CIne fan2022OctSep

8 The Taste of Cult 「溝」口味 2 David Cronenberg, The Master of Body Horror 大衛哥連堡 的後人類異境 10 The Golden Age 黃金時代 主辦 Presented by 資助機構 Financially Supported by 目 錄Contents Sep 2022Oct 除特別註明外,所有非英語對白電影皆設有英文字幕。 Unless otherwise stated, all non-English speaking films are subtitled in English. 影片放映格式請參閱Cine Fan網頁 For screening format information, please refer to the Cine Fan website. 香港特別行政區政府透過電影發展基金向本項目提供財政支援。有關財政支援與本項目的內容或在本項目中所表達的意見並無關連。 The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region provides funding support to the project through the Film Development Fund. The funding support bears no relationship whatsoever to the content of or views expressed in this project.

MC M+ 戲院 M+ Cinema 九龍博物館道38號西九文化區M+大樓LG層 LG, M+ Building, West Kowloon Cultural District, 38 Museum Drive, Kowloon AC 香港藝術中心古天樂電影院 Louis Koo Cinema, Hong Kong Arts Centre 灣仔港灣道2號 2 Harbour Road, Wan Chai IS 英皇戲院 尖沙咀iSQUARE Emperor Cinemas iSQUARE 九龍尖沙咀彌敦道63號國際廣場7樓 L7, iSQUARE, 63 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon 21 Cinema Heritage: From The Film Foundation 光影珍藏:電影基金會 23 Ticketing Information 購票須知 24 Screening Schedule 放映時間表 14 Alain Resnais –The Meanderings of Memory 思憶迷漫 阿倫雷奈 合作夥伴 Supporters 語言 Language (語言代碼 Language Code: ISO 639-2/B) 字幕 Subtitles 默片 Silent 節目夥伴 Programme Partner

轉換;正是這種變異,揭示了驚慄的價值。大家,在害怕無形瀰漫的邊際,潛在着可見的有形體會不可知不可見才最嚇人時,哥連堡冒出來告訴後,我們才真正懂得什麼最值得恐懼。當人們逐漸在哥連堡之前,當然早有驚慄片,但也許要在他之室。」——大衛哥連堡如是說。「所有人都是瘋狂科學家,生活就是大家的實驗 他漸次躋身北美最具叛逆風格的電影作者行列。分作品被視為cult中之霸,眾多出色的母題處理,令然無所不在,暴力更隨時隨地朝觀眾正面襲來。部幻異色怪誕時而紛陳變化,時而共冶一爐。情色固怖片,由改編文學傑作到跟心理分析對話,科幻魔花甲,作品涉及類型繁多,由地下實驗電影到B級恐被譽為「肉體恐怖片之父」的哥連堡從影接近一個
With the passage of time, the films of David Cronenberg seem increasingly prophetic: our digital world of smartphones, Big Tech, virtual reality and the metaverse in which interfacing with technology has become an indispensable part of our lives. Uncannily anticipated in his masterpieces of body horror, Cronenberg addresses our contemporary anxieties in the process of relentless mutations in mind and body, exploring the dysfunctional utopia created by human beings. Deeply impacted by the changes in cultural values brought about by the sexual revolution, Cronenberg posed a philosophical question that would come to define his oeuvre: what happens to man’s primal instincts for sex and violence in an age of pills, computers, and machines run by big businesses? In his daunting exploration of these themes through bursts of imaginative savagery, he has remained obsessed with bringing his nightmarish visions to life.

節目夥伴 Programme Partner 們自己。無論是《魔胎》和《變形人魔》的情愛焦複合多層的自我,很哥連堡,反折射的更可能是我觀其影,如見其人;觀眾不難從其作品感受到一個的路上,邪魅同時誘發出救贖的各種可能。精神失常、群魔亂舞的正面之道。在人性走火入魔人、變種專家,而從其影像,我們看到細胞變異、無論他是否你杯茶,大抵無人能否認他是怪奇達 接着山窮水盡,總是那柳暗花明。的文學影響,我們盡可從中悟入,毋懼走向極端,蓋Burroughs)對人類進化的終極反思,呈交威廉博羅斯望號快車》的潛藏心魔,抑或新作《後人類罪行》官遊戲》的未來科技恐慌、《活死人之旅》和《慾慮、《奪命凶眼》的極權想像、《猛鬼勾魂》和《感(WilliamS.和納博科夫(VladimirNabokov)對導演
Cronenberg’s preferred genre of sci-fi horror experienced a renaissance in the post-sixties era of New Hollywood, when directors such as John Carpenter, John Landis and films like Alien explored similar themes. Different from other types of horror, the auteur's thrillers play with human’s own conceptions of the body by showcasing it pushed to its limits. It is the disturbance of bodily interior that distinguishes him as the master of body horror. Along with his philosophical bearings, Cronenberg sets himself apart from Hollywood by remaining steadfastly a Canadian filmmaker, owning more to arthouse films than popular entertainment. Its personal nature and originality notwithstanding, Cronenberg’s work has always relied on the strengths of his regular collaborators such as composer Howard Shore or cinematographers Mark Irwin and Peter Suschitzky. Although from Naked Lunch onwards, the sophisticated filmmaker has become increasingly recognised as a master of adaptation working with challenging literary material that - however faithful to the originals - he manages almost invariably to make his own.

Telepathy is weaponised by a private security firm in the military-industrial complex through the mobilisation of psychics known as scanners, but a rogue scanner intent on world domination disrupts their plans. A psychic recruited to fight him joins a resistance network of scanners and is confronted with the truth behind their existence. Cronenberg's first production with a substantial budget, Scanners allowed for a more spectacular visualisation of the director’s imaginative concepts than previously, including its iconic special effect of an exploding head which marks one of the most memorable deaths in sci-fi horror. Lack, Jennifer O'Neill, Michael Ironside Hindle, Samantha Eggar, Oliver Reed
加拿大 Canada 1981 103min Cast: Stephen
As his ex-wife undergoes experimental treatment for her physical abuse of their daughter, a young father finds people around him violently murdered by mysterious, dwarf-like culprits. Could it have to do with her therapy through "psychoplasmics" whereby suppressed emotions like rage are released through bodily mutations? Featuring Howard Shore’s debut score, Cronenberg's creative response to his own bitter divorce and custody battle has been described by the director as "my version of Kramer vs. Kramer, but more realistic," powered by remarkable performances from Samantha Eggar (The Collector) and Oliver Reed as her therapist.
映後談講者朗天 Film talk with Long Tin 加拿大 Canada 1979 92min Cast: Art
SITGES 加泰羅尼亞國際奇幻電影節國際影評人評審特別表揚 SITGES - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia: Prize of the International Critics' Jury - Special Meation 23.108.1014:30AC3.921:00AC14:30IS4.920:00ACSCANNERS 奪命凶眼 THE BROOD 魔胎 4

加拿大 Canada 1983 89min Cast: James
A scientist invents a method for teleportation but becomes fused with a housefly when a mishap occurs during his experimentationto the horror of a journalist who has fallen in love with him. Wildly imaginative and profoundly primal, Cronenberg’s remake of the 1958 film sees his striking visual language at its best. Stressing on personal themes of sexual desire and bodily mutation, Cronenberg fashioned an unexpected love tragedy with strongly developed characters featuring Jeff Goldblum and Geena Davis, the real-life couple at the time, that became a surprise box-office hit.
Exposure to a stray transmission containing pornographic snuff content causes cable TV operator to develop mind-warping hallucinations, drawing him into a political conflict whose opposing forces are fighting over a technology that utilises video signals to perform mass mind control. Aided by Rick Baker's groundbreaking special effects, Cronenberg's cult classic on the manipulative effects of media consumption and the satisfaction of our sexual desires through technology cemented his reputation as a sci-fi/horror auteur for the thinking man, while featuring compelling star turns by James Woods and Blondie’s Debbie Harry. Woods, Deborah Harry,
Sonja Smits Brussels布魯塞爾國際奇幻電影節最佳科幻電影InternationalFantasticFilm Festival: Best Science-Fiction Film 映後談講者林瀚光 Film talk with Derek Lam VIDEODROME 猛鬼勾魂 美國 Cast:USA 1986 96minJeffGoldblum,Geena Davis, John Getz Academy奧斯卡金像奬最佳化妝Awards:Best Makeup THE FLY 變形人魔 22.1014:30IS10.916:45AC8.1016:45AC11.917:15AC 5

StudiosCircus/ITVParkofcourtesyImages 23.1017:30IS11.919:30AC9.1020:15AC17.914:30MC 6
英國 UK/加拿大 Canada/日本 Japan Cast:1991 115minPeterWeller, Judy Davis, Ian Holm Berlin柏林影展競賽影片International Film Festival: In Competition 映後座談會講者紀陶、黃可欣 Seminar with Keeto Lam and Mimi Wong 加拿大 Canada/美國 USA 1988 117min Cast: Jeremy Irons, Geneviève Bujold, Heidi von Palleske New紐約影評人協會奬最佳男演員YorkFilmCriticsCircleAwards: Best BestGenie加拿大金像奬最佳電影及最佳男演員等十一項大奬ActorAwards:11awardsincludingMotionPictureandBestActor NAKED LUNCH 活死人之旅 DEAD RINGERS 孽扣 望,交出他的影像版本原著如雷貫耳,哥連堡也沒有令書迷失怵目、怪奇、充滿新意。改編自「垮世代」代表作家威廉博羅斯的《赤裸午餐》,但導演有意拋掉書本再出發,索性纏上博羅斯,潛進文字核心,挖出本尊神髓。以吸毒去尋找靈感的作家意外殺死妻子,畏罪潛逃至變異空間,混融於昆蟲幻覺、間諜疑雲、情慾焦慮⋯⋯最終和合成一闋抽象交響樂。成為作家之前,你必須學懂自行入魔;成為影癡之前,我們也許都要經歷一次死不如生,存歿難辨的活死人之旅。
High on insecticide “bug powder” that he inhales as a narcotic, exterminator Bill Lee shoots his wife dead and escapes to the Interzone, a city resembling Tangier where he becomes involved with – among other intrigues – a drug ring, talking insects, and a dead ringer for his wife, even as he tries to finish his Beatnik novel under a drug haze... or as he imagines, file his report as a secret agent for Interzone Incorporated. Cronenberg’s imaginative adaptation of William S. Burroughs’s cult novel, which also incorporated various aspects of the writer’s life, defied those who thought it unfilmable, creating a disorienting and surreal journey into the mental world of the writing process.
In a career-defining performance, Jeremy Irons plays both Elliot and Beverly Mantle –identical twin gynecologists based on the reallife Stewart and Cyril Marcus, whose lives and careers ended prematurely from causes related to drug addiction. The two brothers with contrasting personalities shared their home, patients and even women, until an actress comes between them, prompting the shy Beverly to emerge from behind his brother’s shadow. Dead Ringers grounds the director’s proclivities for body horror in the world of medical science, and the effects of a romantic breakup are likened to those of drug withdrawal.

力色情,長年列入各地禁映片單。影展評審團大獎得主,歷來被判為鼓吹暴痛感與快感的情慾旋渦,不能自拔。康城雅奇等半迷幻的忘情演出,導引觀眾墮進亨特、占士史碧達、狄波拉安格、露珊娜來,故事線也許不太重要,重要的是荷莉合糾結,以及撞擊帶來的實在意義。到頭始終是極端的戀物表達、人體與金屬的分資產階級生活從中作梗,但哥連堡醉心的死亡相表裏的不歸路。你可以說是空虛的現車禍後會令情慾高漲,於是踏上性愛與靠互訴婚外性事尋求刺激的夫妻,意外發 Following a car crash in which his leg is injured, a film producer falls in with a cult that fetishises car accidents, eventually bringing his wife along in an attempt to revive their flagging sexual relationship. An escalation of eroticism to the immaterial, Cronenberg pushes the boundary of sensations and confuses the notion by utilising erotic means for unerotic purposes. Controversial from the moment it received the Special Jury Prize at Cannes, this hypnotic adaptation of J. G. Ballard’s novel remains provocative as it is captivating. 加拿大 Canada/英國 UK 1996 100min Cast: James Spader, Holly Hunter, Deborah Kara Unger, Rosanna Arquette Cannes康城影展評審團特別奬FilmFestival: Special Jury Prize CRASH 慾望號快車 加拿大 Canada/英國 UK/法國 France Cast:1999 97minJudeLaw, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Ian Holm SilverBerlin柏林影展傑出藝術成就銀熊獎InternationalFilmFestival:BearforanOutstandingArtistic Contribution一局反客為主。戲,在虛擬現實的操縱與被操縱裏,大玩時得令的祖迪羅和珍妮花積遜李參與遊全球追殺,需要隱身埋名。哥連堡邀得當斯迪因創作《撒旦的詩篇》後被伊朗下令邦世界的糖衣陷阱。影片部分靈感來自魯加控與反噬、虛實空間的界限。以及烏托道插入人類神經系統,拷問身體自主權的後現代異化遊戲視角,以臍帶般的遊戲管加害文明的連體嬰,那麼哥連堡祭出他的味到眾人皆醉我不欲醒,恐懼與痛快早成如果《廿二世紀殺人網絡》令你着迷,體 A publicist new to the world of video games joins a celebrated game designer as they navigate the virtual reality of her latest creation – players are plugged into eXistenZ via “umbycords” that connect bioports in their spines to game pods, only the distinction between reality and simulation becomes blurred as the game progresses. With an all-star cast and tongue-in-cheek humour, Cronenberg revisits the concerns of Videodrome in the age of gaming, navigating the gossamer line between utopia and dystopia, and insurrectionists fighting for “realism.” 感官遊戲 22.1030.1021:20IS17.918:00MC17:15IS18.914:30MC 7 CINE28.10FANONLINE

8 反動,今日卻宛如警世預言。內,僅僅花了十五日拍攝完成,以情慾喪屍回應性解放運動;當年嫌似園,乃悟凡於人間建立天堂,多以地獄誕生告終。全片在一幢綜合大樓慌之界線。一切均指向一個擲掉未來人腦袋,淫亂到至死方休的理想樂連堡第一部長片,出盡全力炮製簽名式肉體恐怖,盡核突之能事,試恐步揭發情慾寄生蟲伺機襲人,借大規模感染而改變人種的科研陰謀。哥地,人間樂園本無心。一宗謀殺開膛,兇手緊接着自殺的離奇命案,逐遠比衛斯理《大廈》恐怖的封閉空間驚慄片!說到底,綠楊低撩方寸 Residents in an isolated luxury apartment complex become infected with grotesque parasites transmitted through sexual activity that have the effects at once of an aphrodisiac and a venereal disease. Cronenberg's first full-length feature reiterates the concerns introduced in his earlier short features Stereo (1969) and Crimes of the Future (1970) while anticipating the preoccupations of his classic works of body horror to follow, tapping into our fears and anxieties that at the intersection of human biology, a changing culture, and rapidly developing science and technology. Desire will always trump control, and chaos reigns. 大衛哥連堡 David Cronenberg 加拿大 Canada 1975 87min Cast: Paul Hampton, Lynn Lowry, Allan SITGES國際奇幻電影節最佳導演獎SITGES加泰羅尼亞Kolman-InternationalFantastic Film Festival of Catalonia: Best Director 淫魔劫 (a.k.a.ShiversTheyCame from Within) 30.1019:20IS19:003.9AC

The late great William Hurt joins the ranks of notorious mad scientists like Victor Frankenstein and Bruce Banner in this psychedelic inner-space oddity by Ken Russell. Playing a maverick psycho-physiologist, he puts his life and sanity on the line as he consumes mind-bending South American hallucinogens before confining himself within a sensory deprivation tank, in his quest to explore the farthest reaches of human consciousness. Evoking everything from 2001: A Space Odyssey to The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Russell blows the doors of perception wide open, in this visually astonishing head trip that brilliantly foreshadows the grotesque body horror masochism of David Cronenberg’s The Fly
簡羅素 Ken Russell 美國 BestAcademy奧斯卡金像獎最佳音響及最佳原創音樂提名Cast:USA 1980 102minWilliamHurt,BlairBrown,BobBalabanAwards:BestSoundandOriginalScorenominations 映後談講者林錦波 Film talk with Lam Kam-po 驚變 Altered States 30.1016:45IS12.919:30AC
9 性。肉身突變的主題,堪與六年後大衛哥連堡的《變形人魔》作對照。視覺效果開展怪奇驚慄的靈性探索,發掘潛藏人類基因內的獸性與人演簡羅素,來到荷里活就把燙手山芋變成一趟迷幻歷險,透過夢魘般的之作,本由阿瑟潘執導,辭拍後無人願接,素以離經叛道見稱的英國導入魔,不可思議的驚變發生……《蜘蛛女之吻》影帝威廉赫特初登銀幕利用漂浮隔離艙,甚至服用墨西哥毒菇湯,踏上啟靈之旅。沒想到走火態,從而探索人類進化之謎。為證實想法,他不惜以自己肉身做實驗,研究精神分裂的年輕科學家,深信人腦可透過實驗進入非尋常意識狀

Setting a new benchmark for horror films with this gothic tale, producer Val Lewton, who joined RKO in 1942, proved that low-budget productions can deftly compete against Universal’s monster films. This creature feature revolves around a Serbian woman who believes that she, like her witchcraftpracticing ancestors, will slowly turn into a panther. Without a budget for special effects, director Jacques Tourneur had to keep elaborate special effects in the shadows, using the fear of the unknown and unseen to bolster suspense. Cat People’s success didn’t only spawn multiple copycat films with similar stylistic and narrative traits; its brilliant stalking sequence also pioneered the ‘Lewton bus’, a popular horror movie technique that involves building tension to a jump scare caused by something harmless. People
積葵托奈 Jacques Tourneur 美國 Cast:USA 1942 73minSimoneSimon,Kent Smith, Tom Conway 映後談講者劉嶔 Film talk with Lau Yam 都流淌這股異色藍血。雷電華恐怖片奠下類型新標準,大衛連治和禮切沙也馬蘭的作品命不斷搏鬥,使電影呈現更難解、更致命的性心理及人性陰影。塑造超現實異象,驚慄自然而生。法國女星茜蒙天生貓相,與宿法裔導演積葵托奈,在低成本下追求高層次藝術,僅憑光影聲響說將籠罩現實……掌舵雷電華B片製作的俄裔製片人Val代,動情便會變豹。婚姻快將破裂之際,黑豹開始出沒,古老傳男子在動物園的豹籠前相識,婚後她避免親熱,因自信是女巫後司之一的雷電華以本片開創恐怖片新風格。塞爾維亞女子和紐約沒有奇醜化妝的怪物,沒有血腥殘暴的畫面,荷里活八大電影公Lewton和
30.1014:30IS10.919:00AC 10
鬼國妖鳳 Cat

積阿諾德 Jack Arnold 美國 Cast:USA 1957 81minGrantWilliams,Randy Stuart, April Kent 映後談講者張偉雄 Film talk with Bryan Chang滿視覺怪趣的一堂哲學課,真正以小見大。和智慧孤獨求存,卻重拾人生意義。即使縮小至零,已無恐懼。充倖存於水滴釀成的大水,面對被妻子當成寵物的去勢焦慮,以意志生的現代感。主角儼如創世初的先民,這實是回歸原始的歷程,他穴,縫衣針當長劍,巧借道具建構變異的視覺效果,滲透着冰冷陌幻片聖手積阿諾德,擅用精湛技藝實現奇思妙想,以火柴盒作巢殺,更要迎戰蜘蛛。憑早期怪物電影經典作《黑湖妖潭》聞名的科角被一陣霧霾包攏,半年後身體日漸縮小,住進玩具屋,遭家貓追五十年代荷里活科幻片熱潮中出類拔萃之作。一次海上暢玩,男主
縮形怪人 The
Adapted by celebrated author Richard Matheson (I Am Legend) from his own novel, Jack Arnold’s film remains one of the most successful science fiction adventures of the 1950s, enduring as both a showcase for pioneering special effects, and a classic example of atomic age paranoia. Grant Williams stars as the eponymous hero, who is exposed to a strange mist while on a fishing trip, which slowly causes him to shrink. As he continues to reduce in size, he must soon fend for himself against colossal threats from everyday objects in his own house including ordinary cats and terrifying spider, while grappling with his own diminishing place in the world. Incredible Shrinking Man
29.1017:00IS8.1019:00AC 11


但大師卻抗拒「記憶」一詞,寧取「想像」。這種這裏。我們常以時間與記憶去形容雷奈的電影,彼時彼刻,恰如此時此刻;記憶在這裏,也不在實中有虛的意韻。(1922–2014)的電影上,恰好呈現其虛中有實、然」,那麼法國詩人亨利米修的哲思放於阿倫雷奈然,卻非自然不可。」若將「記憶」套入「自「它在那裏,亦不在那裏。我們所見,非為自 詩意的畫面、講究的構圖、迷宮般的敘事結構、精近想像。知」,透過想像去接近真實,或曰,透過真實去接勝之處,正是以光影去捕捉以至凝固那「衰退的感時,便稱之為「記憶」。雷奈的電影世界最引人入知」,當我們強調感知逐漸消失、變舊、成為過去家霍布斯一脈相承:「想像」不外乎是「衰退的感想法彷彿穿越時空,與十七世紀《巨靈論》的哲學
“It is there. It is not there. What we see cannot be nature. And yet it must be.” If replacing “nature” with “memory”, French poet Henri Michaux’s musing matches impeccably with Alain Resnais’ (1922-2014) films. The elusiveness of memory is a theme that haunts, and transcends, every Resnais film. The great modernist director’s obsession with time, memory, and how the past lives with the present becomes an impetus that led him to an extraordinary adventure in the cinema of ideas, and in the idea of cinema. Yet, the auteur always refused the word “memory” apropos his work; “I’d use the word ‘imagination,’” he declared. This perspective connects him with 17th century philosopher Thomas Hobbes, who in Leviathan defined Imagination as nothing but “decaying sense” –when we would express Decay, and signify that the Sense is fading, old, and past, it is called Memory. To Resnais, films are simply to capture and freeze the “decaying sense”, approaching reality through the imagination, or, approaching the imagination through reality – and that makes his films ever so profound and mesmerising. Poetic imagery, exquisite composition, labyrinthine structure, captivating montages and searching

Unfolded like fascinating, elliptical puzzles, his films are imagination that is neither realistic nor unrealistic, but simply the sum total of our cognitive, and subconscious. It is precisely this astonishing dialectic between experience and memory that gives life to his films. His visionary experimentation are attempts at approaching the complexity of thought in our comprehension of the world, and even conceiving a whole new universe of sensory experience. On his passing eight years ago, we paid tribute to the French master filmmaker in a specially curated programme “Alain Resnais: The Labyrinth of Time and Memory I”. This year, on the 100th anniversary of his birth, we bring his singular cinema back. He is not here; yet he is always here. 在這裏。度呈獻他的回顧展。莫失莫忘,他不在這裏,亦永憶迷宮(一)」專輯。今年值其百歲冥壽,我們再八年前大師去世之時,我們舉辦過「阿倫雷奈的記全新感知經驗的世界。乍現的一瞬,領悟生命存在的本質,甚至創造一個我們去觀照、探索從而了解人的複雜思維;在靈光些具前瞻視野的影像實驗,指向一條清幽曲徑,讓
camera – Resnais’ “tricks” are far more than what Pauline Kael perceives as “beautiful diddles.” The past melded with the present; lost love wound intertwined with wartime scar; life transcended with death; and even a simple choice between smoking and not smoking – these amazing and often contradictory concepts of characters or senses are embodied in an unconventional cinematic language blending Nouveau Roman, theatre and music.

法國 France/日本 Japan
A directorial debut that stunned the world with its formidable film language, Resnais transmutes the cinema’s concept of subjective time and memory in this monumental collaboration with Marguerite Duras. The mesmerising story unfolds as a French actress filming in Hiroshima engages in a dubious, intense affair with a married Japanese architect, all the while perplexed by her scarred memories of love and suffering in Nevers during WWII. Past and present, personal anguish and wartime despair are intertwined in a masterful juxtaposition of sequences, combining into a moody masterpiece exemplary of the French New Wave. 1959 90min Emmanuelle Riva, Eiji
~ y ~ ~ y ~ 16 永恆彷徨於記憶的迷宮。間;若有還無的情感、似是而非的真實,出影像的雕欄玉砌,任意識流向超現實空奈出神入化的時空互滲,以現代主義建構片灑滿一地。與新小說風的文本契合,雷典雅長廊,華麗庭園讓記憶散絮與現實碎存在也罷;囈語夢話飄浮於巴洛克酒店的是拒絕也像是暗迎。那一年、那馬倫巴不一遍又一遍「放過我吧」,那回頭一笑,起,是她刻意遺忘,還是他想弄假成真?倫巴,你答應我一年後跟我走。她卻記不他在她耳畔不斷呢喃:去年我們相愛在馬
Still profoundly enigmatic 60 years on, Resnais’ para-surrealist masterpiece is replete with “image always in the present tense".
This perpetual cinematic puzzle takes place at a Baroque chateau, where a clandestine romantic relationship plays its hide-andseek. Murmurous dreamlike dialogues afloat the labyrinthine gardens, as a man tries to convince a beautiful woman that they were former lovers. Interlacing subjective realities, imagination and memories in a perplexing narrative structure, Resnais de/constructs subconscious into one of cinema’s most haunting poetic revelation.
Cannes康城影展國際影評人聯盟獎FilmFestival:FIPRESCI Prize ScreenplayAcademy奥斯卡金像獎最佳原著劇本提名Awards:BestOriginalnomination 17.914:303.9AC20:30MC 法國 France/意大利 Italy 1961 94min Cast: Delphine Seyrig, Giorgio Albertazzi, Sacha Pitoëff Venice威尼斯影展最佳電影金獅獎FilmFestival:Golden Lion Best Film Academy奥斯卡金像獎最佳原著劇本提名Awards:BestOriginal Screenplay nomination 映後座談會講者喬奕思、朗天 Seminar with Joyce Yang and Long Tin 18.916:453.9AC16:45MC

法國 France/瑞典 Sweden 1966 121min Cast: Yves Montand, Ingrid Thulin, Geneviève Bujold Locarno羅迦諾電影節特別表揚International Film Festival: Special Mention Academy奥斯卡金像獎最佳原著劇本提名Awards:BestOriginal Screenplay nomination 22.108.1014:304.9AC21:00AC4.917:15AC19:30IS法國 France/意大利 Italy 1974 114min Cast: Jean-Paul Belmondo, Charles Boyer, François Cannes康城影展特別表揚PérierFilmFestival: Special Mention
~ y ~ ~ y ~ 17 以仿特藝七彩、Art 死亡,揭示了一個時代的淪歿。政治亂局的映照若隱更現。權術家預兆的國革命家托洛斯基的側寫,令道德衰落與之間為差點弄垮政府的謎樣人物造像;俄保羅貝蒙多的演繹盡得風流,雷奈在虛實水,大圖謀被揭發後卻落得孤立無援。尚周旋於政、商、警之間,同流合污如魚得等一的財閥與騙子,以自信而迷人的氣度俄籍猶太裔的史塔維斯基不愧是歷史上一懷舊情調卻透出一股囂虛與潰腐的氣息。的典雅音樂重塑三十年代法國時空,華麗Deco裝潢與史提芬桑咸 Call him Stavisky or Alexandre, this Russian Jew financier and swindler embodies a chameleonic charm that enables him to forge crooked alliances with French politicians, businessmen and the police alike. That is, until his final scheme crumbles and he dies a mysterious death. Crafted with an elegant Art Deco and a Sondheim score, this fascinating portrait, based on the real-life Stavisky who provoked a scandal that almost toppled the French government in the 1930s, at once evokes a landscape of corruption and moral degeneracy that suggests an abyss is never far away. 終究只是一場夢魘?獨白,窮一生所追求的、所失去的,現實的內心糾結,主觀視角的變焦、畫外音的敘事結構,雷奈的鏡頭更着眼於伊夫蒙丹伴,原來身陷危機的是自己。簡單環迴的代的勇武路線更是背道而馳。以為營救夥旋。與組織的僵化思維格格不入,與新生與動搖之間徘徊,也在新歡與舊愛之間周年來無間斷穿梭於巴黎與馬德里,在堅信獨裁政權的理想,流亡革命家戴高二十五定音,抗爭卻未肯就此終結。為追求推翻「戰爭已完。」佛朗哥對西班牙內戰一槌
Nearly 30 years since Franco declared the end of the Spanish Civil War, Diego’s war is still going on. A professional revolutionary in exile in France, Diego moves between two countries, between two women, and is torn between his political convictions, his party’s dogmas and the new generation activism. Caught in a web of danger, he is simultaneously trapped in his ideological crisis. More than reflecting on the political struggle, Resnais captures the complexity of a man in a structure that emphasises circularity and multiplicity, anchored by the singular performance of Yves Montand.

Three middle class characters - an orthodox textile plant manager, a rebellious theatre actress and an ambitious TV executive - are put under observant lens, and analysed with the manipulation theory put forward by French behavioral scientist Henri Laborit. Through a series of mazelike “stress” situations from childhood to adulthood, the lives of these “human mice” are compared to the lab animal response, from seeking, avoidance to inhibition. Elevating melodrama with astonishing insight, Resnais’ cinematic experiment on the dislocation of image, sound and text is a whimsical examination of human free will. On the eve of his 78th birthday, a dying writer drown in alcohol weaves his patriarchal creed and retributive fantasies into his final malevolent fiction, imposing philandering and selfishness in the decent folks of his family. As the identities of his characters scramble, and the plot falls apart, imagination and memories mix up into terrifying nightmares. In his idiosyncratic surrealistic style and intellectual playfulness, Resnais probes into a writer’s mind, portraying a hauntingly dark visionary trip across the landscapes of subconscious and unbridled creativity. Dirk Bogarde, Ellen Burstyn, John
法國 France/英國 UK 1977 110min Cast:
Academy奥斯卡金像獎最佳原著劇本提名GrandCannes康城影展評審團特別獎及國際影評人聯盟獎Cast:法國BestCésar法國凱撒獎最佳電影、最佳導演等七項大獎GielgudAwards:7awardsincludingFilmandBestDirectorFrance1980125minGérardDepardieu,NicoleGarcia,RogerPierreFilmFestival:PrizeoftheJuryandFIPRESCIPrizeAwards:BestOriginalScreenplaynomination ~ y ~ ~ y ~ © 18 CINE23.0923.1011.918.910.914:15AC20:00MC14:30AC20:00ISFANONLINE

~ ~ y ~ 19 29.1029.1012.914:30AC19:15IS12.916:45AC21:20IS
Actor ~
Resnais’ intense psychological drama is one of his boldest experiments, where chronology and plot are abandoned for deeply esoteric musings on love, death and religion. At its centre is an atheist couple, whose loving relationship is disrupted when the husband is pronounced dead but mysteriously comes back to life, with memories of a hereafter. Punctuated with the serenely ominous score by Hans Werner Henze against the interludes of a snow-filled sky, this haunting ode to eternal love is at once the director’s provocative exploration on the pain of life and creative potential.
Preserving the theatrical conventions of Henry Bernstein’s 1929 melodrama, Resnais transforms it into a stunning piece of cinema. Combining stage lighting, enclosed sets and even interval curtains with compelling editing and fluid camera movement, this tale of romantic triangle about a violinist’s wife who falls for her husband’s celebrated recitalist friend is attuned to the emotional turbulence of its protagonists. Reassembling the four actors in Love Unto Death, Resnais extracts swooning passion, pain and cruelty from the vicissitudes of life underscored by enchanting Brahms duets.
法國 France 1984 92min Cast: Sabine Azéma, Fanny Ardant, Pierre Arditi, André Dussollier In Competition 法國 France 1986 112min Cast: Sabine Azéma, Pierre Arditi, André Dussollier, Fanny César法國凱撒獎最佳女演員及最佳男配角ArdantAwards:BestActressandBestSupporting y

involves nine
吸煙/不吸煙的一瞬凝鏡裏。經心的決定,一次深遠的生命轉折,雷奈對人生無常的洞見,都濃縮在微妙幻變。嚴謹形式與精煉場面調度下透出一份灑脫的隨意,一個漫不在法國片廠搭建英國外景,以悅目燈光效果映照時光流轉,呈現心理的又可重頭再來。將阿倫艾克邦的舞台劇《親密交流》來一趟光影變奏,迥然有別。不滿意結局?輕輕拋下一句「或者他/她說」,時空折返,色,或是妻子與園丁偷情,或是丈夫與女傭搭上,選擇各自不同,際遇可能。雷奈第二任愛妻薩冰阿施瑪及愛將皮雅阿迪堤兩人變身九個角如果有如果,人生會如何?一根香煙,抽或不抽,竟抽出了生命的無限 Alan Ayckbourn’s variation-loaded octet of plays into a pair Resnais takes a playful look at the unknowing distortion potential of human life from a detached position. entirely in a Paris studio depicting a Yorkshire village, it characters, played versatile thesps Sabine Azéma and Pierre Arditi. plot around the and of a headmaster’s wife, whose decision sparks off a chain branching off towards other direction. A funny yet enthralling examination of chance encounters, thoughts left unsaid, aspirations and disappointments, probing the provoking question: what if, life has other possibilities? 140/145min Azéma, Pierre Arditi
not smoking
and unlimited
Berlin柏林影展銀熊獎International Film Festival: Silver Bear BestCésar法國凱撒獎最佳電影、最佳導演等五項大獎AwardAwards:5awardsincludingFilmandBestDirector FILMSALIA-CINEMA2France-FilmsArena-1993© No不吸煙SmokingSmoking吸煙 9.1014:00AC 9.1017:00AC
法國 France 1993
of events, but all the while back-pedals at crucial junctures and then
Cast: Sabine
of interactive features,

In his sole film directorial effort, legendary Hollywood actor Charles Laughton brilliantly creates a sophisticated contrast of light and shadow to accentuate Powell’s terrifying presence, perfectly complementing Robert Mitchum’s chilling performance. Equally captivating is the appearance of silent film legend Lillian Gish, who steals the film as a pivotal character in the third act. by UCLA Film & Television Archive in cooperation with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Inc. with funding provided by Robert Sturm and The Film Foundation.
In The Night of the Hunter’s opening scene, a woman warns children to beware of false prophets. True enough, one turns up in the form of Reverend Harry Powell, a serial killer who murders widows for their money. His latest target is the Harper family, whose patriarch buried a loot from a bank robbery before he died in prison.
霧夜驚魂 The Night of the Hunter 查理士羅頓 Charles Laughton 美國 Cast:USA 1955 92minRobertMitchum,Shelley Winters, Lillian Gish 映後談講者陳志華 Film talk with Ernest Chan 29.1014:30IS10.921:00AC Reserved.RightsAllInc.StudiosMetro-Goldwyn-Mayer1955©HuntertheofNightThe

年費 ANNUAL FEE 限量發售 LIMITED AVAILABILITY 立即加入 即享 JOIN NOW Enjoy 日全年優惠 Days of Benefits365 會員優先場 Preview Screenings HKIFF/ SummerIFF 門票優惠 Tickets discount Cine Fan 門票優惠 Tickets discount 生日禮物 Birthday Gift × 1 換票證 VoucherTicket 迎新禮品 Welcome Gift × 2換票證 VoucherTicket 20% off 贊助會員 PATRON 會員 CLASSIC SUMMERIFFHKIFF 10% off 20% off 觀看 HKIFF46 及 Cine Fan 所有場次 Admission to all HKIFF46 + Cine Fan Screenings

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Tickets are available at URBTIX website, mobile app and outlets only. Ticketing services for respective screening will not be available after the screening begins. 每張門票最多只可享用其中一種購票優惠。 All of the above discount cannot be used in conjunction with any other discounts or offers. 所有場次均設劃位。所有已出售的門票皆不能退款或更換。本會恕不負責任何門票遺失。 All seats are marked for all screenings. All tickets are non-refundable and non-exchangeable. HKIFFS is not responsible for any lost ticket. 求。詳情請參閱政府官方專題網站、「疫苗通行證」接種時間表及各放映場地的有關說明。所有觀眾在進入放映場地時須符合政府實施的「疫苗通行證」及現行社交距離措施的相關要 Admission to the screening is subject to Hong Kong Government's and the venue's prevailing safety and social distancing measures, including any Vaccine Pass requirement. Please consult the Hong Kong Government official website and the Dosage Schedule for Vaccine Pass for further details. TICKETING INFORMATION 購票須知 流動購票應用程式或網上購票使用信用卡電話購票、 For Credit Card Telephone Booking, Mobile Ticketing App and Internet Booking 手續費會因應購票通(香港)有限公司而調整。每張訂購門票均設港幣8元手續費(不設退款)。以上 A service charge (which is non-refundable) is levied at HK$8 per ticket. The service charge is subjected to adjustment by Cityline (HK) Limited. 自助取票服務 Ticket Collection Service 憑卡領取門票。門票,或親臨任何一間城市售票網售票處的售票櫃檯攜帶交易使用的信用卡在購票通自助取票機刷卡提取顧客選擇自助取票服務提取門票,可於8月20日開始, Customers choosing ticket collection service can collect their pre-paid tickets from Cityline Ticket Dispensing Machines or at the sales counter at any of the URBTIX Outlets with the credit card used for transaction from 20 August onwards. 退票及節目更改 Refund Arrangement and Programme Changes 觀眾可於電影節發燒友(節目如有更改,觀眾可按原定時間入場觀看替代影片,或可由通知當日起至2022年11月25日申請退票。 HKIFF Cine Fan)網頁( )上填寫電子表格,或下載實體版 本。如放映取消,將另作安排。 For alteration of screenings, ticket holders may choose to attend a screening of a replacement film at the same time slot or to get a refund on or before 25 November 2022. Ticket holders may fill out refund application form online or download from Cine Fan website ( For cancellation of screening, alternative arrangement would be announced. 惡劣天氣之放映安排 Arrangements under Inclement Weather Conditions 或未能提供投映字幕。詳情請留意電影節發燒友(當香港天文台發出八號或以上熱帶氣旋警告訊號或黑色暴雨警告時,電影節目可能會受影響而取消, HKIFF Cine Fan)網頁的最新公佈。 Screenings or electronic subtitles may be cancelled when tropical cyclone warning signal No. 8 is in force or Black Rainstorm Warning is issued. Please refer to the HKIFF Cine Fan website for the latest notice. 售票條款 Terms and Conditions 燒友(香港國際電影節協會保留更改放映節目、時間及地點的權利。有關節目更改或取消的最新消息,請參閱電影節發 HKIFF Cine Fan)網頁及放映場地的通告。 The HKIFF Society reserves the right to change the programme and the schedule should unavoidable circumstances make it necessary. Screening alterations and cancellations will be announced on the HKIFF Cine Fan website and at the screening venues. 電影分級制 Film Classification 適合任何年齡人士 Suitable for All Ages 兒童不宜 Not Suitable for Children 青少年及兒童不宜 Not Suitable for Young Persons and Children 只准18歲或以上人士 Persons Aged 18 or Above Only 本訂票手冊付印時,大部份影片均未經電影、報刊及物品管理辦事處檢查。將來如有影片被檢定為三級者,未滿18歲而於公布前購買該場門票的持有人,可申請退票。 At the time when this booking folder goes to print, most of the films have not been submitted to the Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration. In case a film is subsequently classified as Category III, refunds will be made to ticket holders under 18 years of age who bought the tickets before the announcement. / 2970 3300 / Follow us HKIFFS 售票處購票 Counter Booking: 城市售票網售票處 URBTIX Outlets 網上購票 Internet Booking: 信用卡電話購票 Credit Card Telephone Booking: 2111 5999 流動購票應用程式 Moblie Ticketing App: My URBTIX (Android, iPhone versions) 票務查詢 Ticketing Enquiries:3761 6661 門票於2022年8月19日起於城市售票網公開發售 Tickets available from 19 August 2022 onwards at URBTIX 票價 Ticket Prices 於英皇戲院 尖沙咀iSQUARE及M+ 戲院放映之場次 $85 Screenings at Emperor Cinemas iSQUARE / M+ Cinema 於香港藝術中心放映之場次 $75 Screenings at Hong Kong Arts Centre CINE FAN ONLINE 門票於2022年9月3日起於公開發售 CINE FAN ONLINE tickets available from 3 Sep 2022 onwards at CINE FAN ONLINE 票價 Ticket Prices $50 * 網上平台訂票指南及使用條款,請參閱。 Please refer to the Booking Guide and Terms & Conditions at

14:15 AC 天神 Providence 10 六 Sat 17:15 AC 變形人魔 The Fly 14:30 AC 美國舅舅 My American Uncle 19:30 AC 孽扣 Dead Ringers 16:45 AC 猛鬼勾魂 Videodrome 19:00 AC 鬼國妖鳳 Cat People 21:00 AC 霧夜驚魂 The Night of the Hunter 11 日 Sun 14:30 AC 生死戀 Love Unto Death 19:30 AC 驚變 Altered States 16:25 MC 大衛哥連堡座談會 Seminar on David Cronenberg 16:45 MC 去年在馬倫巴 Last Year at Marienbad 18:00 MC 慾望號快車 Crash 18:20 MC 阿倫雷奈座談會 Seminar on Alain Resnais 20:30 MC 廣島之戀 Hiroshima Mon Amour 20:00 MC 天神 Providence 14:30 MC 活死人之旅 Naked Lunch 14:30 MC 感官遊戲 eXistenZ 16:45 AC 淡淡哀愁 Mélo 17 六 Sat 18 日 Sun 23 五 Fri 12 Mon SEPTEMBER 九月 SCREENING SCHEDULE 03 六 Sat 04 日 Sun 14:30 AC 活在戰爭的夢魘 The War is Over 14:30 AC 廣島之戀 Hiroshima Mon Amour 16:45 AC 去年在馬倫巴 Last Year at Marienbad 17:15 AC 史塔維斯基 Stavisky 19:00 AC 淫魔劫 Shivers 21:00 AC 魔胎 The Brood 20:00 AC 奪命凶眼 Scanners 23.9 00:00 - 25.9 23:59 天神 Providence 24

28.10 00:00 - 30.10 23:59 感官遊戲 eXistenZ 放映時間表 Seminar座談會Film映後談Talk AC 香港藝術中心古天樂電影院 Louis Koo Cinema, Hong Kong Arts Centre IS 英皇戲院 尖沙咀iSQUARE Emperor Cinemas iSQUARE MC M+ 戲院 M+ Cinema OCTOBER 十月 14:30 IS 猛鬼勾魂 Videodrome 17:30 IS 孽扣 Dead Ringers 14:30 IS 奪命凶眼 Scanners 20:00 IS 美國舅舅 My American Uncle 17:15 IS 感官遊戲 eXistenZ 19:30 IS 史塔維斯基 Stavisky 14:00 AC 吸煙 Smoking 14:30 AC 魔胎 The Brood 16:45 AC 變形人魔 The Fly 17:00 AC 不吸煙 No Smoking 19:00 AC 縮形怪人 The ShrinkingIncredibleMan 21:00 AC 活在戰爭的夢魘 The War is Over 20:15 AC 活死人之旅 Naked Lunch 22 六 Sat 23 日 Sun 28 五 Fri 14:30 IS 霧夜驚魂 The Night of the Hunter 19:15 IS 生死戀 Love Unto Death 21:20 IS 淡淡哀愁 Mélo 16:45 IS 驚變 Altered States 19:20 IS 淫魔劫 Shivers 21:20 IS 慾望號快車 Crash 14:30 IS 鬼國妖鳳 Cat People 17:00 IS 縮形怪人 The ShrinkingIncredibleMan 30 日 Sun 29 六 Sat 08 六 Sat 09 日 Sun 25

主辦 Presented by 資助機構 Financially Supported by CINE FAN Sep Oct 2022 // David Cronenberg, The Master of Body Horror 大衛哥連堡的後人類 異境 // Shivers 淫魔劫 // Altered States 驚變 // Cat People 鬼國妖鳳 // The Incredible Shrinking Man 縮形怪人 // Alain Resnais – The Meanderings of Memory 思憶迷漫 阿倫雷奈 // The Night of the Hunter 霧夜驚魂