FORUM: World Health Organization QUESTION OF: Protocol for Pandemic Diseases MAINSUBMITTER: Federal Republic of Somalia SIGNATORIES: Republic of Niger, The Republic of Philippines, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, The Republic of Rwanda, United States of America, Republic of Germany THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, Recognizing the unparalleled potential of disease for the destruction of human life, Noting with satisfaction the all past and current efforts to bring the spread of disease to a standstill, Realizing the inevitable delay in producing effective vaccines and the limited capacity for vaccine production, Emphasizing that tackling pandemic diseases should stretch beyond responding to outbreaks, but also create standards for preemptive prevention, Keeping in mind the three pillars of R2P, in which the responsibilities of the states and the international community are dictated, Affirming that prevention and response to pandemics worldwide is a key issue in the UN’s Millenium Goals for universal human development and prosperity, Bearing in mind the binding nature of International Health Regulations (IHR), Seeking the improvement of IHR to include new protocol, Understanding that deteriorated national health systems and civil unrest serve as barriers to providing aid, Deeply concerned by the lack of financial support to respond to future pandemics, 1. Urges all states to prioritize the implementation of WHO guidelines for pandemic preparedness; 2. Requires a system of routine surveillance as a preventative measure on an annual basis; 3. Calls for the reform of the Department of Pandemic and Epidemic Disease (PED) with the goals of: a) Establishing a framework for risk assessment based on various factors, including but not limited to:
i) Virological evidence of a novel virus; ii) Epidemiological evidence of sustained humantohuman transmission; b) Providing trained medical professionals to assist in assessing threat level; 4. Encourages member states to actively subscribe to the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN), which will serve as a knowledge bank that will work on par with the UN and the WHO with the common goals of: a) Fostering unity and collaboration between existing institutions and organizations in battling pandemic disease; b) Collating knowledge and resources within the network for the rapid identification, confirmation and response; c) Improving the coordination of international effort to respond to threat of outbreaks in a timely manner; 5. Promotes the use of nonpharmaceutical intervention as a realistic measure in combating pandemic disease, including quarantine and social distancing, that: a) Adheres to strict regulations, including but not limited to: i) Assurance of safety for affected peoples; ii) Reciprocity, exercised through the provision of necessities of life, including: 1) Housing in humane conditions; 2) Highquality medical care and psychological support; iii) Scientifically confirmed evidence that segregation of an individual is necessary to control the spread of infectious disease, and that the harms of temporary restriction on a personal liberties are outweighed by the broader interest of public health; b) Minimizes detrimental effects of such measures through appropriate compensation; c) Is only used in contexts where the disease in question has proven to be epidemiological in nature; 6. Recognizes the need of Funding and Human resources in combatting Pandemic Diseases, and hereby urges the WHO and developed nations to: a) Support the areas of outbreak by sending experienced medical personnel and staff provided the locals are in need; b) Expects developed nations to, anually, over a period of 10 years, increase their donations to the WHO by 0.5% of their GDP; c) Establish a UN authorized rapid response group which will receive 3% of every country's annual donation towards the WHO, which will be responsible for authorizing and distributing funds towards every nation in this partnership program; d) Assure the proper usage of funds through this rapid response group; e) Sets a goal for this program to, over a period of 10 years, reduce Pandemic Disease related deaths by 5%; 7. Prioritizes the role of national health authorities to:
a) Establish an effective management process through the creation of a chain of command, by: i) Assigning key agencies to specific roles and responsibilities, including preventive, curative and diagnostic services; b) Communicate results of surveillance reports to the WHO; c) Ensure appropriate training for health professionals and appropriate standards for hospital, laboratory and pharmaceutical equipment; 8. Supports education of the public through various mediums for purposes including but not limited to: a) Addressing the perceptions of risk; b) Informing the public about the symptoms and signs of disease and risk factors through means including but not limited to: i) Distribution of information pamphlets; ii) Seminars and talks in local communities; iii) Advertisements; c) Mobilizing the community through the implementation of measures to potentially stagnate the spread of disease, including: i) Improved sanitation and hygiene through the distribution of soaps, water sanitation pills; ii) Avoidance of foods originating from specific areas; iii) Avoidance of livestock and insects linked to causes or originating areas of specific diseases; d) Combat social stigma regarding disease, particularly in LDCs, which could be a potential enabler for disease to spread further, through methods including but not limited to information sessions and leaflets; e) Preventing diseases in the longterm; 9. Calls upon all states to maintain transparency in their dealings and continuous communication with the general public to prevent mass hysteria and fear; 10. Decides to remain actively seized on the matter.