INKLINGS - HKIS MS Literary Magazine 2024

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Acknowledgements and Thanks

The 2024 edition of Inklings is dedicated to all of the creative writers out there who aren’t afraid to express themselves Your identity comes through onto the page in the most spectacular way, and your passion for selfexpression is truly remarkable All you need is a pen, paper, (maybe a laptop), and your thoughts Keep that spark, keep on dreaming, keep on writing, and keep being fearless!


Jolie Chow

Bella Pineda

Momo Qiao


Brianna Bedessem

Maureen McCann

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I have lived on this planet for 12 years, and here is one mistake that I regret making I remember I was ten years old, and it was during covid I returned to Korea to visit my relatives when I got stuck there because of COVID I was bored because of that There weren’t many things to do at my relatives' house The only interesting thing was at my uncle’s house There was a gray cat with soft fur that smelled like shampoo His paw was so white it seemed like he was wearing a sock His eyes could go from big to small, happy to angry So, the cat was what kept me from dying of boredom

My uncle loves exploring, so we drove around the city and explored places, which eventually got boring One day, my mom was in the toilet, and my uncle was out of the house My mom asked me to blow out the candles, which excited me Finally, I could do something interesting! I grabbed a piece of tissue and extinguished the candle using it I clearly remember that when the flame and paper contacted each other, it was like eating ice cream and drinking soda simultaneously The two foods don’t go well together The fire started to attack the paper aggressively, and the paper turned orange, and the fire seemed to be laughing at me, saying, “You’re doomed” I was helpless, like a fly stuck in a tree in a spider’s web

I panicked, threw the tissue on the ground, and put more tissue on top The more tissues I added, the more they burned I was so shocked, so I carefully picked up the tissue, and with sweat on my forehead, tossed it into the bin But everything in the bin caught on fire, so I panicked, and that’s when Mom came out

She quickly grabbed a towel, slapped at the tissue, and put out the fire She then chastised me about fire safety My uncle returned, relieved that nothing was burned or harmed by the fire I was regretful of what I did and scared that I was going to jail For a week, I was left traumatized, playing the scene repeatedly in my head like a movie scene I promised myself never to do that again and wished that I never had done that in the first place

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I am the Tiger Chameleon Tiger Chameleons; creatures of metamorphosis; As real as the feather-tips on lions’ blunt paws, real as whispered words real as the socked footsteps on old wooden dark floors, Of the propane torch,

Of a melting animal, Bones of predators, Skin of the fawn, Crack our baring ribcage of wilted heaviness of past tense friends of tears on a bound book,

Open it, You see the amber stripes and bangle of a still opaque, murmuring tiger for its teeth are bared, and its talons sharp

It tried to convince itself, As it walked past their door, That tigers are tame Before it walked, Because tigers are creatures Made to hide

The hidden animal will shift; a changeling chameleon, Pink as its red-rimmed eyes, Blue as sweetened catharsis, Brown scales as the covers of leatherbound unwritten stories Vanilla as the saccharine cirrus clouds It resides

The Tiger Chameleon is waiting waiting for the cocoon to furl, For the pages to turn, To find homage in the waves of its own sobbing, storybook

The pacifist party, Of slow-cooking rage

The Tiger The Chameleon Has made peace Through the striped bones and changing scales, They are my screams, My cries, My cage

For I am an animal of the forest, For I am the book you ’ ve never graced, I’ve accepted my scales and fur, For they have been given and won't give back, The Tiger Chameleon


Ever since I was four and living in Beijing, I was excited about the flashing lights, bustling streets, delicious food, and beautiful mountains of Hong Kong, but now I have learned to savor the quiet and dusty memories of my true home Looking back at that autumn, I realize I have changed so much since then, and now the memory seems almost bittersweet

As the first rays of sunlight peeked over the walled courtyard of my home, I bounced out of bed, skipped down the stairs, and found my Chinese helper quietly stir-fried slices of potato I rushed over to her and gave her a huge hug She smiled at me, but there was something different about her smile It had its regular shine but was full of sadness As the oil on the pan slowly sizzled away, I hugged her even harder All I could think of were the happy memories we had shared and how I would have to cling to them But then, like any cute, half-brained toddler, my sadness sizzled away like the oil on the pan, and I bounced away like a ping-pong ball on ice

My helper took me out of the house for one last stroll, both of us taking in the sights and sounds of our wonderful neighborhood as she gently held me

“Listen, Xander,” she whispered, like a grandma talking to her grandson, “ you can hear the bullfrogs croaking in the creek if you strain your ears”

I smiled in awe and wonder as I listened and heard a bullfrog belch loudly

“I’m going to miss you Auntie” I whispered back

We sat on the little bench next to the creek, sharing a moment of silence like we always did I knew that I would miss her, no matter how appealing or exciting Hong Kong was Once, when it was nearly my third birthday, she saved up her salary and bought me a red fire truck I was overcome with excitement and joy I remember this as a silver lining of my childhood, for it was a time when someone other than my parents had shown genuine care and love towards me just because they appreciated me Even though this makes me seem selfish and greedy, I greatly appreciate her honesty and dedication, for only some people put time and effort into helping and supporting others

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The bright sun reflected my euphoric feelings towards moving to Hong Kong, its bright light upon my soul like a shining lamp

“We’re going to Hong Kong!” I screamed, overcome with excitement

It felt like the brightest moment in my life But unfortunately, this moment of excitement was short-lived, perhaps too so The dark, creeping clouds blocked off the sun, possibly wanting me to cling to my past, refusing my unknown future After a long struggle, the sun hung high in the sky, shining like my future, but still with clouds of doubt by its side

“Let’s go, Xander,” my mom said blankly

“Yay!!!” I yelled excitedly but with a hint of doubt I got in the car, still beaming with excitement at what was to come

As the car sped along the highway, I took in my last glimpses of the city I called home, not knowing that these “homey views” would not appear in my life many more times

“Mom, will we come back?” I asked worriedly, as I watched the city I called home fly by “What about Auntie Zhou?” I further inquired

My mom bore a worried expression on her face, and I realized that my life was no longer one of a toddler, but a new, foggy one “You don’t need to worry about that,” she sighed

I stayed silent, deep in thought

On the airplane, I took a rest from that morning’s stress and reflected on the wonderful chapter of my life that had just come to an end, but it felt like I had left one universe and joined another It felt free and welcoming, but also constraining in some aspects

As I quietly sat on my new, unfamiliar bed in a new, unfamiliar place, I looked up at the night sky, hoping to see the welcoming full moon that was always with me Instead, I saw a new piece of the sky, more unfamiliar, but with shining stars and a deep blue hue It was new, but still carried trails of the past From then on, I felt like I had grown up, and walked hand in hand with that “weird feeling” towards my bright future

Now, every time I feel like I am away from home, I look up at the open sky and remember that this universe is so much more than it seems I am still that innocent toddler, but at the same time a new person, one who now understands that life is nowhere near perfect and that I should go along, like a leaf in a river Every time I see the bright full moon, I feel like my Auntie’s wrinkled face is smiling down on me, and I think of her and the care she gave me Now, I carry traces of my younger self, but I have also grown so much since I entered this world, like a seed that has grown into a healthy plant In the future, I hope to grow and develop into a fruitful tree under the sunlight of the future, but as I have learned, life is not something to be rushed through

Some people think growing up means learning more things and outdoing others But to me, growing up means clinging on but letting go at the same time, accepting, and most importantly, understanding that the world is not perfect This is why I am still standing on the face of this planet, and this is my motivation to continue stumbling on the path of life


Every summer, I would stare up at the sky and see your eyes in the stars, and wonder how you could be all you are: Pretty and photogenic, intelligent but humble, delicate but rough competitive but quiet, open but secretive

You are the secret I wanted to find out Your charm is like a magnetic pull, and your scent is like a perfect perfume, and your smile is like magic So much so that I’m addicted

Every summer, I imagine that we would lie on the beach, blending in with the night In the month of February: The perfect month to be yours, The best days I could spend with you, The happiest time of the short month

You don’t have to give me flowers, or candy You would be giving me the moon, and the stars, and the solar systems

A memory to last

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Raspberry. Noun.

Oftherosefamily. Asmallbundleofred, Juicy,pearls


Aredsodeepyoucantasteitbeforetheberryhas evenpassedyourlips

Aberrysorichinflavour, Youcanfeelthesweetnessseepintothecrevicesof yourbrain

Araspberryfallsslowlydownintothesimmering pitinside, Andonecanstillimaginethetastehourslater Sometimessour

Sosouryoucanfeelitpeeltheinnerlayerofyour mouth

Flakingoffanddripping, Likeafteralemon



Said pomegranate the same formula as the rose descendant

Acrispouterlayer, Encasingasharp, Bitter, Seed

Likethelayersofearth'smantle. But, Ratherthanaseepingpotofgoldenmagmaatthe center, Youdiscoverastone.

Onemayimaginethesweetness. Sweetlikeasipofcoldicedteatea. Sweetlikeatasteofsummer. Aredraspberryislikeapomegranate. Bothareextravagant, Botharesweet, Sour, Tart, Bitter, Theysittogetheronshelvesatthestore Theypairwellindishes

Apomegranateislikeaperson, Althoughnotinthewaythataberryis. Apomegranatehasatough, Thick, Shell

Theysharethedeep, Ruby, Red


Delicate, Fleshy, Beautiful

Anall-encompassingfruitthathidesthelittlepiece oflifeinside

Alayeronemustcrack, Destroy, Break

Ifonlytodiscoverthehiddenlittlebeautiesinside Ahumanislikeafruit

AhumanislikeaRaspberry, Ifonlyphysically Ahumanislikeapomegranate, Ifonlymentally

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4:00 pm, 1 precious hour until shutdown


The spacious, snow-covered paths shimmer in the evening sunlight as I cruise down the slopes

The snow is perfect; slush yet powdery

Ahead of me is a range of snow-capped mountains dotted with trees

Casting shadows on the ground below

A calming orange sunset sends a warm tingle down my spine

Glimmering icicles drip from the white pine trees lining both sides of the run

Down below me bustle crowds of skiers and boarders, preparing to depart the slopes

Some were loading up their car and some with steaming drinks in hand

Smoke billows from lodge chimneys and campfires flicker, providing warmth for the cold

People bustle in and out of brown lodges, some heading toward the parking lots

And some making their way back toward the lifts

A blue square facing left, and a black diamond facing right

I tilt my body, skis parallel, and make a sharp left

My poles plow through beautiful untouched snow lining one side of the run, as fluffy as flour

I find myself on a new, narrow path, snow walls on my left, and a drop on my right

I inhale the nostalgic scent of cold, fresh, snowy air

The chilly wind whips my face, but the cozy sunlight hugs my body; a feeling I’ve missed

I am now on another wide path headed towards the main lodge

My skis go sssssss as I plow through the snow

Around 7 others surround me, enjoying the last half hour of light

I am in the car now, with a 30-minute drive back to the rental ho

I rest my head against the window, trying to find a comfortable p

The car movement shakes my head, but I find it calming

My mother has turned the heater on

The sound and feeling of warm air filling the car drowns out

As I close my eyes and drift to s l e e p

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The room of waiting was filled with paper white faces and silent sleepers I'm not sure which is worse I ignored all those whispers of indiscretions as they passed A lingering question kept me up, “What’s going to happen?” I bit my tongue with the array of thoughts piling like an ocean of people My dad was frozen like a statue staring blindly into space, he hadn’t drank any water or eaten anything in the last couple hours My mom was gray but she wouldn’t admit that she was sick, her eyes whispered, “What do we do?”

I couldn’t even start to think of my mom not being a pathological person, she's always thick with emotion and grace I sat there, the buttons of my coat got tangled in my hair, under the doctor’s office lighting, it was the first time we’d been there, with her I thought back to a warm memory, large colored bricks that I piled up with my tiny hands with my cousins fighting in the background My grandma was drinking her porridge with my grandpa standing just like a black bear I remember vividly, the faint enchanting smell coming from the tiny kitchen locked in the back of the house, the smell reminded me of the wispy grass The chittering voices of my cousins transferred around the room, they sounded like birds conspiring

“Quiet down!” my grandma’s appealing voice yelled, her smile was golden like daylight She was healthy then

After deliberations, I wasn’t sure how I felt My feelings were as if they were a paper airplane slowly floating away from me By the time the sky dimmed, we arrived home My auntie had prepared a home-cooked meal for us, the steam of the rice had blown up to my face as the enticing smells of warm soup had fluttered up to me Soon after my dad had arrived at the dinner table with a happy smile on his face, I was stunned, astonished This moment was like the Voynich Manuscript, where it came from remains a mystery I hurled my food down and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow Each night after I prayed to her, desperate people find faith so now I pray to Jesus too

By the time the sun rose again I found us driving down the same path to the same place where the hospital lighting makes you sick I watched as her arms tucked into the tired white sheets that greeted each patient with a happy face just like my grandmother I thought

“I don’t want to be here” she gravelly whispered the line in between her eyes appeared once again

“There’s nothing I can do” I replied

I wanted to do something, but I couldn't The people in white cloaks paced round the room arranging devices I don’t know the name of The whispering and murmuring between them grew larger and larger as time moved I could hear my own heart jumping out of my chest as the anticipation faded into gloom The surgery was bound to begin I didn’t tell them I was scared, as I said to her, “Soon you’ll get better” I fought back my tears like a soldier trying to win the hardest battle, I couldn’t show her I was scared Soon you’ll get better, because you have to I glanced around, everyone looked like ghosts

People wearing white coats meandered around as they fed us the news,

“I’m afraid her condition is getting worse She will need to do surgery,” the male doctor said with a flat voice My mom’s eyes widened in disbelief

“What’s going on?” my mom questioned I could hear my heart beating out of my chest

“If she doesn’t get surgery, there’s a chance she won’t survive”

“We have to, '' my dad’s voice sliced in as I couldn't tell her I was scared

They began pulling her out of those dreadful sheets I imagined her being cut open as my nails dug deeper into her skin I could feel her dry skin under my palm as I tugged on her arm, my nails sinking into her wrist as my eyes filled with crystals I blinked I had to let her go My grasp let go of her arm once they brought her around the corner the river flew out of my eyes I thought to myself, “I hate to make this all about me, but who am I supposed to talk to? What am I supposed to do, if you ’ re not here, if you ’ re not with me? If she walks away, what do I do?” I let these thoughts empower me as I was pacing around the room The waiting was a sadness, fading into madness I glanced over at my dad, his visage as pale as snow showers I didn’t want her to leave, I didn’t want to listen to elegies to get over it I didn’t want to I didn’t want to think that those Montmartre hills looked like the perfect place to cry, I didn’t want to ask these questions, I wanted her to stay and not move, I wanted her to think that she wanted a pecan tree to grow over her bare feet because she hadn’t moved in years

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Those who treated people blew in, a sigh flew into the room, “She might not make it I swallowed My heart ached, “What do you mean?” My eyes widened at this, and my puffed-up eyes were swollen with tears

“There’s a fifty-fifty chance,” I could hear the sighs from a mile away

I would rethink it all; she makes the best of anything, and she would love those Saturday matinée, while I just pretend it isn’t real I know she can see delusion when she looks at me I wanted to, I could check every list, every table, everyone, there's not a day that I won’t try I sat there, absent-mindedly staring blankly at the clock as its wands moved each second

I felt alone The white walls of the room closed in on me and cascaded onto me I waited, seconds skipping into darkness In my peripheral vision, I watched as doctors in coats let themselves in like they were parting the Red Sea

My dad jumped out of his seat

“What’s wrong?” he exclaimed

I waited for their reply quietly as I sat there looking up with a blind eye

“The surgery is going well so far, but I’m afraid her heart rate is very low,” the kind-hearted doctor with a slight smile, and an open wound had slithered out of the room once more

My soul fell apart as I heard the words My body sank to my seat I slid down the walls with my head in my hands wondering why, what did she ever do to deserve this? I couldn’t let myself become wary she still had a chance I checked the clock as hours passed like seconds Each time I heard footsteps linger outside the room I jerked up just to set myself up again Only twenty minutes of sleep It felt like the air was thick with loss and indecision I knew this wouldn’t go back to normal if it ever was I can remember the first time I’ve ever thought about relationships and family I thought it was a blazing maroon but then I thought it was golden But now I feel like I'm the alchemist I can’t tell what's actual and what's not I took a glimpse over at the glass of water that no lips had touched I picked it up and placed it next to my mom’s parched throat as she finally took a sip

The faint steps of progression faded Waves of gray that shimmered in the light were found My grandma had stepped in, just a glimpse of relief, just 30 minutes of sleep I jolted upwards as if the realization hadn’t entered my brain yet I bolted over to her to hug her, followed by my dad, and then my mom

“I’m so happy, you ’ re ok,” I wanted to cry, but I didn’t I let out a sigh of relief My brain, one flooded with questions, faded away

“Me too” My mom added, my mom’s eyes were already flooded with tears It was the first word I had heard from her, after what felt like days of not speaking I had never seen my dad cry before, but this day I watched him wipe a tear off his cheek He was stunned as if he forgot how to speak until he finally said something

“I don’t know what I’d do without you, ” I could hear the silence as the room filled with it “Like who was I supposed to talk to?”

I replied, “Them?”

I twisted my head to my parents to hear my grandma crack a splinter of laughter Her smile reminded me of a warm sunset, the sounds of dripping ice cream, and the smell of wind past my ear

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8 months have passed

But I still feel the same

As she did the first day

Except I’m older now

With the knowledge she wished she possessed And the friends she wished she had

For her it was like a rollercoaster

That never gave her a second to breathe, A rollercoaster that she never really got off of Getting home and crying

About whatever person she came across

That didn’t make her feel like a person

Getting home and smiling

About the best day she ever had

Feeling like the best

All she wanted

Was to meet people that made her feel seen

People who would treat her like she was there

Like her thoughts and words were valuable

Like she had more worth

Than just a walking-talking object

Instead, she came across people

Who ignored that she was there

A person

Who had thoughts that could’ve been respected And feelings that could’ve been acknowledged That should have been acknowledged

She should have been acknowledged She should have been seen

I mean sure people were nice to her

But she wondered Are they genuine?

Or were they still in the

“Everyone has to be nice to the new girl” phase

I mean sure she made friends

But she wondered Were they really?

Or were they still in the

“Everyone has to befriend the new girl because people are watching” phase

Some stuck around

Maybe more than some

But she still wonders what she did

To make it so that more didn’t

Maybe she made the wrong first impressions

Maybe she was so loud that it became obnoxious

Maybe she was so quiet that nobody even realized she was there

And she looked around

Watching every other new boy or girl

Make good first impressions

Make friends that stick around

Make opportunities to be more seen

And they all became visible

But she didn’t

She stayed invisible

And her being new clearly wasn’t the reason

“What is the problem?” she asked herself

And the little voice in her head said


“You’re the problem”

“Don’t you see?”

“Everyone else doesn’t have these problems”

“Because they don’t have your personality”

“Because they aren’t you ”

Here I am

8 months older now

And I know what I would say to her

“So what if you ’ re the problem?

If you ’ re the problem then too bad

Because the only way to solve that issue?

Don’t be you

And that can’t happen

Because being you is never going to be a problem”

I’m older now

And that is exactly what I would

Because that is what she needed

And what she needed to hear

What I needed to hear

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One goal was all it took to claim victory, and my team relied on me to deliver Since childhood, I had idolized the world's greatest soccer players The likes of Messi and Ronaldo left me awestruck as they effortlessly dribbled past opponents and scored mesmerizing goals Every night, I dreamt of replicating their greatness, and one day, that dream became a reality

I was merely ten years old when I played in that match My team, Liverpool FC, dressed in red, faced off against a team dressed in yellow (I can't recall their name) The score was tied 1-1, and time was running out to score a winner Positioned on the left wing, I received a pass from my teammate, but shooting straight away wasn't an option I had to cut back into the middle of the pitch to find a better angle With precision, I controlled the ball, bypassing one opponent in the process Yet, two more defenders and the goalkeeper stood between me and the goal

As a defender closed in on me, I skillfully faked a shot and dribbled slightly to the right, leaving him behind The crowd, including my teammates, paused to witness my next move One more defender remained in my path While he hurried to defend, he was still too far away, leaving a high chance for me to attempt a shot at goal Despite this knowledge, I remained calm and composed and executed another feigned shot, deceiving the defender and slipping past him Now, only the goalkeeper stood between glory and me

A narrow gap appeared in the bottom right corner of the net, and I envisioned myself as an archer, skillfully drawing my bow and arrow to hit the bullseye At that moment, time seemed to slow down Everything else moved in slow motion, and it was just me versus the goalkeeper With unwavering focus, I side-footed the ball accurately into the back of the net, securing the winning goal for my team

My dad, who had been watching me throughout the game, couldn't contain his disbelief He placed his hands on his head, a sign of sheer astonishment (in a good way) As for me, I exchanged high-fives with my teammates and returned to our half, ready to continue the match Looking back, my celebration was pretty pathetic

After the match, with our team winning by the narrowest of margins, my dad and I decided to celebrate our triumphant victory We headed to my favorite restaurant for a well-deserved dinner, and to my delight, my dad surprised me with a toy I had long desired

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It stands at Kitsilano Park, and bends right to the summer breeze The sun hangs above the horizon you can almost see it through the long yellow leaves that droop all the way down to the ground

You take a seat under the tree, tuck yourself into your secret hideaway, your kingdom

I sit down on the lawn, near the weeping willow

What do you do behind the curtain of leaves? What goes on in your sparkling world?

It appears to me that the outside world has fallen to pieces around you I turn to get a glimpse of you

But you are barely visible behind the pearly gateway to your own golden reality that you ’ ve disguised as a picket fence

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A flash of glaring purple lightning illuminated the opaque darkness of midnight, followed almost instantly by a loud thunderclap that echoed through the dark He could smell the ocean spray, saltwater splashing all across his face As the colossal sailboat began to heel to starboard, Henry could hear the sound of the massive fiberglass keel underneath, straining and groaning against the ship's weight Looking up in apprehension, he saw the torn sails, drenched in rain and seawater, as the towering, lanky mast gradually arched to the right An enormous wave crashed against the ship's port hull and immediately knocked the ship off course as a fierce shower of saltwater drenched all the sailors

Henry could smell the scent of fear around him as sailors were thrown overboard by a fierce wave that crashed upon the ship's deck As he looked down, he could hear the screams of anguish and pain coming from drowning men being swept away by the massive waves At the ship's stern stood the Captain, a rather muscular man with a tall build The Captain's face was grim, seemingly unfazed by all the ruckus and chaos There was something about him that interested Henry Although men around him were drowning, and the ship's thick wooden hull was slowly being splintered, he remained utterly resolute and unfazed as water began to fill the lower floors As he admired the Captain's battle-hardened face, Henry estimated that he was probably a man of about 70 years, yet he still had a look of sheer concentration and youthfulness

The roughness of the jib sheet sent splinters and bruises all over Henry's small, sweaty hands as he desperately heaved with all his might Down below, disaster struck as men were woken up by seawater filling the cramped cabins As the water began submerging everything and everyone on the lower decks, sailors began desperately pleading with the Captain to abandon the ship Yet the Captain, still completely unworried and calm, ordered everyone to remain on the boat "ALL HANDS ON DECK!" The Captain bellowed thunderously Sailors reluctantly continued to hoist the sails wearily as some others began to jump off the stern

The tall metal mast swiftly fractured into two pieces with a thunderous crack Then, immediately, the mainsail head was immersed in the water, slowly dragging along as the boat's bow began to dip itself into the water Men were flung sideways as another towering wave smashed the vessel's port side Seawater from both sides of the boat began to fill the deck He could feel the unwelcoming frigid water pouring into his ragged leather shoes, instantly causing his feet to numb Sailing the Atlantic in winter was always a rough passage As another colossal wave struck the boat's stern, the wrecked sailboat began to slowly nosedive into the ocean, then submerged itself entirely, leaving no trace behind except for some dead men floating lifelessly

Tangled in a cluster of thick ropes, Henry was pulled down with the vessel Running out of oxygen, he began to thrust at the ropes with all his willpower, yet to no avail He felt his limbs slowly numb, and then his eyes saw a blur of white light There was a burning sensation in Henry's lungs as water began filling his body, his eyes slowly shutting The entire ship's crew and the sailboat were never seen again 27 years later, neither the shipwreck nor the dead crew have been recovered To this day, the disappearance of the Poseidon remains a complete mystery

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There is something unreal about it,

The euphoric sensation is nearly unexplainable

At dusk, you leave home,

There's a physical feeling of weight leaving your chest,

All anxiety is demolished with the realization

It’s summer in Hong Kong

Taxi rides become longer, destined for anywhere

Cantonese drivers yelling on the phone with the click-clack of their decorations

Windows down, with loud music blasting, overcome by our scratchy singing voices

Gushes of wind in your ear with sand in between your toes and hair

The aroma of salt and hibiscus lingers near the beachfront

Sunsets are vivid and cuddle the island sky

So bright it tastes of citrus fruit, and warmth radiates all over your body

Waves stand with height, blowing fresh air in your face

Sending goosebumps to chill your legs

Slurping on an icy slushie from 7/11, complemented by hints of tangy, humid sweat

We let the summer draft direct us

Wet bikinis clinging to our skin while we put our denim shorts over top

Ocean waves form in our hair, garnished with grains of sand

We crawl around the ground collecting seashells and sparkly rocks,

Knees imprinted by the textured ground

Removing all gloominess from us

Letting the sun kiss our skin and illuminate our faces,

Gliding across the sea on our paddle boards and splashing the waters,

Balancing on one leg and pushing each other creates infinite laughing

We jump off cliffs for hours on end, adrenaline rushing in our souls

Drenching in salt water, with tiny cuts all over our feet

The sky is dim, signaling nightfall,

We prance down the hills accompanied by wild bores searching for rubbish

We admire from a distance and go off into the evening,

Soaking in our memories made, preparing for daylight to come

Even though the island is isolated, we are never detached

Summer nights in this place we call home gather us together

Hong Kong collects our memories and holds them tight

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Always postponing activities, and continuously delaying the inevitable, she desires to be the best but is often slowed down to a halt She has always been a sloth One who wants, but just can’t The sloth is hungry for food but is too lazy and tired to do so Despite this flaw, she has managed to accomplish a couple of amazing feats, which leads me to believe that without her tendency to procrastinate, she would become the best version of herself This is my one and only sister, Katelyn Her contradicting personalities of procrastination and determination lead to a lot of stress on her part She’s like a starving predator, hungry but drained of energy She delays assignments to the very end and even with this detrimental of a disadvantage, her burning passion to succeed forces her to try her very best It’s like the angel and the devil The Angel takes form in my sister’s determination while the devil takes form as the procrastination that will forever haunt my sister’s past experiences

My sister’s long fluffy hair receives more than enough attention Each strand of hair is like a perfect ocean current One that flows with grace and falters with joy Every strand of hair conveys the idea that she is very meticulous about certain things On the other hand, her room is a complete mess bringing up the idea that she might prioritize certain things before others The things around her can convey a lot about the two personalities that take place in Katelyn's world Throughout my life I have witnessed my sister challenged over and over Even despite this she has never been set back

The fact that my sister procrastinates does get the best of her though Ever since Katelyn turned 15, she was set into a new world High school High school introduced many new obstacles, including more homework, more curriculums, and even more summatives All these factors piled up to create an immense amount of stress and anxiety

There was one week in particular that really stood above the rest My sister’s determined self always wanted to be the best of herself When she found out about all the leadership roles that high school had to offer, she was ecstatic Yet, due to the little devil on her shoulder, she wasn’t able to maintain calm and collected Even to this day I still remember that night when she returned home Her eyes were filled with frustration, and her eyes welled up with continuous tears The next day she was fixated on the goal of completing everything That day she didn’t speak a word, all she did was work hour after hour As the minutes passed, I could see the anxiety slowly being drained After that day I understood how much she valued being a person who is reliable yet hard-working Though she did procrastinate at the beginning, she managed to put her mind to it, and output the best she could do

As a student, my sister is incredibly committed She never regrets any of the decisions she makes Sometimes she gets the most upset at the smallest things in the world, but that just shows how caring and careful she is She tries to be grateful even through times when things are really rough As of now, she is in 11th grade and she is put in a lot of high-stress situations Despite this, she continues to grow and stay fixated on her goals This is one way she shows her determination

Her eyes scream commitment, the dark brown shadows exclaim confidence and courage Yet the state of her eyes always becomes slightly different when fuelled with determination Whenever she is really committed, we can always see a sparkle within the dark void The passion that burns is like a villager trying to create a feast through a famine

On the other hand, she can be incredibly gentle and generous Since she was about 6 years old she would collect a bunch of mini figures of forest animals Each animal was unique, with different accessories She had an entire play set, but as she grew older her love and passion for her play set began to fade Yet during this past year she has been back at it Continuously shopping trying to find her childhood memories It’s hilarious watching her buy these minifigures It’s like watching her reuniting with an important family member Her passion for certain things burns like a freshly set-off campfire This anecdote really shows how passionate she can be about certain things Because she is capable of being so caring about certain things it allows her to be insistent on setting and reaching goals Yet this great trait that she has been gifted does result in a very stubborn older sister

Despite the two contradicting traits she still is able to do so many different things at an elite level As of now, my sister has conquered her tendency to procrastinate While teaching me so much about how to live life to its fullest Whether it’s about time management or to never give up until the very end Even when challenged, she has always been able to combat the sneaky little devil With the help of the angel, she will always have a tiny glimpse of hope Without Katelyn, I would have never managed to become the person I am today

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A winsome creature it is back an ashen gray, cream underbelly smudged with a faded beige that wanders upward to a small, rounded face streaks it with diffidence discrepant with the defiant edge of a haughty, rigid tail made to appear lengthier during flight when seen proudly jutting beyond the rounded curves of charcoal wings lined with white veins of color that extend into grand, ridged fans upon unfurling

above suspended legs that curve downward, ever inclined to latch onto the appendages

of branches the same texture as its spindly feet,

remaining in a song of lilting trills and chirrups of a steady cadence, tail wagging cheeks reddening head swaying, stout-hearted optimism fueling its tireless voice as day trickles into night and its amber eyes become a pair of fireflies enraptured by light, whimsical conversations of erratic winking and fervid declarations of being;

a frenzied waltz accompanied by an orchestra of hawks and orioles and frogs and cats, of squawks and warbles and ribbits and purrs

or a one-man orchestra, I should say,

for when the hawks and orioles and frogs and cats are deep in slumber unencumbered,

the mockingbird sings for them, from autumn to winter to spring to summer

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I remember when

I was just a newborn baby

Nani held me in her arms

I had just come into this big world

With her being there

I remember when

I was still a little baby

Nani was singing to me

It was better than any lullaby

Her lying down next to me

While I was sleeping

I remember when

I went to India to visit Nani

My first flight I cried more than ever before

But it was all worth it to see her smile

Me crawling on the Airport floor

Crawling into her arms for a big and long hug

I remember when

We went to the zoo together

All of the monkeys screaming, the lion’s roaring

With all of the noises little me was overwhelmed

But Nani covered my ears with her hands

To make me feel better

I remember when

We used to lie down together

And read to each other

I didn't have a care in the world

Just listening to her beautiful voice while sleeping

I remember when

I grew a little older

Not a baby anymore

I was a child

Growing up fast

At least that was what Nani said

I remember when

We used to bake together

We baked cookies and cakes and brownies

We loved baking together

It was our favorite thing to do

We did it all the time

I remember when

Mama was pregnant with Swara

I was overwhelmed with feelings

I was happy but sad

Excited but nervous

Nani helped me with my feelings

I remember when Mama and Papa

Rushed to the Hospital

Mama was about to have my little sister

They went while I stayed with Nani

I remember when We went to visit my little sister Swara Nani held her in her arms

Just like she did for me when I was a baby I was beaming with joy

I remember when Mama finally came home with Swara Nani and I baked a welcome home cake together We all ate it together

It was one of the best moments in my whole life

I remember when Nani, Swara and I went to the zoo together

We saw flowers and animals

We took a lot of pictures too

Just like when I was a baby

I remember when We used to celebrate Diwali together

That was the holiday that reminds me of her Eating sweets and playing with firecrackers It was so much fun and it still is But much more fun with Nani

I remember when Nani was in the US visiting my cousin

She fell a little bit ill It was all so sudden

I remember when I got the news

Papa and Mama had just come back

From the US

Papa and I were on the couch

I remember that moment

So clearly in my mind still to this day

And I will always remember it clearly

Papa told me that Nani had passed away I collapsed with tears flowing all over

I was shocked with no words to say

From the beginning of my life she was there

Then she was gone the next day

She will always be remembered

In our hearts

Remembering Nani

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A sweater for me A sweater for Pooh A hat for me A hat for Pooh These are some of the many things that Lao Lao has knitted I loved the items she knitted for me but never wore them much Hong Kong was too hot for wooly sweaters She tried to teach me to knit at times, but I would often lose interest

She cooked delicious Chinese food, especially dough foods Bing, man tou and jiao zi, were some of the many foods she made The best of the best were her godly bao zi They had the perfect skin, tasty fillings, and a bit of soupy broth that tied it all together Eating at home was a joy, but every time my family would want to eat different Chinese food from outside, she would be unhappy Why would you want to buy dumplings when we can make them at home?

Sometimes she would complain about how I would never help out around the house But every time I asked to help she would say, “No, I’ll do it” Grandpa passed away long before I was born Lao Lao also had an ear condition which made it hard for her to hear This made it hard to have long conversations with her The more I grew up, the more I felt like we were drifting apart There was less time for me to spend with her She seemed to be a lonely person surrounded by only her own thoughts Over time, she became more and more closed-minded

She and my mother didn’t have the best relationship, mostly because of different disagreements They would fight a lot and had very varying opinions Because of this, Lao Lao often moved around from my home and my aunt’s home in Chicago, never staying in one place for more than five years, drifting like a feather through the wind As I grew older, I found out about some of the sides of the disagreements which helped me see Lao Lao from a different perspective

Sometimes I would come to understand Lao Lao through my mother's childhood and perspective but also from Lao Lao’s childhood and views Lao Lao was the ninth child of her family This probably made it difficult for her to gain much attention and love from her parents Mother said that she always seemed a little apathetic This made me feel like she was a lonely person

One of her rather “annoying” points would be about my hair She would always talk about the problem with long hair Many times she would recommend that I cut it and push back my bangs She herself had gray short hair She wasn’t very tall, maybe a little bit shorter than 160 meters She also carried a heavy bag everywhere she went, even though my mother told her not to carry so much If we were stranded on a desert island, she would have the things we needed She was a very persistent person when it came to views and topics This also made her a bit closed minded which made it hard to get my ideas through to her

There were many times when I would think about her Her ear condition made it hard to talk to her My cousins could not speak Chinese very well so it also made it hard for them to communicate with her Many times I would also feel bad for her It seemed like this was spreading us apart

When we were apart we would call a lot Every time we called, the starting conversation would go like this:

“Do you miss me?”

“Yes, Lao Lao”

Somewhere in my mind, I was reminded of my past conversations

“Where do you miss me? In your head? In your arms? In your stomach?”

After many times of going through with this I knew exactly what to say

“In my heart, of course!”



As the first snowflakes began to gently descend from the gray sky, I found myself wandering through the narrow streets of a traditional Japanese village, far from the familiar bustle of Tokyo The winter air was crisp, carrying the scent of pine and the distant sound of temple bells With each breath, the cold seemed to seep deeper into my bones, and the world around me was cloaked in a serene hush, broken only by the crunch of snow underfoot

Lost in the beauty of the snow-dusted bamboo groves and the traditional thatched-roof houses, I didn’t realize how far I had strayed until the path behind me was swallowed by a thickening veil of snow Panic fluttered in my chest like a trapped sparrow The landmarks I had taken note of were now obscured, and the winding path seemed to lead nowhere

I trudged on, my feet growing numb, the falling snowflakes like a cascade of white stars against the darkening sky The once inviting winter wonderland had become a labyrinth of shadows and silhouettes, each more disorienting than the last I wrapped my coat tighter around myself, the fabric stiff with frost, as I willed my thoughts to remain calm

The silence of the snow-laden village was very profound and was punctured only by the occasional creak of bending branches and the soft whisper of the winter wind The beauty of the scene was mesmerizing, yet the chill that accompanied it was a reminder of nature’s indifference to what we feel

Just as despair began to set in, a flicker of light caught my eye It was distant but unmistakable a warm, golden glow spilling from the window of a small tea house With renewed hope, I quickened my pace, each step bringing me closer to the promise of refuge

The tea house was a haven, its interior a cozy embrace of warmth and the comforting aroma of roasted green tea The aged owner, his silver hair, tied in a loose bun, frames a face etched with stories His eyes, the color of oolong, crinkle at the corners as he greets each customer Recognizing the weariness in my eyes, offered me a seat by the irori, a traditional sunken hearth As I sipped the steaming tea, the heat slowly returned to my fingers, and the owner shared tales of the village and its winter spirits I relaxed knowing I had survived against nature for now and would live to tell this tale

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Victor’s Dictionary

Definitions from Victor’s Languages

social / ˈ səʊʃl/ adjective

1 Julia Chen

"The most social and caring person I know is Julia Chen"

Social is the definition of my sister, the bumblebee, Buzzing from flower to flower, from friend to friend, From country to country, and land to land, From school to college, from college to work, Each year, a bright new adventure, Being invited by all, Friendly in strangers eyes, Tending to others' cries,

My sister, the social bumblebee, is someone you can always talk to

Listening to others problems and foes, Show interest with others hopes, Taking time to listen to dreams, Glimpsing worlds in people unseen, Bringing the gift of attentiveness, Allowing people to relieve their stress, Emotions and feelings unheard and unseen, Being someone on who you can lean,

My sister, the listening bumblebee, who always listens to your problems

Once of niceness, Twice of kindness, Thrice of interest, Quarce of love

Quince of listening,

Sence of compassion, Septence of respect, Octence of caring

My sister, the amiable bumblebee, who is constantly by your side

ike lazy sunny afternoons, and Pouring rainy days indoors

Like snowy winter days with blankets, and Warm summer weekends

Like soft wind gently blowing your face, and Rocky hail outside a cozy home

Like clear diamond-blue skies, and Pearl-White clouds in the easygoing air, My sister, the calm bumblebee, who you can trust and rely on

My sister, Who tends to open wounds, Who listens to others sorrows, Who teaches others to love, Who helps others enjoy their time on Earth

My sister, Who is there for you, Who is a source of calmness, Who is an oasis in the desert of confusion, Who is knowledgeable of all ways to help

My sister, the helping and reliable bumblebee, who is always there for you

Taking a walk through a forest filled with bird chirps, And water trickling down calm streams

Flying through clouds up in the bluest skies, Floating in the clear sea,

Opening your eyes to see the colorful fish, Jumping into piles of red and gold autumn leaves

All describe my sister

Floating on a weightless cloud,

Feeling cool dirt on your skin on a hot summer day, Sitting at a cafe with a cold drink in hand,

Watching the sun slowly set over the horizons of purple, and magenta

All describe my sister, The serene bumblebee, who is there to calm you down

Maybe others are considered better, Maybe they accomplish greater things, Maybe they receive awards

Maybe they are given more credit, Maybe they are better liked,

Maybe they are more important in society, But to me,

My sister will always be my heroine

My sister, the bumblebee is there for you

My sister the bumblebee is reliable to no end

My sister, the bumblebee is a calm haven in the sea of raging anger, and tides of sadness

My sister, the bumblebee

My sister, the heroine

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