Health and Social Science - SHP - Engagement Week Data

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Engagement Week Feedback Faculty of Health and Social Science - School of Health Professions

Vice President of Academic Affairs Faculty of Health and Social Science - School Health Professions Hi everyone, We’ve been busy coding and analysing your comments from Engagement Week, now on a School by School basis. The sheer amount of data we have collected is amazing! From teaching to transport, assessment to accommodation and canteens to Camtasia you clearly have an opinion on all areas of academic life and are not scared to let us know about it. Demographics We collected qualitative feedback from 71 students across the School of Health Professions. 70 of these students were from Hastings and 1 of these were from Sussex Downs College. Respondents were largely female, 54, with only 16 male respondents and one student who would rather not say.

‘I MY EDUCATION’ A Few Words on the Data Analysis

The students were in second year (41%) and first year (35%) and third year (23%). 59 of the students were undergraduates and 12 of the students were post-graduate taught students.

We have now coded the data under a number of categories coving academic issues, organisational issues an d other facilities and activities at the University of Brighton.

This summary includes an overview of comments on the top six comment subject areas with comparison to the university comment trends.

We collected data from 1126 students and often each ‘Keep’, ‘Stop’ and ‘Start’ comment box had multiple comments addressing a number of areas of concern, delight and suggested improvements.

The full Keep, Start, Stop commentary from students in the School of Health Professions is included at the end of the document.

Comments ranged from brief and specific to long and detailed and we would like to thank all students that took part for the consideration put into the responses given.

Thanks again for all of your feedback—we look forward to closing the feedback loop and reporting the changes very soon!

This research now forms a rich database of student opinion across the university and will be a valuable source of input for not only the upcoming institutional review but also decision making process at the university.

Amy Rutland | VP Academic Affairs E: Facebook: VP AcademicAffairs Brighton-su Twitter: bsuacademic

A detailed discourse analysis of the comments will be available soon with a school by school breakdown. Keep an eye on the new research area on the Students’ Union website for updates!

Overview What have you said? Most of your comments have been about Teaching and Learning, with a large amount indicating a positive experience. However, there are also a large amount of statements on what needs to stop and what you would like to see start. Following this are your comments organisation which criticised last minute timetable changes. Under learning resources you speak fondly of library staff but would like to see longer opening hours. In terms of programme design the inclusion of practical work is well received and may of you would like to see more of this on the course. While catering is generally good you would like to see microwaves for student use in canteens. You would like to see more lectures recorded and uploaded to student central.

Some more detail... Teaching and Learning There was positive feedback about practical aspects of the course and the variety of learning methods available. Interactive teaching and clinical demonstrations were rated highly. There is also a desire for an increase in online learning. Use of overhead projectors in lectures was criticised alongside long lectures that were not interactive. Over all students want more one to one time and increased online learning resources.

Organisation There were are large number of critical comments about the organisation, echoing the pattern across the university and those seen in the NSS survey. Criticisms were around last minute changes to timetables, large gaps in timetables. Poor organisation of course materials and assignment instructions were also issues raised by students. There were also issues raised around the practicality of the timetable planning. Structure of the course and text message updates on university closures were cited as examples of good organisation.

Learning Resources Students cited library staff as being very positive and helpful. They also appreciated the fact that they were able to have books sent home to them if they were not able to make it into the library. Short library opening hours were the main criticism. Students in general would like to see longer and easier access to facilities and pool rooms, especially during vacation times and weekends. They would like to see an increase in online video resources as they find the existing ones very useful.

Programme Design Students spoke highly of the course structure, the inclusion of clinical practice, practical modules and placements. The would like to see more consideration being given to designing a programme with short lectures. Suggestions for improvement include more interactive lectures, an increase in placements and practical work and also more structured information on dissertations to be included in the course.

Catering Very positive comments were received about the friendly catering staff and the affordable soup. However, there were critical comments about the price for tea and coffee in the canteens. Students would like to see provision of microwaves and free hot water so they would be able to heat their own food on campus.

Student Central/ E-Learning Comments Students valued having the Student Central area kept up to date with useful information and lecture PowerPoint slides. Some students felt that there could be an increase in e-learning with the inclusion of recorded lectures on student central.

What Happens next with the Engagement Week Data This data is already being used in the university to inform decisions that they will be making to improve the student experience. Reports from the data will be fed into university committees and any changes made as a result of your comments will be fed straight back via course reps and the Students’ Union website. The data will also be feeding into the Student Written Submission which we are due to submit to the QAA as part of the Institutional Review in November 2012. The first draft of this document will be available late June for you to pass comment on. We will be passing reports to school reps and course reps to ensure they have evidence to help them make changes in their own areas. If you would like any further information please don’t hesitate to get in touch:

Keep Comments lecturers are highly experience and open modules are very versatile and delivers great knowledge the student library is really vast and the best the study infrastructure and resources are unique the uni has a great reputation, increase the infrastructure in MSc, sports injury, please allow student to be Observers/placement to enhance their practical knowledge pleasant and helpful staff in canteen and library enthusiastic and committed tutors on the course - keep it going ! student central sports clubs, gym and swim Wednesday off for games arranging fresher's and RAG weeks clinical practice camtasia events e.g. garden party free parking practical classes variety of learning methods Additional voluntary study skills sessions physiotherapy placement co-ordinator is excellent - keep in current post canteen staff v friendly ask for feedback, even though we're not always replying Good structure of the course and relevant learning to my degree Raising awareness of environmental issues; encouraging recycling; promoting the University's careers & employment service Continue the practical element of my course at the Leaf Hospital in Eastbourne. putting great student themed nights on camtasia early starts Wednesday off Friday afternoons off Mondays off sending emails to evaluate university life and set up camtasia giving enough slots in timetables Providing hands on/interactive teaching, and feedback groups at the end of clinical sessions Clinics and nail surgery at the Leaf Hospital Allowing books to be sent to home as live in Clapham junction and need to commute more camtasias lots of chances to meet with tutors if there are problems notes before lectures being really organised with the course information online and what we need access to each week keep current catering services in canteen lovely friendly staff in canteen and good food putting lectures online on camtasia Holly ball kings student night events like holly ball, RAG week variety of placements practical lessons Clinical demonstrations at the Leaf Hospital. ongoing event for charity regular cleaners online lectures (camtasias) tutorials online lectures tutorials More interactive programmes especially with other health care professionals Listening to us, its been wonderful online lectures/ camtasia sports facilities charity online lectures practical, group work PBL good sport facilities keep gap in-between lectures having student central with all the information you need and advice and help the library always being accessible when needed Offering a free water cooler in the Greynore refectory. course board meeting to allow student to have their say having good access to nurses and doctors good online aspect to library improving student central feedback on modules improving equipment

Keep Comments Camtasia lectures notes before lectures providing internet facilities i.e. pool room for 24 hours. promotional campaigns about sport charity events (need more throughout year and more advertising of it ) text message notification about uni campus closures garden party at the end of the year free parking having a placement coordinator good gym facilities good canteen - excellent staff online lecture group [ ] learning using camtasias all staff are very approachable and friendly canteen staff through to tutors etc great social nights good sports student central is very good facilities for students the counselling service is excellent friendly staff in the canteen sports facilities affordable for student study support canteen facilities library specialist support allowing books to be sent to us if we are away from uni providing support to student with learning difficulties and those with mental health problems Bringing in OTs from practice to talk about different subjects, this makes it all more relevant PBL school trips special guests good/affordable priced canteen food - loving the soup!! €1 swims for active 8 soup for £1.10 in the canteen Lectures camtasia lectures Friendly staff in the canteen staff in the canteen is [are} very nice friendly canteen staff sport courses putting on good themed student nights camtasia lectures online

Stop Comments "practice" sessions where all we are doing is drawing posters [decrease] time off between classes - would prefer 3-4 full days and 1 day to do work instead as an hour or two off between class is just wasted 2 or more hour long lectures 9 o clock starts 9am lectures 9am starts 9am starts especially on a Thursday letting dance win dance rivals Allocating rooms randomly to groups without though to course and geographical location Being inconsistent with teaching standards and materials bothering us with forms to fill in as we go into dinner when we're hungry as hell! camtasias canteen drinks should be more affordable, stop overcharging for tea and coffee canteen food could be cheaper tea and coffee to[o} expensive changing the timetable Changing timetables last minute, giving out information last minute charging £10 for lost Unicard should be £5 charging for hot water get an ATM on campus!!! charging overdue books 50p per day charging expensive prices for (hot water)

Stop Comments charging so much for halls charging too much for halls classes at different areas on campus per day, don't have a car travel is difficult. closing library early in evening and opening late in general Closing the computer pool rooms in the Aldro building at 5pm most weekdays course fees for international students are exorbitant rearranging my library session/settings/symptoms decrease gap hours between classes allow physiotherapy student to have Wednesday off for sports as other students do everything is perfect expecting us to contribute the same level of work to PBL groups in the 1 or 2 weeks before an assignment is due Giving a lecture in the middle of the day, it would be better condense the lectures to free up more time. having large gaps in the timetables on one day having more stuff in Eastbourne. a lot is just in Brighton having really long boring lectures that the lecture[er] just reads off of the power point homework I'm very happy with my uni experience joint health professions issues, not 3 days lectures on a Wednesday as unable to compete in sports less anatomy lectures late starts, big gaps between lectures Thursday mornings less on academic writing skills. shorter lectures library fines as there are not enough OT books limited meals in halls - more choice long essay long lectures more affordable snacks- stop overcharging for these and tea and coffee more interactive lessons instead of online study as easier to ask questions face to face Love it no more Westminster pulleys not having 24hr library during exam time not providing student car parking Opening the library at 8:45 Overhead projectors poor organisation of our courses, assignment instructions always full of errors poor organisation of the course material Pressurised exams at the end of the year. putting classes on wed (sports) for physio course putting prices up cutting back on student resources and facilities that support education cutting back on forming teaching putting up sports centre prices really long essays and even longer 2 hr lectures reem-thermed social events the halls being so expensive stop putting classes on wed - sports day Tolerating a lot of chat in the library. using OHP's Using some of the inappropriate teaching rooms on the 2nd floor of Hillbrow - windows can't be opened and very poor room layout. wiki Wiki groups wiki's in cardio withdrawing access to electronic research database

Start Comments A paid membership to student library after a student completes his degree. This would help him for further studies and enhance his knowledge rural/public (buses) connectivity to the Eastbourne campus is almost bad as compared to Falmer/ Moulsecoomb campuses. small vans can be arranged at a certain time for students [start] connecting the uni mail easier and simple a printing top up machine in the library longer library opening hours especially weekends and vacation time when many of us are not on vacation create more study spots actually carry out what you promise - do these questionnaires ever get read? anatomy online lectures arranging more nights out and make t-shirts cheaper better food camtasia and lecture cash machine or card machine @ canteen late opening time perhaps Thursday to access trevin towers etc when you on placement and you need to go to uni you must take a 1/2 day better advertisement for events more events like garden party reopen stokers especially during spring --> summer co-inside assessment fortnight with half term Communicating better when working interprofessionally create a student website/work with student council to create accommodation lists for students on placement. Student could post on this website if they had family members offering accommodation to those who need it. Easier access to facilities over weekends Enable a reading week before exam fortnight Encouraging the creation of new student societies, so those who cannot get to a different campus in time for meetings, etc can still take part in the activities Fit the timetable into as few days as possible. football nights in the SU bar (cheap) getting fitter, work harder giving away free stuff providing more gluten-free options group bonding stuff grouping lessons together in a day so that we have more days off Have one set of methods that are taught at University by all lecturers to maintain coherent teaching in an already difficult course Have Wi-Fi access for students at the Leaf Hospital increase no of OT books in library better student central system keeping Queenswood pool room open for 24 hours to everyone, not just if you have a card lectures either more interactive or people having to find the information for themselves longer library opening hours at Queenswood make process of ordering book from another campus easier i.e. within the computer system no paper longer library opening hours more advertising of events attention to timetables for people who line in town and have 3 hours waits between lectures more whole campus event more event during RAG week more camtasia based lectures ball type events similar to holly ball improve SU bar more classes like zumba - always fully booked aqua aerobics More contact on placement from tutors more notice about dissertation and structure of dissertation More feedback on assignments, including a face-to-face meeting with the course tutor. more hours in lecture/ practical classes more meetings with tutors more meetings with tutors More opportunities to do placements at PCT and more varied one day placements to get a feel of how it is out in the real world More placement more practical sessions more school events there should be more advertising of events like dance rivals more bus connections from town to uni (also in the evening and weekends) more tutor meetings more university socials and more special guests n/a

Start Comments notifications about updates on student central e.g. via email allow other phone makes to connect to the uni wireless so able to access SC app when laptops/ computes unavailable or for quick use more social events for course Offering a microwave or free hot water somewhere on the Eastbourne campus. on student central - maybe notification to email when changes are made allow more opportunities for students to get involved better student union in terms of social aspects open the student bar!! open library early on weekends different year course integration open the SU more varied events apart from predictive RAG and fresher's week Opening the library earlier during the week i.e. 8 O'clock. Allow working computers and internet facilities at the leaf. organise bus from town to uni in the evening/mornings more awareness needed for what the Su and university services can offer (especially on Eastbourne and Hastings) have a full time SU bar on other campuses! have more talks/open evening for societies on Eastbourne/Hastings campuses paying by card @ canteen/ cash machine advertising more events, when not [in] uni (e.g. on placement) hard to know what is going on (had no idea what was going on for RAG week) need to get stokers back up and running improve equipment in human testing lab for dissertation testing placement swaps section on student central area on student central where student can offer or ask for help with places to live when away from uni i.e. on placement ? start doing student placement like junior [rotations], stay in one hospital for all required areas. practicals placement learning printing [work] off provide microwaves and kettles for students to one in the canteen so they can heat their own food and have a cup of tea, even for a small charge bus from Brighton. provide microwaves in the canteen to warm up food as sometimes cheaper to bring in food more academic skills lessons for 1st years who have been out of education for a while provide more quiet study areas in the library the library in Eastbourne would open for longer at the weekend provide more video teaching aids to support formal skills teaching (practical skills) more books in library/access to online journal expanded (all printed articles held in library to be accessible online) and give more training on researching to all students providing hot water facilities for tea and ( ) making with safety measures providing more courses in Eastbourne to help with learning needs and support Put handouts for lectures etc on student central at least the evening before the lecture school bus free food cadavers social bar/room for evening entertainment chill out space with bands / comedy, local student entertainment taking orders for fresh hot food in Greynore restaurant (snacks like sandwiches, omelettes etc) enforcing silent zones in libraries longer opening hours in Queenswood and Falmer libraries esp. @weekends electronic photocopy cards allow back to back photocopying Treating us more like adults (our lectures) some of us are mature students that have held previous employment for a number of years before deciding to study (we are not all 18) tutorials uniforms University bus from Brighton to Eastbourne campus provide microwaves and kettles university bus from Brighton microwaves kettles full English breakfast university bus from Brighton to Eastbourne campus microwaves and kettle available to use around campus more organised student central. lecture slide put up on time university cinema university club (Eastbourne area) more social events more computer pools using the student union bar to show football with cheap drinks weekly market (clothes food) uni Irish society have internet access everywhere on campus have stationary shop on campus

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