Best known for his comic operas, Rossini retained his signature joy and humour in his Petite Messe Solennelle (1863), calling it "the last mortal sin of my old age". Written in Paris at the age of 71, this late masterpiece is neither little nor particularly solemn; instead it is an extensive choral work of drama and sensation, with elaborated and operatic passages for soloists, accompanied by the unusual duo of piano and harmonium (a small organ), making it an inspiration even for the most avant-garde of his contemporaries. 一八六三年,年屆七十一歲的羅西尼在巴黎寫成《小莊嚴彌撒曲》,是他少有的宗教合唱作品,戲稱為他「晚年最後的罪」。羅西尼年輕時的喜歌劇作品膾炙人口,這套彌撒曲也是一貫的睿智明快:近八十分鐘的音樂不帶半點沉重,輕盈典雅的鋼琴及風琴配合震撼人心的合唱,加上如歌劇般抒情華麗的獨唱樂段,就連當時最年青前衛的作曲家也深受啟迪。