Development and Support
Corporate Planning and Staff Training
The Federation is committed to realise the Fourth 5-year Plan set out in 2019-20, but is cognisant of changing needs as a result of the current context. Therefore, in addition to the three pillar strategies of “Deepening Engagement”, “Enhancing Professionalism” and “Embracing Innovation” to promote the service directions of “Wellness”, “Future Skills”, and “Healing for Hope”, for 2021-22, three further streams of transformation were launched. These are: “Digitalisation”, “Upskilling” and “Sustainability”. The Annual Plan 2021-22 was published in April 2021 and distributed to government departments, funding bodies, partners, youth work organisations, universities and schools.
The Annual Plan 2021-22 The challenges of the pandemic saw the development of youth services face unprecedent risks as well as new opportunities. The annual planning cycle was highlighted by the “Agency Development Day” held in December 2020, where about 500 staff members, ranging from front line workers to senior management, gathered in Zoom meetings to discuss future plans of service development.
Staff Training Staff members have made great efforts to enhance their knowledge and skills in these challenging times and working from home. They managed to accomplish a total of 10,570 training hours by attending 59 in-house and 81 external training activities, achieving a total attendance of 5,044. Zoom online trainings were organised to supplement or replace classroom learning to comply with the public health guidelines and regulations. The Staff e-Learning System underwent a revamp and recorded 10,872 staff log-ins this year. The “e-Connect” bulletin is also published weekly to engage staff for better communications.