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Stanley Kwan, Filmmaker in Focus 焦點影人 關錦鵬


©2010 Fortune Star Media Limited. All rights reserved.


Stanley Kwan, Filmmaker in Focus

焦點影人  關錦鵬

Stanley Kwan is lauded as the Hong Kong director of women’s cinema. From his directorial debut feature, Women, to his latest work, First Night Nerves, the delicate sensitivity of his lens is celebrated for its full realisation of female characters and transformative representations of women. Nevertheless, he reiterated that he had no intention of becoming a maker of women’s films. A closer look at his oeuvre reveals prominent portraits of the city, the era and its people from a humanistic perspective. Both imbued in the beauty of decadence, Love Unto Wastes, occasioned after the signing of the Sino-British Joint Declaration, and Hold You Tight, pertaining to the post-handover period, evoke the anxiety for the future and the phantom of death that beset Hong Kong people. Even though Center Stage and Everlasting Regret are set in Shanghai, these films still emanate from Hong Kong. From Yang Yin: Gender in Chinese Cinema and Still Love You After All These, which offer personal discourse of his sexual identity, to Lan Yu’s crafting of a moving gay romance, Kwan’s films are exemplary explorations of sexuality and gender in Hong Kong cinema, honest and profoundly enchanting. 關錦鵬被譽為擅拍女性題材的香港導演,從首作《女人心》到近作《八個女人一台戲》,他細膩的感性觸覺, 每每令鏡頭下的女性別具神采。然而他不下一次提到自己並非立心要拍女性電影,回顧他的作品,其實更多 是以人文角度,述說城市、時代和人際關係。中英聯合聲明簽署後的《地下情》,到主權移交後的《愈快樂愈 墮落》,透過頹廢之美,屢次透出港人面對未來的不安,死亡陰影如影隨形。由《阮玲玉》到《長恨歌》,即 使背景在上海,仍以香港為本位。從《男生女相》和《念你如昔》談及自己的性傾向,到《藍宇》拍出同性 之間的動人愛情,在香港電影的性別探索路上,均是坦然和漂亮的示範。

©Licensed by Celestial Pictures Limited. All rights reserved. 1985 | Cantonese 粵語 DCP | Colour | 91min Cast: Cora Miao, Chow Yun-fat, Cherie Chung, Elaine Jin 演員:繆騫人、周潤發、鍾楚紅、金燕玲

Women 女人心

Stanley Kwan shows a remarkable understanding of women’s sensibilities in his debut feature, foreshadowing his eventual reputation as one of Chinese cinema’s foremost feminist voices. After Po-yee discovers that her husband is having an affair with a younger, sexier woman, she is suddenly single again. She finds camaraderie in a “Spinsters’ Club” of ageing single women, but is torn between her renewed personal freedom and the comfort of domesticity. Nominated for multiple Hong Kong Film Awards, including Best Director. 關錦鵬由電視台菲林組轉戰電影圈,成為新浪潮時期最搶手副導演,再晉身導演之列,首作即嶄露 鋒芒。夫婦已婚八年,妻子發現丈夫有外遇,毅然提出離婚,帶着年幼兒子搬回娘家。加入單身俱 樂部,生活可以更精彩,卻發現無論如何也是寂寞。男人不及石頭沉實,在父權社會,怎樣爭寵, 妻子與情敵都在吃苦頭。諷刺異性戀婚姻的脆弱,調侃大男人的幼稚,輕鬆幽默且不失細膩不落俗 套,並觸及同性與雙性戀,把感情關係的離離合合,拍出時代氣息。

©2010 Fortune Star Media Limited. All rights reserved. 1986 | Cantonese 粵語 DCP | Colour | 96min Cast: Tony Leung Chiu-wai, Irene Wan, Elaine Jin, Chow Yun-fat, Tsai Chin 演員:梁朝偉、溫碧霞、金燕玲、周潤發、 蔡琴

Love Unto Wastes


After impressing Hong Kong cinephiles with his debut, Stanley Kwan arrived on the international scene with this atmospheric drama that premiered at the Locarno Film Festival. Three disaffected women – a model, an actress, and a singer – enter into a polyamorous relationship with a bored playboy. When one of the self-absorbed youths is mysteriously murdered, the remaining three meet an eccentric cop, whose investigation affects them in unexpected and revealing ways. 八十年代文藝傑作,與楊德昌《青梅竹馬》(1985)氣息相近,借一宗離奇命案,揭示現代男女 的愛情浪擲、青春虛度。台灣來的歌星(蔡琴)在家中遇害,大限將至的探員(周潤發)沒查出兇 手,卻對死者身邊好友感興趣。米舖少爺(梁朝偉)熱戀墨鏡少女(溫碧霞),同時搭上落泊女星 (金燕玲),在前途未卜的城市,只知燃燒虛空生命。關錦鵬與編劇邱剛健得意之作,寫出盡在不 言中的意境。後段赴台灣拍攝,對照出香港的人際隔閡與惆悵蒼涼。

©2010 Fortune Star Media Limited. All rights reserved. 1987 | Cantonese 粵語 DCP | Colour | 93min Cast: Anita Mui, Leslie Cheung, Alex Man, Emily Chu 演員:梅艷芳、張國榮、萬梓良、朱寶意

Rouge 胭脂扣

Anita Mui and Leslie Cheung, two bright Hong Kong flames extinguished all too soon, are forever enshrined in Stanley Kwan’s award-winning classic, now restored to its full glory. At her most captivating and romantic, Mui plays Fleur, an elegant courtesan in the 1930s, who begins an affair with Chan, scion of a wealthy family. When his family objects to their relationship, the pair agrees to a suicide pact. Flash forward 50 years, and Fleur, now a ghost, searches for Chan in a Hong Kong that is completely transformed. 如夢如幻月,若即若離花,時移世易,石塘咀倚紅樓早已面目全非,卻有癡心女子重回舊地,欲登 報尋人。如花苦候十二少,以為是五十年不變的誓言,如今幻作煙雲字,錯付千般相思。李碧華的 艷鬼還魂故事,落在關錦鵬手中,化成了淒美浪漫。堅持不用特技,不要道士捉鬼,不用女鬼飛 天,摒棄當時港產片慣見的驚嚇搞笑伎倆,着重刻劃情感,以精緻的美術與攝影,渲染出塘西風月 的頹廢美。梅艷芳提議張國榮合演,銀幕上充滿默契,成就不朽傳奇。

1989 | Cantonese/Putonghua/English 粵語/普通話/英語 35mm | Colour | 88min Cast: Sylvia Chang, Maggie Cheung, Siqin Gaowa 演員:張艾嘉、張曼玉、斯琴高娃

Full Moon in New York


A stellar trio of award-winning Chinese actresses – Siqin Gaowa, Sylvia Chang, and Maggie Cheung – headlines this New York-set immigrant drama. Each possessing unique experiences and dreams, three women from China, Taiwan and Hong Kong find friendship in this unfamiliar and unwelcoming city. Kwan intelligently examines identity, socio-political belonging, female sexuality and racism in this richly-detailed snapshot of the Asian diaspora experience. 來自台灣的雄屏(張艾嘉)醉心劇場表演,卻因華裔身份處處碰釘;趙紅(斯琴高娃)從大陸嫁到 美國,英語一竅不通,文化差異令她苦惱不堪;香港移民鳳嬌(張曼玉)賺錢至上,父親為她操心 婚事,她卻似另有想法。人在異鄉,舉杯暢飲,寒夜高歌,偶然互訴心事,不知明日如何。影片借 中港台三女性在紐約生活的掙扎與無奈,反映流徙海外的華人命運。用心經營氣氛,甚至刻意用彩 色攝影拍出黑白感覺,突顯離散處境的陰鬱灰冷。

©2010 Fortune Star Media Limited. All rights reserved. 1991 | Cantonese/Putonghua 粵語/普通話 DCP | Colour | 155min Cast: Maggie Cheung, Tony Leung Kafai, Chin Han, Carina Lau 演員:張曼玉、梁家輝、秦漢、劉嘉玲

Center Stage(Director’s Cut) 阮玲玉(導演版)

Undeniably one of Stanley Kwan’s signature works, this kaleidoscopic biopic of Chinese silent film star Ruan Lingyu earned Maggie Cheung a Best Actress nod at Berlinale. Kwan challenges traditional film form by ambitiously mixing extracts from Ruan’s films with behind-thescenes footage, stunning recreations, and interviews with both his cast and Ruan’s surviving contemporaries. What emerges is an incisive postmodern interrogation of filmmaking, and a powerful portrayal of the feminist struggle. 關錦鵬歷來結構最複雜最具野心之作,透過敘述一代默片女星阮玲玉死於「人言可畏」的命運,一 方面從香港角度出發,重塑三十年代上海影業黃金時代,拼合成一幅聯華影人群像,雙城今昔對 照;一方面也在思考電影本質,虛實真假交融。別開生面的形式實驗,突破傳統人物傳記拍法,結 合戲劇、戲中戲、真訪問及偽訪問,不但使張曼玉與阮玲玉兩代女星隔世對話,以現代目光理解當 年女性悲劇,更令張曼玉成為首位在柏林影展獲封影后的華人演員。

1994 | Putonghua 普通話 35mm | Colour | 110min Cast: Joan Chen, Veronica Yip, Winston Chao 演員:陳沖、葉玉卿、趙文瑄

Persons Aged 18 and Above Only 只准18歲或以上人士


Red Rose White Rose

Stanley Kwan’s lush adaptation of Eileen Chang’s novel is a seductive and stinging look at patriarchal Chinese society. An upwardly-mobile gentleman enters into a torrid affair with “red rose”, whose free spirit and vivacity make her a desirable yet disreputable partner. He ultimately chooses “white rose”, leading to a socially-approved yet passionless marriage. Featuring exquisite cinematography from Christopher Doyle, this sensual and quietly devastating drama is perhaps Kwan’s most underrated work. 振保生命裏有兩個女人,一個是熱烈的情婦,一個是聖潔的妻子。紅玫瑰風情萬種,轟轟烈烈;白 玫瑰晶瑩剔透,神聖不可侵。花,有情才香,振保先是被老同學的妻子嬌蕊深深吸引,卻礙於體 面,順從母親意願娶了嫻靜純淨的煙鸝。愈是想扮演好人,愈是走不出虛偽的輪迴。張愛玲原著, 林奕華改編,關錦鵬把傳統壓迫下的兩性悲劇,化作愛慾詩篇。小蟲的音樂風流婉轉,朴若木的美 術配合杜可風的攝影,精雕細琢出濃烈視覺效果,盡現華麗的荒涼。

1996 | Cantonese/Putonghua 粵語/普通話 Digital Betacam | Colour | 79min

1997 | Cantonese/Putonghua 粵語/普通話 Digital Betacam | Colour | 45min

Yang Yin: Gender in Chinese Cinema


Stanley Kwan examines queer themes in Chinese film for this insightful documentary, produced for the British Film Institute’s “Century of Cinema” series. Using film clips, personal recollections, and interviews with film luminaries (including Ang Lee, Tsui Hark, Chen Kaige and Leslie Cheung), Kwan demonstrates how Chinese cinema has challenged gender norms for years, while asserting his own sexuality in a poignant conversation with his mother. 電影誕生百周年之際,應英國電影協會之邀,回顧兩岸三地影史,關錦鵬別出心裁,捨棄傳統編年史 模式,選擇以貼身個人自述,探究華語電影的性別議題。從父親的缺席談起,走訪張徹、吳宇森、張 國榮、徐克、陳凱歌、楊德昌、侯孝賢、李安、蔡明亮等影人,窺探陽剛電影中的男性情誼,追溯三 十年代上海電影對性的坦誠開放態度,指認華語影史的性別越界傳統。再由電影回到自身,與母親談 及同志身份,成了擲地有聲的註腳。

Still Love You After All These


In this short documentary, produced in anticipation of the 1997 Handover, Stanley Kwan reveals both personal and collective memories of his beloved Hong Kong as it nears its reunion with China. Kwan narrates this contemplative journey, mixing clips from his films with excerpts from his stage play and evocative images from Hong Kong life. Through sharp editing and expressive montage, Kwan constructs a visual and aural metaphor of Hongkongers struggling with their identities in the face of an uncertain future. 台灣電影學者焦雄屏促成「香港情懷」系列,邀請香港導演從個人角度談九七,許鞍華交出《去日苦 多》,關錦鵬就完成了本片。可視為《男生女相》續篇,談個人在東京街成長與性啟蒙經歷、跟母親 看廣東大戲的童年回憶,再談到移民去留抉擇,加上《中國旅程九七》舞台嘗試,菲林不斷落下,時 間滴答倒數。面對主權移交的悵惘,《帝女花》名句「不認不認還須認」,既是身份認同的探索,亦 是時代感懷。

1998 | Cantonese 粵語 35mm | Colour | 99min Cast: Chingmy Yau, Sunny Chan, Eric Tsang, Lawrence Ko 演員:邱淑貞、陳錦鴻、曾志偉、柯宇綸

2000 | Cantonese/Putonghua/English/ Japanese 粵語/普通話/英語/日語 Digital Betacam | Colour | 103min Cast: Michelle Reis, Shu Qi, Osawa Takao, Momoi Kaori 演員:李嘉欣、舒淇、大澤隆夫、桃井薰 After coming out cinematically, Stanley Kwan tackles queer issues in this fictional work about a closeted homosexual, a married couple, and a bisexual stud, whose stories intertwine luridly. Boasting a nonlinear narrative that moves freely from moment to moment, Hold You Tight is a melodrama that has fun with time, space and sexual orientation. In an explicit statement linking sexuality to the political turmoil in Hong Kong, the coupling of decadence and happiness feels like a melancholic irony. 青馬大橋上湧起密雲,伸手抱緊看命運降臨,害怕悲劇重演,這麼煩囂城中,沒理由相戀可以沒有 暗湧。邱淑貞是兩生花,機場擦肩而過,一個意外死了,一個在異地繼續生活。三個男人各懷心 事,唐先生(曾志偉)和小哲(柯宇綸)都看上了已婚的馮偉(陳錦鴻),而馮正經歷喪妻之痛。 錯綜複雜的五角關係,是生命無常更是流動不息的多元愛慾。身處九七前後的時代轉折,關錦鵬在 創作裏坦然面對同志身份與慾望,手搖鏡頭捕捉人心浮動的歷史時刻。

The Island Tales 有時跳舞

Entering the 21st century, Stanley Kwan’s stylistic experimentation and thematic ambition grew more pronounced. He reunited with Hold You Tight screenwriter Jimmy Ngai for this quirky existential drama about strangers on an island during a pandemic. An all-star international cast play the isolated characters who struggle with quarantine, each other, and ultimately themselves. Gradually, they discover that, despite being separated by age, origin, language and even sexuality, they can still find a connection. 生有時,死有時,哀慟有時,跳舞有時。疑似病毒突襲小島,隔離令下,是共患難的一夜。日本記 者(大澤隆夫)正在島上休養;美國歸來的女強人(李嘉欣)竭力忘記過去,偕日籍好友(桃井 薰)到此遊玩;愛撒謊的少女(舒淇)等待跟新男友約會;拍罷情慾片的男星(張智霖)來散心避 靜……日本出資製作,捕捉世紀末憂鬱,刻意打亂時序,營造富舞台感的疏離效果。千禧之劫如夢 一場,愛在瘟疫蔓延時,沒有人是孤島,然而每個人內心都是孤島。

2001 | Putonghua 普通話 DCP | Colour | 86min Cast: Hu Jun, Liu Ye, Su Jin 演員:胡軍、劉燁、蘇瑾

Persons Aged 18 and Above Only 只准18歲或以上人士

2005 | Putonghua 普通話 DCP | Colour | 109min Cast: Sammi Cheng, Tony Leung Ka-fai, Hu Jun, Daniel Wu 演員:鄭秀文、梁家輝、胡軍、吳彥祖

Lan Yu 藍宇

Meant merely as a diversion among his countless one-night stands, Handong’s sexual relationship with a sensitive college boy turns unexpectedly into something deeper – and even a life-changing initiation. Undeterred by Handong’s compulsive promiscuity and impulsive marriage, Lan Yu’s devotion cannot escape its unforgiving fate. Superbly acted by Hu Jun and Liu Ye, Stanley Kwan’s adaptation of an internet novel is a poignant portrait of a gay relationship filled with passion and deception, yearning and regret. 本來純粹肉體交易,商場兼情場老手捍東,遇上青澀大學生藍宇,一晌貪歡,過後始知遇上最愛。 十年間分分合合,終究是念念不忘。改編北京網絡小說,編劇魏紹恩去蕪存菁,張叔平大刀闊斧剪 接,關錦鵬發揮圓熟技藝,拍出超越性別的深情,含蓄細緻,令人輾轉低迴。也側寫了京城變遷, 六四一夜是感情確認,貪腐之風蠶蝕人心,新時代大興土木已留不住美好時光。連綿的工地圍板, 配上一曲〈你怎麼捨得我難過〉,道盡無邊思念,教人黯然神傷。

Everlasting Regret 長恨歌

Stanley Kwan returned to Shanghai for this gorgeous literary adaptation of Wang Anyi’s popular novel. Sammi Cheng transfigures herself into Wang Qiyao, a young woman in 1930s Shanghai who enters high society after nearly winning a beauty contest. However, as China’s turbulent post-war history unfolds, she begins a decades-spanning cycle of being used and abandoned by different men. Kwan transposes Wang Qiyao’s remarkable life and tragic death to strikingly reflect the evolution of the 20th century China. 改編王安憶原著,卻注滿個人情懷,開場已說得明白,上海只是繁華大都會的佈景,電影就把舊上 海原本獨擁的長恨歌,變成與香港互相映照的鏡子。王琦瑤生逢亂世,在錯誤年代,總是遇上錯誤 的人。掌軍政大權的李主任、風流倜儻的富家子、衝動莽撞的少年,幾段情事滄桑迷離。而默默守 候的程先生,見證女神誕生與毀滅,是為城市留下記憶的癡情人。情節跨越時代,敘事省略,鏡花 水月,虛中有實。有人遠走他方,也有人死守,與城市共存亡。

2018 | Cantonese/Putonghua 粵語/普通話 DCP | Colour | 100min Cast: Sammi Cheng, Gigi Leung, Bai Baihe, Angie Chiu 演員:鄭秀文、梁詠琪、白百何、趙雅芝

First Night Nerves 八個女人一台戲

Stanley Kwan assembles a powerhouse cast for his nostalgic and visually spectacular journey backstage at the venerable City Hall. Sammi Cheng and Gigi Leung play feuding actresses amidst the behind-the-scenes chaos of their soon-to-open stage production. For his longawaited return, Kwan smartly explores the disparate cultures of show business and sisterhood, giving voice to marginalised communities, while commenting engagingly on the dismal state of art and film in Hong Kong. 一世人兩姊妹,句句夭心夭肺,不是冤家不聚頭,始終山水有相逢。蜚聲國際大導演炮製舞台劇, 兩大女主角交手,由台前鬥到幕後。首演前七日綵排,拉開錯綜複雜人際關係,逐步揭露八個女人 台上台下恩怨情仇。關錦鵬睽違多年,執起導筒再探女人心。除了鄭秀文、梁詠琪互鬥演技火花四 溢,其他演員亦大放異彩,白百何風流倜儻,甘國亮更以驚喜造型爭妍鬥麗。全程本地拍攝,笑盡 城中荒唐事,並特意以大會堂為舞台,拍出莫捨莫忘的香港情懷。

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