted for full-time employment have been able to work in areas of their specialisations, including the Hong Kong Police and Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB). This reflects the comprehensive training of the programmes that effectively facilitates their further education or career development.

Broaden Students Exposure To enable students to put in practice their classroom knowledge, the Centre has organised a variety of activities aimed to promote students' all-round development. It has invited experts of particular industries to speak at talks and also organised visits and field study. Students were encouraged to participate in community services and open competitions to broaden their learning experience and build up their confidence. On 23 January, the Centre held the event “Chinese New Year Warmth-Giving for Elderly”. More than 300 CFS students and more than 10 full-time members of our staff took part in the

activity as volunteers. The participants were divided into groups to visit elderly people living alone in Yau Tsim Mong District and helped them clean and repair their households. The elderly were very delighted to meet the students and get help from them. Two months later, on 13 March 2011, the Centre led 80 students to take part in “Wai Yin x Canon – Walk For Charity‧Plant For Fund” as volunteers. The event offered an opportunity for the students to learn to work in a team and enhance their organizing skill while doing their bit to give back to society through a charitable initiative. During the Chinese New Year, eight associate diploma students hosted a Chinese New Year fair stall at Metro City Plaza, Tseung Kwan O. The undertaking was a good opportunity for students to gain practical knowledge in running a business, including product design, human resource allocation and finance arrangement. In setting up the stall, the students were guided by their instructors on the key to running the business and various details. The students were thus able to make use of classroom knowledge to find solutions to different problems. The experience also enhanced their communication and interpersonal skills.

Students Achievements in Open Competition Thanks to months of intensive training, research and mock tests, two Project Yi Jin students Wu Tsz-hin and Lok Chun-ho won the Merit Award in the Student Day 2011, a case competition related to logistics industry that was organised by the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, Hong Kong.

Launch of New Programmes for Secondary School Leavers CFS continued to develop new programmes for secondary school leavers. The new Diploma in Infotainment Production and Broadcasting is designed to offer students the opportunity to study a subject they are interested in. The course equips students with professional skills in areas such as production and broadcasting, language and communication skills, helping them lay a good foundation for their future career. The new Diploma for Tertiary Studies (Disciplinary Forces with Physical Fitness) aims to build up students' language proficiency as well as physical fitness, and equip them with fundamental knowledge in related disciplines that facilitates them to join disciplinary forces.

語言傳意學部 開辦語言新課程 學部成功開辦全日制的新課程「日本語言文化應用文憑」及「韓 國語言文化應用文憑」並於 2011 年 9 月開課。本課程並獲宜 新文化科技出版(香港)有限公司與大新書局(香港)有限公 司支持課程教學支援,讓學生在語言中心使用電子產品「點讀 筆」,方便學習外語。

撰寫報章專欄《英語筆欄》 自 2010 年 11 月至今,學部應《文匯報》邀請為專欄《英語筆欄》 定期撰稿(寓意英語「不難」) 。專欄內容天南地北,由古至今、 中外文化無所不談,文筆深入淺出,推出至今反應熱烈。其中 「港式英語」的主題更引起傳媒興趣。有電視台採訪本校師生, 邀請其分享對社會所關注議題的看法。

擴闊學生國際視野 走出課室,接觸外界是學習語言的好機會。2011 年 2 月澳門大 學邀請港專學生參與澳大英語節,和當地大學的師生透過主題 講座、互動工作坊等活動以英語交流,交換學習英語的心得, 為一次難得的經驗。

過去一年,學部致力推動中國文學及文化,其舉辦的各項活動 讓港專師生得以連繫世界,擴闊國際視野。當中包括中學師生 有份參與的「黃河浪文學創作國際研討會」、夥同香港大學、 北京大學、澳門大學、廈門大學、東亞細亞文化研究中心等合 作的「承傳與創新──文化研究國際研討會」、在珠海舉行的 「錢鍾書、唐文標、林煥彰與兩岸四地文學現象國際研討會議」、 「隱地與華文文學兩岸三地學術研討會」,以及「世界華文文 學夏威夷國際研討會」等。

質素提升津貼計劃 學部獲教育局「質素提升津貼計劃」撥出港幣一百六十五萬元 開展「語言中心計劃」,並於 2011 年 1 月下旬舉行的國際研討 會圓滿作結。研討會參與者分享整個計劃的經驗及得着,並與 來自本地以至澳門、北京、新加坡、英國的學界及專業代表交 流語言教育的心得,對日後教學裨益良多。

Centre of Languages and Communication New Language Programmes In September 2011, the Centre launched two new full-time programmes, Diploma in Applied Japanese Language and Culture and Diploma in Applied Korean Language and Culture. It has won the sponsorship of Yi-Hsin Technology and Publishing (Hong Kong) and Da Hsin Publishing House (Hong Kong) on the programmes teaching support which provides students pen readers to facilitate their studies.

Newspaper Column Since November 2010, the Centre has been contributing to the Wen Wei Po column, which features everything from current affairs to history to Eastern and Western cultures. Using simple language to explain profound ideas, the column has been well received since its launch, and the "Hong Kong English" series has drawn media interest, with a TV channel interviewing some HKCT students and teaching staff who shared their views on issues of common concern.

A Wider World for Students One of the best ways to learn a language is to get out there and see the real world. In February 2011, HKCT students took part in the English Festival at the invitation of the University of Macau. The event offered a great opportunity for students to practice their English skills and share their English-learning experience with Macau students and teachers at forums and workshops.

For the past year, the Centre endeavoured to promote Chinese literature and culture through a variety of activities. For example, the Centre organised the International Conference on Huang Helang, which was attended by many secondary teachers and students. We also joined forces with the University of Hong Kong, Peking University, the University of Macau, Xiamen University and The Cultural Studies Centre of East Asia to host the Transformation and Innovation – International Symposium on Cultural Studies. Other events included International Conference on Qian Zhongshu, Tang Wenbiao, Lin Huanzhang and Literary Phenomena in Zhuhai, Conference on Yin Dah and Chinese Literature and Hawaii International Conference on Global Chinese Literature. All these offered students and teachers an opportunity to get out there and broaden their horizon.

Quality Enhancement Grant Scheme The Language Centre’s Project, established with a fund of HK$1.65 million provided by the Quality Enhancement Grant Scheme of the Education Bureau, culminated in an international conference in the latter half of January 2011. At the event, HKCT participants shared with each other their experiences with the scheme. They also met with academics and professional representatives from Macau, Beijing, Singapore and the UK and exchanged their views on language education.

昂首闊步 成就卓越 Strutting and Achieving Excellence


學生發展部 加強學生及家長支援工作 為讓學生有健康與正面的校園生活,發展部與高等教育各學部 建立師友溝通機制,加強學生與導師溝通。此外,亦推出「家 長支援工作」計劃。去年便為學生家長舉行了四次不同主題的 家長講座,為他們提供與學校溝通的互動平台,協助他們進一 步了解子女在港專的學習生活。

參與慈善活動,推動學員關愛社群 學部與慧妍雅集、各地區組織和社福機構協作包括香港青年協 會、香港神託會、香港世界宣明會等。舉行了超過三十項社會 服務,學生反應踴躍,不少更擔任籌委。學生透過參與活動增 強了個人自信及溝通技巧,亦提升了個人視野。

「 Fai 越校園、衝出香港」活動 為讓學生吸收不同範疇的知識,提升學習興趣,學部推出嶄新 的「Fai 越校園、衝出香港」活動計劃,讓同學藉著參與不同類 型的文化活動、工作實習計劃及交流項目,加強他們對不同地 域文化的認識,從而建立正面的工作態度和提升個人素質。

昂首闊步 成就卓越 Strutting and Achieving Excellence

Department of Student Development & Alumni Affairs Step up Support for Students and Parents

Widen Students Horizon

In order to help students lead a positive and healthy campus life, the Department joined our higher education divisions to develop a new mechanism, which effectively facilitates communication between students and teachers. It has also stepped up support for parents through the “ Parents Supporting Work” initiative. Last year the Department held four talks for parents, with a view to offering a channel for parents to communicate with HKCT and enabling them to get a better understanding of their children’s college life.

To broaden students’ knowledge in a wider range of areas and heighten their interest in studies, the Department launched the “Learning outside Hong Kong boundaries” programme, whereby students were exposed to different cultures through internship, various cultural events and exchange activities. The programme also effectively promoted a positive work attitude among participants and improved them in many personal aspects.

Participate in Charities Programmes to Promote Caring for the Community This year, the Department collaborated with Wai Yin Association, various local organisations and non-governmental organisations including the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, the Stewards Limited, the World Vision Hong Kong, etc. To organise over 30 community services. Students responded positively to the events, with many of them volunteering to be part of the organising committees. The activities offered them a good opportunity to build up their confidence, hone their communication skills and broaden their horizon.


10 –11 學年全日制課程教職員學術水平 Full-time Programme Teaching Staff Qualifications





碩士或以上 Master or above

學士 Bachelor degree

80% 20%

碩士或以上 Master or above

學士 Bachelor degree

09-10 年港專專上課程畢業生出路

09-10 HKCT Higher Education Programmes Graduates Prospect

百分比 Percentage 升學 Studies

就業 Employment

就業兼有進修 Employment with Part-time Studies

升學 Studies or above

就業 Employment degree

就業兼有進修 Employment with Part-time Studies d ( 資料來源 : 港專 2009-10 年專上課程畢業生近況調查 ) ( Source: HKCT 2009-10 Higher Education Programmes Graduates Survey )

45% 42% 13%

昂首闊步 成就卓越 Strutting and Achieving Excellence


10 –11 學年課程入學統計數字 Enrolment Statistics







Full-time Programmes



Short Courses



Overseas and Professional Programmes



Adult Education Programmes



Manpower Development Scheme

其他課程 *



* 技能提升計劃課程、展翅計劃課程 、持續進修課程

* Skill Upgrading Scheme, Youth Pre-employment Training Programme, Continuing Professional Development

全日制專上課程 Full-time Programmes

短期課程 Short Courses

海外及專業課程 Overseas and Professional Programmes

成人教育課程 Adult Education Programmes

人才發展計劃課程 Manpower Development Scheme

其他課程 * Others

延續教育 Further Education 港專延續教育,主要包括職業訓練學院、成人教育中心及香港 競爭力促進中心的業務。職業訓練學院主力提供由再培訓局贊 助的「再培訓計劃」( 現為人才發展計劃 ) 課程,當中包括「全 日制就業掛鈎課程」、「新技能提升課程」、「通用技能課程」 與及針對 15-20 歲青少年投身社會而設的「青年培育課程」等。 而成人教育中心服務範圍包括成人夜中學課程、英文專修課程 及 ( 兼讀制 ) 毅進課程。至於香港競爭力促進中心主力為在職 人士提供短期業餘進修課程,種類包括語文、商業會計及職業 技能等。

職業訓練學院 人才發展計劃

再次獲頒僱員再培訓局頒發「課程發展獎」 在 2010 年 12 月舉行的第三屆「人才發展計劃」頒獎禮上,學 院再次榮獲僱員再培訓局頒發「ERB 課程發展獎」,以表揚學 院在課程發展的努力。這亦是港專職業訓練學院連續第二年獲 頒此獎項。

舉行傑出學員選舉,表揚傑出學員 傑出學員選舉今年踏入第六屆,頒獎禮於 2011 年 7 月 22 日在 都會商場舉行。當日,多位僱主出席支持,並上台分享經驗和 頒發贊助獎學金和禮物。再培訓局行政總監吳家光先生出席擔 任主禮嘉賓。在頒獎禮中, 五位傑出學員及六位優異學員獲頒 獎項,學院亦特別向在五個公開考試中取得優異(Distinction) 成績的三百一十六位學員頒發嘉許獎狀和紀念品。

自再培訓局在新的服務對象和服務內容等方面擴大了服務範圍 後,職業訓練學院便開始積極開拓不同範圍和種類課程,以配 合學員的需要。過去一年,學院提供的「人才發展計劃」課程 超過二百項,涵蓋二十多個不同範疇,為具備不同職志及不同 程度人士提供多元化的選擇。為配合教學需要,學院進行了多 項校舍改善工程,包括翻新及擴大砵蘭街培訓中心的包餅房及 廚務實習室、於亞皆老街培訓中心增設房務及家務實習室,及 提升都會培訓中心電腦室的軟硬件設備。

學生獲取卓越公開試成績 過去多年來,學員在多個公開考試都曾取得相當不錯的成績,今 年再有新突破,共有三百一十六位學員分別在五個公開考試中 取得優異 (Distinction) 成績,包括十七人於地產代理及營業員資 格考試取得優異成績 (Distinction),二百九十三人於 LCCI Level 1 - 3 三個會計及簿記考試取得優異成績 (Distinction),其中九 位在 Level 1 考獲滿分,獲頒「Certificate of Excellence」,一 位於 Level 2 考獲香港區銀獎「Country Silver」、一位於 Level 2 考 獲 全 球 及 香 港 區 金 獎「World & Country Gold」。 此 外, 有六位學員於 HKIAAT 認可會計文員證書考試也取得優異成績 (Distinction),其中兩位更獲頒發 HKIAAT 獎學金。

擴展僱主服務網絡 鑒於課程種類和數量不斷增加,學院需要更積極開拓僱主網絡, 協助畢業學員就業。2010/11 年度,僱主網絡為學員提供的職位 空缺超過三萬份。同時亦為學員舉辦了三次與求職有關的招聘 活動及一百一十三次行業講座。為了掌握最新的市場資訊,學 院於 2011 年 6 月舉行了「僱主顧問委員會邀任儀式暨行業座談 會」,出席的僱主代表超過一百三十位,來自十四個不同行業。 會上僱主分享了不同行業的發展前景、人力需求、對有意入職 人士的建議,與及對本校課程的意見。這對推動我們的課程發 展及就業跟進服務有很大幫助。

昂首闊步 成就卓越 Strutting and Achieving Excellence

HKCT Further Education encompasses the School of Vocational Training, Adult Education Centre and Hong Kong Competitiveness Centre. The School of Vocational Training provides the Employees Retraining Scheme (now is the Manpower Development Scheme) sponsored by Employees Retraining Board. The Scheme including Full-time Placementtired Courses, Skills Upgrading Scheme Plus Courses, Generic Skills Courses and the Youth Training Programme which targeted to the youngsters aged 15-20. For the Adult Education Centre, service scope covers the offerings of the Evening Secondary School, English and Project Yi Jin (part-time) Programmes. For the Hong Kong Competitiveness Centre, it mainly provides short programmes for working population, covering the languages, business, accounting and vocational training.

School of Vocational Training Manpower Development Scheme Ever since the Employees Retraining Board broadened its service scope to include new service targets and content, the School of Vocational Training (SVT) has been paying great effort in course development to cater to the needs of students. More than 200 courses covering some 20 areas were offered last year to provide a wide range of choices to people at different education levels and with different career plans. To facilitate teaching and learning, SVT has completed a series of campus improvement works. These included expanding and renovating the baking room and training kitchen of the Portland Street Training Centre, adding the room attendant & domestic worker training room at the Argyle Street Training Centre, and upgrading the computer software and hardware at the Metro Training Centre.

Students' Excellent Results in Public Examinations Over the past years, many of our students have obtained excellent results in public examinations, and more records were made this year. A total of 316 students obtained a distinction at one of five public examinations, including 17 students who did the Qualifying Examinations for Estate Agents and Salespersons,

and 293 students who did the LCCI Level 1-3 Book-Keeping and Accounts Examinations. Among these students, nine achieved full mark and were awarded the Certificate of Excellence Level 1 – Book-Keeping, one was awarded Country Medallions Level 2 – Book-Keeping and Accounts (Silver) and another one was awarded World and Country Medallions Level 2 – Book-Keeping and Accounts (Gold) in the LCCI 2010 Awards Presentation Ceremony. Six other students achieved excellent results in the HKIAAT Certified Account Clerks Examination and two of them were awarded the HKIAAT Scholarship.

The ERB Course Development Award At the third Manpower Development Scheme Award Presentation Ceremony in December 2010, HKCT won the ERB Course Development Award for the second year in a row. The award was granted in recognition of HKCT's outstanding performance in courses development.

Outstanding Students Election The awards presentation ceremony for the Sixth Outstanding Student Election was held at Metropolis Mall on 22 July 2011. Mr. Stanley Ng, Executive Director of ERB was the officiating guest of honour at the event. Many employers attending the ceremony went on stage to share their views and presented scholarships and awards. Five HKCT students were conferred the Outstanding Student Award and six others were presented the Excellent Student Award. In addition, 316 HKCT students who obtained a distinction in public examinations were commended.

Employer Services With offering a growing number of programmes in various areas, the College sees the need to expand the employers’ network in order to provide our graduate students more employment opportunities. In 2010/11, the number of vacancies provided through our employers’ network reached 30,000, it also organised three mini job fairs and 113 recruitment talks for students. To keep students abreast of the latest market development, the Employers Consultative Committee Inaugural Ceremony cum Symposium was held on 29 June 2011. More than 130 employers from 14 industries were invited to share their views on the prospect of their industries and manpower demand. They also offered advice to potential employees and gave comments on HKCT's programmes. All this was valuable and useful for the development of our courses and placement services.


香港競爭力促進中心 Hong Kong Competitiveness Centre 與民建聯合作,舉辦「新一代政治專才 文憑」課程 中心今年推出此項嶄新課程,深入淺出地剖析香港政治體制及 環境,為香港培育政治人才。中心更邀請著名的學者、從政者 和前政府主要官員為講者嘉賓,包括馬時亨教授 GBS,JP、羅 范椒芬女士,GBS,JP、譚惠珠女士,GBS,JP、黃洪博士等, 於課堂上分享他們的見解,並與學員討論。公眾對此課程反應 踴躍,從超過二百名申請人中挑選三十九位學員入讀課程,最 後共有三十一名學員成功畢業。課程結業禮於 2011 年 1 月 28 日舉行,當日特別邀請到財政司司長曾俊華先生, GBM,JP 擔任主禮嘉賓外,港專校長陳卓禧博士、校監劉佩瓊女士,JP 及民建聯副主席劉江華先生,JP 均有出席,與眾學員一起分享 完成課程的喜悅。

推出專業技能課程 為回應市場對調解服務、碳審計課程的需求及行業對資歷的提 升,中心特別推出多個相關的專業技能課程,分別為高級調解 員證書課程、專業碳審計員培訓課程,以及四個物業管理業(四 級)課程,包括保安管理、客戶服務、環境及維修,和租賃管理, 並會在這些範疇,不斷開發更多相關課程。 此外,中心亦與本校高等教育各學部保持緊密合作,推出不同 的專業資格的課程。當中,得到商學部同事的學術支援及建議, 重新檢定中心會計學證書及文憑的課程內容,計劃為有意考取 香港財務會計協會(HKIAAT)及特許公認會計師公會(ACCA) 的專業資格的人士推出新課程。此外,中心亦和商學部計劃, 發展更多專業認可的課程,包括零售和市場營銷,財務以及法 律等範疇。

以英語、韓語課程為業務發展重點 中心重點推出的英語課程,著重考慮學員於職場上對英語的需 求,提供不同程度的英語課程,課程涵蓋聽、講、讀、寫四個 範疇、基本英語語法以至應付雅思(IELTS)公開考試的備試課 程。本中心也為英語學員提供了一個明確的進修途徑,及努力 準備為學員提供更多個人化的支援,如個別英語水平咨詢服務 和訂定學習計劃。 此外,隨著韓國明星和電視劇的影響日益增強,愈來愈多人有 興趣學習韓語,當中有些學員更希望深入了解韓國生活和工作 的情況。為了回應同學對韓語課程的需求,中心已經開展了一 些高級程度的課程,並為學生準備應付官方韓國語文能力考試 (TOPIK)的備試課程。另外,我們亦推出有關了解韓國生活和 工作課程,包括烹調韓國料理課程。

Diploma in Political Leadership in Collaboration with the DAB The Centre made a new attempt in providing the new diploma programme which is designed to nurture political talents in Hong Kong through the study and analysis of the political system and environment. It has invited distinguished renowned academics, politicians and former high-ranking government officials such as Professor Frederick Ma Si-hang, GBS, JP, Mrs Fanny Law, GBS, JP, Ms Tam Wai-chu, Maria, GBS, JP, Dr. Wong Hung etc., as guest speakers to share with students their experiences and views and join class discussions. Public response to the programme was encouraging.

The Centre enrolled 39 students among over 200 applicants, and a total of 31 eventually completed the programme. On 28 January 2011, a graduation ceremony was held, at which Financial Secretary Tsang Chun-wah, John, GBM, JP, was the Officiating Guest. Other renowned figures attending the event included HKCT President and Principal Dr Chan Cheuk-hay, Supervisor Lau Pui-king JP, Lau Kong-wah JP, Vice Chairman of the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong (DAB).

Launch of Professional Programmes In response to the market demands for mediation services, carbon audit and the industry practitioners looking for training opportunities to uplift their qualifications, the Centre launched several professional programmes, namely Advanced Certificate Course for Mediator, Professional Carbon Auditor Training Course and four Property Management courses at level four in Security Management, Customer Services, Environment and Maintenance, and Leasing Management. In the future, the Centre will continue to develop more up-to-date courses in these areas. It has been working closely with the academic units of HKCT's Higher Education in the provision of programmes that offer professional qualifications. In the field of accounting, the Centre has the academic support from staff at HKCT's Division of Business, which suggested to renew the certificate and diploma programmes in accounting studies, with a view to helping those who intend to gain professional qualifications from the Hong Kong Institute of Accredited Accounting Technicians (HKIAAT), and the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). The Centre's collaboration with the academic units of the Division of Business is not limited to the field of accounting. It is now working together to develop more professional programmes with professional recognition, including those related to sales and marketing, finance, and legal studies.

English and Korean Language Programmes As Core Business From time to time, the Centre has been designing and refreshing its English programmes to prioritize the needs of the working population. The programmes come in different levels, from learning basic grammar to preparing for IELTS examination in the areas of listening, writing, reading as well as speaking. The learners are provided with a clear study path for their articulation. The Centre also works on the provision of more personalized support for English learners like individual consultations and study plan. Today a rising number of people in Hong Kong are taking an interest in learning Korean amid growing influence of Korean pop stars and TV dramas and some HKCT students have expressed interest to learn more about living and working in Korea. The Centre has therefore launched a number of related advanced courses and preparatory courses for the Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK). In addition, it has launched some programmes about living and working in Korea, including one on making Korean cuisines.


昂首闊步 成就卓越 Strutting and Achieving Excellence

Adult Education Centre 政府資助夜中學課程 中心今年第四度獲教育局委任為政府資助夜中學課程的認可辦 學機構,並新增兩個上課地點,即筲箕灣官立中學及英皇書院, 連同原有的六個上課中心,中心在港九新界共有八個上課點。 今年更為荃灣上課中心創校四十周年紀念,中心於荃灣官立夜 中學舉行慶祝活動,並邀請了教育局副秘書長李美嫦女士,JP 蒞臨主禮。 此外,中心連續第二年提供新高中課程,並開辦了一些新高中 課程之下的獨有科目,包括旅遊與款待、組合科學和與香港財 務會計協會合辦的應用學習科目(中小企實用電腦會計 )。除了 為同學進行校本評核外,亦特別提供「其他學習經歷」的活動 及各類資訊。中心已妥善保存學生的學科成績及校內、校外的 獎項紀錄,以便將來為學生製作學生學習概覽,協助他們未來 升學及就業。

Government Subsidized Evening Secondary School Course For the fourth time this year, the Centre has been appointed by the Education Bureau as an authorised operator of governmentsubsidised evening secondary school programmes. It has also been authorised to operate courses at two additional venues, namely Shau Kei Wan Government Secondary School and King’s College, which makes the Centre altogether has eight learning centres across the territories. To mark the 40th anniversary of our Tsuen Wan learning Centre, the Centre held a celebration event at Tsuen Wan Government Secondary School and invited Ms Michelle Li, JP, Deputy Secretary for Education as the official guest. In the second year of running New Senior Secondary (NSS) Courses, it has launched several new subjects, which align with the NSS curriculum. They include Tourism and Hospitality, Combined Science, and Applied Learning Subject (Practical Accounting for SMEs). The latter was run in tandem with the Hong Kong Institute of Accredited Accounting Technicians. Apart from conducting school-based assessment, we also organised activities under the "Other Learning Experiences" category and provide a wide range of related information to students.

為協助同學準備新高中考試,中心除繼續提供免費網上問英語 的平台外,亦為夜中學學生向香港教育城成功申請專用戶口, 方便同學隨時隨地在網上學習。另外,我們安排同學分別於週 六、學校假期及暑假期間,進行補課及提供拔尖補底補習班。 在支援教師方面,中心除安排他們參加教育局及教育城的培訓 課程外,亦會提供成課為本的教學工作坊。

毅進(兼讀制)課程 今年,毅進(兼讀制)課程學生人數及科次均錄得顯著的升幅, 反映外界對有關課程的需求正不斷上升 課程認受性亦有所提 高。中心除在港專校舍提供有關課程外,亦特別租用多個政府校 舍,以滿足各區學生的需要。此外,中心亦新增了一些證書課程, 包括「政府文職公務證書」、「體育及康樂訓練證書」及「幼兒 教育及工作證書」等,為同學提供更多元化及實用的選擇。

The Centre keeps records of each student's academic results, school awards and other awards for preparing Student Learning Profile (SLP). To help students prepare for NSS examinations, it keeps the free online English enquiry platform open. The Centre has also secured study accounts with the Hong Kong Education City for evening school students to facilitate their online learning around the clock. During the year, additional NSS classes were held during Saturdays, school holidays and summer holidays. Teachers were offered training through the Education Bureau and Education City. The Centre also organised outcome-based learning and teaching workshops for them.

Project Yi Jin (Part-time) The number of students enrolled in Project Yi Jin (part-time) programmes and the number of programmes on offer showed notable increase this year, indicating growing demand and recognition for the project. The Centre offers the programmes at HKCT's campuses and government school premises to facilitate students from different districts. It has launched a number of certificate programmes, with a view to offering students a wider range of practical programmes, which include “Certificate in Civil Service and Public Affairs”, “Certificate in Sports and Recreation” and “Certificate in Child Care Work”.


企業與社會服務 Enterprise and Social Services 推出學生職業生涯規劃及支援服務 本校獲教育局質素提升津貼計劃撥款港幣一百九十二萬元,為 全日制副學位學生提供職業生涯規劃及支援服務。服務旨在針 對不同學生修讀學科的需要及業界的要求,提升學生對職涯規 劃及不同行業發展的認識。過去學年本校曾舉辦不同類型的活 動,當中包括工作坊、講座、探索營、公司/機構參觀、實習 /師友計劃、就業展覽週、行業相關社會服務、工作轉介等, 共服務二千人次。

成功被僱員再培局委託管理 ERB 服務中心 (九龍西)(前身為培訓及就業資源中心) 本校繼續被僱員再培局委託管理培訓及就業資源中心,並於 2011 年 4 月轉型為 ERB 服務中心(九龍西)。中心的主要服務 地區包括油尖旺、深水埗及九龍城,並為區內合資格人士提供 與培訓相關的資訊及支援。截至 2011 年 8 月底,服務中心會員 人數已超過七千八百人,使用中心設施及參加中心各項工作坊、 講座等超逾五萬三千人次。

Launch of Student Career Support and Planning Service (CSPS)

Appointed by ERB to manage ERB Service Centre (Kowloon West)

HKCT has been granted $1.92 million by the Quality Enhancement Grant Scheme of the Education Bureau to help full-time associate degree students make career plans. The scheme caters to students' education needs, with a view to helping them meet different industry requirements and make career plans, and enhancing their knowledge of the industry they intend to join. For the past academic year, the Department organised a host of activities, including workshops, talks, camps, company and institution visits, internship, teaching support programmes, a career exhibition week and a work referral programme, which recorded a total of two thousands people using these services.

Last year, HKCT was again appointed by Employees Retraining Board (ERB) to manage the Training and Employment Resource Centre. In April 2011, the Centre was transformed into ERB Service Centre (Kowloon West), serving such areas as Yau Ma Tei, Tsim Sha Tsui, Mongkok, Sham Shui Po and Kowloon. Eligible residents of the districts can get retraining information and support from the Centre. As at the end of August 2011, the Centre had more than 7,800 members and it recorded more than 53,000 people using its facilities and taking part in its workshops and seminars.

昂首闊步 成就卓越 Strutting and Achieving Excellence

潮 Teen H.E.A. 之「 Teen 」賦職能計劃 參加人數繼續提升 獲社區投資共享基金及勞工處撥款,針對區內十五至廿四歲青 年的潮 Teen H.E.A. 之「Teen」賦職能計劃,已投入服務兩年。 計劃成功招納超過一百六十名青年參加相關活動。經過兩年多 的運作,已協助參加者建立及加強社會資本,透過師友配對計 劃及與啟導員的相處,學員能學習到與人相處技巧及懂得欣賞 別人,並在待人、工作態度和能力上持續地進步。此外,參加 者之間亦建立了深厚的互助關係,不但會互相傳達市場上的消 息,還相約出席不同活動。

港專演藝坊穩步發展 成立多年的港專演藝坊為一個校本企業,一直為校內專上課程 學生在課餘提供一個發展平台,為參與同學提供不同類型的才 藝訓練及表演,一方面培育學生自信及能力,另一方面透過外 間演出機會,讓學生能在實際工作環境中得到鍛練及累積經 驗,以提升他們的可聘用性。今年,演藝坊成員人數及參演項 目穩步提升。現時核心成員已有四十三名,並成立不同的小 組,包括幕後支援、表演、市場推廣等,善用各同學的學科專 長,加以運用及鍛鍊。而本年度表演項目達五十個,當中包括 二十六個社區和校內表演及二十四個商業表演,並已建立一定 的知名度及口碑。

Teen H.E.A. Project Getting Popular

Steady growth of Talent Mill

Teen H.E.A. Project, an initiative sponsored by the Community Investment and Inclusion Fund and the Labour Department and targeting youngsters aged from 15 to 24, has attracted more than 160 young participants since its inception two years ago. Through the project, participants have greatly strengthened their abilities and skills. Through the mentorship programme and by spending time with mentors, participants were able to hone their interpersonal skills and learned to appreciate other people's virtues. They have shown continuous progress in their communication skills, attitude at work and other abilities. In addition, they have built a strong friendship among themselves and would meet up from time to time to exchange market information and attend different events.

Established some years ago, Talent Mill is a school-based corporation committed to providing an extracurricular platform for HKCT's higher education students to take part in a variety of performing art training programmes and performances. Through this platform, students can build up their confidence and bring into full play their talent. They can also gain practical work experience by giving performances outside HKCT, thus enhancing their employability. This year, the number of Talent Mill members and performances they staged continued to increase. To date, Talent Mill has 43 core members, who have formed different groups specialising in different areas, including backstage support, performance and marketing. They can make good use of the skill sets of different students and have put together 50 performances during the year (26 community and HKCT performances and 24 commercial shows) and have established their reputation.


專業服務 Professional Service 專業進修資料服務中心


「專業進修資料服務中心」於 2010 年慶祝成立二十週年,特別 於 2010 年 12 月 13 日舉行了專題講座暨週年聚餐活動。中心邀 請了全國人民代表大會常務委員會香港特別行政區基本法委員 會副主任委員、前律政司司長梁愛詩律師,GBM,JP,擔任專 題講座主講嘉賓,分享她對「專業界別與香港政制發展」的見 解。此外,中心亦廣邀港專顧問、專業學會代表,出席於中午 舉行的周年聚餐,港專校董陳婉嫻女士 SBS,JP,致歡迎辭, 並主持一項簡單而隆重的慶祝儀式,慶祝中心發展邁向新的里 程。當日出席聚餐活動的知名人士包括九龍社團聯會理事長高 寶齡女士、香港教育工作者聯會會長楊耀忠先生、前統計處處 長何永煊教授、恒基兆業執行董事孫國林先生、僱員再培訓局 副行政總監(培訓服務)馬芷博士、工聯會副會長林淑儀女士、 香港電台署理副廣播處長戴健文先生,以及港專校董郭琳科博 士等,場面熱鬧。

過去一年,港專繼續作為香港專業議會秘書處,協助議會舉辦 八場持續專業發展專題講座,每場講座出席人數均逾百人,講 題涵蓋多個專業範疇,包括「香港國際機場制定至二零三零年 的發展計劃」、「最低工資對服務行業的影響」、「當今人才 管理的角色」、「購物商場的宣傳策略」、「十二五規劃及人 大會議」、「從僱主的角度分析如何應對財政縮減」及「經理 演說技巧」;而「經理演說技巧」更因反應熱烈而連續舉辦兩場, 出席人數超過二百人。 秘書處還協助專業議會舉辦不同外訪參觀及交流活動,當中包 括於 2010 年 9 月拜訪深圳市坪山新區政府,並於中國國際人才 交流大會 ( 香港 ) 推介會上簽署了雙方合作意向書。十月,香 港專業議會與國家外國專家局協辦「中國國際人才交流大會」, 並組織二十多間香港的專業團體及教育機構參加深圳國際會展 中心舉辦的「中國國際人才交流大會」,宣傳香港專業領域的 發展。2011 年 1 月,秘書處協助議會組織會員前往廣州塔參觀, 了解廣州塔先進的避震設計。2011 年 3 月,秘書處協助議會組 織會員參觀位於粉嶺的新中國洗衣廠,了解大型洗衣廠有系統 的流水式管理及運作。

昂首闊步 成就卓越 Strutting and Achieving Excellence

Information Service Centre of Professional Studies (ISCOPS)

Secretariat of the Council of Hong Kong Professional Associations (COPA)

To mark 20th anniversary of its establishment, the Information Service Centre of Professional Studies (ISCOPS), held a seminar and luncheon on 13 December 2010. Elsie Leung Oi-sie, GBM, JP, Vice Chairwoman of the Commission for the HKSAR Basic Law of the NPC Standing Committee and former Secretary of Justice, was the guest speaker of the seminar. The seminar was held under the theme "The Professionals in Hong Kong’s Political Development". Advisors to HKCT and representatives of professional bodies were invited to the annual luncheon. Chan Yuen han, SBS, JP, a member of the Management Board of HKCT, delivered a welcome speech and hosted a celebration ceremony to mark a new milestone of ISCOPS. Renowned figures attending the luncheon included Ko Po-ling, MH, JP, Chairwoman of the Kowloon Federation of Associations, Yeung Yiu-chung, BBS, JP, president of the Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers, Professor Frederick Ho Wing-huen, SBS, OBE, former commissioner of the Census and Statistics Department, Suen Kwok-lam, Executive Director of Henderson Lan Development Company Ltd., Dr Ma Chi, Deputy Executive Director (Training Services) of Employees Retraining Board, Lam Shuk-yi, Vice President of the Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions, Tai Keen-man, Deputy Director of Broadcasting of RTHK, and Dr Kwok Lam-for, a member of the Management Board of HKCT.

Last year, HKCT remained the Secretariat of the Council of Hong Kong Professional Associations (COPA) and held eight seminars on professional development. Each event attracted more than 100 people. The themes were "Hong Kong International Airport Master Plan 2030", "Impacts of Minimum Wage Ordinance on Service Industry", "Roles of People Management Today", "Shopping Mall Promotion", "The 12th Five-year Plan and the NPC”, “What to Do If Cost-Cutting or Retrenchment Is Unavoidable? (from an Employee's Perspective)" and "Presentation Skills for Managers", to which a second session was added due to popular demand, with over 200 people attending. The Secretariat also helped COPA organise a variety of visits and exchange programmes, including a visit to the Pingshan New District Government in Shenzhen in September 2010. It also signed an agreement of cooperation with the Pingshan New District Government at the Introduction to the Conference (Hong Kong) on the International Exchange of Professionals. In October, COPA and the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affair organised the Conference on International Exchange of Professionals and led some 20 professional bodies and education institutions in Hong Kong to promote the city's professional sectors at the Conference on International Exchange of Professionals, held at the Shenzhen International Exhibition Centre. In January 2011, the Secretariat led COPA members to visit Canton Tower, where they were given a briefing on the shockproof design of the tower. This was followed by another visit to New China Laundry in Fanling in March 2011. During the event, members were given an overview of the systematic management and operation of large-scale laundries.


拓展 聯繫


Coact for Brighter Future

拓展聯繫 共創未來 Coact for Brighter Future


全港中學校際歌唱大賽 2011 今年,港專已是第五年舉行全港中學校際歌唱大賽,反應依然 熱烈,參賽人數再次刷新紀錄,共有六百六十位來自二百一十 七間中學的同學報名參加,成為全港最大規劃的中學學界歌唱 比賽。今年比賽主題為「Planet Music」,並再次獲新城知訊台 支持成為大會「指定電台」。決賽於 2011 年 3 月 27 日假鑽石 山荷里活廣場舉行,當晚誠邀教育局常任秘書長謝凌潔貞女士, JP、港專校董會主席譚耀宗議員,GBS,JP、香港電台助理廣 播處長(電台)戴健文先生、新城電台項目總監葉碧梅小姐、 香港中學校長會執行委員會委員葉錦元校長、學友社學生輔導 中心總幹事列豪章先生及校長陳卓禧博士擔任主禮嘉賓。歌手 狄易達、鍾舒漫及港專演藝坊(Talent Mill)擔任表演嘉賓,盛 況空前。在比賽現場,特別加入課程展覽及攤位遊戲,加強公 眾對港專課程及學校辦學理念的認識。

因應新高中學制的推行,港專特別為全港中學,推出新高中網 絡服務,服務範圍包括出版中學網絡專線,及免費舉行升學講 座、面試技巧及個人成長工作坊等,我們又安排本校導師及升 學專家到不同的中學舉行通識教育講座,參加學生人數達一 萬,反應非常熱烈,證明本校新高中網絡服務全面針對中學的 需要,為他們提供有效支援。學校又特別提供「其他學習經歷」 活動,為多間中學學生提供傳統學科以外的學習活動,以達到 全人發展的目標;當中以「航空旅遊業全面睇」及「烹飪餐飲 新體驗」最受學生歡迎,參與同學均表現得非常投入。此外, 學校安排不同中學的升學輔導老師及學生參觀港專賽馬會馬鞍 山校園,了解學校最新設施及課程發展。

終極會考生升學地區講座 在新舊學制交替期間,無論是舊學制的畢業生或是新學制的高 中生同樣面對未來升學的挑戰,故此,港專於 2011 年 5 月下旬 及六月積極聯繫觀塘及沙田的地區組織,籌辦一系列的地區講 座,並邀請前線的社會工作者及升學輔導專家為該區的學生及 家長講解新舊學制,提供全面升學諮詢服務。其中,為高等教 育而設的「終極會考生升學地區講座」,特別邀請升學輔導專 家與現場的學生及家長交流,釋除他們對新高中學制的疑慮。 此外,鑒於社區人士對報讀再培訓課程的需要不斷提升,港專 今年特別伙拍藍田及觀塘地區議員,於各大型屋邨舉辦課程諮 詢站,與市民建立友好的聯繫,藉此進一步透過了解地區對於 就業及再培訓的需求,提供課程諮詢及跟進。

拓展聯繫 共創未來 Coact for Brighter Future

HKCT places much importance on its relations with different stakeholders and strives to maintain good communication with them. Last year, it held a variety of popular events and activities that offered different forms of platforms for students to bring into full play their potential. HKCT is committed to working with local NGOs to serve and provide education support to those in need. The College is also endeavour to give back to society by leading students and teachers to take part in community and charitable events. In order to understand the need of students and teachers in light of the launch of the New Senior Secondary Curriculum, HKCT has launched a brand new NSS School Service Network, which has been well received by secondary students and teachers.

Inter-Secondary Schools Singing Contest 2011 The number of participants in the Fifth HKCT Inter-Secondary School Singing Contest this year hit a record high, with 660 students from 217 secondary schools joining the event, which has been claimed as the biggest inter-secondary school singing contest in Hong Kong. This year, the event was held under the theme of "Planet Music". MetroInfo FM99.7 was once again the official radio channel. The final was held at Hollywood Plaza, Diamond Hill, on 27 March 2011. Officiating guests of the events were Mrs Cherry Tse Ling Kit-chi, JP, Permanent Secretary for Education; Hon Tam Yiu-chung GBS, JP, Chairman of the HKCT Management Board and Member of Legislative Council; Mr Tai Keen-man, Deputy Director of Broadcasting (Radio) of RTHK; Ms Moon Yi, Project Director of Metro Broadcast Corporation Limited; Mr William Yip Kam-yuen, Chairman of Hong Kong Association of Heads of Secondary Schools and school principal; Mr Lit Hocheung, Director of Hok Yau Club Student Guidance Centre, and Dr Chan Cheuk-hay, President & Principal of HKCT. Adding to the glamour of the event were performance from singers Tat Dik and Sherman Chung, and HKCT's Talent Mill. The venue of the contest featured an exhibition of HKCT programmes and games to promote the College and its mission.


The Launch of NSS School Service Network In response to the launch of the New Senior Secondar y Curriculum, HKCT launched the NSS School Service Network catering to secondary schools. The scope of the service includes secondary school networks publications, and organising free school talks and interviews and personal development workshops for students. From time to time, our teachers and education experts visit different secondary schools and give education talks on liberal studies. So far 10,000 students have participated in these events, reflecting the how the NSS School Service Network can cater to secondary school students' needs and provide them necessary support. Meanwhile, the College also offered the "Other Learning Experience" programme in which a range of study activities outside the traditional curriculum were arranged to promote holistic development of secondary school students. The programme items of “A Taste of Airline Industry” and “F&B Industry in Action” are the most popular among students. HKCT also invited secondary school students and teachers specialising in giving education consultation to visit our campus in Ma On Shan and view our new teaching facilities and learn about our programmes.

District Seminar for the last batch of HKCEE Secondary School Students During the transition period where the new academic structure is to replace the old one, fresh graduates under the old system and New Senior Secondary students-to-be are set to face many challenges. Therefore, HKCT collaborated with some organisations in Kwun Tong and Sha Tin in late May and June 2011 to host a series of education talks. Frontline social workers and professional education consultants were invited to explain the new and old systems to students and parents and provide comprehensive education consultation. One of the talks was the "Seminar for HKCEE Students", which concerned higher education and featured education consultants addressing the concerns of students and parents over the New Senior Secondary Curriculum. In response to growing demand for retraining courses, HKCT teamed up with district councillors in Lam Tin and Kwun Tong this year to provide course consultation service at various public housing estates. The initiative enabled us to establish closer ties with the locals, understand what retraining programmes they need, offer them consultation and follow up their cases.

「飛躍校園」籌款活動計劃 “A Campus for Tomorrow ” Fund Raising Campaign

「飛躍校園」籌款活動計劃 “A Campus for Tomorrow” Fund Raising Campaign 港專於 2009 年 2 月獲政府撥出馬鞍山耀安邨一所空置校舍,作 為高等教育的獨立校舍。為校舍籌募改建經費,港專與此同時開 展「飛躍校園」籌款活動計劃。在此個籌款活動計劃中,學校先 後舉行電影籌款活動,申請慈善基金及向師生、家長及校友進行 募捐,得到社會各界的熱烈回響。學校更獲香港賽馬會慈善信託 基金及慧妍雅集分別贊助港幣六百八十萬及港幣一百四十萬元, 作為翻新馬鞍山校舍及何文田校舍的費用。 學校其後將馬鞍山校舍正式命名為「港專賽馬會馬鞍山校園」, 而何文田校舍的教學樓則命名為「港專慧妍雅集大專教學樓」, 以回饋香港賽馬會及慧妍雅集對港專的慷慨支持。「港專賽馬會 馬鞍山校園」及「港專慧妍雅集大專教學樓」已於 2010 年 9 月 投入使用。 HKCT was granted a vacant school premise at Yiu On Estate at Ma On Shan as its higher education independent campus in February 2009. “A Campus for Tomorrow” Fund-Raising Campaign was then held to raise proceeds for the refurbishment cost of Ma On Shan Campus, In this fund-raising campaign, HKCT has organized a movie gala, applied for foundations and invited teachers, students, parents and alumni to contribute to the College’s development. HKCT received donations from Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust and Wai Yin Association amounting HK$6.8 million and HK$1.4 million respectively as the refurbishment cost for Ma On Shan and Ho Man Tin Campuses. To express the gratitude to the generosity from Hong Kong Jockey Club and Wai Yin Association, Ma On Shan Campus has then been entitled as the “HKCT Jockey Club Ma On Shan Campus”, while the academic building in Ho Man Tin Campus has been named as “Hong Kong College of Technology Wai Yin Association Post-secondary Education Building”. The two campuses have been launched in September 2010.

《十月圍城》港專「飛躍校園」電影籌款活動 日期:2009 年 12 月 18 日 在電影籌款活動中,特別舉行大支票移交儀式。由香港勞校教 育機構主席黃彬烈先生 ( 左二 )、董事兼行政總監區潤崧女士 ( 右一 ) 向港專致送支票,並由「飛躍校園」籌款委員會主席梁 振英博士,GBS,JP、港專校監劉佩瓊女士,JP、港專機構主 席黃景強博士,BBS,JP、港專機構董事蔡培遠先生代表學校 接收。

Fund-raising Movie Gala,“Bodyguards and Assassins” Date: 18 December 2009 During the Fund-Raising Movie Gala, a cheque presentation ceremony was specially arranged, in which Mr Wong Bun Lit, Chairman of the Hong Kong Workers’ School Educational Organisation (2nd Left) and Ms Au Yun Shoon, Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Hong Kong Workers’ School Educational Organisation (1st right) presented the cheque to Dr the Hon Leung Chun Ying, GBS, JP, the Chairman for “A Campus for Tomorrow” Campaign Fund-Raising Committee; Ms Priscilla Lau, JP, Supervisor of Hong Kong College of Technology and Dr Wong King Keung, BBS, JP, Chairman of HKCT Group and Mr Tsoi Pui-yuen, Director of HKCT Group.


“A Campus for Tomorrow ” Fund Raising Campaign



Opening Ceremony of HKCT Jockey Club Ma On Shan Campus

日期:2010 年 11 月 20 日

Date: 20 November 2010

眾嘉賓、港專校董會及機構成員舉杯慶賀港專賽馬會馬鞍山 校園隆重開幕。

Guests, HKCT Management Board and HKCT Group members joined together to participate in toasting ceremony to celebrate the opening of HKCT Jockey Club Ma On Shan Campus.


Opening Ceremony of HKCT Wai Yin Association Post-secondary Education Building

日期:2011 年 6 月 20 日

Date: 20 June 2011



Ms Michelle Li, JP, Deputy Secretary for Education was invited as the officiating guest in the ceremony.

Students presented handmade gigantic three-dimensional greeting card to Wai Yin Members to express their gratitude to the Association.

「飛躍校園」籌款活動計劃經已圓滿結束。整個 計劃為港專籌得款項共港幣 1,021 萬元。港專全 體師生在此感謝各贊助團體、善長對學校支持。 港專將來定會繼續起飛,向更宏遠的目標進發。

“A Campus for Tomorrow” Fund-Raising Campaign has successfully been completed, which helped the College to raise HK$10.21 million. HKCT’s teaching staff and students would take the opportunity here to express their gratitude to every donor and parties which have made their contributions to the College. In future, HKCT would spread its wings and fly high continuously to accomplish another remarkable achievement.

鳴謝 Acknowledgement 香港專業進修學校承蒙下列善長、機構捐款或撥款支持「飛躍 校園」籌款活動計劃,謹此鳴謝!

The Hong Kong College of Technology is deeply grateful to the following individuals, funders so generously donated money or provided funding in support of the "A Campus for Tomorrow" Fund Raising Campaign.

撥款機構 Funders 港幣 680 萬元 HK$ 6,800,000 香港賽馬會 The Hong Kong Jockey Club 港幣 140 萬元 HK$ 1,400,000 慧妍雅集 Wai Yin Association

捐款者及機構 Donors 銀贊助 香港勞校教育機構


Hong Kong Workers' School Educational Organisation Ltd

LEUNG Sing Ngan

銅贊助 機構 建築設計及研究所有限公司 (AD+RG)

世紀 21 奇豐物業顧問行

AD+RG Architecture Design And Research Group Ltd

Goodwin Consultants Limited



Asia Property Agency Co Ltd

Chartered Institute of Linguists Hong Kong Society



Many Wells Property Agent Limited

The Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions



Workers' Children Secondary School

Super Star Seafood Restaurant

個人 朱鵲橋 ZHU Que Qiao

江威揚 KONG Wai Yeung

吳凌鋒 NG Ling Fung

卓愛華 CHUCK Oi Wah

區潤崧 AU Yun Shoon

張瑞容 CHEUNG Shui Yung

梁志群 LEUNG Chi Kwan

梁振英 LEUNG Chun Ying, GBS, JP

陳卓禧 CHAN Cheuk Hay

陳俊敏 CHAN Tsun Mun

陳婉嫻 CHAN Yuen Han, SBS, JP

勞英彥 LO Ying Yin

黃彬烈 WONG Bun Lit

黃景強 WONG King Keung, BBS, JP

趙貞潔 CHIU Ching Kit

齊忠森 CHAI Chung Sum

劉舜雯 LAU Shun Man

歐澤民及黃惠嫻 AU Tsap Man & WONG Wai Han

歐靜美 AU Ching Mei

蔡樹波 CHOY Shu Po

鄧瑞芬 TANG Sui Fun

譚耀宗 TAM Yiu Chung, GBS, JP

嚴觀發 Yim Koon Fat


“A Campus for Tomorrow ” Fund Raising Campaign

其他捐款金額 機構





The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, Hong Kong Branch (ACCA)





Centaline Property Agency Ltd






Association of Hong Kong Schools for Workers Children Alumni Ltd









王國興 , MH






The Institute of Hong Kong Architectural Technologists






Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists (HK Centre)





Solid Co Ltd












Hon Wah Educational Organization






何 竹






Great Travel Company Limited




何 清








Professional Security Services Ltd











Athens Art Printing Press Co.



Wonderwaters Corporation Ltd



天祥旅遊有限公司 Stanley Travel Service Centre 日本城 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 Japan Home Centre (HK) Limited 東瀛遊旅行社有限公司 EGL Tours Company Limited



CNT Security Co Ltd

康業服務有限公司 Hong Yip Service Co Ltd


Universal Beauty Concept Institute

勵志美療有限公司 Nature's Care (HK) Ltd


Fong Shu Fook Tong Foundation

世紀 21 富山地產 Hilltop Property Agency Ltd


The Hong Kong Institution of Incorporated Engineers

永順集團控股有限公司 Winson Group Holdings Ltd


Reo Trading Company


其他捐款金額 杜錦珍


































































































































































“A Campus for Tomorrow ” Fund Raising Campaign
































































































劉佩瓊 , JP

















CHAN Amy Hiu Nam








FOK Cheung Man




KA Mei Sing




KWOK Man Ying




MA Sai Dan




Macpherson Ayesha Abbas




Matthew Chu



PANG Wai Han




WONG Wing Hei




YIP Wai Ting Vashti



* 以上排名不分先後。Names listed in no particular order.


附錄 Appendix

校董會及校務會 Management & Executive Boards


Management Board




Hon Tam Yiu Chung, GBS, JP


Honorary Member


Mr Joseph Lim




Hon Leung Chun Ying, GBM, GBS, JP


Hon Chan Yuen Han, SBS, JP


Mr Tsang Lai Keung, JP


Dr Kwok Lam For


Mr Wong Bun Lit


Ms Au Yun Shoon


Ms Lau Pui King, Priscilla, JP


Dr Chan Cheuk Hay


Ms Wong Wai Han




Ms Chan Ka Yee


Executive Board



陳卓禧博士 黃惠嫻女士 司徒麗萍女士 陳根錦博士 陳嘉儀女士

Dr Chan Cheuk Hay Ms Wong Wai Han Ms Szeto Lai Ping Dr Chan Kan Kam Ms Chan Ka Yee




Ms Lau Pui King, Priscilla, JP


Principal & President


Dr Chan Cheuk Hay

附錄 Appendix

學校架構 College Structure 校長 President & Principal




Office of the President (PO)

Communication and Institutional Advancement (CIA)

Dept of Marketing & Communications (DMC)

專業進修資料中心 Information Service Centre of Professional Studies (ISCOPS)



College Affairs (CA)

Academic Affairs (AA)



Dept of Human Resources (DHR)

Registry and Academic Services (RAS)



Dept of Finance (DF)

Dept of Student Development & Alumni Affairs (DSDA)

資訊科技部 Dept of Information Technology & Audio Visual Facilities (DIT)

圖書館 Library and College Archives (LCA)

設施管理部 Dept of Facilities Management (DFM)

高等教育 Higher Education (HE)

延續教育 Further Education (FE) 職業訓練學院 School of Vocational Training (SVT)



Division of Business (DB)

Adult Education Centre (AEC)

應用科技學部 Division of Applied Technology (DAT)



Division of Humanities & Social Sciences (DHSS)

Enterprise and Services (ES)



Centre of Languages & Communication (CLC)

Dept of Enterprise and Social Services (DESS)

通用教育學部 Centre of Foundation Studies (CFS)



Research and Development (R&D)

HE Central Administration Office (CAO)

國際教育中心 Centre of International Education (CIE)

港專社會科學研究中心 HKCT Institute of Social Science (ISS)



List of HKCT & ISCOPS Advisors

課程顧問 Course Advisors 李家祥博士,GBS,OBE,JP Dr Eric Li Ka Cheung, GBS, OBE, JP LLD DSocSc BA FCPA (Practising) Hon HKAT FCA FCPA (Aust.) FCIS Senior Partner Li, Tang, Chen & Co Certified Public Accountants

唐一柱先生,MH Mr Albert Tong Yat Chu, MH MSc PAdvDipEE CEng FIEE FHKIE MIPD MHKSOB Former Executive Director Construction Industry Training Authority

陳錦泰教授 Prof Chan Kam Tai BSc PhD MIEEE Professor Department of Electronic Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

課程諮詢人 Course Consultants

榮譽顧問 ( 社區服務 ) Honorary Advisor ( Community Services ) 高寶齡女士,MH,JP Ms Ko Po Ling, MH, JP Chairman Kowloon Federation of Associations

顧問 Advisors 楊耀忠先生,BBS,JP Mr Yeung Yiu Chung, BBS, JP President Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers

曾景安先生 Mr Tsang King On Director of Public Affairs Department New World Development Company Ltd

何永煊教授,SBS,OBE Prof Frederick Ho Wing Huen, SBS, OBE Former Commissioner of Census and Statistics Department Former President of Hong Kong Chapter of the Institute of Statisticians, UK

專業進修資料服務中心顧問 Advisors of ISCOPS 譚耀宗議員,GBS,JP Hon Tam Yiu Chung, GBS, JP Member of the Legislative Council

何世柱先生,GBS,SBS,JP Mr Ho Sai Chu, GBS, SBS, JP Director & General Manager Fook Lee Group of Companies

何承天先生,SBS,OBE, JP Mr Edward Ho Sing Tin, SBS, OBE, JP Group Chairman Wong Tung Group of Companies

潘宗光教授,GBS,JP Prof Poon Chung Kwong, GBS, JP Former President The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

唐一柱先生,MH Mr Albert Tong Yat Chu, MH Former Executive Director Construction Industry Training Authority



Prof Dominic Lo Ming Tak Former PhD Supervisor,

Hong Kong Institute of Clerks of Works

Hong Kong Polyechnic University

工程監督及建設監理學會 ( 香港 ) The Institute of Clerks of Works and Construction Inspectorate (Hong Kong)

顧問 Consultant 許小燕女士

國際專業保安協會 - 香港分會 International Professional Security Association - Hong Kong Region

Ms Stella S. Y. Hui C.A. FHICPA

鍾叻拉女士 Ms Chung Lick Lai

榮譽顧問 Honorary Advisor 楊孫西博士,GBS, SBS,JP Dr Jose Yu Sun Say, GBS, SBS, JP Permanent Honorary President, The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong

黃匡源先生,GBS,JP Mr Peter Wong Hong Yuen, GBS, JP Former President of Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants Consultant of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

陳祖澤先生,GBS,JP Mr John Chan Cho Chak, GBS, JP Chairman of Star Elegant Limited Former Secretary For Education and Manpower, Government of Hong Kong

法律顧問 Legal Consultant



King and Company, Solicitors & Notaries

Tang, Lai & Leung, Solicitors

Mr Bernard Tam Tak Hing Solicitor

附錄 Appendix




Prof Ng Ching Fai, GBS Former President and Vice-Chancellor Hong Kong Baptist University

CPA Australia

Hong Kong Institute of Investors



Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists Hong Kong Centre

Hong Kong Institute of Marketing

Prof Frederick Ho Wing Huen, SBS, OBE Former Commissioner of Census and Statistics Department Former President of Hong Kong Chapter of the Institute of Statisticians, UK


The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors


The Chartered Institute of Building (Hong Kong)


香港測量師學會 香港工程師學會


The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers

Chartered Institute of Linguists




Hong Kong Institute of Textile & Apparel

Mr Yeung Yiu Chung, BBS, JP President Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers

The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport in Hong Kong


英國特許管理會計師公會 Chartered Institute of Management Accountants Hong Kong Division

Hon Paul Chan Mo Po, MH, JP Legislative Councillor (Accountancy), HKSAR



Hong Kong Chapter of the Institute of Statisticians

Ir Dr Lock Fat Shing Louis Chairman The Institute of Measurement and Control (HK)


香港物流協會 Hong Kong Logistics Association

香港證券專業學會 Hong Kong Securities Institute


The City and Guilds of London Institute

Hong Kong Securities Institute


工程監督及建設監理學會 ( 香港 )

香港電腦學會 Hong Kong Computer Society

香港財務會計協會 Hong Kong Institute of Accredited Accounting Technicians

The Institute of Clerks of Works and Construction Inspectorate (Hong Kong)

香港建築設計技師學會 The Institute of Hong Kong Architectural Technologists



The Institution of Engineering and Technology Hong Kong

Hong Kong Institute of Architects




Hong Kong Section, The Institute of Measurement & Control

The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants Hong Kong


Ir Dr Hon Tam Wai Ho, Samson, JP Legislative Councillor (Information Technology), HKSAR

國際會計師公會香港分會 The Association of International Accountants Hong Kong Branch

英國電腦學會香港分會 The British Computer Society (Hong Kong Section)

The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants

香港工程監督學會 Hong Kong Institute of Clerks of Works

香港特許秘書公會 The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries

香港設施管理學會 The Hong Kong Institute of Facility Management

專業學會、國內及海外大學聯繫 Professional Bodies, Mainland and Overseas Universities Connections

專業學會 Professional Bodies 特許公認會計師公會


The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)

The Chartered Institute of Building, UK (CIOB)



The Association of International Accountants (AIA)

The Institute of Clerks of Works, UK (ICWCI)



The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA)

The Hong Kong Institute of Clerks of Works (HKICW)



The Hong Kong Institute of Accredited Accounting Technicians (HKIAAT)

Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers (HKICM)


The Society of Operations Engineers (SOE)

The Chartered Institute of Marketing Hong Kong (CIM)


營造工程師學會香港分會 香港實務工程師學會 The Hong Kong Institution of Incorporated Engineers (HKIIE)

Hong Kong Institute of Marketing (HKIM)

美國註冊財務策劃師香港管理中心 Registered Financial Planners Hong Kong Management Office


國內及海外大學 Mainland and Overseas Universities

China Business Manager Association


社會工作者註冊局 Social Workers Registration Board

香港社會工作人員協會 Hong Kong Social Workers Association

香港社會工作者總工會 Hong Kong Social Workers’ General Union

香港旅行社協會 Hong Kong Association of Travel Agents (HATA)

英國款待學院 Institute of Hospitality


Leeds Metropolitan University

英國密德塞克斯大學 Middlesex University

英國諾丁漢特倫特大學 Nottingham Trent University

英國百明翰大學學院 University College Birmingham

英國中央蘭開夏大學 University of Central Lancashire

英國新特蘭大學 University of Sunderland

The Network of Asia-Pacific Education and Training Institutes in Tourism




Information Technology Coordinator Association (ITCA)

Jinan University



Chartered Institute of Linguists

Xiamen University

香港工程師學會 The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE)

University of South Australia

附錄 Appendix

2011-13 僱主顧問委員會 Employers Consultative Committee 2011-13

市場策劃 Sales & Marketing



Investment & Insurance

Amen Design & Promotion Ltd


陳李張廣告有限公司 Edwin Eddie Tommy Advertising Ltd

Xmedia Services Ltd.

卡迪爾國際企業有限公司 Catil Int'i Ent'i Ltd

萬象公關廣告有限公司 Elephant Pr & Advertising Ltd

Twinkle Wedding


Prosperous Financial Services Ltd.

邦盟滙駿基金管理有限公司 BMI Funds Management Ltd.

時富投資集團有限公司 Celestial Asia Securities Holdings Ltd.

中原理財有限公司 Centaline Financial Services Ltd.

英國保誠保險有限公司 The Prudential Assurance Company Ltd.

安達人壽保險有限公司 ACE Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Hong Kong Professional Wedding Planning Association




Smart Kids' Club

拉斐特婚禮統籌有限公司 Lafa Yette Wedding Ltd.

本色集團 ( 控股 ) 有限公司 Intercol Group (Holdings) Ltd.

Amtd Financial Planning Ltd. Prime Securities Ltd.

輝立理財顧問 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 Phillip Financial Advisors (HK) Ltd.

大新保險服務有限公司 Dah Sing Insurance Company Ltd.

中國人壽保險 ( 海外 ) 股份有限公司

地產業 Real Estate 中原地產代理有限公司 Centaline Property Agency Ltd.

China Life Insurance (Overseas) Company Ltd.

美國友邦保險 ( 百慕達 ) 有限公司 - S-AS American International Assurance Company (Bermuda) Ltd. - S-AS

世紀 21 富山地產 Century 21 Hilltop Property Agency Ltd.

世紀 21 奇豐物業顧問行 Century 21 Goodwin Property Consultants

祥益地產代理有限公司 Many Wells Property Agent Ltd.

萊斯物業代理有限公司 Flourish Property Agency Ltd.

亞洲地產代理有限公司 Asia Property Agency Company Ltd.

世紀 21 中華物業有限公司

物流業 Logistics 佐川急便 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 Sagawa Express (HK) Co., Ltd.

梁錦華先生 Mr. Alan Leung

盈滙倉庫有限公司 Earnward Warehouse Ltd

利嘉國際航運有限公司 Regal World Transport System Ltd.

Century 21 Culture Center Property Ltd.



Hong Hong Container Drayage Services Association Ltd

Wong Ho Property Agency Ltd.

利嘉閣地產有限公司 Ricacorp Properties Ltd.

康業物業代理有限公司 Hong Yip Properties Agency Ltd.

集力貨運代理有限公司 NVO Terminal Ltd




酒店業 Hotels

Finance & Accounting

Health & Beauty Care


Benny K B Kwok Forensic Expert

DR 醫學美容集團 DR Ltd.



The City View

World Link CPA Ltd.

Angel Cosmetics International Ltd.


KCPS & Partners 香港執業會計師事務所 KCPS & Partners CPA (Practising)


The Royal Garden

Nature's Care (HK) Ltd.




Ramada Hong Kong Hotel

Lee Sik Wai & Company CPA

Dr. I Laser Centre




Henderson Hotel Management Ltd.

Bentleys CPA Company Ltd.

Ka Man Beauty Center Ltd.




Rambler Garden Hotel

Lam, Lee & So CPA Company Ltd.

Sau San Tong Management Ltd




Easy Harvest Ltd.

Lee Chi Fai & Company CPA (Practising)

Foot Joy Club


康福堂中醫藥及顧問公司 -

Zhi Hua & Company CPA

集友銀行有限公司 Chiyu Banking Corporation Ltd.

司徒萬德中醫師 ( 全科 ) -



BDO Ltd.

Jackeline Beauty Salon



Nail Salon

Rambler Hotel


8 度海逸酒店 Habour Plaza 8 Degrees

美麗華酒店企業有限公司 Miramar Hotel And Investment Company Ltd.

香港旺角朗豪酒店 Langham Place Hotel Hong Kong

帝景酒店 Royal View Hotel

富豪國際酒店集團 Regal Hotels International Ltd.

Security & Property Management

旅遊業 Tourism



Guardian Property Management Ltd.

Stanley Travel Co Ltd




City Security Company Ltd.

Cleaning, Domestic & Care

Hong Kong Oriental Travel Ltd



信成 ( 國際 ) 旅遊有限公司

Winson Group Holdings Ltd.

Professional Security Services Ltd.

Sincere International Travel Service Co Ltd




City Cleaning Ltd.

Jones Lang Lasalle Management Services Ltd.

Hong Kong Wing On Travel Service Ltd



Bbcare Health Services Centre

Hong Thai Travel Services Ltd



Wai Hong Environmental Services Ltd

Great Travel Co Ltd



ISS Facility Services Ltd

China Tourist (Hong Kong) Ltd



Fongcare Service

Hong Kong International Link



Care For Mumi Service Ltd.

恒益物業管理有限公司 Hang Yick Properties Management Ltd.

偉邦物業管理有限公司 Well Born Real Estate Management Ltd.

康業服務有限公司 Hong Yip Service Company Ltd.

富城集團 Urban Group

瑞安物業管理有限公司 Shui On Properties Management Ltd.

置邦物業服務有限公司 ISS Eastpoint Property Management Ltd.

信德集團有限公司 Shun Tak Holdings Ltd.

香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society

China Travel Service (H.K.) Ltd

昂坪 360 有限公司 Ngong Ping 360 Ltd.

附錄 Appendix

飲食業 Food & Beverages

零售業 Retail


日本城 ( 香港 ) 有限公司

Super Star Group

Japan Home Centre (HK) Ltd.



Tai Hing Worldwide Development Ltd

Arome Bakery (HK) Co. Ltd.

沙嗲王 ( 集團 ) 有限公司


Satay King (Holdings) Co. Ltd

Taipan Bread & Cakes Co Ltd

和民 ( 中國 ) 有限公司


Watami (China) Company Ltd.

Imperial Bird's Nest Management Company Ltd.

蛋撻王控股有限公司 King Bakery Human Resources Ltd

Pacific Coffee Company Ltd.

富臨集團 Foo Lam Group

麥當勞有限公司 McDonald's Restaurants (Hong Kong) Ltd.

宮崎日式燒肉 Miyazaki


英王麵包 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 A-1 Bakery Co., (HK) Ltd

時富投資集團有限公司 ( 實惠 ) Celestial Asia Securities Holdings Ltd. (Pricerite)

華潤零售 ( 集團 ) 有限公司 China Resources Retail (Group) Co., Ltd

柏斯琴行有限公司 Parsons Music Ltd.

香港山崎麵飽有限公司 Hong Kong Yamazaki Baking Co., Ltd

Tao Heung Group Ltd.

翠華集團 Tsui Wah Group

演藝及娛樂業 Entertainment



Information and Communication Technology


Micro 2000 Ltd

邦迅 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 Nationmark (HK) Ltd

東哲有限公司 Lighthouse Services Ltd.


The Spring-Time Group Hong Kong Repertory Theatre

香港藝術團 Hong Kong Art Troupe

謝偉光先生 Mr. Kevin W.K.Tse

時藝集團媒體有限公司 DK Media Group Ltd

The Chamber of Hong Kong Computer Industry


陽光電腦顧問 ( 香港 ) 有限公司


Op-Smooth Computer Consultancy (HK) Ltd

Marigold International Entertainment Ltd.

Mr. Ben C.B.To

香港教育資訊網有限公司 Hong Kong Education Web Ltd

註 : 排名不分先後。The list represents no particular order.


2010-11 學生卓越表現名單 HKCT Students Outstanding Performance 獎項 Award

課程 Programme

學生姓名 Name

「無毒有愛」網上多媒體創作比賽 「多媒體設計組季軍」及「網上最受歡迎作品獎」



Higher Diploma in Computer Studies

MAN Kai Kwong



Higher Diploma in Accounting

CHAN Kai Lun



BSc (Hons) Facilities Management

CHEUNG Seung Yeung

創意設計 ( 綜合平面設計傳達 ) 高級文憑課程


特許公認會計師公會 (ACCA) P7 卷考試全港最佳成績 Best performance in Hong Kong of The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) P7 Examination ACCA 專業會計考試的香港優異成績銅獎 Outstanding achievements in Hong Kong of ACCA Professional Accounting Examinations

香港設施管理學會 Hong Kong Institute of Facility Management “Outstanding Facilities Management Student”

「尊重網上知識產權」卡套設計比賽優異獎 “Respect Intellectual Property on the Internet”Card Holder Design Competition Merit Award Esprit 兔年 T 恤設計大賽 Esprit Design World Final Twelve Starbucks Charm Tumbler “Hong Kong Culture” Design Competition Final Ten

「香港安全標誌巴士車身設計比賽」大專組季軍 Hong Kong Safety Mark Bus Advertising Panel Design Competition Tertiary Group Second Runner-up

資訊保安認知推廣活動標誌設計比賽學生組季軍 Annual Promotion Campaign on Information Security Logo Design Contest Student Group Second Runner-up

Higher Diploma in Creative Design (Integrated Graphic Communication)

MOK Tsz Ki

職安 Power 全起動 10/11「職安 SafeTee 設計比賽」學生組季軍 賽馬會思覺健康計劃思覺漫遊漫畫創作比賽學生組優異獎 道路安全海報設計比賽學界組優異獎 1st Visual Design Competition of 2010 International Printed Circuit & Electronics Assembly Fair 優異獎 Good Hong Kong Poster 好香港海報設計大賽入圍作品

「維港標記設計徵集」比賽 ( 學生組 ) 優勝作品獎 Call for Victoria Harbour Icon Design Winning Entry

創意設計 ( 綜合平面設計傳達 ) 高級文憑課程 Higher Diploma in Creative Design (Integrated Graphic Communication)

潘麗珍 POON Lai Chun

楊奕威 YEUNG Yik Wai

ACCA 大專生商業策劃大比拚 (2010)

評判嘉許獎 ACCA Hong Kong Business Competition 2010 Judges’ Commendation



Higher Diploma in Accounting

YEUNG Tak Faat

曾旭初 TSANG Yuk Cho

附錄 Appendix

柳凱翹 柏立基爵士信託基金獎學金


LAU Hoi Kiu

Sir Robert Black Trust Fund - Scholarships

Project Yi Jin

鍾家南 CHUNG Ka Nam


CHAN Heung Ting


LO Sze Man

姚燊樺 會計學高級文憑課程 Higher Diploma in Accounting

YIU San Wa


WONG Yuen Shan


WONG Yiu Kwan


YEUNG Tak Faat

香港財務會計協會 (HKIAAT) 會計及商業管理個案比賽 ( 大專組 2010-2011) 卓越表現奬


CHAN Kuen Fai

HKIAAT Accounting and Business Management Cases Competition 2010-2011 Outstanding Performance Award


WONG Pak Kui


LOK Wai Kit

會計 ( 副修銀行學 ) 高級文憑課程 Higher Diploma in Accounting (with Banking)




LEUNG Fung Kan


LAM Fung Ting


LAW Wai Chun


LI Chi Hung


YU An Chuen

電腦學高級文憑課程 Higher Diploma in Computer Studies


CHAN Chun Wai


SIU Cho Ki


SO Yiu Cheung

香港電腦通訊節 2011 潮人創業學習賽冠軍 HKCCF2011 In Generation Project –Young Enterprise Competition (Beginner) Champion


LEE Shu Wing

李卓賢 商貿學高級文憑課程 ( 市場學 )

LEE Cheuk Yin

Higher Diploma in Business (Marketing)


FONG Tik Chun


NG Wai Kit


YUEN Tseng Yin LCCI (Level 2) 的會計及簿記考試 Accounting and bookkeeping Examination in LCCI (Level 2) “Pass with Distinction”

尤德爵士紀念基金「在職人士自我增值獎」 Sir Edward Youde Memorial Awards for Self-improvement for Working Adults

LCC&I 簿記及會計 (Level2) 備試單元證書

課程 Module Certificate in LCC&I Bookkeeping & Accounts (Level2) Examination Preparation


高智健 英國倫敦工商會 (LCCI) 的簿記及會計公開考試優異成績 Bookkeeping and accounting outstanding results in public examinations of London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI)

商業與管理: LCCI 會計及商業課程 HKIAAT 會計課程 ACCA 會計課程

KO Chi Kin

楊良駒 YEUNG Leung Kui

溫寶祈 WAN Po Kei


港專校舍及中心一覽 Overview of HKCT Campuses and Service Centres

港專賽馬會馬鞍山校園 HKCT Jockey Club Ma On Shan Campus 新界沙田馬鞍山耀安邨 Yiu On Estate, Ma On Shan, Sha Tin, New Territories

何文田校舍 Homantin Campus 九龍何文田公主道 14 號 No. 14, Princess Margaret Road, Homantin, Kowloon

銅鑼灣校舍 Causeway Bay Campus 香港銅鑼灣軒尼詩道 412 號地下至 3 樓 Ground to 3rd Floor, 412 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

附錄 Appendix


旺角校舍 Mong Kok Campus 九龍旺角西洋菜南街 74-84 號旺角城市中心 3 樓 3/F, Mongkok City Centre, 74-84 Sai Yeung Choi Street South, Mongkok, Kowloon

都會校舍 Metropolis Campus 九龍紅磡都會道 6 號置富都會 9 樓 Level 9, Fortune Metropolis, 6 Metropolis Drive, Hunghom, Kowloon

將軍澳綜合服務中心 Tseung Kwan O Integrated Service Centre 將軍澳寶林邨寶泰樓 B 翼地下 G003 號 Unit G003, G/F., Wing B, Po Tai House, Po Lam Estate, Tseung Kwan O

ERB 服務中心(九龍西) ERB Service Centre (Kowloon West) 九龍長沙灣順寧道 273 號日輝大廈地鋪 G1 及 1 樓 Shop G1, G/F and 1/F, Sunlight Building, 273 Shun Ning Road, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon

查詢 Enquiry

電話 Tel 2926 1222

電郵 Email enquiry@hkct.edu.hk

網址 Website http://www.hkct.edu.hk

二零一一年十二月編印 Printed in December 2011


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