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Galas 首映禮


Galas 首映禮


Septet: The Story of Hong Kong


2020 | Cantonese | DCP | Colour | 111min Director  Sammo Hung, Ann Hui, Patrick Tam, Yuen Wo-ping, Johnnie To, Ringo Lam, Tsui Hark Producer  Johnnie To, Elaine Chu Scriptwriter  Sammo Hung, Au Kin-yee, Lou Shiu-wa, Melvin Luk, Patrick Tam, Yuen Wo-ping, Johnnie To, Yau Nai-hoi, Ringo Lam, Tsui Hark, Roy Szeto Cast  Timmy Hung, Francis Ng, Jennifer Yu, Yuen Wah, Ng Wing Sze, Simon Yam, Cheung Tat-ming Production  Milkyway Image World Sales  Media Asia Film

導演 洪金寶、許鞍華、譚家明、袁和平、 杜琪峯、林嶺東、徐克 監製 杜琪峯、朱淑儀 編劇 洪金寶、歐健兒、呂筱華、陸渺回、 譚家明、袁和平、杜琪峯、游乃海、 林嶺東、徐克、司徒慧焯 演員 洪天明、吳鎮宇、余香凝、元華、伍詠詩、 任達華、張達明

Just as a septet is a group of seven people playing music together, Septet: The Story of Hong Kong is a sonorous symphony created in concert by seven of Hong Kong’s most revered directors who come together for the first time to compose a symphony of stories for their city. Each director was responsible for making a short film on Hong Kong set within a designated decade from the 50s to the future. These stories include Sammo Hung’s Exercise, Ann Hui’s Headmaster, Patrick Tam’s Tender is the Night, Yuen Wo-ping’s Homecoming, Johnnie To’s Bonanza, Ringo Lam’s Astray, and Tsui Hark’s Conversation in Depth. Astray in particular is Ringo Lam’s swan song. Septet: The Story of Hong Kong is shot entirely on film as a tribute to the medium itself. The producer also hopes to inspire the next generation of filmmakers through this groundbreaking collaboration.


七位殿堂級導演聯手執導,每位導演由五十年代至未 來,各自抽籤負責一個年代,執導一個與香港有關的故 事。《七人樂隊》片名寓意各有風格才華的導演,猶如 出色的樂手,走在一起便能合奏出令人共鳴的美妙樂 章。七個導演作品包括洪金寶的〈練功〉、許鞍華的〈校 長〉、譚家明的〈別夜〉、袁和平的〈回歸〉、杜琪峯的 〈遍地黃金〉、林嶺東的〈迷路〉,及徐克的〈深度對 話〉。其中林嶺東的〈迷路〉更是導演的最後遺作。

《七人樂隊》全片用菲林拍攝,是一部向菲林拍攝年代 致敬的電影。杜琪峯也希望透過今次七位導演的合作, 將他們那一代香港導演無分門派的合作精神,啟迪並鼓 勵到年青一代電影人。

Sammo HUNG was born in Hong Kong in 1952. He was a key member of the school’s troupe Seven Little Fortunes. Selected filmography: The Prodigal Son (81), Winners and Sinners (83). 洪金寶  1952 年生於香港,「七小福」成員之一,被同業尊為「大 哥大」。主要作品有《敗家仔》(81)、《奇謀妙計五福星》(83)。

Ann HUI was born in Liaoning, China in 1947. A key figure of the Hong Kong New Wave, she received a lifetime achievement award at the Venice Film Festival in 2020. Selected filmography: Boat People (82), A Simple Life (11). 許鞍華  1947 年生於遼寧鞍山,香港電影新浪潮主將,2020 年獲威 尼斯影展終身成就獎。主要作品有《投奔怒海》(82)、《桃姐》(11)。

Patrick TAM was born in Hong Kong in 1948. He is a key figure of the Hong Kong New Wave. Selected filmography: Love Massacre (81), Nomad (82), After This Our Exile (06). 譚家明  1948 年生於香港,香港電影新浪潮的佼佼者,以風格前 衛見稱。主要作品有《愛殺》(81)、《烈火青春》(82)、《父子》(06)。

YUEN Wo-ping was born in Guangzhou in 1945, one of the most influential figures in Hong Kong’s action cinema. Selected filmography: Snake in the Eagle’s Shadow (78), Drunken Master (78). 袁和平  1945 年生於廣州,人稱「八爺」,以武打動作設計蜚聲 國際。主要作品有《蛇形刁手》(78)、《醉拳》(78)。 Johnnie TO was born in 1955. For the last two decades, he has been the most notable director in Hong Kong. Selected filmography: The Mission (99), Election (05). 杜琪峯  1955 年出生,作品極具個人風格,也是電影業界舉足 輕重的領軍人物。主要作品有《鎗火》(99)、《黑社會》(05)。

Ringo LAM (1955-2018) was born in Hong Kong. He was best known for his “On Fire” crime series. Selected filmography: City On Fire (87), Full Alert (97). 林嶺東 (1955-2018) 香港出生,擅拍犯罪動作片,以「風雲系列」 享負盛名。主要作品有《龍虎風雲》(87)、《高度戒備》(97)。

TSUI Hark was born in Vietnam in 1950, and immigrated to Hong Kong in 1966. He kept exploring various genres, gaining critical and commercial successes. Selected filmography: Dangerous Encounter of the First Kind (80), Once Upon a Time in China (91). 徐克  1950 年生於越南,1966 年移居香港,香港電影新浪潮代 表之一。主要作品有《第一類型危險》(80)、《黃飛鴻》(91)。

Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy Guzen to sozo 偶然與想像之輪

Japan 日本 2021 | Japanese | DCP | Colour | 121min Director  Hamaguchi Ryusuke Producer  Takata Satoshi Scriptwriter  Hamaguchi Ryusuke Cinematographer  Iioka Yukiko Editor  Hamaguchi Ryusuke Production Designer  Nunobe Masato Sound  Suzuki Akihiko Cast  Furukawa Kotone, Nakajima Ayumu, Shibukawa Kiyohiko, Mori Katsuki, Kai Shouma, Urabe Fusako Production  NEOPA Inc., Fictive LLC World Sales  m-appeal

These three stories were conceived as the first three in a series of seven stories with the theme of “coincidence and imagination”. Coincidence has always been a subject of interest to me. Depicting coincidence is a manner that regards rarity as the essence of the world, rather than being based on reality. By creating a work with this title, I realised how it opens up the story in unexpected ways. Please enjoy being surprised by the unexpectedness of the world

Hamaguchi Ryusuke

Magic (or Something Less Assuring) – When Meiko realises that the man her best friend has talked about as “hitting on her” is her ex-boyfriend, whom she broke up with a year-and-a-half ago, she wonders what she should do. Door Wide Open – A student who failed to graduate plots to trick his professor and has his class friend with benefits visit the professor’s office. Once again – Natsuko meets a housewife with a child who seems to be a classmate she couldn’t find at the college reunion. The two talk to each other and confirm the feelings they have harbored in their hearts.


在我的構思中,這個系列共有七個故事,主題都是關於 「偶然與想像」,這是系列裏的頭三個故事。我一直對 「偶然」這個題目感興趣。描繪「偶然」,並非建基於 現實,是把稀有事物視為世界之本。以此為片名來進行 創作,我發現它令故事以意想不到的方式展開。請享受 世事出乎意料帶來的驚喜。


〈魔法(或更不確定的事)〉:芽衣子意識到她最好的朋 友邂逅了自己的前度,已經分手一年半了,她在想該怎 麼辦。

〈門常開〉:瀨川教授得了芥川獎,他的學生佐佐木因 為畢不了業,計劃報復,找了過從甚密的女同學奈緒到 訪瀨川的辦公室施展美人計。

〈再一次〉:電腦病毒肆虐,系統工程師夏子失業,街 上偶遇一女子,認出是她在舊生聚會盼望見到卻沒碰見 的中學同學。談下去,她們各自隱藏心裏的一些感情, 再次得到確認。

HAMAGUCHI Ryusuke was born in Kanagawa, Japan in 1978. After graduating from the University of Tokyo, he worked in the film industry for a few years before entering the graduate programme in film at Tokyo University of the Arts. His latest film, Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy, won the Silver Bear Grand Jury Prize at Berlinale. 濱口龍介  1978 年生於日本神奈川縣,畢業於東京大學文學系,曾擔任電影及電視節目助 導,其後入讀東京藝術大學影像研究院。近年為黑澤清《間諜之妻》(20) 擔任編劇。最新 作品《偶然與想像之輪》獲柏林影展評審團大獎。 SELECTED FILMOGRAPHY 主要作品 2008 Passion 激情時代 2013 Touching the Skin of Eeriness 觸不到的肌膚 2015 Happy Hour 她們最好的時光 2018 Asako I & II 睡著吻別醒來抱擁 2021 Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy 偶然與想像之輪



2021 | Cantonese | DCP | Colour | 100min Director  Ricky Ko Producer  Lam Ka-tung Scriptwriter  Ho Ching-yi, Lam Ka-tung Cinematographer  Jam Yau Editor  Yeung Kai-wing Production designer  Yeung Yiu-wah Music  Tomy Wai Sound  Tony Cheng Cast  Patrick Tse, Petrina Fung, Lam Suet, Chung Suet-ying Production  Homemade Production World Sales  Edko Films

導演 高子彬 監製 林家棟 編劇 何靜怡、林家棟 攝影 邱忠業 剪接 楊啟榮 美術 楊耀華 音樂 韋啟良 音響 鄭耀宗 演員 謝賢、馮寶寶、林雪、鍾雪瑩

Time is a black comedy about three ex-assassins who live a lonely life after withdrawing from their profession. Through absurdist humour, I hope to bring out the social problems of empty nesters who, after their children have left home, must deal with all sorts of problems, including illness. Thanks to producer Lam Ka-tung for inviting me to direct this film, I hope Time can arouse public attention and call for more understanding of empty nesters. I am grateful to have invited two heavyweight actors of the Cantonese Cinema, Patrick Tse and Petrina Fung, to be the protagonists. These veteran actors came to work every day with joyful hearts, and kept their spirits high even when shooting continued past midnight. They offered to perform action sequences themselves, instead of using stuntmen. I am deeply touched and impressed by their professionalism and work ethic. Every film has its own difficulties and shortcomings. As a new director, I am thankful to each and every crew member for their efforts and support, ensuring a smooth flow throughout the whole production process.

Ricky Ko [導演的話]

《殺出個黃昏》是一部黑色喜劇,講述三個曾幾何時是 職業殺手的江湖中人,遠離殺手生涯後的孤獨生活,透 過電影的拍攝手法,以幽默的方式巧妙地帶出現今社會 的空巢老人在缺乏子女關懷及疾病纏身所引起的種種問 題……多謝監製林家棟先生邀請我拍攝這部電影,希望 電影能引起社會各界對空巢老人有更多的關注及了解。

這部電影有幸邀請了兩位在粵語片年代份量超重的演員 謝賢及馮寶寶擔任主角。兩位前輩每天均是懷着愉快的 心情來開工,在拍攝到凌晨時份,他們依然精神奕奕。 而在動作場面上,他們會要求親身上陣,盡量不用替 身,他們的專業精神及操守,令我十分感動且敬佩!幕 後團隊方面,部分人員在過往亦曾與我合作多次,對我 的工作模式十分了解,非常合拍;而新合作的人員,在 創作上亦帶給我很多新的啟發。

每部電影都有其困難和不足,作為新導演的我在此非常 感謝台前幕後每一位工作人員的努力及協助,令整個拍 攝過程非常順利。

Ricky KO is a Hong Kong director and actor. He served as executive director for a number of acclaimed films including All’s Well, Ends Well Too 2010 (10), Ip Man: The Final Fight (13), Project Gutenberg (18) and The New King of Comedy (19). He also acted in Angel Whispers (15) and other films. Time is his directorial debut. 高子彬  曾任《花田囍事 2010》(10)、《葉問-終極一戰》(13)、《無雙》(18)及《新喜劇之王》 (19)等電影的副導演,並於《花街柳巷》(15)及《上身》(15)參與演出。《殺出個黃昏》是 其執導首作。 FILMOGRAPHY 作品年表 2021 Time 殺出個黃昏

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