TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE AT URBTIX: In the wake of his mother's death, Johannes Brahms wrote his masterpiece A German Requiem. Replacing the Latin texts with passages carefully chosen from the German Bible, the result is (in Brahms' own words) a "Human" requiem, one that comforts the bereaved with hope in life ahead. In the darkest hour, the light of hope, however small that speck may be, carries the determination and belief in the goodness of humanity. 面對母親離世的傷痛,布拉姆斯寫成了他唯一的安魂曲。這首《德意志安魂曲》,以細心揀選的德語聖經段落,代替傳統安魂彌撒的經文,讓合唱團以盼望療傷,安慰世間哀慟的人,昇華成「人」的安魂曲。在黑暗當中,盼望的曙光讓我們確信人性的善與美。