Faculty of Science and Engineering - CEM - Engagement Week Reporting

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Engagement Week Feedback Faculty of Science and Engineering - School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics

Vice President of Academic Affairs KSS Data - Faculty of Science and Engineering - School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics Hi everyone, We’ve been busy coding and analysing your comments from Engagement Week, now on a School by School basis. The sheer amount of data we have collected is amazing! From teaching to transport, assessment to accommodation and canteens to Camtasia you clearly have an opinion on all areas of academic life and are not scared to let us know about it. Demographics We collected qualitative feedback from 81 students across the School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics. 67 of these students were from Moulescoomb, 13 from Hastings Campus and 1 of these were from Grand Parade. Respondents were largely male, 79%, with only 21% female respondents.

‘I MY EDUCATION’ A Few Words on the Data Analysis

The students were in largely in first year (54%) and second year (19%) and first third (17%). 78 of the students were undergraduates and 3 of the students were post-graduate taught students.

We have now coded the data under a number of categories coving academic issues, organisational issues an d other facilities and activities at the University of Brighton.

This summary includes an overview of comments on the top six comment subject areas with comparison to the university comment trends.

We collected data from 1126 students and often each ‘Keep’, ‘Stop’ and ‘Start’ comment box had multiple comments addressing a number of areas of concern, delight and suggested improvements.

The full Keep, Start, Stop commentary from students in the School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics is included at the end of the document.

Comments ranged from brief and specific to long and detailed and we would like to thank all students that took part for the consideration put into the responses given.

Thanks again for all of your feedback—we look forward to closing the feedback loop and reporting the changes very soon! Amy Rutland | VP Academic Affairs E: bsuvpa@brighton.ac.uk Facebook: VP AcademicAffairs Brighton-su Twitter: bsuacademic

This research now forms a rich database of student opinion across the university and will be a valuable source of input for not only the upcoming institutional review but also decision making process at the university. A detailed discourse analysis of the comments will be available soon with a school by school breakdown. Keep an eye on the new research area on the Students’ Union website for updates! http://www.ubsu.net/research

Overview What have you said? Most of your comments have been about Teaching and Learning, with a large amount indicating a positive experience. However, there are also a large amount of statements on what needs to stop and what you would like to see start. Following this are your comments on learning resources where you speak positively about the use of StudentCentral. However, there are criticisms about available software, Under programme design you value the practical aspects of the course but feel there could be better module choice. Under the category of organisation you would like to see better timetabling and communication of changes. You appreciate the library facilities but some of you would like to see longer opening hours. You would also like to see a better spread of deadlines for assessments and coursework submission.

Some more detail... Teaching and Learning 40% of students spoke of things they would like to keep happening in terms of teaching and learning. They spoke highly of their tutors who they found to be supportive and engaging. They enjoyed the practical aspects of their courses and the detail provided in some lecture notes and handouts. The follow up support given and the student/tutor relationship was also seen to be important. There were also a high number of critical comments about teaching and learning with students finding that the volume of students in classes sometimes impacted on their learning experience. There were also some students who did not find teaching techniques such as surprise tests useful and others who found that lectures were sometimes repeated between lecturers due to lack of communication. Suggestions for improvement included recording all lectures and having them accessible on student central, inclusion of more exercises and examples in classes.

Learning Resources Almost 25% of students made positive comments on the learning resources available to them. These included the use of student central to upload learning materials such as handouts for classes. The availability of lab workshops and the flight simulator was also valued by students.

Programme Design Comments Students were positive about the setting of monthly course work deadlines and work done in small groups. They valued the inclusion of practical work/lab work in the modules and spoke highly of links they were able to develop with the current market place and industry. There was criticism of the planning of large class sizes and their was of modules that students did not feel were relevant to their course of study. A third year entry student commented that their previous knowledge did not match up with the course expectations. Suggestions for improvement included increased module choice, inter-college lectures, and increased field trips to be included in the programme design.

Some students were critical of the specialised software for their courses only being available in Watts Building which limited the access they could have as it was also used for lectures. They also found that the technicians were not always available. Suggestions for improvement included increased opening hours for computer labs and getting feedback on the software requirements from students.

Organisation Students were largely critical of the organisation with around 20% of them providing comment on this area. They were critical over classes being rescheduled or cancelled at the last minute and lecturers not turning up to classes. There were also issues raised about the timetabling with large gaps where students would have preferred classes bunched together. Examples of good organisation included quick responses from tutors and the opportunity to arrange further meetings with tutors

Library Facilities

Suggestions for improvement included more notice on exam timetables, better scheduling of timetables (so students are not travelling in only for a 1hr class) and better communication on timetable alterations.

Students were largely positive about library facilities. There was positive commentary on opening hours, the online catalogue, the efficiency of the service and the provision of online journals. They found the library opening 24 hours during exam time very useful and felt provision met module needs. Some felt that longer library opening hours would be useful through the rest of term and would like to see more specialised software available on library computers. Some students would like to see better WiFi access in the libraries so they could use their own laptops.

Assessment Some students found the coursework and assessment deadlines were too close together and the more difficult topics were covered too close to examination times. The opinion on ‘surprise tests’ was split with some students finding these useful while others do not. Positive comments focussed on the use of online tests and monthly deadlines for coursework hand-ins. Suggestions for improvement included estimated dates being provided for return of grades and coursework, increased online submissions and more regular formative tests to assist with revision.

What Happens next with the Engagement Week Data This data is already being used in the university to inform decisions that they will be making to improve the student experience. Reports from the data will be fed into university committees and any changes made as a result of your comments will be fed straight back via course reps and the Students’ Union website. The data will also be feeding into the Student Written Submission which we are due to submit to the QAA as part of the Institutional Review in November 2012. The first draft of this document will be available late June for you to pass comment on. We will be passing reports to school reps and course reps to ensure they have evidence to help them make changes in their own areas. If you would like any further information please don’t hesitate to get in touch: h.mcknight@brighton.ac.uk

Keep Comments The library support sessions the way the course is taught and modules Online tests. The mix of tests and coursework that the course has. Helping us develop our employment skills e.g.. caves. Tutorials for lectures. Sports for students. Having monthly coursework deadlines. Design sessions with small groups of students To be honest I don't even know my course rep. Organising events for students to participate in. Student Support Services Proper use of student centre website (good) Library opening and closing hour is very good Excellent support from career centre must continue Equal opportunity to all the student must continue Diversity among student should increase or keep on track Banking inside the uni is absolutely good Online library catalogue is absolutely good Silence zone is very good More helps to the first year and international students Gym Facilities Use more technology Giving me lots of help and support. Handing out the sheets. Giving the bullet points. There are some lecturers gives you good details some doesn't. Nice food in canteen (could be cheaper) Some interesting lectures with the staff having good personalities. Quick response from staff members. Fun environment and nice people. being interesting Improving sustainability within the university ethos. (podcasts) for lectures to allow review of information Open door policy is very useful. Modules on timetable are very interesting. Library books/ times good Lab workshops useful Putting course/lecture content on student central (not all lecturers do this) I don't know Keep the lab sessions on Thursdays. Would continue with the study structure and faculty. Helping behaviour to students from faculty. Giving the bursary. Using Student Central for updates and newsflashes. Its very useful! Smiling. Mike Smith smiling. Putting learning material on student central. library open 24 hrs during exam term. Promoting sustainability. Promoting fair-trade. Practical work. Practical assessments. Feed back from exams. More notice on exam times. Employing our three AWESOME lecturers Updating (B.B)? Updating BB (blackboard) regularly Being great Having the freedom to wonder Freeeeeeeeedom! Keep the gym Efficient Library service charity work Student central - good communication Stalls around uni Keep teaching well. Student support services Burst radio Wide range of modules. Resources/IT/Library. Helping out with projects Involving us with industry professionals Constant feedback from lecturers + contact mini projects throughout course placement year Funding student loans. Provide support through tutorial 'follow-up' classes and the opportunity to arrange appointments with tutors to give further guidance Subscribing to journals and libraries like IEEE. Keep going on with the study structure Student teacher relationship of understanding programs/studies tutorials and keeping the library good

Keep Comments Sports Food Table Tennis Just being good and having great facilities. Having the freedom and time to explore. Use more tech Well stocked library to meet my module needs more computers in the library Organise conference and events at uni related to our professional field. Meet companies from the current marketplace/ industry. maintaining and developing a great online support system (email, student central etc ) Giving assignments which are interesting/not only theory based, which push students to perform well. Organising sport events. Keep (trio) Keep updating about the university on student central Stalls around uni I would keep the student support group keep listening to our views Library opening times Assessment and feedback Lab workshops are good Providing support and info for students undertaking placement Employing my fantastic lecturers! Keeping the library open 24 ours a day - Great at exam time but would be useful all year round - especially for us final years. Providing surveys for student feedback Proving enough books in the library teaching and lecturing the way they are at the moment It would help if we had tutorials and lectures in the first year in engineering, so we can understand and memorise the subjects given in our course, and we can do more research. Keep investing in facilities Putting slides on student central. Student Support and workshops offer trips and fun things Gym Facilities Good lecturers Nice teachers Opening times for library Making each student feel like they are individuals that matter The lecturers are friendly and that's good Library opening times and facilities, very good! Opportunity to try the flight simulator in our first year even if it's not a part of the course. Many hours of laboratories are part of my course. Good to understand complicated things in the practical way. Possibility to borrow text books from the library rather than buy them. Investing in new facilities.

Stop Comments charging me to print off my work IGNORING STUDENT REQUESTS! In class "surprise tests". Having difficult to understand lecturers either accent or poor teaching techniques. Class size of over 50. Bad structure of lecture notes in some modules. Need more computer software for people doing our course. If Watts building is busy or closed software I need isn't on the computers in the library. Re-arranging timetables Stop hiding and being inactive Wasting money on irrelevant things like the bloody pond. Why not utilise the students for paid *illegible* like site ownership. Cleaning and tidying - employ students instead of expensive external contractors. Timetable changes Knowing the fact that finance is the key, but increasing number of student in class might degrade the one to one efficiency of students and teacher relation. (big issue in my lecture XE121) Shops and restaurants are much more expensive than other shops outside the uni Uni halls are very expensive Late charge per book per day is expensive Water fountain Handing out handouts and wasting paper NAAs I am final year and direct entry in the third year I was already supposed to know the stuff that I haven't studied. They are talking about the previous lecture that I don't know. Making courses have minimum attendance. As my partner's course (at Brighton also) has an attendance requirement but

Stop Comments mine doesn't it means every time my son gets sick I have to miss uni, not him. Charging so much for food and drinks - too expensive for what it is - ÂŁ2.80 for sandwiches? Closing the computer labs on weekends - no way to access specialised software. giving us so much work. Change our timetable on a Thursday Serving Coca-Cola lectures in Watts, then Cockcroft (or Huxley) in same day - better use of classrooms in same building Coursework and tests are too close together need to spread them out a bit. Taking up lots of lectures with easy stuff only to have to rush through the harder topics near exams/end of term No day offs The in class surprise tests in maths. Doing changes in study coursework. Timings of classes/groups. Be more flexible with regards to coursework hand in dates. Sending the same email from many different sources! E.g.: course reps, societies, students' union, course leaders etc. Check who's forwarding on what; I get at least three emails about every event/promotion/awards! Frowning. Putting massive gaps in the timetable. Opening computer suite late. Availability of Labs for students very minimal Closing the library too early. Selling coke. Not charging for parking. Handing out loads of leaflets. Employing lecturers that find it hard to express themselves just cause they bring money to the uni. Material that isn't related to our course in real life work. Giving us forms EVERY time we sit down to eat Overpricing food and drinks Charging too much to print charging us to print, 1 assignment costs lots! Changing rooms/lectures at the last minute charging for the gym - or change less online courses not helping when we have issues with staff - workshop technicians!!! can't think of anything!! Stop setting a lot of exams. Sending irrelevant information via email charging on printing handing out forms when eating Overcharging hot beverages. Tutors need more clarity/communication between each other. Stop repeating lectures. Course assignments which are irrelevant to my field of study teaching us useless subjects to do with engineering Stop doing exam 9am. Charging rates for overdue books is high raising tuition fees closing Aldrich Library after 9pm in the spring. changes in ongoing modules Changes in rules photocopy card - put the money on card like printer Having last minute lecture updates/room changes Overlapping exam times. Stop exams starting at 9am. Stop employing lectures who does not speak English as 1st language. Some modules need to be dropped Not focussed on the TV fields, it's very focussed on computing systems and web development. lecturers not turning up for labs/seminars/tutorials Asking for the assessment form when handing in assignment. I do not think it really is necessary. Carrying modules from 2nd to 3rd year, where very little knowledge is gained in 3rd year. Stop changing so much for food Stop making my classes so long e.g.. 5 hours of maths stop giving Brighton campus messages in student central re-arranging timetables & emailing students when to come in / lectures have been cancelled or moved. Too confusing! Letting SCCH demand course-reps attend meetings on days they're not and refusing to pay for travel! (I live in Eastbourne) The studio (design, Cockcroft) shuts at 7pm each night, also the engineering technicians are rarely available - frustrating. Stop charging for printing - Sussex uni do not charge! Stop designing lecture theatres with ridiculous designs. (The new lecture hall on Cockcroft's 4th floor for example) There

Stop Comments is far to much space at the front of the room, and the lecturer has to walk 5 metres between the mic at the podium and the white board (the other white board is covered by the podium itself!) N/A We don't need additional information that disagree with what we are studying during lectures and to change the why in explaining lectures, because we will get lost and we don't reach the main point for the topic given for the course. Overcharging students when they buy food at the cafe or uni shop. Sandwich costs 4 quid. Rip off. Opening computer suite late. getting us to join student folio Expensive price bigger car parks Stop letting in bad students Overpriced food Only having the enhanced software needed for computing course in the pool room which is used for lectures 2/3rds of the time Stop closing the libraries. Keep libraries opened for 24 hours Uni ships too expensive!!! Included bars and restaurants! Students should have less prices than normal shops. No uni bus service from varley halls to Moulsecoomb (white shuttle) Too many students in some classes! Like XE120 - Mathematics and XE121 - Engineering concept. So that often the class becomes noisy and is a bit difficult to focus. New uni tuition fees and halls of residences too expensive!!! Nothing, Brighton uni is so amazing.

Start Comments a presence of societies and more social interaction between different students...Information technology-business-media Bring more of a social interaction between courses. Our class is huge and I can't go to sports socials is I have lectures Thursday morning, it is very difficult to make friends. Couldn't Brighton SU night be held at a local club? Communicate more with students for example timetable of lectures. Computer science department socials. More information on placement year. All day breakfast at rumbling tum. Co-ordinate schedules between lecturers Create awareness of what is going on in university Be active Organise seminars organise activities that will unite students together to promote/make university life fun and memorable (e.g.. sporting activities, social, etc...) Events to engage the public or other schools to raise awareness to people the value of the university system or people will just look at uni as being too expensive. Fix Student Central For my course, in engineering, "student exchange program" is highly appreciated Transport system to halls of residence (varley) must resume More professional (particular field) person or resource person talk must increase Generate more program to mix different campus's student Magazine should be arrange in its particular section free launch Funding for equipment and tools Get the lecturers to give us more examples when doing work in class. Give more explanation when you're teaching. Give examples from previous students work. Then we can do better work and can understand what we are being asked to do. Give us a bar! Giving computer students more facilities to work with, limited computers at term times and all focuses in one small area. Serve breakfast later. Giving us free money Greener campuses. Charging for parking. Group Room with access to projector to practice presentations Have more exercises for modules with the answers. Have tutors time tables on doors so we know when they are teaching. More feedback on coursework and exams. Having more available books for modules (requested books) Having seminars where constructive feedback is given on exams/tests - pointing us in the right direction so we know where we went wrong I don't know In stead of having the in class mini tests in maths have them online instead with a deadline. (On student central)

Start Comments Keep more touch with students needs. Keep the library open longer. Letting us know about graduation earlier in the year, myself and other students I have spoken to still have hardly any idea when it is and what we have to wear, what happens on the day etc. Listen. Live lecture feeds. Lower costs on Canteen Make better food cheaper. Charge for parking. Making lectures more entertaining. Relate work to life examples. Managing the timetable better as we currently have a 2 hour round trip for a 1 hour course. More practical work. Marking our stuff faster! Marking our work faster Marking turn around like needs to be quicker Maybe display a list of free rooms & times on student central? Minibus to varleys halls! Get a student union barb or something - its only expensive town, we want a student party place Library open at weekends more activities that involve all campuses more bigger social area in Moulsecoomb - similar to Falmer SV More clubs + events organised by uni + closer to Moulsecoomb More extra activities. More field trips. Support in final dissertation i.e. proofreaders. more fresher's week activities More in depth lectures/not just slides. More lectures on relevant course material. Allow more inter college lectures. More modules which are specific to my course rather than predominant generic modules which are shared across programmes More relevant courses such as Adobe suite Maxwell alias etc... Allow us to choose out own modules More revision classes. Need more time for exam time set. Start selling better food in canteen. More car parking. More student events on campus More Student Union stuff, if its going on it needs more promotion More ways to (mach) student needs Help them in solving problems move study space for independent study time more Photoshop SU bar for GP New more courses at Hastings campus preferably single honours degree in maths, Physics and Chemistry New practical contents on digital TV. offering video of lectures online Open the library study floors after 9pm until 2am at least. Have more regular formative tests to help with revision. Opening library 24H Organising more events within student union post traffic and train delays post train times Preparation for placement year More books for the Specific recommended books Provide a 'design' week. Like reading week but for designers to catch up on coursework! Provide estimated dates for the return of exam/coursework grades Providing a strong wi-fi connection throughout the whole university. Not having wi-fi in the library or my studio is very frustrating. This could therefore do with being improved. Providing ergonomic lecture theatres with the input of the staff who will be using it. Providing more peer groups for helping those falling behind Put new facilities for studying in the course, like more computer labs, more workshops that doesn't appear during lectures etc. Record all lectures and post them online. More comfortable seats in lecture halls. Recording lectures. Reducing Student Union cafe/shop items, its a seam to charge students so much, doesn't make it feel friendly or fair sky diving Sort out the University email system, fix blackboard, online submit ALL work Study groups Talking to a select group of students about software needed and where it is best to have it available The lecture reviews forms for assessing lectures and courses should be administered by staff and not the lecturers. To renovate Watts building (included rooms and some old facilities) Organise some cheap trips for students around the EU Fix the new library computers with the tag "Not Working" Video recording all lectures and post on student central.

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