HKSEC 2014 Semi Final booklet

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Semi Final 2 014–15

List of 24 Team A ClothClip


Chinese Medicine for Community Care

Start on Stage

繁承 EasyGreen

Mindful HK



Green Timer



Experience Museum

Social Enterprise Coupon HeArtistic 果皮家族


Dessert Sweet Heart JOBDOH




AMC Platform SkinCept





Green Timer




2 4






Mindful HK








甜心甜品 Dessert Sweet Heart JOBDOH

Chinese Medicine for Community Care




同路行 @ccompany


15—16 19—20

21—22 23—24





義心良用 AMC platform



Start on Stage



Experience Museum


5 6






Social Enterprise Coupon




Project Evergreen – Green Revolving Fund

繁承 EasyGreen


4 5 6



Project Evergreen – Green Revolving Fund Accelerato Oxyt

31—32 35—36

39—40 43—44

45—46 47—48

ClothClip 組長 Team Leader 何葆昆 HO Po Kwan

組員 Team Member

蘇苑妮 SO Yuen Ni 蘇梓維 SO Tsz Wai

鄧珊珊 DENG Shanshan





院校顧問 Faculty Advisor

許國洪博士 Dr. Glenn HUI


ClothClip is a creative and eco-friendly platform for you to bid for your own fashion stylists and to manage your wardrobe. We have created a unique channel for you to communicate with other fashionistas around town. So that you can get inspired on how to mix and match your clothing and also so that fashion stores can increase sales This can be achieved through combining our creative Online-to-Offine marketing solution with ibeacon technology and our mobile application. From an environmental point of view, fast fashion has increased clothing wastage in Hong Kong. According to our market research, this is mainly because people do not know how to match the various items.

To remedy this problem, ClothClip aims to build a creative platform for users to make use of their existing clothes for exciting new looks. In addition, to help users to dress more fashionably and stylishly, the fashion stylists on our platform will suggest suitable fashion items from our partner stores. ClothClip wants to empower the fashion talents and support local stylists. We will do this by providing a platform for them to shine on the stage and build their personal brands. However, we are not only helping local stylists. We are also helping local fashion boutiques, as this is a new way for boutiques to increase sales. This is because if the boutiques use ibeacon technology, they will be able to identify the preferences of potential customers.

繁承 EasyGreen 組長 Team Leader 莊恩傑 CHONG Yan Kit

組員 Team Member 梁曉恩 LEUNG Hiu Yan


院校顧問 Faculty Advisor 蔡經倫教授 Prof. CHOY King Lun



Vibrant, energetic, efficient, are the words that best describes our home — Hong Kong. However, behind the success, over 60% of people work over 12 hours and sleep less than 6 hours per day in order to secure their livelihood. Under such a harsh environment, people are more likely to suffer from mental diseases, which can seriously hamper their health, and disrupt family harmony. Facing such a social problem, we proudly introduce the EasyGreen, technical re s earch and e duc at ional team . We aim to br ing c alm and re velat ion through introducing a brand new selfdesigned hydro-planting system with a tailor-made service. Our target will be residential households, universities and the commercial sector.

The hydro-planting system (with out the use of conventional soil) is free of soil pollution and is an easy way for participants to experience the joy of getting high yields in a shorter period of time in contrast to the traditional planting method. Such experience could help alleviate stress and maintaining good mental health. As a value-added feature, EasyGreen also encourages their customers to grow vegetables, such as lettuce and tomatoes, in order to gain satisfaction from harvesting. Several pilot studies were conducted at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and local schools that demonstrated positive r e s u l t s . F e e d b a c k f r o m participants including students and staff were very encouraging, indicating that the hydro-plant service has a welcome effect not only for personal relaxation, but also for mental and psychology health. We sincerely believe that we can jointly make Hong Kong become a better place.

Green Timer

組長 Team Leader

吳王如月 HKU WU Wangruyue 組員 Team Member

Jonathan Richard EDWARDS HKU 駱雅婷 HKU LUO Yating 林劍勇 LIN Jianyong

牟添 MU Tian



院校顧問 Faculty Advisor 許濬教授 Prof. HUI Chun

Therefore, Hong Kong needs an immediate alleviation to poverty among the elderly and a source of low-skilled work. Nearly one third of elderly people (290,000) were in financial hardship – figures from Hong Kong Council of Social Service 2011.


Hong Kong faces a number of urgent problems. We have identified that: • high consumption of imported meat impedes the development of local organic farming; • busy professionals have poor diets as having little time to prepare their own food; • an ageing population of low-skilled workers is causing stress on social and welfare dynamics.

Green Timer is a green living community with a solution. We offer a healthy, sustainable, and efficient diet experience to white-collar professionals in central business districts. Through our services, customers can order delicious organic meals — customized to their own tastes and needs. The meals will be prepared by the elderly, stay-at-home mothers, unemployed and underemployed. We are the first subscription plan provider that offers “a la carte” options online. You can build your own dietary plan to reach personal health and fitness goals in two simple steps: (1) place an order with health professionals’ advice through our website or mobile application; (2) select an appropriate subscription plan for meals delivered to your office. Orders can be one-off or monthly plans. Our customers will save time and enjoy healthy, organic diets. They will also help local suppliers to develop sustainably. Best of all, customers will know that our services directly benefit those in need. To sum up, we serve caring meals with a conscience.

社企劵 組長 Team Leader 陳穎芝 CHAN Wing Chi


李凱伶 LI Hoi Ling, Eudora Dorathy


組員 Team Member

張旭峰 CHANG Yuk Fung, Lawrence 院校顧問 Faculty Advisor 蕭錦榮教授 Prof. SIU Kam Wing



「社企劵」結合了香港的送禮文化和網購潮流,為社企提供嶄新的市場 推廣平台,同時亦為送禮人士提供一個既方便又有意義的選擇。

「社企劵」網站是一個社交和宣傳平台,內裡刊登了顧客對各社企的評 分和評語,以及每月主題推廣。送禮人士可於「社企劵」網站即時購買並 送出電子「社企劵」 ,亦可列印精美的「社企劵」送贈親友或客戶。持劵人 可於遍佈港九新界的社企網絡兌換多類型優質服務和商品。社企只需 登入網頁或憑智能手機即可完成兌換手續。 我們希望「社企劵」可以為社企提供更具成本效益的宣傳渠道,協助它 們接觸新客戶、拓展業務,藉以完成它們成立的使命。我們亦希望關心 社會的公司和人士,可以透過「社企劵」推動更多人支持社企。


組長 Team Leader

黃曉穎 WONG Hiu Wing, Janice Sue 組員 Team Member

蘇冠嵐 SO Kwun Laam, Queenie

張正行 CHEUNG Ching Hang, Ken 馮健榮 FUNG Kin Wing, Gary

黃尹駿 WONG Wan Chun, Timothy 院校顧問 Faculty Advisor 賴漢榮先生 Mr. LAI Hon Wing, John




HeArtistic believes in the power of art in raising people’s awareness towards mental health. Poor mental health is a huge problem plaguing modern society. Would it surprise you that more than 450 million people around the world suffer from mental illnesses? In Hong Kong, the figures are even more worrying — around 30% of our population suffers from mental health issues and 39% of employees rate their work stress as high. Also, recovered patients are experiencing serious stigma and discrimination when trying to integrate into society, especially in the workplace.

HeArtistic (HeArt Expresso) was established in 2013 with the wholehearted commitment to improve the mental well-being of members of our community, including you. Our social enterprise provides unique and fun “Therapeutic Expressive Art” services. It is a powerful exercise that combines visual arts, music and other creative processes to foster self-understanding and to help relieve stress. And the great thing is that anyone can join. We believe that prevention is better than cure. The prevalence of mental illnesses in Hong Kong can be lowered by building people’s awareness towards their own mental health; so as to relieve stress and achieve work-life balance. Meanwhile, we look forward to engaging and empowering people who have recovered from mental illnesses through the establishment of the HeArtistic Art Centre. We aim to eradicate stigma, so as to build a more inclusive society. “Through art we express our hearts; Through art we change the way people see the world.” will continue to be HeArtistic’s motto.

果皮家族 組長 Team Leader

馮廣照 FUNG Kwong Chiu

組員 Team Member 黎恉朗 LAI Tsz Long

麥麗晴 MAK Lai Ching

麥慧珊 MAK Wai Shan 鄧嘉敏 TANG Ka Man



院校顧問 Faculty Advisor 張麗雲博士 Dr. CHEUNG Lai Wan



「果皮家族」是一間製造及售賣環保清潔用品的社會企業。 企業的宗旨是推動綠色生活,促進大眾和弱能人士的關係, 並以達至社會傷健共融為目標。 企業會回收廚餘,例如水果皮,並將廚餘化為天然的家居清潔 產品,包括果皮酵素、檸檬酒精等等,並藉此提高市民的環保 意識。 企業的短期計劃是與庇護工場合作,外判生產過程,增加弱能 人士的工作機會,改善他們的就業情況,並鼓勵他們。

企業的長期計劃是設立門市。 在設立門市後,本企業有望能夠 提高弱能人士公開就業的機會。他們將在門市學習新技能, 例如人與人之間的溝通技巧,以提升他們的工作能力,增加 他們日後的就業機會。

Homey 組長 Team Leader 溫雪伶 WUN Suet Ling

組員 Team Member

婉薇 陳 CHAN Yuen Mei, Heidi 謝愷濠 TSE Hoi Ho

梁安迪 LEUNG On Tik

院校顧問 Faculty Advisor 蕭錦榮教授 Prof. SIU Kam Wing




Homey is a non-profit making business offering experience game about the lives of low-income families. Serving as a platform between low-income families and the public, Homey provides not only the opportunity for participants to experience, learn and reflect on difficult living conditions, but also the chance of working as volunteers to reach out to the needy. We will recruit members from low-income familes to share their first-hand experience and oversee the game. It is also proposed to be a supplementary course for Liberal Studies at secondary schools. The experience game is designed as a one-day camp. It would be split into three stages: ‘Enlightenment’, ‘Task Force Challenge’ and ‘Mission and Vision’.

1. Enlightenment Participants have lectures and sharing sessions about the problems of poverty in Hong Kong. 2. Task Force Challenge Participants tackle challenges like cooking a meal within a limited budget, doing cleaning and scavenging jobs. 3. Mission and Vision Participants volunteer by visiting low-income families, have reflection sessions and pen-pal projects in order to sustain the impact of the camp. Homey aims to highlight the problem of wealth inequality and raise public awareness about social issues, especially regarding poverty. As for teenagers, they can also learn more about the subject matter in Liberal Studies in an out-ofclassroom environment.

Mindful HK

組長 Team Leader

林智浩 LAM Chi Ho, Ansel

組員 Team Member 麥焰熔 MAK Yim Yung

王藹文 WONG Oi Man

譚浩霖 TAM Ho Lam, Arcturus





TRAN Tuan Vinh, Kenny 院校顧問 Faculty Advisor 何天虹博士 Dr. HO Tin Hung



在香港這個高壓城市,中小學生因為考試制度、家庭環境、朋輩關係等因素而承受的壓力 實在不容忽視。根據一份2013 年的研究報告,全港有近一半 (45.6%) 學生有中度,甚至嚴重 心理健康問題。惟現時全港近 500 間中學,約 40萬個中學生,平均每間中學只有1.5位駐校 社工,即每名駐校社工平均要照顧多達 800 個學生的情緒健康。

有見及此,Mindful HK 將成為學校和駐校社工的緊密伙伴,共同為學生的心靈健康而努 力。我們將成立 Mindful Campus 計畫 ── 一個為期9星期的正念課程。正念源自東方 的傳統,藉著培養學生對自身與周遭環境的覺察,提升他們的專注力以及應對壓力的能 力,讓他們能更快樂地學習,成就一個心靈更健康的校園。

Transfriendly 組長 Team Leader

周延姿 CHAU Yin Chi

組員 Team Member 許穎芯 HUI Wing Sum

謝珮兒 TSE Pui Yee, Eva 陳嘉莉 CHAN Ka Lee

魏樂怡 NGAI Lok Yi, Anthy






院校顧問 Faculty Advisor 馬錦華先生 Mr. MA Kam Wah


Transfriendly — transforms the travelling experience of the visually impaired In Hong Kong, there is little adaptive equipment to aid the mobility of the visually impaired. To get by, the visually impaired hold up a self-made sign with the bus number and rely on bus drivers or other passengers for help. Therefore, Transfriendly aims to assist the visually impaired to regain an active role in taking transportation.

Our enterprise is pleased to announce the development of a revolutionary system, which assists the visually impaired to take buses. This is now possible through a groundbreaking combination of the local bus companies’ mobile apps, plus a smart white cane with enhanced functions. The smart cane is no ordinary cane. It comes with a specially designed device attached to the handle. When the mobile app is paired with the smart cane, they can synchronize. Operating the products could not be simpler. Our users merely input the bus route on the app or cane and the system connects with the transmitter on the bus. Transfriendly then alerts our users when the bus arrives. Transfriendly also informs the users about the next stops during the journey. Our future plan is to extend Transfriendly to other transportation, and serve visually impaired from other cities in Mainland China. The visually impaired have the right to be included socially. We hope to start with transportation — a simple but challenging daily task. We also hope Transfriendly can reintegrate the visually impaired into society and raise awareness about their needs.

甜心甜品 Dessert Sweet Heart 組長 Team Leader

蕭采倖 SIU Choi Hang


蕭志鋒 SIU Chi Fung


吳澤霖 NG Chak Lam

組員 Team Member 劉易君 LOW Yik Kwan 李少威 LEE Siu Wai

院校顧問 Faculty Advisor 陳振明先生 Dr. Francis CHAN



「甜心甜品」為更生青年提供培訓的學習環境及工作平台,培訓他們成為一位具認受性的烘 焙師傅,讓他們藉一技之長自力更生,並為他們配對良師,幫助他們建立正面的價值觀,以協 助他們重新投入社會。

香港問題青年每年大幅增長,為社會帶來潛在隱憂, 「甜心甜品」以烘焙工場形式經營,服務


藉著包容度高的工作空間, 「甜心甜品」讓他們經過自我探索及價值肯定後重建自信,從新的 角度接納自己的過去,勇敢地重投社會,並期望他們將來能以過來人的身份感染潛在的問題 青年,重塑社會對更生青年的印象。


JOBDOH is a location based mobile platform for temporary job matching. We aim to offer a global service that provides a disruptive solution for the temporary staffing market place. Designed to help employers find temporary workers, we aim to optimize the temporary staffing industry, reduce inefficiency in the current system; and facilitate quicker and easier job matches for the market. 組長 Team Leader

張譯之 Mary CHEUNG

組員 Team Member 張鎔顯 CHEUNG Yung Hin



院校顧問 Faculty Advisor 區玉輝教授 Prof. Kevin AU


One of the missions of JOBDOH is to create more tailored work opportunities for the under-served, such as the elderly, single mothers, visible minorities and young people. JOBDOH really aims to provide the best temporary jobs for our users who would need experience or extra income but are finding it hard to find jobs given their hectic lifestyles.

Geospatial Search Finding the nearest job based on the map is a sub-optimal solution for geo-searching, because the nearest jobs help save travel time and transportation costs. However, by matching region-to-region data, we provide the cheapest and quickest options. Matching Algorithm To ensure the best matches and reduce the need for manual screening, JOBDOH collects user data to create a rich profile and build a pattern of user behavior. Instant Job Notification JOBDOH provides up-to-the-minute and instant task notifications to users. If the system detects unread app notifications, we will also send a reminder through SMS and email, ensuring users receive the latest updates.

Chinese Medicine for Community Care

組長 Team Leader

梅旻玥 MEI Minyue

組員 Team Member 广灿 麦 MAI Guangcan

任展峰 YUM Chin Fung, Justin 张华晨 ZHANG Huachen 郑骁 ZHENG Xiao






院校顧問 Faculty Advisor 麥婉姬博士 Dr. MAI Wan Ji


CMCC 以網站 (Website) 及流動應用程式 (Mobile Application) 為中醫師和用戶建立


CMCC 將組織龐大、專業的本港註冊中醫師 團隊,在 CMCC 平臺上建立中醫專家庫,為 不便頻繁親身到訪中醫診所人士(如長者、 殘疾人士等)提供高效、科學的個人化中醫 養生模式,例如網上預約中醫師見面、制定 標準的長期中醫養生保健計劃、養生日程提 醒及日誌回饋等。

CMCC 希望利用科技資訊平臺提供便捷的 中醫養生服務,為服務對象調養身體,改善 慢性病、亞健康等狀況,緩解政府的壓力、 社會服務及醫療資源緊絀的問題,為民眾 提供尋求健康的新途徑。 CMCC的服務包括:

• 網上預約中醫師見面 • 養生保健日程提醒及日誌 • 望:舌像面色傳輸 • 聞:聲音傳輸 • 問:基本問診資訊反饋


為增加市民的海洋保育意識,和舒緩離島漁民收入不足的情況, 「離島 漁翁」將藉創意旅遊概念,讓參與者近距離體驗漁村文化。 組長 Team Leader 張文漢 CHEUNG Man Hon

組員 Team Member 潘明榕 POON Ming Yung 李頴怡 LI Wing Yi

黃俊健 WONG Chun Kin 林芷晴 LAM Tsz Ching






院校顧問 Faculty Advisor 張麗雲博士 Dr. CHEUNG Lai Wan


隨著漁業式微,漁民收入不足,從事捕魚的人數越來越少,為了保存香 港的漁業,我們將發展離島生態旅遊團,而塔門將會是我們第一個發 展目標。 我們會向遊客宣傳並介紹塔門文化,增加人們於塔門的消費, 並藉此提高市民的海洋保育意識,改善海洋生態。 我們將以Facebook 和Instagram作為其中之一的宣傳媒介,並向全港中小學和香港旅遊 發展局推廣我們的理念,以拓闊我們的客源和影響力。

健叻世界 組長 Team Leader 鍾詠恩 CHUNG Wing Yan

組員 Team Member 關倩恒 KWAN Sin Hang

郭卓霖 KWOK Cheuk Lam



院校顧問 Faculty Advisor 劉民龍教授 Prof. Newman LAU



為解決 兒童 及青少年熱衷電子產品、缺 乏 運動和社 交而誘發的身心 健康危機, 「健叻世界」致力為兒童、青少年及家庭提供健康的遊戲空 間。作為多元化的互動遊戲運動中心,我們以寓「遊戲於運動」的理念 重新包裝電子體感遊戲及團體遊戲,並定期提供主題式遊戲派對,以 提升服務對象的社交技巧及運動量。此外,我們亦設有各項健康監測 儀,如體重計、脂肪計算器,讓使用者能隨時監察自己的身體狀況,從 而調整鍛練的強度。 我們期望「健叻世界」能改變青少年及家長對電子遊戲的固有負面觀 念,並為他們提供舒適而有趣的健康活動平台,滿足兒童及青少年對 娛樂和基本運動量的需求,改善他們的健康。

同路行 @ccompany 組長 Team Leader 張子耀 CHEUNG Tsz Yiu




楊臻茜 YEUNG Chun Sin, Joscelin


組員 Team Member 顏招銘 NGAN Chiu Ming

鍾卓澄 CHUNG Cheuk Ching 鍾嘉希 CHUNG Ka Hei

院校顧問 Faculty Advisor

鄧裕南教授 Prof. TANG Yu Nam, Gordon



根據政府統計處的調查顯示,香港現時有超過三十六萬的殘疾人士。隨着人口老化的問題日 益嚴重,預計殘疾人士的數量會越來越多。他們不論在外出用膳,還是遊玩上,都遇到不同程 度的障礙。

「同路行」相信,人人生而平等。無論是輪椅使用者、拐杖族、還是聽力和視力稍弱者,都應 該享有外出之樂。 因此,我們有以下計劃: • 建立本港無障礙旅遊及飲食資訊網,免費為全港有需要人士提供無障礙資訊 • 建立手機應用程式,方便用戶使用流動裝置獲得無障礙資訊 • 用戶可分享無障礙資訊及意見 • 與不同的非政府機構合作,為殘疾人士策劃及安排獨特的旅遊體驗 • 招聘經培訓的殘疾人士為調查員及導遊,提升他們的自信心及肯定他們的價值

義心良用 AMC platform

組長 Team Leader 张婧婷 ZHANG Jingting

組員 Team Member 贾显 JIA Xian 林舒 LIN Shu 徐烨 XU Ye

张文静 ZHANG Wenjing






院校顧問 Faculty Advisor 蕭錦榮教授 Prof. SIU Kam Wing


The platform aims to bridge the gap between volunteer groups or individuals and aid-needed communities through the following procedure: Currently, there are more than 1.2 million registered volunteers and at least 2,100 volunteer communities in Hong Kong. Such a large number of volunteers can promote all kinds of volunteer work. However, we also find that there is a so-called volunteering mismatch, which means that some of the aid-needed by different groups can hardly get sufficient or suitable help. There is also a lack of information exchange among volunteer teams themselves. So we propose an online communication platform in order to solve these problems and improve the efficiency of volunteering.

a) b) c)

Aid-needed groups post their needs and details on the timetable. Registered volunteer groups apply for providing these services on the platform. Both the service requirement and their capability of satisfying such needs should be taken into consideration. Aid-needed sides match and select the ideal applicant. Once the application is approved by the aid-need side, the online status will change and the corresponding item on the timetable will be blocked.

The platform also serves as an online community for volunteer organizations to exchange work experience and share their meaningful moments. Through all the information matching and activity promotions, we aim to:

• Attract at least 500 volunteer communities and 100 organizations, which are in

need of help e.g. welfare houses, nursing homes, orphanages.

and aid-needed groups.

• Provide comprehensive information and successfully match volunteer communities

SkinCept 組長 Team Leader 畢雯祺 BUT Man Kei

組員 Team Member 陳銘樞 CHAN Ming Shu 羅江途 LUO Jiang Tu

譚則明 TAM Chak Ming





院校顧問 Faculty Advisor 陳啟晶先生 Mr. CHAN Kai Ching, Patrick


Our Aims 1. Educate the public to understand more about reptiles. Prevent undesired accidents by misunderstanding reptiles.

Issues / Problems 1. The killing of healthy reptiles for their rare and exotic skin is common in undeveloped countries. We have to stop the purchase of these products and educate the public about protecting reptiles. 2. The misunderstanding about reptiles causing deadly attacks when reptiles come into contact with people. 3. When pets die, their owners will miss them. So owners might be looking for something to remind them of their beloved pets.

2. Spread Social awareness to stop killing healthy reptiles and discourage the public from purchasing exotic skin products. 3. Reintroduce the beauty of reptiles and their natural peels ­­­— the reuse and reproduction of their peel with design would showcase the possibilities of eco friendly products. 4. Custom design allows the owners to remind themselves of their reptiles. 5. Allow people with intellectual disability to be employed to produce our products with our simplified design 6. Donate part of our income for the environmental protection of reptiles.

Current Market Status For common pets like cats and dogs, there are already products. However, we see a gap in the market for reptiles. In fact, we often receive requests from the owners of reptiles to make a custom design with reptile peels. Our product helps reptile owners to recall the memory of their pet by letting people look at and carry their reptile’s patterns.

Start on Stage 組長 Team Leader

王穎思 WONG Wing See

組員 Team Member 李家倫 LEE Ka Lun

沈劼楠 SHUM Kit Nam

黃子祥 WONG Tsz Cheung 虞佩華 YU Pui Wa





院校顧問 Faculty Advisor 何天虹博士 Dr. HO Tin Hung



START “START on Stage” is a therapeutic theatre which provides “Special Therapeutic Arts Rehabilitation Training (START)” services for children with Special Educational Needs (SEN). Our services are innovative and have a strong social mission. We integrate rehabilitation and performing arts. Our aims are empowering SEN students to perform on stage and providing backstage support, enhancing their self-efficacy and promoting equal opportunities in the community.

Enhancing wellbeing Our services include individual and group training, which are all tailor-made and integrative. We add values to traditional therapies and are unique, comparing to other typical interest classes. We enhance students’ body-mind-spirit, wellbeing, confidence, attitude, communication, performing skills and knowledge. Students can express their feelings and maximize potential talents through the creations of arts, dance, speech, drama, music and lyrics. We empower them to actualize their dreams, to be appreciated and to SHINE ON STAGE.

Committed professionals Our team consists of a social entrepreneur, artists, trainers and healthcare professionals, including physiotherapist, speech therapist, expressive arts therapist, counselor and behavioral health specialists. Our specialized therapists are well-trained in providing assessment and integrative treatment for students. Our team is experienced in performing, teaching and organizing events. Students can showcase their talents in various art forms, including choir, drama, wheelchair dance, writing songs, writing scripts or making props. Students will have the chance to perform in joint-school activities and public platforms, and promote equal opportunities. Our logo represents people with different disabilities and special needs. Through rehabilitation training and stage performances, they will acquire skills and knowledge to live a colorful life.

JoinT 組長 Team Leader 王國威 WONG Kwok Wai




鍾安娜 CHUNG On Na


David REN


組員 Team Member 林晞琪 LAM Hei Ki

高淑慧 KO Shuk Wai

院校顧問 Faculty Advisor 張澤松教授 Prof. CHEUNG Chak Chung


JoinT promotes social integration between those with and without disabilities, and stimulates employment for the disabled. The disabled have talents in the arts or other professions. However, the combination of lacklustre support in education and bias among employers restricts opportunities for the disabled. Furthermore, simply relying on charities cannot secure a job. Therefore, giving more opportunities for the disabled to showcase their talents is essential to develop their careers. JoinT believes that sharing people’s talents will create happiness for all. This is why JoinT provides a unique art centre, which incorporates a co-working space and exhibition activities. Through this exciting platform for artistic exchange, the disabled can interact with the general public through a new experience.

The “T” in JoinT represents our 3 core values: Talents, Teaching, and Transforming. 1. Talents: connecting talentedmusicians,artists,and other creative artisans. Our activities will promote the message of social integration and may also include contributions from disabled people. 2. Teaching: providing workshops for the disabled to learn artistic skills and develop their artistic portfolio. 3. Transforming: developing the talents in disabled people to help create work and possibly a career in art. JoinT will first target physically disabled talents to join. When the business model can sustain the physically disabled group, we will expand it to include the visually and intellectually disabled among others. We believe that career development is motivation for the disabled to work hard and persevere.

Experience Museum 組長 Team Leader 羅健均 LAW Kin Kwan

組員 Team Member 蔡嘉浚 CHOI Ka Tsun

林澤誠 LAM Chak Shing 趙尹尉 CHIU Wan Wai





院校顧問 Faculty Advisor 劉銳業先生 Mr. LAU Yui Yip

PolyU-CC 在強調自我的個人主義世代,人們很容易輕視體諒和包容的重要性,以致人際間的衝突連 連,造成家庭甚至社會分化的現象。因此,Experience Museum 希望透過體驗活動帶出易 地而處和體諒他人的訊息。

我們認為教育是解決以上問題的最有效方法。我們希望透過體驗活動讓學生明白弱勢社 群在社會所遇的不公及困難,並於具有社會性的 (Sociological) 體驗活動(如情境代入及 角色扮演)中完成不同範疇的任務,訓練學生的自主性及道德思維,讓他們變得更富同理 心,並且能推己及人。我們第一期的主題將圍繞殘疾人士的生活,例如輪椅人士外出時遭 遇到的困難,好讓學生們能夠更明白他們的經歷,甚至關注他們的福祉。

Project Evergreen – Green Revolving Fund 組長 Team Leader

Jon Andre PEDERSEN HKU 組員 Team Member

QIAN Mengqi, Isabella HKU Shayan IDREES HKU Joshuah LEBACQ HKU

院校顧問 Faculty Advisor


More Livable HK Evergreen is an organization focusing on all things “green,” with emphasis on reducing Hong Kong’s carbon footprint by making energy efficient technologies accessible. This is possible through a combination of financial modeling and environmental consultation. Energy efficient technologies for commercial buildings abound, yet few commercial property owners are upgrading their buildings. Although owners know the huge potential savings, they are discouraged by the high up-front costs. Commercial tenants also fear that any capital improvements will mean increased rents. Simply put, there are huge incentive gaps making commercial electricity usage inefficient and wasteful. More than 60% of electricity usage in Hong Kong is from commercial properties, and Hong Kong’s electricity is generated by burning coal. Therefore, if commercial usage is reduced, we can drastically reduce Hong Kong’s carbon footprint, and improve the health of its residents. Also, property owners will see significant cost savings.

Win-Win Solution Through Evergreen’s Green Revolving Fund, we will provide low interest loans to cover the capital costs needed to install energy efficient technologies. Property owners then repay the loans using the cost savings from lower utility bills. As the loans are repaid, the GRF grows. The money is then redeployed to new projects. This is a win-win scenario where owners can upgrade without disrupting their tenancies or cash flow. GRFs have proven to be financially sustainable. The savings are extremely predictable making defaults unlikely and the social impact quantifiable. It is rare that such a simple idea can have such a significant impact.


組長 Team Leader

LEE Lok Wai, Osborn 組員 Team Member TSE Hoi Ting, Kendy



LO Chun Sin, Lydia


CHAN Tsz Yan, Defea


Step 1 Equip yourself Students would be recruited regardless of their financial situation. At the initial stage, some piano rooms will be rented regularly by paying instant rental fee. After two years, a music centre with all lessons would be carried out there.

院校顧問 Faculty Advisor


There would be two levels of tuition fee, the standard fee and discounted fee. Students from financially stable homes can join lessons at the standard fee. Students from underprivileged homes can join and pay only 20% of the standard tuition fee.

Due to heavy financial burdens, students from low-income families are denied many opportunities in life. For example, they are unable to enjoy playing music. Accelerato aims at providing fair chance of enjoying the amazing world with professional, inspiring and caring music learning experience for every single children no matter what family they come from.

The fees from standard tuition would be used to sponsor students paying discounted rates. Teachers would receive a lump sum of 60% of the tuition fee per student. Therefore, parents paying the standard rates would have an opportunity to help fund a socially minded solution. Step 2 Devote yourself Free music instrument rental, exam subsidies and scholarships would be provided for students paying the discounted rates. However, once these students receive qualifications and complete the training, they would be invited to teach new students or act as teaching assistants. This will maintain a sustainable cycle. Accelerato — Accelerating changes with music.

Oxyt 組長 Team Leader 莊哲雅 Zeya AUNG

組員 Team Member 陳育明 CHAN Yuk Ming 蔡啟銘 CHOI Kai Ming

娉婷 Pimsupang BOONPERM





院校顧問 Faculty Advisor 林德明博士 Dr. LAM Tak Ming


OXYT is a lifestyle brand … where the products embody our values. Our products encourage sustainable and ethical consumerism through their functions. For example, the lunchboxes and bags encourage sustainable food consumption and responsible takeaways. A unisex T-shirt encourages minimalistic yet elegant consumerism. An up-cycled bag encourages “recycling” consumerism. So consumers will see that all our product designs are based on social or environmental issues.

The lifestyle … through using OXYT products, consumers will demonstrate socially and or environmentally responsible consumerism. Also, our me ss age is cle ver l y embedded in a chip fused into the product design. This allows consumers to be able to interact with the products by tapping their smartphones on the brand logo and then consume the content. However, the real innovation is that the content will be periodically updated and generated by our algorithm so as to provide a more interactive and rewarding user experience. The impact … each content can have three kinds of “call to actions”, behavioral change, message sharing and donations – depending on the nature of the content. For every recipient of a message share, the sharer will be given an “Omp”. Each unit of donation is HK$15 and is branded as a “Cassion”. We believe that by integrating design, fashion and technology into a single product – we can capture peoples’ attention and deliver our messages clearly, promote behavioral change, and allow for consumers to help us spread the messages.

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