HKSEC 2013 Grand Final booklet

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特 區政府支持香港社會企業 ( 社企 ) 發展一直不遺餘力,透過 種子基金、鼓勵跨界別合作及資助不同模式的推廣及社企訓練計 劃,提升社企能力,促進社會效益的發揮。我們喜見在社會各界 共同努力下,社企理念逐漸廣為更多香港市民認識及支持。


挑戰賽的參賽同學至今已超過四千人,標誌著往後將有更多青年 人可以加入社企的推動。我們衷心期盼各同學繼續積極投入,透 過大家對香港社會尤其是我們弱勢社群的關懷,運用創意點子參 與社企,一起攜手促進香港的社企發展。

香港現有社企四百多家,不少以商業思維和創新點子營運,提供 貼近大眾需要的創意產品和服務,推動關愛共融、自助助人,弱 勢社群也因而受惠。

每一小步善行都能支持社企,讓我們共建更關愛共融的和樂社 會。

民政事務局致力鼓勵年輕一代參與社企,為社企注入新思維及創 業精神。過去七年,我們的長期合作伙伴香港中文大學創業研究 中心,每年持續舉辦「香港社會企業挑戰賽」。我們樂見多個以 往獲獎社企,至今仍然積極營運,把構思付諸實行,身體力行傳 揚社企關愛精神。比賽的成功,見證了青年創業人可以在營商的 同時,關懷貢獻社會。

民政事務局副局長 許曉輝 SBS, JP

時 光飛逝,轉眼間香港社會企業挑戰賽已舉行到第七年。由大 部份人從未聽聞社會企業,到現在社會企業成為潮流,社會企業 的範疇已經不只限於關顧弱勢社群。就以過去社會企業挑戰賽的 隊伍所創辦的十四間社會企業為例,新型的社會企業已經滲入到 日常生活中,它們以創新的方案解決諸如食物、教育、安老、動 物權益等方面的社會問題。故此,我們今屆挑戰賽以「好生意, 生活好」為題,鼓勵參加者在計劃書中把社會企業融入生活。 今屆共有七百四十六位參賽者,來自本地二十七所專上院校;最 終由十一所院校的九十八位的參賽者晉身準決賽,成為二十四 強。七成參賽者為大學本科生或畢業生,約一成是碩士或博士學 生。在業務概要階段,近半參賽者修讀商科。在準決賽的階段, 參賽者的學科則較為多元化,商科的人數降至百分之三十五,理 科、社會科學、工程及電腦科則各佔百分之十幾。


The Government has been proactively supporting the development of social enterprises (SEs) through providing seed funding, facilitating cross-sector collaboration and sponsoring various promotional and training initiatives for SEs, all of which collectively supports capacity building and enhances the social impact of SEs. We are delighted to have witnessed the concept of SEs gaining increasing popularity and public support with the collaboration from all sectors across the community. Today, there are 400 strong SEs in Hong Kong, many of which are operating with business models and innovative ideas through the provision of creative products and services that cater for the needs of the community at large, and at the same time care for the underprivileged. We a t H o m e A ff a i r s B u re a u a re d e v o t e d t o p ro m o t i n g g re a t e r participation of young people in the development of SEs by means of cultivating innovative thinking and entrepreneurial spirit. The Center for Entrepreneurship of the Chinese University of Hong Kong has been our long term partner for the 7th year, helping to organise the annual Hong Kong Social Enterprise Challenge. We are encouraged that a number of SEs founded by the awardees have continued to make


positive impact to society, showcasing the success of the Scheme and at the same time exemplifying that young entrepreneurs could excel in their business and at the same time contribute to building Hong Kong as a caring community. The number of participants since the inception of the Scheme is now over 4 000, signifying that more young people could play an active part in the sustainable development of SEs in future. We sincerely hope that more students would join in to support SEs and apply one’s creativity in SEs to better serve Hong Kong and care for fellow citizens especially those less fortunate. Each small act of kindness by everyone of us could help advance the development of SEs to the next level. Let’s together create a more caring and inclusive society for Hong Kong. Ms. Florence Hui, SBS, JP Under Secretary for Home Affairs

大專院校一直肩負著發揚社會企業,提倡道德領導精神的教育責 任。香港中文大學創業研究中心很榮幸可以舉辦「香港社會企業 挑戰賽 2013」。我們感謝盛滙商機有限公司、太平基業證券有 限公司、香港女工商及專業人員協會、經濟通有限公司及香港互 聯網註冊管理有限公司等機構的支持,並特別鳴謝民政事務局的 贊助。香港社會挑戰賽得以順利進行,亦有賴其他合作伙伴、機 構、導師、評判,以及協助向學生推廣活動的各大專院校。當然, 挑戰賽最重要的始終是一班參賽者,他們的熱誠、創意及社會責 任心將感動社會,改變世界。

香港中文大學創業研究中心主任 區玉輝教授



he year 2013 marks the 7th anniversary of Hong Kong Social Enterprise Challenge (“HKSEC”). Transforming from an unknown concept to an emerging trend, Social Enterprise has now gone beyond the helping of disadvantaged community and its impact has spread to our daily lives. Taking the 14 social enterprises founded by past HKSEC awardees as example, they all provide innovative ideas to address social issues including food waste, education, elderly service and animal rights. The theme of HKSEC 2013 is "Good Business; Living Good" and we encourage participants to integrate social good into daily life. Around 746 students from 27 local tertiary institutions joined the competition this year among which 24 teams, constituted of 98 contestants from 11 institutions booked their place in the SemiFinal. Among the participants, 70% were university undergraduates or graduates and around 10% of the participants were composed of PhD and Master's students. Nearly half of the contestants were business majors in the Business Summary submission phase. That number went down to 35% in the Semi-Final with participants coming from a more diverse background; science, social science, engineering and computer science majors each accounted for more than 10% of the finalist teams.

Tertiary institutions are committed to promoting social enterprise and moral leadership. The CUHK Center for Entrepreneurship is honored to organize the HKSEC 2013. We would like to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation to BridgeWay Advisors Group Limited, Pacific Foundation Securities Limited, Hong Kong Women Professionals and Entrepreneurs Association, ET Net Limited and Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited for their support. Special thanks must be give to Home Affairs Bureau for sponsoring this competition. The HKSEC 2013 will not be a success without efforts from partners, organizations, mentors, judges and institutions that played a critical part in promoting this challenge to students. Without doubt, our contestants are the most important elements in the competition. Their enthusiasm, creativity and social responsibility will enlighten the community and change the world. Prof. Kevin Au Director, Center for Entrepreneurship, The Chinese University of Hong Kong







Business Summary

Semi Final Overseas Competitions


Grand Final Incubation Support

Startup Awards

Implementation Mentorship








2013.09.28 自 2007 年以來,香港社會企業挑戰賽一直致力於啟發年輕人的創新思維,培育他們以企業家精神回應社 會所需,冀為社企及社會發展帶來新的局面。今屆 HKSEC 的主題為「好生意,生活好」,鼓勵參加者將 社企概念融入生活,擴大社企的影響。 Since 2007, HKSEC has been committed to encouraging students in generation of innovative ideas and nurturing their entrepreneurial spirit to address social needs with an aim to break new ground in social enterprise growth and social development. The theme of HKSEC 2013 is "Good Business; Living Good" and we encourage the participants to integrate social good into daily life and expand the social impact of social enterprises.

民政事務局副秘書長傅小慧太平紳士 ( 右三 ), 在香港中文大學創業研究中心主任區玉輝教授 ( 右二 ) 及香港社會企業挑戰賽項目總監蔡明 都先生 ( 左一 ) 的陪同下,聯同盛滙商機創辦 人及行政總裁李根興博士 ( 左三 )、經濟通董 事總經理史秀美女士 ( 右一 ) 及綠色星期一聯 合創辦人楊大偉先生 ( 左二 ) 一同祝願社企的 發展,為開幕禮啟動亮燈儀式。 Ms. Gracie Foo, JP, Deputy Secretary for Home Affairs (3rd from right), accompanied by Prof. Kevin Au, Director of CUHK Center for Entrepreneurship (2nd from right) and Mr. Mingles Tsoi, Project Director of Hong Kong Social Enterprise Challenge (1st from left) together with Dr. Edwin Lee, Founder and CEO of BridgeWay Advisors Group Limited (3rd from left), Ms. Salome See, Managing Director of ET Net Limited (ET Net) (1st from right) and Mr. David Yeung, Co-Founder of Green Monday (2nd from left) envisage the future of social enterprises and kick off the competition with lighting ceremony.



民政事務局副秘書長傅小慧太平紳士致開幕辭。 Ms. Gracie Foo, JP, Deputy Secretary for Home Affairs gives an opening speech.


香港中文大學創業研究中心主任區玉輝教授致歡迎辭。 Prof. Kevin Au, Director of Center for Entrepreneurship delivers a welcome speech at the ceremony.


香港社會企業挑戰賽項目總監蔡明都先生簡介 HKSEC 2013 的主題。 Mr. Mingles Tsoi, Project Director of HKSEC briefly introduces the theme of HKSEC 2013.


上屆兩隊得獎隊伍歷耆者及豐剩衛食兵團的代表亦於典禮上與台下 觀眾分享她們如何一邊讀書,一邊執行社企計劃。豐剩衛食兵團還 為一眾嘉賓及出席者準備剩果果醬麵包,好讓大家能體驗婚宴剩果 的其中一條出路,以推廣惜食文化。 Members from HKSEC 2012 winning teams Eldpathy and The Leftovers share with the audience how they balance between social venture engagement and study. The Leftovers prepare jam bread made from leftover fruits for guests and attendees to demonstrate one way in dealing with wedding banquet leftovers and promote zero food waste.

開幕典禮上,主講嘉賓綠色星期一聯合創辦人楊大偉先生分 享他如何透過綠色星期一推廣素食文化,改變本地多肉少菜 的飲食習慣,以促進健康,減少消耗地球資源及推動可持續 發展。 During the ceremony, the Keynote Speaker, Mr. David Yeung, the Co-Founder of Green Monday shared his experience in promoting vegetarianism in Hong Kong and introducing the idea of healthy lifestyle to reduce energy consumption and achieve sustainable development.



2013.8.23 ─ 2013.8.31 「社企說 GO」首次帶領 HKSEC 過往得獎隊伍,包括 WOUF、豐剩衛食兵團、Social Alliance Communications Consultancy、文宣學社及歷耆者,與本地藝團一起走上銅鑼灣街頭,以別開 生面的方式──音樂及棟篤笑向公眾分享他們充滿夢想與挑戰的社企之路。 “Stay Hungry Stay Cool” was the first event that HKSEC past winners including WOUF, The Leftovers, Social Alliance Communications Consultancy, Mansyun Association and Eldpathy joined local performers in Causeway Bay to share their stories in running social enterprises in a novel way of music and stand-up comedy.






2013.09.10 ─ 2013.10.25 HKSEC 項目總監蔡明都先生在去年九月至十月期間,於十二所大專院校舉行 了十四場簡介會,向大專院校生介紹社會企業和挑戰賽詳情。今年 HKSEC 更首次與十一良心消費月合作,鼓勵學生們為消費多添一重意義。此外, HKSEC 2012 的隊伍歷耆者、Lensational 及再生子亦參與當中數場的簡介會, 向學生們分享他們的社企創業之路。

2013.10.19 作為 HKSEC 的啟迪活動,大想頭工作坊讓不少參加者透過互動、集思廣益的活動結識到志趣相 投的伙伴,實踐他們的大想頭,走上社企之路。 As an experiential workshop, Think Big Act Big Workshop inspired participants to get to know like-minded partners through interactive brainstorming activities and turn their big ideas into social venture plans.

Mr. Mingles Tsoi, Project Director of HKSEC, visited 12 tertiary institutions to give introductory sessions on social venture and the details of HKSEC to students from September to October 2013. In addition, this was the first time that HKSEC cooperated with Ethical Consumption Month to encourage students to add meaning to consumption during the sessions. Besides, the teams from HKSEC 2012, Eldpathy, Lensational and Regeneración also shared their journey of starting their own social enterprises.













重要。棟篤笑藝人 Vivek Mahbubani 以創意作起點,教導參賽者如何找出適合自己的演說方式,

Mr. Francis Ngai, Founder and CEO of Social Ventures Hong


Kong delivered a workshop on social innovation and inspired

In addition to developing excellent social venture proposals

contestants to address social problems from a brand new

to be eligible for the competition, participants also need to

perspective as social entrepreneurs.

clearly present their ideas to the judges. Initiating a discussion on innovation with the group, stand-up comedian Vivek Mahbubani helped contestants to find their own way of speech delivery and provided on-site presentation training.

釐訂社會效益由改變理論開始 DEFINING SOCIAL IMPACT FROM THE THEORY OF CHANGE 豐盛社企學會有限公司兩位董事關志康先生及黎光先生,從資深行內人士角度出發,輔以改變理論 (Theory of Change) 及本地社企實例,深入淺出地教導參賽者如何創立具社會效益的社會企業。 Mr. Ted Kwan and Mr. Murphy Lai, both Directors of Fullness Social Enterprises Society Limited shared their extensive knowledge in the industry and provided their understanding on how to establish a social enterprise with social benefit by referring to Theory of Change and citing local social ventures as examples.

傳統企業及初創公司必備的財務預算技巧 FINANCIAL FORECAST TECHNIQUES FOR TRADITIONAL BUSINESS AND STARTUPS 精準的財務預算,是創立社會企業必需的一環。熟悉社會企業運作的特許財務分析師關志康先生, 針對不同行業所遇到的財務狀況,向參賽者教授成本運算及現金流預測等基本會計知識。 An accurate financial forecast is crucial in setting up a successful social venture. Chartered Financial Analyst Mr. Ted Kwan, a veteran in social enterprise operation equipped contestants with accounting skills such as cost estimation and cash flow projections for traditional business and startups.



傳揚社企精神 成就有目共睹




自 2007 年以來,HKSEC 的參賽隊伍已開發了 14 家社企,對應不同的社會需要,包括環境保護、教育、安老、 動物權益及關顧弱勢社群等。這群熱心的年青社會企業家不斷求變,為社會問題注入新的解決方案。 Since 2007, a total of 14 HKSEC teams have started their social enterprises, each addressing various social needs including environmental protection, education, elderly service, animal rights and care for the disadvantaged. These enthusiastic young social entrepreneurs keep abreast with changes and introduce new solutions to social problems.

秋風社企 (HKSEC 2008) 秋風社企(原名綠領)致力解決香港廚餘問題,提供以廚餘為主題的教育工作坊、廚餘教育設備、廚餘升級再造產品、 廚餘回收顧問服務等,並積極與大學進行科研工作,開發更省電、更高經濟效益的廚餘回收技術。 Aubree Limited (formerly known as Green Collar) is committed to addressing food waste issue in Hong Kong through a range of activities including provision of food waste education workshops and educational material, waste collection advisory service and development of leftover upcycling products. Aubree strives to come up with a new solution for energy-efficient and economic food waste recycling in collaboration with university research teams.

Déjà vu Creation (HKSEC 2009)

2013.11.23 & 2013.12.21 交流指導聚會是 HKSEC 重要的訓練環節之一,參賽者在提交業務概要和完整的商業計劃 書前,在導師聚會中積極向來自不同界別的專業人士徵詢意見,除了得到導師們寶貴的建

Déjà vu Creation(原名 HK+1)升級再造已棄的材料,製成成醒目、有型的環保產品,賦予廢 物重生機會,為解決香港固體廢物問題出一分力。 Déjà vu Creation (formerly known as HK+1) specializes in upcycling wasted materials into stylish and environmental-friendly products through art and design and contributes to solid waste management in Hong Kong.

議,改善業務計劃外,亦可擴闊人脈網絡。 The Mixer Gathering constitutes an important element in HKSEC training program. Before submitting Business Summary and a full-written Business Plan, participants are

Social Alliance Communications Consultancy (HKSEC 2009)

provided with networking opportunities in Mixer Gatherings to seek valuable advice from

Social Alliance Communications Consultancy 創立於 2011 年,以「創效傳播」為理念,致力推動跨 界別合作,並透過提供更具效益的宣傳和公關策略服務,打造可持續發展及更具社會影響力的社會創 新項目。曾策劃及推廣的項目包括黑暗中對話(香港)有限公司、香港公平貿易聯盟、社企民間高峰 會、香港社會服務聯會、綠色星期一、香港奧比斯、氣候組織、Danone Nutricia 及昂坪 360 等。

professionals and mentors for business plan improvement.

Founded in 2011, Social Alliance Communications Consultancy is an impact-marketing consultancy and communications platform which aims to promote cross-sector partnership, enhance sustainable social business model and develop more social innovations for organizations through effective public relation strategic service offering. The company’s notable client experience includes: DiD HK Limited , Fair Trade Hong Kong Foundation, Social Enterprise Summit, Hong Kong Council of Social Service, Green Monday, Orbis Hong Kong, The Climate Group, Danone Nutricia and Ngong Ping 360.



互文教社 (HKSEC 2009)


互文教社是一個專為年輕人開拓國際化視野與承擔社會責任的教育型社會企業,主要通過提供校園國際競爭 力培訓項目及大中華社會企業學習之旅,讓年輕人體驗、了解及尊重多元文化,並且發現自我,學習新思維。

WOUF(原名 WOOF)是一間集動物關愛與創新紡織技術於一身的時尚設計社企。WOUF 收集寵物美容店和動物收容所 的狗毛,升級改造成有機的紗線(Chiengora),並將之製成獨有及優雅的自家設計飾品,既環保亦充滿對狗隻的愛。

Inter Cultural Education is an educational social enterprise focusing on broadening adolescents’ universal horizons while shouldering corporate social responsibility. Inter Cultural Education mainly provides school-based training programs aiming at developing people’s global competitiveness and Greater China Social Innovation Trips to help youngsters experience, understand and respect cultural diversity, explore their potential and gain new knowledge.

WOUF (formerly known as WOOF) is a social enterprise in the fashion design industry integrating innovative textile technology with animal care. Dog hair collected from pet groomers and animal shelters are turned into organic Chiengora yarn for making exquisite fashion and accessories. Through this new initiative, WOUF hopes to create environmental-friendly fashion wears and raise human compassion and empathy towards dogs.

Alchemist Creations (HKSEC 2012) ATB Auto Art (HKSEC 2010) ATB Auto Art (ATB) 回收廢棄的汽車零部件,加入創意元素製成高級家具。這不單延長棄車的壽命,亦同時減少這 些零件所造成的環境污染。其獨一無二的設計,更曾打動寶馬汽車公司,於香港國際藝術展 2011 合作推出以寶馬 汽車廢棄零件鑲嵌成的升級再造家具。 ATB Auto Art (ATB) recycles scarp car parts and turns them into high-end furniture. This does not only prolong the life of scarp cars, but also reduce the pollution caused by them. ATB’s unique design moved BMW Concessionaires (HK) Limited and they cooperated to release high-end furniture made from disposed BMW car parts in Hong Kong International Art Fair 2011.

Alchemist Creations(原名 Alchemist)是一家以社會創作為本的設計公司,把鋁罐升級再造為計時及照明產品。它 夥拍本地兩家庇護工場,為弱勢人士提供就業機會。Alchemist Creations 重視整個系統設計,與工場的學員和導師一 起設計及安排合適的生產工序 ; 為的是要客人從產品中,欣賞學員的精湛工藝,成就 “Turn Neglect Into Shine”。 除了在香港.設計廊發售外,Alchemist Creations 手錶經已出口至意大利,荷蘭及德國等歐洲地區。 Alchemist Creations is a community-based design company transforming soda cans into timepieces and lighting products. The company has also partnered with local sheltered workshops to create employment opportunities for the disadvantaged. Attaching great importance to overall system design, Alchemist Creations has been working with workshop apprentice and mentors for the design and implementation of production procedure. They aim to make consumers appreciate watchmakers, craftsmanship to achieve the goal of “Turn Neglect Into Shine”. The wristwatches produced by Alchemist Creations are now available at HKTDC Design Gallery as well as overseas market including Italy, the Netherlands and Germany.

遊樂錶 (HKSEC 2010) 遊樂錶矢志為長者提供一個更安全的環境。透過一隻專為長者而設,兼備室內 Wi-Fi 及室外 A-GPS 定位、緊急求助及日常通話等功能的手錶,以及對應的智能手機應用程式 (Apps),使長者的家人 能夠安心讓長者旅遊,提高長者的生活質素。 Care Watch endeavors to create a safer environment for the elderly through a specially designed wristwatch equipped with Wifi and A-GPS positioning, emergency call and communication functions. They have also developed corresponding smartphone apps allowing family members to trace the track of the elderly to improve the life quality of the aging population.

Lensational (HKSEC 2012) Lensational 透過攝影的力量為發展中國家的婦女爭取表達情感和經濟自主。它期望透過贈送相機及教授專業 攝影技巧,讓她們能以攝影表達自己的希望和夢想,並且改善生活。除了幫助這些婦女外,Lensational 還會 舉行小型展覽,向公眾宣揚女性權益的訊息。 Lensational’s photo-education program aims to empower women in developing countries both economically and emotionally through the power of a camera lens. They envisage women in those area be equipped with a camera and professional photography techniques to express their hopes and dreams and enhance their living standard. In addition to helping women in developing countries, Lensational will also hold small-scale exhibitions to promote the message of women’s rights to the public.

Oops! (HKSEC 2011) Oops! 回收室內設計的樣辦,將它們製成精美的相簿和筆記本,並化作視覺藝術教育的物料, 推廣升級再造之餘,亦提升學生的創意,讓他們認識不同物料在藝術上的應用。 Oops! upcycles surplus materials generated by interior design companies and transformed them into beautiful albums and notebooks as well as visual arts teaching materials for educational purpose. Echoing the concept of upcycling, Oops! also stimulates students’ creativity and provides an opportunity for students to understand the use of different materials in art making.


文宣學社 (HKSEC 2012) 文宣學社致力向清貧的中小學生提供義務補習,積極改善貧富差距對學習的影響,讓清貧學生也有機會取得 優良的成績。它在營運的三年間曾得到多方的資助,並已開辦逾二十個補習班。 Mansyun Association is committed to serving local underprivileged students by providing voluntary tutorial service to narrow down the learning gap between the rich and the poor so that students in poverty can also have a chance to achieve academic excellence. Thanks to positive social support, Mansyun Association has organized over 20 tutorial classes in the past 3 years.


屢獲殊榮 揚威海外

HKSEC 2012 社會企業啟動獎金 HKSEC 2012 STARTUP AWARD


HKSEC 2012 的社企還包括冠軍隊伍歷耆者及豐剩衛食兵團。它們獲得由民政事務局贊助的啟動獎金,並在導師的指

HKSEC2012 總決賽隊伍歷耆者、Lensational 及豐剩衛食兵團於去年 12 月在首


爾參加 Social Venture Competition Asia 2013,其中 Lensational 奪得季軍,並

HKSEC 2012 Champion teams were Eldpathy and The Leftovers. Both teams received a Startup Award from Home

獲得共 250 萬圜的獎金。Lensational 亦於去年 3 月在墨爾本參加由世界模擬聯合

Affairs Bureau to implement their social enterprise plan in a phased approach under the guidance from their advisors.

國會議 2013 The Resolution Project 舉辦的社會企業挑戰賽,並贏得 Resolution Fellowship 和 1500 美 元 的 獎 金; 同 年 它 還 成 功 躋 身 在 波 士 頓 舉 辦 的 2013 Harvard Undergraduate Business for Good Competition 總決賽。

歷耆者於 2013 年成立,是香港首間營辦 「高齡者體驗活動」的社企。目前他們已 於不同的中學及高等教育機構舉行了十多 場體驗工作坊,透過各種以長者「衣、食、 住、行」為主題的模擬遊戲,讓參加者體 驗老人家的日常生活,繼而建立對長者的 同理心和感恩之心。未來,歷耆者將加強 在學界裡的推廣,並設計適合企業和大眾 的活動,希望將關愛長者的訊息擴展至社 會各界。 Founded in 2013 as the first social enterprise in Hong Kong offering Elderly Simulation Program, Eldpathy has held a dozen of simulation programs in various secondary and higher education institutions up till now. The Eldpathy program enables participants to experience daily life of an elderly person through a series of challenges simulating real life scenarios and hardship faced by the elderly so as to develop participants’ empathy towards the aging population. To further disseminate the idea of empathy towards the elderly. Eldpathy will expand its footprint across schools and develop specific programs for enterprises and the public in the future.

豐剩衛食兵團以減少食物浪費為唯一目 標。由成立至今,豐剩從不同的渠道收集 剩食。現在它主要透過教育和活動策劃, 如工作坊、講座及分享會,由淺入深改變 大家對於食物浪費的觀念,同時希望每個 人都可以在日常生活當中,成為豐剩的一 分子。 The Leftovers has only one mission: to reduce food waste. Since establishment, The Leftovers has been collecting leftovers from different sources. Now they focus more on educational and promotional campaigns such as workshops, talks and sharing to change people’s mindset towards food waste and facilitate their integration of the idea of “waste no food” into their daily life. 得到民政事務局的鼎力支持,今年的社會企業啟動獎金由每位成員 48,000 港元 增加至 60,000 港元,充份幫助冠軍隊伍實踐他們的社企夢。 Thanks to the support from Home Affairs Bureau, HKSEC 2013 Startup Award has now increased from HK$48,000 to HK$60,000 per person to facilitate the winning team rolling out their social enterprise plans.

中大博群社會企業創業計劃 2012 CUHK I CARE Social Enterprise Startup Scheme ●

中大博群社會企業創業計劃 2012 共有四支 HKSEC 2012 總決賽隊伍申請,最後由 Harmonia 獲得 100,000 港元的創業資助。 Harmonia 以本地有機農產品作原料,打造綠色美容品牌,支持香港農業發展。2013 年 5 月至今,已成功推出逾十款肥皂和皂 液等天然產品,並藉產品的宣傳,教育社會大眾使用無添加的護膚品以保護水資源、動物和我們皮膚的健康。 Four HKSEC 2012 finalist teams applied for the CUHK I CARE Social Enterprise Startup Scheme last year, among them Harmonia was awarded HK$100,000 startup fund. Harmonia uses plants from local organic farming to produce 100% natural skincare products in support of local agricultural development. Since May 2013, more than 10 types of natural products including handmade soap bar and liquid soap were successfully launched. Harmonia also takes the opportunity to introduce the concept of using 100% organic skincare products to protect water resource, animals and our skin. ●


HKSEC 2012 finalist teams, Eldpathy, Lensational and The Leftovers joined Social Venture Competition Asia 2013 in Seoul last December. Lensational won the 3rd place and received 2.5 million won. At the Social Venture Challenge hosted by The Resolution Project at WorldMUN 2013 conference in Melbourne last March, Lensational was awarded Resolution Fellowship with US$1,500. Furthermore, they were awarded a place in the Final Round of 2013 Harvard Undergraduate Business for Good Competition in Boston, the USA.

除 此 之 外,HKSEC 2009 隊 伍 Déjà vu Creation 的 黃明慧,以及 HKSEC 2012 隊伍豐剩衛食兵團的鄧 敏琳雙雙贏得青年社企創業者大賞 2013,並各獲 100,000 港元的創業贊助。與此同時,鄧敏琳還奪得香港青年服務大獎 2013。另一支 HKSEC 2012 準 決賽隊伍 Inno-Chemos (International) Technology 去年 6 月在香港科技大學 2013 年 100 萬元創業計 劃大賽獲得季軍、學生獎和范凱霖最佳商業計劃報告獎,並獲 100,000 港元獎金;同年 8 月在青少年企 業家發展局主辦的 E 挑戰杯 2013 中取得亞軍,並獲得 20,000 港元的獎金。他們亦遠赴新加坡和日本 參加了 2013 李光耀杯全球商業計劃挑戰賽和第二屆亞洲創新論壇—青年創業獎,並成功進入總決賽。 In addition, both Sue Wong from HKSEC 2009 Awardee Déjà vu Creation and Bonnie Tang from HKSEC 2012 Awardee The Leftovers won Youth Social Entrepreneur Award 2013 and each received HK$100,000 sponsorship. Bonnie Tang was also one of the awardees of The Hong Kong Youth Service Award 2013. Moreover, InnoChemos (International) Technology, one of the 24 HKSEC 2012 semi-finalist teams, was awarded the secondrunner up, Student Prize and Franklin Award for the Best Business Plan Presentation in HKUST 2013 One Million Dollar Entrepreneurship Challenge with cash awards of HK$100,000 in June 2013. They also won the 2nd place in E-Challenge 2013 organised by Young Entrepreneurs Development Council with a cash award of HK$20,000 in August 2013. Besides, they were awarded a place in the Final Round of Lee Kuan Yew Global Business Plan Competition in Singapore and the 2nd AIF Young Entrepreneur Award in Japan.



內容 理念

第 1 階段

參賽隊伍必須提交一份 5 頁的業務概要,闡述其社 企意念、可改善的社會問題,以及營運模式。經維 誠 (VeriGuide) — 防止抄襲及剽竊的前端分析系統 核實後,26 名分別來自金融、巿場策劃及營運、資 訊科技、以及自行創業的業務概要評判,以相同的 評分準則在網上平台 YouNoodle 合共評選了 202 隊參賽者的業務概要,選出 24 隊進入準決賽。


BUSINESS SUMMARY Each competing team was required to submit a 5-page Business Summary to illustrate the concept and operations of its proposed business model and how it addressed the social problems. Subsequent to the verification by VeriGuide, a plagiarism detection and document analysis software, the panel of 26 judges reviewed the Business Summaries prepared by 202 contesting teams and selected 24 Semi Finalists. The panel of judges was made up of executives from finance, business planning, information technology and operations as well as entrepreneurs. They assessed the Business Summaries through YouNoodle, an online platform, according to consistent scoring criteria.

計劃書須具備創新及可行的方案,以解決當前的 社會問題。參賽隊伍須透徹理解該社會問題的形 成,並提出妥善的對策。

計劃書須詳列市場需要、商機規模、競爭形勢、潛在 風險及應對策略。各隊伍須留意到現時社會、法律及 政府體系部門對該問題的處理手法。監督制度、稅收 條例及政治爭議亦是重要的考慮因素。

CONTEXT CONCEPT The concept should reflect an innovative, feasible approach to solving a current social problem. The team should demonstrate a clear understanding of the issue it seeks to address and the economic and social drivers of the problem and its solution.

The business plan should describe the market needs, size of opportunity, competitive landscape, potential risks and strategies for managing those risks. Special attention should be paid to the social, legal and governmental context of the problem and its solution. Regulatory, tax, and political issues may also be important factors.


2 階段

入選的 24 隊準決賽隊伍須撰寫一分 20 頁以內的完整商 業計劃書,包括其社企綱要、詳細的營銷策略、社會效 益的評估,以及財務預算。同時,參賽隊伍亦要為其項 目作設計,如公司商標、產品、服務設計或產品包裝等, 以進一步運用設計的思考模式來提升其社企的形象。



Each of the 24 shortlisted teams were required to prepare a Business Plan of no more than 20 pages which included a concept summary, detailed implementation strategy, social impact assessment and financial plan. Each team needed to design its company logo, products or service and packaging, in order to enhance its brand image with design thinking.

第 3 階段

20 名分別來自不同專業界別的評判在準決賽當日,選 出最優秀的 6 隊進入總決賽。準決賽前各評判會收到 經維誠核實的商業計劃書,並預先評出一個初步的分 數,以確保在比賽前已對各隊伍的計劃有所了解。

演說 ( 準決賽及總決賽 )


躋身總決賽的 6 隊隊伍於總決賽當日,接受 5 位來自不 同界別的專業評判的考驗。比賽結果將於頒獎晚宴公布, 兩隊冠軍隊伍的每位隊員可獲最高 60,000 港元的啟動獎 金,實踐其社企計劃。


A judging panel of 20 executives from different professions selected six Finalists. Prior to the Semi Final, the judges received copies of all Business Plans verified by VeriGuide and gave a preliminary score to each to ensure all judges had an understanding of each shortlisted Business Plan before the Semi Final presentations.

GALA DINNER CUM AWARD CEREMONY: STARTUP AWARDS The six Finalists will be assessed by five judges. The results will be announced in the Gala Dinner cum Award Ceremony. Each member of the two Champion Teams will receive a Startup Award of up to HK$60,000 to start their social enterprises.

中大博群社會企業創業計劃 CUHK I‧CARE Social Enterprise Startup Scheme 香港社會企業挑戰賽亦得到香港中文大學博群計劃支持,凡入選總決賽的隊伍均可申請中大博群社會企業創業計劃,成功獲批之隊伍每隊最高可獲 100, 000 港元創業資助。

HKSEC has also gained support from the CUHK I‧CARE Programme. All Grand Final teams may apply for the Social Enterprise Startup Scheme and the successful applicant will receive up to HK$100,000 per team.



PEOPLE The team should demonstrate that it has or is able to acquire relevant skills, contacts, and experience in order to accomplish its goals. The team should be credible in communicating the plan and its feasibility.


頒獎晚宴 : 啟動獎金


隊伍必須顯示隊員具有實現目 標的能力、相關的技能、人脈 網絡及經驗,令人信服他們可 以履行計劃和實踐建議。

社會效益 隊伍應說明其計劃之改變理論,及運用影 響價值鏈闡釋資源的投入、經營的過程及 產品如何能改善社會問題,以達到計劃之 宗旨及目的。社會效益的量化評估並非必 要。

SOCIAL IMPACT The team must be able to qualify the theory of change and to define the impact value chain by illustrating how business inputs, activities and outputs can generate outcomes and subsequent impact that aligned with the team’s mission and goals.

可持續性 計劃的企業須能在一段時間內持續經營,並發揮預期的社 會效益。計劃書亦可預測實踐期最後一年的情況,諸如期 滿結業、維持一定業務量的營運、穩定增長、轉讓業權及 覓地開設企業分支等。

SUSTAINABILITY The business model should be sustainable for the period of time consistent with achieving the desired social impact. The final projected year in the plan may involve ending the business, continuing operation at a constant level, stable growth, transferring ownership and control or replicating the business in other locations.



2014.02.15 從 202 隊中脫穎而出的 24 強隊伍,在準決賽當日竭盡所能推銷自己的社會企業計劃,務




Outstanding among all 202 teams, the 24 Semi-Final teams strove their best to present their

The winner in each of the four groups won the ticket to Grand Final first. The

social enterprise plans in order to squeeze in the six places of Grand Final.

first runner-ups modified their presentations immediately after receiving judges’ feedbacks in order to compete for the last two places in the Grand Final.




this world where financial knowledge is minimal, costs are rising and financial resources are shrinking, the villain—Financial Ignorance—reigns. A 2012 survey by Visa ranked Hong Kong 24th out of 27 top economies in terms of the financial capabilities of its youth. There is a huge need to help students better manage their money to cope with spiraling debts. Even though many training programs have tried to rescue students from the grasps of Financial Ignorance, they’re just not working. The world is waiting for a new kind of hero. One social platform will rise to the rescue, CASHIFY! Cashify combines education and entertainment to teach students to manage their money more effectively. Our sustainable and innovative model will empower students through in-person workshops and online games. Journeying through a series of campus-specific workshops and games in a parallel online world, heroesin-the-making will track personal finances and THUMP financial villains!






Project Aloha

Project Aloha is a team of energetic social entrepreneurs. We love innovative products and services associated with Hawaiian culture. We want to spread the Aloha Spirit — warmth, friendliness and sincerity in Hong Kong. Our first intention is to provide employment and income to housewives and young people. Our second intention is to relieve the heavy stress of Hong Kong people through Hula dancing. Perhaps an unusual remedy, but it works! Aloha Mamas Housewives will be trained to make Hula skirts and so earn an income from their own home. These skirts can then be sold and exported to Japan. As a result, the Aloha Mamas can enjoy a happier life and contribute to the well-being of their children and family. Team Leader 組長 CHEN Shuonan 陳朔柟 Team Member 組員 CHU Wing Sze, Ceslia 朱詠詩


YUEN Ka Yi, Winnie 袁嘉沂


Faculty Advisor 院校顧問 Prof. DONALD David 蕭大衛教授




Students are rewarded with POINTS to upgrade workshop and game features, gift to real-world charities, and purchase tickets to exciting events. Example events include celebrities who will share their secrets to achieve financial victory. A lack of financial knowledge, particularly in disadvantaged communities, causes ill-informed decisions, unnecessary debt, higher default rates and an undue burden on our society. Cashify aims to SMASH this vicious cycle via edutainment! In alliance with local institutions, Cashify Academy launches this April to empower future financial superheroes!

Aloha Troupe We will train secondary school graduates to perform the joyful and relaxing Hula at venues throughout Hong Kong. The youth will then have an enjoyable way of being employed, while Hong Kong will experience a new activity to reduce stress through Hula. Hula … in Hong Kong? With the great support from the Hong Kong International Hula Association, we think it can work! We want to show and tell everyone about it! We look forward to sharing with you. Let’s dance!

Team Leader 組長 CHEUNG Ka Man, Carmen 張嘉文


Team Member 組員 CHAN Mei Ka, Mikaela 陳美嘉


KWAN Sin Yee, Cindy 關善頤


TSOI Ling Ling, Vanessa 蔡玲玲


MIYODA Yu 御代田優


Faculty Advisor 院校顧問 Dr. LIM Amanda 林屏博士



障礙學堂」透過「無障礙學堂 + 無障礙獵才平台 + 無障

礙資訊科技推廣大使計劃」三個層面,為香港殘疾人士提供「培訓 + 徵才 + 就業」三合一服務。 本學堂調動香港各大專院校的教育資源(如Moodle System),集結各 校義務的師長、助教及學生,設計無障礙精品實用資訊科技課程,以 遠端教學方式為主,為殘疾學員提供方便有效的學習進修機會,也讓 他們的才能在獵才平台上充分展示,發揮他們的優勢,成為推動「無 障礙社會」信息的使者。同時,透過與殘疾人士的互動教學,參與學



Barrier-free School

本學堂希望扶助殘疾人士運用所學技能,增強自信,服務社會,提高 生活質素,取得社會肯定,同時也減少對政府和社會服務資源的依賴, 讓香港成為無障礙及傷健共融的科技園區。

In Hong Kong, there is relatively low cultural tolerance towards South Asians


due to cultural misunderstanding and a lack of communication, leading to tensions and conflicts among different races. WEDO GLOBAL envisions a racial-barrier-free society. It aims to enhance cultural awareness and understanding towards South Asians by launching WEDO Discovery - a structured responsible travel program co-created and coimplemented with regional coordinator(s) in different countries. Before going to Outbound WEDO Discovery, a Cultural Awareness Session will be conducted to provide basic information of cultural awareness for participants to be ready to experience cultural difference.

Team Leader 組長 LI Yuanxi 李原曦



Team Member 組員 CHAN Sheung Wai 陳尚瑋


CHEUNG Wing Yin 張詠妍


TSAO Wen Yi 曹文奕


ZOU Weiwen 鄒衛文


Faculty Advisor 院校顧問 Prof. LIU Jiming 劉際明教授


Outbound WEDO Discovery includes 3 key aspects for participants to immerse themselves in South Asian culture: A) History; B) Nature and C) Community. Participants will have opportunities to visit various places to understand the history, interact with people in the community and experience how they live, eat, dress and travel around. This program aims to achieve a win-win situation to maximize the benefits to the participants as well as the local communities, minimize negative social impact, and help local people promote their genuine culture. As a follow-up activity, WEDO Discovery @ HK is a task-based travel program for Hong Kong Chinese to experience and understand more about South Asian culture and be connected with South Asians in Hong Kong. Participants will have the chance to communicate and know more about each other for building a harmonious society. WEDO GLOBAL provides a unique cultural experience to lead the real change and build genuine understanding among cultures.

Team Leader 組長 NG Chung Lun 吳宗麟

Poly U

Team Member 組員 WONG Ching Hung 黃靜虹




FONG Nok Hang 方諾恆


LAM Lok Yi 林樂怡


Faculty Advisor 院校顧問 Dr. LLYOD Alison E




上社會對他們的關愛,為本地多添一分暖意。 「温.待」以待用券的形式幫助低收入人士,我們首個階段會與地區 餐廳合作推出待用餐券,餐廳會以成本價捐出定額膳食,由我們負責 籌備及推廣,商戶可以履行社會責任,更可減低宣傳成本。熱心市民 購買待用餐券,既可資助有需要人士享用膳食,亦可享有券上的商戶 優惠。我們扣除基本支出及膳食成本後,會印製對等價值的餐卷,分 給社福機構,再分配予有需要的人士,務求讓他們可以免費享用膳食,




「温.待」致力推廣待用文化,通過財富轉移、平等分享,幫助有需 要人士。除了膳食以外,長遠我們會將之推廣至不同的生活必需品, 達致「一券助人衣食足」,營造互助互利的和諧社會。


recent years, two phenomena have become noticeable. The first is based on a famous quote from a local soap opera that “This city is dying”. This suggests that our unique cultures and identity of Hong Kong are disappearing, thereby making Hongkongers feel confused about their identity.


The second phenomenon is that a number of travel spots are getting ever more commercialized. Therefore, tourists will find that they are not actually experiencing an authentic experience with local cultural elements to truly appreciate our community. Due to noticing these social phenomena, we have discovered a need for a new breed of travel agency. An agency aimed at consolidating the Hong Kong cultural identity for local people, while also promoting our true identity to foreigners. So, “Root and Growth” aims to address this problem. The root represents our local cultures, where we wish for them to grow and pass from generation to generation. Our agency will mainly offer routes to experience the unique cultures of Hong Kong, e.g. Yuen Long Villages, and Central.


Team Leader 組長 WONG Kong Yuen, Edwin 王江源


Team Member 組員 CHAN Kai Chun, Endy 陳啟俊


LEUNG Ko Sze, Tomson 梁誥思


CHEUNG Ho Hoi, Brian 張皓凱


WU Cheuk Chi, Terence 胡焯智


Faculty Advisor 院校顧問 Mr. LAM Sherman 林少銘先生


Root and Growth has two uniquely distinctive features. First, senior citizens will be interviewed by our secondary school student helpers to collect hands-on experience of living in Hong Kong. Second, some other senior citizens will be recruited and trained to be tour guides to provide foreigners amazing travelling experiences. Through these interactions, local citizens and foreigners can have a deeper and more interesting discussion about Hong Kong cultures. We see a long lasting and bright future for Root and Growth, local culture and lots of foreign visitors!

Team Leader 組長 YEUNG Wing Cheung 楊穎璋


Team Member 組員 CHAN Ho Hin 陳豪軒


LAM Man Wai 林雯慧


TANG Fuk Yee 鄧馥儀


Faculty Advisor 院校顧問 Dr. LEE King Wa 李勁華博士




Grand Final Judges 史秀美女士 Ms. Salome SEE 經濟通有限公司董事總經理 Managing Director, ET Net Limited

蔡海偉先生 Mr. CHUA Hoi Wai 香港社會服務聯會行政總裁 Chief Executive, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service

黃英琦女士 Ms. Ada WONG 香港當代文化中心創辦人及總監 Founder & Hon Chief Executive, Hong Kong Institute of Contemporary Culture

歐陽加晉先生 Mr. Henry AU-YEUNG

李根興博士 Dr. Edwin LEE 盛滙商機有限公司創辦人及行政總裁 Founder & CEO, BridgeWay Advisors Group Limited

楊大偉先生 Mr. David YEUNG 綠色星期一聯合創辦人 Co-Founder, Green Monday

香港中小型企業聯合會會董及義務司庫 Director & Honorary Treasurer, Hong Kong Small and Medium Enterprises Association

陳頌德先生 Mr. Dick CHAN

陳樹偉先生 Mr. Jimmy CHAN

陳偉業先生 Mr. Danny CHAN

半島亞洲集團有限公司營運經理 Operation Manager, Peninsular Asia Group Limited

域思科技有限公司董事總經理 Managing Director, Vizz Technology Ltd.

我讚!創辦人 Chief Praise Maker, Praisage

趙德輝先生 Mr. Ivan CHIU Tak Fai

蔡智文先生 Mr. Peter CHOI

香港葵涌 3 號貨櫃碼頭操作部經理 Operations Manager, DP World Hong Kong CT3

派亞普 ( 香港 ) 有限公司董事 Director, Palapple (Hong Kong) Limited

張海波先生 Mr. Baden CHEUNG

Semi Final Judges 莊寧先生 Mr. Johnny CHONG 香港可持續科技研策基金會主席 Chairman, S.T.A.R.S. Foundation

何建威先生 Mr. Stephen HO 香港社會創投基金可持續發展總監 Director of Sustainable Development, Social Ventures Hong Kong

陳振雄先生 Mr. Laurence CHAN

陳龍盛先生 Mr. Eddy CHEN

香港電動能源有限公司董事總經理 Managing Director, Hong Kong EV Power Ltd.

陽光網絡有限公司董事 Director, Limited

周尚頤博士 Dr. Christine CHOW

蔡啟昇先生 Mr. Janos CHOY

甘啟祥先生 Mr. Ken KAM

衡敏馳顧問有限公司首席執行官 Founder & CEO, Homage Consulting Ltd.

無國界工程師 ( 香港 ) 司庫 Treasurer, Engineers Without Borders (Hong Kong)

德勤企業管理諮詢(香港)有限公司總監 Director, Deloitte Consulting (Hong Kong) Limited

關志康先生 Mr. Jacky KWAN Chi Hong

鄺家俊先生 Mr. John KWONG

百本專業護理服務有限公司主席 Chairman, Bamboos Professional Nursing Services Limited

普達資訊管理有限公司行政總裁 CEO, ParaDM Co., Ltd.

灝天私募基金管理有限公司副總裁 — 市場部 Vice President — Business Development, GlorySky Private Equity Management Limited

李祥麟先生 Mr. Catus LEE

梁懷敏先生 Mr. Edmond LEUNG

駱佩傑先生 Mr. Pokit LOK

天澤管理顧問有限公司首席顧問 Principal Consultant, Zensiblo Consulting Limited

一念素食聯合創辦人 Co-Founder, Bijas Vegetarian Restaurant

香港生產力促進局顧問 Consultant, Hong Kong Productivity Council

徐英賢博士 Dr. Dominic CHUI Ying Yin 香港基督教女青年會公益業務及資源拓展總監 Director of Social Business and Resources Development, Hong Kong Young Women's Christian Association

關德華博士、工程師 Ir. Dr. William KWAN

鍾偉成先生 Mr. CHUNG Wai Shing 明途聯繫有限公司董事總經理 Managing Director, MentalCare Connect Company Limited

黎寶茗博士 Dr. P.M. LAI 香港零售科技商會主席 Chairman, Hong Kong Retail Technology Industry Association Ltd.

林曉鋒博士 Dr. Alan LAM

羅德榮先生 Mr. Benson LO

伍灝桓先生 Mr. Reny NG

Sengital Limited 行政總裁 Founder & CEO, Sengital Limited

太平基業證券有限公司行政董事 Executive Director, Pacific Foundation Securities Ltd.

三盛資本集團有限公司董事總經理 Managing Director, Tri-Bridge Capital Group Limited

譚麗轉女士 Ms. Candy TAM

屈紫薇女士 Ms. Fiona WAT

徐鍾冰心博士 Dr. Cecilia TSUI

Candyfoon Infinity Co. 董事 Director, Candyfoon Infinity Co

對話體驗.無聲創立人 Founder, Dialogue Experience Silence

英國特許管理學會 ( 香港分會 ) 主席 Chairperson, Chartered Management Institute (Hong Kong Branch)

黃凱權先生 Mr. H.K. WONG

黃敍先生 Mr. Tony WONG

黃誠鴻先生 Mr. Lewis WONG

創流推廣執行董事 Director, Creative Trend

Regatta Capital Management Group 董事 Director, Regatta Capital Management Group

東昇電腦顧問有限公司總裁兼首席顧問 Chairman & Principal Consultant, Eastop Computer Consultants Ltd.

社聯 - 滙豐社會企業商務中心高級經理 Senior Manager, HKCSS - HSBC Social Enterprise Business Centre

王湘文先生 Mr. Jonathan WONG 香港社會服務聯會商務顧問 Business Consultant, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service

香港青年智庫主席 Chairman, Hong Kong Youth Think-Tank

匯泉國際有限公司商務經理 Commercial Manager, Telford International Company Limited

無國界工程師 ( 香港 ) 成員 Member, Engineers Without Borders (Hong Kong)

譚穎茜女士 Ms. Jessica TAM

陳志豪先生 Mr. Victor CHAN

Summary Judges

吳龍先生 Mr. George NG AIESEC 香港舊生會企劃總監 Director of Project, AIESEC Alumni Association of Hong Kong

吳宇光先生 Mr. Ray NG Yee Kong

林新力先生 Mr. Deric LAM

謝偉傑先生 Mr. Horris TSE

駿昇科技發展有限公司前總經理 Former General Manager, Gemstar Technology Limited

Director, Strategy & Consultancy, RollAngle

徐伽先生 Mr. Andrew TSUI

王青雲先生 Mr. Frederick WONG

種樂樂城市耕作聯合創辦人 Co-Founder, Time to grow

Multichannel Research Limited 首席財務長 CFO, Multichannel Research Limited

葉文琪先生 Mr. Harold YIP 邱聖音女士 Ms. Angela YAU

資訊機密處理有限公司執行董事 Executive Director, Secure Information Disposal Services Limited

余偉業先生 Mr. Ricky YU 要有光(社會地產)有限公司創辦人及行政總裁 Founder & CEO, Light Be (Social Realty) Co. Ltd.




Acknowledgement 陳康成先生 Mr. Chris CHAN

英國特許管理學會 ( 香港分會 ) 副主席 Vice-Chairman, The Chartered Management Institute (Hong Kong Branch)

鄭文輝先生 Mr. Jordan CHENG Man Fai

陳耀祖先生 Mr. Joe CHAN Hugogate Ltd. 董事總經理 Managing Director, Hugogate Ltd.

朱靜華博士 Dr. Teresa CHU

iGPSD Ltd. 行政總裁 CEO, iGPSD Ltd.

邁灃流動媒體軟件開發有限公司創辦人及行政總裁 Founder & CEO, Mad Mobile Application Development Ltd.

關以輝先生 Mr. Y.F. KWAN

林敏兒小姐 Ms. Anita LAM

第一東方投資集團集團顧問 Group Advisor, First Eastern Investment Group

WOUF 聯合創辦人 Co-Founder, WOUF

新鴻基地產代理有限公司副總經理 ( 租務 ) Deputy General Manager (Leasing), Sun Hung Kai Real Estate Agency Ltd.

羅偉鴻先生 Mr. Freddy LAW

勞元佳先生 Mr. Leo LO Yuen Kai

互文教社董事 Director, Inter Cultural Education

佳駿醫療設備有限公司董事總經理 Managing Director, EuroMed Technologies Co., Ltd.

劉錫鴻先生 Mr. John LAU 維他奶國際集團有限公司前集團財務總監及執行董事 Retired Group CFO and Executive Director, Vitasoy International Holdings Ltd.

諸立力律師行律師 Solicitor, Victor Chu & Co.

劉麗清女士 Ms. Ellijah LAU Lai Ching

雷煒程先生 Mr. Lawrence LUI

莫紹祥先生 Mr. S.C. MOK

唐儀先生 Mr. Tony TONG

Social Alliance Communications Consultancy 董事 Director, Social Alliance Communications Consultancy

無國界工程師 ( 香港 ) 副主席 Vice Chairman, Engineers Without Borders (Hong Kong)

太平洋商業網絡有限公司聯合創辦人兼董事 Co-Founder & Director, Pacific Financial Group

徐潤培博士 Dr. Joseph TSUI

溫思聰先生 Mr. Wilson WAN

地球環保基金主席 Chairman, EEF Earth Environmental Foundation

香港愛心魔法團理事會主席 Chairman, Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus

屈國良先生 Mr. Jefferson WAT 亞洲科龍有限公司董事及首席顧問 Director & Principal Consultant, Asia Solution Corporation Ltd.

楊華明先生 Mr. Franklin YEUNG 新國泰旅行社有限公司營業部董事及企業顧問 Sales Director & Business Consultant, Cathay Travel B.V.



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