foxfire for viola and electronics
heather stebbins 2013 SCULLY
Performance Requirements
foxfire is scored for viola and 4-channel live processing and electroacoustic sounds. The 30 cues are triggered at the points indicated by the circled numbers in the score. An assistant or the performer triggers the cues using the Max/MSP patch provided. Hardware Computer (Mac or PC) Max/MSP or Max RunTime, Max/MSP patch, Audio Interface with 4-channel output, Microphone, Monitor (optional)
Performance Notes µ quarter tone sharp !d quarter tone flat sp - Sul Ponticello esp - Extreme Sul Ponticello Arrows indicate movement from one playing technique to another bp – bow pressure. +, ++, and +++ indicate a range of pressure, with + being the lightest and +++ producing no pitch; slow, grainy sound
highest note possible on given string very wide, exaggerated vibrato
Jeté bounce
Alternate between indicated notes at varied speeds, with much overlap; as if stuck in mud. Durations are indicated under boxes