Cine Fan Jun / Jul 2016 Programmes

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Jun/Jul Programmes 六、七月節目


Programmes 六、七月節目


傳說 ‧

Hara Setsuko Forever Once Upon a Film 主辦 Presenter



資助機構 Financially Supported by

主辦 Presenter

資助機構 Financially Supported by


} 電影節發燒友 (HKIFF Cine Fan) 節目

Cine Fan

HKIFF Cine Fan Programme

Once Upon a Film

預告片 Trailer


The Labyrinth of Mystery – Jacques Rivette

新場地 New Venues

地址見 Addresses please see




Financially supported by the Hong Kong Film Development Fund 電影節發燒友(HKIFF Cine Fan)節目由 (HKFDF) and organised by the Hong Kong International Film Festival 香港電影發展基金資助,2013年4月 Society (HKIFFS), the HKIFF Cine Fan Programme was launched in 由香港國際電影節協會創辦。節目旨 April 2013. With the aim to enrich and deepen the experience of 於推廣豐富多元的電影文化,定期為 Hong Kong moviegoers, the monthly programme features a variety of 香港觀眾帶來主流電影以外的精選佳 curated contemporary, retrospective and thematic showcases. 作。 In conjunction with the programme, the HKIFFS has introduced Cine 香港國際電影節協會同時推出優惠計 The Grand Festival Grand Cine Fan)」, Fan, a special privilege for館 cineastes to enjoy 劃「電影節發燒友(HKIFF 香 港 電scheme 影資料 香 港ticket 科 學discounts 館 HK Film and Archive HKHKIFF, Science Museum also the annual the Summer IFF, 為成功申請的影迷提供各種節目的票 Cinema Cinemaboth for the programme, and other associated programmes. 價優惠。

所有場地戲票於城市售票網統一發售 All tickets available at URBTIX


Hara Setsuko Forever


永遠的女優 原節子

Instant Classic



Back to the Screen


銀幕再現 署名文章內容不代表主辦機構意見。 The content of signed articles 影片放映格式請參閱Cine do not represent the viewsFan網頁 of the presenter. Screening format information please refer to the Cine Fan website

Screening Schedule



Cine Fan

夏日國際電影節 主辦 Presenter

Summer IFF

資助機構 Financially Supported by

合作夥伴 Cine Fan Supporters

鳴謝 Acknowledgements

節 期 確 定 ! D a t e s

C o n f i r m e d !

16-30.8.2016 綠野仙踪 3D The Wizard of Oz 3D 男歡女愛 A Man and A Woman 迷牆 Pink Floyd The Wall

7 月 2 7 日 開 始 售 票 Tickets available from 27 July onwards 電影節發燒友 (HKIFF Cine Fan) 節目

Cine Fan

HKIFF Cine Fan Programme

Once Upon a Film

預告片 Trailer


The Labyrinth of Mystery – Jacques Rivette

新場地 New Venues

地址見 Addresses please see




Financially supported by the Hong Kong Film Development Fund 電影節發燒友(HKIFF Cine Fan)節目由 (HKFDF) and organised by the Hong Kong International Film Festival 香港電影發展基金資助,2013年4月 Society (HKIFFS), the HKIFF Cine Fan Programme was launched in 由香港國際電影節協會創辦。節目旨 April 2013. With the aim to enrich and deepen the experience of 於推廣豐富多元的電影文化,定期為 Hong Kong moviegoers, the monthly programme features a variety of 香港觀眾帶來主流電影以外的精選佳 curated contemporary, retrospective and thematic showcases. 作。 In conjunction with the programme, the HKIFFS has introduced Cine 香港國際電影節協會同時推出優惠計 The Grand Festival Grand Cine Fan)」, Fan, a special privilege for館 cineastes to enjoy 劃「電影節發燒友(HKIFF 香 港 電scheme 影資料 香 港ticket 科 學discounts 館 HK Film and Archive HKHKIFF, Science Museum also the annual the Summer IFF, 為成功申請的影迷提供各種節目的票 Cinema Cinemaboth for the programme, and other associated programmes. 價優惠。

所有場地戲票於城市售票網統一發售 All tickets available at URBTIX


Hara Setsuko Forever


永遠的女優 原節子

Instant Classic



Back to the Screen


銀幕再現 署名文章內容不代表主辦機構意見。 The content of signed articles 影片放映格式請參閱Cine do not represent the viewsFan網頁 of the presenter. Screening format information please refer to the Cine Fan website

Screening Schedule



Cine Fan

夏日國際電影節 主辦 Presenter

Summer IFF

資助機構 Financially Supported by

合作夥伴 Cine Fan Supporters

鳴謝 Acknowledgements

節 期 確 定 ! D a t e s

C o n f i r m e d !

16-30.8.2016 綠野仙踪 3D The Wizard of Oz 3D 男歡女愛 A Man and A Woman 迷牆 Pink Floyd The Wall

7 月 2 7 日 開 始 售 票 Tickets available from 27 July onwards

也有不圖以假亂真,開宗明義就是個神話,如 《牧羊人之戀》。盧馬一貫低調但嚴謹的電影作 法,跟五世紀牧羊男女故事配合起來很有奇效, 吟詩歌唱是古人生活,情感的直白也像回到從前 的默片。《夜夜春色》的音樂迷更是穿梭時空去 尋愛,唱念對白,克萊亞幻化出出奇愉快的觀影 經驗。

《美女與野獸》的高克多用影像串成詩句,童話 變出成人寓言,直往不安的潛意識進發,到最後 消失的野獸竟會教人失落。潛意識也是《黑月 亮》的領域,路易馬盧將寫實推到極限,叫莉莉 在神秘的超現實夢境,摸索自己空間。布紐爾在 《中產階級拘謹的魅力》真的發揮了敘事魅力, 六個角色,一頓總吃不成的晚餐,令故事中有說

動畫這方面可以更天馬行空,五作之外,也有不 少人已遺忘的經典《奇幻星球》。和其他影片一 樣,科幻和創意的瘋狂,都指涉時代問題,或寄 寓或諷今,皆超越時空。

5.6 21:30 GC 26.6 17:30 GC

12.6 19:00 SM 18.6 17:30 FA






Beauty and the Beast




高克多、布紐爾、克萊亞、伊力盧馬、路易馬盧 等法國電影大師,都是典範,我們選出他們的五 作,神話色彩都濃厚,敘事路數卻五花八門。電 影不管創意,不管風格,有無窮的可能。



Beauties of the Night (Les Belles de Nuit)

(La Belle et la Bête)

導演:雷克萊亞 法國/意大利 1952 87分鐘 導演:尚高克多 法國 1946 96分鐘


電 影 ‧ 傳 說

What is French cinema? The spring romances of Rohmer? The revolutions of Godard? Beur cinema from the suburbs? Working class life with Jean Gabin? Or the lyricism of Renoir or Bresson? From this vast garden of delights, Cine Fan explores yet another magical tradition of cinema – the fairy tale brought to life. Not with the sugar of Disney but with the irony and invention that makes older themes new, fresh, and attractive to masters of French cinema. Where elements of magic and duplicity, imagination and morality, poetry and romance commingle in unforgettable visions of life and love.

narratives came with French twists and reflection as well as cinematic flights of fancy. But these are not stories for children…

Le French May

And why not? In the 17th century Charles Perrault’s Tales of Mother Goose transformed French folk tales into some of the most beloved and widely-shared stories of world literature – Cinderella , Little Red Riding Hood , Sleeping Beauty , Bluebeard , Puss in Boots ; Beauty and the Beast followed in 1740 from the pen GabrielleSuzanne Barbot de Villeneuve. Such stories, once told around hearths and at bedsides, inspired later novels, art, ballets, opéras féeries and films, just as soon as Georges Méliès changed the world with his cinematic magic. Yet, as always, these

Once Upon a Film

In this series, the filmic poetry of surrealist master Jean Cocteau shows how the magic of film could meet the magic of the imagination in a tale told through images as much as words. René Clair weaves dreams of love into a ballet of sleep, history and reality while more sardonic questions of fables and outcomes are embodied in Luis Buñuel’s wry vision of the bourgeois universe. Directors project fantasy worlds into space – Laloux – or reduce fables to their metaphoric bones, as did master Louis Malle. And even take romance back into Druidic history, as Eric Rohmer did in his rarely-seen final film. Come along as we join in their magical mystery tours.

「你撫我像撫摸動物」,「你是動物啊」,然後就有 了愛。最浪漫的電影愛情。高克多這一部永恆,叫迪 士尼的浮淺汗顏。高克多拍戲不多,但始終自命詩 人,影像也是詩。這是部藝術家拍的詩電影,像夢境 實錄。美女救父,甘做獸的俘虜,獸卻比人寂寞,有 個受傷的魂魄。超現實主義詩人把視覺搞得驚惶復神 秘,美女在偌大餐桌等待獸初現身,已經是驚險萬狀 的性高潮了。還有穿越時空隨意手套,無限驚喜的無 限復活,獸、王子和美男迷離奪面⋯⋯影片野心大, 幕後高手如雲,攝影美術服裝佈景個個創意轟炸,從 潛意識裏挖掘恐懼與慾望。

1946 康城影展 Dir: Jean Cocteau France 1946 96min Cast: Jean Marais, Josette Day, Mila Parély

“Children believe what we tell them…” So surrealist Jean Cocteau framed his postwar quest for beauty and love that has continued to entrance artists like Philip Glass and Tony Kushner. Where classic theater meets disturbing dreamscapes lush in music (by Georges Auric), costumes, sets and imagination. Cocteau made this familiar story into a new world where, he said “I was obliged to deceive both the public and Beauty herself.” Duplicity, promises, love, transformations and such a charming beast, we wonder if “happy ever after” is enough. 1946 Cannes Film Festival

合辦 Co-presented by

支持 Supported by

音樂發燒友白天教書,晚上當指揮,但他的音樂已 沒市場啦,城市勁嘈吵,理想夢裏尋吧。美女從不 同時空跑出來,從遠古到法國革命到爵士年代,都崇 拜他。夢有個現實層次,醒轉後,發燒友見到一個個 美女真身,有個是學生的媽媽,有個是咖啡室收銀。 真假落差,好好玩,整個像太虛幻遊。像《發夢王大 歷險》,原意其實是格里菲斯《黨同伐異》的喜劇變 奏,同樣的結構,同樣的妒夫和決鬥等母題。雷克萊 亞正值創作巔峰,有他唱念對白的珍罕風格,也有 五十年代法國電影罕見的視覺美效,更驚現恐龍。莊 周夢蝶,又camp又瘋狂。

1952 威尼斯影展國際影評人聯盟獎 Dir: René Clair France/Italy 1952 87min Cast: Gérard Philipe, Martine Carol, Gina Lollobrigida

Six years after the intense saga of love of life and death incarnated in Cocteau’s fable, master René Clair offered a different banquet of dreams and love. Here, the hero is a composer whose days transform themselves into nightly dreams of an historical panorama of amorous conquests – including the women he has encountered in his daytimes. And as we might imagine, dreams, reality and love become confused, especially when a certain woman enters both. Not to mention a young Gina Lollobrigida… 1952 Venice Film Festival, FIPRESCI Prize 設映後座談會,講者劉嶔、王勛 Post-screening seminar with Lau Yam and Geoffrey Wong





18.6 19:30 FA 26.6 21:45 GC


Black Moon

Fantastic Planet

12.6 21:30 SM 19.6 19:30 FA



(Le charme discret de la bourgeoisie)



The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie

5.6 19:45 GC 19.6 18:00 FA


拘謹的魅力 中產階級

4.6 14:00 GC 26.6 19:30 GC

The Romance of Astrea and Celadon (Les amours d'Astrée et de Céladon)

(La Planéte Sauvage)

導演:路易布紐爾 法國 1972 105min 布紐爾愛惡搞角色,《滅絕天使》要他們永遠吃不完 一頓飯,這次反其道而行,六個角色一頓飯永遠也吃 不到。一開始記錯日子,往後越來越離奇,找到餐廳 隔壁卻陳屍了東主,其後撞上大兵、警察甚至恐怖份 子,都尷尬收場,一次更發現大家在舞台上。六人非 富則貴,吃飯帶出荒謬小插曲,也交織閃回與夢,而 且人鬼難分。布紐爾展開一張天羅地網,諷刺虛偽無 分黨派。喜劇背後也是部恐怖片,平靜無奇的畫面, 隨隨便便忽然殺人。現實無形中搞超現實,布紐爾在 此已圓融,出色鏡頭調度是本片一大看點。當年嘲笑 特權階級,如今嘲笑的,可會是這一代沉迷吃喝玩樂 的我們?

1973奧斯卡金像獎最佳外語片 Dir: Luis Buñuel France 1972 105min Cast: Fernando Rey, Delphine Seyrig, Stéphane Audran, Bulle Ogier

Three couples walk assemble for dinner... Director Luis Buñuel transmutes what could be the beginning of any story into a marvelous compendium of frustrations, digressions and dreams that evoke the complacency and entitlement of the upper middle-class. Plans collapse, locations conceal strange twists, sex and paranoia emerge, fantastic stories intervene and characters as diverse as the auteur’s fertile imagination could make them wander through the story: the soldier, the bishop, the revolutionary. A very different fairy tale combining vintage surrealism with the master’s sardonic visions of bourgeois society. 1973 Academy Awards, Best Foreign Language Film



導演:路易馬盧 法國/西德 1975 100分鐘 中文字幕

導演:雷拉魯 法國/捷克 1973 72分鐘 藍巨人是這兒的主人,人類不是寵物,就是野生動 物,像流蟻一樣死不足惜。小主角Terr就是藍女孩的 寵物。影片怪異的,不止這個暗喻種族關係(或人與 動物關係逆轉)的設定,更是花草動物和地貌,譬如 會捕鳥的樹、吃人的飛鳥、織衣的生物,還有靈魂出 竅的溝通。動畫竟然打入當年康城影展競賽,連非動 畫迷也深愛,載入影史經典。片中瘋狂的創意和想像 力都是前所未見,像達利畫中世界活動起來,一直看 一直驚喜,而且超越語言,怎樣的形容都只會徒勞, 要看過才開眼界。蘇聯入侵捷克的背景啟發,黑色加 奇觀,成了個傑出的寓言。

1973 康城影展特別獎 Dir: René Laloux France/Czechoslovakia 1973 72min

And now for something completely different. A psychedelic stop-motion fable of humans and giant blue humanoids locked into a destructive struggle of death and oppression that rages across planets. Illustrated from the ever-fertile imagination of painter and filmmaker Roland Topor, this ever-surprising film offers a Moses of the future, the human orphan Terr, who is rescued and raised by the dominant Draags. But Terr eventually leads his people on an embattled quest for freedom across the galaxy and then…creates a new and better world back home. 1973 Cannes Film Festival, Special Prize

馬盧遺珠,就一定是這部,他最怪雞最實驗的《愛麗 絲夢遊仙境》末日版。兩性戰爭爆發,出逃的莉莉走 進「兔洞」,一個農莊,內裏有同樣叫莉莉的亂倫兄 妹,有女兒餵奶的臥床老媽。影片出色誘人,在於毫 無特效,拍出連場噩夢。英瑪褒曼御用攝影師,用自 然光製造驚奇。蛇、鼬獾等地球住客發聲,老媽更用 地球語責備老鼠。憂憂愁愁的獨角獸現身,莉莉不滿 牠黑黑肥肥,獨角獸拋下金句:最美的都沒有用。馬 盧用超現實打謎語,不過你總意會到箇中諷刺,如世 上的虛飾謊言與暴力,如無厘頭的少女成長。蘇珊桑 塔大讚是有道理的。

1976 法國凱撒獎最佳攝影及最佳音響獎 Dir: Louis Malle France/West Germany 1975 100min Cast: Cathryn Harrison, Therese Giehse, Alexandra Stewart

Louis Malle’s surreal fable of a war between men and women, seen through the eyes of a child. Starkly dreamlike, the film is dominated by archetypical characters of Brother Lily, Sister Lily and the Old Woman. Both its symbolic scenes and probing interactions transport us to a world where naked children tend flocks, and unicorns and hawks guide actions in a human world. And yet much of the shooting was conducted around Malle’s own homestead, where the sights and sounds of pastoral France take on new mythic dimensions. 1976 César Awards, Best Cinematography & Best Sound

導演:伊力盧馬 法國/意大利/西班牙 2007 109分鐘 中文字幕 晚年的盧馬從現世出走,遺作更栽進五世紀希臘神 話,對於愛情,走得遠,卻看得近。牧羊女阿慈珠誤 會西拉當出軌,發毒誓不再見,西拉當傷心投河,給 仙女打救,扮女生混進阿慈珠姊妹群裏,兩人竟變知 交,形影不離。懸疑在這裏不住衝擊我們底線:西拉 當你這副長相騙得了誰!但他們就是不讓你得逞,禮 法守得叫人心癢難耐。我們透過西拉當的眼睛,撫着 阿慈珠每寸肌膚,是盧馬感官肉慾之最了。靈與性如 此神奇糅合,也許只有88歲的盧馬才拍得出來。又 cult又抵死處,差點以為艾慕杜華,或者莎翁。45年 電影生涯,一個頑皮的告別。

2007 威尼斯影展 Dir: Eric Rohmer France/Italy/Spain 2007 109min Cast: Andy Gillet, Stéphanie Crayencour, Cécile Cassel

The final film of Eric Rohmer, escaping his characteristic contemporary romances into a 17th century pastorale of a shepherd and his beautiful muse, that itself created a 5th century world of nymphs and druids. These choices underpin the work of a master who, in his eighth decade, chose to make a film of classical elegance and simple romance, misunderstandings and passion and all, a film whose sheer poetry offered no commercial reward. A wondrous and rarely seen poetic gift, perfect for a spring of love and fairy tales. 2007 Venice Film Festival



The Labyrinth of Mystery Jacques Rivette

Paris Belongs to Us 巴黎是我們的

10.7 14:15 FA 31.7 16:30 FG

11.6 19:00 SM 18.6 14:30 FA

(Paris nous appartient)

導演:積葵利維特 法國 1961 140分鐘 西班牙青年神秘自殺,文學少女走遍巴黎追查孰 令致之。友好聚頭談論青年的末日結他曲,撫着 酒杯慨嘆一個好人不能在虛無氛圍 下存活;忽然陰謀論的黑影籠罩下 來,有人大叫閉嘴,一眾戮屍者自 身難保唯有繼續言不及義,在一齣 創作永遠進行中的莎劇頭起頭沒。 利維特評而優則導,首作即奠下日 後抽絲剝繭、用時間厚度積累層次 的風格。其《電影筆記》戰友紛紛 義助粉墨登場,於是我們看到尚盧 高達出現在咖啡座口是心非溝女, 查布洛、積葵丹美和他本人集體出 鏡營構戰後花都的存在焦慮。一切 似要在那頹廢的波希米亞生涯中蒸 發掉,午後微風吹過,人在屋頂上蹓躂,見證一 代人永恆的巴黎。

設映後談,講者朗天 Post-screening talk with Long Tin

利維特 的神秘國度

Dir: Jacques Rivette France 1961 140min Cast: Betty Schneider, Giani Esposito, Françoise Prévost

A quintessential prelude to the French New Wave, whose very assemblage manages to capture a long moment in French lives of the artists and the bourgeoisie between World War II and a revolutionary future. Here Rivette, who spent three years constructing the film, weaves mysteries and fear into the ensemble with the offstage murder of a Spaniard and the presence of an American expatriate, both of whom intrigue the young literature student, Anne, who dominates the action while a production of Shakespeare stumbles on through the film. Meanwhile, Rivette also fills the film with cameos from those who would shape the New Wave with him: can you spot Claude Chabrol, Jean-Luc Godard and Jacques Demy?

The Nun

(La Religieuse) 導演:積葵利維特 法國 1966 140分鐘 中文字幕


Dir: Jacques Rivette France 1966 140min Cast: Anna Karina, Liselotte Pulver, Micheline Presle

少女被父母逼迫出家侍奉天主。她 本意不從,卻在各方軟硬兼施下屈 從命運,先後進入三位修道院長為 她安排的精神煉獄:一個虛偽慈 母,一個變態虐待,一個則對她流 露不倫欲望。咬緊牙齦訴諸法院, 盟友律師在最吃緊的關頭變相背 叛;好不容易捱過禁食禁禱、笞刑 隔離種種苦楚,找到跟她同病相憐 的神父聯袂逃亡,等待她的前路始 終似明還暗。十八世紀百科全書學 派思想家狄德羅鞭撻教廷戕害人性 的同名小說改編,女神安娜卡蓮娜 傾情演繹,造就出利維特這齣極度 壓抑、出入人性黑暗幽谷的經典傑作。當年提名角逐 康城金棕櫚大獎,安娜卡蓮娜穿婚紗鐵籠內歇斯底里 一幕,震懾全場,至今仍傳為佳話。

Denis Diderot’s scandalous novel of the Enlightenment that blasted the power and hypocrisy of the French Catholic Church found powerful new life – and scandal – in this adaptation by Jacques Rivette with Anna Karina, Godard’s wife, in the central role. A young woman forced into the convent by the failures of her mother finds her vows open a world of doubt, torture, sexual advances and ultimately death. Faith, suffering, belief and damnation become incarnate in a work banned in France until it premiered at Cannes, and finally recognized for its masterful power by Charles de Gaulle himself. Lest we forget the deeply French roots and profound philosophical explorations so often forgotten as we remember France in the 1960s.

1966 康城影展

1966 Cannes Film Festival

設映後談,講者歐嘉麗 Post-screening talk with Sonia Au


Package Discount: 30% discount to each purchase of standard tickets of both Paris Belongs to Us and The Nun




The Labyrinth of Mystery Jacques Rivette

Paris Belongs to Us 巴黎是我們的

10.7 14:15 FA 31.7 16:30 FG

11.6 19:00 SM 18.6 14:30 FA

(Paris nous appartient)

導演:積葵利維特 法國 1961 140分鐘 西班牙青年神秘自殺,文學少女走遍巴黎追查孰 令致之。友好聚頭談論青年的末日結他曲,撫着 酒杯慨嘆一個好人不能在虛無氛圍 下存活;忽然陰謀論的黑影籠罩下 來,有人大叫閉嘴,一眾戮屍者自 身難保唯有繼續言不及義,在一齣 創作永遠進行中的莎劇頭起頭沒。 利維特評而優則導,首作即奠下日 後抽絲剝繭、用時間厚度積累層次 的風格。其《電影筆記》戰友紛紛 義助粉墨登場,於是我們看到尚盧 高達出現在咖啡座口是心非溝女, 查布洛、積葵丹美和他本人集體出 鏡營構戰後花都的存在焦慮。一切 似要在那頹廢的波希米亞生涯中蒸 發掉,午後微風吹過,人在屋頂上蹓躂,見證一 代人永恆的巴黎。

設映後談,講者朗天 Post-screening talk with Long Tin

利維特 的神秘國度

Dir: Jacques Rivette France 1961 140min Cast: Betty Schneider, Giani Esposito, Françoise Prévost

A quintessential prelude to the French New Wave, whose very assemblage manages to capture a long moment in French lives of the artists and the bourgeoisie between World War II and a revolutionary future. Here Rivette, who spent three years constructing the film, weaves mysteries and fear into the ensemble with the offstage murder of a Spaniard and the presence of an American expatriate, both of whom intrigue the young literature student, Anne, who dominates the action while a production of Shakespeare stumbles on through the film. Meanwhile, Rivette also fills the film with cameos from those who would shape the New Wave with him: can you spot Claude Chabrol, Jean-Luc Godard and Jacques Demy?

The Nun

(La Religieuse) 導演:積葵利維特 法國 1966 140分鐘 中文字幕


Dir: Jacques Rivette France 1966 140min Cast: Anna Karina, Liselotte Pulver, Micheline Presle

少女被父母逼迫出家侍奉天主。她 本意不從,卻在各方軟硬兼施下屈 從命運,先後進入三位修道院長為 她安排的精神煉獄:一個虛偽慈 母,一個變態虐待,一個則對她流 露不倫欲望。咬緊牙齦訴諸法院, 盟友律師在最吃緊的關頭變相背 叛;好不容易捱過禁食禁禱、笞刑 隔離種種苦楚,找到跟她同病相憐 的神父聯袂逃亡,等待她的前路始 終似明還暗。十八世紀百科全書學 派思想家狄德羅鞭撻教廷戕害人性 的同名小說改編,女神安娜卡蓮娜 傾情演繹,造就出利維特這齣極度 壓抑、出入人性黑暗幽谷的經典傑作。當年提名角逐 康城金棕櫚大獎,安娜卡蓮娜穿婚紗鐵籠內歇斯底里 一幕,震懾全場,至今仍傳為佳話。

Denis Diderot’s scandalous novel of the Enlightenment that blasted the power and hypocrisy of the French Catholic Church found powerful new life – and scandal – in this adaptation by Jacques Rivette with Anna Karina, Godard’s wife, in the central role. A young woman forced into the convent by the failures of her mother finds her vows open a world of doubt, torture, sexual advances and ultimately death. Faith, suffering, belief and damnation become incarnate in a work banned in France until it premiered at Cannes, and finally recognized for its masterful power by Charles de Gaulle himself. Lest we forget the deeply French roots and profound philosophical explorations so often forgotten as we remember France in the 1960s.

1966 康城影展

1966 Cannes Film Festival

設映後談,講者歐嘉麗 Post-screening talk with Sonia Au


Package Discount: 30% discount to each purchase of standard tickets of both Paris Belongs to Us and The Nun





HKIFF Cine Fan 2016 Privilege Scheme

入會即送電影節發燒友 節目換票證*兩張

Join and Get 2 Cine Fan Ticket Vouchers*



The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie


Here's to the Young Lady


Beauties of the Night

Fantastic Planet


No Regrets for Our Youth


and more

會籍詳情如下 The privilege scheme details are listed below:

Patron Privilege


Classic Privilege


Privilege type 費用







2016年12月31日 31 December 2016


Valid Until 禮品


Student Privilege

優先入座電影節發燒友 節目所有場次

電影節發燒友六、七月節目(任何場地)換票證2張* 換票證數量有限,先到先得

Priority admission to all Cine Fan Programme screenings

2 ticket vouchers* for Cine Fan Jun/Jul Programme (all venues) on a first-come, first-served basis

第41屆香港國際電影節 VIP通行證乙張

One (1) 41st HKIFF VIP pass * 受有關條款及細則約束,詳情請參閱 Offers are subject to relevant terms and conditions. For details, please refer to

門票優惠請參閱購票須知 Ticket Promotion details, please refer to Ticketing Information (P.20)

電影節發燒友友好夥伴推廣優惠詳情,請參閱 Cine Fan friendly partners benefit promotion details, please visit 辦理入會手續

How to join the HKIFF Cine Fan

有意成為贊助會員者,請於辦公時間內致電2970 3300。

For application for Patron Privilege, please call 2970 3300 during office hours.

網上申請 學生及贊助會員申請人需上載個人照片(以2MB為限)。 親身遞交 於辦公時間到以下地點辦理: (學生及贊助會員申請人請帶同近照一幀) 香港國際電影節協會辦事處 地址: 九龍觀塘道370號創紀之城3期21樓(近牛頭角港鐵站) 時間: 星期一至五早上10時至下午12時,

下午2時至下午5時 〈公眾假期除外〉

Application online: Student and Patron Privilege A recent passport photo (max. 2MB) is required. Application in person Applicants can hand in their completed application forms to the following office: (Student and Patron Privilege applicants please bring a passport-sized photo) The HKIFF Society Ltd. Address: 21/F, Millennium City 3, 370 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong (Opposite to Ngau Tau Kok MTR Station) Hours: Mon-Fri: 10:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00 (Except Public Holiday)

電影節發燒友(HKIFF Cine Fan)入會條款及細則,請參閱 HKIFF Cine Fan Privilege Scheme Terms and Conditions, please visit


HKIFF Cine Fan 2016 Privilege Scheme

入會即送電影節發燒友 節目換票證*兩張

Join and Get 2 Cine Fan Ticket Vouchers*



The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie


Here's to the Young Lady


Beauties of the Night

Fantastic Planet


No Regrets for Our Youth


and more

會籍詳情如下 The privilege scheme details are listed below:

Patron Privilege


Classic Privilege


Privilege type 費用







2016年12月31日 31 December 2016


Valid Until 禮品


Student Privilege

優先入座電影節發燒友 節目所有場次

電影節發燒友六、七月節目(任何場地)換票證2張* 換票證數量有限,先到先得

Priority admission to all Cine Fan Programme screenings

2 ticket vouchers* for Cine Fan Jun/Jul Programme (all venues) on a first-come, first-served basis

第41屆香港國際電影節 VIP通行證乙張

One (1) 41st HKIFF VIP pass * 受有關條款及細則約束,詳情請參閱 Offers are subject to relevant terms and conditions. For details, please refer to

門票優惠請參閱購票須知 Ticket Promotion details, please refer to Ticketing Information (P.20)

電影節發燒友友好夥伴推廣優惠詳情,請參閱 Cine Fan friendly partners benefit promotion details, please visit 辦理入會手續

How to join the HKIFF Cine Fan

有意成為贊助會員者,請於辦公時間內致電2970 3300。

For application for Patron Privilege, please call 2970 3300 during office hours.

網上申請 學生及贊助會員申請人需上載個人照片(以2MB為限)。 親身遞交 於辦公時間到以下地點辦理: (學生及贊助會員申請人請帶同近照一幀) 香港國際電影節協會辦事處 地址: 九龍觀塘道370號創紀之城3期21樓(近牛頭角港鐵站) 時間: 星期一至五早上10時至下午12時,

下午2時至下午5時 〈公眾假期除外〉

Application online: Student and Patron Privilege A recent passport photo (max. 2MB) is required. Application in person Applicants can hand in their completed application forms to the following office: (Student and Patron Privilege applicants please bring a passport-sized photo) The HKIFF Society Ltd. Address: 21/F, Millennium City 3, 370 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong (Opposite to Ngau Tau Kok MTR Station) Hours: Mon-Fri: 10:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00 (Except Public Holiday)

電影節發燒友(HKIFF Cine Fan)入會條款及細則,請參閱 HKIFF Cine Fan Privilege Scheme Terms and Conditions, please visit

「為甚麼不用美麗的女明星做主角?」著名日本 影評人佐藤忠男不時被外國人就《東京物語》 (1953)問這個問題。日本人眼中的絕世美 人,竟被外國人誤會小津故意用個不美的。種 種矛盾圍繞着原節子(1920-2015)的演藝生 涯,外國人透過她在小津作品的角色,構成他 們心目中的日本傳統女性形象。她在《晚春》 (1949)、《東京物語》及《小早川家之秋》 (1961)分別演過女兒、遺孀及母親的角色。 在日本人的眼裏,她既是「永遠的處女」,也有 着和日本女性不同的西洋面孔及身段。 原節子在十六歲參演日本和納粹德國合作的 《新樂土》(1937)成名,日本人的「新樂 土」就是中國東北。原節子在太平洋戰爭期間, 在不少「國策電影」飾演軍人或警官的妻子。 但在戰後,她從「軍國主義之妻」搖身一變成

H a r a

為「民主主義女神」,在黑澤明《我對青春無 悔》(1946)、吉村公三郎《安城家的舞會》 (1947)及木下惠介《小姐乾杯!》(1949) 的角色,都是擺脫了戰前軍國主義及財閥政治的 枷鎖,步向戰後「美好」民主社會的新女性。 不久原節子再度華麗轉身,變成小津鏡頭下的傳 統日本女性,以及成瀨巳喜男《飯》(1951) 及《山之音》(1954)的寂寞人妻。她最後一 次和小津的合作是《小早川家之秋》,兩年後 小津離世,原節子出席守夜後,從此絕跡影壇 及拒絕公開露面,名副其實地神隱五十年,直 至2015年9月5日因肺炎去世。雖然我等外國觀 眾,難以我們看得到的少量作品論斷她偉大之 處,但是次小型回顧,未嘗不是讓新舊影迷懷緬 她樸實無華的演技,以及純潔無玷的形象的一次 良機。

S e t s u k o

When Hara Setsuko (1920-2015) passed, the world mourned. Renowned for her collaborations with Ozu Yasujiro – most notably Tokyo Story (1953) – Hara started her career in Nikkatsu studios in 1935. She quickly garnered appreciation for her roles as tragic heroines, before becoming the legend of the golden era of post-war Japanese cinema in films with Yoshimura Kozaburo, Kurosawa Akira, Kinoshita Keisuke, Ozu Yasujiro, and Naruse Mikio. Hara was that divine beauty who, much like Greta Garbo (to whom she is often compared), chose to become a recluse at the peak of her career, leaving cherished memories for audiences. Following the release of her last film Chushingura in 1962, and not long before Ozu’s passing, Hara completely disengaged herself from the film industry and resigned to living in seclusion in Kamakura, where Ozu’s graveyard would be located. Her onscreen presence is almost inseparable from her character: gentle, reserved and composed, bearing an aura of mesmerising grandeur. Each director recognised different qualities in her, but there was one thing in common: her kindness and compassion that represented the very beauty of humanity. Through her and with her, Ozu created

F o r e v e r

his ideal form of female; and he would continue to refine that form in their films together. Hara’s career and most of her defining roles, often as ladies of class, can be best summed up as quiet resistances against the expectations of a greater world. As the ojosan of wealthy or Kazoku families, she resisted being the obedient daughter; as a wife, she resisted being submissive to an uncommitted husband; as a widow she resisted the expectation to remarry...the list goes on. But the character she played never complained or revolted openly, it is the quiet that is powerful: be it a gesture; an eyeline; a silent act of running away; or an inexplicable, almost stubborn dedication to the deceased. Hara’s quality is that subdued elegance that is impossible to shake; it fends off advances, instead inspiring appreciation from afar. Her disposition makes others feel too inadequate to impose, and thus content in the ecstasy of unconsummated affection. What drove her dedication both on and off screen is an impenetrable mystery. Hara remains a beauty that is so close to us yet so far away, always approachable yet eternally unattainable, and of course, unforgettable.



「為甚麼不用美麗的女明星做主角?」著名日本 影評人佐藤忠男不時被外國人就《東京物語》 (1953)問這個問題。日本人眼中的絕世美 人,竟被外國人誤會小津故意用個不美的。種 種矛盾圍繞着原節子(1920-2015)的演藝生 涯,外國人透過她在小津作品的角色,構成他 們心目中的日本傳統女性形象。她在《晚春》 (1949)、《東京物語》及《小早川家之秋》 (1961)分別演過女兒、遺孀及母親的角色。 在日本人的眼裏,她既是「永遠的處女」,也有 着和日本女性不同的西洋面孔及身段。 原節子在十六歲參演日本和納粹德國合作的 《新樂土》(1937)成名,日本人的「新樂 土」就是中國東北。原節子在太平洋戰爭期間, 在不少「國策電影」飾演軍人或警官的妻子。 但在戰後,她從「軍國主義之妻」搖身一變成

H a r a

為「民主主義女神」,在黑澤明《我對青春無 悔》(1946)、吉村公三郎《安城家的舞會》 (1947)及木下惠介《小姐乾杯!》(1949) 的角色,都是擺脫了戰前軍國主義及財閥政治的 枷鎖,步向戰後「美好」民主社會的新女性。 不久原節子再度華麗轉身,變成小津鏡頭下的傳 統日本女性,以及成瀨巳喜男《飯》(1951) 及《山之音》(1954)的寂寞人妻。她最後一 次和小津的合作是《小早川家之秋》,兩年後 小津離世,原節子出席守夜後,從此絕跡影壇 及拒絕公開露面,名副其實地神隱五十年,直 至2015年9月5日因肺炎去世。雖然我等外國觀 眾,難以我們看得到的少量作品論斷她偉大之 處,但是次小型回顧,未嘗不是讓新舊影迷懷緬 她樸實無華的演技,以及純潔無玷的形象的一次 良機。

S e t s u k o

When Hara Setsuko (1920-2015) passed, the world mourned. Renowned for her collaborations with Ozu Yasujiro – most notably Tokyo Story (1953) – Hara started her career in Nikkatsu studios in 1935. She quickly garnered appreciation for her roles as tragic heroines, before becoming the legend of the golden era of post-war Japanese cinema in films with Yoshimura Kozaburo, Kurosawa Akira, Kinoshita Keisuke, Ozu Yasujiro, and Naruse Mikio. Hara was that divine beauty who, much like Greta Garbo (to whom she is often compared), chose to become a recluse at the peak of her career, leaving cherished memories for audiences. Following the release of her last film Chushingura in 1962, and not long before Ozu’s passing, Hara completely disengaged herself from the film industry and resigned to living in seclusion in Kamakura, where Ozu’s graveyard would be located. Her onscreen presence is almost inseparable from her character: gentle, reserved and composed, bearing an aura of mesmerising grandeur. Each director recognised different qualities in her, but there was one thing in common: her kindness and compassion that represented the very beauty of humanity. Through her and with her, Ozu created

F o r e v e r

his ideal form of female; and he would continue to refine that form in their films together. Hara’s career and most of her defining roles, often as ladies of class, can be best summed up as quiet resistances against the expectations of a greater world. As the ojosan of wealthy or Kazoku families, she resisted being the obedient daughter; as a wife, she resisted being submissive to an uncommitted husband; as a widow she resisted the expectation to remarry...the list goes on. But the character she played never complained or revolted openly, it is the quiet that is powerful: be it a gesture; an eyeline; a silent act of running away; or an inexplicable, almost stubborn dedication to the deceased. Hara’s quality is that subdued elegance that is impossible to shake; it fends off advances, instead inspiring appreciation from afar. Her disposition makes others feel too inadequate to impose, and thus content in the ecstasy of unconsummated affection. What drove her dedication both on and off screen is an impenetrable mystery. Hara remains a beauty that is so close to us yet so far away, always approachable yet eternally unattainable, and of course, unforgettable.




No Regrets for Our Youth (Waga seishun ni kuinashi)

19.6 16:00 FA 9.7 19:30 GC


Dir: Yamanaka Sadao Japan 1936 82min Cast: Kawarasaki Chojuro, Nakamura Kanemon, Hara Setsuko

One of the three existing films from Yamanaka Sadao – preceding his masterpiece Humanity and Paper Balloons (1937) – Priest of Darkness is a refreshing jidai-geki based on a Kabuki play. A blossoming Hara Setsuko plays the elder sister of a good-for-nothing, persistently searching for her brother whose thoughtless behavior has made him a target of mercenaries and ronin. Hara’s delicate yet determined demeanour subverts the maledominated world, inspiring a kind of bonding and humanity among the disreputable priest, Kochiyama, and the mercenaries. Yamanaka masterfully infuses this ninjo into his swordplay film, transforming it into a reflection of the everyday life of ordinary men.

設映後座談會,講者藍天雲、李焯桃 Post-screening seminar with Grace Ng and Li Cheuk-to



a.k.a A Married Life (Meshi)

(Ojosan kanpai)

導演:成瀨巳喜男 日本 1951 97分鐘 中文字幕 演員:原節子、上原謙、島崎雪子、杉村春子 導演:黑澤明 日本 1946 110分鐘 中文字幕 演員:原節子、藤田進、大河內傳次郎 日本戰敗一年後拍攝,美國在日本鼓吹民主,並在電 影清算日本軍國主義。故事開始於1933年,對外擴 張成為日本國策,法學教授因為反戰被解僱,女兒幸 枝(原節子)和父親兩個學生的情愫也告中斷。一別 多年,幸枝選定其中一位,但他又因間諜身份被揭穿 而壯烈犧牲。幸枝誓不屈服,在田園找到人生意義, 捱到自由的重臨。原節子從頭帶到尾,由十指不沾陽 春水的教授千金,到成為迷失在都市的上班族,最後 背負「非國民」之妻的惡名,落田奮鬥,戰勝厄運。 原節子從至柔演到至剛,奠定「民主主義女神」的形 象。

1946《電影旬報》五大電影第二位 Dir: Kurosawa Akira Japan 1946 110min Cast: Hara Setsuko, Fujita Susumu, Okochi Denjiro

Kurosawa’s post-war drama casts Hara Setsuko as a Leftist professor’s daughter involved in the democratic movement during WWII. Eventually marrying the professor’s student who becomes an activist against the rise of fascism and militarism, she, against the resistance from everybody, dedicates her life to him and his family after he faces accusations of espionage. Perhaps foreshadowing her role as the dutiful daughterin-law in Tokyo Story , Kurosawa’s anti-war effort however highlights an unwavering character: Hara’s performance as a strong-willed, dedicated woman remarkably embodies idealism, love and determination in a formidable presence. #2 in 1946 Kinema Junpo ’s Top 5



Here’s to the Young Lady

導演:山中貞雄 日本 1936 82分鐘 演員:河原崎長十郎、中村翫右衛門、原節子 既是二十八歲於中國戰場英年早逝的山中貞雄人僅存 三部影片之一,亦是《新樂土》一年之前,只得十五 歲的原節子的驚艷演出。幕府年代的東京,原節子飾 演的阿浪賣甜酒維生,陀地都暈其大浪。弟弟卻憧憬 江湖生活,四處闖禍,阿浪賣幾多酒都不夠賠償。阿 浪不惜賣身救弟,但事情已無可挽回,惟有靠俠義流 氓河內山宗俊出手相救。原節子較少有的古裝演出, 十五歲的她輪廓尚未成熟,非但未見日後的西洋味, 更像仙氣的古典美人。看她躲在門後,露出半邊臉探 頭內望,我見猶憐,俠義之士又豈能坐視?

30.7 17:15 FG

(Kochiyama Soshun)




Priest of Darkness

5.6 17:30 GC 8.7 19:30 FA 我對青春無悔

19.6 13:30 FA 10.7 17:30 FA

導演:木下惠介 日本 1949 89分鐘 演員:原節子、佐野周二、佐田啟二 好看不只是新藤兼人寫下的抵死對白、本下惠介節奏 明快的叙事和行雲流水的鏡頭,更有──溫婉靜美的 原節子。銀幕女神翻了兩三個眼神,先前誓死不娶的 王老五(佐野周二)馬上貼貼服服,丟了魂魄的他後 來說:「那震憾如遭雷擊,連呼吸都忘了。」說的也 是觀眾。相睇來了個大美人,修車房小老闆明知是癩 蛤蟆吃天鵝肉,也瞓身踩大氹。美女配粗漢,當然有 隱衷,新藤的伏筆環環相扣,最後夢醒了,愛情要質 疑?還是該相信?美女與野獸永遠有個難解的張力。

1949《電影旬報》十大電影第六位 Dir: Kinoshita Keisuke Japan 1949 89min Cast: Hara Setsuko, Sano Shuji, Sada Keiji

Hara Setsuko falls in love…or not? What seems to be a romantic comedy is indeed a lovers’ discourse. Hara plays the daughter of a wealthy family betrothed to a garage owner who falls in love with her immediately, only to be perplexed by her amiable but detached attitude. Is she too solemn to be passionate, or does she have other secrets? Hara poses as an elusive heroine with a carefully guarded inner world. Kinoshita’s lyrical film is delightful to watch, complete with romantic pretence and a modicum of tension in the closing reels as viewers wait to find out if love truly conquers. #6 in 1949 Kinema Junpo ’s Top 10

婚後幾年過去,初之輔飯來張口,眼睛再沒離開過 報紙,三千代端來飯鍋後出神:生命啊,都花在廚 房和飯桌之間了。這時來了個放浪的俏姪女,三千代 出走,是想找回自己?還是對老公灰了心?她沒說清 楚,成瀨也沒有,妻子之苦比男人的更複雜。成瀨初 改編林芙美子,日本銀幕罕見傳統枷鎖裏女性竭力自 主,小津裏看慣的原節子,也釋出機靈的生活感性。 不過自主只像放個假,四分三逆光精心搭建的佈景, 把小夫妻拍得很美,連帶甜美生活的貓咪、疑似的大 團圓,都更像諷刺。

1951《電影旬報》十大電影第二位 1952 東京記者協會藍絲帶獎最佳影片及最佳女主角 Dir: Naruse Mikio Japan 1951 97min Cast: Hara Setsuko, Uehara Ken, Shimazaki Yukiko

In his first attempt to adapt Hayashi Fumiko’s novel, Naruse’s Repast stars the luminous Hara Setsuko as a housewife to a salaryman husband in Osaka. Five years of marriage has long since dulled: domestic duties have become mechanical and her husband uninspiring. The arrival of her spirited niece prompts a search for the life she once knew in Tokyo. Naruse’s lens captures a livelier Hara, whose warm smiles hide a disappointment at the mundane, and a longing for liberation. Contrasting with her saintly presence in Ozu’s films, Repast offers a complex Hara that is not without troubles and dissatisfaction, articulated through her nuanced performance. #2 in 1951 Kinema Junpo ’s Top 10 1952 Blue Ribbon Award, Best Film & Best Actress




(Tokyo monogatari)




Tokyo Story

31.7 14:30 FG

Sound of the Mountain a.k.a. The Echo (Yama no Oto)

11.6 21:45 SM 10.7 19:30 FA



9.7 21:15 GC 30.7 14:30 FG



12.6 Sun 日

The End of Summer

(Kohayagawa-ke no aki)

Once Upon a Film 電影‧傳說 時間 Time

8:30-9:05pm 《夜夜春色》放映後

地點 Venue

導演:小津安二郎 日本 1953 136分鐘 演員:笠智眾、東山千榮子、原節子 子欲養而親不在,老豆養仔仔養仔,好仔不如好新 抱。《東京物語》既是日本電影史的經典,也是原節 子和小津最令人津津樂道的一次合作。居於尾道的老 夫婦往東京探望長子及長女,備受冷落,待兩老好的 卻是毫無血緣關係的二子遺孀紀子。原節子再不是戰 後民主主義時期的大小姐,而是在日本一片欣欣向榮 之際斯人獨憔悴,在昔日愛巢堅守亡夫記憶,又侍翁 姑至孝的貞潔寡婦。小津以最克制的手法表達感情, 可從原節子的悲及喜見到,她的溫暖微笑,有如影片 及無常生命中的一絲陽光。

1999《電影旬報》百大日本電影第3位 2012《視與聲》史上最偉大電影第3位 Dir: Ozu Yasujiro Japan 1953 136min Cast: Ryu Chishu, Higashiyama Chieko, Hara Setsuko

Universally regarded as one of the greatest films of all time, and featuring Hara Setsuko’s defining role with Ozu, Tokyo Story is his tender vision of the evanescence of family and tradition in the booming post-war metropolis. An old couple from the provinces visits Tokyo to see their adult children, who – apart from Hara’s dutiful widowed daughter-in-law – put them off with business and excuses. Hara’s generosity extends beyond duty, even reason perhaps, highlighting the ideal form of humanity and the values of a bygone world. This role sees Hara symbolises the sublime compassion that is central to the triumph of this masterpiece, and to Ozu’s oeuvre. #3 in Kinema Junpo’ s 100 Greatest Japanese Films in 1999 #3 in Sight & Sound ’s 2012 Greatest Films of All Time poll



導演:成瀨巳喜男 日本 1954 95分鐘 中文字幕 演員:原節子、山村聰、上原謙、長岡輝子 在尾形家的宅邸裏,瑣碎家事日日上演,修一不是夜 歸就是老往外跑,偌大的屋裏總覺鬱悶,似在提醒菊 子丈夫不解溫柔。籬笆外的小道,是個透氣的窗口, 在這裏跟家翁散步,令菊子的生活添回朝氣,閒談裏 憑花草寄意,盡是說不出口的心事。原節子、山村聰 翁媳間似有若無的情意,比甚麼都實在;原節子的 媳婦,呼應她在小津電影的莊重,又添芳心寂寞的美 態。成瀨將川端康成的空靈化為意在言外的詩意,成 就一部他最擅長的家庭劇。原節子、上原謙夫婦,彷 彿在這裏延續《飯》那似完未完的故事。

1954《電影旬報》十大電影第六位 Dir: Naruse Mikio Japan 1954 95min Cast: Hara Setsuko, Yamamura So, Uehara Ken, Nagaoka Teruko

Based on Kawabata Yasunari’s novel, Sound of the Mountain portrays an aging patriarch’s attempts to alleviate the troubled marriage of his philandering son and his child-like wife Kikuko (Hara Setsuko). The fatherin-law’s faintly inappropriate fancy towards Kikuko is ambiguously reciprocated, rippling the family’s rigid surface. Naruse’s sensibility delves deeply into the feelings of an unsatisfied wife, offering Hara an opportunity to channel feminine desire and melancholy. Caught between duty and clandestine affection, Hara’s Kikuko internalises her unspeakable feelings, allowing them to be glimpsed only through allusion and allegory. Like works of haiku , her restrained performance leaves viewers with lingering impressions. #6 in 1954 Kinema Junpo ’s Top 10

導演:小津安二郎 日本 1961 103分鐘 中文字幕 演員:中村雁治郎、原節子、司葉子

香港科學館演講廳 Hong Kong Science Museum, Lecture Hall

講者 Speakers 劉嶔、王勛 Lau Yam, Geoffrey Wong

小津在《秋日和》借用了東寶的司葉子,按照約定 為東寶開拍本片,亦令原節子和司葉子再續片緣。 原節子再演遺孀秋子,紀子的角色則由司葉子繼承。 大阪的釀酒老店在時代變遷下生意淡薄,老爸不如賭 博,正好重遇昔日情婦,更有疑似私生女。是臨老入 花叢,還是迴光返照?長子的遺孀秋子,不靠夫家自 給自足。夫家親戚介紹再婚筍盤,秋子可會就範或動 心?這次原節子再無《東京物語》的心理掙扎,亦從 穿洋服的辦公室女郎,變成全程和服的畫廊職員。心 如止水、氣定神閒,就連蹲在地上也特別優雅。 Dir: Ozu Yasujiro Japan 1961 103min Cast: Nakamura Ganjiro, Hara Setsuko, Tsukasa Yoko

In their six-film collaborations, Ozu continued to refine the “Hara Setsuko” figure as she matured. Their last film together sees her as a middle-aged widow committed to raising her child, and oblivious to any courtship. This is in contrast with her father’s impulsive surrender to the worldly joys as he reunites with his ex-lover, and her sister’s modern attitude towards romance. Ozu’s light comedy contemplates chance and transient passion, with Hara as the true center of the film completely content in the face of an ever-changing world, perfecting her transcendental presence in the Ozu universe. There is no better conclusion to this enduring creative collaboration, replete with profound mutual understanding and appreciation.

19.6 Sun 日

Hara Setsuko 永遠的女優 原節子 時間 Time

2:55-3:40pm 《河內山宗俊》放映後

地點 Venue

香港電影資料館電影院 Hong Kong Film Archive, Cinema

講者 Speakers 藍天雲、李焯桃 Grace Ng, Li Cheuk-to

免費入場 Free admission 粵語主講 Conducted in Cantonese


(Tokyo monogatari)




Tokyo Story

31.7 14:30 FG

Sound of the Mountain a.k.a. The Echo (Yama no Oto)

11.6 21:45 SM 10.7 19:30 FA



9.7 21:15 GC 30.7 14:30 FG



12.6 Sun 日

The End of Summer

(Kohayagawa-ke no aki)

Once Upon a Film 電影‧傳說 時間 Time

8:30-9:05pm 《夜夜春色》放映後

地點 Venue

導演:小津安二郎 日本 1953 136分鐘 演員:笠智眾、東山千榮子、原節子 子欲養而親不在,老豆養仔仔養仔,好仔不如好新 抱。《東京物語》既是日本電影史的經典,也是原節 子和小津最令人津津樂道的一次合作。居於尾道的老 夫婦往東京探望長子及長女,備受冷落,待兩老好的 卻是毫無血緣關係的二子遺孀紀子。原節子再不是戰 後民主主義時期的大小姐,而是在日本一片欣欣向榮 之際斯人獨憔悴,在昔日愛巢堅守亡夫記憶,又侍翁 姑至孝的貞潔寡婦。小津以最克制的手法表達感情, 可從原節子的悲及喜見到,她的溫暖微笑,有如影片 及無常生命中的一絲陽光。

1999《電影旬報》百大日本電影第3位 2012《視與聲》史上最偉大電影第3位 Dir: Ozu Yasujiro Japan 1953 136min Cast: Ryu Chishu, Higashiyama Chieko, Hara Setsuko

Universally regarded as one of the greatest films of all time, and featuring Hara Setsuko’s defining role with Ozu, Tokyo Story is his tender vision of the evanescence of family and tradition in the booming post-war metropolis. An old couple from the provinces visits Tokyo to see their adult children, who – apart from Hara’s dutiful widowed daughter-in-law – put them off with business and excuses. Hara’s generosity extends beyond duty, even reason perhaps, highlighting the ideal form of humanity and the values of a bygone world. This role sees Hara symbolises the sublime compassion that is central to the triumph of this masterpiece, and to Ozu’s oeuvre. #3 in Kinema Junpo’ s 100 Greatest Japanese Films in 1999 #3 in Sight & Sound ’s 2012 Greatest Films of All Time poll



導演:成瀨巳喜男 日本 1954 95分鐘 中文字幕 演員:原節子、山村聰、上原謙、長岡輝子 在尾形家的宅邸裏,瑣碎家事日日上演,修一不是夜 歸就是老往外跑,偌大的屋裏總覺鬱悶,似在提醒菊 子丈夫不解溫柔。籬笆外的小道,是個透氣的窗口, 在這裏跟家翁散步,令菊子的生活添回朝氣,閒談裏 憑花草寄意,盡是說不出口的心事。原節子、山村聰 翁媳間似有若無的情意,比甚麼都實在;原節子的 媳婦,呼應她在小津電影的莊重,又添芳心寂寞的美 態。成瀨將川端康成的空靈化為意在言外的詩意,成 就一部他最擅長的家庭劇。原節子、上原謙夫婦,彷 彿在這裏延續《飯》那似完未完的故事。

1954《電影旬報》十大電影第六位 Dir: Naruse Mikio Japan 1954 95min Cast: Hara Setsuko, Yamamura So, Uehara Ken, Nagaoka Teruko

Based on Kawabata Yasunari’s novel, Sound of the Mountain portrays an aging patriarch’s attempts to alleviate the troubled marriage of his philandering son and his child-like wife Kikuko (Hara Setsuko). The fatherin-law’s faintly inappropriate fancy towards Kikuko is ambiguously reciprocated, rippling the family’s rigid surface. Naruse’s sensibility delves deeply into the feelings of an unsatisfied wife, offering Hara an opportunity to channel feminine desire and melancholy. Caught between duty and clandestine affection, Hara’s Kikuko internalises her unspeakable feelings, allowing them to be glimpsed only through allusion and allegory. Like works of haiku , her restrained performance leaves viewers with lingering impressions. #6 in 1954 Kinema Junpo ’s Top 10

導演:小津安二郎 日本 1961 103分鐘 中文字幕 演員:中村雁治郎、原節子、司葉子

香港科學館演講廳 Hong Kong Science Museum, Lecture Hall

講者 Speakers 劉嶔、王勛 Lau Yam, Geoffrey Wong

小津在《秋日和》借用了東寶的司葉子,按照約定 為東寶開拍本片,亦令原節子和司葉子再續片緣。 原節子再演遺孀秋子,紀子的角色則由司葉子繼承。 大阪的釀酒老店在時代變遷下生意淡薄,老爸不如賭 博,正好重遇昔日情婦,更有疑似私生女。是臨老入 花叢,還是迴光返照?長子的遺孀秋子,不靠夫家自 給自足。夫家親戚介紹再婚筍盤,秋子可會就範或動 心?這次原節子再無《東京物語》的心理掙扎,亦從 穿洋服的辦公室女郎,變成全程和服的畫廊職員。心 如止水、氣定神閒,就連蹲在地上也特別優雅。 Dir: Ozu Yasujiro Japan 1961 103min Cast: Nakamura Ganjiro, Hara Setsuko, Tsukasa Yoko

In their six-film collaborations, Ozu continued to refine the “Hara Setsuko” figure as she matured. Their last film together sees her as a middle-aged widow committed to raising her child, and oblivious to any courtship. This is in contrast with her father’s impulsive surrender to the worldly joys as he reunites with his ex-lover, and her sister’s modern attitude towards romance. Ozu’s light comedy contemplates chance and transient passion, with Hara as the true center of the film completely content in the face of an ever-changing world, perfecting her transcendental presence in the Ozu universe. There is no better conclusion to this enduring creative collaboration, replete with profound mutual understanding and appreciation.

19.6 Sun 日

Hara Setsuko 永遠的女優 原節子 時間 Time

2:55-3:40pm 《河內山宗俊》放映後

地點 Venue

香港電影資料館電影院 Hong Kong Film Archive, Cinema

講者 Speakers 藍天雲、李焯桃 Grace Ng, Li Cheuk-to

免費入場 Free admission 粵語主講 Conducted in Cantonese


25.6 17:45 GC 29.7 19:30 FG


Mad Max: Fury Road 末日先鋒:戰甲飛車

導演:佐治米拿 澳洲/美國 2015 120分鐘 中文字幕

Dir: George Miller Australia/USA 2015 120min Cast: Tom Hardy, Charlize Theron, Nicholas Hoult

希望是一個錯誤。如果不想法子去把 壞掉的東西修好,你儘管向前走,沙 漠的後面只會是另一片沙漠。這當然 不是王家衛,而是三十年後再闖高峯 的狂俠麥士。風雨故人歸,不再有米 路吉遜,佐治米拿的夢卻仍奔放,且 在視覺新科技下如虎添翼,炮製了跨 時代的動作巨構。世界彷彿依舊殘酷 而精采,可惜一切非患寡而患不均, 全球化資本主義支配早令虛構國度的 抗爭也顯得更加蒼白無望。麥士這次 一開首即失手遭擒淪為人肉輸血機, 並綁在車頭以血肉之軀為惡人開路追 擊叛徒;亡命者清一色美眉,益發反 襯腐化衰朽的父權壓逼。奧斯卡因大 選年效應不敵《焦點追擊》,唯仍是 不少影評人心儀的年度最佳作。

3 6 y e a r s a f t e r G e o rge M i l l e r f i r s t introduced the world to his vengeful road warrior, Mad Max returns in one of the most critically celebrated action films of all time. Winner of 6 Academy Awards and topping critics’ lists around the world, Fury Road has been championed by feminists and sci-fi aficionados alike for its bold representation of a future world in chaos. Still wandering the post-apocalyptic wasteland, Max finds himself in league with Imperator Furiosa, a one-armed warrior fleeing the clutches of tyrannical ruler Immortan Joe. With a precious cargo of trophy brides, and Joe’s army of war boys in frenzied pursuit, the stage is set for a breathless, white-knuckle chase through the desert, showcasing some of the franchise’s most audacious stuntwork yet.

2015 國際影評人聯盟年度最佳電影 2015 美國國家評論協會最佳電影

2015 FIPRESCI Film of the Year 2015 National Board of Review, USA, Best Film


Post-screening talk with Bryan Chang




25.6 17:45 GC 29.7 19:30 FG


Mad Max: Fury Road 末日先鋒:戰甲飛車

導演:佐治米拿 澳洲/美國 2015 120分鐘 中文字幕

Dir: George Miller Australia/USA 2015 120min Cast: Tom Hardy, Charlize Theron, Nicholas Hoult

希望是一個錯誤。如果不想法子去把 壞掉的東西修好,你儘管向前走,沙 漠的後面只會是另一片沙漠。這當然 不是王家衛,而是三十年後再闖高峯 的狂俠麥士。風雨故人歸,不再有米 路吉遜,佐治米拿的夢卻仍奔放,且 在視覺新科技下如虎添翼,炮製了跨 時代的動作巨構。世界彷彿依舊殘酷 而精采,可惜一切非患寡而患不均, 全球化資本主義支配早令虛構國度的 抗爭也顯得更加蒼白無望。麥士這次 一開首即失手遭擒淪為人肉輸血機, 並綁在車頭以血肉之軀為惡人開路追 擊叛徒;亡命者清一色美眉,益發反 襯腐化衰朽的父權壓逼。奧斯卡因大 選年效應不敵《焦點追擊》,唯仍是 不少影評人心儀的年度最佳作。

3 6 y e a r s a f t e r G e o rge M i l l e r f i r s t introduced the world to his vengeful road warrior, Mad Max returns in one of the most critically celebrated action films of all time. Winner of 6 Academy Awards and topping critics’ lists around the world, Fury Road has been championed by feminists and sci-fi aficionados alike for its bold representation of a future world in chaos. Still wandering the post-apocalyptic wasteland, Max finds himself in league with Imperator Furiosa, a one-armed warrior fleeing the clutches of tyrannical ruler Immortan Joe. With a precious cargo of trophy brides, and Joe’s army of war boys in frenzied pursuit, the stage is set for a breathless, white-knuckle chase through the desert, showcasing some of the franchise’s most audacious stuntwork yet.

2015 國際影評人聯盟年度最佳電影 2015 美國國家評論協會最佳電影

2015 FIPRESCI Film of the Year 2015 National Board of Review, USA, Best Film


Post-screening talk with Bryan Chang




18.6 13:30 GC 30.7 19:30 FG

18.6 15:45 GC 31.7 19:30 FG



Mad Max

霹靂神探怒掃飛車黨 導演:佐治米拿 澳洲 1979 88分鐘 中文字幕 未來不是烏托邦,而是一處文明大倒退的人性荒原。 沒有英雄,沒有夢想,只有公路巡邏 隊和瘋子。勇探能用雷霆手段卻招來 黑幫報復,賠上妻兒性命,於是放下 警章,大開殺戒。今天看來耳熟能 詳的故事公式,置入別出心裁的敘事 世界,開拓的又豈止高質次類型?初 出茅廬的米路吉遜飾演歷經對建制失 望、瀕臨瘋狂邊緣、但求挽回丁點生 存價值的反反英雄,積極參與一個神 話的誕生,終令自己也成為傳奇。導 演本是急症室醫生,目睹大量車禍死 傷,難即明心見性,金剛苦斷,唯有 奮起描畫各種憤怒中的悲憐。片中飛 車黨員都是如假包換的地獄天使,動 用私伙拍攝,協助成就低成本重金屬 藝術結晶,成一時美談。


Dir: George Miller Australia 1979 88min Cast: Mel Gibson, Joanne Samuel, Hugh Keays-Byrne

In a dystopian near-future, hell-raising biker gangs terrorise the roads of suburban Australia, with order shakily maintained by the MPF and their star driver Max Rockatansky (Gibson). As his friends fall foul of gang leader the Toecutter (Hugh KeaysByrne), Max looks for a way out, but when events turn tragic Max sets out on a bloody quest for revenge. Shot on a minuscule budget yet packed with stuntwork that displayed little regard for safety, George Miller’s road rage classic would become one of the most profitable films of all time. The pinnacle of Australia’s Ozploitation New Wave, Mad Max introduced the world to Mel Gibson and launched a franchise that would change the face of science fiction cinema forever.

Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior 開路先鋒

導演:佐治米拿 澳洲 1981 95分鐘 中文字幕 麥士辭別公路巡邏隊生涯,孤身獨犬飛車上路,化 身游俠,在汽油和食水極度短缺的未 來荒漠闖蕩馳騁,豪情仗義,一快平 生。不小心捲入煉油廠攻防戰,數度 險死還生看盡人性善惡。擁有共同的 敵人便可變成朋友?某方釋出的善意 只能視作爾虞我詐的延伸。信不足, 有不信焉,麥士能否根據心中信念為 後人開路,播下希望的種子?能量爆 燈不在話下,以快速純動作進行烏托 邦思考,亦屬前無古人。上集成功, 令佐治米拿能以較合理資源呈現將臨 的搖滾戰爭;米路吉遜駕輕就熟,演 來神采飛揚,奠定日後的硬漢巨星地 位;其後由之衍生的無數動漫、遊戲 和流行作品,更徹底引證《開路先 鋒》的空前成功。

Dir: George Miller Australia 1981 95min Cast: Mel Gibson, Bruce Spence, Michael Preston

In a desolate futuristic wasteland terrorised by rampaging gangs, gasoline has become the only viable currency. Max (Mel Gibson) - a battered shell of his former self wanders the Earth in search of something to fight for. When a small community of survivors beg him for help escaping the sadistic Humungus, Max reluctantly embarks on a quest for redemption to reclaim his own humanity. Mad Max 2 eschews narrative and dialogue to present a ground-breaking vision of the future galvanised by some of the best stuntwork ever committed to screen. With eccentric characters like the Gyro Captain and the Feral Kid, and innovative costume and vehicle designs, Mad Max 2 would become the template for all post-apocalyptic sci-fi to come.


Post-screening talk with William Lau






18.6 13:30 GC 30.7 19:30 FG

18.6 15:45 GC 31.7 19:30 FG



Mad Max

霹靂神探怒掃飛車黨 導演:佐治米拿 澳洲 1979 88分鐘 中文字幕 未來不是烏托邦,而是一處文明大倒退的人性荒原。 沒有英雄,沒有夢想,只有公路巡邏 隊和瘋子。勇探能用雷霆手段卻招來 黑幫報復,賠上妻兒性命,於是放下 警章,大開殺戒。今天看來耳熟能 詳的故事公式,置入別出心裁的敘事 世界,開拓的又豈止高質次類型?初 出茅廬的米路吉遜飾演歷經對建制失 望、瀕臨瘋狂邊緣、但求挽回丁點生 存價值的反反英雄,積極參與一個神 話的誕生,終令自己也成為傳奇。導 演本是急症室醫生,目睹大量車禍死 傷,難即明心見性,金剛苦斷,唯有 奮起描畫各種憤怒中的悲憐。片中飛 車黨員都是如假包換的地獄天使,動 用私伙拍攝,協助成就低成本重金屬 藝術結晶,成一時美談。


Dir: George Miller Australia 1979 88min Cast: Mel Gibson, Joanne Samuel, Hugh Keays-Byrne

In a dystopian near-future, hell-raising biker gangs terrorise the roads of suburban Australia, with order shakily maintained by the MPF and their star driver Max Rockatansky (Gibson). As his friends fall foul of gang leader the Toecutter (Hugh KeaysByrne), Max looks for a way out, but when events turn tragic Max sets out on a bloody quest for revenge. Shot on a minuscule budget yet packed with stuntwork that displayed little regard for safety, George Miller’s road rage classic would become one of the most profitable films of all time. The pinnacle of Australia’s Ozploitation New Wave, Mad Max introduced the world to Mel Gibson and launched a franchise that would change the face of science fiction cinema forever.

Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior 開路先鋒

導演:佐治米拿 澳洲 1981 95分鐘 中文字幕 麥士辭別公路巡邏隊生涯,孤身獨犬飛車上路,化 身游俠,在汽油和食水極度短缺的未 來荒漠闖蕩馳騁,豪情仗義,一快平 生。不小心捲入煉油廠攻防戰,數度 險死還生看盡人性善惡。擁有共同的 敵人便可變成朋友?某方釋出的善意 只能視作爾虞我詐的延伸。信不足, 有不信焉,麥士能否根據心中信念為 後人開路,播下希望的種子?能量爆 燈不在話下,以快速純動作進行烏托 邦思考,亦屬前無古人。上集成功, 令佐治米拿能以較合理資源呈現將臨 的搖滾戰爭;米路吉遜駕輕就熟,演 來神采飛揚,奠定日後的硬漢巨星地 位;其後由之衍生的無數動漫、遊戲 和流行作品,更徹底引證《開路先 鋒》的空前成功。

Dir: George Miller Australia 1981 95min Cast: Mel Gibson, Bruce Spence, Michael Preston

In a desolate futuristic wasteland terrorised by rampaging gangs, gasoline has become the only viable currency. Max (Mel Gibson) - a battered shell of his former self wanders the Earth in search of something to fight for. When a small community of survivors beg him for help escaping the sadistic Humungus, Max reluctantly embarks on a quest for redemption to reclaim his own humanity. Mad Max 2 eschews narrative and dialogue to present a ground-breaking vision of the future galvanised by some of the best stuntwork ever committed to screen. With eccentric characters like the Gyro Captain and the Feral Kid, and innovative costume and vehicle designs, Mad Max 2 would become the template for all post-apocalyptic sci-fi to come.


Post-screening talk with William Lau






Screening Schedule


Jun 六 月 日期 Date

時間 Time

地點 Venue 片名 Film title


六 Sat



The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie 中產階級拘謹的魅力


日 Sun 17:30

19:45 21:30


No Regrets for Our Youth 我對青春無悔 Fantastic Planet 奇幻星球 Beauty and the Beast 美女與野獸

19:00 21:45


The Nun 修女 The End of Summer 小早川家之秋

12/6 日 Sun 19:00 20:30 21:30


Beauties of the Night 夜夜春色 Seminar on Once Upon a Film 「 電影.傳說」座談會 The Romance of Astrea and Celadon 牧羊人之戀

18/6 六 Sat

13:30 15:45 14:30 17:30 19:30


Mad Max 霹靂神探怒掃飛車黨 Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior 開路先鋒 The Nun 修女 Beauties of the Night 夜夜春色 Black Moon 黑月亮

19/6 日 Sun 13:30 14:55 16:00 18:00 19:30


Priest of Darkness 河內山宗俊 Seminar on Hara Setsuko 原節子座談會 Here's to the Young Lady 小姐乾杯! Fantastic Planet 奇幻星球 The Romance of Astrea and Celadon 牧羊人之戀

25/6 六 Sat



Mad Max: Fury Road 末日先鋒:戰甲飛車

26/6 日 Sun 17:30 19:30 21:45


Beauty and the Beast 美女與野獸 The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie 中產階級拘謹的魅力 Black Moon 黑月亮

11/6 六 Sat

日期 Date



No Regrets for Our Youth 我對青春無悔



六 Sat

19:30 21:15


Here's to the Young Lady 小姐乾杯! Tokyo Story 東京物語

q q

10/7 日 Sun 14:15 17:30 19:30


Paris Belongs to Us 巴黎是我們的 Priest of Darkness 河內山宗俊 The End of Summer 小早川家之秋


29/7 五 Fri



Mad Max: Fury Road 末日先鋒:戰甲飛車


30/7 六 Sat

14:30 17:15 19:30


Tokyo Story 東京物語 Repast 飯 Mad Max 霹靂神探怒掃飛車黨

q q

31/7 日 Sun 14:30 16:30 19:30


Sound of the Mountain 山之音 Paris Belongs to Us 巴黎是我們的 Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior 開路先鋒

q 3 q

q 3 q


q 中文字幕 Chinese Subtitles 3 設映後談 Post-screening talk

於香港科學館、香港電影資料館放映之場次 Screenings at HK Science Museum / Hong Kong Film Archive


3 q


Discount Schemes 20% discount 電影節發燒友會員/ 贊助會員 Cine Fan Classic Privilege / Patron Privilege 30% discount 電影節發燒友學生會員 Cine Fan Student Privilege ^ 20% discount The Grand會員 The Grand members @

九折優惠 10% discount


q q

所有場次不設劃位 All screenings offer free seating


套票優惠:每次同時購買《巴黎是我們的》及《修女》之正價門票可享七折優惠 Package Discount: 30% discount to each purchase of standard tickets of both Paris Belongs to Us and The Nun


座談會:免費入場,粵語主講 Seminar: Free admission / Conducted in Cantonese

票價 Ticket Price


地點 Venue 片名 Film title

五 Fri

門票於2016年5月6日起於城市售票網公開發售 Tickets available from 6 May 2016 onwards at URBTIX 於 The Grand Cinema 及 Festival Grand Cinema 放映之場次 Screenings at The Grand Cinema / Festival Grand Cinema

時間 Time

Jul 七 月


Ticketing Information 購 票 須 知

門票優惠 八折優惠 七折優惠 八折優惠

The Grand Cinema 尖沙咀柯士甸道西1號圓方商場2樓(港鐵九龍站) The Grand Cinema 2/F, Elements, 1 Austin Road West, Tsim Sha Tsui (Kowloon Station, MTR) Festival Grand Cinema 九龍塘達之路80號又一城UG Festival Grand Cinema Level UG, Festival Walk, 80 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong 香港科學館演講廳 尖沙咀東部科學館道2號 Hong Kong Science Museum, Lecture Hall 2 Science Museum Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East 香港電影資料館電影院 西灣河鯉景道50號 Hong Kong Film Archive, Cinema 50 Lei King Road, Sai Wan Ho

售票處購票 Counter Booking:城市售票網售票處 / URBTIX Outlets 網上購票 Internet / 信用卡電話訂票 Credit Card Telephone Booking:2111 5999 流動購票應用程式 Moblie Ticketing App:My URBTIX (Android, iPhone/iPad versions) 票務查詢 Ticketing Enquiries:3761 6661

自助取票服務 Ticketing Collection Service 顧客選擇自助取票服務提取門票,可於5月7日開始,攜帶交易使用的信用卡在購票通自助取票機刷卡提取門票,或親臨任何一間 城市售票網售票處的售票櫃檯憑卡領取門票。 Customers choosing ticket collection service can collect their pre-paid tickets from Cityline Ticket Dispensing Machines or at the sales counter at any of the URBTIX Outlets with the credit card used for transaction from 7 May onwards. The Grand Cinema 及 Festival Grand Cinema 不設領票服務。已訂購門票之觀眾,請在抵達放映場地之前,先行到各自助取票點領 取門票,以免延誤入場。 Ticket Collection Service is not available at The Grand Cinema / Festival Grand Cinema. Customers are advised to collect the tickets at any of the ticket collection points before going to the screening venue to avoid delay in admission. 有關購票通自助取票機位置,詳情請登入 For details of the locations of Cityline Ticket Dispensing Machines, please visit

滿座場次企位票 Standing Tickets for Sold-Out Screenings 香港電影資料館的滿座場次,將有少量企位票於開場前30分鐘在香港電影資料館售票處發售,觀眾或未能獲安排入座。座位安排將視乎開場後30分鐘持普通門票觀眾入 場後之情況而定。每人限購企位票2張。 A limited number of standing tickets, for sold-out screenings of Cine Fan Programme at HK Film Archive, are for sales at the URBTIX Outlet of HK Film Archive 30 minutes prior to the screening time. Seating is not guaranteed and subject to availability (30 minutes after the screening time). Each person can purchase up to 2 standing tickets.

(The Grand Cinema場次 Screenings at The Grand Cinema)

退票及節目更改 Refund Arrangement and Programme Change

(Festival Grand Cinema場次 Screenings at Festival Grand Cinema)


MCL Club會員 MCL Club members @

Cine Fan友好夥伴 Cine Fan Friendly Partners


^ 學生會員優惠票持有人,須於入場時出示有效電影節發燒友(HKIFF Cine Fan)學生會員卡。 HKIFF Cine Fan Student Privilege ticket holders must present valid Student Privilege Card upon admission. @ 只適用於城市售票網售票處之售票櫃檯購票及戲院即場門票。Available at the sales counter of URBTIX Outlets and Cinema door sales. + 請參閱Cine Fan網頁。Please refer to Cine Fan website. 每張門票最多只可享用其中一種購票優惠。 All of the above discounts cannot be used in conjunction with any other discounts or offer. . 於The Grand Cinema 及 Festival Grand Cinema 放映之場次:城市售票網將於放映前一天之下午5時停止發售門票。 觀眾可於電影放映當日到放映場地票房購買剩餘門票,售完即止。 . For screenings at The Grand Cinema / Festival Grand Cinema, tickets are available at URBTIX till 5:00pm one day before respective screenings, after which tickets will be available only at the box office of the respective screening venues on the day of screening, subject to availability. . 於香港科學館放映之場次:場地不設城巿售票網售票處。城市售票網將於每個節目開始前一小時停止發售門票。場地之臨時售票櫃位於電影開映前30分鐘提供 服務,即場發售剩餘門票,只接受現金付款,售完即止。 . Screenings at HK Science Museum: There is no URBTIX Outlet at the venue. Tickets are available at URBTIX till one hour prior to respective screenings. The door ticket counter opens 30 minutes before the screening. Limited tickets to non sold-out screenings will be available at the door, subject to availability (Cash Only). . 於香港電影資料館放映之場次:每個節目開始前一小時起,剩餘門票只限於香港電影資料館售票處發售。 . Screenings at Hong Kong Film Archive: For screening about to start in one hour, all remaining tickets can only be bought at the box office of HK Film Archive.

本訂票手冊付印時,大部份影片均未經電影、報刊及物品管理處檢查。將來如有影片被檢定為三級者,未滿18歲而於公布前購買該場門票的持有人,可申請退票。退 票表格可於電影節發燒友(HKIFF Cine Fan)網頁(下載。請將填妥之表格及完整電影門票,於截止日前寄交香港國際電影節辦事處 (香港九龍觀塘道370號 創紀之城3期21樓)。本會將以劃線支票寄回退款給持票人(購票手續費恕不退回)。 香港國際電影節協會保留更改放映節目、時間及地點的權利。有關節目更改或取消的最新消息,請參閱電影節發燒友(HKIFF Cine Fan)網頁及放映場地的通告。 For alteration or cancellation of screenings, ticket holders may choose to attend a screening of a replacement film at the same time slot or to get a refund. At the time when this booking folder goes to print, most of the films have not been submitted to the Office of Film, Newspaper and Article Administration. In case that a film is subsequently classified as Category III, refunds will be made to ticket holder under 18 years of age who buy tickets before the announcement. Refund application form can be downloaded from Cine Fan website ( Completed forms with ticket(s) should be returned by post to the Hong Kong International Film Festival Society Limited (21/F, Millennium City 3, 370 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong) on or before 12 August 2016. Refund cheques will be sent to ticket holders by post. (All services fees will not be refunded). The HKIFF Society reserves the right to change the programme and the schedule should unavoidable circumstances make it necessary. Screening alterations and cancellations will be announced on the HKIFF Cine Fan website and at the screening venues.

惡劣天氣之放映安排 Arrangements under Inclement Weather Conditions


當香港天文台發出八號或以上熱帶氣旋警告訊號或黑色暴雨警告時,電影節目可能會受影響而取消,或未能提供投映字幕。詳情請留意電影節發燒友(HKIFF Cine Fan) 網頁的最新公佈。 Screenings or electronic subtitles may be cancelled when tropical cyclone warning signal No. 8 is in force or Black Rainstorm Warning is issued. Please refer to the HKIFF Cine Fan website for the latest notice.

手續費:每張訂購門票港幣8元(手續費不設退款)。以上手續費會因應購票通(香港)有限公司而調整。 A handling charge (which is non-refundable) is levied at HK$8 per ticket. The service fee is subjected to adjustment by Cityline (HK) Limited.

節目查詢 Programme / 2970 3300 /

For Credit Card Telephone Booking, Mobile Ticketing App and Internet Booking


Screening Schedule


Jun 六 月 日期 Date

時間 Time

地點 Venue 片名 Film title


六 Sat



The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie 中產階級拘謹的魅力


日 Sun 17:30

19:45 21:30


No Regrets for Our Youth 我對青春無悔 Fantastic Planet 奇幻星球 Beauty and the Beast 美女與野獸

19:00 21:45


The Nun 修女 The End of Summer 小早川家之秋

12/6 日 Sun 19:00 20:30 21:30


Beauties of the Night 夜夜春色 Seminar on Once Upon a Film 「 電影.傳說」座談會 The Romance of Astrea and Celadon 牧羊人之戀

18/6 六 Sat

13:30 15:45 14:30 17:30 19:30


Mad Max 霹靂神探怒掃飛車黨 Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior 開路先鋒 The Nun 修女 Beauties of the Night 夜夜春色 Black Moon 黑月亮

19/6 日 Sun 13:30 14:55 16:00 18:00 19:30


Priest of Darkness 河內山宗俊 Seminar on Hara Setsuko 原節子座談會 Here's to the Young Lady 小姐乾杯! Fantastic Planet 奇幻星球 The Romance of Astrea and Celadon 牧羊人之戀

25/6 六 Sat



Mad Max: Fury Road 末日先鋒:戰甲飛車

26/6 日 Sun 17:30 19:30 21:45


Beauty and the Beast 美女與野獸 The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie 中產階級拘謹的魅力 Black Moon 黑月亮

11/6 六 Sat

日期 Date



No Regrets for Our Youth 我對青春無悔



六 Sat

19:30 21:15


Here's to the Young Lady 小姐乾杯! Tokyo Story 東京物語

q q

10/7 日 Sun 14:15 17:30 19:30


Paris Belongs to Us 巴黎是我們的 Priest of Darkness 河內山宗俊 The End of Summer 小早川家之秋


29/7 五 Fri



Mad Max: Fury Road 末日先鋒:戰甲飛車


30/7 六 Sat

14:30 17:15 19:30


Tokyo Story 東京物語 Repast 飯 Mad Max 霹靂神探怒掃飛車黨

q q

31/7 日 Sun 14:30 16:30 19:30


Sound of the Mountain 山之音 Paris Belongs to Us 巴黎是我們的 Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior 開路先鋒

q 3 q

q 3 q


q 中文字幕 Chinese Subtitles 3 設映後談 Post-screening talk

於香港科學館、香港電影資料館放映之場次 Screenings at HK Science Museum / Hong Kong Film Archive


3 q


Discount Schemes 20% discount 電影節發燒友會員/ 贊助會員 Cine Fan Classic Privilege / Patron Privilege 30% discount 電影節發燒友學生會員 Cine Fan Student Privilege ^ 20% discount The Grand會員 The Grand members @

九折優惠 10% discount


q q

所有場次不設劃位 All screenings offer free seating


套票優惠:每次同時購買《巴黎是我們的》及《修女》之正價門票可享七折優惠 Package Discount: 30% discount to each purchase of standard tickets of both Paris Belongs to Us and The Nun


座談會:免費入場,粵語主講 Seminar: Free admission / Conducted in Cantonese

票價 Ticket Price


地點 Venue 片名 Film title

五 Fri

門票於2016年5月6日起於城市售票網公開發售 Tickets available from 6 May 2016 onwards at URBTIX 於 The Grand Cinema 及 Festival Grand Cinema 放映之場次 Screenings at The Grand Cinema / Festival Grand Cinema

時間 Time

Jul 七 月


Ticketing Information 購 票 須 知

門票優惠 八折優惠 七折優惠 八折優惠

The Grand Cinema 尖沙咀柯士甸道西1號圓方商場2樓(港鐵九龍站) The Grand Cinema 2/F, Elements, 1 Austin Road West, Tsim Sha Tsui (Kowloon Station, MTR) Festival Grand Cinema 九龍塘達之路80號又一城UG Festival Grand Cinema Level UG, Festival Walk, 80 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong 香港科學館演講廳 尖沙咀東部科學館道2號 Hong Kong Science Museum, Lecture Hall 2 Science Museum Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East 香港電影資料館電影院 西灣河鯉景道50號 Hong Kong Film Archive, Cinema 50 Lei King Road, Sai Wan Ho

售票處購票 Counter Booking:城市售票網售票處 / URBTIX Outlets 網上購票 Internet / 信用卡電話訂票 Credit Card Telephone Booking:2111 5999 流動購票應用程式 Moblie Ticketing App:My URBTIX (Android, iPhone/iPad versions) 票務查詢 Ticketing Enquiries:3761 6661

自助取票服務 Ticketing Collection Service 顧客選擇自助取票服務提取門票,可於5月7日開始,攜帶交易使用的信用卡在購票通自助取票機刷卡提取門票,或親臨任何一間 城市售票網售票處的售票櫃檯憑卡領取門票。 Customers choosing ticket collection service can collect their pre-paid tickets from Cityline Ticket Dispensing Machines or at the sales counter at any of the URBTIX Outlets with the credit card used for transaction from 7 May onwards. The Grand Cinema 及 Festival Grand Cinema 不設領票服務。已訂購門票之觀眾,請在抵達放映場地之前,先行到各自助取票點領 取門票,以免延誤入場。 Ticket Collection Service is not available at The Grand Cinema / Festival Grand Cinema. Customers are advised to collect the tickets at any of the ticket collection points before going to the screening venue to avoid delay in admission. 有關購票通自助取票機位置,詳情請登入 For details of the locations of Cityline Ticket Dispensing Machines, please visit

滿座場次企位票 Standing Tickets for Sold-Out Screenings 香港電影資料館的滿座場次,將有少量企位票於開場前30分鐘在香港電影資料館售票處發售,觀眾或未能獲安排入座。座位安排將視乎開場後30分鐘持普通門票觀眾入 場後之情況而定。每人限購企位票2張。 A limited number of standing tickets, for sold-out screenings of Cine Fan Programme at HK Film Archive, are for sales at the URBTIX Outlet of HK Film Archive 30 minutes prior to the screening time. Seating is not guaranteed and subject to availability (30 minutes after the screening time). Each person can purchase up to 2 standing tickets.

(The Grand Cinema場次 Screenings at The Grand Cinema)

退票及節目更改 Refund Arrangement and Programme Change

(Festival Grand Cinema場次 Screenings at Festival Grand Cinema)


MCL Club會員 MCL Club members @

Cine Fan友好夥伴 Cine Fan Friendly Partners


^ 學生會員優惠票持有人,須於入場時出示有效電影節發燒友(HKIFF Cine Fan)學生會員卡。 HKIFF Cine Fan Student Privilege ticket holders must present valid Student Privilege Card upon admission. @ 只適用於城市售票網售票處之售票櫃檯購票及戲院即場門票。Available at the sales counter of URBTIX Outlets and Cinema door sales. + 請參閱Cine Fan網頁。Please refer to Cine Fan website. 每張門票最多只可享用其中一種購票優惠。 All of the above discounts cannot be used in conjunction with any other discounts or offer. . 於The Grand Cinema 及 Festival Grand Cinema 放映之場次:城市售票網將於放映前一天之下午5時停止發售門票。 觀眾可於電影放映當日到放映場地票房購買剩餘門票,售完即止。 . For screenings at The Grand Cinema / Festival Grand Cinema, tickets are available at URBTIX till 5:00pm one day before respective screenings, after which tickets will be available only at the box office of the respective screening venues on the day of screening, subject to availability. . 於香港科學館放映之場次:場地不設城巿售票網售票處。城市售票網將於每個節目開始前一小時停止發售門票。場地之臨時售票櫃位於電影開映前30分鐘提供 服務,即場發售剩餘門票,只接受現金付款,售完即止。 . Screenings at HK Science Museum: There is no URBTIX Outlet at the venue. Tickets are available at URBTIX till one hour prior to respective screenings. The door ticket counter opens 30 minutes before the screening. Limited tickets to non sold-out screenings will be available at the door, subject to availability (Cash Only). . 於香港電影資料館放映之場次:每個節目開始前一小時起,剩餘門票只限於香港電影資料館售票處發售。 . Screenings at Hong Kong Film Archive: For screening about to start in one hour, all remaining tickets can only be bought at the box office of HK Film Archive.

本訂票手冊付印時,大部份影片均未經電影、報刊及物品管理處檢查。將來如有影片被檢定為三級者,未滿18歲而於公布前購買該場門票的持有人,可申請退票。退 票表格可於電影節發燒友(HKIFF Cine Fan)網頁(下載。請將填妥之表格及完整電影門票,於截止日前寄交香港國際電影節辦事處 (香港九龍觀塘道370號 創紀之城3期21樓)。本會將以劃線支票寄回退款給持票人(購票手續費恕不退回)。 香港國際電影節協會保留更改放映節目、時間及地點的權利。有關節目更改或取消的最新消息,請參閱電影節發燒友(HKIFF Cine Fan)網頁及放映場地的通告。 For alteration or cancellation of screenings, ticket holders may choose to attend a screening of a replacement film at the same time slot or to get a refund. At the time when this booking folder goes to print, most of the films have not been submitted to the Office of Film, Newspaper and Article Administration. In case that a film is subsequently classified as Category III, refunds will be made to ticket holder under 18 years of age who buy tickets before the announcement. Refund application form can be downloaded from Cine Fan website ( Completed forms with ticket(s) should be returned by post to the Hong Kong International Film Festival Society Limited (21/F, Millennium City 3, 370 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong) on or before 12 August 2016. Refund cheques will be sent to ticket holders by post. (All services fees will not be refunded). The HKIFF Society reserves the right to change the programme and the schedule should unavoidable circumstances make it necessary. Screening alterations and cancellations will be announced on the HKIFF Cine Fan website and at the screening venues.

惡劣天氣之放映安排 Arrangements under Inclement Weather Conditions


當香港天文台發出八號或以上熱帶氣旋警告訊號或黑色暴雨警告時,電影節目可能會受影響而取消,或未能提供投映字幕。詳情請留意電影節發燒友(HKIFF Cine Fan) 網頁的最新公佈。 Screenings or electronic subtitles may be cancelled when tropical cyclone warning signal No. 8 is in force or Black Rainstorm Warning is issued. Please refer to the HKIFF Cine Fan website for the latest notice.

手續費:每張訂購門票港幣8元(手續費不設退款)。以上手續費會因應購票通(香港)有限公司而調整。 A handling charge (which is non-refundable) is levied at HK$8 per ticket. The service fee is subjected to adjustment by Cityline (HK) Limited.

節目查詢 Programme / 2970 3300 /

For Credit Card Telephone Booking, Mobile Ticketing App and Internet Booking

Jun/Jul Programmes 六、七月節目


Programmes 六、七月節目


傳說 ‧

Hara Setsuko Forever Once Upon a Film 主辦 Presenter



資助機構 Financially Supported by

主辦 Presenter

資助機構 Financially Supported by



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