Arts - School of Arts and Media - Engagement Week Data

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Engagement Week Feedback Faculty of Arts—School of Arts and Media

Vice President of Academic Affairs Engagement Week Data— Faculty of Arts School of Arts and Media Hi everyone, We’ve been busy coding and analysing your comments from Engagement Week, now on a School by School basis. The sheer amount of data we have collected is amazing! From teaching to transport, assessment to accommodation and canteens to Camtasia you clearly have an opinion on all areas of academic life and are not scared to let us know about it. Demographics We collected qualitative feedback from 113 students across the School of Arts and Media. The majority of these students (70%) were from Grand Parade Campus and the rest were from Hastings (23%) and Moulsecoomb (7%). Respondents were mostly female, 66, with 47 male respondents. The majority of the respondents were in first year (34%) and second year (54%). This summary includes an overview of comments on the top six comment subject areas with comparison to the university comment trends. The full Keep, Start, Stop commentary from students in the School of Arts and Media is included at the end of the document. Thanks again for all of your feedback—we look forward to closing the feedback loop and reporting the changes very soon! Amy Rutland | VP Academic Affairs E: Facebook: VP AcademicAffairs Brighton-su Twitter: bsuacademic

‘I MY EDUCATION’ A Few Words on the Data Analysis

We have now coded the data under a number of categories coving academic issues, organisational issues an d other facilities and activities at the University of Brighton. We collected data from 1126 students and often each ‘Keep’, ‘Stop’ and ‘Start’ comment box had multiple comments addressing a number of areas of concern, delight and suggested improvements. Comments ranged from brief and specific to long and detailed and we would like to thank all students that took part for the consideration put into the responses given. This research now forms a rich database of student opinion across the university and will be a valuable source of input for not only the upcoming institutional review but also decision making process at the university. A detailed discourse analysis of the comments will be available soon with a school by school breakdown. Keep an eye on the new research area on the Students’ Union website for updates!

Overview What have you said? Most of your comments have been about Teaching and Learning, with a large amount indicating a positive experience. However, there are also a large amount of statements on what needs to stop and what you would like to see start. Following this are your comments on programme design with a large amount of comments about the value of guest speakers and desire for increased one to one time. Learning resources is another area of commentary where you are looking for more access to workshops and longer opening hours. Timetabling is a key issue under organisation. While you enjoy the catering and appreciate local sourcing of food there are some concerns over costs. You would also like to see a new students’ union bar in place and more events.

Some more detail... Teaching and Learning The positive comments on teaching were made by almost 50% of students giving feedback. These comments were about tutors saying that were motivating, professional and brought a ‘fresh approach’ to subjects. There was a clear preference for practical/technical workshop based learning and an appreciation of one to one contact time. Integrating different years and peer feedback was also commented on as a positive approach to keep in teaching and learning. Having a high number of students in a class or seminar group was seen as detrimental to teaching and learning. Other ‘Stop’ comments concern lengthy lectures and a lack of cross-course working. Again, in the ‘Start’ comments there is a desire for more tutorial time and increase in the provision of free additional workshops.

Programme Design Commentary on Programme Design is slightly more positive than that at the rest of the university. Almost 25% of students at the School of Arts and Media commented on the positive aspects of programme design. Much of this focussed on the importance of guest lecturers and speakers (independent artist talks) coming to discuss industry experience and also the study trips, practical and workshop sessions that were built into the course. Students expressed a preference for shorter feedback session that were one to one rather than longer ones in a group. Suggestions for improvements to programme design focussed on cross course collaboration, cross disciplinary projects. There is a desire for an increase in tutorial time to be built into courses and shorter, more frequent lessons.

Learning Resource Positive comments on learning resources concerned the access to studio spaces with varied equipment, the ability to access facilities in other departments, late access to the media centre and a well stocked library. Critical comments were about limitations on studio and library opening times, especially at weekends. Suggestions for improvements were about increasing opening hours for workshops/libraries and improving software in the computer suites.

Organisation Structuring of timetables with large gaps was criticised alongside changing timetables and last minute changes that resulted in clashes. The late receipt of timetables (i.e. on first day of classes) was also and issue raised. Suggestions for improvements were better communications, back up plans for when tutors are off ill and more structure to the courses.

Students’ Union Positive feedback on the students’ union included comments on our Facebook interactions, events and the SU shop at Grand Parade. Comments around improvements showed a call for more events, a Students’ Union bar and better value for money in the SU shop.

Catering While there were comments about the quality of canteen food being good many students also found it very expensive and would like to see free hot water and microwaves available to students.

What Happens next with the Engagement Week Data This data is already being used in the university to inform decisions that they will be making to improve the student experience. Reports from the data will be fed into university committees and any changes made as a result of your comments will be fed straight back via course reps and the Students’ Union website. The data will also be feeding into the Student Written Submission which we are due to submit to the QAA as part of the Institutional Review in November 2012. The first draft of this document will be available late June for you to pass comment on. We will be passing reports to school reps and course reps to ensure they have evidence to help them make changes in their own areas. If you would like any further information please don’t hesitate to get in touch:

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lectures keep having guest lecturers motivating environment lectures, engaging study guest speakers cash machine The cafe having things such as the pool table and table tennis listening to students helpful with work problems Guest lectures providing relevant visiting lecturers and guest speakers Providing support for students that require help scholarship incentive studio spaces for fine art computer room and hiring out media good studio space listening to students good library facilities good hot canteen food the student support and services student nights etc more technical equipment better cameras etc. independent artist talks Open facilities - I find it very useful that it is possible to go to other departments for inductions in specific equipment and also use other facilities which builds a strong bond between students, staff and technicians. It also encourages a greater awareness outside your immediate study environment Keeping a relaxed, friendly and proactive atmosphere. working with third years tutorials invaluable, contact time to father ideas and receiving feedback for me helps improve my higher education learning experience our environment (college campus) Outside articles in south gallery professionals from the industry to talk about what their experience of the industry the food co - op cash point good access to studios and able to use equipment when I want price down on the campus food cleanness in the studio a good support for dyslexic people showing lots of art exhibitions making cakes and raising money for charity Engaging students into community projects and with each other Support Groups allowing people to get involved with student radio "BURST" access to music rooms and instruments Great accommodation Keep the Facebook pages and interaction with reps Being helpful with student services =) Support for students with Learning difficulties having different workshops about jobs, English course having breaks during 2 or 3 hour lessons updating students on their progress social nights in collaboration with brass monkey or other local bars.... live music :) hot food is good :) - prices are good too nice art gallery within building and lots of visiting lectures increase studio times more tutor time assessment feedback more materials on offer small classes on how to tackle work. notes in lectures and how to write essays prices low in student shop more lectures available in the SBT All the events and fund-raising-I think they're very effective visiting artists Student/Teacher 1 on 1 tutorials organising student union events and also LGBT events. I have also found the student services helpful when going to them for advice on careers student newspaper and student radio be positive and supportive and give us all the information about possibilities of assisting, exhibitions etc/ keep students being involved Keep Alice Smith-she is ACE! providing technical support but we need more group tech sessions creating green areas & eco friendly projects. Keeping the media centre open till 8pm. Consistent feedback allows for improvement. This throughout the year also helps shape what needs to be done later through the year. Emails promoting students welfare Stocking the library with excellent resources

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Canteen food is good Keep doing Veg Packs Sell cheap coffee Social Events Student university shop tutorials lectures Making nice food Good teaching The office Materials activities one to one tutorials exchange student with Seoul National University Awesome lecturers reaching us on current subjects, making us think about what is going on and how to change the world seminar post lectures studio work readings (but maybe less focused/ more relaxed and varied) opening hours great at GP tutors brill in printmaking good cafe at GP great shop at GP Professional Practice lectures Group crits as well as one to one tutorials exhibitions organised by uni talks from practising artists good computer resources no studio fees great facilities great teaching committed tutors great technicians (sina) good student rep system having cash point Promoting events Up to date information providing technical support current and up to date software/equipment availability of resources friendly, homely atmosphere, part of a family!! great facilities good food guest lectures , film showing Emailing us opportunities all sporting activities poster sales visiting artists exhibitions cake stands various extra curricular activities are great as is student services (employment help, counselling etc) the helpful faculty (atmosphere generally at ease) the news updates on all sorts of arty things going on Giving relevant feedback on our work in class exchange trip opportunities Workshop inductions lectures study trips Providing computers Workshops Lectures tutorials, very useful. workshops great visiting artist lectures year exhibitions events/promotions/sales in foyer sign-ups to a variety of workshops everything Module elections Helpful tutors Helpful Learning centre Give us more lessons 23ish weeks a year + only 10hrs a week I could complete this two year course in 6 months make it easier to a uni card as an exchange student Visiting lecturers Have lectures from external visitors providing computers updating computer software Emailing us opportunities about media placements and encouraging us to participate in current events. Free sports teams great teaching bringing professionals to l1ecture open minded education focussing on student skill set amazing tutors lectures and informative times joint projects with other years on the course providing support and fresh approach to the techniques, encourage interesting and innovative talks and exercises mixed year classes have open lectures offering student services for-careers, volunteering/work, extra curricular activities having staff who have experience of working in relevant industries personal tutorials with lectures are really useful for feedback keep giving assessment feedback and keep having professional practice lectures Emailing students about events ETC. regular weekly crits and staff/peer feedback

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Making lessons practical support for athletics SU events the old buildings being helpful technical resources Social Events Organised Outside of lecture activities, i.e. documentary/film screenings Using the studio

Stop Comments                                    

closing school at 8pm - 24 hour studio needed having different access codes for buildings big gaps between lectures 9AM lectures availability Bad timetabling using Flairz as a venue time table clashes mixing radio and broadcast media groups ( they are not interested in radio and it disrupts our lessons) greater opening times trying to make so much money out of students stop sending all the emails open more facilities to graphic design or inform applicants correctly on the accessibility of other facilities course costs hidden course costs (materials) Prices at the SU shop - charging so much for materials such as paint, pens, and pencils etc. Means that a lot of students are prepared to travel into town to save money Not letting students have hot water in the canteen. payment of resources external exhibitions that last ages charging for use of sallis benney closing at 8pm charging £9000 stop locking doors group project / too many most often I can't use a workshop because there is limited opening time buying rubbish for the library - we don't even have a workable Mac computer in our campus (custle street) ignoring the student radio station potential and offer some support for it to become a platform, rather than a struggling part time society. closing the library at 6 maybe the key card thing Closing the library early Nothing, you're pretty Charging too much for meals colour printer not working well (library) being really vague can't think of any negatives really? (except perhaps paying for printing, which is a pain in the arse...) giving us our timetable the day it starts give timetable in advance people smoking outside by the windows - put up a smoking shelter sending junk email too many people on courses printer credits online top up student central should be easier to navigate - it can be hard to find information

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having such long breaks between projects and practices stop closing facilities so early and on weekends and holidays (student ones of course) shutting the uni for no reason (snow!!) having lessons that involve embarrassingly patronising drama games in which nothing professionally enriching occurs Limited time in spaces where we use facilities - i.e. Bookarts is only open 2 days a week. The darkrooms close for lunch/at 5pm. Readings on the computer. I understand the money saving from not printing but no one likes reading from a screen and it's a nightmare trying to make quality notes when you don't have the source in front of you. raising tuitions fees raising prices in the cafe Make seminar groups too big Learning computer pool rooms 'unattended' Partnering Root group regarding accommodation Make lectures smaller stop talking for hours and hours Making students pay for equipment for course seeing as we are paying so much to come here already the ladies from the lounge being so stingy about having hot water! less formal crits less rigid projects Tutor, please start liking my work , stop slating it fee increases long gaps of miscommunication and lessons expensive canteen food having too hot heating in summer and winter! Nothing! resources are on point! expensive food bad/complicated time tabling unavailable tutors on phone making everything good to be at Falmer limiting spares on some extra curricular courses Couldn't attend German classes just because I couldn't make the sign up session, despite attending the first session the day before in halls (the random posters) lectures on a Wednesday complaining about attendance to the people that attend 1st year is too much like secondary school - students are already prepared from college Such limited time in the studio spaces analytical sessions that last for hours, I prefer tutorial feedback group sessions short be shorter but we should have more 1 to 1 tutorials with lecturers lack of cross - course inductions of limitations to number of people able to do alternative inductions all good :) Early mornings Too much to read locking the doors at 5pm Closing university at 8 more hours on the weekends? having expensive prices in the uni shop (need better materials) long gaps of non - communication for lessons we have 4 months of holiday we don't need anymore closing uni in the evenings using the red and yellow tables in our studio institutionalising people and their needs, have a bit of personal approach to peoples needs giving such extensive readings. splitting it up would help take more info in. cancelling lectures and seminars at last minute! access cards and have studio space open for longer having long breaks between lessons on timetables. For example 3 hours changing the timetable - please make the time table more accessible big gaps in between lectures selling expensive food at uni moving out to Falmer I don't think it's even in Brighton essays email hand in essays - should just be email capping marks for attendance Stop boundaries across subject contact

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24 hour studio access to facilities interdisciplinary programmes please language classes A little more structure to the way things are run actively promoting course events and help student allow non photography students to borrow equipment such as flashes Arrange more student events, nights out be in more days a week Better availability of site facilities better communication as to avoid misunderstandings better explanations and clarity on assignments better SU shop for cheaper and larger range of art materials better value for money in cafe/shop cleaner studios needed expensive canteen cold food / hot drinks closing hours closer to assessment coach services from Eastbourne and Brighton at early morning, like 1am,2am,3am more music events, bands and stuff give new students money for printing cross disciplinary collaboration cross disciplinary collaboration crits Dialogue between campus - e.g., extra curricular activities are difficult to participate in when studying at Grand Parade. A (subsidised) mini bus service to the relevant campus would encourage a lot of the arts students to get involved with activities outside of GP. Sometimes GP feels like a bit of a bubble - it is an exceptional working environment but has plenty of room to improve its social potential Encouraging different courses to interact more. encouragement of collaboration between different disciplines. I want to become more aware of others learning experiences existing more student work at GP campus facilities in the sculpture course better finding scholarships for students to attend sports clubs - martial arts free film screenings (like slackens club at the duke of York) free food free food more job experience getting more of the students work on show around the university give more funding to moving image Give those graduating from a foundation degree, an introduction prior to summer break to their 3rd year top up providing material and course handouts to allow students to spend the summer researching their final project, instead of the rush and panic that arrives in October. giving work back on time after assignments open on Sundays have extra curricular activities Have more of a community on campus by making more of events such as holly ball.. etc. have more things arranged for Hastings campus and Halls also free pool table or cheaper tables Have services that take us into Eastbourne/Brighton. it's not fair that our campus is so far away from the main events and we don't have a way to get there Having cheaper meals, ask the government to subsidise having induction of print making having module guide books in the same format as LB102's documentary course having more tutorials I would like to see more local sports teams to Hastings, not just under the umbrella of "Brighton"-we should do out own thing... improve software in compute suite improve software on computers improve student central website - difficult to navigate more uni socials bike shelter include more participation for students to organise events interesting way for mature students to meet and share experiences etc. as it is very isolating faculty trips introduce retail shops offers within the uni, not just pubs and clubs It can be hard to meet people on your campus and socialise especially on GP the courses are quite small classes. I think introducing an SU bar would make it easier to meet people and also make connections between art courses to encourage collaborations I think GP could be open for more hours. Advertise societies more

Start Comments

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job placements - more industry experience stuff leave facilities open longer Keep a happy VIBE! lessons every day 10 - 5 rather than 1 hours tutorial per week with 12 hours of criticising work of others as this lowers their moral and productivity or performers let us use the screen printing and lithograph facilities Longer hours in darkroom! Longer sessions in university. Self study is easy to ignore and having 11 or 12 hours a week seems a little slack for the amount of debt. lowering prices in the cafe bringing UCH into like with Wednesdays sport commitments Make canteen food cheaper Have more shows at the SBT More fundraising nights Make communal areas nicer, more sociable make the uni a more welcoming, homely, comfortable space, art exhibitions, get communal microwaves make Hastings exclusive events on a similar scale to Brighton/Eastbourne Make the break out areas time to relax and meet up with friends rather than just a cafe. Many people have hours to wait around for classes, so would be good if the cafes were more relaxed make tutorials and lectures more interesting more workshops open criteria more creative Making the food slightly cheaper Meeting party for Erasmus/ student exchange microwaves / bigger studios microwaves more activities e.g.- water-sports, kite-surfing, surfing a discount gym in Hastings more variety of food in the cafeteria hot water for FREE! more help for student who don't get a maintained loan e.g. free food in the lounge or something like that!! more artist / curators / relevant people brought into talks more intertutor more bike storage? cheaper printing in media centre? more sport activities in Brighton centre more contact hours with tutor - more tutor time 1 on 1 time smaller crit groups Provide screen printing for us more equipment more events! free cakes and tea for all more free extra classes more healthy food in the canteen More information on clubs and societies more PC friendly-too many Mac's! some people are not compatible with apple and need more of the latest PCs more random events! more regular time tabling More societies and more info on them doctors open for longer hours open gym on weekends more societies and sports clubs at Cockcroft more societies! do a lot more with the students union build more accommodation!!! more societies, accommodating more interests more societies that people can join around campus more student societies in Hastings campus more trips or a trip! more variety in extension studies more student reps More workshops (inductions) workshops open to all courses more workshops and "taught" sessions. Drama and movement workshops. Some more visiting artist lectures. more workshops into -video editing 3d bookbinding photography more group gallery visits Offer more vegan options in the canteen and open after at night open building and media facilities available for longer or on Saturdays Opening the Doctors for longer hours Improve the Cockcroft gym opening uni for longer please organising the classes better. have a back up plan if the tutor falls ill or is away inform us more on what we are supposed to be doing give us more material for us to work on outside of uni I know this is fine art where everything is conceptual but more direction would be valuable party! free stuff projects with other courses interdisciplinary things 24 hours studio time

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promoting LGBT events/ meet ups more frequently, more widely provide materials on the fine art course can be very expensive. more input from technical side and more attendance more contact with individuals provide more info on free classes etc .. life drawing, since it's hard to find a kettle! students don't have enough money to buy tea every day mixed studies classes provide tutorials for queries with work of make more obvious events for sport, night-life Providing Materials to work with just a small amount Actual skill sessions when we actually get taught skills whether it be learning how to use metal and wood or computer programmes Seriously lacking in taught skills sessions providing personal space. like the fine art and painting bit. somewhere for us to call 'our own' for making work without having it taken down put the css.s onto the maces in the media centre and lower the price of food in the canteen give more help to get work experience placements putting work placements on student central if there are not already or emailing regular weekly schedule shorter lessons more often sports centre in Hastings table football more entertainment at Hastings campus transport support between different campuses sports teams specific for Hastings campus instead of travelling to Eastbourne! start mixing courses - group discussions more group exhibitions Technicians should be open from 9am technical help should be open at 9 not 10 University Union: Bar and other sports open at night Use resources more -library -workshops -computer room More talics available

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