Core Services
Creativity Education and Youth Exchange
34 tertiary students passed the first cohort of the LEAD Engineer Training Scheme. The participants received comprehensive training, including design in STEM Workshops; how to address the needs of SEN students; learning about emerging technologies in education; practicum sessions and how to make assessments. These students can now pass on their knowledge of quality STEM Education.
STEM Competitions The Federation also organised the following events: The Hong Kong Student Science Project Competition (SSPC) attracted almost 900 students from 75 secondary schools
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and
from ten different countries and regions, forming 231 teams to
Mathematics) Education
compete in various science-related events. The Competition is
The HKFYG Centre for Creative Science and Technology (CCST)
the Hong Kong Science Museum, with sponsorship from the
was established to provide hands-on exploratory science
Innovation and Technology Commission and the Hong Kong
education and experiential learning for students and teachers.
Science and Technology Parks Corporation.
jointly organised by the Federation, the Education Bureau and
With the support of the Innovation and Technology Commission and the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation,
The GreenMech Contest attracted more than 360 students and
over 390 programmes were organised for more than 34,000
teachers from 63 schools forming teams to participate. Through
participants in 2019-20. In spite of the pandemic, 28 online
designing and building contraptions with different energy
workshop sessions were organised to facilitate STEM learning
exchange mechanics, the Contest enhances youngsters’
of 2,000 participants during the school suspension.
knowledge and application of different science principles and green energy concepts.
A user-centric design approach was adopted and tailor-made programmes were organised, in order to meet various needs of students in different age groups.
Over 250 students and teachers from 42 primary and secondary schools competed in the Creative Coder Competition. Students learnt about coding; built an interactive installation and built
These included, the Seed Project, targeting gifted primary
games with creative thinking and problem solving skills.
school students; the 1+1 Tip-top Talent Training Scheme for secondary school students, and the Innovation and Technology
About 400 students and teachers from 43 schools participated
Scholarship Award Scheme for elite university students. These
in the 2019 Hong Kong 4D Frame Maths and Science Creativity
programmes promoted both academic interest and laid the
Competition. Their creativity and spatial thinking skills were
foundation for possible future careers.
fostered through structural design and a mission challenge.