HGA Topic 3 Resolution Merged 1

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Main Submitter: Philippines Co-submitters: Germany, United State of America Signatories: Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Federal Republic of Brazil, Republic of the Philippines, Republic of Niger, Republic of Zaire, Republic of Turkey, Kingdom of Belgium, Islamic Republic of Iran, United States of America, State of Japan, Federative Republic of Brazil, Syrian Arab Republic, French Republic, Argentine Republic, Federative Republic of Brazil, Kingdom of Belgium, Kingdom of Norway, People’s Republic of China, Republic of Niger, Republic of South Africa, United Mexican States, United States of America, Recalling that the United Nations Charter professes “faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small,” Acknowledging that Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services.” Recognizing the fragile nature of the South African economy and its current political environment, Noting with regret, the high level of racial and gender inequality in South Africa, Understanding the need for the establishment and enforcement of laws against racial and gender hate crimes and any manner of racially or gender motivated violence, Commending the steps the South African government has begun to take towards racial equality such as the Mahlabatini Declaration of Faith of 1974, and the abolishment of Bantustans in South West Africa, Guided by the belief that all people should be judged independently of ethnic origins, skin color, and gender Realizing the need for immediate humanitarian aid for those who have been displaced from their homes, Further believing in a peaceful resolution to South Africa’s internal conflict. THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, 1. Requires the formation of a UN subcommittee in the existing UN committee Special Committee Against Apartheid that would help manage negotiations between opposing parties involved in the apartheid situation in South Africa through methods such as but not limited to: a. setting up a neutral location for peace talks to take place, b. minimizing bias by ensuring each party has equal leverage in negotiations, 2. Urges nations to end any economic sanctions that have imposed on South Africa and

provide monetary donation that will be used to rehabilitate post-apartheid South African society under the monitor of the UN, 3. Encourages countries to extend deadlines for the repayment of foreign loans in order to allow time and room for South Africa to rebuild fragile economy and achieve long term stability. 4. Requests the immediate official unbanning of anti-apartheid organizations such as the ANC (African National Congress) and the release of prisoners that are supportive of racial harmony; 5. Recognizes that organizations like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) should remain abstaining from crediting apartheid nations like South Africa until said nation makes an effort to end discriminating policies and compensate for those who have been affected by the apartheids; 6. Calls for the reintegration of those affected by the apartheid into the South African community by methods such as but not limited to: a. Orchestrating a new national educational program that promotes equality, through implementing specific programs that focus on goals such as but not limited to, i. Teaching students about the history of the apartheid and the effects it had on the South African people and South Africa as a whole, ii. Teaching students at a young age that discrimination is unfair and that all human beings should be treated equally, iii. Ensuring students understand the harms of discrimination, b. Granting legal statuses to those that were affected in South Africa by the apartheid, c. Implementing stricter legislation that forbids any form of racial discrimination, d. Ensuring equal standards in the job market for a period of time up to the discretion of the South African government in order to promote equality and compensate for those who were affected by the apartheid; e. Strengthening pre-existing police enforcement: i) Increasing security and communication between victims and forces, by creating an emergency hotline for reporting and monitoring racist violence, ii) Preventing maltreatment of victims by educating police forces about different races and ethnicities, eradicating anti-black sentiment among authorities; 7. Invites MEDCs to aid in the provision of humanitarian supplies to those forcibly displaced to the ten Bantustans of Transkei, Bophuthatswana, Venda, Ciskei, Gazankulu, Lebowa, QwaQwa, KaNgwane, KwaNdebele and KwaZulu, by means including: a. The provision of construction material to develop new infrastructure such as aid camps and schools within South Africa; b. The provision of food, water and medical supplies to be distributed to internally displaced persons; 8. Advises the enlisting of non- governmental organizations such as the Red Cross and the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees), to provide aid to the

internally displaced persons of South Africa in forms such as but not limited to; a. The deployment of medical personnel to combat the spread of disease; b. The distribution of food, water and health supplies; c. The building of infrastructure such as schools and aid camps; d. Carrying out new educational programs that promote equality, 9. Endorses the increased representation of women, coloured people and black people within the frontline justice system in order to reduce the risks of gender or racial discrimination within the prosecution of crimes; 10. Recommends the use of media campaigns in order to: a. Educate the population regarding racial and gender related hate crimes; b. Generate awareness among all members of South African society of their right to protection from the law; c. Promote racial and gender equality; 11. Suggests collaboration with NGOs and civil institutions to develop rehabilitation programs for victims of gender or racially motivated hate crimes to provide services such as, but not limited to: a. Mental and psychological counselling sessions; b. Providing legal assistance to victims; 12. Requests aid to be given to any foreign nationals wishing to flee to their own countries due to the severe discrimination they may face in South Africa; 13. Decides to remain actively seized on the matter.

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