HGA Topic 3 Resolution 1 Friendly Amendments

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FORUM: GENERAL ASSEMBLY (HGA) MAIN-SUBMITTER: Ukraine CO-SUBMITTERS: Somalia, United Mexican States SIGNATORIES: Ethiopia, South Africa, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Niger, Brazil, United States of America QUESTION OF: The South African Apartheid THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, Alarmed by the violation of human rights that had taken place during 1989 in South Africa, Acknowledging the many social, economic, and political repercussions of the Apartheid, Commending recent anti-Apartheid efforts of Mandela, Tutu, and other black leaders, Condemning the large-scale segregation between races, Recognizing the fragility of the social tension in South Africa, Emphasizing the urgent need for reconstructive measures to be carried out, Noting the General Assembly’s imperative responsibility to promote human rights and provide humanitarian aid: 1. Suggests minimal foreign intervention by limiting instances to economic interventionism with activity such as (but not limited to): a. Temporary disinvestment in order to discourage markets or industries currently benefitting from Apartheid policies on the condition that the South African government agrees with the action outlined in this resolution; b. Financial funding of reconstructive efforts; 2. Calls for the reinstatement of the African National Congress (ANC), legalizing its antisegregation efforts with the condition that they do not: a. Violate human rights; b. Bring forth violent and/or life-threatening activity; 3. Encourages the reintegration of the ANC with the Pan-Africanist Congress (PAC) to establish and work towards common anti-discrimination goals; 4. Asks for the disbandment of the ANC’s Umkhonto we Sizwe (“Spear of the Nation”), henceforth discouraging any violent anti-racism movements on the condition that the South African government agrees with the action outlined in the rest of the resolution; 5. Requests for the immediate restructuring of the South African governmental system with the inclusion of reforms such as (but not limited to):

a. The establishment of the ANC as a permanent and recognized bureau of the South African government; b. The prohibition of any political policies that employ racial classification and discrimination; 6. Demands the immediate resettlement of internally displaced victims of the Apartheid through measures such as (but not limited to): a. Active attempts to rejoin family ties that the Apartheid had severed, b. Reintegration of Africans that had been delegated to Bantustan rural reserves into South African society through: i. The annulment of the 1970 Black Homeland Act, ii. The providence of the option for Bantustan Africans to return to South African territory, iii. The elimination of the established dichotomy of “white South Africa” and the black African population, iv. The stripping of independence and self-government in the Bantustan regions, v. The reinstatement of South African citizenship upon Bantustan Africans; 7. Urges immediate action towards securing equal education allowing high educated jobs to be designated to only those with the qualifications necessary; 8. Encourages employers’ equal assessment of all prospective job applicants, disregarding trivial aspects such as race and gender; 9. Decides to remain actively seized on the matter.

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