#079, In Practice, Sept/Oct 2001

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Providing the link between a healthy environment and a sound economy SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2001 NUMBER 79

in this Issue


Positive Deviants by Ann Adams


’m sure some of you are wondering if this will be the name for the rock band the Savory Center is starting as a new income-generating enterprise. Moreover, you are probably wondering whether Allan Savory will be playing bass or drums. But I actually came up with the idea for this issue from a story about a man named Jerry Sternin. Jerry works for Save the Children. In the 1990s he had the challenging task of figuring out how to help create lasting change in Vietnamese communities with chronic problems of childhood malnutrition. He decided to use the positive deviant theory developed at Tufts University by Marian Zeitlin. The theory is simple: “In every community, organization, or social group, there are individuals whose exceptional behaviors or practices enable them to get better results than their neighbors with the exact same resources.” So Jerry set about finding out which of the poor families in villages had children that weren’t suffering from malnutrition. Those were the positive deviants in those communities. These parents had the same resources as the other families whose children did suffer from malnutrition, but somehow they had figured out how to use the existing resources in a way that served their children. Often the reason for their success is that they didn’t follow “conventional” wisdom. For example, conventional wisdom in many villages was that you shouldn’t feed a child with diarrhea (which leads to a worsening of the condition). Also, certain foods that were actually very nutritious were considered low-class or common. Because of the food’s status, the mothers didn’t feed their children that food. Last, mothers didn’t actively encourage the children to eat. They would put the food out, but it was up to the children to eat it.

In contrast, the positive deviants fed their children small portions throughout the day (small starved stomachs can only handle so much food), and they had learned where to find the nutritious foods for free (such as harvesting tiny shrimps and crabs to mix into the rice), even if they were considered low-class. Lastly, they fed their children even when they had diarrhea. Jerry had the mothers in the village identify this conventional wisdom and the positive deviants. He also had them analyze the situation, so the mothers had ownership in the information that came from such analysis. The next step was critical: He didn’t try to import best behavior from somewhere else, or change behavior; he encouraged new behavior by offering incentives to adopt it. For example, a health volunteer might invite some of the women in the village to a workshop on medicinal-food training. The price for entry would be a contribution of the shrimp or crabs or whatever local food the positive deviants were harvesting. The groups would then make a meal from the contributions so the women not only learned how to harvest the food but also how to cook it. This training would go on for two weeks and usually by the end the mothers continued the behavior with their children. Those that didn’t continue this new behavior could repeat the course. The results? Malnutrition dropped 65-85 percent in a two-year period. Even when the Harvard School of Public Health did an independent study, they found that children who hadn’t even been born when Jerry had been in the villages had achieved the same enhanced nutritional level as those children in the original study. That meant the behaviors stuck.

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This woman, and other women like her in Zimbabwe, is trying to support herself and her children on an income of less than 50 (U.S.) cents per day. Learn ho w our village banks have helped women in Zimbabwe impro ve their families' quality of life through a better understanding of Holistic Management and a chance to succeed in their own businesses. (See page 3.)

Holistic Management & Village Banking Jody Butterfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Synergy in Cyberspace Dan Daggett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Foodsheds: How to Feed a Region Sustainably Ray Kirsch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

LAND & LIVESTOCK— A special section of IN PRACTICE Keeping Things Simple Jim Howell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

Bull Beef Finishing in New Zealand Jim Howell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

Savory Center Bulletin Board . . . . . . .16 Development Corner Marketplace

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