HKFYG Annual Repor t 2019 -20
First faced with the protests and now with the pandemic, this
We at the Federation can understand the frustrations and
has been a very challenging year for Hong Kong. And while
disappointments of the young people, especially on issues
the social unrest has subsidised, we are still unable to see
over which they have no control, including things such as
an end to the pandemic. This has made the 60th Anniversary
the housing shortage. However, we are also committed to
year of the Federation one which does not really lend itself
proactively re-building trust and optimism for the future and
to celebration.
our strategic response is one of “Healing” and “Hope”, which forms the theme for how we move forward. This is because we live in a community where demands are better met through negotiations and dialogue, rather than by confrontation.