Hastings Campus - Engagement Week Feedback

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Engagement Week Feedback Hastings Campus

Vice President of Academic Affairs Hastings Campus Hi everyone, We’ve been busy coding and analysing your comments from Engagement Week, now on a School by School basis. The sheer amount of data we have collected is amazing! From teaching to transport, assessment to accommodation and canteens to Camtasia you clearly have an opinion on all areas of academic life and are not scared to let us know about it. Demographics We collected qualitative feedback from 16 students on Hastings Campus. Respondents were largely female, 69%, with 25% female respondents and 6% rather not say. The students were mainly in second year (38) and third year (38%) and first year (25%). All of the students were undergraduates, they were mainly studying English Literature and Education. This summary includes an overview of comments on the top six comment subject areas with comparison to the university comment trends. The full Keep, Start, Stop commentary from students in the School of Environment and Technology is included at the end of the document. Thanks again for all of your feedback—we look forward to closing the feedback loop and reporting the changes very soon! Amy Rutland | VP Academic Affairs E: bsuvpa@brighton.ac.uk Facebook: VP AcademicAffairs Brighton-su

‘I MY EDUCATION’ A Few Words on the Data Analysis We have now coded the data under a number of categories coving academic issues, organisational issues an d other facilities and activities at the University of Brighton. We collected data from 1126 students and often each ‘Keep’, ‘Stop’ and ‘Start’ comment box had multiple comments addressing a number of areas of concern, delight and suggested improvements. Comments ranged from brief and specific to long and detailed and we would like to thank all students that took part for the consideration put into the responses given. This research now forms a rich database of student opinion across the university and will be a valuable source of input for not only the upcoming institutional review but also decision making process at the university. A detailed discourse analysis of the comments will be available soon with a school by school breakdown. Keep an eye on the new research area on the Students’ Union website for updates! http://www.ubsu.net/research


What Happens next with the Engagement Week Data This data is already being used in the university to inform decisions that they will be making to improve the student experience. Reports from the data will be fed into university committees and any changes made as a result of your comments will be fed straight back via course reps and the Students’ Union website. The data will also be feeding into the Student Written Submission which we are due to submit to the QAA as part of the Institutional Review in November 2012. The first draft of this document will be available late June for you to pass comment on. We will be passing reports to school reps and course reps to ensure they have evidence to help them make changes in their own areas. If you would like any further information please don’t hesitate to get in touch: h.mcknight@brighton.ac.uk

Keep Comments                

well stocked library (meeting) the needs of my modules Improving the media equipment I find that lecturer support and helpful resources via student central are a great thing. they help students understand things that might not be understood at first providing excellent library services personal tutorials-optional. they are really helpful Posting assignments on student central Great Library Listening to students, love having a say in my modules Lecturers and seminars are extremely rewarding. Lecturers are great and very thought provoking making lecturers informative and fun giving us a safe environment to learn good contact through email and updating student central drop in sessions structured lectures support sessions library/computer support Lots of courses Social Events and Activities Student Support One to one tutorials correspondence via email societies and groups e.g. creative writing groups career advice housing advice finance advice Providing excellent support both in and out of lectures good quality and access to resources providing opportunities for students to have a say and keeping conversations open-lines of communication Regular one on one tutorials

Stop Comments  

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grouping all the deadlines together for join honours forcing certain aspects of the course that does not necessarily have anything to do with the students chosen JHP. Gof example, the common module. I think it can help, however, it needs to be stated that it is a part of the course before coming to uni!. using web based assessments charging for printing Closing the library too early changing staff so often. 4 English teachers in 3 years! like the consistency of one teacher N/A stop charging for hot water charging for spoons not having a microwave not having a central venue for students to meet in evening and weekend activities lecturers missing lectures in term time-financial/educational (off) to up-experience of a number of lectures cancelled unprofessional approach to complaints-confidentiality and more student needs to be core to service UCH provides-taken more seriously unhelpful technical support lecturers non-contactable during crucial periods before assessment deadlines cancelling lectures Putting deadlines one day apart!! irrelevant aspects of the course e.g. common module although the work experience was valuable the content not so much! being boring! not having a microwave not having a student union venue for students to socialise-evenings and weekends free unijumper on graduation would be nice

Start Comments          

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car parking spaces for mature students! connecting joint honour strands more create a greater university campus with things will bring the community of UCH closer as a campus. Get students included with other students for education-visiting lecturers informal/formal extra lecturers. either in subject or in term of interest for environmental biology-more field work/labs!!!! for English- visiting writers talking about their experience get more computers giving a choice in modules Hastings campus need a larger range of books in the library however I understand the difficulty due to space. Make Hastings campus students feel like they are part of THE BRIGHTON UNIVERSITY! introduce more activities and trips out including more clubs and whole uni events make the resources in the library more varied more activities in common room More material/structured lectures. longer library opening hours more guidance more feedback further student care&support in educational view email contact always available before assessment deadlines level of teaching-some experience poor in teaching lack of trusted guidance-inability to answer key skills (referencing) more modules so it is not so much pressure on each essay optional modules more social events more correspondence with other UoB campuses organising more trips to Brighton providing more societies on the Hastings campus (non subject specific e.g.. Theatre society) activities and trips, specifically inter-subject ones to create more of a community atmosphere putting on better nights in Hastings

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