The 37th Hong Kong International Film Festival

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5:33 PM

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香港國際電影節協會鄭重鳴謝第三十七屆香港國際電影節的贊助商及合作夥伴 We are proud to acknowledge and thank the Official Sponsors of the 37th Hong Kong International Film Festival 資助機構 Financially Supported by

香港國際電影節 為香港影視娛樂博覽始創項目 HKIFF is a Founding Event of

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指定專業電影器材 Official Camera & Lighting Equipment

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香港國際電影節協會 法律顧問 Honorary Legal Advisers, Hong Kong International Film Festival Society

李正國律師 Rin LEE

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霍璽律師 Angus FORSYTH

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亞洲電影大獎及香港亞洲電影投資會 法律顧問 Honorary Legal Advisers, Asian Film Awards & Hong Kong – Asia Film Financing Forum

廖永康律師 Michael LEOW

8/2/13 1:33 AM

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1/22/2013 5:46:29 PM


62 節目表 Programme Diary

電影節目 Film Programmes 首映禮 Galas 4 4 5 6

開幕電影 Opening Film 閉幕電影 Closing Film 隆重首映 Gala Premieres 特備節目 Special Presentations

競賽 Competitions 8 新秀電影競賽 Young Cinema Competition 10 紀錄片競賽 Documentary Competition 12 國際短片競賽 Short Film Competition

大師與作者 Masters & Auteurs 18 大師級 Master Class 22 天堂三部曲 Paradise Trilogy 24 作者風 Auteurs

華語電影 Pan-Chinese Cinema 28 33 34 34

香港電影面面觀 2012-2013 Hong Kong Panorama 2012-2013 台灣新氣象 Young Taiwanese Cinema 中國電影生力軍 Chinese New Talents 添翼計劃 Wings Project

國際電影 World Cinema 14 36 42 44

影迷嘉年華 Gala Presentation 世界視野 Global Vision 拉美風情 The Passions of Latin American Cinema 瑞典六重奏 Swedish Sextet

紀錄片 Documentaries 88 真的假不了 Reality Bites 89 親愛的地球 Dear Earth... 90 影人影事 Filmmakers and Filmmaking

平台 Platforms 46 74 76 78 84 93

自主新潮 Indie Power 我愛午夜長 Midnight Heat 超人氣動畫 Animation Unlimited 我看我電影 I See It My Way 修復經典 Restored Classics 前衛眼 The Avant Garde

焦點 Focuses 30 焦點影人:劉偉強 Andrew Lau, Filmmaker in Focus 102 奇謀闊步•萬像嘉禾 The Cinematic Matrix of Golden Harvest

致敬 Tributes 92 占士布諾頓:百載風流 James Broughton: 100 Years of Happiness 96 木下惠介的四顆遺珠 Kinoshita Keisuke: Four Hidden Gems

附加節目 Associate Programmes 98 大專學生作品展 Joint Universities Programme 100 ifva 實驗系列作品選 ifva experimental series

其他 Miscellaneous 58 60 68 70 110

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訂票指南 電影節指南 How to Festival Booking Guide 訂票表格 Booking Form 影片索引 Index of Films

8/2/13 12:52 AM

Opening Film

開 幕 電 影



香港會展中心CE1 17/3(日)9:45pm CE1

17GC3E2 17/3(日)9:50pm The Grand GC

票價 Price: $75

葉問-終極一戰 導演:邱禮濤  2013  粵語  102 分鐘  演員:黃秋生、曾志偉、鍾欣桐、陳小春、周定宇、袁詠儀、洪天明、周楚楚、熊欣欣、蔣露霞

又一部葉問?唔怕貨比貨,因為這個最地道,無論劇情,無論功夫,因為加入戰團的, 邱禮濤是也,更有壓場的黃秋生。1950 年,葉問隻身來到香港,先後收了幾名徒弟, 走過工會暴亂、制水和警察貪腐的日子,漸漸打響名堂。他經歷愛妻的生離、徒弟的 叛逆,與紅顏歌女的一段情,然後與兒子葉準團聚,再決戰九龍城寨營救打黑拳遭暗 算的徒弟,打出了傳世神話。黃秋生有深厚功夫底子,舉手投足令人信服,與曾志偉 和熊欣欣的幾場文武大戰,散發經典港產片的光芒。邱禮濤與黃秋生是最佳拍檔,最 能把化不開忘不了的香港情懷融入詠春,一代宗師,他們選擇留在香港的歲月裏。

Ip Man - The Final Fight Dir: Herman Yau 2013 Cantonese 102min Cast: Anthony Wong, Eric Tsang, Gillian Chung, Jordan Chan

The industry of inventing and re-inventing the legend of Master Ip Man lives on.... This one by Hong Kong’s best-loved populist director Herman Yau has both feet firmly on the ground in the fighting sequences, the drama, the story-telling, and sympathies. Anthony Wong plays the Master arriving in Hong Kong in 1950. Penniless and no longer young, he teaches martial arts to working class people for a living and enters into a life-long romantic (or platonic) relationship with a songstress across a canvass of social turmoil, labor strikes, police corruption and high-handed colonial rule. A model of restraint, the Master only shows his true colours when he takes on the tyrant of the Walled City in the final fight.

Closing Film

閉 幕 電 影

02KG4E1 2/4(二) 7:00pm 頒獎禮 Award Ceremony 7:30pm 電影放映 Screening 香港文化中心 KG

02GC4E2 2/4(二)9:45pm The Grand GC

電影關不住 導演:約化巴納希、金波塞亞柏托維  伊朗  2013 106分鐘

郊外小屋,一男一女一狗躲進來,他們都犯了法,一個養狗,不潔淨,一個去了沙灘 舞會,非法的。男女拉下窗帘,互睥。窗外聽到差人哨子聲、海浪聲。男女真有其人? 抑或不過導演的子虛烏有?導演跑進來,拉開窗帘,角色重又拉上,開開合合。兩個 角色,盯着,他們在尋找導演。巴納希(《這不是電影》,36 屆)被伊朗政府判監六年, 兼二十年內不准拍片,卻愈被禁愈生猛,戰友柏托維助陣,又一次點石成金,挪移空 間,挪移創意,自如出入現實與虛構,只要有堅持,哪裏都是電影。入圍角逐今年柏 林影展金熊獎。

Closed Curtain (Pardé) Dir: Jafar Panahi, Kamboziya Partovi Iran 2013 106min Cast: Kamboziya Partovi, Maryam Moghadam, Jafar Panahi, Hadi Saeedi

導演/演員將出席與觀眾見面 This screening will be attended by the director and/or actors


After the critically acclaimed This Is Not a Film (36th HKIFF), Jafar Panahi co-directs another illegally made film together with his Venice Golden Lion winner The Circle co-scribe. Like Panahi’s continuing house arrest, the two protagonists in Closed Curtain are barricaded inside. The man, a screenwriter, must hide his dog because Islamic law deems the pet to be unclean. The young woman is on the run after participating in an illicit party on the Caspian Sea. Though they both live in the secluded villa, they eye each other suspiciously.

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

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13年2月8日 下午4:27


20/3(三)7:15pm The Grand GC

19/3(二)8:00pm The Grand GC


香港會展中心CE1 19/3(二)9:45pm CE1

21/3(四)5:30pm The Grand GC

24SM3M1 24/3(日)10:30am 香港科學館 SM

Gala Premiere

Gala Premiere


美好 2013


導演:呂樂、張婉婷、吳念真、黑澤清  2013 普通話/粵語/國語/日語  100 分鐘  演員:晁巍、賈紳、羅北安、林美秀、金燕玲、王卓聆、三田真央、柄本佑

導演:杜琪峯  2012  普通話/粵語  105 分鐘  演員:古天樂、孫紅雷、黃奕、鍾漢良、林雪、林家棟、盧海鵬、葉璇

大道理、小心願的四重奏。呂樂的《一維》講法師教太子分辨善惡,他分身為二,叫 《單身男女》牛刀小試後,杜琪峯終於放心在大陸框內,拍自己最拿手的警匪類型, 厲害是不只拒跟主旋律起舞,更勇闖販毒題材禁區。一部無間臥底南北和,但亂局的 太子刺死惡的一個,太子下不了手,法師劈死太子,因為他不適合當國王。鹿橋的《人 忠誠,難分真假。古天樂飾演北上販毒的黑社會,給飾演差人的孫紅雷逮個正着,遂 子》有佛,胡蘭成的解讀,有今世。張婉婷的《深藍》的新移民單親母,為七十大壽 立下城下之盟:免死刑可以,但要幫公安引蛇出洞,一網打盡販毒集團。但古天樂畢 的跳舞學生慶生,兒子走失了,無助的女兒受母親所托去尋,尋出一個深藍魔幻夜。 竟不是劉德華,他唯唯諾諾,其實左搖右擺,搞出幕幕黑色幽默。來到大高潮,孫紅 吳念真的《新年頭,老日子》裏,老羅六十六,才覺得要離家走走,講出願望,妻子 兒女指他有外遇。老實總遇上荒誕。黑澤清的《美麗新灣計劃》有富二代社長去尋死, 雷假扮很牛的毒品買家,公安成群客串馬仔,而大毒梟亦非等閒,竟是多頭龍。《非 常突然》、《神探》的那些親切氣味,令北漂就是精彩。 驚見美女,打消念頭,卻想將美女據為己有。黑色的愛情故事,黑到入心。

Drug War

Dir: Lu Yue, Mabel Cheung, Wu Nien-Jen, Kurosawa Kiyoshi  2013 Putonghua/Cantonese/Mandarin/Japanese 100min Cast: Chao Wei, Jia Shen, Lo Pei-An, Lin Mei-Hsiu, Mita Mao, Elaine Jin, Wang Zhou-ling, Emoto Tasuku

Beauty in the eyes of 4 filmmakers. Kurosawa Kiyoshi’s Beautiful New Bay Area Project finds it in a kung-fu fighting young woman with a particular sense of honor. From China, Lu Yue’s 1 Dimension reinvents a childlike Buddhist fable about good and evil. For Taiwan’s Wu Nien-Jen and Hong Kong’s Mabel Cheung, beauty resides in reconciliation and new hope. Wu’s A New Year, the Same Days happens over New Year when a retired old man leaves home, while Cheung’s Indigo takes place during Christmas, with Elaine Jin playing an aging dance teacher with two troublesome children.

Dir: Johnnie To  2012  Putonghua/Cantonese  105 min Cast: Louis Koo, Sun Honglei, Crystal Huang

Gangster-style Johnnie goes Mainland, and the result is one hell of an entry. Louis Koo is Timmy, a Hong Kong drug trafficker, while Mainland police captain Zhang, played by Sun Honglei, is out there to get him. Zhang at times succeeds in capturing Timmy, and at times Timmy slips from Zhang’s grasp (or does he?). Cop and robber caught in a classical, ghostly dance; their loyalties are different but their psychologies are the same. Single-minded, brutal and almost cold-blooded, the two men will stop at nothing to destroy each other. The final bloodbath at a primary school sets a new standard for violence. Harrowing, chilling stuff from a master craftsman.

26/3(二)7:15pm The Grand GC

Gala Premiere


28/3(四)7:15pm 香港文化中心 KG

Gala Premiere




導演:于仁泰  普通話 2013 102 分鐘  演員:鄭少秋、鄭伊健、于波、周渝民、林峯、吳尊、徐帆、安以軒

導演:周冠威  2013  粵語/普通話  108 分鐘  演員:朱芷瑩、張學友、車沅沅、盧海鵬

北宋初年,遼國南侵不斷,全靠大將楊令公,百姓得以安枕。歷史告訴我們,每位忠 臣都有奸臣陷害,楊令公被困兩狼山,七個兒子誓要救回父親,面對三千遼軍和「七 子去,六子回」的預言,六子以各自本領,一一奮戰到最後。導演于仁泰自《霍元甲》 後再拍英雄題材,《忠烈楊家將》雲集了多位老戲骨,當中鄭少秋扮令公,演得超凡 入聖。七個兒子由中港台型男擔當,個個渾身是勁,威武得脫胎換骨。武指董瑋編排 的多場陣地戰精心部署,圍鬥單挑殺得慘烈,看在這個離經叛道的世代,對仁義忠信 的堅持,依然教人熱血沸騰,心嚮往之。

港漂女生(朱芷瑩,曾演《色•戒》)秘密租借子宮給富太做代母,代價是暫時過着近 乎被禁錮的生活。富太忽然改變主意,要女生墮胎,女生卻想生下孩子。一直蒙在鼓 裏的富丈夫(張學友),追查到自己的精子花落誰家,加上女生的男朋友、在事件中 運籌帷幄的律師(車沅沅),使女子的命運愈加複雜難料。改編自亦舒同名小說,杜 琪峯的銀河映像、江志強的安樂公司和香港電影發展基金合力支持,資深演員葉德嫻、 金燕玲、應采兒、岑建勳、劉天蘭等拔刀相助,九名香港演藝學院電影電視學院碩士 生擔任主創崗位,與其他專業工作者聯手創作,打破了學院派與實務派的界限。

Saving General Yang (Zhong Lie Yang Jia Jiang)

A Complicated Story

Dir: Ronny Yu 2013 Putongua 102min Cast: Adam Cheng, Ekin Cheng, Wu Chun, Raymond Lam, Vic Zhou

Dir: Kiwi Chow 2013 Cantonese/Putonghua 108min Cast: Jacky Cheung, Jacqueline Zhu, Stephanie Che, Lo Hoi-pang

The Yang family during the Song Dynasty was the Chinese Empire’s greatest military clan. The patriarch is loyal to the emperor. His loving wife has given him seven sons who all love their mother very much. When the patriarch falls prey to the scheme of a villain and is subsequently trapped by the northern barbarians, the six sons set out for the rescue. With battle scenes and single combats galore, and the seven sons played by Chinese-language cinema’s hottest male stars (with their pretty faces and buff bodies), this is almost like The Iliad – but with special Chinese characteristics.

Mainland student Liu agrees to become a surrogate mother for a sizable sum. But when Party A opts out, she refuses abortion and goes on the run. Jacky Cheung, who plays the baby’s rich owner, tracks her down. Things get further complicated when her ex-boyfriend intervenes and brings her head-to-head with the lawyer who has arranged the deal. The film is produced by Johnnie To and Bill Kong, with support from the Film Development Fund. Nine MFA graduates from the Film & TV School of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts took up main creative roles, collaborating with professionals to create the film.

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

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首映禮 Galas

Beautiful 2013


13年2月14日 下午1:04




29/3(五)10:30am 香港文化中心 KG

28/3(四)9:45pm The Grand GC

合辦 Co-presenters:



導演:雷哲思朗沙  法國  2012  111 分鐘  中文字幕

導演:陳駿霖  2013  國語  101分鐘    演員:任賢齊、范曉萱、柯宇綸、石頭、夏于喬

樂與怒響起,dress code 變革,女性翻身,消費年輕化,50 年代有的是變幻和可能性, 也有法國導演喜愛的快樂色彩。諾曼第小鎮女孩,已不甘平淡去嫁人,她應徵秘書, 面試大災難,但神速的打字伎倆,卻叫體育迷波士兩眼發光。一紙聘書遞過來,竟然 包括參加打字比賽,波士瞓身當教練,騰出鄉間別墅為女孩地獄式操練,打字可以練, 愛情卻不能受控。懷那年代的舊,也向那年頭大西洋兩岸電影致敬,不過窈窕淑女不 再被動,而驚情和速度,也屬於現代的。法國口味 X 荷里活,打字打到去美國大賽, 潛台詞是法國懷舊片,這次跑贏了荷里活!羅馬電影節競賽片。

Populaire Set in a vividly-colored 1958, Roinsard’s debut feature follows Rose Pamphyle, a 21-year-old who seemed destined for the humdrum life of a housewife until she signs up to be a secretary for charismatic insurance agency boss Louis Echard. Although she’s disastrously ineffective around the office, she happens to be able to type at a devilish speed – a skill that inspires Echard to coach her for a speedtyping competition. This sporty romantic comedy between mentor and protégé is a throwback to the sights, sounds and rhythms of a mythic era reminiscent of the cheerful cinema of Tashlin, Wilder and Losey, with Mad Men-like production details and an impeccably chosen soundtrack.

Dir: Arvin Chen 2013 Mandarin 101min Cast: Richie Jen, Mavis Fan, Lawrence Ko

Like the perennial favorite tune by The Shirelles, Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow? has plenty of old-fashioned charm. But the film’s easygoing humor, which includes references to classics such as Mary Poppins, turns more serious with a secret that protagonist Weichung (Richie Jen) has hidden for years: he is gay. Meanwhile, his wife Feng (Mavis Fan) is also experiencing marital anxiety as she longs for a second child while struggles to find fulfillment in her life. And his sister Mandy has also just run out of her impending marriage to the bookish San-San... Au Revoir Taipei director’s sophomore work retains its effervescent sweetness despite the topic of marital breakdown.



1/4(一)3:30pm 香港文化中心 KG

25/3(一)7:15pm 香港文化中心 KG

芳華 絕代

Special Presentation

Special Presentation

首映禮 Galas

陳駿霖首作《一頁台北》(34 屆)還屬於青春愛情歷險,第二頁成熟度兩級跳,找來 任賢齊和范曉萱來演眾人眼中有屋仔有人仔的幸福夫妻,突然間疑慮從天而降,她害 怕睡一覺醒來他已不在身邊,家庭充滿迷惘氣氛。再找五月天結他手石頭癡情配夏于 喬,又是忽然丟失安全感,女方在訂婚儀式都辦完後當了落跑新娘,突然將心門關上。 愛情四菱鏡兩兩對比,兩性命緣約定到期、愛情救亡與續約,是嚴重的心理危機,也 是傻勁的想法,是更年期作祟,也是發現新取向。陳駿霖把陳腔愛情浪漫重新作界定, 有台灣電影中難得一見的低調喜劇感。

Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow?

Dir: Régis Roinsard  France  2012  111 min Cast: Romain Duris, Déborah François, Bérénice Bejo, Shaun Benson

懷念 大師

拷貝由高先電影提供 Print courtesy of Golden Scene



導演:關錦鵬  演員:梅艷芳、張國榮、萬梓良、朱寶意 1988  粵語 93 分鐘

導演:大島渚  日本  1999  100分鐘  中文字幕

如夢如幻月,若即若離花。塘西風月也許不留痕,但同樣逝世十周年的梅艷芳和張國 榮,卻跟《胭脂扣》一起寫進香港史,進入永恆。他,永遠是翩翩風度的十二少;而 她,沒有人會忘記那一片唇紅。戲子有情哥兒薄倖的情史說過幾回?但從塘西傳來那 南音卻加倍淒楚,只因唱着的是隔世尋覓的忠貞,現代人再不稀罕的一生一世。30 年 代名妓如花的幽魂飄到今天,尋找當年一同殉情的十二少,才發現人情地誌今非昔比。 緩緩的風格到淒美的場景,都沾染歲月的洗禮。舊的,也許永遠最好。恰是給一個逝 去的年代,兩顆遠去的一代巨星的最後輓歌。加映導演關錦鵬特為是次數碼化高清版 紀念放映而作的錄像訪問,細述與張國榮和梅艷芳合作的種種。

每一次,大島渚 (1932-2013) 直捅日本的國魂,都無一虛發,轟轟烈烈,這部遺作也 不例外。鎖國下的武士精神,原來亦可以不堪一擊,湯馬斯曼的美少年如今具體化了, 不過是個不帶半點情感的嗜血娃娃,松田龍平的傳奇造型和演出,令不少外國觀眾都 誤以為他是女兒身。大島渚精心佈局下,他就是植在日本集體潛意識裏的理想異色化 身,新選組的一個個陽剛武士,都甘心跪倒這絕世男色之下。新選武士加納(松田) 愈冰冷愈迷人,副總長土方(北野武)一路觀察一路迷離,最後只能悲壯的斬斷櫻花 樹。五大男優的演出(還有淺野忠信、武田真治、崔洋一)、坂本龍一的音樂,都令《御 法度》多添幾重經典顏色。

Rouge (Yinji Kau)


Dir: Stanley Kwan  Cast: Anita Mui, Leslie Cheung, Alex Man  1988  Cantonese  93min

Dir: Oshima Nagisa Japan 1999 100min Cast: Matsuda Ryuhei, Kitano Takeshi, Asano Tadanobu

Ten years ago, two of Hong Kong’s brightest flames, Anita Mui and Leslie Cheung, were extinguished all too early. This newly digitally remastered version of Rouge, then, serves as a timely commemoration of the two superstars. Stanley Kwan’s classic, award-winning melodrama showcases Mui at her most captivating, vulnerable and romantic. She plays Fleur, an elegant courtesan in the 1930s who begins an affair with Chan, a scion of a wealthy family. But when his family objects to their relationship, the pair agree on a suicide pact. Flash forward 50 years later, and Fleur, now a ghost, is searching for Chan in a Hong Kong that is completely transformed. Playing with an interview with director Stanley Kwan conducted especially for this screening. 6

26/3(二)7:15pm 香港文化中心 KG

Gala Premiere

Gala Premiere

香港會展中心CE1 19/3(二)7:15pm CE1

One of Japan’s greatest directors, Oshima Nagisa, passed away earlier this year at age 80. His career started from the New Wave period, but his international breakthrough was the erotic shocker In the Realm of the Senses (1976), which was widely banned. 1999’s Gohatto then marks his final feature film – an unconventional 19th century samurai drama that revolves around a beautiful young man named Kan Sozaburo and the men who desire him. Far less explicit and more a study on obsession, the atmospheric Gohatto nevertheless stirred controversy in its native Japan.

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

2013-HKIFF-BF-A-4to16-4C-12.indd 6

13年2月8日 下午4:27



Beautiful New Bay Area Project 導演:黑澤清 Dir: Kurosawa Kiyoshi 演員:三田真央、柄本佑  Cast: Mita Mao, Emoto Tasuku

富二代社長生無可戀,想去尋死,看見女子的美麗,打消了念頭。覺得是女子 打救了他。他想將美麗據為己有,請那女子做時下流行騙人了得的甚麼代言人, 但美女格鬥了得,富二代硬來結果碰到了壁。黑澤清的城市黑色愛情故事,連 浪漫都是黑到入心的。

From the inimitable Kurosawa Kiyoshi, a kung-fu black comedy. Unbeknownst to her brash admirer, Yoko, the beautiful dockworker, is a kung-fu master. The admirer was finding life meaningless and was about to kill himself when he spotted Yoko… But when he tries to impress her with money and behaves untowardly, Yoko shows him her true colors.

A New Year, The Same Days 導演:吳念真 Dir: Wu Nien-Jen 演員:羅北安、林美秀 Cast: Lo Pei-An, Lin Mei-Hsiu

老羅六十六,覺得人生一無 所 有 空 蕩 蕩, 是 時 候 要 離 家走走了。新年老羅講出新 願望,妻子兒女報以冷言冷 語,更懷疑他有外遇。結果 大家都說出了心裏話。但新 年頭一天,老羅被妻子逐出 家門。這一刻,自由在腳下 了吧,老羅卻迷惘了。現實裏的老實人,陷進了超現實處境,怎麼辦好?

It’s New Year’s Eve for a typical Chinese family (“typical” meaning the two grown children still live at their parents’ home). Over something truly trivial, the father storms out. Maybe his years of pent-up frustrations have reached a boiling point? A sharp-eyed yet compassionate look on marriage, family and mortality, cozily enveloped in the holiday spirits.

Beautiful 美好 2013

一維 1




20/3(三)7:15 pm The Grand GC

21/3(四)5:30 pm The Grand GC

24/3(日)10:30 am 香港科學館 SM


導演:呂樂 Dir: Lu Yue 聲演:晁巍、賈紳 Voice Cast: Chao Wei, Jia Shen

托托國老法師教九歲的太子分辨善惡,學藝六年,法師作這最後的測試,他分 身為二,叫太子一劍去劈那惡的一個,太子下不了手,法師把太子劈死,因為, 他不適合當一國之君。可太子化作一縷青烟,升天成佛。改編自鹿橋的短篇《人 子》,鹿橋心中有佛,胡蘭成不以為然的解讀,有今世。

A young prince learning the ways of the world faces his final test: two identical beings, one the embodiment of good, the other of evil. He has to kill the evil one, but how will he manage? Philosophical musings on “beyond good and evil” as a children’s story: are they Buddhist, or rather Nietzschean?

深藍 Indigo



導演:張婉婷 Dir: Mabel Cheung 演員:金燕玲、王卓聆 Cast: Elaine Jin, Wang Zhuo-ling

香港一夜,教授交際舞的單親母悉心打扮,為了與年逾七十的學生合演一場「倫 巴舞」。紙醉金迷和母親的香水與汗水間,天生自閉的小兒子走失了,追逐他 心中的圓形發光物體;無助的女兒受母親半哄半托,尋遍全城,要找回弟弟。 深藍的魔幻夜,吐露出深藍的底蘊……

It’s Christmas Eve and a ballroom dancing teacher is going nuts tangoing a balancing act: to keep her 70-year-old student happy, and to cajole her teenage daughter to look for her autistic kid brother who has wandered off. Carving out a living in a seedy club may be harsh, but even everyday existence has its moments. A child’s imagination can layer a most beautiful indigo to the city’s magic hour...

Produced by Hong Kong International Film Festival Society 香港國際電影節協會監製

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14/2/13 2:13 PM

Young Cinema Competition




26/3(二)5:00pm The Grand GC

29/3(五)7:30pm The Grand GC

愛的替身 導演:唐曉白  2012  普通話  88 分鐘

一宗車禍,把兩個家庭扯進道德困境。司機傷重急需手 術費,還要賠償死者家屬。地盤工頭痛失獨子,妻已結 紮不能再生育,一念之差竟強姦司機妻子,想由她充當 代母。唐曉白(《完美生活》,33 屆)繼續關注女性命運, 找來韓杰(《Hello !樹先生》)參與編劇,由一段建基於 暴力與補償的關係,從小孩之死到小孩出生,帶出四個 角色的倫理死結,也觸及一孩政策、重男輕女、醫院謀 財、工地欠薪,在廣西的山水與廣東的工地之間,透視 家庭的瓦解,寫照當下國民的生存狀態。

All Apologies (Ai de Tishen) Dir: Emily Tang 2012 Putonghua 88min Cast: Cheng Taishen, Tang Shuting, Liang Jing

A true cautionary tale about the consequences of China’s one-child policy, All Apologies is Perfect Life (33rd HKIFF) director’s most straightforward drama to date. Two couples become bounded by misfortune when an accident leads to a child’s death. Heman, the driver, and his wife Qiaoyu do not have enough money to compensate for Yonggui and Xun Zhen’s loss, while the aggrieved cannot have another child due to the wife’s sterilization. The form of payment that Yonggui ultimately demands leads to tragic results.



30/3(六)3:00pm 香港科學館 SM

1/4(一)9:00pm 香港藝術中心 AC

唐皇遊地府 導演:李珞  2012  普通話  71 分鐘

大話西遊,但沒有牛魔王白骨精,也不會看到齊天大聖。 背景是今日中國,龍宮是酒吧,龍王是黑幫大佬,唐皇 李世民是企業老闆。取材自《西遊記》第九至十一回, 玉帝要把龍王斬首,唐皇答應救他,陰差陽錯救不了, 被龍王鬼魂纏繞,一病不起,靈魂到了地府。唐皇還陽 靠人脈,唐僧也要拉關係,李珞大膽改編,把古典名著 的神話世界,搬到當代的日常情境,極度荒誕又異常寫 實,不只借古諷今,更以獨特視角洞察世情,令官僚作 風與社會潛規則一一現形。奪溫哥華電影節龍虎獎。

Emperor Visits the Hell Dir: Li Luo 2012 Putonghua 71min Cast: Li Wen, Wu Wei, Li Juchuan, Yang Xiao, Li Hao

The Firebird Award 2013 導演/演員將出席與觀眾見面 This screening will be attended by the director and/or actors


Li Luo embodies the spirit of China’s indie film scene with this modern reimagining of part of the classic Journey to the West but transplanted to modern China. The Dragon King, now a petty gangster, messes with nature and is executed for it. Emperor Li Shimin, here a kind of corporate calligrapher, attempts to step in and ends up dead. Li’s own deathbed visitations reveal a multilayered satire of imperial /modern China politics as well as a filmmaker revelling in contemporary interpretations of a beloved text.

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

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13年2月14日 下午1:05


31/3(日)10:30am 2/4(二)9:30pm 香港科學館 SM 香港科學館 SM





30/3(六)7:15pm UA朗豪坊 UL

1/4(一)9:45pm UA朗豪坊 UL

31/3(日)9:30pm UA朗豪坊 UL

2/4(二)7:40pm UA朗豪坊 UL




導演:權聆 2013 普通話 89 分鐘

導演:楊荔鈉 2013 普通話 98 分鐘

導演:薩沙魯沙治 格魯吉亞 2013 75 分鐘

曾獲最佳短篇小說獎的權聆轉型當導演,劇本紮實毋庸 置疑,草創階段已獲上海電影節最佳創意獎。陶虹和郭 曉冬分飾的小夫妻不用憂柴米,倒想在鬧哄的社會主義 市場經濟裏分多杯羹,陶虹是小超市老闆娘,跟的士靚 哥打情罵俏不避忌,郭曉東當木匠,但更想做老闆賺大 錢。為償老公心願,陶虹向舊相好大款借錢,令夫妻猜 疑白熱化。細膩鋪展形勢迫人的感情落差,在余力為緊 湊的攝影下觸目驚心,亦引發共鳴。獲邀參加今年柏林 影展青年論壇。

這確是難以安身的年代,豈敢奢言愛。北京少婦方蕾, 看着繁華鬧市燈光璀璨,聽着小悅悅被輾失救的新聞, 過着新興中產的甜美生活。只是丈夫似近還遠,寂寞妻 子內心騷動,不停夢見與陌生人瘋狂造愛。久旱逢雨, 遊園驚夢,喚醒着沉睡的慾望,填補了空虛,但焦慮也 同時長大成饑餓的獸,吞噬身心。有人說她是厲鬼纏身, 說不定也是輪迴再生。楊荔鈉曾化名楊天乙,演過《站 台》女配角,執導過紀錄片如《老安》(32 屆 ),首部劇 情長片就瞄準女性張揚的情慾,坦露私密的渴求。

視乎你的角度,一個剪影,看似是鴨,反轉便是兔了, 面子裏子是同體。離鄉太久,甚麼都不搭調,戴米沉迷 攀石和幻想世界,在他眼裏,只有老得剔透的爺爺和腦 退化的姨姨,是周遭最正常的人。他重遇兒時好友安德 烈,安德烈敢愛敢恨,漸漸,成了戴米幻想中一員。安 德烈怎麼會被控殺人?戴米記得那天他們一起攀石。不 管怎樣,自己想法,才是唯一的現實。格魯吉亞的山河 地貌,渾成想像力豐富的電影語言,緊扣時代幻變和兩 男的神秘情誼。柏林影展面面觀開幕片。

Forgetting to Know You (Mo Sheng) Dir: Quan Ling 2013 Putonghua 89min Cast: Tao Hong, Guo Xiaodong, Zi Yi

Longing for the Rain (Chunmeng) Dir: Yang Lina  2013  Putonghua  98min Cast: Zhao Siyuan, Fu Jia, Dej Pongpazroj, Xue Hong

Dir: Zaza Rusadze  Georgia  2013  75min Cast: Tornike Bziava, Tornike Gogrichiani, Zura Kipshidze

Produced by Jia Zhangke, Quan Ling’s feature directorial debut unfolds in a typical Chinese second-tier industrial town. Woven amongst family obligation, insecurities, petty jealousies and lingering resentments is a portrait of the unhappy marriage between furniture factory manager Cai Weihong and his wife Xuesong. The ceaseless push and pull between Weihong’s wounded masculine pride and his wife’s simmering frustrations underpin the disappointment and deflated expectations of China’s emerging middle class.

The Freudian notion of female hysteria has been a common subject in recent Western films such as A Dangerous Method, but this decidedly Chinese take on a woman’s uncontrolled carnal desire is fascinating, brave and unorthodox. Though the film begins like many other Chinese films, focusing on the ennui of the nouveaux riches, director Yang Lina takes it to the extremes when the protagonist, Fang Lei, is supposedly attacked by a lustful ghost. Is she truly possessed, or is it a consequence of her loveless, sexless marriage?

How far will you go to escape from the crushing conformity of your small town? In Dimitrij’s case, he goes on solo rock climbing expeditions. But even that is not enough to flee him from his work at the courthouse and his father, the judge. Then one day, Andrej shows up, and Dimitrij invites him to go climbing with him. The two men grow closer, until Andrej just disappears. A Fold in My Blanket is an atmospheric, at times fantastical film that is far removed from recent downbeat neorealist works from Georgia.

A Fold in My Blanket (Chemi sabnis naketsi)







29/3(五)9:30pm The Grand GC

31/3(日)5:30pm The Grand GC

29/3(五)9:30pm UA朗豪坊 UL

31/3(日)7:15pm UA朗豪坊 UL

27/3(三)5:30pm The Grand GC

30/3(六)9:30pm The Grand GC




導演:N. 雅夫蒂米舒維莉、S. 格羅斯  格魯吉亞  2012  95 分鐘

導演:慕妮蘇莉亞  印尼  2013  106 分鐘

導演:申秀賢 南韓 2012 114 分鐘

成長的天空好像到處都一樣:家庭、戀愛、午後的學校、 回家的路上……青澀、 煩惱、 傷痛,最終告別純真。 然 而,格魯吉亞的美少女們,脆弱得令人下淚,倔強得教 人扼腕,似乎要用那無法平衡的青春告訴我們,她們捲 入的微戰爭比任何大戰事都怵目驚心。1992 年,國家獨 立不久,首都第比里斯的配給生活下,遠離詩意的少年 心事其實沉重陰暗,主體如履薄冰。她和她,一個遇上 愛的詛咒,一個兜兜轉轉,終極尋父。當生命不可能在 他方時,她們給出了心碎的太息。

印尼耶加達的三個視障學生,唱唱歌,上上堂,心裏還 想談談情說說愛吧。戴安娜開開心心大個女,一如所願 發育為成熟的女人。費莉芝面目清秀,卻是男人的肉慾 玩物,聽障男戀上視障女,一開始還是可望而不可即, 終於還是用假身份愈走愈近,打得火熱。瑪雅自出世就 失明,與另一位同學出雙入對,她的心底有一個表演夢。 本片是印尼年輕女導演的第二部作品,已經從容自若, 青澀的視障學生也許看不清楚面前的事物,卻在成長路 上看到自我與他人的溝通橋樑。

愛好天文的窮學生阿準轉校到精英高中,被容哲為首的 富二代子弟排擠。他們有一個秘密組織,只有全校百分 之一的人能入會,為保住高名次,對付人的手段比成人 更狠更辣。準為考入大學而希望加入他們,被迫完成各 項傷害同學的任務,卻揭發了一件欺凌自殺事件,準此 刻完全失控,展開了同歸於盡的復仇計劃。新秀導演申 秀賢把韓式復仇故事移植到校園,由壓抑推進至爆發, 影像節奏的駕馭力十足,同時把南韓扭曲人性的精英教 育批判得血肉模糊。

In Bloom (Grzeli nateli dgeebi) Dir: N.Ekvtimishvili, S.Gross Georgia 2012 95min Cast: Lika Babluani, Mariam Bokeria

What They Don’t Talk About When They Talk About Love

Pluto (Myung Wang Sung)

In Bloom revolves around friends Eka and Natia, two young women in their mid-teens navigating oppressive familial expectations, male violence and female identity in Tbilisi in the years following the collapse of the Soviet Union. Alone with her mother and with her father sitting in prison, Eka deals with local bullies while Natia finds herself forced into a marriage rooted in kidnapping. Their friendship is tested when Natia’s thug husband kills a former admirer. A coming-of-age story for both the young women and the nation.

Dir: Mouly Surya Indonesia 2013 106min Cast: Nicholas Saputra, Ayushita Nugraha, Karina Salim

The myriad of permutations of love are at the heart of this richly composed drama set in a Jakarta school for the visually impaired. Diana patiently awaits womanhood while her mother attempts to make her “perfect.” Fitri falls into an affair with a hearing-impaired wouldbe punk posing as a doctor. Maya aspires to be an actress. Mouly Surya’s camera weaves in and out of the lives of these three students, celebrating the way we communicate and illustrating the universality of desire.

Dir: Shin Su-won  South Korea  2012  114min Cast: David Lee, Sung June, Cho Sung-ha

In Pluto, the best and brightest students in Korea’s most prestigious high schools are prepared to go to terrible extremes to ensure entry into the country’s best universities. Beginning with ace science student June’s transfer into an elite prep school, a thriller about the death of the student he replaced slowly unfolds in all its cutthroat inhumanity. Perverse and disturbing, Pluto takes its premise to savage new heights to make its razorsharp point about the high stakes game of privilege that modern education has become.

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

2013-HKIFF-BF-A-4to16-4C-12.indd 9

新秀電影競賽 Young Cinema Competition



13年2月8日 下午4:27



22/3(五)7:15pm 香港科學館 SM

31/3(日)9:30pm 香港太空館 SP

三峽啊 導演:王利波  2013  普通話  108 分鐘

Documentary Competition


三峽工程進行以來不知激發了多少部不平則鳴的紀錄片, 最新這一部不獨哀嘆山河破碎、公開遷徙剝削,更全面 解剖它作為政治化工具的來龍去脈,指出此乃幾十億人 口必須承受的現代化宿命。王利波將電視台資助他拍的 五集《三峽江湖》重新剪輯,不獨檢視過去,對一群曾 經守着學術良心的三峽好人如李銳、戴晴、茅于軾等致 敬,更透視可怖的未來畫面:利益集團早已形成,他們 動物兇猛撲出長江,凌駕政府以水利之名,向國內外盲 目輸出大壩建設。

Oh, the San Xia Dir: Wang Libo 2013 Putonghua 108min

The Three Gorges Dam continues to cast a long shadow on Chinese society, politics and environmentalism, as this documentary studying the project’s road to final completion in 2012 demonstrates. Some of the Mainland’s most prominent figures past and present – Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, among others – are taken to task for rushing the project. The result is long-term ecological destruction, widespread elimination of local economies and forced relocations. Director Wang Libo lends his voice to the wave of criticisms of one of China’s most controversial projects.



18/3(一)5:45pm 香港科學館 SM

31/3(日)7:30pm 香港太空館 SP

痕跡 導演:黃驥、大塚龍治  2013  普通話  72 分鐘

去年憑半自傳作品《雞蛋和石頭》摘下鹿特丹電影節老 虎獎的八十後女將黃驥,帶着誕生不久的孩子千尋和日 籍丈夫大塚龍治,千里迢迢,回湖南益陽老家探望爺爺 奶奶去,順道為孩子申請出入境護照。衣錦還鄉談不上, 出外走一圈後的回首,為觀眾帶來連串既深情復抽離的 凝視。小馬卻識途,那靦腆的陌生,為本來難與家庭錄 像區分的影像捕捉,平添三分趣味、五分層次。片末把 護照塞到沉睡的嬰兒手邊,說句「待他醒來自己看看」, 獨立影人的自立期許,直教人肅然正視。

Trace Dir: Huang Ji, Otsuka Ryuji  2013  Putonghua  72min

The Firebird Award 2013 導演/演員將出席與觀眾見面 This screening will be attended by the director and/or actors


Amidst the hostile Sino-Japanese relations stemming from the diplomatic dispute over the Diaoyu Islands, a young couple — Japanese national Ryuji and his Chinese wife Ji, who are the directors — take their newborn baby girl on a trip from Beijing to her mother’s hometown in Qinglang. Trace is an intimate and ironic portrait of a new family facing opposition and scorn on the macro level but acceptance and tolerance on a micro level, as well as a simultaneously humorous and baffling look at the shifting face of modern childrearing.

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

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13年2月8日 下午4:27






29/3(五)6:00pm 香港科學館 SM

31/3(日)9:00pm 香港科學館 SM

29/3(五)9:15pm 香港科學館 SM

2/4(二)7:45pm 香港科學館 SM

30/3(六)9:30pm UA朗豪坊 UL

1/4(一)7:30pm UA朗豪坊 UL




導演:約書亞奧本海默 丹麥/挪威/英國 2012 158 分鐘

導演:黛芬朗桑 法國 2012 80 分鐘

導演:基斯頓羅斯、告斯史德高 德國 2013 93 分鐘

能吸引荷索和艾路摩里斯兩個紀錄片之王看過毛片後毛 遂自薦當監製,就知這部話題作石破天驚。荷索形容為 可怕、超現實、十年難得一遇、電影史無前例。印尼殺 人劊子手不只毋須到海牙法庭,今天更是以恐懼強迫人 民愛戴的英雄和統治者,荒誕的是畫面亮相的「英雄」, 是個荷里活大粉絲,要導演以荷里活英雄片公式,拍他 的殺戮過程和回憶,可在不覺間鏡頭潛行到他的夢凶間, 真真假假更加恐怖,亦從未如此發人深省。奪哥本哈根 紀錄片電影節最佳電影獎。導演版足本放映。

原來那不是富豪的專利,因為世間有善人。法國的同性 戀人謝洛米和法蘭想有個小孩,多年苦苦張羅不果,兩 年前,大西洋彼岸竟有個善心的三孩之母,義務請纓當 代母。歌蓮,更是個農婦。懷胎三月開始,影機追蹤他 和他焦慮又喜悅的迎接小生命,更追隨踏上旅程,跑到 威斯康辛州跟歌蓮一家作歷史性相見。那是沒有隔膜的 感情交會,畫面每個角落都散發溫暖。一部類型特殊的 公路電影,穿越風景,也穿透兩個溫厚善感的心,沒有 新的終站,卻有新的生存狀態──當個爸爸。

20 多年前,17 歲的藍妮和安瑪莉剛修完動物護士課程, 沒想到第一份實習,竟在藥廠實驗室照料一群不是愛滋 便是肝病的猩猩,猩猩一來到這裏,就獨自關在細小鐵 籠內。藍和安無得揀,一留便到今天,愛動物的她們, 知道自己是可憐猩猩唯一能送上溫暖的人。藥廠不人道 醜聞曝光後,人類建起「樂園」照顧猩猩終老,愛心人 誠惶誠恐替猩猩重新建立社交生活,「這連贖罪也說不 上,牠們的不幸,人類沒法彌補」。片末動人一幕:猩猩 頭一回腳踏青草,頭一回頭頂藍天。

The Act of Killing

Father’s Birth (Naître Père) Dir: Delphine Lanson France 2012 80min

Redemption Impossible (Unter Menschen)

Dir: Joshua Oppenheimer Denmark/Norway/UK 2012 158min

Between 1965-1966, more that 500,000 people were purged under the guise of an anti-communist push by the Indonesian army. This episode is mostly skipped over in Indonesian history books because “to the victor goes the spoils”– the perpetrators were never charged, and in fact, many of them became powerful leaders. One of them is Anwar, the animated and prideful protagonist who re-enacts how he tortured and killed his victims in this chilling, controversial and inventive documentary. Executive produced by Werner Herzog and Errol Morris. Best Documentary, CPH:DOX.

While the battle for same-sex marriage rages on in France, this sweetly touching documentary serves to highlight another obstacle for French gay couples – surrogacy is illegal in their country. Jérôme and François, who have been together for over 13 years, have always wanted a child. But with adoption proving almost impossible, they discover a solution thousands of miles away – in Wisconsin, USA. There, they meet Colleen, a farmer, her husband and three children. Thus begins a long-distance relationship between two distinctly different households that spans across the Atlantic.

In Vienna, a company called Immuno was once doing research on vaccines to combat HIV, hepatitis and influenza. But their test subjects were 40 chimpanzees, all imprisoned in tiny cages and without sunlight. For them, it was a torturous daily routine of anesthetization and infection with viruses. When Immuno abandoned these experiments, the animals were left traumatized, disturbed and aggressive. But two women who once guarded their cells are now charged with their rehabilitation in a safari park. Can the apes truly heal from their past painful ordeals?



29/3(五)12:30pm 31/3(日)7:30pm The Grand GC The Grand GC



31/3(日)12:45pm 2/4(二)8:30pm 香港科學館 SM 香港藝術中心 AC

Dir: Christian Rost, Claus Strigel  Germany  2013  93min



30/3(六)4:45pm The Grand GC

1/4(一)9:30pm The Grand GC




導演:妮莎珍 印度/挪威/丹麥 2012  96 分鐘

導演:池谷薰 日本 2012  118 分鐘

導演:阿歷斯吉布尼  美國  2012  106 分鐘

英國導演金朗芝諾圖的《粉紅一姐》(35 屆)介紹過印度 婦女的粉紅革命,今次由印度女導演接力紀錄同胞抗爭。 種姓制度加上父權遺毒,令下層女性受盡歧視。辛芭帶 領姊姊妹妹組成粉紅娘子軍,手執打狗捧,上打腐敗貪 官,下打家暴惡夫。一宗縱火殺妻案,村民包庇疑兇, 辛芭挺身為遇害者出頭。組織六年招募十多萬人,聯群 過省打抱不平,更參加選舉,到村議會發聲。抗爭有成 功更有挫折,男尊女卑觀念根深柢固,如果命運能選擇, 是否真有足夠勇氣以卵擊牆?

日本紀錄片悍將池谷薰繼《延安之女》(27 屆)、《蟻兵 隊》(30 屆)後,蟄伏六年有新作。世紀海嘯鯨吞一切, 岩手縣 77 歲佐藤直志以頑強意志,與逆境周旋到底。居 所被毀,兒子遇難,他在災後拒絕撤離,等待尋回亡兒 遺體,也為了着手重建家園。面對滿目瘡痍,他不靠政 府救援,帶頭在廢墟站起來。不是活雷鋒,只是平凡人, 愛看柯德莉夏萍,會有感情疑惑,也有腰痠背痛。上山 伐木蓋屋,下田插秧播種,他在絕境找到活下去的意義, 頹垣內春風吹又生,也為當地民眾帶來鼓舞。

本應受上帝照顧的羔羊,在凌辱與墮落的邊緣無語問蒼 天,因為元兇竟便是那最堪信任的人。天主教神父性侵 犯事件不斷在各處揭發,震驚全球。受害人的激憤、梵 蒂岡的尷尬、被丟在一旁的公義,在在驅使阿歷斯吉布 尼拿起攝影機,紀錄和探討箇中來龍去脈。影片起初集 中披露威斯康辛州一家教會聾童學校裏神甫勞倫斯梅菲 的醜行,年屆花甲的當事人以手語縷述往事,令人動容。 隨着知性布幔一一揭開,觀眾被引發作宗教、社會學和 心理學的反思,讓沉默不待天堂便被打破。

Gulabi Gang


Dir: Nishtha Jain India/Norway/Denmark 2012 96min

Dir: Ikeya Kaoru Japan 2012 118min

Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God

In the aftermath of a New Delhi student’s shocking gangrape and murder last December, the issue of violence against women in India has never been more urgent. Gulabi Gang, an organization of activists founded by Sampat Pal Deviwas, was created to stand up for the rights of women against abuse and intimidation, especially among the poor. Nishtha Jain’s docu serves to highlight their fight against discrimination and corruption in a country where the Dalits are still mistreated and women have little protection from the law. Muhr AsiaAfrica Best Documentary, Dubai Film Festival.

Abject tragedy has dominated films about the March 11th earthquake and tsunami, but Roots documents one elderly man’s happy ending. Seventy-seven year old lumberman Sato Naoshi, like many, lost his Iwate home and his son to the catastrophic disaster but has no intention of abandoning his ancestral home. With the energy of men half his age, Naoshi lives off rice he cultivates himself and cuts his own timber, demonstrating a respect for his home that transcends simple familiarity. Watching this inspiring man realise his dream confirms the idea that rebirth is indeed possible.

Dir: Alex Gibney USA 2012 106min

Oscar-winning documentarian Alex Gibney (Enron: Smartest Guys in the Room) “is something of a specialist in the corruptions of power,” according to The New York Times. Here, he uses his journalistic skills to uncover a trail of childhood sexual abuses perpetrated by Catholic priests that leads straight to the Vatican. Sure to provoke heated discussions, this hot-button film begins with first-person accounts by abused former students at St. John’s School for the Deaf in Wisconsin, USA, before leading us to similar cases in Ireland, and eventually Italy.

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

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紀錄片競賽 Documentary Competition



13年2月14日 下午1:07

24SM3E1 24/3(日)7:15pm 香港科學館 SM

國際短片競賽節目(一) 一個《不能做夢的人》(澳洲)是竊賊、縱火犯、殺人犯,但沒有人知道他小時候也是 個愛做夢的人。《天籟籟》(中國)講八十後女孩尋找內心的天籟,打破命運羅盤。猶 太教《敬畏的十天》(英國)裏,電話留言接踵而來,講一個關於反省和原諒的悲劇。 詩人在迷宮般的花園醒來,神在另外的時空觀察和辯論,看他如何《尋找靈感的出口》 (英國)。香港寸金尺土,超人不易做,看《超人 ‧ 壹號》(香港)怎對付怪獸又要不 打爛天價豪宅。與《深藍》(張婉婷,30 分)同場放映,見頁 7。全長 87 分鐘。


Short Film Competition I Japanese superhero versus monster tropes are hilariously used to explore the impact of Hong Kong’s rising cost of housing in One.Superhero; The Search for Inspiration Gone (UK) is a classically silent, experimental fantasy in which a poet seeks inspiration by observing a divine couple; the hypnotically powerful Days of Awe (UK) uses a single tracking shot and a series of phone calls to ask whether an act of hate is ever forgivable; the monochrome animation in The Piping of Heaven (China) visualises the rift between ancient and modern beliefs as a young woman conducts a search for self and freedom; and from Australia comes The Man Who Could Not Dream, a wry, surreal and tragic fantasy about the power of imagination. Screening with Mabel Cheung’s Indigo, See p.7. Total: 87 min.


24SM3E2 24/3(日)9:30pm 香港科學館 SM

賽馬會電影學堂「國際短片競賽」集亞洲、歐洲和美洲二十部入圍作 品,競逐「大獎」、「評審團獎」及特別獎(本地)。得獎結果於4月 2日頒獎禮之夜公佈。四個節目將連同《美好2013》(p.7) 四部由著名 導演黑澤清、呂樂、吳念真、張婉婷執導的委約短片一同放映。 The 20 finalists, selected for the JCCA’s Short Film Competition, hail from Asia, Europe and the Americas and are competing for the Grand Prize, Jury Prize and Special Prize (Hong Kong). The 4 programmes will each kick off with a title from Beautiful 2013 (p.7), four commissioned short films directed by filmmakers Kurosawa Kiyoshi, Lu Yue, Wu Nien-Jen and Mabel Cheung. The winners will be announced at the Awards Gala evening on April 2, 2013.

The Firebird Award 2013

國際短片競賽節目(二) 她有痛不欲生的《傷口》(墨西哥),但生命總有轉機,電梯裏的邂逅,讓她看到了希 望。《機械頭》(美國)迷失在了自己內心的房間,找不到出路,你是否也曾一樣迷途 過?渴望做鋼琴家的保羅在父親的琴行當《調音師》(巴西),一次錯過了的面試,令 他得到更多。出差在外的男人被旅舍老闆的女兒糾纏,男人回到妻子身邊,並送給她 一份外地買回來的《禮物》(台灣)。越南山村裏,一對《苗族姐妹》(香港/新加坡) 做導遊賺錢,看似融洽的旅程最後令人唏噓。與《一維》(呂樂,17 分)同場放映, 見頁 7。全長 81 分鐘。

Short Film Competition II

捐助機構  Funded by

導演/演員將出席與觀眾見面 This screening will be attended by the director and/or actors


In Machinehead (USA), abstract stop motion puppet animation illustrates a man’s attempts to both escape and discover his own subconscious; in the mountains of Vietnam, the H’Mong Sisters (Hong Kong/Vietnam) expose the outside threats to their way of life and the impact of cross-cultural relations to a tourist; a young piano tuner with aspirations of professional performance desperately looks for a missing conservatory acceptance letter in The Tuner (Brazil); from Taiwan, the animated The Present follows a pious married man and his delusional, rebuffed suitor over the course of one obsessive day; and Lucrecia’s Wound (Mexico) gracefully proves some wounds demand help in healing as an isolated woman recovering from an illness finds empathy with a stranger. Screening with Lu Yue’s 1 Dimension, See p.7. Total: 81 min.

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

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13年2月8日 下午4:27

31SM3M3 31/3(日)3:30pm 香港科學館 SM

國際短片競賽節目(三) 賣義眼的商人住進將倒閉旅舍的《606 號房》(瑞士/德國),竟有小矮人對他虎視眈 眈。兔子是男孩唯一的良伴,但小朋友不接受一整天帶着寵物的朋友,即使孩子的世 界也存在《社交公約》(瑞士)。《這不是牛仔的故事》(法國)的中學生,每人心中都 有座斷背山。《我神聖的目光》 (波多黎各)演繹了波多黎各邊城的生活,毒販控制下, 要退出或者被出賣都是死路一條。整日忙碌工作,錯過了許多,是時候靜心走一段自 己的旅程,看看到底是不是你《想》 (香港)要的生活。與《美麗新灣計劃》 (黑澤清, 27 分)同場放映,見頁 7。全長 80 分鐘。

Short Film Competition III The painterly computer animated Seong (Hong Kong) wonders if our modern quest for material wealth has left us room for personal aspirations; Tati meets Lynch in the experimental Room 606 (Switzerland/Germany) where a travelling glass eye salesman checks into an odd hotel for a tumultuous and very long night; a neorealist tour through the Puerto Rican drug world finds a lowly dealer taking an ambitious stand against his boss in My Holy Gaze (Puerto Rico); It’s Not a Cowboy Movie (France) listens in as four teens on recess have a raw and conflicted discussion about sexuality after seeing a famous cowboy romance on television; and in The Social Contract (Switzerland), a lonely boy goes to disturbing extremes to gain playground acceptance. Screening with Kurosawa Kiyoshi’s Beautiful New Bay Area Project, See p.7. Total: 80min.

31SM3E1 31/3(日)6:00pm 香港科學館 SM


Ambassador 電影節大使

國際短片競賽節目(四) 機場的清潔女工又開始一個漫長的《夜班》(新西蘭),藏起別人留下的東西和自己的 故事。《成人戀愛遊戲》(韓國)裏,男女對待遊戲的模式總不同,愛情就在不同中找 到默契。蜘蛛和新人都忙着織各自的《網》(西班牙),婚禮中小女孩和蜘蛛相見,會 是他們的愛情故事嗎?被封鎖的加沙地帶,男人為買一隻羊回家吃,小心翼翼挖掘《隧 道》 (伊朗)。雪糕老伯年過九十仍未想過退休,每天推那十公斤的《勞師來施》 (香港) 走幾公里路,得到不少街坊的尊敬。與《新年頭,老日子》 (吳念真,26 分)同場放映, 見頁 7。全長 80 分鐘。

Short Film Competition IV Using monochromatic, earthy animation that reflects the film’s main road, the absurd and pointed Tunnel (Iran) follows a shepherd herding his flock beneath the Gaza Strip; the hand-drawn black and white images of Love Games (South Korea) chronicles the romantic protocols that lovers often observe; Spain’s Webbed finds two creatures that spin webs — by choice or by chance — and brings them together at a curious wedding; More than Ice Cream is a portrait of one of Hong Kong’s toughest, most resilient senior citizens and a life lesson for anyone a fraction of his age; and in Night Shift (New Zealand), an airport worker existing amongst us but living on the periphery crafts a life from what others leave behind. Screening with Wu Nien-Jen’s A New Year, the Same Days, See p.7. Total: 80min.

再次擔任香港國際電影節大使的楊千嬅,分享她與電影節的淵源: 「一直以來都會捧電影節的場,無他,因為節目多元化,讓你盡情 去笑、去哭、去思考,不像平日很多票房主導的作品,讓人看得麻 木。很高興有機會從 2011 年至今擔任電影節大使,去年又同時以 開幕電影女主角身份亮相(《春嬌與志明》,36 屆),可見我與電影 節真的很有緣份,希望影迷能跟我一起繼續支持這項電影盛事!」

HKIFF Ambassador Miriam Yeung talks about her close connection with the Festival, “I have always been an avid fan because HKIFF boasts a diverse programme that packs laughs, thrills, pathos and artistic aspirations all in one. Indeed I am glad to have been the Ambassador since 2011, not to mention the fact that I happened to be the leading actress of the Opening Film last year (Love in the Buff, 36th HKIFF)! I hope film buffs will join me in continuing to support this meaningful event.”

Photography by Paul Tsang @ U N Workshop Gown: Roberto Cavalli / Accessory: Giuseppe Zanotti Design

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

2013-HKIFF-BF-A-4to16-4C-12.indd 13


13年2月8日 下午4:27

上集 Part I 29KG3M3 29/3(五)3:10pm 香港文化中心 KG 下集 Part II 29KG3E1 29/3(五)6:15pm 香港文化中心 KG

寶萊塢教父(上集/下集) 導演:晏勞拉卡施也  印度  2012  156 /159 分鐘

殺人不眨眼或殺死人冇命賠的型男美女,數不清的橫飛子彈,冧歌勁舞歌詞又抵死, 五個小時腎上腺素不住上升你試過未?驟眼看就是寶萊塢風情的《教父》,黑幫仇殺 歷三代的史詩巨製。煤礦大王砍殺火車大盜全家,兒子由忠僕救走逃出生天,長大成 人的沙達回到老巢,剃髮誓報父仇。殺無赦的沙達招兵買馬變成黑道王,戀上兩個同 樣嗜權的女人。下集添上塔倫天奴的黑色幽默,沙達最潺弱的兒子法西最聰明,猶如 阿爾柏仙奴注定成為當家,他追逐夢中女神的對白露骨爆笑。南印色彩的野性畫面, 大刺刺來裝模作樣,聲與影皆由頭到尾刺激到震。奪亞太電影獎評審團大獎。

Gangs of Wasseypur

(Part I / Part II)

Dir: Anurag Kashyap  India  2012  156/159min Cast: Manoj Bajpayee, Richa Chadda, Reemma Sen


Like Leone, Scorsese or Coppola but with a Bollywood twist, the riveting epic Gangs of Wasseypur, which rocked Cannes last year, is India’s answer to the mafia family yarn. Director Anurag Kashyap magnificently captures the tension, the camaraderie and the bloodshed found in gangster films, but adds to them a pulsating energy and a flurry of colors usually seen in Bollywood musicals. It also captures post-colonial India’s evolution, since the film’s central strife between two powerful clans began in 1941 after the British were ousted. Since then, every decade has been a succession of vengeance and retribution, until it culminates in the 2004 shootout in Wasseypur that opens the film. 25IS3M3D


25/3(一)5:40pm UA iSQUARE IS

30KG3E1 30/3(六)8:00pm 香港文化中心 KG

血荒漠 導演:佐治史路沙  荷蘭 2012 86分鐘  中文字幕

里華馮力士拍米高漢尼卡的戲?原來早就有了。馮力士未完成的遺作,《血荒漠》煞科 前十日他猝死,影片收歸保險公司,導演史路沙 (《神秘失踨》) 幾經辛苦討回,去年完 成剪接,自己旁白補完結局,成全完美和反諷的最後的西部片。驚慄似《你玩得起,你 玩唔起》,不過馮力士玩得理直氣壯。印第安人原居地、核爆後的荒漠,半印第安人血 統的 Boy 獨自留守,夫婦壞車闖進來,Boy 渴望那女人 ( 茱迪戴維絲 ),而那男人 ( 尊尼 芬派斯 ) 有齊 Boy 最討厭的白人特質:驕傲自私,只顧事業。有意志,一定得到,Boy 想。 兩人成了 Boy 的囚徒。震懾眼球的馮力士,演到最後像個鬼魅⋯⋯

Dark Blood Dir: George Sluizer The Netherlands 2012 86min Cast: River Phoenix, Judy Davis, Jonathan Pryce

導演/演員將出席與觀眾見面 This screening will be attended by the director and/or actors


When lead River Phoenix died ten days before the shoot's end, Dark Blood’s insurance company planned to obliterate all of the shot footage. Luckily, famed The Vanishing director George Sluizer managed to rescue the film years later. But with no money and no lead actor to complete the production, it remained in limbo…until now. With Sluizer using voice-overs to bridge the narrative gaps, we can now see how terrific Phoenix is in his final role as Boy, a man living off of the desert and convinced the world is going to end. When a honeymooning couple’s car breaks down, Boy rescues them but soon holds them prisoner due to his desire for the wife.

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

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13年2月8日 下午4:27





29/3(五)9:20pm 香港文化中心 KG

1/4(一)12:30pm The Grand GC

28/3(四)7:15pm 香港大會堂 CT

30/3(六)12:45pm 香港文化中心 KG




導演:阮淦  加拿大  2012  90 分鐘  中文字幕

導演:柏比路拉林 智利/美國 2012 117 分鐘  中文字幕

導演:羅倫康堤 法國/加拿大 2012 143 分鐘  中文字幕

當現代都市的十二歲白人女童拿着智能電話和平板電腦, 「叫膽小選民現身投票,除非有奇蹟!」1988 年的智利 吃喝玩樂,「些牙」感受,遠在非洲叢林的同齡黑姝,已 真有奇蹟!獨裁者皮諾切特塗脂抹粉搞全民公投,去定 被猛虎游擊隊突襲村莊綁走。被迫親手殺死親人、捱苦虐 奪自己連任,十八反對黨見機不可失,找來廣告才子雷 打不在話下,接受敵人訓練,灌輸仇恨邏輯助其對抗政府 里創作投反對票宣傳片。雷里怕勾起選民心底恐懼,以 軍,才是人性終極考驗。死亡時刻擦身而過,卻因被認定 炮製可樂廣告的精神去哄他們,怪招大收奇效,把皮諾 擁有巫力而受到特別保護。亡靈提供啟示、靈異男核散播 切特的前途斷送在自己的政治鬧劇裏。基爾加西亞般奴 愛的希望。她與他最終能走出種種看不見的恐怖嗎?剛果 上身演繹,柏比路拉林(《屍檔案》,35 屆)以古老攝影 少女麗素華莎演活了這個活在愛與痛之間的戰爭女巫,柏 機拍出融和舊片段的質感,像球賽般你來我往,互鬥策 林影后榮銜實至名歸。入圍角逐奧斯卡最佳外語片。 略的廣告戰扣人心弦。入圍角逐奧斯卡最佳外語片。

不公義的年代,唯有青春的遺傳性反叛,最能向建制說 不。50 年代紐約州小鎮,空氣散發濃烈的男性沙文主義, 女人只有服從的位置,虐打、強姦無處不在。屢遭侵犯 後,五個女生忍無可忍,秘密組成狐火黨,以土炮紋身 為記,首先對付欺凌女生的老師甚至好色老淫蟲,繼之 色誘男人錢財,並飽以拳腳,最後更做俠盜劫富濟貧。 Girlpower 打開了地平線,可代價亦非輕。《課室風雲》 後羅倫康堤仍不捨他的青春角色,藉她們的純真和義無 反顧的鬥爭,砸醒扭曲了的美國夢。

War Witch (Rebelle)


Foxfire: Confessions of a Girl Gang

Dir: Kim Nguyen  Canada  2012  90 min Cast: Rachel Mwanza, Alain Bastien, Serge Kanyianda

Dir: Pablo Larrain Chile/USA 2012 117min Cast: Gael Garcia Bernal, Alfredo Castro, Antonia Zegers

Dir: Laurent Cantet  France/Canada  2012  143min Cast: Raven Adamson, Katie Coseni, Madeleine Bisson

Grounded by Rachel Mwanza’s Berlin Silver Bear-winning performance, this year’s nominee for Best Foreign Film Oscar War Witch is the harrowing yet poignantly told account of a child soldier in a central African country. Abducted from her village, 12-year-old Komona is forced to fight for a rebel group led by the charismatic Great Tiger. Due to her ability to see ghosts, she is hailed as a sorceress...until the day she escapes with the albino boy Magician. An extraordinary coming-of-age film that is never exploitative despite its tough subject matter.

If Tony Manero (33rd HKIFF) and Post Mortem (35th HKIFF) didn’t already demonstrate director Pablo Larrain’s preoccupation with the effect of Pinochet’s regime, then this year’s Oscar Best Foreign Film nominee No cements it with one of the smartest political thrillers in years. Shot on u-matic tape in 4:3 aspect ratio for a vintage ‘80s look, No follows René, an advertising executive, who must use his product-selling savvy to sell a democracy campaign versus Pinochet’s dictatorship. Not only is society at stake – so are the lives of René and his family.

Joyce Carol Oates’ 1950s-set novel Foxfire is evocatively realized in Laurent Cantet’s latest English-language work. Like the Cannes Palm d’Or winner The Class, he works with non-professionals to create a neo-realist tale, this time about a gang of small-town girls who use inventive guerilla tactics to fight against the oppressive sexism of their era. But their rebellious, well-intentioned cause takes a darker turn once the gang falls on the wrong side of the law. Cantet’s sympathetic workingclass creed is an ode to the rise of feminism.



18/3(一)7:45pm The Grand GC

21/3(四)3:00pm The Grand GC

香港會展中心CE1 18/3(一)9:45pm CE1




19/3(二)7:15pm UA朗豪坊 UL

25/3(一)9:30pm 香港文化中心 KG

30/3(六)6:00pm 香港大會堂 CT




導演:焦保杜士 法國 2012 111 分鐘

導演:積葵奧迪亞 法國/比利時 2012 120 分鐘  中文字幕

導演:石井裕也 日本 2013 133 分鐘

1915 年,老年雷諾亞飽受關節炎之苦,直到青春嬌美的 新繆思女神翩然而至,重新點燃畫家的創作生命,也讓 戰傷返鄉的二子尚,從此踏上了電影宗師之路。攝影大 師李屏賓掌鏡,以影機為畫筆,演繹印象派大師的溫柔 筆觸,將雷諾亞明亮溫柔的印象油彩,化為詩意溫潤的 銀幕光影。金黃飽滿日光灑落,青春的胴體與草地上野 宴,蔚藍海岸的醉人陽光與微拂海風,畫家晚年對生命 的沉思憶往,對照年輕一代的愛情憧憬繾綣,都在深情 的層層點描勾勒中,交互發放出藝術的醉人光輝。

他窮,大男人,有個小孩,渴望做地下拳手。她,殺人 鯨訓練員,美麗自信,像女神。她在酒吧爛醉,他送回家, 南轅北轍的人,只剎那緣份吧。一宗意外,命運來開了 玩笑。重遇時,她失了腿,也沒了希望,他幫忙,愛情 向前又敗退。奧迪亞(《先知》)把人世間的愛淨化還原, 以片名般粗獷的鏡頭和原始感覺,拍出醇厚和奇美。法 國大破票房紀錄,男女角擦出激烈火花,歌迪雅最具挑 戰性的演繹,法國新星尚尼亞士更散發強悍又脆弱的罕 見質地。獲倫敦電影節最佳電影獎。

改編去年本屋大賞最暢銷書《編舟》的重任,為甚麼落 在石井裕也(32 屆焦點導演)身上?因為書中的編輯室 有石井夢魅以求的怪人,即使助陣的是松田龍平、宮崎 葵、小田切讓等型星,石井也把他們打造得就是不一樣。 為了出版辭書《大渡海》,編輯室招募了沉迷書海的馬締 光也,但文字是與人溝通的工具啊,大家的熱情感染下, 辭書工作轉化成一堂生命課。這次石井的傻瓜有傻福, 傻呼呼求愛有同事幫忙,連用古文字寫的情書大家也來 力撐。辭書磨劍十五載,文字要歷練,生命也該如是。


Rust and Bone (De rouille et d’os)

The Great Passage

Dir: Gilles Bourdos France 2012 111min Cast: Michel Bouquet, Christa Theret, Vincent Rottiers

Dir: Jacques Audiard  France/Belgium 2012 120min Cast: Marion Cotillard, Matthias Schoenaerts, Armand Verdure

Dir: Ishii Yuya Japan 2013 133min Cast: Matsuda Ryuhei, Miyazaki Aoi, Odagiri Joe

A painter’s muse is traditionally depicted as the source of inspiration and many a heartache. In Renoir, she inspires both the elderly widow Pierre-August as well as his son Jean, who arrives injured from World War I. Based on a true story, the film paints a complex relationship between father and son – though in this case, the father is a world-renowned master painter, and the son would become one of the great film directors. Impeccably crafted and with a touch of Terrence Malick, this is classical filmmaking at its warmest.

Leave it to the director of A Prophet to make an unlikely romance between an unemployed single father and a killer whale trainer who has suffered through a horrific accident. Two of Europe’s brightest stars – Marion Cotillard and Matthias Schoenaerts – excel in their roles as battered souls caged within their bruised bodies. It’s a raw, pitiless melodrama, in which two self-destructive individuals make love and fight their way to calm their basest instincts while struggling to make sense of their physical, economic and social limitations.

Wunderkind Ishii Yuya has become an expert at creating quirky protagonists who do good despite their awkwardness. Majime, an anti-social, incommunicative bookworm, is such a character. He gets roped into working at a publishing house’s dictionary editorial department, where his obsessive trait is perfect for the job. But he soon realizes that even making dictionaries requires teamwork and communication. Things get even more complicated when Kaguya, his landlady’s granddaughter, enters the picture.

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

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30/3(六)12:30pm 1/4(一)7:45pm The Grand GC The Grand GC

影迷嘉年華 Gala Presentation



13年2月8日 下午4:27


香港會展中心CE1 18/3(一)7:15pm CE1

30/3(六)9:45pm 香港文化中心 KG

影迷嘉年華 Gala Presentation



22/3(五)8:00pm The Grand GC

29/3(五)3:00pm 香港大會堂 CT

31/3(日)6:00pm 香港大會堂 CT




導演:巴布保治 西班牙/法國 2012 104 分鐘

導演:柳昇完  南韓  2013  120 分鐘

導演:莎莉波特 英國/丹麥 2012 89 分鐘  中文字幕

改編格林童話最勇最原創的,就這一部了,猶如添布頓 遇上佛蘭明高,只此一家西班牙演繹,幽默、黑色、激情。 白雪公主化成鬥牛勇女,有嫲嫲教舞,明星爸爸教鬥牛, 寵物並非愛麗絲的兔兔而是頭型仔雞雞,黑後母有閒人 免進的大宅,小矮人不再是礦工,聖母像可以是超強武 器。那是鬥牛場的黃金年代,空氣蕩漾着戈耶作品般的 野性暴力,影癡導演把希治閣、波蘭斯基等大師全數請 來,用音樂寫對白,默片語言遠勝《星光夢裏人》。奪聖 塞巴斯蒂安電影節評審團特別獎及最佳女演員獎。

懶 理 你 暗 戰 寒 戰 逆 戰, 這 個 年 頭 亞 洲 角 度 去 拍 貨 真 價 實 的 後 冷 戰 動 作 片, 還 是 遙 看 韓 國, 十 年 一 度 南 北 韓 saga,這次更鬥到柏林,尋找圍牆的不散孤魂。《生死 諜變》的韓石圭自然要坐鎮,與北韓頭號特工(河正宇) 鬥智鬥力,他與妻子(全智賢)國家為先,犧牲骨肉還 是被出賣利用,於是不惜變節,放棄 supremacy,重申 identity,只為了 legacy,跟韓石圭聯手執行不可能的任 務。柳昇完(《無義之城》,35 屆)以流麗影像、準確節 奏,展現電子科技時代的叛逆諜戰。

冷戰青春,反叛永遠有它的理由,世界只給一個蒼白的 藉口。60 年代的倫敦,當性革命遇上冷戰,十三歲的珍 姐和死黨羅莎大聲呼喊:我要自由!珍姐想馬上長大, 大人急了:你暫時做做孩子。教會權威失落,婚姻亦變 得脆弱,大人自己沒底線,不代表珍姐沒有。作家爸爸 竟然搞上羅莎,雙重出賣令珍姐投入反核示威洪流,那 時,都說古巴核武危機。莎莉波特重返思想萌芽歲月, 提點這一代年少輕狂的真義。一頭紅髮的 Elle Fanning, 珍甘比茵的女兒 Alice Englert 以激讚青春解讀青春。


The Berlin File

Ginger & Rosa

Dir: Ryoo Seung-wan  South Korea  2013  120min Cast: Ha Jung-woo, Han Suk-kyu, Gianna Jun, Ryoo Seung-bum

Dir: Sally Potter UK 2012 89min Cast: Elle Fanning, Alessandro Nivola, Christina Hendricks

If the DNA of the 1970s’ great spy thrillers were spliced with Korean blockbuster Shiri’s and updated with modern technology, you might get this lean actioner where paranoia is the norm and trust is a luxury. The story pivots on two North Korean agents and their South Korean counterpart in Berlin working to uncover a mole, a defector and a secret slush fund. The Mossad and CIA operatives and a Russian arms dealer round out the players in a twisty tale of deception and misguided loyalties John le Carré would approve of.

Teenage rebellion takes many forms, especially during the swingin’ ‘60s. From rock n’ roll and the sexual revolution to leftist radicalism and the Cuban Missile Crisis, it was a time of great ideological changes and differences. For Ginger (a terrific Elle Fanning), a budding teen in 1962, it begins with her bohemian parents and her best friend Rosa. But as the Cold War ratchets up, her parents separate, and Ginger becomes more radical in her politics. This slowly leads to the fraying of relationships when a secret affair is revealed.

Dir: Pablo Berger Spain/France 2012 104min Cast: Maribel Verdu, Daniel Gimenez Cacho, Angela Molina



Mirror, Mirror and Snow White and the Huntsman have nothing on Blancanieves – by far the best and most original of recent revisionist takes on the classic Brothers Grimm fairytale. Like The Artist, the film is an ode to early 20th century silent melodrama. But here, Snow White is no longer just a helpless princess – she becomes a fierce bullfighter who must redeem the legacy of her legendary matador father. It’s a sumptuous saga full of passion, flamenco and, well, dwarves. Best Actress and Special Jury Prize, San Sebastian Film Festival.







27/3(三)9:30pm 香港科學館 SM

1/4(一)1:00pm 香港科學館 SM

25/3(一)8:00pm The Grand GC

31/3(日)9:30pm The Grand GC

26/3(二)9:40pm UA朗豪坊 UL

28/3(四)7:30pm UA朗豪坊 UL




導演:奇勒索寶 美國 2012 90 分鐘  中文字幕

導演:亨利阿歷士魯賓 美國 2012 115 分鐘  中文字幕

導演:丹恩阿爾格蘭 美國 2012 99 分鐘  中文字幕

辛丹士電影節首映群起嘩然的話題作。繁忙的一天,快 餐店店長仙達一開門就覺得不對勁,員工疏忽把煙肉都 弄壞了,黃昏又有衛生官巡查,貝琪又如常遲到。然後 電話響起,來人自稱探員,說有顧客被偷錢包。仙達叫 來貝琪,探員在話筒發出指令,幾個男同事見證下,仙 達以搜身為名,將貝琪魚肉,更演至性侵。最惹不安的 是,這是個真人真事。施虐者受虐者幹麼一直不質疑那 權力?人的盲從,竟會走到如此地步!一部驚慄片,給 高明的索寶引申成惡人如何當道的政治寓言。

虛擬的空間,真假之間的那條線很脆弱,很不可靠,網 中人都知道的。由聊天室至臉書,一個尋常的慾望,開 開玩笑、交個網上朋友、向陌生人吐吐苦水,後果都會 不堪設想。改編自真人真事,糾結的三故事線:少年宅 男墮入色慾戲弄陷阱,愈搞愈大鑊;年輕夫婦的婚姻悶 局換了在網上發洩,結果替死鬼遭殃;女記者揭發未成 年色情網,為了事業可能毀掉一個受害人。粒粒星助陣, 名設計師 Marc Jacob 更處男演出,紀錄片的成名導演拍 劇情片,即興演繹,力求虛擬中見真實。

Tim Buckley 和兒子 Jeff,樂與怒傳奇父子,爸爸吸毒過 量廿八歲早逝,兒子遇溺也活不過三十。1991 年二十五 歲的 Jeff 才和父親有真正的交接點,這是影片的開場, Jeff 不情願的參加紀念 Tim 的獻唱會,愛上來幫忙的神秘 女孩,怎料愛神也安排他去了結父子恩怨。Jeff 誕下時, Tim 正跟別的女孩上床,桀敖不馴的爸、鬱鬱寡歡的兒子 從不認識對方。當 Jeff 唱出爸的成名曲,觀眾震撼如遭 雷殛! Jeff 走紅,是三年後的事,但人生已近終點。傳 奇的歌,碰碰跌跌的愛,在在教人回味。



Greetings from Tim Buckley

Dir: Craig Zobel USA 2012 90min Cast: Ann Dowd, Dreama Walker, Pat Healy

Dir: Henry Alex Rubin USA 2012 115min Cast: Alexander Skarsgard, Jason Bateman, Hope Davis

Dir: Dan Algrant USA 2012 99min Cast: Imogen Poots, Penn Badgley

A disturbing tale of intimidation and manipulation, Craig Zobel’s excruciatingly tense film is based on a 2004 reallife incident in which a call was made to a McDonald’s store claiming to be from the police. What happens mirrors the film’s plot: the caller asserts that one of the restaurant’s female employees is suspected of theft. The woman is then subjected to sexual humiliation and harassment, all with the co-operation of her frightened assistant manager. Compliance’s shocking subject matter was the scandal of 2012 Sundance.

Disconnect, like Oscar Best Picture winner Crash, weaves multiple narrative strands and unlikely coincidences to emphasize our contemporary social dysfunction. Unlike Crash, Murderball director Henry Alex Rubin’s film doesn’t sermonize or conveniently tie up all storylines. Uniformly well-acted and tensely plotted, this timely examination of how technology has alienated us from one another should strike a note here in Hong Kong, where smartphones have only increased our isolation, and the internet can be used as a tool for scams or cyberbullying.

Jeff Buckley, eulogized for his soaring tenor and elegiac romanticism, only completed one album in his short life – the 1994 classic Grace. Less known, though equally talented, was his father, folk singer Tim Buckley, whose life was also tragically brief. Greetings from Tim Buckley chronicles an earlier period when the younger Buckley is attempting to make peace with his late father’s legacy while trying to forge his own budding career. The result is a touching father-son relationship and a sweetly charming love affair, graced with Tim Buckley’s music.

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

2013-HKIFF-BF-A-4to16-4C-12.indd 16

13年2月8日 下午4:27

HKIFF Booking Folder full-page 2C Ad_2.indd 1

2013/1/23 2:56:20 PM

24UC3M1 24/3(日)10:30am UA太古城 UC

夜夢三巡 導演:拉烏盧易茲 智利/法國 2012  110 分鐘

Master Class 大師級

拉烏盧易茲(《里斯本密語》,35 屆)的遺作就像個頑童, 時而捉挾時而奇想連翩,直寫死亡竟不帶包袱輕盈如斯, 如在墓裏咯咯笑。主角在三段時空、現實與想像無間穿插, 瀟灑和信心爆棚依然是作者的標記。退了休的西素鎮日心 煩有人來索命,兒時的西素天天跟偶像貝多芬談音樂,和 獨腳船長講大海故事,最搞笑是帶貝多芬開眼界看戲。謀 殺未發生,主角已被殺,無論生死人都繼續演對手戲。盧 易茲大玩電影掩眼法,一鏡直落無懼穿崩視覺震撼。無邊 想像力叫人懷念。另一姊妹作《威靈頓戰線》,頁 40。

Night Across the Street Dir: Raúl Ruiz Chile/France 2012 110min Cast: Christian Vadim, Sergio Hernandez, Valentina Vargas

The late auteur Raúl Ruiz, who passed away last year, finished his epic masterpiece Mysteries Of Lisbon (35th HKIFF) while gravely ill. So it is no surprise that his final work, Night Across the Street, is a farewell of sorts, with Ruiz returning to his homeland of Chile for a playful and dream-like essay-film that recalls earlier works such as City of Pirates (1983) in its eccentricity. Spanning decades and more freely associative than narrative, this chronicle of aging office worker Don Celso’s life reflects the director’s own.

01GC4M3 1/4(一)5:15pm The Grand GC

你知咩係戲? 導演:阿倫雷奈 法國/德國 2012  115 分鐘

阿倫雷奈事先張揚的絕唱,豈能不看!他化身劇場導演, 把十三個幕前班底(都用真名)叫到古堡,排排坐下, 大導在銀幕現身:「我死咗啦,你們看看是否值得把這 劇重演。」說時遲那時快,前衛演繹的《奧菲斯》隨即 開場,劇演正酣,座上班底情不自禁,一對對用雷奈式 重演劇情,電影戲法把場景瞬間挪移:火車站、旅館…… 驚訝啊!不單畫面,還有九十歲老導居然還在實驗。是 《去年在馬倫巴》?《生命是部小說》?都不像,雷奈當 然仍有創意,告別實在不捨得。康城影展競賽片。

You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet Dir: Alain Resnais France/Germany 2012 115min Cast: Mathieu Amalric, Pierre Arditi, Sabine Azema

2009’s deliriously inventive Wild Grass (34th HKIFF) proves that the 90-year-old nouvelle vague pioneer Alain Resnais still has a few tricks up his sleeve. But alas this latest work is announced to be his last, so it is fitting that the result is a cerebral valediction to both theatre and cinema. It opens with close-ups of well-known actors as they receive phone calls telling them of their theatre director friend’s death. Soon, the thespians are summoned to the late man’s home. Thus begins an ingenious conceit that exemplifies Resnais’ wit and playfulness. 18

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

2013-HKIFF-BF-B-17to49-2C-OP.indd 18

13年2月8日 下午4:44

塔維安尼兄弟回顧展 (p.80) Paolo & Vittorio Taviani Retrospective (p.80)






21/3(四)9:45pm UA太古城 UC

23/3(六)10:30am UA太古城 UC

19/3(二)3:15pm UA太古城 UC

21/3(四)7:30pm UA太古城 UC

24/3(日)6:15pm The Grand GC




導演:慕森麥馬巴夫 伊朗 2012 87 分鐘

導演:馬可貝洛奇奧 意大利/法國 2012 115 分鐘

導演:塔維安尼兄弟 意大利 2012 76 分鐘

不可在伊朗拍戲,也可拍伊朗的戲,哪怕要去的是以色 列。麥馬巴夫帶着攝影師兒子,踩上巴哈伊教位於海法 的總堂。前提是伊朗,有太多受盡政府迫害的巴哈伊教 徒。紅花擁簇、綠樹環抱的總堂大花園裏,導演父子用 影機互拍,繼而展開電影的思辯、宗教的激辯,兒子認 為宗教本意是釋放,卻將人奴役,更演發戰爭,如果這 樣,無好過有。 一言不合,兒子走到外面,拍宗教的不 是,到了哭牆。說信仰好的父親,給愛花的巴哈伊園丁 迷得靈魂出了竅。獲貝魯特電影節最佳電影獎。

一宗安樂死引致意大利社會大撕裂,貝洛奇奧(《獨裁者 的情人》,34 屆)讓時間沉澱兩年,才把雷同情節搬上 大銀幕。一眾角色的觀點都不是非黑即白,著名女星(伊 莎貝雨蓓)想盡方法喚醒植物人女兒,良心參議員要投 下有違良心的反對票,跟他意見相左的女兒去參加反安 樂死示威,卻跟對台的男孩一見鍾情,毒癮女病人要尋 死,年輕醫生貼身制止。複雜的劇情線有條不紊劇力十 足娓娓道來,貝洛奇奧以大智化解千古爭議。獲威尼斯 影展拜仁獎及聖保羅電影節國際影評人獎。

從新寫實一路走來,意國大師兄弟已歷經百變,但強烈 風格一直教人心折,新作糅合紀實/虛構和戲中戲,拿 下柏林影展最佳電影金熊獎,是個遲來的肯定。開場一 幕已異常震撼,高度設防監獄內,真正的重犯,口音各 異,背景懸殊,一一亮相試鏡,莎劇《凱撒大帝》一眾 腳色敲定,排演與監牢生活交相鋪展。陰暗的過往和悲 苦的現刻,化成了一股狂怒,替眼前演出的友情、背叛 與殺人注滿奇異能量。藝術的昇華不一定代表心靈的釋 放,認識藝術,囚禁的身體感到莫名的煎熬。

The Gardener

(Bagheban) Dir: Mohsen Makhmalbaf   Iran  2012  87 mins Cast: Mohsen Makhmalbaf, Maysam Makhmalbaf, Eona Ririva

Dormant Beauty (Bella addormentata) Dir: Marco Bellocchio Italy/France 2012 115min Cast: Isabelle Huppert, Toni Servillo, Alba Rohrwacher

Caesar Must Die (Cesare deve morire)

Mohsen Makhmalbaf and his son Maysam train their inquisitive lens on the Baha’i faith as they visit the religion’s headquarters and gardens in Haifa. Marking the first time in decades since an Iranian film has been shot in Israel, the father-and-son team examines the pros and cons of faith as they visit believers and places of pilgrimage. Beyond being a dialogue between opposing views about religion, war and politics, The Gardener is an intelligent, open-minded exploration about faith through the power of cinematic investigation.

Ever-political master director Marco Bellochio has enlisted powerhouse actors Isabelle Huppert and Tony Servillo in his latest cause: euthanasia. Thoughtprovoking and intelligently handled yet tenderly humane, the film is set in 2009 when the Eluana Englaro case in Italy, in which a father fought for 17 years to let his vegetative daughter die naturally, sparked a national debate. Three separate, multilayered stories are skillfully woven around the issue, showing us multiple viewpoints around a hot-button issue that has no easy answers.

More than three decades after their Cannes winner Padre Padrone (1977), the Taviani brothers has made an astonishing return with Berlin Golden Bear winner Caesar Must Die. In this quasi-documentary, the directors cast real inmates – many of them serving long sentences or life imprisonment – to stage Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. Though none are professional actors, these hardened criminals devote themselves to the project and produce a performance that proves how art can move even the hardest of men.





27/3(三)3:30pm UA太古城 UC

31/3(日)10:15pm 香港文化中心 KG

27/3(三)10:00pm 香港文化中心 KG

27/3(三)7:15pm 香港文化中心 KG




導演:貝納度貝托魯奇 意大利 2012 103 分鐘

導演:北野武 日本 2012 112 分鐘  中文字幕

導演:山田洋次 日本 2013 146 分鐘  中文字幕

大家可能都期待北野武回歸,好歹拍出花火吧,《全員惡 人》兇神惡煞得沒神沒氣,還來個狗尾續貂?北野武首 次拍續集大條道理,黑吃黑需要補完,更需要拍出個真 火來。沒錯,這次有真火。上集在山王會坐正的三浦友 和要闖政界,觸動警方神經,貪污警小日向文世暗中鼓 動關西的花菱會,挑起江湖爭鬥,更徵用死而復生、遭 山王會出賣的北野武重出江湖。北野武一亮相就說:誰 說我還是個黑社會!真箇撲朔迷離高潮一浪浪,以血腥 反血腥,出賣又雙重出賣,北野武詭秘回來了。

長年位列世界十大經典的《東京物語》,已屆六十周年, 最想重拍的山田洋次,終如願更成了他執導五十周年紀 念作,新版增加後 311 震蕩,別有懷抱。山田保留小津 的人物和劇情主線,兩老從瀨戶內海到東京訪兒女,遇 上子女冷淡,但幼子(妻夫木聰)在新作重生,是個反 叛兒子,對兩老最貼心的,仍是幼子未婚妻紀子─舊作 由原節子飾演、如今換成幾分相像的蒼井優。經典無從 模仿,山田的優點是不模仿,戲的情懷全屬於山田的, 像所有好的重拍,會令人想看原作,也想看山田的舊作。

Me and You (Io e Te) Dir: Bernardo Bertolucci Italy 2012 103min Cast: Jacopo Olmo Antinori, Tea Falco, Sonia Bergamasco

Outrage Beyond (Autoreiji Biyondo) Dir: Kitano Takeshi  Japan  2012  112min Cast: Kitano Takeshi, Kase Ryo, Nishida Toshiyuki

Tokyo Family

Wheelchair-bound Bernardo Bertolucci’s first work in 9 years since The Dreamers and his first in Italian in 30 years prove to be a welcome return. Like The Dreamers, the film intimately focuses on adolescents, but this time the subject is a reclusive and withdrawn 14-year-old boy who lies to his parents about going on a school skiing trip and holes himself up in the basement for a week. But his quiet life is interrupted by his heroin fiend of a half-sister who frequents the cellar as well.

A huge success at the Japanese box office, the bloody, outrageous Outrage Beyond is a direct continuation of the first Outrage – a classic yakuza yarn with the Kitano brand of inventive violence and pitch-black humor. The more streamlined plot concerns several yakuza clans vying for power while expanding their influences into legitimate businesses. But in this dog-eat-dog world, even the cops are just as conniving as the criminals. The named actors clearly relish their outsized roles as their characters mete out excessive but satisfying brutality.

If any filmmaker were to dare remake Ozu Yasujiro’s landmark Tokyo Story, it could only be Yamada Yoji, in the 50th year of his considerable career. Following the catastrophe of March 11, Yamada chose to pay homage rather than remake the classic. Tokyo Family sees an elderly couple, Shukichi and Tomiko, travel from their Seto Island Sea home to visit their adult children in Tokyo where, despite the kids’ hopes, they feel out of sorts. Yamada’s latest is a portrait of contemporary Japanese family dynamics whose simplicity belies its depth.

《戲夢巴黎》(28 屆)後,貝托魯奇已困在輪椅十載,重 新掌鏡恍看破世情,幽閉非等同恐懼而是自由,偏愛青 春故事的導演更能體味今日的宅男心境。十四歲的火星 臉獨男向母親撒謊去宿營,其實窩在地牢一周編織小天 地,陪伴的唯一生物,是養在缸中的蟻窩。但人算不如 天算,同父異母的吸毒姐姐闖進私密空間,陌生的姐弟 同室生活,由吵鬧、誘惑,進至坦白,獨男走出了感情 衣櫃。貝托魯奇以鏡位和光線變化,把密室風景拍得千 變萬化,更有他堅守的菲林感性,果然大師。

Dir: Yamada Yoji Japan 2013 146min Cast: Tsumabuki Satoshi, Aoi Yu, Nakajima Tomoko

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

2013-HKIFF-BF-B-17to49-2C-OP-revise.indd 19

大師級 Master Class

Dir: Paolo & Vittorio Taviani  Italy  2012  76min Cast: Salvatore Striano, Cosimo Rega, Giovanni Arcuri


13年2月14日 下午1:09

大師級 Master Class 20






23/3(六)5:15pm UA iSQUARE IS

28/3(四)3:00pm 香港藝術中心 AC

24/3(日)10:30am 香港太空館 SP

27/3(三)7:15pm 香港大會堂 CT

24/3(日)4:45pm UA太古城 UC




導演:曼勞迪奧利菲拉 葡萄牙/法國 95 分鐘

導演:哥倫柏斯卡渣域治 塞爾維亞/克羅地亞 2012 90 分鐘

導演:洪尚秀 南韓 2012 89 分鐘

還沒有歐羅的年代,慈母一心等待失蹤八年的兒子回家。 她的丈夫擔屎唔偷食,卻有着不可告人的秘密。被等待 的不可能是果陀,不會提供救贖,卻仍不致身處慾望的 虛位,一切不過是敗家子寓言的變奏默默上演;大家迎 來的,只要不像《安徒生童話》裏的影子便好了。不錯, 迪奧利菲拉繼續如發放年終報告般,定期交出作業。104 歲仍創作不倦的萄葡牙國寶,這次改編魯爾布朗達奧的 舞台劇,赤裸裸展示了何謂場面調度。也許有天我們的 文化史會這樣寫:「老迪一拍片,上帝便發笑」。

開場的紀錄片段是昔日猶太人集中營,今天的吉卜賽人 聚居地,歷史沒留下一點痕跡,卻仍嗅得着那氣味。柏 斯卡渣域治(《蜜月勿越》,34 屆)改編的真人真事在這 裏展開,退休音樂教授拿到集中營遺址掘出的盒子,內 藏自己身世,更有猶太音樂家─他的生父─未寫完的 樂譜。他原來非農家孩子,音樂養份是父親早早播下的! 他要完成父親遺願,找朋友幫忙卻遭一一婉拒。主角悲 傷的目光,帶出今世仍不息的人類傾軋,忘記歷史,人 就沒有將來。同場加映《夜班》(15 分)。

伊莎貝雨蓓你好嘢!好彩有她慧眼找洪尚秀,才知文化 趣味竟可這麼撞擊出來。雨蓓做回自己,一個異國女子, 無縫一樣嵌進洪尚秀的無常世界裏。宜人的海邊小鎮, 三個雨蓓,三段勾留:法國女導演度假遇友人索吻;富 商妻和情人幽會好事多磨;失婚女的佛緣和孽緣要理還 亂。餓虎擒羊的肌男救生員趣致的穿梭三故事,和雨天、 雨傘、燈塔等母題都一樣神秘。異色不限於眼前的金髮 女,彷彿情慾的框框也可鬆動鬆動。是耶非耶?洪尚秀 的命題最會辯證,更會搞笑。

Gebo and the Shadow (Gebo et l’ombre) Dir: Manoel de Oliveira  Portugal/France  2012  95min Cast:Michael Lonsdale, Claudia Cardinale, Ricardo Trepa

When Day Breaks

In Another Country (Dareun Naraeseo)

Dir: Goran Paskaljevic Serbia/Croatia/France 2012 90min Cast: Mustafa Nadarevic, Predrag Ejdus, Nebojsa Glogovac

Dir: Hong Sang-soo  South Korea  2012  89min Cast: Isabelle Huppert, Yu Jun-sang, Jung Yumi

104-year-old Manoel de Oliveira remains tireless and vital. Assembling a cast of ace veteran thespians, he changes gears from the more experimental The Strange Case of Angelica (35th HKIFF) to embark on this classically theatrical new work, based on Raul Brandao’s play. Claudia Cardinale is striking as the mother who has heard little of her son for eight years. Unbeknownst to her, the family has been hiding the truth about him from her all this time. The eventual return of the prodigal son has devastating consequences for the family.

Misha Brankov, a retired music professor, receives a box that was excavated from a Nazi concentration camp. In it, he discovers that his real name is not Brankov, but Weiss. Thus begins his quest to discover the truth about his family’s past and to complete his father’s final composition. Goran Paskaljevic (Honeymoons, 34th HKIFF) returns with a remarkable story inspired by the life of the director’s best friend. Its relevance is not just to the past, but to the oppression that still exists in modern-day Serbia. Screening with Night Shift (15 min).

Auteur Hong Sang-soo’s latest cinematic riff tells three similar stories about love and loss that are all set in the grungy seaside town of Mohang, South Korea. Legendary French actress Isabelle Huppert plays three distinct characters – all foreigners – who visit Mohang and chance upon a hunky, muscular lifeguard. The famously controlled Huppert is taken out of her comfort zone to great effect in this jazzy comic romance that amuses with its myriad of cultural faux-pas and quasiromantic entanglements.






19/3(二)5:30pm UA太古城 UC

24/3(日)6:45pm UA太古城 UC

22/3(五)3:00pm The Grand GC

26/3(二)9:45pm 香港文化中心 KG

24/3(日)12:45pm 2/4(二)9:45pm UA太古城 UC 香港文化中心 KG





導演:洪尚秀 南韓 2013 90 分鐘

導演:堅盧治 英國/法國/比利時 2012 101 分鐘  中文字幕

導演:泰倫斯馬力 美國 2012 112 分鐘  中文字幕

洪尚秀角逐柏林影展金熊獎的最新作。本是洪尚秀的典 型男主角,這次卻換上女兒角度,大學女生海沅的母親 明天要移民,孤獨難以忍受,她下了一個更孤獨的決定: 跟已婚的教授說分手。男同學風聞,狂蜂飛至,教授也 不依,死纏爛打。海沅避情,跑到山上古堡,獨享清靜。 一個快將春暖的日子,她發現了燒酒,也發現了熟悉的 歌—她的避難所。洪尚秀這次的女主角特愛做夢,夢裏 夢外,總分不清,醒來像在異鄉。故事看似直線,其實 曲走,夢與真實加起來,才夠圓滿。

英國電影大師堅盧治最新社會喜劇,康城影展評審團獎 力作。剛當上爸爸的小混混羅比一心想改過自新,打算 服完社區勞動令就重新開始,但江湖恩怨不容他說退就 退。他誤撞酒廠參觀之旅,意外發掘了自己品酒的異稟 舌尖,為開創新生活,一場山寨烏龍版的不可能任務也 就此展開。繼《尋找簡東拿》的仲夏足球夢,堅叔這回 向蘇格蘭百年威士忌致敬,英式幽默不失火喉,對囿困 底層的生命更不離不棄。能醞釀出橡木桶的純麥人生菁 華,品味飽滿的醇厚人性,唯有堅盧治。

泰倫斯馬力創作大解放,《生命樹》後罕有的以極速炮製 姊妹作。宇宙奧秘的沉思之後,這次置身愛情和宗教的 人類荒原。神奇的聖米歇爾山,讓 Neil 肯定了眼前真愛, Marina 跟他回到無垠的奧克拉荷馬草原生活,當愛情日 變稀薄,各自發現了更可愛的人。都說愛難久持,情義 亦兩難全,但愛,該有種種面相。也是瑰麗的鏡頭和影 像先行,複雜的多層次音響和配樂,在在跟觀者的夢境、 回憶,甚至潛意識對話。大師勇闖解放敘事詩電影,又 建奇功。獲威尼斯影展天主教文化獎。

Nobody’s Daughter Haewon

The Angels’ Share

To the Wonder

Dir: Hong Sang-soo  South Korea  2013  90min Cast: Jung Eun-chae, Lee Sun-kyun, Kim Eui-sung

Dir: Ken Loach UK/France/Belgium 2012 101min Cast: Paul Brannigan, John Henshaw, Gary Maitland

Dir: Terrence Malick USA 2012 112min Cast: Ben Affleck, Javier Bardem, Rachel McAdams

Less than a year after another female-led story, the Isabelle Huppert starrer In Another Country, Hong Sangsoo returns with a chronicle, told in a diary format, of a young woman’s emotional journey over a few days. Haewon, a college student, is feeling abandoned after her mother is set to immigrate to Canada. She wants to end her secret affair with her unsupportive professor, but he refuses. Things turn for the worse when her classmates discover her illicit romance, sending Haewon into a self-imposed cocoon…

Ken Loach’s strand of social realism gets a much-needed dose of comedy in this Cannes Jury Prize-winner about Scottish youths stuck in a seemingly permanent cycle of unemployment and crime. Robbie, a young father who barely escapes a prison sentence, is assigned to community service. There, he meets up with fellow hooligans in similar circumstances due to their criminal records and lack of prospects. Little do they know that drinking would be the solution to their problems…not the cheap grog type, but the finest of malt whisky.

“It makes The Tree of Life look like Transformers,” quipped lead actor Ben Affleck when asked about Terrence Malick’s latest, a romance about a man and his relationship with two women. On full display are the director’s trademarks – meditative voice-overs, breathtaking cinematography and a stirring score. With a Christian streak that is more pronounced than his previous Cannes Palme d’Or-winning film, To the Wonder sheds tropes such as characterization, dialogue and plot for a ravishing and uncompromising take on universal truths.

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

2013-HKIFF-BF-B-17to49-2C-OP.indd 20

13年2月8日 下午4:44












3:50 PM



23/3(六)12:30pm 25/3(一)9:30pm UA太古城 UC UA太古城 UC

The Paradise Trilogy 天堂三部曲

奧地利奇才尤里塞德原只有一部「天 堂」,包含媽媽、姨媽和女兒三人尋找 天堂的故事,但拍呀拍,材料太多,無 法一部講完,唯有一分三,各自表述。 可是,如果你按塞德的原意,三部天堂 順序去看,啟悟自會無窮。三天堂正如 三主角,其實互扣,愛情、性慾、肉體 的感情衝擊互相參照,意義波瀾壯濶。 With master Austrian filmmaker Michael Haneke becoming increasingly accepted by mainstream establishments such as the Oscars, leave it to his fellow compatriot Ulrich Seidl to comfortably take the enfant terrible mantle. Ever since his feature debut Dog Days stormed Venice Film Festival and won him the Grand Jury Prize, Seidl’s formalistic and provocative works have vaulted him to the upper echelon of auteur directors. The Paradise trilogy, originally meant to be one film with three stories but now split into three individual feature-lengths, represents Seidl’s most accomplished and compassionate works despite each of his protagonist’s deeply-rooted sense of loneliness and dysfunction.



23/3(六)3:00pm UA太古城 UC

26/3(二)9:30pm UA太古城 UC



23/3(六)5:30pm UA太古城 UC

27/3(三)9:30pm UA太古城 UC

導演/演員將出席與觀眾見面 This screening will be attended by the director and/or actors 22

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

2013-HKIFF-BF-B-17to49-2C-OP-revise.indd 22

13年2月14日 下午1:11

天堂三部曲之愛 導演:尤里塞德  奧地利/德國/法國  2012  120 分鐘

大家請接狠招,《出入人口》(32 屆)已證明塞德的挑釁太會刺激道德神經,這次再 奉上更辣的三部曲。首篇美其名曰愛情,奧國肥師奶到肯雅尋歡,壯美黑男在沙灘, 一字排開任挑選,但買賣的甜言蜜語,卻騙倒肥師奶,以為錢可換來愛情。姊妹給她 送上黑裸男做生日禮物,性別換轉你會以為很尋常的一幕,頓時諷刺得很淋漓,殖民 主義反轉豬肚再不是那麼簡單,剝削已經變成一條雙行道。女角勇敢裸體的自然演繹, 在畫面製造神效,和健碩黑男的對比煞是奇觀。康城影展競賽片。

Paradise: Love (Paradies: Liebe) Dir: Ulrich Seidl  Austria/Germany/France  2012  120min Cast: Margarethe Tiesel, Peter Kazungu, Inge Maux The first of the Paradise trilogy, which was in Cannes Competition, follows 50-yearold Teresa to a beach resort in Kenya. There, she meets young black men who are more than willing to have sex with her. In desperate need for love and attention, she begins to buy into the charms of Munga, who at first does not demand payments for his services, but soon asks for money for his relatives. This unglamorous depiction of sex tourism and its ability to lure in lonely and vulnerable middle-aged women contains wonderful moments of convincing naturalism as well as Seidl’s impressive visual stylistics. The film recently swept the Austrian Film Awards.

天堂三部曲之信 導演:尤里塞德 奧地利/德國/法國 2012 113 分鐘

尋找天堂來到第二站。妹妹到肯雅買愛,安瑪莉卻用耶穌的胸膛打救自己。她放假便 帶着聖母像,挨家挨戶傳道。她享受跪十字架前抽打背脊,也愛跟耶穌「上床」登極 樂仙界。但當失踪兩年的丈夫─一個回教徒,忽然坐輪椅回家,安瑪莉必須打她的 聖戰。塞德不只將性和宗教壓抑赤裸挑撥,更將回教和天主教共放一室,反轉定型, 製造連場荒誕又搞笑的黑色衝突。畫面顏色和肉體官感,以至大模斯樣的挑釁,都有 Lucian Freud 的迫力。威尼斯影展惹來意國傳媒狂轟褻瀆宗教,仍捧走評審團大獎。

Paradise: Faith (Paradies: Glaube) Dir: Ulrich Seidl  Austria/Germany/France  2012  113min Cast: Marie Hofstätter, Nabil Saleh, Natalija Baranova

Premiering at Venice Film Festival to much controversy, the second Paradise concerns Love protagonist Teresa’s sister Anna Maria. Highly devout, Anna Maria goes doorto-door to proselytize others on Jesus’ love, even as she herself takes that devotion to shocking new levels of intimacy. But things take an unexpected turn when her paraplegic husband Nabil returns, causing a disruption to her normal routines. In a refreshing twist, the Muslim Nabil represents the moderate view to Anna Maria’s fervent Christianity. At times surprisingly humorous despite the couple’s escalating war, the film showcases the humanity in both characters’ dispositions. Special Jury Prize and CinemAvvenire Award, Venice Film Festival.

包 電 影 節 目, 不 月 2 日 ) 各場 4 至 日 17 年3月 名家講座 期 間(2013 大師班及香港 • 觀 賞 電 影 節 有放映、國際 所 目 節 」頒獎 備 特 料館 亞洲電影大獎 括香港電影資 17 日)及「 月 3 年 13 20 影 門 票 兩 張( • 獲贈開幕電 進 場( 滿 座 張 行證人士同時 通 典禮入場券兩 有 持 或 票 同一位持 座 *, 並 可 攜 • 優 先 進 場 入 刊 :劉偉強》特 場次除外) 及《焦點影人 刊 特 》 節 影 際電 十七屆香港國 • 獲贈《第三 各一本 聯絡 鐘與場地職員 ), not 開映前十五分 次 場 各 於 請 – 2 April 2013 * d (17 March rio Class pe r al te iv as st M ring Fe Programmes, screenings du Contribution ’s ve hi • Admit to all rc A g Kong Film r “Asian including Hon d 2 tickets fo ce Fa to arch 2013) an M 7 and Face (1 lm Fi pening tickets for O ket • Receive 2 n Ceremony companying tic tio ta en es Pr ” * with one ac gs in en re Film Awards sc ce for all iority admittan reenings) er in Focus: • Receive pr ept sold out sc xc (e er ld and “Filmmak ho ss pa or er ld ain Catalogue” ho M F IF K H h 7t py of both “3 • Get one co u” La fore the show Andrew 15 minutes be e and contact * Please arriv

venue staff

天堂三部曲之望 導演:尤里塞德 奧地利/法國/德國 2013 91 分鐘

媽媽去肯雅買愛,姨媽去敲門傳道,十三歲的女兒瑪蓮妮也不弱,去了瘦身營。瘦身 營特選奧地利山區,體力操營養課之外,少不了枕頭交,也有山區的士高偷嚐美酒, 但解禁了的,卻是慾望。瑪蓮妮愛上比她大四十年的營地醫生,用盡了渾身解數,希 望在人間。尤里塞德的鏡頭敏銳不在話下,他更利用山區單調背景,令每種細微的出 軌舉動、含蓄的情感宣示都加倍放大。三個天堂,這個可算最溫柔的了,因為瑪蓮妮 有希望,她信愛情非幻象,真心真意勇闖人生新階段。入圍角逐柏林影展金熊獎。

Paradise: Hope (Paradies: Hoffnung) Dir: Ulrich Seidl  Austria/Germany/France  2013  91min Cast: Melanie Lenz, Vivian Bartsch, Joseph Lorenz The final Paradise chapter befits its name, as the third film (in Berlin competition), which concentrates on the daughter of Love’s Teresa, is by far the most hopeful. Thirteen-year-old Melanie is enrolled in a special diet camp located in the Austrian Alps. Despite the physical exercises and nutritional counselling, Melanie behaves like other teens: pillow fights, cigarettes and binge drinking at discos. That is, until she falls for the doctor who is 40 years her senior and whom she must win over. This time, unlike her mother and aunt, the desire for love and acceptance does not necessarily have to end in heartbreak.

• 觀 賞 2013 年 3 月 17 日至4月 節 目, 不 2日期間 包括3月 各場未 17 日 下 開幕電影 滿座的 午9時4 、香港電 電影節 5分於香 影 資料館特 香港名家 港 會 展中心 講座 備節目所 放 映之 有 放 映、 • 獲贈《 國際大師 第三十七 班 及 屆香港國 際電影節 • Admit 》特刊一 to all non 本 -sold-out Opening screenings Film held (From 17 on 17 Mar Centre, H March - 2 ch 2013, ong Kong Apri 9:45pm at Film Arch and Face HK Conve l 2013), except ive’s Con to Face ntio tribution • Get on Programm n & Exhibition e copy of es, Maste “The 37th r Class HKIFF M ain Catalo gue”

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

2013-HKIFF-BF-B-17to49-2C-OP.indd 23


13年2月8日 下午4:44



21/3(四)3:30pm UA太古城 UC

27/3(三)7:30pm UA太古城 UC

第五季:世界終結時 導演:彼得布森斯、積絲嘉韋蕙芙 比利時/荷蘭 2012 94 分鐘



大自然大反撲,人類末日時我們的人性還剩下多少?兩 導繼《大草原安魂曲》、《高原烈女》(31、34 屆)後拍 三部曲的超現實終結篇。這年冬節,村上驅邪的火祭沒 能生火,噩夢連連到來。養蜂人的蜜蜂飛走了,牛擠不 出奶,種子不長芽,牲口受感染。冬去春夏來,日曆只 管轉,老天卻紋風不動,雪如常下。三少年主角的躁動 青春過渡無期,人倫更開始翻天,背叛自己也背叛身體。 塔可夫斯基的景致裏,寡言沉着的鏡頭奏起一闋地球怨 曲。獲西班牙巴亞多利電影節評審團特別獎。

The Fifth Season (La cinquième saison) Dir: P. Brosens, J. Woodworth  Belgium/The Netherlands  2012  94min Cast: Aurélia Poirier, Django Schrevens, Sam Louwyck

In one rural Belgian village, the ceremonial burning of Uncle Winter’s effigy goes awry when the pyre mysteriously fails to light. Soon, bees begin to die off, seeds refuse to grow and cows stop giving milk. And winter extends to spring, then summer, then fall…The directors of Khadak (31st HKIFF) and Altiplano (34th HKIFF) return with their most accomplished work yet – a ravishingly surreal parable that opens with wry humour before descending into increasingly unsettling doomsday scenarios. Arca CinemaGiovani Award, Venice Film Festival.



18/3(一)7:15pm The Grand GC

20/3(三)2:00pm The Grand GC

三姊妹 導演:王兵 法國/香港  2012 153 分鐘

儘管形式沒有《鐵西區》及《和鳳鳴》(27、32 屆)的 極端,卻延續王兵一貫的嚴謹紀實手法,無配樂、無旁 白、無訪談,直面民族繁榮的虛妄,鏡頭的穿透力同樣 驚天動地。畫面大部份時間是農村裏年紀小小的三姊妹 在作息,單親的爹到城市打工,十歲不到的大姊英英扛 起照顧妹妹的職責,看她趕羊、餵豬,甚至姊妹互捉爬 在身上的蝨子─極端的,原來是貧窮的面相!幽暗的室 內,到寒風凜冽或霧鎖迷濛的山坡,畫面亦不時湧現油 畫的質感和詩意。獲威尼斯影展地平線最佳電影獎。

Three Sisters Dir: Wang Bing France/Hong Kong 2012 153min

導演/演員將出席與觀眾見面 This screening will be attended by the director and/or actors 24

Wang Bing cements his reputation as China’s preeminent documentarian in this gruelling film about abject poverty in rural China. In this observational film chronicling sisters Yingying, Zhenzhen and Fenfen’s remote mountain village days, Wang captures moments of childlike joy that vividly clash with the squalor and disadvantages the girls, and other children like them, live with. With education a pipe dream and hard labour a reality, Wang also shows just how removed from China’s booming urban centres villages like this truly are.

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

2013-HKIFF-BF-B-17to49-2C-OP.indd 24

13年2月8日 下午4:44







26/3(二)9:45pm The Grand GC

30/3(六)7:00pm The Grand GC

18/3(一)7:15pm UA太古城 UC

20/3(三)3:00pm UA太古城 UC

19/3(二)3:00pm UA iSQUARE IS

21/3(四)7:15pm UA iSQUARE IS




導演:奧利維亞阿薩耶茲 法國 2012 122 分鐘

導演:沙基羅斯尼薩 德國/俄羅斯/白俄羅斯 2012  128 分鐘

導演;馬高泰尼奧佐丹拿 意大利/法國 2012 125 分鐘

大戰期間納粹德國曾侵佔白俄,那段歷史難分難解,白 俄導演踏着塔可夫斯基和蘇古諾夫,甚至貝拉塔爾的足 印,構築一個人和神面對都難堪的處境。德軍活捉幾個 叛黨辣手處決,卻放走一個,按常理此人必是賣國賊, 連妻兒都這樣想。當地下同黨來索命,阿塞很自然拿起 鏟子跟着走─自掘墳墓去!雖然有口說不清,無辜的阿 塞可還有他的自由意志。執守一場一鏡,首作《我快樂 你大鑊》(35 屆)在康城驚艷的羅斯尼薩以強烈風格渾 成生與死的諷刺對話。獲康城影展國際影評人獎。

個 個 政 府 都 有 不 想 提 起 的 過 去, 美 國 是 越 戰, 中 國 是 六四,意大利就是米蘭慘案了。《燦爛人生》大導佐丹拿 操刀,時維 1969,希臘變色,意國極左極右都在蠢動, 米蘭銀行遭襲擊爆炸,釀死傷無數。探員抓來無政府主 義者問話,卻遭上頭迫寫供詞,疑犯躍下身亡。滿腹疑 團的探員窮追猛打,碰到污穢邋遢的政治,暗殺陰謀無 所不用其極,連美國北約都不乾淨。踏着羅西的傳統, 情節有條不紊章節鋪排,全無 CGI 真功夫重現歷史時空, 全片緊張迷人。獲卡羅維瓦利電影節評審團特別獎。

Something in the Air (Après Mai) Dir: Olivier Assayas France 2012 122min Cast: Clément Métayer, Lola Créton, Félix Armand, Carole Combes

In the Fog (V Tumane) Dir: Sergei Loznitsa Germany/Russia/Belarus 2012 128min Cast: Vladimir Svirski, Vlad Abashin, Sergei Kolesov

Piazza Fontana: The Italian Conspiracy

“After May”, the film’s French title, directly refers to the May 1968 student-led riots which was a political and cultural touchstone in France. Olivier Assayas’ atmospheric, historical chronicle of young revolutionaries marvelously captures the zeitgeist of the times. It also faintly draws a quasi-autobiographical portrait of the director himself, with protagonist Gilles roughly mirroring Assayas’ path from upper-class leftist radicalism to following in his father’s footsteps and working in film. Best Screenplay, Venice Film Festival.

With just his second feature film, a gripping moral tale set during World War II, Sergei Loznitsa (My Joy, 35th HKIFF) proves himself the heir of Soviet-era cinematic masters. The virtuoso first shots establish the alarming reality of Sushenya, a railway worker sentenced by the Nazis to the gallows. Inexplicably pardoned while his comrades were hanged, his release is viewed with suspicion by the whole town. Soon, the local resistance fighters arrive to take Sushenya to an unknown fate. FIPRESCI prize, Cannes Film Festival.

The 1960s were a turbulent period in Italy’s history, as Giordano’s latest drama about the investigation into the notorious bombing at the Banca Nazionale dell’Agricoltura in Milan illustrates. Revolving around police captain Luigi as he investigates the crime, what appears to be a simple act of anarchic terrorism quickly blossoms into a far more complex plot whose effects would be felt for years to come. Pitch-perfect performances and production design make for a political thriller where truth is stranger than fiction.

Dir: Marco Tullio Giordana  Italy/France  2012  125min Cast: Valerio Mastandrea, Pierfrancesco Favino, Michela Cescon







30/3(六)3:00pm 香港藝術中心 AC

1/4(一)6:00pm 香港文化中心 KG

27/3(三)8:15pm The Grand GC

2/4(二)7:30pm The Grand GC

21/3(四)9:30pm UA朗豪坊 UL

24/3(日)7:40pm UA朗豪坊 UL




導演:園子溫 日本 2012 161 分鐘

導演:卡路斯雷加達斯 墨西哥/法國/德國 2012 120 分鐘

導演:布里揚文杜沙 菲律賓 2012 106 分鐘

就是有人認為會教壞人的電影,黑幫、仇殺、血腥、性 愛、同性愛,園子溫的母題全都在這裏。拍在香港回歸 前的 150 小時毛片,因資金不足而難產,去年才剪成近 三小時的版本。中日黑幫死鬥的故事,當年像科幻,今 日神推鬼使變成寫實了。園子溫擔起主角,跟他成立的 東京 Gagaga 成員數百,拍出史詩規模的廝殺。中日黑幫 在中央線沿線搶地盤,在九七回歸日,各自爆發大叛變, 羅密歐與茱麗葉黑幫雷絲邊故事貫穿其間。繁忙東京街 頭打游擊拍成,全片散發獨立美學的漂亮能量。

雷加達斯(《謐光》,32 屆)贏得康城最佳導演獎之作, 這個墨國最難以捉摸最富才情的導演,把敘事敲得破碎, 影像亦語不驚人死不休,銀幕比例復古,更用特殊數碼 鏡頭製造失焦效果。一開場小女孩在暮色四合的積水荒 原遊蕩,在牛馬與狗吠之間,已先聲奪人拍出人與自然 的兩面性,遍體紅光的魔鬼緊接出場……那是電影藝術 的極致,幕幕都是震撼和驚異。一家四口野外生活,由 婚前雜交派對,對比婚後頹敗身軀,雷加達斯以想像力 勾勒大家不敢正視的人生曲線圖。

不育的妻子,為丈夫物色女人再婚生子,這大抵是文杜 沙最溫柔慈悲之作吧。等等,開場有生仔實錄,後來更 斬牛頭,《男孩看見血地獄》(34 屆)的導演,肯定叫你 坐立不安。在暴力世界,居住了最善良的民族,海上吉 卜賽人巴瑤族,在婆羅洲對開海面,文杜沙讓美麗的大 海環抱銀幕,為這個族群貼身寫生活血淚史。海盜儘管 搶漁獲又傷人,卻不比女主角的憂患煩擾,末了為丈夫 籌備婚宴一幕,痛心又感人,菲島傳奇女星主演,摘下 亞太電影獎最佳導演及女演員獎,威尼斯亦連奪三獎。

Bad Film

Post Tenebras Lux

Thy Womb

Dir: Sion Sono Japan 2012 161min Cast: Sion Sono, Tokyo Gagaga

Dir: Carlos Reygadas Mexico/France/Germany 2012 120min Cast: Rut Reygadas, Eleazar Reygadas, Adolfo Jiménez Castro

Dir: Brillante Mendoza  The Philippines  2012  106min Cast: Nora Aunor, Bembol Rocco, Lovi Poe

Shot in 1995 but left unfinished due to financial difficulties, this is Sion Sono’s most representative early work before the successes of later films such as 2002’s Suicide Club. Recorded on obsolete Hi-8 hand-held with members of Sion’s Tokyo Gagaga performance collective, this is a lo-fi, guerilla-style epic gangland struggle between Japanese vigilantes and foreign (especially Chinese) gangsters set around Tokyo’s Chuo metro line. Bad Film is remarkable for what it manages to achieve with no budget and succinctly showcases Sion’s resourceful ingenuity.

Ever the provocateur, Carlos Reygadas returns with this surrealist Cannes Best Director winner. But provocation is expected from Battle in Heaven (30th HKIFF) filmmaker, who now dispenses with the narrative for dreamlike, non-linear experimentalism. The opening sequence is sublime: a small girl wanders the countryside as a deafening storm approaches. What follows afterwards is rarely expected, from the CGI devil to the scene of a rugby match in England, demonstrating Reygadas’ singular and mesmerizing vision.

Considered a national treasure in the Philippines, Nora Aunor gives a sympathetic, quietly resilient performance in her long-awaited return. Brillante Mendoza’s drama, set in the Muslim island of Tawi-Tawi, is a fascinating ethnographic study of a culture rarely seen on-screen, though not without intimations of violence and the reality of poverty. Aunor plays Shalena, a midwife who herself cannot bear a child. Despite her happy marriage to her husband and an adopted nephew, she decides to find him a second bride.

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

2013-HKIFF-BF-B-17to49-2C-OP.indd 25

作者風 Auteurs

《豺狼卡洛斯》(35 屆)後狀態巔峰的阿薩耶茲,以同樣 的叛逆精神、抽離的浪漫情懷和輕盈爽朗的拍攝手法, 上溯 70 年代自己的成長期炮製半自傳。68 學運五月風 暴後的歲月依然火紅,高中生阿茲每晚跟戰友忙於塗鴉 派傳單,早上埋首心愛的繪畫,也吸取馬克思的養份。 他談了一場靈與慾的戀愛,再避禍意大利過其波希米亞 生活,和戰友政見分歧,結果回來巴黎,發現了電影, 更去倫敦幫忙拍納粹戰恐龍的怪雞片。年輕的腦袋總在 幻變,也因此迷人。獲威尼斯影展最佳編劇獎。


13年2月8日 下午4:44







18/3(一)9:30pm UA朗豪坊 UL

20/3(三)7:40pm UA朗豪坊 UL

23/3(六)2:30pm The Grand GC

25/3(一)9:30pm The Grand GC

20/3(三)7:45pm The Grand GC

24/3(日)9:50pm The Grand GC




導演:尊羅德基斯、尊達馬塔 葡萄牙/法國 2012  85 分鐘

導演:基斯頓孟祖 羅馬尼亞/法國 2012 152 分鐘  中文字幕

導演:巴曼哥巴迪 伊拉克庫爾德/土耳其 2012 93 分鐘

去年最怪雞之作。我們的鄰居不斷的火樹銀花,前殖民 宗 主 國 的 懷 舊 怎 好 安 放? 葡 萄 牙 導 演 三 十 年 前 居 住 澳 門,懷這個舊原是一部紀錄片,但拍呀拍,面目全非了。 神 秘 人 到 了 澳 門, 易 服 男 友 Candy 正 處 水 深 火 熱, 依 Candy 的指示來到南灣某路口,漫長人肉搜索中,發現 澳門變變變,Candy 變得很抽象,他迷路了。澳門是東 方主義的恣意投射? Chris Marker 不夠飄移,黑色電影 的包裝稍嫌累贅,那便敲碎類型好了,如詩畫面在打謎 語,角色風騷得只有聲音和輪廓,具體的澳門已不重要。

戴丹兄弟滴血相認當監製,電影版圖又多了一部羅馬尼亞 驅魔片!細節的考究和深山冷冽營造的張力,堪與從前經 典媲美,孟祖繼《4 月 3 周 2 日─墮胎日記》再在康城 掄元最佳編劇獎,兩女角更雙雙膺影后。女孩要到深山修 道院「拯救」同在孤兒院長大的好友,倔強的她遇上更 頑強的阻力,不只是修女跟她哦哦誦讀的 464 條不可犯 的罪,更有修院神父不能挑戰的旨意。無望的她失心瘋, 好友溫柔焦慮的目光中,神父驅魔拯救。人世原來漏掉一 罪,叫冷漠。入圍奧斯卡最佳外語片初選九強。

流亡三載的伊朗導演哥巴迪(《月半之歌》,31 屆)首部 去國作品,把真實故事寫成雕刻影像的詩電影。無產司 機垂涎中產詩人妻,求之不得,因愛成恨,司機在伊斯 蘭革命狂潮中扶搖直上,以抹黑報復羞辱。冤獄三十載 後詩人重獲自由,遠望妻子身影,兩腳沉重得難移寸步。 海龜雨、車廂的馬、街角的貓,還有夢尼卡貝露慈低調 的演出、兩男主角會說話的臉,影像負載的強大能量遠 非言語能傳,沉默和哀愁都帶有奇特的餘韻。連奪聖塞 巴斯蒂安電影節及亞太電影獎最佳攝影獎。

The Last Time I Saw Macao

Beyond the Hills (Dupa Dealuri)

Rhino Season (Fasle Kargadan)

Dir: Cristian Mungiu Romania/France 2012 152min Cast: Cosmina Stratan, Cristina Flutur, Valeriu Andriuta

Dir: Bahman Ghobadi  Iraqi Kurdistan/Turkey  2012  93min Cast: Behrouz Vossoughi, Monica Bellucci, Yilmaz Erdogan

Five years after 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days won the Palme d’Or, Cristian Mungiu has finally delivered his follow-up: the harrowing true story of exorcism in modern Romania. The new film, which captured the Best Actress and Best Screenplay awards at Cannes, chronicles the obsessively close friendship between Voichita, who is driven by her faith to become a nun, and Alina, who is determined to escape to Germany with her best friend. What transpires afterwards is magnificently shot, observant and unsettling.

A stylistic departure for the Turtles Can Fly (29th HKIFF) director, this dream-like, sumptuously shot true story is based on the life of a Kurdish poet who was falsely imprisoned during Iran’s Islamic Revolution. His wife was later informed of his death by the authorities , except that it wasn’t true – he was imprisoned for another 20 years before being released. Iranian screen legend Behrouz Vossoughi is coaxed from retirement to star in this tragic metaphorical love story, while Monica Bellucci gives one of her best performances as his long-suffering wife.

作者風 Auteurs

Dir: João Pedro Rodrigues, João Rui Guerra da Mata Portugal/France 2012 85min


Co-director João Rui Guerra da Mata once lived in Macau when he was a child. 30 years later, he returned to document a strange place far different from his childhood memories. Using the footage they shot, the filmmakers have smartly crafted a quasi-homage to Chris Marker’s Sans Soleil and Josef von Sternberg’s Macau that playfully blends elements of classic crime noir with the directors’ signature queer sensibilities. Highly cinephilic yet mischievously accessible, this first-person narrative shows us a Macau we have rarely seen before.

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

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13年2月8日 下午4:44

Moleskine partners with the HKIFF to celebrate Asian film industry and one of its most prominent representatives, Hong Kong film director Andrew Lau Wai-Keung . On the occasion of the 37th HKIFF Filmmaker-in-Focus, a special edition Moleskine notebook has been created to mark the achievements of this internationally recognized filmmaker. In the last few years, Moleskine has celebrated the magic of cinema with a wide range of custom-made notebooks, featuring international film festivals and prominent film directors. Moleskine is a brand that is synonymous with a set of indispensable creative tools that help define who we are, identifying us wherever we are in the world. They have become a symbol of latter-day nomadism, and they are intimately tied to the digital world. *All of the funds raised from the sales of the notebooks will go towards supporting the HKIFF and its work to promote film culture and the local film industry.

Moleskine與香港國際電影節合作,向亞洲電影界和第37屆香港國際電影節焦點 影人劉偉強導演致敬,特別推出Moleskine劉偉強限量版筆記本,以表彰他在國 際電影界取得的成就。 近年來,Moleskine為多個國際電影節和傑出電影人推出紀念版筆記本, 歌頌他們對電影的貢獻和光影的魅力。Moleskine是提供與生活息息相 關的簡約工具的品牌,塑造個人風格和突顯獨特個性。它代表著一種現 代的游牧概念,並且緊密地與數碼世界相聯系。 * 所有筆記本的收入所得將全數用於支持 香港國際電影節作推廣電影文化和本地 電 影產業之用。



25/3(一)7:30pm UA太古城 UC

1/4(一)6:00pm 香港科學館 SM

三個異鄉人 導演:郭臻、陳浩倫、盧鎮業 2012-13 粵語 70 分鐘

生活是一座高山,對人在異鄉的人更甚。《流放地》(郭 臻,《媽媽離家上班去》,34 屆):印裔貨車司機與鄰 車碰撞,對方苛索賠償,貧窮的他落入困窘的一天;《美 好生活》(陳浩倫):印尼少女受聘於基層家庭當傭工, 談續約時,她徘徊於現實與情感之間;《金妹》 (盧鎮業, 《那年春夏 ‧ 之後》,36 屆):紀錄新移民洗碗工,一 天工作二十小時的實況。選自香港電台「生活逼人」系 列及影意志「華人民間電影集資計劃」,三位年輕導演走 到獅子山下,看非本土低下層,是不是歡笑多於唏噓。

3 Outsiders Dir: Zune Kwok , Chan Ho-lun, Lo Chun-yip  2012-13  Cant  70min

Hong Kong Panorama

香港電影 面面觀 2012-2013

A trio of shorts shine a light on Hong Kong’s wellconcealed inequalities in stories about three residents living on its margins. Downstream follows a day in the life of an Indian delivery man, which gets off to a terrible start when he clips another car and has to scramble to collect enough cash to pay off the racist driver. In Beautiful Life, 20-year-old Yayang, one of thousands of foreign domestic helpers that keep Hong Kong functioning, must balance her needs with her rights. And Sister Kam profiles a Mainland immigrant worker as she reflects on her lack of equal opportunity since arriving in the city.



21/3(四)7:45pm The Grand GC

26/3(二)9:30pm 香港科學館 SM

無花果 導演:崔允信 2013 粵語 97 分鐘

崔允信邀請《天水圍的日與夜》編劇呂筱華一起追蹤有 情人,走過窄路,在另一個特區尋找愛情萬歲。妻子失 去母親的身份後收拾悲傷心情回到澳門,留給丈夫沒有 消息就是消息。而沒有離開澳門的女子跟父親保持距離, 懊惱他間接害死母親。她們原本都不應該走進這一家老 式洗衣店,兩顆堅持不自憐的心在此碰上。誰說香港獨 立電影總是鬱悶無出路,「無花果譬喻真愛便應去愛」, 推理小說的共趣、衣物的味道、雨水的感染,默默滋潤, 讓意志上路。

Fig Dir: Vincent Chui 2012 Cantonese 97min Cast: Jenny Li, Eliz Lao, Lo Chun Yip, Stiffany Lo, Carson Chung

導演/演員將出席與觀眾見面 This screening will be attended by the director and/or actors 28

The latest from screenwriter Lou Shiu-Wa (The Way We Are), directed by indie stalwart Vincent Chui, is a recognisable and resonant family drama. The death of a child is the catalyst that compels a housewife, Ka, to abandon her husband and head to Macau. While working at a laundry she strikes up a life-changing friendship with Man, who still blames her philandering father for her mother’s death. Chui explores issues of grief and loss, how families splinter and mend, and ultimately the common human desire to connect.

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

2013-HKIFF-BF-B-17to49-2C-OP.indd 28

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1/4(一)9:00pm 香港科學館 SM

22/3(五)12:30pm 香港科學館 SM

19/3(二)11:50pm UA朗豪坊 UL




導演:梁碧芝 2012 粵語 92 分鐘  演員:李思汝、鄭肇熙、葉麗嘉、小胡@野仔

導演:許鞍華  2012  粵語  118 分鐘  演員:劉德華、葉德嫻

導演:鄭保瑞  2012  粵語/普通話  90 分鐘  演員:余文樂、黃秋生

愛到底,是無所不能,為甚麼不能愛?他愛男生,她愛 女生,河水不犯井水,姑且在地產霸權之城合租單位, 有瓦遮頭各自尋愛。沒想到近水樓台日久生情,叻女愛 上基男,可會細水長流還是付諸流水?「吸引力法則」就 講求付諸行動,去拍一張照片,甚至拍一部電影吧。不 過電影結束,生活仍要繼續。兩男兩女合演鄭漢威和田 麗娜的感情波折,記憶的再現與現實分割對照。梁碧芝 一手包辦導演編劇音樂剪接,不拘一格,揮灑跳脫青春。

生有時,死有時,通波仔有時,賣鹹鴨蛋有時。《桃姐》 的成功說明不只是警匪武俠靈異三國才可賣錢,文藝溫 馨也有觀眾。本土意識日漸高漲,香港影人也開始尋回 港產片之滋味,《桃姐》的出現正合時機,小本經營、香 港本土故事,描繪伺候了老少四代人的家傭與編劇自己 的關係與生活,從生活層面反映香港人口老化的現狀。 電影獲獎無數,橫掃港台各個電影頒獎禮,葉德嫻更憑 此片奪得威尼斯影展等多個最佳女演員獎殊榮。

八千轉,二咪車;《車手》中這對白讓車迷津津樂道。 鄭保瑞在銀河映像的第二部電影,將賽車元素植入警匪 片類型,沒有《頭文字 D》的秋明山和髮夾彎,卻能善 用本土地理特色,讓飛車追逐場面發生在觀塘工廠區的 橫街窄巷和老舊停車場。這也是的一個關於技藝傳承的 故事,等退休的黃秋生老油條性格與衝動少年余文樂亦 師亦友的關係充滿趣味,尤其在揭示黃秋生是過氣車神 之後。獲香港電影評論學會大獎最佳電影獎。

Love Me Not

A Simple Life


Dir: Gilitte Leung 2012 Cantonese 92min Cast: Afa Lee, Kenneth Cheng, Rebecca Yip, Siu Wu

Dir: Ann Hui 2012 Cantonese 118min Cast: Andy Lau, Deannie Yip

Dir: Soi Cheang 2012 Cantonese/Putonghua 90min Cast: Anthony Wong, Shawn Yue, Guo Xiaodong

Twentysomething photographer Aggie and her school friend Dennis share a Wanchai flat as a matter of convenience: they’re each seeking independence and they’re both gay. It makes things easy with their families, though things aren’t what they seem. Aggie’s really a filmmaker who is using her and Dennis’ lives as material for her first feature. But whether fiction or reality, complex emotions, fragile relationships and a thoroughly modern view of sexuality conspire to force the pair to rethink the most fundamental aspects of their identities.

From international awards to local acclaim to exceptional box office receipts, Ann Hui’s A Simple Life has proven itself as the little film that could. This deceptively simple film about Ah Tao (Deanie Ip), longtime family servant to Roger Lee (Andy Lau), is raised to remarkable heights by its rich cultural detail and Ann Hui’s perceptive, low-key direction. One of the year’s top hits, A Simple Life received five statuettes at the 31st Hong Kong Film Awards for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actress, Best Actor and Best Screenplay.

Johnnie To’s Milkyway Image production company joined forces with director Soi Cheang for this exceptional cops and cars crime thriller. Skilled but impetuous police driver Cheung (Shawn Yue) meets his match when legendary getaway driver Jiang (Guo Xiaodong) comes out of retirement to ferry a dangerous criminal to safety. Motorway offers a solid genre story that’s a cut above thanks to exacting driving detail, superb chase sequences and resonant performances, especially from Anthony Wong as Cheung’s soon-to-retire partner.




20/3(三)9:45pm UA朗豪坊 UL

18/3(一)11:45pm UA朗豪坊 UL

19/3(二)9:30pm UA朗豪坊 UL

麥兜 ‧ 噹噹伴我心



導演:謝立文 2012 粵語 75 分鐘  聲演:黃秋生、吳君如、鄭中基、the pancakes

導演:陸劍青、梁樂民  2012  粵語  102 分鐘  演員:郭富城、梁家輝、楊采妮、林家棟、錢嘉樂、李治廷

導演:王家衛 2013 粵語/普通話 130 分鐘  演員:梁朝偉、章子怡、張震

被譽為《無間道》之後最重要的香港警匪片,因觸及警 隊高層權鬥及港人對法治勢將不保的焦慮,成為全年最 賣座的話題作。除了梁家輝與郭富城二人的演技比併, 電影更不斷強調香港的規章制度和本土核心價值。兩位 導演都在圈內打滾超過十年,一個是資深美術指導,一 個做過《蝙蝠俠黑夜之神》副導演,《寒戰》在視覺營造、 取景視角方面皆別具匠心,常用鳥瞰飛翔鏡頭拍攝香港 鬧市風景,處處顯露大片氣派。

籌備十多年拍攝歷時三載以上,《一代宗師》甫上映便俘 虜了各大小傳媒文藝青年與武林中人,臉書每天都有人 張貼一橫一直的片中金句洗版。電影承襲了王家衛一貫 風格,美術部門一絲不苟, 攝影畫質之炫麗奪目更是大 大超前整個華語電影界。王家衛為了此片搜集資料訪遍 中國各種武術門派,電影因而由最初只着眼葉問一人, 變成描寫中國整整一代的武者敵不過歷史洪流,因四十 年代中國戰亂而紛紛南下香港。

Cold War

The Grandmaster

麥兜動畫電影的第五部,今次春田花花幼稚園被人追數, 最神通的校長因兼職過勞暈咗。為了避免學校倒閉,春 田花花兒童合唱團正式成立,經過一輪鬼五馬六的奇遇、 街坊和春田校友的大力支持,麥兜的靚聲終於唱入紅館。 《標童話集》的楊學德擔任美術監督,crossover 出怪氣華 麗的嶄新影像,惡搞街坊話題,曲線緬懷香港舊情。麥 兜有最拿手的二次創作,大唱懷舊金曲加古典音樂,還 歌頌老師們孜孜不倦的熱誠,歌中有笑,笑中有淚。

McDull, The Pork of Music Dir: Brian Tse 2012 Cantonese 75min Voice cast: Anthony Wong, Sandra Ng, Ronald Cheng, the pancakes

Dir: Longman Leung, Sunny Luk  2012  Cantonese  102min Cast: Aaron Kwok, Tony Leung Ka-fai, Charlie Young

Dir: Wong Kar-wai 2013 Cantonese/Putonghua 130min Cast: Tony Leung Chiu-wai, Zhang Ziyi, Chang Chen

The 100% homegrown and world’s most adorable piglet McDull is back with a song. Faced with skyrocketing rents, the Chun Tin Fa Fa Kindergarten forms a children’s choir to help pay for the expenses. Supported by its Shamshuipo neighours, the Headmaster takes the kids out to every outlandish occasion, and eventually they sing their way into the Hong Kong Coliseum. Behind the laughter and the farce are the bumbling Headmaster’s enduring devotion to education. If music can be the words of love…

A tense thriller about conflict and corruption in the upper echelons of the Hong Kong Police Force, Cold War was HK’s highest-grossing Chinese language film of 2012. High-ranking deputy commissioners M.B. Lee and Sean Lau engage in a silent war when an unprecedented hostage crisis grips Hong Kong. An all-star cast and stellar production values posits Cold War as a popular thriller, but the complex script and political themes offer narrative surprises and sharp intelligence beyond the norm for commercial filmmaking.

Years in the making, Wong Kar-wai’s The Grandmaster did not disappoint upon its long-awaited release. Framed around the life and history of revered Wing Chun practitioner Ip Man (Tony Leung Chiu-wai), the film explores the lives of martial artists – especially the filial Gong Er (Zhang Ziyi) and her rival Ma San (Zhang Jin) – who are driven and also trapped by the “moral codes” of the hierarchical world of martial arts. Visually stunning with intricate martial arts sequences choreographed by Yuen Woo-ping, The Grandmaster is a bold step forward for Wong Kar-wai.

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

2013-HKIFF-BF-B-17to49-2C-OP.indd 29

香港電影面面觀 Hong Kong Panorama 2012 - 2013



13年2月8日 下午4:44

18SM3M1D 18/3(一)12:30pm 香港科學館 SM


Andrew Lau filmmaker in focus


劉偉強初入行,即以突出的攝影技巧惹人注目,為林嶺東的《龍虎風雲》(1987) 和王 家衛的《旺角卡門》(1988) 掌鏡,創新的攝影手法為電影帶來強烈、難忘的視覺風格。 1996 年他執導《古惑仔之人在江湖》,將偶像青春元素注入黑幫片,掀起「古惑仔」 狂潮,開闢了新的電影次類型。他繼續改編漫畫,結合電腦特技拍成賣座的《風雲雄 霸天下》(1998) 和《中華英雄》(1999)。其後自組公司,2002 年完成的創業作《無間 道》(與麥兆輝合導)橫掃香港和台灣不少獎項,更被馬田史高西斯拍成荷李活版。 他衝出香港的,還有改編日本人氣動漫的《頭文字 D》(2005),以至進軍荷李活的《強 捕犯》(2006)。近年他轉戰內地,導演與監製並行。他勝在拍盡各種類型,作風快捷 靈活,擅於拿捏娛樂與藝術的平衡,其全面的技藝和專業精神,更可謂出類拔萃。 Few Hong Kong filmmakers are as versatile, influential and successful as Andrew Lau Wai-keung. Born in Hong Kong in 1960, Lau took an early interest in photography and began working as a cinematographer in the mid-1980s. Wong Kar-wai’s As Tears Go By earned Lau his first Hong Kong Film Award nomination for Best Cinematography, and he soon became a director. Breakout success arrived with Lau’s Young and Dangerous films, which took Hong Kong’s iconic triad genre and infused it with a youthful, neorealist sensibility. Lau would direct numerous commercial hits over the next decade, including the revolutionary CGIeffects fantasy The Storm Riders and the acclaimed blockbuster Infernal Affairs, which earned Lau and co-director Alan Mak a Hong Kong Film Award for Best Director. Now at his creative peak, Andrew Lau has become an international name, the quality and professionalism of his films making him one of Hong Kong film’s best-known brands.


導演:林嶺東  攝影:劉偉強  1987  粵語  105 分鐘  演員:周潤發、李修賢、孫越、吳家麗、張耀揚

臥底與賊人惺惺相惜的故事現在已成俗套,但本片 1987 年上映時卻讓人耳目一新,周潤發飾演的臥底在警與匪、 事業與愛情之間的顛沛流離,看之令人心酸。劉偉強也 憑着超卓的攝影風格引來關注。電影開始一場廟街實景 拍攝,鏡頭靈活穿插,或者在啟德機場偷拍,在當時和 現今都是可一不可再的大膽舉措。大量的手提攝影,高 反差的夜景, 鬧市追逐,鎗戰爆破等場面,也造就了其 後在《旺角卡門》中更加成熟的技術和風格。

City on Fire Dir: Ringo Lam  DOP: Andrew Lau  1987  Cantonese  105min Cast: Chow Yun-fat, Danny Lee Sau-yin, Sun Yeuh

Hard-hitting and influential crime film City on Fire owes its hyper-realistic, street-level immediacy to Andrew Lau’s gritty cinematography. The 26 year-old Lau worked with director Ringo Lam on this undercover cop saga centred on Ko Chow (Chow Yun-fat), a tortured police officer sent to infiltrate a gang of jewel thieves led by the honourable but clearly criminal Tiger. Uncommon characterization, strong action and an uncompromising, dark attitude make City on Fire a sterling representative of Hong Kong’s storied crime film genre.

22UL3E3 22/3(五)11:45pm UA朗豪坊 UL

旺角卡門 導演:王家衛  攝影:劉偉強  1988  粵語  102 分鐘  演員:劉德華、張學友、張曼玉、萬梓良

這電影讓初執導筒的王家衛一片成名,也讓劉偉強將《龍 虎風雲》中運用的攝影意念再發揚光大,以更精緻的攝 影技藝,配合劇情演進,兩者相輔相成。調景嶺的窄巷 追逐鏡頭、天台的結婚場景,以及結尾時劉德華的死亡 場面,都堪稱經典。電影中運用到的技巧,如手搖鏡頭、 改變畫面色調、類近慢鏡的偷格加印後期技術,日後都 同樣成為王家衛與劉偉強的獨特風格商標。

As Tears Go By Dir: Wong Kar-wai  DOP: Andrew Lau  1988 Cantonese  102min Cast: Andy Lau, Jacky Cheung, Maggie Cheung

Andrew Lau’s work on Wong Kar-wai’s debut feature played a key role in its critical success. The filmmakers raised the ‘80s triad film genre to a new level, giving startling style and romanticism to the story of Ah Wah (Andy Lau), a triad torn between love for his innocent cousin Ah Ngor (Maggie Cheung) and loyalty to his self-destructive subordinate Fly (Jacky Cheung). Lau’s cinematography brought mood, colour and verve to this acclaimed New Wave classic, earning him his first Hong Kong Film Award nomination.

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

2013-HKIFF-BF-B-17to49-2C-OP.indd 30

13年2月8日 下午4:45



19/3(二)12:30pm 香港科學館 SM

23/3(六)7:30pm 香港太空館 SP

23/3(六)9:30pm 香港太空館 SP




導演:麥大傑  攝影:劉偉強  1992  粵語  89 分鐘  演員:黎明、張學友、李嘉欣、仲代達矢、張耀揚

導演:劉偉強  1996  粵語  99 分鐘  演員:鄭伊健、陳小春、黎姿、吳志雄、林曉峰、謝天華、朱永棠

導演:劉偉強  1998  粵語  128 分鐘  演員:郭富城、鄭伊健、千葉真一、楊恭如、舒淇

妖獸與人類互爭世界控制權,但總有張學友與李嘉欣這些 活在兩個世界之間的邊緣人物,從中也看到電影對九七回 歸的焦慮。《妖獸都市》攝製時,香港電影特效技術尚在 草創階段,卻可看到創作人如何花盡心思實踐心中意念。 劉偉強攝影風格更加大膽,藍光、紅光、紫外光都成了主 要光源。創作人更大玩光學特技、面具化妝或模型場景, 張耀揚的蜥蝪人造型令人驚艷,結尾一場飛機降在中銀大 廈頂樓,除了視覺創意無限,也蘊藏深意。

將青春片與黑幫片結合,起用當時得令的一眾青春歌手 偶像,加上劉偉強的強烈視覺風格,以男性之間的義氣 情誼,成功地俘獲香港年輕觀眾的心。在黑幫片已經太 多的 90 年代,改編自漫畫的《古惑仔》卻能突圍而出, 而且形成一個電影系列,電影中青春的躁動也暗合回歸 前的香港,隱藏於繁榮生活表面下的不安感。男性的友 情 歲 月 可 說 是 劉 偉 強 創 作 世 界 的 主 旋 律 與 至 愛, 到 了 2012 年的《血滴子》也讓古惑仔重出江湖。

經過改編漫畫《古惑仔》的成功,劉偉強再次改編本地 著名長篇漫畫《風雲》,濃縮成一部結構完整兩小時多的 電腦特技武俠電影。龐大的明星陣容,創新的電腦特技, 重現漫畫原著的人物造型與經典場面,使它成為當年香 港電影票房冠軍。本片可說是本地特技電影的先行者, 香港的電腦特效仍在起步階段,劉偉強已大膽大量運用, 亦以此經驗為日後拍攝《藍血人》、《極速傳說》、《頭 文字 D》等電影打下堅實基礎。

The Wicked City

Young and Dangerous

The Storm Riders

Dir: Mak Tai-kit  DOP: Andrew Lau  1992  Cantonese  89min Cast: Leon Lai, Jacky Cheung, Nakadai Tatsuya, Roy Cheung

Dir: Andrew Lau 1996 Cantonese 99min Cast: Ekin Cheng, Jordan Chan, Gigi Lai, Jerry Lamb, Michael Tse

Dir: Andrew Lau 1998 Cantonese 128min Cast: Aaron Kwok, Ekin Cheng, Sonny Chiba, Kristy Yang

A rare Hong Kong science fiction film, The Wicked City owes its distinctive cyberpunk feel to cinematographer Andrew Lau’s neon colours and hyperkinetic camerawork. Based on the Japanese anime Supernatural Beast City and produced and co-written by Tsui Hark, this ambitious genre film tells of a futuristic world where humans coexist with shape-shifting aliens. When a series of brutal human murders occur, cop Lung (Leon Lai) teams up with half-alien, half-human partner Ying (Jacky Cheung) to investigate.

Stylish comic book adaptation Young and Dangerous reinvigorated the Hong Kong triad film genre and launched a hit franchise spanning six films and numerous spinoffs. Serving as director and cinematographer, Andrew Lau utilised authentic locations and an evolving neorealist style to depict the turbulent lives of young triad members Chan Ho-nam and Chicken as they cruise the neon-lit streets of Causeway Bay. Soon after the film’s success, Lau joined writer Manfred Wong and producer Wong Jing to form BoB and Partners Co., Ltd.

Andrew Lau melded martial arts comic book fantasy with Hollywood-level visual effects for this first-of-itskind Chinese blockbuster. The Storm Riders registered a seismic impact at the local box office, grossing over HK$40 million dollars and changing the landscape of the Hong Kong film industry. Lau successfully adapted to the larger creative canvas, exchanging his grounded neorealist style for widescreen compositions and stunning computer-generated spectacle. Its all-star cast also includes Japanese legend Sonny Chiba.




24/3(日)9:00pm 香港太空館 SP

25/3(一)9:30pm 香港大會堂 CT

26/3(二)9:30pm 香港大會堂 CT



頭文字 D

導演:劉偉強  2001  粵語  98 分鐘  演員:劉德華、梅艷芳、吳君如、林家棟

導演:劉偉強、麥兆輝  2002  粵語  100 分鐘  演員:劉德華、梁朝偉、黃秋生、曾志偉

導演:劉偉強、麥兆輝  2005  粵語  110 分鐘  演員:周杰倫、鈴木杏、陳冠希、黃秋生、余文樂

­原 本是一段沉重的三角關係,但因為紐約 911 恐怖襲擊 《無間道》可說是一次臥底電影類型的範式轉移,為香港 事件,電影最後改成一部講述人生希望的歌舞夢幻喜劇。 黑幫和警匪兩種類型電影注入新元素,其後更被馬田史 吳君如是為實現夢想而奮鬥的平凡人,劉德華是個對事 高西斯拍成荷李活版的《無間道風雲》(2006)。影像處 業未來充滿疑竇的舞者。雖然主線是白馬王子與醜小鴨 理有別於前人,以陰暗冷凝的灰藍色調為主,叙事亦由 的故事,結局卻是不落俗套地開放,兩人都能從跳舞領 以往黑幫或警察為主軸,轉為描繪各自於敵陣置入亦正 悟到一點人生道理。電影風格因着舞蹈很是優雅,嘗試 亦邪的雙重臥底,彷彿暗喻回歸後香港人的身份處境。 過不同類型的劉偉強這次染指歌舞片的領域,最後一場 梁朝偉飾演活於夾縫中的臥底,一句「三年又三年」,也 歌舞大場面更盡顯功架。 恍如當年經濟與生活陷於谷底的港人心聲。

當年火紅全亞洲的日本動畫《頭文字 D》,由香港電影人 拍攝為真人電影確令大家覺得不可思議,以周杰倫和黃 秋生擔演主角及他的父親,再加上大量香港演員,更是 神來之筆。劉偉強與其香港攝製團隊雖然拍攝後段遇上 十日大雨和山洪暴發,以香港電影人特有的靈活應變, 完成了被日本電影界視為不可能的任務。電影的香港票 房衝破三千三百萬,全亞洲收近二億,劉偉強再勝一仗, 也踏上了衝出香港的國際導演之路。

Dance of a Dream

Infernal Affairs

Initial D

Dir: Andrew Lau 2001 Cantonese 98min Cast: Andy Lau, Anita Mui, Sandra Ng, Lam Ka-tung

Dir: Andrew Lau, Alan Mak 2002 Cantonese 100min Cast: Andy Lau, Tony Leung, Chiu-wai, Anthony Wong, Eric Tsang

Dir: Andrew Lau, Alan Mak 2005 Cantonese 110min Cast: Jay Chou, Anne Suzuki, Edison Chen, Shawn Yue

Dance of a Dream gave director Lau the opportunity to put his personal stamp on another genre: the all-star Cantonese comedy. Andy Lau stars as Namson Lau, a charismatic dance instructor who must choose between the attentions of cold businesswoman Tina (the late, great Anita Mui) and kind-hearted waitress Kam (Sandra Ng). Andrew Lau adds his trademark sharp visuals and upscale production design to this well-worn Hong Kong film genre but surprises with sharply-timed comedy and delightful musical numbers.

Co-directed by Andrew Lau and Alan Mak and produced by Lau’s Basic Pictures, Infernal Affairs would go on to attain legendary status. A crime thriller pitting an undercover cop (Tony Leung Chiu-wai) versus a triad mole (Andy Lau) in the police force, Infernal Affairs became one of the highest-grossing Hong Kong films of all time, won multiple film awards across Asia, and finally was remade in Hollywood by Martin Scorsese as the Oscar-winning The Departed. Widely regarded as a technical, artistic and cultural high-water mark for Hong Kong cinema.

Andrew Lau teamed again with co-director Alan Mak for this adaptation of the popular Japanese manga. Initial D stars Jay Chou as Fujiwara Takumi, a tofu delivery boy who’s secretly the most fearsome downhill street racer on Mount Akina. Andrew Lau and Alan Mak deliver thrilling, technically detailed racing sequences but contrast them with a surprising coming-of-age story. Another strong hit for Lau’s Basic Pictures, Initial D raced to the top of the local box office upon release, becoming the top Chinese language feature of 2005.

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

2013-HKIFF-BF-B-17to49-2C-OP.indd 31

焦點影人:劉偉強 Andrew Lau, Filmmaker in Focus



13年2月8日 下午4:45

焦點影人:劉偉強 Andrew Lau, Filmmaker in Focus



27/3(三)9:30pm 香港大會堂 CT

20/3(三)11:45pm UA朗豪坊 UL

觀眾需要自備 RealD 3D 眼鏡­ Audience need to bring their own RealD 3D glasses

票價 Price:$100

21UL3E3 21/3(四)11:45pm UA朗豪坊 UL


血滴子 3D


導演:劉偉強、麥兆輝  2006  粵語  111 分鐘  演員:梁朝偉、金城武、舒淇、徐靜蕾、杜汶澤

導演:劉偉強  2012  普通話  113 分鐘  演員:黃曉明、阮經天、余文樂、李宇春、井柏然

導演:王晶 監製、攝影:劉偉強  2012 粵語   118 分鐘  演員:周潤發、黃曉明、洪金寶、吳鎮宇

也許叫做《血滴子之友情歲月》更貼切,片中的血滴子 殺手就是一群重情重義的古惑仔,連主題曲也再用〈友 情歲月〉一曲。但電影的野心不止於此,除保持一貫的 製作與視覺水準,更把香港的臥底與武俠類型中不同的 前設盡收旗下,再來個大反轉。黃曉明的宗教造型與悲 劇命運讓人想起香港,而阮經天最後跟乾隆的一番表白, 上 承 許 鞍 華《 書 劍 恩 仇 錄 》 及 徐 克《 狄 仁 傑 之 通 天 帝 國》,亦是對統治者苦口婆心的諫書。

雖然片中發哥的角色不是「許文強」,但闊別《上海灘》 三十多年後,發哥再現上海,可說是去年香港電影最讓 人期待的大事件,藉此電影,王晶、文雋、劉偉強這個 於九十年代中期的「最佳拍檔」鐵三角組合也重新走在 一起。電影由《上海灘》出發,激起無窮想像,將過往 不少香港電影著名場面和人物,放在一起,也巧妙地讓 新舊「許文強」一同出現。發哥之外,一眾演員如洪金 寶、吳鎮宇、黃曉明等亦盡情互較演技,令人叫絕。

Confession of Pain

The Guillotines 3D

The Last Tycoon

Dir: Andrew Lau, Alan Mak 2006 Cantonese 111min Cast: Tony Leung Chiu-wai, Kaneshiro Takeshi, Shu Qi, Xu Jinglei

Dir: Andrew Lau 2012 Putonghua 113min Cast: Huang Xiaoming, Juan Ching-Tien, Li Yuchun , Shawn Yue

Dir: Wong Jing   Producer ﹠ DOP: Andrew Lau  2012  Cant  118min Cast: Chow Yun-fat, Huang Xiaoming, Sammo Hung

Following their successful collaborations on the Infernal Affairs films and Initial D, directors Andrew Lau and Alan Mak reunited with writer Felix Chong for this taut thriller. Decorated cop Hei engages in a hidden battle with private detective Bong as they investigate the murder of Hei’s father-in-law. However, behind the crime lies a web of past sins and shocking lies. Confession of Pain possesses the technical brilliance expected of an Andrew Lau film, with slick visuals complementing the dark, character-driven melodrama.

Andrew Lau reinvented the cult favourite Flying Guillotines films of the Shaw Brothers era with The Guillotines. A covert kill squad working for Qing Emperor Qianlong, the Guillotines seek the head of messianic revolutionary Wolf, but a secret arrangement between Guillotines field leader Leng and imperial guard Haidu may prove their undoing. Working with Peter Chan’s Cinema Popular, Andrew Lau assembles a stylish and gritty action drama that echoes Zhang Yimou’s Hero with its powerful nationalist themes and complex portrayal of heroism.

Over a decade after their last collaboration, Andrew Lau reunited with BoB partners Wong Jing and Manfred Wong for The Last Tycoon. Lau acted as producer and cinematographer for this epic production about powerful businessman Cheng Daqi who battles the Japanese military and a turncoat Chinese general in 1930s Shanghai. Co-starring Yolanda Yuan as the love interest and Huang Xiaoming as the younger Cheng Daqi, The Last Tycoon mixes nostalgic Hong Kong film action with grand, Hollywood-style romance and drama.

《傷城》就是雙城,劉偉強、麥兆輝、莊文強這組「鐵 三角」再度訴說男人的最痛,兩大型男一個來自澳門, 一個生於香港,各有痛苦的經歷。在香港這座城市裏, 金 城 武 選 擇 放 下 與 重 新 上 器, 梁 朝 偉 以 復 仇 來 解 決 問 題,最後卻被仇恨侵蝕得更痛更深。 編劇從經典的 hard boiled detective 類型出發,卻加進更多的人性思考,因而 電影的節奏和氣氛,比《無間道》更見沉鬱,劉偉強的 攝影與用色也穩重下來,陰暗的色調讓電影更加沉重。

Face to Face 香港名家講座

劉偉強先生將出席賽馬會電影學堂之「香港名家講座」, 分享他對電影、藝術和生活獨到的見解。我們更邀請得 文雋擔任是次講座的嘉賓主持。參加者更可獲贈專題特 刊一本,內容包括深入訪問、作品總覽及專業評論。 Andrew LAU Wai-keung will be the honored guest to the 'Face to Face' seminar presented by the Jockey Club Cine Academy to share his far-reaching experience in the industry and incisive insights into Hong Kong cinema. Face to Face will be moderated by Manfred Wong. Each participant will receive a complimentary copy of a bilingual catalogue, featuring in-depth interviews and professional reviews. 日期 Date: 28/3/2013 時間 Time: 2:30 pm 地點 Venue: 香港文化中心大劇院 Hong Kong Cultural Centre Grand Theatre 粵語主講,免費入場 Conducted in Cantonese. Free admission. 報名請瀏覽 To register, please visit 主辦 Presenter:


AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

2013-HKIFF-BF-B-17to49-2C-OP.indd 32

13年2月8日 下午4:45

台灣 新氣象




26/3(二)7:30pm UA朗豪坊 UL

28/3(四)9:30pm UA朗豪坊 UL

23/3(六)5:20pm The Grand GC

28/3(四)7:15pm The Grand GC


甜 ·祕密

導演:趙德胤  2012  台灣/緬甸  105 分鐘

導演:許肇任  2012  國語  114 分鐘

緬甸華人導演趙德胤一鳴驚人的《歸來的人》(36 屆)的 續篇,相同的班底、相似的紀錄劇情,卻呈現更深永的 寫實詩意。以托爾斯泰短篇《窮人》做點題,不但以風 雨下的舒適小屋憧憬人生,也解釋鏡頭放遠一點的人文 視角。在泰緬邊界營營役役幾個華人,他們當導遊、水 貨客、走私和接人蛇,再添三個章節:榴槤是生活的味道, 麻藥暗示自我陶醉,接偷渡客的苦差事。趙德胤對演員 的要求比得上堅盧治或戴丹兄弟,卻是獨樹一格,第四 世界風貌的人景合一。

志豪是能夠發現秘密的現代「小四」,對幸福的憧憬和 執着,令他化身為街角的丘比特;看到同母異父的姊姊 被拋棄,他伏擊變心郎,並鼓勵怕羞男追姊姊,他經常 拿着菜鳥情書,為好友傳信念出情意綿綿,然而看見父 母(鍾鎮濤、李烈)各自在出軌的邊緣,把妹小達人無 從守護。許肇任出身偶像劇,不要因此誤會是浪漫主義, 他的戲劇性貼近生活面貌,愛情要守候在親情之中,友 情也不得犧牲。志豪自己有秘密嗎?請準時進場,全片 第一個鏡頭就寫照他的「甜蜜密」了。

Poor Folk

Together (Tianmimi)

Dir: Midi Z Taiwan/Myanmar 2012 105min Cast: Wang Shin-Hong, Wu Ke-Xi, Zhao De-Fu

Dir: Hsu Chao-Jen  2012  Mandarin  114 min Cast: Kenny Bee, Lee Lieh, Sonia Sui, Umin Boya

As a follow-up to Return to Burma (36th HKIFF) in which Burmese-Taiwanese filmmaker Midi Z explored the state of contemporary Myanmar, Poor Folk tracks the desperate lengths people will go to in order to escape poverty and injustice. After sneaking into Thailand and finding similar disappointment, A Hong winds up in Bangkok working illegally for years, trying to earn enough money to buy his sister out of a prostitution contract. Things go from bad to worse when a flood forces his boss, and A Hong, into the criminal underworld.

A charming ensemble cast (including Hong Kong veteran Kenny Bee) buoys this quirky and light-hearted feature debut by popular TV series director Hsu Chaojen. Taking the perspective of 17-year-old Xiao Yang, the film soon threads various ties between lovelorn individuals from different working-class Taipei families. Xiao Yang eventually takes a more hands-on approach to some people’s romantic woes, from his parents to his tempestuous classmates, but the story arcs ultimately relate back to the film’s main theme: how to stay together.

阿嬤的夢中情人(p.78) Forever Love (p.78)

導演/演員將出席與觀眾見面 This screening will be attended by the director and/or actors





19/3(二)7:15pm The Grand GC

29/3(五)12:45pm 香港文化中心 KG

26/3(二)7:15pm 香港文化中心 KG

28/3(四)9:45pm The Grand GC



導演:張榮吉  2012 國語  110 分鐘

導演:陳駿霖  2013  國語  101 分鐘

張榕容總代表站着的「一豎」,繼《緲緲》被剝奪參加長 跑資格,她這次又被迫離開舞台放棄學芭蕾,上次有經 理人幫助轉型,這次她流落街上,愛上街舞男生;更加 神奇是,她遇上先天失明,彈鋼琴了得的黃裕翔,他無 意參加音樂比賽,事關他盲得有骨氣。二人相遇,細膩 交流,好音樂找上活舞蹈,不一樣的 jam session。逆光 飛翔的意象,是不強行睜開眼,由心去引領自由飛行路 線。張榮吉是台灣最值得期待的新秀導演之一,將最容 易落入俗套的勵志化為清新空氣。

陳駿霖首作《一頁台北》(34 屆)還屬於青春愛情歷險, 第二頁成熟度兩級跳,找來任賢齊和范曉萱來演眾人眼 中有屋仔有人仔的幸福夫妻,突然間疑慮從天而降,家 庭充滿迷惘氣氛;再找五月天結他手石頭癡情配夏于喬, 又是忽然丟失安全感,女方在訂婚禮最後關頭玩失蹤。 愛情四菱鏡兩兩對比,兩性命緣約定到期、愛情救亡與 續約;是嚴重的心理危機,也是傻勁的想法,是更年期 作祟,也是發現新取向。陳駿霖在愛情浪漫的陳腔濫調 中重新界定,是台灣電影中難得一見的低調喜劇感。

Touch of the Light

Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow?

Dir: Chang Jung-Chi 2012 Mandarin 110min Cast: Huang Yu-Siang, Sandrine Pinna, Lee Lieh

Dir: Arvin Chen 2013 Mandarin 101min Cast: Richie Jen, Mavis Fan, Lawrence Ko

The heartwarming Touch of the Light, winner of three Golden Horses and Busan Film Festival’s Audience Award, is based on the real-life story of its lead: blind piano prodigy Huang Yu-Siang. In the film, Siang moves to Taipei to study music in a university. There, he faces the real world where his blindness is not always treated with empathy. He soon encounters Jie, a frustrated dancer whose dreams of becoming professional is thwarted by her economic reality. The result is a winsome, spritely take on the classic inspirational movie.

Like the perennial favorite tune by The Shirelles, Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow? has plenty of old-fashioned charm. But the film’s easygoing humor, which includes references to classics such as Mary Poppins, turns more serious with a secret that protagonist Weichung has hidden for years: he is gay. Meanwhile, his wife Feng is also experiencing marital anxiety as she struggles to find fulfillment in her life. Au Revoir Taipei director’s sophomore work retains its effervescent sweetness despite the topic of marital breakdown.

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

2013-HKIFF-BF-B-17to49-2C-OP.indd 33

台灣新氣象 Young Taiwanese Cinema

young Taiwanese Cinema



13年2月8日 下午4:45

Chinese New Talents 中國電影 生力軍



18/3(一)9:40pm UA太古城 UC

20/3(三)5:30pm UA太古城 UC

焚屍人 導演:彭韜 2012 陜西話 90 分鐘

這裏發生的事,沒有最怪,只有更怪,沒有最超現實, 只有更超現實。異鄉火葬場工作的老曹,孤身與屍為伴 習以為常,自從老相好的丈夫出獄,都沒人來解寂寞了。 老曹有副業,就是當陰間紅娘,替有錢人家找冥婚對象, 自從發現自己身染頑疾,老曹決定替自己預辦冥婚。他 細細抹淨一個無人認領、相貌姣美的女屍,準備大婚的 當兒,女屍的孖生妹妹尋來。城市人猜忌,會見死不救, 彭韜(《血蟬》,32 屆)要到鄉間這裏,整鬼造怪才見人 間患難真情。多倫多電影節參展作品。

The Cremator (Fenshi Ren) Dir: Peng Tao  2012  Putonghua  90min Cast: Cheng Zhengwu, Lang Nv

Little Moth (32nd HKIFF) director Peng Tao returns with a low-key work that sympathizes with the plight of a lonesome undertaker. Far from the sentimentalized Departures, this film features a cremator who has a side job of selling unclaimed corpses as “ghost spouses” to the unmarried dead. But when he discovers that his coughing fits are symptoms of something terminal, he decides to choose one of the young women brought to him as a ghost bride. But complications begin when the dead’s sister comes to claim the body.

Wings Project 添翼計劃

01CT4E1 1/4(一)6:00pm 香港大會堂 CT

Hello! 樹先生 導演:韓杰 2011 普通話 88 分鐘

添翼計劃 添翼計劃由導演賈樟柯於三年前創辦,旨在推動新導演創作,賈 樟柯除擔任監製外,更參與融資及投資,計劃實施三年來,共推 出四部影片,都是水準之作,獲不少國際獎項。

Wings Project Jia Zhangke initiated the Wings Project 3 years ago to finance and produce the works of young filmmakers. To date, the Project has put out four titles – all of them have toured extensively on the film festival circuit. Supported by



導演/演員將出席與觀眾見面 This screening will be attended by the director and/or actors

樹先生真是隨風搖擺的一棵樹,走路時手總是晃,像要 平衡體內的不平衡,身子總側向一方。不叫樹先生以前, 他只幹些小活,活兒丟了,便與朋友酒肉為伴。他找到 聾啞的小梅當小媳婦時,一切還好好的,後來,死去的 哥向他報夢,不知為甚麼,忽然就有預言能力,成了村 上的樹先生。延續《賴小子》(30 屆)那些家鄉浪蕩的 魂魄,韓杰由拍法(黎耀輝攝影)到故事,皆展現超現 實魅力,從失魂的集體意識出發,看生命的不能自主。 王寶強是全片靈魂,實至名歸奪亞太電影獎影帝。

Mr. Tree (Hello! Shu Xian Sheng) Dir: Han Jie Putonghua 2011 88min Cast: Wang Baoqiang, Tan Zhuo, He Jie

Han Jie, who won 30th HKIFF’s Silver Digital Award with his debut Walking on the Wild Side (30th HKIFF), tackles here a whimsical, absurdist tale of greed and retribution. Shu, the local mining village’s regular drunk, is haunted by a past trauma concerning his father and brother. He drifts around until he encounters Xiaomei, who is deaf and mute. They agree to marry, but the wedding is a disaster. But his premonitions begin to make sense, and he reinvents himself as a respected prophet. Is he truly a soothsayer or a fraud?

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

2013-HKIFF-BF-B-17to49-2C-OP-revise.indd 34

13年2月14日 下午1:11






18/3(一)7:30pm UA iSQUARE IS

20/3(三)5:45pm UA iSQUARE IS

29/3(五)7:15pm UA朗豪坊 UL

2/4(二)9:30pm UA朗豪坊 UL

19/3(二)9:45pm UA太古城 UC

21/3(四)5:30pm UA太古城 UC




導演:楊瑾  2012  普通話  100 分鐘

導演:李睿珺 2012 普通話/甘肅話 99 分鐘

導演:郝杰 2012 山西話/普通話 91 分鐘

紅彤彤的棺木上,畫師兼木匠老馬畫了白鶴,那是為老 曹準備的。老曹成功偷葬在玉米田下,老馬發現,真有 白鶴來找他了。國策要火葬,化成煙,就沒法乘鶴歸西 啊。老馬這陣子,除了到樹下跟老友聊天,和孫兒大話 西遊外,總走到湖邊樹下等白鶴。老馬成了村裏的笑柄, 但孫兒想出辦法,讓他願望成真。蘇童原著改編,李睿 珺(《老驢頭》,35 屆)以濃烈色彩,拍農村的簡樸美麗, 高潮一幕魔幻的金黃畫面有如魔術,震撼歷久不散。威 尼斯影展及多倫多電影節參展作品。

鐵蛋八歲就愛上鄰家唱戲的美姐,卻因文革初戀夢碎, 多年後美姐帶着三個女兒返鄉,從此開展了鐵蛋的曲折 愛情路,先是私戀大女慘遭拆散,被迫娶二女替補,傷 透心的鐵蛋跟着戲台走唱斷天涯路,豈料暗戀他的三女 一路追隨。繼《光棍兒》(35 屆)笑看四光棍共享一妻 的性苦悶,這回改讓一男愛遍四母女,該是人不痴情枉 少年。搭配西北特有的二人台戲曲,男主角本就是二人 台傳奇歌手,從傳統俚俗到流行野台,幽默走唱時代荒 謬,也唱盡愛慾嗔痴。獲台北金馬影展國際影評人獎。

Don’t Expect Praises

Fly With the Crane

Dir: Yang Jin 2012 Putonghua 100min Cast: Li Shuchen, Wangchen, Ma Youguan, Zhao Junai, Peng Kehao

Dir: Li Ruijun  2012  Putonghua/Gansu dialect  99min Cast: Ma Xingchun, Tang Long, Wang Siyi

The Love Songs of Tiedan (Mei jie) Dir: Hao Jie  2012  Shanxi dialect/Putonghua  91min Cast: Feng Si, Ye Lan, Hang Zhipeng

When the school year ends, chums Yang Jin and Xiao Bo take a trip to the countryside and begin a short, picaresque adventure in an attempt to simply go swimming. The overachieving son of a doctor, Jin is trying to get to his grandmother’s house but winds up a prisoner of Bo’s family, including the demanding, food-fixated grandmother and supportive older sister. Interspersed with whimsical animated segments that lend insight to the boys’ memories and emotional states, Don’t Expect Praises is a delicate discovery of how the other half lives.

73-year-old Lao Ma, a respected coffin maker, is not afraid of dying. However, when a government decree bans burials and mandates cremation, Lao Ma not only loses his livelihood but also his wish to be buried according to local customs. The Old Donkey (35th HKIFF) director Li Ruijun has adapted a short story from Raise the Red Lantern‘s original author Su Tong. The resulting film is a gentle, spiritual slice-of-life that addresses our common desire to die with dignity and the tension between local traditions and modern-day government mandates.

In a northern Chinese village in the early 1960s, we meet 10-year-old Tiedan who descended from a long line of er ren tai singers. His father and neighbor May are also folk singers. Over the course of several decades, Tiedan has his heart broken time and time again, only to emerge as the greatest singer in his family’s history…and also triumphant in love. Hao’s tribute to the traditional music of his homeland near the Mongolian border is a buoyant, jaunty look at the rise and fall of a unique musical art form.

鄉鎮小學有個高低配,優異生與包尾大蕃安排在一起切 磋,楊晉與王小波因此結成好友,暑假聯袂回鄉,先到你 娘家後至我婆家,路途上鄉親父老逗樂。楊晉當然是楊瑾 (《二冬》,33 屆)自己,百分之九十九親身經歷。前一 個「有人」,是傳統的家長輩,總認為自家的孩子比別人 的蠢;後一個「有人」自然是他們倆,二子之間的友誼, 從不比較誰比誰強。後一個「有人」也當然是楊瑾,當內 地電影愈過億愈別扭,黃河水邊這個小遊歷我行我素,只 相認小津《我出生了,但……》那種拙樸真情趣。



31/3(日)12:15pm 2/4(二)5:30pm The Grand GC The Grand GC



21/3(四)12:50pm 24/3(日)7:15pm UA iSQUARE IS UA iSQUARE IS



31/3(日)10:30am 2/4(二)9:30pm 香港科學館 SM 香港科學館 SM




導演:宋方 2012 普通話 91 分鐘

導演:戴米安奧魯利 法國/阿爾及利亞 2012 83 分鐘

導演:權聆 2013 普通話 89 分鐘

當 年 在 巴 黎 學 電 影, 宋 方 參 演 了 侯 孝 賢 的《 紅 汽 球 之 旅》,演片裏的中國女孩,晃眼她已拍出自己首作。有侯 導寧靜致遠的目光,賈樟柯紀實的素美,宋方的片子請 出了家人朋友,他們演回自己,宋方自演回到南京的女 兒,和父母共度一段時光。宛如她家族的生活和回憶紀 敘,不乏吃飯、晾衣、睡覺等生活小節,閒聊一起走過 的回憶、親朋的生老病死,有時小姪女來訪,有時跟父 母訪親。回憶望着我,也守望着親密的家。獲羅迦諾電 影節最佳首作獎、東京 FILMex 電影節評審團特別獎。

領袖交來一把手槍,他第一次執行任務,在法國街頭, 他往男人脖子開了槍。阿爾及利亞獨立五十周年,奧魯 利(《小賈回家》,32 屆)才令舅公開口,談他同堂的三 代都蒙在鼓裏的個人歷史─也是法國殖民大歷史。舅公 原是牧羊人,到了法國找姊姊,加入阿人地下組織,當 上隱形戰士,從事暗殺活動。這些法國都羞於記載,奧 魯利親身重演,也回到阿爾及爾舅公的老家,看戰爭後 遺的感情陰影。哲古華拉說的:即使勝利,革命才剛開始。 看《阿爾及爾之戰》不能少的一筆補遺。

曾獲最佳短篇小說獎的權聆轉型當導演,劇本紮實毋庸 置疑,草創階段已獲上海電影節最佳創意獎。陶虹和郭 曉冬分飾的小夫妻不用憂柴米,倒想在鬧哄的社會主義 市場經濟裏分多杯羹,陶虹是小超市老闆娘,跟的士靚 哥打情罵俏不避忌,郭曉東當木匠,但更想做老闆賺大 錢。為償老公心願,陶虹向舊相好大款借錢,令夫妻猜 疑白熱化。細膩鋪展形勢迫人的感情落差,在余力為緊 湊的攝影下觸目驚心,亦引發共鳴。獲邀參加今年柏林 影展青年論壇。

Memories Look at Me


Forgetting to Know You (Mo Sheng)

Dir: Song Fang  2012  Putonghua  91min Cast: Song Fang, Song Dijun, Ye Yuzhu

Dir: Damien Ounouri France/Algeria/China 2012 82min

This naturalistic family chronicle begins when filmmaker Song returns to Nanjing to spend time with her parents, her brother and his family. Photographed in revealing static shots, the reunion soon exposes profound details from the family’s collective memory and individual perceptions. Frequently humorous and always moving, Memories Look at Me blurs the line between documentary and narrative, playing out like a personal diary that illustrates how the family reconciles universal subjects such as work, relationships and death.

In Arabic, fidai means “one who sacrifices for a cause”. Though this meaning today evokes the post-9/11 world of global terrorism, for director Damien Ounouri, the word is connected to his great-uncle Mohamed El Hadi Benadouda’s exploits during the time of Algeria’s fight for independence from France. As an ex-mujahedeen soldier without a uniform, El Hadi lived through experiences which remain largely unrecorded despite his generation’s near extinction. Director Ounouri previously made a documentary on Jia Zhangke, which led to this unlikely but groundbreaking coproduction.

Dir: Quan Ling 2013 Putonghua 89min Cast: Tao Hong, Guo Xiaodong, Zi Yi

Produced by Jia Zhangke, Quan Ling’s feature directorial debut unfolds in a typical Chinese second-tier industrial town. Woven amongst family obligation, insecurities, petty jealousies and lingering resentments is a portrait of the unhappy marriage between furniture factory manager Cai Weihong and his wife Xuesong. The ceaseless push and pull between Weihong’s wounded masculine pride and his wife’s simmering frustrations underpin the disappointment and deflated expectations of China’s emerging middle class.

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

2013-HKIFF-BF-B-17to49-2C-OP-revise.indd 35

中國電影生力軍 Chinese New Talents



13年2月14日 下午1:18



18/3(一)5:30pm UA iSQUARE IS

28/3(四)7:40pm UA iSQUARE IS

釋懷之石 導演:阿迪拉希米  阿富汗/法國/德國 2012 98 分鐘

外頭炮彈亂飛,房內,漂亮妻子在照顧中彈昏迷的丈夫, 不停用話去刺激他。佈局實情是掩眼法,拉希米(《風沙 伴我行》,29 屆)搬演自己的暢銷小說,故作假時假亦 真,說着說着,清麗可人的花拉漢妮(《庫爾德情人》, 36 屆)顛覆了一整個阿富汗父權文化,講兒時的不公, 以至在夫家給男人包括丈夫的欺壓,秘密和私語和盤托 出。她也走出屋外頂着槍炮去張羅點什麼,更有幾個大 兵殺進來,語言和肢體的張弛互換間高潮迭起。獲希洪 電影節最佳女演員獎、歐洲院商最愛獎。

Global Vision 世界視野

The Patience Stone (Syngué sabour) Dir: Atiq Rahimi Afghanistan/France/Germany 2012 98min Cast: Golshifteh Farahani, Hamid Djavdan, Hassina Burgan The Patience Stone is acclaimed writer Atiq Rahimi’s long-awaited directorial return after 2004’s Earth and Ashes (29th HKIFF). Fronted by the mesmerizing, luminous Iranian actress Golshifteh Farahani (About Elly, 33rd HKIFF), this is a bracingly political, monologuedriven allegory on the plight of women and children during war. An unnamed woman tends to her vegetative husband while battles rage outside. As the stress and horror of war mounts, she begins to reveal her shocking past secrets to the comatose spouse.



19/3(二)9:45pm The Grand GC

25/3(一)5:30pm The Grand GC

藍寶石天后 導演:榮尼布利 澳洲  2012 100 分鐘   中文字幕

改編自真人真事,宛如音浪女力復刻版《舞出真我》+ 《風塵三絕》,回到動盪混亂的 1968,四個澳洲原住民女 孩組成藍寶石合唱團,不顧越戰炮火正熾,跟着醉鬼經 紀人遠渡重洋前往南洋勞軍,一圓歌舞夢。在那個性解 放與武裝革命風雲正起、馬丁路德與甘迺迪被刺的不諳 年代,面對世界局勢的惶惶不安,女孩們唱透靈魂的歌 聲,不僅撫慰了年輕士兵的鄉愁,舞台背後勇敢真摯的 尋夢能量,也讓影片隨華麗音符流轉,唱出了一整個世 代的革命與反戰、種族與認同、希望與和平。

The Sapphires Dir: Wayne Blair Australia 2012 100min Cast: Jessica Mauboy, Deborah Mailman, Chris O’Dowd

導演/演員將出席與觀眾見面 This screening will be attended by the director and/or actors 36

Move over, Dreamgirls! These sassy belles will sing and dance their way into your hearts. Based on a true story, this raucous, feel-good musical comedy, set in 1969, recounts how four dowdy Aboriginal women crooning country western ballads are reformed into a soul act by a boozy impresario, then are recruited to entertain US troops in Saigon. The film’s superb arrangements of soul classics and the message of tolerance amid racism and war earned it a 10-minute standing ovation at Cannes Film Festival.

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

2013-HKIFF-BF-B-17to49-2C-OP.indd 36

13年2月8日 下午4:45






21/3(四)9:30pm UA iSQUARE IS

24/3(日)3:00pm UA iSQUARE IS

22/3(五)3:40pm 香港太空館 SP

26/3(二)7:15pm 香港大會堂 CT

19/3(二)5:15pm The Grand GC

29/3(五)6:00pm 香港大會堂 CT




導演:占高漢 奧地利/美國 2012 106 分鐘

導演:祖山拿科士 比利時/盧森堡/法國/瑞士 2012 111 分鐘

導演:瑪莉安漢素 比利時/法國/德國 2013 81 分鐘

看藝術純然欣賞美?塵封名畫,講的都是逝去的人物、 消失的世界?絕不。勇於創新的獨立導演放下身段,找 到兩個角色,藉一段不可思議的靈交,為藝術的永恆解 畫。Cult 歌手 Mary Margret O’Hara 飾演遊客,來到維也 納照顧親人期間,逛藝術館消閒,碰上非常警衛,兩人 尤其在 Bruegel 畫作上蹓躂的連串對話,把藝術品對生 死、權力及情慾的牽連拆解通透。他們也走到街上,發 現處處街角,都有名畫元素。一部《日落巴黎》X《磨坊 與十字架》的奇美電影。

四個小棺木緩緩運載飛機上,哭泣的母親說,要把他們 送去摩洛哥。開場已經是結局了,導演一開始就不給你 懸念,他細細鋪展現代希臘悲劇的發生過程。小戀人的 新家庭來了幾個小生命,經濟益發依賴有如代父的白人 醫生,醫生的操控慾、丈夫的軟弱、回教傳統的保守、 大白人的父權中心,都不足以構成悲劇。靜觀小家庭幾 年來的壓力和情緒幻變,鏡頭留守着漸漸失心的母親。 祖山拿科士(《給我一個安寧的家》,31 屆)最優秀之作, 康城影后德紀妮(《露茜妲》)連奪多個影后獎。

配偶分手後為甚麼要怨?愛過痛過,為甚麼定要是恨? 曾奪威尼斯最佳首作獎的瑪莉安漢素,首次自己寫劇本, 不圖激蕩劇情來嘩眾,只求平常心人生取態,書寫涓涓 溫柔。分手十五年的男女,再度一起上路,去接回滑雪 遇意外的兒子。一來一回兩天的路上,他們、兒子和他 女友,甚至一個順風車男客,段段交流在親密的車廂內, 有時家常,有時憶往。諒解與關懷,溫柔着離別歲月。 阿爾卑斯山一段,懷舊的 La Corbusier 包浩斯建築,也成 了人物內心寫照。同場加映《606 號房》(15 分)。

Museum Hours

Our Children (À perdre la raison)

Dir: Jem Cohen  Austria/USA  2012  106min Cast: Mary Margaret O’Hara, Bobby Sommer, Ela Piplits

Dir: Joachim Lafosse Belgium/Luxembourg/Fr 2012 111min Cast: Emilie Dequenne, Tahar Rahim, Niels Arestrup

Tenderness (La tendresse) Dir: Marion Hänsel Belgium/France/Germany 2013 81min Cast: Marilyne Canto, Olivier Gourmet, Sergi Lopez

Called “a delicate, quiet, sometimes gravely moving symphony of Vienna” by The New York Times, Museum Hours is a fiction/documentary hybrid that transcends its arty format to tell a tale with surprising emotional resonance. Set partly in Vienna’s Kunsthistorisches Art Museum, the film demonstrates its belief in the transformative power of art via snippets of exchanges between art historians and students, tourists and locals. At its heart though is the relationship between a sensitive museum guard and an American visitor.

It begins quietly, with four small coffins being loaded onto a plane while a woman weeps in her hospital bed. What follows is a devastating account of how a young mother, living under unbearable circumstances at home, could be driven to such a shocking, senseless act of violence. Buoyed by a powerfully moving performance by Émilie Dequenne, the film, based on true events that happened in Belgium, tackles a disturbing issue with profound intelligence and empathy. Best Actress, Cannes Un Certain Regard.

Separated for 15 years, Frans and Lisa are thrown together when they hear that their son has suffered from a skiing accident. As the odd couple drives from Belgium to the French resort of Flaine, old irritations surface along with odd mishaps en route. With an ace cast that includes Olivier Gourmet and Sergi Lopez, the film reflects on love and affection with great wit and humor. “...a magnificently mature piece of work driven by thoughtful and engaging performances” – Screendaily.Screening with Room 606 (15min).







19/3(二)5:30pm UA iSQUARE IS

22/3(五)7:30pm UA iSQUARE IS

23/3(六)9:30pm 香港科學館 SM

26/3(二)5:30pm 香港科學館 SM

27/3(三)9:45pm UA朗豪坊 UL

30/3(六)11:45pm UA朗豪坊 UL




導演:丹尼斯泰諾維奇  波斯尼亞/法國  2013  75分鐘

導演:楊恩夏比 捷克 2012 78 分鐘

導演:杜比雅士林但 丹麥 2012 99 分鐘

那邊廂的天水圍日與夜觀照相濡以沫;這邊廂的波斯尼 亞告別圍城,卻仍愁雲不散,低處不勝吟。拆車佬日夜 與廢鐵相伴,仍難養活一妻兩女。驚聞又懷孕的妻子胎 死腹中,更因沒有公家保健卡而慘變人球,命懸一線。 禍不單行的貧賤夫妻踏入亡命十日的旅程,炎涼世態以 幾何級數的速度摻透迸發,瘋狂原來已是太謙遜的名詞。 十年前獲獎無數的《無人地帶》(26 屆)導演新作,再

這是睦鄰的極致,不過道行不高或未經思想訓練的,萬 萬不可模仿。兩個阿仔同隔離屋兩個阿女上床,爸媽因 利乘便,有何不可?毗鄰而居、份屬同事的兩個中年電 工男,雙雙陷入婚姻性低潮。加勒比海海島颱風吹塌電 力供應,兩男帶埋老婆同去工作度假,陽光海灘裸泳催 情難擋,老婆總是人家的靚,老公都是人家的好,異色 中常軌脫了,換妻換夫再換性向。可回到家,阻隔兩家 的欄杆可會無恙?夏比(《清白有罪》,36 屆)回到拿手 的爆笑性喜劇,華沙電影節閉幕電影。

去年電影節驚艷的驚慄有《末日驚防》,今年就是這部 了。不過丹麥 Dogma 寫手當然路數大別,林但首次獨力 執導,近看地球貧富懸殊的新興現象─索馬里海盜劫持 貨船。半紀實之眼更跑到印度洋,在一度遭綁架的貨船 上取景,連船公司的談判專家都是貨真價實的。贖金談 判戰曠日持久,鏡頭聚焦 CEO 和船上大廚,特寫前者和 海盜角力心力交瘁、後者心身漫長交煎,不圖指責卻有 觀點,層層遞進緊張懸疑不亞於荷里活大片,更有真實 肌理與官感。奪倫敦電影節最受觀眾歡迎獎。

The Holy Quaternity (Svata ctverice)

A Hijacking (Kapringen)

Dir: Jan Hrebejk  Czech Republic  2012  78min Cast: Jirí Langmajer, Hynek Cermak, Viktorie Cermakova

Dir: Tobias Lindholm Denmark 2012 99min Cast: Pilou Asbæk, Søren Malling, Dar Salim

After the suspense drama Innocence (36th HKIFF), prolific HKIFF regular Jan Hrebejk takes a breather with the bawdy The Holy Quaternity. Following in the grand tradition of Czech cinema: the sex comedy, the film breaks marital boredom down to a basic need – one which is shared between two neighboring couples. So off they all go on a tropical holiday, which ends in a swinging foursome that embarrasses even their respective teenage children. Uninhibited and non-judgmental, this is a feelgood romp in more ways than one.

Countless headlines have been written about pirates who roam and ambush passing ships in the Indian Ocean’s northwest. A Hijacking brings one of these particular accounts into stark relief: a Danish cargo boat is overtaken by a crew of heavily armed Somalis, and the starting ransom is $15 million. Eschewing Hollywoodstyle action, the director sticks to reality to create a tightly wound thriller that concentrates not just on the drama of the suffering crew, but the tense negotiations between the ship’s CEO and the invaders.


An Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker Dir: Danis Tanovic Bosnia-Herzegovina/France/Slovenia 2013 75min Cast: Senada Alimanovic, Nazif Mujic, Sandra Mujic

Marking a change for social realism, this fifth feature from Danis Tanovic (No Man’s Land, 26th HKIFF) employs non-professionals to deliver a powerfully authentic depiction of one Roma family’s plight. The title suggests the protagonist’s circumstances, but it is Senada, the iron picker’s wife, who must struggle against her dark fate. Heavily pregnant with her third child, Senada one day feels a sharp pain in her abdomen. Thus begins the race against time to save Senada’s life despite discrimination and exorbitant hospital costs.

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

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世界視野 Global Vision



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19/3(二)3:00pm The Grand GC

21/3(四)8:00pm The Grand GC

29/3(五)9:00pm 香港太空館 SP

01/4(一)12:30pm 香港大會堂 CT

24/3(日)6:00pm 香港太空館 SP

30/3(六)3:00pm 香港大會堂 CT




導演:嘉芙蓮郭仙妮 法國 2012 100 分鐘

導演:巴塔沙哥麥古 冰島/挪威 2012 95 分鐘

導演:山泰古馬 印度 2011 153 分鐘

郭仙妮(《別問妻愛誰》,2010 夏日電影節)勇闖男人新 世界,替男角注入現代感性。一宗撞死人不顧而去的交 通意外,牽纏殊異的三個人,半帶驚慄也有人性的低回。 撞死人的阿爾快要成為老闆的乘龍快婿,良心的不安, 令他跑到醫院,給目擊意外的朱麗葉認出,跌進了卡夫 卡的荒謬處境。朱麗葉無端懷了孩子,人生的迷亂,使 她給阿爾身上某些記認拉扯過去。死者妻,東歐新移民, 一無所有,於她,甚麼都有個價,包括丈夫的心肝脾肺 腎。獲科索沃電影節最佳電影、最佳女演員獎。

對三十五歲以上的冰島人而言,1984 年的韋斯曼群島海 難,是集體回憶的傷痕事件:五人出海獨一人歸來。《黑 金速遞》導演哥麥古(《你黑我未黑》,25 屆)在荷里活 甚吃得開,然而他沒忘本源血脈,重提舊事。這不是《驚 濤駭浪》加《浩劫重生》的冰島「完美風暴」仿製品, 特技沒蓋過現場潛水拍攝,頌揚求生意志之餘,沒有忽 略複雜難測的個人心緒。生還者被看作國家英雄,也有 人在背後質疑是懦夫,哥麥古實看到人心有個深坑,人 性比海水更冷。入圍奧斯卡最佳外語片初選九強。

寶萊塢的孖生兄弟,南印的 Kollywood 最火最成功的類 型兜亂片,文藝搞笑再加驚慄,有《作死不離三兄弟》 的窩心,有寶萊塢的歌舞心靈按摩,更有驚慄刺激、分 秒肉緊的娛樂至上。無論家庭、學校和社會,沉默正直 的帥哥阿加都跟勢利的大環境格格不入,有時盲衝瞎撞 更會累街坊,幸有美女知己臭味相投。四個污警貪財殺 人,罪證無端端放在阿加門口,唔止水洗唔清,阿加更 頂硬上以卵擊石大鬥惡勢力。一步一驚心的劇情發展, 完全出乎意料,勁辣的心靈雞湯,你試過未?

Three Worlds (Trois mondes) Dir: Catherine Corsini France 2012 100min Cast: Raphaël Personnaz, Clotilde Hesme, Arta Dobroshi

The Deep (Djúpið)

Guru of Silence (Mounaguru)

Dir: Baltasar Kormákur  Iceland/Norway  2012  95 min Cast: Olafur Darri Olafsson

Dir: Santha Kumar India 2011 153min Cast: Arulnidhi, John Vijay, Uma Riyaz Khan, Iniya, Madhu

A hit-and-run accident is the catalyst that sends three people from different social and economic strata into a collision of conscience. First is the driver of the car, Ali, a dashing twentysomething heading towards a bright future and marriage; second is the witness of the accident, Juliette, whose concern for the victim leads her to track down the perpetrator; and lastly Vera, the victim’s wife, who has been living illegally in France with her husband. Three Worlds is an even-handed suspense that deftly examines psychological underpinnings and morality.

A bravura combination of one uncompromising director and one fearless actor results in some of the most spectacular scenes of man vs. nature ever captured in The Deep, one of the year’s most astonishing films. Based on the true story of a fishing trawl that sank miles away from Icelandic shores, the film follows paunchy survivor Gulli as he braves the freezing Nordic sea. Eschewing CGI, the director makes the lead actor physically endure through incredibly harsh physical conditions, but the result is pure, thrilling cinema.

An art student, Karunakaran, with anger management issues, a group of cops that rip off a traffic accident victim for a stash of money, and a woman with an omnipresent camera phone that captures evidence of their crime collide in Chennai in this constantly twisting and turning Tamil thriller. Rising star Arulnidhi turns in a perfectly taciturn performance as the Hitchcockian Wrong Man who gets sucked into an increasingly out of control criminal plot. Kumar Santha’s gripping debut feature – was a sleeper hit in India.







25/3(一)7:15pm 香港藝術中心 AC

29/3(五)5:15pm 香港藝術中心 AC

25/3(一)7:30pm The Grand GC

28/3(四)11:55pm The Grand GC

22/3(五)9:40pm The Grand GC

25/3(一)2:30pm 香港科學館 SM




導演:梵希藩基利斐 伊朗 2012 84 分鐘

導演:連尼阿巴謙遜 愛爾蘭 2012 87 分鐘  中文字幕

導演:狄羅沙保 以色列 2012 99 分鐘

影片一開頭就古靈精怪,錫紙不單可以做牆紙,還可以 着上身,中年大叔穿戴整齊就出門口了。不論是夜深沉 的伊朗隧道,還是壞了的升降機、曲折的樓梯、昏暗的 走廊,都好像科幻作品中的未來空間,大叔的工作就是 滅蟲殺曱甴,然而人與曱甴都好像被困在封閉的空間裏, 沒有出路。伊朗多年來人才輩出,八十後年輕導演不再 走社會寫實,而是用長鏡頭穩定地看伊朗城市的暗夜世 界,影像感覺百分百大衛連治,一部關於棄絕與疏離的 電影,何時可以重見黎明?

最想不到的人,也會差錯腳,懸念在於後來有甚麼反應。 他是體育王子,欖球場上的阮馬素,型、高大、成熟、 有責任感,兄弟幫裏的大阿哥。李察家境富裕,快上大 學,大地恍在腳下,人生轉捩點,想不到壓縮在一個暑 假。他的初戀,在酒精和妒火中迅速變質,暴力脫韁迸 發,好兄弟同為他遮瞞,他呢?新世代驕子,要繼續去 天真還是坦白?敏銳機靈的鏡頭特有一份清醒,靜看少 年墜落。看點除了是魅力演戲的型仔主角,更有丹麥影 帝 Lars Mikkelsen 扮演大受考驗的父親。

不認老的豈止史泰龍和阿諾舒華辛力加?咖啡座裏,以 色列老兵緬懷舊事,夾着白頭宮女的唏噓,互陳彷彿仍 滲着血的歷史。無所事事又一天,明日又如何?走過的 年輕人,眼高於頂,面前為他們打拼過的老傢伙們,統 統成了隱形人。必須接受一個埋葬記憶重量的年代?直 至舊愛在眼前被汽車輾斃,那聲「不!」終於呼嘯而出, 奮起用自己的方法以眼還眼。問題是異化不能消融,當 討回的並非公義,一切如何收科?一部逝愛無法提供救 贖的尊嚴電影,為包括香港的高齡社會敲響了警鐘。


What Richard Did


Dir: Vahid Vakilifar Iran 2012 84min Cast: Mohammad Rabbanipour

Dir: Lenny Abrahamson Ireland 2012 87min Cast: Jack Reynor, Róisín Murphy, Sam Keeley, Lars Mikkelsen

Dir: Dror Sabo Israel 2012 99min Cast: Yehoram Gaon, Yossi Pollak, Noa Barkai

Apocalyptic bacteria and deadly radiation sound like the stuff of Hollywood sci-fi. But in the Iranian drama Taboor, those elements help depict a crumbling world where death lurks around every corner. The film follows an unnamed man, decked out in full tin foil gear, through nocturnal Tehran on motorbike as he goes about his work as an exterminator. The hypnotic images and oppressive anonymity of Vakilifar’s vivid survival story eventually morph into a road movie that dares to suggest protecting a broken past even as we struggle toward the future.

18 year-old Richard Karlsen seems to have it all – good looks and charms, a loving and well-to-do family, and a budding romance with Laura. But it takes only one senseless act for Richard’s life to spiral out of control. This is a languid yet riveting drama that at first builds a portrait of a confident young man with his whole future ahead of him, only to later tear him apart with painful moral conundrum. “Beautifully shot, impressively performed and increasingly powerful…What Richard Did is a remarkably impressive film” – Screendaily.

These old men are not just grumpy, they are pissed. Efraim and Moshka have been buddies for 60 years, but the veterans, who fought for Israel only to have the new generation ignore them, have had enough of being powerless. When a woman whom they both know is killed in a car accident, Efraim hits the boiling point and the two become Death Wish-style vigilantes, dispatching noisy neighbors, obnoxious cellphone users and the hit-and-run perpetrator. Sure to elicit hoots of approval from anyone ever annoyed by disrespectful youngsters.

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

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29/3(五)12:30pm 31/3(日)3:30pm 香港大會堂 CT 香港大會堂 CT





29/3(五)3:00pm 香港太空館 SP

31/3(日)12:30pm 香港大會堂 CT

26/3(二)2:30pm 香港科學館 SM

29/3(五)6:00pm 香港太空館 SP




導演:藍瑪寶絲妲 以色列 2012 87 分鐘

導演:湯素化 以色列/德國 2013 107 分鐘

導演:勞治魯卡素 意大利 2012 105 分鐘

舒拉在父母的安排下,興高采烈的物色到未來丈夫,誰 知噩耗傳來,姐姐難產不治。媽提出:你下嫁姐夫,照 顧姐的遺腹子吧。爸說:你可以拒絕的。舒拉想拒絕, 不過她活在正統哈西德猶太教家庭,愛自己其次,愛家 庭優先。導演也是哈西德教徒,精彩也在這裏,該教派 的種種,從音樂、舞蹈、服裝到宗教儀式,都由局中人 細細道來,而目光是坦然的。偏愛珍奧斯汀的寶絲妲, 把舒拉寫得像從《理智與情感》跑出來。本土連奪最佳 電影等七獎,女主角獲封威尼斯影展影后。

阿也阿蘇是連食烟手勢都會一樣的翻版兄弟,如果不是 窮,如果不是有枝鎗,他們大抵無憂無慮,相親相愛下 去。不過生命無保障,首先安全窩失守,爸爸失業無錢 交租,阿也接到入伍通知,一枝鎗送到手上。在以色列, 人人帶鎗的街景很平常,鎗不安全的吊詭,兄弟可沒想 到,他們大起膽子,綁架靚女同學,怎料這天安息日, 壞了贖金的好事,阿也回軍部,阿蘇獨力面對蘇州屎。 影評人轉型導演第一作,餅印兄弟扮演心靈相通的巴打, 刻劃以色列非人性的日常生活,份外傳神抵死。

米高是一等一的地球良民,會貯雨水沖涼,踩單車發電 剃鬚,更會執地上垃圾,但諷刺啊,保護地球戰士,反 變公司和鄰居眼中怪胎。這天他破例駕電動車,撞倒了 不知甚麼,再看到路邊大舊垃圾,下車去拾,原來是個 被撞重傷的名人。救人英雄記憶模糊,被誤作頭號嫌疑 犯,他講真相,卻慘成卡夫卡人物,開口夾着了脷,完 全違反法律遊戲精神。意大利性格演員魯卡素初執導, 精準演繹自己筆下的懸疑和荒誕,棒打「理想城市」更 幽默真切。威尼斯影展最佳意大利電影獎。

Fill the Void

(Lemale et ha’halal) Dir: Rama Burshtein Israel 2012 87min Cast: Hadas Yaron, Yiftach Klein, Irit Sheleg, Chaim Sharir

Youth Dir: Tom Shoval Israel/Germany 2013 107min Cast: Eitan Cunio, David Cunio, Moshe Ivgy

The Ideal City (La città ideale) Dir: Luigi Lo Cascio  Italy  2012  105min Cast: Luigi Lo Cascio, Luigi Maria Burruano, Aida Burruano

With its pageantry of rituals and traditional hats and costumes, it would be easy to mistake the exotic, colorful world of ultra-Orthodox Jews as something out of the 19th century. But first-time director Rama Burshtein, herself a haredi, deftly balances heartache, comedy and romance to give us a rare window into this deeply devout culture. 18-year-old Shira is to be married to a potential suitor as negotiated by her elders. But when tragedy strikes, she must make a difficult decision in order to keep her family together. Best Actress, Venice Film Festival.

Despite the constant news about Syria, Iran and the Hezbollah, Israel’s biggest problem right now is entirely domestic – the unequal distribution of wealth. Tom Shoval’s formidable first feature shows how economic disparity and compulsory military service can create something explosive. Yaki and Saul are two close teenage brothers whose family suffers from debilitating debt. When Yaki is drafted, he is given a rifle. This rifle could be their ticket out of poverty – provided they are successful with their kidnapping plan.

Architect Michele (The Best of Youth actor Luigi Lo Cascio in his directorial debut) lives in the ideal Tuscan town of Siena as part of his obsessive quest to live green: he generates power by stationary bike and uses only rainwater. Michele ventures out by (electric) car one evening for the first time in years, and seeing a body by the side of the road sets off a chain of events that embroils him in an Italian-style Kafkaesque legal and personal nightmare where the truth is as hard to determine as it is cathartic.







22/3(五)7:30pm UA太古城 UC

25/3(一)5:30pm UA太古城 UC

23/3(六)2:30pm UA朗豪坊 UL

25/3(一)9:15pm UA朗豪坊 UL

22/3(五)7:30pm UA朗豪坊 UL

24/3(日)11:45pm UA朗豪坊 UL




導演:丹尼捷皮 意大利/法國 2012 90 分鐘

導演:納比阿尤治 摩洛哥/法國/比利時 2012 115 分鐘

導演:米奇登漢 荷蘭 2012 98 分鐘

卡薩布蘭卡,已不是《北菲諜影》而是《無主之城》。啟 發自那裏的自殺式炸彈案,死士竟都是小孩,震驚的北 非導演,借鏡貧民窟真人真事,搬演沒有童夢的可憐生 命。在這裏,出街踢波會變打死人,大人會用最惡毒的 話罵孩子,那是他們極速成長的第一課,而愛幾乎不存 在,男女關係只有性或者性暴。當十三歲的哥哥哈米繫 獄,十歲的小軒頓失保護傘,天天跟暴力與毒品為伍, 哈米出獄的時候,已變目有寒光、身負重任的神馬。囊 括西班牙及布魯塞爾兩地電影節最佳電影獎。

擅長動畫的導演來拍劇情片,偏愛的黑色卻幽默連連。 中產家庭很完美,只是長相滑稽的醜小鴨小妹妹露了點 玄妙。青春期的伊娃依然故我着件公仔衫返學行街街, 這一天一個德國交換生踏入家門,靚仔不在話下,更溫 柔得殺死人,弄得不只伊娃的荷爾蒙突變,全家上下不 見光的真面目馬上乍洩。經理爸爸忽然對非洲兒童大發 善心,抑鬱媽媽發心靜修,大小兒子相繼叛變,但去得 最盡的,是伊娃。雖然是柏索里尼《定理》和蘇倫茨《純 真傳說》的近親,但荷蘭的黑色倒是開放的。

Horses of God (Les chevaux de Dieu) Dir: Nabil Ayouch Morocco/France/Belgium 2012 115min Cast: Abdelhakim Rachid, Abdelilah Rachid, Hamza Souidek

The Deflowering of Eva van End

Dir: Daniele Ciprì  Italy / France  2012  90min Cast: Toni Servillo, Giselda Volodi, Alfredo Castro, Fabrizio Falco

The poverty of Sicily’s suburbs has been a frequent setting for mafia stories. Daniele Cipri’s highly original first solo feature takes those tropes and fashions an operatic, at times surreal tragicomedy out of familiar gangster stereotypes. The ever-excellent Tony Servillo plays a scavenger whose daughter is caught in a deadly gangland shoot-out. When the family is promised a generous government compensation, they start to spend their supposed windfall, which only leads to trouble. Golden Osella for Cinematography, Venice Film Festival.

The Moroccan slums, where hardened, disenfranchised young men must survive everyday poverty and violence, are hotbeds for Islamist fundamentalist recruitment. In Horses of God, four childhood friends grow up with broken families and frequent bullying. When teenage Hamid starts running with the wrong crowd, he ends up in jail. After 9/11, Hamid emerges from jail a changed man – fiercely religious and persuasive in bringing people to his newfound cause. It’s an intimate, compelling and sympathetic look at a world we often hear about in the news but rarely see.

Like Pasolini’s Teorema but with a Todd Solondz twist, this absurdist ribbing of Dutch petit bourgeoisie has a young, impossibly perfect German exchange student upending one dysfunctional family’s everyday life. Typified by one eccentric scenario after another, this stylish, confident debut by Michiel ten Horn serves up pathos aplenty, most notably with the plump titular 15-year-old Eva who invited the golden-haired guest to stay in the first place – albeit no one paid her any attention until he shows up.

極 度 黑 色 的 悲 喜 劇, 貝 洛 奇 奧 御 用 的 天 才 攝 影 師 捷 皮 (《睡美人》)首次獨力執導,以創意驚人的鏡頭角度和辛 辣諷刺的筆觸,塑造西西里平凡家庭裏一個個畸形怪狀 的人物。三代六口同堂的快樂窮家,由檢廢船破爛的父 親支撐,黑手黨血併,小女兒中流彈身亡,但哀痛隨即 給政府賠償金一掃而空,錢未到手,一家上下已先問大 耳窿借,阿爸更建議買架平治威威。哈哈鏡般的超現實 人物、超現實的故事發展,來到巴拉莫都是稀鬆平常。 獲威尼斯影展傑出攝影技術成就獎。

It Was the Son (E’ stato il figlio)

Dir: Michiel ten Horn  The Netherlands  2012  98min Cast: Vivian Dierickx, Abe Dijkman, Tomer Pawlicki

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

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24/3(日)9:45pm UA朗豪坊 UL

26/3(二)11:45pm UA朗豪坊 UL

19/3(二)7:15pm UA iSQUARE IS

28/3(四)5:30pm UA iSQUARE IS



18/3(一)3:00pm UA太古城 UC

20/3(三)9:45pm UA太古城 UC

解脫前 90 分鐘



導演:伊娃蘇夏 挪威 2012 90 分鐘

導演:尊羅保拉拿  菲律賓  2012  110 分鐘

導演:馬戈斯加蘇莫斯卡 波蘭 2013 96 分鐘

生命的最後一個半小時,還要打長命電話取消報章訂閱, 與業主結束租務關係,送走寵物鳥。另一邊廂,他在前 妻及子女面前顯得失語,無休止的生活瑣碎,指向憂鬱 無力的生命黑洞。既然如此,一切訴諸暴力好了?把女 友綁起充當性奴,身旁嬰兒哭喊不停便飽以老拳的莾漢, 可是這表面平靜城市裏的計時炸彈?三段初看互不相干 的故事,滙合指向生存的不可能性。北歐新銳伊娃蘇夏 起用前作《冷飯人間》(33 屆)原班人馬,繼續讓女性 主義者和後殖民影迷趨之若鶩。

喜歡《桃姐》的你大概不會在等《黃金時代》的蕭紅吧, 先換個地方,添個酷兒口味,來拜訪馬尼拉,Rene 伯伯 心火盛,同行的狗女叫 Princess。乘客:狗狗好得意,咬 不咬人 ? 他答道:牠不咬人,我咬人。言行似老薑,實 情是未出櫃老同志,只有靚仔神父知。買定棺材唔流淚, 尖酸刻薄好硬淨,鄰居工友無一不封他做偶像,然而, 他家有神蹟,媽媽精神長存,講出來十足似個 Norman Bates。放心,沒有殺人,生命到這一刻,櫃中踟躕、剖 白心跡已是「觸目驚心」的緊張、奇妙和喜劇感。

多少事可以因父聖名幹到底?阿當年紀輕輕便投身神職, 來到鄉郊協助孩子矯正行為失常。然而,總有些東西不 能拗正拗直。他拒絕了金髮美少女夏娃的示愛,表面看 來打贏了一場靈肉之戰,到頭來原來只是真命天子未駕 臨。被禁制的情慾,不被肯定的自我,當上提到神學反 思的位置,竟指向讓人體會類近基督受難的精神折磨。 寂寞與虛無的結盟,強大到令尼采式的強者也為之動容, 弄不好便是折服一生。柳暗花明,在暗角待着的準是以 無愛為相的大愛?

90 Minutes (90 Minutter)


In the Name of (W imie…)

Dir: Eva Sørhaug  Norway  2012  90 min Cast: Aksel Hennie, Kaia Varjord, Bjørn Floberg

Dir: Jun Robles Lana  The Philippines  2012  110min Cast: Eddie Garcia, Rez Cortez, Gardo Versoza

Dir: Malgoska Szumowska Poland 2013 96min Cast: Andrzej Chyra, Mateusz Kosciukiewicz, Maja Ostaszewska

Johan, a well-to-do businessman; Fred, a police officer and a family man; Trond, a new father. Three different characters, one common sin – the violence perpetrated against women by men. The clinical, meticulously directed 90 Minutes shows us the everyday abuse suffered by women lurking beneath the civilized façade of today’s society. Provocative and at times shockingly brutal, this is a tense triptych of domestic terror. “Sorhaug’s technique is so assured, and her use of the frame so subtle and precise” – Variety.

Grumpy old men have nothing on Rene, the crusty curmudgeon who is so ready to die he has even purchased his own coffin. His only source of companionship is Bwakaw, a stray mutt. A droll, perceptive character study, Bwakaw takes conventional tropes and fashions them into something uniquely moving. From the amusing scenes of Rene constant pestering his priest regarding his will to the more introspective moments on loneliness and mortality, the plight of an aging gay man has never been more heartfelt and entertaining.

In one small Polish town, teenage delinquents attend a community center constructed by the Catholics headed by Father Adam. Over time, Adam has built a foundation of trust with these troubled teens as well as the town’s community. But that fragile trust threatens to collapse with the arrival of two boys: a sullen, rural outcast and a goldenhaired troublemaker. Adam’s self-imposed abstinence will soon undergo its greatest test. Bound to create controversy, Malgoska Szumowska’s provocative film features plenty of striking imagery from Christ’s Passion.







23/3(六)9:30pm UA太古城 UC

25/3(一)2:30pm UA太古城 UC

25/3(一)5:30pm UA朗豪坊 UL

27/3(三)7:30pm UA朗豪坊 UL

18/3(一)7:15pm UA朗豪坊 UL

23/3(六)5:00pm UA朗豪坊 UL




導演:華拉莉雅莎美安杜 葡萄牙/法國 2012 151 分鐘

導演:薩德杜里 黎巴嫩/法國/卡塔爾 2012 102 分鐘

導演:斯真哥羅波域治 塞爾維亞/德國/法國 2013 112 分鐘

大師盧易茲未竟的遺願,也是《夜夢三巡》的姊妹作, 由合作夥伴兼妻子寫上完美句號。尊麥高維治、嘉芙蓮 丹露、伊莎貝雨蓓等巨星空群出動,以十九世紀拿破崙 入侵葡萄牙為背景,交織出軍官、貴族、妓女、畫師、 浪人等等軍民相交集的遺憾和悲歌。導演以女性感性, 細細紡出絲線,令綿密故事滿佈對比:悼亡畫面接上性 愛極樂,戰死、強暴與貴族饗宴並置,威靈頓公爵惦念 戰爭油畫的逼真,更甚於現實裏生靈塗炭。怪異得超乎 現實、效果懾人的一幅戰地長卷。威尼斯影展競賽片。

翻成四十種文字、得獎無數的暢銷小說改編,枕邊妻是 陌生人,偵探片的情節峰迴路轉非常刺激。巴勒斯坦大 國手在以色列人圈子打滾如魚得水,一宗炸彈襲擊案料 理無數傷者過後,赫然發現炸彈女是自己妻子。妻子赴 死前寫下自白書,鐵證如山,大國手惘然,他回到少小 離家的納布盧斯,追查妻子身份。陌生的妻子,在這裏 竟是照片張貼滿街的救國英雄,更嚇人的線索是一個生 人勿近的教派領袖,他掉進黑洞,竟發現是為自己度身 訂造…獲聖塞巴斯蒂安電影節評審團特別表揚獎。

感情的包袱,如果馱着是死去的人,可以很沉重。那時 戰火熾烈,從戰場退下來小休的米高,在三個大兵手中 救出一個回教徒小商人,卻賠上了性命。多年以後,一 個殺人者的兒子,來幫忙米高的父親搬石頭建教堂;一 個殺人者送到米高好友的手術室,生死一線間;米高生 前的女友,跑到小商人如今在德國的家,求他相救。寃 寃相報的心路心力交瘁,救贖和報恩的路同樣舉步艱難。 啟發自真人真事,影機一路靜觀遺恨,追蹤看不到岸的 一個個漣漪。獲新丹士電影節評審團特別獎。

Lines of Wellington

(Linhas de Wellington) Dir: Valeria Sarmiento Portugal/France 2012 151min Cast: John Malkovich, Nuno Lopes, Soraia Chaves, Marisa Paredes

The Attack

(L’attentat) Dir: Ziad Doueiri Lebanon/France/Qatar 2012 102min Cast: Ali Suliman, Reymonde Amsellem, Evgenia Dodina

Circles (Krugovi) Dir: Srdan Golubovic Serbia/Germany/France 2013 112min Cast: Vuk Kostic, Nebojsa Glogovac, Aleksandar Bercek

Raul Ruiz was preparing to shoot this epic 19th century wartime drama before his untimely passing. His widow Valeria Sarmiento took over the reins and gathered an astonishing cast comprising of Catherine Deneuve, Michel Piccoli and Isabelle Huppert, among others. Seen as a companion piece to Ruiz’s Mysteries of Lisbon (35th HKIFF), this is a stirring, realist saga that begins with Napoleon’s encroaching army ready to invade Lisbon. Their adversaries are a garrison of British and Portuguese soldiers led by General Wellington (John Malkovich).

A taut, riveting thriller that brings a fresh and powerful insight into the Arab-Israeli tension, this adaptation of Yasmina Khadra’s bestselling book focuses on a successful Palestinian surgeon, well-integrated into the Israeli establishment, who works in Tel Aviv. A suicide bombing changes his life forever when he is informed that his wife is the perpetrator. At first suspected of being an accomplice, he is soon released. But his anger and inability to comprehend his spouse’s action leads him to retrace her steps into the occupied West Bank.

An act of senseless violence during the height of the Bosnian war ripples through the lives of five people some twelve years later in this resonant and tightly woven morality tale. Back in Bosnia, an old man is building a church but purposefully shoos away a young worker. At the same time, a surgeon in Belgrade faces tough choices when he encounters an accident victim. And in Germany, a Muslim immigrant must help a woman and her son from an abusive spouse. Special Jury Prize, Sundance World Cinema Competition.

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

2013-HKIFF-BF-B-17to49-2C-OP-revise.indd 40

13年2月14日 下午1:23




21/3(四)7:30pm UA朗豪坊 UL

26/3(二)5:30pm UA朗豪坊 UL

18/3(一)5:00pm UA太古城 UC

20/3(三)7:30pm UA太古城 UC



22/3(五)9:20pm 香港太空館 SP

1/4(一)10:30am 香港藝術中心 AC




導演:彭山拿雲迪拿基 斯里蘭卡/印度 2012 90 分鐘

導演:愛絲莉奧芝嘉 土耳其/德國/荷蘭 2013 102 分鐘

導演:雷士塞力 土耳其 2012 91 分鐘

跟布烈遜一樣改編杜斯妥也夫斯基的《溫柔女子》,背景 搬到斯里蘭卡。他是孤獨寡言的當舖老闆,她是泰米爾 族的沉靜姑娘。她因逃避戰亂寄人籬下,為了生計幾乎 下嫁老翁,他由憐生愛決定出手相救,使她終身有托。 彼此鍾情本是鸞鳳和鳴,價值觀不同仍可勉強遷就,廿 五載內戰遺下的創傷才是無法逾越的高山。被譽為雲迪 拿基(《八月斜陽》,2003)狀態大勇之作,亦是該國獨 立電影里程碑,攝影教人念念不忘,處理冷靜細緻,沒 有傾城之淚,只有花謝花飛的宿命。

伊斯坦堡高級住宅區,裏面的人也許有錢有美貌,卻不 一定有快樂。男人是名建築師,女人是攝影師,女兒長 大離去,結婚多年的夫妻面對空巢,才發覺感情淡去。 她發現他無故走開,聽神秘電話,也無故在發脾氣。不 能名狀的不安暗暗流動,但婚姻,畢竟算是個安全港。 誰都沒提起過甚麼。逝去的愛,只有謊言、孤獨才能把 故事說得下去。平靜專注的鏡頭沒有矯情,它甚至站到 窗外,看人生即如是的風景,但難保,旁觀者會變局中 人。借中年情懷,寫出的一首好詩。

半百老人迎娶 14 歲少女,迫婚是迫婚,不過兩者皆被迫。 新郎剛出獄,兩次為保家聲殺人,坐了半輩子的牢,兩 家族安排婚姻泯恩仇。洞房夜,老人少女都心慌慌,不 知該怎麼完成「使命」。儀式這個時候總是好的,少女乖 乖替老人洗腳、奉糖、拿墊子祈禱,老人出奇地溫柔, 甚麼都依着。但時間難蹉跎啊,像《一千零一夜》,少女 開始央老人講蛇女的故事。幾乎真實時間鋪展,戲劇性 繃緊得叫人透不過氣。獲柏林影展水晶熊獎、布魯塞爾 電影節最佳電影及最佳導演獎。

With You, Without You

Lifelong (Hayatboyu)

Night of Silence (Lal Gece)

Dir: Prasanna Vithanage  Sri Lanka/India  2012  90min Cast: Anjali Patil, Shyam Fernando, Wasantha Moragoda

Dir: Asli Özge Turkey/Germany/The Netherlands 2013 102min Cast: Defne Halman, Hakan Cimenser

Dir: Reis Celik Turkey 2012 91min Cast: Ilyas Salman, Dilan Aksut

Dostoyevsky’s novella The Meek One is skillfully adapted to post-war Sri Lanka in this “slow-moving but ultimately touching drama about a marriage doomed by ethnic conflict”, according to Variety. A solitary, middle-aged pawnbroker slowly opens up to a young Tamil client who is a refugee from the north. When he discover that she is about to be married off to a wealthy older man, he decides to propose. But their matrimony and eventual love cannot shield them from the husband’s terrible secret past.

Ela and her husband Can are in their 50s: well-to-do, successful and admired by peers and friends. But their seemingly happy relationship is a mere façade – their love is long gone. Then one night Ela overhears Can’s phone conversation... Asli Ozge’s meticulously controlled second feature is fraught with tension derived primarily from the silence and the lack of communication between the couple. Gorgeously shot and art directed, Lifelong shows us how the world of the privileged in Istanbul can be these individuals’ greatest shackles.

Confined to their wedding chamber, newlyweds Gelin and Damat grapple with their individual fears and wonder how to meet the expectations that will be publicly demanded of them come dawn. The situation is complicated by the fact that they’re in a marriage arranged to settle a blood feud. Damat is a sixtyish ex-con and Gelin is 13. This spare and inevitably tragic two-hander examining Gelin’s resistance and Damat’s inability to escape his past create an intimate allegory of a society buckling under the weight of its own traditions.



20/3(三)12:30pm 24/3(日)9:00pm UA iSQUARE IS UA iSQUARE IS



23/3(六)7:45pm UA太古城 UC

26/3(二)3:00pm UA太古城 UC



導演:佩琳愛絲瑪 土耳其/德國/法國 2012 100 分鐘

導演:諾亞包巴赫 美國 2012 86 分鐘  中文字幕

可能是宅男的理想避世所,土耳其的山火瞭望員要住在 美國獨立電影最近流行演過界,這次是演員格烈達卓慧 深山的瞭望塔裏,只需用無線電報告「一切正常」。揹着 (《情迷羅馬》)參與編寫、塑造發亮發光的八十後。法 傷痛過去、算是半個宅男的尼克,這天去了山下小鎮剛 蘭絲是掙扎中的舞蹈員,與同居女友散了,生活與事業 呷下一口咖啡,就發現了不-尋-常-,村巴的售票姑 都沒法踏實,我們卻看着她輕盈的心緒。不要跟紅頂白 娘幹麼鬼鬼祟祟?去尋個究竟,尼克發現她的棄嬰。他 說卓慧吸引的演出帶紅導演,說故意黑白攝影只是效法 把 BB 抱回去,然後天像有眼,姑娘也躲進瞭望塔裏,兩 《曼克頓》,實情是諾阿包巴赫念念不忘 ,再有回響,他 大一小開展了全新的人生旅程。原創的小故事在綠色環 十七年前的成名作《瘋狂二十年華》早有年少輕狂的主 抱的大自然顯得非常奪目,靜觀的環境裏始終人物是重 題,依然故我明快節奏、機靈對白,只是這一回再添挑 點,土耳其男尊女卑的現實都恰如其份成了底色。 逗感性。像我這樣一個時代的美國嬌娃如是誕生。

Watchtower (Gozetleme Kulesi)

Francis Ha

Dir: Pelin Esmer  Turkey/Germany/France  2012  100 min Cast: Olgun Simsek, Nilay Erdonmez, Menderes Samancilar

Dir: Noah Baumbach USA 2012 86min Cast: Greta Gerwig, Mickey Sumner

A taciturn fire warden watches over a national forest from a faraway watchtower. A young college student works as a hostess/tour guide while harboring a secret shame. These two unlikely souls quietly pass by each other, until their troubled pasts bring them together. Pelin Esmer’s drama succeeds in subtly illustrating the lives of these two solitary characters while not shying away from ratcheting up the emotions for the film’s final act. “…this lovely gem of a small film that, without rush, earns its dramatic stripes” – Screendaily.

Known for star-studded indies such as The Squid and the Whale, Baumbach has always been an amusing observer of idiosyncratic personalities. In his latest, the effervescent Francis Ha, the director channels Woody Allen in his love of New York and the French nouvelle vague in its off-the-cuff spirit – the film is peppered with laugh-out-loud dialogues and ludicrous yet believable situations. At the center is Greta Gerwig’s goofy, affectionate portrayal of a twenty-something woman struggling to find some forward momentum in her life.

詳情見頁 80 For details, see p.80

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

2013-HKIFF-BF-B-17to49-2C-OP.indd 41

世界視野 Global Vision



13年2月8日 下午4:45



22/3(五)1:30pm 香港太空館 SP

25/3(一)7:15pm 香港大會堂 CT

大白象 導演:帕布洛查比羅  阿根廷/西班牙/法國 2012 110 分鐘

查比羅(《ER 禿鷹》,35 屆)再向布宜諾斯艾利斯的腥 風黑雨進發,這次是貧民城寨,毒販和腐警盤踞的三不 管地帶,居民都躲進神父祖利安(百看不厭的力卡度戴 連)的保護傘下。祖利安找來阿馬遜河劫後餘生的年輕 神父尼古拉(戴丹兄弟愛將謝洛美希尼亞),兩人並肩作 戰,但一個保守一個激進,意見終有分歧,尼古拉又情 傾女社工,此際,城寨內搶地盤大廝殺山雨欲來。從開 場的大屠殺到最後警民對歭,迫力一直崩緊,再有米高 尼文抑揚的音樂、廢墟般的場景,全片氣勢磅礡。

the passions of Latin American cinema

White Elepant (Elefante Blanco) Dir: Pablo Trapero  Argentina/Spain/France  2012  110min Cast: Ricardo Darin, Martina Gusman, Jérémie Renier

Reteaming with his stars from Carancho (35th HKIFF), Pablo Trapero once again ventures into the dark side of Argentinian society with White Elephant, a thriller set between Puerto Madero, a posh, newly gentrified neighborhood, and Villa Maria, one of the city’s most dangerous slums. Fathers Julian and Nicholas are two Catholic priests who bring food, medicine education to the impoverished community. But constant turf wars between gangsters, police incursions and local battles threaten the safely of the men and their followers.




20/3(三)5:00pm The Grand GC

25/3(一)9:15pm 香港藝術中心 AC

紫紅色的一生 導演:安德烈士活特  智利/阿根廷/巴西  2011  110 分鐘

「如果歌沒能獻給所愛的人,就讓我死吧。」拉美民歌之 母 Violeta Parra,就這樣應驗自己的預言,活特(《那年 陽光燦爛》,29 屆)用上她的美麗嗓音、魔幻寫實作法, 道出燦爛幻變的一生。她天才橫溢,沒受過教育,卻用 大帳篷建起山區藝術大學,她很晚學畫,卻成羅浮宮首 個擺展覽的女畫家,她不懂音律,卻唱出一闋闋無數世 界歌手都來翻唱的名曲。今天的學生運動,也會用她的 肖像象徵自由平等。她闖的世界縱然很大,可惜闖不過 感情一關。獲辛丹士電影節最佳劇情片評審團大獎。

Violeta Went to Heaven Dir: Andrés Wood Chile/Argentina/Brazil 2011 110min Cast: Francisca Gavilan, Thomas Durand, Luis Machin

導演/演員將出席與觀眾見面 This screening will be attended by the director and/or actors 42

Chilean national icon Violeta Parra was a folklorist and artist who rose from her humble, troubled beginnings to international renown. In this bravely unconventional biopic, director Andrés Wood (Machuca, 29th HKIFF) reveals glimpses of key moments in her life via deft editing while showcasing some of her best folk songs and her dedication towards the cause of indigenous culture. Fiercely committed actress Francisca Gavilan sensitively captures Parra’s gifted abilities as well as her intensity, flaws and contradictions. World Cinema Dramatic Jury Prize, Sundance Film Festival.

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

2013-HKIFF-BF-B-17to49-2C-OP.indd 42

13年2月8日 下午4:45


28/3(四)10:00pm 1/4(一)3:15pm 香港大會堂 CT 香港太空館 SP





25/3(一)7:30pm UA朗豪坊 UL

27/3(三)11:45pm UA朗豪坊 UL

18/3(一)9:30pm 香港科學館 SM

22/3(五)5:30pm The Grand GC




導演:威廉韋加 哥倫比亞/法國/墨西哥 2012 88 分鐘

導演:露茜穆萊  古巴/英國/美國  2012  90分鐘

導演:米高法蘭哥 墨西哥 2012 102 分鐘

沒有「喲喲喲唏呵」,沒有奔山走野的聖班納犬和女孩, 當然也沒有《湖濱散記》式寧靜。十九歲夢遊少女被戰 火摧毀家園,投靠深山湖畔經營旅館的舅舅,對方要求 她協助把殘破的旅館變成旅遊熱點;表兄忽然回歸,令 本已緊張的關係更形壓迫。稀薄的安第斯山區空氣,有 甚麼凝固了,變質了。霧起,蓋掩的不止是紅顏嬌容。 威廉韋加初執導筒,即顯示出非凡的調度功力和鏡框美 學,遙向塔可夫斯基致敬。獲圖盧茲電影節最佳電影及 利馬拉丁美洲電影節最佳攝影及評審團特別獎。

自出生便形影不離的龍鳳胎姐弟,忽然加入一個浪蕩小 子,享受着拋擲青春,三位一體的張狂歲月。逃不掉的卻 是那句老話:貧窮便是罪惡。去國妄想,不能保障一念天 堂;命案發生,靈魂開始躁動而愈鑽愈深。是夏灣拿的空 氣出了問題?還是,希望關回潘朵拉的盒子,激情在不可 能的地方一下子侵襲過來,三名潛在滑浪者要怎麼樣的聰 明,才可免受沒頂之禍?露茜穆萊資料搜集經年才拍成的 一鳴驚人之作,獲獎頻頻,標誌着又一影壇新星的誕生。

網絡人生的拉美青春殘酷物語,墨西哥新銳導演震撼的 寫實力作。母親過世,阿麗跟着爸爸搬到墨西哥城逃離 哀傷,新學校新同學,還沒來得及開始新生活,初嚐愛 戀的性愛影片卻被放上網,她頓時成為眾人暴力欺凌的 箭靶,遭負能量煉獄乾煎。羞於向父親開口求助,阿麗 的沉默令凌辱更一發不可收,一路跌入無可挽回的殘酷 終局。低抑簡練的寫實影像白描,書寫出比《告白》更 不忍卒睹的暴力本質,看似沉默的絕望嘶喊,沉慟而令 人動容。獲康城影展一種觀點最佳電影獎。

La Sirga

Dir: Lucy Mulloy Cuba/UK/USA 2012 90min Cast: Dariel Arrechaga, Anailín de la Rúa de la Torre, Javier Núñez Florián

Dir: William Vega Colombia/France/Mexico 2012 88min Cast: Joghis Seudin Arias, David Fernando Guacas

High up in the Andes, a sleepy, remote lakeside community is threatened by an encroaching, nameless armed conflict. A mysterious 19-year-old girl arrives unannounced at a ramshackled guest house, and Oscar, the proprietor and her uncle, soon gruffly takes her in. But the violence that caused her to flee soon follows her here. The atmospheric La Sirga is a sublime debut that simultaneously tackles difficult subjects such as war and sexuality with delicate, coming-of-age sensitivity and a foreboding sense of impending catastrophe.

Una Noche

Director Lucy Mulloy spent a year working with her actors locally before shooting Una Noche, an authentic and uncompromising take on poverty-stricken Cubans’ attempt to escape their country. But Una Noche isn’t all bleakness – in fact, its greatest assets are its pulsing energy, ribald humor and a coming-of-age narrative in which sex (both straight and gay) is part of the three teenage protagonists’ lives. From the vibrant Havana street life to the harrowing journey across the Florida Straits, the film remains gripping throughout.

After Lucia (Despues de Lucia) Dir: Michel Franco Mexico 2012 102min Cast: Tessa Ia, Hernan Mendoza,Gonzalo Vega Sisto Grief and violence lingers long after Lucia’s death in this searing, superbly directed drama that explores the hotbutton subject of school bullying and the perpetuating cycle of violence. Roberto and his daughter Alejandra move to Mexico City to start a new life. Unable to deal with his wife’s death, Roberto has become withdrawn and uncommunicative. Alejandra, however, quickly fits in at school. But the young woman’s fortunes quickly change for the worse when a video of her is circulated on-line. Best Film, Cannes Un Certain Regard.







26/3(二)5:45pm UA iSQUARE IS

27/3(三)7:45pm UA iSQUARE IS

29/3(五)3:00pm 香港藝術中心 AC

31/3(日)6:00pm 香港藝術中心 AC

23/3(六)9:30pm UA朗豪坊 UL

29/3(五)11:45pm UA朗豪坊 UL




導演:柏布狄嘉度山齊士 墨西哥 2012 66 分鐘

導演:A.M. 艾斯巴薩 墨西哥/西班牙/美國 2012 110 分鐘

導演:J.C. 麥列紀亞、T. 單寶麗 巴拉圭 2012 105 分鐘

墨西哥最新電影浪潮由中央電影訓練學院開始,作為帕 布狄嘉度山齊士的畢業作,成績斐然,迅速成為未來新 希望。簡單人事,卻葉底藏花,母親思念離去的丈夫, 沉醉回憶中不願出來,忽略兩個敏感心緒的兒子,讓他 們互相依託度過漫長的夏天,小兒嘉比奧沉迷電視和面 具,大兒費蘭度好像兄代父職,實則憂鬱脆弱,在城中 的士高及酒吧力抗孤獨。山齊士的影像魔力是對大自然 既詩意又冷峻的捕風捉影,人或動或靜,隨意或回應, 不能言傳的內心世界一下子假風景流顯出來。

走與留,是慾求與恐懼的交戰。去美國戰過兩回的旅人 回到墨西哥,正修補之前缺了席的親情。女兒很陌生, 妻子說你外面有人,我不和你睡。畢竟一家四口有了個 像樣的窩,他覺得,該實現組 band 夢了。沒有戲劇,只 有生活,沒有真正的旅程,但心仍在流浪。宛如一部粗 樸的侯孝賢,非職業演員演自己,夫妻、朋友、band 友, 都是真的,夢想也是真的。日出日落的寧謐小鎮,內裏 波濤洶湧,今日地球村的經濟移民狀貌,人人有份,真 實更勝千言萬語。獲康城影展影評人周最佳電影獎。

都係錢作怪!巴拉圭的錢已經唔值錢,一百美元足可以 叫 Victor 去搵命博。Victor 是送貨仔,搵食工具是手推車, 忽然天降柯打去運七箱貨,雖然內容神秘,地點不明, 但一百美元酬勞大哂。訛傳到行家耳裏,話 Victor 運的 竟是二十五萬美金。貪賊、貨主、笨警、爛命行家、還 有家姐、外賣韓國佬、好奇心爆棚的男仔頭靚女,都湧 去追逐寶箱混戰一團。過程緊張又佈滿黑色幽默,影機 縱橫聞名巴拉圭伸延八條街的阿松森大街市,拍出地道 聲色。獲聖塞巴斯蒂安電影節青年評審團獎。

The Tears (Las Lágrimas) Dir: Pablo Delgado Sanchez  Mexico  2012  66 min Cast: Fernando Alvarez Rebeil, Gabriel Santoyo, Claudette Maille

Here and There (Aquí y Allá) Dir: Antonio Méndez Esparza Mexico/Spain/USA 2012 110min Cast: Teresa Ramírez Aguirre,Pedro De los Santos Juárez

7 Boxes (7 Cajas) Dir: J.C. Maneglia, T. Schembori  Paraguay  2012  105min Cast: Celso Franco, Lali Gonzalez, Victor Sosa

Pre-teen Gabriel and Fernando, a young adult, are brothers whose parents recently separated. With their mother stricken with grief, Fernando takes his sorrows out via self-destructive habits, while Gabriel yearns for familial affection. A sensitive, small-scale directorial debut, The Tears is a charming neo-realistic drama about the power of brotherly bonding. Working without a script or written dialogues but through improvisations on set, Mexican director Pablo Delgado Sanchez coaxes out terrific chemistry between its young leads.

Here: a sparsely populated mountain village in Mexico, where life is peaceful but jobs are scarce and the grounds produce bitter crops. There: a life in the United States, where dreams may come true and work pays enough even to support the family back home. This observant, low-key tale of an emigrant’s return to his homeland does not reinvent the wheel, but it succeeds in portraying a devastating cycle of poverty via its elegant, quiet rhythm and its subtly drawn family dynamics. Grand Prize, Cannes Critics’ Week.

A breakout hit at last year’s Toronto Film Festival and a rare cinematic treat from Paraguay, 7 Boxes features a kinetic energy reminiscent of City of God but with the sweetness and humor that is all its own. When he’s not busy daydreaming about being a TV star, young Victor uses his wheelbarrow to help transport goods around for people. But when a shady man offers him USD$100 to cart 7 mysterious boxes to a designated location, Victor soon understands what it’s like to be in a real suspense actioner.

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

2013-HKIFF-BF-B-17to49-2C-OP.indd 43

拉美風情 The Passions of Latin American Cinema



13年2月8日 下午4:45



27/3(三)10:40pm 30/3(六)2:30pm The Grand GC The Grand GC

小兄弟騎驢搵美 導演:卡贊加達  瑞典 2012 92 分鐘  中文字幕

庫爾德導演拍出他們的《一百萬零一夜》,逆境中自有妙 想天開的童真,啟發自導演童年的流亡經歷。時間回到 90 年代,舉目無親的小兄弟,在薩達姆魔爪下流離失所, 在破影院的牆洞,他們窺見了超人,便想到花旗國找他 打救。美國?兩日路程而已!他們準備了一串惡人名字, 為首的當然是薩達姆了。小兄弟努力張羅了盤川,買了 頭驢子叫米高積遜,便踏上征途去,誓要遇敵也要衝衝 衝。一部怪雞的公路笑片,輕撫戰爭的淚水和沉重。斯 德哥爾摩電影節新導演表揚獎。

Bekas Dir: Karzan Kader Sweden 2012 92min Cast: Zamand Taha, Sarwar Fazil

Swedish Sextet 瑞典六重奏

In the early 1990s, ten-year-old Dana and seven-yearold Zana, living a hardscrabbled existence on the streets of Kurdistan, decide to head to America and live with Superman after catching a glimpse of him through a cinema skylight. While Zana plots various punishments for Superman to mete out — beginning with Saddam Hussein — Dana starts working on the more prosaic elements of their plan, like how they’re going to get there. The semi-autobiographical Bekas is pure paean to childhood resilience and innocence.



27/3(三)7:45pm The Grand GC

31/3(日)2:30pm The Grand GC

應召女孩 導演:米奇麥西文 瑞典/愛爾蘭/挪威/芬蘭 2012 140 分鐘  中文字幕

70 年代政圈真人真事,瑞典史上最大的嫖妓醜聞,更牽 涉雛妓,涉事高官群起把僭建色慾封牆。開放式女童院 受庇護的 Iris 一時貪玩跌進了高級淫媒的圈套,晝伏夜出 賣身接客,好色的客人竟然有個是天天上電視的首相候 選人。調查淫媒的探員順藤摸瓜抽出驚世真相,反惹來 封牆高官封殺。麥西文的電視作品紅爆瑞典,電影首作 穿越偵探、驚慄、青春片等類型,亦有冷靜睿智的北歐 印記。斯德哥爾摩電影節開幕首映大受追捧,獲觀眾最 受歡迎獎,多倫多電影節獲國際影評人獎。

Supported by

Call Girl Dir: Mikael Marcimain Sweden/Norwary/Finland 2012 140min Cast: Pernilla August, Sofia Karemyr, Simon J Berger 鼎力支持

導演/演員將出席與觀眾見面 This screening will be attended by the director and/or actors 44

A remarkable directorial debut that brilliantly captures the look and atmosphere of the decadent 1970s, Call Girl is a meticulous, slow-burning policier that effectively melds coming-of-age sensitivity with vast, sinister government conspiracy. Via an authentic soundtrack that includes ABBA and the Bee Gees, the film recounts the true story of a pair of 14-year-olds who are recruited by a well-connected madame (the magisterial Pernilla August) to become prostitutes for some of Sweden’s most powerful figures. FIPRESCI prize, Toronto Film Festival.

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

2013-HKIFF-BF-B-17to49-2C-OP.indd 44

13年2月8日 下午4:45





30/3(六)5:30pm 香港太空館 SP

1/4(一)1:00pm 香港太空館 SP

25/3(一)7:30pm UA iSQUARE IS

27/3(三)5:30pm UA iSQUARE IS



導演:沃夫岡列文 瑞典/德國 2012 61 分鐘

導演:加布里拉皮勒 瑞典 2012 104 分鐘

不是昆蟲與動物學圖鑑,而是嘆為觀止的形式與色彩實 驗。德國導演列文用了大量 16mm 菲林影像,由導演拍 攝的材料,與科學生物片的影像互相拼貼,當中沒有聲 音,但有節奏,沒有文字,但有豐富的內涵;以重複、 閃爍、快速剪接、色彩對比等元素,引發視覺刺激,深 得 60 年代結構電影的神髓。導演透過紛繁複雜的動物世 界,眼前略過牠們靜止、活動、飛翔、遷徙、交配、覓 食、傷害、獵獲的千姿百態,引人反思生命的循環反復, 一切不外乎生命、性交、死亡。(放映期間有閃爍效果)

聽慣身邊人久不久高呼「這裏住不下人了」、「不得不出 走了」,在這裏會看見很不一樣的年輕人。拉莎甘於在家 鄉小鎮的食物工場營營役役,不諳權力下隨波逐浪,稱 不上逍遙,卻得享怪異的自在。工廠忽然裁員,失業的 她變得特立獨行,不理會當局勸諭,堅持不離開,不滙 入全國的民工盲流。皮勒首拍長片即神采飛揚,真實和 虛構的連接處,竟是晴天霹靂生活斷裂後的空靈。不接 之接,成就了超越日常睡與吃,直面生死意義,並讓意 志自行說話。獲威尼斯影展影評人周最受歡迎獎。

Dragonflies with Birds and Snake

Eat Sleep Die (Ata sova do)

Dir: Wolfgang Lehmann Sweden/Germany 2012 61min

Dir: Gabriela Pichler Sweden 2012 104min Cast: Nermina Lukac, Milan Dragisic, Jonathan Lampinen

It appears on the surface like a hyper-stylised nature documentary, but Wolfgang Lehmann’s Dragonflies with Birds and Snake is, in reality, a meditation on life and death inside a space we often don’t enter. A visual film in the purest sense of the word, the images are a combination of science films and Lehmann’s own footage, edited into a repetitive tapestry that enhances the idea of the cyclical nature of the world, while degraded images that reveal the physical signs of age lend proof of the passage of time. (Strobe light effects during screening)

It’s a scenario everyone can empathize with: Rasa, a Balkan émigré in her twenties, takes care of her father while working at a factory. Despite the low wages, she has formed a strong camaraderie with colleagues at work. Suddenly, she is made redundant and is replaced by newly arrived Eastern Europeans similar to herself who can be paid even less. This impressively naturalistic and compassionate look at working-class struggles is aided tremendously by lead actress Nermina Lukac’s expressive performance. Audience Award, Venice Critics’ Week.


17/3 - 2/4/2013 ➜➜ Online Booking 網上訂票 23/2/2013 10:00am – 6/3/2013 10:00pm

➜➜ Postal Booking 郵購訂票 23/2/2013 – 1/3/2013

➜➜ URBTIX Booking 城市電腦售票網訂票 From 7/3/2013 起 2111 5999 URBTIX Outlets 城市電腦售票處

➜➜ HK Ticketing Booking 快達票訂票





22/3(五)5:30pm UA iSQUARE IS

25/3(一)9:50pm UA iSQUARE IS

24/3(日)5:00pm UA iSQUARE IS

26/3(二)7:30pm UA iSQUARE IS



導演:K. 娜蓮施黛、M. 尼肯達 瑞典/丹麥 2012 103 分鐘

導演:麗莎愛琳 瑞典/丹麥/德國/挪威 2011 118 分鐘

1986 年 2 月 28 日晚上瑞典總理帕爾梅與妻子離開劇院 後被槍殺,兇手與主謀至今仍未落網,兩導演重提這個 困擾一代人的謎團,豐富的紀錄片段嚴謹地鋪述帕爾梅 的政治生涯,優裕而孤獨的童年,留學美國打開眼界, 回國後加入社會民主黨慢慢成為偏左的政治領袖。雖對 比約翰甘迺迪,角度卻不是浪漫,反而寫帕爾梅浪漫目 光,在 80 年代保守風潮下堅持社會主義路線,外交風光, 內政卻焦頭爛額。兩導演沒有提供破案線索,但卻激發 人去想一個大時代是怎樣選擇過來的。

九歲的西蒙能與橡樹心語,他很想離開山村往外跑,在 寄宿學校認識來自猶太家庭的以撒,富足與貧樂、藝術 文化與大自然,二子俱在對方家庭領會到更多。1939 年 納粹向歐洲伸出魔爪,瑞典雖保持中立,但依然瀰漫反 閃族情緒,西蒙父親遂收留以撒一家,度過殘酷的戰爭。 改編自瑪利安法德森已翻譯廿五國語言的暢銷史詩小說, 麗莎愛琳細膩刻劃兩家人非常時期下的微妙感情,抵觸 階級差異與相處情意。大抵是小西蒙毋忘橡樹,感應大 地撫慰力量,叫一切安好。


Simon and the Oaks

Dir: Kristina Lindström, Maud Nycander  Sweden  2012  103min

Dir: Lisa Ohlin  Sweden/Denmark/Germany  2011  118min Cast: Bill Skarsgård, Helen Sjoholm, Jan Josef Liefers

When Prime Minister Olof Palme was shot in 1986, it marked the end of an era in Sweden. A child of privilege, Palme became a dedicated social democrat during university and quickly scaled the political ranks and helped make Sweden a beacon of global egalitarianism. But like other leaders with a singular vision, Palme’s gift for rhetoric courted controversy. Using amazing archival material and interviews with key political allies, opponents and family, Palme delves into the myth of the man that shaped Sweden into one of the world’s most influential states.

From 23/2/2013 起 31 288 288 HK Ticketing Outlets 快達票售票處

➜➜ For More Information 查詢詳情 2970 3300

As the Second World War rages, Isak, the son of a Jewish book dealer that fled Nazi Germany, moves in with his friend Simon from a working class family outside Gothenburg. This proves to be the impetus that binds and reorders the two families as well as the catalyst for some startling revelations. The richly visualised epic, based on Marianne Fredriksson’s bestseller, offers a rare glimpse into the wartime experience of Swedish Jews. Starring Stellan’s son and Alexander’s brother, Bill Skarsgård.

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

2013-HKIFF-BF-B-17to49-2C-OP-revise.indd 45


13年2月14日 下午2:07



22/3(五)7:30pm The Grand GC

2/4(二)4:00pm 香港藝術中心 AC

翡羅彌諾浮彼亞 I 及 II 導演:鈺柯 2013  普通話 93 分

indie power 自主新潮

如何愛上照鏡恐懼?懷着困於無愛青春的自戀想像,鈺 柯交出的視覺報告不斷測試着觀眾的底線;把自己的眼 肚、嘴唇割開,摟着白骨手淫,疊壓的男體、在如精液 之河中的蛋汁裏蠕動⋯⋯可只是虛張聲勢的「面子」? 「讓我再次冰封,直至死亡⋯⋯」低沉的呼喊聲聲入耳, 淒美地發放悄無聲息的暴力,編寫的可只是那注定令人 失望的愛情故事?窗外的孤島,室內的獨角獸,永不會 相遇之人來到自我城堡敲門,為害怕親密作出最殘酷的 註腳。到最後不得不承認可是那兩字:虛-妄?

Philomirrophobia I & II Dir: Yuke 2013 Putonghua 93min Cast: Yuke, Ceng Chenghao, Liu Shuyu

Surreal, visually intriguing and suffused with symbolisms, Yuke’s daring, bracingly shocking and unabashedly queer two-parter is an experimental self-confession. Part one features the director himself naked in a painterly, theatrical environment. His need for love drives his feelings of inadequacy, thus leading him to undergo extreme procedures, including graphic scenes of facial surgery. Part two is more dream-like, guided by a monologue that reveals the filmmaker’s slow disillusionment with sex and love as well as his fears.



28/3(四)5:15pm The Grand GC

1/4(一)2:45pm The Grand GC

墜落 導演:康睿德  2013  普通話  104 分鐘

她一個夜遊杜拜如何過?風沙中是追夢,還是撲空?在 陌生的阿拉伯城市,一個中國女子,出人頭地不容易, 總有人想來佔便宜,百般磨難更是精神上的凌遲。她在 家鄉是陪酒女,跑到杜拜營商,沙漠裏開蘑菇種植場。 言語不通文化不同,她獨來獨往,總是焦躁難安。在暫 借的地方,談了一場暫借的戀愛。同行的姊妹一路並肩 走來,也可以彼此傷害。定居中國的英國導演康睿德, 審視一個異鄉女子在男權社會的擱淺與掙扎,並請來貝 拉塔爾御用作曲家操刀配樂。

A Fallible Girl Dir: Conrad Clark  2013  Putonghua  104min Cast: Sang Juan, Huang Lu, Arthur Molinier

導演/演員將出席與觀眾見面 This screening will be attended by the director and/or actors 46

Like the director Conrad Clark himself – a British expat living in China – the characters in A Fallible Girl are emigrants caught between multiple worlds. Lifei, a Chinese businesswoman, has set up a mushroom farm in the desert of Dubai with her friend Yaya. They hire migrants such as Bangladeshi workers, but their venture is struggling. Lifei’s French boyfriend lives abroad but comes visit. This is the 21s century way of living, straddled between countries and cultures, where compromises must be made between love, friendship and economic opportunities.

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

2013-HKIFF-BF-C-50to52&85to93-2C-OP.indd 46

13年2月8日 下午5:57






24/3(日)3:30pm UA朗豪坊 UL

1/4(一)11:45pm UA朗豪坊 UL

23/3(六)2:30pm UA iSQUARE IS

28/3(四)9:40pm UA iSQUARE IS

22/3(五)9:30pm UA太古城 UC

27/3(三)5:30pm UA太古城 UC




導演:伊多拉斯李治索斯 希臘 2012 80 分鐘

導演:阿南甘地 印度 2012 139 分鐘

導演:泰迪蘇里馬扎 印尼 2013 93 分鐘

鏡頭像黏到約高的身體裏,我們無時無刻都感受到他的 饑腸轆轆。年輕瘦小的約高,前胸已頂到後背,為了不 成理由的自尊,每日三餐都饑不擇路:偷鄰居老伯幾塊 餅乾、幾口白糖,和籠中的伴兒金絲雀分吃雀粟,更吞 掉自己體液。偶然嘹亮唱起巴哈的眾讚歌,才知道他的 職業,和靈魂。劇場已成名的導演首部長片驚艷各地電 影節,以戴丹兄弟般的輕靈鏡頭,呈現布烈遜的內在真 實世界。看希臘現況吧,寓言非無的放矢。真我演出的 男主角在卡羅維伐利電影節贏得特別表揚獎。

失明女攝影師只做了心理準備,工作方式會因移植角膜 這個的士司機長相不像羅拔迪尼路,但同樣孤僻,一樣 手術而改變,結果是她另有視角,在鬧市再拍不到滿意 遇上他想拯救的風塵女子。他一邊到清真寺聽穆斯林的 的影像。爭取動物權益雲遊的學者不肯接受肝臟移植手 道德教化,一邊在家狂煲色情光碟手淫洩慾排遣寂寥。 術,為了不一樣的生命理念,抑或未盡生命之考驗。年 他不善交際也不會嫖,卻迷上了當企街女郎的鄰居。同 輕企業家未能投入長輩行動藝術家的圈子,然而胰臟手 是天涯淪落人,他像守護天使每夜跟蹤,甚至想到要解 術後遇見無良偷器官事件,他憤憤不平找歐洲買胰者算 救弱小脫離皮肉生涯,發動一個人的「聖戰」。蘇里馬扎 賬,忽爾正氣。提修斯的船喻作更新的身體,敢問靈魂 (《爸爸離家企街去》,36 屆)繼續闖蕩於耶加達的蒼茫 何去何從?阿南甘地一鳴驚人,寫出滿盈現代知性,靈 夜色,呈現性渴求與宗教約束的矛盾衝突,讓小人物的 氣哲思的首作。 惶惑,在沉默中轟然爆發。

Boy Eating the Bird’s Food

Ship of Theseus

Something in the Way

Dir: Ektoras Lygizos Greece 2012 80min Cast: Yiannis Papadopoulos

Dir: Anand Gandhi India 2012 139min Cast: Aida El-Kashef, Neeraj Kabi, Sohum Shah

Following the sensitive Lovely Man, Teddy Soeriaatmadja returns with another affecting drama about a cab driver, Ahmad, with an addiction to sex and an incompatible devotion to Islam. Spending his days at a mosque learning morality, Ahmad finds himself in a state of constant conflict with the city around him at night. Falling for a prostitute named Kinar sets Ahmad on a path that will force him to reconcile the contradictory pressures of sex as a commodity and faith as he tries to save them both from sinful, modern Jakarta.

The recent economic and political crisis in Greece becomes a stark Bressonian parable in Ektoras Lygizos’ brilliant and at times shocking debut. Called “a cinematic cri de coeur from a nation in physically and psychologically dire straits” by Variety, the film follows its subject, a young counter-tenor with a pet canary, as he battles against joblessness and hunger in modern Athens. The film’s humorous opening alone is underlined with political subtext: our protagonist fails an audition because he doesn’t understand German chorale.

The title refers to an ancient philosophical paradox that questions whether an object remains the same if all its components are replaced. Anand Gandhi’s deeply symbolic film equates components with human organs as three individuals must face the issue of organ transplant. It begins with a photographer who struggles with her new eyesight after a corneal implant. The second segment revolves around a chronically ill monk who is a staunch animal rights activist. Finally a young stockbroker discovers that he is the recipient of a stolen kidney.







18/3(一)9:45pm UA iSQUARE IS

21/3(四)5:00pm UA iSQUARE IS

21/3(四)9:50pm The Grand GC

29/3(五)10:30am 香港科學館 SM

20/3(三)9:45pm The Grand GC

29/3(五)1:00pm 香港科學館 SM




導演:哥迪奧祖凡尼西  意大利  2012  99 分鐘

導演:熊坂出 日本 2012 117 分鐘

導演:石川寬 日本 2013 90 分鐘

驚艷羅馬電影節的評審團特別獎得主,片名來自柏索里 尼的詩,不過這裏的埃及裔少年阿里,卻沒毀掉羅馬。 他從柏索里尼那裏逃出來,跟戴丹兄弟的北方小子相認, 在羅馬城郊做古惑仔,讓恐懼去蠶食心靈。阿里的矛盾 比新移民的更根深柢固,爸媽不容他結交意大利女友, 他不滿家人封閉,卻會用隱形眼鏡的藍色去沖淡自己膚 色,當白人好友約會自己妹妹,他喊着要幹掉死黨。阿 里和女友,還有他們家人,關係都跟現實裏一樣,真實 的色彩,塗寫出更難忘的新新寫實寓言。

日本後 311 的愛麗絲漫遊仙境,悅目的童真畫面,也只 有大人真切感知。小五女生 Lilou 是個黑人混血,可以想 像在日本有幾異類。Lilou 怕笑,同班同學 Kokoro 不會做 夢,兩個怪胎變成死黨。Lilou 某天發現 Kokoro 無蹤無影 不見了,再見好友的鑰匙,竟是一個神秘電子遊戲,她 循指示找到東京,光怪陸離的空間裏,Kokoro 笑着跑來。 是夢中見着了?踏過生死界,此情能比《牡丹亭》。非職 業小演員令畫面可觀得難以置信,故事創意爆燈,奪首 爾數碼電影節最佳電影獎。

Ali Blue Eyes (Alì ha gli occhi azzurri) Dir: Claudio Giovannesi Italy 2012 99min Cast: Nader Sarhan, Stefano Rabatti, Brigitte Apruzzesi

Lilou’s Adventure (Lilou no Boken) Dir: Kumasaka Izuru Japan 2012 117min Cast: Lilou Diabate, Saera Nakandakari

Dir: Ishikawa Hiroshi  Japan  2013   90min Cast: Miyazaki Aoi, Kutsuna Shiori, Ando Sakura, Fukiishi Kazue

In the outskirts of Rome, Nader, a teenager of Egyptian ethnicity and Italian nationality, takes a week off from his life to grapple with issues of identity when his parents disapprove of his relationship with Stefano and girlfriend Brigitte at the expense of his heritage. While the subject of social pressures faced by second generation kids is hardly new, director Giovannesi’s documentary roots give the observational Ali Blue Eyes a gentle veracity, as does non-professional Nader Sarhan’s stellar performance as a young man in a state of flux.

Fifth-grader Lilou and her friend Kokoro are the oddballs of their class. Unable to dream, Kokoro rarely has reason to smile, and Lilou’s isolation stems from her halfJapanese, half-Guinean heritage. The two girls bond in their loneliness, and Lilou decides she’s going to find a way to make Kokoro dream — and laugh — until she vanishes. Her disappearance marks the beginning of a fantastical and unpredictable adventure that will change both their lives forever. A Red Chameleon award winner at CinDi in Seoul in 2012.

Ishikawa Hiroshi returns from a seven-year hiatus with an emotional road movie with a superstar cast. When college friends Jinko (Miyazaki Aoi, Chronicle of My Mother) and Motoko (Ando Sakura, Our Homeland) hear a third friend, Miki (Fukiishi Kazue, 13 Assassins) has committed suicide, they hit the road to northern Japan to see her. Along the way, they pick up another young woman (played by Kutsuna Shiori, My Back Pages) and ultimately find themselves travelling into their own pasts as a prelude to restarting their current lives.

《我好得你》(30 屆)六年後,石川寬再跟宮崎葵合作, 和忽那汐里、安藤櫻、吹石一惠等人氣女優,一起縷述 311 後一個女性情懷的故事。家鄉好友美紀跳海自殺, 消息傳來,大學同窗金子和素子很不安,便決定上路訪 友。那邊廂,原木的好友忽然失踪,她天天惦念,喃喃 說出心聲,讓它乘風送到遠方。原木跟兩人本不認識, 許是心思相同,上天讓她們走在一起,踏上探訪美紀的 心路旅程。公路和海邊的鏡頭像詩般優美,人和人之間, 總有話說不出口,情在就行了。

Petal Dance

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

2013-HKIFF-BF-C-50to52&85to93-2C-OP.indd 47

自主新潮 Indie Power



13年2月8日 下午5:57







22/3(五)5:30pm UA太古城 UC

24/3(日)8:45pm UA太古城 UC

19/3(二)7:15pm 香港科學館 SM

2/4(二)2:30pm 香港藝術中心 AC

20/3(三)2:30pm UA iSQUARE IS

22/3(五)9:00pm UA iSQUARE IS




導演:謝拉安東尼山齊士 菲律賓 2012 86 分鐘

導演:張健宰 南韓 2012 65 分鐘

導演:李宋喜一 南韓 2012 157 分鐘

謝拉安東尼山齊士(《非人島》,35 屆)到目前也是「只 拍一齣電影」的導演,總會碰到軍旅男生視角,也總有 女巫意象,也根植菲律賓氤氳山色。作為小師弟,他大 概看到文杜沙「要做就做到盡」的號召,也與韋拉斯花 古性格投契,於是在這個人第四部長片裏性愛給力描寫, 山洞內大膽調情說性,森林處處是陰道意象,像個母體 濕漉孕育。文明山野接地,現代也野蠻,任性開放走一 回,比前作更加不拘一格。一句講哂:總之非常任性。

長夜的街,夏蟲啾啾,他們手牽着手,低語今天瑣事。 張健宰(《十八微風少年》,34 屆)的鏡頭,一路和這對 結婚兩年的小夫妻,共度生活每個溫柔時刻。他們一起 吃麵、洗碗、淋浴、造愛,靜靜談心,也無故吵鬧。他 們困惱,男人給老闆呃工錢,女人給賊偷走單車。兩邊 父母來施壓:要生孩子了。女人沒異議,男人反對,因 為經濟不寬裕。婚姻的真正意義在哪裏?兩個人分享的 細碎軌道,暗流激流,但更常是細水長流。全州電影節 最佳韓國電影獎及最受觀眾歡迎獎。

憑《愛在基吧的日子》(31 屆)成名、主導南韓同志電 影的李宋喜一,三作寫盡酷兒的禁忌傷痕。《白夜冶遊》 剛打入柏林影展面面觀,改編自恐同襲擊真實事件。遇 襲主角去了德國當上空哥,兩年後回首爾重遇舊情人, 也碰到施襲者,再跟摩托快遞小子戀上個一夜情。夜很 長,一個要走,一個要放。《忽然昨夏》是師生戀:「我 是你老師」,「你老盯着我」,男生撩人,老師怎躲?《一 路向南》發生在軍中禁戀後,一個已忘情,一個要追認, 他在他杯裏放迷藥,駕車載着他一路向南走。

Sleepless Night

One Night and Two Days

Dir: Jang Kun-jae  South Korea  2012  65min Cast: Kim Soo-hyun, Kim Joo-ryoung

Dir: Leesong Hee-il  South Korea  2012  157min Cast: Won Tae-hee, Kim Young-jae, Kim Jae-heung

In the wake of 2008’s banking meltdown, when financial uncertainty remained on millions of people’s minds, comes this portrait of a marriage — one rooted in reality as opposed to Hollywood fantasy. We watch as a couple in their 30s juggles between jobs, duty and the modern demands of marriage in a constant pursuit of happiness over the course of one summer. Intimate and resonant, Sleepless Night rings true on every level in one of the most realistic portrayals of a contemporary relationship put to film in recent years.

The director of the popular gay drama No Regret (31st HKIFF) is back with three passionate melodramas that have been compiled together into this series. Affecting and well-acted, all three films concentrate on the continued discrimination that homosexuals in Korea still must face. In White Night, a flight attendant who was once gay-bashed returns to Seoul and finds an unexpected romance. Suddenly, Last Summer concerns a student who makes a move on his teacher. And Going South involves a soldier who kidnaps his former lover.

Jungle Love

自主新潮 Indie Power

Dir: Sherad Anthony Sanchez  The Philippines  2012  86 min Cast: Gloria Morales, Mai Bastes, Martin Riffer

Maverick auteur Sherad Anthony Sanchez (Balangay, 35th HKIFF) returns with his playful yet atmospheric take on jungle horror. The film’s denizens – a middle-aged woman escaping with a baby, a horny young urbanite couple and a troop of nearby soldiers – all have sex on their minds. The three storylines eventually weave and intersect, aided by the supernatural qualities of the jungle as well as the impish machinations of the director. Not for those looking for clear-cut narrative, but the adventurous and lustful will find plenty to savor.







26/3(二)7:15pm 香港科學館 SM

30/3(六)10:30am 香港藝術中心 AC

23/3(六)7:30pm UA朗豪坊 UL

25/3(一)11:45pm UA朗豪坊 UL

22/3(五)9:30pm UA朗豪坊 UL

24/3(日)5:10pm UA朗豪坊 UL




導演:孔狄賈土藍拉斯米  泰國 2013  86 分鐘

導演:詹士龐蘇特 美國 2011 85 分鐘 中文字幕

導演:辛貝格 美國 2012 104 分鐘 中文字幕

凱蒂有個秘密:醉酒太好玩,局外人不會明白。哎,可 惜出事了。一次醉醺醺,不小心 high 了粉,又有一次醉 醺醺,竟然尷尬大鬧七仔。又有一朝,來一杯提提神, 點知對住班小一生嘔肚大作,唯有欺騙細路說有孕,犯 了老師大忌,丟了飯碗。凱蒂決心戒酒去,誰知酒醒困 難更重重,一來不知如何面對同嗜醉的老媽和老公仔, 二來惹來古怪騎呢的浪蝶,麻煩透頂。都說今日 kidult 多,成長之路路遙遙。龐蘇特以風趣炮製寫實劇,份外 貼近御宅族沉迷世代的心。辛丹士電影節評審團特別獎。

Starlet 是 Jane 的最愛兼唯一好友,一隻芝娃娃。Jane 想 做明星,但拍的是小電影,入不敷支,有時靠捐血賺點 錢。她從二手暖壼倒出一卷卷鈔票,很想據為己有,但 更想讓良心安樂:先看物主甚麼來頭。她故意親近,一 個臭脾氣老婦,然後兩個相隔六十年的女性,發現了感 情。兩女主角首次登場動人演繹,其中海明威的曾孫女, 更為 Jane 注入深度。可愛又軟綿綿的影像,會一把拉你 進來,再挑戰你的成見,清新、驚喜兼具娛樂性,不啻 獨立製造的獨有本事。SXSW 電影節評審團特別獎。

Tang Wong



Dir: Kongdej Jaturanrasmee Thailand 2013 86min Cast: Nutthasit Kotimanuswanich, Siripat Kuhavichanun

Dir: James Ponsoldt USA 2011 85min Cast: Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Aaron Paul, Octavia Spencer

Dir: Sean Baker USA 2012 104min Cast: Dree Hemingway, Besedka Johnson, Stella Maeve

A champion Korean pop dancer, a school ping-pong player and two participating in a science competition all decide to pray at a sacred shrine to make their wishes come true. But there’s a catch – if granted, they must perform the traditional tang wong dance. Their halfhearted promise becomes a liability once they realize they have no clue how to do the dance, nor do they want to embarrass themselves in public… The conflict between modern-day values and traditional culture is amusingly empathized in P-047 (36th HKIFF) director’s latest.

Dramas about addiction have a high probability of devolving into soap opera and theatrics. But in this thoughtful, finely calibrated tale about one woman’s attempt to step away from alcoholism, the road to recovery is laid bare with little sentimentalism and plenty of tough love. A terrific Mary Elizabeth Winstead is a school teacher who, along with her husband, enjoys partying a bit too much, until it begins to affect her work. But once she decides to stop drinking, her relationship with her boozing husband begins to deteriorate.

Cross-generational friendship takes a Californication twist in Sean Baker’s unsentimental character study. The titular Starlet refers to both twenty something out-of-towner Jane’s Chihuahua, but it also hints at her profession, which is only revealed later on. Jane lives a breezy existence with her roommate in L.A.’s San Fernando Valley until she discovers a thermos full of money at a garage sale. After using some of the cash, her guilt spurs her to find the thermos’ owner – an octogenarian named Sadie.

四個求神的少年,有人為了把妹,有人想入選乒乓球隊, 有人希望問答比賽奪標。願望成真,要在神壇前大庭廣 眾跳還願舞,否則怕會當衰。硬着頭皮學舞,論論盡盡 不緊要,被嘲笑固然難受,失去信念才是大忌。他們願 為所求之事付出多少?能否跳出我天地?抑或只是走了 板的青春舞曲?賈土藍拉斯米(《三手仔手記》,32 屆; 《還原不了的遊戲》,36 屆)用意不在勵志,而是借未來 主人翁在人生交叉點的猶豫和軟弱,在紅衫軍與軍警對 峙的曼谷,思考泰國核心價值何在。


AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

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13年2月8日 下午5:57

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HO Hong

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38 American Express.pdf 1 2/5/13 6:07 PM


PASS 通行證 HK$5,000

• 觀賞電影節期間(2013年3月17日至4月2日)各場電影節 目,不包括香港電影資料館特備節目所有放映、國際大師班 及香港名家講座 • 獲贈開幕電影門票兩張(2013年3月17日)及「亞洲電影大 獎」頒獎典禮入場券兩張 • 優先進場入座*,並可攜同一位持票或持有通行證人士同時 進場(滿座場次除外) • 獲贈《第三十七屆香港國際電影節》特刊及《焦點影人:劉 偉強》特刊各一本 * 請於各場次開映前十五分鐘與場地職員聯絡

• Admit to all screenings during Festival period (17 March – 2 April 2013), not including Hong Kong Film Archive’s Contribution Programmes, Master Class and Face to Face • Receive 2 tickets for Opening Film (17 March 2013) and 2 tickets for “Asian Film Awards” Presentation Ceremony • Receive priority admittance for all screenings* with one accompanying ticket holder or pass holder (except sold out screenings) • Get one copy of both “37th HKIFF Main Catalogue” and “Filmmaker in Focus: Andrew Lau” * Please arrive and contact venue staff 15 minutes before the show

• 觀賞2013年3月17日至4月2日期間各場未滿 座的電影節節目,不包括3月17日下午9時45 分於香港會展中心放映之開幕電影、香港電 影 資 料 館 特 備 節 目 所 有 放 映 、 國 際 大 師 班 及 香港名家講座 • 獲贈《第三十七屆香港國際電影節》特刊一本 • Admit to all non-sold-out screenings (From 17 March - 2 April 2013), except Opening Film held on 17 March 2013, 9:45pm at HK Convention & Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong Film Archive’s Contribution Programmes, Master Class and Face to Face • Get one copy of “The 37th HKIFF Main Catalogue”


Super Value Pass








有效期為2013年3月17日至4月2日,逾期作廢。香港電影資料館各場次、國際大 師班及香港名家講座,恕不適用。

2月23日至3月6日期間於購買電影節通行證的觀眾,可經網上預售系統上載個人照片(以 500KB為限),證件製作完成後,將郵寄至指定地址。透過其他途徑購買電影節通行證的觀眾,須帶同換 領票及近照一幀(護照相片),於3月5日至16日期間(星期一至五早上10時至下午12時30分,下午2時至晚 上7時,星期六上午10時至下午1時、星期日及公眾假期休息),親臨香港國際電影節協會辦事處(香港九龍 觀塘道370號創紀之城3期21樓)辦理。

VIP通行證:本會恕不保證開場後到場的VIP通行證持有人能獲安排入座。 影癡 通行證:持 有人 須排隊進場,待VIP通行證持 有人 及持票人士進場後 方可被安排入 座。如臨場滿座,影 癡 通行證恕不通用。本會不保證 影癡 通 行證持有人能於滿座場次入座。

Usage for Festival Passes No discount is applied to all Passes. All Passes are non-transferable and good for one person only. All Passes are sold to persons aged 18 or above and on a first-come-firstserved basis. All Passes are valid from 17 March to 2 April 2013 and invalid for all screenings in Hong Kong Film Archive, Master Class and Face to Face. VIP Pass: For sold-out screenings, VIP Pass holders does not guarantee seating once the show begins. Super Value Pass: Holders should join the queue and admission will be arranged after all VIP Pass holders and ticket holders are seated. For sold-out screenings, Super Value Pass holders does not guarantee seating and admission is subject to availability.

如不能在上述時間親臨辦理通行證,請致電 2102 7329 另行安排。

How to order and collect Super Value Pass is available through online advance booking, postal booking and URBTIX sales. (Please refer to P. 68) VIP Pass is available through online advance booking ( and fax order (Please refer to P. 70). For customers using online advance booking ( during 23 February to 6 March: please upload your recent photo (max. size 500KB) to the booking system. Upon completion of the transaction, the customer will receive the Festival Pass by post in due course. Customers buying Festival Passes from other channels may collect your Super Value Pass with a voucher or the VIP Pass with a receipt from 5 March – 16 March (10:00-12:30, 14:00-19:00 Mon-Fri; 10:00-13:00 Sat; Sun & Public Holidays closed) at the HKIFF Society Office (21/F, Millennium City 3, 370 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong). You are requested to bring along a recent passport-sized photo for the issuance of Passes. If you cannot come to collect the pass during office hours, please call 2102 7329 during office hours for further arrangement.


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13年2月8日 下午5:20

訂票指南 票價 3D電影/《大浩劫》上集/下集 開幕電影《葉問-終極一戰》 於香港文化中心、UA朗豪坊、UA iSQUARE、 The Grand Cinema放映之正場、 週末及假日場次 於香港會議展覽中心(開幕電影除外)、香港大會堂、香港科學館、 香港太空館、香港藝術中心、UA 太古城中心放映之正場、週末及假日場次 平日日場(星期一至五〔假期除外〕,影片編號以D結尾) 香港電影資料館特備節目(影片編號以R結尾) 影癡通行證(請留意有關使用條款) VIP通行證(請留意有關使用條款)

港幣 $100 $75 $75 $65 $45 $40 $3,000 $5,000

UA院線及The Grand Cinema放映的電影節節目,城市電腦售票網會於放映前一天下午5時起停 止發售。觀眾可於電影放映當日到放映場地售票處購買剩餘門票。 其他放映場地的電影節節目,城市電腦售票網會於放映前一小時停止售票,隨後由放映場地售 票處發售剩餘門票。 香港科學館的臨時售票櫃位於電影開映前30分鐘提供服務,即場發售剩餘門票,只接受現金付款。

香港會議展覽中心電影節節目 由2月23日上午10時起,於快達票售票網公開發售。 票價:$65 開幕電影:$75 (提供高齡人士、殘疾人士、全日制學生及綜援受惠人士六折購票優惠及指定美國運通卡九折優 惠。不設其他優惠。)


網上訂票可選擇以速遞或親身到各快達票分銷處領取門票。每張門票將 收取港幣10元的服務費,選擇以速遞方式領取門票的人士,需另繳付速遞費用。

1) 購買正價門票20張或以上(不包括於香港會議展覽中心放映之場次)可獲贈: ‧九折優惠; ‧ 特刊書券,免費換領《第三十七屆香港國際電影節》特刊(價值港幣80元)

電話購票 31 288 288:可選擇以速遞或親身到各快達票分銷處領取門票。每張門票將收取港幣10 元的服務費,選擇以速遞方式領取門票的人士,須另繳付速遞費用。

2) 60歲或以上高齡人士、殘疾人士、全日制學生及綜援受惠人士:六折優惠 ‧全日制學生優惠票先到先得,額滿即止; ‧綜援受惠人士優惠不適用於UA院線及The Grand Cinema; ‧優惠票持有人於入場時必須出示可以證明身份或年齡的有效證件; ‧香港電影資料館特備節目提供半價門票優惠。 3) UA院線 Loyalty Club會員: UA戲院各場次九折優惠(只適用於城市電腦售票處購票及戲院即場門票,售完即止)。 4) The Citizen Grand 會員: The Grand Cinema各場次九折優惠(只適用於城市電腦售票處購票及戲院即場門票,售完即 止)。 5) 電影節 Cine Fan 會員: 正價門票九折優惠(只適用於城市電腦售票處購票,售完即止)。 6) 指定美國運通卡會員:九折優惠 .2月23日至3月6日:於郵購訂票、網上預售及快達票(香港會議展覽中心放映場次)提供; .3月7日起:於城市電腦售票處及快達票(香港會議展覽中心放映場次)提供。 每張門票最多只可享用其中一種購票優惠。觀眾須於購票時說明所選用的優惠。

郵購訂票(2月23日至3月1日)(不包括香港會議展覽中心放映之場次) 訂購手續費為每張門票港幣7元,而每次交易手續費最高為港幣23元。 1) 付款方法

(i) 使用信用卡付款:請填妥信用卡訂票憑單,並填上最高限額。 (ii) 使 用劃線支票付款:請書明支付「購票通(香港)有限公司」,期票恕不接受。 請勿填寫銀碼,只需在括號內註明最高限額。票務人員會代為填寫正確銀碼。 最高限額:以門票正價總和(不包括任何門票優惠)加上港幣23元為計算基準。 2) 交還訂票表格

(i) 投遞 每天上午9時00分至晚上9時00分,交往香港文化中心或香港大會堂低座詢問處的訂票表 格收集箱。

票房訂票:快達票分銷處(見69頁)均接受現金及信用卡﹝美國運通卡、萬事達卡及Visa卡﹞ 付款。每張門票將收取港幣5元的服務費。

海外觀眾訂票(不包括於香港會議展覽中心放映之場次) 網上預售 (2月23日上午10時至3月6日晚上10時) 訂購手續費為每張門票港幣7元,每次交易手續費最高為港幣23元。顧客請攜帶交易用之信用卡 到各「購票通自助取票機」或「城市電腦售票處」的售票櫃檯取票(請參閱59頁)。 網上訂票服務 www.urbtix.hk及信用卡電話訂票 (852) 2111 5999 ( 3月 7日 上 午 10時 起 ) 訂購手續費為每張門票港幣7元,每次交易手續費最高為港幣23元。如選擇以掛號郵件收取門 票,須另加收港幣25元。

換領特刊 《第三十七屆香港國際電影節》特刊及《焦點影人:劉偉強》特刊 - 換領時間及地點: 3月17日至4月2日(上午10時至晚上7時) 香港文化中心行政大樓四樓展覽館 地址:九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道十號 4月8日至5月31日 香港國際電影節協會辦事處(星期一至五早上9時30分至下午12時30分,下午2時至下午5時30 分;星期六、日及公眾假期休息) 地址:九龍觀塘道370號創紀之城3期21樓(鄰近牛頭角港鐵站)

滿座場次即場門票 香港文化中心大劇院、香港大會堂劇院及香港電影資料館所有滿座場次將有小量即場門票於開 映前30分鐘在該放映場地發售,座位安排將視乎VIP通行證持有人及持票人士入場後之情況而定 (VIP通行證不適用於香港電影資料館特備節目各場次)。每人每次限購即場門票2張。


2月23日至2月25日交回之訂票表格將按收取時間處理,而由2月26日起交回之表格將按收 取日期處理。

所有於城市電腦售票網發售之門票,將根據訂票先後次序配以未售出的座位。香港文化中心大 劇院的電影節目,電腦系統會於售票時以堂座→樓座→高座的次序,配以未售出的座位。

(ii) 郵遞 請將填妥的訂票表格寄回:香港九龍觀塘成業街 7 號寧晉中心 23 樓 F-H 室(第三十七屆 香港國際電影節 – 郵購訂票)。3月2日後寄達之郵購訂單,恕不受理。

連場門票:位於香港會議展覽中心、香港文化中心、香港大會堂及香港科學館的放映場地, 設有等候區,供持有「連場門票」的觀眾排隊入場。惟其他放映場地因條件所限,在一般情況 下,不會提供此安排。

3) 查詢電話

觀眾若於3月7日仍未收到門票或有關通知,請儘早通知「購票通(香港)有限公司」 (電話:3761 6622 - 每日上午10時至晚上8時) 。如有遺失門票,請於該場電影放映前一星 期通知「購票通(香港)有限公司」。逾期報失,恕不受理。

網上預售(2月23日上午10時至3月6日晚上10時) (不包括於香港會議展覽中心放映之場次)

請登入電影節網頁 訂票。 訂購手續費為每張門票港幣7元,每次交易手續費最高為港幣23元。如選擇以掛號郵件收取 門票,須另加收港幣25元。 訂票結果會即時於網上及經電郵核實。除郵遞服務外,顧客亦可選擇於交易完成後第二天 開始,攜帶交易用之信用卡到各「購票通自助取票機」或「城市電腦售票處的售票櫃檯」取票 (請參閱59頁)。 國內客戶可選用全國送票上門服務。此服務需另繳付港幣50元。如有任何查詢,請致電客 戶服務熱線 (86) 400 678 0311。

城市電腦售票網(3月7日上午10時起) (不包括於香港會議展覽中心放映之場次)

網上訂票服務 ( 3月 7日 上 午 10時 至 開 映 前 一 小 時 ) 信用卡電話訂票 2111 5999 ( 3月 7日 上 午 10時 至 開 映 前 一 小 時 ) ‧ 訂購手續費為每張門票港幣7元,每次交易手續費最高為港幣23元。如選擇以掛號郵件 收取門票,須另加收港幣25元,以上手續費會因應購票通(香港)有限公司而調整。 ‧ 電影放映前七天內所訂購的門票,顧客須攜同購票時所使用的信用卡,到「購票通自 助取票機」或各「城市電腦售票處」的售票櫃檯領取門票。

所有門票不設劃位。香港電影資料館特備節目各場次門票除外。電腦系統會於售票時為購票人 士提供當時可供發售的最佳座位,惟不保證安排相連座位。 凡於香港文化中心大劇院放映的影片,除堂座和樓座門票外,還會發售部份高座門票。由於距 離和觀看角度問題,高座的座位或會較堂座和樓座的座位稍遜,敬請留意。

退款及節目更改 本電影節訂票手冊付印時,大部份影片均未經電影、報刊及物品管理辦事處檢查。將來如有影 片被檢定為三級者,未滿18歲而於公布前購買該場門票的持票人,可由通知日起至2013年4月 30日止,在香港大會堂、香港文化中心或該片放映場地索取退票申請表格,亦可於電影節網頁下載。請將填妥之表格於2013年4月30日前寄回香港國際電影節協會有限公司 辦事處(香港九龍觀塘道370號創紀之城3期21樓),信封面請註明「退款申請」。香港國際電影 節會以劃線支票寄回門票款項給持票人(其他費用恕不退回)。 香港國際電影節保留更改所有放映的影片、時間及地點的權利。節目更改或取消的詳情,請留 意電影節網頁最新資訊公布或各放映場地的通告。 節目如有更改或取消,觀眾可循上述安排辦理退款或按原定時間入場觀看補映的影片。除此之 外,所有完成放映的電影場次恕不受理任何退款申請。

售票條款 每次交易最多可訂購40張門票。每場最多4張,香港電影資料館特備節目各場次則不受限制。 一人一票,幼童不論年齡亦需憑票入場。6歲以下小童,恕不招待。 所有已出售的門票均不能退款,亦不能更換其他放映之場次。 所有門票均受城市電腦售票網、快達票及個別放映場地的銷售條款所約束。

請注意:由於香港科學館、UA太古城中心及The Grand Cinema不設領票服務,於電影放映前七 天內預訂門票的觀眾,必須在前往上述放映場地之前,先行到「購票通自助取票機」或各「城市 電腦售票處」的售票櫃檯領取門票。

城市電腦售票網 - 請參閱張貼於各城市電腦售票處或www.urbtix.hk網頁上之告示。

售票處購買:各城市電腦售票處(見69頁)均接受現金、信用卡﹝美國運通卡、萬事達卡、Visa 卡及大來信用證﹞及銀聯卡(交易以港幣結算)付款。

電影節通行證 - 請參閱57頁的銷售條款。

快達票 - 請參閱快達票網頁www.hkticketing.com網頁上之告示。


2013-HKIFF-BF-E_57to59-and-69to72-OP-revise.indd 58

13年2月14日 下午1:27

自助取票服務 Ticket Collection Service 香港國際電影節網上預售

HKIFF Online Advance Booking

23.2.2013 – 6.3.2013

(取票服務由網上預售交易完成後第二天起提供 Collection service for online advance booking is available 2 days after transaction)

城市電腦售票網網上訂票及 信用卡電話訂票服務

URBTIX Online Booking & Telephone Credit Card Booking

From 7.3.2013起

顧客可選擇憑購票時所使用的信用卡,前往位於下列地點的「購票通自助取票機」或城市電腦售票處的售票櫃檯領取電影節各放映場地*的門票。顧客亦可選 擇郵遞服務,惟服務提供至放映前七天止。

Customers may choose to collect HKIFF tickets for all screening venues* at any Cityline Ticket Dispensing Machine (TDM) or the sales counter of URBTIX outlets with the credit card used for transaction. Locations of Cityline TDMs and ticketing outlets are listed below. Customers may also choose mail delivery service which is available until 7 days before screening day. * 此服務不包括於香港會議展覽中心的電影節放映場次。該場地票務只由快達票提供。 * This service does not apply to screenings to be held at HKCEC – where the service is provided by HK Ticketing only.

購票通自助取票機 Cityline Ticket Dispensing Machines 地點 Location: 康文署演出場地 (不包括香港科學館) LCSD Performing Venues (Not available at Hong Kong Science Museum) 香港文化中心 Hong Kong Cultural Centre*

香港大會堂 Hong Kong City Hall*

香港體育館 Hong Kong Coliseum

香港太空館 Hong Kong Space Museum*

上環文娛中心 Sheung Wan Civic Centre

伊利沙伯體育館 Queen Elizabeth Stadium

牛池灣文娛中心 Ngau Chi Wan Civic Centre

西灣河文娛中心 Sai Wan Ho Civic Centre

沙田大會堂 Sha Tin Town Hall

高山劇場 Ko Shan Theatre

屯門大會堂 Tuen Mun Town Hall

荃灣大會堂 Tsuen Wan Town Hall

元朗劇院 Yuen Long Theatre

葵青劇院 Kwai Tsing Theatre

北區大會堂 North District Town Hall

大埔文娛中心 Tai Po Civic Centre

亞洲國際博覽館 AsiaWorld-Expo

九龍灣國際展貿中心 Kowloonbay International Trade and Exhibition Centre

通利琴行各分行 Tom Lee Music Co Ltd Branches

浸會大學大學會堂 Academic Community Hall of Baptist University

機場UA IMAX影院 UA IMAX Theatre @ Airport

影藝戲院 Cine-Art House

UA 朗豪坊 UA Langham Place*

UA iSQUARE* * 為電影節放映場地 HKIFF Screening Venues

其他電影節放映場地之取票服務 Ticket Collection Service at Other HKIFF Screening Venues 香港藝術中心 Hong Kong Arts Centre 香港電影資料館 Hong Kong Film Archive


設有售票櫃檯,可供領取門票 Ticket Collection Service available at sales counter


不支援領票服務。已訂票的觀眾,請先行到上述「購票通自助取票機」或城市電腦售票處領取門票。 Ticket collection service is NOT available at these screening venues. Please collect your tickets at a Cityline TDM or URBTIX outlet at the locations as mentioned above before going to the screening venues.

香港科學館 Hong Kong Science Museum The Grand Cinema UA 太古城中心 UA Cityplaza

有關自助取票服務的最新詳情,請留意購票通不時的公布。 Regarding the latest information on the Ticket Collection Service, please take note of Cityline’s announcement from time to time.


2013-HKIFF-BF-E_57to59-and-69to72-OP.indd 59

13年2月8日 下午5:20

How to Festival 電影節指南 里 敦 佐 dan Jor


th Pa

紅磡站 Hung Hom Station

佐敦站 Jordan Station C2

C1 H1 HK of HMuse isto um ry



J3 J2

YMCA 青年會

Chater Garden

Bus Terminus


尖沙咀站 Tsimshatsui Station


碼頭 Ferry Pier

香港文化中心及香港太空館 Hong Kong Cultural Centre & Hong Kong Space Museum •  由尖沙咀碼頭步行五分鐘或由尖沙咀港鐵站(F 出口)沿行人 隧道步行十分鐘可達 •  5-minute walk from Tsimshatsui Ferry Pier or 10-minute walk from Tsimshatsui MTR Station (Exit F) along the subway

香港大會堂 Hong Kong City Hall

香港科學館 Hong Kong Science Museum

•  從尖沙咀碼頭乘小輪往中環碼頭(船程約十分鐘),再步行十 分鐘可達 •  中環港鐵站 (J3 出口 ) 步行十分鐘可達 •  Take Star Ferry from Tsimshatsui Pier to Central Pier (about 10 minutes) 10-minute walk from Central pier •  10-minute walk from Central MTR Station (Exit J3)

•  距離尖沙咀、佐敦及紅磡港鐵站十五分鐘路程 •  尖東港鐵站 (P2 出口 ) 步行十分鐘可達 •  15-minute walk from Tsimshatsui, Jordan and Hung Hom MTR Station •  10-minute walk from East Tsimshatsui MTR Station (Exit P2)

碼頭 Ferry Pier

Lei King Road

HK Arts Centre

分域街 Fenwick Street

香港電影資料館 Hong Kong Film Archive •  鄰近西灣河港鐵站,由港鐵站(A 出口)步行約五分鐘可達 •  5-minute walk from Sai Wan Ho MTR station (Exit A)

香港會議展覽中心及香港藝術中心 Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre & Hong Kong Arts Centre

上海街 Shanghai Street

UA 朗豪坊 Langham Place •  由旺角港鐵站 (C3 出口 ) 步行往約兩分鐘可達 •  2-minute walk from Mong Kok MTR Station (Exit C3)

•  由灣仔港鐵站(A1 出口)步行十五分鐘可達 •  由灣仔碼頭步行十分鐘可達 •  15-minute walk from Wanchai MTR Station (Exit A1) •  10-minute walk from Wanchai Pier






Kowloon Station




YMCA 青年會

Bus Terminus

Austin Station


UA 太古城中心 Cityplaza

The Grand Cinema

•  由尖沙咀港鐵站(H 出口)步行兩分鐘可達 •  2-minute walk from Tsimshatsui MTR Station (Exit H)

•  於太古港鐵站上蓋,由港鐵站前往約兩分鐘可達 •  2-minute walk from Taikoo MTR Station

•  由九龍港鐵站(B 出口)步行五分鐘可達 •  於九龍公園徑 ( 近「北京道一號」) 之巴士站乘專線小巴 77M 前往港鐵九龍站 ( 約需十五分鐘 ) •  5-minute walk from Kowloon MTR Station (Exit B) •  Take Public Light Bus No. 77M at the bus stop in Kowloon Park Drive ( “One Peking” Entrance) to Kowloon Station (about 15-minute ride)

碼頭 Ferry Pier


2013-HKIFF-BF-60-61-map-OP.indd 60

13年2月8日 下午5:55

支持機構  Supporting Organization

Venue 場地

Address 地址

Tel 電話

香港文化中心 Hong Kong Cultural Centre

九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道10號 10 Salisbury Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon

2734 2009

香港大會堂 Hong Kong City Hall

香港中環愛丁堡廣場5號 5 Edinburgh Place, Central, HK

2921 2840

香港科學館 Hong Kong Science Museum

九龍尖沙咀東部科學館道2號 2 Science Museum Road, Tsimshatsui East, Kowloon

2732 3232

香港太空館 Hong Kong Space Museum

九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道10號 10 Salisbury Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon

2721 0226

香港藝術中心 Hong Kong Arts Centre

香港灣仔港灣道2號 2 Harbour Road, Wanchai, HK

2582 0200

UA太古城中心 UA Cityplaza

香港太古城太古城道18號太古城中心1期5樓 5/F Cityplaza, 18 Taikoo Shing Road, Taikoo Shing, HK

3918 5888

UA朗豪坊 UA Langham Place

九龍旺角亞皆老街8號朗豪坊8至11樓 8/F-11/F, Langham Place, 8 Argyle Street, Mongkok, Kowloon

3918 5888


九龍尖沙咀彌敦道63號國際廣場7樓 7/F, iSQUARE, 63 Nathan Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon

3918 5888

The Grand Cinema

九龍尖沙咀柯士甸道西1號圓方2樓(港鐵九龍站) 2/F, Elements, 1 Austin Road West, Kowloon (Kowloon Station)

2196 8170

香港電影資料館 Hong Kong Film Archive

香港西灣河鯉景道50號 50 Lei King Road, Sai Wan Ho, HK

2739 2139

香港會議展覽中心 Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

香港灣仔博覽道1號 1 Expo Drive, Wanchai, HK

2582 8888

Asian Film Awards Nominated Film 亞洲電影大獎提名電影

Hong Kong - Asia Film Financing Forum Selected Project


•  嘉賓及傳媒招待處  Hospitality & Media Suite

•  特刊換領處  Catalogue Redemption

香港文化中心行政大樓四樓展覽館   Exhibition Gallery, 4/F, Administration Building, Hong Kong Cultural Centre 開放時間 Opening Hours: 17/3/2013-2/4/2013 10am-7pm

Fipresci Prize Nominated Film 國際影評人聯盟獎提名電影


3D 電影/《大浩劫》上集/下集 3D Films / Shoah Part I / Part II 平日日場 Weekday Matinee

開幕電影—《葉問—終極一戰》 Opening Film – Ip Man-The Final Fight



於香港文化中心、UA 朗豪坊、UA iSQUARE、  The Grand Cinema 放映之正場、週末及假日場次 Ordinary, Weekend / Public Holiday Screenings at HK Cultural Centre / UA Langham / UA iSQUARE / The Grand Cinema



於香港會議展覽中心(開幕電影除外)、香港大會堂、香港科學館、 香港太空館、香港藝術中心、UA 太古城中心放映之正場、  週末及假日場次 Ordinary, Weekend / Public Holiday Screenings at HK Convention & Exhibition Centre (except Opening Film) / HK City Hall / HK Science Museum / HK Space Museum / HK Arts Centre / UA Cityplaza



香港電影資料館特備節目 Hong Kong Film Archive Contribution Programmes

From 23/2/2013 起

Online and Postal Booking 網上及郵購訂票  Online 網上訂票

23/2/2013 10am – 6/3/2013 10pm   

Postal 郵購訂票

23/2/2013 – 1/3/2013

From 7/3/2013 起

URBTIX Booking 城市電腦售票網訂票 

城市電腦售票處 URBTIX Outlets

HK Ticketing 快達票 只限香港會議展覽中心場次 HKCEC Screenings Only 

快達票售票處 HK Ticketing Outlets 票務詳情:58頁 Ticketing Information : P.68

From 23/2/2013 起  31 288 288

票房地點及開放時間:69頁 Outlets Address & Opening Hours: P.69

第三十七屆香港國際電影節特刊 37th HKIFF Main Catalogue

$5,000 $80


Suitable for All Ages 適合任何年齡人士

 2111 5999

Super Value Pass  影癡通行證 有關通行證的資料及銷售條款,請參閱57頁。  For more information on Passes, refer to P.57.

Not Suitable for Children 兒童不宜

Not Suitable for Young Persons and Children 青少年及兒童不宜

通行證及特刊 Passes & CATALOGUES VIP Pass VIP 通行證

SIGNIS Award Nominated Film 天主教文化獎提名電影


Persons Aged 18 and Above Only 只准18歲或以上人士


2013-HKIFF-BF-60-61-map-OP.indd 61

13年2月8日 下午5:55

Date 日期

HKCEC THEATRE 1 Page            香港會議展覽中心演講廳 1 頁碼

CE 1

Date 日期



星期日 Sun

星期日 Sun

9:45 PM

Ip Man - The Final Fight 葉問 - 終極一戰

HK SCIENCE MUSEUM              LECTURE HALL             香港科學館演講廳

Page  頁碼

12:30 PM

City on Fire 龍虎風雲 18SM3M1D Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Selection 香港演藝學院學生作品選 18SM3M2D Trace 痕跡 18SM3M3D The War of the Volcanoes 羅塞里尼火山爭奪戰 18SM3E1 After Lucia 校園欺凌後 18SM3E2 The Wicked City 妖獸都市 19SM3M1D Hong Kong Polytechnic University Selection 香港理工大學學生作品選 19SM3M2D Hong Kong Design Institute Selection 香港知專設計學院學生作品選 19SM3M3D Sleepless Night 婚姻夜語 19SM3E1 Inori 祈 19SM3E2


A Simple Life 桃姐 22SM3M1D City University of Hong Kong Selection 香港城市大學學生作品選 22SM3M2D Hong Kong Baptist University Selection 香港浸會大學學生作品選 22SM3M3D Oh, the San Xia 三峽啊 22SM3E1 Ryan Larkin Programme 賴恩拿堅短片集 22SM3E2

World Animation 世界動畫精選 23SM3M1




18 星期一 Mon

3:00 PM 5:45 PM

9:45 PM

The Berlin File 諜血柏林 Rust and Bone 銹與骨 ★


7:45 PM


9:30 PM



星期二 TUE

星期二 TUE

12:30 PM 2:45 PM 5:00 PM

7:15 PM 9:45 PM

Populaire 打字夢女神★ Drug War 毒戰

Page  頁碼


1:30 PM



3:40 PM


6:00 PM


7:20 PM


9:20 PM

White Elephant 大白象 22SP3M1D Our Children 誰知媽媽心 22SP3M2D Avant Garde Programme II 前衛短片選輯(二) 22SP3M3D After the Curfew 戒嚴夜 22SP3E1 Night of Silence 一千零一新婚夜 22SP3E2

James Broughton Programme I 占士布諾頓選輯(一) 23SP3M3 Young and Dangerous 古惑仔之人在江湖 23SP3E1 The Storm Riders 風雲雄霸天下 23SP3E2 When Day Breaks 破曉時光 24SP3M1 James Broughton Programme II 占士布諾頓選輯(二) 24SP3M2 Celluloid Man 菲林衛士P.K.奈爾 24SP3M3 Guru of Silence 莫言上師一身蟻 24SP3E1 Dance of a Dream 愛君如夢 24SP3E2




星期一 Mon

7:15 PM

HK SPACE MUSEUM               LECTURE HALL             香港太空館演講廳


7:15 PM


9:15 PM

98 10 91 43 31 99 99 48 89

20 星期三 WED

Understanding Programme Diary 認識節目表 Screening Venue 放映場地

Date 日期

HK CULTURAL CENTRE               GRAND THEATRE             香港文化中心大劇院

Programme Note Page Number 節目簡介頁碼


Page  頁碼

星期五 Fri

12:30 PM 3:00 PM 5:15 PM

26 星期二 TUE

21 星期四 THU

7:15 PM

9:45 PM

Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow? 明天記得愛上我 26KG3E1

The Angels' Share 智取威士忌 26KG3E2 ★


Film Title 片名

7:15 PM 9:45 PM


Film Code 影片編號 (See P.70 for details 詳見70頁)


10:30 AM

星期六 SAT

Start Time 開映時間

5:30 PM

Chinese subtitles in addition to English subtitles/ dialogue. 除英語對白或英文字幕外附加中文字幕

7:30 PM 9:30 PM

★ Chinese subtitles in addition to English subtitles/dialogue. 除英語對白或英文字幕外附加中文字幕。 Unless otherwise stated, all films (except English-speaking films) are subtitled in English. 除特別註明外,所有非英語對白電影皆設有英文字幕,但不另設 中文字幕。


10:30 AM

星期日 Sun

World Animation for All 合家歡動畫精選 23SM3E1 The Holy Quaternity 四性一體 23SM3E2 Beautiful 2013 美好2013 24SM3M1




9:30 PM


10:30 AM 12:40 PM 2:45 PM

7:15 PM 9:30 PM

Short Film Competition Programme I 國際短片競賽節目(一) 24SM3E1 Short Film Competition Programme II 國際短片競賽節目(二) 24SM3E2


6:00 PM


9:00 PM

37 94 85 41

31 31 20 92 90 38 31


2013-HKIFF-BF-E_62to68-ProgramDiary-op.indd 62

8/2/13 2:22 AM

The Grand         Cinema


Page 頁碼



Page 頁碼

UA CITYPLAZA       太古城


Page 頁碼



Page 頁碼


9:50 PM

18 星期一 Mon

2:30 PM 5:30 PM 7:15 PM 7:45 PM 10:15 PM

19 星期二 TUE

3:00 PM 5:15 PM 7:15 PM 8:00 PM 9:45 PM

20 星期三 WED

2:00 PM 5:00 PM 7:15 PM 7:45 PM 9:45PM

21 星期四 THU

3:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:45 PM 8:00 PM 9:50 PM

22 星期五 Fri

3:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:30 PM 8:00 PM 9:40 PM 11:45 PM

23 星期六 SAT

12:30 PM 2:30 PM 5:20 PM 7:45 PM

Ip Man - The Final Fight 葉問 - 終極一戰 17GC3E2 A Story of Yonosuke 那年遇上世之介 18GC3M2D ★ More Than Honey 沒有蜜蜂的日子 18GC3M3D Three Sisters 三姊妹 18GC3E1 Renoir 雷諾亞 18GC3E1A The Kirishima Thing 桐島失踪後 18GC3E2 Three Worlds 一撞三世界 19GC3M2D Tenderness 謝謝你的溫柔 19GC3M3D Touch of the Light 逆光飛翔 19GC3E1 Drug War 毒戰 19GC3E1A The Sapphires 藍寶石天后 19GC3E2 ★ Three Sisters 三姊妹 20GC3M2D Violeta Went to Heaven 紫紅色的一生 20GC3M3D Beautiful 2013 美好2013 20GC3E1 Rhino Season 犀牛的季節 20GC3E1A Petal Dance 花瓣舞 20GC3E2 Renoir 雷諾亞 21GC3M2D Beautiful 2013 美好2013 21GC3M3D Fig 無花果 21GC3E1 Three Worlds 一撞三世界 21GC3E1A Lilou's Adventure 妮露的冒險 21GC3E2 The Angels' Share 智取威士忌 22GC3M2D ★ After Lucia 校園欺凌後 22GC3M3D Philomirrophobia I & II 翡羅彌諾浮彼亞 I 及 II 22GC3E1 The Berlin File 諜血柏林 22GC3E1A Eagles 老鷹有火 22GC3E2 World Animation for Adults 成人動畫精選 22GC3E3 The Kirishima Thing 桐島失踪後 23GC3M1 Beyond the Hills 非常教慾 23GC3M2 ★ Together 甜.袐密 23GC3M3 Shoah (Part I) 大浩劫(上集) 23GC3E1

4 79 3:00 PM

89 24

7:15 PM


9:30 PM


11:45 PM

12:30 PM

Shoah (Part II) 大浩劫(下集) 24GC3M1

8:00 PM 9:50 PM

Caesar Must Die 凱撒必死 24GC3M3 More Than Honey 沒有蜜蜂的日子 24GC3E1 Rhino Season 犀牛的季節 24GC3E2

5:00 PM


7:15 PM


9:40 PM

3:15 PM

37 33

7:15 PM


9:30 PM


11:50 PM

3:00 PM


5:30 PM


7:30 PM


9:45 PM

Rust and Bone 銹與骨 19UL3E1 ★ The Grandmaster 一代宗師 19UL3E2 Motorway 車手 19UL3E3


5:30 PM


7:15 PM


9:45 PM

Dormant Beauty 睡美人 19UC3M2D Nobody's Daughter Haewon 白日夢女兒 19UC3M3D The Pervert's Guide to Ideology 齊澤克電影指南:意識形態篇 19UC3E1 The Love Songs of Tiedan 美姐 19UC3E2


5:30 PM


7:15 PM


9:45 PM

12:30 PM 3:00 PM

42 5,7

7:40 PM


9:45 PM


11:45 PM

The Last Time I Saw Macao 再見澳門郎 20UL3E1 McDull, The Pork of Music 麥兜.噹噹伴我心 20UL3E2 The Guillotines 3D 血滴子3D 20UL3E3


5:30 PM


7:30 PM


9:45 PM

In the Fog 霧裏人鬼神 20UC3M2D The Cremator 焚屍人 20UC3M3D Lifelong 逝水長流 20UC3E1 In the Name of 鄉村神父的私情 20UC3E2


2:30 PM


5:45 PM


8:00 PM


10:00 PM 12:50 PM

15 3:30 PM

5,7 28

7:30 PM


9:30 PM


11:45 PM

With You, Without You 親近你,離開你 21UL3E1 Thy Womb 出讓丈夫的女人 21UL3E2 The Last Tycoon 大上海 21UL3E3


5:30 PM


7:30 PM


9:45 PM


3:00 PM


5:30 PM


7:30 PM


9:30 PM


11:45 PM

The Deflowering of Eva van End 伊娃失身的抉擇 22UL3E1 Starlet 小明星 22UL3E2 ★ As Tears Go By 旺角卡門 22UL3E3


7:30 PM


9:30 PM

The Fifth Season 第五季:世界終結時 21UC3M2D The Love Songs of Tiedan 美姐 21UC3M3D Dormant Beauty 睡美人 21UC3E1 The Gardener 園丁偈語 21UC3E2 The Pervert’s Guide to Ideology 齊澤克電影指南:意識形態篇 22UC3M2D Jungle Love 性愛慾森林 22UC3M3D It Was the Son 奪命的富貴 22UC3E1 Something in the Way 的士司機一段情 22UC3E2

Limite 極限 18IS3M2D The Patience Stone 釋懷之石 18IS3M3D Don't Expect Praises 有人讚美聰慧,有人則不 18IS3E1 Ali Blue Eyes 藍眼睛阿里 18IS3E2 Piazza Fontana: The Italian Conspiracy 米蘭廣場大陰謀 19IS3M2D An Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker 拆車佬的日與夜 19IS3M3D Bwakaw 怪老頭與公主狗 19IS3E1 Leviathan 海中獸 19IS3E2

86, 93

Watchtower 傷心瞭望塔 20IS3M1D One Night and Two Days 酷兒兩日一夜 20IS3M2D Don't Expect Praises 有人讚美聰慧,有人則不 20IS3M3D Becoming Traviata 排練茶花女 20IS3E1 Limite 極限 20IS3E2 Fidaï 革命是可以被原諒的 21IS3M1D The Cloud-Capped Star 雲堆裏的星 21IS3M2D Ali Blue Eyes 藍眼睛阿里 21IS3M3D Piazza Fontana: The Italian Conspiracy 米蘭廣場大陰謀 21IS3E1 Museum Hours 藝術館的時光 21IS3E2


Palme 人民首相之死 22IS3M3D An Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker 拆車佬的日與夜 22IS3E1 One Night and Two Days 酷兒兩日一夜 22IS3E2


Leviathan 海中獸 23IS3M1 Ship of Theseus 靈魂三轉身 23IS3M2 Gebo and the Shadow 影兒子 23IS3M3 The Cloud-Capped Star 雲堆裏的星 23IS3E1 Stromboli 火山邊緣之戀 23IS3E2

89, 93

Becoming Traviata 排練茶花女 24IS3M1 Museum Hours 藝術館的時光 24IS3M2 Simon and the Oaks 橡樹下的西門 24IS3M3 Fidaï 革命是可以被原諒的 24IS3E1 Watchtower 傷心瞭望塔 24IS3E2


36 35

25 37 40 89, 93


2:30 PM




7:15 PM


9:30 PM

48 35 88 86, 93 35 85 47 25 37

91 48

5:30 PM


7:30 PM


9:00 PM


12:30 PM


2:30 PM


5:15 PM


7:15 PM


9:50 PM

37 48

77 10:30 AM


2:30 PM


5:00 PM


7:30 PM

Horses of God 神馬的任務 23UL3M2 Circles 生命之環 23UL3M3 Smashed 醉後勝利 23UL3E1 ★ 7 Boxes 七箱劫 23UL3E2 Horror Stories 恐怖零一夜 23UL3E3 ★


12:30 PM


3:00 PM


5:30 PM


7:45 PM


9:30 PM 10:30 AM



5:10 PM


7:40 PM


9:45 PM 11:45 PM

Boy Eating the Bird's Food 吃雀粟的男孩 24UL3M2 Starlet 小明星 24UL3M3 ★ Thy Womb 出讓丈夫的女人 24UL3E1 90 Minutes 解脫前90分鐘 24UL3E2 The Deflowering of Eva van End 伊娃失身的抉擇 24UL3E3


12:45 PM


3:00 PM


4:45 PM


6:45 PM


8:45 PM

The Gardener 園丁偈語 23UC3M1 Paradise: Love 天堂三部曲之愛 23UC3M2 Paradise: Faith 天堂三部曲之信 23UC3M3 Paradise: Hope 天堂三部曲之望 23UC3E1 Francis Ha 紐約娃哈哈 23UC3E2 ★ Lines of Wellington 威靈頓戰線 23UC3E3 Night Across the Street 夜夢三巡 24UC3M1 To the Wonder 愛是神奇 24UC3M2 ★ Ernest ﹠ Celestine 花都友奇緣 24UC3M3 ★ In Another Country 他鄉的女人 24UC3E1 Nobody's Daughter Haewon 白日夢女兒 24UC3E2 Jungle Love 性愛慾森林 24UC3E3








3:30 PM 6:15 PM



3:00 PM

11:45 PM


Circles 生命之環 18UL3E1 The Last Time I Saw Macao 再見澳門郎 18UL3E2 Cold War 寒戰 18UL3E3

In the Name of 鄉村神父的私情 18UC3M2D Lifelong 逝水長流 18UC3M3D In the Fog 霧裏人鬼神 18UC3E1 The Cremator 焚屍人 18UC3E2


9:30 PM

星期日 Sun



星期日 Sun


47 20 85 86

40 18

12:50 PM


3:00 PM


5:00 PM


7:15 PM


9:00 PM

Programme Diary

Date 日期

節 目 表

37 45 35 41



2013-HKIFF-BF-E_62to67-ProgramDiary-op-revise.indd 63

14/2/13 2:38 PM

Date 日期

HK CULTURAL CENTRE        GRAND THEATRE        香港文化中心大劇院


Page 頁碼

HK CITY HALL THEATRE       香港大會堂劇院


Page 頁碼

25 星期一 Mon

HK SCIENCE MUSEUM        LECTURE HALL        香港科學館演講廳

Page 頁碼

12:30 PM

Casting By 選角大師杜嘉蒂 25SM3M1D Eagles 老鷹有火 25SM3M2D World Animation for All 合家歡動畫精選 25SM3M3D BIG JOY: The Adventures of James Broughton 占士布諾頓的大快活旅程 25SM3E1 James Broughton Programme I 占士布諾頓選輯(一) 25SM3E2 The Machine Which Makes Everything Disappear 試鏡浮世繪 26SM3M1D The Ideal City 理想呃人 26SM3M2D The Holy Quaternity 四性一體 26SM3M3D Tang Wong 四個還神的少年 26SM3E1 Fig 無花果 26SM3E2


World Animation 世界動畫精選 27SM3E1 Compliance 快餐店陰質事件 27SM3E2 ★


2:30 PM 6:00 PM 7:15 PM 9:30 PM

Gohatto 御法度 25KG3E1 ★ The Great Passage 大渡海 25KG3E2


7:15 PM


9:30 PM

White Elephant 大白象 25CT3E1 Infernal Affairs 無間道 25CT3E2


7:30 PM


9:30 PM 12:30 PM

26 星期二 TUE

2:30 PM 5:30 PM 7:15 PM 9:45 PM

Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow? 明天記得愛上我 26KG3E1 The Angels' Share 智取威士忌 26KG3E2 ★


7:15 PM


9:30 PM

Tokyo Family 東京家族 27KG3E1★ Outrage Beyond 全員惡人完結 27KG3E2 ★


7:15 PM


9:30 PM

Our Children 誰知媽媽心 26CT3E1 Initial D 頭文字D 26CT3E2


7:15 PM


9:30 PM

When Day Breaks 破曉時光 27CT3E1 Confession of Pain 傷城 27CT3E2


7:15 PM


9:30 PM

HK ARTS CENTRE Page       AGNES B. CINEMA! 頁碼       香港藝術中心 Agnes b. 電影院


38 77 92

7:15 PM


9:15 PM

Taboor 輻射怪客唔死得 25AC3E1 Violeta Went to Heaven 紫紅色的一生 25AC3E2

38 42

89 39 37 48

7:15 PM


9:30 PM


7:15 PM


9:15 PM

Công Binh - The Lost Fighters of Vietnam 88 消失的工兵 26AC3E1 Avant Garde Programme I 94 前衛短片選輯(一) 26AC3E2

27 星期三 WED

7:15 PM 10:00 PM

3:00 PM

28 星期四 THU

5:00 PM 7:15 PM 9:50 PM

29 星期五 FRI

10:30 AM 12:45 PM 3:10 PM 6:15 PM 9:20 PM

30 星期六 SAt

10:30 AM 12:45 PM 3:30 PM 8:00 PM 9:45 PM

Saving General Yang 忠烈楊家將 28KG3E1 A Werewolf Boy 狼少年之戀 28KG3E2 ★


7:15 PM


10:00 PM

Populaire 打字夢女神 29KG3M1 ★ Touch of the Light 逆光飛翔 29KG3M2 Gangs of Wasseypur (Part I) 寶萊塢教父(上集) 29KG3M3 Gangs of Wasseypur (Part II) 寶萊塢教父(下集) 29KG3E1 No 向政府說不 29KG3E2 ★


Seven Psychopaths 癲狗喪七 30KG3M1 ★ Foxfire: Confessions of a Girl Gang 火狐女演義 30KG3M2 ★ Lawrence of Arabia 沙漠梟雄 30KG3M3 ★ Dark Blood 血荒漠 30KG3E1 ★ Blancanieves 白雪公主之鬥牛場激情篇 30KG3E2


Foxfire: Confessions of a Girl Gang 火狐女演義 28CT3E1 ★ La Sirga 薄霧紅顏 28CT3E2


7:15 PM


9:20 PM

10:30 AM


12:30 PM


3:00 PM


6:00 PM


9:00 PM

Fill the Void 責任與情感 29CT3M2 Ginger & Rosa 珍姐與露莎 29CT3M3 ★ Tenderness 謝謝你的溫柔 29CT3E1 Jubilation Street 歡呼之町 29CT3E2


1:00 PM

12:30 PM


3:00 PM


6:00 PM


9:00 PM

After the Curfew 戒嚴夜 30CT3M2 Guru of Silence 莫言上師一身蟻 30CT3M3 The Great Passage 大渡海 30CT3E1 Engagement Ring 婚約指環 30CT3E2


10:30 AM


12:30 PM


3:00 PM


6:00 PM


9:15 PM

10:30 AM


Lilou's Adventure 妮露的冒險 29SM3M1 Petal Dance 花瓣舞 29SM3M2


1:00 PM


3:00 PM

The Act of Killing 殺戮重組 29SM3E1 Father's Birth 兩個基爸爸 29SM3E2


The ABCs of Death 死囧樣 30SM3M1 ★ Sun Xun Programme 孫遜動畫精選 30SM3M2 Emperor Visits the Hell 唐皇遊地府 30SM3M3


10:30 AM


12:45 PM


3:00 PM 6:00 PM

9:00 PM

Horror Stories 恐怖零一夜 30SM3E2 ★


Inori 祈 29AC3M1 Avant Garde Programme I 前衛短片選輯(一) 29AC3M2 Here and There 此時此處此模樣 29AC3M3 Taboor 輻射怪客唔死得 29AC3E1


92 20 91 86 76

94 43 38


15 96

5:15 PM

James Broughton Programme II 占士布諾頓選輯(二) 27AC3E1 BIG JOY: The Adventures of James Broughton 占士布諾頓的大快活旅程 27AC3E2 Gebo and the Shadow 影兒子 28AC3M2D The War of the Volcanoes 羅塞里尼火山爭奪戰 28AC3M3D Stromboli 火山邊緣之戀 28AC3E1 Sun Xun Programme 孫遜動畫精選 28AC3E2

Tang Wong 四個還神的少年 30AC3M1 ifva Experimental Series Programme I ifva實驗系列作品選節目一 30AC3M2 Bad Film 壞人爛片 30AC3M3 Avant Garde Programme III 前衛短片選輯(三) 30AC3E1

48 100 25 94


★ Chinese subtitles in addition to English subtitles/dialogue. 除英語對白或英文字幕外附加中文字幕。 Unless otherwise stated, all films (except English-speaking films) are subtitled in English. 除特別註明外,所有非英語對白電影皆設有英文字幕,但 不另設中文字幕。


2013-HKIFF-BF-E_62to67-ProgramDiary-op-revise.indd 64

14/2/13 2:38 PM

The Grand               Cinema

25 星期一 MON

5:30 PM 7:30 PM 8:00 PM 9:30 PM


The Sapphires 藍寶石天后 25GC3M3D ★ What Richard Did 高富帥失足記 25GC3E1 ★ Disconnect 斷了線 25GC3E1A ★ Beyond the Hills 非常教慾 25GC3E2 ★

Page  頁碼

36 38

UA LANGHAM PLACE           朗豪坊

5:30 PM 7:30 PM


The Attack 炸彈枕邊人 25UL3M3D Una Noche 青春一夜三人行 25UL3E1

Page  頁碼

UA CITYPLAZA           太古城


2:30 PM


5:30 PM

16 26

7:30 PM 9:15 PM 11:45 PM

Horses of God 神馬的任務 25UL3E2 Smashed 醉後勝利 25UL3E3 ★


3:00 PM 5:00 PM 7:15 PM 9:45 PM

All Apologies 愛的替身 26GC3M3D A Complicated Story 一個複雜故事 26GC3E1 Something in the Air 五月風,繼續吹 26GC3E2


5:30 PM


7:30 PM


9:40 PM 11:45 PM

With You, Without You 親近你,離開你 26UL3M3D Poor Folk 窮人。榴槤。麻藥。偷渡客 26UL3E1 Greetings From Tim Buckley 歌聲中呼喚愛 26UL3E2 ★ 90 Minutes 解脫前90分鐘 26UL3E3


5:30 PM


7:30 PM


9:30 PM

3:30 PM 5:30 PM 7:45 PM 8:15 PM 10:40 PM

Pluto 冥王星保衛戰 27GC3M3D Call Girl 應召女孩 27GC3E1 ★ Post Tenebras Lux 黑暗後的光明 27GC3E1A Bekas 小兄弟騎驢搵美 27GC3E2 ★


A Fallible Girl 墜落 28GC3M3D Together 甜.袐密 28GC3E1 Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow? 明天記得愛上我 28GC3E2 What Richard Did 高富帥失足記 28GC3E3 ★ Gulabi Gang 粉紅娘子軍 29GC3M1 Room 237 閃靈237 29GC3M2 ★ Forever Love 阿嬤的夢中情人 29GC3M3 All Apologies 愛的替身 29GC3E1 In Bloom 美少女戰事 29GC3E2


5:30 PM


7:30 PM


9:45 PM


11:45 PM

The Attack 炸彈枕邊人 27UL3E1 A Hijacking 海盜洋大綁架 27UL3E2 Una Noche 青春一夜三人行 27UL3E3




Page  頁碼


5:40 PM


7:30 PM


9:50 PM

Dark Blood 血荒漠 25IS3M3D ★ Eat Sleep Die 生吃睡死 25IS3E1 Palme 人民首相之死 25IS3E2


The Tears 哥哥的眼淚 26IS3M3D Simon and the Oaks 橡樹下的西門 26IS3E1


45 45

Francis Ha 紐約娃哈哈 26UC3M2D ★ Love, Marilyn 夢露人生 26UC3M3D ★ Roman Polanski: A Film Memoir 波蘭斯基的告白 26UC3E1 ★ Paradise: Faith 天堂三部曲之信 26UC3E2


Me and You 密室中的我和你 27UC3M2D Something in the Way 的士司機一段情 27UC3M3D The Fifth Season 第五季:世界終結時 27UC3E1 Paradise: Hope 天堂三部曲之望 27UC3E2



5:45 PM


7:30 PM


25 Mar





27 星期三 WED

Lines of Wellington 威靈頓戰線 25UC3M2D It Was the Son 奪命的富貴 25UC3M3D 3 Outsiders 三個異鄉人 25UC3E1 Paradise: Love 天堂三部曲之愛 25UC3E2

Page  頁碼


26 星期二 TUE

9:30 PM



Date 日期


7:30 PM


9:30 PM


5:30 PM


7:45 PM

Eat Sleep Die 生吃睡死 27IS3M3D The Tears 哥哥的眼淚 27IS3E1


Bwakaw 怪老頭與公主狗 28IS3M3D The Patience Stone 釋懷之石 28IS3E1 Ship of Theseus 靈魂三轉身 28IS3E2





28 5:15 PM 7:15 PM 9:45 PM 11:55 PM

29 星期五 FRI

12:30 PM 2:45 PM 5:00 PM 7:30 PM 9:30 PM

11:45 PM

30 星期六 SAt

12:30 PM 2:30 PM 4:45 PM 7:00 PM 9:30 PM 11:55 PM

Trance 催眠潛凶 29GC3E3 War Witch 戰巫不勝 30GC3M1 ★ Bekas 小兄弟騎驢搵美 30GC3M2 ★ Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God 天父的羔羊 30GC3M3 Something in the Air 五月風,繼續吹 30GC3E1 Pluto 冥王星保衛戰 30GC3E2 A Werewolf Boy 狼少年之戀 30GC3E3 ★

5:30 PM


7:30 PM


9:30 PM


11:45 PM

Greetings From Tim Buckley 歌聲中呼喚愛 28UL3E1 ★ Poor Folk 窮人。榴槤。麻藥。偷渡客 28UL3E2 The ABCs of Death 死囧樣 28UL3E3 ★


7:40 PM


9:40 PM

36 47


11 89 Date 日期

78 8

7:15 PM


9:30 PM


11:45 PM

Fly With The Crane 告訴他們,我乘白鶴去了 29UL3E1 What They Don't Talk About When They Talk About Love 談情不說愛 29UL3E2 7 Boxes 七箱劫 29UL3E3

35 9

29 星期五 FRI

HK SPACE MUSEUM               LECTURE HALL             香港太空館演講廳

Page  頁碼

10:30 AM



12:30 PM 3:00 PM


6:00 PM


9:00 PM


Avant Garde Programme II 前衛短片選輯(二) 29SP3M1 Ryan Larkin Programme 賴恩拿堅短片集 29SP3M2 Youth 少年綁架事件簿 29SP3M3 The Ideal City 理想呃人 29SP3E1 The Deep 冰海寒深 29SP3E2

76 39 39 38


11 25

7:15 PM


9:30 PM


11:45 PM

Longing for the Rain 春夢 30UL3E1 Redemption Impossible 救猩紀事 30UL3E2 A Hijacking 海盜洋大綁架 30UL3E3

9 11 37

星期六 SAt

5:30 PM 7:15 PM 9:15 PM

Dragonflies with Birds and Snakes 鳥蛇與蜻蜓 30SP3M3 A Clear Sky 晴朗的天空 30SP3E1 The Machine Which Makes Everything Disappear 試鏡浮世繪 30SP3E2

45, 93 89 89

Programme Diary

星期四 THU

節 目 表


2013-HKIFF-BF-E_62to68-ProgramDiary-op.indd 65

8/2/13 2:22 AM

Date 日期

31 星期日 SUN

HK CULTURAL CENTRE               GRAND THEATRE             香港文化中心大劇院

Page  頁碼

10:30 AM

Ernest & Celestine 花都友奇緣 31KG3M1 ★ A Story of Yonosuke 那年遇上世之介 31KG3M2 ★ Heaven's Gate 天堂之門 31KG3M3 ★ The Way We Dance 狂舞派 31KG3E1


10:15 PM

12:00 PM


12:10 PM 3:15 PM 7:30 PM

1 星期一 MON

3:30 PM 6:00 PM 9:15 PM

HK CITY HALL THEATRE           香港大會堂劇院



12:30 PM


3:30 PM


6:00 PM

Me and You 密室中的我和你 31KG3E2


9:00 PM

Forever Love 阿嬤的夢中情人 01KG4M2 Rouge 胭脂扣 01KG4M3 Bad Film 壞人爛片 01KG4E1 World Animation for Adults 成人動畫精選 01KG4E2


12:30 PM


3:00 PM


6:00 PM


9:00 PM

Page  頁碼

Youth 少年綁架事件簿 31CT3M2 Fill the Void 責任與情感 31CT3M3 Ginger & Rosa 珍姐與露莎 31CT3E1 ★

HK SCIENCE MUSEUM              LECTURE HALL             香港科學館演講廳

Page  頁碼

10:30 AM

Forgetting to Know You 陌生 31SM3M1 Roots 祖之根 31SM3M2 Short Film Competition Programme III 國際短片競賽節目(三) 31SM3M3 Short Film Competition Programme IV 國際短片競賽節目(四) 31SM3E1

9, 35


HK SPACE MUSEUM               LECTURE HALL             香港太空館演講廳

Page  頁碼


7:30 PM

Trace 痕跡 31SP3E1




12:45 PM


3:30 PM


6:00 PM

Farewell to Dream 黃昏的雲 31CT3E2


9:00 PM

The Act of Killing 殺戮重組 31SM3E2


9:30 PM

Oh, the San Xia 三峽啊 31SP3E2


The Deep 冰海寒深 01CT4M2 Nobody's Child 苦兒流浪記 01CT4M3 Mr. Tree Hello! 樹先生 01CT4E1 A Legend or Was It? 死鬥的傳說 01CT4E2


1:00 PM


10:30 AM

3:30 PM


1:00 PM


6:00 PM


3:15 PM

A Clear Sky 晴朗的天空 01SP4M1 Dragonflies with Birds and Snakes 鳥蛇與蜻蜓 01SP4M2 La Sirga 薄霧紅顏 01SP4M3




9:00 PM

Compliance 快餐店陰質事件 01SM4M2 ★ Love, Marilyn 夢露人生 01SM4M3 ★ 3 Outsiders 三個異鄉人 01SM4E1 Love Me Not 不能愛 01SM4E2

Celluloid Man 菲林衛士P.K.奈爾 02SM4M2D Roman Polanski: A Film Memoir 波蘭斯基的告白 02SM4M3D ★ Father's Birth 兩個基爸爸 02SM4E1 Forgetting to Know You 陌生 02SM4E2


11 13

45, 93 43


2 2:30 PM 7:00 PM

9:45 PM

Award Ceremony 頒獎禮 (7:00PM) Closed Curtain 電影關不住 (7:30PM) 02KG4E1 To the Wonder 愛是神奇 02KG4E2 ★

Date 日期


5:45 PM 7:45 PM



9:30 PM

HK Film Archive Cinema


Page  頁碼

22/3 星期五 FRI

23/3 星期六 SAT

星期日 SUN

2:30pm 5:00pm

2:30pm 5:00pm 7:00pm

29/3 星期五 FRI


11 9, 35

HK Film Archive Cinema

Page  頁碼


30/3 7:00pm



Date 日期


2:30pm 4:30pm 7:00pm

The Way of the Dragon 猛龍過江 22FA3E1R Seminar 1: The Mastermind Behind: Raymond Chow 座談會一:開闊步‧展奇謀的幕後軍師 The Pilferers' Progress 發錢寒 23FA3M3R Hap Ki Do 合氣道 23FA3E1R The Big Boss 唐山大兄 24FA3M2R Encounter of the Spooky Kind 鬼打鬼 24FA3M3R Last Hurrah for Chivalry 豪俠 24FA3E1R The Invicible Eight 天龍八將 29FA3M2R Fist of Fury 精武門 29FA3M3R Duel to the Death 生死決 29FA3E1R


星期六 SAT






103 103

星期日 SUN

2:30pm 5:30pm



103 105


The Himalayan 密宗聖手 31FA3M2R A Queen's Ransom 鱷潭群英會 31FA3M3R I Am Sorry 說謊的女人 31FA3E1R A Fishy Story 不脫襪的人 01FA4M2R The Sword 名劍 01FA4M3R The Young Master 師弟出馬 01FA4E1R


104 103




Seminar 2: Genres Explorations of Golden Harvest 座談會二:嘉禾類型電影的開拓 Beach of the War Gods 戰神灘 30FA3M3R Enter the Dragon 龍爭虎鬥 30FA3E1R

1/4 星期一 MON

2:30pm 4:30pm 7:00pm





星期二 TUE



105 105 105 104


2013-HKIFF-BF-E_62to67-ProgramDiary-op-revise.indd 66


14/2/13 2:36 PM

31 星期日 SUN

HK ARTS CENTRE   Page  The Grand           AGNES B. CINEMA! 頁碼               Cinema           香港藝術中心 Agnes b. 電影院


10:30 AM 12:45 PM 3:15 PM 6:00 PM

9:00 PM

Công Binh - The Lost Fighters of Vietnam 消失的工兵 31AC3M1 ifva Experimental Series Programme II ifva實驗系列作品選節目二 31AC3M2 To Chris Marker, An Unsent Letter 給馬爾卡:沒寄出的信 31AC3M3 Here and There 此時此處此模樣 31AC3E1

Casting By 選角大師杜嘉蒂 31AC3E2



100 2:30 PM 91

5:30 PM




9:30 PM 11:55 PM

1 星期一 MON

10:30 AM 12:45 PM 3:00 PM

Night of Silence 一千零一新婚夜 01AC4M1 ifva Experimental Series Programme III ifva實驗系列作品選節目三 01AC4M2 Golden Gate, Silver Light 金門銀光夢 01AC4M3 ★


12:30 PM

100 2:45 PM 90

5:15 PM 7:45 PM

9:00 PM

2 星期二 TUE

12:30 PM 2:30 PM 4:00 PM 6:00 PM 8:30 PM

Emperor Visits the Hell 唐皇遊地府 01AC4E2 Avant Garde Programme III 前衛短片選輯(三) 02AC4M1D Sleepless Night 婚姻夜語 02AC4M2D Philomirrophobia I & II 翡羅彌諾浮彼亞 I 及 II 02AC4M3D Golden Gate, Silver Light 金門銀光夢 02AC4E1 ★ Roots 祖之根 02AC4E2


9:30 PM


Memories Look at Me 記憶望着我 31GC3M1 Call Girl 應召女孩 31GC3M2 ★ In Bloom 美少女戰事 31GC3M3 Gulabi Gang 粉紅娘子軍 31GC3E1

Page  頁碼


UA LANGHAM PLACE           朗豪坊


Page  頁碼





Date 日期

9 11

7:15 PM

Disconnect 斷了線 31GC3E2 ★ Room 237 閃靈237 31GC3E3 ★ No 向政府說不 01GC4M1 ★ A Fallible Girl 墜落 01GC4M2 You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet 你知咩係戲? 01GC4M3 War Witch 戰巫不勝 01GC4E1 ★ Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God 天父的羔羊 01GC4E2


9:30 PM


11:45 PM

Memories Look at Me 記憶望着我 02GC4M3D Post Tenebras Lux 黑暗後的光明 02GC4E1 Trance 催眠潛凶 02GC4E1A Closed Curtain 電影關不住 02GC4E2


What They Don't Talk About When They Talk About Love 談情不說愛 31UL3E1 A Fold in My Blanket 岩石的摺痕 31UL3E2 Seven Psychopaths 癲狗喪七 31UL3E3 ★


9 74




46 18

7:30 PM


9:45 PM


11:45 PM

Redemption Impossible 救猩紀事 01UL4E1 Longing for the Rain 春夢 01UL4E2 Boy Eating the Bird's Food 吃雀粟的男孩 01UL4E3

11 9 47

94 48

5:30 PM


7:30 PM


7:45 PM


9:45 PM

25 74

7:40 PM


9:30 PM

A Fold in My Blanket 岩石的摺痕 02UL4E1 Fly With The Crane 告訴他們,我乘白鶴去了 02UL4E2

9 35

★ Chinese subtitles in addition to English subtitles/dialogue. 除英語對白或英文字幕外附加中文字幕。 Unless otherwise stated, all films (except English-speaking films) are subtitled in English. 除特別註明外,所有非英語對白電影皆設有英文字幕,但不另設 中文字幕。

Durations of films are provided by the rights owners or culled from publicity materials, and may differ from their actual lengths. Please check the HKIFF website for the latest updates. 本手冊內各電影的片長主要由片主提供,部份或參考電影製作 及宣傳資料,可能與實際片長略有出入。請留意電影節網頁的 更新資訊。

Programme Diary

While it is the HKIFF’s policy to secure the best possible print of the original version for all its screenings, HKIFF will appreciate its patrons’ understanding on occasions when less than perfect screening formats are screened. 香港國際電影節務必為觀眾全力搜羅影片的最佳原版拷貝放映, 但若偶然事與願違,尚祈大家見諒。

節 目 表


2013-HKIFF-BF-E_62to67-ProgramDiary-op-revise.indd 67

14/2/13 2:36 PM

Booking Guide Ticket Prices


3D Films / Shoah Part I / Part II $100 Opening Film – Ip Man-The Final Fight $75 Ordinary, Weekend and Public Holiday Screenings at HK Cultural Centre / UA Langham / UA iSQUARE / The Grand Cinema $75 Ordinary, Weekend/ Public Holiday Screenings at HK Convention & Exhibition Centre (except Opening Film) / HK City Hall / HK Science Museum / HK Space Museum / HK Arts Centre / UA Cityplaza $65 Weekday Matinee Screenings (Mondays - Fridays [except public holidays] film code ends with “D”) $45 Hong Kong Film Archive’s Contribution Screenings (film code ends with “R”) $40 Super Value Pass (please read the relevant conditions) $3,000 VIP Pass (please read the relevant conditions) $5,000

Discounts (Except VIP Pass and Super Value Pass) 1) Buy 20 Regular Price Tickets or more (Excluding tickets to HKCEC screenings): • 10% discount • A book voucher for one complimentary copy of “The 37th HKIFF Main Catalogue” (worth HK$80) 2) Concessionary Tickets for the Elderly aged over 60 or above, the Disabled, Full-time Students & CSSA Recipients: 40% Discount • Limited availability for student tickets on a first-come-first-served basis. • No CSSA concessionary tickets at UA Cinemas and The Grand Cinema. • Concessionary ticket holders must provide acceptable proof of identity upon admission. • Half-priced concessionary tickets are offered for HKFA Programme. 3) UA Loyalty Club Members: 10% discount for screenings at UA Cinemas (available at URBTIX Outlets and door sales, subject to availability) 4) The Citizen Grand Members: 10% discount for screenings at The Grand Cinema (available at URBTIX Outlets and door sales, subject to availability). 5) HKIFF Cine Fan: 10% discount for regular price tickets (available at URBTIX Outlets only, s ubject to availability). 6) Eligible American Express Cardmembers: 10% discount • From 23 February to 6 March: Through Postal Booking, Online Advance Booking and HK Ticketing (HKCEC Screenings only). • From 7 March: Through URBTIX Outlets and HK Ticketing (HKCEC Screenings only). All the above discounts cannot be used in conjunction with any other discounts or offer. Please inform the box office of the discount you wish to enjoy at the time of booking.

Postal Booking (23 February – 1 March) (Except HKCEC Screenings) Postal booking handling fee: HK$7 per ticket, up to a maximum of HK$23 per transaction. 1) Method of Payment (i) By Credit Card: Please fill out the Credit Card Order Voucher and enter a maximum limit. (ii) By Cheque: Cheques should be crossed and made payable to “Cityline (Hong Kong) Ltd.”. Post-dated cheques are not accepted. Please leave the “total amount” blank but write the maximum limit in brackets. The ticketing staff will enter the correct amount. Maximum Limit: Assuming all in regular prices (excluding all discounts), plus HK$23 handling fee. 2) Form Submission (i) Drop-in Please submit the form to the collection boxes at the Enquiry Counter of the HK Cultural Centre or the HK City Hall Low Block during opening hours (09:00-21:00) of the postal booking period. Booking forms will be processed in order of the time of receipt from 23 – 25 February. Thereafter, booking forms will be processed in order of the date received. (ii) By Post Please mail the completed form to: Unit F-H, 23/F, Legend Tower, 7 Shing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong (The 37th Hong Kong International Film Festival - Postal Booking). Postal booking order received after 2 March will not be processed. 3) Enquiry Hotline If you do not receive your tickets by 7 March, please report to Cityline (Hong Kong) Ltd. at your soonest convenience (Tel: 3761 6622; 10:00 – 20:00 daily). The presenter will not assume responsibilities for tickets lost in the mail if the problem is reported less than one week before respective screening.

Online Advance Booking (23 February 10:00 – 6 March 22:00) (Except HKCEC Screenings)

Please visit the HKIFF Website: for booking. Service fee: HK$7 per ticket, up to a maximum of HK$23 per transaction. Extra service charge of HK$25 for choosing registered mail. Bookings will be confirmed online right after the transaction as well as by email. Besides postal service, customers may choose to collect tickets at any of the Cityline Ticket Dispensing Machines or the sales counter at any URBTIX outlets (Please refer to P.59) with the credit card used for transaction starting from the second day after the transaction. Patrons from Mainland China may also choose to receive tickets by courier, with an additional charge of HK$50. Customer Service Hotline: (86) 400 678 0311.

URBTIX (From 7 March 10:00) (Except HKCEC Screenings) Online Booking: (From 7 March 10:00 up to One hour before screenings) URBTIX Telephone Credit Card Booking: 2111 5999 (From 7 March 10:00 up to One hour before screenings) • Service fee: HK$7 per ticket, up to a maximum of HK$23 per transaction. Extra service charge of HK$25 for registered mail. The service fee is subject to adjustment by Cityline (HK) Limited. • Tickets booked within 7 days of screenings on the above services must be collected at any Cityline Ticket Dispensing Machine or the sales counter at any URBTIX outlets upon presentation of the credit card used for transaction. Note: Ticket Collection Service is not available at HK Science Museum, UA Cityplaza and The Grand Cinema. If your tickets are booked within 7 days of screenings on the above services, please collect your tickets at any Cityline Ticket Dispensing Machines or the sales counter at any URBTIX outlets before going to these screening venues. Counter Booking: URBTIX outlets (Please refer to P.69) accept payment in cash, credit card (American Express, MasterCard, Diners Club and Visa) and China UnionPay Card (Hong Kong currency only). For screenings at the UA Cinemas and The Grand Cinema, tickets are available at the URBTIX outlets until 5:00pm one day before respective screenings, after which tickets will be available only at the box office of respective screening venues on the day of screening subject to availability. For screenings at other venues, tickets are available at the URBTIX outlets until one hour before the screening, after which tickets will be sold only at the door.

HK Science Museum door ticket counter opens 30 minutes before the screening. Limited tickets to nonsold out screenings will be available at the door, subject to availability (Cash Only).

HKIFF Screenings at HK Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC) From 23 February 10:00 through HK Ticketing Ticket Price: $65 Opening Film: $75 (40% discount will be offered to Elderly aged 60 or above, the Disabled, Full-time Students & CSSA Recipients; 10% discount will be offered to Eligible American Express cardmembers. No other discounts are applicable.) Online Booking: • Collect tickets at any HK Ticketing outlet after the transaction, or request delivery by courier to a specific address with additional courier charge. • Service Fee: HK$10 per ticket. Telephone Booking 31 288 288 • Collect tickets at any HK Ticketing outlet after the transaction, or request delivery by courier to a specific address with additional courier charge. • Service Fee: HK$10 per ticket. Counter Booking: HK Ticketing outlets (Please refer to P.69) • All outlets accept cash and credit card (American Express, Master Card and Visa Card). • Service Fee: HK$5 per ticket.

Overseas Booking (Except HKCEC Screenings) Online Advance Booking: (23 February 10:00 – 6 March 22:00) Service fee: HK$7 per ticket, up to maximum of HK$23 per transaction. Tickets can be collected at any Cityline Ticket Dispensing Machine or the sales counter at any URBTIX outlets (please refer to P.59) with credit card used for transaction starting from the second day after the transaction. URBTIX Online Booking: URBTIX Telephone Credit Card Booking: (852) 2111 5999 (From 7 March 10:00) Service fee: HK$7 per ticket, up to a maximum of HK$23 per transaction. Extra service charge of HK$25 for choosing registered mail.

Redemption of Festival Catalogue “The 37th HKIFF Main Catalogue” & “Filmmaker in Focus: Andrew Lau”: Redemption Points and Opening Hours: From 17 March to 2 April (10:00 – 19:00) Exhibition Gallery, 4/F, Administration Building of HK Cultural Centre Address: 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon From 8 April to 31 May The HKIFF Society Office (Mon-Fri: 09:30-12:30, 14:00-17:30; closed at weekends and Public Holidays) Address: 21/F, Millennium City 3, 370 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong (Near Ngau Tau Kwok MTR Station)

Stand-by Tickets for Sold-out Screenings A limited number of stand-by tickets for sold-out screenings are on sale at HK Cultural Centre Grand Theatre, HK City Hall Theatre and HK Film Archive Cinema 30 minutes prior to the screening time at the respective screening venue. Seating is subject to availability after admission of VIP Pass holders and all ticket holders. (VIP Pass admission is not applicable to HK Film Archive Screenings). Each person can purchase up to 2 stand-by tickets per transaction.

Seating and Queuing Arrangement All tickets are sold on a first-come, first-served basis. For screenings in HK Cultural Centre, seats are allocated in the following sequence: Stalls→Circle→Upper Circle. Back-to-back Screenings: In HKCEC, HK Cultural Centre, HK City Hall and HK Science Museum, if you hold tickets to back-to-back screenings in the same venue, you may stay in the Waiting Area for the admission to subsequent screenings. In other venues, there is no such special arrangement for back-toback screenings in normal cases. All screenings offer free seating except HKFA Programme. The computerized ticketing system will automatically assign the best available seat for audience. However, it is not guaranteed that seats will be adjacent. In addition to Stalls and Circle, tickets for selected seats at the Upper Circle of the HK Cultural Centre Grand Theatre will also be released for sale. Please kindly note that due to the distance and viewing angles, Upper Circle seats are less satisfactory than those within Stalls and Circle.

Refund and Programme Changes At the time when this booking folder goes to print, most of the films have not been submitted to the Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration. In case that a film is subsequently classified as Category III, refunds will be made to ticket holders under 18 years of age who buy tickets before the announcement. Forms for refund application will be available from the day of announcement until 30 April 2013 at HK Cultural Centre, HK City Hall, and the box offices of the screening venues. You may also download the forms from the Festival website at Completed application forms should be returned by post to the Hong Kong International Film Festival Office (21/F, Millennium City 3, 370 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong) on or before 30 April 2013, with the subject “Refund Application” on envelope. Refund cheques of the net amount of ticket will be sent to ticket holders by post (Other charges will not be refunded). In case of unavoidable necessity, The Hong Kong International Film Festival reserves the right to alter programmes without prior notice. Late entries, screening cancellations or alterations will be announced on the Festival website and at the screening venues. For alterations or cancellations of screenings, refund policies are the same as aforementioned. Ticket holders may also choose to attend a screening of a replacement film at the same time slot. Under no circumstances other than the cancellation or the alteration of programmes can tickets be refunded. Refunds applications are also not available for all completed screenings.

Terms and Conditions Maximum 40 tickets per transaction; 4 tickets per screening, except HKFA Programme. One person per ticket regardless of age. Children under age of 6 will not be admitted to any screenings. All tickets are non-refundable and non-exchangeable. All tickets are subject to the Purchase Policy of URBTIX, HK Ticketing & the venues. URBTIX – Please refer to the Terms and Conditions at URBTIX outlets or HK Ticketing – Please refer to the Terms and Conditions at Festival Passes – Please refer to P.57 for terms and conditions


2013-HKIFF-BF-E_57to59-and-69to72-OP-revise.indd 68

13年2月14日 下午1:29

票房地點及開放時間 Ticketing Outlets and Opening Hours 城市電腦售票網 URBTIX 3 月 7 日起公開發售   Ticket Sales from 7 March ( 所有未滿座電影節節目,香港會議展覽中心場次除外 ) ( All non sold-out HKIFF programmes, except HKCEC Screenings ) 城市電腦售票網票房地點及開放時間  URBTIX Outlets & Opening Hours 1000 - 2130

星期一至日 Mon - Sun

香港大會堂、香港文化中心、葵青劇院、沙田大會堂、荃灣大會堂、屯門大會堂、元朗劇院、青年廣場 Hong Kong City Hall, Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Kwai Tsing Theatre, Sha Tin Town Hall, Tsuen Wan Town Hall, Tuen Mun Town Hall, Yuen Long Theatre, Youth Square

1000 - 1830

星期一至日 Mon - Sun

香港體育館、高山劇場、牛池灣文娛中心、北區大會堂、伊利沙伯體育館、西灣河文娛中心、上環文娛中心、 大埔文娛中心、樂韻琴行旺角分行 Hong Kong Coliseum, Ko Shan Theatre, Ngau Chi Wan Civic Centre, North District Town Hall, Queen Elizabeth Stadium, Sai Wan Ho Civic Centre, Sheung Wan Civic Centre, Tai Po Civic Centre, Happy Sound Music Ltd Mong Kok Branch

1000 - 1800

星期一至日 Mon - Sun

香港藝術中心(電影節期間,票房將於最後一場電影開映後15分鐘關閉)、賽馬會創意藝術中心、 香港兆基創意書院 Hong Kong Arts Centre (during the Festival Period, the box office will close 15 minutes after the last screening begins), Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre, HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity

1000 - 1930

星期一至日 Mon - Sun

各通利琴行分行 Tom Lee Music Co. Ltd. Branches 灣仔告士打道、銅鑼灣波斯富街、北角和富中心、太古城中心、香港仔中心、西環西寶城、小西灣藍灣廣場、 尖沙咀金馬倫里、紅磡黃埔花園、旺角奧海城三期、九龍灣德福廣場、MegaBox、黃大仙樂富廣場、 沙田新城市中央廣場、馬鞍山新港城、將軍澳新都城、大埔新達廣場、元朗大馬路、荃灣愉景新城、 荃灣綠楊坊、青衣城 Gloucester Road (Wanchai), Percival Street (Causeway Bay), Provident Mall (North Point), Cityplaza (Taikoo Shing), Aberdeen Centre (Aberdeen), The Westwood (Western District), Island Resort Mall (Siu Sai Wan), Cameron Lane (Tsimshatsui), Whampoa Garden (Hung Hom), Olympic City 3 (Mong Kok), Telford Plaza (Kowloon Bay), MegaBox (Kowloon Bay), Lok Fu Plaza (Wong Tai Sin), HomeSquare Central Plaza (Shatin), Sunshine City Plaza (Ma On Shan), Metro City Plaza (Tseung Kwan O), Uptown Plaza (Tai Po), Castle Peak Road (Yuen Long), Discovery Park (Tsuen Wan), Luk Yeung Galleria (Tsuen Wan), Maritime Square (Tsing Yi)

1000 - 1800

星期一至五 Mon - Fri

亞洲國際博覽館 AsiaWorld-Expo

以上資料如有更改,以城市電腦售票網公布為準。 The above information is subject to change with announcements by URBTIX.

其他票房  Other Outlets 1200 - 2045 1000 - 2045 1200 - 2000

星期一至五,星期二休息 Mon – Fri; Closed on Tue 星期六、日及公眾假期 Sat, Sun & Public Holidays

香港太空館(只發售太空館放映場次之門票,售完即止。電影節期間,票房將於最後一場電影開映後15分鐘關閉。) Hong Kong Space Museum (tickets for Space Museum screenings only, subject to availability. During the Festival

星期一至日,星期二休息 Mon - Sun; Closed on Tue

香港電影資料館(電影節期間,票房將於最後一場電影開映後15分鐘關閉) Hong Kong Film Archive (during the Festival Period, the box office will close 15 minutes after the last screening begins)

未滿座場次開映前30 分鐘  30 mins before non sold-out screenings

Period, the box office will close 15 minutes after the last screening begins)

香港科學館即場門票銷售點(只發售科學館放映場次之門票,售完即止。) Hong Kong Science Museum Door Ticket Counter (tickets for Science Museum screenings only, subject to availability.)

UA院線及The Grand Cinema票房只發售剩餘的即場門票,售完即止。 The box offices at UA Cinemas and The Grand Cinema: Remaining door tickets only, subject to availability.

快達票票房地點及開放時間 HK Ticketing Outlets & Opening Hours

2 月 23 日起公開發售 Ticket Sales from February 23 ( 香港會議展覽中心場次 ) ( Screenings at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre)

1100 - 1900

星期一至六* Mon - Sat

香港會議展覽中心 Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

1200 - 1800

星期一至六* Mon - Sat

香港演藝學院 Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts

1200 - 2200

星期一至六* Mon - Sat

藝穗會 Fringe Club

1000 - 1800

星期一至五* Mon - Fri

亞洲國際博覽館 AsiaWorld-Expo

1100 - 1900

星期一至日 Mon - Sun

九龍灣國際展貿中心 Kowloon Bay International Trade & Exhibition Centre

1100 - 1800

星期一至日 Mon - Sun

香港演藝學院古蹟校園-伯大尼 The Academy’s Landmark Heritage Campus - Bethanie

1100 - 1930

星期一至日 Mon - Sun

K11 Select, K11購物藝術館 K11 Select, K11 Art Mall

1000 - 1930

星期一至日 Mon - Sun

各通利琴行分銷處 Tom Lee Music Co. Ltd. Branches

*Closed on Public Holidays 公眾假期休息 69

2013-HKIFF-BF-E_57to59-and-69to72-OP.indd 69

13年2月8日 下午5:20


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Pass an


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POSTAL BOOKING 郵購訂票 (23/2– 1/3)

Handling fee: HK$7 per ticket, up to a maximum of HK$23 per transaction. 手續費:每張港幣7元;每次交易手續費最高為港幣23元。

Methods of Payment 付款方法

PASS 通 行


the ult

1. By Credit Card 使用信用卡付款: Please fill out the Credit Card Order Voucher and enter a maximum limit.



2. By Cheque 使用支票付款:


imate a



sive fes

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Cheques should be crossed and made payable to "Cityline (Hong Kong) Ltd.". Post-dated cheques are not accepted.



Please leave the “total amount” blank but write the maximum limit in brackets. 請於劃線支票書明支付「購票通(香港)有限公司」,期票恕不接受。

. 觀 賞 電 影 節 期 間 ( 2013年 3月 17日 至 4月 2 日)各場電影節目(不包括香港電影資料館 特備節目、國際大師班及香港名家講座) . 獲贈開幕電影門票兩張(2013年3月17日)及 「亞洲電影大獎」頒獎典禮入場券兩張 . 優先進場入座,並可攜同一位持票或持有通 行證人士同時進場(滿座場次除外) .獲贈《第三十七屆香港國際電影節》特刊及 《焦點影人:劉偉強》特刊各一本 注意事項 1. 每張VIP通行證只限一人使用,不得轉讓。 2. 只限年滿18歲或以上人士購買,數量有限, 先到先得。 3. 有效期為2013年3月17日至4月2日,逾期作 廢。香港電影資料館特備節目、國際大師班 及香港名家講座,恕不適用。 4. 本會恕不保證開場後到場的VIP通行證持有人 能獲安排入座。 訂購方法 網上訂購 傳真訂購:請填妥以下訂購表格於2月23日上午10 時後傳真至2970 3011。

• Admit to all screenings during Festival period (17 March – 2 April 2013), not including Hong Kong Film Archive’s Contribution Programmes, Master Class and Face to Face • Receive 2 tickets for Opening Film (17 March 2013) and 2 tickets for “Asian Film Awards” Presentation Ceremony • Receive priority admittance for all screenings with one accompanying ticket holder or pass holder (except soldout screenings)


Maximum Limit: Assuming all in regular prices, plus HK$23 handling fee. 最高限額: 以正價票價總和,加上港幣23元手續費計算。

• Get one copy of both “37th HKIFF Main Catalogue” and “Filmmaker in Focus, Andrew Lau”

Special Notes 1. VIP Pass is non-transferable and good for one person only. 2. VIP Pass is sold to persons aged 18 or above and on a firstcome-first-served basis. 3. The validity period of VIP Pass is from 17 March to 2 April 2013. The Pass is invalid in Hong Kong Film Archive’s Contribution Programme, Master Class and Face to Face. 4. For sold-out screenings, VIP Pass holders does not guarantee seating once the show begins.

Form Submission 遞交訂票表格 1. Drop-in 投遞

Collection Box at HK Cultural Centre or the HK City Hall Low Block 香港文化中心或香港大會堂低座詢問處之訂票表格收集箱

2. By Post 郵遞

Online booking:

Please send the booking form to: Unit F-H, 23/F, Legend Tower, 7 Shing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong (The 37th Hong Kong International Film Festival – Postal Booking).

Fax Booking: Please fill out the form below and return by fax at 2970 3011 from 23 February 10:00 onwards.

請將訂票表格郵寄至:香港九龍觀塘成業街7號寧晉中心23樓F-H室 (第三十七屆香港國際電影節 – 郵購訂票)

How to Order


VIP Pass Fax Order Form

VIP 通行證傳真訂購表格

(Fax No 傳真號碼:2970 3011) From 23 February 2013 10:00am 2013年2月23日上午10時開始接受訂購 (All booking forms would not be accepted before that time) (於上述時間前的傳真訂購,恕不受理)

I wish to order 我欲訂購

1 / 2 VIP Pass(es)   _____個VIP通行證



Tel 電話:

(day 日)

E-mail 電郵:

Fax 傳真:

Credit Card Order Voucher 信用卡訂票憑單

Expiry date 有效日期至 (MM/YY) Name 姓名

Credit card number 信用卡號碼 Issuing bank 發卡銀行 (Applicable only to VISA Card & MasterCard 只適用於 VISA 卡及萬事達卡)

Tel 電話

Signature 簽署 use authorized signature as on your credit card  請用信用卡上之簽名式樣) (Please


$100 3D Films / Shoah Part I / Part II 3D電影/《大浩劫》上集/下集

(2 Pass Holder/第2個通行證持有人) nd

We will confirm your booking by email or fax within 3 working days. 客戶將於3個工作天內以電郵或傳真方式收到訂購結果。

Total Amount HK$ 金額




(1 Pass Holder/第1個通行證持有人)


M3 Time

平日日場門票 / 香港電影資料館特備節目

*Please use HKID English Name /請使用身份證上之英文姓名


3 Month


VIP Pass Holder Name / VIP通行證持有人姓名 (1)

SP Venue

Weekday Matinee Screening / HKFA Contribution Programme

Address 地址:

Total Value of VIP Pass(es)

Date 日期

Fax    傳真 Date

(night 夜)

Opening Film – Ip Man-The Final Fight 開幕電影—《葉問—終極一戰》

$75 Ordinary, Weekend and Public Holiday Screenings at HK Cultural Centre / UA Langham / UA iSQUARE / The Grand Cinema 於香港文化中心、UA朗豪坊、UA iSQUARE、 The Grand Cinema放映之正場、週末及假日場次 $65

Ordinary, Weekend and Public Holiday Screenings at HK Convention & Exhibition Centre (except Opening Film) / HK City Hall / HK Science Museum / HK Space Museum / HK Arts Centre / UA Cityplaza

於香港會議展覽中心(開幕電影除外)、香港大會堂、 香港科學館、香港太空館、香港藝術中心、UA太古城中心 放映之正場、週末及假日場次


Weekday Matinee Screenings (Film code ends with D) 平日日場(影片編號以D結尾)


Hong Kong Film Archive's Contribution Programmes (Film code ends with R) 香港電影資料館特備節目(影片編號以R結尾)

Maximum 40 tickets per transaction, 4 tickets per screening 每次交易最多可訂購40張門票,每場最多訂購4張


Hong Kong Film Archive's Contribution Programmes: No limit on the number of tickets purchased for each screening. 香港電影資料館特備節目不設每場購票數量限制。


2013-HKIFF-BF-F-70to71-Form-OP.indd 70

13年2月8日 下午5:21

Booking Form 訂票表格

(Maximum 4 tickets per screening 每場只限訂購門票4張) For Box Office Use Only 票房專用

Name in full (Mr/Ms) 姓名 (先生/女士)請用正楷書寫

Date Received 收表日期:

Add 地址 Tel 電話


Screening 場數

Film Code 影片編號 1st choice 首選

(night夜) Email電郵 Regular 正價票 ($100, $75, $65, $45, $40) Price 票價 HK$

2nd choice 次選

No. of Tickets 票數

10% Discount 九折優惠 ($90, $68, $59, $41, $36) AE Card 美國運通卡 20 Regular Tickets or More 20 張正價門票或以上

Concessionary 優惠票 ($60, $45, $39, $27, $20) Price 票價 HK$

Senior Citizens

People with Disabilities

Full-time Students

CSSA Recipients





No. of Tickets 票數 This form is not applicable for screenings at HK Convention and Exhibition Centre. Please purchase the tickets through“HK Ticketing”from 23 February onward. 請注意:此表格不適用於訂購於香港會議展覽中心放映之電影場次。顧客請於 2 月 23 日起透過「快達票」購買門票。
















No. of Tickets 票數

x $90 +   x $68 +   x $59 +   x $41 +   x $36 Total Value of 10% Discounted Tickets


If Stalls/ Circle Tickets at Hong Kong Cultural Centre are sold out, please indicate if you still wish to purchase the Upper Circle Tickets. 如香港文化中心堂座及樓座門票售罄,請註明你是否願意訂購高座的門票。

Do you still wish to book your tickets at full price if some screenings of your choice are sold out, making you ineligible to enjoy 10% discount? (If you do not complete this section, we assume that you agree to buy the tickets at the full price if the total number of ticket is less than 20.) 如部份欲購之門票已售罄,以致閣下未能享有購滿二十張正價門票的票價 優惠,請註明你是否願意以正價購買其他場數的門票。(如不填寫此欄,當 你選擇之門票數目少於二十張時,則代表你願意以全值票價訂購其餘之正 價門票。)



x $60 +   x $45 +   x $39 +   x $27 +   x $20 Total Value of Concessionary Tickets 優惠票總值


I wish to order 我欲訂購: Super Value Pass (please note the relevant conditions on P.57) 1 / 2 影癡通行證 (請留意57頁之有關使用條款) Yes 是 No 否


(1st Pass Holder/ 第1個通行證持有人)


(2nd Pass Holder/ 第2個通行證持有人)

Vouchers for Festival Catalogue 電影節特刊換書券

Total amount to be refunded 退回款項

( 適用於門票、 通行證及特刊 ) (For film tickets, passes & catalogues)

Total Value of Tickets 門票總值 $

Yes 是

I wish to order 我欲訂購:

No 否

Yes 是 No 否

copy(ies) of “The 37th Hong Kong International Film Festival Main Catalogue” (HK$80 each)* 本「第三十七屆香港國際電影節」特刊(每本HK$80)*

Total Value of Festival Catalogue(s) Ordered 訂購特刊總值  HK$ * Patrons who successfully purchase Super Value Pass or 20 or more regular tickets in a single transaction

will receive a free voucher good for exchanging one copy of “The 37th Hong Kong International Film Festival” Main Catalogue. 凡成功購買影癡通行證或20張正價門票或以上,可獲贈書券,免費換領「第三十七屆香港國際電影節」特 刊一本。


Credit Card Order Voucher 信用卡訂票憑單



+Handling Fees 手續費

“Andrew Lau, Filmmaker in Focus” Catalogue is Not for Sale, only available for VIP Passholders redemption. 「焦點影人:劉偉強」特刊不作公開發售,只限VIP通行証持有人免費換領。

Checked by

+ Total Value of Passes 通行證總值

+ Total Value of Catalogue 電影節特刊總值


For Box Office Use Only 票房專用

手續費 :

Super Value Pass 影癡通行證 ($3,000)

Should you require wheel-chaired seat(s), please indicate the number of seat(s) needed. Seat (s) 有需要使用輪椅座位者,請在此特別註明:輪椅位 張

If Student Tickets are sold out, please indicate if you still wish to purchase the tickets of chosen screenings at full price (If you do not complete this section, your requested tickets will not be further processed after they are sold out). 如學生優惠票售罄,請註明你是否願意以全值票價訂購該場次的門票。 (如不填寫這欄,當你選擇的門票售罄後,恕不另行處理。)

Handling Fees:

每張門票 $7 ( 最高 $23) $7 per ticket; (Maximum $23)

x $100 +   x $75 +   x $65 +   x $45 +   x $40 Total Value of Regular Tickets 正價票總值

Price 票價 HK$


=Total Amount 總計 $

Note: Please leave the cheque/credit card voucher blank. 注意:請勿在支票/信用卡憑單上填寫銀碼。

Please debit my credit card account HK$ Maximum HK$ (Leave blank for box office to fill in the correct amount 請留空由票房填上正確銀碼) 請在我的信用卡戶口記賬 最高限額 (Please allow HK$150 over the estimated total amount 於預算購票總額上加港幣$150) Credit card number 信用卡號碼

Name 姓名

Signature 簽署 (Please use authorized signature as on your credit card 請用信用卡上之簽名式樣)

Tel 電話

Expiry date   有效日期至 (MM/YY) Fax 傳真

Date 日期


2013-HKIFF-BF-F-70to71-Form-OP.indd 71

13年2月8日 下午5:21

D2201_Jet Magazine_527C.indd 2

1/22/13 11:59 PM


Midnight heat 我愛 午夜長

成人動畫精選 (p.77) World Animation for Adults (p.77)


29/3(五)11:45pm 2/4(二)7:45pm The Grand GC The Grand GC


30/3(六)10:30am 31/3(日)11:45pm 香港文化中心 KG UA朗豪坊 UL



導演:丹尼波爾 英國 2013 101 分鐘  中文字幕

導演:馬田麥當奴  美國  2012 110 分鐘  中文字幕

丹 尼 波 爾(《 一 百 萬 零 一 夜 》) 哪 用 拍 占 士 邦 片, 讓 它 繼續盛傳吧,先來一部邪惡另類的,驚慄動作照有,波 爾式迷幻心理不能少,更有新招黑色電影。看劇情不看 畫面,會以為是一部高安兄弟。就叫占士的麥艾禾來演 「占士邦」好了,這個拍賣行職員,跟黑幫大佬(雲遜卡 素)夾計偷走戈耶名畫,想據為己有,被卡素重拳擊昏, 之後玩失憶,卡素請來全城最性感催眠師(羅莎莉奧當 遜),誓要在麥艾禾潛意識起出名畫下落。戲肉是當遜和 麥艾禾迷走記憶好神經,現實後果好大隻鑊。

一隻西施狗,七個殺人狂:編劇 Marty 度一個連環殺手橋, 他的兩位朋友偷狗偷着黑幫大佬的愛犬,加上撲克殺手、 自殘割頸的信徒、召妓的越南神父、專殺連環殺手的夫妻 檔,於現實與虛構之間神出鬼沒,殺個亂七八糟。黑色喜 劇混入殺人狂的戲中戲後設式叙事,大有塔倫天奴、大衛 芬奇如何把 cult 片煉成的味道。導演麥當奴擅拍獨立片打 亂章,挖苦荷里活恐怖片的千篇一律,竟邀得哥連費路、 活地夏里遜、基斯杜化華堅、Tom Waits 等多位戲霸癲埋 一份。多倫多電影節最受觀眾歡迎午夜場電影。


Seven Psychopaths

Dir: Danny Boyle UK 2013 101min Cast: James McAvoy, Rosario Dawson, Vincent Cassel

Dir: Martin McDonagh USA 2012 110min Cast: Colin Farrell, Sam Rockwell, Christopher Walken

Slumdog Millionaire director Danny Boyle returns to his roots for his latest, an enigmatic thriller about art auctioneer Simon who double-crosses his organized crime partner, Franck, on an art heist and then pays a brutal price. But when Simon claims he can no longer remember where he stashed the painting, he turns to a hypnotist, Elizabeth, for help. The deeper she delves into Simon’s fractured psyche, the blurrier the boundaries between reality and suggestion become, raising the personal stakes higher than anyone could have predicted.

In Bruges fans, rejoice! Director Martin McDonagh reteams with Colin Farrell and increases the number of psychopaths from one to seven in this riotous, bloodsplattered comedy. At its heart the film is about Marty, a playwright with a writer’s block. His supposed next project? Seven Psychopaths. It’s a tongue-in-cheek meta-story, but things are about to go nuts when Marty’s bud Billy, who makes his living kidnapping pups, captures a Shih Tzu that happens to belong to a notorious gangster – perfect fodder for Marty’s script.



28/3(四)11:45pm 30/3(六)10:30am UA朗豪坊 UL 香港科學館 SM



23/3(六)11:45pm 30/3(六)9:00pm UA朗豪坊 UL 香港科學館 SM



導演:K. 安德魯斯、A. 貝蒂絲等  美國  2012  123 分鐘  中文字幕

導演:文國東、洪哲容、金曲等  南韓 2012 114 分鐘  中文字幕

把兒童 ABC 學習書編成死亡手冊,恐怖片史上最有玩味 的一次洗腦習作。來自十二國、專拍恐怖片的廿多位導 演(包括《東京殘酷警察》的西村喜廣、《鬼影》的班莊 比辛達拿剛及《邪惡之屋》的 Ti West 等等),一人一個 字母,自行狂想造字,於是虐殺、自插、安樂死、一鑊熟, 想點死就點死。有日本變態派,描繪死在美女老師臭屁 中的幸福新世紀;有英國泥膠動畫,擠出小孩死於夜半 馬桶時的血肉模糊。一次過看齊科幻、懸疑、情慾、驚慄, 猶如一次世界 B 片的瘋狂巡禮。

當講鬼故不是嚇女生的詭計,而是拖延變態佬摧殘少女 的手段,唔夠驚會冇命,你也來聽聽:〈陰陽姐弟〉等 媽媽回家,爛面外賣漢想破門而入,突然鬼影憧憧,小 孩總是最陰森;〈嚇機〉上,只死剩連環殺手和空姐, 三萬呎高空的密室如何逃殺?〈皮囊替身〉中,官珠跟企 業總裁訂婚,她同妹妹去整容,要做個奪面新娘,大玩 懸疑驚慄;末世病毒侵襲,〈絕命救護車〉的最後五名生 還者中,一人受感染,車外喪屍亂舞。六名導演接力炮 製《一千零一夜》恐怖版,久違了的驚嚇韓國 style。

The ABCs of Death

Horror Stories

Dir: Various  USA / New Zealand  2012  123min

Dir: Min Kyu-dong, Hong Ji-young, Kim Gok, Kim Sun, et al. South Korea 2012 108min Cast: Kim Ji-won, Yoo Yeon-seok, Kim Hyun-soo, Choi Yoon-young

Like Sesame Street, but with more blood than Count van Count can suck! This alphabetically organized omnibus of 26 daring short films has prominent young horror directors from around the world contributing their grisly, 4-minute visions of death based upon the letters they were offered. From claymation (T is for Toilet) to masturbation (L Is for Libido) and even aromatic fetish (F is for Fart), there are plenty of laughs, scares, sex and head-scratching moments in this anthology. Be warned – some segments may shock or disgust audiences. 74


Six directors contribute to this omnibus film that puts a horror spin on issues ranging from labor practices to the value of beauty. Two children are trapped inside their own home; a flight attendant deals with a murderer in the air; two women compete for one man’s attention; and five people are confined to a small space as a virus rages outside. These are the scariest stories a high school girl knows as she tells them to her captor, a serial killer, in an attempt to save her own life.

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

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13年2月14日 下午1:31

D0202_HKIFF_P36.pdf 1 02/02/2013 11:49 AM

28AC3E2 28/3(四)9:20pm 香港藝術中心 AC

30SM3M2 30/3(六)1:00pm 香港科學館 SM

一場革命中還未來得及 定義的行為 Some Actions which Haven’t Been Defined Yet in the Revolution

孫遜動畫精選 導演:孫遜 中國 2005-2012  78 分鐘

中國大陸年輕動畫師孫遜的短片,以黑白為基本色調,透過手繪增強粗野的實在感, 近年廣受注目。片中經常出現魔術師形象,他說是代表謊言的魅力。早年作品《文字 元年:戰役》利用文字畫成戰爭場面,《異邦》和《安魂曲》大可並觀,回望歷史和 預想將來,都是異化的灰暗中國,令人憂心忡忡。近年的佳作如《21 克》和《一場革 命中還未來得及定義的行為》走向卡夫卡式的夢魘氛圍,焦慮感在荒誕的敘事中表現 無遺,活現敵托邦的可怕世界。孫遜在視覺表現方面也展現新意,《主義之外》加入 水墨,《詩歌工廠》運用木刻,構造新舊並置的現代傳說故事。

Sun Xun Programme Dir: Sun Xun China 2005-2012 78min

Animation Unlimited

Using recurring power motifs, visual artist and animator Sun Xun explores the schism between history and myth, memory and legend, and reality and construction. This programme spans Sun’s largely monochromatic, hand-drawn work, from the fleeting Chinese Words: War, where characters truly become their meanings, to the mesmerising, discordant, surreal woodcut animation Some Actions which Haven’t Been Defined Yet in the Revolution and, arguably Sun’s finest film, the expressionistic 21G, about a world on the verge of collapse and the agony of loss. Also included are the reality-challenging Mythos and Requiem, the romantic Beyond-ism, and the absurdist utopia of Clowns Revolution. 22SM3E2


22/3(五)9:45pm 香港科學館 SM

29SP3M2 29/3(五)12:30pm 香港太空館 SP

賴恩 Ryan

賴恩拿堅短片集 導演:賴恩拿堅、基斯蘭度夫、蘿莉哥頓 加拿大 1966-2008

賴恩拿堅是加拿大動畫大師諾曼麥拿倫的弟子,2004 年一部以他生平為題材的動畫紀 錄片《賴恩》,奪得奧斯卡最佳動畫短片。早年作品《牧神的午後》配合德布西的音 樂,活現潘神求愛的神話故事,《城市景觀》用炭粉素描,展現大都市的生活印象, 留下回歸自然的註腳。《行行重行行》用水彩和線條呈示步行踪跡和都市百態,動感 一流。《街頭音樂》由城市中的街邊藝人表演出發,再轉入迷幻的超現實動畫天地, 童心無限。後來賴恩的人生和事業走下坡,淪為流浪漢,在生命最後幾年製作集大成 的《零錢》,可惜未能獨力完成。同場加映《在這裏與美好的那裏》。 共 55 分鐘。

Ryan Larkin Programme Dir: Ryan Larkin, Chris Landreth, Laurie Gordon  1966-2008

導演/演員將出席與觀眾見面 This screening will be attended by the director and/or actors


Another in Canada’s rich history of innovative short filmmakers, Ryan Larkin’s tumultuous career earned global recognition before he spiralled into addiction and homelessness. Beginning with his groundbreaking studies of human movement — the psychedelic ink wash Walking and its follow-up Street Musique — Larkin remained defiantly unstructured in animated work that encompassed stop frame, charcoal and line drawing. Completing this programme are the early mythological Syrinx, Cityscape’s experiment in continual motion, the stream of consciousness Spare Change (posthumously completed by regular collaborator Laurie Gordon), and Chris Landreth’s raw, Oscar-winning doc Ryan, based on an interview with the filmmaker a short time before his untimely death. Screening with Michele Lemieux’s Here and the Great Elsewhere. Total: 55min

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

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13年2月8日 下午5:29


23/3(六)7:30pm 香港科學館 SM

25/3(一)6:00pm 香港科學館 SM

糖果戰爭 La Détente

合家歡動畫精選 男孩在森林中遇到一只《變色坐騎》(丹麥),快要成為 新王者。忙碌都市充滿《從不停步的人》(法國),何時 他們會看看身邊的風景?如果命運能選擇,士兵希望這 是一場《糖果戰爭》(法國);《海龜物語》(加拿大) 帶你追尋小海龜的成長歷險;將要《耗盡的燈泡》 (德國) 在被丟棄前,努力奔向自己的夢想;《愛鴿的光頭仔》 (伊 朗)喜歡了暴君的王后,和平鴿子是時候出動了;《追 聲的狐狸》(伊朗)先生沒有陰謀,他只是愛好音樂的朋 友;客人想喝一杯《咖啡》(荷蘭),粗魯的侍應為何戲 弄他?共 61 分鐘。



23/3(六)10:30am 27/3(三)7:15pm 香港科學館 SM 香港科學館 SM

廢車場 Junkyard




電車卜卜趣 Tram

22/3(五)11:45pm 1/4(一)9:15pm The Grand GC 香港文化中心 KG


《牛車》(加拿大)的工人以泥膠塑造生命交響曲;《三 角關係》(愛沙尼亞)變幻無窮,玩味十足;《死羊羊》 (德國)的兩群羊真剛烈,牧羊人如何阻撓,牠們都要死 在一起;中年漢被劫殺時,猛然想起那段始於《廢車場》 (荷蘭)的友情歲月;《華沙猶太人區的七分鐘》(丹麥) 裏,好奇的木偶仔沒有說謊,卻落得悲慘遭遇;《這天 我殺了最好的朋友》(英國)中沒有命案,是女孩初潮後 的一趟奇幻旅程;性格不合的夫妻在女上男下的《顛倒 屋》(英國)捱日子,連繫他們的是否只剩下結婚照?整 天營營役役是否你《想》(香港)的生活?共 67 分鐘。

《維拉的婚禮》(愛沙尼亞):一個避孕套引發黑人的奇 幻漂流,插破了歐洲文明的偽善荒淫;《成人戀愛遊戲》 (南韓):當成人認真地玩小孩遊戲,那種令人起雞皮的 變態氣味原來是愛。《電車卜卜趣》(法國):上班族在 擠迫車廂中,女司機反客為主,以波棍扶手作性幻想, 意淫超載。《禮物》(台灣):男人出差有豔遇,卻是送 你離開千里外的紅唇劫。《波比好嘢》 (英國):性器宮、 內臟、交配等超噁心的密集畫面挑戰你底線,卻充滿隱 喻。畫公仔畫出腸才是到喉又到肺,十八禁不住,非常 重口味。共 73 分鐘。

World Animation for All

World Animation

World Animation for Adults

Young Toki’s Ride of Passage does not turn out as planned. The People Who Never Stop is the perfect reflection of you and me living a city life. If the brutal battlefield is replaced with confections like in La Détente, can the pain then be erased? The life cycle of a sea turtle is explored in A Sea Turtle Story. Old-style light bulb Kevin is threatened by modern energy-saving bulbs and decides to Run Out for a new life. The Fox Who Followed the Sound discovers music in a well. Finally, what is the best way to order a cup of Coffee? Total: 61 min.

Plastiline stop-motion Bydlo is an allegory on the power of labor, beast and earth. Everything is linked together in The Triangle Affair. In Oh Sheep!, two flocks of sheep long to be together despite their shepherds. Junkyard gloomily portrays an irreversible re-encounter between two friends. Seven Minutes in the Warsaw Ghetto retells the true story of the Holocaust through a boy. The Day I Killed My Best Friend creatively renders the arrival of Regla’s first period. Head over Heels depicts an old couple who has forgotten their love for one another. And Seong wonders if our quest for material wealth has left us room for personal aspirations. Total: 67 min.

It’s time for the tantalizing taste of titillation! In Villa Antropoff, a black man sets off for Europe after finding a condom on an African beach. Meanwhile, a rowdy wedding is being held somewhere… The Korean Love Games show you what love is through childish games. The droll erotic fantasies of a lonely Tram conductress leads her into a surreal phallic fantasy. The Present from Taiwan is exotic, creepy and will stay with you forever… Bobby Yeah is extremely imaginative yet gross. It takes you into a bizarre, nightmarish world of darkness experienced by the thievish Bobby. Total: 73min.



24/3(日)3:00pm UA太古城 UC

31/3(日)10:30am 香港文化中心 KG

花都友奇緣 導演:B. 肯尼、S. 歐比亞、V. 柏塔 法國 2011 80 分鐘  中文字幕

我信世界有童話,因為我們都不難以赤子心情去擁抱這 部美麗的動畫。地面熊界、地下鼠界是實力懸殊的相異 世界,大熊藝哥在倒楣的一天,本來要吃掉明媚的小鼠 丁丁,化學作用忽然發生了,他們互相幫忙去偷糖偷牙, 熊鼠情漸增漸長,這當然反了「常」規,一大一小因此 亡命天涯,丁丁易容更笑死人。注入比利時黑色幽默, 改編暢銷經典漫畫,名作家的對白溫心又搞笑,《笑震震 小鎮》(34 屆)兩導加入夢幻導演團,更保留原作水彩 的優美和輕靈,證明好的創作絕不在乎幾多個 D。

Ernest & Celestine Dir: B. Renner, V. Patar, S. Aubier  France/Belgium  2011  80min

Every mouse knows that mice and bears, never, ever get along. Except for Celestine, the spirited orphan who dares to venture into the world of bears and befriends the Ernest, a burly musician and poet. After nearly getting eaten, Celestine begins an interspecies friendship with Ernest that is both touching in its charm and in its message. Traditionally animated without CG or 3-D gimmicks, this realization of Gabrielle Vincent’s children’s books, done with the help of A Town Called Panic (34th HKIFF) directors, is one for the ages (and all ages).

設計者:羅曉騰 香港新晉平面設計師,曾為 K11 Design Store、西九文化區管理 局等大型客戶設計品牌形象,於 2011 年被權威設計雜誌《透視》 選為「亞洲四十驕子」之一。

Designer : Ken Lo Born in Hong Kong, Ken Lo is a renowned, young local graphic designer who has worked with K11 Design Store and the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority among other notable clients for various branding and design projects. He was selected by Perspective magazine for its “40 Under 40” showcase of young talent in 2011.

羅曉騰清新活潑的設計,以奪目的「想」字突出電影人的心路歷程: 投身電影藝術,是「夢想」;突破框框創新求變,需要「奇想」; 忠於自我逆流而上,更需一份「狂想」的勇氣。他分享道:「平面 設計勝於簡潔有力,加上令人眼前一亮的色彩配搭,進一步提升電 影節的品牌形象。『想』字的筆劃不斷延伸,則寓意藝術工作者想 像力無邊,探索不同方向,走出屬於自己的創作之路。就讓影迷一 同展開『想像之旅』,開拓和欣賞電影的新角度!」 Ken Lo’s refreshing and lively design incorporates the eyecatching Chinese character “ 想 ” (to think or imagine) thirendered in modernist graphic. Ken explains, “The extended strokes of the character are a symbol of the boundless imagination of artists exploring different directions and venturing into uncharted territory. Let us all embark on a journey of imagination, where new possibilities in cinema await discovery!”

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

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超人氣動畫 Animation Unlimited



13年2月8日 下午5:29



29/3(五)5:00pm The Grand GC

1/4(一)12:00pm 香港文化中心 KG

導演:蕭力修、北村豐晴 2013  台語/國語 124 分鐘 演員:藍正龍、安心亞、王柏傑、天心

阿公跟阿嬤的一段不了情,源自台語片最讚的年代:他是年輕編 劇奇生,那時的街坊只迷明星萬寶龍,從不理劇本好壞,令他意 興闌珊。美月也是萬寶龍的粉絲,得到奇生的幫助,走進了片場 當演員。奇生終於有機會升做導演,一展抱負,但轉頭卻成階下 囚,不過他的女主角陪他走到結局就是最大的福氣啦!台日新晉 導演聯合執導了一部奇幻風的懷舊片,大量台語的對白,散發出 台灣的古早味和人情味,人氣偶像安心亞、藍正龍和王柏傑放盡 演出,超屌超搞笑。

阿嬤的夢中情人 Forever Love

Dir: Shao Li-Shiou, Kitamura Toyoharu  2013  Taiwanese / Mandarin  124min Cast: Blue Lan, Amber An, Po-chieh Wang, Tien Hsin

From the school of romanticised whimsy that Taiwan has perfected over the last few years comes this comedy set during the 1960s heyday of Taiwanese language cinema. When her filmmaker grandfather, Liu Chi-Sheng, lands in hospital, 18-year-old Jie has him recount the love story between him and her grandmother, Chiang Mei-Yue, that happened during a visit of the film sets of Beitou. Told in sweetly campy cinema flashbacks and semianimated inserts, Forever Love is a love letter to Taiwanese cinema as much as it is a romance for the ages.

I See It   My Way


狂舞派 The Way We Dance 導演:黃修平 2013 粵語 110 分鐘 演員:顏卓靈、Babyjohn、Lokman、Tommy Guns、黃貫中

31KG3E1 31/3(日)7:30pm 香港文化中心 KG

阿花自小是個舞痴,上到大學立即加入舞團。她初次獻技,即引 來死對頭 Rooftoppers 的注目。阿花暗戀萬人迷社長 Dave,卻遭 他的團員女友 Rebecca 羞辱而離開,轉頭便被騎呢的太極會長阿 良死纏追求。面對和 Rooftoppers 的決戰,團員士氣低落,阿花 想助陣又弄傷了腿……導演黃修平經四年籌備,從五百名舞者中 挑選演員,用一眾清新亮眼的新人,舞出屬於香港的青春真我。 工廠大廈的酷跑、B-boy 的大無畏精神、功夫+舞蹈+手影的絕 妙結合,印證年少不是無知,是追逐夢想的輕狂。 Dir: Adam Wong 2013 Cantonese 110min Cast: Cherry Ngan, Babyjohn, Lokman, Tommy Guns, Paul Wong

Fa, with a zeal to dance, finally gets to leave her sordid life at her parents’ tofu shop when she enters university and joins a hip-hop club. She stumbles into the world of dance competition between rival groups and a love complication between the group leader, his ex-lover, an aspiring tai-chi master and herself. But in the end, the show must go on! An unprecedented on-screen performance from the best B-boys in Hong Kong and beyond.


導演/演員將出席與觀眾見面 This screening will be attended by the director and/or actors

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8/2/13 2:52 AM

桐島失踪後 The Kirishima Thing 導演:吉田大八 日本 2012 103 分鐘 演員:神木隆之介、橋木愛、東出昌大

桐島是校內風頭躉,這天突然傳出消息:他要退出由他領軍的排球隊!校園一片哄動, 女友梨紗等他現身,隊友軍心散亂,好友宏樹一頭霧水,暗戀宏樹的亞矢繼續吹喇叭來 引他注目……結果呢,女生互看對方不順眼,男生口角又動武,最不關事的宅男電影會 長就拍了一部校園喪屍片!改編自同名得獎小說,偽主角桐島全片隱形,故事以不同人 物多線叙述,巧妙地交纏又伸延發展,陽光底下,校園的欺凌、八卦、戀愛事總是很新奇。 Dir: Yoshida Daihachi Japan 2012 103min Cast: Kamiki Ryunosuke, Hashimoto Ai, Ohgo Suzuka

What happens when a star jock at a Japanese high school suddenly drops his teammates, all in an act of rebellion? It demands a full-scale reorganisation of school hierarchy. With traditional power structures in chaos, the nerds take over, led by film club geek Maeda. Like Hitchcock’s Rebecca, Kirishima is never seen, but his influence is felt in Yoshida’s multiple perspective narrative exploring the impact of schoolyard politics and the upside of challenging them. Based on Ryo Asai’s novel.

那年遇上世之介 A Story of Yonosuke



18/3(一)10:15pm The Grand GC

23/3(六)12:30pm The Grand GC



18/3(一)2:30pm The Grand GC

31/3(日)12:10pm 香港文化中心 KG

導演:沖田修一 日本 2012 160 分鐘 中文字幕 演員:高良健吾、吉高由里子、池松壯亮、伊藤步

吉田修一(《東京同棲 80 後》及《惡人》原著作者)的最新小說改編。大學生 世之介為人真誠又帶點傻勁,總能感染身邊人。因為世之介,奉子的可以成婚, 衣櫃裏的走出來,富家女嚐到初戀,交際花思考前路。十多年後的一天,各自 為生活忙碌的朋友們突然想起他,他現在做着甚麼傻事?導演沖田編導出色, 把都巿疏離中的糾結情感娓娓道來──就算友情歲月不再、愛情轉移,每當我 們記起曾經在生命中很重要的那誰,都會很溫暖。 Dir: Okita Shuichi Japan 2012 160min Cast: Kora Kengo, Yoshitaka Yuriko, Ikematsu Sosuke, Ito Ayumi

A coming-of-age story weaving together multiple romantic threads, A Story of Yonosuke is set during the height of Japan’s late-’80s economic glory. Based on the novel by Yoshida Shuichi (Villain), plain 18-year-old Yonosuke travels from Nagasaki to Tokyo to begin a life in the big city. Sixteen years later, things are very different for Yonosuke’s clutch of friends, and the journey to finding out just how different sits at the heart of the latest by the typically whimsical Okita.



28/3(四)9:50pm 香港文化中心 KG

30/3(六)11:55pm The Grand GC

狼少年之戀 A Werewolf Boy 導演:趙成熙 南韓 2012 122 分鐘 中文字幕 演員:宋仲基、朴寶英

有嚴重潔癖、內心封閉的少女搬到郊區,竟遇上一個狼少年。在少女和家人的照料下,狼少年學 會與人生活,更與少女產生難以言喻的感情,嚐到了愛。少女的表哥不斷陷害少年,為了保護她, 他捨棄了一切。如果世間所有的相遇,都是久別重逢,五十年後的重遇就是恍如隔世。人類以為 最懂愛,但為何我們的愛總是經不起考驗?宋仲基和朴寶英被封為寵物系男孩和國民妹妹,兩人 賣萌之餘演技出色,加上綺麗唯美的影像,成為韓國影史愛情片最賣座神話。 Dir: Jo Sung-hee  South Korea  2012  122min Cast: Song Joong-ki, Park Bo-young

Don’t let the title fool you. In this unconventional romance, elderly Kim Soonyi returns to Korea to oversee the sale of her childhood home and thinks back to 50 years earlier, when she and her family lived there, and to the feral boy she found hiding nearby whom she dubbed Chool-soo. The relationship that evolves between the two is a strange one, moving from master and pet to genuine friendship and finally love. But when Chool-soo is threatened by the family’s landlord, his mysterious, true nature begins to emerge. 79

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8/2/13 2:52 AM

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Cine Fan


贊助會員 Patron Privilege • 會費為港幣 $15,000# • 獲贈第 37 屆香港國際電影節 VIP 通行證 2 張 • 免費優先入座電影節 Cine Fan 節目所有場次 ( 贊助會 員必須於各場次開映前十五分鐘與場地職員聯絡並出 示有效之電影節 Cine Fan 贊助會員卡作出核實 ) • 享有香港國際電影節及夏日國際電影節各場正價門票 九折優惠 • 享有電影節 Cine Fan 節目門票八五折優惠 • 享有其他由香港國際電影節協會及其合作夥伴合辦之 電影節目門票八五折優惠 ^ • 享有八折優惠購買《第三十七屆香港國際電影節》特刊 • 有機會免費獲贈由香港國際電影節協會所舉辦的活動 入場券 ^ • 有機會獲邀出席香港國際電影節協會所舉辦之電影人 聚餐會、酒會及其他聯誼活動 * 贊助會員只限年滿 18 歲或以上人士申請

• Patron Privilege fee is HK$15,000# • Two (2) 37th HKIFF VIP passes • Free priority admission to all Cine Fan Programme screenings (Patron Privilege Holders must present their valid privilege cards for verification and contact the staff at the venue 15 minutes before the show) • 1 0 % d i s c o u n t o n r e g u l a r - p r i c e d H o n g K o n g International Film Festival (HKIFF) tickets and Summer International Film Festival (SIFF) tickets • 15% discount on HKIFF Cine Fan Programme tickets • 15% discount on tickets of other programmes coorganised by HKIFFS and its partners^ • 20% off on The "37th HKIFF Main Catalogue" • Complimentary tickets to selected HKIFFS organized events^ • Invitations to luncheons, parties and other networking events with filmmakers * Patron Privilege is applicable to persons aged 18 or above

會員 Classic Privilege • 會費為港幣 $150# • 享有香港國際電影節及夏日國際電影節各場正價門票 九折優惠 • 享有電影節 Cine Fan 節目門票八五折優惠 • 享有其他由香港國際電影節協會及其合作夥伴合辦之 電影節目門票八五折優惠 ^ • 享有八折優惠購買《第三十七屆香港國際電影節》特刊 • 有機會免費獲贈由香港國際電影節協會所舉辦的活動 入場券 ^ • Classic Privilege fee is HK$150# • 1 0 % d i s c o u n t o n r e g u l a r - p r i c e d H o n g K o n g International Film Festival (HKIFF) tickets and Summer International Film Festival (SIFF) tickets • 15% discount on HKIFF Cine Fan Programme tickets • 15% discount on tickets of other programmes coorganised by HKIFFS and its partners^ • 20% off on The "37th HKIFF Main Catalogue" • Complimentary tickets to selected HKIFFS organised events^

學生會員 ( 只限本地全日制學生申請 ) Student Privilege (For Hong Kong full time student ONLY)

• 會費為港幣 $100# • 享有香港國際電影節及夏日國際電影節各場正價門票 九折優惠 • 享有電影節 Cine Fan 節目門票七折優惠(電影節 Cine Fan 節目只提供學生會員優惠,不設其他學生優惠票) • 享有其他由香港國際電影節協會及其合作夥伴合辦之 電影節目門票七折優惠 ^ • 享有八折優惠購買《第三十七屆香港國際電影節》特刊 • 有機會免費獲贈由香港國際電影節協會所舉辦的活動 入場券 ^ • Student Privilege fee is HK$100# • 1 0 % d i s c o u n t o n r e g u l a r - p r i c e d H o n g K o n g International Film Festival (HKIFF) tickets and Summer International Film Festival (SIFF) tickets • 30% discount on HKIFF Cine Fan Programme tickets (Student Concessionary Tickets only available to Student Privilege) • 30% discount on tickets of other programmes coorganised by HKIFFS and its partners^ • 20% off on The "37th HKIFF Main Catalogue" • Complimentary tickets to selected HKIFFS organised events^

注意 : 1. 持有香港國際電影節會員計劃之會員身份,並不等同其持有香港法例《會社 ( 房產安全 ) 條例》或《社團條例》項下「俱樂部」或「社團」成員之身份。 2. 香港國際電影節協會保留提供會員計劃內一切折扣及其他優惠之最終決定權。 3. 所有門票及《第三十七屆香港國際電影節》特刊之購買優惠只限於親臨城市電腦售票處售票櫃檯使用,並不適用於網上訂票 / 電話購票 / 郵購訂票。 NOTE: 1. The holder of HKIFF Privilege Status does not constitute membership of "a “Club” or “Society” for the purposes of the Clubs (Safety of Premises) Ordinance, or the Societies Ordinance under the laws of Hong Kong. 2. HKIFF Privilege Scheme exists to offer preferred structure of benefits such as discounted payment and other benefits that may be offered from time to time at the sole discretion of HKIFFS. 3. Ticket and The 37th HKIFF Main Catalogue of HKIFFS Discount Offers are applicable to URBTIX Outlets only. NOT applicable to Online Ticketing / Phone Ticketing / Postal Booking. # #

電影節 Cine Fan 2013 年會籍有效期為發卡日至 2014 年 2 月 28 日。 HKIFF Cine Fan 2013 privilege is valid from the privilege card issue date to 28 February 2014.

^ 香港國際電影節協會及其合作夥伴保留最終決定權暫停或取消所有會員優惠。 ^ Subject to final agreement from HKIFFS & its partners. HKIFFS reserves all rights and final decision to cancel or vary the discount offer.

辦理入會手續(只限 2013 年度優先入會期內申請): 電影節 Cine Fan 可以透過網上申請 ( 或親身遞交。申請表亦 可於網上下載。 於 遞交申請成為電影節 Cine Fan 時,可經網上申請系統上載 個人照片(以 500KB 為限)。而親身遞交申請表的申請人,須帶同近照一幀 (護照相片)於以下地點及期間辦理: 3 月 16 日或之前 香港國際電影節協會辦事處 地址:九龍觀塘道 370 號創紀之城 3 期 21 樓(鄰近牛頭角港鐵站) 時間:星期一至五早上 10 時至下午 12 時,下午 2 時至下午 7 時;星期六早 上 10 時至下午 1 時) 3 月 17 日至 4 月 2 日(優先入會將於 4 月 2 日下午 7 時截止申請) 香港國際電影節嘉賓及媒體招待處 地址:九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道十號香港文化中心行政大樓四樓展覽館 時間:星期一至日上午 10 時至晚上 7 時

How to join the HKIFF Cine Fan (For 2013 Early Bird Applications ONLY) Application for HKIFF Cine Fan can be made on-line ( and in person. Application form is also available for download on the website. A recent passport photo (max 500KB) is required for applications at For in person application, applicants can hand in their completed application form together with a passport sized photo to the following office: 16 March or before The HKIFF Society Ltd. Address: 21/F, Millennium City 3, 370 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong (Opposite Ngau Tau Kwok MTR Station) Hours: Mon-Fri: 10:00-12:00, 14:00-19:00; Sat: 10:00-13:00) 17 March to 2 April (Early Bird applications end on 2 April, 7:00pm) The HKIFF Hospitality & Media Suite Address: Exhibition Gallery 4/F, Administration Building of HK Cultural Centre, 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon Hours: Mon-Sun: 10:00-19:00

* Successful applicants will receive a confirmation e-mail with details on the collection of privilege card. Please bring along the email confirmation to designated location to collect privilege card. 成功申請之會員將收到協會電郵通知,內附領取 Cine Fan 會員卡之詳情,敬請細閱。屆時請帶同電郵通知書到指定地點領取。


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HKIFF Cine Fan 2013 Privilege Application Form – Early Bird Entry 電影節Cine Fan 2013年度優先入會申請表格 (Applications cannot be accepted after 7:00pm, 2 April 2013) (2013年4月2日下午7時後之申請,恕不受理) I wish to apply for HKIFF Cine Fan’s 我欲申請成為電影節 Cine Fan 之

Name 姓名: Gender 性別 :

□ Classic Privilege 會員 (HK$150)

(Please use the Name on HKID / 請使用身分證上之姓名 )

□ Student Privilege 學生會員 (HK$100)

Address 地址:

□ Patron Privilege 贊助會員 (HK$15,000) Student Privilege applicants must provide a copy of proof-of-entitlement. 學生會員申請者必須出示或附上有效全日制本地學生 證副本。

Tel 電話: (day 日 ) (night 夜 ) E-mail 電郵: *Occupation 職業: *Age 年齡: * Favorite film genre 喜愛電影類別 :

* Successful applicants will receive a confirmation e-mail with details on the collection of privilege card. 成功申請之會員將收到協會電郵通知,內附領取電 影節 Cine Fan 卡之詳情,敬請細閱。

□ Drama 劇情

□ Comedy 喜劇

□ Romance 愛情

□ Animation 動畫

□ Documentary 紀錄片

□ Action 動作

□ Horror 恐怖

□ Other 其他 :

Method of payment 付款方式 :

□ Cash 現金

□ Cheque 支票 *Optional 選擇性填寫。

For Patron Privilege Applicants ONLY 此部份只適用於贊助會員申請者 (Applications cannot be accepted after 7:00pm, 2 April 2013) (2013年4月2日下午7時後之申請,恕不受理)

37th HKIFF VIP Pass Holder Name / 第 37 屆香港國際電影節 VIP 通行證持有人姓名 * Please use HKID English Name / 請使用身分證上之英文姓名 (1)

(1st Pass Holder/ 第 1 位通行證持有人 )

(2) (2nd Pass Holder/ 第 2 位通行證持有人 )

Welcoming Gift Choice (For 2013 Early Bird Entry ONLY) 迎新禮品選擇 (只限2013年度優先入會申請) 由即日起至 2013 年 4 月 2 日申請成為電影節 Cine Fan,將獲贈第 37 屆香港國際電影節於香港文化中心放映之特選場次門票 4 張(每場最多 2 張)。填妥下列表格後,申 請人將收到協會發出的電郵通知,內附門票領取詳情,屆時請帶同電郵通知書到指定地點領取門券。各場門票數量有限,先到先得。 Successful applicants will receive a welcome gift of 4 complimentary tickets for selected screenings in the 37th HKIFF at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre (max. 2 tickets per screening). Please indicate your choice of films below. A confirmation email will be sent to each successful applicant with details on ticket collection. Please bring your confirmation email to the designated location to collect the tickets. Tickets are available on a first-come, first-served basis. 25KG3E2 The Great Passage 大渡海 26KG3E2 The Angels' Share 智取威士忌 27KG3E1 Tokyo Family 東京家族 28KG3E2 A Werewolf Boy 狼少年之戀

29KG3M1 Populaire 打字夢女神 29KG3E2 No 向政府說不 30KG3M2 Foxfire: Confessions Of A Girl Gang 火狐女演義 30KG3E2 Blancanieves 白雪公主之鬥牛場激情篇

31KG3E1 The Way We Dance 狂舞派 31KG3E2 Me And You 密室中的我和你 01KG4M2 Forever Love 阿嬤的夢中情人 01KG4E2 World Animation For Adults 成人動畫精選 02KG4E1 Closed Curtain 電影關不住

Film Title 影片名稱 1st Choice 首選

Film Code 影片編號

Quantity 數量

1 2 3 4

2nd Choice 次選

1 2

電影節 Cine Fan 入會條款及細則 HKIFF Cine Fan Scheme Terms and Conditions 1.

電影節 Cine Fan 2013 年會籍有效期為發卡日至 2014 年 2 月 28 日。HKIFF Cine Fan 2013 privilege is valid from the privilege card issue date to 28 February 2014.


會員於城市電腦售票處售票櫃檯購票時必須出示有效之電影節 Cine Fan 卡,方能享有包括門票折扣等各項優惠。門票折扣優惠並不適用於網上訂票╱電話購票╱郵購訂票。Privilege holders must present their valid privilege card at the sales counter of URBTIX outlets to enjoy privileges including Discount Offers. Please note that Ticket Discount Offers are NOT applicable to Online Ticketing / Phone Ticketing / Postal Booking.


換領門票╱禮品╱紀念品時,會員必須出示有效之電影節 Cine Fan 卡作核對。For the redemption and collection of tickets /gifts / souvenirs , privilege holders must present their valid privilege card for verification.


電影節 Cine Fan 卡不得轉讓予他人使用。如發現任何違規使用情況,有關場地負責人或香港國際電影節協會將有權即時終止會員資格。已繳交之會費一律不獲退還。Privilege is non-transferable. If evidence of misuse and abuse of privileges are found, the venue management or HKIFFS have the right to confiscate the card at any time without prior warning. The privilege fee will not be refunded.


電影節 Cine Fan 卡一經塗改或嚴重損毀,均屬無效。會員可向香港國際電影節協會申請辦理補領手續。補領電影節 Cine Fan 卡之費用為港幣 $50。Privilege card will be voided if damaged. Replacement cards are available at a re-issue fee of HK$50.


如遺失電影節 Cine Fan 卡,請即向香港國際電影節協會報失。補領電影節 Cine Fan 卡之費用為港幣 $50。Loss of privilege card must be reported at once. Replacement cards are available at a re-issue fee of HK$50.


不論閣下因任何原因在會籍有效期內放棄會籍,亦不會獲發任何已繳交之入會費用。 Privilege fee will not be refunded if privilege is cancelled for whatever reason before expiry.


為向會員提供或推廣由香港國際電影節協會及其他相關機構之服務及其他產品,協會將根據會員的資料及記錄,經電郵或郵件向會員發送相關資訊及優惠推廣。會員可隨時要求停止接收有關通訊。HKIFFS may use holder’s information and records for the purpose of providing or promoting services or other products made available by HKIFFS and associated organisations. Privilege holder can request HKIFFS to stop mailing/ sending information on that product and service at any time and at no cost.


持有香港國際電影節會員計劃之會員身份,並不等同其持有香港法例《會社 ( 房產安全 ) 條例》或《社團條例》項下「俱樂部」或「社團」成員之身份。The holder of HKIFF Privilege Status does not constitute membership of "a “Club” or “Society” for the purposes of the Clubs (Safety of Premises) Ordinance, or the Societies Ordinance under the laws of Hong Kong.


香港國際電影節協會保留提供會員計劃內一切折扣及其他優惠之最終決定權。HKIFF Privilege Scheme exists to offer preferred structure of benefits such as discounted payment and other benefits that may be offered from time to time at the sole discretion of HKIFFS.


香港國際電影節協會保留隨時終止會員計劃之一切權利。HKIFFS reserves all rights and final decision to terminate the scheme without prior notice.


遇有任何爭議,香港國際電影節協會保留最終決定權。In case of dispute, the decision of HKIFFS shall be final.


本條款及細則之中英文文本如有任何歧義,概以英文版為準。The English version of these terms and conditions shall prevail whenever there is any discrepancy between the English and the Chinese versions.

本人同意接受上述電影節 Cine Fan 入會條款。 I have read and agreed to the above terms and conditions.

Applicant's Signature : Date 申請人簽署: 日期: 82

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上集 Part I 23GC3E1 23/3(六)7:45pm The Grand GC 下集 Part II 24GC3M1 24/3(日)12:30pm The Grand GC

票價 Price: 各$100 each

大浩劫 (上集/下集) 導演:克勞朗治曼 法國 1985 273/292 分鐘

描繪現代史最出色的傑作,《大浩劫》是絕對的電影經驗,但同時超越電影。曾當記 者多年的導演,歷十一年心血,走十四國尋找納粹集中營倖存者、目擊者以至前納粹 軍人。影片最出色的是極端的形式,九個半小時全無新聞片段,幕幕不是當事人回憶, 便是走在集中營遺址的鏡頭。朗治曼最直覺最精彩的板斧,是追問當事人親歷的極細 微細節,被訪者不願回答,導演理直氣壯:你一定要說。細緻的描繪,令你有足夠資 料在腦海重構影像,如毒氣室內人群的死亡掙扎,加上憶述者的痛苦聲線,構成前所 未有的恐怖經驗。一段段可怕憶述後,鏡頭有致地回到浩劫現場,空蕩的景物每次再 現,都有新的重量,經驗亦不再一樣。上、下集分兩場放映,各設中場休息 15 分鐘。

Shoah (Part I / Part II) Dir: Claude Lanzmann  France  1985  273/292 min

restored classics

Eleven years in making. Shot in 14 different countries. 350 hours of raw footage. Shoah, considered one of the most important documentaries ever made, earns every minute of its epic 9½ hour runtime. And even then, that seems short compared to the horrifying enormity of the Holocaust. Eschewing historical footage in order to concentrate on the heartrending accounts from survivors, witnesses and even perpetrators, director Claude Lanzmann travelled around the globe to conduct these interviews. The film’s most emotional scenes occur when some of his subjects return to the death camps and the ghettos and relive their agonizing past. Part I: Intro by Jeremy Amias, Hong Kong Holocaust and Tolerance Centre (HKHTC). Part II: Postscreening discussion with Prof Glenn Timmermans, University of Macau/Board of HKHTC. 15-min intermission during each Part. 31KG3M3 31/3(日)3:15pm 香港文化中心 KG

修復經典 天堂之門 導演:米高契敏奴 美國 1981 216 分鐘 中文字幕

《天堂之門》是個傳奇,不只巨額超資斷送電影公司聯美的錢途,更劃上荷里活作者 導演巨製時代終結的休止符。當年票房慘敗,聯美馬上剪掉 70 分鐘再上畫,仙明奴從 此不認此作。去年,契敏奴監修勾沉足本並重新調正全片色調,《天堂之門》的洞見 才得以平反。19 世紀末,滿腦子理想的哈佛畢業生占,當上懷俄明小鎮執法長官,貴 冑富商為趕絕歐洲移民,竟擬出追殺名單,占疲於調停,卻跟殺手愛上同一娼妓(伊 莎貝雨蓓首部美國片)。契敏明奴走在時代前端,《獵鹿者》反越戰,這次更直斥資本 主義橫行:做窮人愈來愈危險。經典大場面琳瑯滿目,荷里活的美好年代,沒有特技 掩眼法,重構真景全是等雲到的真功夫,格格畫面皆見大師造詣。設中場休息 15 分鐘。

Heaven’s Gate Dir: Michael Cimino  USA  1981  216 min Cast: Kris Kristofferson, Christopher Walken, Isabelle Huppert

Time heals all wounds, especially those inflicted by the oversized and unfairly negative reaction that Heaven’s Gate received upon its premiere. This, and the film’s legendarily troubled, costly production and box office flop, derailed the career of Oscar-winning The Deer Hunter director. Three decades later, Michael Cimino is able to once again realize his final cut of the film and present it in a newly digitally restored version that proves once and for all the majestic vision behind this epic American Western. “… an eccentric yet elegiac rethinking of the myths of the West and the western”– The New York Times. With 15-min intermission. 84

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

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13年2月8日 下午5:58



30/3(六)3:30pm 香港文化中心 KG

21/3(四)2:30pm UA iSQUARE IS




導演:大衛連 英國 1962 227 分鐘 中文字幕

導演:列域格達 印度 1960 126 分鐘

慶祝影片誕生五十周年的全新 8K 修復版。第一次世界大戰期間,熱愛沙漠的英國長 官羅倫斯走入沙漠,團結阿拉伯各路雜牌軍,把土耳其趕走。羅倫斯的熱愛,亦是導 演的熱愛。大衛連把演員和攝影隊帶到沙漠,風餐露宿,連銀幕上也看得到彼得奧圖 不時變化的體型,兩年之後,帶回來一部史詩。無論任何角度,都是史詩。刺目的日光, 彼得奧圖同樣刺目的金髮、藍得不能再藍的藍眼睛,大衛連忘情等來的日出和海市蜃 樓,任何一個影像都是傳奇,是菲林再沒能力烙下的永恆,而且是絕響的 70mm。天 文數字的拍攝成本,紅了兩個巨星,彼得奧圖和奧馬沙利夫,造就無雙的大銀幕神級 經典。設中場休息 15 分鐘。

傳奇印度電影之父列域格達(第九屆焦點導演),是影癡的秘密寶庫,他這最佳作, 探討家庭制度殘酷之深,於大銀幕是史無前例,修復後的新版,重現超越時代的視覺 和音響效果。妮達是個吃苦天使,父親患病,哥哥懶惰,弟弟重傷,妹妹虛榮自私, 心計的母親要妮達肩負全家擔子,默許妹妹搶走她的愛人。妮達走下樓梯如墜落天使 的超現實鏡頭、連綿天雨伴着她的恍惚、她和情人在野外的不安邂逅─從形式至母題 在在超凡入聖,考究的光影和構圖有印象派風味,但西塔琴旋律中,抒情夾雜迅猛的 歌唱和樂曲,卻帶強烈表現主義批判色彩,是以情入景的詩與文學至高境界。修復本 片的博洛尼亞電影資料館主館 David Pozzi 將出席映前簡介。

Lawrence of Arabia Dir: David Lean UK 1962 227min Cast: Peter O’Toole, Alec Guinness, Anthony Quinn

The Cloud-Capped Star (Meghe Dhaka Tara) Dir: Ritwik Ghatak India 1960 126min Cast: Supriya Choudhury, Anil Chatterjee, Niranjan Ray

Flamboyant. Charismatic. Egotistical. In life, British World War I hero T. E. Lawrence was infamous for leading disparate groups of Arabian tribesmen against the ruling Ottoman Emipire. In David Lean’s magnum opus Laurence of Arabia, he became legendary. No studio today would make films like this – shot on-location in the desert with a cast of thousands, and with the runtime spilling over 4 hours. In preparation for the 50th anniversary of this seven-time Oscar winner, Sony Pictures embarked on a meticulous digital restoration that scanned the original negative at 8K. The result is still as breathtaking today - an epic widescreen theatrical experience by one of the best directors who ever lived: David Lean. With 15-min intermission.

A perennial presence in Sight & Sight’s Top 250 Greatest Films Poll, Indian New Wave maestro Ritwik Ghatak’s masterpiece is an exquisite formalist melodrama that fuses Sergei Eisenstein’s expressionism with the moving tale of one woman’s sacrifice for her family. Set in post-colonial Calcutta after the partition of Bengal left families exiled outside their ancestral homes, we follow Nita, the eldest daughter, as she must navigate the demands of her family while suppressing her own wants and desires. Presented in a beautiful, digitally restored new print. “A masterpiece… Few films have delved more deeply into the cruelty of family life” – The Village Voice. Introduced by David Pozzi of Cineteca di Bologna.



22/3(五)7:20pm 香港太空館 SP

1/4(一)3:00pm 香港大會堂 CT

30CT3M2 30/3(六)12:30pm 香港大會堂 CT

由康樂及文化事務署主辦, 香港國際電影節協會協辦。 另有一場放映於4月4日 在香港電影資料館舉行。 Presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department in collaboration with the Hong Kong International Film Festival S o c i e t y. A n o t h e r s c r e e n i n g will be held at the Hong Kong Film Archive on 4 April.

Print courtesy of National Museum of Singapore



導演:危斯馬伊士美 印尼 1954 101 分鐘

導演:卜萬蒼  出品人:朱旭華  編劇:吳鐵翼  原著:艾克多.馬洛《苦兒流浪記》  主演:蕭芳芳、王引、陳燕燕、羅維、胡蝶  1960  黑白  國語  105分鐘

伊士美是傳奇的印尼電影之父,曾赴美修讀電影,炮製出不少藝術商業皆見成功之作, 《戒嚴夜》公認最出色,是印尼首部修復經典,康城影展經典回顧更選為開幕片。獨 立之戰凱旋歸來,伊士退役的第一天,卻是噩夢連連。身心未調節過來,未來外父便 帶他見工,結果打交收場。去找舊戰友,一個興頭興腦搞建屋,一個撈偏門又黃又賭, 一個前軍長,叫他食大茶飯,言談間更發現自己曾被利用殺錯良民。理想原來是泡影, 他逃回未婚妻的安樂窩,宵禁已開始,前路漫漫。無論劇情、畫面,以至樂曲,淡淡 時代哀愁中,別具悅目電影感。修復歷時一年半,結集新加坡電影資料館及世界電影 基金會等多方努力,是操刀的博洛尼亞修復工作室歷來最艱辛的修復工程。

After the Curfew (Lewat Djam Malam)

國風公司的朱旭華先生有意開拍兒童教育片,看中年僅十一歲的蕭芳芳擔演《苦兒流浪 記》中流浪尋母的苦兒,更遠赴日本北海道拍攝雪景,不論編、導、攝樣樣都認真。卜 萬蒼處理劇情抑揚有致,樸實無華,在鄉土氣息之間,處處流露人生必須歷盡艱辛才能 發奮圖強的志氣。天資聰穎、明眸皓齒的芳芳演活討人憐愛的孤兒,帶着靈猴、小狗, 跟師傅 ( 王引 ) 賣藝的片段特別精彩,一曲《媽媽好》深入民心。香港電影資料館去年從 台北電影資料館覓得 16 毫米拷貝,運往意大利作電腦數碼修復,再輸出 DCP 數碼電影 檔及 35 毫米拷貝作日後放映之用。出品人朱旭華之子朱家欣將於放映前與觀眾見面。

Nobody’s Child

Dir: Usmar Ismail Indonesia 1954 101min Cast: A.N. Alcaff, Netty Herawaty, R.D. Ismail

Dir: Bu Wancang  Producer: Chu Shu-hwa  Scr: Wu Tieyi Cast: Josephine Siao Fong-fong, Wang Yin, Chen Yanyan  1960  B/W  Mandarin  105min

A rare Indonesian classic that is now lovingly restored by the World Cinema Foundation and the National Museum of Singapore, After the Curfew is directed by Usmar Ismail, considered the godfather of Indonesian cinema, and written by highly regarded writer, poet and screenwriter Asrul Sani. This remarkable thriller, set after Indonesia’s independence from Dutch rule, tracks the travails of Iskandar as he leaves the army to become an ordinary citizen and start a family with his girlfriend. But his wartime guilt over a family he killed still haunts him. As his disillusionment with modern-day society’s corruption and injustices grows, he decides to take matters into his own hands.

Thanks to her award-winning turn in The Maiden Girl (1956), Josephine Siao Fongfong was cast in this adaptation of Hector Malot’s novel Without Family. Bu Wancang brought his cast and crew to snowy Hokkaido to tell this oft-adapted tale about a child looking for her long-lost mother. At just 11 years old, Siao managed to hold her own as the strong-willed girl, and the result made her a household name. Last year, the Hong Kong Film Archive retrieved a 16mm print from Taiwan and sent it to Italy’s L’Immagine Ritrovata Film Restoration Laboratory for digital copy restoration. New digital copy and 35mm prints were then created for screening purposes.

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

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修復經典 Restored Classics

23/3(六)7:15pm UA iSQUARE IS


13年2月14日 下午1:35

修復經典 Restored Classics 86



23/3(六)9:50pm UA iSQUARE IS

18/3(一)3:00pm UA iSQUARE IS



28/3(四)7:15pm 香港藝術中心 AC

20/3(三)10:00pm UA iSQUARE IS



導演:羅塞里尼 意大利 1950 107 分鐘

導演:馬里奧皮索托  巴西 1931 128 分鐘

那年,全球最知名的女星在曼哈頓空無一人的戲院看了《不設防城市》,驚為天人, 她去信自薦,結果,羅塞里尼拍了唯一的、最不像荷里活的荷里活片,英格烈褒曼主 演的旅程三部曲的開篇。兩人爆出婚外情致《火山》受杯葛,慘遭美國老闆改結局, 又砍掉差不多半小時,如今的修復足本,讓該片以最佳狀態重見天日。大銀幕看羅塞 里尼劃時代的電影語言突破,確是賞心樂事,英格烈褒曼在這裏有更勝荷里活片的艷 光,一反成規的鏡頭緊守着她,觀察和追蹤,這個去了西西里荒島和島民格格不入的 現代女性,嫁了粗漢以為有生天,卻其實只換了監牢。羅塞里尼這封寫給英格烈的情 書,影響後來者至巨,包括費里尼、高達、杜魯福、阿奈雷奈、史高西斯,尤其安東 尼奧尼。修復本片的博洛尼亞電影資料館主館 David Pozzi 將出席映前簡介。

遺世獨立、碩果僅修,50 年代全世界曾經只有一個孤殘本,《中央車站》導演和路達 沙利斯看後驚為天人,形容皮索托這唯一的影像創作充滿超驗詩意和無限想像力,並 於 1996 年成立皮索托檔案館加以襁保,如今公認為巴西國寶級作品,足與《一條安 達魯犬》和《日出》相提並論。皮索托是詩人/小說家,當年年僅二十一歲的他提着 攝影機,走到海邊小村莊,書寫兩女一男的奇幻漂流;憑藉文字秉性,時而專注敘事, 時而隨心飛翔,從大海孤舟,反射到陸上情感瓜連。在薩提、普羅哥菲夫、德布西等 懾人樂曲下,流麗的電影語言再添前衛語意。單憑此片,皮索托已被奉為巴西電影第 一位不世出的天才。更有皮索托冒充愛森斯坦寫了一篇聰慧讚美,為影史美談之餘, 又是由衷的美學相認。

Stromboli (Stromboli, terra di Dio) Dir: Roberto Rossellini Italy 1950 107min Cast: Ingrid Bergman, Mario Vitale, Renzo Cesana


Unfairly maligned upon its release due to the scandal that erupted over the affair between Roberto Rossellini and Ingrid Bergman, Stromboli for years existed only in shortened or re-edited forms. Now, due to the Rossellini Project, the film has been gloriously restored, and Bergman has never been more mesmerizing on-screen. She plays as Karin, a Lithuanian who arrives to Stromboli Island as a refugee and escapes internment camp by marrying a local fisherman. But the relationship proves difficult due to her husband’s poverty and the locals’ frosty attitude towards her. The harsh volcanic terrain of the island mirrors Karin’s struggles with her faith and ego. Introduced by David Pozzi of Cineteca di Bologna.

Mario Peixoto wrote, produced, directed and edited his one and only film Limite when he was just 23 years old. For decades, it was rarely seen and became the stuff of cinephilic legend until it was re-discovered in the ‘70s and ‘80s. The quasi-story of three people adrift on a boat may be simple, but Peixoto’s boundless imagination and lyricism proves to be a rare avant-garde vision from the southern hemisphere. With the help of director Walter Salles, the World Cinema Foundation has newly restored this landmark in cinema. “The current wave of art cinema in Latin America… can’t match the breathtaking audacity of one of the earliest films from Brazil.” – Slant Magazine.

Dir: Mario Peixoto  Brazil  1931  128 min Cast: Olga Breno, Tatiana Rey, Raul Schnoor

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

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13年2月8日 下午5:58



20/3(三)8:00pm UA iSQUARE IS

24/3(日)12:50pm UA iSQUARE IS

排練茶花女 導演:菲利浦比齊亞  法國  2012  108 分鐘

Reality Bites


夜幕低垂,衣香鬢影,法國艾克斯普羅旺斯藝術節的重 頭節目,威爾第著名歌劇《茶花女》快要戶外演出了。 音樂響起,菲利浦比齊亞的鏡頭卻帶我們重回赤裸裸的 舞台,穿便服伴奏的樂隊、天后女高音娜坦莉德賽、導 演施華迪亞及音樂總監路易斯蘭格里,正鑽研如何把瑪 嘉麗特的身不由己,跟那脆弱而絕對的美互滲交織;一 舉手一投足,每個姿勢每個走位,均須一絲不苟,執着 中復相忘乎江湖。紀錄變向同時變向實在。影片呈現的 豈止於排練?藝術的誕生原可真實如斯。

Becoming Traviata Dir: Philippe Beziat  France  2012  108min

The world of opera as it is rarely seen before comes to life in Becoming Traviata, the chronicle of a 2011 French production. Stage director Jean-François Sivadier and soprano Natalie Dessay sit at the core of this mounting of Verdi’s renowned opera, La Traviata, as they focus on the motivations that led the tragic heroine to leave her plush life behind. Director Béziat’s record of the creative process is an opera lover’s dream come true, and the film transcends simply recounting the production process and slips into artistic dissection.



26/3(二)7:15pm 香港藝術中心 AC

31/3(日)10:30am 香港藝術中心 AC

消失的工兵 導演:林禮 法國 2012 111 分鐘

他們窩在比豬牛欄更不堪的船艙,被押運到法國,踏足 馬賽,給西方文明市容嚇倒,不過所謂文明,卻關他們 在「監獄」── 大戰爆發,法國強徵殖民地壯丁,五十 萬兵,一半這樣擒來,越南的幾萬,人稱工兵,到了兵 工廠損肺損心的受奴役。德軍來了,工兵經歷更曲折, 有勞力遭賤賣,有成了托派,有受胡志明感召自我增值 後回國。可是,工兵的歷史沒記下來,同胞視為賣國賊, 法國想抹掉不光彩。一個個九十幾歲老人,讓歷史還趕 得及走進光影裏。一部內容和枝葉繁茂的殖民遺史。

Cong Binh - The Lost Fighters of Vietnam Dir: Lam Le  France 2012 111min

導演/演員將出席與觀眾見面 This screening will be attended by the director and/or actors 88

During World War II, when the French did not have enough able-bodied men to work in their weapons factories, they forcibly recruited 20,000 people from their Indochinese colonies. These manual laborers, named the Cong Binh, were stuck in France after the Germans took over in 1940 and were unfairly labelled as traitors by those back home during the time of the revolution. Though only around 25 of them are still alive today, for the first time ever they relay their hardships and the mistrust they suffered from both sides.

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

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13年2月8日 下午5:58







30/3(六)7:15pm 香港太空館 SP

1/4(一)10:30am 香港太空館 SP

19/3(二)9:45pm UA iSQUARE IS

23/3(六)12:30pm UA iSQUARE IS

18/3(一)5:30pm The Grand GC

24/3(日)8:00pm The Grand GC




導演:哈樂夫  2012  普通話  73 分鐘

導演:L. 泰來、V. 柏麗芙  法國/英國/美國  2012 87 分鐘

導演:馬卡斯嚴可夫 德國/奧地利/瑞士 2012 91 分鐘

出生於蒙古的哈樂夫推出首部紀錄片《天湖人家》時用 了胡林平這個漢名,這次迅速還我本姓,無他,認定了 見證民族命運為終生己任。格日圖家族努力維持傳統遊 牧生活,在風雪中走着祖先走過的路,然而卻不得不適 應現代化的轉變,面對煤礦公司的草原開發,弟弟出讓 了土地帶着牧馬到城市經營旅遊生意,草原文化節讓他 與哥哥重聚,為觀眾表演馬術。哈樂夫不慍不躁的鏡頭 實在關心天地脈絡,駱駝在走道上被鐵絲網纏腳受傷、 牛犢出生即夭折,都叫人反思蒼生真義。

電影史史無前例,風格大膽,視覺震撼之作。小說裏無 比敵出沒的新英格蘭海域,一艘巨無霸漁船踏上狂風巨 浪,微型影機勾留船上每個角落,以匪夷所思的鏡頭角 度,把高度工業化的捕魚過程,參與人等,包括可憐游 魚全部攝進來。沒有對白,卻有變幻水聲、文學靈光和 黑色幽默。片名來自聖經的巨獸,以及 Hobbes 的哲思: 一切源於官感。無數血魚頭滑過的大特寫,載沉載浮的 影機攝下鬼魅般群湧的海鷗,恐怖感更勝希治閣。後果 不吃魚也甘心的一部 must-see。獲丹麥紀錄片節新視野獎。

愛因斯坦說過:如果蜜蜂絕種,人類也活不過四年。蜜 蜂的末日,已近在咫尺,大陸正用人手傳播花粉!紀錄 片名導蟄伏多年再出手,全因家族是養蜂人,愛蜂如命。 嚴可夫走遍四大洲,揭開蜜蜂不住消失的真相。自由市 場大量生產的制動一開,生產線最底層的蜜蜂最受壓迫, 惡菌、雜交、農藥、抗生素、人為遷徙,在在都極致命。 先進攝影技術令我們身處蜂巢,鑽進蜂群,更見證蜂后 空中交配。猶如蜜蜂主觀鏡訴說的一部警世的《摩登時 代》,去年最令人期待的紀錄片。

A Clear Sky (Qing lang se tian kong) Dir: Harhuu 2012 Putonghua 73min


More Than Honey

Dir: Lucien Castaing-Taylor, Verena Paravel  France  2012  87min

Dir: Markus Imhoof Germany/Austria/Switzerland 2012 91min

Picking up after The Story of the Weeping Camel, A Clear Sky begins with a coal discovery beneath Inner Mongolia’s Xilin Gol grasslands that forces scores of nomadic camel herdsmen to relocate. Compelled not just to migrate but also to find new livelihoods, the Gerituan family goes on a transitional journey from herders to city tour guides. Beautiful, enlightening and sensitive, A Clear Sky offers a glimpse into the lives of a people struggling to deal with an increasingly business-minded world that is constantly shifting around them.

Like Moby Dick, Leviathan is an epic struggle between man and nature. But here, the battles do not rely on narrative or dialogue – it happens via ferocious, gorgeous widescreen that blurs the line between docudrama and experimental fiction. Dozens of cameras capture rugged, brawny men at sea weathering the tempestuous waters to hunt for their motherload: streams of gooey, flapping fish. “A symphony of murky, grainy, jittery images and clanking, whirring, droning sounds, this is an abstract audio-visual experience” – The Hollywood Reporter.

Albert Einstein purportedly once said that if bees were to disappear, mankind would only have four years left to live. Regardless of its veracity, this quote nevertheless emphasizes the importance of bees to our ecology. The fascinating and highly educational More than Honey by Oscar nominee Markus Imhoof uses state-of-the art camera technology to bring us amazing shots of bees in action. The director travelled to China, USA and continental Europe to illustrate the complex issues at stake regarding our dwindling bee population. 影人影事 Filmmakers and Filmmaking



26/3(二)12:30pm 30/3(六)9:15pm 香港科學館 SM 香港太空館 SP





19/3(二)9:15pm 香港科學館 SM

29/3(五)10:30am 香港藝術中心 AC

29/3(五)2:45 pm The Grand GC

31/3(日)11:55 pm The Grand GC


閃靈 237

導演:天娜婷歌千妮 格魯吉亞/德國 2012 97 分鐘

導演:帕度岡薩雷斯魯比奧  日本  2012  72 分鐘

導演:洛尼艾錫 美國 2012 104 分鐘 中文字幕

電影始於一個實驗。放洋的導演回鄉看國家新面貌,她 刊出廣告,招募十五至廿五歲試鏡。巧妙提問下,鏡頭 前一個個放下戒心:十三歲男孩擔起全家,辛苦照料農 田和牲口;愛蒲的女孩懷了孕,很高興有新的開始;少 女想來質問數年前離棄她的生母;年輕村長想他的老人 村的村民活得更好。十三人有十三個故事,鏡頭一路追 隨走進生活,舊患仍未癒合的國度,感情風景如萬花筒。 如果有個消失的機器,你最想甚麼消失?紋身女孩答: 我自己。獲辛丹士電影節最佳紀錄片獎。

河瀨直美識英雄重英雄,邀請憑《男孩與海》(34 屆)勇 奪鹿特丹老虎獎的魯比奧,來到她不離不棄的奈良,正 是《暗戀家族》的十津川村神納川地區,拍攝年輕人都 離開,只餘下三人的農家:婦人每日山中漫步,祈福先人, 男人四時簡單收割,婆婆跟按摩師淡淡道來家族各散東 西。魯比奧從馬雅熱帶海邊,忽爾走到島國寒冷山村, 熱情與冷靜巧妙打磨,簡約鏡頭下卻是濃情山色,內藏 後工業時代的消逝自覺,和遠古的憑寄,南方秉性結合 東方心性天地人的包容。

如果一切屬實,寇比力克堪稱謎語專家。面世三十多年, 圍繞《閃靈》的陣陣疑雲愈積愈巨大,解構兵團憋不住 了,這一次,對細節出名沉溺的寇比力克,也得向影癡 甘拜下風。木屋、麵粉、打字機、升降機的血、一扇不 合理的窗,最不起眼的細節,都內藏不能說的秘密。《閃 靈》是《2001 太空漫遊》的反轉版? 237 這個冧巴其實 為登月造假致歉?陰謀論權威、歷史教授等等現身的「證 人」,個個立論紮實絕不兒戲,全片有說不出的諷刺和荒 謬感。奪國際紀錄片協會最佳剪接獎。

The Machine Which Makes Everything Inori Dir: Pedro Gonzalez-Rubio  Disappear Dir: Tinatin Gurchiani Georgia/Germany 2012 97min

Tinatin Gurchiani returns to her native Georgia to conduct an experiment by inviting youngsters from all backgrounds to do a screen test. She then films them and asks them about their backgrounds and everyday lives. The concept may be simple, but in this Best Director, Sundance World Cinema Documentary winner, the result is a gripping, richly layered mosaic of post-Soviet Georgia. Destitution and war are common themes among the interviewees as well as their struggles and dreams, like how a boy yearns to become a movie star.

Room 237 Japan  2012  72 min

After the resounding acclaim of Alamar (34th HKIFF), Mexican director Pedro Gonzalez-Rubio returns with a smaller, understated film produced by Cannes winner Kawase Naomi. Shot completely in Japan’s Nara prefecture, the poetic and beautifully shot Inori blends the director’s signature ruminations on nature with a melancholic gaze into the lives of the local residents. Their numbers slowly dwindling due to old age or migration, these locals are nevertheless fascinating and at times boisterous personalities. Golden Leopard, Filmmaker of the Present, Locarno Film Festival.

Dir: Rodney Ascher USA 2012 104min

Stanley Kubrick’s esoteric The Shining has always been fodder for speculations and deconstructions. Who are the creepy twins? Or the man in a bear suit? Five cinephiles – a history professor, a performance artist, a TV reporter, a playwright, and a conspiracy theorist – give their at times illuminating, at times bizarre take on the horror classic in Rodney Ascher’s playfully inventive essay-docu. Through marvelous editing, the director visually demonstrates each of the theories suggested by his subjects. Ultimately, Room 237 reveals not Kubrick’s secrets, but the convincing power of personal obsession.

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

2013-HKIFF-BF-C-50to52&85to93-2C-OP.indd 89

真的假不了 Reality Bites

親愛的地球 Dear Earth...


13年2月8日 下午5:58



1/4(一)3:00 pm 香港藝術中心 AC

2/4(二)6:00 pm 香港藝術中心 AC

金門銀光夢 導演:魏時煜 2013 英語/粵語 107 分鐘 中文字幕

Filmmakers and Filmmaking 影人影事

李小龍未滿周歲便亮相銀幕的《金門女》,導演伍錦霞是 三藩市華僑,三、四十年代在香港和美國執導過九部粵 語片,不乏民族意識及女權色彩。既是第一位執導港片 的海外華人女導演,更是獨立特行、超越時代的奇女子, 畢生短髮男裝打扮,人皆以「霞哥」相稱,於紐約經營 的中餐館更成了傳奇地標。影片在資料蒐集與追訪親友 之餘,不忘拿同樣大志未竟的兩位同期的影壇先鋒作映 照,華裔荷里活女星黃柳霜及當時唯一的荷里活女導演 Dorothy Arzner,皆被時代遺忘多時,今日重獲肯定。

Golden Gate, Silver Light Dir: Louisa Wei 2013 English/Cantonese 107min

A visual monograph on Esther Eng, Chinese-American contemporary of Dorothy Arzner and herself a director of Cantonese films in San Francisco and Hong Kong. From a chance encounter with Eng’s photo albums, director Louisa Wei embarks on a long journey to learn about Eng: a woman ahead of her times, as romantic, patriot, feminist and restaurateur. Wei brings into play the times and politics of the 1930s and ‘40s with a host of colourful characters, including one Bruce Lee, to whom Eng gave his screen debut in Golden Gate Girl.

閃靈 237(p.89) Room 237 (p.89)



24/3(日)2:45 pm 香港太空館 SP

2/4(二)2:30 pm 香港科學館 SM

菲林衛士 P.K. 奈爾 導演:施雲德拉鄧加佩  印度  2012  164 分鐘

電影如蝴蝶,漂亮而短壽。千機萬變抓住美好固已難能 可貴,留住永恆之美,庶幾無憾。印度氣候潮熱,多虧 人稱「奈爾先生」的印度電影保育之父,無數瀕臨損毀 邊緣的珍貴作品,得以保存修復。由門票收藏家變身菲 林衛士,不避跋涉直入窮鄉挽救煙沒的電影,奈爾走過 的路可有十萬八千里?看着舊片重溫、各式製作公司商 標的片頭蒙太奇,印度電影史彷彿就在經他保留的影框 之間無言揭示。遑論波蘭大師贊祿西、斯里蘭卡國寶培 里斯等錦上添花的訪談,直構一場知性大豐收。

Celluloid Man Dir: Shivendra Singh Dungarpur  India  2012  164min

導演/演員將出席與觀眾見面 This screening will be attended by the director and/or actors 90

Henri Langlois, the French film preservation pioneer, had it easy compared to P. K. Nair. Nair, the founder of the National Film Archive of India, has been instrumental in salvaging his country’s cinematic heritage, from early silent films to regional cinema to even popular Hindi movies. He has also been a teacher to a host of filmmakers, including this documentary’s director. Heartfelt and illuminating, this is a celebration of cinema and a man who spends his life safeguarding film for future generations.

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

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13年2月8日 下午5:48






18/3(一)7:45 pm 香港科學館 SM

28/3(四)5:00 pm 香港藝術中心 AC

19/3(二)7:15 pm UA太古城 UC

22/3(五)3:00 pm UA太古城 UC

31/3(日)3:15 pm 香港藝術中心 AC




導演:法蘭西斯高柏提諾 意大利 2012 52 分鐘

導演:蘇菲芬妮絲 英國/愛爾蘭 2012 134 分鐘

導演:Emiko Omori 美國 2012 72 分鐘

電影幕後,總多故事。《火山邊緣之戀》( 見 86 頁 ) 未拍 好,已爆發火山邊緣激戰。意大利萬人迷夢茵儀,知道 愛郎羅塞里尼跟英格烈褒曼在火山譜戀曲,馬上找導演 在毗鄰火山給她開戲。兩個荒蕪火山島,頓時聞名全世 界,小報瘋狂追訪。恩怨情仇所有戲劇元素齊備,更有 間諜到鄰島刺探軍情、褒曼的凸肚、褒曼的丈夫更殺到。 兩戲場景交疊三主角剖白心聲,刺激得如現場觀戰。同 場放映《迪奧利菲拉 101》(20 分鐘),直擊 101 歲全球 最老大師拍攝現場,並輔以大師親述電影觀。

神級學術明星齊澤克又來了,《變態者電影指南》 (31 屆) 一部講馬爾卡的電影,很難拍,法國新浪潮最神秘的大 第二炮,一部結合電影史和馬克思辯證法的瘋狂大腦動 師,真人從不露相,低調得叫人咋舌,更何況他早早聲明: 作片,這次更開正齊澤克戲路。「我們總在吞食意識形態 我不會亮相的。曾當馬爾卡攝影的 Omori,在大師逝世 垃圾」,神通廣大的超級影癡,《大白鯊》數到《的士司 後才讓影片曝光,是有理由的。這封情信,還是該拍, 機》,竟然搬出納粹宣傳片以至可樂廣告等連結來。《鐵 朋友、同行、影評人,更有大粉絲,都熱情的盡訴和天 達尼號》的愛情打破階級藩籬?你別做夢!貝多芬的〈快 才靈光閃爍的邂逅:他怎麼迷希治閣,他和愛貓紀龍怎 樂頌〉悠揚和平與愛?再看一遍《發條橙》吧!句句精 麼神秘相通,他怎的獨具異稟。傳奇愈說愈傳奇。想起 闢驚異,他如常走進電影場景冷面指點,依然超級搞笑, 《堤》的先機洞悉,看得人腦袋驚爆,它的作者莫非真來 變態的邂逅會令你一世難忘。 自外太空?同場放映馬爾卡的代表作《堤》(28 分鐘)。

The War of the Volcanoes

The Pervert’s Guide to Ideology

To Chris Marker, An Unsent Letter

The volcanic Aeolian Islands once erupted in scandal due to the arrival of two competing film shoots: Roberto Rossellini’s Stromboli and William Dieterle’s Volcano. Why? Rossellini originally wrote Stromboli for his thenlover Anna Magnani but eventually gave the role to Ingrid Bergman. Furious, Magnani quickly attached herself to a rival production to be shot in the same locales. The gossips grew even more fervent as Rossellini and Bergman developed a relationship while on set. Screening with 101 (20 min), a short film about Manoel de Oliveira’s The Strange Case of Angelica.

Dir: Sophie Fiennes  UK / Ireland  2012  134min

Dir: Emiko Omori USA 2012 72min

Revered infamous superstar philosopher Slavoj Zizek reteams with director Sophie Fiennes to give us another dose of his wicked, amusing and revelatory rants about cinema, philosophy and politics in this sequel to 31st HKIFF’s The Pervert’s Guide to Cinema. This time, Zizek not only gets to postulate on classics such as Jaws, Titanic and Brazil but also manages to insert himself physically into recreations of movies like Taxi Driver and The Sound of Music. Like its prequel, this highly amusing and finely edited documentary is sure to be another cinephile favorite.

The late Chris Marker’s own life echoes the complexities of his films, from his mysterious birthdate to his avoidance of photos. Here, California filmmaker Emiko Omori – fan, student and even collaborator of Marker in the 1980s – assembles fragments of the filmmakers’ life, coupled with interviews with those whom he influenced. A rich work in itself, Omori’s love essay, intertwined with tantalizing revelations about Marker’s cinematic and political philosophy, provides the perfect complement to the rich and complex work of the master. Screening with Chris Marker’s La Jetée (28min).




26/3(二)7:30 pm UA太古城 UC

2/4(二)5:45 pm 香港科學館 SM

25/3(一)12:30 pm 31/3(日)9:00 pm 香港科學館 SM 香港藝術中心 AC




26/3(二)5:30 pm UA太古城 UC

1/4(一)3:30 pm 香港科學館 SM




導演:羅倫布西路 英國 2011 94 分鐘 中文字幕

導演:湯當拿曉 美國 2012 89 分鐘

導演:麗絲嘉寶絲 美國 2012 104 分鐘 中文字幕

荷里活獨門一課。片頭職銜只有「選角指導」沒有設奧 斯卡獎,要不要?看罷本片才討論。70 年代片廠制度半 瓦解讓路給獨立製片,選角工作再不是翻翻雜誌查查合 約的例牌菜配搭。曾拍百年電影紀錄片其中《反英雄》 一輯的當拿曉,這次再探無名英雄,瑪莉安杜嘉蒂可說 是一個女人成全一個當代伯樂革命,新荷里活的人像風 景她暗中繪畫。由阿爾柏仙奴、羅拔烈褔、德斯汀荷夫 曼、真赫曼、格蓮高絲、波姬小絲,到馬田史高西斯、 奇連伊士活,齊來說杜嘉蒂之慧眼。

她不信有真愛,卻苦苦去追求;她事業已巔峰,卻重新 學演戲;她仰藥,因為不再得到可靠丈夫的信任。瑪莉 蓮夢露,一個傳奇,死後五十年依然是第一性感女神, 銀幕上依然發光,但偶像其人,是個謎。一部拆解夢露 的里程碑作品,烏瑪花曼、格蓮高絲等女星,輪流讀着 夢露最新出土的詩、日記和書信,驚現一個有血有肉的 現代女性,她的勇氣、她的前衛(尤其性慾)、她的恐懼、 她的能量,竟跟偶像的想像相距很遠,她不是花瓶,性 感尤物的製造者,從來不缺她自己。

Roman Polanski: A Film Memoir

Casting By

Love, Marilyn

Dir: Laurent Bouzereau UK 2011 94min

Dir: Tom Donahue USA 2012 89min

Dir: Liz Garbus USA 2012 104min

Marina Zenovich’s 2008 docu Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired caused a ruckus and brought the famed director’s unresolved sexual abuse case back to the fore. Laurent Bouzereau’s film, however, lets the man speak for himself, with a lengthy and comprehensive interview between Polanski and his producing partner Andrew Braunsber. From his childhood experiences in Nazi-occupied Poland, and his mother’s subsequent death in Auschwitz, to his pregnant wife’s murder by the Charles Manson cult, Polanski’s life has been fraught with tragedy – experiences that are reflected in his cinema.

Do you know who first discovered the movie stars that we now know and love? It is the casting director, whose role is crucial to a film yet is woefully underappreciated and is frequently overlooked. This lively, enlightening documentary looks at the life of the late Marion Dougherty, whose pioneering work helped to launch the careers of Dustin Hoffman, Paul Newman and Robert Redford, among others. With interviewees such as Clint Eastwood, Woody Allen and Martin Scorsese acting as testimonials to the importance of casting, this is essential material for anyone interested in filmmaking.

The recent Oscar-nominated My Week with Marilyn shows how the Marilyn Monroe mystique still fascinates to this day. Called “a respectful love letter to Monroe, presented here as a sexpot, feminist and Tennessee Williams heroine come to life” by The New York Times, this documentary from Liz Garbus showcases the actress’ personal life by having Oscar-nominated respected actors such as Glenn Close, Uma Thurman and Ellen Burstyn read her personal papers, diaries and letters. The outcome is an intimate and deeply human portrait of Monroe that goes beyond her larger-than-life persona.

波蘭斯基本身是一部小說。本片最可貴的,是他在軟禁 瑞士約一年間,充份跟好友合作做了這冗長訪問,有生 以來頭一次,波蘭斯基讓他的悲劇、傳聞、官司,有一 個親身說法。也動人的,是他哽咽講住在波蘭猶太人貧 民窟的童年、幼年雙亡的父母和姐姐,更沒想到他坦白 交代身懷六甲的妻子莎朗蒂被謀殺這段悲痛的往事,當 然還有那場令他流亡數十年的戀童官司。《魔鬼怪嬰》、 《黛絲姑娘》、《鋼琴戰曲》適時跑進畫面,藝術創作與 個人經歷,在大師腦海的化學作用就是不一樣。

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

2013-HKIFF-BF-D-94to101-2C-OP.indd 91

影人影事 Filmmakers and Filmmaking

基斯馬爾卡回顧展 (p.80) Chris Marker Retrospective (p.80)


13年2月8日 下午5:48

James Broughton

100 Years of happiness 占士布諾頓 百載風流



23/3(六)5:30 pm 香港太空館 SP

25/3(一)9:30 pm 香港科學館 SM



下午四點鐘 Four in the Afternoon

四、五十年代的美國三藩市出現文藝復興,文學界垮掉的一代 和黑山派詩人領軍在最前,文化藝術界也湧現新潮。占士布諾 頓既寫詩,又拍攝實驗電影,跨界創作,自然倍受注視。五十 年代遠赴歐洲,在英國拍了名作《歡愉花園》,在康城影展獲 獎。六十年代是身體大解放的開放歲月,占士布諾頓的另一名 作《床》,拍攝男女裸體,歌頌自由奔放的肉體歡愉,自此多 部佳作如《黃金姿勢》和《夢幻森林》,都充滿對人性的歌頌, 也追尋神聖的意義。八十年代他再展開旅程,繼續拍攝思考生 與死的作品。占士布諾頓深受容格的心理學說影響,作品離不 開性愛、身體、精神等主題,充滿詩意與幻想,同時不乏幽默感,無疑是美國實驗電影 界的一位巨匠,今年恰逢他的百歲冥壽,回顧他的作品就是最好的紀念。

Often referred to as the father of West Coast experimental filmmaking, California native James Broughton was a significant cinema voice in the 1950s and right up to his death in 1999. A poet and writer that proudly practised the ideal to “Follow your own weird,” Broughton’s life was as unconventional as his films. A partner at one time to prominent film critic Pauline Kael, he married artist Susanna Hart and had two children but spent the last 25 years of his life with cameraman and collaborator Joel Singer, decades his junior. Broughton’s early films, made between the mid-1940s and the mid-’50s, were his most traditional. Following a brief hiatus, he blossomed in the 1960s and burst onto the scene with The Bed. True to his attitude, Broughton’s later shorts are laced with humour not often found in avant-garde filmmaking of the time, and his poetry features prominently in many. His most innovative works showcased his fascination with the male body, culminating in 1979’s confrontational Hermes Bird, an 11-minute examination of an erection. The pleasure of all bodies, the power of nature and a pure, unguarded adoration of humanity.

黃金姿勢 The Golden Positions

24/3(日)12:40 pm 27/3(三)7:15 pm 香港太空館 SP 香港藝術中心 AC

The avant garde 前衛眼

導演/演員將出席與觀眾見面 This screening will be attended by the director and/or actors 92



25/3(一)7:30 pm 香港科學館 SM

27/3(三)9:15 pm 香港藝術中心 AC

《占士布諾頓的大快活旅程》導演史提芬施拿將於放映 前後為觀眾講解及回答問題。 Stephen Silha, director of BIG JOY, will be present to talk about Broughton's works and answer questions from the audience.

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

2013-HKIFF-BF-D-94to101-2C-OP.indd 92

13年2月8日 下午5:48


前衛眼 The Avant Garde 18IS3M2D

《下午四點鐘》(15 分鐘)由布諾頓自己的詩作改編而成,以詩意手法拍 攝四個憧憬愛情的人。《歡愉花園》(38 分鐘)是布諾頓早期名作,在倫 敦的水晶宮內拍攝,活脫脫是慾望的頌歌,將詩意與喜劇感混而為一, 當年在康城影展受到肯定。實驗電影大師布力奇治推許《床》(19 分鐘) 為布諾頓的大師級作品,生命與生活、性愛與死亡都圍繞着平凡又日常、 神奇又神聖的床。《就是如此》(9 分鐘)是生命的神話,給小孩子的一 首美麗詩章。《咕咕俳句》 (3 分鐘)在一泓池水裏看世界,旁白都是詩, 就讓電影為自己總結陳詞吧。共 84 分鐘。

James Broughton Programme I The earliest and most defining of Broughton’s films are collected in this programme. In the director’s most conventional — within the avant-garde framework — early shorts, Four in the Afternoon (1951) sets a series of poems to a image, and The Pleasure Garden (1953) is a celebration of desire and expression and a dissection of rigid morality. The Bed (1968) is Broughton’s landmark film, a rollicking, ultimately unifying picaresque film where diverse people find different uses for a bed in the woods, and the duo of This Is It (1971) and High Kukus (1974) argue that life is about acceptance and universality. Total: 85min.

18/3(一)3:00 pm UA iSQUARE IS


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經典 修復

20IS3E2 20/3(三)10:00 pm UA iSQUARE IS

極限 導演:馬里奧皮索托 巴西 1931 128 分鐘

碩果僅修,50 年代全世界曾經只有一個孤殘本,如今被巴西電影界視為國寶級作品。遺世獨 立的小說家/詩人馬利奧皮索托這兩女一男的奇幻漂流,是他唯一的電影創作。當年提着攝影 機,走到海邊小村莊,憑藉文字人秉性,時而專注敘事,時而隨心飛翔,從大海孤舟上,反射 到陸上情感瓜連。在薩提、普羅哥菲夫、德布西等懾人配樂下,流麗的電影語言再添無窮語意。 皮索托冒充愛森斯坦寫了一篇聰慧讚美,為影史美談之餘,又是由衷的美學相認。

Limite Dir: Mario Peixoto  Brazil  1931  128min  Cast: Olga Breno, Taciana Rey, Raul Schnoor

Mario Peixoto wrote, produced, directed and edited his one and only film Limite when he was just 21 years old. For decades, it was rarely seen and became the stuff of cinephilic legend until it was re-discovered in the ‘70s and ‘80s. The quasi-story of three people adrift on a boat may be simple, but Peixoto’s boundless imagination and lyricism proves to be a rare avant-garde vision from the southern hemisphere. With the help of director Walter Salles, the World Cinema Foundation has newly restored this landmark of Brazilian cinema.

占士布諾頓選輯(二):神聖的肉身 19/3(二)9:45pm UA iSQUARE IS



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了 假不 真的

23/3(六)12:30pm UA iSQUARE IS

都充滿生命的喜悅與澎湃活力。共 85 分鐘。

James Broughton Programme II Broughton’s mid-period continued with the poetic The Golden Positions (1970), a sepia-toned paean to the human body and the way it moves that is the logical continuation of The Bed, and in Dreamwood (1972), where a young man is whisked away from his industrial wasteland home to a mythic island on a journey to self with the aid of a goddess that may already be with him. The programme finishes with one of Broughton’s last films, The Gardener of Eden (1981), shot in Sri Lanka, which explores mankind’s connection to nature set to a discordant soundtrack by Antarjyami Muni. Total: 84min.

海中獸 導演:L. 泰來、V. 柏麗芙  法國/英國/美國  2012 87 分鐘

電影史史無前例,風格大膽,視覺震撼之作。小說裏無比敵出沒的新英格蘭海域,一艘巨無霸 漁船踏上狂風巨浪,微型影機勾留船上每個角落,以匪夷所思的鏡頭角度,把高度工業化的捕 魚過程,參與人等,包括可憐游魚全部攝進來。沒有對白,卻有變幻水聲、文學靈光和黑色幽 默。片名來自聖經的巨獸,以及 Hobbes 的哲思:一切源於官感。無數血魚頭滑過的大特寫, 載沉載浮的影機攝下鬼魅般群湧的海鷗,恐怖感更勝希治閣。後果不吃魚也甘心的一部 mustsee。獲丹麥紀錄片節新視野獎。

Leviathan Dir: Lucien Castaing-Taylor, Verena Paravel  France  2012  87min


Like Moby Dick, Leviathan is an epic struggle between man and nature. But here, the battles do not rely on narrative or dialogue – it happens via ferocious, gorgeous widescreen that blurs the line between docudrama and experimental fiction. Dozens of cameras capture rugged, brawny men at sea weathering the tempestuous waters to hunt for their motherload: streams of gooey, flapping fish. “A symphony of murky, grainy, jittery images and clanking, whirring, droning sounds, this is an abstract audio-visual experience” – The Hollywood Reporter.

前衛眼 The Avant Garde


《黃金姿勢》(32 分鐘)給予肉身宗教和神聖的意義,不論人在站立、 坐下、躺睡,都應該用心歌頌,各種活動都是由肉身出發,布諾頓帶我 們一一仔細注視,儼如看雕塑作品。《夢幻森林》(45 分鐘)是一首現 代的神話史詩,如夢似幻,抹去工業文明的假象,男子要尋找永恆的夢 中女神,於是開展奧德賽式的長途旅程,路漫漫而修遠兮,上窮碧落下 黃泉,遇見各種奇人奇事,諸多嘗試和誘惑,一切都是傳奇。《伊甸園 丁》 (8 分鐘)是 80 年代的晚年作品,在斯里蘭卡攝製,不論人物與植物,

導演:史提芬施拿,艾力斯理德  加拿大  2013  82 分鐘

占士布諾頓腳踏兩邊,從 50 年代至 70 年代,拍了多部前衛電影,探索 身體、性愛與夢境,另一方面,他也是詩人,三藩市文藝復興的推手之 一。一切事緣他三歲時遇到天使,說他是詩人,可以成為大快活的有用 代言人,之後他透過電影讓夢境成真,過波希米亞式的地下生活,相信 人人皆可狂喜入迷。紀錄片由 40 年代的三藩市文藝復興和 50 年代垮掉 的一代說起,有時代展現,有人物生平,文化人、藝術家、舞者、詩人 跨界踫撞,活現了充滿創意刺激的理想解放年代,主角占士布諾頓就在 其中。

30SP3M3 30/3(六)5:30pm 香港太空館 SP


t h Sexte Swedis 重奏 六 瑞典

1/4(一)1:00pm 香港太空館 SP

BIG JOY: The Adventures of James Broughton


Dir: Stephen Silha, Eric Slade  Canada  2013  82min

導演:沃夫岡列文 瑞典/德國 2012 61 分鐘 (放映期間有閃爍效果)

Big Joy is a long overdue chronicle of the groundbreaking pansexual artist’s unconventional life and gleefully bizarre art. He was a pre-Beatera poet who was already at the center of San Francisco’s flourishing post-World War II arts scene. After his escape to Europe during the oppressive McCarthy era, he began his most productive period with seminal films such as The Bed (1968). Aside from Broughton‘s oeuvre, Big Joy is also a love story – from his marriage to artist Suzanna Hart, and his daughter with critic Pauline Kael, to meeting his soul mate, a young man named Joel Singer, at age 61. A fascinating man during fascinating times.

不是昆蟲與動物學圖鑑,而是嘆為觀止的形式與色彩實驗,德國導演列文用了大量 16mm 菲林 影像,由導演拍攝的材料,與科學生物片的影像互相拼貼,當中沒有聲音,但有節奏,沒有文 字,但有豐富的內涵,以重複、閃爍、快速剪接、色彩對比等元素,引發視覺刺激,深得 60 年 代結構電影的神髓。導演透過紛繁複雜的動物世界,眼前略過牠們靜止、活動、飛翔、遷徙、 交配、覓食、傷害、獵獲的千姿百態,引人反思生命的循環反復,一切不外乎生命、性交、死亡。

Dragonflies with Birds and Snake Dir: Wolfgang Lehmann  Sweden/Germany  2012  61min  (Strobe light effects during screening)

It appears on the surface like a hyper-stylised nature documentary, but Wolfgang Lehmann’s Dragonflies with Birds and Snake is, in reality, a meditation on life and death inside a space we often don’t enter. A visual film in the purest sense of the word, the images are a combination of science films and Lehmann’s own footage, edited into a repetitive tapestry that enhances the idea of the cyclical nature of the world, while degraded images that reveal the physical signs of age lend proof of the passage of time.

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

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13年2月14日 下午2:01

前衛眼 The Avant Garde



26/3(二)9:30 pm 香港藝術中心 AC

29/3(五)12:30 pm 香港藝術中心 AC

實驗森林 Foret D’experimentation

前衛短片選輯(一) 路易斯卡拉的《雨之雙韻》(美國)不單有拿手的剪紙動 畫,更有動聽音樂配合,尋索浪漫愛情感覺,有所重現, 也有所失落。《聖域 21》(印度)利用電視影像進行低保 真拼貼,神聖世界也變得庸俗濫調。《勘察》(奧地利) 用測繪學的鏡像目光看加州一條棄用的大壩,猶如文明 的廢墟。《實驗森林》(奧地利)從沒有人跡的自然地景 開展,再走入人的內心世界,誘發原始的恐懼。《請勿打 擾》(奧地利)的二元對立:快速變化的外在世界,和因 感知過度而變得冰冷僵化的個體自我。共 61 分鐘。

前衛眼 The Avant Garde

Avant Garde Programme I


The first two cut-out animations in Lewis Klahr’s new The Rain Couplets: Kiss the Rain & The Street of Everlasting Rain track the ebb and flow of romantic love and its collapse, set to a typically evocative pop soundtrack; the dazzling, dystopian chromakey of Shambhavi Kaul’s 21 Chitrakoot examines the point where nostalgia morphs into sadness; Johann Lurf examines movement in context and concrete perception while exploring the famed, derelict Morris Reservoir in Reconaissance; the divide between nature and external meaning is given the room to express its own meaning in Michaela Grill’s Foret D’experimentation; and in a single shot, Paul Wenninger’s Trespass reverses our relationship to time and space. Total: 61min



22/3(五)6:00 pm 香港太空館 SP

29/3(五)10:30 am 香港太空館 SP

瘋殺遊戲玩得起 Funny Games Ghost

前衛短片選輯(二) 《細微身》(印度)用緩緩的鏡頭加上畫外旁白,懷緬昔 日的印度獨立電影工業。《生命的閘口》(芬蘭)的扭曲 影像,帶來動作與事件、時間與空間的奇異感覺。《力矩》 (奧地利)只用單一推軌鏡頭拍攝火車軌,足以製造形式 的實驗。《工人(再次)離開工廠》(奧地利)回應歷史 上第一部電影作品,燈光、影機運動、空間感等元素的 後設再思。《陽光燦爛的下午》(奧地利)製作歷時二十 年,創作人也想像二十年後的自己。《瘋殺遊戲玩得起》 (奧地利)疊置漢尼卡名作的兩個版本。《林木》(美國) 是視點鏡頭幾何角度的探討。共 64 分鐘。



30/3(六)6:00 pm 香港藝術中心 AC

2/4(二)12:30 pm 香港藝術中心 AC

華麗皮囊 The Capsule

前衛短片選輯(三) 《華麗皮囊》(希臘):當情色大師巴塔耶遇上布紐爾, 置 入《 簡 愛 》 的 時 空, 視 覺 的 盛 宴 直 穿 越「 酷 」 之 為 「酷」。一場時尚、視覺藝術與電影的對話;包括前衛時 裝設計師 Ying Gao 作品在內的高檔品牌,在雅典娜曾嘉 莉(《性教育奇觀》,35 屆)的鏡下,活像一件件穿上身 的雕塑。《面踫面》及《身碰身》(意大利):物體與菲 林之間,動靜互轉的迷人之舞,合「譜」出攝影大師保 羅治奧利(31 屆焦點導演)的垂直電影詩篇。班利華士 的《空屋魅影》(英國):人去樓空,浪子影痕卻無處不 在,空間成了博物館和神壇之間的歷史名利場。共 60 分 鐘。

Avant Garde Programme II Katharina Gruzei’s Die ArbeiterInnen verlassen die Fabrik uses the departure from a factor y to ask questions about female labour; in Funny Games Ghost Karin Hammer and Stefan Hafner marry two versions of Haneke’s films to create a new prison; Hannes Vartianinen and Pekka Veikkolainen’s silent Gates of Life reveals the everyday hidden; in Suuoua Goel and Shai Hercelia’s I Am Micro, a crew struggles to complete a low budget film; The Plant by Mary Helena Clark experiments with point of view; Thomas Renoldner’s hybrid Sunny Af ternoon challenges the conventions of music video and avant-garde experimentation; and in Torque Björn Kämmerer uses a single shot to explore the relationship between movement, geometry and representation. Total: 64min

Avant Garde Programme III Co m m is s i o n e d by t h e D E S T E F o un d at i o n fo r Contemporary Art Attenberg (35th HKIFF) director, Athina Rachel Tsangari’s The Capsule may look like a fashion show at first glance, but it is actually an abstract, radical, gothic Greek commentary on identity and female sexuality. Fluid and expressionistic, Tsangari transcends experimentalism and dips into fine art. In Ben Rivers’ Phantoms of a Libertine, a mysterious portrait of a long lost friend is constructed using photographs and objects that have been left behind, and in doing so questions how history is created. And Paolo Gioli re-envisions the face as a mysterious landscape and the sex act as a type of dance in When Faces Touch and When Bodies Touch. Total: 60min

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

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13年2月8日 下午5:48

D2501_New Monday.pdf 1 1/26/13 12:55 AM

29CT3E2 29/3(五)9:00pm 香港大會堂 CT


Kinoshita Keisuke Four hidden gems

日本  1944 73 分鐘  演員:上原謙、水戶光子

猶如現場版的《歲月神偷》。大戰時期拍下的國策映畫, 當時的新銳木下惠介卻絲毫沒囿於框框,猶如命運交叉 又自由又潮的長鏡頭,把小街左鄰右里的人情拍得躍然 銀幕上。東京在受轟炸的陰霾中,長居小街的居民被迫 遷到鄉間,湯屋的老闆誓言死守家業,女兒女婿都着急 得不得了;印刷店店主莊嚴地,告別了老朋友一樣的印 刷機;刺繡店老闆娘深恐匆匆遷離,浪蕩的丈夫不懂回 家。年輕小子投軍當飛機師,不因愛國只為掙錢,木下 的心,始終靠在小市民的一邊。

木下惠介的 四顆遺珠

Jubilation Street (Kanko no Machi) Japan 1944 73 min Cast: Uehara Ken, Mito Mitsuko, Tono Eijiro

As the war takes a turn for the worse, the residents of this average small town are encouraged to evacuate to the countryside. But several families realize they cannot leave, and so they fight to stay on despite the risks and sacrifice. Though commissioned as a piece of wartime propaganda by the government, Kinoshita looks unflinchingly at the suffering endured by civilians on the homefront. The titular Jubilation Street is hardly full of joy, but rather the darkness that ordinary Japanese faced throughout the war.

木下惠介 (1912 - 1998) 為紀念木下惠介百年冥壽,日本去年為他推 出數部新配英文字幕的作品,都是香港從未 放映過的遺珠,第廿九屆電影節舉辦過木下 回顧展,這次正好補遺,以饗影癡。 木下惠介自小立志拍電影,初入松竹時,只 是個攝影助手,後得大導島津保次郎賞識, 擢升助導,1943 年執導了第一作《熱鬧的 港口》。木下的特質是創新,不論演法還是攝技,他都一直實驗,想打破框框, 即興演出、紀錄片拍法、推軌鏡、傾斜角度,都給他用得卓然成家,而且,他 的作品藝術和商業成就都不凡,1951 年拍出日本首部特藝七彩電影《卡門還 鄉》,1954 年的《二十四隻眼睛》獲獎纍纍,把他的事業推上高峰。木下一生 拍了四十九作,千變萬化,堪稱全才。

30CT3E2 30/3(六)9:00pm 香港大會堂 CT

Born in 1912 to a family of grocers in Shizuoka Prefecture, Kinoshita Keisuke always knew he was destined to become a filmmaker. At the age of 8, he was a movie fan, and as a teenager he ran away to Kyoto in pursuit of film work, only to be coaxed back home by his grandfather. After training as a photographer, he was finally accepted as an apprentice at Shochiku Studios and honed his craft as assistant director to Shimazu Yasujiro. He made his directorial debut in 1943 and quickly became one of the most acclaimed and beloved filmmakers of Japanese cinema. A prolific auteur, his oeuvre ranges from early wartime melodramas to upbeat comedies (including Carman Comes Home, Japan’s first color feature) and Kabuki-inflected legends (The Ballad of Narayama). But no matter the genre, Kinoshita’s focus on everyday humanity prevails – whether considering the homefront sacrifices made by ordinary Japanese during and after – World War II or the eternal struggle between personal desire and duty to society. As we celebrate what would have been his 100th birthday, Kinoshita’s remarkable filmic legacy is a gift to us all.

婚約指環 日本  1950  96 分鐘  演員:田中絹代、三船敏郎

少見又誘人的田中絹代和三船敏郎,粉絲們要來看啊! 一剛一柔的對比已經很好看,更離奇是,剛的是女,柔 的是男,而橫陳的肉體、慾望的對象,竟是三船敏郎這 個猛男!銀座珠寶店老闆娘每周到鄉下陪伴養病的丈夫, 這天上門的出診醫生是個新來的,她份外覺得親切。兩 人的命運相遇在片首,木下行雲流水的推軌鏡,讓兩個 撞鹿的心都沒有回路走,女的急步、男的衣裳或無衣裳, 甚至白鞋、婚戒等統統都是戀戀的對象。木下最好看的 行者鏡頭此中尋。

Engagement Ring (Konyaku Yubiwa ) Japan 1950 96min Cast: Tanaka Kinuyo, Mifune Toshiro, Uno Jukichi, Susukida Kenji

Supported by



It’s a classic tale of boy meets girl, boy marries girl, boy falls ill, and girl falls in love with boy’s doctor. Noriko is a devoted wife, helping her husband run his Ginza jewelry store when he is recovering from illness and seeking the best doctors to aid his convalescence. She didn’t expect to meet the passionate Dr. Ema Takeshi, however, and now she must face her feelings. Exquisitely shot by Kinoshita’s frequent cinematographer, this romantic drama features two of Japan’s greatest actors navigating an emotional minefield.

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

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13年2月8日 下午5:48

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31CT3E2 31/3(日)9:00pm 香港大會堂 CT

黃昏的雲 日本 1956 78 分鐘  演員:田中晉二、望月優子、久我美子

生命是一場單打獨鬥,勝負只在於放下。魚檔姐弟對於 魚腥的出身,雖然無得揀,但執意割裂的姐姐,變成最 街知巷聞的愛錢的女人,憨直的弟弟頑抗壓在頭上的父 業擔子,只能眼巴巴看着天天換男友花枝招展的姐姐, 直至父親亡故……少年夢原是泡沫。反轉陳套,少年道 來故事,木下流露的詩意都不經意。久我美子扮演的美 麗姐姐儘管貪財搞笑,到頭來可能是最勇敢的。望月優 子演的母親賣魚帶孩子做家務忙得苦,可心腸卻如慈悲 的佛。木下的鄰家角色貌不驚人,小處都能知心。

Farewell to Dream (Yuyake Gumo) Japan 1956 78 min Cast: Tanaka Shinji, Kuga Yoshiko, Mochizuki Yuko Through the eyes of a single smalltown family and their eldest son, Kinoshita explores the tension between desire and duty. Teenage Yoichi dreams of becoming a sailor and traveling the world, but is stuck on land in his family’s fish shop. Meanwhile his sister seeks a rich husband as a means of escape, but her suitor is not quite what she bargained for. With beautiful realist cinematography and subtle performances from the young actors, we experience Yoichi’s journey from boy to man, and the necessary sacrifices of any coming of age.

01CT4E2 1/4(一)9:00pm 香港大會堂 CT

死鬥的傳說 日本  1963  83 分鐘  演員:岩下志麻、加賀麻里子、加藤剛、田中絹代

木下惠介的頂峰作《日本的悲劇》大家熟知,較少曝光 的《死鬥》原來有更普世的宏大隱喻,批判力度更深入 骨髓,木下對史詩式題材的駕馭在這裏更渾成。戰火蹂 躪東京,避居鄉間的女孩因拒絕嫁入村上的名門,全家 給村民排擠,令原本城鄉居民對立的劣境更加熾烈,原 本老實純良的村民,誤信以訛傳訛,結果憎恨愈滾愈大, 漸都變成一匹匹擇人而噬的狼。廝鬥後的沉默,把日本 的悲劇甚至民族性都說到血肉裏去,畫面交代日本兩日 後投降,木下幫理不幫親。

A Legend or Was It?

(Shito no Densetsu) Japan 1963 83min Cast: Mouri Kikue, Tanaka Kinuyo, Kato Go, Iwashima Shima

Near the end of the war, the Sonobe family escapes a firebombed Tokyo and takes refuge in a small Hokkaido mountain town. Their daughter Kieko is set to marry Goichi, son of the village head, but after he’s exposed for his recent battlefield war crimes in Manchuria, the engagement is cancelled. This sets off a chain reaction of violence and revenge throughout the entire community, mirroring the war itself. Kinoshita crafts a dark “Western” in an unlikely location, with a tension to rival the best of John Ford. AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

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13年2月14日 下午2:04

附加節目 Associate Programme

18SM3M2D 18/3(一)3:00pm 香港科學館 SM


joint universities programme


《森林裏的人》(何爵天)紀錄了一次拯救紅毛猩猩的過 程,揭示人類對自然的破壞及保育行動的重重困難。《叁 去壹》(何頌勤):「叁去壹點心粉麵飯」是西環區的舊 式點心店,影片呈現這點心店的一天。《陳美鳳》(嚴尚 民): 陌生的青年向村內唐樓頂層大喊了幾聲「陳美鳳!」 後,大環村街坊都陸續加入,一時蔚成大觀,到底是為了 甚麼?《像我這樣的一個女子》(萬芫澄):女遺體化妝 師向男朋友掩飾自己熱情及職業。因為難捨難離,才無法 細訴真相,他會明白嗎?《別讓球賽結束》(吳雋) 道出 大頭兩父子兩代微妙的隔閡與感情。共 98 分鐘。

Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Selection Men in the Forest (Ho Cheuk-tin) follows Krizena on his mission to save an orangutan in a destroying forest. Sam Hui Yat (Ho Chung-ken) is a documentary capturing the lives within an old-fashioned Chinese Dim-Sum restaurant. In The Boy Who Shouted Teresa, director Yim Sheung-man reflects on “What’s all that yelling around this city about?” Such A Girl Like Me (Man Uen-ching) Out of fear, Yin chooses to be a liar to cover up her job as a mortician. I Hope This Match Never Ends (Ng Chun) tells the story of father and son. Total: 98min.

22SM3M3D 22/3(五)5:15pm 香港科學館 SM


賽馬會電影學堂大專學生作品展為香港大學生獨一無二的平台,讓他 們作品得以衝出校園,給國際電影節的觀眾欣賞。 五場放映皆免費入場。

JCCA’s Joint Universities Programme is a unique platform for student films from Hong Kong’s universities to be shown beyond their academic settings, and to the audiences at the annual HKIFF. All five screenings are admission free to the public.

導演/演員將出席與觀眾見面 This screening will be attended by the director and/or actors


《感覺更好》(陳志發/蕭永熹):2018 至 2020 年期間 中國政府挑選出何武成為登陸火星的宇航員,何武不負眾 望,在火星上插上五星國旗。此時一個關乎民族存亡的任 務隨即展開。《冬去》(李雨珊):十二歲的楊東和暖暖 是學習京劇的小學員,暖暖的小姨來學校探望,給這兩小 無猜牽起複雜的情緒。《號外》(王德健): 派免費報紙 的南亞人阿寶,相信自己是世界上最可憐的人,一次失去 工作,使阿寶生無可戀。重獲新生,發現人間還有暖,阿 寶想到一個可以令到全世界開心的計劃。共 80 分鐘。

Hong Kong Baptist University Selection Feeling Better (Stevefat/Siuben): Ho Wu is chosen as the astronaut for the Mars landing mission by the Chinese government. With the whole nation watching, little did he know a mission which heavily relates to the survival of the nation has just started. Dong (Li Yushan): The life of two promising 12-year-old Beijing opera students, Dong and Nuannuan, was disrupted by the arrival of Nuannuan’s auntie. Name it affection, love. Give Happiness a Chance (Keane T.K Wong) is a story of an Indian teenage through his journey from desperation to hope. Total: 80min.

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

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13年2月8日 下午5:48




22/3(五)3:00pm 香港科學館 SM

19/3(二)5:00pm 香港科學館 SM

19/3(二)2:45pm 香港科學館 SM

香港城市大學學生作品選 香港城市大學創意媒體學院,電影藝術系三年級學生短 片,作品包括:《分岔口》(關穎恩)、《陌生來電》(譚 玉娟)、《緣近》 (徐穎妍)、《寶媽》 (林泳汶)、《調夜》 (岑子業)、《爭廁所》(張敏嘉)、《苑苑》( 張詠琛 )、 《她她》 (葉子)、《愛慾》 (徐淑賢)、《男人的浪費》 (黃 君杰)、《在路上的二三事》 (謝翠芹)、《我不要的是…》 (陳火)。共 90 分鐘。

City University of Hong Kong Selection Cinematic Arts, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, presents: Discrepancy (Kwan Wing-yan), Unknown Call (Tam Yuk-kuen), Getting Closer (Chui Wing Yin), Boma (Lam Wing-man), One Night (Sham Tsz-yip), Toilet Fight (Cheung Man-ka), Yuen Yuen (Cheung Wing-sum), Double (Ye Zi), Passion (Tsui Shukyin), Michelle. (Wong Kwan-kit), 2 or 3 Things on the Road (Tse Chui-kan), My Lost (Chen Fire). Total: 90min.



三年的學院訓練實踐了一群媒體學生的電影夢。這個夢 可能是一趟自我發現的旅程(《不如出去吹吹風(但是我 的頭很痛)》,江志星);或是一次情傷治療,圓了一對 分手戀人未完的話語(《綿綿》,何永航、黃竣培);它 也可以是有關少數族群的夢,那裏他們實現了在現實中 看來非常渺茫的理想(《籬笆》,洪瑩瑩)。都無關乎個 人或集體的夢,他們共編織了一個時代的精神面貌。共 87 分鐘。

十部來自設計學院數碼媒體(榮譽)文學士課程的學生 作品,展現創意思維在製作過程中的主導地位。作品包 括二維、三維、定格動畫及短篇電影:《I am Gay》(盧 健駿 )、《比比在那兒?》(黃寶基)、《Ice Dream》(陸 嘉 希 )、《 香 港 打 入 世 界 盃 》( 曾 達 恩 )、《Hurts Like Heaven》 (謝鼎鴻)、《怪物》 (歐子鋆)、《樂屍會之〈鬼 有得住〉探訪特輯》 (陳慧玲)、《1 for 2》 (張啟榮)、《麥 斯與地下水道》(刁穎思)、《活。該》(陳俊華)。共 96 分鐘。

Hong Kong Design Institute Selection Three-year filmmaking training enables a group of young talents to realize their dreams – it may be a dream about a journey of reaching for the missed parts (Better We Go Traveling (Although My Head Is Aching), Kong Chising); or a psychotherapy of a love loser who wishes to continue the incomplete story with his ex-girlfriend (Love Will Tear Us Apart, Ho Wing-hong and Wong Chun-pui); it can also be a collective dream of the minority, which fulfills the appearing impossible goals of the marginalized (Fence, Hung Ying-ying). Total: 87min.

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Selection This is a selection of student works from School of Design - BA (Hons) in Digital Media program. It demonstrates the significant message of “Content is King” - how the creative idea acts as the prime element in production. The works include 2D, 3D & stop motion animation, and short movies, namely I am Gay (Frankie Lo), Where does my Cat go? (Terry Wong), Ice Dream (Carrie Luk), Hong Kong World Cup Dream (Tommy Tsang), Hurts Like Heaven (David Tse), The Monster (Eric Au), Hidden Ghost (Ida Chan), 1 for 2 (Cheung Kai-wing), Meticulous Max & The City Underground (Whimsy Du), Life Goes On (George Chan). Total: 96min.

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

2013-HKIFF-BF-D-94to101-2C-OP.indd 99


13年2月8日 下午5:48

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香港電影資料館配合第三十七屆香港國際電影節而籌辦之節目 Organised by the Hong Kong Film Archive as a contribution to the 37th Hong Kong International Film Festival

奇謀闊步 ‧ 萬像嘉禾

The Cinematic Matrix of Golden Harvest

嘉禾公司在七十年代崛起,成功的關鍵在於有「勇」又有 「謀」,不單由一開始便有開拓國際市場的視野,更在制度 上擺脫片廠制的羈絆,彈性採用外判式的獨立製作模式,加 上羅致人才獨具慧眼,令嘉禾節節勝利。李小龍、王羽、許 冠文、吳宇森,到洪金寶、成龍等,一個個成為國際級的導 演或明星。香港八十年代的電影黃金期,嘉禾的貢獻實在不 容置疑。 創辦嘉禾的兩大製片家鄒文懷和何冠昌,以靈活的融資方法 吸納各方奇才,給予創作者極大的自由,四十年下來,嘉禾 製作及投資超過六百部電影,出品類型繁多,而且人才輩出。 是次回顧展,以分析嘉禾三大發展策略為題:奇謀代表幕後 策劃者的深思細考;闊步是其跨界的視野;萬像採「影像」 的「像」,指創作類型的多及廣,無論武打、喜劇、文藝抑 或奇情,都佳作紛陳。 香港電影資料館得星空華文傳媒電影有限公司的鼎力協助, 取得總共 58 部不同時期的嘉禾作品,於三月至六月間作盛 大的專題放映,其中 40 部複製自經數碼修復的高清拷貝, 並同意把放映的複製拷貝全數交給香港電影資料館作永久保 存。這是在大銀幕上重溫嘉禾名作的大好機會。 《奇謀闊步 ‧ 萬像嘉禾》影展按類型和性質分為六個章節: 「猛龍 ‧ 雙龍 ‧ 過江龍」、「喜劇展奇謀」、「動作見套 路」、「賢智生萬像」、「闊步開天地」和「勇戲尋偏鋒」。 配合影展,香港電影資料館將推出展覽《風禾盡起──嘉禾 的盛世印記》和出版《乘風變化── 嘉禾電影研究》專書, 並舉辦多個座談會及映後談,密切留意映期! 「奇謀闊步 ‧ 萬像嘉禾」節目第二部分將於 4 月 4 日至 6 月 30 日 舉行。有關節目詳情,請參閱香港電影資料館出版的《展影》67 期 及。

The rise of Golden Harvest in the 1970s can be attributed to the company's “boldness“ and “strategic planning“. With their vision squarely focused on horizons stretching far beyond the Hong Kong market, Golden Harvest strayed away from the old studio system, adopting a production model that outsourced productions to independent companies with an impeccable eye for talents. Golden Harvest flourished and became the home of internationally renowned superstars and directors such as Bruce Lee, Jimmy Wang Yu, Michael Hui, John Woo, Sammo Hung and Jackie Chan. There is no doubt that Golden Harvest played a determining role in the 1980's Golden Age of Hong Kong Cinema. Golden Harvest founders Raymond Chow and Leonard Ho have a keen eye on potential talents in the industry and allowed great flexibility in their film financing model. In addition to allowing a great degree of creative freedom for their talents, the duo brought Hong Kong Cinema to the world with their global distribution network. Over the course of four decades, Golden Harvest produced and financed over 600 films that have been seen and admired by audiences across the globe, covering an assortment of genres. With the assistance of Fortune Star Media Limited, the Hong Kong Film Archive is able to access and screen 58 Golden Harvest films between March and June 2013. Forty of those films have been converted from digitally remastered copies to high-definition digital prints. Fortune Star also agrees to the long term preservation of these screening prints at the Hong Kong Film Archive. The first group of screenings will be held as part of the 37th Hong Kong International Film Festival. “The Cinematic Matrix of Golden Harvest“ is presented in six chapters: “The Legend of the Dragons,“ “Comedic Schemes,“ “Action Rejuvenated,“ “Talents Abound,“ “International Visions“ and “Dare to be Unique.“ In association with the retrospective, a special exhibition titled “Golden Harvest, A Landmark in Hong Kong Cinema“ and a research publication titled Golden Harvest, Leading Change in Changing Times are also underway. Part 2 of “The Cinematic Matrix of Golden Harvest“ will be held from 4 April to 30 June. Please refer to Hong Kong Film Archive’s ProFolio 67 and for details.

夥伴機構:星空華文傳媒電影有限公司 Partner Organisation: Fortune Star Media Limited

特別嗚謝:鄒文懷先生、陳鄒重珩女士、薛志雄先生、利雅博先生、許冠文先生、劉天賜先生、元彪先生、張耀宗先生、鄺文偉先生、橙天嘉禾娛樂 ( 集團 ) 有限公司

Special thanks to: Mr Raymond Chow, Mrs Roberta Chin, Mr Louis Sit, Mr Albert Lee, Mr Michael Hui, Mr Lau Tin-chi, Mr Yuen Biao, Mr Cheung Yiu-chung, Mr Abe Kwong and Orange Sky Golden Harvest Entertainment Ltd. 102

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

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13年2月8日 下午5:52




29/3 (五)2:30 pm 香港電影資料館 FA

24/3 (日)2:30 pm 香港電影資料館 FA

29/3 (五)4:30 pm 香港電影資料館 FA

嘉禾的創業作之一,由草創時期的主將羅維執導,以「十 大頭牌」的演員陣容奪得當年最賣座香港電影第九位, 為嘉禾打響頭炮。本片走六、七十年代興旺一時的武俠 片類型路線,天龍八將來自不同背景,終連成一線,當 刺客為父報仇,新一代奮發熱血,不計出身,各展才能, 目標明確,預示日後嘉禾跟邵氏會走截然不同之路。

The Invincible Eight Dir: Lo Wei  Scr: David Lo Ta-wei  1971 Colour Mandarin Chi & Eng Subtitles 94min

One of the first Golden Harvest productions, this martial arts saga follows the epic journey of eight warriors coming together to fight towards a common goal: Revenge for their slain loved ones. Made by a company still in its infancy, The Invincible Eight resembles Shaw Brothers’ studio productions, namely in the use of interior sets and the Mandarin dialogue. However, Golden Harvest and director Lo Wei used their impressive cast of household names and fresh young faces as the film’s main attraction.

唐山大兄 導演/編劇:羅維  主演:李小龍、田俊、衣依、韓英傑、苗可秀  1971  彩色  粵語  中英文字幕  96 分鐘

李小龍自美回港後首部電影,一鳴驚人,奠定武打巨星、 民族英雄地位,開一代功夫片先河。李飾演的鄭潮安初 到泰國,受鄉里引薦到冰廠打工。鄭代華工抱不平,贏 得唐山大兄美譽。工廠接連發生工人失蹤事件,鄭明查 暗訪,揭發老闆草菅人命,於是儆惡懲奸。李小龍目光 如炬,手刃敵人都在電光火石間,絕不手軟,除了赤手 空拳還用上冰鑿、飛刀。電影舖排很能掌握觀眾心理, 前段李遵母訓深藏不露,映襯中後段打鬥大快人心。

The Big Boss (aka Fists of Fury) Dir / Scr: Lo Wei 1971 Colour Cantonese Chi & Eng Subtitles 96min

Bruce Lee plays a Chinese immigrant who landed in Thailand and started working at an ice factory. He soon earned his reputation as the “big brother from China” upholding justice for his fellow workers. With piercing glance and uncompromising fist fights of lightning speed, he confronted the boss with bare hands. This is Bruce Lee’s first film upon return from the United States, and immediately established his position as kung-fu superstar and kicked off the legend of a national hero.

精武門 導演/編劇:羅維  主演:李小龍、苗可秀、田豐、魏平澳、橋本力  1972   彩色 國語 中英文字幕 102 分鐘

繼《唐山大兄》後,李小龍與羅維再度合作,場景更堂 皇,技術更成熟。李小龍身手矯捷、眼光凌厲,加上獨 特怒吼,固然是核心英雄人物;但有趣是,為了刺探敵情, 他又化身車伕及電話修理員,維肖維妙,令人想起粵語 片時代的他。日本人恃勢凌人,攜「東亞病夫」匾額來 陳真(李小龍)恩師霍元甲的葬禮挑釁,更在租界外掛 上「狗與華人不得入內」告示。是可忍,孰不可忍,陳 真堅決跟辱華者誓不兩立。《精》經典場面多不勝數,如 陳真隻身大鬧日本道場、耍雙截棍及片末的悲壯凝鏡等。

Fist of Fury (aka The Chinese Connection) Dir/Scr: Lo Wei 1972  Colour  Mandarin  Chi & Eng Subtitles  102 min During the Japanese control of Shanghai, martial artist Chen Zhen (Bruce Lee) mourns the death of his master Huo Yuan-jia and during the funeral some Japanese make a scene by presenting a banner bearing the words "Weaklings of East Asia", to provoke national hatred. Chen takes it to be his duty to make anyone who humiliates his fellow Chinese his enemy. Lee successfully created the classic image of a tragic hero with his darting strikes, fearless eyes and signature battle cries.




23/3 (六)7:00 pm 香港電影資料館 FA

22/3 (五)7:00 pm 香港電影資料館 FA

30/3 (六)7:30 pm 香港電影資料館 FA




導演:黃楓  編劇:何仁  主演:茅瑛、黃家達、洪金寶、白鷹  1972 彩色 國語 中英文字幕 93 分鐘

導演/編劇:李小龍  主演:李小龍、苗可秀、魏平澳、黃宗迅  1972 彩色 國話及英語 中英文字幕 95 分鐘

導演:高洛斯  編劇:艾勵賢  主演:李小龍、石堅、尊.薩遜  1973 彩色 國語 中英文字幕 103 分鐘

自李小龍掀起功夫片熱潮後,嘉禾着意吸納及訓練功夫 明星。黃楓導演看中韓國武術題材,為求逼真,更帶領 茅瑛、洪金寶等演員遠赴韓國跟隨名師習合氣道。電影 邀得合氣道宗師池漢載粉墨登場,示範合氣道的柔法搏 技;初登銀幕的黃家達和黃仁植,分別表演空手道的剛 猛狠勁,和跆拳道的凌厲腳法,武藝形式目不暇給。中 韓民族強烈的抗日情緒貫穿全片,但本片卻多一份明顯 的武德歌頌,以「忍」為其宗,傳頌中國武學特色。

李小龍唯一自編自導自演之作,遠赴羅馬取景,是最能 突出成年李小龍個性的電影。功夫小子不再是《唐山大 兄》與《精武門》的悲劇英雄,而是土氣戇直的新界小 子,奉命前往意大利協助餐館少東(苗可秀)對抗地產 惡勢力。李小龍為自己塑造禁慾又自戀的武者形象,透 過張揚演繹,散發獨創的感染力,眉宇間流露調皮活潑 及招搖自信。與羅禮士決戰鬥獸場一幕更已成經典,強 調識英雄重英雄,盡顯一代宗師風範。

華納跟李小龍的協和公司合作,勇闖國際市場。拍攝跟 西片無異,英語對白,高洛斯導演,幕後班底幾乎全是 洋人,橋段及配樂帶占士邦片味道;神秘島掛滿雀籠, 建築用大紅色調,反映那年頭的東方主義迷思。李小龍 電影少不了爽朗悅目的真功夫,但本片進一步宏揚其武 術哲學:技擊講求反應而非思考,「我眼裏並沒敵人」。 到結局時,意念轉化為鏡像,李要在自己的重疊倒影中 突圍,遙向奧遜.威爾斯的《上海小姐》(1947)致敬。

Hap Ki Do (aka Aikido) Dir: Huang Feng  Scr: He Ren 1972 Colour Mandarin Chi & Eng Subtitles 93min

The Way of the Dragon

Enter the Dragon

Director Huang Feng explored the theme of the eclectic Korean martial art Hapkido and brought along his cast Angela Mao and Sammo Hung to Korea to learn from the masters. Hapkido founder Ji Han-jae plays a cameo role while actor Carter Wong and Whang Ing-sik made their first appearance on the silver screen displaying their Karate moves and Taekwondo kicks. Anti-Japanese sentiment predominate the film, but it also celebrates the ideal of martial morality in traditional Chinese martial arts with “endurance” as its primary virtue.

Bruce Lee is one of the most important actors in film history — not just of Hong Kong but in fact of the world. He is important not because of his acting skills but because he redefined acting. His raw, primal power and explosive, ferocious presence outweigh usual thespian attributes of emotional expression or dramatic portrayals. The Way of the Dragon is the only film directed by Lee, expanding on themes of his earlier kung fu flicks, such as the code of humility and a sense of national pride.

Dir / Scr: Bruce Lee  1972   Colour  Mandarin & English  Chi & Eng Subtitles  95min

Dir: Robert Clouse  Scr: Michael Allin 1973 Colour Mandarin Chi & English Subtitles 103min

Co-produced with Warner Brothers, this is Bruce Lee’s first foray into the American market. Even though the film was shot in Hong Kong, it was actually produced entirely in English with an American director and crew. In this James Bond-style espionage thriller with an eastern twist, Lee plays a martial artist who infiltrates a martial arts tournament to take down a notorious drug trafficker (Sek Kin). Like any great Bruce Lee film, Enter the Dragon is infused with many of Lee’s martial arts philosophies.

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

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奇謀闊步.萬像嘉禾 The Cinematic Matrix of Golden Harvest

天龍八將 導演:羅維  編劇:羅大維  主演:茅瑛、張冲、謝賢、苗可秀、白鷹  1971 彩色 國語 中英文字幕 94 分鐘


13年2月8日 下午5:52

奇謀闊步.萬像嘉禾 The Cinematic Matrix of Golden Harvest 104




30/3 (六)5:30 pm 香港電影資料館 FA

31/3 (日)2:30 pm 香港電影資料館 FA

31/3 (日)5:30 pm 香港電影資料館 FA




導演/編劇:王羽  主演:王羽、龍飛、田野、薛漢、曹健  1973 彩色 國語 中英文字幕 97 分鐘

導演:黃楓 編劇:倪匡  主演:茅瑛、陳星、譚道良、洪金寶  1976   彩色  國語  中英文字幕  112 分鐘

導演/編劇:丁善璽  主演:王羽、佐治.拉辛比、恬妮、向華強  1976  彩色  國語  中英文字幕  93 分鐘

電影無論影像設計、場面氣氛都甚有《七俠四義》 (1954) 的影子。明朝倭寇在李鎮肆意掠奪,遊俠王羽應村民所 求,四處廣納遊俠義士,與村民佈陷阱、設陣法,雖敵 眾我寡、仍力拼死戰。肅穆中的殺意、風塵四起的蕭瑟、 對立鮮明的決鬥場面,足見王羽借鑑武士電影的精髓。 王羽一改以往強烈的個人英雄形象,以俠義風骨的人物、 兵卒血戰的大場面,展現俠士孤高悲情的一面。入黑後 戰神灘對峙一幕,詭秘莫測,着實步步驚心。

本片可謂嘉禾七十年代功夫片的遺珠。以尼泊爾、西藏風 光片的散漫開場,打女茅瑛的硬橋硬馬、大反派陳星的熾 烈野心,令武林奪權、烈女救父的故事戲味愈後愈濃。茅 瑛飾演幫會首領千金青蘭,被陳星飾演的高震連番設計加 害,走投無路,只好投至鷹喇嘛門下,希望以密宗絕學, 一雪殺夫辱門之仇。洪金寶既是武指,也是龍套。導演黃 楓夥拍編劇倪匡,將情節設計得四開八合,不但由凌漢一 人分飾真假丈夫,更有無頭屍體等奇情怪事點綴打鬥之 間,功夫片加入多種類型元素,給人驚喜連連。

台灣導演丁善璽在邵氏憑《英烈千秋》 (1974)揚名後, 便 被 嘉 禾 羅 致 麾 下, 更 邀 得 荷 理 活 占 士 邦 明 星 佐 治 ‧ 拉辛比飾演北愛爾蘭的恐怖分子,與王羽、張佩山等人組 成殺手組織,目標人物竟然是訪港的英女皇!本片人物新 鮮、格局奇特。王羽不再大俠,扮演嗜錢如命的江湖殺手; 茅瑛亦改變形象,變身南亞族裔的高棉公主。丁導以異鄉 人的眼光,將殖民地香港打造成國際土匪的犯罪溫床。故 事幾線平行發展,峰迴路轉;大賊小兵鬥智鬥力,人物寫 來瀟灑自若。

The Himalayan

A Queen’s Ransom

Dir: Huang Feng  Scr: Ni Kuang 1976 Colour Mandarin Chi & Eng Subtitles 112min

Dir / Scr: Ting Shan-hsi 1976  Colour  Mandarin  Chi & Eng Subtitles  93min

Shot on location in the majestic mountains of Tibet and Nepal, The Himalayan is considered an overlooked martial arts gem. Angela Mao plays the strong-willed warrior maiden who has to defend her clan’s honor after the treacherous Gao Chen (Chen Sing) kills her family in the name of power. The only way she will get revenge is to become a disciple of Tibetan monks and learn a technique that can defeat Gao Chen’s deadly Tiger Claws. Scriptwriter Ni Kuang has weaved a complex and gripping story of vengeance that includes a bit of everything.

Through a foreigner’s point of view and with refreshing characterization and novel plotting, Taiwanese director Ting Shan-hsi has turned colonial Hong Kong into a hotbed for international crime where an assassination plot has been cooked up with the Queen as the target. James Bond star George Lazenby plays the role of a Northern Ireland terrorist, joining other bandits including Jimmy Wang Yu’s greedy hit-man in this action-packed mob feature. Parallel storylines run twisting and turning along battles of wits as well as wars of arms.

Beach of the War Gods Dir / Scr: Jimmy Wang Yu 1973 Colour Mandarin Chi & Eng Subtitles 97min

In a town raided by Japanese pirates, a roaming swordsman (Jimmy Wang Yu) recruited others of his kind on a local village’s request to set traps and maneuvers as defense, ready to battle to their death. Gloomy atmospheres and graphic action scenes predominated in Wang’s first directorial work but the one-armed tragic hero he famously portrayed has been replaced by an arrogant warrior with a melancholic touch. The epic night battle scene at the beach is a reflection of the loneliness and tragedy of the chivalrous. A film echoing the imagery and ambiance of the Japanese samurai genre.




23/3 (六)5:00 pm 香港電影資料館 FA

24/3 (日)7:00 pm 香港電影資料館 FA

1/4 (一)7:00 pm 香港電影資料館 FA





導演/編劇:吳宇森  主演:吳耀漢、許冠英、趙雅芝、張瑛  1977  彩色  粵語 中英文字幕 92 分鐘

導演/編劇:吳宇森  主演:劉松仁、韋白、劉江、馮克安、魏秋樺  1979  彩色  粵語   中英文字幕  103 分鐘

導演:成龍 編劇:成龍、劉天賜、童路、鄧景生  主演:成龍、元彪、韋白、李麗麗、石堅  1980  彩色  粵語 中英文字幕 102 分鐘

吳宇森承接許冠文的喜劇路線,拍成自己首部喜劇電影 《發錢寒》,結果大受歡迎,躋身當年十大賣座電影。戲 中既出現《半斤八両》 (1976)主題曲,又有私家偵探社, 許冠英亦沿用《半》的「雞泡」綽號。許冠英和吳耀漢 飾演盜寶拍檔,起初為兩餐各出奇謀,由冤家路窄變成 同撈同煲,合力偷取富商陳千億(張瑛)的名貴鑽石。 吳宇森以純熟的電影技巧,加入大量漫畫化笑料及動作 場面,烏龍百出插科打諢,同時不忘諷刺現實的階級剝 削,把一個鋤強扶弱的故事拍得詼諧有趣。

吳宇森一直是嘉禾在七十年代的主力導演,擅拍狂想式 喜劇,一直想拍警匪片,公司並不給予機會,然而他卻 難得地拍過一部古裝武俠片,如願向黑澤明和恩師張徹 致敬。本片是吳宇森早年佳作,也突出了男性之間的情 義、惺惺相惜、陽剛俠氣、士為知己者死的犧牲精神, 預示了他八十年代的英雄片路線―血腥和浪漫自張徹承 襲下來,將刀劍換上手槍,但中心的傳統俠義誓死不棄, 韋白和劉松仁飾演的年輕俠士,就是日後宋子豪和 Mark 哥的原型,英雄豪俠,自有真我本色。

成龍自編自導自演的嘉禾十週年紀念作,一舉奪得當年 票房冠軍,片頭一場黑獅黃獅大採「八卦青」煞是精彩。 大師兄 ( 韋白 ) 被逐出師門又做錯事,於是師弟 ( 成龍 ) 忍辱離開師門尋找師兄,路上被石堅和元彪飾演的捕頭 父子兵誤以為是劫囚車的賊匪,有理說不清。本片一如 成龍擔演過的小子功夫片,喜劇與打鬥混雜,少不了撞 板、受罰與捱打,最後小子喝過煙袋水就如大力水手所 向披靡,小子要成長抬頭,少不了這份創意奇想。

The Young Master

The Pilferers’ Progress (aka Money Crazy)

Last Hurrah for Chivalry

Dir / Scr: John Woo 1977 Colour Cantonese Chi & Eng Subtitles 92min

Dir / Scr: John Woo 1979 Colour Cantonese Chi & Eng Subtitles 103min

Dir: Jackie Chan  Scrs: Jackie Chan, Lau Tin-chi, Tung Lu, Edward Tang 1980 Colour Cantonese Chi & Eng Subtitles 102min

At the suggestion of The Private Eye (1976) Raymond Chow urged John Woo to film this comedy which became one of the 10 best-sellers of the year. Ricky Hui and Richard Ng play a couple of jewelry thieves who started off enemies but later teamed up to steal tycoon Cheung Ying’s precious diamond(s). Demonstrating consummate cinematic skills, John Woo used a lot of slapstick and action scenes featuring blunders and impromptu gags, while satirizing social inequality.

When John Woo was offered to make a wuxia film by Golden Harvest, he used it as an opportunity to pay homage to film directors Chang Cheh and Akira Kurosawa. Swords may have been replaced by guns in Last Hurrah for Chivalry, but one can immediately tell this is a John Woo film by the director's signature treatments like romanticized bloodshed, loyalty, male camaraderie and self-sacrifice – all of which will become recurring themes in Woo's oeuvre.

Jackie Chan wrote, directed and acted in this highestgrossing film of the year in the celebration of Golden Harvest’s 10th anniversary. Dragon (Jackie Chan) embarks on a journey of adventure after being expelled from the martial art school by his master. During his exile, Dragon is mistaken for a criminal by the father and son sheriffs (Sek Kin and Yuen Biao), thereby inducing a series of comedic kung-fu acts. An impressive traditional lion dance in the opening scenes set the dynamic tone of the film.

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

2013-HKIFF-BF-D2-HKFA-102-107-OP.indd 104

13年2月8日 下午5:52



24/3 (日)5:00 pm 香港電影資料館 FA

1/4 (一)4:30 pm 香港電影資料館 FA

29/3 (五)7:00 pm 香港電影資料館 FA




導演:洪金寶 編劇:劉天賜、洪金寶、黃鷹  主演:洪金寶、鍾發、陳龍、黃蝦(即黃哈)、林正英  1980 彩色  粵語 中英文字幕 98 分鐘

導演:譚家明  編劇:黃鷹、盧自強、劉天賜、譚家明  主演:鄭少秋、徐少強、陳琪琪、田豐、魏秋樺  1980 彩色  粵語 中英文字幕 85 分鐘

導演:程小東 編劇:文雋、黎大煒、程小東  主演:徐少強、劉松仁、張天愛、張冲、高雄  1983 彩色  粵語 中英文字幕 83 分鐘

洪金寶主導嘉禾衛星公司寶禾,首度一改民初雜耍功夫 片的路線,實行將靈幻題材與功夫動作結合,全片以鬼 為題,實為茅山法術,師兄弟鬥法為主,涉及了寃鬼、 殭屍、飛降、請神等等,總之滿天神佛。洪金寶自導自 演,減少了個人技擊搏鬥,轉為在不同的困室營造驚嚇 惹笑場面。《鬼打鬼》開了靈幻結合功夫動作先河,其後 的《人嚇人》(1982)、《殭屍先生》(1985) 均見到活潑的 功夫喜劇元素,令動作類型片添上新面貌。

譚家明從電視跳上大銀幕的處男作,緊貼徐克的《蝶變》 (1979),朝着新派武俠之路進發。1979 年,麗的電視《天 蠶變》叫好叫座,無線趕拍《楚留香》截擊,麗的遂再 搶拍《俠盜風流》抗衡,這場電視劇戰成一時盛事。譚 家明卻將兩路人馬拉上大銀幕,造就了鄭少秋(楚留香) 與徐少強(雲飛揚)同台演出。新秀劍客李驀然,挑戰 歸隱避世的花千樹,帶出了江湖中人對名與劍的沉溺。

程小東首執導筒便藝高人膽大,把全副精神放在鏡頭及 武術設計上,加上演少俠的三個魅力派演員劉松仁、徐 少強和張天愛,無論角色設計和氣氛的營造都出人意表。 故事圍繞中日劍俠十年一度的大決鬥,由中原的劍聖步 青雲 ( 劉松仁 ),對日本高手宮本一郎 ( 徐少強 );中間 加插中日雙方的明爭暗鬥和陷阱陰謀,使一場公平的比 武變得殺機重重。忍者變身術和主角劍法的快和狠,都 因鏡頭與「吊威也」出色的配合而造就新武俠意境。

Encounter of the Spooky Kind

Dir: Patrick Tam  Scrs: Wong Ying, Lo Chi-keung, Lau Tin-chi, Patrick Tam 1980 Colour Cantonese Chi & Eng Subtitles 85min

Dir: Sammo Hung  Scrs: Lau Tin-chi, Sammo Hung, Wong Ying 1980 Colour Cantonese Chi & Eng Subtitles 98min

Sammo Hung abandoned his early Republic acrobatic kung fu stunts for the first time to make a film combining the supernatural with martial arts. Though ghosts were the theme, the film was really about Taoist rituals and a fight between two Taoist masters of the same clan. There were vampires and demons galore, and Hung replaced his usual combat acts with spooks and laughs. The film was a trailblazer in the supernatural kung-fu genre, to be followed by The Dead and the Deadly (1982) and Mr. Vampire (1985).

The Sword

Patrick Tam’s debut film was a new breakthrough in martial arts genre. In 1979, RTV’s Reincarnated enjoyed critical and popular success, prompting TVB to make Chor Lau Heung triggering a series of television wars. Tam brought the cast from both television stations to the silver screen. The main plot is about young swordsman Li’s challenge of a hermit master and the obsession with status and swordsmanship this brings out. The sub-plot revolves around Tam’s most expert topic - regret and jealousy among Li’s new and old flames.



1/4 (一)2:30 pm 香港電影資料館 FA

31/3 (日)8:00 pm 香港電影資料館 FA



導演:陳友 編劇:盧永強、方令正、陳友  主演:鍾鎮濤、張曼玉、陳友、顧美華  1989  彩色  粵語  中英文字幕  96 分鐘

導演:區丁平  編劇:邱戴安平(即邱剛健)  主演:劉嘉玲、吳啟華、周美鳳、夏文汐、羅美薇、金燕玲、曾江  1989  彩色  粵語  中英文字幕  94 分鐘

表面拍六七年的動亂,內裏是八九年的憂鬱。被闊太包 養的白牌的士司機(鍾鎮濤)與夢想當明星的拜金女(張 曼玉),由互相鄙夷到同舟共濟,攜手買了一部的士,以 為能夠用來營生踏實過日子,豈料遇上左派暴動,被迫 罷駛,感情亦被擠入死巷。拍攝期間正值北京學潮流血 收場,片中的政治符號碰上中產美學,是懷舊也是新愁, 流露港人面對歷史創傷的無助與刺痛。

以情婦的角度,講述她追求真愛、找回自我的故事,即 使在今時今日,也是離經叛道的。編劇邱剛健以三位情 婦組成「慾望都市」般的死黨陣容,再以劉嘉玲飾的張 嘉樂為中心,令這段起起跌跌的都市風流處處閃現着女 人的率真與感性。劇本經營張嘉樂的角色可謂用心良苦: 一邊是有婦之夫曾江,另一邊是小白臉吳啟華;抉擇之 間,她既有壓抑苦悶的情緒,又有極致張揚的時刻。

A Fishy Story

I Am Sorry

Dir: Anthony Chan Scrs: Lo Wing-keung, Eddie Fong Ling-ching, Anthony Chan 1989 Colour Cantonese Chi & Eng Subtitles 96min

Dir: Tony Au  Scr: Chiu Kang-chien 1989 Colour Cantonese Chi & Eng Subtitles 94min

At a glance a story about the riots of 1967, but this film is really about the sadness of 1989. Kenny Bee and Maggie Cheung feeling first contempt then love for each other, bought a taxi together in the hope of leading a stable life. But the 1967 riots brought both their business and love life to a halt. When the film’s political signifiers meet its middle-class aesthetics, the result is both nostalgia and a new melancholy, revealing Hong Kong’s sense of helplessness when confronted with history.

Sreenwriter Chiu Kang-chien chose to use three mistresses as her heroines in Tony Au's drama about love and sex in the city, shattering the stereotype of a woman as merely a family-oriented figure standing behind her man. A tortured woman in love with a mature married businessman (Kenneth Tsang) and her young, gentle lover (Lawrence Ng) at the same time, Carole (Carina Lau) is the emotional core of the film. Lau gives a bravura performance, beautifully realizing the emotional ups and downs in Carole's journey to self-discovery and true love.

Duel to the Death Dir: Tony Ching Siu-tung  Scrs: Manfred Wong, David Lai, Tony Ching Siu-tung 1983 Colour Cantonese Chi & Eng Subtitles 83min

Bo Ching-wan (Damien Lau) and Hashimoto (Norman Tsui) are set to fight in a duel between China and Japan held only once every ten years. What is supposed to be an honorable fight for martial arts supremacy is threatened to be derailed by political intrigue and ulterior motives. Tony Ching Siu-tung’s directorial debut is an ambitious martial arts epic featuring thrilling fights and plenty of awe-inspiring, gravity-defying wire stunts.

第二部分放映 Part 2 Screenings: 4.4 - 30.6.2013 節目詳情 Programme details: 第 67 期 《展影》 ProFolio 67

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

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奇謀闊步.萬像嘉禾 The Cinematic Matrix of Golden Harvest



13年2月14日 下午1:02

奇謀闊步 ‧ 萬像嘉禾 (第二部份) The Cinematic Matrix of Golden Harvest (Part 2) 放映時間表 Screening Schedule: 4/4 - 30/6 日期 Date

時間 Time

香港電影資料館電影院 Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

4/4(四 Thu)

7:00pm 荷京喋血 Amsterdam Kill

5/4(五 Fri)

7:30pm 殺手壕 Battle Creek Brawl

6/4(六 Sat)

5:00pm 第三兵團 Boys in Company C

日期 Date

時間 Time

25/5(六 Sat)

2:30pm 七月十四 Thou Shalt Not Swear 5:00pm 八彩林亞珍 Plain Jane to the Rescue

26/5(日 Sun)

2:30pm 表哥到 My Cousin the Ghost 4:30pm 阿茂正傳 Elmo Takes A Bride 7:00pm 神勇雙响炮 Pom Pom

奇謀闊步.萬像嘉禾 The Cinematic Matrix of Golden Harvest

7:30pm 東遊記 High Road to China

香港電影資料館電影院 Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

7/4(日 Sun)

7:00pm 忍者龜 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

12/4(五 Fri)

7:30pm 炮彈飛車 The Cannonball Run

31/5(五 Fri)

7:30pm 夜車 The Happenings

13/4(六 Sat)

7:00pm 跛豪 To Be Number One

1/6(六 Sat)

2:30pm 急凍奇俠 Iceman Cometh 5:00pm 大鬧廣昌隆 Finale in Blood 7:00pm 鱷潭群英會 A Queen's Ransom

2/6(日 Sun)

7:00pm 猛龍過江 The Way of the Dragon

7/6(五 Fri)

7:30pm 名劍 The Sword

8/6(六 Sat)

7:30pm 生死決 Duel to the Death

9/6(日 Sun)

2:30pm 豪俠 Last Hurrah for Chivalry 5:00pm 天龍八將 The Invincible Eight 7:00pm 說謊的女人 I Am Sorry

12/6(三 Wed)

2:30pm 密宗聖手 The Himalayan 5:00pm 鬼馬雙星 Games Gambler Play 7:30pm 師弟出馬 The Young Master

14/6(五 Fri)

7:30pm 貂女 Naked Comes the Huntress

15/6(六 Sat)

2:30pm 馬路小英雄 Back Alley Princess 5:00pm 合氣道 Hap Ki Do 7:00pm 不脫襪的人 A Fishy Story

16/6(日 Sun)

2:30pm 帝女花 Princess Chang Ping 5:00pm 表姐,妳好嘢! Her Fatal Ways 7:00pm 女人四十 Summer Snow

21/6(五 Fri)

7:30pm 飛虎雄心 The Final Option

22/6(六 Sat)

7:00pm 小男人週記 2 錯在新宿 Brief Encounter in Shinjuku

23/6(日 Sun)

2:00pm 阮玲玉 Centre Stage 5:00pm 跛豪 To Be Number One 8:00pm 中國最後一個太監 Lai Shi, China's Last Eunuch

14/4(日 Sun)

7:00pm 阮玲玉 Centre Stage

19/4(五 Fri)

7:30pm 貂女 Naked Comes the Huntress

20/4(六 Sat)

2:00pm 鬼馬雙星 Games Gambler Play 7:00pm 馬路小英雄 Back Alley Princess

21/4(日 Sun)

27/4(六 Sat)

2:30pm 半斤八両 The Private Eyes 4:30pm 帝女花 Princess Chang Ping 7:00pm 女人四十 Summer Snow 2:30pm 亡命鴛鴦 On the Run 5:00pm 大煞星與小妹頭 Follow the Star 7:00pm 林世榮 The Magnificent Butcher

28/4(日 Sun)

1/5(三 Wed)

2:30pm 龍的心 Heart of Dragon 5:00pm 小男人週記 2 錯在新宿 Brief Encounter in Shinjuku 7:00pm 宋家皇朝 The Soong Sisters 2:30pm 直搗黃龍 The Man from Hong Kong 5:00pm 花飛滿城春 All in the Family 7:30pm 東方禿鷹 Eastern Condors

3/5(五 Fri)

7:30pm 贊先生與找錢華 Warriors Two

4/5(六 Sat)

2:30pm 龍咁威 Super Fool ! 4:30pm 新蜀山劍俠 Zu:Warriors from the Magic Mountain 7:00pm 敗家仔 The Prodigal Son *

5/5(日 Sun)

7:00pm 省港旗兵 Long Arm of the Law *

10/5(五 Fri)

7:30pm 表姐,妳好嘢! Her Fatal Ways

11/5(六 Sat)

7:00pm 警察故事 Police Story *

12/5(日 Sun)

2:30pm 中國最後一個太監 Lai Shi, China's Last Eunuch 4:30pm 玉蒲團之偷情寶鑑 Sex and Zen 7:00pm 黃飛鴻 Once Upon a Time in China *

29/6(六 Sat)

2:30pm 荷京喋血 Amsterdam Kill 4:30pm 直搗黃龍 The Man from Hong Kong 7:00pm 戰神灘 Beach of the War Gods

17/5(五 Fri)

2:30pm 四二六 Ironside 426 5:00pm 飛虎雄心 The Final Option

30/6(日 Sun)

18/5(六 Sat)

7:00pm 甜蜜蜜 Comrades, Almost a Love Story *

2:30pm 亡命鴛鴦 On the Run 4:30pm 奇謀妙計五福星 Winners and Sinners 7:00pm 第三兵團 Boys in Company C

19/5(日 Sun) 2:30pm 彊屍先生 Mr Vampire 4:30pm 奇謀妙計五福星 Winners and Sinners 票價 Tickets: $40 門票於 3 月 7 日起於城市電腦售票處發售 Tickets available at URBTIX outlets from 7 March * 為香港電影資料館旗艦節目「百部不可不看的香港電影」選片,門票於 4 月 4 日起發售。詳情請留意香港電影資料館網頁 或第 67 期《展影》。 * Golden Harvest's classics featured in HKFA's flagship programme "100 Must-see Hong Kong Movies". Tickets available from 4 April. Please refer to Hong Kong Flim Archive's Website or Profolio 67 for details.


AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

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13年2月14日 下午1:00

座談會 Seminars 開闊步‧展奇謀的幕後軍師

The Mastermind Behind: Raymond Chow 講者 Speakers: 鄒文懷 Raymond Chow 蒲鋒 Po Fung 日期及時間 Date & Time:23.3.2013 ( 六 Sat) 2:30pm


Genres Explorations of Golden Harvest

奇謀闊步.萬像嘉禾 The Cinematic Matrix of Golden Harvest

講者 Speakers: 張建德 Stephen Teo 登徒 Thomas Shin 劉嶔 Lau Yam 林超榮 Lam Chiu-wing 日期及時間 Date & Time:30.3.2013 ( 六 Sat) 2:30pm


International Visions of Golden Harvest 講者 Speakers: 利雅博 Albert Lee (電影公司行政總裁 Film Company Executive) 曾麗芬 Winnie Tsang (高先電影有限公司董事總經理 Managing Director, Golden Scene Company Ltd.) 日期及時間 Date & Time:6.4.2013 ( 六 Sat) 2:30pm 地點 Venue:香港電影資料館電影院 Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive 粵語主講,免費入場 Conducted in Cantonese. Free admission.

荷京喋血 Amsterdam Kill (1978)

東遊記 High Road to China (1983)

第三兵團 Boys in Company C (1978)


International Visions 鄒文懷先生創辦嘉禾之初,便已有開拓海外市場及到荷李活取經的宏圖。在七十 年代尾,他兩年內奔走於美國香港之間十九次之多,籌劃及製作了近二十部西片, 更借助這些西片去培育嘉禾的演藝新晉,拍成的全外國班底作品繼有《第三兵 團》(1978)、《東遊記》(1983)、《忍者龜》(1990)等。以越戰為背景的《第 三兵團》,拍一班雜牌軍的受訓及戰場經歷,比寇比力克同一題材的《烈血焚城》 (1987)早九年之多。《殺手壕》 (1980)及《炮彈飛車》 (1981)等更由成龍擔演。 是次回顧將讓大家重溫這些被遺忘或低估的嘉禾西片。

From the early stages of Golden Harvest, founding executive Mr Raymond Chow already had the ambition to open up overseas markets and to learn from Hollywood experience. Towards the end of 1970s, he had undertaken 19 trips to the United States in order to realise his blueprint of producing Western films and successfully churned out some 20 film titles, including The Boys of Company C (1978), High Road to China (1983), and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (1990). A film that tells the reality behind the Vietnam War through the eyes of a battalion, The Boys of Company C (1978) was a serious and underrated film shot nine years ahead of Stanley Kubrick’s Full Metal Jacket (1987). “The Cinematic Matrix of Golden Harvest” programme is a good chance to revisit these films again.

炮彈飛車 The Cannonball Run (1981)

殺手壕 Battle Creek Brawl (1980) 忍者龜 Teenage Muntant Ninja Turtles (1990)

AC  Arts Centre  |  CE  HK Convention & Exhibition Centre  |  CT  City Hall  |  FA  Film Archive  |  GC  The Grand  |  KG  Cultural Centre  |  SM  Science Museum  |  SP  Space Museum  |  UC  UA Cityplaza  |  UL  UA Langham Place    |  IS  UA iSquare

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13年2月8日 下午5:52

HKIFF Ad.indd 2

2013/2/6 3:42:25 PM

HKIFF Ad.indd 3

2013/2/6 3:42:28 PM

影片 索引

Index of Films

Online Booking 網上訂票 From 23/2/2013 起


BIG JOY: The Adventures of James Broughton 占士布諾頓的大快活旅程


Eat Sleep Die 生吃睡死


Gulabi Gang 粉紅娘子軍


Blancanieves 白雪公主之鬥牛場激情篇


Emperor Visits the Hell 唐皇遊地府


Guru of Silence 莫言上師一身蟻


Boy Eating the Bird’s Food 吃雀粟的男孩


Encounter of the Spooky Kind 鬼打鬼


Hap Ki Do 合氣道


Bwakaw 怪老頭與公主狗


Engagement Ring 婚約指環


Heaven’s Gate 天堂之門


Caesar Must Die 凱撒必死


Enter the Dragon 龍爭虎鬥


Here and There 此時此處此模樣


Call Girl 應召女孩


Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker, An 拆車佬的日與夜


Hijacking, A 海盜洋大綁架



Casting By 選角大師杜嘉蒂


Ernest & Celestine 花都友奇緣

Himalayan, The 密宗聖手



Celluloid Man 菲林衛士P.K.奈爾


Fallible Girl, A 墜落

Holy Quaternity, The 四性一體



Circles 生命之環


Farewell to Dream 黃昏的雲

Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Selection 香港演藝學院學生作品選


Hong Kong Baptist University Selection 香港浸會大學學生作品選


3 Outsiders 三個異鄉人


City on Fire 龍虎風雲


Father’s Birth 兩個基爸爸


7 Boxes 七箱劫



Fidaï 革命是可以被原諒的



90 Minutes 解脫前90分鐘

City University of Hong Kong Selection 香港城市大學學生作品選


Hong Kong Design Institute Selection 香港知專設計學院學生作品選



ABCs of Death, The 死囧樣

Clear Sky, A 晴朗的天空

Fifth Season, The 第五季:世界終結時



Hong Kong Polytechnic University Selection 香港理工大學學生作品選


Act of Killing, The 殺戮重組

Closed Curtain 電影關不住

Fig 無花果


Horror Stories 恐怖零一夜

After Lucia 校園欺凌後

Cloud-Capped Star, The 雲堆裏的星

Fill the Void 責任與情感




Horses of God 神馬的任務

After the Curfew 戒嚴夜

Cold War 寒戰

Fishy Story, A 不脫襪的人




I Am Sorry 說謊的女人

Ali Blue Eyes 藍眼睛阿里

Compliance 快餐店陰質事件

Fist of Fury 精武門




Ideal City, The 理想呃人

All Apologies 愛的替身

Complicated Story, A 一個複雜故事

Fly With the Crane 告訴他們,我乘白鶴去了




ifva experimental series Programme 1 ifva實驗系列作品選節目一

Angels’ Share, The 智取威士忌

Confession of Pain 傷城

Fold in My Blanket, A 岩石的摺痕




Công Binh - The Lost Fighters of Vietnam 消失的工兵

Forever Love 阿嬤的夢中情人



ifva experimental series Programme 2 ifva實驗系列作品選節目二


Forgetting to Know You 陌生


ifva experimental series Programme 3 ifva實驗系列作品選節目三

43 85 47 8 20



As Tears Go By 旺角卡門


Attack, The 炸彈枕邊人


Cremator, The 焚屍人


Foxfire: Confessions of a Girl Gang 火狐女演義


In Another Country 他鄉的女人


Avant Garde Programme I 前衛短片選輯(一)


Dance of a Dream 愛君如夢


Francis Ha 紐約娃哈哈


In Bloom 美少女戰事


Avant Garde Programme II 前衛短片選輯(二)


Dark Blood 血荒漠


Gangs of Wasseypur (Part I / Part II) 寶萊塢教父(上集/下集)


In the Fog 霧裏人鬼神


Avant Garde Programme III 前衛短片選輯(三)


Deep, The 冰海寒深


Gardener, The 園丁偈語


In the Name of 鄉村神父的私情


Bad Film 壞人爛片


Deflowering of Eva van End, The 伊娃失身的抉擇


Gebo and the Shadow 影兒子


Invincible Eight, The 天龍八將


Beach of the War Gods 戰神灘


Disconnect 斷了線


Ginger & Rosa 珍姐與露莎


Infernal Affairs 無間道


Beautiful 2013 美好2013


Don’t Expect Praises 有人讚美聰慧,有人則不


Gohatto 御法度


Initial D 頭文字D


Becoming Traviata 排練茶花女


Dormant Beauty 睡美人


Golden Gate, Silver Light 金門銀光夢


Inori 祈


Bekas 小兄弟騎驢搵美

45,93 Dragonflies with Birds and Snake 鳥蛇與蜻蜓


Grandmaster, The 一代宗師


Ip Man – The Final Fight 葉問 ─ 終極一戰


Berlin File, The 諜血柏林


Drug War 毒戰


Great Passage, The 大渡海


It Was the Son 奪命的富貴


Beyond the Hills 非常教慾


Duel to the Death 生死決


Greetings From Tim Buckley 歌聲中呼喚愛


James Broughton Programme I 占士布諾頓選輯(一)


Big Boss, The 唐山大兄


Eagles 老鷹有火


Guillotines, The (3D) 血滴子3D


James Broughton Programme II 占士布諾頓選輯(二)


2013-HKIFF-BF-index-op-revise.indd 110

14/2/13 2:15 PM


Jubilation Street 歡呼之町


Oh, the San Xia 三峽啊


Short Film Competition Programme I 國際短片競賽節目(一)


War Witch 戰巫不勝


Jungle Love 性愛慾森林


One Night and Two Days 酷兒兩日一夜


Short Film Competition Programme II 國際短片競賽節目(二)


Watchtower 傷心瞭望塔


Kirishima Thing, The 桐島失踪後


Our Children 誰知媽媽心


Short Film Competition Programme III 國際短片競賽節目(三)


Way of the Dragon, The 猛龍過江


La Sirga 薄霧紅顏


Outrage Beyond 全員惡人完結


Short Film Competition Programme IV 國際短片競賽節目(四)


Way We Dance, The 狂舞派


Last Hurrah for Chivalry 豪俠


Palme 人民首相之死


Simon and the Oaks 橡樹下的西門


Werewolf Boy, A 狼少年之戀


Last Time I Saw Macao, The 再見澳門郎


Paradise: Faith 天堂三部曲之信


Simple Life, A 桃姐


What Richard Did 高富帥失足記


Last Tycoon, The 大上海


Paradise: Hope 天堂三部曲之望


Sleepless Night 婚姻夜語



Lawrence of Arabia 沙漠梟雄


Paradise: Love 天堂三部曲之愛


Smashed 醉後勝利

What They Don’t Talk About When They Talk About Love 談情不說愛



Legend or Was It?, A 死鬥的傳說


Patience Stone, The 釋懷之石


Something in the Air 五月風,繼續吹

When Day Breaks 破曉時光


89, 93 Leviathan 海中獸


Pervert’s Guide to Ideology, The 齊澤克電影指南:意識形態篇


Something in the Way 的士司機一段情

White Elephant 大白象



Lifelong 逝水長流


Petal Dance 花瓣舞


Starlet 小明星

Wicked City, The 妖獸都市

6, 33


Lilou’s Adventure 妮露的冒險


Philomirrophobia I & II 翡羅彌諾浮彼亞 I 及 II


Storm Riders, The 風雲雄霸天下

Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow? 明天記得愛上我


86, 93 Limite 極限


Piazza Fontana: The Italian Conspiracy 米蘭廣場大陰謀


Story of Yonosuke, A 那年遇上世之介

With You, Without You 親近你,離開你



Lines of Wellington 威靈頓戰線


Pilferers’ Progress, The 發錢寒


Stromboli 火山邊緣之戀

World Animation 世界動畫精選



Longing for the Rain 春夢


Pluto 冥王星保衛戰


Sun Xun Programme 孫遜動畫精選

World Animation for Adults 成人動畫精選



Love Me Not 不能愛


Poor Folk 窮人。榴槤。麻藥。偷渡客


Sword, The 名劍

World Animation for All 合家歡動畫精選



Love Songs of Tiedan, The 美姐


Populaire 打字夢女神


Taboor 輻射怪客唔死得

You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet 你知咩係戲?



Love, Marilyn 夢露人生


Post Tenebras Lux 黑暗後的光明


Tang Wong 四個還神的少年

Young and Dangerous 古惑仔之人在江湖



Machine Which Makes Everything Disappear, The 試鏡浮世繪


Queen’s Ransom, A 鱷潭群英會


Tears, The 哥哥的眼淚

Young Master, The 師弟出馬



Redemption Impossible 救猩紀事


Tenderness 謝謝你的溫柔

Youth 少年綁架事件簿


McDull, The Pork of Music 麥兜.噹噹伴我心


Me and You 密室中的我和你

Renoir 雷諾亞



Three Sisters 三姊妹


Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God 天父的羔羊

Rhino Season 犀牛的季節



Three Worlds 一撞三世界


Roman Polanski: A Film Memoir 波蘭斯基的告白


Thy Womb 出讓丈夫的女人


Memories Look at Me 記憶望着我


Room 237 閃靈237


To Chris Marker, An Unsent Letter 給馬爾卡:沒寄出的信


More Than Honey 沒有蜜蜂的日子


Roots 祖之根


To the Wonder 愛是神奇


Motorway 車手


Rouge 胭脂扣


Together 甜.祕密


Mr. Tree Hello! 樹先生


Rust and Bone 銹與骨


Tokyo Family 東京家族


Museum Hours 藝術館的時光


Ryan Larkin Programme 賴恩拿堅短片集


Touch of the Light 逆光飛翔


Night Across the Street 夜夢三巡


Sapphires, The 藍寶石天后


Trace 痕跡


Night of Silence 一千零一新婚夜


Saving General Yang 忠烈楊家將


Trance 催眠潛凶


No 向政府說不


Seven Psychopaths 癲狗喪七


Una Noche 青春一夜三人行


Nobody’s Child 苦兒流浪記


Ship of Theseus 靈魂三轉身


Violeta Went to Heaven 紫紅色的一生


Nobody’s Daughter Haewon 白日夢女兒


Shoah (Part I / Part II) 大浩劫(上集/下集)


War of the Volcanoes, The 羅塞里尼火山爭奪戰


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8/2/13 12:36 AM

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香港公教廣播影視協會協辦 Co-organised with SIGNIS Hong Kong

天主教會頒發的「天主教文化獎」,已有66年歷史,旨在鼓勵及表彰 電影人發揚積極的人生價值。十二部候選影片均以SIGNIS 標誌標示。

The SIGNIS Award is given to films that fully express social and humanitarian concerns as well as spiritual and artistic values. The 12 films eligible for the Award are identified by the SIGNIS logo.

Memories Look At Me 記憶望着我

Ship of Theseus 靈魂三轉身

Fill the Void 責任與情感

Bekas 小兄弟騎驢搵美

Here and There 此時此處此模樣

The Patience Stone 釋懷之石

War Witch 戰巫不勝

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Touch of the Light 逆光飛翔

Lilou’s Adventure 妮露的冒險

Fly With the Crane 告訴他們,我乘白鶴去了

The Great Passage 大渡海

Bwakaw 怪老頭與公主狗

14/2/13 2:17 PM

賽馬會電影學堂成立於 2010 年,提供為期三年的教 育活動,由香港國際電影節協會主辦,香港賽馬會 慈善信託基金捐助。活動宗旨為提高香港年輕人的 電影素養,透過觀賞及理解電影,加強學生和教師 的創意、獨立思考及終身學習的能力。 Established in 2010, Jockey Club Cine Academy (JCCA) is a 3-year film education programme presented by The Hong Kong International Film Festival Society (HKIFFS) and funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, with the aim to foster film literacy among the youth in Hong Kong. The JCCA brings film education as a programme for both students and teachers to drive creativity, independent thinking and lifelong learning capabilities through the enjoyment and understanding of moving images. 詳情及報名 Details & Registration:

香港名家講座  | 免費活動 Face to Face  | Free admission 國際大師班  | 免費活動 Master Class  | Free admission 今 年 國 際 大 師 班 有 幸 請 得 王 家 衛 導 演 出 席, 與 觀 眾 直 接 交流。詳情及日期即將公佈,敬請密切留意! This year’s Master Class will present the world-famous Wong Kar Wai-stay tuned for more details and don’t miss out on this valuable opportunity to interact with one of the most celebrated filmmakers of our time!

電影節焦點影人劉偉強將出席香港名家講座,暢談他從影三十年 的經驗和心得。我們更邀得文雋擔任是次講座的嘉賓主持。參加 者均可獲贈劉偉強專題特刊一本。(詳情請閱第 32 頁) Andrew LAU, the renowned director and veteran cinematographer, will share his far-reaching experience and incisive insights into Hong Kong cinema. Face to face will be moderated by Manfred Wong. A complimentary catalogue on Andrew LAU will be offered to all participants. (See p.32 for details) 日期 Date : 28/3/2013 時間 Time : 2:30 pm 地點 Venue:香港文化中心大劇院

Hong Kong Cultural Centre Grand Theatre

粵語主講,座位有限,先到先得! Conducted in Cantonese

主辦 Presenter

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捐助機構  Funded by

13年2月14日 下午6:32

電影節導賞團   | 免費活動   Festival Tours   | Free admission 由資深影評人及學者(包括羅卡、紀陶、朗天、家明、林超榮、 蔡甘銓、登徒、盧子英等)帶你免費觀看香港國際電影節電影, 並深入淺出分析影片的製作手法、美學和文學價值。名額有限, 報名從速。 Guided by veteran film critics and scholars, Festival Tours gives you the opportunity to learn about contemporary world cinema, film aesthetics and techniques, and free access to HKIFF screenings. Limited quota is offered on a first-come-first-serve basis.

教師工作坊   | 免費活動 Educators Workshop

| Free admission

香港首個專為教師而設的免費電影素養基礎課程,著重探討電影美學及 風格等基本概念,讓教師在不同範疇的教學活動中,能更好利用影像作 為教學工具。 Educators Workshop is Hong Kong’s first workshop for educators to learn the basics of film literacy, exploring the concepts of film aesthetics and style. The Workshop allows teacher to master basic film knowledge and the skills to use moving images as a teaching tool.

大專學生作品展   | 免費活動  | Free admission Joint Universities Programme 大專學生作品展為大學生提供獨一無二的平台,讓他們的作品衝 出校園,展示給電影節的觀眾。香港演藝學院、香港浸會大學、 香港城市大學、香港知專設計學院及香港理工大學,挑選出過去 一年最佳的學生作品放映,免費入場。(詳情請閱第 98 頁) Joint Universities Programme offers 5 free screenings at the Hong Kong International Film Festival to showcase the best student works from five tertiary institutions, including, the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University, City University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Design Institute and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. (See p.98 for details)

國際短片競賽 Short Film Competition 20 部不同類型的國際短片入圍作品,競逐由國際評審團選出的「火鳥 大獎」、「評審團獎」及特別獎(本地)。所有入圍短片將於香港國際 電影節期間展出。(詳情請閱第 12 頁) Twenty international short films of various genres are selected to compete for the Firebird Award, Jury Prize and Special Prize (Hong Kong). A jury of three renowned personalities will select the winners. All twenty finalists will be shown at the Hong Kong International Film Festival. (See p.12 for details)

媒體夥伴  Media Partners

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多媒體夥伴  Multimedia Partner

13年2月8日 下午6:01




5:33 PM

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