3. Lagunaria Replacement Program Some existing trees within the street tree population, including Lagunaria patersonia, The Norfolk Island Hibiscus is known to cause both respiratory discomfort and skin irritation but are also unsuitable for planting under powerlines and yet have been in the past. As a result, this species in particular is likely to be unsuitable for future use. Council receives a number of resident complaints each year about this species and has in the past sought to remove problematic trees. In response to this, Council is seeking to diversify away from using these species and in some cases actively remove them and replace with more suitable species. Council acknowledges that this program will have short-term detrimental impacts to our canopy coverage targets however it will provide an opportunity to grow a larger canopy over the longer term. Council will seek to plant the most appropriate replacement species for each location. Larger replacement species will be planted, and existing Norfolk Island Hibiscus will be replaced on a two for one basis, in locations where space allows. Norfolk Island Hibiscus will be considered for removal and replaced with alternative species under the following scenarios: 1. Feedback and concerns from residents depending on the level of issues presented at each location. It is recommended to conduct a whole street tree renewal in this case where Norfolk Island Hibiscus make up the dominant species, to improve the overall tree canopy and amenity outcomes 2. Streets where Norfolk Island Hibiscus comprise ≥45% of all trees. Scheduled street tree removal and replacement programs where Norfolk Island Hibiscus compromise the majority of the street’s species 3. From underneath electric lines, particularly High Voltage lines and especially where annual clearances are required. a) Streets where Lagunarias < 45% of all trees but ≥50% are under powerlines b) Streets where Lagunarias < 45% of all trees but <50% are under powerlines 4. Isolated specimens or where low numbers of Norfolk occur within streets to be removed and not replanted on a reactive basis. 5. Specimens adjacent to saltmarsh and coastal complex habitats, mainly in Altona. Some of these scenarios lend themselves to be considered as part of the Green Streets Program, whereby the local residents can actively participate in a redesign of their street to include water sensitive urban design and the replacement of appropriate canopy maximising trees. Whilst we recognise that there would be a short to medium loss of tree canopy cover as these trees are removed, it is anticipated that replaced trees will be supported by passive stormwater filtration through application of wsud typology and be replaced with species that seek to maximise benefits, including provision of canopy. Ideally, replaced canopy (when it reaches semi-maturity) should be greater than existing Lagunaria canopy. The Lagunaria Management Plan is included in Appendix 4.