ROSSINI 5-1-2019
Petite Messe Solennelle Saturday / 8:00 p.m. / Jehovahjireh Concert Hall, ICQM
Hong Kong Voices // Conductor / Grace Chiang
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Best known for his comic operas, Rossini retained his signature joy and humour in his Petite Messe Solennelle (1863), calling it "the last mortal sin of my old age". Written in Paris at the age of 71, this late masterpiece is neither little nor particularly solemn; instead it is an extensive choral work of drama and sensation, with elaborated and operatic passages for soloists, accompanied by the unusual duo of piano and harmonium (a small organ), making it an inspiration even for the most avant-garde of his contemporaries. Hong Kong Voices, led by the award-winning conductor Grace Chiang, will team up with a league of young local talents and perform this choral masterwork. This is a concert surely not to be missed.
香港和聲將在首席指揮蔣頌恩帶領下,與四位香港 青年歌唱家羅芷盈、潘子健、李家澍、馮日曦,聯 同鋼琴家陳倩婷及風琴演奏家林芍彬一同演出這部 合唱傑作。音樂會將於二零一九年一月五日(星期 六)晚上八時,於國際基督教優質音樂中學暨小學 以勒音樂廳舉行,萬勿錯過!
Programme 節目
門票現於 ticketflap 發售
ROSSINI Petite Messe Solennelle (1863) 羅西尼 «小莊嚴彌撒曲» ( 1 8 6 3 )
* Early bird discount till 9 Dec 2018
Performers 演出者
Book your tickets now at ticketflap
5 January 2019 Saturday, 8:00 p.m. th
Jehovahjireh Concert Hall, International Christian Quality Music Secondary & Primary School (ICQM) 182 Po Kong Village Road, Diamond Hill, Kowloon (Please take minibus 19M at Diamond Hill MTR Exit C2)
一八六三年,年屆七十一歲的羅西尼在巴黎寫成《 小莊嚴彌撒曲》,是他少有的宗教合唱作品,戲稱 為他「晚年最後的罪」。羅西尼年輕時的喜歌劇作 品膾炙人口,這套彌撒曲也是一貫的睿智明快:近 八十分鐘的音樂不帶半點沉重,輕盈典雅的鋼琴及 風琴配合震撼人心的合唱,加上如歌劇般抒情華麗 的獨唱樂段,就連當時最年青前衛的作曲家也深受 啟迪。
* 優先訂購優惠至 2 0 1 8年 1 2月 9日止 ✝ Full-time students, senior citizens aged 60+ or
people with disabilities ✝ 全日制學生、 6 0歲或以上長者及殘疾人士優惠
Free seating 不設劃位
CHOIR 合唱團:Hong Kong Voices 香港和聲 CONDUCTOR 指揮:Grace Chiang 蔣頌恩 SOPRANO 女高音:Law Tsz-Ying 羅芷盈
COUNTERTENOR 高男高音:Keith Pun 潘子健 TENOR 男高音:Justin Li 李家澍
For ages 5 or above 音樂會招待五歲或以上人士
BASS 男低音:Frankie Fung 馮日曦
Programme is approximately 80 minutes without intermission
PIANO 鋼琴:Cynthia Chan* 陳倩婷 *
演出全長約 8 0分鐘,不設中場休息
ORGAN 風琴:Anne Lam 林芍彬
國際基督教優質音樂中學暨小學 以勒音樂廳
Programme and artists are subject to change
九龍鑽石山蒲崗村道 1 8 2號(港鐵鑽石山站 C 2出口轉乘 1 9 M小巴)
* Appears by courtesy of the Hong Kong Dance Company * 承蒙香港舞蹈團允許參與演出