HKS Education Portfolio

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Contents 1.0 HKS

5.0 Sustainability

2.0 Capability

6.0 BIM

3.0 Design Philosophy

7.0 Projects

4.0 Education and the Historic Environment

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University Technical College UTC@harbourside Won “The Public & Community Project Award” Sussex Heritage Trust Awards

1.0 > Our Vision

Architecture reflects and shapes our time and culture. HKS is creating places that enhance the human experience. In the education sector our design approach and methodology reflects the unique nature and social significance of learning. What we learn and how we learn during the entire span of our lifetime has the potential to change people’s lives and the quality of our society.

Top Northfleet Technology College, Kent UK Middle St Georges Church of England Foundation School, Kent, UK Bottom Malet Lambert School, Hull UK



Delivering exceptional value through our seamless network of global experts.

HKS Global Locations

Abu Dhabi Atlanta Chicago Dallas Denver Detroit Fort Worth Houston

London Los Angeles Mexico City Miami New Delhi New York Orlando Phoenix

Richmond Salt Lake City San Diego San Francisco Shanghai Singapore Washington D.C.


We are one firm. We believe that the value of talent, experience and knowledge is multiplied when shared. HKS is a worldwide network of professionals, strategically located and working seamlessly as one firm. We put together the best talent from around the globe to deliver exceptional value to our clients. As well as design our expertise includes market and revenue research, predictions facility management and operations, programming, brief formulation, master planning, design, project management and delivery. We are a global leader in professional design services, bringing value to clients through innovation while being committed to excellence, sustainability and sound business principles. Organisation HKS operates across 23 worldwide offices. Our project experience includes corporate headquarters, office buildings, healthcare facilities, sports facilities, hotels and resorts, banks, government and aviation facilities, convention centers, facilities for worship, public buildings, residential premises, educational facilities, science and technology, retail and industrial projects which are located in over 1,500 cities throughout 92 countries.

Project management skills, honed through decades of experience, is the hallmark of our service. Our project management processes includes design-quality management reviews and consultant coordination, budget management, monthly reporting, design scheduling and construction cash flow forecasting and trending. Our technical expertise and construction administration background contribute to streamlined, on-time, on-budget projects that create memorable experiences.

Practice The firm employs around 1,350 dedicated and experienced professionals with highly specialised design skills and an abundance of construction savvy. Constantly informing our work through the offerings of our in-house research teams, we serve your interests through knowledge-based practices.

Disciplines Offered • • • • • • • • •

Architecture Planning & Development Programming Project Management Master Planning Urban Design Sustainable Design Structural Engineering Interior Design

• • • • •

• •

Graphic Design Branding Research Advisory Practice Laboratory Programming and Planning Multimedia Production Model Services


2.0 > Capability Changing methods and approaches to teaching combined with changing technology are affecting the delivery of education in a profound way. HKS is passionate about designing buildings that can unlock this potential. Our education teams seek to create high quality environments, spaces and places that support the lifetime learning experience. We strive to deliver education facilities that respond to the needs and aspirations of pupils, students, teachers, support staff, family members and the local community.

Left School engagement sessions

Our goal however is not just to create world class design solutions but also to provide a service to our clients that ensures that the solutions are delivered on time and to a budget in order to meet our clients’ aspirations. To provide first class delivery we build our design teams within a framework of structured, disciplined and effective project management. We not only create the design but we also manage the design process. We bring the core management skills of curriculum modelling, resource planning and project management to this process.

3.0 > Design Philosophy The HKS approach is based upon thoroughly understanding a client’s aspirations and needs, and sensitively responding to the unique environmental, social and operational characteristics of each project. We believe that the most successful projects are those in which there is an integrated project team that promotes collaboration and shared ownership in the pursuit of such an approach. Our project management process includes design quality management reviews and consultant coordination, budget management, monthly reporting, design scheduling and design fee cash flow forecasting and trending. We have not only built some of the most exciting and transformational schools in the country, but also worked as advisors to some of the country’s most forward thinking local authorities. The schools we have delivered, in some of the most deprived and challenging areas of the county are now open and thriving, with school senior management teams glowing in their praise of the transformational effect the schools are having upon learning outcomes and aspirations.

Through the experience of our projects and acting as Technical Advisors, we have developed a sophisticated architectural portfolio of space types to suit clients needs however traditional or transformational. We can deliver designs that can accommodate a traditional pedagogy whilst having sufficient flexibility designed-in to enable a shift to the transformational end of the spectrum without costly building alteration. This is a key attribute, as many schools, whilst harbouring the aspiration to transform their teaching and learning strategies, need to manage change over a longer period of time whilst commissioning new buildings in the short term. Design and creativity are implicit in our approach. Our portfolio attests to our ability to deliver beautifully inspired work, shaping and crafting environments and ideas well beyond the expected.

Right utc@harbourside Newhaven, UK


HKS Education Services:

As architects we seek to bring the following skills and experience:


The ability to listen

Interior Design

Designing to maximise value for money

Urban Design

Detailed interrogation of the education brief


Leading edge education design

Project Management

The ability to provide the required

Option Appraisals

Feasibility Studies

Graphic Design

sensitive to the needs of students, teachers

Environmental Graphics

and parents

Branding Consultancy

Lead Consultancy


Database Management

Technical Advisors

functionality to align with the curriculum area •

The ability to create interior spaces that are

Ability to work in ‘real time’ with all other design disciplines

Strong design management skills to coordinate the design process

Understanding the dynamics of and meeting the affordable criteria

Designing to meet energy targets

Top Canary Wharf College, London, UK Left Archbishop Sentamu Academy, Hull, UK Middle Silverstone University Technical College Silverstone Motor Racing Circuit, Northamptonshire, UK Bottom Right Newhaven Technical University Technical College Newhaven, UK

> Process To meet the challenging educational briefs, we have adopted a client engagement process which aligns with that of our experience from procuring projects on educational frameworks. This process helps to define and develop a robust education design from conception through to delivery.



Design Development

The Process Ethos & Vision Stakeholder Aspirations Design Drivers Site Opportunities & Constraints Educational Organisation Key Adjacencies Pedagogy Change Management Flexibility & Adaptability

Initial Concepts Evaluation Against Educational Model Concept Development

Initial GA Plans Initial Landscape Plans 3D Model Evaluation Design Development

ICT Strategy FFE Strategy Services Strategy Sustainability Strategy Planning

Engineering Statutory Issues FFE Concepts Secure Concepts

1 2 3




Full GA Plans Site / External Plans Design Review Materials, Colours & Finishes

GA Plans & Sections 1:50 Sample FFE Plans Structures and Servicing Material & Finishes Specs Massing & Visualisation Design Review

Final Design Presentation Reaffirming the brief Plans Sections Interior Design Specifications Conservation Added Value Schedule Area Design Costs

4 5 6

Phasing Planning Construction In Use Costs

4.0 > Education and the Historic Environment HKS Architects have extensive experience in delivering education facilities located within or adjacent to buildings of historical significance. This includes working with Listed Buildings and sites within or next to conservation areas. Critical to a successful design and delivery, requires careful consideration of the local context and historical nature of the site or buildings in relation to the education development as well as early engagement with the Local Authority Conservation team or English Heritage. Recent projects include: •


Whitefriars Community School

Canary Wharf College 1 / 2

North Hertfordshire College

Malet Lambert School

Left Newhaven Technical University Technical College Newhaven, UK Top Chisenhale Primary School, London, UK Middle Malet Lambert School, London, UK Bottom Right Canary Wharf College, London, UK



5.0 > Sustainability HKS has been actively involved in environmental issues since the 1960’s when the company was instrumental in developing innovative low energy solutions to housing design and campaigning for efficient and renewable energy production and therefore considers issues of sustainability from the outset. As part of our ongoing commitment to low energy, sustainable design solutions, HKS has experience of recognised environmental assessment methods including BREEAM and LEED. HKS, through user group meetings and

As well as being accredited with BSEN ISO 14001:2004, HKS DesignGreen is the sustainable consulting studio within HKS that assists our design staff in implementing sustainable design processes and strategies. This studio has catalogued sustainable strategies and “lessons learned” from our vast project experience and uses this data on a daily basis to assist our designers in identifying successful and appropriate sustainable design strategies for their projects. Daily communication and contact with the project design team makes HKS DesignGreen uniquely effective at delivering successful integrated design solutions for its clients.

Top Dane Court Grammer School, Kent, UK Left Archbishop Sentamu Academy, Hull, UK

design workshops, seeks close collaboration with client and design teams to minimise the adverse effect of the building on the local and global environment, whilst ensuring the building meets the requirements of the occupants’ activities, health, comfort, stimulus and well being. By seeking maximum integration of all design disciplines and continual review of building form, function and operation. A holistic design can be achieved, minimising waste, reducing energy consumption and fully serving the needs of the occupier.

HKS carries out regular research into innovations in environmental design and are currently evolving a structured in house design guide and protocol for use by all technical staff. By seeking maximum integration of all design disciplines and continual review of building form, function and operation, HKS believes that a holistic design can be achieved, minimising waste, reducing energy consumption and fully serving the needs of the occupier.


6.0 > BIM HKS was one of the first architectural firms to extensively use Building Information Modeling (BIM). Since 2009, all of our newly awarded projects utilise BIM capabilities. Our firm currently has over £10 billion in design and construction underway using Autodesk Revit, a BIM software. Revit allows us to explore complex architectural geometry with a realistic and intelligent model that is seamlessly integrated with coordinated construction documents. BIM’s approach allows the owner and building team to see how the pieces of their project – from its three-story atrium to its door frames – fit together. Owners, architects, engineers and contractors are all seeing the advantages of Revit. The Benefits of HKS’ Implementation of BIM BIM allows the design team to quickly study options via analysis tools – revealing the best design option (e.g. LEED certification points, most efficient volume and perimeter, site orientation and building views). The technology allows architects and their team members to study the cost impact of different designs (e.g. exterior wall system options, percentage of glazing versus solid wall) – providing a better cost overview. Analysis tools offered by BIM promote green design (e.g. daylighting studies, energy calculations, building site orientation and

Left Digital Coordination Model

implementing new solar technology) – allowing educated sustainable decisions. BIM supports the Integrated Project Delivery team process by giving the team the tools necessary to exchange required information between all members – saving time and money. The technology facilitates accurate presentation views at any point during the design and construction document process – allowing the owner to better understand their building. The quality of overall documents improves due to the use of 3D modeling coordination – promoting a coordinated set of construction documents. The process encourages all industry team members to communicate – helping improve efficiency of scheduling construction activities (e.g. analysis and sequencing of work, materials delivery, ordering long lead items, organizing construction site storage and staging areas). BIM reduces the possibility of building construction conflicts which could require change orders – saving the owner additional costs. Our dedicated Revit server accelerates sharing models around all offices, enabling multiple-firm collaboration on a single model data set.

London Borough of Tower Hamlets

Chisenhale Primary School London, United Kingdom

Date 2007

Size 268sqm


> Primary Learning environments should engage the innate curiosity of young students and stimulate their diverse learning style. HKS is dedicated to improving school environments in the communities we serve. This is in hopes of preparing every child for success in life as they go on to their careers, further education, healthy citizenship and community leadership. A school’s influence should create a sense of optimism in a young heart and a sense of destiny to serve the common good.

London Borough of Tower Hamlets Chisenhale Primary School

This new accommodation comprises of a reception, administration and staff room together with a staff leadership office and individual interview rooms. A new lift will ensure full accessibility at each level. The project also comprises rationalisation of internal areas for improved classroom facilities and ICT provision for 30 pupils.

Services Architecture Interior Design

Project Features Extension and refurbishment of Victorian Primary School Improved staff facilities

Canary Wharf College London, United Kingdom Date 2014

Size 1,740sqm

We believe the architectural design of a school can help in this mission. Physical learning settings provide meaningful and memorable backdrops for impressionable minds. These formative experiences have lifelong impacts. Today’s imprints shape tomorrow’s outcomes.

Canary Wharf College

By working through the challenges of the tight site, its constraints and boundaries HKS proposed a building which combines the needs of a growing primary school and a multi-use hall for the local community to use. The design maximises the schools accommodation and exceeded the number of teaching spaces the brief called for. This allows the school to offer its students dedicated art, technology and ICT facilities.

Services Architecture Interior Design

Project Features Part of Governments Free School initiative Multi use community hall Cross Laminated Timber frame Building in Chapel House Conservation Area

Priestmead Primary School London, United Kingdom Date 2017 Size 4,081sqm

Priestmead Primary School

Careful consideration of a variety of building forms, heights and arrangements has led to a proposed design that fully supports the School’s vision for how their villages will expand to the new enrolment numbers and that works with the site to maximise external play-space.

Services Architecture Interior Design

Project Features Multi use community hall A three storey four-form entry primary school which reflects the school’s vision for different phases and villages. Careful consideration to vertical circulation routes with regards to the upper year’s playground and WC access. Community-use facilities can be easily “locked off” from the teaching spaces to provide a stand-alone community hub.

Canary Wharf College 2 London, United Kingdom Date 2016 - On Site

Size 1630sqm

The world is changing rapidly. School design must keep pace. Pedagogy is continuously subject to new tools, more mandates, developing science and technology and unfolding history. To plan for this cycle of perpetual renewal, school design can be grounded by two guiding constants. The first is change itself. Schools should be easily modifiable – either directly by users, or through construction – to accommodate various activities, technologies, schedules or groups. The second is human nature. Emphasis should be placed on natural elements and social relationships that are enduring, changeless and permanent.

Canary Wharf College 2

The teaching and community zones are given equal priority within the layout, signified by an entrance placed strategically between them. This allows either to function independently. With the teaching zone priority is given to the classrooms. These are well proportioned, square, best efficiency and flexibility of space over the lifetime of the building.

Services Architecture Interior Design

Project Features Multi use community hall Roof top play space Site utilization on tight urban site

Aylward Primary School Harrow, Greater London, United Kingdom Date 2016

Size 3,170sqm

Careful consideration has been given to a variety of site options and building to ensure that the proposed design creates an “open and natural” feel to the school and its grounds, all whilst retaining the large cedar tree central to the school’s identity and ensuring good security and circulation around the site.

Services Architecture Interior design

Project Features Large halls to provide extensive dining and community facilities with the ability to spill out into the landscaping around the school’s cedar tree. Strong views out and excellent levels of natural daylighting, fresh air and comfort for students, staff and all users. Clearly defined entrances and careful consideration of the positioning of the ASD unit and community-use areas to ensure that no area feels left-out.

Cedars Primary School Harrow, Greater London, United Kingdom Date 2017

Size 3296sqm

A challenging tight site requiring complex demolition and construction phasing, Cedars Manor Primary School provides much-need modern facilities to a growing school and involved careful and detailed stakeholder engagement to ensure minimal disruption to a partner Children’s Centre on the school site, whilst at the same time building and strengthening strong existing relationship and shared facilities.

Services Architecture Interior design

Project Features Efficient space planning to ensure outdoor space is maximised on a poorly utilised and planned site. Careful consideration of fenestration and elevations to maximise views out and connections between indoors and outdoors. Considered detailing of brick elevations to provide relief and texture at key locations. Successful integration of a Hearing Impaired unit to ensure all students are fully integrated and catered to across all teaching spaces.

Croxley Danes School Watford, Greater London, United Kingdom

Date 2017

Size 9,212sqm

Croxley Danes School

The massing, appearance and footprint of the new Croxley Danes School pay careful consideration to the site’s challenging constraints which include a 17m change in level across the site, Green Belt Land, TPO Trees, neighboring easements and numerous existing utilities scattered around the site.

Services Master Planning Architecture Interior Design

Project Features Site located adjacent to Green Belt Land Community-Use Facilities Building adjacencies which allow for ‘green field’ school views Specialist ‘Hub’ zones immersed within key faculties

Northfleet Technology College Gravesend, Kent, United Kingdom

Date 2010

Size 8,500sqm

> Secondary HKS leads the way in creating places that enhance the human experience by developing new spaces and ideas that impact student learning. Our extensive experience in progressive school design and ongoing dialogue with educators provides us with a keen understanding of future-ready solutions for dynamically changing teaching and learning demands.

Northfleet Technology College

A flexible, multi-use building that fully supports new strategies for secondary learning and teaching and the drive to embed ICT throughout the curriculum. It will embrace the personalised learning agenda and provide a range of opportunities for extended learning.

Services Architect to the BSF Consortium Interior Design

Project Features Open-plan Homebases Green heart space for circulation Flexible furniture strategy External dining Outdoor Performance space ICT-rich environment

Kent County Council

St John’s Catholic Comprehensive School Kent, East Sussex, United Kingdom

Date 2010

Size 10,354sqm

St John’s Catholic Comprehensive School

Our proposal seeks to create a new building in which the whole school and the ‘schools within a school’ will be able to develop their own identity and their own sense of place. Each of the three schools within a school is a space, cradled by the protecting enclosure of the Heart and the specialist learning and support areas of the building.

Services Architect to the BSF consortium Interior Design

Project Features No circulation corridors Open plan home bases Central ‘Heart’ space

Kent County Council

St Georges Church of England Foundation School Gravesend, Kent, United Kingdom

Date 2010

Size 8,500sqm

> Build a Community Academic and educational services must evolve, or become obsolete. The process of change and adjustment is not linear. Its progressions occur simultaneously and iteratively. It must be engaged through a 360 process, where stakeholder perspective leads to powerful new ideas, solutions and expressions. Through divergent-thinking, curiosity, persistence and teamwork, we discover and organize common values and individual viewpoints that shape new visions and desired outcomes for our clients.

St Georges Church of England Foundation School

The initial brief called for a 70/30% split between new build and refurbishment respectively. HKS challenged this brief and proposed an 85/15% new build/ refurbishment solution which delivered a more compact building that was under BB98 guidelines yet maintained the learning spaces stipulated in the output specification.

Services Architect to the BSF Consortium Interior Design

Project Features Multiple zoned buildings to suit occupancy patterns Building management system Heat recovery ventilation plant Maximisation of natural ventilation Day-lighting lighting controls Solar collectors for hot water heating

Dane Court Grammer School Kent, United Kingdom

Date 2011

Size 10,326sqm

Dane Court Grammer School

Dane Court is the first Grammar school in the country to take part in the BSF programme. Justifiably proud of their excellent record of academic achievement, the Head teacher and governors were keen to build on their successful education model by developing a Grammar school fit for the 21st Century. The project involves extensive refurbishment to much of the existing building; providing the necessary infrastructure for modern computer-based learning.

Services Architecture Interior Design

Project Features Refurbishment of Maths, Humanities & Languages departments New-build English, Science, Art & Technology blocks Sports Hall

Andrew Marvell Business and Enterprise College Hull, United Kingdom

Date 2013

Size 11,400sqm

> Change In today’s global and fast-paced marketplace, academic and educational services must not only anticipate change, but drive it. HKS helps our clients see beyond the obvious, explore unknown opportunities and identify relevant patterns in complex phenomenon. Through the application of future-oriented principles in the built environment, institutions can leverage their competitive qualities. Beyond aesthetics and intuition, research and analysis must inform decisions that bridge learning and enterprise. This translates to sustainability, growth and success of our higher education clients. Motivated to achieve value from the client’s perspective, we help campus leaders connect the dots and reduce costs.

Andrew Marvell Business and Enterprise College

This is a PFI project and the school has funding for replacement of 90% of the existing facilities to a total construction value of ÂŁ17 million. Our proposal for AMBEC exploits an opportunity to build in open spaces close to the road whilst affording a stronger link to the existing community farm. This also means that the construction works can be completed in a single phase of new build using available funding to the greatest long-term effect.

Services Architecture FF&E Environmental Graphics

Project Features Highly sustainable design approach Extended community facility Vocational learning Flexible & reconfigurable teaching space

Malet Lambert School Hull, United Kingdom

Date 2012

Size 6,805sqm

Malet Lambert School

Our design proposal successfully balanced the schools strong desire to retain the existing heritage and character of the school with the modern needs of transformational learning and crosscurriculum learning areas. This was accomplished by refurbishing and adapting the existing facilities and complementing these with specialist new-build teaching facilities aligned with a robust review of their existing teaching curriculum.

Services Lead Consultant Architecture Interior Design

Project Features Refurbishment of existing 1930’s building and original architectural features New-build two-storey school extension New-build Sports Centre and playing fields ETFE covered “Forum Space” over existing courtyard

Archbishop Sentamu Academy Salford, United Kingdom

Date 2011

Size 36,682sqm

In today’s global and fast-paced marketplace, academic and educational services must not only anticipate change, but drive it. HKS helps our clients see beyond the obvious, explore unknown opportunities and identify relevant patterns in complex phenomenon. Through the application of future-oriented principles in the built environment, institutions can leverage their competitive qualities. Beyond aesthetics and intuition, research and analysis must inform decisions that bridge learning and enterprise. This translates to sustainability, growth and success of our higher education clients. Motivated to achieve value from the client’s perspective, we help campus leaders connect the dots and reduce costs.

Archbishop Sentamu Academy

In early dialogue with the Academy and its advisors, we set out to create general teaching spaces in deep plan deliberately to allow maximum opportunity for future change. This means that the space in each zone is not limited to the ‘conventional’ central corridor with classroom space either side. Within the central space of each of the five zones is a circulation area with lockers grouped around a generous lightwell or atrium space.

Services Architecture Master planning Interior Design

Project Features Flexible ‘Home Base’ structure Vocational teaching 2 environmental atrias 5-Storey education facility BREEAM Very Good accreditation

Portslade Aldridge Community Academy Brighton, United Kingdom

Date 2013

Size 15,200sqm

We took the Academy’s aspiration to operate four ‘Schools of Learning’ as a generator for the design concept. On studying the existing building stock, we realised that we could effectively re-group each school of learning to create four compact school ‘spokes’ (one being a new building), each with a ‘feature’ learning space, oriented around a new-build ‘hub’, with each of the feature spaces within the schools connected by a new thread of circulation routes culminating in the hub. Services Lead Consultant Architecture Interior Design Graphic Design Services

Project Features New Hub New build science & community facility 4 new external teaching/garden spaces

Ark Charter Academy Portsmouth, United Kingdom

Date 2014

Size 7,200sqm

Ark Charter Academy

HKS Architects developed the right educational spaces to foster a sense of pride and learning in students, and raise the aspirations of the surrounding community. Our scheme transformed a congested and crumbling existing site into an open-plan, accessible, legible and modern campus through the addition of new buildings, demolition of buildings no longer fit for purpose, and comprehensive refurbishment of the remaining building stock.

Services Lead Consultant Architecture FF&E Interior Design Master Planning

itecture Project Features New Build teaching facility New Laboratories New entrance and link bridge

Whitefriars Community School Harrow, London, United Kingdom

Date 2016

Size 9.586sqm

Whitefriars Community School

The proposed design solution seeks to respect the retained structure through sensitive reference, association and inclusion into the new campus of WCS; the ‘Green Heart’ tasked with the latter. The Edwardian building will continue to house the Primary School of Whitefriars Community School and its inclusion into this new campus will provide for the desired ‘through school’ ethos.

Services Lead Consultant Architecture FF&E Interior Design Master Planning

Project Features First ‘All Through’ school in Harrow 1481 student capacity

Park Community Free School Meron, London United Kingdom

Date 2015 Size 2,226sqm

The Scheme for Chapel Street Community Schools Trust involves the extensive refurbishment of Tyndale House for a new free primary school. The GIFA of Tyndale house is 2,226m2 and needs to accommodate a total of up to 420 plus staff at full capacity.

Services Architecture Interior Design

Project Features New staircase and external deck to rationalise circulation Re-use of existing building

Swansea Bay Master Plan Cardiff, Wales

Date 2018

Swansea Bay Master Plan

In collaboration with a developer and a Welsh University, the proposed master plan will act as a catalyst for development, linked closely to city investments and growth plans for the university. Use’s included mixed residential, purpose build student accommodation, retail, commercial and university facilities.

Services Master Planning Architecture Landscape Architecture

Project Features Mixed Use Development Multiple Residential typologies Revitalisation of Historic Dock Yards

Silverstone University Technical College Silverstone Motor Racing Circuit, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

Date 2013

Size 5,300sqm

Silverstone University Technical College

The striking UTC building will sit within a dedicated, landscaped trackside site, to the north of the National Pit Straight and will be one of the first developments to be realised from the approved Silverstone Circuit Masterplan. Silverstone UTC will offer courses in both Technical Events Management and High Performance Engineering laboratories, taking advantage of its geographic location, not only at the circuit, but in the heart of England’s ‘Motorsport Valley’. Services Lead Designer Architecture Interior Design

Project Features One of the first University Technical Colleges in the UK Higher & Vocational Teaching programme developed around acoustic site constraints Vocational Workshops STEM Laboratories Modular section design

Newhaven University Technical College Newhaven, East Sussex, United Kingdom

Date 2015

Size 4,870sqm

Higher education campuses are living and learning environments that frame student experiences, fulfil generational expectations and shape student outcomes. In the face of increasing enrolment, reduced funding, advancing technology, new social norms and global competition, higher education institutions around the world are positioning themselves to better attract their customers: the brightest students, faculty and research partners.

Newhaven University Technical College

With the site area constrained by the adjacent site and the river, and space at a premium, one of the key challenges with this project has been how to reconcile the brief with the space available, and this has involved a detailed analysis of the UTC area requirements and curriculum plan during the Client Engagement process to ensure that the refurbishment is planned in a sensitive manner to create a sympathetic intervention to these grade 2 listed buildings. Services Architecture Interior Design

Project Features Extensive refurbishment of two Grade 2 Listed buildings Sympathetic extension to link the two buildings and provide additional floor area at the existing roof level A new river-front boardwalk with teaching space and pontoon

Salvatorian College Harrow, Greater London, United Kingdom Date 2020

Size 6,720 sqm

Development of a new Catholic Salvatorian College on existing site as a secondary school with capacity of 900 students. The school is situated in a mostly residential area of Harrow. The vision for Salvatorian college is for the school to meet pupil’s needs with a board and a balanced curriculum which is both flexible and inspiring.

Services Architecture Interior design

Project Features New build secondary school adjacent to Grade 2 listed St. Joseph’s church

King’s Secondary School Brighton and Hove, United Kingdom Date 2019

Size 8,177 sqm

A new 1050-pupil facility for the Russell Education Trust, King’s Secondary School shares a site with West Blatchington Primary School immediately adjacent to the South Downs National Park. Providing extensive sport and technical teaching facilities, King’s School has been designed to minimize the building’s impact on views from the national park, whilst serving as a landmark building for the trust. Extensive glazing around the entrance showcases library and art teaching spaces to pupils and visitors approaching the building whilst detailing to the brick elevation announces the schools Christian ethos. Services Architecture Interior design

Project Features Design response to site micro-climate Extensive sports facilities Large central hall space

West Blatchington Primary School Brighton and Hove, United Kingdom Date 2019

Size 3,312sqm

Sharing a site with King’s Secondary School, West Blatchington Primary School provides brand-new teaching facilities for 483 pupils. Designed around maximising indoor-outdoor play and with extensive sports facilities, West Blatchington is arranged around a simple twostorey design to maximise legibility for pupils and minimise travel times. A large open-plan library space on each floor provides a clear centre to the building, with expansive windows to each classroom offering inspiring views over Hove and towards the South Downs.

Services Architecture Interior design

Project Features Specialist ASD teaching unit. Adjacent to the South Downs National Park

Ada Lovelace High School London, United Kingdom Date 2020

Size 10,025 sqm

A new-build secondary school for 1,330 11-19-year olds. The scheme is located on a sensitive site partially classed as Metropolitan Open Land (MOL), with a “green corridor” running along the eastern boundary alongside a major road that creates a significant noise impact. Named after the 19th century mathematician and first “computer programmer”, the school has a strong focus on sciences and technology and is proud of their patron as a role model for women in STEM. The design of the building successfully responds to the pedagogical requirements of the technical curriculum and celebrates the links with Ada Lovelace. Proposed Strategy –Elevations

Services Architecture Interior design


Project Features Cloistered central playground Bespoke perforated window design Garden walls

Students to design the window pattern for the school

CEM06 23.03.18


Wembley Park Centre Wembley, London, United Kingdom

Date 2007

Size 9,290sqm

The design solution features a transparent atrium space that showcases the activity within and acts as an advertisement for the College in the community. A twin skin facade will help reduce noise levels and allow classrooms to open windows without the spaces being severely compromised. In the winter months, this second skin will provide extra thermal insulation.

Services Architecture Interior Design

Project Features Further Education Facility Site Adjacent to Wembly Stadium

CNWL Edison Building Brent Park, London, United Kingdom

Date 2015

Size 5,240sqm

The new Edison Building will house the majority of functions currently housed within the Existing Edison Building. However, to match the evolving approach to teaching at the College and the College’s ethos to provide open plan and informal spaces for learning, the layouts and accommodation provisions have been developed with close consultation with the College staff and Department Heads.

Services Architecture Interior Design Masterplanning

Project Features Vocational Curriculum Urban Site Part of site wide masterplan

Hitchin Centre College Hitchin, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

Date 2009

Size 14,050sqm

HKS has developed an ‘organic spaces’ model with the College to balance the use of space between open plan and cellular. A rich and mature natural context has informed the creation of a series of simple yet strong pavilion forms ‘within’ the landscape, knitted together by a light weight ‘C’ shaped atrium. This atrium not only provides for the necessary social, public hub and circulation but also the platform to experience the college within the pavilion buildings Services Architecture Interior Design FF&E

Project Features New Build Further Education College Authentic vocational facilities Atrium acting as central hub

Daventry Learning Partnership Academy Daventry Kent, United Kingdom Date 2009

Size 8,000 sqm

The proposed redevelopment of the Daventry Campus is both ambitious and innovative in that it brings together four seperate education partners in an environment designed to accommodate both vocational learning and recreational facilities of which the whole partnership as well as the community can use.

Services Architecture Interior Design FF&E

Project Features New Build Further Education College Authentic vocational facilities Atrium acting as central hub

Thames Valley University Faculty of Health and Human Sciences

Thames Valley University Brentwood, London, United Kingdom

Date 2007

Size 9,290sqm

Collaboration. To save lives, it’s necessary. Individuals working together for a greater purpose. Each with their own integral part of the process. Teamwork starts in the classroom, where students contribute to the whole by working with future industry colleagues. It’s here where they’re instilled with the sense of commitment to the team.

Thames Valley University Faculty of Health and Human Sciences

Thames Valley University is one of the largest providers of nursing and midwifery training in the UK and the new accommodation provides state of the art facilities including mock-up teaching wards, a learning resource centre, cafĂŠ and refectory dining, a gymnasium and a Harvard lecture theatre. There is extensive provision for new open plan workplaces and a suite of teaching rooms. The new 14 storey building in Brentford will be situated on a campus which also provides student and key worker accommodation. Services Architecture Space Planning

Project Features Healthcare Teaching facilities Mock-up wards Lecture Theatre

Florida SouthWestern State College Allen & Marla Weiss Health Sciences Hall Naples, Florida, USA

Date 2012

Size 4,000 sqm

Throughout our 76 years of practice, our best results have come from working closely with an institution to understand how all the parts of its campus work and fit together. While every campus is unique, the culture of each institution is particular and objectivesshift over time, we have found that success is made more certain when we strategically align the institution’s facilities with its mission and goals.

Florida SouthWestern State College Allen & Marla Weiss Health Sciences Hall

This 4,000 sqm, 3-story academic building supports the physical sciences laboratory functions, applied sciences, clinical nursing facilities, faculty offices and a specialty auditorium. The existing master plan was re-evaluated and updated so that better aligned with the new building projects. The project earned LEED Certification under NC v2009.

Services Architecture Masterplanning Sustainability Consulting

Project Features Alternative learning spaces Applied sciences classrooms Physical sciences laboratories Clinical nursing facilities Faculty and Administration offices Specialty auditorium Walkable green roof LEED Certified

University of Southern California Dr. Verna and Peter Dauterive Hall Los Angeles, California, USA

Date 2014

Size  10,219 sqm

HKS has a long history working with university clients to meet growth needs and campus-life enhancements. As architects we engage through our ability to think critically and fluidly across scale, setting, program and building type. Our campus master plans are informed by our specific knowledge of building function. Likewise, our building designs are informed by our understanding of campus planning.

University of Southern California Dr. Verna and Peter Dauterive Hall

The new state of art academic facility is aligning with the University’s strategic goal of recruiting world class faculty, staff and students. The university established a priority to create new, flexible, interactive and interdisciplinary social sciences space for research and graduate studies.

Services Architecture Programming

Project Features Classrooms Dry labs Administrative spaces Conference rooms Space for 20 research institutes Atrium and skylights for natural light

Texas Woman’s University T. Boone Pickens Institute of Health Sciences Dallas Center Dallas, Texas, USA

Date 2011

Size 17,700 sqm

The Texas Woman’s University’s (TWU) Institute of Health Sciences combines TWU’s Parkland and Presbyterian sites into a dynamic campus-in-one building at the Parkland Hospital location. The 17, 700-square-meters institute allows TWU – already the state’s leading provider of new nurses and other healthcare professionals – to incorporate industry-standard technology into classrooms.

Services Architecture Interior Design Sustainability consulting

Project Features Replacement nursing school Physical therapy school Occupational therapy Stroke clinic Library Administration Simulation labs Cafeteria Workout facilities Student program offices 500-car garage Seeking LEED Gold Certification

University of Central Florida Arts Complex II Orlando, Florida USA Date 2011

Size 7,150 sqm

The project was designed in two phases due to funding reasons which presented challenges in determining which program elements to include in the first phase versus the second phase or possibly other phases if complete funding is not obtained. The final design was developed to allow for phasing of elements for each of the two departments.

Services Architecture Urban and Interior Design Masterplanning

Project Features State of the Art Theatre Performance Hall Certification: LEED Sliver- Certified facility

Georgetown University Campus District of Columbia, USA Size 425,000 sqm

The master plan for Georgetown University included the evaluation of all academic and residential buildings for the main campus, the medical campus, and the athletic facilities. New building sites were proposed for a new science building (7,450 sqm), medical school addition (4,650 sqm), library expansion (42,000 sqm) and new residential (450 units).

Results New building completed Open space system completed *Completed with prior partnership

Duke University Medical Center Campus Durham, North Carolina, USA

The master plan for Duke Medicine was prepared in anticipation for a replacement hospital, a new cancer center, outpatient center, along with research laboratories, medical school expansion and mixeduse student amenities that would integrate the medical campus with the main academic campus.

Results New buildings completed Open space system completed *Completed with prior partnership

California Institute of Technology Campus Pasadena, California, USA

The Institute embarked on an ambitious expansion initiative within its existing campus. Proposed projects included three new science buildings, a new student dormitory, and a campus center for student, faculty and community use. A new landscape plan improved the connections between the precincts and completed the open space system formed by a series of courtyards.

Results New buildings completed Landscape implementation underway *Completed with prior partnership

University of Miami-Coral Gables Campus Coral Gables, Florida, USA

The key elements of the plan include an open space and preservation strategy which are key concerns of the surrounding Coral Gables neighbourhoods. The master plan organises growth for academic space, sports, new on-campus housing and a new medical facility on Ponce de Leon Boulevard. Future buildings are strategically located to help shape the public realm into a continuous and more cohesive environment.

Results Open space implementation underway *Completed with prior partnership

University of Central Florida Arts Complex II Orlando, Florida USA Design Competition 2008

Size 17,000 sq m

The project comprises 7,200 sq m of teaching and practice studios for the music and theatre departments with administration offices and miscellaneous support spaces as well as 9,850 sq m of performance spaces consisting of a 650-seat concert hall, 500-seat proscenium theatre, 225-seat recital/lecture hall and a 150-seat black box theatre along with the required support spaces for the performance venues.

Services Master Planning Urban Design


Texas A&M University Davis Player Development Center College Station, Texas, USA

Date 2013

Size 17,000 sqm

The new player development center within Texas A&M university provides state-of-the-art training facilities for the A& M football

Services Architecture Programming Interior design Branding

Features Strength and conditioning Coaches offices Conference rooms

University of North Texas Apogee Stadium Denton, Texas, USA Date 2011

Size 39,500 sqm 29,000 seats

This world class 29,000-seat stadium includes 21 suites, 750 club seats and a premium lounge that cater to VIPs during home football games and it is utilised year-round for special events. The project earned LEED Platinum Certification.

Services Architecture Programming Interior design Environmental graphics Branding Sustainability consultingy

Project Features 21 suites 750 club seats Private club Multipurpose spaces Alumni pavilion Team store Endzone promenade Expandable up to 50,000 seats 1,200-car surface parking LEED Platinum Certified

University of Central Florida Tech Commons Orlando, Florida, USA Date 2012

Size 1,900 sqm

Services Architecture Programming Interior design

Project Features Wireless lounge Technology product center CafĂŠ Computer labs Collaborative training areas Staff offices

University of Notre Dame Stinson-Remick Hall of Engineering Notre Dame, Indiana, USA Date 2010

Size 14.900 sqm

A world class 14,900 sq m interdisciplinary learning center. The project achieved LEED Gold Certification.

Services Interior design Furniture Specification

Project Features Interdisciplinary learning center Nanotechnology center Imaging/optics area Open project lab Class 10-class 10,000 clean rooms

Virginia Polytechnic Institute Veterinary Medicine Denton, Texas, USA Date 2011

Size 39,500 sqm 29,000 seats

The project is a 3-story instructional addition to existing VirginiaMaryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine (VMRCVM) at Virginia Tech. Earned LEED Silver Certification.

Services Architecture Interior design Sustainability consultingy

Project Features New front entry for the school Flexible concourse with a monumental stair Breakout space for students and faculty Surgical procedures lab Prep/instruction room Scrub, prep and holding space 40-seat classroom Department head and faculty offices Conference rooms Building support space LEED Silver Certified


Alfonso Padro Associate Principal Phone:

P +44 20 7292 9494 Address:

Elsley House 24-30 Great Titchfield Street, London, W1W 8BF Explore:

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