Business Plan - Virtual Depression Hospital

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Virtual Depression Hospital: Shining Mind Project Plan Team members: Nicole Luo Xinying, William Chan, Rill Yao Xinran, Carol Luo Jiqi, Gloria wang beiyue

Credits Prof SUEN Yiu Sin Bernard (New Media, CUHK) Psychiatrists, Prof. Wai Kwong Tang (CUHK) Psychiatrists, Prof. Edwin Ho Ming Lee (CUHK) Clinical Psychologist, Prof. Chee Wing Wong (CUHK) Dr. Timothy Carey (Ph.D), Clinical Psychology Department, CUHK Teddy C. K. Cheung, MSSc Clinical Psychology YR2, CUHK Date: December 29th, 2008 1 / 23

Table of Content

Executive Summary……………………………………………………………………………….. 4 Problem Definition………………………………………………………………………………... 5 Mission and value………………………………………………………………………………….. 6 Theory of Change………………………………………………………………………………….. 6 The solution of Virtual Depression Hospital………………………………..…………. 8 Target market………………………………………………………………………………..………


Prototype Usability Testing…………………………………………………………..……….. 13 Social Marketing………………………………………………………………………..………….. 14 Competition………………………………………………………………………..……………….


Partnership………………………………………………………………………………..………….. 15 Team Plan………………………………………………………………………………..……………. 16 Financial Plan………………………………………………………………………………..……….. 17 Risk and Opportunity………………………………………………………………………………. 21 Funding Request……………………………………………………………………………….. ….. 22

Appendix………………………………………………………………………………………….. ….. 23

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Executive Summary Depression is a serious disorder psychological problem in Hong Kong. However, the treatment is far from enough and inconvenient to the depression group and therapists as well. The Virtual Depression Hospital is an online Cognitive Behavior Therapy platform, which integrating face-to-face treatment into a more effective result with time-efficiency. The innovative real time online CBT with therapist is still not developed yet in Hong Kong. The Product will provide an integrated service including online assessment, search engine for all depression information, one-to-one online instant video CBT and game sessions, as self-recovering process, through

its user-friendly interface.

In our project initial phase one, we target on therapists as our customer section, which are more accessible with patient resource. Social centre is also playing a main information transmitter role, that they provide the very place to reach more potential users of both patients and therapists. The first stage needs our large investment, mainly from family support. From second year on we focus on mass depressed end users, therefore, this stage asks for large effective promotion and communication budge. After two years’ stead growth in 2012, the Virtual Hospital project will turn out to be totally earn-income to convince the stakeholders. In the investment proposal of further extension, we’ll elaborate the funding request in 3 channels—banking capital, venture capital and family stake holder. With the detail financial planning, we aim to increase annual net income as 250 thousand HKD at the end of the third year.

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Problem Definition According to HK Community Psychological Medicine Association, in 2006, the suicide rate in Hong Kong 18.6/100,000 is higher than that in USA (11/100,000), UK (10/100,000), and the global rate (14.5/100,000). In another hand, as per, depression is a major cause of suicide and a common risk factor among people who are suicidal as well. The suicide rate amongst the elderly is even higher in Hong Kong (28/100,000). HK figures have been increasing at least since 2003. Death due to committing suicide stays only 9.6/100000 in 1981, but it rapidly rose to 18.2/100000 in 2003(15/100000 in the world). Suicide ranks the 6th among the reasons of death in HK, as well as the leading cause in the youth category.

It is even worse when we look into the treatment side. In Hong Kong, less than half of psychiatric patients are managed by doctors. And there is a serious imbalance of public-private service: 95% of patients with psychiatric illnesses are treated in public clinic and only 5% in private. A public psychiatric clinic handles 40 old cases and 1 new case in a session of 3 hours. Only 4.5 minutes are spent in each case. Studying the change trend within these two charts from 2004 to 2006, we can see the normal group is decreasing, flowing to the overall depression group. And the moderate 4 / 23

depression group is moving rapidly to the severe part. In a word, the depression situation in Hong Kong is becoming much worse by time. The society need a solution to effectively help moderate this problem, or even solve some people’s depression completely.

z Current situation Based on a psycho-segmentation approach, there are 4 Major Current Users of Online Depression Self-help Sites:

Delayers: they are those who don’t want to apply leave to see a psychologist, but aware of the problem except not sure its seriousness. They visited the Prince’s website for justifying they are not serious enough to see a psychologist. They are satisfied that they have done something about their depression by visiting the site. A solution that can track their symptom progression and offer easy & time-saver solution might appeal to them.

Tried-and-failed: They are those who have tried face-to-face psychologist before but believe it’s difficult to find the right therapist and it’s expensive to shop around. This group is promising because they have shown that they are willing to pay. This group is probably the middle class, but still concern their money need to be well spent. After failing in finding the right therapist, this group turned to the web for temporary solution, trying self-help approach. Prince’s website is not the only website they use. A low-cost shop around solution might appeal to them.

Image keeper: Those who don’t want to go to see a psychologist because of not wanting to be labeled as psycho, but aware of the need and hoping the websites can help to them, Prince’s website is the next best thing they can have because they never think about actually seeing the real therapist. A website solution that provides web-camera function 5 / 23

could offer a chance to change their attitude towards therapy (do-feel-learn approach).

Insecure: Those who don’t find the therapy office setting comfortable and prefer not to expose him/her at this stage, talking on the websites is safer to them. To them, website and forum might be their major social activities, they like the sharing parts of Prince’s website, but then they cannot do any more with it. They are more unsecured when they are depressed. To this group, we need to reach out to them more. One way to do it is through the social workers in the social center. With the guidance and advice from social workers, this group has a higher chance of trying out therapy as a first step. For those who never visit social center, we could only reach them by word-of-mouth.

Mission and Objective Our mission is to provide an online product for those who have mild depressive symptoms, the product not only help them manage their symptoms better but also provide a platform for them to take more proactive steps towards managing the symptoms. To provide an online solution for psychologists to reach out more clients and yet can increase their revenue and without extra risk to their reputation. And to provide an online profitable product that can grow with networking effect and that can also can help out the society.

Theory of Change In-depth interviews with two professors and psychiatrists Prof Edwin Lee and Prof Tang Wai Kwong as well as a professor and clinical psychologist Prof Chee Wing Wong of CUHK; the followings are the journey of our scope tuning: 6 / 23

The focus of the market is finally set on the moderate depressive group, of which there are already some successes in UK and US being witnessed. As a matter of fact, the government bodies, the professional association, and the state legislature in UK and US have resolved quite a lot of lingering concerns of online therapy (either ethical or legal aspects). For example, the UK government has weighted the benefit of offering online therapy services against the possible downfall and decided that the benefits are much more exceeding the possible downside, and eventually UK’s NHS have actually made some authorized online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (hereafter, CBT) services a mandate for its citizen. So we are at least can be assured of some government’s attitude to an early intervention solution, such as our intended online CBT service product. Lots of arguments are common across international borders, like the lack of human touches from online solution when human touch is an important element of establishing therapeutic relationship for healing results. Therefore, our CBT product is an integration of online treatment with face-to-face treatment, with the purpose of improving effectiveness and efficiency. Although many legal and ethical issues remains largely un-addressed in HK, we believe the value of the online solution and it is nonetheless the wave of the future especially many advanced countries have been adopting a primary care and early intervention approach in the traditional medical care field, why not the field of psychological illness. Beside the useful guidelines from the in-depth interviews, we are also referred to the suggested guidelines for online service providers by the International Society for Mental Health Online (ISMHO, 7 / 23

The Solution of Virtual Depression Hospital

The solution is established as an integrated platform. To initial, we choose therapists as our customer section, which we can reach and handle through professional association and social centers.


Value Positioning

Integrating online & F2F: The Virtual Depression Hospital is designed to integrate with face-to-face treatment rather than replacing it. Therefore, it saves the travel and imbalance available schedules of lots of patients but limited therapists. Diagnosis Database: out sourcing with student helpers inside or outside Hong Kong, we can handle the voice diagnose from therapists into text as soon as possible, making which easy to manage, storage and research in the database of the website. Schedule System: We design convenient schedule and booking system to squeeze their spare time for business. In Hong Kong, psychologist is not like psychiatrists; psychologists usually have not enough patients. They have idle time to squeeze in appointment for online 8 / 23

therapy and increase their revenue. Phone Internet Voice-box: with innovative technology support, the Virtual Depression Hospital Integrates phone voice box and internet. The therapists can hear the voice message from patients anytime anywhere through the website. And the patients only need to dial a center number of the website to connect through extension number of certain therapist and leave voice message to report condition or just for talk. Game Waiting Room: The functions of same-day afternoon squeeze-in appointment scheduling systems, the callback functions and the online waiting room function (equipped with online games, video etc) can smooth the actual operation.



Payment packages: The solution accepts credit cards payment on behalf of the professional, which allow for easy payment for e-therapy by the client. The professional registration process requires paperwork physically sent to the company for background verification and credentialing. We design three payment packages for patients, including payment per treatment/per month/ per half year, with the corresponding discounts. Free Try: Meanwhile, we provide 15 minute free try for counseling depression problems for all patients.


Confidentiality and Security:

This site is not open to public, but confidentially uses special web-based account system to protect the therapists/client information, communications and payment privacy. It gives right to therapist to set all information, diagnosis, password and account for depression patients. Therefore, the whole information system is monitored and controlled by the 9 / 23

therapists, promising the confidentiality of the patient materials. In short, the solution suggested here is highly feasible for implementation. More governmental guideline will be sought before the actual rollout of the solution product.

Target market z Phase One: Partnership Strategy

In phase one development stage, our target market goes to our psychological partners, including psychologists who want to reach out to these untapped groups of clients and clinic therapist. Legibility issue: First of all, this strategy enables the legibility issue to be better handled by the partners who are professional with providing service, selecting and managing patients. Meanwhile, the website as agency avoids legal problem within professional treatment as well as the accidental responsibility. Accessibility: Secondly, these groups of people are more accessible compared to depression end users. Initially we need to be practical with limited but most effective resource, that is, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, where we can find psychological experts for prototype testing and partnership as start point. 10 / 23

Controllability: Thirdly, with partnership strategy, they can introduce their own client resource to the platform directly, establishing the first group user database. Reliability: Lastly, experts of psychology can easily promising the reliability of the platform, creating trustfulness among depression users. In another hand, collaborating with social workers is also an important approach to reach depression users, since they believe in a more pro-active approach to the depression problem in HK.

z Phase Two: Targeting Moderate Depression Group From the second year on, we will focus to the depression users after fully develop the therapist user group’s user experience. According to the Hong Kong Medical Association, there are three degrees of depression as shown in the graphic. To moderate the negative trend of depression in Hong Kong, we target on the Moderate group of depression as our end-users, which also more feasible and effective to use online CBT. Here as follow you can see the three types of future user behaviors. For the Type A, which should be domain resource of future users, the information of Virtual Hospital is introduced through the channel of social workers, who frequently connecting end users in social centers. Then they can guide the 11 / 23

depression patients go through the Virtual Hospital from online assessment to use CBT, even building tight relationship with the therapist.

Type B is the second important behavior model defined by information source. The patients are recommended to use the Virtual Hospital by introduction of their own therapists. Therefore, Virtual Hospital adds value to the between visits, switching the limitation of time and space into more effective fragmented treatments. Type C is the comparatively weak behavior model as users are actively finding the information source from internet, or recommended by word-of-mouth effect. So we suppose this group of users come to the platform by themselves. In another hand, we also focus on gaming system to make further profit. The games are well designed by the psychological experts and technology group, integrated by our team. With the games helping patients to relax and release unhappiness and pressure, it can create a long tail profit margin in the user community. For example, happy virtual life is a game specially designed for patients, similar to the mode of SIM family. Others like sports games will also be introduced. (see appendix graph 1) 12 / 23

Prototype Usability Testing

Prototype usability test is cooperated with partners and depression end users, such as Prof. CK Wong and Dr. Timothy Patrick CAREY in CUHK. After professional website prototype usability tests, the prototype3.0 is now with more mature function designed in structure and details. More user-friendly interlinks, more multiple choice in payment packages, redesign of the TAG based instant message system are all improved in the prototype 3.0.

Social marketing Phase one: Personal Selling to Professionals The first year marketing plan is mainly focused on the psychologist groups. Since they are connected through certain association such as Hong Kong Psychology Association, we can utilize Personal Selling to reach these groups, with the strong support of psychology department in the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Our goal is to enlarge the therapist user group into 20 targets, each of who can introduce 5-10 patients in the future.

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Phase two: Integrated Marketing Communication From the second year on, we will use integrated marketing communication method including advertising in portal sites, direct sales and free testing events, targeting on end depression users. The marketing fee will increase significantly, but since the service provider group are mature enough to fulfill mass depression group, the strategy is fit to this stage of development.

Phase three: Brand Extension From the third year on, we consider future developments with different profitable method, which also benefiting brand extension, such as charging users in gaming system, anti-depression toy selling and so on.

Competition We will apply Michael Porter’s Five forces factors to analyze the future competition environment of Virtual Depression Hospital. 1. Rivalry. Our main competitors is the HK info website such as Depress little Prince and the old operation model of clinical psychologist. Actually we focus on different market segmentation of internet users with differentiate strategy to enable end users adjusting the new trend. 2. New Entrants. As new entrants of the market, we’ve got barriers such as law issue and credible problems. Virtual Hospital firstly draw out the executive financial plan with the 14 / 23

social capital resource support of CUHK, then make the routes to the market. 3. Supplier Power. With the development of our social enterprise, the bidding process turns out to be the most critical point of the stable partnership between psychologist and Virtual Hospital. We have gathered the viewpoint of around 15 clinical psychologists to make the estimate worked out. 4. Buyer Power. The buyer power of the moderate depression users will be weak at the first batch. We will seek for the corporation with accredited associations such as HA, HK Gov. and the Psychology Department of CUHK to make it more reliable. The UK & US model will be applied basing on Hong Kong situation of both culture and economy. 5. Threat of Substitutes. As we are the pioneers of the new market foreseeing the alternative substitutes in the next year. Our strength is the multi-channel revenue model and the accredited resource of CUHK which cannot be imitating by the competitors easily.

Partnership Professor Bernard SUEN is our project mentor in the new media product field. During the mentoring in and out of our class, he gave us uncountable guiding step by step, from the scope building, information architecture, current user experience to the future user experience and validation. From the right track he lead us go to, we build up the plan with accurate and professional strategies. Meanwhile, Mingles’ past 3 workshops inspired us quite a lot to accomplish the whole new media idea. 15 / 23

Other strong mentoring partners in our project should be the psychiatric and psychological professors and doctors in hospital, including Prof. WK Tang, Prof. Edwin Lee and Prof. Wong. Their direct contact and professional activities provide insights of treatment problems. Moreover, they gave us direct confirm of the feasibility of all new media utilities.

Team Plan Project Management/ IT/ Sales Management Our team is formed by members with different kinds of backgrounds (MBA, Advertising, Journalism and NLE, non linear editing) to contribute the project in the social enterprise perspective. For the first year, two full-time employees are enough to initial, taking charge of all project management works, production and marketing. Others work with us as part-time employees, taking charge of profession related works and monitoring and control works. Deliverables

Team Coordination Project Management Financial planning

Responsibility Assignment Matrix Full Time Part time Freelancer Nicole William Rill Carol Gloria IT team ○ ○ ○ ○

Feasibility study Video Directing and Editing Information Architecture information management Risk management Prototype Design/ Testing Usability Survey Personal selling

○ ○

○ ○ ○

○ ○

○ ○ ○ ○

Monitoring and control ○: Responsible for the job deliverable

○ ○ ○

And we have tight relationship with the professional programming team with excellent 16 / 23

IT students to develop and improve the product. The following years we need to enlarge our human resource team with sales management people.

Financial Plan The financial plan could be divided into 3 stages. Stage 1st (Month 1 — month 12): Programming, launch agency and do initial promotion. No income. Stage 2nd (Month 13 — month 30): Improve system, enhance sales forces, and erect brand image through participation of beneficent activities. Income can cover costs and make small profits. Stage 3rd (Month 31—): Obtain knowledge of our competitors, keep technology updated, expand partnership and sponsor commonweal activities or make donations. Make larger profits. The biggest 2 costs of the first year are programming and promotion, but without corresponding return for lacking in customers. Net cash flow for the first year, especially the first half year will be passively unidirectional. Instead, free-trials will be considerably invested as the first priority in the launching and promotion process. The financial data of year 1 has been put into details as follows:

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Table 1—Year 1 COST (HK$) 2009-07 2009-08 2009-09 2009-10 2009-11 2009-12 Register Company & 9,000 0 0 0 0 0 Open Bank Accounts Wage(s) of 2*10,000 2*10,000 2*10,000 2*10,000 2*10,000 2*10,000 Employee(s) (FT) Wage(s) of 0 0 0 0 0 0 Employee(s) (PT) Programming Expenses 10,000 8,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 (including server,etc) Rent of Office(s) 0 0 0 0 0 4,000 Water, Electricity, 0 0 0 0 0 2,000 Broadband, other materials expenses Promotion Fee(s) 0 0 0 0 0 0 REVENUE (HK$) 0 0 0 0 0 0

COST (HK$) 2010-01 2010-02 2010-03 2010-04 2010-05 2010-06 Wage of Employees 2*10,000 2*10,000 2*10,000 2*10,000 2*10,000 2*10,000 (Full-time) Wage(s) of Employee(s) 0 0 0 0 0 0 (Part-time) Programming Expenses 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 (including system maintenance, etc.) Rent of Office(s) 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 Water, Electricity, 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Broadband, other materials expenses Promotion Fee(s) 5,000 5,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 REVENUE (HK$) 0 0 0 0 2*2,700 2*2,700 3,000 NOTE • Registering company (≈HK$ 8000 one-off) • Opening bank accounts & deposit box etc. (≈HK$ 1000 yearly) • 2 full-time employees a year, 10,000 for each per month • Programming expenses including buying domain name (≈HK$ 50,000) In the second half year, the cost of programming will be switched from developing to maintaining. So monthly cost of programming is assumed to reduce from 8,000 (the first 2 months) to 5,000 (the following 4 months), and to 2,000 (from month 7) in the first year. • No initial promotion in the first half year (month 1-6), but start in the second half year (month 7-12). (≈HK$ 45,000). Banner advertisements on digital newspaper websites, for 18 / 23

example, cost about 5,000 each month in month 7, 8, 9, 10, and expand to 10,000 or above each month from month 11, for participating into relevant social activities, sponsoring charitable work or organizing lectures and exhibitions, for instance. SUM COST: 348,000 REVENUE: 8,400 TAXES: 0 NET INCOME: 0 Our revenues mainly come from the subscription fees of clients and some other ways like games, advertisements on our websites and sponsorship later on. The subscription fees are not the same to every client, especially at the beginning. When it is officially started, the previous testers of the platform will be offered 10% discount for three months. And the clients with different needs and expectations would be charged differently. According to our survey, potential customers are willing to pay HK$ 3,000 per month to use the basic functions and services of the website currently.

Table 2—Year 2 COST (HK$) 2010-07 2010-08 2010-09 2010-10 2010-11 2010-12 Wage of Employees 2*10,000 2*10,000 2*10,000 2*10,000 2*10,000 2*10,000 (Full-time) Wage(s) of 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% Employee(s) (Part-time) Programming Expenses 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 (including system maintenance, etc.) Rent of Office(s) 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 Water, Electricity, 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Broadband, other materials expenses Promotion Fee(s) 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 REVENUE (HK$) 2*2,700 6*3,000 7*3,000 10*3,000 8*3,000 9*3,000 3*3,000 4*3,500 6*3,500 COST (HK$) Wage of Employees

2011-01 3*10,000

2011-02 3*10,000

2011-03 3*10,000 19 / 23

2011-04 2*10,000

2011-05 2*10,000

2011-06 2*10,000

(Full-time) Wage(s) of Employee(s) (Part-time) Programming Expenses (including system maintenance, etc.) Rent of Office(s) Water, Electricity, Broadband, other materials expenses Promotion Fee(s) REVENUE (HK$)














4,000 3,000

4,000 3,000

4,000 3,000

4,000 3,000

4,000 3,000

4,000 3,000

10,000 10*3,000 8*3,500 •

10,000 10,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 12*3,000 15*3,000 16*3,000 18*3,000 16*3,000 6*3,500 8*3,500 10*3,500 11*3,500 10*3,500 1*4,000 3*4,000 3*4,000 5*4,000 7*4,000 Sales forces will be increased this year through hiring several part-time salesmen. And their wages are 5% deduct from each new client’s first month’s profits. Employ one more full-time employee to cater to the needs of routine work with the expense f customer in the second half year of year 2, and the offside general expenses correspondingly increase.

SUM COST: 551,000 REVENUE: 691,900 TAXES(16% net income): 22544 NET INCOME: 118356

Table 3—Year 3 COST (HK$) Wage of Employees (Full-time) Wage(s) of Employee(s) (Part-time) Programming Expenses (including system maintenance, etc.) Rent of Office(s) Water, Electricity, Broadband, other materials expenses System Maintenance Promotion Fee(s)

2011-07 2011-08 2011-09 2011-10 2011-11 3*10,000 3*10,000 3*10,000 3*10,000 3*10,000

2011-12 3*10,000













4,000 3,000

4,000 3,000

4,000 3,000

4,000 3,000

4,000 3,000

4,000 3,000

0 15,000

0 15,000

0 15,000

0 15,000

0 15,000

0 15,000

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Do some analyses of our competitors, organize some activities like offering old clients discount and send gifts to them to maintain relationship. Improve feedback platform of our website to gain timely suggestions The promotion fees will expand when the revenue can cover the costs and bring continuous increases in profits, and the value of social enterprise will also increase when showing social solicitude by means of providing free services to needy patients, sponsor charitable activities and so forth.

The income of the third year is hard to predict presently, we can only forecast the expenditure and the steps that we’re going to make to increase the number of customers and expand the social influence by invest more into the social activities to ameliorate the depression situation of Hong Kong society while express our concern to the whole community. Hong Kong is the place where we can get start; we hope to do more to Macao, to the Delta, to Shanghai…and to the whole China.

Risk and Opportunity One of the important ways to realize the business is to make use of the night or other free time for daytime-work people, but as known to all, doctors also need to rest after ordinary working hours. Found in research, most of well-organized clinics and hospitals’ psy-departments are full every day, so it’s hard to appoint these doctors whenever daytime or night, hardy meet the needs of patients who login our website are just for the purpose of convenience and appointing the psychologist at anytime. There are maybe 2 solutions, one is to cooperate with little clinics who haven’t got enough customers to solve the problem of daytime schedule, and the other is to ally with doctors overseas to solve the problem of night schedule as the patients and doctors are 21 / 23

different hemisphere.

Funding Request Corresponding with the long-run social enterprise tactic, the funding request will be based on the combination of donations, investment and earn-income. The initial 400,000 HKD investment comes from family funding and venture capital, applying the management system of stock share allocation. According to the financial plan of the Year 2 transitional productivity, the total promotion funding will be covered by the project revenue. As Year 2 is the most critical period of the health growth, the daily operation expenses will be mostly provided by the family funding to make ensuring of the adequate cash flow, while the unit profits will make balance of the ends meet. After two years’ stead growth in 2012, the Virtual Hospital project will turn out to be totally earn-income to convince the stakeholders. In the investment proposal of further extension, we’ll elaborate the funding request in 3 channels—banking capital, venture capital and family stake holder. To reach the more broad market and enhance our competitiveness, we’ll inject 5% capital to co-operate with the toy manufacturers in the way of developing anti-depression toys. Our unique revenue model is the on-line CBT plus game session and depression therapy toys selling. With the lowering of the regulatory threshold in mainland China and the impact chance of economy crisis, we arrange to enter the market (Macao, China, Taiwan, Singapore and then the East Asia) in 2013. With the human resource support of CUHK and Hong Kong Gov.(MBA, PM, Economy, Financial & Law), the feasibility of the blue print has been accredited. 22 / 23

Appendix Graph 1 End-User/Partner Point Of View Chart

Law Issue Reference To the Dr. license part, we’ve apply relevant Hong Kong laws and the law issue of trial test during the CBT process will also be solved by qualified clinicians. According to SME mentorship program of Hong Kong Trade and Industry Department, which is able to support the VH project by granting the access to the clinical clients. SCCS HK Gov. Hospital Authority

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