HKFYG Annual Repor t 2019 -20
Education Services The Federation continues to provide quality education through two non-profit making kindergartens-cum-nurseries; one nonprofit making kindergarten; one aided primary school and one Direct Subsidy Scheme secondary school, as well as the Continuous Learning Centre, which seeks to encourage young people to pursue lifelong learning through less formal platforms.
Children’s Well-being During Class Suspension During the suspension of classes, children’s well-being was a priority. Apart from providing school-based thematic learning materials and audio books to facilitate learning at home, teachers also wrote letters to show their care and support. Guidelines on home based fine motor skills and gross motion skills activities were provided to parents to ensure a balanced development even though confined at home. A picture book, School Suspension, was especially designed from a child’s perspective to alleviate their fear
Pre-primary Education Learning through Parent-child Play Play is essential in children’s development, and is both educational and affordable. To enhance parents’ understanding of the benefits of play and to empower their abilities, teachers guided parents to design parent-child games using everyday items, such as towels, blankets, toilet rolls and clips. Parents’ original ideas were consolidated into a series of three play guides, categorising their benefits to cognitive ability, fine motor skills and gross motor skills. More parent-child play improves mutual understanding and helps with emotional development.
Integrating Play in the Picture Book Approach The kindergartens have been practicing Picture Book Approach since 2013, resulting in significant improvement in children’s language ability, logical thinking and creativity. Taking children’s learning to the next level, play was integrated into the Picture Book Approach this year. Play Books, that is, books with embedded games were read under the teachers’ guidance. While reading, children interacted with the book and created their own story plots, stimulating their creativity and imagination.
of school suspension and the pandemic.