November issue

Page 1


Special Issue


Important Tips & Tricks Of Social Media & Interview

How to Develop your business on social Media

How to get up early In the morning & solve our problems

Registration No: AP ENG.28/1/2011 52

How to be a professional & Successful Person

How to manage Time & Learn New Things Everyday

Exclusive Interview With Hafiz Md Nasir

Contents storytelling

global business

Š lassedesignen - #52167920

Hafiz Mohd Nasiruddin CEO Press Media Of India


SMALL business

How to develop your business on social Media


How to learn New Thing every day

How to buy a Templates?

Adit ipsam inctore pa pres mi, aliquam id elenimint veniminctur, od quia ped modignis

all template of after effets for graphic designer ,website designer & Movie Designer

How to Use Linkedin For Your Business

How to Lean Engligh with Videos

What is Social Media Digital Media <& Electronic MEdia

How to Improve your language skills

How to prepare for Interview & Get Success

What is persoanlity Development

o Technology By Hafiz Nasir

Young and Successful

december 16, 2014

© lassedesignen - #51155523

How to be a preofessional pereson


e passionate

This means being interested in what you’re doing. Do something you have a great opportunity to LOVE. If you take a job simply because it’s a crapload of money, I’ll make a bet now you’re going to be miserable in 10 years if you stick with that job. Don’t waste your precious time or talent on a job you hate simply because you want a BMW. Take a cue from your baby boomer parents … happiness isn’t found in material things. Loathing or hating a job is misery … that’s called prison. You don’t necessarily have to love what you do … but I think you should at least LIKE IT.

Find a job you can like or enjoy, doing work that challenges you and plays to your strengths.

After you get over your college “I hate books” hangover, get realistic and realize that the key to growth comes cheaply by reading dead trees.

2. Be eager

So if you’re not a reader, become one.

I hire for drive and fit over talent. Being eager means you are internally driven to make your organization a success and with it, yourself. You should want the job. You should want to work hard to keep it and be better.

A key core value we hold close at iThemes is Learn, Grow, then Share.

Being eager is typically a result of doing work you enjoy. Looking forward to going to work because you want to use your time and talents to produce something of quality.

Always be learning. Always be growing. Seek ways to do so. Find mentors at the workplace and ask questions and listen. Buy their lunch. But by the way, listening is so undervalued. Most people want to talk about what they do best. Be a sponge for all of it. 4. Get better on nights and weekends

3. Be a sponge Just because you’ve graduated from college doesn’t mean you stop reading for the rest of your life. Be a lifelong learner.

Someone should tell you this and it might as well be me: You haven’t “arrived.” You probably won’t ever arrive. Neither will I. At least I hope I don’t. I always want

to be improving and honing my craft.


Just because you land some fancy title doesn’t mean you’re set for life or done learning or growing. Graduation is simply the first step in a journey that’s called your professional career. Now it’s time for you to use that base knowledge and those experiences to build your career. It means constant improvement. And if you want to make more, do more, then that means you hone your skills on nights and weekends (yes, on your own dime!). Let me be clear: Getting better at night and weekends is an investment in yourself.

How to develop your business on social media investing in yourself. Trust me … as a boss, this type of team member rises to the top. They are the clear leaders you take for the future of your organization. At least I do. 5. Everybody starts somewhere Call this paying your dues or whatever, but yes, everybody starts somewhere and typically that’s at the bottom of the ladder. That might mean taking out the trash, being someone’s assistant, taking direction from someone else, or whatever. Yu aren’t above it. And neither am I. Even as the founder of a company, I still do these things. If you don’t have the humility to accept that, you’re going to struggle for a long time. Realize now that this is the first step to a great adventure. Use this time to figure out what you want to do in your organization and in life. Solidify the place you want to be in and work hard to get there. 6. Be the solution No ne likes a complainer. Be a change agent instead. Be someone who sees a problem and owns the solution. Initiative is an amazing, standout quality. The majority of people simply point to a problem and see if someone else comes to fix it. A lone minority see the problem and realize they could fix it themselves. To them, go the rewards and recognition. I want 100 more people like that in my business and in my life. 7. Be flexible Flexibility and adaptability are assets in your career. Things won’t always go your way or the way you ex-

pected them to go. Sometimes you might be asked to work late, or switch roles, or do something your job description didn’t talk about …. Be willing to adapt and change if needed. 8. Be helpful Yes, this means changing the printer cartridge. It means answering the phone when someone isn’t close to it. It means helping someone else with their problem. As a boss, I want a group of individuals who WANT to help each other. Who want to help their teammates take their vacations and will work to fill the gap so they can without worry. Or who understand we are all humans being with struggles and challenges and needs … and there to be helpful and generous with our time and energy. 9. Be on time This should be implied but I’ve realized it’s not. Show up for work on time, every time, and even before time. When you walk in late, it shows a lack of respect for everyone else. When in doubt, ask what the expected times are. And be early and stay later. It adds up. People see it. It shows commitment. And by the way, just because other people on your team don’t respect this and are habitually late doesn’t mean you follow the herd. 10. Find out how you fit in, quickly Like I’ve said before, we hire for fit over talent. In a small business especially, it’s vital that you fit in. Otherwise, you’re simply a distraction.

You always want to achieve work-life balance and you need downtime … but consider using a large portion of that time

Find your place, quickly. Discover your unique role in your organization and what you can contribute to it. Look for the place where you uniquely help others be better and where your talents and strengths are best suited and plug into that

How to use linkedin for developing your business I

f you found this article helpful, be sure to follow @nasirulhind on Twitter,& nasirululhind to your Google+ circles. There are many more tips and tricks on my other social networking sites. Thank you for reading this post and feel free to share it with your friends. Your support is much appreciated! Many people are frustrated that they don't seem to be able to generate any leads from LinkedIn, while it seems to be the perfect vehicle for others. But Today in This Article I am going to show you How to develop your business on LinkedIn? Without an account on LinkedIn, you aren't going to get very far, so join LinkedIn . Once you've confirmed your email address, you'll be able to fill

out all your details, such as experience, previous work, education and contact preferences. Do this, it will help people who want to find someone with your skills. 2. Add connections Make sure you connect to friends, family and former colleagues. LinkedIn will make this easy for you by looking in your email address book to find contacts who already are on LinkedIn. You can also use the search box on the top right to look for people you know. Once you are connected to colleagues and friends, you can then browse their networks, find potential prospects and ask the people you are connected to for an

introduction, or simply directly contact the decision makers in these businesses. But more on how to generate leads on LinkedIn here. 3. Add your company's website and blog as links People will want to browse these links to learn more about you and will add to the credibility of your profile 4. Make your Profile more informative Many people skip this step, but it is very important in being more informative and establishing your personal 'brand'. LinkedIn offers many applications that can help your profile come alive and be more 'interactive'. Add a Power Point presentation

The Google Docs Application allows you to upload your main PowerPoint presentation straight to your LinkedIn introductions page. If you are only going to use one application on your LinkedIn profile, this is the one. If you have more than one presentation, add them via SlideShare. The added benefit will be that your presentations will gain some exposure on Slideshare's main website, so don't post any company secrets here. Add your blog to LinkedIn Blog Link will allow you to integrate your company's blog on LinkedIn. If your company has a WordPress blog, then use the WordPress application instead.



to understand. (As an example, characters who play “profes’ll admit – while learning Eng- sors” in films can be difficult lish can be fun, there are a few to understand. They use some disadvantages too. Here’s a few difficult words, which you may problems you may run into: have never heard of before.) 3. You have to keep on checking 1. There are no subtitles. This is up words. For every word you pretty rare nowadays. But if you watch a film without subtitles, it can be difficult to understand what’s going on. 2. You have to keep on pausing and playing to understand. It can take you many times to understand something said on screen, because sometimes, the film might be easy. But at other times, it might be hard

don’t know, you might want to look it up in the dictionary. While it’s a lot faster to check up words nowadays on our phones, it can be annoying to keep pausing and checking up words. 4. You can’t remember these words afterwards. It can be difficult to keep track of what you’ve learnt, because it takes time and effort to take notes, and we want to have an enjoyable experience

What is Social Media? The best way to define social media is to break it down. Media is an instrument on communication, like a newspaper or a radio, so social media would be a social instrument of communication. In Web 2.0 terms, this would be a website that doesn't just give you information, but interacts with you while giving you that information. This interaction can be as simple as asking for your comments or letting you vote on an article, or it can be as complex as Flixster recommending movies to you based on the ratings of other people with similar interests. Think of regular media as a oneway street where you can read a newspaper or listen to a report on television, but you have very limited ability to give your thoughts on the matter.

Social media, on the other hand, is a two-way street that gives you the ability to communicate too. Is Social Media and Social News The Same Thing? It is easy to confuse social media with social news because we often refer to members of the news as "the media." Adding to the confusion is the fact that a social news site is also a social media site because it falls into that broader category. But social news is not the same thing as social media anymore than a banana is the same thing as fruit. A banana is a type of fruit, but fruit can also be grapes, strawberries, or lemons. And while social news is social media, social networking and wikis are also social media. What Are Some Social Media Websites?

Now that we have answered the question of what is social media, we can move on to social media websites. Because social media is such a broad term, it covers a large range of websites. But the one common link between these websites is that you are able to interact with the website and interact with other visitors. Here are some examples of social media websites: Social Bookmarking. (, Blinklist, Simpy) Interact by tagging websites and searching through websites bookmarked by other people. Social News. (Digg, Propeller, Reddit) Interact by voting for articles and commenting on them. Social Networking. (Facebook, Hi5, Last.FM) Interact by adding friends, commenting on profiles, joining groups and having discussions. Social Photo and Video Sharing. (You-

Tube, Flickr) Interact by sharing photos or videos and commenting on user submissions. Wikis. (Wikipedia, Wikia) Interact by adding articles and editing existing articles. And these websites are not the only social media websites. Any website that invites you to interact with the site and with other visitors falls into the definition of social media.

HOW TO SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS IN YOUR LIFE ? In an earlier article (How to start small business & how to become professional ), I mentioned that problems are absolutely inevitable in life, especially so for the kind of people who want to take a proactive approach to improving themselves and their situation. The challenge I touched on was that the impact of those problems hinges on your expectations around what the problem means – whether it’s a good thing or a bad thing. If you expect your problem to be a “bad thing” – in other words, a situation that’s just going to hold you back and cause trouble, it’s probably not likely to be one that gets fixed very quickly at all. You’ll have so many negative feelings associated to the problem that you’ll find yourself wanting to avoid dealing with it as much as possible, which ironically tends to not only make the problem bigger, but often spawns new problems as a result. It’s pretty likely that you did, since the title of this article itself is a “loaded” title. “How to Fix Your Problems Faster” implies that something is broken or not working out right, and needs to be fixed. While in a sense that may be true, it’s not necessarily the perspective that’s going to put you in the best frame of mind to deal with the issue.

what a problem is in the first place. A quick look at the dictionary gives two basic definitions for the word “problem”:

This isn’t just positive thinking – it’s realistic thinking. It’s a rare problem that doesn’t have any solution – and your problems surely have at least one acceptable solution. It’s your job to believe it’s there, and to dig for it, never losing hope that you’ll find it. Three decades of experience have shown me that it’s not what you hope for in life that’s what you get – it’s what you strongly expect that ends up happening. In other words, you have to assume that you’re going to eventually find the answer you need. Don’t be surprised how incredibly well this works when you try it. What also makes this whole process easier is to proactively decide what the problem means to you in the first place. It can either be something to hinder you, or to make you stronger. If you choose to look at it as the latter, you’re going to have a much easier – and faster – time resolving it. But that’s a topic for another article.

So decide ahead of time that you’re going to assume every problem you But what if you could take all of the have is just a question whose answer negative emotion and depression out you will inevitably uncover. Drill it of dealing with your “problems?” You can, but it involves deciding that you’re into your mind until you get the going to change your definition about results you want. You’ll thank yourself for it


n this article I am writing 25 important question and its tricks how to respond its answer please read it understand it practise according to it if you like this article then share it too 1. Tell me about yourself: The most often asked question in interviews. You need to have a short statement prepared in your mind. Be careful that it does not sound rehearsed. Limit it to work-related items unless instructed otherwise. Talk about things you have done and jobs you have held that relate to the position you are interviewing for. Start with the item farthest back and work up to the present. 2. Why did you leave your last job? Stay positive regardless of the circumstances. Never refer to a major problem with management and never speak ill of supervisors, coworkers or the organization. If you do, you will be the one looking bad. Keep smiling©and about leaving for a vegetalk - positive#51176198 reason such as an opportunity, a chance to do something special or other forwardlooking reasons. 3. What experience do you have in this field? Speak about specifics that relate to the position you are applying for. If you do not have specific experience, get as close as you can. 4. Do you consider yourself successful? You should always answer yes and briefly explain why. A good explanation is that you have set goals, and you have met some and are on track to achieve the others. 5. What do co-workers say about you? Be prepared with a quote or two from co-workers. Either a specific statement or a paraphrase will

work. Jill Clark, a co-worker at Smith Company, always said I was the hardest workers she had ever known. It is as powerful as Jill having said it at the interview herself. 6. What do you know about this organization? This question is one reason to do some research on the organization before the interview. Find out where they have been and where they are going. What are the current issues and who are the major players? 7. What have you done to improve your knowledge in the last year? Try to include improvement activities that relate to the job. A wide variety of activities can be mentioned as positive self-improvement. Have some good ones handy to mention. 8. Are you applying for other jobs? Be honest but do not spend a lot of time in this area. Keep the focus on this job and what you can do for this organization. Anything else is a distraction. 9. Why do you want to work for this organization? This may take some thought and certainly, should be based on the research you have done on the organization. Sincerity is extremely important here and will easily be sensed. Relate it to your long-term career goals. 10. Do you know anyone who works for us? Be aware of the policy on relatives working for the organization. This can affect your answer even though they asked about friends not relatives. Be careful to mention a friend only if they are well thought of. 11. What kind of salary do you need? A loaded question. A nasty little game that you will probably lose if you answer first. So, do not answer it. Instead, say something like, That’s a tough question. Can you tell me the range for this position? In most cases, the interviewer, taken off guard, will tell you. If not, say that it can depend on the details of the job. Then give a wide range.

12. Are you a team player? You are, of course, a team player. Be sure to have examples ready. Specifics that show you often perform for the good of the team rather than for yourself are good evidence of your team attitude. Do not brag, just say it in a matter-of-fact tone. This is a key point. 13. How long would you expect to work for us if hired? Specifics here are not good. Something like this should work: I’d like it to be a long time. Or As long as we both feel I’m doing a good job. 14. Have you ever had to fire anyone? How did you feel about that? This is serious. Do not make light of it or in any way seem like you like to fire people. At the same time, you will do it when it is the right thing to do. When it comes to the organization versus the individual who has created a harmful situation, you will protect the organization. Remember firing is not the same as layoff or reduction in force. 15. What is your philosophy towards work? The interviewer is not looking for a long or flowery dissertation here. Do you have strong feelings that the job gets done? Yes. That’s the type of answer that works best here. Short and positive, showing a benefit to the organization. 16. If you had enough money to retire right now, would you? Answer yes if you would. But since you need to work, this is the type of work you prefer. Do not say yes if you do not mean it. 17. Have you ever been asked to leave a position? If you have not, say no. If you have, be honest, brief and avoid saying negative things about the people or organization involved. 18. Explain how you would be an asset to this organization You should be anxious for this question. It gives you a chance to highlight your best points as they relate to the position being discussed. Give a little advance thought to this relationship.

How To Be A Successful Businessman


eing rich is desired all over the world; simply because it guarantees survival. Not only that, wealth in excess is power and also glamorous. Everyone wants to be rich for so many reasons. Successful businessman enjoys whizzing around in Ferraris, mingle with A-list celebrities, and they seem to have an endless list of yacht parties to attend.If you do not have the luxury of being born rich, there are other ways to earn your dollars. Here are four ways to become a successful & famous businessman like Other rich people in no particular order. Forbest effects, apply all four aspects to your

sionals to get his business started. He did not further his Harvard education,but he sure knew the value of skill averaging.- Having trust able and efficient people on your team will help relieve workload. They can also suggest better methods to increase profits.- Find highly motivated professionals who enjoy the work they do. A positive work environment leads to good work perfor"The key to the success of any business is to establish a philosophy and have everyone in the business buy into it," says Larry Sweet, founder and president of Save-A-Load Inc. The company manufacturers load bars for truckers and delivery companies for the cargo area to hold items in place during transport. Sweet's philosophy of putting quality first has resulted in doubledigit revenue growth since the company's founding in 1993. The manufacturer stands behind its product quality by providing a lifetime warranty and relying on UPS to deliver its best-in-class product to customers worldwide. Quickly learn from your mistakes. Mistakes are inevitable. The key is to learn from them – fast. A

current or future business venture! 1 Never Invest Huge Sums of Your Own Moneyit is a general rule of thumb for business people to minimize losses. Successful businessmen will usually be busy preparing proposals to pitch for money. That is what all those important-sounding meetings, Power-point presentations and phone calls are about.- Research well on possible sponsors. The internet is your best friend.- Networking to develop business contacts will help. You will get information faster by asking the right-people.- If you are starting out your own business, look out for government grants for entrepreneurship projects. 2 Hire the Best Hire a team of professionals for the best results possible. If not, hiring an expert consultant who escapable of training others will increase overall staff performance.- Bill Gates hired profes-

decade ago during the holidays, SeaBear outsourced its call center Customer orders were soon riddled with errors. "When a customer had a need outside the norm, the call center couldn't handle it with the customer care our own professionals could," Mondello recalls. The solution? SeaBear immediately stopped outsourcing and personally contacted all the customers who were negatively affected. Also, the company has learned to test any new process during a quiet time of the year. 6. Rely on people smarter than you. You can't know and do everything. You must rely on others. "Surround yourself with people who know more than you do," King advises. "I was a schoolteacher [prior to going into business] and there were a lot of things I had to learn," she recalls. To fill in the gap, King selected vendors or has hired people who had the knowledge or skills she lacked.

19. Why should we hire you? Point out how your assets meet what the organization needs. Do not mention any other candidates to make a comparison. 20. Tell me about a suggestion you have made Have a good one ready. Be sure and use a suggestion that was accepted and was then considered successful. One related to the type of work applied for is a real plus. 21. What irritates you about co-workers? This is a trap question. Think real hard but fail to come up with anything that irritates you. A short statement that you seem to get along with folks is great. 22. What is your greatest strength? Numerous answers are good, just stay positive. A few good examples: Your ability to prioritize, Your problem-solving skills, Your ability to work under pressure, Your ability to focus on projects, Your professional expertise, Your leadership skills, Your positive attitude 23. Tell me about your dream job. Stay away from a specific job. You cannot win. If you say the job you are contending for is it, you strain credibility. If you say another job is it, you plant the suspicion that you will be dissatisfied with this position if hired. The best is to

stay genetic and say something like: A job where I love the work, like the people, can contribute and can’t wait to get to work. 24. Why do you think you would do well at this job? Give several reasons and include skills, experience and interest. 25. What are you looking for in a job? See answer # 23

If you click below link you can find me on Linkedin,Twitter,&Facebook

Nowadays in some companies HR asking Do you have any questions for me? Always have some questions prepared. Questions prepared where you will be an asset to the organization are good. How soon will I be able to be productive? and What type of projects will I be able to assist on? are examples Many greetings from Hafiz Md Nasir and all the best, Thanks & Best Regards Hafiz MD Nasir Editor ,Author , Advisor& Trainer HYDERABAD,INDIA Ph:917382978623, Skype: hmd.nasir

r. r

Š olly - #62224574


How to Buy a

Educate Orphan & Poor Students


ducate Orphan & Poor Students invites you to EDUCATE ORPHAN& Poor students for $10 a month! PLEDGE $10/MONTH FOR ONE YEAR, and you will help build a school for orphans to learn, play, and have a safe haven!

Prophet Mohammed(s) narrates that he and the supporter of the orphan will be joined together in Heaven. According to ahadith, the act of continuous charity will benefit a person even after his/ her death. Funding an orphan school not only earns the reward of helping orphans, but is also a form of continuous charity, as thousands of orphans will benefit from this school for years to come, inshAllah! Addarul Falah is located in Hyderabad , India and is the orphan school belonging to Madarsa Addarul Ilmiya under the guidance

of Wadi huda education welfare society Reg.No: 441.2011(A.P) India . This school is experiencing grave difficulties - the building is falling apart structurally, it is over-crowded, lacks a playground, among other hardships. The school has recently purchased a plot of land in Hyderabad and is in dire need of financial assistance to build a larger school suitable for their needs.


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Learn how to develop a loyal and long term relationship with the Hispanic Market Multiply your effort and successful techniques with the growing Hispanic Market everywhere PURCHASE THE TRAINING AT LUCILAORTIZ. COM The Multicultural Training will not do it for you but it will give you the knowledge to pursue the Hispanic Market with confidentiality in a friendlier and promising way.

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Hafiz Nasir ★Hafiz Md Nasir is the CEO and Founder of With a long time passion for Entrepreneurship, Self development & Success, Nasir started his website with the intention of educating,teaching and inspiring like-minded people all over the world to always strive for success no matter what their circumstances. HAFIZ MD NASIR is a highly sought after Digital Strategist, Speaker & Social Media Consultant & Trainer. With a heavy focus On SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES And B2B social media initiatives. He uniquely bridges Business Strategy, Targeted Objectives and ROI with Social Media, Digital Media and Traditional Marketing Initiatives. Mr. HAFIZ MD NASIR is also considered SOME of the leading authorities on Social Media, DIGITAL MEDIA ELECTRONIC MEDIA, PRINT MEDIA PRESS MEDIA And Linked In, having generated more than $10000 dollars for his clients over the

past year specifically through Linked In. With a robust following as the owner of the number one Linked In Strategies Group on Linked In while having taught more than 55,000 people how to master the platform. He has authored 17 books on the topic, including the currently available, SOCIAL MEDIA Mastery: An All Inclusive Guide to Mastering SOCIAL MEDIA & DIGITAL MEDIA additionally, he is an national speaker and Has presented as the keynote speaker on Social Media Strategy for the National Speakers AISSIMC meetings in 2011. Visit Authors Website ★His passion is helping businesses find and execute their unique brand voice and messaging. This talent for the art of communicating stems from her time as an editor for national and regional magazines, and her continued love of storytelling across multiple mediums. Specialties: Copywriting and Editing (Blogging, Website, SEO Copywriting, E-commerce, Advertising for Print and Web, Social Media, Business Collateral Materials, Newsletters, Catalog, Press Kit, Press Releases);

How to become a quick learner Important tips &

Tips & Tricks Today I am sharing some important tips so you can also become a fast learner. They are very easy and simple to understand and use. Do I also use them myself? Yes, I use them especially So let’s go and see this info graphic and at the end of the info graphic I will explain each and every tip in more details. - See more at: Be able to explain to a kid: Ask yourself if you can explain what you have learnt to your little brother or sister next year when he/she comes up to you and ask you to explain something from English grammar. If your answer is ‘yes’, then you are learning effectively and fast. Realize some questions have no answers: Do not try to act like a Superman and solve every single problem. Not everything has a solution. Or everything has its own time. When the right time comes, you will realize the answers all by yourself. So do not get stuck. Move on. Do more. Think less: If you want to learn anything new, stop thinking too much about it. Stand up, take a risk and see if you can do it. Experiment. See what works and what does not work for you. Visualize: Think in pictures. For example, when you are reading a dialogue, read it with emotions imagining yourself as one of the heroes in the dialogue. Simplify: You probably hate English grammar because it is so complicated and confusing. So when you are learning anything

new, ask yourself how you can explain what you learned in one or two sentences to a complete stranger. Learn how to make complicated topics as simple as possible, you will become a fast learner. Don’t be afraid to say “I don’t know”: If you want to start learning anything new, you should openly and honestly admit that you do not know it. When you admit, you send a signal to your brain that you want to learn something new. Learn by doing: The best way of learning anything is by doing. For example, I learnt Passive Voice by using it in my speaking and writing every day when I was a student. I did not learn it by reading about Passive Voice or doing exercises. I learnt it by doing.

© endostock - #53024902


CEO-PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, MARKETING AND CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS With a career spanning more than 12 years in the real estate sector, Zainab Mohammed has become recognized within the industry as a driving force behind Dubai’s growing property sector and a hugely influential figure who consistently creates growth and profit opportunities across all of her portfolios. As CEO – Property Management, Marketing & Communications Manager at wasl Properties, a semi-government property development and asset management company, Ms. Mohammed leads more than 100 employees in eight major divisions, including Customer Service, Legal & Collection, Tenant Management & Support, Strategic Marketing, Operations, Sales & Marketing and Marketing & Communications. She is also responsible for overseeing the operations of the wasl Call Centre and the recently added division, wasl Owners’ Association Management. Her responsibilities extend to strategic planning, business development, capital raising, and structuring and identifying new growth opportunities for wasl Properties. Ms. Mohammed’s extensive experience over the years has seen her managing projects, properties, human resources, opera-

tions and finance & budgeting, which has provided her with a wealth of expertise in the setting up and management of new departments and the stabilizing and consolidation of operations. During her tenure at DREC, Ms. Mohammed was an active member of the Corporation’s core committees, including the Executive Higher Committee, the Human Resource Management Committee, the Business Management Committee and the wasl Asset Management Committee. Ms. Mohammed’s leadership and ability to successfully drive positive change within her organization has enhanced the company’s core competencies and optimized its service through quality management, customer service and business excellence. Her highly customer-centric business philosophy has helped her team maintain wasl Properties’ customer retention rate at more than 99 per cent, which has contributed to driving growth and profit in the property portfolios she manages. Such has been the impact of her governance and strategic direction at wasl that she was awarded the Emirates Women Award 2014. The highly regarded accolade was bestowed by Dubai Quality Group in the Professional Category and under the

criterion of Leadership. Ms. Mohammed’s hands-on management approach, clear vision and exacting values continue to play a key role in ongoing business expansion efforts and modernization at wasl. She is an opinion leader on property development, customer care and internal relations and is active in championing improvement by combining leadership and excellent communication skills to drive her team forward. Her commitment to business is underscored by her aim to have a positive impact on the communities within wasl developments and across the wider Dubai society. Ms. Mohammed holds a Master’s Degree in Strategic Project Management from Heriot- Watt University, UK, along with a postgraduate Accounting and Financial Business Management training certificate. ZAINAB MOHAMMED 3 HOW DID IT ALL START? wasl Asset Management was established on May 25, 2008 to manage assets on behalf of Dubai

Real Estate Corporation (DREC). Its mandate is to oversee the management of DREC assets and to grow its real estate portfolio. Its overarching objective is to strengthen Dubai’s position as the premier hub in which to live and work and at the same time, and promote the city as being the ultimate destination for tourists. wasl’s activities are focused on a number of key business sectors, which include property development and management, hospitality and leisure. The company owns and manages over 25,000 real estate units across Dubai, ranging from residential and commercial properties to industrial plots of land, leisure and entertainment facilities, hotels and serviced apartments. Since commencing operations, wasl has garnered a well-earned reputation for being a customer-focused organisation that offers unrivalled service in the industry. The company plays a huge role in shaping the real estate scene in Dubai and has achieved significant milestones over the past six years by introducing major real estate projects across the city.

Today, wasl is one of the largest real Marina, The Palm, and Atlantis. I have always believed that Dubai has the abilestate management companies in ity to convert dreams to reality and this faith in creating miracles has been Dubai. borne out. We now have the world’s tallest tower, the world’s biggest mall, and the region’s longest driverless metro system – spectacular achievements My personal involvement with that sit alongside numerous other firsts. My role in facilitating the growth of Dubai’s real estate sector started in Dubai’s real estate industry throughout this time involved liaising with con2001 when I joined a reputed prop- sultants, contractors, business heads, investors and property managers. The erty developer in Dubai and spent invaluable experience I gained helped me to plan something different and six years engaging in all aspects of unique for wasl. I put my suggestions to the DREC management in 2007 while the business and gradually ascend- they were in the process of setting up wasl Asset Management and they asked ing the corporate ladder, until I me to implement the changes utilising a unique business module, which rejoined wasl in 2007 as General Man- flected my experience in customer service. This helped the organisation form ager, Property a system Management, that ensured Marketing & customer Corporate Comsatisfaction munications. My to be a top initial responsipriority and bilities included a facet of the working on business that restructuring is constantly the organisation invested in. to increase efwasl believes ficiency and cut that its reladown on costs. I have a master’s degree in Strategic Project Management and a strong history of sales and marketing, as well as experience in business development and tionship with clients should stay strong for the mutual benefit of all parties. integration. Over the past 7 years, the scope of my role has expanded All of this is due to the vision and foresight of H.H Sheikh Mohammed bin to include more responsibilities Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, such as growing, developing and both with respect to his dream for the city’s boom and for his belief in diversifying wasl’s portfolio, genereducating its citizens so that they can take on such challenges and convert ating new business and attracting them into success stories. This is exactly what happened with me. However, new customers and hence revenue the work is far from over and we still have dreams and big ideas that we aim for our stakeholders, in addition to bring to fruition. This process will not stop so long as we keep moving to retaining the existing customer together with H.H’s vision for Dubai. base, while overall ensuring the health and financial fitness of the What is the key to creating growth and profit opportunities? business. I also handle the marketAt wasl, we seek to provide new, innovative and diverse project offerings ing functions for wasl which include that answer to market needs and requirements, and that factor in aspects all communication activities while such as location and demographics in addition to other important factors. being aided with a team of dedicatwasl’s business model operates a diverse portfolio of real estate invested and hardworking individuals. ments, which include residential, hospitality and leisure facilities. The comI also have extensive experience in pany pays particular attention to customer service and after-lease support sales, business development and and its research in the form of field studies and market surveys result in customer service. At the time of my educated planning and the formulation of the most optimum strategies. joining, Dubai’s real estate sector wasl believes in investing in human capital and regards its employees as its was going through an incredible greatest asset. The company’s staff members have a range of talents and period of change and was leading skill sets and undergo regular professional development to ensure that they the world in its scale of ambitious continuously offer the highest standards of service. wasl’s philosophy is to projects, such as Dubai

working in the city. We rely on a number of indices, such as market demand as it pertains to each area. Market rental prices and feedback from current and prospective clients also give us important insights into the requirements of our target audience. We glean our information from a number of sources to ensure we are on top of what is happening in Dubai’s real estate sector. These include extensive market research and the findings from our 24 hour call centre, our customer service centres and our website. We also closely monitor industry trends, market dynamics and the major happenings in the sector that might impact our operations. From this wealth of information, we are able to tailor our real estate products and services according to the prevailing needs and according to customer perceptions. How do you take into consideration the clients’ needs and what is the strategy for analysing and responding to them? wasl responds to its clients’ needs and requirements through its four service centres that are distributed across the emirate. Its HQ is accessible to tenants and customers during working hours and its dedicated call centre is on hand to deal with customer enquiries, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This call centre and our wasl website provide us with a strong customer feedback system, which is augmented with an annual customer survey to gauge our effectiveness. We conduct this poll through a third party external agency to ensure the transparency of our operations. Our results show that we exceed 90 per cent customer satisfaction thanks to the action we are able to take to address the highlighted needs. Moreover, we work closely with high-quality suppliers and service providers and monitor them closely to ensure our projects are

executed to the best quality standards and maintenance from start to finish. What is the main factor that helped you become recognised by the industry as a driving force behind Dubai ’s growing property sector? Our unique business model oversees the development and management of residential, commercial, retail, hospitality and leisure properties. These diversified offerings cater to different investors and audiences, making wasl one of the leading real estate companies in Dubai. Our in-depth market research has enabled continuous growth and development, even during the economic slowdown. Throughout this challenging period, wasl continued to grow and lease its properties. Our use of the most advanced technologies has allowed us to stay ahead of the curve and react to any vagaries in the market swiftly and efficiently. It is important to mention also that customer satisfaction and customer loyalty play a major role in being recognized as leaders in the property sector where we have managed to achieve 99% occupancy rates year-on-year over the past six years. Our highly diversified portfolio caters to a wide spectrum of target audiences; from affordable housing and high end residences and midrange and luxury hotels to commercial and land assets. It answers the needs of investors, families, businessmen, retailers, expats, tourists and industry owners and they span all areas of Dubai. In addition to our staple sales and leasing activities and 3rd party property management on behalf of private landlords. Today, wasl is considered one of the largest property management and leasing companies in

Dubai that acts as an industry trendsetter in the market. What would your advice be to women managers in the UAE? I would advise them to establish a personal programme of continuous education and professional development, as this will enable them to acquire more skills to tackle the challenges arising from change. I would encourage them to have self-belief and stand up for their principles in the workplace and to continuously set targets for themselves. I would tell them that they need to be patient with their team and with business pressure. Ultimately, I would say to them that there are no limits to what they can achieve. How do you tackle the thin line between leadership and communication in order to drive your team forward and which stratey do you adopt? A good manager will give their team members a chance to prove themselves and will take time to listen to them – this is what I endeavour to do. I believe that effective communication with your staff is one of the most important aspects of leadership. Listening should come before speaking. It is also important to give your staff the necessary tools that will allow them to work autonomously. This empowers them and results in them being better motivated, as they have free rein to use maximum creativity. I make sure that I express confidence in my team. I demonstrate my appreciation by regularly pointing out their achievements and by rewarding them where appropriate. Any tips for women CEOs in the UAE when it comes to networking? Networking is essential as it puts you in contact with a greater number of people who are influential and who may be in a position to help you achieve your goals. Hands-on networking that takes place at industry forums, debates, conferences and exhibitions allows for the exchange of information and the sharing of knowledge. Digital platforms are especially useful as they have made it much easier to reach like-minded individuals. These are highly effective media that host niche business topics, allowing you to channel your expertise into these areas.

ensure ongoing growth and development by adapting its operations according to industry trends. How would you define a winner in the real estate field? To be a winner in the field of real estate, an operator needs to possess a combination of unique project attributes that cater to all of the needs of the modern discerning tenant. These include, among other aspects, property location, facilities, amenities, safety, security, as well as accessibility to health and fitness facilities, and recreation areas. We also strive to be winners by always having a competitive edge and providing unique offerings, by being proactive in our operations rather than reactive and by anticipating market and customer needs and requirements. A winner would pay attenUAE ministerial post, can achieve a high degree of global prominence. Sheikha Lubna is currently the 55th most powerful woman in the world, according to Forbes magazine. I personally have benefitted from the promotion of female talent and through the mechanisms set up by the Dubai government to acknowledge it. In May this year, I was awarded the Emirates Women Award 2014, which was bestowed by Dubai Quality Group in the Professional Category and under the Leadership criterion. The shortlisting and awarding process entailed a long and thorough assessment, so to finally receive it made me feel proud on both a personal level and on a level that recognised how much women can achieve in the UAE if they follow the path of education, experience and are willing to learn every day. Being in real estate and running the core business of a huge company such as wasl is not an easy task. However, I have learned how to take even greater responsibility and how to manage my team in a ‘smart’ way. We work as one hand – from top to bottom – and this is the meaning of successful leadership. The real estate industry in Dubai is one that is a male-dominated one and this scenario represents a chal-

tion to creating and maintaining customer loyalty in order to secure retention. This is done through providing world-class professional and efficient service that pays attention to detail and continuously strives to develop and introduce new offerings that enhance the customer service experience. In addition to facilitating operations, procedures and processes for customers for optimum customer satisfaction. A winner would always work on setting benchmarks for others to follow. They must always aim to achieve novelty and maintain consistently high standards across the board. A winner would invest money wisely and take only carefully calculated risks. How easy or difficult is it for a woman to take the lead in this particular field in your opinion? H.H Sheikh Zayed, the father of the UAE nation, supported women working in all fields. This legacy has been continued by his successors, with H.H Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai a staunch advocate of women as leaders. This outlook has compelled industry heads to follow his direction and vision. It has meant that women such as Sheikha Lubna bint Khalid bin Sultan Al Qasimi, who was the first lady to hold a

lenge for female professionals working within it. However, women have proven that they have what it takes to be leaders in all sectors. Leadership in general is not an easy feat, but particularly so in regards to the real estate sector in Dubai, which is relatively new and one characterized by being competitive and continuously evolving. It is crucial to remain in top form to be able to stay in the lead. Successful leadership depends on having confidence in the team you work with and in listening to them. It involves being able to make decisions quickly and efficiently. Personally, I haven’t faced any challenges arising from being a female manager in a male-dominated field. I believe that if a woman works hard and utililses every opportunity, she will get where she wants to be. When it comes to managing big units and departments, would you be able to be detail – oriented? It is important to leave room for the team to be able to work with a high degree of autonomy. Recognising the strengths of your team is vital, as each member has his or her own skills and capabilities. Allowing them to work independently will enable these attributes to shine through and be used

to full effect. Ultimately, the best results are achieved through teamwork. As a leader, I do have to give certain operative aspects specific personal attention. wasl projects are what create the company’s image, so I need to ensure that our offerings are always up to or exceed the required standards. What are the indices you rely on in order to identify new growth opportunities in terms of business development? DREC and wasl work very closely together and in line with the vision of the government of Dubai where we offer the real estate market in Dubai a good mix that caters to the growth of the economy these include residential, commercial, industrial, hospitality and leisure projects. Furthermore, we collect external market data and conduct thorough market research across each of these sectors and work in parallel with the Dubai government and align our strategies accordingly. We have a mutual vision for the emirate of Dubai, which is the provision of a high quality lifestyle to the city’s residents and the creation of a world-class real estate destination for people living and

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