HKFYG Annual Repor t 2019 -20
Volunteer Services The Yout h Vo l u n teer Netw o rk (VNE T) was established in 1998, with the aim of promoting youth volunteerism in Hong Kong. VNET makes every endeavour to instil the spirit of service in every generation, empowering youth volunteers to make a positive, innovative and sustainable impact. Over the past year, VNET received 14,520 new volunteer registrations, resulting in a total of 244,584 volunteers. This year, VNET registered volunteers contributed 751,958 service hours, and 1,398 volunteer training programmes were offered with 30,155 participants.
Heart to Heart Project For 15 years, the Federation has been carrying out the “Heart to Heart Project”. Including new partners, there are now 78 companies in the Project, with eight new schools, resulting in a total of 143 Heart to Heart schools. In view of the pandemic, all schools suspended their academic and extra-curricular activities and only 39 service projects were organised and completed by 33 schools. It is expected that the Heart to Heart service will once again be active when the situation changes.
NEIGHBOURHOOD Teams To promote a caring community, the Federation continues to carr y out the “NEIGHBOURHOOD First” Campaign, which engaged over 1,700 youth volunteers to join the NEIGHBOURHOOD Teams in all 18 districts. Total attendance of service recipients amounted to 67,000. Some services were initiated by young people themselves in response to the pandemic and to show their support to those in need.
Global Youth Service Day To echo the Global Youth Service Day (GYSD) led by Youth Service America, VNET as the only representative from Hong Kong, together with organisations around the world, promotes volunteerism and service in schools. Over 3,000 students from primary schools to universities, participated in the “GYSD2019 Volunteer Effects on Campus”.