Cine Fan
電影節發燒友 (HKIFF Cine Fan) 節目
Maurice Pialat, The Ruthless Humanist II 莫里斯皮亞勒:赤裸真相(二)
預告片 Trailer
Local Heroes
Financially supported by the Hong Kong Film Development Fund (HKFDF) and organised by the Hong Kong International Film Festival Society (HKIFFS), the HKIFF Cine Fan Programme was launched in April 2013 and based at the agnès b. CINEMA at the Hong Kong Arts Centre. With the aim to enrich and deepen the experience of Hong Kong moviegoers, the monthly programme features a variety of curated contemporary, retrospective and thematic showcases. In conjunction with the programme, the HKIFFS has introduced Cine Fan, a special privilege scheme for cineastes to enjoy ticket discounts both for the programme, and also the annual HKIFF, the Summer IFF, and other associated programmes. Please see P.19 for more details.
HKIFF Cine Fan Programme 電影節發燒友(HKIFF Cine Fan)節目由 香港電影發展基金資助,2013年4月由 香港國際電影節協會創辦,以香港藝 術中心agnès b.電影院為放映基地。節 目旨於推廣豐富多元的電影文化,定 期為香港觀眾帶來主流電影以外的精 選佳作。 香港國際電影節協會同時推出全新 優惠計劃「電影節發燒友(HKIFF Cine Fan)」,為成功申請的影迷提供各種節 目的票價優惠。詳情請參閱第19頁。
Back to the Screen
Orson Welles, The Magnificent Magician
光影魔術師 奧遜威爾斯
Top 20 Must-See
Restored Classics
AC 香港藝術中心agnès b.電影院 Hong Kong Arts Centre agnès b. CINEMA GC The Grand Cinema 署名文章內容不代表主辦機構意見。 The content of signed articles 影片放映格式請參閱Cine do not represent the viewsFan網頁 of the presenter. Screening format information please refer to the Cine Fan website
Screening Schedule
Cine Fan
Summer IFF 主辦 Presenter
資助機構 Financially Supported by
節 期 確 定 ! D a t e s
C o n f i r m e d !
11-25.8.2015 合作夥伴 Cine Fan Supporters
情書 Love Letter 兩生花 The Double Life of Veronique 蔡明亮 Tsai Ming-Liang
7 月 2 1 日 開 始 售 票 Tickets available from 2 1 July onwards
20.6 7:30pm 11.7 6:15pm
Van Gogh
(Sous le soleil de Satan)
30.6 7:30pm 18.7 5:00pm
Seminars 座談會
13.6 Sat六
Under the Sun of Satan
21.6 7:30pm 12.7 2:30pm
Le Garçu
Orson Welles
光影魔術師 奧遜威爾斯 時間 地點 講者 主持
4:30 – 5:30pm
《大國民》放映後 香港藝術中心agnès b 電影院 HK Arts Centre agnès b. CINEMA! Speaker 朗天 Long Tin Moderator 王勛 Geoffrey Wong Venue
法國 1991 158分鐘
法國 1987 100分鐘 中文字幕 原著來自布烈遜兩次改編的同一作者,兩導氣質如 一,但皮亞勒不求《鄉村牧師日記》的文學獨白,卻 讓畫面罕有的靜下來,滲透低調的奇詭與末世氛圍。 遇上撒旦,一個對自己懷疑對天主忠誠的年輕神父可 以有甚麼下場?有了法力,他想拯救手刃情人的16歲 懷孕少女,也想叫可憐媽媽的孩子死而復生。他看穿 秘密,卻看不透人心。神與魔在他的靈魂與肉身鬥得 肝膽撕裂,眼前路與天外天,凡人選前者,聖人當然 要後者,撒旦把戰場一個個打下來是有原因的。皮亞 勒彷彿向俗世發出戰書恣意挑釁,謝勒狄帕度神級演 出。康城送上遲來的肯定。
1987 康城影展最佳電影金棕櫚獎 France 1987 100min Cast: Gérard Depardieu, Sandrine Bonnaire, Maurice Pialat
Bresson and Buñuel have led us into the embattled consciousness of French priests. Pialat further transforms this familiar terrain, using a classic novel by Georges Bernanos, in a kind of triangle involving the devout priest (Gérard Depardieu), a young temptressmurderer (again, the powerful Sandrine Bonnaire) and Satan. And then Pialat himself appears onscreen as a dean who tries to control the priest… Pialat was booed while receiving the Palme d'Or in Cannes, he raised his fist and famously retorted, "You don't like me, I don't like you either." 1987 Cannes Film Festival, Palme d’Or
當年康城首映,觀眾覺得受騙:梵高怎麼耳朵沒事? 一反眾人期望,皮亞勒沒剝削天才,也沒消費神話, 但他的梵高卻最真實、最人性化。觀察入微的鏡頭, 凝視梵高在Auvers-sur-Oise的最後日子,鄉村醫生照 料,弟弟提奧探訪,洗筆聊天吃喝,都是日常。搖 滾樂手杜唐演繹的梵高擁有平凡的臉,魅力是沉靜 的。不再是主流打造的抑鬱失常,梵高首次在銀幕呼 吸、作樂、和女人做愛。身邊人誤解,看不到他的天 份──別人大造文章,這兒卻是家常道來,可杜唐的 演繹一直張力都在。那在畫布上狂飈的手,是皮亞勒 的。導演曾是畫家,毫無疑問自況,也毫無疑問一部 傑作。拍梵高影片無數,這公認是最佳一部。
1992 法國凱撒獎最佳男主角 France 1991 158min Cast: Jacques Dutronc, Alexandra London, Bernard Le Coq
In critic Kent Jone’s words, “Dutronc’s profoundly pissedoff Van Gogh was Pialat’s most impressive alter ego – alternatively endearing and misanthropic, hungry for experience yet fed up with life, looking for community but shunning the company of others.” As artist portrays artists, this becomes a fitting finale to our journey through the complex, beautiful and challenging world of Pialat through the prism of another definitive vision of modernity. You will never look at the Vincente Minnelli/ Kirk Douglas biopic the same way. 1992 César Awards, Best Actor 設映後座談會,講者黃愛玲、歐嘉麗 Post-screening seminar with Wong Ain-ling and Sonia Au
12.7 Sun日
法國 1995 102分鐘 中文字幕 皮亞勒的壓卷作重返早期的自傳故事,全因一個理 由:老年有了個兒子。可他化身成謝勒狄帕度的這個 爸爸,面對年輕妻子蘇菲和四歲的孩子安坦,沒有過 盡千帆的神話,而是更說到現實裏的人生激戰。大舊 謝謝一開場婚姻已瀕破裂,中佬危機的不安如巨浪淹 來,去小島度假,時刻要振夫綱,又妒忌安坦黏着的 划船哥哥。離婚以後,蘇菲再婚,他卻不時高調闖來 見安坦。周遭人對他倒是包容,皮亞勒的筆觸罕有的 溫柔,令影片走出傷感。當然,一切得歸功他現實中 的兒子安坦自然的做回自己,安坦成了眾演員表現真 實情感的催化劑,大舊謝謝就是同謀,成就了一部珍 貴的生活實錄奇片。 France 1995 102min Cast: Gérard Depardieu, Géraldine Pailhas, Antoine Pialat
As The New York Times crisply summarized Pialat’s final film, Le Garçu offers a “portrait of a marriage and the man who can't help trying to destroy it.” Gérard Depardieu once again shows his sheer power under the watchful hand of Pialat, portraying a self-absorbed and unlikeable man towards whom we nonetheless discover real sympathy. As he blunders through an intense, possessive relationship with his son and destroys marriage and friendship alike, we are caught up in the tragedy of the man himself and the life he fails to live.
Maurice Pialat 莫里斯皮亞勒: 赤裸真相(二) 時間 Time 地點 Venue 講者 Speakers
5:10-6:10pm 《梵高》放映後 香港藝術中心agnès b 電影院 HK Arts Centre agnès b. CINEMA! 黃愛玲 Wong Ain-ling 歐嘉麗 Sonia Au
設映後談,講者李焯桃 Post-screening talk with Li Cheuk-to
影片由法國電影資料館修復並借出 This film has been restored by La Cinémathèque française.
免費入場 Free admission } 粵語主講 Conducted in 5Cantonese
20.6 2:30pm
The Trial
(Le procès)
Touch of Evil
美國 1948 107分鐘 中文字幕
法國/意大利/德國 1962 118分鐘 中文字幕
大將軍蒙女巫預告將登極為王,在野心勃勃的妻子 慫恿下,踏上了弒君自立之路;想不到瘋狂與自毀 同樣在路上等待他。莎士比亞雖是戲劇之神,但改編 神劇拍成的有聲電影大部份票房失利。奧遜威爾斯挾 三十年代已動用全黑人演員演出《馬克白》舞台劇的 基進往績,僅用二十三天時間,低成本拍成這齣經典 悲劇,並引入新舊宗教觀念衝突題旨,一舉翻新莎劇 電影面貌,不讓羅蘭士奧利花《亨利五世》專美。值 得一提:奧遜威爾斯長女也在片中粉墨登場,反串飾 演被馬克白殺害的童角,為本片增加了倫理解讀的趣 味。這回放映的是原汁原味的蘇格蘭語對白版本。
一個村民在法律之門前面待了一生,守衛怎樣也不讓 他進去。臨死前他問為何除了他沒人來叩門。守衛回 答:「因為這道門根本便是為你而設的,現在我要把 它關上了。」奧遜威爾斯親口演繹這個來自卡夫卡名 著的噩夢故事,為其改編先聲奪人。安東尼柏堅斯飾 演的K一覺醒來,無緣無故被闖進來的陌生人盤問, 因莫名的控罪被捕,受審,最後無聊地遭處決;存在 的無常與荒謬,貫注了奧遜威爾斯十二成功力,足教 觀眾蝕骨椎心。難怪影片剛煞青,奧導即自稱拍出平 生最佳作品。
USA 1948 107min Original Scottish version with Eng subtitles Cast: Orson Welles, Jeanette Nolan, Dan O'Herlihy
Welles had loved Shakespeare since high school and produced an all-black Voodoo Macbeth on Broadway (from which his film borrowed elements). Still, his low-budget effort was a pioneering piece for populist Republic Pictures; American audiences were unused to Shakespeare on screen (Olivier’s Hamlet [1948] had not yet reached the U.S.). While anchoring the film as the ambitious Macbeth, Welles heightened elements of magical religions in conflict with Christianity, even if working with leftover sets from cowboy Westerns. Even more notable once its original Scottish-accented soundtrack was restored in the 1980s. 電影拷貝由加州大學洛杉磯分校電影電視資料館修復並借 出。修復計劃由電影基金會及荷里活外國記者協會資助。 35mm restored print courtesy of the UCLA Film & Television Archive; restoration funding provided by The Film Foundation and the Hollywood Foreign Press Association
美國 1958 111分鐘 中文字幕 金髮佳人珍納李和新婚夫婿查爾登希士頓捲入邊境爆 炸案,到場調查的惡警(奧遜威爾斯自演)來者不 善,插贓嫁禍,變相綁架,一於自立例自破例到底。 芳心受盡驚嚇之餘,公義也一再面臨挑戰。倒是老闆 娘瑪蓮德烈治旁觀者清,順手拈花即可為一個男人蓋 棺論定。單看演員黃金陣容已目不暇給,何況江湖傳 說,當年正是奧遜威爾斯豪情勃發,為了證明自己有 起死回生之力,才僅收演員酬勞兼任導演?影片最初 遭片主粗暴修剪,引發奧遜威爾斯發萬言書抗議。幸 有心人根據導演備忘錄重新剪接,一代驚慄經典乃得 重光。 USA 1958 111min Cast: Charlton Heston, Janet Leigh, Orson Welles, Marlene Dietrich
Welles’ sheer fascination with the shadows, architecture and sounds of urban noir permeate this haunting thriller artfully threaded across the corruption and criminality of both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border. While showcasing Charlton Heston as an unlikely Mexican lawman and the innocent Janet Leigh as his bride, Welles dominates the screen as the evil spider at the center of a complex and murderous plot. And Marlene Dietrich, in what would have been a cameo for a lesser actress, sets the tone and mastery of a real Welles treat.
1964 法國影評人協會最佳電影 France/Italy/Germany 1962 118min Cast: Anthony Perkins, Jeanne Moreau, Orson Welles, Romy Schneider
Welles meets Kafka. And changes him. Tackling the famous and haunting novel of an ordinary man in a monstrous juggernaut of justice (with Anthony Perkins of Psycho [1960] fame, as Josef K), Welles invests it with both new elements and vision through creative cinematography and scenes shot from Croatia to Paris’ Gare D’Orsay; Kafka’s work was still banned in communist Prague. And with talent like Jeanne Moreau and Romy Schneider, how could Welles resist playing the prosecutor? The film has divided critics – come and make up your mind. 1964 French Syndicate of Cinema Critics, Critics Choice
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14.6 8:00pm 19.7 5:00pm
13.6 6:00pm 19.7 2:30pm
的傳奇戲法 奧遜威爾斯
4.7 7:00pm 18.7 7:30pm
Magician: The Astonishing Life and Work of Orson Welles
導演:卓克獲文 美國 2014 94分鐘 為奧遜威爾斯立傳如此輕易又這般艱難,事關身處 天才與瘋子之間,自戀和自毀筆觸所譜寫的,既有 輝煌的潦倒,更有失敗的成功。當然,作品本身終究 是藝術家頂天立地的宣言,有甚麼比讓影像本身替作 者說話更有力量?卓克獲文搜羅了奧遜威爾斯幾乎 所有現存作品片段,從十八歲創作的《時代之心》 (1934)到那些未及完成,不無遺憾的拍攝計劃: 《風的另一邊》、《深淵》、《唐吉訶德》⋯⋯不一 而足,不消提那些電視和商業製作,投射出他鮮為人 知的另一面。影人學者影痴均不容錯過參考的佳作。 Dir: Chuck Workman USA 2014 94min
Welles’ own life reads like a film script that the man would have enjoyed. From troubled childhood through charismatic artist to embattled auteur, replete with complicated marriages and friendships, Welles nonetheless produced startling projects that changed cinema. At the same time, his career was littered with butchered masterpieces, unworthy projects to provide money, and countless works left incomplete. This centenary biography, with clips from every single one of Welles’ films, provided a stunning overview of the man and his works, while increasing our appreciation of its dramas, on and offscreen. 設映後談,講者張偉雄、李焯桃 Post-screening talk with Bryan Chang and Li Cheuk-to
15 }} 15