Cine Fan May/Jun/Jul 2021 Programme

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May Jun Jul 2021

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德格拉斯薛克 SIRK

世故之內 凡俗之外

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Films to Love and Films to Die For

30/3/2021 下午10:42

May Jun Jul 2021






To Sirk with Love, The Films of Douglas Sirk 愛以其道 德格拉斯薛克

Cinema Heritage: From The Film Foundation 光影珍藏:電影基金會

The Golden Age 黃金時代

9 Restored Classics 修復經典

影片放映格式請參閱Cine Fan網頁 Screening format information please refer to the Cine Fan website 除特別註明外,所有非英語對白電影皆設有英文字幕。 Unless otherwise stated, all non-English speaking films are subtitled in English.

主辦 Presented by

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香港藝術中心 灣仔港灣道2號 Hong Kong Arts Centre 2 Harbour Road, Wanchai

The Grand Cinema 尖沙咀柯士甸道西1號圓方商場2樓 2/F, Elements, 1 Austin Road West, Tsim Sha Tsui




大館賽馬會立方 JC Cube, Tai Kwun 中環荷李活道10號 10 Hollywood Road, Central

K11 Art House 尖沙咀梳士巴利道18號 Victoria Dockside K11 MUSEA L4樓層 Level 4, K11 MUSEA, Victoria Dockside, 18 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui

香港藝術中心古天樂電影院 Hong Kong Arts Centre Louis Koo Cinema 灣仔港灣道2號 2 Harbour Road, Wanchai




Back to the Screen 銀幕再現

An Obsession to Die For, Rainer Werner Fassbinder 絕世痴迷 法斯賓達

Ticketing Information 購票須知

28 Screening Schedule 放映時間表

語言 Language (語言代碼 Language Code: ISO 639-2/B)

節目夥伴 Programme Partner

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字幕 Subtitles

默片 Silent

合作夥伴 Supporters

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世紀五十年代荷里活黃金時期,是德格拉斯 薛克通俗女人戲的高峰。他的巧手通俗劇,

往往褒貶不一,當時評論界鄙夷不屑,但電影極 賣座,女性觀眾愛死了他戲中的恩怨愛恨,催淚 感人。59年《春風秋雨》後金盤洗手到瑞士安享

晚年。七十年代起,歐洲不少新電影悍將如高達 及法斯賓達等為他翻案,評論界才嚴肅地認定, 薛克是偉大的作者導演,他以德國移民的眼睛看 美國,透過通俗劇對美國戰後的物質主義,悄悄 地作了不少精銳的批判和顛覆。

薛克的電影生涯可分為兩階段。他四十歲前都在 德國度過,少年時已愛上舞台劇,舞台及電影導 演雙棲;37年因政治傾向轉往美國發展,43年在

荷里活拍成《希特拉的瘋子》,事業在五十年代 臻至頂峰,《地老天荒不了情》、《深鎖春光一

院愁》、《苦雨戀春風》及《春風秋雨》被視為 他的力作,更一手捧紅了洛赫遜,成為五、六十 年代炙手可熱小生。

薛克深諳布萊希特,但自言對美國通俗劇類型一 見鍾情,故此完全依隨荷里活片廠制度。他常思 考戲(play)及悅(pleasure)的關連,明白戲

一定要取悅觀眾。他認為與舞台劇相比,電影是 技術媒體,導演必須對燈光、場景、氛圍和人物 成竹在胸。他視導演為故事改造者,一切技術先 行,他戲裏編劇可不斷更換,但布景、攝影、音 樂、美術指導及剪接,差不多一直維持不變。他 拿手的是場面調度,在瘋狂又荒謬而往往自相矛 盾的情節中,以至如泣如訴的「快樂結局」裏埋 下反諷的引子,讓觀眾領悟和發掘。

TO SIRK WITH LOVE THE FILMS OF DOUGLAS SIRK One of classical Hollywood's supreme stylists, Douglas Sirk raised the melodrama to an art form with his expressionist imagery and critical view of post-war America as an affluent society where – haunted by the fear of failure – private misery hid behind a facade of confidence. Appearances reign supreme in Sirk's intensely optical cinema: characters are often trapped in mirror reflections, unable to free themselves from society’s gaze. Sirk’s expressionism came from his German background: working with cinematographer Russell

individual's authentic self was hopelessly lost. Sirk straddled high and low culture effortlessly: he was equally at home adapting Faulkner or Remarque as he was working with popular fiction. Indeed, his artistry in utilizing the resources of pop culture – Rock Hudson as matinee idol, Frank Skinner's kitsch music, and other forms of "bad taste" – to fashion his ironic view of America has endeared him as the godfather of camp to such later filmmakers influenced by his style as Fassbinder, Almodóvar, Todd Haynes, and John Waters.

Metty – who remarked that they shot melodramas like

Once misunderstood as cheap or vulgar, Sirk’s

film noir – Sirk created a blatantly artificial world full of

melodramas are now properly appreciated for both

dramatic, shadowy contrasts in lighting and filled with

their hysterical excesses and subversively Freudian

garish colours, in which the larger-than-life emotions of

view of sexual repression in conservative, Eisenhower-

his characters reverberated within a hall of mirrors that

era America, replete with outrageous phallic imagery

was Sirk's vision of image-obsessed America, where an

critical of the period’s patriarchy.

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Images courtesy of Park Circus/Universal

公認是薛克的代表作之一,開啟通俗劇的 黃金時代。奧斯卡影后珍惠文,配初出道 的英俊小生洛赫遜,演繹萊德格拉斯同名 原著中的兜轉宿緣。花花公子卜因一次快 艇意外,令本有美好家庭的海倫先淪為寡 婦,後更失明。卜痛悔不已,易名相伴, 開展了一段不離不棄又磨難重重的苦戀。 薛克將通俗劇推向愛恕恩義的漩渦,卜痴 情不息,以愛來償還海倫,攝影師羅素梅 蒂放射特藝七彩魅力,令不問回報的愛散 發動人色彩,珍惠文更憑此片第四度提名 奧斯卡影后。

Magnificent Obsession 地老天荒不了情

美國 USA 1954 108min

Cast: Jane Wyman, Rock Hudson, Agnes Moorehead 奧斯卡金像獎最佳女主角提名 Academy Awards: Best Actress nomination


17:30 TK


14:30 AH

An object lesson in how Sirk's camp aesthetic turns trash into gold: will an egoistic playboy find redemption and become a distinguished neurosurgeon after he accidentally blinds a widow who is the object of his unrequited love? The sheer outrageousness of the premise would be off-putting enough in the hands of others, but Sirk revels in the melodramatic excess of this parable of "pay it forward" altruism, lavishing on it his trademark expressionist visuals. The film's success cemented Sirk's partnership with producer Ross Hunter at Universal, as well as cinematographer Russell Metty and stars Hudson and Wyman, marking the beginning of a series of landmark melodramas that would come to define the genre.

《地老天荒不了情》賣座,薛克找珍惠文 與洛赫遜再譜姊弟戀。中年寡婦生活富 裕,子女成材,情傾風趣外向率真敢言的 園丁,欲許終身之際,子女們深表遺憾, Images courtesy of Park Circus/Universal


All That Heaven Allows

The most beloved and well-known of Sirk's melodramas is at once an affecting romance and a withering critique of post-war, small-town America, with its repressively conformist ethos. When a widow of means falls in love with her free-thinking, much younger gardener, the relationship leads to gossip and condemnation from her family and the community. All That Heaven Allows brings together all the key collaborators – stars Rock Hudson and Jane Wyman, cinematographer Russell Metty, and producer Ross Hunter – for the most perfect realisation of the Sirkian aesthetic, and has been hugely influential on such later filmmakers as Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Pedro Almodóvar, and Todd Haynes.


美國 USA 1955 89min

Cast: Jane Wyman, Rock Hudson, Agnes Moorehead


20:10 TK

26.6 18:00 AH

克這位風格家手上,幕幕濃得化不開的特 藝七彩攝影,扭盡心思的場面調度,以愛 挑戰世俗道德規範,將階級藩籬拍出揪心 之痛。難怪德國新電影悍將法斯賓達大受 感動,奉薛克為明燈,還啟發他拍成《恐 懼蝕人心》(1974),向這位「女性電 影」大師致意。


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《殺夫報》(1944)的芭芭拉史丹域與佛 烈麥梅利重聚,寃侶變舊情人藕斷絲連。 玩具商事業有成,奈何被太太與子女們冷 落;美麗舊同事突然登門造訪,令平板沉


There s Always Tomorrow 斷腸春夢

悶的中產生活激起漣漪。薛克原打算以彩 色攝製,卻被片廠拒絕,然老拍檔羅素 梅蒂扭轉乾坤,黑白陰影中婚外情暗湧連


連,美國中產家庭的天真、冷漠和保守原 形畢露,個人自由處處受家人制約,可憐 復可悲。紅顏沒謀財害命,倒悄然引退, 示範了愛是顧全大局,也輕輕卸下了對成

美國 USA 1955 84min

Cast: Barbara Stanwyck, Fred MacMurray, Joan Bennett

功男人的深刻批判。 Unusually for a melodrama, There's Always Tomorrow focuses on the domestic woes of a male protagonist: an entrepreneur and pater familias who has yielded to the demands of work and family, losing his zest for life until it is rediscovered through the appearance of an old flame. If '50s America was the Eisenhower era when "father knew best", Sirk dismantles this facade of patriarchal confidence with a devastating portrait of masculinity and fatherhood in crisis. Reunited a dozen years after Double Indemnity (1944), Fred MacMurray and Barbara Stanwyck are electrifying in their scenes together, while the children here are even more callous and obnoxious than those in All That Heaven Allows .

被視為美國豪門恩怨戲的原型,石油大亨 富二代凱爾與設計師露茜成婚,助手米奇 乃竹馬之友,正直能幹忠心。凱爾因不育 而每日酗酒消愁,竟懷疑米奇與妻有染,

17:30 TK

18.7 映後座談會講者登徒、王勛 Seminar with Thomas Shin and Geoffrey Wong

15:30 AC

Written on the Wind 苦雨戀春風

自此踏上了豪門淪落路。薛克以倒敘方式 開篇,一樁命案將貴胄的瘋狂浮誇拍得絲


絲入扣,暗地裏以曲筆嘲諷紈絝子弟無 能、迂腐和衰敗,敲響了美國富族的喪 鐘,如警世寓言。演其花痴妹妹的桃樂妃 瑪朗瘋癲耀眼,最後繼承家業極具反諷意 味。西班牙鬼才艾慕杜華自言《苦雨戀春 風》百看不厭,確不為過。 Sirk's masterpiece is an outlandishly lurid, Freudian family melodrama characteristically stylised to the hilt with garishly expressionist Technicolor visuals. The Hadleys own half the oil in Texas, but the heir to the empire is an alcoholic with fears of sexual impotence, while his sister sleeps around town as a nymphomaniac. The company geologist and a secretary become romantically entangled with the dysfunctional siblings, but desire everywhere remains frustrated and unfulfilled. Sirk's delirious critique of a capitalist patriarchy undermined by repressed libidinal impulses represents the giddiest heights of cinematic camp, as phallic imagery abound from pistols to oil wells.

美國 USA 1956 99min

20:40 TK

Cast: Rock Hudson, Lauren Bacall, Robert Stack, Dorothy Malone 奧斯卡金像獎最佳女配角 Academy Awards: Best Supporting Actress

11.7 15:00 AC


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乘《苦雨戀春風》賣座之勢,薛克將心儀已 久的福克納小說《標塔》搬上銀幕,三位福 將繼續愛恨糾纏。大蕭條時代,羅拔史德飾 演的飛行員沉醉於以亡命表演討生活,冷落 嬌妻,記者洛赫遜被飛行員浪族生涯吸引, 同時戀上偶像之妻。史德貫徹失敗者形象, 自毀而堅離地逃避現實,桃樂妃瑪朗則一改 放蕩變情癡。薛克自言極愛飛行題材,數場 飛機空中較勁如死神之吻,一新耳目。被譽 為薛克最自覺及最具野心之作,大師本尊亦 視為自己最佳作品。

The Tarnished Angels 碧海青天夜夜心

美國 USA 1957 91min

Cast: Rock Hudson, Robert Stack, Dorothy Malone


17:30 AC


14:45 AH

Sirk had read with admiration William Faulkner's novel Pylon when it was published in the ’30s, and jumped at the opportunity to direct an adaptation reuniting him with the cast and producer of Written on the Wind . The title refers to a trio of barnstormers - a war hero turned stunt pilot addicted to racing his plane, his long-suffering wife, and a loyal mechanic devoted to them both - as seen through the eyes of an alcoholic reporter. Evocatively set during Mardi Gras in Depression-era New Orleans, The Tarnished Angels is a quintessentially Sirkian tale of failure - of individuals and a nation not living up to their promise - and a neglected masterpiece that is among the director's most poignant works.

薛克不顧關於二戰時德國士兵生活題材敏 感,仍然專程往柏林取景,有說此舉為紀 念他戰死沙場的兒子。二戰尾聲,駐守蘇 聯戰線的德軍士兵,罕有獲三周休假回 國,重遇舊同學及被視為政治犯的女兒, 兩人一見鐘情火速成婚。純潔的愛情在廢 墟般家園燃起,希望和絕望,快樂和苦 痛,混而為一。全片以通俗劇形式反戰、 反納粹、反殺戳,貫徹薛克荒謬反諷手 法。英俊小生尊格溫一炮而紅,薛克視他 為洛赫遜年輕版,讓他在《春風秋雨》裏 演守護母女的癡情種。

A Time to Love and a Time to Die 無情戰地有情天 美國 USA 1958 132min

Cast: John Gavin, Liselotte Pulver, Jock Mahoney 金球獎最佳男新演員 Golden Globe Awards: Most Promising Newcomer – Male


19:45 AC

10.7 14:30 AC

Sirk lost his son on the Eastern Front, and he uses this vividly nightmarish war film – shot in CinemaScope by Russell Metty – to take us on a dark journey to the end of the night, as a soldier on his furlough visits his hometown at the height of the Second World War, and falls in love amidst the horrors and absurdities of life in war-torn Nazi Germany. Erich Maria Remarque adapted his own novel and plays a key character, while Miklós Rózsa wrote the score. "I am going to write a madly enthusiastic review of Douglas Sirk’s latest film," wrote Godard, "simply because it set my cheeks afire." A young Klaus Kinski appears in a small role.


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薛克重拍1934年尊史多露導演的同名電 影,亦是他最後之作,透過兩對母女,創 造了一個在男人世界掙扎求存的女性故 事。二戰後,寡婦羅拉與女兒蘇絲來到紐

Imitation of Life 春風秋雨 (!(%()

約追逐演員夢,跟黑人寡婦安妮與女兒莎 拉同住。羅拉為了事業犧牲了愛情和冷落 女兒,換得星途燦爛,莎拉無法接受有色

美國 USA 1959 125min


Cast: Lana Turner, John Gavin, Sandra Dee


柏林影展競賽影片 Berlin International Film Festival: In Competition

煉營造母女對立,透視核心家庭的崩解和 種族主義,打破通俗劇的快樂結局公式, 心靈清明,從此收山。 Sirk's final film takes on renewed relevance in our time of Black Lives Matter, showing how the fair-skinned daughter of an African-American maid comes to hide her ethnicity and hate her blackness in response to societal discrimination. Sirk tells the story of two single mothers in parallel, as the maid's employer - a white woman - seeks success on stage to fulfill her career ambitions as an actress. Appearances and the desire for social recognition threaten to usurp the place of love, with a plethora of mirrors and reflected imagery throughout: a key visual motif characteristic of Sirk's mise-en-scene that is integral to his critique of '50s America.

改編自芬妮赫斯特同名小說,尊史多露忠 於原著,比亞與女兒潔西相依為命,偶然 認識黑人母女黛麗拉和女兒皮奧拉。黛麗 拉因炮製班戟手藝出眾,比亞以其生意頭 腦助她創業,開設餐廳,兩人由主僕變成 生意夥伴。母親事業有成,皮奧拉卻受膚 色種族困擾,斷絕母女關係出走。三十年 代版本,將家庭、種族、親情和事業衝突 集中於黑人母親身上。薛克59年開拍《春 風秋雨》時未看過此片,情節背景人物關 係不盡相同,不變則是女性自強和種族主 義主題。 Two films directed by John M. Stahl - both adaptations of popular literature - were later remade by Douglas Sirk: Magnificent Obsession and this first attempt at filming Fannie Hurst's 1933 novel. Two single mothers - a white widow and her black housekeeper - form a strong bond over the years, but the maid's light-skinned daughter refuses to acknowledge her blackness, internalizing society's racism as a form of selfhatred directed towards her mother. Stahl's film differs from Sirk's with a lighter storyline for its white lead that is less critical of the American obsession with success and appearances, and a treatment of the black daughter's predicament that is not so overtly sexualised.


14:30 AC

金球獎最佳女配角 Golden Globe Awards: Best Supporting Actress


映後談講者林瀚光 Film talk with Derek Lam

19:30 AH

Imitation of Life 春風秋雨 (!(#$) 尊史多露

John M. Stahl 美國 USA 1934 111min

Cast: Claudette Colbert, Warren William, Rochelle Hudson

15.5 14:45 AC

奧斯卡金像獎最佳電影等三項提名 Academy Awards: 3 nominations including Best Picture 時代雜誌25部最具代表性種族電影之一 Time ’s Top 25 Important Films On Race

27.6 17:00 AH


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Leave Her to Heaven 榮登霍士四十年代最賣座電影神壇,大膽將黑色、心理驚慄、女性 及通俗劇各類型挪移糅合,至今仍覺非同凡響。以莎士比亞哈姆雷 特名句為片名,昭示女主角天賦的非凡命運。儼如希臘神話的希波



John M. Stahl 美國 USA 1945 110 min

Cast: Gene Tierney, Cornel Wilde, Jeanne Crain, Vincent Price 奧斯卡金像獎最佳攝影 Academy Awards: Best Cinematography 威尼斯影展競賽影片 Venice Film Festival: In Competition

映後談講者陳志華 Film talk with Ernest Chan

15.5 17:15 AC

26.6 15:15 AH

貌似父親的小說家,婚後愛得難捨難分,容不下任何人;小叔溺 斃,胎兒流產,無所不用其極,甚至不惜自毀以達致完全佔有。荷 里活奪命紅顏始祖之一,尊史多露以蔚為奇觀的特藝七彩,映襯詭 譎陰寒的假面色相,艾慕杜華與托迪希恩斯亦甘拜為師。 A ravishing Technicolor masterpiece that became 20th Century Fox’s biggest box office hit of the 1940s, Leave Her to Heaven continues to spark critical debate more than seventy years later for its bold reinterpretation of established genres, and daring evocation of classical Greek mythology. At once film noir, psychological thriller and swooning melodrama, it stars a ferocious Gene Tierney as a beautiful young socialite, who draws Cornel Wilde’s successful yet unwitting novelist into a passionate affair, only to be overpowered by her intense jealousy and murderous possessiveness. Restored by Academy Film Archive and Twentieth Century Fox with funding provided by The Film Foundation.


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31/3/2021 上午1:09



白 頭 偕 老

Make Way for Tomorrow


Leo McCarey

李奧麥加利憑《春閨風月》(1937)榮膺奧斯卡最佳導演, 曾言獎項錯配電影。繾綣心頭覺得實至名歸的,是同年公映的 《白頭偕老》。鶼鰈情深半世紀,處身大蕭條的耄耋夫妻因失 業多年,房子遭銀行沒收,被迫分開暫居子女公寓,卻備受冷 落嫌棄。在各奔東西前,往最快樂的過去走一回;車站一別, 心知可能後會無期。荷里活罕有觀照生命,風格節制沉實而不 失幽默,窺探時代巨輪下變質的親情孝道,更瞥見人生的悲喜 無奈,啟迪小津的《東京物語》(1953)。終結時莫失莫忘愛 和尊嚴,直教奧遜威爾斯由衷感嘆「頑石也垂淚」。 When accepting the Best Director Oscar for The Awful Truth (1937), Leo McCarey remarked “Thanks, but you gave it to me for the wrong picture.” He was referring to Make Way for Tomorrow , released the same year, in which an elderly couple is forced to separate after they lose their house, and none of their children has the means to take them both in. Foreshadowing Ozu Yasujiro’s Tokyo Story (1953), McCarey’s heart-wrenching Depression-era drama depicts a country in a state of change, a film Orson Welles declared “would make a stone cry.”

美國 USA 1937 91 min

Cast: Victor Moore, Beulah Bondi, Fay Bainter, Thomas Mitchell


20:00 AC

18.7 17:30 AC


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© 1945 WBEI


Mildred Pierce 米高寇蒂斯


Michael Curtiz


美國 USA 1945 111min


Cast: Joan Crawford, Jack Carson, Zachary Scott, Ann Blyth 奧斯卡金像獎最佳女主角 Academy Awards: Best Actress

身廚房的家庭主婦,經歷離婚、當女侍應、開設餐廳事業有成,繼 而再嫁空心闊少爺,一心望為驕縱女兒帶來優裕生活,無奈未能滿 足她的虛榮,屢屢姑息終致悲劇結局。鍾歌羅馥失意美高梅跳槽華 納後首作,演繹獨立女性步步維艱入木三分,吐氣揚眉摘下演藝事 業唯一奧斯卡后冠;被女兒刮一巴掌的經典一幕,那頹然跌坐的錯

映後談講者劉嶔 Film talk with Lawrence Lau



17:30 AC

19:45 AH

14:30 AC 9.5

19:30 AH 5.6

愕,也是對美國春夢的覺醒? Transforming James M. Cain’s psychological novel as a murder mystery, Casablanca (1942) Oscar-winning director Michael Curtiz crafts a portrait of family dysfunction and toxic mother-daughter relationship with hard-boiled suspense and dramatic artifice. Told in flashback from the moment of her husband’s death, the gripping noir melodrama traces the treacherous life of Mildred, a housewife-turned-successful restauranteur, who is hell-bent on freeing her family from economic hardship, but suffers the humiliation of her cruel and ungrateful daughter. Reinventing herself in an iconic performance, Joan Crawford resuscitated her career and won her only Oscar.


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Suddenly, Last Summer 富可將稀世食肉花移植到私人花園,貴婦卻敵不過上帝寵召獨生子的宿 命。以重金助建醫院利誘年輕醫生孟甘穆利奇里夫,為失心瘋姪女進行 腦白質切除手術,原來只為求愛兒的暗黑秘密消失人世,耽溺於母子情 結永不願醒。田納西威廉斯筆下人吃人的世界何止是隱喻,執迷的瘋狂 虎視着脆弱靈魂伺機而噬。約瑟曼基維茲任鏡頭凝神靜觀,精雕細琢的 對話裏暗露解剖刀的機鋒,透出嘉芙蓮協賓懾人氣勢下掩不住的內心虛


Joseph L. Mankiewicz 英國 UK/美國 USA 1959 114min

Cast: Elizabeth Taylor, Katharine Hepburn, Montgomery Clift

金球獎最佳女主角(劇情片) Golden Globe Awards: Best Actress (Drama)

怯,讓伊莉莎伯泰萊在精神崩潰裏迸發出撕心裂肺的狂號,在海斯法典 的夾縫中,道破為世不容的同性戀、暗娼與亂倫。 Tennessee Williams’ unfathomable one-act, grotesque psychodrama reached its Gothic heights in this Joseph L. Mankiewicz’s adaptation. Unfolded with a striking monologue by Katharine Hepburn, a filthy-rich southern matron who entices a surgeon to lobotomise her hysterical niece, the melodramatic shocker gradually reveals the truth of her deceased son’s proclivities as the psychiatrist tries to probe his patient’s trauma. With its explicit ambiguity that slyly made it past the Production Code, Mankiewicz gets close to visually represent the forbidden, daringly manifested in Elizabeth Taylor’s climactic outcry that heralds beyond-thepale revelations of homosexuality, incest and cannibalism.

映後談講者博比 Film talk with Bobby Kwok

15.5 19:45 AC


17:00 AH


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© 1974 WBEI

Back To The Screen

銀幕 再現


Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore 拍罷《窮街陋巷》(1973)的江湖混混,馬田史高西斯突來一部女



Martin Scorsese


美國 USA 1974 112min Cast: Ellen Burstyn, Alfred Lutter, Harvey Keitel, Kris Kristofferson

妙趣橫生,貼地庶民風味尤其颯爽。憑此片榮膺奧斯卡影后的艾蓮 貝絲妲儼如愛麗絲上身,悲哭喜笑真性朗然;路上邂逅燥漢夏菲基 圖與暖男基斯杜化遜擦出愛火,車內被鬼靈精兒子弄得啼笑皆非過 癮抵死,與潑辣女侍應同事由交鋒到交心堪稱一絕。洋洋灑灑將荷 里活式浪漫喜劇調度自如盡見功架,首拍人細鬼大的茱迪科士打, 十二歲已技驚四座。 Alternating between gritty realism and amusing fantasy, Martin Scorsese’s witty blending of road movie with women’s self-realisation is a delightful departure from his male predominated gangster films. Ellen Burstyn gives a well-deserved Oscar-winning performance as the widow and mother, managing heartbreak and boisterous humour along her journey in search of a job and with hopes of reviving her abandoned singing career. Occasionally painful and sad, yet mostly rollicking and heartwarming, this exploration of human liberation, if not particularly women's, chants a most fascinating song of praise to independence of spirit.

奧斯卡金像獎最佳女主角 Academy Awards: Best Actress 英國電影電視藝術學院獎最佳電影、最佳劇本、 最佳女主角、最佳女配角 BAFTA Awards: Best Film, Best Screenplay, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actress


14:45 AC

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Images courtesy of Park Circus/Universal

Back To The Screen

銀幕 再現


Field of Dreams 為了夢想,你可以走得多遠?半生循規蹈矩的農夫雷爾,聽見神秘聲 音在耳邊縈繞:「若你建它,他就會來」。建什麼?他是誰?雷爾決 定瘋狂一次,剷平粟米田,建成棒球場。有一天,他來了:是二十年 代捲入假波醜聞而被終身禁賽的棒球巨星,回來延續他綠茵場上未 竟之夢。然後,他也來了:是與棒球夢擦身而過、營營役役而終的亡


Phil Alden Robinson 美國 USA 1989 107min

Cast: Kevin Costner, James Earl Jones, Burt Lancaster

父。天堂何嘗不是在人間?夢想不只流於空談勵志,讓父子在幻夢中 補償錯失的遺憾,真摯而情實。奇雲高士拿再演棒球片駕輕就熟;畢 蘭加士打最後幕前演出,放下抱憾轉身而去,不諳棒球也足以動容。 Hearing a mystical voice urging “If you build it, he will come”, Ray, a dutiful farmer left musing over lost idealism, is propelled to answer the call. His haywire act of putting a baseball pitch amidst his crop heralds the arrival of ghostly Shoeless Joe, the baseball great who was brought low by throwing the 1919 World Series. Joe is given another chance to play again, and so is Ray – with his long-deceased father who missed his opportunity. A whimsical melodrama that skillfully amplifies baseball as a metaphor for living one’s dream, and a profound reflection on father-son relationship that still carries its emotional weight.

映後談講者家明 Film talk with Fung Ka-ming

16.5 14:30 AH

20.6 20:40 TK


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達(1945-82)那麼早便離開了電影,離開了我 《過氣女星》拿下柏林影展金熊獎,便因服食過量 藥物魂歸天國,死時身旁擱着下一部作品的筆記。 英年早逝,令人握腕。

編劇、導演、演出,有時還擔當美術總監和剪接。 論倡議者安德魯沙里斯就曾用整整一學期講授他的 《中國輪盤》。



《 愛 比 死 更 冷 》〔1969〕 到《 死 白 仔 》〔1971〕),



怪。這位以各式暴力及控制狂稱著的天才導演,是 及影棚,極度多產,在不足二十年的創作生涯裏, 拍了四十多部電影、兩輯電視劇集、三部短片、四 部錄像,更執導了二十四齣舞台劇。私生活上,他 是著名的「壞孩子」,性伴侶有男有女,醜聞從未

間斷,但無損他身為德國新電影運動奠基者的聲 譽。



作出多方面的類型嘗試(「戰後女性三部曲」、《莉 莉瑪蓮》、《霧港水手》等),被許為能有機結合布

萊希特間離劇場和法國新浪潮電影風格的影像派。 他將悲劇宿命滲透入自我人生放於台上示眾,義無 反顧,赤裸裸以生命創造傳奇。

節目夥伴 Programme Partner


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法 斯賓 達

An Obsession to Die For Rainer Werner Fassbinder

Never an adorable son in his mother country, Rainer Werner Fassbinder (1945-82) is, beyond dispute, one of the most important directors of Germany's post-WWII era. A self-taught genius who never attended a film school, Fassbinder started his career as an actor, playwright and a director of avant-garde films. Along with his artistic versatility is his monstrous propensity of doing things his own way and manipulating anyone who entered his orbit. Always way ahead of his time, he remained a radical outsider in a bourgeois society. Fassbinder’s creative reawakening came in 1971, when he discovered the films of Douglas Sirk. As a bisexual man living in 1970s West Germany, Fassbinder felt a kinship with Sirk’s empathetic characters trapped by societal constraints. He channeled that inspiration with his own style of melodramas that subverted the genre while working within its thematic framework. His films often dealt with themes close to his heart,

including the racism he witnessed in the postwar reconstruction era (Ali: Fear Eats the Soul ), toxic relationships (Martha , Fox and His Friends ) and the plight of women in a society trying to rise above the ashes (The BRD Trilogy). Fassbinder’s life was even more colourful than his films. His relationships with both men and women – many of them his collaborators – are well documented, partly because they often served as his inspiration. In a Year with 13 Moons was a response to the tragic death of his former lover Armin Meier, and he dedicated The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant to Irm Hermann, whose character of the long-suffering assistant clearly mirrored her own abusive relationship with the infamous director. Leaving an astonishing amount of work – 44 feature films, two TV series, different shorts and videos, and 24 plays – by the time of his death at age 37, Fassbinder was a tireless creator who often laid bare his soul for all to see, desperate to be understood.


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殘兵退役回家,即被老母譏諷「好人早死,你卻 回來」。上街賣梨,被老婆監視;求溺於醉鄉, 卻困於暴力。當別人嗟嘆人生苦短,漢斯只嫌呼 吸太長。當差被炒、無膽偷情,人生剩下重複工 作與老婆嘮叨;背叛、原諒、再背叛,地平線等 待他的只可能是虛無。法斯賓達受薛克影響後首 部改變風格之作,敘事細緻綿長,刻劃角色有 度,讓悲傷自然滲出,見證伺機崩壞的自毀生 命。國際影壇從此對他另眼相看,他與依姆赫曼 的無間合作擦出火花,啟動苦樂傳奇。

The Merchant of Four Seasons 四季商人

(Händler der vier Jahreszeiten) 西德 West Germany 1972 88min Cast: Hans Hirschmüller, Irm Hermann, Hanna Schygulla 德國電影獎最佳影片、最佳男主角及最佳女主角 German Film Awards: Best Feature Film, Best Actor and Best Actress

The first film of Fassbinder’s new creative phase is a stylistically self-aware story of a self-destructive man’s fall from grace. After being unceremoniously fired from the police force, Hans is now a fruit vendor whose never-ending frustrations with life turn him into an abusive bully. Even when his understanding wife helps him find small victories at work, Hans sinks into an existential crisis. Merciless in his comically melancholic depiction of arrested development, Fassbinder successfully reinvents himself as a thrilling new voice in the melodrama genre with this film.

16.5 17:15 AH


20:00 AH

成功時裝設計師柏特娜與拍檔瑪蓮同居,卻當她 女傭役使;瑪蓮見盡她與家人、情人的愛恨糾 結,卻彷彿對不可承受之虐甘之如飴。柏特娜對 初入時尚界的卡蓮一見鍾情,從此不能自拔,幾 乎把尊嚴雙手奉上。愛字頭上三把刀,男人固然 不是好東西,女人的妒忌心與佔有慾燃燒起來, 凶狠殘酷猶有過之。法斯賓達百分百的五幕女人 戲,完美示範影機如何令劇場美學更上層樓。痴 愛、寂寞與自虐的作者母題,如尖針直插觀眾心 底,屬於看後一生難忘的傑作。 網上放映 Online Screening

The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant 柏特娜的苦淚

(Die bitteren Tränen der Petra von Kant) 西德 West Germany 1972 125min Cast: Margit Carstensen, Hanna Schygulla, Katrin Schaake, Irm Hermann

Fassbinder merges his love for Sirkian melodramas with his roots in theatre to thrilling results in one of his most acclaimed films, inspired by his own tumultuous affair with a young actor. Margit Carstensen gives an electrifying performance as a self-absorbed fashion designer who becomes consumed by her doomed love affair with an ingénue. Minimal in scale but flamboyant in emotions, Fassbinder’s meditation on loneliness can also be seen as a mea culpa, evident in his opening credits dedication to long-time collaborator Irm Hermann, who plays Petra’s silent, long-suffering assistant Marlene.

柏林影展競賽影片 Berlin International Film Festival: In Competition 德國電影獎最佳攝影、最佳女主角及最佳女配角 German Film Awards: Best Cinematography, Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress

16.5 19:30 AH

27.6 14:15 AH




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花甲老婦邂逅比她年輕二十年的摩洛哥男子,一 舞定情,虛稱共諧連理,怎知他當認真。子女都 說她瘋了,更要命是男子的膚色,令街坊同事盡 皆側目。一心以為有愛便能克服一切,卻不得不 承認偏見和歧視才是人性根本。恐懼被孤立,害 怕沒朋友,令本來相愛的人也只可彼此傷害。向 薛克《深鎖春光一院愁》(1955)取經,法斯賓 達以出色的調度,在演員入木三分的演繹下,折 射出戀母隱喻、靈魂折磨、社會與階級批判,成 就一代德國新電影經典。 Wandering into a bar one night, 60-year-old widow Emmi meets Ali, a much younger Moroccan man. The two unexpectedly fall in love, but their romance comes under threat from the intolerant attitude of those around them. In his reverent homage to Douglas Sirk, Fassbinder reworks Sirk’s All That Heaven Allows (1955) (which also inspired Todd Haynes’ Far from Heaven , 2002) into a quietly searing exposé of racism in 1970s Germany. Tragic, hopeful and cynical in equal measures, this heartrending melodrama is one of Fassbinder’s finest works and an iconic work of New German Cinema.

Ali: Fear Eats the Soul 恐懼蝕人心 (Angst essen Seele auf) 西德 West Germany 1974 93min Cast: Brigitte Mira, El Hedi ben Salem, Barbara Valentin 康城影展國際影評人聯盟獎及天主教人道精神獎 Cannes Film Festival: FIPRESCI Prize and Prize of the Ecumenical Jury

22.5 17:30 AH

26.6 20:10 AH

德國電影獎最佳女主角 German Film Awards: Best Actress

父親在羅馬旅行途中猝逝,瑪花回家後被歇斯底 里的母親責難。拒絕了老闆的求婚,重遇片面之 緣卻令她心跳難抑的富有工程師,以為找到真 愛,誰知墜進無底黑洞,人生從此被吞噬。相貌 堂堂的丈夫除了喜歡暴力性愛,還禁止她與外界 聯絡,好不容易收養的黑貓也神秘死亡,瑪花唯 有慌忙逃命。曾言看罷薛克電影領悟了愛情是最 精良狡猾也最有效的社會壓迫工具,法斯賓達將 性虐與被虐的相互依存關係刻劃得入木三分,愛 慾從不須旁觀者置喙,信焉。 After her father’s abrupt death, virginal librarian Martha falls for civil engineer Helmut at first sight. But when they are married, Helmut’s controlling nature rears its ugly head – he forces her to read about his profession, sent in a resignation letter to the library on her behalf, and even disconnects their home’s telephone – and it’s too late for Martha to fight back. Fassbinder’s cynical attack on the institution of marriage employs Sirk’s classical visual trademarks to create a bleak examination into the sadist-masochistic nature of toxic relationships.

22.5 19:45 AH

17.7 17:30 AC



西德 West Germany 1974 116min Cast: Margit Carstensen, Karlheinz Böhm, Barbara Valentin, Peter Chatel 德國電影獎最佳女主角提名 German Film Awards: Best Actress nomination


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馬戲團班主男友鎯鐺入獄,霍斯不名一文,唯有 靠彩票翻身。幸運之神降臨頭上,但等待他的卻 是無情的欺騙、歧視與剝削。以為與富公子相宿 相棲可以躋身上流社會,到頭來愛情只是商品, 財散盡便不值一顧。法斯賓達自演男主角,身披 寫上「霍斯」珠片名字的牛仔褸,一副吊兒郎 當,不羈裏有哀傷,純真夾雜蒼涼的外形,儼然 是他夫子自況,身心內外的最佳寫照。片末霍斯 在地下鐵站的遭遇,觀者無不心酸怵然,從而直 視人性最低處,當有所悟?

Fox and His Friends 霍斯

(Faustrecht der Freiheit)

Fassbinder contemplates whether money can really buy love in his bittersweet tragicomedy. The writerdirector stars as Fox, a naïve former carnival worker who is quickly seduced into the upper class after winning 500,000 German marks in the lottery. To keep his snobby industrialist boyfriend Eugen pleased, Fox keeps throwing his money into the relationship until he is finally bled dry. Fassbinder continues with his cynical commentary on the economics of modern relationships and his fascination for characters who lose sensible judgment when love gets to their heads.

西德 West Germany 1975 123min Cast: Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Peter Chatel, Karlheinz Böhm 芝加哥國際電影節評審團特別獎 Chicago International Film Festival: Special Jury Prize


17:30 AH

11.7 19:25 AC

法斯賓達重拾前衛影像劇場風格之作,描繪一對 中產夫婦欺瞞對方出差旅行,各自與情人幽會, 卻神推鬼使在別墅碰個正着。以近乎完美的影機 運動捕捉一場中國輪盤猜謎遊戲,將一眾人物有 若棋子置於近鏡與反照下反覆審視,在互相猜度 中牽引出潛藏內心的秘密。刻意安排一切的瘸腿 女兒提出最後一問,直面德意志民族戰後最痛楚 的自詰:法西斯真的過去了嗎?法斯賓達向對他 影響極深的高達致敬,找來安娜卡蓮娜飾演情 人,及《已婚婦人》女主角瑪莎梅希爾當配角。

Chinese Roulette 中國輪盤

(Chinesisches Roulette)

Gerhard (Allerson) tells his wife Ariane (Carstensen) that he’s going on a business trip, but he’s actually taking his French mistress (Karina) to the family mansion for a weekend tryst. But when Gerhard finds Ariane in the mansion with her lover (Lommel), the weekend getaway turns into a psychological battle of deception and betrayal. Fassbinder was given a larger budget for his first international co-production, but he delivered a denselypacked head-spinning return to his avant-garde roots that renowned film scholar Andrew Sarris once devoted an entire course to it.

西德 West Germany/法國 France 1976 86min Cast: Margit Carstensen, Alexander Allerson, Anna Karina, Ulli Lommel, Macha Méril


映後談講者朗天 Film talk with Long Tin

20:15 AH

11.7 17:20 AC


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超越性別固然可以是神話,但在卑微的人間卻更 可能是悲情夢話。艾雲為求滿足愛人慾求毅然變 身艾薇拉,落得被歧視、被攻擊、被羞辱,甚至 被剝奪做人的尊嚴,苦苦追求所愛卻只是徒然。 她/他走過修道院、屠牛場憶起被遺棄、被凌虐 的淒苦歲月,道盡人世情愛殘酷本相。法斯賓達 以影片紀念自殺的前男友,十三個月亮代表人情 緒最易高漲,也是最易交上惡運的一年。一如 《苦雨戀春風》(1956)至死難休的情結,煉獄 一早橫在跟前,不是咬咬牙就可挺過。 In the aftermath of his lover’s tragic death, Fassbinder produced one of his most empathetic films, a chronicle of the last days of a transgender woman. After being spurned by her lover, Elvira finds herself in one devastating encounter after another as she revisits the slaughterhouse where she worked as a man, an orphanage, and a cold-hearted former lover who has no memory of her. Desperate for love and acceptance in a cold, cruel world that has none to spare, Elvira is one of the most tragic characters in Fassbinder’s filmography.

In a Year with 13 Moons 十三個月亮

(In einem Jahr mit 13 Monden) 西德 West Germany 1978 124min Cast: Volker Spengler, Ingrid Caven, Gottfried John 芝加哥國際電影節最佳電影 Chicago International Film Festival: Bronze Hugo Best Film

12.6 19:45 AH


17:00 AH

映後談講者傅慧儀 Film talk with Winnie Fu

瑪麗亞的婚事從爆炸聲開始,希特拉的肖像畫破 碎,嬰兒哭鬧,槍林彈雨,她和即將上前線的 夏文簽下終身契約。之後夏文誤傳死訊,她為 保生計,搭上美國黑人大兵,並懷了孩子,結果 弄出人命。夏文頂罪入獄,不旋踵她成了富人情 婦,一心賺一筆後與丈夫重新開始。假如愛就是 犧牲,誰為誰付出更多?法斯賓達「戰後女性三 部曲」首作,巧借荷里活奇女子通俗劇的精密格 局,愛將漢娜舒古拉盡情演繹,敢愛敢恨,結局 時觀眾除了隨同角色尖叫,別無選擇。 Maria Braun’s marriage began in a hail of gunfire and explosions, but it’s not even the most dramatic event in it. Fassbinder’s unique spin on classical Hollywood’s “woman’s pictures” follows a woman whose rise from the ashes in the aftermath of World War II parallels Germany’s post-war economic miracle. After a career of films that was more embraced abroad than at home, Fassbinder found long overdue recognition from German audiences with this offbeat epic. The film’s commercial and critical success even allowed Fassbinder to complete his “BRD Trilogy”.

The Marriage of Maria Braun 婚事

(Die Ehe der Maria Braun)

西德 West Germany 1979 120min Cast: Hanna Schygulla, Klaus Löwitsch, Ivan Desny, George Byrd 柏林影展最佳女主角銀熊獎 Berlin International Film Festival: Silver Bear for Best Actress

13.6 20:00 AH

10.7 17:15 AC

金球獎最佳外語片提名 Golden Globe Awards: Best Foreign Film nomination


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二次大戰期間,德國歌后迷戀猶太作曲家,偏偏 她的歌曲最能打動戰場上的納粹士兵,被軍方認 為是激勵士氣的幸運象徵。致力挽救同胞免受納 粹蹂躪的作曲家父親反對一對有情人來往,歌后 的權勢友人也不容許她為愛投敵。好不容易待到 戰爭結束,歌后欲重投愛人懷抱,無奈情天從不 為她開眼。法斯賓達以薛克式的華麗運鏡,透現 漢娜舒古拉時而低迴時而高張的矛盾面相,以歌 后一生跌宕對照納粹興亡。一曲《莉莉瑪蓮》繞 樑三日,幾疑只應天上有。

Lili Marleen 莉莉瑪蓮

西德 West Germany 1981 120min Cast: Hanna Schygulla, Giancarlo Giannini, Mel Ferrer

In an understatement and hyperbole resonating with Lili Marleen , a war-time song that united soldiers on both sides of the conflict, Fassbinder turned Lale Andersen’s memoirs into a lavish, grandiose wartime epic and one of his most ambitious films. When her melancholic ballad becomes a hit with soldiers on the battlefield, small-time German singer Willie Bunterberg is suddenly thrust into the spotlight as a superstar. But while the Nazis use Willie as their propaganda tool, her heart actually belongs to Robert, her Jewish lover in the antiNazi resistance.

19.6 14:30 TK

10.7 20:15 AC

「戰後女性三部曲」壓卷作,女主角羅拉是夜總 會紅牌歌后,屈身為大鱷發展商的情婦。資本家 自詡為自由市場的象徵,相信人人都有個價,慣 於擺布別人的命運。忽然來了個新市政建築專 員,有心矯正貪污歪風,還鍾情羅拉,難道正義 竟來得及時?法斯賓達跟約瑟馮史登堡《藍天 使》(1930)的妖嬈歌姬來一個對鏡互照,芭芭 拉蘇高娃將雙面嬌娃的矛盾表現得淋漓盡致。殘 酷現實從來不是非黑即白,就讓魔鬼披上糖衣色 調,聰明人最好說一句:「我是快樂的。」



The final film of Fassbinder’s BRD Trilogy is a loose reworking of Josef von Sternberg’s The Blue Angel (1930). In the town of Coburg, the implicit agreement among the city’s elites over reconstruction is threatened with the arrival of von Bohm, a straight arrow and the town’s new building commissioner. However, von Bohm finds himself falling head over heels for Lola, who works at the local brothel by night unbeknownst to him. Filmed in vivid colours, this breezy satire may be the closest that Fassbinder ever got to a romantic comedy.

西德 West Germany 1981 115min Cast: Barbara Sukowa, Armin Mueller-Stahl, Mario Adorf 德國電影獎最佳電影、最佳男主角及最佳女主角 German Film Awards: Best Film, Best Actor and Best Actress

19.6 17:20 TK


17:00 AH


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過氣女星維羅妮卡在雨夜邂逅體育記者羅拔,很 高興對方居然認不出她,過去她實在有太多輝 煌,也有太多等待殞落的悲傷。記者逐漸發現她 被女醫生用藥物操縱以謀奪財富,乃設法施以援 手,誰料賠了女友性命,壞人仍紋風不動。影片 根據德國五十年代著名影星施碧兒舒密斯的真事 改編,屬「戰後女性三部曲」第二部,卻晚於 《羅拉》公映,其凌厲冷酷的黑白影像為法斯賓 達贏得柏林影展金熊獎,可惜卻成了他生前最後 一部公映電影。 Though Fassbinder was influenced by Douglas Sirk throughout his career, the second film of his BRD Trilogy – based on the life of actress Sybille Schmitz – is more evocative of classic film noir. In post-war Munich, a reporter becomes obsessed with Veronika Voss, a Third Reich-era starlet who is held captive by a doctor who keeps her addicted to morphine. Unlike the other aspirational post-war heroines of the BRD Trilogy, Veronika is trapped in her memories of a glamorous past, falling prey to vultures who exploit her for their own benefit.

Veronika Voss 過氣女星

(Die Sehnsucht der Veronika Voss)

西德 West Germany 1982 104min Cast: Rosel Zech, Hilmar Thate, Cornelia Froboess 柏林影展最佳電影金熊獎 Berlin International Film Festival: Golden Bear for Best Film

20.6 14:30 TK


19:35 AH

映後座談會講者劉偉霖、王勛 Seminar with William Lau and Geoffrey Wong

四海為家的水兵在馬賽巧遇親兄弟,發現對方已 成為一家惡名昭著的酒吧常客,並且與老闆娘珍 摩露打得火熱。酒吧老闆歡迎狂蜂浪蝶看上他老 婆,但開出跟他賭骰子的辣條件。兵哥來者不 善,從容「應戰」,並且隨手將迎面而來的各種 色誘殺機陷阱點撥開去。男女通吃的他固然對沾 手血腥殊不介意,也似一早看穿一切如霧如電。 法斯賓達身後才公映的遺作,將淫慾與暴力孤注 一擲,押上最後的放縱與沉溺,儼然向世人宣示 他理想中的自由人姿態。 Querelle is a handsome sailor who shares a complex love-hate relationship with his brother. When he arrives at the town of Brest, he is drawn into a seedy world of drugs, murder, and unbridled desire. Completed by Fassbinder just before his untimely death at age 37, this stylised “response” to Jean Genet’s 1947 novel is a consummation of the director’s favourite themes as well as a bold leap forward in cinematic depictions of queer desire. It’s an intriguing experiment that epitomised Fassbinder’s never-ending desire to innovate and evolve as a filmmaker.


霧港水手 (又名:水手奎萊爾)

西德 West Germany/法國 France 1982 108min Cast: Brad Davis, Franco Nero, Jeanne Moreau

20.6 18:00 TK

17.7 15:00 AC

威尼斯影展競賽影片 Venice Film Festival: In Competition


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五光十色 Variety Lights



白酋長 The White Sheik



大路 La Strada


花街春夢 Nights of Cabiria




21:40 16:45




22/4 (四Thu)

23/4 (五Fri)









小丑 The Clowns


八部半 8½


浪蕩兒 I Vitelloni

騙子 The Swindler


費里尼短片集 Federico Fellini Short Film Collection 露滴牡丹開 La Dolce Vita 八部半 8½

神遊茱麗葉 Juliet of the Spirits 愛情神話 Fellini Satyricon

25/4 (日Sun)




29/4 (四Thu)



羅馬風情畫 Roma

想當年 Amarcord

美男子 Fellini's Casanova

樂隊排練+費里尼的導演筆記 Orchestra Rehearsal + Fellini: A Director's Notebook

女兒國 City of Women


大海航行 And the Ship Sails On


追訪費里尼 Intervista

21:30 21:50

珍姐與佛烈 Ginger and Fred 月吟 The Voice of the Moon

露滴牡丹開 La Dolce Vita

4月9日於K11 Art House公開售票|Tickets available at K11 Art House from 9 April 節目及購票詳情 Programme and ticketing details:

Federico Fellini 100 是紀念電影大師費里尼(1920-

1993)誕生百周年的巡迴計劃,由Luce Cinecittà的

寶娜魯榭蘿及卡米拉歌曼妮籌劃,於世界主要博物館 及電影機構舉行。除特別註明外,所有影片由Luce

Cinecittà、博洛尼亞電影資料館及意大利電影實驗中 心數碼修復。

Federico Fellini 100 is part of the Federico Fellini 100 Tour, a series of

centennial tributes to Federico Fellini (1920–1993), which will travel to

major museums and film institutions worldwide, coordinated by Paola Ruggiero and Camilla Cormanni from Luce Cinecittà. All films (unless noted) have been digitally restored by Luce Cinecittà, Cineteca di Bologna and Cineteca Nazionale.

香港特別行政區政府透過電影發展基金向本項目提供財政支援。有關財政支援與本項目的內容或在本項目中所表達的意見並無關連。 The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region provides funding support to the project through the Film Development Fund. The funding support bears no relationship whatsoever to the content of or views expressed in this project.

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好戏 Programme Encore 再临 Cine Fan 一、二、三月部分節目因疫情取消放映,現再登銀幕,以饗影迷。 Certain screenings in Cine Fan Jan/Feb/Mar Programme that were cancelled due to the health crisis will now return to the big screen.

娛樂的睿智 比利懷特 The Witty Raconteur, Billy Wilder 生葬古坵墳 Ace in the Hole 雄才偉略 Witness for the Prosecution 桃色公寓 The Apartment 花街神女 Irma la Douce

修復經典 Restored Classics

大馬戲團 The Circus 攝影師 The Cameraman 馬路天使 Street Angel 一個夢者的四個晚上 Four Nights of a Dreamer

銀幕再現 Back to the Screen 無語問蒼天 Johnny Got His Gun 追鳥 Birdy

電影基金會三十周年 30th Anniversary of The Film Foundation 碧血煙花 Destry Rides Again 被遺忘的人 Los Olvidados 節目詳情 Programme details:


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* 由於電影節發燒友2020年四、五月,六、七月及 九、十月 節目因新型冠狀病毒疫情而取消,原定2020年底到期之Cine Fan會員會籍,有效期將自動延長至2021年12月31日。 In the view of the cancellation of Cine Fan Apr/May, Jun/ Jul & Sep/Oct programmes, Cine Fan 2020 Privilege Scheme will be extended to 31 December 2021.














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售票處購票 Counter Booking: 城市售票網售票處 / URBTIX Outlets


Tickets available from 8 April 2021 onwards at URBTIX 票價 Ticket Price

網上購票 Internet Booking: /


於 K11 Art House 放映之場次 Screenings at K11 Art House

信用卡電話購票 Credit Card Telephone Booking: 2111 5999


於香港藝術中心及大館放映之場次 Screenings at Hong Kong Arts Centre / Tai Kwun

CINE FAN ONLINE 門票於2021年5月1日起於公開發售

流動購票應用程式 Moblie Ticketing App: My URBTIX (Android, iPhone versions)

CINE FAN ONLINE tickets available from 1 May 2021 onwards at

Cine Fan Online 票價 Ticket Price*

《柏特娜的苦淚》The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant

* 網上平台訂票指南及使用條款,請參閱。 Please refer to the Booking Guide and Terms & Conditions at


票務查詢 Ticketing Enquiries:3761 6661

門票優惠 Discount Schemes(不適用於購買CINE FAN ONLINE門票 Not valid for purchasing CINE FAN ONLINE ticket)

八折優惠 20% discount 七折優惠 30% discount 九折優惠 10% discount

電影節發燒友會員 / 贊助會員 Cine Fan Classic Privilege / Patron Privilege 電影節發燒友學生會員 Cine Fan Student Privilege ^ 「港樂會」 / 「以舞會友」尊尚、精英會籍 + / 城市當代舞蹈團「舞蹈靈」卡會員 、Dance, Kids Card 會員# / 「進念之友」/ 「中樂摯友會」/ 藝穗會會員# / Perfect Cup卡會員# Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra Club Bravo Members / Friends of HKDC Prestige, Classic Membership+/ CCDC Dance Inspirations, Dance, Kids Card# / Zuni Friends/ Friends of Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra / Fringe Club Members# / Perfect Cup Card Members#

^ 學生會員優惠票持有人,須於入場時出示有效電影節發燒友(HKIFF Cine Fan)學生會員卡。 HKIFF Cine Fan Student Privilege ticket holder must present valid Student Privilege Card upon admission. + 只適用於城市售票網購票。Available at URBTIX only. # 只適用於城市售票網售票處之售票櫃檯購票。Available at the sales counter of URBTIX Outlets only 香港國際電影節協會及其合作夥伴,保留暫停或取消所有會員優惠的最終決定權。 Subject to final agreement of HKIFFS & its partners. HKIFFS reserves, all rights and final decision to cancel or alter the discount offer. 每張門票最多只可享用其中一種購票優惠。 All of the above discounts cannot be used in conjunction with any other discounts or offers. 所有場次均設劃位。所有已出售的門票皆不能退款或更換。本會恕不負責任何門票遺失。 All seats are marked. All tickets are non-refundable and non-exchangeable. HKIFF Society is not responsible for any lost ticket. * K11 Art House不設城市售票網售票處及購票通自助取票機 於K11 Art House放映之場次:城市售票網將於放映前一天之下午5時停止發售門票。觀眾可於電影放映前30分鐘到現場臨時售票櫃位購買剩餘門票(只接受現金),售完即止。 There is no URBTIX Outlet and Cityline Ticketing Dispensing Machine at K11 Art House For screenings at K11 Art House, tickets are available at URBTIX till 5:00pm one day before respective screenings, after which tickets will be available only at the temporary door ticket counter 30 minutes prior to the screening (CASH only), subject to availability. * 於香港藝術中心及大館之場次:每個節目開始前一小時起,剩餘門票只限於相關放映場地之售票處發售。 Screenings at HK Arts Centre / Tai Kwun: For screening about to start in one hour, all remaining tickets can only be bought at the box office of respective screening venues.

使用信用卡電話購票、 流動購票應用程式或網上購票

For Credit Card Telephone Booking, Mobile Ticketing App and Internet Booking 手續費:每張訂購門票港幣8元(手續費不設退款)。 以上手續費會因應購票通(香港)有限公司而調整。 A handling charge (which is non-refundable) is levied at HK$8 per ticket. The service fee is subjected to adjustment by Cityline (HK) Limited.

自助取票服務 Ticketing Collection Service 顧客選擇自助取票服務提取門票,可於4月9日開始, 攜帶交易使用的信用卡在購票通自助取票機刷卡提取 門票,或親臨任何一間城市售票網售票處的售票櫃檯 憑卡領取門票。 Customers choosing ticket collection service can collect their pre-paid tickets from Cityline Ticket Dispensing Machines or at the sales counter at any of the URBTIX Outlets with the credit card used for transaction from 9 April onwards.

電影分級制 The Film Classification

適合任何年齡人士 Suitable for All Ages


Refund Arrangement and Programme Change 節目如有更改或取消,觀眾可按原定時間入場觀看替代影片,或可由通知當日起至2021年8月27日申請 退票。退票表格可於電影節發燒友(HKIFF Cine Fan)網頁(下載。 For alteration or cancellation of screenings, ticket holders may choose to attend a screening of a replacement film at the same time slot or to get a refund on or before 27 August 2021. Refund application form can be downloaded from Cine Fan website (


Arrangements under Inclement Weather Conditions 當香港天文台發出八號或以上熱帶氣旋警告訊號或黑色暴雨警告時,電影節目可能會受影響而取消, 或未能提供投映字幕。詳情請留意電影節發燒友(HKIFF Cine Fan)網頁的最新公佈。 Screenings or electronic subtitles may be cancelled when tropical cyclone warning signal No. 8 is in force or Black Rainstorm Warning is issued. Please refer to the HKIFF Cine Fan website for the latest notice.

售票條款 Terms and Conditions 香港國際電影節協會保留更改放映節目、時間及地點的權利。有關節目更改或取消的最新消息,請參閱電影節發 燒友(HKIFF Cine Fan)網頁及放映場地的通告。 The HKIFF Society reserves the right to change the programme and the schedule should unavoidable circumstances make it necessary. Screening alterations and cancellations will be announced on the HKIFF Cine Fan website and at the screening venues.

兒童不宜 Not Suitable for Children

青少年及兒童不宜 Not Suitable for Young Persons and Children

只准18歲或以上人士 Persons Aged 18 or Above Only

本訂票手冊付印時,大部份影片均未經電影、報刊及物品管理辦事處檢查。將來如有影片被檢定為三級者,未滿18歲而於公布前購買該場門票的持有人,可申請退票。 At the time when this booking folder goes to print, most of the films have not been submitted to the Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration. In case a film is subsequently classified as Category III, refunds will be made to ticket holders under 18 years of age who bought the tickets before the announcement. / 2970 3300 /

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15:00 TK

17:30 TK

20:10 TK




六 Sat

Street Angel

Magnificent Obsession

All That Heaven Allows

14:30 TK

17:30 TK

18:51 TK

20:40 TK






There's Always Tomorrow

Seminar on Douglas Sirk

Written on the Wind

14:45 AC

17:30 AC

19:45 AC




Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore

The Tarnished Angels

A Time to Love and a Time to Die

14:30 AC

17:30 AC

20:00 AC

春風秋雨 (1959)



Imitation of Life (1959)

Mildred Pierce

Make Way for Tomorrow

14:45 AC

17:15 AC

19:45 AC

春風秋雨 (1934)



Imitation of Life (1934)

Leave Her to Heaven

Suddenly, Last Summer

14:30 AH

17:15 AH

19:30 AH




Field of Dreams

The Merchant of Four Seasons

The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant

15:00 AH

17:30 AH

19:45 AH




Ace in the Hole

Ali: Fear Eats the Soul


14:45 AH

17:30 AH

19:45 AH




Witness for the Prosecution

Destry Rides Again

Johnny Got His Gun

02 日 Sun

08 六 Sat

09 日 Sun

15 六 Sat

16 日 Sun

22 六 Sat

23 日 Sun


05 六 Sat

14:45 AH

17:00 AH

19:45 AH




Four Nights of a Dreamer

Suddenly, Last Summer Mildred Pierce

06 日 Sun

12 六 Sat

座談會 Seminar

映後談 Film Talk

15:30 AH

17:30 AH

20:15 AH




Los Olvidados

Fox and His Friends

Chinese Roulette

15:00 AH

17:00 AH

19:45 AH




The Circus

The Apartment

In a Year with 13 Moons

AC 香港藝術中心古天樂電影院 Hong Kong Arts Centre Louis Koo Cinema TK 大館賽馬會立方 JC Cube, Tai Kwun AH K11 Art House


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座談會:粵語主講 Seminar : Conducted in Cantonese

JUNE 六月 15:10 AH

17:00 AH

20:00 AH




The Cameraman

Irma la Douce

The Marriage of Maria Braun

14:30 TK

17:20 TK

20:15 TK




Lili Marleen


Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore

14:30 TK

16:14 TK

18:00 TK

20:40 TK





Veronika Voss

Seminar on Rainer Werner Fassbinder


Field of Dreams

15:15 AH

18:00 AH

20:10 AH




Leave Her to Heaven

All That Heaven Allows Ali: Fear Eats the Soul

14:15 AH

17:00 AH


春風秋雨 (1934)

19:30 AH

春風秋雨 (1959) Imitation of Life (1934) Imitation of Life (1959)

The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant

13 日 Sun

19 六 Sat

20 日 Sun

26 六 Sat

27 日 Sun

JULY 七月 柏特娜的苦淚


The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant

五 Fri

2.7 00:00 - 4.7 23:59


14:45 AH

17:00 AH

20:00 AH




The Tarnished Angels

In a Year with 13 Moons

The Merchant of Four Seasons

六 Sat

14:30 AH

17:00 AH

19:35 AH




Magnificent Obsession


Veronika Voss


14:30 AC

17:15 AC

20:15 AC




A Time to Love and a Time to Die

The Marriage of Maria Braun

Lili Marleen

15:00 AC

17:20 AC

19:25 AC




Written on the Wind

Chinese Roulette

Fox and His Friends

15:00 AC

17:30 AC





15:30 AC

17:30 AC



There's Always Tomorrow

Make Way for Tomorrow

日 Sun

10 六 Sat

11 日 Sun

17 六 Sat

18 日 Sun


Cinefan 2021 05-07 Artwork.indd 29

30/3/2021 上午8:07

CINE FAN May Jun Jul 2021 // To Sirk with Love, The Films of Douglas Sirk 愛以其道 德格拉斯薛克 // An Obsession to Die For, Rainer Werner Fassbinder 絕世痴迷 法斯賓達 // 慾海情魔 // Suddenly, Last Summer 夏日驚魂 // Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore 曾經滄海 難為水 // Field of Dreams 幻夢成真

May Jun Jul 2021

Leave Her to Heaven 難測婦人心 // Make Way for Tomorrow 白頭偕老 // Mildred Pierce

世 主辦 Presented by

Cinefan 2021 05-07 Artwork.indd 32

31/3/2021 上午11:15

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